Chapter - 1 1.1.: Motilal Nehru Institute of Research and Business Administration - 1
Chapter - 1 1.1.: Motilal Nehru Institute of Research and Business Administration - 1
Chapter - 1 1.1.: Motilal Nehru Institute of Research and Business Administration - 1
Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a
particular job. The major outcome of training is learning. A trainee learns new habits,
refined skills and useful knowledge during the' training that helps him improve
performance. Training enables an employee to do his present job more efficiently and
prepare himself for a higher level job. Training, thus, may be defined as a planned
programme designed to improve performance and bring about measurable changes in
knowledge, skills, attitude and social behaviour of employees.
The goal of training is to create an impact that lasts beyond the end time of the training
itself. The focus is on creating specific action steps and commitments that focus people‘s
attention on incorporating their new skills and ideas back at work.
Airports Authority of India has relied on technology and procedures, however, not as
much as it has on its people skills. In a life critical industry, knowledge is not power,
safety is. To meet this overarching goal of safety, in addition to knowledge, attitude and
skills play a very vital role. Training is the essence of this transformation which adds
value to individuals to acquire knowledge, hone skills or develop the right attitude. It
need not be overstated that AAI, as a learning organization itself lays adequate emphasis
on employee training and development.
The ―Airports Authority National Training Policy‖ is the foundation stone for a
structured attempt in training employees based on training needs and a coherent training
plan. AAI is profoundly committed to invest in the overall development of its officials.
This investment is of even greater importance given the challenging times that the
aviation world faces, with rapid changes in technology and procedures, necessitating staff
skill development which enables them adapt to changing times.
Secondary Objectives:
Vocationally oriented and on the job and so it A long term process for developing
is short term. conceptual skills.
It is generally for non-managerial personnel. It is generally for managerial personnel.
It is imparting of technical and mechanical It is theoretical and conceptual idea
knowledge. implementation.
It is related with specific job. It is aimed at acquiring general knowledge.
A mechanic who repairs generator better than An engineer may not be better mechanic but
engineer is only trained. he has theoretical and conceptual skill as well
as knowledge of principles of engineering.
Another distinction can be understood from the term four Ws. Who is learning? What is
learning? Why such learning does takes place? When does learning take place?
They assist the organization with its primary objective by bringing individual effectiveness.
Functional Objectives:
They maintain the department‗s contribution at a level suitable to the organization‗s needs.
Societal Objectives:
They ensure that an organization is ethically and socially responsible to the needs and challenges
of the society.
Following can be briefly summarized as training objectives.
To create constant awareness in the minds of all sections of employees of the mission of
the industry, its objective and goals.
To encourage self-development to achieve organization goals with a sense of belonging
and commitment to organization and thereby ensuring development of a proper work
ethos in the Industry and fostering of team spirit.
To identify the training needs of the entire personnel in industry in keeping with the
corporate plans and in consultation with the user departments.
To impart knowledge and skills necessary for performing the job efficiently and
effectively and to keep the employees to acquire necessary conceptual, technical, human
and managerial skills in the areas of decision-making and problem-solving.
To make available in adequate number sufficiently trained manpower to meet the diverse
needs of a rapidly growing industry.
Team spirit: Training and Development helps in inculcating the sense of team work,
team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in inculcating the zeal to learn within
the employees.
Organization Culture: Training and Development helps to develop and improve the
organizational health culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning culture
within the organization.
Quality: Training and Development helps in improving upon the quality of work and
Healthy work environment: Training and Development helps in creating the healthy
working environment. It helps to build good employee, relationship so that individual
goals aligns with organizational goal.
Learning Objectives:
Another factor which makes a training success is a well-written learning objective.
Learning objectives works as guidance for discussions and help students understand what
is expected of them. Students who understand what is expected are more involved and
willing to work hard in order to achieve goal. To be effective, learning objectives must
specify a performance that a learner should be able to perform at the end of training
Learner Readiness:
A learner must also be ready and willing to learn new information. A learner must
identify the need to adapt new behavior and be able to learn a new skill, and the learner
needs to have an open mind so that he can think and perform in new way.
Training occurs under the supervision of an experienced person, an apprentice receive
knowledge and develops skills associated with a designated trade through on-the job
training. Most of their training is done while working for an employer who helps the
apprentices learn their trade or profession, in exchange for their continuing labor for
an agreed period after they have achieved measurable competencies.
