MAY 2022 Mexican Edition, Volume 1, No. 5: Articles
MAY 2022 Mexican Edition, Volume 1, No. 5: Articles
MAY 2022 Mexican Edition, Volume 1, No. 5: Articles
The articles in this journal appeared originally in English in the April 2022 issue of the
periodical NeoReviews published by the American Academy of Pediatrics (“AAP”) and are
hereby republished by Intersistemas, S.A. de C.V. The AAP and Intersistemas, S.A. de C.V.
assume no responsibility for any inaccuracy or error in the contents of these articles.
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advertisements or other material which is commercial in nature in this journal.
Reprinted by Intersistemas, S.A. de C.V. only for Mexico with permission of the American
Academy of Pediatrics.
Updated treatment guidelines for neonatal resuscitation need to be
applied to clinical practice.
Treatment Recommendations updated in 2020 and the Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation, 8th edition, was
CPAP continuous positive airway released in June 2021. The updated guidelines have not changed the basic
approach to neonatal resuscitation, which emphasizes the importance of
ETT endotracheal tube
HR heart rate anticipation, preparation, teamwork, and effective ventilation. Several practices
ILCOR International Liaison Committee have changed, including the prebirth questions, initial steps, use of electronic
on Resuscitation
cardiac monitors, the initial dose of epinephrine, the flush volume after
PPV positive pressure ventilation
RQI Resuscitation Quality intravascular epinephrine, and the duration of resuscitation with an absent heart
2 NeoReviews
Antenatal counseling.
Team briefing.
Equipment check.
1 minute
Yes Yes
HR < 100 bpm?
2 min 65%-70%
ETT or laryngeal mask.
Chest compressions. 3 min 70%-75%
Coordinate with PPV-100% oxygen.
4 min 75%-80%
5 min 80%-85%
HR < 60 bpm?
10 min 85%-95%
Initial oxygen concentration for PPV
IV epinephrine every 3-5 minutes.
If HR remains < 60 bpm, ≥35 weeks’ GA 21% oxygen
• Consider hypovolemia.
• Consider pneumothorax. < 35 weeks’ GA 21%-30% oxygen
Figure 1. Neonatal Resuscitation ProgramV R 8th edition algorithm. CPAP=continuous positive airway pressure, ETT=endotracheal tube, GA=gestational
age, HR=heart rate, PPV=positive pressure ventilation, UVC=umbilical venous catheter. (Reprinted with permission from Weiner GM, Zaichkin J. Textbook
of Neonatal Resuscitation. 8th ed. Itasca, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2021.)
Adapted from Weiner GM, Zaichkin J. Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation. 8th ed. Itasca, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2021. (5)
4 NeoReviews
Table 2. Neonatal Resuscitation Program, 8th edition, Practice Changes
Practice Change NRP 7th Edition NRP 8th Edition
Umbilical cord management added to 1. Gestational age? 1. Gestational age?
prebirth questions 2. Amniotic fluid clear? 2. Amniotic fluid clear?
3. How many infants? 3. Additional risk factors?
4. Additional risk factors? 4. Umbilical cord management plan?
Initial steps reordered Warm, position airway, clear secretions if Warm, dry, stimulate, position airway,
needed, dry, stimulate suction if needed
Earlier use of electronic cardiac monitor When chest compressions start When an alternative airway is needed
Simplified initial dose of epinephrine IV/IO dose range 0.01–0.03 mg/kg Suggested initial dose:
ET dose range 0.05–0.1 mg/kg IV/IO = 0.02 mg/kg
ET = 0.1 mg/kg
(while establishing vascular access)
Increased flush volume for intravascular Flush IV/IO dose with 0.5–1 mL normal Flush IV/IO dose with 3 mL normal saline
epinephrine saline
Expanded timeframe for cessation of Reasonable to stop after 10 minutes of If appropriate steps have been performed,
resuscitative efforts with confirmed resuscitation; however, decision should consider cessation around 20 minutes
absence of heart rate be individualized after birth; however, decision should be
individualized based on patient and
contextual factors
of less than 28 0/7 weeks’ gestation because of a poten- the newborn remains apneic and PPV is anticipated, gentle
tially increased risk of severe intraventricular hemorrhage. suction of the mouth and nose is recommended, followed by
(9) In vigorous term and late preterm newborns, low to initiation of PPV.
very low certainty evidence suggests that deferring cord Research published since release of the NRP 7th edition
clamping for at least 30 seconds improves hematologic textbook has provided additional evidence supporting the rec-
measures after birth and, although uncertain, deferring ommendation against routine immediate laryngoscopy, with
clamping for at least 60 seconds may improve early child- or without tracheal suction, for nonvigorous newborns with
hood neurodevelopmental outcomes. (4) meconium-stained amniotic fluid. The current ILCOR and
AHA recommendations are based on a meta-analysis of 4
Initial Steps small, randomized trials that showed no benefit in the pre-
Although there is no research comparing the order of the vention of meconium aspiration syndrome or improvement
initial steps, these steps have been reordered to better in survival to hospital discharge from routine laryngoscopy
reflect common practice. Some of the steps may be com- and tracheal suction. (2)(4)(5)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19) The certainty
pleted simultaneously. As described in the NRP 8th edi- of evidence in this meta-analysis was rated as low or very
tion textbook, the initial steps are warm, dry, stimulate, low largely because the study personnel could not be blinded
position the airway, and gently suction the mouth and to the intervention, and the total number of subjects enrolled
nose if needed. Immediately after birth, the initial steps of in the 4 trials (n=571) was below the calculated optimal infor-
newborn care focus on preventing hypothermia by warm- mation size. All 4 randomized trials were completed in
ing and drying the newborn. Preventing hypothermia is India. There has not yet been a randomized trial examining
particularly important for preterm newborns. (10)(11) The this question in a high-resource setting. Four cohort studies
updated scientific review has confirmed the importance of have examined the incidence of meconium aspiration syn-
using a combination of interventions, such as radiant drome before and after the NRP 7th edition practice change.
warmers, plastic wraps, hats, and thermal mattresses, to (20)(21)(22)(23) Although 1 study found an increase in over-
prevent hypothermia in newborns of less than 32 weeks’ all admissions to the NICU for respiratory distress during
gestation. (2) When using a combination of interventions, the epoch following the practice change, no study found an
the newborn’s temperature must be monitored to prevent increase in the incidence of meconium aspiration syndrome.
