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Speed control of DC motor by using PWM technique


Today’s industries are increasingly demanding process automation in all sectors. Automation results
into better quality, increased production an reduced costs. The variable speed drives, which can
control the speed of A.C/D.C motors, are indispensable controlling elements in automation systems.
Depending on the applications, some of them are fixed speed and some of the variable speed drives.
The variable speed drives, till a couple of decades back, had various limitations, such as poor
efficiencies, larger space, lower speeds, etc., However, the advent power electronic devices such as
power MOSFETs, IGBTs etc., and today we have variable speed drive systems which are not only in
the smaller in size but also very efficient, highly reliable and meeting all the stringent demands of
various industries of modern era.

Direct currents (DC) motors have been used in variable speed drives for a long time. The versatile
characteristics of dc motors can provide high starting torques which is required for traction drives.
Control over a wide speed range, both below and above the rated speed can be very easily achieved.
The methods of speed control are simpler and less expensive than those of alternating current motors.
There are different techniques available for the speed control of DC motors.

There are different techniques available for the speed control of DC motors. The phase control
method is widely adopted in which ac to dc converters are used to supply the dc motors, but has
certain limitations mainly it generates harmonics on the power line and it also has poor p.f. when
operated at lower speeds. The second method is pwm technique, which has got better advantages
over the phase control.

In our proposed project, a 5 H.P DC shunt motor circuitry is designed, and developed using pulse
with modulation (PWM).The pulse width modulation can be achieved in several ways. In the
present project, the PWM generation is done using timer IC.

In order to have better open loop speed control as demand varies frequently like in traction system
and many operations in industry must be control manually, PWM is most efficient and cheap speed
control method for dc drives. By varying resistor pot only we can control the speed of motor states
that simple and easy method.

The project proposed is a real time working project, and this can be further improvised by using
more no. of IGBT provides two or four quadrant chopper which will vary the motor in bidirectional
Speed control means intentional change of drive speed to a value required for performing the
specific work process. This concept of speed control or adjustment should not be taken to include
the natural change in speed which occurs due to change in the load on the shaft.

Any given piece of industrial equipment may have its speed change or Adjusted mechanically by
means of stepped pulleys, sets of change gears, variable speed friction clutch mechanism and other
mechanical devices. Historically it is proved to be the first step in transition from non adjustable
speed to adjustable speed drive. The electrical speed control has many economical as well as
engineering advantages over mechanical speed control
The nature of the speed control requirement for an industrial drive depends upon its type. Some
drives may require continues variation of speed for the whole of the range from zero to full speed
or over a portion of this range , while the others may require two or more fixed speeds.


DC motors are classified into three types depending upon the way their field windings are excited.
Field windings connections for the three types Of DC motors have been shown in fig.1.1

The DC motors are in general much more adaptable speed drives than AC motors which are
associated with a constant speed rotating field. Indeed one of the primary reasons for the strong
competitive position of DC motors in modern industrial drives is the wide range of specified afforded
we know the equation

N= K ( ϕ)
=K (V-Ia Ra / ϕ)

Where V=supply voltage (volts)

Ia = armature current (amps)
Ra= armature resistance (ohms)
Φ= flux per pole (Weber)
Eb= back emf (volts)

This equation gives two methods of effective speed changes i.e.

a) The variation of field excitation, if this causes in the flux per pole Φ and is known as the field

b) The variation of terminal voltage (V).this method is known as armature control.



It is known that N α 1/ Φ by decreasing the flux, thus speed can be increased and vice versa. Hence,
name flux or field control method.

The flux of DC motor can be changed by changing with help of a shunt field rheostat. Since in
relatively small, shunt field rheostat has to carry only a small, so that rheostat is small in size. This
method therefore very efficient in non-interpolar machines the speed can be increased by this method
in the ratio 2:1 any further weakening of flux Φ adversely affect the communication.

And hence puts a limit to the maximum speed obtainable with this method in machines fitted with
interlopes in ratio of maximum to minimum speeds of 6:1 is fairly common.

The connection diagram for this type of speed control is shown in fig1.2.
This method is used when speeds below the no load speed are required. As the supply voltage is
normally constant, the voltage across the armature is varied by inserting a variable rheostat or
controller resistance in series with the armature circuit as shown in fig1.3 as controller resistance is
increased, potential difference across the armature is decreased, thereby decreasing the armature
speed. For a load of constant torque, speed is approximately proportional to the potential difference.
Across the armature current characteristics in fig. in seen that greater the resistance.

