Christmas Traditions, 24 Nov 21
Christmas Traditions, 24 Nov 21
Christmas Traditions, 24 Nov 21
Read the text on X-Mas traditions and place the missing sentences A-H
where they go in the text.
A. If you turn it upside down, it becomes the letter J symbolizing the first letter in Jesus' name.
B. Luther was so inspired by the beauty of the sight that he cut down a small evergreen and
brought it home.
C. Ancient Romans used them to ward off evil, and to convince the sun to shine again.
D. Blown-glass ornaments called kugles were sent to the United States
E. Scandinavians also thought of mistletoe as a plant of peace and harmony.
F. It comes from the 1800's.
G. Later becomingcorrupted to Sinterklaas, and finally, in Anglican, to Santa Claus.
H. The people at that time thought the plants were symbolic of the Star of Bethlehem.
Santa Claus
The original Sa nta Claus, St. Nicholas, was born in Turkey in the 4th
century. He was very pious from an earlyage, devoting his life to
Christianity. He became widely known for his generosity for the poor. But
the Romans held him in contempt. He was imprisoned and tortured. But
when Constantine became emperor of Rome, he allowed Nicholas to go
free. Constantine became a Christian and convened the Council of Nicaea
in 325. Nicholas was a delegate to the council. He is especially noted for his love of children
and for his generosity. He is the patron saint of sailors, Sicily, Greece, and Russia. He is also,
of course, the patron saint of children. The Dutch kept the legend of St. Nicholas alive. In
16th century Holland, Dutch children would place their wooden shoes by the hearth in hopes
that they would be filled with a treat. The Dutch spelled St. Nicholas as Sint Nikolaas.
1._____In 1822, Clement C. Moore composed his famous poem, "A Visit from St. Nick,"
which was later published as "The Night Before Christmas." Moore is credited with creating
the modern image of Santa Claus as a jolly fat man in a red suit.
Christmas stockings
The tradition of hanging stockings from the fireplace originated from one
of the most famous Christmas stories of St. Nicholas. 6._____. The
father of three young maidens could not afford a dowry for his daughters
to be married. From his castle, St. Nicholas heard of the poor misfortune
of the maidens, and secretly threw three bags of gold coins down their
chimney. It is said that the gold coins landed in the girls' stockings,
which were hanging in the fireplace to dry.
Christmas ornaments