unintended hyperthermia. Ongoing research is evaluating
the efficacy of various types of tactile stimulation to support Electronic Cardiac Monitor
initiation of spontaneous respiratory effort. (12)(13)(14) The In the NRP 8th edition, use of a basic electronic cardiac
updated consensus supports the previous guidelines, which monitor is recommended earlier during resuscitation than
recommended using gentle tactile stimulation and ensuring in the NRP 7th edition. Earlier use of a cardiac monitor is
an open airway. If the airway is obstructed by secretions, or if advised because HR is the primary indicator of response
6 NeoReviews
to discontinue resuscitative efforts should be individual- lessons 5 through 11, including intubation, chest compres-
ized based on patient and contextual factors, including sions, emergency medication administration, resuscitation of
gestational age, presence of congenital anomalies, the tim- preterm infants and those with abdominal wall and neural
ing of the perinatal event leading to birth depression, the tube defects, management of a pneumothorax or pleural effu-
family’s preferences and values, and the availability of sion, postresuscitation care, and end-of-life care. If learners
postresuscitation intensive care resources. (4) will only initiate unanticipated resuscitation with PPV and will
not participate in advanced resuscitation because a fully
TEXTBOOK ENHANCEMENTS trained team is immediately available to take over, they may
In addition to clinical practice changes, the Textbook of Neo- be assigned the NRP essentials course. If clinicians may par-
natal Resuscitation, 8th edition, includes several enhance- ticipate in resuscitations that require skills beyond PPV, they
ments to improve learning. Many lessons include Quick need to complete the NRP advanced course. Although 2 lev-
Response codes that can be scanned with a mobile device els are offered, hospitals may require all clinicians who par-
and lead the learner directly to short videos demonstrating ticipate in resuscitations to complete the NRP advanced
key skills. Additional material has been added to the Special course.
Considerations lesson describing the resuscitation and stabi- The NRP 8th edition also introduces the option to use
Resuscitation Quality Improvement (RQIV) for NRP. Sev-
lization of newborns with a myelomeningocele or an abdom-
inal wall defect. The NRP 8th edition textbook has new eral educational best practices are incorporated into this
supplemental lessons that include information about improv- option for delivering the NRP essentials course, including
ing team performance by considering human factors, ergo- mastery learning and distributed practice. (41) This is an
nomics, and resuscitation outside the delivery room. Because alternative to the traditional instructor-led course in hospi-
learning how to do something well does not always translate tals that subscribe to the RQI program. RQI for NRP is a
into clinical practice, the textbook has an enhanced focus on self-directed, high-frequency, low-intensity, simulation-
quality improvement. An additional supplemental lesson based program incorporating mastery learning with delib-
includes information about establishing and sustaining a erate practice and automated feedback for lessons 1
resuscitation quality improvement program. In addition, sug- through 4. It uses brief quarterly online simulations and
gested process and outcome measures that can be used to hands-on PPV practice using a manikin with a sensor at a
support your hospital-based quality improvement program mobile kiosk and is a method that has already been used
have been added to many lessons. by other AHA-sponsored resuscitation courses. In hospi-
tals that use RQI for NRP, everyone maintains their essen-
NRP COURSE OPTIONS tials provider status by completing quarterly cognitive and
Changes have also been implemented to the structure of skills activities at the mobile kiosk, but advanced providers
the curriculum and the methods of delivering the course. must also complete an instructor-led advanced provider
The NRP curriculum has always been based on adult edu- course every 2 years to maintain their advanced provider
cation principles including self-efficacy, experiential learn- status.
ing, reflection, problem solving, internal motivation, and
the importance of transformative experiences, but the PRINCIPLES THAT HAVE NOT CHANGED
design has evolved over time. (3)(40) To further support Many key principles have not changed in the NRP 8th edi-
contextual learning and allow clinicians to excel in the tion. The program continues to emphasize the importance
course material most relevant to their role during neonatal of anticipation, preparation, and team briefings. The
resuscitation, the NRP 8th edition course offers 2 levels of emphasis on achieving effective ventilation continues.
learning: NRP essentials and NRP advanced. Each organi- Most newborns who require resuscitation will recover
zation will decide who should be NRP essential clinicians with effective ventilation of their lungs and will not
and who should be NRP advanced clinicians. The NRP require either chest compressions or epinephrine. (4)
essentials learner is responsible only for material in lessons 1 However, mask ventilation can be a difficult skill to
through 4. That includes the foundations of neonatal resusci- achieve and maintain. Both obstruction and mask leak are
tation, anticipating and preparing for resuscitation, the initial common, occurring in nearly half of assisted breaths deliv-
steps, PPV with a face mask and laryngeal mask, and CPAP ered to preterm newborns. (42) As a result, it is important
administration. The NRP advanced learner is responsible for to learn how to implement the MR. SOPA ventilation cor-
the NRP essentials components as well as the material in rective steps. The NRP 8th edition textbook continues to
emphasize using the correct size mask, correctly position- an alternative airway. Overall, first attempt success with
ing the airway, and learning the 2-hand hold. In manikin tracheal intubation is low. (46) The NRP 8th edition text-
studies, the 2-hand hold (Fig 2) significantly reduces mask book suggests considering the use of a video-laryngoscope
leak. (43) The addition of a colorimetric carbon dioxide especially when working with trainees. Use of a video-
detector, or capnometer, between the mask and PPV laryngoscope allows the supervisor to provide more effec-
device (Fig 3) can improve mask ventilation. (44) If the tive coaching by seeing what the operator is seeing.
lungs are ventilated and gas is exchanged, a colorimetric Among trainees intubating newborns, studies have shown
detector will change from purple to yellow. As teams pro- that use of a video-laryngoscope improves first attempt
ceed through the MR. SOPA steps, if the detector changes success. (47)(48) Finally, the NRP 8th edition continues to
color after performing a step, the newborn’s HR will likely include the laryngeal mask on the standard list of equip-
improve within 30 seconds. (45) If the team member posi- ment and supplies for every delivery room. It is a simple
tioning the airway becomes distracted and changes posi- device that requires no instruments for insertion (Fig 4)
tion, the detector will change back to purple and can help and has a very high first attempt successful insertion rate
identify the positioning error before the infant becomes with limited training. (49) Insertion of a laryngeal mask
bradycardic. On the other hand, if the detector does not may save a newborn’s life if intubation is unsuccessful or
change color, it is another indication to proceed to the not feasible.
next ventilation corrective step.
Even with corrective steps, mask ventilation is not
always successful, and teams must be prepared to insert Summary
Although most newborns require no assistance to
successfully transition to extrauterine life, the large
number of births each year and limited ability to pre-
dict which newborns will need assistance means that
skilled clinicians must be prepared to respond quickly
and efficiently for every birth. Since its release in
1987, the NRP has trained over 4.5 million health
professionals in the cognitive, technical, and behav-
ioral skills required to save newborn lives. The NRP
8th edition builds on an established history of innova-
tion and collaboration while adding new elements of
instructional design to better meet the needs of differ-
ent health professionals. As new research answers
Figure 3. Use of a colorimetric carbon dioxide detector with face-mask gaps in our neonatal resuscitation knowledge base
8 NeoReviews
7. Gomersall J, Berber S, Middleton P, et al; International Liaison
and new technologies emerge, the program will con- Committee on Resuscitation Neonatal Life Support Task Force.
tinue to evolve. Umbilical cord management at term and late preterm birth: a meta-
analysis. Pediatrics. 2021;147(3):e2020015404
8. Seidler AL, Gyte GML, Rabe H, et al; International Liaison
Committee on Resuscitation Neonatal Life Support Task Force.
