Master Ministry Plan: "Where There Is No Vision, The People Perish."
Master Ministry Plan: "Where There Is No Vision, The People Perish."
Master Ministry Plan: "Where There Is No Vision, The People Perish."
October 11, 2009
FBC, Raytown
Preamble....................................................................................................... 5
Gospel Outreach............................................................................................ 9
Resourcing Churches.................................................................................. 10
Church Planting.......................................................................................... 14
Equipping Leaders...................................................................................... 15
The VISION 2020 Master Ministry Plan
Blue River-Kansas City Baptist Association
As the newly elected Executive Director of Missions for BR-KC Association, I shared that my first year priorities would be connecting
with pastors and churches, providing strategy and mission training opportunities, and leading the Association through a strategy plan-
ning process. Below is the process we used to envision and discern what the Lord would have our Association to focus on in the years
ENVISION is the title we gave to the process of associational strategic planning. It consisted of four phases. The process sought to
give every pastor, church, church leader and church member the opportunity to be involved in seeking God’s vision for the next de-
cade in the Association.
The work required to move us to that point was divided into four phases.
An Evaluation Planning Team of pastors and lay leaders was assembled. The team developed the process and tools necessary to get
feedback regarding the Association’s ministry. They also studied the current status of our counties and what changes in demographics
could be expected in the urban and rural areas of the Association over the next 10 years.
The Evaluation Planning Team surveyed and interviewed pastors and key leaders in churches and local governments. They gathered
hard and soft demographic data on our churches and communities and brought a report to the April 23 Executive Board Meeting. You
can find that Evaluation Team Report on our website.
The Planning Team’s report to the Executive Board was published and discussion groups held for those who couldn’t attend the
Executive Board meeting. A Strategic Planning Advisory Group of nine pastors and church planters was enlisted to study the report,
surveys and interviews and develop a proposed vision, along with a set of values and objectives for the Association to consider.
An all-day retreat was held on September 3 to discuss the proposed vision statement, values and objectives. The retreat was open to
anyone in the Association that desired to participate. Work groups were formed around each proposed ministry objective to develop
goals and action plans. Strategic Planning Advisory Group members facilitated the work groups, collected the input, and worked to
finalize the goals and action plans at a follow-up meeting on October 1.
The result of this year long process is the VISION 2020 Master Ministry Plan contained in this document.
The vision statement envisions a preferred future and gives us a picture of what we could be and do with God’s help. The values
describe those beliefs we feel are essential at the Association level. The vision and values serve as filters and parameters for what we
consider doing and how we pursue the vision. The objectives are priority areas of ministry we believe are most important in order to
accomplish the vision. The goals are targets and the action plans are means toward accomplishing the objectives. The goals and action
plans will need to change over time as the context changes.
The VISION 2020 Master Ministry Plan gives us focus and urgency and direction, but is not written in stone or canonical. We will
need to flex, evaluate, and refocus along the way. But the ministry plan is discerned from a lengthy and comprehensive process of
seeking the Lord and garnering input from many of God’s people and His churches in our Association. May God guide us and give us
success in these spiritual pursuits according to His will, for His glory, the building of His Kingdom and Church, the salvation of many,
the edification of His people, the good of our communities and the blessing of many.
VISION 2020 has been an exciting process of discovering God’s Will for the cooperative ministries of the churches in the Association.
In many ways the process has helped us connect to pastors and churches in a fresh way, strengthening relationships and restoring a
vision of churches working together for the Kingdom.
The planning group arrived at five objectives to guide the ministry of the Association. This document outlines those five objectives
plus the goals and action plans developed during the year-long strategic planning process. But there are over-arching concepts that
relate to each of the objectives.
Ministry Teams
We envision a Ministry Team for each of the VISION 2020 objectives. These teams would be formed by volunteers from our churches
who sense a burden for the ministries represented in their objective of choice. The teams would be open to anyone who has an interest
and will take the time to participate in the Team Meetings. Teams will be fluid in that people may join and/or drop off a team at any
Two Team Leaders would be enlisted by the staff of the Association to provide continuity and focus to each team. These leaders would
serve a term of one year.
We would challenge each congregation to examine the goals of VISION 2020 and prayerfully consider how their church should sup-
port the work financially. It is our hope and prayer that every congregation would participate in a “Pledge the Vision” emphasis at one
of the following three levels:
• 9K Challenge: Pledge $9,000 over and above your current Associational giving for the next four years.
• 2K-5K Challenge: Pledge $2,000 to $5,000 over and above your current Associational giving for the next four years.
