Sustainable Principles and Practices
Sustainable Principles and Practices
Sustainable Principles and Practices
A natural building involves a range of building systems and materials that place major emphasis on
sustainability. Ways of achieving sustainability through natural building focus on :
1. Durability and the use of minimally processed
2. Plentiful or renewable resources
3. Recycled or salvaged
4. Healthy living environments and maintain indoor air quality.
5. Relying on human labor, more than technology.
6. It depends on "local ecology, geology and climate; on the character of the particular building site, and on
the needs and personalities of the builders and users .
The basis of natural building is the need to lessen the environmental impact of buildings and other supporting
systems, without sacrificing comfort or health. To be more sustainable, natural building uses primarily :
1. Abundantly available, renewable, reused or recycled materials.
2. In addition to relying on natural building materials, the emphasis on the architectural design is
A. The orientation of a building
B. Utilization of local climate and site conditions
C. Emphasis on natural ventilation through design, fundamentally lessen operational costs and positively
impact the environmental.
D. Building compactly and minimizing the ecological footprint is common, as are on-site handling of
energy acquisition, on-site water capture, alternate sewage treatment and water reuse (Smith, 2002).
The environment like our bodies can metabolize nutrients and waste. Living Architecture focuses on these
processes, integrating ecological functions into the buildings to catch, store, and filter water, purify air, and
process other nutrients. Living Architecture also addresses biophilia, the documented health benefits
associated with being in touch with living systems in the built environment . Throughout history greening of
outside walls and roofs of buildings has taken place. Reasons for doing so were the increase of insulation
(keep cool in summer and keep cold out in winter), improved aesthetics, improved indoor and outdoor
climate, reduce the greenhouse gases such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Nitrogen
Dioxide (NO2) as well as increasing ecological values by creating habitats for birds and insects
Ecological Building is both a design process and the structure that is a result of such a design process.
An Ecological Building is a structure that is designed to create and sustain mutually beneficial
relationships with all of the elements of its local ecology. A building's local ecology, or environment, is
made up of particular physical and biological elements and their interactions.
Eco-friendly, or ecological, construction is building a structure that is beneficial or non-harmful to the
environment, and resource efficient. This type of construction is efficient in its use of local and
renewable materials, and in the energy required to build it, and the energy generated while being
within it.
Eco-friendly construction has developed in response to the knowledge that buildings have an often
negative impact upon our environment and our natural resources. This includes transporting materials
hundreds or thousands of miles, which has a negative impact in the energy required to transport them,
and also in emissions of hazardous chemicals from a poorly designed building that creates, and traps
1. Orientation: making best use of high summer sun angles and low winter sun angles on southern
exposures while minimising excessive solar gain on east and specifically west exposures from low year-
round sun angles.
2. Glazing: sizing, positioning and detailing windows to get the most benefit from the sun while avoiding
overheating in summer and heat loss in winter.
3. Thermal Mass: providing sufficiently exposed thermal mass to store heat from the sun in the winter and
act as a heat sink for cooling in the summer. The benefits of thermal mass are often lost through
excessive wall, ceiling and floor coverings.
4. Insulation: specifying high levels of insulation to reduce unwanted heat loss or heat gains through the
roof, walls, doors, windows and floors.
5. Natural Ventilation: designing clear and robustly controlled air flows through buildings for daytime and
night time cooling. Building air-tightness forms a critical component for achieving effective natural
6. Zoning: providing thoughtful zoning to allow different thermal requirements to be compartmentalised.
Substantial savings can be achieved
7. Air Permeability:The exfiltration of warm air can account for as much as 30% of the heat loss through a
building's envelope. As insulation standards improve, heat losses and gains as a result of air exfiltration
and infiltration willbecome more significant. Achieving good air tightness performance is also a good
indicator of good construction practice.
8. Drainage: All laboratory wastewater systems should be segregated from domestic wastewater systems.
Adequate facilities should be provided for the storage and collection of segregated recyclable wastes
Many options are now available to those wishing to design and build an eco-friendly dwelling
1. Earth constructions Mud and clay
- The amount of each material used leads to different styles of buildings. The deciding factor is usually
connected with the quality of the soil being used. Larger amounts of clay usually mean using the
cob/adobe style, while low clay soil is usually associated with sod building. The other main ingredients
include more or less sand/gravel and straw grasses. Soil and especially clay is good thermal mass; it is very
good at keeping temperatures at a constant level. Homes built with earth tend to be naturally cool in the
summer heat and warm in cold weather. Clay holds heat or cold, releasing it over a period of time like
stone. Earthen walls change temperature slowly, so artificially raising or lowering the temperature can use
more resources than in say a wood built house, but the heat/coolness stays longer. Peoples building with
mostly dirt and clay, such as cob, sod, and adobe, resulted in homes that have been built for centuries in
western and northern Europe as well as the rest of the world, and continue to be built, though on a
smaller scale.
