Project 1
Project 1
Project 1
1. Underwriting, in board sense, means transaction of insurance. Hence, insurers are commonly referred to as underwriters. 2. However, underwriting, in a technical sense, comprises the following:
Assessment of hazard and evaluation of risk. Formulation of policy coverage s and terms and conditions. Fixing of rates of premium. Determination of limits of retention for insurer s own account and arranging reinsurance for the balance
3. The ultimate objectives of underwriting are to earn a reasonable profit on insurance operations. This is sought to be achieved through a large volume of premium, spread over different classes of insurance e.g., fire, marine, miscellaneous etc. and different geographical areas. In insurance languages this is called balanced portfolio. This facilities the application of the law of average or the theory of large numbers. 4. Profit is also ensured through proper selection of business through risk assessment including risk inspection, wherever necessary. 5. This traditional approach to underwriting has acquired new dimensions through IRDA intervention. These dimensions are reflected in the file and use guidelines for insurance products issued under section 14(2) (i) of IRDA Act, 1999. 6. No general insurance product may be sold to any person unless the requirements of the guidelines are complied with respect of that product.
7. Filing of products will be accepted by IRDA only after the insurer has filed the underwriting policy as approved by the Board of Directors of the insurer. The underwriting policy placed before the board shall cover important aspects such as: A) The underwriting approach of the company in the matter of expectation of underwriting profit. B) The margins that will be built into the rates of premium to cover acquisition costs, promotional expenses, expenses of management, catastrophe reserve and profit margin
and the credit that will be taken for investment income in the design of rates, terms and conditions of cover, and how they will be modified based on the actual operating ratios of the insurer. C) The list of products that will fall into each of the sub-categories, as provided in the guidelines. For this purpose, the Products are classified into two broad classifications, namely class rated products and individually rated products. These are further classified into the following 5 sub categories.
a) Class Rated Products Internal Tariff Rated Products: These are standard products that can be sold by any of the officers of the insurer with the rates, terms and conditions of cover, including choice of deductible where applicable, as set out in an internal guide tariff of the insurers. Examples are: Fire insurance with certain sum insured or category of risk limitations, motor insurance (other than fleets), Personal Accident Insurance (other than groups), health insurance (other than groups), burglary insurance, fidelity insurance and so on.
Packaged or Customized Products: these are products specially designed for an individual client or class of clients, in terms of scope of cover, basis of insurance, deductibles, rates and terms and conditions of cover etc. b) Individually rated products Individual experience rated products: These are products where the rates, terms and conditions of cover are determined by reference to the requirements of and the actual claims experience of the insured concerned. These will typically be insurances with a high frequency but low intensity of loss occurrence. Examples are: Cargo insurance, Group P.A or health, Motor fleets, Hull insurance and so on.
Exposure rated products: These are products where the rates, terms and conditions of cover are determined by an evaluation of the exposure to loss in respect of the risk concerned, independent of the actual claims experience of that risk. Examples are: Earthquake risk, public liability insurance for high hazard occupancies and so on. Insurance of large risks: For the purpose of these guidelines, large risks are: y Insurances for total sum insured of Rs.2500 crores or more at one location for property insurance, material damage and business interruption combined; y RS 100 crores or more per event for liability insurances.
These are typically insurances that are designed for individual large clients and where the rates, terms, terms and conditions of cover may be determined by reference to the international markets D) The delegation of authority to various levels of management for quoting rates and terms and for underwriting. In particular, the board should appoint the Appointed Actuary or Financial Adviser or the Chief Financial Officer or any other top management executive who does not have any responsibility for business development to act as the moderator of rates and terms that are quoted on individually rated risk. E) The role and extent of involvement of the appointed actuary in review of statistics to determine rates, terms and conditions of cover in respect of internal tariff rated risks and products designed for a class of clients; F) The internal audit machinery that will be put in place for ensuring quality in underwriting and compliance with the corporate underwriting policy. G) The procedure for reporting to the board on the performance of the management in underwriting the business including the forms and frequency of such reports.
