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EX e SEV 18 ATEX 0209 X - EN

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<8 eurofins EU-Type Examination Certificate Eqoperter pact eon neni a potiy ‘sien 'smosphores- Dectve 0%404E0. (9) Conteate number: sev 10 ATEX 0200% ‘Thermocouples and Resisence Termametors (@) Product ‘Typoe, Trermocoioe "ype 603" Resistance Themometere ype 90.2" (©) Manufacture JUMO Mess- und Regie AG (© Ades: Lauberotatase 70,6712 Sila, SHITZERLANE (7) The equipment and any acopiabl vriaton tee is spect in he sched ots cette ant ‘he dosaments cin rearos (©) Eurons, nated body No, 1288, in accordance wih arice 17 of Directive 204/UEU ofthe European palmer and oth councl dated 26 February 20°4, cries hat this poduct has Deen found te campy wit te essential oath and safety requrerentsrelaing the design and ‘onatucion products nlonded for ws n pony explosive abnerpheoe gen Annex tothe Drectne “The examinton and tet esuts ae recorded condo bale epots 05:K-125301, 0550-0255 03 extensions and’? and 1830067 KOd denon 3 (©) Compionce wih the essen oath nd aft requirements hs baon assure by conptiancs wh en 60079-01 en e0or9.2146 en 0070.75 Pit a aD oT e xcept respoc of those requirements ited atom 18 the sched (10) I the sgn ox Is placed ater the ceiestorumber,tindcates thatthe products subjected to peti contons or ef e poste nthe Schade t is cafes, (1) This EU type examination cereal eats ont to design and constuction of the specie product Furberrequkements of hs drecbve apply to Ne manufacturing proces an supply of product. "Those te not covered byt corfcale (42) Thermaring of he prot salincuce he flowing: ‘See page 6 (20) TD, Hu " ot MJ moun Frat, 20100818 tne 004 poo tot6 <8 eurofins 3) Appendix wo [EU-Type Examination Corfieate no, SEV 18 ATEX 0200» (15) Deseiption of product TD omperaute pote ran JUMO ae used as operating equipment: tomperatue measuroment in uid ‘gaseous moda, ab wells frat, wh to pretecten typos messed sae). ‘The hemmometrs consi of prec ting wih various procses connection opens tein head ora annocting cable, nd an ierchengeable measung ert acpondng one ype) ling contact wih ‘he rocase mada undergo leakage fast The Pr100tenperstieearcors movies nine tings are ‘scoring fo ENGO7ST,m tberanos cesses AA, Aor Bin 2-3 or 4. cout (co Scton 8) Iso poesble ous hese sansrs wa a iger reference value (100, PU1000, FZO0D, Pt S000). NTC {uch as KT, rier PTC sensors ca also be une Vorsion wih two or oe meaeurement routs se posable A Yanenitr carbo bul ouside th explosive sea, Measure Vaneision wi ‘Satara Sal Ratings: Umax. = 30, ras. = 109, Peis ven to incon: \lasicatinofistallation and uso: stationary Ingress protection Pos Fated ambien temperature range: Tam in. Tab max ‘The mimal ambient tempest is provided nthe Specs Condon for ste use. ‘Themaninum ambien! emperatro st be deerminad wih tha alin temperature ofthe space mem (gos dus) {erwhch ts rtnded, and with dove bong Taro = Temperature dans cove hestng (1) Report number Basi reports 05-4 0253.01, 051K-0258.05 extensions end 2 tnd 12840007 X04 extension 3 em uch Fetter 20100618 nus 006 aoe 2e8 <8 eurofins Gece,) (17, Specific conatons of use 1. Device so be adapt the minal ambient conétlons.On one hand protect ings are ‘api tothe medum taoerive onthe her hand terminal heads o connec cables are rote regarding the abet temps ature ‘Cbles arbiettmporaues ae ear, Waser, TW [form [Tab Fo) [roman | — dain ni 1 O26687 | BUz—[-20.,¥100 |S, Ytow | 90.9715 S0S8B5 N= ‘67717 [ BUA [20.100 non 909796 ExOR86 ~The Resins Tenpentice Detect (RT) ambit pete +7, 280°C: fra tres mess nse wi plano chi soso inestcontichie «720. 