Job Rotation:
Job rotation involves the movement of employees from one job to another in order to
increase skill and abilities. Job rotation involves the transfer of trainees from one job
to another and sometimes from one branch to another. The trainee is given full duties
and responsibilities of the rotated position. It is more suitable for lower level
In coaching, the superior plays an active role in training the subordinate. The superior
may give challenging task to the subordinate for the purpose of training. The superior
may assist and advice the subordinate to complete the given task. In this case, the
superior acts as a coach in training and guide the subordinate.
Understudy Position:
The trainee is given an understudy position. The trainee handles some important work
of his superior‘s job. The trainee, at a future date, is likely to take the duties and
responsibilities of his immediate superior. The understudy technique ensures a
company that a fully qualified person will be available to take over a present
manager‘s position whenever he leaves the position through promotion, transfer,
retirement or resignation.
This is a traditional training method. The role of a trainer is to provide the
information to the trainees, while the trainees‘ role is to listen. When the purpose is to
provide information, lecture method is preferred. This method is suitable for large
audience where participation is not needed.
Making lecture method effective:
Lecture method can be improved by encouraging trainees to take notes.
Use of the multimedia largely improves the effectiveness of lecture.
The trainer can ask questions frequently during a lecture to increase the
involvement of trainees.
Simulated Training:
In this technique the situation is duplicated in such a way that it carries a closer
resemblance to the actual job situation. The trainee experiences a feeling that he is
actually encountering all those conditions. The trainee is asked to assume a particular
role in the circumstances and solve the problems by making a decision. Feedback is
given immediately on the performance of the trainee.
Role Playing:
In role playing method different role has to be performed by the students on a
particular situation by assuming it as a real situation which can provide good amount
of experience to the candidates. The participants play the role of certain characters
such as manager, executive, supervisor etc. This method is mostly used for
developing inter-personal relations.
Business games:
Business games are classroom simulation exercises in which teams of individuals
compete against each other to achieve given objectives. For instance, teams may be
asked to make decisions regarding pricing, production quantity, research
expenditures, advertising and sales promotion plans, channels of distribution etc.
Team actions and decisions are fed into a computer that has been programmed
according to a particular market. Business game participants learn by analyzing
problems and by making trial-and-error decisions.
Conference method:
This method is use for providing messages on a large scale. Often to an audience of
several hundred people or executives with common interest from a wide section of
the society who are seeking an opportunity to hear the views and comments of
Sensitivity Training:
In this type of training, a small group of trainees consisting of 10 to 12 persons is
formed and an unstructured situation is given to them. Sensitivity Training is a form
of training that claims to make people more aware of their own prejudices, and more
sensitive to others. The objectives are to increase listening skills, trust, support,
tolerance and to understand the feeling of each other.
Training needs assessment has to precede the design and delivery of training. Identification of
training should not be generic in nature but more focused with reference to the specific skills
required to perform the job. The identification of training needs should be done scientifically and
the process should involve the employee himself.
The fundamental principles which are integral to Training Needs Analyses are:
Evaluating what we are doing now
Comparing this to what we aim to do in the future
Analysis of the reasons for the performance gap
Identifying the types of training interventions
Training needs can be viewed on two levels:
Organizational Needs
Individual Needs
A training need is usually viewed as the gap between where the person or organization is now
and where they ought to be.6 This is usually viewed on three distinct levels:
A knowledge gap
A skills gap
An attitudinal gap
A proper analysis of the jobs of individual functionaries or groups is the key to the identification
of their training needs. Every job is to be broken down into its specific task components that the
job holder is expected to perform.
A needs assessment/survey helps an organization achieve its goals. It reduces gaps between
employee skills and the skills required by the job and department. The training needs assessment
survey can also form the basis (benchmark) for determining effectiveness of the training
Airports Authority of India is committed to a scientific approach to training its employees. The
training need assessment has been carried out and the training areas have been identified. A
training plan has been prepared in line with AAI‘s training policy; this will definitely pave way
for an effective implementation of structured training.
The design of the training program can be undertaken only when a clear training objective has
been produced. The training objective clears what goal has to be achieved by the end of training
program i.e. what the trainees are expected to be able to do at the end of their training. Training
objectives assist trainers to design the training program. Every training and development
programme must address certain viral issues –
Who participates in the programme?
