Vaccine Stability Table
Vaccine Stability Table
Vaccine Stability Table
Vaccine (3) (4) < 0ºC 2ºC to 8ºC 22ºC to 25ºC 35ºC to 37ºC over 37 ºC
BCG (freeze-dried Can be stored at up to –20ºC. Safe storage for 12 months. Stability varies. Some Loses potency Rapid loss of
or lyophilised BCG vaccine may rapidly. potency. Up to
vaccine) (3) (4) Do not expose to light (ultraviolet Do not expose to light lose 25% to 40% of 73% loss of
and/or fluorescent). (ultraviolet and/or original potency after Do not expose to potency after 3
fluorescent). 2 months. light (ultraviolet days.
Diluent – do not freeze (5) and/or
Store between 2ºC and Do not expose to light fluorescent) Do not expose to
8ºC. (ultraviolet and/or light (UV and/or
fluorescent). fluorescent)
BCG DO NOT FREEZE. Very unstable. Very unstable. Very unstable. Very unstable.
(Reconstituted with
diluent) (3) (4) Protect from all forms of Protect from all forms Protect from all Protect from all
light (inactivates vaccine). of light (inactivates forms of light forms of light
vaccine). (inactivates (inactivates
Keep at between 2ºC and vaccine). vaccine).
8ºC when vial is not being Keep between 2ºC
used. Discard all unused and 8ºC when vial is Keep between Keep between 2ºC
vaccine at the end of the not being used. 2ºC and 8ºC and 8ºC when vial
vaccination session (8 when vial is not is not being used.
hours). being used.
Diphtheria, tetanus DO NOT FREEZE. Safe to store at 2ºC to 8ºC The DT components The DT DT components:
and/or acellular Vaccines loses significant potency for 24 months in spite of are stable for 4, components are stable for 2 weeks
pertussis- when stored at –5ºC to –10ºC. continuous slow decrease possibly 6 months; stable for weeks at 45ºC but much
containing vaccines in potency of the pertussis the limiting factors are but the stability of less at higher
Includes DTPa, NB: Some vaccines may still component. some of the other the other temperatures.
DTPa- hepB, remain as a liquid at 0ºC. As little components. components vary
DTPa-Hib, DTPa- as 24 hours at 0ºC or 25ºC may with different The other
IPV, DTPa- hepB- cause antigens to fall from Some vaccines vaccines. components are
IPV, DTPa-IPV- suspension and be very difficult to containing pertussis (where known)
Hib, DTPa-IPV/Hib, resuspend. Freezing point of are stable for only 2 Some vaccines very unstable at
DTPa-hepB-IPV- tetanus is between –5ºC to –10ºC. weeks at this containing high temperatures.
Hib, dTpa, DT The freezing point of pertussis is temperature. pertussis lose
(CDT), dT(ADT). not known. 50% of potency
after one week.
Discard if exposed to temperatures
of 0ºC or below.
Freeze dried Freeze-dried or lyophilised vaccine Diluent – do not freeze (5) Not available. Not available. Not available.
(lyophilised) PRP-T can be frozen. Store between 2ºC and
monovalent PRP-T 8ºC.
Hib vaccine
Reconstituted Reconstituted vaccine must NOT Store all components of the Not available. Not available. Not available.
monovalent PRP-T be frozen. vaccine between 2ºC and
Hib vaccine 8ºC.
Other Hib- DO NOT FREEZE. Store between 2ºC and Stable for at least 24 Not available. Not available.
containing vaccines The precise freezing point is not 8ºC. months when stored
(PRP-OMP, HbOC, established. Manufacturers state at 25ºC.
Hib (PRP-OMP)- freezing temperature of HbOC is –
hep B 1.0ºC. Discard if exposed to
temperature of 0ºC or below.
Monovalent DO NOT FREEZE. Store between 2ºC to 8ºC Stable for 15 Stable for 15 Not available.
hepatitis Discard if vaccine has been for many months (up to 36 months. months.
A vaccine exposed to temperature of 0ºC months for some brands).
or below.
Monovalent DO NOT FREEZE. Retains satisfactory potency Retains satisfactory Stable for 1 Stable for 3 days.
hepatitis Freezing point of hepatitis B for 2 years. potency for 30 days. week.
B vaccine vaccine is – 0.5ºC and vaccine
is destroyed at this temperature.
Discard if exposed to
temperature of 0ºC or below.
