A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica-Lll-Clarke
A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica-Lll-Clarke
A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica-Lll-Clarke
Laburn. * Lac can. * Lac fel. * Lac vac. * Lac v. coag. * Lac v. def. * Lacerta * Lach. * Lachn. * Lact. ac. * Lac. v. fl. * Lact. vir. * Lamium * Lapath. * Lap. a. * Lapsana * Lath. * Lat. k. * Lat. mac. * Lauro. * Led. * Lemna * Leo. * Lep. bon. * Lept. * Levico * Liatris * Lil. t. * Limulus * Linar. * Lin. cath. * Lin. us. * Lippia * Lipps. * Lith. benz. * Lith. bro. * Lith. c. * Lith. lact. * Lith. mur. * Lob. card. * Lob. d. * Lob. er. * Lob. i. * Lob. purp. * Lob. syph. * Lol. tem. * Lon. peri. * Lon. xylost. * Luna * Lup. * Lycopers. * Lyc. * Lcps. * Lysidin. Laburnum ----- Laburn. Lac Caninum ----- Lac can. Lac Felinum ----- Lac fel. Lac Vaccinum ----- Lac vac. Lac Vaccinum Coagulatum ----- Lac v. coag. Lac Vaccinum Defloratum ----- Lac v. def. Lacerta ----- Lacerta Lachesis ----- Lach. Lachnanthes ----- Lachn. Lacticum Acidum ----- Lact. ac. Lactis Vaccini Flos ----- Lac. v. fl. Lactuca Virosa ----- Lact. vir. Lamium ----- Lamium Lapathum ----- Lapath.
Lapis Albus ----- Lap. a. Lappa ----- (see Arctium Lappa) ----- Arct. Lapsana Communis ----- Lapsana Lathyrus ----- Lath. Latrodectus Katipo ----- Lat. k. Latrodectus Mactans ----- Lat. mac. Laurocerasus ----- Lauro. Ledum ----- Led. Lemna Minor ----- Lemna Leonurus Cardiaca ----- Leo. Lepidium Bonariense ----- Lep. bon. Leptandra ----- Lept. Levico ----- Levico Liatris Spicata ----- Liatris Lilium Tigrinum ----- Lil. t. Limulus ----- Limulus Linaria ----- Linar. Linum Catharticum ----- Lin. cath. Linum Usitatissimum ----- Lin. us. Lippia Mexicana ----- Lippia Lippspringe ----- Lipps. Lithium Benzoicum ----- Lith. benz. Lithium Bromatum ----- Lith. bro. Lithium Carbonicum ----- Lith. c. Lithium Lacticum ----- Lith. lact. Lithium Muriaticum ----- Lith. mur. Lobelia Cardinalis ----- Lob. card. Lobelia Dortmanna ----- Lob. d. Lobelia Erinus ----- Lob. er.
Lobelia Inflata ----- Lob. i. Lobelia Purpurascens ----- Lob. purp. Lobelia Syphilitica ----- Lob. syph. Loco-weed ----- (see Oxytropis Lamberti) ----- Oxyt. lamberti Lolium Temulentum ----- Lol. tem. Lonicera Periclymenum ----- Lon. peri. Lonicera Xylosteum ----- Lon. xylost. Luesinum, or Lueticum ----- (see Syphilinum) ----- Syph. Luna ----- Luna Lupulus ----- Lup. Lycopersicum ----- Lycopers. Lycopodium ----- Lyc. Lycopus ----- Lcps. Lysidinum ----- Lysidin.
Lapis Albus.