American Board of Pediatrics Umbilical cord management for newborns <34 weeks’ gestation: a
meta-analysis. Pediatrics. 2021;147(3):e20200576
Neonatal-Perinatal Content 9. Katheria A, Reister F, Essers J, et al. Association of umbilical cord
Specifications milking vs delayed umbilical cord clamping with death or severe
intraventricular hemorrhage among preterm infants. JAMA.
• Know the proper approach to airway management in
the delivery room.
10. Laptook AR, Salhab W, Bhaskar B; Neonatal Research Network.
• Know the indications for assisted ventilation, Admission temperature of low birth weight infants: predictors and
including continuous positive airway pressure, associated morbidities. Pediatrics. 2007;119(3):e643–e649
11. de Almeida MF, Guinsburg R, Sancho GA, et al; Brazilian Network
immediately after birth and how to assess its
on Neonatal Research. Hypothermia and early neonatal mortality in
effectiveness. preterm infants. J Pediatr. 2014;164(2):271–5.e1
• Understand how to use self-inflating and flow- 12. Baik-Schneditz N, Urlesberger B, Schwaberger B, et al. Tactile
stimulation during neonatal transition and its effect on vital
inflating bags or T-piece resuscitators to provide
parameters in neonates during neonatal transition. Acta Paediatr.
assisted ventilation immediately after birth. 2018;107(6):952–957
• Know indications for and proper administration of 13. Dekker J, Martherus T, Cramer SJE, van Zanten HA, Hooper SB, Te
supplemental oxygen immediately after birth. Pas AB. Tactile stimulation to stimulate spontaneous breathing
during stabilization of preterm infants at birth: a retrospective
• Know the indications for, techniques, and potential analysis. Front Pediatr. 2017;5:61
complications of chest compression immediately 14. Cavallin F, Lochoro P, Ictho J, et al. Back rubs or foot flicks for
after birth. neonatal stimulation at birth in a low-resource setting: a randomized
controlled trial. Resuscitation. 2021;167:137–143
• Know the indications, contraindications, and methods 15. Trevisanuto D, Strand ML, Kawakami MD, et al; International
of administration of drugs used for neonatal Liaison Committee on Resuscitation Neonatal Life Support Task
resuscitation. Force. Tracheal suctioning of meconium at birth for non-vigorous
infants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Resuscitation.
16. Singh SN, Saxena S, Bhriguvanshi A, Kumar M, Chandrakanta S.
Effect of endotracheal suctioning just after birth in non-vigorous
References infants born through meconium stained amniotic fluid: A
randomized controlled trial. Clin Epidemiol Glob Health.
1. Niles DE, Cines C, Insley E, et al. Incidence and characteristics of
2019;7(2):165–170 doi: 10.1016/j.cegh.2018.03.006
positive pressure ventilation delivered to newborns in a US tertiary
academic hospital. Resuscitation. 2017;115:102–109 17. Kumar A, Kumar P, Basu S. Endotracheal suctioning for prevention
of meconium aspiration syndrome: a randomized controlled trial.
2. Wyckoff MH, Wyllie J, Aziz K, et al; Neonatal Life Support
Eur J Pediatr. 2019;178(12):1825–1832
Collaborators. Neonatal Life Support: 2020 International Consensus
on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular 18. Nangia S, Sunder S, Biswas R, Saili A. Endotracheal suction in term
Care Science With Treatment Recommendations. Circulation. non vigorous meconium stained neonates-A pilot study. Resuscitation.
2020;142(16_suppl_1 suppl 1):S185–S221 2016;105:79–84
3. Halamek LP. Educational perspectives: the genesis, adaptation, and 19. Chettri S, Adhisivam B, Bhat BV. endotracheal suction for
evolution of the Neonatal Resuscitation Program. NeoReviews. 2008; nonvigorous neonates born through meconium stained amniotic
9(4):e142–e149 fluid: a randomized controlled trial. J Pediatr. 2015;166(5):1208–1213.e1
4. Aziz K, Lee CHC, Escobedo MB, et al. Part 5: Neonatal resuscitation 20. Chiruvolu A, Miklis KK, Chen E, Petrey B, Desai S. delivery room
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2020;156:A156–A187 California. J Perinatol. 2020;40(1):46–55
10 NeoReviews
The 2015 and 2020 American Heart Association guidelines and Neonatal
Resuscitation Program 7th and 8th edition textbooks suggest not performing
routine intubation and tracheal suctioning of nonvigorous meconium-stained
newborns. However, this was given as a weak recommendation with low-
certainty evidence. The definitive answer to appropriate management for
nonvigorous meconium-stained newborns is not known.
4. Interpret the current data on management for nonvigorous meconium-
stained newborns.
AHA American Heart Association
ET endotracheal tube
HIE hypoxic-ischemic
encephalopathy ABSTRACT
ILCOR International Liaison Committee
Before 2015, major changes in Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP)
on Resuscitation
iNO inhaled nitric oxide recommendations not supporting previously endorsed antepartum, intrapartum
MAS meconium aspiration syndrome and postpartum interventions to prevent meconium aspiration syndrome were
MSAF meconium-stained amniotic
based on adequately powered multicenter randomized controlled trials. The
NLS Neonatal Life Support 2015 and 2020 American Heart Association guidelines and 7th and 8th edition
NRP Neonatal Resuscitation Program of NRP suggest not performing routine intubation and tracheal suctioning of
OR odds ratio nonvigorous meconium-stained newborns. However, this was given as a weak
PPHN persistent pulmonary
hypertension of the newborn
recommendation with low-certainty evidence. The purpose of this review is to
PPV positive pressure ventilation summarize the evidence and explore the question of appropriate delivery room
RCT randomized controlled trial management for nonvigorous meconium-stained newborns.
RR risk ratio
VON Vermont Oxford Network
Figure 1. The pathophysiology of meconium-stained amniotic fluid and the meconium aspiration syndrome (adapted from Fuloria M, Wiswell TE. Resus-
citation of the meconium-stained infant and prevention of meconium aspiration syndrome. J Perinatol. 1999;19(3):234–241).