Who are the trainers?
What methods and techniques are to be used for training?
What should be the level of training?
What learning principles are needed?
Where is the programme conducted?
All the organizational problems cannot be solved by training. It will be advisable for the trainer
to clearly identify what problems can be solve by training and what cannot. The Ideal training
program can be designed as follows:
An objective is a statement describing the knowledge or skills that the trainee has to
acquire on the completion of the training program. There are two types of approaches as
Reactive Approach:
It takes into account the immediate need of the training which is related to
organization‘s problem.
Pro-active Approach:
This is based on the long-term plan of the organization taking into account the
futuristic need & long term objective.
As per the availability of the Trainers and Trainee HRD Coordinator will plan the
training program. Selection of the faculty is also important. Trainer can be from internal
or from external source. Based on the results we obtain in the 1st phase, we will design
the training. This phase consists of identifying learning objectives, which describe in a
manner that can be measured what the trainee should be able to do upon completion of
the training. We will also determine how the course will be delivered, who and when it
will be delivered.
Once we have decided who needs to be trained and why, we then need to get suitable
training material to suit the objectives of the training. It includes subject matter and
material of training program, depending upon the problems the subject is selected and
material is prepared by the trainer.
5. Evaluations:
Evaluation is the most important part of the training program. Based on the evaluation we
can find out success of the training, Based on the evaluation HRD Coordinator will
evaluate the outcome of training and if required then he will take the necessary action in
next training program.
To put training program into effect according to definite plan or procedure is called training
implementation. Training implementation is the hardest part of the system because one wrong
step can lead to the failure of whole training program. Even the best training program will fail
due to one wrong action. In many ways, deciding who will conduct the training is simpler than
deciding who will control it. Possibilities are a program or training director, other staff members,
outside presenters (including participants and other community members) or organizations, or
some combination.
The training and development method should depend upon the knowledge of trainees,
area of their work, their position in the organization etc. It also depends on the subject
matter and material prepared by the trainer. It can be on-the job or off-the job training
method depend upon the type of training and trainees.
Trainers should use appropriate channel of communication. Circular, notice etc. can be
used as a channel of communication. It is important to communicate training and
development program sufficiently in advance so that the departmental managers of the
trainees can plan for delegation of the work of the trainees who will be away from their
actual work. Individual employees also get opportunity to not only plan their regular
work and make for suitable adjustment but also to plan their personal priorities.
3. Implementation:
Trainer must make all arrangements necessary for the smooth conduction of the training
and development program. He/ She should be experienced and knowledgeable. He/ She
should begin by creating an environment for learning and participation for the trainees.
He/ She should continuously check the attention, interest, active listening and
participation of the trainees.
At this stage, the obtained result from the evaluation of training and development programme is
compared to the pre-defined standard.
From the evaluation of training programmes a feedback report is prepared and communicated to
participants, faculty members, trainers/coordinators and sponsors, so that they may benefit from
the results of the evaluation.
With the help of feedback participants come to know their level of achievements through the
training programme. Immediate feedback given to participants based on the evaluation of
training programmes which help them to know the performance they will be able to achieve and
the kinds of efforts needed to improve their effectiveness.
Trainers are very anxious to know whether their efforts have yielded the desired results. A
detailed analysis of the feedback would help them to modify their approaches. It would enable
them to design future training programmes taking into consideration all the successes and
failures of the programme.
Sponsors or managers, who have nominated the participants, are very curious to know how well
they have performed during the training programme. The feedback report received from trainers
will help them to look for specific changes in the behavior of the participants. To be precise, it
helps them to sharpen their point of view to look for anticipated changes in their day-to-day
1. Passenger Facilities:
The main functions of AAI inter-alia include construction, modification &management of
passengers terminals, development & management of cargo terminals, development &
maintenance of apron infrastructure including runways, parallel taxiways, apron etc.,
Provision of Communications, navigation and Surveillance which includes provisions of
DVOR/ DME,ILS, ATC radars, visual aids etc., provision of air traffic services,
provision of passenger facilities and related amenities at its terminals thereby ensuring
safe and secure operations of aircraft, passengers and cargo in the country.
