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Smart System For The Blind

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Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Smart System for the Blind

Varian Rumao, Prajyoti Dsilva
Information Technology
St. Francis Institute Of Technology
Mumbai, India

Abstract:- The Smart Glasses System could be a device II. LITERATURE SURVEY
whose prime goal is to assist the blind man move more
freely and simply without any difficulties. The system In[1] this paper the author has proposed low-cost
also will include a wise Cap which will detect the user smart glasses for the blind. With the assistance of this
temperature and alert if it exceeds. The purpose of this device, the blind person can feel the obstacle ahead of
method basically is to assist the virtually impaired. As him easily and this can save them from accidents. This
there are multiple smart systems like smart glasses, product is bought at a really low price rate. This product
smartwatches, etc. present within the market. But all of has been built with the help of waste. This makes blind
them are built for physically fit person. there’s a people independent. These “SMART GLASSES” are
major lack of technology to help the physically designed for blind people. Obstacle detection by the
challenged, so We wanted to create something that is SONAR sensor concept has been used here. the space of
useful for purblind people. So, we designed this low-cost the obstacle is distributed to the Arduino and the data is
system that may be able to help the visually impaired given to user.
In [2]this paper, they proposed a compact and light-
I. INTRODUCTION weight transmission system that assists the blind in
interpreting signs. Our objective is to form them simple
The human eye is an organ that provides us with sight, and low cost in order that they will be easy to use and
allowing us to determine the encompassing world, shapes, affordable to everyone. The system is intended in order
sizes, colors, and dimensions of objects by processing the that it is less complex. The platform during this paper
reflection of light we recive. Good vision is an important composes of a pair of smart glasses that may read signs
factor for conducting daily life work because it is which give warnings to the user to be careful.
required in countless activities like reading, watching,
communicating, working, etc. In [3] this paper, they proposed a novel [7]smart glass
for visually impaired people to beat their traveling
Vision impairment directly impacts the standard of difficulties. It could detect the obstacle and measure the
living since the absence of vision reduces proficiency and distance perfectly with the help of ultrasonic sensor and a
working speed in various activities. For instance, microcontroller. After receiving information from the
differing kinds of devices are proposed to facilitate sensor, it passes to the blind man through a headphone. This
mobility and living of the visually impaired with the paper presents a singular smart device for visually impaired
advancement in modern technologies. users, which can help them to travel anytime avoiding any
kinds of obstacles indoor and outdoor environment. The
Visually impaired people do lead a normal life with proposed device was softer and less expensive.
their style of living. Social and infrastructural challenges
are a major problem for them. Navigating around places is In [4] this paper presents an interior navigation
the biggest challenge for a blind person, especially a person wearable system supported visual markers recognition and
with complete loss of vision. The blind person must be ultrasonic obstacles perception used as audio assistance for
informed or asked about the changes made around them blind people. during this prototype, points of interest within
if they have a visitor or a person living with them. There is the environment were identified by the visual markers;
a lack of technology to aid the physically challenged so We additionally with the information obtained in real-time by
wanted to build something useful for visually challenged sensors the situation status is enriched. For indicating the
people. gap and direction between closer points that building a
virtual path employing a map that lists these points is
In this paper, we develop low-cost Smart Glasses employed. Glasses built with sensors like RGB camera,
which will help visually paired people navigate more easily. ultrasonic, magnetometer, gyroscope, and accelerometer
Also, the system will have a sensible cap that may prevent are worn by the blind user.
the user from getting a heat stroke with its smart early
notification ability. Our objective is to make a system that The results show that increased quality in indoor
may help the visually blind user to maneuver about and navigation directed to the blind users contains a lot of gaps,
it’ll also keep track of the temperature of the user by using room for improvement and that the approaches used are
the DHT-11 temperature and humidity sensor. promising.

IJISRT22JUN677 www.ijisrt.com 546

Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
In [5] this paper presents a completely unique envi- ronment. However, a runner isn’t usually aware that a
application, Heat Watch,which predicts heatstroke and heat stroke is happening as they ignore important
prevents heatstroke by ensuring users breaking and water physiological warnings. to unravel this problem,
intake. the applying estimates user’s core temperature employing a wearable heat stroke detection device
supported a personality’s thermal model and vital sensors (WHDD), this study evaluates a runner’s risk of warmth
equipped with smartwatches. We also designed the stroke injury. Furthermore, the WHDD uses some filtering
application to trace users’ water intake by desiring to apply algorithms that are designed to correct the physiological
existing activity recognition techniques to acceleration parameters. Several people were chosen to wear the
sensors inside a smartwatch. The results have revealed our WHDD while conducting the exercise experiment to verify
method can instantly detect high temperatures exceeding the effectiveness of the WHDD and investigate the features
38.0! n with over 0.7 recall. The result also showed of these physiological parameters. The experimental results
precision and recall dramatically increase after we accept show that the WHDD can identify high-risk trends for
some error of warning timing. heatstroke successfully from runner feedback of the
uncomfortable statute and can effectively predict the
In [6] this paper heatstroke can cause great harm to occurrence of a heat stroke, thus ensuring safety.
the human body when exercising during a high-temperature

Fig. 1. Block Diagram of Smart Glasses and LM35 sensor send the reading to the Arduino mega and further, it tests the reading
for the particular sensor. If the reading exceeds the specific value, the buzzer beeps. The basic idea behind the smart cap is, by
using it the number of people getting heatstroke can be reduced giving a pre-notification.