12 NeoReviews
In addition, meconium aspiration may occur with the ini- EPIDEMIOLOGY AND PREVENTION OF MAS
tial breaths of a newborn. If the latter occurs, meconium On the basis of various observational and cohort studies,
present in the trachea may migrate into the more distal the approach to MSAF during the mid-1970s was for the
airways. (7)(8) obstetrician to immediately suction the oronasopharynx of
the newborn as soon as the head was out (at the perineum
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF MAS or cesarean section incision) before the delivery, followed
The pathophysiology of MAS is complex with multiple by direct laryngoscopy and suctioning of the trachea
mechanisms involved (Fig 1). When aspirated into the through the endotracheal tube (ET) by the neonatal clini-
lungs, an intense inflammatory response occurs. This cian. (12)(13)(14) This process was adopted at most institu-
may stimulate the release of various mediators and vaso- tions and the practice continued for decades. An ensuing
active substances, leading to chemical pneumonitis. significant decline in the incidence of MAS as well as
These substances may cause pulmonary vasoconstriction death due to MAS was documented by Wiswell et al in a
or direct injury to the lung parenchyma. Surfactant can series of 21,472 meconium-stained infants who were born
be inactivated by meconium fatty acids, leading to atelec- over a 15-year period from 1973 to 1987 (Fig 2). (15) The
tasis and ventilation-perfusion mismatch. Physical authors attributed the decrease primarily to the routine
blockage of large airways can cause local and diffuse atel- intrapartum oronasopharyngeal and postpartum intratra-
ectasis. In addition, meconium aspiration can cause cheal suctioning. A subsequent decline in the incidence of
MAS was documented by Yoder et al during the period
obstruction of airways, leading to air leaks in the form
1990 to 1998 which was ascribed to the reduction in deliv-
of pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, or pulmonary
eries at more than 41 weeks’ gestation, a practice adopted
interstitial emphysema. Pulmonary vasoconstriction and
by obstetricians in the late 1980s. (16) In the early 1990s,
vascular remodeling due to intrauterine hypoxia may lead
Bent and colleagues assessed multiple techniques of
to persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
removing meconium from the trachea and found the Neo-
(PPHN) which is an important cause of morbidity and
tech Meconium AspiratorV R (Neotech, Valencia, CA) to
mortality. (9)(10) The mechanisms causing MAS may
retrieve the largest quantities effectively. (17) Shortly after-
result in acidosis, hypoxemia, and hypercapnia, which
wards, the Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) recom-
can further contribute to PPHN.
mended use of such a device when suctioning meconium
More than 2 decades ago, Cleary and Wiswell defined
from the airways of newborns.
MAS as respiratory distress in an infant born through
A selective approach to tracheal intubation was used in
MSAF whose symptoms cannot be otherwise explained.
a quasi-randomized study of 572 vigorous (1-minute Apgar
(11) MAS includes a heterogenous group of respiratory dis-
score of 9 or 10) meconium-stained newborns delivered
orders reflecting inflammation, air trapping, both alveolar
vaginally. (18) The results indicated no difference in the
and interstitial disease, and PPHN. The radiographic find-
incidence of MAS between the groups with and without
ings are diverse and most commonly present with diffuse, tracheal suctioning. Daga and colleagues assessed intratra-
asymmetric patchy or streaky infiltrates alternating with cheal suctioning in a small randomized controlled trial
areas of atelectasis and hyperinflation. The respiratory (RCT) of 49 “unasphyxiated” infants born through thick-
manifestations of the disorder include retractions, tachyp- consistency MSAF. (19) They similarly found intratracheal
nea, cyanosis, oxygen desaturation, apnea, and air leaks. suctioning to be of no benefit. The uncertainty regarding
MAS can be further divided into 1) mild MAS needing tracheal suctioning of vigorous infants born through
less than 40% oxygen for less than 48 hours; 2) moderate MSAF was settled with an adequately powered multicenter
MAS requiring more than 40% oxygen for more than 48 RCT of 2,094 infants. (20) The investigators reported that
hours; and 3) severe MAS needing assisted ventilation for tracheal suctioning did not decrease the risk of MAS in
more than 48 hours, often associated with increased pul- the vigorous infants born through MSAF compared to no
monary pressures. (11) Severe MAS occurs in one-third of suctioning (3.2% vs 2.7%). Based on this evidence, the
the infants with MAS, with approximately 15% to 20% 2000 American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines and
having concomitant PPHN. Currently in developed coun- the 4th edition of the NRP textbook cautioned against tra-
tries, overall mortality from MAS is approximately 2.5%, cheal suctioning of vigorous newborns, but continued to
with the highest rates up to 8% in those with severe MAS. recommend routine tracheal suctioning for nonvigorous
(1) Mortality is typically higher in developing nations. meconium-stained newborns. (21) Subsequently, in a
Figure 2. A graphic depiction of the significant decline in the incidence of the meconium aspiration syndrome after widespread implementation of ini-
tial oronasopharyngeal suctioning of the infant’s head before delivery of the chest, followed by immediate intubation and tracheal suctioning (adapted
from Wiswell TE, Tuggle JM, Turner BS. Meconium aspiration syndrome: have we made a difference? Pediatrics. 1990;85(5):715–721).
14 NeoReviews
adverse outcomes have been reported from routine perfor- Moreover, the data the authors used in the sample size
mance of the procedure through the years, the new recom- calculations are not contained in the reference cited. (25)
mendation was published in the 7th edition of the NRP A single-center trial from Lucknow, India, by Singh
textbook. Moreover, the 2015 AHA guidelines stated that a et al (31) included late preterm and term gestation infants,
definitive RCT was needed to assess risks and benefits of of which 76 were randomized to the ET suction group
this procedure. Of note, the 3 meconium-related procedure and 79 to the no suction group. The intubation attempts
recommendations that were previously eliminated during were performed only by pediatric trainees. These investi-
the preceding 15 years (intratracheal suctioning of vigorous gators reported using meconium aspirators connected to
infants, oronasopharyngeal suctioning, and amnioinfusion) ETs to suction the trachea of intubated newborns. The
were abolished after large, conclusive RCTs were performed. incidence of MAS was 41% in the ET suction group versus
(20)(22)(23) Four small RCTs on intratracheal suctioning of 57% in the no suction group, with an odds ratio of 0.53
the nonvigorous meconium-stained infants were performed (95% CI, 0.28–1.01; P=.05), showing a near statistically
in a developing country (India). (29)(30)(31)(32) We will next significant benefit for preventing MAS with ET suctioning.
discuss characteristics of these investigations, as well as sev- There was no statistically significant difference in mortal-
eral observational cohort studies. ity between the groups (5% vs 9%, respectively). However,
the intratracheally suctioned infants had a significantly
The Randomized Controlled Trials shorter length of hospital stay, as well as a trend toward a
In a single-center trial from Pondicherry, India, by Chettri lower rate of moderate to severe hypoxic-ischemic enceph-
et al, (29) 122 term gestation, nonvigorous meconium- alopathy (HIE). Their sample size analysis was appropriate.
stained newborns were randomized to either ET suction (61 A single-center trial from Varanasi, India, by Kumar
infants) or no suction (61 infants). The intubation attempts et al (32) included late preterm and term gestation infants.
were only performed by pediatric trainees and no meconium The investigators randomized 66 infants to ET suction
aspirator device was used (the ET was directly attached to and 66 to no suction. Intubation attempts were performed
the wall suction). There were no significant differences in only by pediatric trainees and no meconium aspirator
the need or the extent of resuscitation between the 2 groups. devices were used. There were no significant differences
Most infants (90%) in each group received positive pressure between the suctioned versus nonsuctioned group in the
ventilation (PPV). Approximately half (51%) of the infants in incidence of MAS (32% vs 23%) or in mortality (14% vs
the ET suction group were actually intubated, whereas 44% 8%). This investigation was also underpowered, as the
in the no suction group had to be intubated in the delivery authors used the same reference as the Chettri et al group
room. There were no differences in the incidence of MAS to calculate their sample size.
