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Proceedings of National Conference on Computing, Electrical, Electronics and Sustainable Energy Systems

Application of DC/DC Buck Power Converter

in DC Motor for Speed Controlling Using PI

Rajana Rajesh1 | V. Rama Krishna2

1 PG Scholar, Department of EEE, Kakinada Institute of Technological Sciences, Ramachandrapuram, India.
2 Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, Kakinada Institute of Technological Sciences, Ramachandrapuram,


DC motor widely used-high precision digital controls. Speed control of dc motor is achieved with
smooth starter by using buck converter. Hard switching causes unsatisfactory dynamic behaviour
produces abrupt variations in the V & I of the motor overcome by dc-dc buck power converter by PI
controller. A separately excited dc motor is used for this simulation. The proposed system with PI
control is used as outer voltage control loop. Dc-dc buck converter is mainly used for regulate the
desired output voltage level and maintain DC motor speed as constant. Any change in torque does not
affect the speed of the motor. Step less velocity and smoothness in armature voltage control with PWM
technique is used.

KEYWORDS: Smooth Starter, DC/DC Buck Power Converter, DC Motor, Proportional-Integral (PI)

Copyright © 2016 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
All rights reserved.

performance required for these motors are

wide-ranging. When focusing attention on the
DC motors are widely used in systems with speed control segment of the motor market,
high precision control requirements. Thus, servo and stepping motors control their speed
rolling mills, double-hulled tankers, and high with a pulse train, while the induction motor
precision digital tools can be mentioned as and the brushless DC motor control speed with
examples of such systems. Generally, to control an external resistor and/or DC voltage. This
the step less velocity and smoothness, article explains the structure, the speed control
adjustment of the armature voltage of the principle, and the features of the following
motor is used while, certainly, applying PWM three product groups that can control the
signals with respect to the motor input voltage speed relatively easily by using an analog
is one of the methods most employed to drive a input. x AC speed control motor x Brushless
DC motor. However, the underlying hard DC motor unit x Inverter unit
switching strategy causes an unsatisfactory
dynamic behavior, producing abrupt variations II. SPEED CONTROL METHODS OF THE VARIOUS
in the voltage and current of the motor. Power SPEED CONTROL MOTORS
converters, which allow the smooth start of a
DC motor by applying the required voltage.
A large number of motors are being used for
general purposes in our surroundings from
house-hold equipment to machine tools in
industrial facilities. The electric motor is now a
necessary and indispensable source of power in
many industries. The function and the Fig. 1 Classification of speed control motors

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Proceedings of National Conference on Computing, Electrical, Electronics and Sustainable Energy Systems

The output control method of a speed control Control of a DC/DC Buck Power Converter
circuit can be divided roughly into two groups: From the results obtained in the previous
phase control and inverter control, which make section, it is observed that the voltage profile ϑ
up the product groups shown in Fig. 1. is required by the dc motor to track the desired
AC speed control motors angular velocity trajectory ω∗ . It must be
Construction of motor As shown in Fig. 2, the remembered that ϑ is produced by a Buck
construction of the single phase and three- power converter. Therefore, it naturally arises
phase induction motors includes a stator where the need to develop a control scheme for the
the primary winding is wound and a basket- converter that allows to reproduce the desired
shaped, solid aluminum die cast rotor. The voltage profile ϑ. Thus, the purpose of this
rotor is low-cost because the structure is section is to present a cascade control for the
simple and does not use a magnet. Buck converter similar to those presented for
Boost, Buck–Boost, noninverting Buck–Boost,
and Cuk converters in [8]–[11], respectively. It
is important to mention that those controllers
were only designed for the regulation task. In
contrast to those controllers, this section gives
the solution for the voltage trajectory tracking
task of the Buck converter output.

Control Laws Integration

Fig. 2 Construction of induction motor In order to achieve that the dc motor, via
When the speed of this motor is to be the dc/dc Buck converter, accomplishes the
controlled, a tacho-generator is used to detect angular velocity trajectory tracking task, a
the speed and is attached to the motor as hierarchical control scheme, similar to the ones
shown in Fig. 3. The tacho-generator is made of used in formobile robots, is presented.
a magnet connected directly to the motor shaft Therefore, connection of the controllers
and a stator coil that detects the magnetic proposed in previous sections is necessary.
poles, and generates an AC voltage at 12 cycles Thus, Fig. 3 shows a block diagram of the
per revolution. Since this voltage and frequency connection of the controllers and the system.
increase with a rise of the rotational speed, the
rotational speed of the motor is controlled
based on this signal.
Principle of speed control
Rotational speed N of an induction motor can
be shown by the expression (1). When the
voltage applied to the motor is increased and
decreased, the slip s changes, then the
rotational speed N will change.
------- (1)
N: Rotational speed [r/min]
F: Frequency 〔Hz〕 A buck converter is a step-down DC to DC
converter. Its design is similar to the step-
P: Number of poles of a motor
up boost converter, and like the boost
S: Slip
converter it is a switched-mode power
supply that uses two switches (a transistor and
a diode), an inductor and a capacitor.
The simplest way to reduce a DC voltage is
to use a voltage divider circuit, but voltage
dividers waste energy, since they operate by
bleeding off excess power as heat; also, output
voltage isn't regulated (varies with input
Fig. 3 AC speed control motor system
voltage). Buck converters, on the other hand,

