What is Pollution?
Pollution is a term that even children are familiar
with these days. It has become so prevalent that
practically everyone admits that pollution is One of our era's greatest scourges is air pollution,
constantly increasing. The term 'pollution' refers to on account not only of its impact on climate change
the presence of any unwanted foreign material in but also its impact on public and individual health
anything. When we talk about pollution on Earth, we due to increasing morbidity and mortality. There are
mean the contamination of natural resources caused many pollutants that are major factors in disease in
by numerous contaminants. All of this is mostly the humans.
result of human activities that degrade the
environment in several ways. As a result, there is an
immediate need to address this issue. That is to say,
pollution is wreaking havoc on our planet, and we
must recognize and prevent its impacts.
did you know? Air pollution is any chemical, physical, or biological factor
that contaminates the indoor or outdoor environment and
alters the natural properties of the atmosphere. Air
"Earth provides enough The quality of our air is critical for human
existence to thrive. According to a 2018 WHO
pollution is commonly caused by household combustion
devices, motor vehicles, industrial operations, and forest
to satisfy every man's needs, research, air pollution has become one of the
most serious health emergencies in the Philippines,
fires. Particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen
dioxide, and sulfur dioxide are all serious public health
but not every mans greed. " accounting for 45.3 fatalities per 100,000 people
—the third-highest in the world.
concerns. Air pollution, both outside and inside, is a
leading cause of respiratory and other ailments, as well as
a significant source of morbidity and death.
2. soil/ land Pollution 3. water pollution 5 tips to help
Soil pollution is
defined as the
reduce pollution
presence of toxic
1. Choose Renewable
(pollutants or
contaminants) in
Sources of Energy
soil, in high enough 2. Dispose of Waste
concentrations to Responsibly
pose a risk to
3. Use Eco-Friendly
human health
and/or the
ecosystem. In the Water pollution is the release of substances into 4. plant trees
case of bodies of water that makes water unsafe for human 5. conserve water
contaminants use and disrupts aquatic ecosystems. Water
which occur pollution can be caused by a plethora of different 6. Using aerosol
contaminants, including toxic waste, petroleum, and deodorants
disease-causing microorganisms.
naturally in soil, even when their levels are not high
enough to pose a risk, soil pollution is still said to
7. Leaving cigarette butts
occur if the levels of the contaminants in soil
Humans are the on the beach
main cause of water
exceed the levels that should naturally be present.
pollution, which is 8. Releasing helium
triggered in many balloons into the air
ways by the
dumping of 9. Reduce, reuse and
industrial waste and recycle
One of the biggest threats to the ecosystem the alteration of
caused by land pollution is chemical contamination. 10. Educate yourselve and
Plastics, toxins in wastes like anti-freeze and other
water by reducing the oxygen in its composition.
Or due to deforestation, which causes sediments
everyone around you
chemicals seep into the ground where they remain.
and bacteria to appear under the soil and therefore
These chemicals can contaminate groundwater and
contaminate groundwater. Water pollution can lead
the land. These include persistent organic pollutants
to the disappearance of biodiversity and aquatic
(POPs) that comprise a special group of chemicals.
ecosystems, as well as alteration of the food chain.
When land pollution is severe, it damages the soil.
Humans are harmed when they contract illnesses
This leads to a loss in minerals and beneficial
microorganisms, impacting soil fertility. This means
when drinking or using contaminated water. As you "Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and
native plants may fail to grow in these areas,
can see, water pollution has a great impact on the wildlife are in fact plans to protect man."
environment and on our health.
robbing the ecosystem of a food source for - Stewart Udall
Mandado, Senibalo, Buenafe, Gelvero, Lagamon