• All for One Challenge: Pledge to increase your Associational giving by some amount for the next four years.
Additional Staff
The Personnel Committee has already expressed a desire to add one additional Associate Director to the staff when the Association
receipts have increased to the level where another staff position can be supported. This new staff member would serve as a missional
Acts 1:8 catalyst to help accomplish many of the goals of VISION 2020. He would be an Associate Director for Missional Outreach.
He would develop and facilitate our churches intentional mission strategies, community transformation efforts, church planting, As-
sociation mission partnerships and projects, and provide related equipping needs among our churches.
Facilitating Partnerships
As you read through the goals and action plans, you will see that every objective involves some level of partnering or networking
among the churches. The need for churches to work together to accomplish Acts 1:8 is a New Testament value and a Baptist Hallmark.
It is important that churches address all of the elements of Christ’s command, seeking to bring the Gospel to their “Jerusalem” and
also to their “Judea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth.” For VISION 2020 to come to fruition, partnering and networking
must become a part of the ministry paradigm of the churches. Every Ministry Team will have, as an over-arching assignment, the task
of discovering where and how partnerships are needed and can be created. It will be the job of the Association staff to help each team
make this happen and keep them focused on this part of their work together.
We recognize that the continuum between fulfilling the Great Commission and demonstrating the Great Commandment can create a
different comfort level among churches. It is our goal to partner churches based on a common comfort level.
As you read, study and pray over this document, ask God to open the eyes of your heart and help you see the fields around us that are
white unto harvest. Ask him to create in your church a burden for helping to strengthen neighborhoods and for starting new churches.
Ask him to equip your leaders and provide the resources needed to move forward together, reaching out to our communities with the
Gospel of Christ. And ask him where your place is in the VISION 2020 plan.
Vision Statement
We envision a network of healthy Baptist churches partnering together to transform lives and
communities through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ at home, in North America and
around the world.
Biblical Fidelity Gospel Proclamation Partnership Service/Servanthood
Gospel Outreach
Resourcing Churches
Assisting Community Transformation
Church Planting
Equipping Leaders
Action Plans
The Gospel Outreach Ministry Team (see preamble) will be responsible for carrying out the
goals and action plans of this objective.
Goal: By 2020, every church in the Blue River Kansas City Baptist Association will be sharing the Gospel lo-
cally, nationally, and internationally as a result of mission urgency, training, and opportunity.
Action Plans:
1. The Gospel Outreach (GO) ministry team will carry out the action plans for the Gospel Outreach ob-
jective. This team will consist of volunteers from associational churches with a passion for Gospel
Outreach. Two team leaders will be selected annually by the associational staff.
2. By the April 2010 Executive Board Meeting, the GO ministry team will encourage every church to
sign a Covenant of Prayer related to gospel outreach; personally, corporately and associationally.
3. Annually, the GO ministry team will provide consultative customized evangelism training for
churches desiring to grow in Gospel Outreach.
4. Annually, the GO ministry team will assist churches and campus missionaries with Gospel Outreach
to college students.
5. Annually, the GO ministry team will challenge every existing “going church” to intentionally partner
with another church or churches who are not involved in a local, national and international mission
6. By 2010, the GO ministry team will assist regional churches within the association to begin a co-
operative effort through evangelism events and projects for reaching unchurched people within that
7. By 2010, the GO ministry team will identify both a North American people group and an interna-
tional unengaged unreached people.
8. By 2011, the GO ministry team will lead an associational effort for initial engagement of both a
North American people group and an international unengaged unreached people group.
The Resourcing Churches Ministry Team (see preamble) will be responsible for carrying out the
goals and action plans of this objective.
Goal: The association staff and Resourcing Churches Ministry Team will develop Resource
Groups to assist churches in their ministries by June 1, 2010. (e.g. VBS, Youth, S.S., Music,
Action Plans:
Goal: 80% of association churches will partner with at least one other association church by the
Annual Meeting of the Association in October 2012
Action Plans:
1. Define at the 2009 Annual Meeting that a partnership between churches would be an es-
tablished relationship for achieving shared goals in areas such as evangelism, communi-
ty involvement and worship through sharing of resources such as material or personnel.
2. The association staff will contact each church to determine any area they would like to
partner with another church and maintain a list of those churches and areas.
3. The association staff will provide the list of churches willing to partner and in what ar-
eas to the association’s churches, and facilitate the churches getting together to discuss
Goal: The association staff and Resourcing Churches Ministry Team will facilitate sharing ma-
terials among the churches and have a process in place by January 1, 2010.