4. Aerodrome Facilities:
In Airports Authority of India, the basic approach to planning of airport facilities has
been adopted to create capacity ahead of demand in our efforts. Towards implementation
of this strategy, a number of projects for extension and strengthening of runway, taxi
track and aprons at different airports has been taken up. Extension of runway to 7500 ft.
has been taken up to support operations for Airbus-320/Boeing 737-800 categories of
aircrafts at all airports.
5. HRD Training:
A large pool of trained and highly skilled manpower is one of the major assets of Airports
Authority of India. Development and Technological enhancements and consequent
refinement of operating standards and procedures, new standards of safety and security
and improvements in management techniques call for continuing training to update the
knowledge and skill of officers and staff. For this purpose AAI has a number of training
establishments, viz. NIAMAR in Delhi, CATC in Allahabad, Fire Training Centers at
Delhi & Kolkata for in-house training of its engineers, Air Traffic controllers, Rescue &
Fire Fighting personnel etc. NIAMAR & CATC are members of ICAO TRAINER
programme under which they share Standards Training Packages (STP) from a central
pool for imparting training on various subjects. Both CATC & NIAMAR have also
contributed a number of STPs to the Central pool under ICAO TRAINER programme.
Foreign students have also been participating in the training programme being conducted
by these institutions.
6. IT Implementation:
Information Technology holds the key to operational and managerial efficiency,
transparency and employee productivity. AAI initiated a programme to indoctrinate IT
culture among its employees and this is most powerful tool to enhance efficiency in the
organization. AAI website with domain name or
is a popular website giving a host of information about the organization besides domestic
and international flight schedules and such other information of interest to the public in
general and passengers in particular.
Training Departments
The College has two main training departments‘ viz. CNS Department and ATM Department
and they are further divided in training sections.
The another field is the maintenance repair of the navigational aids spread across the Indian
continent which has the non-directional radio beacons, the very high frequency Omni range
(VOR) transmitters and DME,s which are used for navigation by the flights for finding their
way to the destinations. The DME transmitters are used for determining the slant range of the
aircraft. The CNS technical officers are trained in CATC to maintain these equipments.
Similarly, the training on RADARS technology had been imparted from the old times when there
were dark room RADARS. At present the state of the art equipments are in use in our country
and the complete technology is maintained by the CNS officers trained in CATC. Terminal
navigational aids like Instrument landing systems, surface radars and internal communication
systems are always in the hands of these people who are trained in CATC. The entire
To provide total administrative support to manpower posted at CATC in the field of service,
appointment, promotion, transfer, HRD, residential accommodation, industrial relations,
advances, medical facilities, photo identity cards and official language.
C. Administrative functions
Processing of various Loans & Advances as per Company‘s policy guidelines.
Medical Reimbursement.
Empanelment of Hospitals/Nursing Homes for medical treatment.
Empanelment of Hotels for providing accommodation to officials on tour or
guests of AAI.
Housing-Providing accommodation to employees as per status of available
quarters in the premises.
Looking after all the security requirements at CATC through the sponsored
Issue of Identity & Medical Cards.
Billing & maintenance of various Revenue contracts.
D. Industrial Relations
Liaison with Union Representatives / Regional Secretary / Local Secretary
and conducting periodical meeting with them.
Disciplinary functions.
Liaison with Regional Labour Commission in matters relating to Statutory
Labour compliances.
Assessing training needs and organizing training programmes/ workshop.
Nomination of employees for various training programmes conducted at IAA.
The target population was the Managers, Executives, JETs and Non Executives
who are working in Airports Authority of India, CATC, Allahabad.
Total numbers of respondent were 66.
First-hand information was received from the employees through Questionnaires
and Personal Interviews.
In order to collect the secondary data different related printed materials like AAI
Annual report, Training manual, its website etc. has been used.
Training Calendar:
CPC Cell designs the yearly training calendar. Training calendar is made for the
whole year and it starts from the month of March. Training calendar designed by
the CPC Cell is first sent to the headquarters for approval.
Proposed Training Calendar for Year 2018-19 in CNS Faculty is shown in
Annexure- B.
Training Calendar features the Course details, Number of trainees, Course
duration, Number of Courses during the year, Start and End of the Course.
Scheduling of the training course is also done within the CPC Cell. It provides the
Course Schedule featuring the details of the subjects to be studied under that
particular subject, theory hours for each subject, practical hours for each subject,
exam hours (assignments, presentations, theory exam, and viva voce).