In the armature circuit, greater is the fall in speed.

Ia1 = Armature current in the first case
Ia2 = Armature current in the second case
N1, N2 = corresponding speeds
V = Supply voltage

Then N1 (v-Ia1Ra ) α Eb1

Let some controller resistance of value R be added to the armature circuit resistance so that its value

(R+Ra) = Rt

Then, N2 α (V-Ia2 Rt) α Eb2


Considering no load speed, we have

N/N0 (I-(IaRt)/ (V-Ia0 Ra)

Neglecting Iao Ra w.r.t.toV, we get

N=No (I-(IaRt)/ V
It is seen that for a given resistance Rt the speed is a linear function of armature current Ia as shown
in fig.1.4

The load current for which the speed would be zero is found by putting N=0 in above relation
0 = N0 ((I-IaRt)/V)
Ia = V/Rt

This maximum current and is known as stalling current. This method is very wasteful, expensive and
unsuitable for rapidly changing loads because for a given value of Rt, speed will change with load. A
more stable operation can be obtained by using a diverter across the armature in addition to armature
control resistance.

Now, the changes in armature current will not be so effective in changing the potential difference
across the armature. The connection diagram for this type of speed control arrangement is shown
in fig.


Today’s power semiconductor devices are almost exclusively based on silicon material and can be
classified as follows:

Thyristor or silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR)
Bipolar Junction Transistor(BJT)
Power MOSFET

Power diodes provide uncontrolled rectification of power and are used in applications such as
electroplating, anodizing, battery charging, welding, power supplies (dc and ac), and variable
frequency drives. They are also used in feedback and the freewheeling functions of converters and
snubbers. Fig 2.2 shows the diode symbol and its volt-ampere characteristics. In the forward biased
condition, the diode can be represented by a junction offset drop and a series-equivalent resistance
that gives a positive slope in the V-I characteristics. The typical forward conduction drop is 1.0 V.
This drop will cause conduction loss, and the device must be cooled by the appropriate heat sink to
limit the junction temperature. In the reverse-biased condition, a small leakage current flows due to
minority carriers, which gradually increase with voltage. If the reverse voltage exceeds a threshold
value, called the breakdown voltage, the device goes through avalanche breakdown, which is when
reverse current becomes large and the diode is destroyed by heating due to large power dissipation
in the junction.

Thyristors or silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs) have been the traditional workhorses for bulk power
conversion and control in industry. The modern era of solid-state power electronics started due to the
introduction of this device in the late 1950s. Basically, it is a trigger into conduction device that can
be turned on by positive gate current pulse but once the device is on, a negative gate pulse cannot
turn it off. The device turn on process is very fast and turn off process is slow because the minority
carriers are to be cleared from the inner junctions by “recovery and recombination” processes
Commercial thyristors can be classified as phase control and inverter types. The thyristors have
been widely used in dc and ac drives, lighting, heating and welding control.
Fig.2.3. Thyristor symbol and V-I characteristics

A bipolar junction transistor (BJT), unlike a thyristor-like device, is a two-junction, self-controlled

device where the collector current is under the control of the base drive current. Bipolar junction
transistors have recently been ousted by IGBTs (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) in the higher end
and by power MOSFETs in the lower end. The dc current gain of a power transistor is low and varies
widely with collector current and temperature. The gain is increased to a high value in the Darlington
connection, as shown in Fig2.4 However, the disadvantages are higher leakage current, higher
conduction drop, and reduced switching frequency.

The shunt resistances and diode in the base-emitter circuit help to reduce collector leakage current
and establish base bias voltages. A transistor can block voltage in the forward direction only
(asymmetric blocking). The feedback diode, as shown, is an essential element for chopper and
voltage-fed converter applications. Double or triple Darlington transistors are available in module
form with matched parallel devices for higher power rating. Power transistors have an important
property known as the second breakdown effect. This is in contrast to the avalanche breakdown
effect of a junction, which is also known as first breakdown effect. When the collector current is
switched on by the base drive, it tends to crowd on the base-emitter junction periphery, thus
constricting the collector current in a narrow area of the reverse-biased collector junction. This tends
to create a hot spot and the junction fails by thermal runaway, which is known as second breakdown.
The rise in junction temperature at the hot spot accentuates the current concentration owing to the
negative temperature coefficient of the drop, and this regeneration effect causes collapse of the
collector voltage, thus destroying the device.

