1948 Constitution of RCG
1948 Constitution of RCG
1948 Constitution of RCG
In order to facilitate the advancement of Gods work, to which the Eternal has graciously and specially called us, and which He has raised up through the ministry and leadership of our pastor Herbert W. Armstrong, and which has been committed to us as co-workers together in the service of Jesus Christ our Lord; in order to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to preach and publish the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to all nations as a witness; to warn our own nation and the Democracies of impending prophesied judgments to fall unless we forsake our increasing sins and return to our God and His revealed righteous ways of living; in order to train, educate and prepare candidates or students for active service in the ministry; in order to protect and preserve this work of the Eternal, its divinelyordained mission, and its physical assets and property, We, therefore, band ourselves together as an association of called, baptized and consecrated believers in Jesus Christ and His Gospel, and adopt for our plan of operation and government in the service of God the following covenant, constitution, and by-laws. This instrument having been ratified and accepted after prayer, due deliberation, and full compliance with the previous rules and regulations of this Association, shall become effective as of this date, and we hereby revoke all previous action contrary thereto. COVENANT Having, as we believe, been called of God to become His children and heirs, and co-heirs and coworkers with Jesus Christ in His ministry, by divine authority of Jesus Christ the Son of the Creator God; and further, as we believe, and as attested by the "fruits" borne manifesting the direction, energizing and approval of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, our Pastor and executive Director, Herbert W. Armstrong, having been called through the will of God to this special ministry for this time in the service of Jesus Christ our Lord, we do now in the presence of Almighty God and this assembly most solemnly enter into COVENANT with Almighty God our heavenly Father, and with one another, in the name of Jesus Christ: 1) to walk together in Christian love; to remain at all times loyal to this Church as scripturally constituted by this instrument; to do our individual utmost, in the Spirit of Christ, to preserver harmony and effective co-operation among ourselves in carrying forward our divinely-appointed mission; to abide faithfully by the scriptural rules and regulations herein set forth as the practice of this body, and to defend this institution as the active ministry of the true Church of God by our acts, our prayers, our expressions in words, especially when in the presence of others; 2) to do, each one, his or her part, so far as lies within our ability, toward the divine Commission give this Church by its Head and Leader, Jesus Christ, by continuous earnest prayer, by paying faithfully Gods tithe and giving offerings generously as God prospers, and by whatever personal effort or activity which we may be fitted and called upon to perform;
3) to walk circumspectly in the world, to be subject to the laws and government of our nation, to pray for the president and leaders of national government, to be careful to give a good account of ourselves at all times before the world in order that we may win, so far as within us lies as Christians the respect and approbation of the world, to avoid the appearance of evil or placing a stumbling-block before others, to practice the Great Command "Thou shalt lave thy neighbor as thyself" with charity toward all and malice toward none; following the example of Jesus Christ by the faith and in the power of His Spirit. ***** CONSTITUTION ARTICLEI NAME This association, a corporation, shall be known as RADIO CHURCH OF GOD. ARTICLE II OBJECT The object and purpose of this Association shall be to carry out the active ministry, according to the call and commission of Jesus Christ, of the true CHURCH OF GOD and its various local Churches of God with which it is associated and from which it has come into being; which scriptural call and commission is: 1) to preach and to publish the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the New Testament MESSAGE which God sent by and was preached by Jesus Christ our Lord --- the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, in all the world as a witness unto all nations in fulfillment of the prophecy for this time of Matthew 24:14; 2) to effectively warn the people of the United States, the British Commonwealth of Nations, and the Democracies of Northwestern Europe whom we understand to be the descendants of the House of Israel, of the divine judgments from Almighty God prophesied soon to fall on our peoples in punishment unless we repent of and turn from our increasing sins and violations of Gods laws, and return to national and individual total reliance upon the God of our fathers; 3) to be used of God in the conversion of souls; 4) to minister to those whom God adds to His Church, feeding the flock with the pure Word of God by personal contact and by literature; 5) to establish, raise up, and maintain according to the New Testament pattern local churches composed of those whom God gives us; 6) to establish and conduct one or more educational institutions or other instruments to educate and train students for active duty in this ministry of world-wide evangelism, organization and conduct of local churches; 7) to minister to the material need of Gods people, by healing of the sick through prayer and faith in Gods promises of healing, and whatever other physical or material ministry we may be equipped to give. A R T I C L E III MEMBERSHIP