(ET suction vs no suction, 33% vs 31%, respectively), perina- Some differences in the methodology and the patient
tal asphyxia (31% vs 28%), or mortality (11% vs 13%). This characteristics were noted among the 4 RCTs. However,
study was underpowered to find the difference in outcomes they do not explain the differences in results noted in the
other than MAS, because the authors used a sample size cal- Singh et al trial compared to the other 3 investigations.
culation based on data from a study performed 40 years pre- The former trial was the only 1 to use a meconium aspira-
viously that included both vigorous and nonvigorous tor while suctioning the trachea. Late preterm infants
meconium-stained newborns. (13) were included in only 2 trials (Singh et al and Kumar
In a single-center pilot trial from New Delhi, India, of et al). Oropharyngeal suctioning was performed before ET
term gestation nonvigorous meconium-stained infants, suctioning in the Nangia et al and Kumar et al trials,
Nangia et al (30) randomized 87 infants to the ET suction potentially stimulating the neonates and initiating breath-
group and 88 to the no suction group. The intubation ing efforts leading to aspiration before ET suctioning.
attempts were performed only by pediatric trainees. The Overall, data on the success or complications of intubation
authors stated that suction techniques were in accordance were insufficient. The incidence of MAS and mortality in
with the 2010 NRP guidelines, but did not use a meco- these trials were greater than expected for higher medi-
nium aspirator device (ET was directly attached to the wall cally resourced countries, questioning the generalizability.
suction). No statistically significant differences were found Risks of imprecision, bias, and type II error were high in
in either the incidence of MAS (ET suction vs no suction, these trials. These studies did conclude the feasibility of
32% vs 26%) or mortality (10% vs 5%). The investigators randomization and the justification for an adequately pow-
enrolled only 47% of their calculated sample size. ered multicenter RCT.
16 NeoReviews
In contrast, Kalra and colleagues subsequently pub- What is the evidence for the possibility of harm? Sev-
lished results of a second investigation at their center eral publications have reported a very low incidence
addressing outcomes from a cohort of infants born during of airway complications among intubated/suctioned vig-
the routine suction era (n=2,306) with those delivered dur- orous infants. Linder et al reported that 2 infants who
ing the no suction period (n=2,019). (37) The authors pro- underwent ET suctioning developed stridor and persistent
vided data on the total number of meconium-stained airway problems. (18) Wiswell et al documented that 3.8%
infants, the proportion that was nonvigorous, and the num- of vigorous infants intubated in the delivery room had tran-
ber during each epoch that were intubated and suctioned. sient minor airway complications. (20) Active vigorous
The authors found that significantly more nonvigorous infants may struggle during the intubation procedure and
meconium-stained infants were born during the no suction there is likely greater potential for bradycardia, apnea, and
era who developed MAS compared to those born during injury of the vocal cords. Such complications may not occur
the routine suction period (53% vs 15%, P=.0008). (37) often in depressed infants. Chettri et al reported 1 episode
of vocal cord injury in the newborn who underwent ET suc-
CURRENT STATUS OF THE MANAGEMENT OF tioning in the delivery room. (29) Chiruvolu et al reported
NONVIGOROUS MECONIUM-STAINED no such complications in their large observational study.
NEWBORNS (28)(40) There were no differences in Apgar scores between
the ET suction and the no ET suction groups in any of the
Trevisanuto et al (38) performed a systematic review and
4 RCTs, suggesting minimal to no effect of delays in resus-
meta-analysis which included the previously mentioned
citation in 1 group compared to another. (29)(30)(31)(32) A
4 RCTs as well as the Chiruvolu et al cohort study. (28)
recent investigation using a mannequin showed that per-
The primary outcome of this study was survival at dis-
forming immediate laryngoscopy with intubation and suc-
charge, not the incidence of MAS. The authors con-
tioning was associated with a 12- to 13-second longer period
cluded that no significant differences were observed
until initiation of PPV compared to immediate PPV without
between the tracheal suctioning group and the expectant
intubation and suctioning, a difference the authors believed
management group in terms of mortality, HIE, and
not to be clinically relevant. (41)
MAS. (38) They also stated that they could not exclude
Most intubations in academic centers are performed
either benefit or harm with tracheal suctioning. The
by pediatric trainees. The success rate is considerably
authors acknowledged that the certainty of their analy-
lower in pediatric residents, in the range of 20% to 25%,
ses was very low for most outcomes due to inconsis-
compared to that of more experienced clinicians such as
tency and imprecision. The investigators stated that a attending neonatologists, neonatology fellows, hospital-
future large, high-quality RCT to settle the issue would ists, and nurse practitioners. (42)(43)(44)(45) One sin-
be challenging to perform. Based on this systematic gle-center study demonstrated a strikingly low success
review, the 2020 AHA guidelines and the NRP 8th edi- rate of 6% among trainees for intubation performed to
tion textbook suggested not performing routine intuba- suction the meconium in nonvigorous newborns. (42)
tion and tracheal suctioning of the nonvigorous With such low success rates, it is not surprising that 3
meconium-stained newborns. (39) Nevertheless, this of the 4 small RCTs assessing the technique did not
was given as a weak recommendation with low-certainty find the procedure to be of value when intubating and
evidence. The Neonatal Life Support (NLS) task force suctioning nonvigorous meconium-stained newborns.
recognized that, although several studies published after One should have a great deal of skepticism with the
2015 provide additional evidence to support the recom- results of trials in which trainees are the ones primarily
mendation, the certainty of the findings remains low or performing intubation. Historically, much of the intuba-
very low because it is difficult to perform unbiased stud- tion skills gained by trainees have been in the delivery
ies. In addition, even when the data are combined from room while intubating meconium-stained newborns.
all studies, optimal information size is not attained, However, over the past 25 years, pediatric residents are
leading to insufficient power for certainty. The NLS task spending considerably less of their training experience
force and the NRP steering committee considered that in the NICU, contributing to the decline in their acquisi-
the procedure of laryngoscopy and tracheal suctioning tion of multiple technical skills, including intubation and
are invasive and potentially harmful, particularly if the suctioning. Moreover, during the 2 decades since the
initiation of ventilation is delayed. intubation of vigorous meconium-stained infants was no
18 NeoReviews
15. Wiswell TE, Tuggle JM, Turner BS. Meconium aspiration syndrome:
have we made a difference? Pediatrics. 1990;85(5):715–721
American Board of Pediatrics 16. Yoder BA, Kirsch EA, Barth WH, Gordon MC. Changing obstetric
Neonatal-Perinatal Content practices associated with decreasing incidence of meconium
Specifications aspiration syndrome. Obstet Gynecol. 2002;99(5 pt 1):731–739
17. Bent RC, Wiswell TE, Chang A. Removing meconium from infant
• Know the pathogenesis, pathophysiology, pathologic
tracheae: what works best? Am J Dis Child. 1992;146(9):1085–1089
features, and risk factors of meconium aspiration
18. Linder N, Aranda JV, Tsur M, et al. Need for endotracheal
syndrome. intubation and suction in meconium-stained neonates. J Pediatr.