FILING OF PRODUCTS 8. IRDA;s file and use guidelines stipulate the following requirements for filing products for approval. a. Design and rating of products must always be on sound and prudent underwriting basis. The e contingencies insured under the product should clear and provide transparent cover which is of value to the insured. b. All literature relating to the product should be in simple language and easily understandable to the public at large. As far as possible, a similar sequence of presentation may be followed .all technical terms should be clarified in simple language for the benefit of insured. c. The insurance product should comply with all the requirements of the protection of policy holders; interest s regulations, 2002. d. The pricing of products should be based on data and with technical justification (e.g. adequate statistical information on the claims experience). e. The terms and conditions of cover shall be fair between the insurer and the insured .for example, the conditions and warrantees should be reasonable and capable of compliance. the exclusions should not limit cover to an extent that the value of insurance is lost. the cover provided should be of value to the policy holder and should offer needed protection. The policy holder should e does not be forced to buy covers that he does not need as a pre condition of being granted cover that he needs. f. The time allowed for reporting of claims should be reasonable. The policy bearer should not be required to do things that are onerous after a claim to maintain his eligibility for
protection nor should the policy hold be prevented from resuming his business expeditiously by the claims process.
Role Of Actuary
9. The appointed actuary, in consultation with the underwriters of the insurer, shall determine the requirements for compilation and analysis of data of sums insured, premiums and claims at the stage of product design itself and ensures that such data is captured at the stage of effecting insurance, on claims intimation and on all claims payments. 10. Analysis of data referred to in previous Para above should enable reviews of rates, loadings and discounts for every rating factor used in the determination of premium rates. While filing the product a certificate by the Approval Actuary should accompany every product stating the rating factors for which data will be captured and that adequate capacities and capabilities have been put in place for collection and analysis of such data.
Documents To Be Filed
11. The documents to be filed in respect of every nee product or reision of an existing product in respect of products classified as class rated products above shall be among others 1. Statement filing particulars of the product in form A; 2. Copies of prospectus and other sales literature relating to the product; 3. Copy of proposal form; 4. Copy of policy form and copies of the standard endorsements to be used with the policy; one should look for simple easy to understand language. The conditions applicable to the policy holder should be clearly set out and he should be told of the claims registration and qualification procedures. There should also be information on the disputes resolution procedures. And 5. Copy of the underwriter s manual in respect of the product along with the list of declined risks, if any. 12. Particulars in form A relate to, among other things, the following Full details of the product Coverage, exclusions, special features, if any Delegated authority for underwriting and claims Rates and terms basis of rating, etc. Certificate by principal officer or designated officer Certificate by appointed actuary Certificate by Lawyer
13. Every insurer shall constitute a technical audit department that will be charged with the responsibility to ensure that all underwriting is done in compliance with these guidelines. Such audit should be done at least once every quarter during the year 2007. The reports of the technical Audit shall be placed before the board of directors.
Compliance Officer
14. Each insurer shall appoint a senior official as compliance officer to ensure compliance with the requirements of the guidelines by the insurer. The compliance officer shall not be an officer who is also holding responsibility for underwriting. 15. The compliance officer shall be responsible, inter alia, to monitor the business activities of the insurer and ensure that all products being sold by insurer are in compliance with the underwriting policy as approved by the board and also with these guidelines;
16. Where a risk is co-insured, the primary responsibility to comply with these guidelines will rest with the leading co-insurer. However, all other co-insurers will remain responsible to satisfy themselves by enquiry that the guidelines have been complied with.
17. At the operating level, underwriting process involves assessment of physical and moral hazards. 18. The term hazard in insurance language refers to those conditions or features or characteristics which create or increase the chance off loss arising from a given peril. A through knowledge of various hazards to which property and persons are exposed is most essential for successful underwriting. 19. Hazards can be classified into physical and moral .physical hazards refers to the risk arising from material features of the subject matter of insurance, whereas moral hazard may arise from human weakness ( e.g. Dishonesty, carelessness, etc.) or from general economic and social conditions .
Physical Hazard
20. Physical hazard can be assessed from their information given in a proposal form. It can be better ascertained by a survey or inspection of the risk. The following are some examples of physical hazard in various classes of insurance.
(a) Construction: Construction refers to the building materials used in walls and roof. A concrete building is superior to a timber building. (b) The height: The greater the number of storeys, the