Section 1. Those who are recognized members of all local churches affiliated with this Association, together with those active co-workers in this ministry, whether by tithes and offerings only, or by this and personal active full or part-time service, who have been baptized into Jesus Christ and show evidence by the fruits of their lives of having received and being now led by the Holy Spirit of God and who keep the Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ, and who acknowledge this as their sole and only church affiliation shall be considered as members of the RADIO CHURCH OF GOD. Section 2. Reception of Members: No person can "join" the Radio Church of God or any of its affiliated local Churches of God, in the usual sense of the word. We conceive, as revealed by Holy Scripture, that God adds to the Church such as are being saved, and it is by His Spirit being received on Conversion that one is baptized or inducted in the true Body of Christ. Any person qualifying according to Section 1 first above, in whom we perceive the grace of God as manifested by the "fruits" borne in his or her life, shall, if located near or visiting one of the local churches, be given the right hand in fellowship in public meeting by the local membership; or, where not accessible to a local congregation in our fellowship, such members, considered as already having been added to the Body of Christ, the true Church of God, by the Holy Spirit, shall be if and when possible extended the right hand of fellowship by any authorized minister or representative of this Body. Isolated members, however, may be considered and recognized as members of the RADIO CHURCH OF GOD without; or pending being extended the right hand of fellowship in this personal manner. Section 3. Dismissal of Members: Since we are warned in the New Testament that even of our own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things to cause division and draw away disciples after them; that "wolves" in "sheeps clothing" making an appearance and pretense of being true disciples or ministers will enter in among Gods true Christians for greedy purpose; and since we are commanded to mark them that cause divisions and offenses contrary to the teaching of the Bible, and to avoid them; and since Jesus specifically taught that unprofitable servants shall be cast out of the Kingdom of God; and since the Scriptures instruct Christians in the procedure for disfellowshipping such; therefore it shall be the duty of every member of the Radio Church of God to follow this scriptural instruction, by first going to the guilty one and then if necessary telling it to the Church (Mat. 18); and the one guilty of fomenting strife or division, or of continuing in the breaking of any of the Commandments of God, or persisting in a spirit of opposition, competition, dissension or disloyalty to this Church, its mission and work, or any of its institutions, shall upon approval of the pastor and two thirds of the members present at any meeting be excluded from membership and disfellowshipped by the congregation, provided, however, that two weeks notice of said meeting shall have been given the one in question and the congregation in advance, and the one involved shall have had the opportunity to appear in his or her own behalf, and provided that the scriptural steps pointed out in Matthew 5 and 18 shall have been followed in a sincere attempt to reconcile the offending member. In the case of a member-at-large, distant from and inaccessible to a local church, an offending member may be excluded by the general Pastor of this church upon approval of a majority of the directors, but only after a full and fair review of all the facts and evidence, the offending member having had opportunity to present his or her case in writing to the entire board, and after prayer. ARTICLEIV DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, AND DUTIES THEREOF Section 1. Board of Directors: The corporation shall be controlled by a Board of Directors, which shall consist of seven in number, who shall also be Trustees. All directors, except the Pastor, shall be appointed for a term of one year. The Board of Directors shall consist of A) the Pastor, who shall hold office perpetually by virtue of having been called by divine authority of Jesus Christ as evidenced by founding, development and growth of this work, the salvation of souls, the raising up of local churches of those converted by and through his ministry, the effective proclaiming of the true Gospel to the entire nation by word of mouth, by radio, and by printed word, which achievements could only be accomplished by the divine direction and the power of God working effectually in and through the one specially called for this mission.