Duration is set by panel of three experts. Scheduling is also sent to the
headquarters for verification.
Annexure- C shows the Course Schedule for Data Communication &
Networking Course.
Time Table:
Time tables are designed for the courses on weekly basis. Time table gives the
detailed overview of the weekly training schedule featuring details like course
commencement and completion date, number of participants, subject and practical
classes‘ details at a particular day and hour of the week, name of the trainer, and
room number for the training.
Annexure- D shows the Weekly Training Schedule CNS Department.
CDR Cell mainly deals with the preparation of course materials for the training and
development purpose.
The course material is designed and drafted by panel of three experts of that particular
course. The draft course material is then sent to the headquarters for review and
After review and required corrections suggested by the headquarters, the course material
is redrafted and sent back to the headquarters for final approval.
CDR Cell also designs the exam paper for the evaluation of the trainees.
There are some vetting instructions which have to be followed during the preparation of
course material.
Annexure- E shows the vetting instructions to be followed during the preparation of PLI
At first structured training programmes are selected and then mandatory training
methods like In-house training, External training, Training at manufacturer‘s works
etc. are selected accordingly.
The details like title of the programme, basic objective of the programme, time of the
programme, and venue of the programme are communicated to both the trainees and
the trainers a week before the commencement of the programme by the department.
At last the training courses are conducted with respect to the approved time table by
the headquarters and continuous monitoring of the progress of the trainees is also
Evaluation at CNS department is carried by Exam Cell. The materials for internal exams
at CATC are prepared by Exam Cell and materials for external exams are prepared by
CDR Cell.
100 marks are allotted for each Theory and Practical exams and the duration of the exam
is of 2 hours. In Theory exam, paper consists of 70 MCQs and 30 theoretical questions.
Annexure-F shows a sample question paper collected from the exam cell.
To pass the exam, one has to score minimum 60% in each Theory and Practicals. For PLI
courses the criteria is 70% in each Theory and Practicals.
Results are featured in terms of Pass or Fail. Performance Improvement Program (PIP) is
the procedure for improvement if trainees were absent from the exam or they had failed.
At the last day of the training course, a small graduation ceremony is upheld in which the
certificates are distributed and the Rank1 trainee in exam result is awarded The
Principal‘s Cup.
Feedbacks forms are given to trainees. Based on this feedback, future training needs can
be established in a systematic and planned way as well as recording the successes
attributable to the training process.
The results of the trainees are sent to their respective stations. Post Training Feedback
Form from Reporting Officer of the trainee is also recorded.
Annexure-G shows Post Training Feedback Form from Reporting Officer of the trainee.
Overall training evaluation is done by the course coordinator.
At this stage, the obtained result from the evaluation of training and development
programme is compared to the pre-defined standard.
With the help of feedback participants come to know their level of achievements through
the training programme. Immediate feedback given to participants based on the
evaluation of training programmes which help them to know the performance they will
be able to achieve and the kinds of efforts needed to improve their effectiveness.
Trainers are very anxious to know whether their efforts have yielded the desired results.
A detailed analysis of the feedback would help them to modify their approaches. It would
enable them to design future training programmes taking into consideration all the
successes and failures of the programme.
Agree 17 25.75%
Undecided 8 12.12%
Disagree 5 7.58%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Graphical Presentation
In this graph it is seen that 54.55% employees strongly agreed that the Organization supports
Individual Training & Development within department and 25.75% agreed with the same. 7.58%
of them disagree and no one strongly disagrees to the above statement, while the remaining
12.12 % of the employees remain neutral to the statement.
Agree 16 24.24%
Undecided 8 12.12%
Disagree 10 15.15%
Graphical Presentation
In this graph it is seen that 39.39% employees strongly agreed that the Organization provides
financial assistance to support employees continued education and 24.24% agreed with the same.
15.15% of them along with less number of 9.09% employees disagree and strongly disagree to
the above statement, while the remaining 12.12 % of the employees remain neutral to the
Agree 18 27.27%
Undecided 8 12.12%
Disagree 7 10.60%
Graphical Presentation
In this graph it is seen that 43.93% employees strongly agreed that the Organization has provided
the opportunity to be cross trained in other positions or specific job functions outside parent
department and 27.27% agreed with the same. 10.60% of them along with less number of 6.06%
employees disagree and strongly disagree to the above statement while the remaining 12.12 % of
the employees remain neutral to the statement.