• Know the current recommendations regarding
19. Daga SR, Dave K, Mehta V, Pai V. Tracheal suction in meconium
suctioning meconium from the airway during and
stained infants: a randomized controlled study. J Trop Pediatr.
following delivery. 1994;40(4):198–200
20. Wiswell TE, Gannon CM, Jacob J, et al. Delivery room management
of the apparently vigorous meconium-stained neonate: results of the
References multicenter, international collaborative trial. Pediatrics. 2000;105(1 pt
1. Fischer C, Rybakowski C, Ferdynus C, Sagot P, Gouyon JB. A
21. Niermeyer S, Kattwinkel J, Van Reempts P, et al. International
population-based study of meconium aspiration syndrome in
guidelines for neonatal resuscitation: an excerpt from the guidelines
neonates born between 37 and 43 weeks of gestation. Int J Pediatr.
2000 for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency
cardiovascular care: international consensus on science contributors
2. Dargaville PA, Copnell B; Australian and New Zealand Neonatal and reviewers for the neonatal resuscitation guidelines. Pediatrics.
Network. The epidemiology of meconium aspiration syndrome: 2000;106(3):E29
incidence, risk factors, therapies, and outcome. Pediatrics. 2006;
117(5):1712–1721 22. Vain NE, Szyld EG, Prudent LM, Wiswell TE, Aguilar AM, Vivas NI.
Oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal suctioning of meconium-stained
3. Vivian-Taylor J, Sheng J, Hadfield RM, Morris JM, Bowen JR,
neonates before delivery of their shoulders: multicentre, randomised
Roberts CL. Trends in obstetric practices and meconium aspiration
controlled trial. Lancet. 2004;364(9434):597–602
syndrome: a population-based study. BJOG. 2011;118(13):1601–1607
23. Fraser WD, Hofmeyr J, Lede R, et al; Amnioinfusion Trial Group.
4. Paudel P, Sunny AK, Poudel PG, et al. Meconium aspiration
Amnioinfusion for the prevention of the meconium aspiration
syndrome: incidence, associated risk factors and outcome-evidence
syndrome. N Engl J Med. 2005;353(9):909–917
from a multicentric study in low-resource settings in Nepal. J
Paediatr Child Health. 2020;56(4):630–635 24. American Academy of Pediatrics; American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists. Guidelines for Perinatal Care. 6th ed. Itasca, IL:
5. Fanaroff AA. Meconium aspiration syndrome: historical aspects. J
American Academy of Pediatrics; 2007
Perinatol. 2008;28(suppl 3):S3–S7
25. Wiswell TE. Delivery room management of the meconium-stained
6. Wiswell TE, Bent RC. Meconium staining and the meconium
aspiration syndrome: unresolved issues. Pediatr Clin North Am. newborn. J Perinatol. 2008;28(suppl 3):S19–S26
1993;40(5):955–981 26. Clifford SH. Fetal anoxia at birth and cyanosis of the newborn. Am J
7. Ghidini A, Spong CY. Severe meconium aspiration syndrome is not Dis Child. 1948;76:666–678
caused by aspiration of meconium. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2001; 27. James LS. Resuscitation procedures in the delivery room. In:
185(4):931–938 Abramson H, ed. Resuscitation of the Newborn Infant. St. Louis, MO:
8. Meerkov M, Weiner G. Management of the meconium-stained Mosby; 1960:141–161
newborn. NeoReviews. 2016;17:e471 doi: 28. Chiruvolu A, Miklis KK, Chen E, Petrey B, Desai S. Delivery room
neo.17-8-e471 management of meconium-stained newborns and respiratory
9. Fuloria M, Wiswell TE. Resuscitation of the meconium-stained support. Pediatrics. 2018;142(6):e20181485
infant and prevention of meconium aspiration syndrome. J 29. Chettri S, Adhisivam B, Bhat BV. Endotracheal suction for
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10. Monfredini C, Cavallin F, Villani PE, Paterlini G, Allais B, fluid: a randomized controlled trial. J Pediatr. 2015;166(5):
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11. Cleary GM, Wiswell TE. Meconium-stained amniotic fluid and the non vigorous meconium stained neonates: a pilot study.
meconium aspiration syndrome. An update. Pediatr Clin North Am. Resuscitation. 2016;105:79–84
1998;45(3):511–529 31. Singh SN, Saxena S, Bhriguvanshi A, Kumar M, Chandrakanta S.
12. Gregory GA, Gooding CA, Phibbs RH, Tooley WH. Meconium Effect of endotracheal suctioning just after birth in non-vigorous
aspiration in infants: a prospective study. J Pediatr. 1974;85(6):848–852 infants born through meconium-stained amniotic fluid: a
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syndrome. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1976;126(6):712–715 Eur J Pediatr. 2019;178(12):1825–1832
20 NeoReviews
A male neonate is born at 38 weeks, 5 days of gestation to a 34-year-old gravida
4, para 4 mother via urgent cesarean delivery due to a nonreassuring heart rate.
The maternal history is significant for hypothyroidism. The infant was found on
prenatal ultrasonography to have an abdominal mass. The neonate is crying on
presentation with no significant distress; he has a birthweight of 2,560 g and
his Apgar scores are 9 and 9 at 1 and 5 minutes, respectively.
On examination, the neonate is found to have a 5-cm nontender, hard abdom-
inal mass over the right upper quadrant extending to the midline. The remain-
der of the examination findings are unremarkable. He is admitted to the NICU
for further management. In the NICU, he remains clinically stable with vital
signs within the normal range for age. Abdominal ultrasonography shows a
complex heterogeneous mass in the upper abdomen near the midline.
The differential diagnosis for abdominal mass includes neuroblastoma, tera-
toma, meconium pseudocyst, and fetus in fetu (FIF). Computed tomography
(CT) of the abdomen and pelvis reveals a well-demarcated retroperitoneal mass
in the upper abdomen measuring 5.12 × 4.14 × 5.66 cm. Bony structures were
noted within the mass (Fig 1). Laboratory studies including complete blood cell
count, complete metabolic panel, and direct bilirubin were unremarkable.
Serum a-fetoprotein level is normal at 79,888.0 ng/mL (79,888.0 mg/L; range,
5–105,000 ng/mL; [5–105,000 mg/L]), and serum human chorionic gonadotro-
pin and lactate dehydrogenase are mildly elevated at 4 mIU/mL (range, 0–2
mIU/mL) and 846 U/L (14.1 mkat/L; range, 178–629 U/L [2.9–10.6 mkat/L],
respectively. Surgery and hematology/oncology services are consulted for further
assessment and management.