Unlike the devices discussed so far, a power MOSFET (metal-oxide semiconductor field effect
transistor) is a unipolar, majority carrier, “zero junctions,” voltage-controlled device. Fig 2.5 shows
the symbol of an N-type MOSFET and Fig.2.6 shows its volt-ampere characteristics. If the gate
voltage is positive and beyond a threshold value, an N-type conducting channel will be induced that
will permit current flow by majority carrier (electrons) between the drain and the source. Although
the gate impedance is extremely high at steady state, the effective gate-source capacitance will
demand a pulse current during turn-on and turn-off. The device has asymmetric voltage-blocking
capability, and has an integral body diode, as shown, which can carry full current in the reverse
direction. The diode is characterized by slow recovery and is often bypassed by an external fast-
recovery diode in high-frequency applications.
2.6 IGBT:
The Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) is a minority-carrier device with high input impedance
and large bipolar current-carrying capability. Many designers view IGBT as a device with MOS
input characteristics and bipolar output characteristic that is a voltage-controlled bipolar device. To
make use of the advantages of both Power MOSFET and BJT, the IGBT has been introduced. It’s a
functional integration of Power MOSFET and BJT devices in monolithic form. It combines the best
attributes of both to achieve optimal device characteristics.

The IGBT is suitable for many applications in power electronics, especially in Pulse Width
Modulated (PWM) servo and three-phase drives requiring high dynamic range control and low noise.
It also can be used in Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS), Switched-Mode Power Supplies
(SMPS), and other power circuits requiring high switch repetition rates. IGBT improves dynamic
performance and efficiency and reduced the level of audible noise. It is equally suitable in resonant-
mode converter circuits.

Optimized IGBT is available for both low conduction loss and low switching loss. The main
advantages of IGBT over a Power MOSFET and a BJT are:

1. It has a very low on-state voltage drop due to conductivity modulation and has superior on-state
current density. So smaller chip size is possible and the cost can be reduced.

2. Low driving power and a simple drive circuit due to the input MOS gate structure. It can be easily
controlled as compared to current controlled devices (thyristor, BJT) in high voltage and high current

3. Wide SOA. It has superior current conduction capability compared with the bipolar transistor. It
also has excellent forward and reverse blocking capabilities.
The main drawbacks are:

1. Switching speed is inferior to that of a Power MOSFET and superior to that of a BJT. The
collector current tailing due to the minority carrier causes the turnoff speed to be slow.

2. There is a possibility of latchup due to the internal PNPN thyristor structure. The IGBT is suitable
for scaling up the blocking voltage capability. In case of Power MOSFET, the on-resistance increases
sharply with the breakdown voltage due to an increase in the resistively and thickness of the drift
region required to support the high operating voltage. For this reason, the development of high
current Power MOSFET with high-blocking voltage rating is normally avoided. In contrast, for the
IGBT, the drift region resistance is drastically reduced by the high concentration of injected minority
carriers during on-state current conduction. The forward drop from the drift region becomes
dependent upon its thickness and independent of its original resistivity.


Pulse-width modulation (PWM) or duty-cycle variation methods are commonly used in speed control
of DC motors. The duty cycle is defined as the percentage of digital ‘high’ to digital ‘low’ plus
digital ‘high’ pulse-width during a PWM period.

Fig.2.7 shows the 5V pulses with 0% through 100% duty cycle. The average DC Voltage value for
0% duty cycle is zero; with 20% duty cycle the average value is 1.2V (20% of 5V). With 50% duty
cycle the average value is 2.5V, and if the duty cycle is 80%, the average voltage is 4V and so on.
The maximum duty cycle can be 100%, which is equivalent to a DC waveform. Thus by varying the
pulse-width, we can vary the average voltage across a DC motor and hence its speed.
The average voltage is given by the following equation:
ý = D. Ymax + (1- D) Ymin

But usually minimum equals zero so the average voltage will be:
ý = D. Ymax

The circuit of a simple speed controller for a mini DC motor, such as that used in tape recorders and
toys, is shown in Fig2.8.
2.8 Principle
Pulse width modulation control works by switching the power supplied to the motor on and off very
rapidly. The DC voltage is converted to a square wave signal, alternating between fully on (nearly
12v) and zero, giving the motor a series of power “kicks”.