Agree 17 27.27%
Undecided 7 10.60%
Disagree 4 6.06%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Graphical Presentation
In this graph it is seen that 57.57% employees strongly agreed Organizational performance
appraisal process promotes the identification of personal strengths and areas for improvement
and 27.27% agreed with the same. 6.06% of them disagreed and 0% strongly disagrees to the
above statement while the remaining 10.60 % of the employees remain neutral to the statement.
Agree 15 22.72%
Undecided 8 12.12%
Disagree 8 12.12%
Graphical Presentation
In this graph it is seen that 46.96% employees strongly agreed that the Career advancement
opportunities are available within the Organization and 22.72% agreed with the same. 12.12% of
them along with less number of 6.06% employees disagree and strongly disagree to the above
statement, while the remaining 12.12 % of the employees remain neutral to the statement.
Classroom 14 21.21%
Video 8 12.12%
Online 8 12.12%
Workshops 20 30.30%
Graphical Presentation
From the graph, it is found that 30.30% of the employees prefer Workshops and 21.21% prefer
Classroom method. On the other hand 15.15% prefer Computer base training method and Video
and Online is liked by 12.12% each. And less number of 9.09% employees like Web
Conferencing method of training.
The various topics, which the employees consider as topics worthy of training, as projected in
the Training & Development Survey Form (in the order of Importance)
1. Grievance Procedure
2. Employee Performance Management
3. Conflict Management
4. Stress Management
5. Workplace Ethics
6. Strategic Planning/ Organizational Skills
7. Hiring & Firing Procedures
8. Leadership & Motivation
Agree 15 22.72%
Undecided 8 12.12%
Disagree 12 18.18%
Graphical Presentation
In this graph it is seen that 37.87% employees strongly agreed that the Training Course content is
very simple and easily understandable and 22.72% agreed with the same. 18.18% of them along
with less number of 9.09% employees disagree and strongly disagree to the above statement
while the remaining 12.12 % of the employees remain neutral to the statement.
Agree 24 36.36%
Undecided 8 12.12%
Disagree 10 15.15%
Graphical Presentation
In this graph it is seen that 36.36% employees agreed that the course met all of its stated
objectives and 30.30% strongly agreed with the same. 15.15% of them along with less number of
6.06% employees disagree and strongly disagree to the above statement while the remaining
12.12 % of the employees remain neutral to the statement.
Agree 25 37.87%
Undecided 4 6.06%
Disagree 8 12.12%
Graphical Presentation
In this graph it is seen that 37.87% employees agreed that the training facility and Environment
was conducive for learning and 34.84% strongly agreed with the same. 12.12% of them along
with 9.09% employees disagree and strongly disagree to the above statement while the remaining
6.06 % of the employees remain neutral to the statement.
Agree 19 28.78%
Undecided 8 12.12%
Disagree 10 15.15%
Graphical Presentation
In this graph it is seen that 31.81% employees strongly agreed that the training manuals and
handouts were valuable learning tools and 28.78% agreed with the same. 15.15% of them along
with 12.12% employees disagree and strongly disagree to the above statement while the
remaining 12.12 % of the employees remain neutral to the statement.
Agree 25 37.87%
Undecided 4 6.06%
Disagree 8 12.12%
Graphical Presentation:
In this graph it is seen that 37.87% employees agreed that the trainers were clear, audible and
clarified doubts and 34.84% strongly agreed with the same. 12.12% of them along with less
number of 9.09% employees disagree and strongly disagree to the above statement while the
remaining 6.06 % of the employees remain neutral to the statement.
Agree 20 30.30%
Undecided 8 12.12%
Disagree 10 15.15%
Graphical Presentation
In this graph it is seen that 33.33% employees strongly agreed that the instructor had real depth
of knowledge in their subject and 30.30% agreed with the same. 15.15% of them along with less
number of 9.09% employees disagree and strongly disagree to the above statement while the
remaining 12.12 % of the employees remain neutral to the statement.
Yes 57 86.36%
No 9 13.64%
Graphical Presentation
In this graph, it is seen that 86.36% of employees said that they were made aware of the course
objectives and only 13.64% of employees responded that they did not had the clear idea about
the objectives which has to be achieved during the course.