B) Two elders, two deacons, and two from the Church at large who may, or may not, be elders or deacons. Section 2. Executive Officers and Duties: A) The President of the corporation, who shall be a member of the Board of Directors, who also is Pastor of this Church. He shall be the Chairman of the Board of Directors. He shall,. by virtue of his office of divine calling and direction, have power and authority to appoint all other Directors and administrative officers, after counsel with the other directors and prayer. B) A Vice-President, who duties shall be to act as president in the absence of the President. C) Secretary-Treasurer, who shall keep all minutes of Board meetings and Church meetings, and records of the organization, and shall account for and be responsible for all monies received. Section 3. Duties of the Pastor : It shall be the duties of the Pastor to preach over radio, and when feasible, by television; to write booklets and literature; to Edit The Plain Truth magazine; to preach before public audiences; to preach when possible before our local congregations; to pray for the sick; to ordain elders and deacons; to teach or supervise the teaching of the Bible and course of Religion at the College training perspective ministers and workers for the mission to which we have been called; to have general oversight and supervision of the Church and its work. Section 4. Administrative Officers: The President of the corporation shall be the Executive Director over the active administration of the work of evangelism; and in the conduct of the business affairs of this active evangelistic ministry, there shall be employed, responsible to him, such administrative, executive, secretarial and other help as the conduct of the purposes of the this Association may require, including, as at present organized: (1) A Business Manager, whose duties are to manage and supervise all routine and ordinary business administration, including the employment and direction of secretaries, file clerks and other office employees; the purchase of supplies; the payment of accounts, supervision over auditing and keeping of books and records and reports, and other administrative departments. The Business Manager shall be directly responsible to , and under the direction of and in close cooperation with the President, with whose knowledge and consent all important or out-of-the-ordinary decisions or policies shall be made. (2) An Office Manager, under the direction of the Business Manager, who shall supervise the routine of the general office, maintaining and checking the mailing list and addressing machine system, mimeographing, mailing of requested literature, booklets, The Plain Truth magazine, etc. etc. (3) An Auditor, in supervision of auditing and bookkeeping department, who shall audit all financial records for The RADIO CHURCH OF GOD and its auxiliary organizations or institutions at least once each year, and report to the President, the Secretary-Treasury, and the Board of Directors, their true financial condition. He shall have access to all records of monies received and of expenditures and amounts payable at all times. He shall act also as advisor and counselor in the financial affairs of the Church. (4) An Executive Secretary, serving as personal secretary to the President. (5) A Financial Secretary, who shall be manager of the mail opening department, and, in supervision over trusted, trained, and qualified secretaries, shall be responsible for the opening of mail, receiving of all monies, and turning over of these monies promptly over to the executive secretary or auditor or whomsoever the The Business Manager shall direct for entering in records and banking. It shall be the further duty of the Financial Secretarys office to carefully read all incoming mail, channeling each piece into the proper department or office for attention and reply; marking carefully what special literature is requested or, in judgment of secretary, would be helpful. (6) Manger of Printing Department, in supervision over printing booklets, bulletins, letters, letter-heads, envelopes and other literature.
(7) Manger Recording Department, who shall be in charge of radio studio control room and whose duties are to make all recordings of radio programs by electrical transcription for broadcast, packaging and airexpressing same to various radio stations; keeping careful records of all transcribed programs sent to each station; and maintenance continually in best condition of all radio and recording equipment. (8) Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, who shall be directly responsible to Business Manager who in turn is responsible to the President of the College for maintenance and repair of buildings, new construction supervision, supervision over all janitor work; also for supervision and maintenance of all grounds, lawns, trees, shrubs, hedge, etc., and any new installation thereof or landscaping. No new building construction or landscape installation may be contracted for, however, or undertaken, unless ordered by Business Manager with consent of the President of the College and approval of the Board of Directors. ARTICLEV COMMITTEES Section 1. The Pastor shall have power and authority to appoint and dissolve any and all committees which may be necessary in carrying out the mission and purpose of this Church. A R T I C L E VI MEETINGS Section 1. The annual business meeting shall be held each year during the Festival of Tabernacles, attendance at which is regarded as divinely compulsory by the members of this Church, on or about the 20th day following the new moon nearest the fall equinox, September 21st. At this meeting the Pastor shall appoint or re-appoint the Directors of the following year. The President and Pastor shall make a report before the membership assembled on the progress of the work during the year just past, and make recommendations for plans and the program for the coming year or years. The SecretaryTreasurer shall make report of the financial condition of the Corporation. Section 2. Special Meetings: The President and Pastor has power and authority to call a special meeting whenever the need for such meeting may arise. A R T I C L E VII AMBASSADOR COLLEGE Section 1. Supervision and Control: For the present Ambassador College shall remain under ownership of the Radio Church of God, but the college shall, prior to graduating the first senior