010°C conta wan amin td mean ser. Fer Themectui, he anette ees io acount + Moe neve hemos 2 Thomozaupl wire ‘The maximum ambient tempat Is provided int the thermocouple specications according Handards EN SOSA certo Feat, 20190618 lsu 04 pop 6 £8 eurofins 2, The Toco andthe RTD wih potctnfngs aro be adopted tothe mesmism ambient conaon Forces: + tfinemasins power ana the temperature clase are spectied, then he maximus amblent Tompertie can be caelate, “Tam max. = temperature clase ~ safety margin ~ (Prax. Thermowell constant) amb max (0) = maximum ambien tomperture ‘Temperate ss (C) = Accorang to ENTEC eo07s-0 Recteote, “a= a00"c,, T3=200°C Tirtas-c. Teat00-c, Tease Safety margin (K) = 10K orto T2and Skier tee max.) = Maximum stop power rom an eternal source “Tremowellansant (KM) = InGeman“Sendzoonsants SX (main lt) ample forGan, 2 prabe e eBe deed intemperate case 4 ‘The tomowol const, 56 DKW. ‘The maximum power nthe cut Prax 00 iW, “Tomo max = (135°0 SK) ~(05Wx80 KM) = 490°C “+ fhe ambient temperature i hen andthe lemparatre class are len, hen the maxerum ower supped canbe calclted, Pax. (temperature class safety margin - Tab max) /Thermowell constant ‘panos ersas. be used intemperate clas T¢ probe ‘The Memowol constant SK. 6 220 KM. amb max = *120°C “he maximum power = (195°C -§K 120°C) 220 KW tc Feat 2010068 ln 04 pao 46 For Dust ‘The device maximum suface emperstur,Tourface may the ambit maxim onperature ‘aed tha devo heang mule bythe dost conta’ 28 Teurface max.= Tamb max. +(Pmax.x Thermowell constant x Dus constant) ‘maximum anbient emcee yim stop power om an external source ‘Themowellonstnt KM) = InGarman ‘Schuzofvkonsants SC (mang lt) ‘Dist Constant) = 28, the facta info acount th lation the ‘esa ase eonaton, resulting om the dat ayer Earle fort ‘Tenax is 40°C, ‘The Marmowol conta, 8, 8D KAW. “The manor power nthe cul, Pra 70. Tearaceman © a0 C+ (0.07 We BD KAW x28)" 58°C “Te emperstue las = Tsurtce max, = TS6°C 3. The maninum curert, maximum volage ard maxinum power supply prove byte instructions abw arta be respected and nat exceeded as flowed Tae Pr aL few | 750 100 F90 4. For Resistance Temperature Detectors (AT), f heres no Themowsl constant aval, folowing ‘TRennowel consis are abe wea for 2a, eer does et Prsician ube | Thermowall constants Taman | mara — (en) a 3a 20) =3 4 "20 Sa 5 0 81 0 ‘roger vats loans at or qual han an equi urea ow oon Feat, 2019068 ls 04 Pod $2 eurofins '5. Fer Themocouples, he Themmowel constants ar provided below, or mierlinsed {hemecouper win a chametr 2 mem ose ot nelle olor woted wi tharmowel), [anf fortnrmocouple ina orem hemewel wth wee aaratr = 0.35 Trearan Langih- | Thermower const eu) nm Ta 326... 6 120 $80... 390 70, 3330 20 6. Thermocouples and RTD must be adequately earthed (48) Essential health and safety roquiraments In adeton tthe eaenti heath and stetyroqurearis (HSA) covered by the standards sted at ‘tam, te folowing sre coneered relevant fo thi produc, and conto ¢ emanates i Ne ‘pon clause Subject None (19) Drawings and Documents ‘Seo est report Manufacturer's Doouents™ (20) The marking ofthe product shall inclu the folowing: 2G ExebiCTS..1160 2p extwie Teo"c Dy N20 Bxtanb Ine Te0°C Deroy ve ouch Febratot, 20100618 tase 006 moat o18

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