On day 3, exploratory laparotomy was conducted, which showed a 60-g retro-
peritoneal mass with the common duct draped anteriorly and the hepatic artery
Kim, and Chong have disclosed no along the upper edge of the mass. On the macroscopic pathologic evaluation,
financial relationships relevant to this the mass measures 6.5 × 5.3 × 3.0 cm and is composed of an external skinlike
article. This commentary does not layer with central myxoid tissue and long bones. Microscopically, the outer
contain a discussion of an unapproved/
investigative use of a commercial portion of the mass is reported to be keratinizing squamous epithelium with
product/device. skin adnexa. Deep to the epidermis is loose fibromyxoid tissue. The tubular
structures are well-formed small and large bowels with On day 11, the neonate was discharged from the hospi-
central meconiumlike material with probable enteric tal with postoperative complications including cholestasis
neurons. A focus of respiratory mucosa is noted. Radi- and hepatic fibrosis. He is being closely followed by gas-
ography and CT of the specimen show soft tissue and a troenterology and oncology.
bone-containing mass (Fig 2). The bony structures sug-
gest the presence of an oval-shaped skull-like structure. The Condition
Partially fused vertebral bodies are seen in contact with In the late 18th century, Johann Friedrich Meckel was the
this structure. Bony structures that resemble lower first to describe the term “fetus in fetu” as a malformed or
extremities are seen, one of them related to a flat bone parasitic monozygotic diamniotic twin that is found inside
that likely represents part of the pelvis. The pathology
the body of its host. (1)(2)(3) Initially, FIF was thought to
showed that the outer lining of the mass was composed
be a form of mature teratoma, but FIF is now distin-
of epidermis, which gave a clue to our diagnosis because
guished by its composition of highly differentiated tissue
teratomas usually exhibit internal epidermis (Fig 3). The
about a vertebral skeleton. Teratomas are composed of
pathology and imaging studies revealed a diagnosis of
pleuripotential cells representing all 3 germ layers, with
poor organization with independent growth potential and
increased risk of malignancy compared to FIF. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)
Even though the pathogenesis causing this anomaly is not
fully known, it is widely thought that this phenomenon
22 NeoReviews
results during the 2nd and 3rd week of development when 1
twin absorbs the other twin during ventral folding of the tri- American Board of Pediatrics
laminar embryonic sac. It is speculated that in the develop- Neonatal-Perinatal Content
ing blastocyst, the unequal division of the totipotent inner
cell mass results in the smaller mass being enveloped by
• Know the etiology, clinical and laboratory features, and
the maturing embryo. (2)(5) Other theories include the for- management of abdominal masses in the neonate.
mation of an inclusion body after 1 blastocyst implants on
another and FIF occurring as a result of twin-twin transfu-
sion syndrome (4).
The incidence is reported as 1 in 500,000 births, with Acknowledgments
most cases presenting during infancy as an asymptomatic We thank Dr Mohammad Emran, pediatric surgeon, Dr
abdominal mass. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) The growth of an FIF is Van Savell, pathologist, Dr Elena Romero, radiologist, and
reported to parallel the twin host until vascular limitations the NICU team at Driscoll Children’s Hospital, for assis-
occur, which are secondary to dominance of the host or a tance with diagnosis and patient management.
defect in the parasitic twin, resulting in developmental stagna-
tion (1). FIF is most commonly discovered in a complete References
fluid-filled sac suspended by a single intra-abdominal pedicle. 1. Gangopadhyay AN, Srivastava A, Srivastava P, Gupta DK, Sharma SP,
(2) Most FIF cases reported are benign, with complete surgi- Kumar V. Twin fetus in fetu in a child: a case report and review of
cal excision being the main management. Postoperative sur- the literature. J Med Case Rep 2010;4:96
veillance using tumor markers is recommended for 2 years. 2. Prescher LM, Butler WJ, Vachon TA, Henry MC, Latendresse T,
Ignacio RC. Fetus in fetu: review of the literature over the past 15
years. J Pediatr Surg Case Rep 2015;3:554–562
3. Harigovind D, Babu Sp H, Nair SV, Sangram N. Fetus in fetu: a rare
Lessons for the Clinician developmental anomaly. Radiol Case Rep 2018;14:333–336
• Fetus in fetu is a rare condition resulting from atypical 4. Landmann A, Calisto J, Reyes-M ugica M, Thomas D, Malek M.
embryogenesis. Fetus-in-fetu presenting as a cryptorchid testis and abdominal mass: a
• Due to the unknown pathogenesis and possible associated report of a case and review of the literature. J Pediatr Surg Case Rep
2016;13: 38–40
long-term sequela, it should be included in the differential
5. Sitharama SA, Jindal B, Vuriti MK, Naredi BK, Krishnamurthy S,
for an abdominal mass in the pediatric population.
Subramania DB. Fetus in fetu: case report and brief review of
• Surgical therapy is the treatment of choice with contin- literature on embryologic origin, clinical presentation, imaging and
ued postoperative monitoring recommended. differential diagnosis. Pol J Radiol 2017;82:46–49.
A preterm female neonate is born at a community hospital in Los Angeles, CA,
at a gestational age of 27 weeks and 6 days via spontaneous vaginal delivery to a
30-year-old, gravida 3, para 1, aborta 1 woman. The mother had received regular
prenatal care, and results of infectious disease screening (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis
B, gonorrhea, chlamydia) were negative, rubella status was immune, and group
B Streptococcus testing was not yet performed. The mother had presented to the
hospital with preterm premature rupture of membranes. Before delivery, she
had received 1 dose of ampicillin, 1 dose of betamethasone, and magnesium for
neuroprotection for the fetus. The infant is delivered within 2 hours of admis-
sion to the hospital.
At delivery, the infant has Apgar scores of 1, 3, and 7 at 1, 5, and 10 minutes
after birth, respectively. She presents with a minimal cry and low heart rate
requiring positive pressure ventilation (PPV) via mask. As there is no improve-
ment in the heart rate with PPV, the infant is intubated and transferred to the
NICU. Admission examination demonstrates a 1,300-g (95th percentile) girl
with nondysmorphic facies. Air exchange is poor, with coarse rhonchi heard
bilaterally in the lungs. Cardiac and abdominal examination findings are not
remarkable. She exhibits spontaneous movements and the tone is appropriate
for age. Her skin is pink, with mild acrocyanosis, no jaundice, no rashes, and
the capillary refill time is less than 3 seconds. She is given exogenous surfactant
and has oxygen saturations in the high 80% range with 100% fraction of
inspired oxygen on conventional ventilator settings. Umbilical lines are placed,
and initial arterial blood gas demonstrates a pH of 7.29, PCO2 of 41 mm Hg
(5.4 kPa), PO2 of 42 mm Hg (5.6 kPa), and base deficit of 6.6. She is subse-
quently placed on high-frequency oscillatory ventilation due to difficulties with
Admission chest radiography shows diffuse ground-glass reticular densities.