Pulse width modulation technique (PWM) is a technique for speed control which can overcome the
problem of poor starting performance of a motor.

PWM for motor speed control works in a very similar way. Instead of supplying a varying voltage to
a motor, it is supplied with a fixed voltage value (such as 12v) which starts it spinning immediately.
The voltage is then removed and the motor ‘coasts’. By continuing this voltage on/off cycle with a
varying duty cycle, the motor speed can be controlled.

The wave forms in the below figure to explain the way in which this method of control operates. In
each case the signal has maximum and minimum voltages of 12v and 0v.

In wave form, the signal has a mark space ratio of 1:1.with the signal at 12v for 50% of the time,
the average voltage is 6v, so the motor runs at half its maximum speed.

In wave form, the signal has mark space ratio of 3:1.which means that the output is at 12v for 75%
of the time. This clearly gives an average output voltage of 9v, so the motor runs at 3/ 4 of its
maximum speed.

In wave form, the signal has mark space ratio is 1:3, giving an output signal that is 12v for just 25%
o the time. The average output voltage of this signal is just 3v, so the motor runs at 1/4 of its
maximum speed.

By varying the mark space ratio of the signal over the full range, it is possible to obtain any desired
average output voltage from 0v to12v .The motor will work perfectly well, provided that the
frequency of the pulsed signal is set correctly, a suitable frequency being 30Hz.setting the frequency
too low gives jerky operation. And setting it too high might increase the motor’s impedance.

The main aim of the dc motor speed control using pwm is after power on the power supply generates
+5v dc.The logic section works on +5v dc and the IGBT triggering sections are working on +30v dc.
The Motor is driven on +220v dc.


The Power Supply is a Primary requirement for the project work. The required DC power supply is
0-30 volt & 0-5 volt can be available from the DC Power supply else can be rectify by means of
rectifier circuit through diode or thyristors.
3.3) 555 timer IC

The 555 timer IC is an integrated circuit (chip) used in a variety of timer, pulse generation, and
oscillator applications. The 555 can be used to provide time delays, as an oscillator, and as a flip-flop
element. Derivatives provide up to four timing circuits in one package.

Fig 3.1 Pin diagram of 555 IC

Table:3.2 Pin description

The IC 555 has three operating modes

• Bistable

In bistable (also called Schmitt trigger) mode, the 555 timer acts as a basic flip-flop. The trigger and
reset inputs (pins 2 and 4 respectively on a 555) are held high via pull-up resistors while the
threshold input (pin 6) is simply floating. Thus configured, pulling the trigger momentarily to ground
acts as a 'set' and transitions the output pin (pin 3) to Vcc (high state). Pulling the reset input to
ground acts as a 'reset' and transitions the output pin to ground (low state). No timing capacitors
are required in a bistable configuration. Pin 5 (control voltage) is connected to ground via a small-
value capacitor (usually 0.01 to 0.1 μF). Pin 7 (discharge) is left floating.

2) Monostable

The output pulse ends when the voltage on the capacitor equals 2/3 of the supply voltage. The
output pulse width can be lengthened or shortened to the need of the specific application by
adjusting the values of R and C.
While using the timer IC in monostable mode, the main disadvantage is that the time span between
any two triggering pulses must be greater than the RC time constant. Conversely, ignoring closely
spaced pulses is done by setting the RC time constant to be larger than the span between spurious

• Astable

In astable mode, the 555 timer puts out a continuous stream of rectangular pulses having a specified
frequency. Resistor R1 is connected between VCC and the discharge pin (pin 7) and another resistor
(R2) is connected between the discharge pin (pin 7), and the trigger (pin 2) and threshold (pin 6) pins
that share a common node. Hence the capacitor is charged through R 1 and R2, and discharged only
through R2, since pin 7 has low impedance to ground during output low intervals of the cycle,
therefore discharging the capacitor.

In the astable mode, the frequency of the pulse stream depends on the values of R 1, R2 and C:
Particularly with bipolar 555s, low values of must be avoided so that the output stays saturated near
zero volts during discharge, as assumed by the above equation. Otherwise the output low time will be
greater than calculated above. The first cycle will take appreciably longer than the calculated time, as
the capacitor must charge from 0V to 2/3 of V CC from power-up, but only from 1/3 of VCC to 2/3 of
VCC on subsequent cycles.

