Trying to init installer in mode win32 Mode win32 successfully initialized [12:45:36] CCIF did not recognize an existing ThingWorxFoundationH2Trial [12:45:36] Setting project.installationType as: normal [12:45:36] Detecting chef Setting variable _knifePath from where Error running where knife: INFO: Could not find files for the given pattern(s). [12:45:37] searching in predefined locations: C:/opscode C:/cinc-project Executing sc Error running sc query ThingWorx-Foundation: Program ended with an error exit code [12:45:37] - Previous installation of ThingWorx-Foundation found: 0
[12:45:37] The value of the alter_temp_dir variable is:
C:\Users\pansr\AppData\Local\Temp [12:45:37] The value of the system_temp_directory variable is: C:\Users\pansr\AppData\Local\Temp [12:45:37] C:\Users\pansr\.ptc_ccif\ThingWorxFlow.xml does not exist [12:45:37] - Started Executing preInstallationActionList Actions... NOTSET [12:45:38] Checking minimum system and software requirements... [12:45:40] - Valid Java executable path: C:/Program Files/Java/jdk-11.0.14/bin/java.exe...
[12:45:40] Checking minimum system and software requirements for foundation...
Executing cmd [12:45:40] - CCIF end post: Pre install actions. Validate empty parameters. [12:46:04] installdir componet postShowPageActionList [12:46:04] installdir |C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxFoundationH2Trial| [12:46:04] ccif.dir.tmp |C:/PROGRA~2/THINGW~1\installer\tmp\| [12:46:04] ccif.dir.install |C:/PROGRA~2/THINGW~1| [12:46:04] ccif.dir.installer |C:/PROGRA~2/THINGW~1\installer\| [12:46:04] ccif.dir.tarballs |C:/PROGRA~2/THINGW~1\installer\tarballs\| [12:46:04] Test TWX authentication mode in: [basic] [12:46:04] Get TWX authentication mode [12:46:04] ---The variable twxInstalldir is NULL--- [12:46:04] TWX authentication mode is "basic" [12:46:04] Current TWX authentication mode is basic [12:46:04] Test TWX authentication mode in: [basic] [12:46:04] Current TWX authentication mode is basic Executing java Executing keytool Executing keytool Unable to validate the Alias Name with the provided Alias Password. Executing keytool Executing keytool Unable to validate the Alias Name with the provided Alias Password. Executing keytool Executing keytool Unable to validate the Alias Name with the provided Alias Password. Executing keytool Executing keytool Executing keytool Executing keytool Preparing to Install Preparing to Install [15:58:09] - Adding license_agreement to backup by move [15:58:09] installdir |C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxFoundationH2Trial| [15:58:09] ccif.dir.tmp |C:/PROGRA~2/THINGW~1\installer\tmp\| [15:58:09] ccif.dir.install |C:/PROGRA~2/THINGW~1| [15:58:09] ccif.dir.installer |C:/PROGRA~2/THINGW~1\installer\| [15:58:09] ccif.dir.tarballs |C:/PROGRA~2/THINGW~1\installer\tarballs\| [15:58:09] - Adding tomcat/ to backup by move [15:58:09] - Adding ThingworxStorage/ to backup by copy [15:58:09] - Adding ThingworxPlatform/ to backup by copy [15:58:09] - Adding licensingconfigurator/ to backup by move [15:58:09] - Adding schema/ to backup by move Setting variable twx.keystore_tool.dir from cmd [15:58:14] security-common-cli target is '' [15:58:14] - Adding security-common-cli to backup by move [15:58:14] - Adding SHA1 to backup by move [15:58:14] - Adding twxfoundation_report.json to backup by move [15:58:14] - Adding ThingWorxFoundation_uninstall.dat to backup by move [15:58:14] - Adding ThingWorxFoundation_uninstall.exe to backup by move [15:58:14] - Adding ThingWorx-Foundation to the managed_services_list Executing sc Error running sc query thingworxflow.exe: Program ended with an error exit code [15:58:14] - Previous installation of thingworxflow.exe found: 0
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