Graphical Presentation
From the graph, it is seen that 30.30% employees found the course more practical less theory and
24.24% employees found that the course is more theory less practical. On the other hand 27.27%
employees found the course theory and practical balanced. 12.12% found it fully practical. So,
here a conclusion can be drawn that the mix up of theory and practical is somewhat balanced in
this case. There should be always a balanced mix up of theory and practical in a course so that it
could be successful.
30.30% and 27.27% said Excellent and V. Good about the Hostel facilities, while 18.18% rated it
good and 12.12-12.12% each of the respondents rated it fair and poor.
Similarly, 33.33% and 18.18% rated v. good and excellent about the Mess facilities, while
22.72% rated it good and 15.15% respondents rated it fair and 10.60% rated it poor.
With regards to the Library, 39.39% and 30.30% rated it excellent and v. good, while 15.15%
rated it good and 10.60% respondents rated it fair and 4.54% rated it poor.
Regarding the Office staff, 37.87% and 30.30% rated it excellent and v. good, while 10.60%
rated it good and 15.15% respondents rated it fair and 6.06% rated it poor.
In accordance with the Recreation facilities, 33.33% and 27.27% rated it v. good and excellent,
while 18.18% rated it good and 12.12% respondents rated it fair and 9.09% rated it poor.
The AAI top management firmly believes in a training philosophy which is ―Continual, across
the organization covering every single employee, across functional areas in order to develop core
competencies and allied areas of technology and management for effective performances of role
The Vision of Training and Development in AAI is to ―Create a learning environment, within
which AAI employees can realize their full potential, so as to enable them render meaningful
contribution towards achieving vision of AAI and its superordinate goals.‖
Although, a variety of training programmes have been covered in the previous section(s), it is
pertinent to include a list of structured training programmes which will be in line with the
training and development plan.
Various structured training programmes envisioned are:
1. Introduction/orientation Training
2. Four Tier career progression training
Tier 1 : JE to Managers
Tier 2 : SM/AGM
Tier 3 : DGM/JT.GM
Tier 4 : GM & above
3. Additional training programmes
4. Training for Non-Executives
5. Mandatory Training Programmes
A. New Executives:
Training should be mandatory, so as to deliver quality service to multiple intermediate
customers and the ultimate customer .i.e. air travellers. Delivery of quality service while
ensuring Safety and security calls for well-organized system with well-trained officials. In
order to develop ‗holistic approach‘ in the organization, Induction program shall consist of
newly inducted executives from all disciplines .The overall program shall be 8 weeks in
three stages.
Stage II:
Discipline specific Training. Duration as per discipline requirement and regulations
(Minimum Two weeks. The disciplines like Fire, CATC, Operations, cargo etc. will have
training more than two weeks and can go up to six months based on job requirement)
About the directorate
Role and responsibilities
Systems and procedures
Activities and flow chart of activities
Monitoring and Management Information System
Responsibility at different work areas
Learning diary maintenance by trainee
After Stage II all executives will undergo an internship at select major airports. The duration of
internship will be from 4 weeks to 16 weeks depending on the cadre, and there after proceed to
the place of posting. During the internship the trainees will maintain daily log and dairy as
designed by concerned directorate.
B. Current/Existing Executives:
A short duration training programme on orientation followed by a discipline specific
training appropriate to the level to be introduced to bring them at par with a trained
executive as envisaged for new induction. This programme needs to run only to cover the
training needs of the existing executives and thereafter this should be discontinued.
Thereafter the courses designed for new executives plan will be applicable.
Training Culture:
A large pool of trained and highly skilled manpower is one of the major assets of Airports
Authority of India. The development initiatives and Technological enhancements as well as
consequent refinement of operating standards and procedures, new standards of safety and
security and improvements in management techniques call for continuing training to update the
knowledge and skills of officers and staff.
The training culture should also focus on economic and environmental sustainability whilst
maintaining a strict adherence to the safety culture of the organization which is of paramount
importance in aviation industry.
Training Infrastructure:
The training infrastructure in AAI is well above satisfactory levels, with focus on both in house
and external training, at both domestic and international Centers. Training is given adequate
importance, however, there is a requirement to integrate training activities and extend its
outreach, so that the training and development is inclusive.