No focal consolidation, pleural effusions, or pneumothorax are seen. Pulmonary Anand, Bender, and Garingo have
vascular markings are within normal limits. Lungs are expanded to 8 ribs with disclosed no financial relationships
an endotracheal tube placed in good position (Fig). Initial laboratory tests reveal relevant to this article. This commentary
does not contain a discussion of an
that the infant has a white blood cell count of 5,700/mL (5.7 × 109/L) with 7% unapproved/investigative use of a
segmented neutrophils and 1% bands with an absolute neutrophil count (ANC) commercial product/device.
24 NeoReviews
findings were concerning for a leukocytosis, with a white
blood cell count of 20,000/mL (20 × 109/L).
Differential Diagnosis
The differential diagnosis for this presentation includes
sepsis, respiratory distress syndrome, and pneumonia.
in breast milk in the developing world has also been 8. Gluck B, Ramin KD, Ramin SM. Salmonella typhi and pregnancy: a
case report. Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol. 1994;2(4):186–189
described and could be protective. (10) After treatment,
9. Qutaishat SS, Stemper ME, Spencer SK, et al. Transmission of
patients with S Typhi can have a relapse and a small per- Salmonella enterica serotype typhimurium DT104 to infants through
centage of patients can become asymptomatic chronic car- mother’s breast milk. Pediatrics. 2003;111(6 pt 1):1442–1446
riers requiring repeat or prolonged antibiotic courses to 10. Turin CG, Ochoa TJ. The role of maternal breast milk in preventing
ensure eradication. (11) The repeat negative cultures in our infantile diarrhea in the developing world. Curr Trop Med Rep.
infant and mother were necessary to prove eradication. An
11. Crump JA, Sj€ olund-Karlsson M, Gordon MA, Parry CM.
inactivated typhoid vaccine, which is about 50% to 80%
Epidemiology, clinical presentation, laboratory diagnosis,
effective in preventing infection, is available for persons antimicrobial resistance, and antimicrobial management of invasive
aged 2 years or older, and often recommended to travelers Salmonella infections. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2015;28(4):901–937
to endemic countries. However, there is not enough safety 12. Jackson BR, Iqbal S, Mahon B; Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC). Updated recommendations for the use of
information to consistently recommend vaccine administra-
typhoid vaccine–Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices,
tion during pregnancy; therefore, administration is typically United States, 2015. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015;64(11):
avoided unless the benefits outweigh the risks. (12) 305–308
26 NeoReviews
A 2,760-g boy born at 34 weeks, 5 days of gestation is admitted to the NICU
after birth because of prematurity and respiratory distress requiring continuous
positive airway pressure (CPAP). The infant is born to a 26-year-old gravida 4,
para 1-3-0-3 Amish woman via cesarean section due to nonreassuring fetal heart
tones and biophysical profile of 4/10. The pregnancy has been complicated by
complete placenta previa and history of preterm deliveries. His mother did not
use medications during pregnancy. Maternal prenatal infectious screening evalu-
ation for syphilis and HIV were negative. She was rubella nonimmune. The
mother received 1 dose of cefazolin before delivery for a positive result on group
B Streptococcus (GBS) vaginal screening. The delivery is complicated by meco-
nium-stained amniotic fluid and presence of nuchal cord. The infant requires
positive pressure ventilation and CPAP during initial resuscitation. His Apgar
scores are 5 and 7 at 1 and 5 minutes after birth, respectively. Arterial cord pH is
7.31 with base excess of 0.4. The infant requires CPAP after initial resuscitation
and is admitted to the NICU for further evaluation and management.
On admission, the infant’s height, weight, and head circumference are above
the 80th percentile. His vital signs are a temperature of 99.1 F (37.3 C), heart rate
of 154 beats/min, respiratory rate of 37 breaths/min, blood pressure of 54/36 mm
Hg (mean 40 mm Hg), and oxygen saturation of 96% on noninvasive respiratory
support with supplemental oxygen of 40%. The infant is pale in color with hypo-
tonia, shows decreased response to stimuli, and has mild subcostal retractions
with clear lung sounds. The remainder of the physical examination reveals no
focal abnormalities. The infant has hypoglycemia with point-of-care blood glucose
of 38 mg/dL (2.1 mmol/L) on admission requiring continuous intravenous dex-
trose fluid, with improvement seen after the initiation of intravenous fluids. Due
to hypoglycemia along with respiratory distress, hypotonia, and decreased
response to stimuli, blood culture specimens are obtained. The infant is started
Ilboudo, and Anders and Ms Walker have
disclosed no financial relationships on empiric antibiotic therapy with ampicillin and gentamicin.
relevant to this article. This commentary
does not contain a discussion of an
unapproved/investigative use of a
commercial product/device. Initial laboratory tests performed on admission are shown in the Table.
RADIOGRAPHIC STUDIES Based on the infant’s presentation, he was started on
Chest radiography on admission (Fig 1) reveals bilateral empiric antibiotics. His blood culture specimen began to
reticulonodular pulmonary opacities consistent with sur- grow gram-positive rods (Fig 2A and 2B) at 30 hours, and
factant deficiency, and less likely, pneumonia. he subsequently underwent a lumbar puncture. The pre-
liminary results of lumbar puncture included a red blood
cell count of 18/μL (0.018 × 109/L) white blood cell (WBC)
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS count of 3/μL (0.003 × 109/L), protein of 91 mg/dL (0.091
• Gram-positive organisms g/dL), and glucose of 48 mg/dL (2.6 mmol/L). Blood cul-
o Group B Streptococcus ture was determined to be positive for L monocytogenes.
o Enterococcus Cerebrospinal fluid culture and polymerase chain reaction
o Staphylococcus aureus panel for meningitis were negative. After further discus-
o Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus sion, the infant’s mother explained that she had diarrhea
o Listeria monocytogenes beginning 1 month before delivery, and low-grade fevers
• Gram-negative organisms (100.0 F [37.8 C]), headache, and nausea beginning 3
o Escherichia coli weeks before delivery. Approximately 1 week before deliv-
o Bacteroides ery, she had come to the emergency department with com-
o Klebsiella plaints of low-grade fevers and headache. Results of severe
o Enterobacter acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2)
o Serratia testing performed due to the ongoing pandemic were neg-
o Hemophilus ative and urinalysis was not concerning for a urinary tract
• Viral organisms infection. She remained symptomatic during the postpar-
o Herpes simplex virus tum period. Before the infant’s diagnosis, no blood culture
specimens were obtained from his mother. The infant’s
mother had a diet consisting of deli meats, farm fresh
eggs, apples, watermelon, lettuce, radishes, and spinach
from a local garden.
The infant’s clinical condition improved rapidly after
the initiation of antibiotics, and he was able to transition
to enteral feeds on the second day after birth and wean to
room air from CPAP on the 4th day after birth. He com-
pleted a 14-day course of ampicillin and gentamicin. He
Figure 1. Chest radiograph obtained at the time of admission illustrating
was subsequently discharged from the NICU on day 16
bilateral reticulonodular pulmonary opacities. after birth.
28 NeoReviews
Figure 2. A and B. Blood culture specimen illustrating gram-positive rods.
30 NeoReviews