class, be separately incorporated as an educational corporation under the laws of the state of California in order to make legally possible the conferring of degrees upon graduating students; and when it shall thus be separately incorporated the Constitution and By-Laws of the College shall provide explicitly that no person may ever become a Director on its governing Board unless a member of this Church. The College shall be under the overall direction and supervision of the Board of Directors, who shall have sole authority to set all policies, objectives, goals, etc., and shall make final decision as to acquirement of additional grounds and buildings or new building construction; and over-all supervision of finances, budgets, etc. Section 2. Basic Policy! It shall be permanent an unalterable basic policy which shall be firmly incorporated in the Constitution and By-Laws of the College when separately incorporated, that Ambassador College shall perpetually remain a Christian institution base upon and teaching Fundamental Bible doctrine, including the literal and special creation of this earth and all upon it by Almighty God the Creator; and no course shall ever be taught in opposition or contrary thereto; and no teacher shall ever be employed who teaches contrary thereto, or who supports or teaches Communism, or who is a member of the Communist Party or a sympathetic adherer to its doctrines; and it shall be stated in all contracts for the employment of teachers, faculty members, or executive officers of the
college that evidence proving violation of these provisions shall constitute immediate dismissal and cancellation of the contract. Section 3. Administrative Officers: The President of this corporation shall, as Chairman of its Board of Directors, be Chairman of Ambassador College. Under the over-all direction of the Board of Directors, the College shall be administered by: A) The President of the College, who, responsible to the Chairman and Board of Directors, shall be in charge of administration of the college, the hiring or dismissal, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, of all professors and other employees; the ordering of supplies and making of other expenditures within the budget appropriated by the Board of Directors. He shall make a report at least once each semester to the Board on the state of College. He shall make recommendation at least once a year of plans, policies, and budget required for the ensuing year. Within, and in conformity to the general policies and objectives set by the Board of Directors, he shall have a free hand in general administration, arrangement of curriculum, supervision over faculty and student body and conduct of the College. B) Dean of Instruction, who, directly responsible to the President of the College, shall be in supervision over department heads, teaching staff, and student body, and, in conjunction with the President, over the Registrar and Director of Research. C) Dean of Men, responsible to the President, and in supervision over men students. D) Dean of Women, directly responsible to the President, and in supervision over Director of Dormitory and women students. E) Registrar, responsible directly to Dean of Instruction, jointly with responsibility to the President. F) Librarian, responsible directly to the President, who shall supervise purchase of books for library, and co-operate with teaching staff and students direct. G) Department Heads, each of which shall supervise the teaching staff in his department and outline the course of study in his department, under direct supervision of the Dean of Instruction, and of the President of the College. H) Directory of Research, responsible directly to the President, cooperating actively with the Dean of Instruction, and the teaching staff. I) Business Manager, who, directly responsible to the President of the College, shall manage and supervise all routine and ordinary business administration, including employment and direction of secretaries and other employees in the business office; the purchase of supplies; the payment of all accounts and supervision over auditing and keeping of books and records. J) Health Director, directly responsible to the President. K) Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, directly responsible to the Business Manager, who shall direct his duties in general under direction of President of the College. Duties outlined in detail in (8) Sec. 4, Art. IV above. L) Chief Account, or Auditor, under direct supervision of Business Manager, whose duties respecting College accounts shall be same as outlined in (3) of Sec. 4, Art. IV above. M) Director of Placement, directly responsible to Dean of Instruction. N) Director of Dormitory, responsible to Dean of Women. O) Executive Secretary, responsible jointly to President and Chairman.
P) Financial Secretary, responsible to Business Manager, who duties are outlined in (5) of Sec. 4, Art. IV. above. Q)Manager Printing Department, responsible to Business Manager and to President of the College. R) Manager Radio Studio and control room, directly responsible to Business Manager and the Chairman, for upkeep, repair, and operation of radio recording facilities. Section 4. Advisory Committee: The chairman of the College shall appoint five men of know reputation and standing, not connected with this college, to act in an advisory capacity together with the Chairman and President of the College, of which five men at least one shall be an educator, one a banker, and one a lawyer. The purpose of this Committee shall not be the use of influential names to add prestige to the College, and their names shall never be used in any manner not approved by these advisors, but the purpose shall be purely and simply to secure the benefit of their seasoned an experienced advice and wisdom to assist the President and the Chairman and the Board of this institution in making wise decisions in the conduct and expansion of this College. A R T I C L E VIII ORGANIZATION OF LOCAL CHURCHES Section 1. Appointment of officers: In the raising up and organizing of local churches by and through this active ministry, the officers shall consist of all or as large a part of the following as permitted by the size of the body and qualified persons available: a pastor; elders, of whom the pastor shall be presiding elder; and deacons. The New Testament pattern shall in all cases be followed, by