Fig. 2: Block Diagram of Smart Cap

IJISRT22JUN677 www.ijisrt.com 547

Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
III. PROPOSED SYSTEM from the man, a central processing unit comprising of
Arduino Pro Mini 328 which takes the data from the
A. Smart Glasses sensor about the obstacle distance and processes the data
The block diagram of our proposed model is shown in consistent with the coding is finished and sends the output
Fig.1. The system for the smart glasses consists of 3 through the DF-Robot mini player and a power supply is
Ultrasonic Sensors, battery, Arduino Pro Mini, DF Player given to the system which distributes it to different
mini, DF Robot, 3,5mm Audio jack, vibrating motor, buzzer components. The sensor is mounted in between the glasses.
and a slide switch. Three ultrasonic sensors are used on There’s a Smart cap also included during this system
each side besides back of the system for improved which detects the temperature of the user and also the
detection. The DF Robot mini player lets the user know humidity using sensors like DHT-11 and LM-35. If the
what direction the object is in centimeters, a Arduino Pro temperature exceeds the limit stored the buzzer will start to
Mini which takes the information from the sensor about the form sound. And via the Bluetooth module (HC-05) an
distance of obstacle/object and processes the information alert are going to be sent to the user on their mobile on an
accordingly and sends the output through the DF- Robot app and make the user tuned in to the rise in temperature.
mini player, the power supply is given to distribute the
power to different components. This will result in more C. FEATURES OF PROPOSED SYSTEM
accuracy and is user friendly. We are proposing to develop a device that will help
blind people move around more freely. It will give the user
B. Smart Cap infor- mation of how far an object is accurately in
In Fig.2. The system consists of a power supply, centimeters via ultrasonic sensors. This device will be price
Arduino mega, DHT-11, and a buzzer. The LM35 efficient and user- friendly. The project will also contain a
temperature sensor is used to detect the temperature, DHT- smart cap consisting of a Bluetooth module to suffice the
11 sensor is used to detect both the temperature and need for a wireless system. The system will use an LM-35
humidity of the user. It also contains a Power supply, Temperature sensor and DHT- 11 Temperature and
Arduino mega, and a buzzer. The DHT-11 Humidity sensor which will notify the user via. Buzzer
when the conditions around are extreme enough to trigger a
Blind people face lots of problems in their day-to-
day life. The biggest challenge for a visually handicapped The system starts after you turn on the switch. The
person, especially the one with complete loss of vision, is ultra- sonic and the DHT-11 sensors then start taking input
to navigate around places. During summer, most of the and sending the temperature and distance data to the
people are busy and mostly ignore the effect of temperature Arduino board. There are three ultrasonic sensors (one
on the body. 2020 was the second warmest year on record for left, one for center, one for right). Each sensor will take
supported temperature data, and land areas were recorded three different values simultaneously. The Arduino board
warm. the ten warmest years on record have occurred since then converts the distance in centimeters and the
2005. Therefore, the quantity of heatstroke’s will increase temperature in degrees Celsius. The distance into
gradually. The Smart Cap will help prevent such centimeters is then sent to the DF Robo mini player which
phenomena. then lets the user know the value through any input
component like headphones. The data from DHT-11 is first
B. PROPOSED ALGORITHM analyzed by the Arduino board and if the temperature
Description based recommendation: a sensible Smart increases or decreases by the default value stored then it
Sys- tem for blind people comprises of a pair of wearable triggers the buzzer letting the user know the temperature
glasses, ultrasonic sensors - HC-05 for detection of change.
obstacles in the way of blind person, a DF Robot mini
player gives the audio as per the direction of the obstacle

Fig. 3: Result 1

IJISRT22JUN677 www.ijisrt.com 548

Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 4: Result 2

visually impaired users, which may help them move B. Boris, “Heat stroke detection system based in
safely and efficiently in an exceedingly complicated indoor IoT”, IEEE Second Ecuador Technical Chapters
environment. Also, the smart cap will help prevent them Meeting, Salinas, Ecuador, October 16-20, 2018.
from getting a heat stroke. The sensors employed in this [6.] Apiched Audomphon, Anya Apavatjrut. ”Smart
technique are simple and with low cost, making it possible Glasses for Sign Read- ing as Mobility Aids for the
to be widely employed in the buyer market. the longer term Blind Using a Light Communication System”, 2020
Scope is that this method will be improved by including 17th International Conference on Electrical
other sensors to live more certain parameters within the Engineer-ing/Electronics, Computer,
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(ECTI-CON), 2020
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Smart Eye Glass for Visually Impaired People”,
The implementation is based on a smart-glasses and a 2018 International Conference on Ad- vancement in
smart cap. The glasses will be used by visually impaired Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICAEEE),
users. Also, the smart glasses will be having a detachable 2018 Publication
smart cap to protect the user from getting a heat stroke.
Low-cost smart glass that can be used to help the visually
impaired move about more easily. The Smart cap prevents
heat stroke with early notification ability. The device can
notify the user when the temperature increases above the
stored basic value via Buzzer. This can be used when the
visually paired user goes in outdoor.


This project aims at developing an application that

aids the blind in being a help to them. a wise guiding
device for


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IJISRT22JUN677 www.ijisrt.com 549

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