Green Building
Green Building
Green Building
I. Definition and concept of
green building
Green building (also known as green construction or sustainable building )
refers to both a structure and the application of processes that are environmentally
responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle: from
planning to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and
demolition. This requires close cooperation of the contractor, the architects, the
engineers, and the client at all project stages. The Green Building practice
expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy,
utility, durability, and comfort. Green building also refers to saving resources to
the maximum extent, including energy saving, land saving, water saving, material
saving, etc., during the whole life cycle of the building, protecting the
environment and reducing pollution, providing people with healthy, comfortable
and efficient use of space, and being in harmony with nature Buildings that live
in harmony. Green building technology focuses on low consumption, high
efficiency, economy, environmental protection, integration and optimization.
2. Concept of Green Building
II. Need of Green Buildings in
present scenario
In US for example:
• Buildings are responsible for 40% of worldwide energy flow and material
use conventional buildings have been identified as the largest source of
greenhouse gas emissions, even more than that of the transport and industry
• 8000lbs of waste are typically thrown into a landfill during the construction
of a 2000sqft home.
• The buildings in the US consume more than twice as much energy as all
the cars in the US.
• Buildings account for 68% of total electricity consumption in the US.
• Buildings use 80% of total drinking water consumption in the US.
• Indoor levels of pollution are commonly 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor
pollution levels.
III. Making of green building
▪ Choose construction materials and interior finishes products with zero or
low emissions to improve indoor air quality.
2.Examples of materials
a. Wool brick
b. Sustainable Concrete
c. Paper Insulation
d. Eco Friendly
e. Flooring
f. Triple-Glazed Windows
g. Cabinetry
✓ Minimal disturbance to landscapes and site condition.
✓ Use of non-toxic, recycled /recyclable materials.
✓ Efficient use of water and water recycling.
✓ Use of energy efficient and eco-friendly equipments.
✓ Use of renewable energy.
✓ Good Indoor air quality for human safety and comfort.
✓ Effective controls and building management system.
• Nowadays we should make a way to maximize our natural resources to help
our mother earth to get relief from the pollutions like global warming that
we are all experiencing. Non- renewable resources are expensive and
• Green Building concept is the practice of creating structure using processes
that are environmentally friendly and resources efficient during building
life-cycle; selection of site, design, construction, operation, maintenance,
renovation and destruction.
• The importance is to lessen the consumption of energy and pollution as
well. More use of non-renewable energy leads to more pollution.
• The growth and development of our communities has a larger impact on
our natural environment. The manufacturing, design, construction and
operation of buildings are responsible for the consumption of our natural
Buildings have a significant effect on the environment and human and health. The
successful adoption of Green Building Development can therefore maximize the
economic and environmental performance of buildings.
a. Environmental Benefits
▪ Protect Biodiversity and ecosystems.
▪ Improve air and water quality.
▪ Reduce waste streams.
▪ Conserve natural resources.
b. Economic Benefits
▪ Reduce operating costs.
▪ Create, Expand and Shape markets for green product and service.
▪ Improve Occupant Productivity.
c. Social Benefits
▪ Enhance occupant comfort and health.
▪ Heighten aesthetic qualities.
▪ Minimize strain on local infrastructures.
▪ Improve overall quality of life.
▪ Efficient Technologies.
▪ Easier Maintenance.
▪ Return of Investment.
▪ Improved Indoor Air Quality.
▪ Energy Efficiency.
▪ Water Efficiency.
▪ Waste Reduction.
▪ Temperature Moderation.
▪ Water Conservation.
▪ Economical Construction for Poor.
▪ Healthier Lifestyles and Recreation.
▪ Improved Health.
▪ Initial Cost is High.
▪ Availability of Materials is Less.
▪ Need More time to Construct.
▪ Need Skilled Work.
V. Fundamental principles of
Green Buildings
1.Structural design efficiency
➢ It is the concept of sustainable building and has largest impact on cost and
➢ It aims to minimize the environment impact associated with all life-cycles.
2.Energy efficiency
➢ The layout of the construction can be strategized so that natural light pours
for additional warmth.
➢ Shading the roof with trees offers an eco-friendly alternative to air
3.Water efficiency
➢ To minimize water consumption, one should aim to use the water which
has been collected, used, purified and reused.
4.Material efficiency
➢ Material should be use that can be recycled and generate surplus amount of
energy. An example of this are solar power panels, not only they provide
lightening but they are also a useful energy source.
5.Waste and toxic reduction
• UNIT-VI.pdf