The requirement is to provide a firm structure to training activities, maintain training records
centrally whilst making them accessible through appropriate authorizations at regional and local
establishments, so that trained and skilled manpower can be suitably utilized to achieve
organizational goals and avoid repetitive training to individuals who have reached levels of
Training Records:
Lack of meaningful Training Records is always an obstacle to assess the number of persons who
have received training, type of training and performance. The creation of a dedicated AAI HR
Training Directorate/Cell is the first step towards consolidating training records and creating a
training record data repository.
It is an immediate necessity to integrate all records pertaining to any training imparted by any
directorate/department to any group or individuals, so that statistical and empirical data are
available for purposeful analysis and meaningful decision making in terms of training needs
review, from time to time.
Maximum respondents (80 percent) agree that Organization
supports Individual Training & Development within department.
Majority of the respondents (63 percent) agree that Organization
provides financial assistance to support employees continued
Maximum respondents (85 percent) agree that our performance
appraisal process promotes the identification of personal strengths
and areas for improvement.
Maximum respondents (70 percent) agree that Career advancement
opportunities are available within the Organization.
Majority of the respondents (60 percent) agree that Training
Course content is very simple and easily understandable.
Majority of the respondents (66 percent) agree that The Course met
all of its stated objectives.
Majority of the respondents (61 percent) agree that the training
manuals and handouts were valuable learning tools.
More than half of the respondents (64 percent) agree that the
instructor had real depth of knowledge in the subject he/she was
dealing with.
Maximum respondents (74 percent) agree that the training facility
and Environment was conducive for learning.
Based on the findings some suggestions are given to the company and to
the employees:
1. Greater awareness about the objectives of the training and
development programme must be created among the trainees at the
time of their nomination for the training so that it helps the trainee
easily understand and attain the objectives and goals of the
2. Objectives of the training programme must be in line with the need
of the trainees and must be clearly explained to them and so that they
can be easily attained.
3. Superior Quality of training materials and training aids provided to
the trainee will increased their involvement and participation for the
training which in turn help in their performances, effective
communicates and to enhance good relationship among co-workers.
4. The trainers role is the core for the success of the training
programmes the faculty whether internal are external should be an
exact qualified person. Hence the suggestion from the trainer prior to
the conduct of the training programmes must be taken.
5. The organization should consistently apply strategies for the
evaluation of training and development initiatives. That is the
organization becomes a learning one in which training and
development become critical components of efficiency and
effectiveness and that a performance management system be
incorporated into the training strategy.
Training and development plays an important role in the effectiveness of organizations
and to the experiences of people in work. Training has implications for productivity and
efficiency, occupational health and safety at work, as well as career and personal
The purpose of the AAI Employee Training & Development Plan is to establish a
framework, providing a systematic and structured approach and an assurance that the
organization has aligned its employee training resources with its core priorities. The plan
identifies training needs, priorities, resources as well as roles and responsibilities for all
groups engaged in employee training within the organization. It provides a model for
governing the training functions within the department identifies enterprise-wide training
priorities and sets standards for training design, delivery and evaluation.
The AAI Top Management is strongly committed towards training and has provided the
much needed impetus to spreading the culture of training and development, thereby
promoting competencies and commitment among employees. The Member (HR), a full
time member of the AAI Board is at the helm of this key area among several other areas,
and is monitoring the training and development activity. The top management lays
emphasis on ―Training for all‖.
1. Human Recourse Management
By: K. Aswathappa
1. Airports Authority of India
Human Resource Policies and Procedure Manual
1. Name of Department
3. Function/Scope of Department
6. The method of training you feel would be most effective to achieve learning goals.
al Skills
Leadership &
Hiring &
11. The training manuals and handouts were valuable learning tools.
13. The instructor had real depth of knowledge in the subject he/she was dealing with.
Yes No
15. How do you find the mix up of theory and practical hours assigned to the course?
Office staff
2. Syllabus:
Course syllabus shall be prepared containing the Main topics and sub-topics
covered in course material.
Venue: _______________________________
1. Have you noticed any change in his/her attitude at work and so in what way?
2. Have you noticed a change in his/her productivity (higher/lower output), and if so in what way?
3. Have you noticed a change in his/her efficiency (better time and resource management), and if
So in what way?
4. What specific feedback has the course participant given you about the course (content,
arrangements, worth etc.,)
5. Any other points (other noticeable changes, would you consider sending other team members as
course Participants, suggested improvements pertinent to the course)