Inactivated DO NOT FREEZE. Store for up to 2 years Loses significant Destroyed after Not available.
poliomyelitis Discard if exposed to between 2ºC to 8ºC. potency after 20 20 days.
vaccine (IPV) temperature of 0ºC or below. days.
Influenza vaccine DO NOT FREEZE. Store between 2ºC to 8ºC Not available. Not available. Not available.
Discard if exposed to
temperatures of 0ºC or below.
Measles-mumps- May be stored in freezer at 0ºC Safe storage for 2 years at Retains satisfactory Retains 50% loss of
rubella (MMR) or below. 2ºC to 8ºC. potency for 1 month. satisfactory potency after 2 to
(freeze-dried or potency for at 3 days at 41ºC:
lyophilised vaccine) Protect from light, which may Diluent – do not freeze. (5) least 1 week. 80% loss of
(4) inactivate virus. Store between 2ºC & 8ºC. potency after 1
day at 54ºC.
Reconstituted DO NOT FREEZE. Can be stored between 2ºC Unstable: 50% loss of Very unstable: Inactivation
measles- to 8ºC. Protect from light, potency after 1 hour, titre may be within 1 hour.
mumps-rubella Protect from light. which may inactivate the 70% loss after 3 below acceptable
(MMR) (3) (4) vaccine virus. hours. level
after 2 to 7
Should be used in one Protect from light. hours.
vaccination session (8
hours) if kept cool and Protect from
protected from sunlight. If light.
not, discard after 1 hour.
Meningococcal C DO NOT FREEZE. Store in refrigerator Not available. Not available. Not available.
conjugate vaccine between 2 and 8ºC. Shelf
(MenCCV) Discard if exposed to life 18 months at this
NeisVac-C temperatures of 0ºC or below. temperature.
Meningitec (freeze-
dried or lyophilised
Meningococcal C DO NOT FREEZE. Store between 2 and 8ºC. Not available. Not available. Not available.
conjugate vaccine Shelf life is 24 months at
(MenCCV) Discard if exposed to this temperature.
Menjugate temperatures of 0ºC or below. Reconstituted vaccine must
be used immediately.
Oral poliomyelitis May be stored for up to 2 years Can be stored at 2ºC to 8ºC Stable for at least 1 Not available. Remains potent
vaccine (OPV) at around –20ºC. The freeze- between use as long as the week at 20ºC to for 24 hours.
opened vials (3) (4) thaw-refreeze cycle can occur expiry date has not passed, 25ºC.
until the vial is empty. and the vaccine has not
been taken out of the health
centre (eg outreach
immunisation setting).
Pneumococcal DO NOT FREEZE. Store between 2ºC and Not available. Not available. Not available.
conjugate vaccine Discard if exposed to 8ºC.
(7vPCV) temperature of 0ºC or below.
Pneumococcal DO NOT FREEZE. Store between 2ºC and Not available. Not available. Not available.
polysaccharide 8ºC.
vaccine, 23-valent Discard if exposed to
(23vPPV) temperature of 0ºC or below.
Varicella-zoster May be stored in frost-free Prior to reconstitution, Not available. Not available. Not available.
vaccine: freezer at an average varicella-zoster vaccine
Varivax temperature of –15ºC or colder. retains potency when stored
Refrigerated, between 2ºC to 8ºC for up
Varilrix (freeze- Maintains potency for 24 to 2 years (Varilrix) or 18
dried or lyophilised months (Varilrix) or 18 months months (Varivax
vaccine) (3) (4) (Varivax Refrigerated). Refrigerated).
Reconstituted DO NOT FREEZE. Administer immediately Not available. Not available. Not available.
varicella after reconstitution to
-zoster vaccine: Protect from light. minimise loss of potency.
Varilrix and Discard if reconstituted
Varivax vaccine is not used within
Refrigerated 90 minutes (Varilrix) or
(3) (4) within 30 mins (Varivax
(1) For thermostability information on other vaccines not listed in this Table, refer to the specific chapter in this Handbook.
(2) The information in this Table is in many cases not consistent with the Australian product information documents. However, this Table provide
guidelines based on the WHO (1998) Thermostability of Vaccines, WHO/GPV/98.07.
(3) The vaccines that are most unstable at room temperature are OPV and reconstituted MMR, varicella-zoster and BCG vaccines.
(4) OPV and reconstituted MMR, varicella-zoster and BCG vaccines must be protected from exposure to light.