which the minister of evangelist used of God in raising up and organizing the local congregation shall, after fasting and prayer, appoint and ordain the local pastor, elders, and deacons. In no case shall there be worldly politics, or voting, or selection of these officers by the members themselves. In the absence of a credentialed minister or evangelist in the raising up and organizing of a local church, such appointments and ordination shall be made by the general Pastor of this Church. The local pastor or elder shall, in every case, appoint all Sabbath or Bible-school officers and teachers, and other helpers subject to approval by the credential organizing minister or the general Pastor of this Church. The general plan of organization of each church, or of its incorporation if and when incorporated, shall follow that of the parent local Church of God at Eugene, Oregon. A R T I C L E IX ORDINATION OF MINISTERS Section 1. How Ordained: The Pastor of this Church, or any credentialed minister or evangelist of this Church shall have the authority to appoint and ordain ministers of the Gospel, which shall be done only after fasting and prayer, and by laying on of hands, according to Titus 1:5 and Acts 14:23; and he may so ordain only those qualified according to scriptural qualifications laid down in I Tim. 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. Ability spiritually to carry out the commission of James 5:14-15 shall be a required qualification for all elders or ministers. He must be a qualified student of the Bible, possessing good and broad understanding, apt to teach, able to answer the gainsayers in diplomatic, spiritual, and convincing manner, possessing qualities of leadership. It is understood by this Church that "Bishops" are merely local elders, and "over-seers" are also "bishops", having oversight over spiritual and financial affairs of the local church (Acts 20:17,28; I Peter 5:2). Deacons shall be appointed under same conditions as specified above, according to the qualifications in I Tim. 3:18-13. A woman may not be a pastor, minister, elder or deacon. Section 2. Granting License to Preach: License to preach may be granted by this Church, upon recommendation of the Pastor and unanimous approval of the Directors, whose names must be signed to such document, to any qualified elder who has served within this Church or one of its local churches not less than one year, of continuous preaching, and who has demonstrated his ability and worthiness. License may not be issued to a woman.
Section 3. Granting of Credentials: Credentials, conferring authority for every duty of a minister of the Gospel, may be granted by this Church, upon recommendation of the Pastor and unanimous approval of the Directors, all of whose names must be signed to such document, to any fully-qualified minister or evangelist who has served actively and continuously as a licensed minister at least one year, and who has demonstrated his ability and qualifications by having been used of God in the conversion of a goodly number of souls, and also by having raised up no less than one fully-organized church, or two Sabbathschools of a minimum of twelve members each in regular attendance, and composed mainly of disciples brought in through his efforts. Credentials shall not be issued to a woman. ARTICLEX DOCTRINE, AND BASIS FOR FELLOWSHIP Section 1. Basic Doctrine: The Doctrine of this Church shall be that of a plain and literal understanding of the Holy Bible, believing it means exactly what it says; ---- of the Bible alone, and not as interpreted by any other book or person, but it is a point of basic doctrine in this Church that we understand the Bible to reveal a divine Creator, the Almighty God, a divine Saviour, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who came in the human flesh, proclaimed the Gospel of the coming world-ruling Kingdom of God, which it is obligatory for all Christians to believe; who died to pay the penalty of our sins in our stead; who was raised from the dead after three days and three nights in the grave by God the Father; who ascended to the right hand of the Father in heaven; who is soon coming again literally and in Person to this earth to set up the Kingdom of God, and as King of kings, Lord of lords, to rule all nations by this world-ruling Kingdom for one thousand years; we believe in the Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ our Lord. Section 2. Belief on Bearing Arms: It is the conviction and firm belief of this Church and its membership that Christian disciples of Christ are forbidden by Him and the Commandments of God to kill, or in any manner directly or indirectly to take human life, by whatsoever means; and we believe that bearing arms is directly contrary to this fundamental doctrine of our belief; and we therefore conscientiously refuse to bear arms or to come under military authority. Section 3. Basis for Fellowship: The basis for fellowship in this Church or any of its local congregations shall be LOVE alone, plus the adherence to and belief in the general basic doctrines stated section 1 above, and the requirement of repentance from sin ( the transgression of Gods law), and the acceptance of Jesus Christ as personal Saviour, and the receiving of the Holy Spirit of God evidenced by the fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5) in the members life. ARTICLE XI AMENDMENTS Section 1. These articles may be amended at any unusual or special business meeting called for that purpose, upon recommendation of the changes by the President and Pastor with the approval of a majority of the members present. **** This CONSTITUTION has been recommended by the Pastor, and approved by the majority of the members present at this annual meeting, this 24th day of October, 1948. (SIGNED) HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG ----------------------------------------------------Pastor, and President of corporation
(SIGNED) LOMA D. ARMSTRONG ----------------------------------------------------Vice President (SIGNED) ESTHER OLSON ----------------------------------------------------Secy.-Treas. (SIGNED) BASIL WOLVERTON -----------------------------------------------------Elder and Director (SIGNED) D.T. HENION ------------------------------------------------------Deacon and Director (SIGNED) JAMES A. GOTT ------------------------------------------------------Deacon and Director