Action Plans:
1. Discover churches willing to share resources.
• Develop a check list of items a church is willing to share.
• Send request and list to the pastors.
2. Create a database and enter the responses from the churches.
3. Publish the availability of these resources at least twice a year.
4. Add a means on the web site where the churches can register resources they have.
5. Resend the request in step 1 each year.
Goal: The association will develop a database of those persons with special expertise that are
willing to share and assist churches in need of their expertise by January of 2010.
Action Plans:
1. Develop a survey form for association churches information.
2. Place survey form on web site.
3. Solicit names of individuals, companies, organizations, etc. from among association
churches using web site as well as printed forms.
4. Develop a database for association records and enter responses.
5. Develop association form for churches to use to request help.
The Assisting Community Transformation Ministry Team (see preamble) will be responsible for
carrying out the goals and action plans of this objective.
Goal: Increase the educational progress for children within our Association’s borders.
Action Plans:
1. Minister through the Adopt-A-School Program
2. Publicize the work and purpose of the Adopt-a-School program.
3. Encourage local churches to adopt a school in their community.
4. Provide tutors for after-school and summer program sites.
Goal: Build relationships between cooperating churches and partnership ministries to share
Action Plans:
1. Create networks of leaders.
2. Provide ongoing equipping events
3. Connect these churches with groups that can use their facilities for ministry.
4. Locate ministries that are providing innovative programming and encourage cooperat-
ing churches to partner with them.
Goal: Mobilize Baptists to act together to effect change in governmental affairs for causes that
are for the transformation of the community.
Action Plans:
1. Compile e-mail/telephone lists for quick responses to emergency needs.
2. Develop educational forums that encourage civil discussion regarding emerging needs.
3. Develop a team to discuss issues that are unifying and important to cooperating churches.
Action Plans:
1. Create a pool of people with skills who are seeking employment.
2. Compile a list of members in cooperating churches who make employment decisions.,
and ask for a commitment to hire qualified applicants from pool.
3. Provide employment fairs which include workshops.
The Church Planting Ministry Team (see preamble) will be responsible for carrying out the
goals and action plans of this objective.
Goal: The Association will help to catalyze our churches to start 30 new churches in the As-
sociation by 2020.
Action Plans:
1. The Associational Church Planting Ministry Team (see 5 below) will seek to enlist 3 to 5
churches (per church plant) to become support partners in various capacities.
2. The Associational Church Planting Ministry Team will designate associational budget
money for assessment, start-up, and the on-going support of church plants.
3. The Association will create a fund for church planting to which individuals, businesses,
and churches can contribute for the financial support of these church plants.
4. The Associational Church Planting Ministry Team will seek to develop a network of busi-
ness owners who can provide part-time jobs for church planters.
5. Associational staff will create an Associational Church Planting Ministry Team comprised
of appropriate Associational Staff and 2 non-staff volunteers to assist with the task of
identifying, assessing, and coaching church planters.
6. The Associational Church Planting Ministry Team will develop systems for identifying
potential church planters.
7. The Associational Church Planting Ministry Team will designate appropriate entities for
the assessment of potential church planters in addition to the MBC Church Planting As-
8. The Associational Church Planting Ministry Team will develop an on-going coaching and
mentoring structure for the benefit of church planters and potential church planting coaches.
The Equipping Leaders Ministry Team (see preamble) will be responsible for carrying out the
goals and action plans of this objective.
Goal: Assist churches in the Association in assessing leadership training needs that rise from
their existing ministry areas.
Action Plans:
1. Provide personnel to lead in this assessment.
2. Provide leadership training in ministry areas identified.
3. Encourage churches to utilize technology resources for training by highlighting online
resources as well as developing a lending library by 2011.
Goal: By 2011, help churches in the Association develop networks to address leadership needs.
Action Plan:
1. Compile a list of gifted leaders in the following areas: Pastoral, Worship, Education
(Sunday School & Missions), Children, Youth, Senior Adults, Parenting, etc.
2. Form church partnerships to address leadership training by encouraging leaders to come
alongside leaders to equip them to be more effective in targeted ministries.
Goal: Encourage leaders in the Association churches in the area of spiritual development.
Time line is on-going.
Action Plan:
1. Encourage mentoring relationships between ministry staff in our churches (pastor to
pastor, youth to youth etc.)
2. Establish small peer groups throughout the association by regions for dialogue and
prayer to encourage one another as leaders.
3. Association staff provide opportunities that would renew church staff.
© 2009
Blue River-Kansas City Baptist Association
4001 NE Lakewood Way
Lee’s Summit, MO 64064