A. Cob houses - Cob
houses have been around for hundreds of years and still in good condition. Cob houses are built of a
mixture of clay, earth, sand, water, and fibers like straw that have been kneaded and stomped into a
tough mixture that can be used to erect homes in a variety of different shapes and sizes. A home made
of cob will usually have walls about 2-feet thick, which helps keep energy costs down by insulating the
home.Cob houses can be very labor intensive to put up, but are also extremely cheap to build.
2. Yurts or Gers - the semi-permanent nomadic tents of Inner Asia, that utilise local wood, wool and canvas,
to literally live on, with the land.
3. Bamboo - Bamboo has actually been a locally-sourced building material in some regions of the world for
millennia. What makes bamboo such a promising building material for modern buildings is its combination
of tensile strength, light weight, and fast-growing renewable nature. Used for framing buildings and
shelters, bamboo can replace expensive and heavy imported materials and provide an alternative to
concrete and rebar construction, especially in difficult-to reach areas, post-disaster rebuilding, and low-
income areas with access to natural locally-sourced bamboo. Bamboo produces more oxygen and absorbs
more carbon dioxide, which is very ideal in combating global climate change. Apart from that, Bamboo is
easily grown and harvested, making it one of the most cost-effective construction materials to date.
4. Wood - Wood is a product of trees and sometimes other fibrous plants, used for construction purposes
when cut or pressed into lumber and timber, such as boards, planks and similar materials. It is a generic
building material and is used in building just about any type of structure in most climates. Wood can be
very flexible under loads, keeping strength while bending and is incredibly strong when compressed
vertically. There are many differing qualities to the different types of wood, even among same tree
species. This means specific species are better for various uses than others. Growing conditions are
important for deciding quality. Historically, wood for building large structures was used in its unprocessed
form as logs. The trees were just cut to the needed length, sometimes stripped of bark and then notched
or lashed into place. In earlier times and in some parts of the world, many country homes or communities
had a personal wood-lot from which the family or community would grow and harvest trees to build with.
These lots would be tended to like a garden.
1. Cordwood construction - It is also
called "cordwood masonry", "stackwall construction", "stovewood construction" or "stackwood
construction" . It is a term used for a natural building method in which "cordwood" or short pieces of
debarked tree are laid up crosswise with masonry or cob mixtures to build a wall.
Cordwood is a combination of small remnants of firewood and other lumber that usually go to waste.
These small blocks of wood can easily be put together to make a structure that, like stone, has great
insulation as well as thermal mass. Cordwood provides the rustic look of log cabins without the use of
tons of lumber. You can build an entire building with just cordwood or use stones to fill in the walls.
5. Straw bale - Straw is a renewable resource that acts as excellent insulation and is fairly easy to build with.
Care must be taken to assure that the straw is kept dry, or it will eventually rot. For this reason it is
generally best to allow a straw bale wall to remain breathable; any moisture barrier will invite
condensation to collect and undermine the structure. Other possible concerns with straw bale walls are
infestation of rodents or insects, so the skin on the straw should resist these critters. There are two major
categories of building with straw bales: load-bearing and non-load bearing. A post and beam framework
that supports the basic structure of the building, with the bales of straw used as infill, is the most common
non-load bearing approach. This is also the only way that many building authorities will allow.
While there are many load- bearing straw bale buildings that are standing just fine, care must be taken to
consider the possible settling of the straw bales as the weight of the roof, etc. compresses them. Erecting
bale walls can go amazingly quickly, and does not take a lot of skill, but then the rest of the creation of the
building is similar to any other wood framed house.
In fact straw bale houses typically only save about 15% of the wood used in a conventionally framed
house. The cost of finishing a straw bale house can often exceed that of standard construction, because of
the specialized work that goes into plastering both sides of the walls. The result is often worth it though,
7. Pulped recycled paper - commonly known as cellulose or newsprint insulation, made mainly from
shredded newsprint, treated with a borate additive that acts as a fire retardant, pest and mold
resistant and sound proof. Although not recommended for installation in damp basement conditions,
it is considered a good environmental option for attic and wall insulation. Installation is normally
performed using a blower where bales of cellulose are loaded into a hopper, then blown through a
hose into cavities made in walls of existing homes without removing the existing wall covering, such as
old plaster. After insulating, the holes are filled and sealed. These examples can be seen as
development that has a low impact upon the environment, which utilise and blend in with the local