To have an output high time shorter than the low time (i.e., a duty cycle less than 50%) a small diode
(that is fast enough for the application) can be placed in parallel with R 2, with the cathode on the
capacitor side. This bypasses R2 during the high part of the cycle so that the high interval depends
only on R1 and C, with an adjustment based the voltage drop across the diode. The voltage drop
across the diode slows charging on the capacitor so that the high time is a longer than the expected
and often-cited ln(2)*R1C = 0.693 R1C. The low time will be the same as above, 0.693 R 1C. With the
bypass diode, the high time is
whereVdiodeis when the diode's "on" current is 1/2 of V cc/R1 which can be determined from its
datasheet or by testing. As an extreme example, when V cc= 5 and Vdiode= 0.7, high time = 1.00 R1C
which is 45% longer than the "expected" 0.693 R 1C. At the other extreme, when Vcc= 15 and Vdiode=
0.3, the high time = 0.725 R1C which is closer to the expected 0.693 R 1C. The equation reduces to
the expected 0.693 R1C if Vdiode= 0.

The operation of RESET in this mode is not well-defined. Some manufacturers' parts will hold the
output state to what it was when RESET is taken low, others will send the output either high or low.
The astable configuration, with two resistors, cannot produce a 50% duty cycle. To produce a 50%
duty cycle, eliminate R1, disconnect pin 7 and connect the supply end of R2 to pin 3, the output pin.
This circuit is similar to using an inverter gate as an oscillator, but with fewer components than the
astable configuration, and a much higher power output than a TTL or CMOS gate. The duty cycle for
either the 555 or inverter-gate timer will not be precisely 50% due to the fact the timing network is
supplied from the devices output pin, which has different internal resistances depending on whether it
is in the high or low state (high side drivers tend to be more resistive).

For the operation of very first component of the project kit i.e. 555 IC we need to have a dc supply of
4.5-15V. We used 5V in our operation. And then to get astable operation though 555 timer IC we
will setup 555 IC and combination of resistors and capacitors as shown in fig. the connections are
already shown in fig4.2. forastable mode. We change the resistor R2 by Variable pot of 10KΩ so we
can get variable duty cycle. In real operation we have got 9-99% duty cycle variation by moving
position of pot. One more change of capacitor jumper is there we can select the frequency of range
1Hz-10Hz.To change the frequency select the appropriate capacitor and short it through the jumper.
The connection of jumper is at one of the fixed terminal of pot so we can introduce this frequency in
the input. At output we will get perfect square wave with variable duty cycle. We can check this
through CRO. And the average voltage depends upon the variation of duty cycle like if given that for
5V input DC supply the duty cycle of 20% then average voltage will be 20% of 5V means 1V.
HCWN3120 is 8 pin optocoupler IC which has input fed bay 555 IC through a current limiting
resistor. The main function of this optocoupler IC is to increase the value of generated PWM wave
which is suitable to trigger the IGBT base. This IC has to be supplied externally by another DC
voltage regulator. Its operating range of input voltage is 15-30 V DC. Its characteristics already
mention in part 3.5 and output is given by pin 7

The most important component of the circuit is IGBT(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor ) has three
pins –Gate, Collector, Emitter and its look like voltage regulator IC. The IGBT HGTG12N60A4D
which is used in the circuit has gate normally trigger to 15V DC which will be given by HCWN IC.
220V dc supply will be seen across collector and emitter terminal. The connections are shown in
fig.4.2 and here the field winding of Dc shunt motor connected to fixed DC supply voltage while
armature is placed in series with the IGBT. We also used flywheel diode of rating 10A to eliminate
the effect of inductive load of motor which may damage to the IGBT.

Now when the positive voltage of PWM wave is passed through this IGBT base it conducts and for
that duration of time collector and emitter get shorted which means complete the circuit of DC motor
to the supply for that duration which we called t on time. Once waveform goes to zero base will not
trigger hence collector and emitter remains open for t offtime and motor has no supply for this
duration. SO now we can change capacitor to change the frequency of PWM and hence fast
switching can be available.

If we look form start when we have done all the connections properly and given the rated supply to
all components and motor, we will set pot initial position as zero and then gradually vary the speed
by changing position of pot upto rated speed.
Future scope:

We have used single quadrant chopper operation, but if we use two or four quadrant operation we
can have bidirectional speed control features in the circuits.