Volume 2 | Special Issue 01 | October 2016| ISSN: 2455-3778| www.ijmtst.com 170

Proceedings of National Conference on Computing, Electrical, Electronics and Sustainable Energy Systems

can be remarkably efficient (easily up to 95%

for integrated circuits) and self-regulating,
making them useful for tasks such as
It is worth noting that the above
converting the 12–24 V typical battery voltage
integrations can be done graphically: In figure
in a laptop down to the few volts needed by
the processor. 4, is proportional to the area of the
Continuous mode
yellow surface, and to the area of the
A buck converter operates in continuous
orange surface, as these surfaces are defined
mode if the current through the inductor (I L)
by the inductor voltage (red) curve. As these
never falls to zero during the commutation
surfaces are simple rectangles, their areas can
cycle. In this mode, the operating principle is
described by the chronogram in figure: be found easily: for the yellow
 When the switch pictured above is rectangle and − Votoff for the orange one. For
closed (On-state, top of figure 2), the voltage steady state operation, these areas must be
across the inductor is VL = Vi − Vo. The equal.
current through the inductor rises linearly. As can be seen on figure
As the diode is reverse-biased by the voltage 4, and . D is a scalar
source V, no current flows through it; called the duty cycle with a value between 0
 When the switch is opened (off state, and 1. This yields
bottom of figure 2), the diode is forward
biased. The voltage across the inductor
is VL = − Vo(neglecting diode drop). Current
IL decreases.
The energy stored in inductor L is

From this equation, it can be seen that

the output voltage of the converter varies
Therefore, it can be seen that the energy stored
linearly with the duty cycle for a given input
in L increases during On-time (as IL increases)
voltage. As the duty cycle D is equal to the ratio
and then decreases during the Off-state. L is
between tOn and the period T, it cannot be more
used to transfer energy from the input to the
output of the converter. than 1. Therefore, . This is why this
The rate of change of IL can be calculated from: converter is referred to as step-down converter.
So, for example, stepping 12 V down to
3 V (output voltage equal to a fourth of the
input voltage) would require a duty cycle of
With VL equal to Vi − Vo during the On-state 25%, in our theoretically ideal circuit.
and to− Vo during the Off-state. Therefore, the Discontinuous mode
increase in current during the On-state is given In some cases, the amount of energy
by: required by the load is small enough to be
transferred in a time lower than the whole
commutation period. In this case, the current
Identically, the decrease in current during the through the inductor falls to zero during part of
Off-state is given by: the period. The only difference in the principle
described above is that the inductor is
completely discharged at the end of the
commutation cycle. This has, however, some
If we assume that the converter operates in effect on the previous equations.
steady state, the energy stored in each Controlling Circuit:
component at the end of a commutation cycle T
is equal to that at the beginning of the cycle.
That means that the current I L is the same at
t=0 and at t=T (see figure 4). Therefore,
So we can write from the above equations:

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Proceedings of National Conference on Computing, Electrical, Electronics and Sustainable Energy Systems

slower to reach setpoint and slower to respond

to perturbations than a well-tuned PID system
may be.
Integral Action and PI Control
Like the P-Only controller, the Proportional-
Integral (PI) algorithm computes and transmits
a controller output (CO) signal every sample
time, T, to the final control element (e.g., valve,
variable speed pump). The computed CO from
the PI algorithm is influenced by the controller
PI Contoller: tuning parameters and the controller error, e(t).
The general block diagram of the PI speed PI controllers have two tuning parameters to
controller is shown in Figure 2 adjust. While this makes them more
challenging to tune than a
P-Only controller, they are not as complex as
the three parameter PID controller.
Integral action enables PI controllers to
eliminate offset, a major weakness of a P-only
controller. Thus, PI controllers provide a
balance of complexity and capability that
makes them by far the most widely used
algorithm in process control applications.
The output
The PI Algorithm
Of the speed controller (torque command) at n-
While different vendors cast what is essentially
th instant is expressed as follows:
the same algorithm in different forms, here we
Te (n)=Te(n−1)+Kp_ωre(n)+Kiωre(n) (10)
explore what is variously described as the
Where Te (n) is the torque output of the
dependent, ideal, continuous, position form:
controller at the n-th instant, and Kp and Ki
proportional and integral gain constants,
CO = controller output signal (the wire out)
A limit of the torque command is imposed as
CObias = controller bias or null value; set by
bumpless transfer as explained below
e(t) = current controller error, defined as SP –
The gains of PI controller shown in (10) can be SP = set point
selected by many methods such as trial and PV = measured process variable (the wire in)
error method, Ziegler–Nichols method and Kc = controller gain, a tuning parameter
evolutionary techniques-based searching. The Ti = reset time, a tuning parameter
numerical values of these controller gains The first two terms to the right of the equal
depend on the ratings of the motor. sign are identical to the P-Only controller
Advantages and disadvantages referenced at the top of this article. The integral
The integral term in a PI controller causes the mode of the controller is the last term of the
steady-state error to reduce to zero, which is equation. Its function is to integrate or
not the case for proportional-only control in continually sum the controller error, e(t), over
general. The lack of derivative action may time. Some things we should know about the
make the system more steady in the steady reset time tuning parameter, Ti: It provides a
state in the case of noisy data. This is because separate weight to the integral term so the
derivative action is more sensitive to higher- influence of integral action can be
frequency terms in the inputs. Without independently adjusted. It is in the
derivative action, a PI-controlled system is less denominator so smaller values provide a larger
responsive to real (non-noise) and relatively fast weight to (i.e. increase the influence of) the
alterations in state and so the system will be

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