Four Quadrant Chopper

A chopper is a static device that converts fixed DC input to a variable DC output voltage directly. A
chopper may be thought of as an AC transformer since they behave in an identical manner. It’s also
known as DC-to-DC converter. It’s widely used for motor control. It’s also used in regenerative
braking. Essentially, a chopper is an electronic switch that is used to interrupt one signal under the
control of another.

Fig.4.3. Four Quadrant Chopper Circuit

The output voltage swings in both directions i.e. from +Vdc to -Vdc. This mode of switching is
referred to as PWM with bipolar voltage switching.

The output voltage swings either from zero to +Vdc or zero to -Vdc. This mode of switching is
referred to as PWM with unipolar voltage switching.

The four quadrant chopper operates in the four quadrants in the following ways:

 Quadrant I: In the first quadrant, the voltage and current are positive making the power is positive.
In this case, the power flows from source to load. In this operation T1is ON, T4 is OFF, T2 is
continuously ON and T3 is continuously OFF. T1 and T2 are conducting in this mode.
Quadrant 2 : In the second quadrant, the voltage is still positive but the current is negative.
Therefore, the power is negative. In this case, the power flows from load to source and this can
happen if the load is inductive or back emf source such as a dc motor .Here T1 is OFF, T4 is ON,T2
is continuously ON and T3 is continuously OFF. As the inductor current cannot be changed
instantaneously, D4 and T2 will be freewheeling the current.
Quadrant 3 : In the third quadrant both the voltage and current are negative but the power is
positive. In this case, the power flows from source to load. In this operation T3is ON, T2 is OFF, T4
is continuously ON and T1 is continuously OFF. T3 and T4 are conducting in this mode.

 Quadrant 4 : In the fourth quadrant voltage is negative but current is positive. The power is
therefore negative. HereT3 is OFF, T2 is ON,T4 is continuously ON and T1 is continuously OFF .
As the inductor current cannot be changed instantaneously, D2 and T4 will be freewheeling the

4.5.1 Applications:
At the present DC choppers are used in

1) Tramcars Geneva, Switzerland:

VosslohKiepe supplied 92 chopper modules using modern IGBT technology for the modernization of
the 46 six/eight axle tram motorcars belonging to Transports Public Genovis (TPG).

2)Underground Rail Vehicles Philadelphia, PA, USA

The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) are restoring their B-IV vehicle
fleet which is now over 25 years old. SEPTA ordered 127 new IGBT chopper traction systems in
order to equip the vehicles (that were still using cam shaft control assemblies) with modern drive

3)Light-rail Vehicles (B Wagon) Bonn

The Stadtwerke Bonn GmbH ordered 50 modern IGBT choppers from VosslohKiepe for the
modernization of the drive train of 25 B100S series light-rail vehicles. This modernization included
replacing each of the cam shaft control assemblies with two IGBT choppers. In addition
VosslohKiepe supplied the corresponding brake resistors and drive controls.

4)TramcarsMülheiman der Ruhr

VerkehrsbetriebeMühlheim ordered 22 modern choppers for the modernization of the drive

equipment for eleven M6 S and/or M8 S series light-rail articulated railcars.

By varying the duty cycle, we have done the speed control DC shunt motor by means of PWM
method for triggering the base of controlled device called IGBT. We found out that this is very cheap
and efficient speed control method where all components give reliable operation.
Speed of Motor

PWM Output
The dc motor speed is controlled by using power electronic device and the PWM is used which to
control the speed of dc motor. The speed pulse train will be based on required input speed. This
circuit is useful to operate the dc motors at required speed with very low losses and low cost. The
circuit response time is fast. Hence high reliability can be achieved. The designed circuit was tested
for various speed inputs satisfactorily. The method already employed in traction system and has a
good scope ahead.

1.Gopal K Dubey “Fundamentals of Electric Drives” Narosa Publishing House New Delhi, 1989.

2.Muhammad H. Rashid, ‘‘Power Electronics Circuits, Devices, and Applications,” Prentice Hall, 3 rd
edition, 2003.

3. Kumara MKSC, Dayananda PRD, Gunatillaka MDPR, Jayawickrama SS, “PC based speed
controlling of a dc motor”, A fmal year report University of Moratuwa
Illiniaus USA, 2001102.

4. A KhoeiKh. Hadidi, “MicroProcessor Based Closed- Loop Speed Control System for DC Motor
Using Power MOSFET”, 3rd IEEE international conference
on Electronics, Circuits and Systems( 1996) vol.2, pp.1247-1250.

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