Silico-fluoride of calcium. Calcarea silico-fluorata. (A species of gneiss found by Grauvogl in the mineral springs of Gastein, and named by him Lapis albus, "White Stone." These waters flow over gneiss formations into the valley of the Achen, where gotre and cretinism abound.) Trituration. Clinical.-Carcinoma. Cretinism. Dysmenorrh?a. Epithelioma. Fibroma. Glands, enlarged. Gotre. Leucorrh?a. Pruritus. Scirrhus. Scrofula. Tuberculosis. Tumours. Characteristics.-Grauvogl, who introduced this remedy, cured with it a case of carcinoma; and he and others have cured cases of gotre and scrofulous glands. The leading indications are: Burning, shooting, stinging pains: in cardia; in pylorus; in breasts and uterus. It has shown great power over new growths of many kinds. In two cases of cervical glands cured by L. alb. 6, Dewey relates that a ravenous appetite developed while the remedy was being taken. In two cases cured by Dewey the swelling of the glands was elastic rather than of stony hardness. In one of the patients the swelling was as large as a goose-egg in the right sterno-clavicular region. This patient, a young lady, was a blonde; as also was a lady of thirty-five whom he cured of gotre with the remedy. Whiting (Med. Adv., xxvi. 41) records a fragmentary proving of Lap. a. Mrs. X., 40, fair, stout, no children, had a large bronchocele. Averse to all animal food. Craves sweets. Has craved and drunk much icewater in all seasons since a child. Feet and legs cold to knees. Lap. a. 6x 2 gr. powders, one four times a day. Reported in a month that the tumour was rapidly diminishing in size, but she was having much pain in it. No further medicine was given. Two months later the tumour had diminished one-half, and the patient then stated that since taking the powders she had had no pain at her menstrual period, no dyspepsia, and no sickheadaches. (She had had severe dysmenorrh?a since the menses first appeared.) Since leaving off the medicine the pain in the tumour ceased and also the decrease in size. Lap. a. 6x was again given, and again the pain in the tumour came on; and, in addition, itching of the external genitals. The 30th and 200th caused such intense pruritis that the patient refused to take any more medicine of any kind. Since then Whiting has cured
many cases of pruritus and also of dysmenorrh?a with Lap. a. The pains come on before the flow and cause swooning. One patient, 19, had had dysmenorrh?a from the first. Pain so severe she would fall unconscious wherever she might happen to be, the swoon lasting half an hour at times. > When flow established. Lap. a. 200 cured. Miss X., 34, normal till she had measles t. 20; since then pain at commencement of menstruation, so severe as to cause fainting. "This severe pain would continue less for a day, or until the flow was established." Lap. a. 200 cured in six months. W. P. Wesselh?ft, discussing Whiting's paper, narrated the cure of a case of epithelioma of the lip in a man of seventy with Lap. a. 12x in water. Dr. Gregory cured a young man of a tumour of the lip with Lap. a. 30. It recurred two years later with "burning, stinging pain, which made him jump off his feet". More Lap. a. 30 was given, and cured in a year. There was no further recurrence. Relations.-Compare: Gastein (effect on scar tissues); Ars., Ars. iod., Bad., Calc., Calc. iod., Con., Cund., Iod., K. carb., K. iod., Sil., Spo. SYMPTOMS. 2. Head.-Sick-headache. 6. Face.-Opening in cheek as large as a silver dollar (carcinoma).-Epithelioma of lip, crusts coming off leave raw surface.-Tumour of lower lip; with burning, stinging pains that make him jump off his feet. 11. Stomach.-Ravenous appetite (caused in case of cervical glands). 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Burning, shooting, stinging pains in breasts and uterus.-Uterine carcinoma (five cases).-Painful menses: suddenly taken with pain so severe that she swoons.-Faints with pain at menses.Severe pain preceding the flow.-Pruritus vulv. 20. Neck and Back.-Gotre, cretinism, and scrofulous diseases. 24. Generalities.-Affections of glands and lymphatics.-Enlarged glands where there is a degree of elasticity rather than stony hardness (Dewey).-Scrofulous affections, abscesses, and sores; enlargement and induration of glands, esp. cervical; glandular tumours where no glands are usually found; gotre, cretinism.-Lipoma; sarcoma; glandular and fibrous tumours; carcinoma as long as ulceration has not set in, based on scrofulosis.Scirrhus.-Tuberculosis scrofulosa.
Latrodectus Katipo.
Latrodectus katipo. N. O. Arachnida. Tincture of living spider. Clinical.-Chorea. Faintness. Heart, slow. Nettle-rash. ?dema. Characteristics.-Katipo is a venomous spider found in New Zealand and some parts of California. The symptoms recorded are the effects of bites. The seat of a bite becomes immediately painful and swelling occurs. In some cases the swelling does not come on until some days after the bite. In one case, five days after the bite, a scarlet papulous rash appeared on both extremities, burning like fire. Lassitude, faintness, twitchings, and in one case trismus were noted. The symptoms were somewhat slow in evolution, and in a fatal case, that of a girl bitten on the abdomen, death did not occur until six weeks after the bite. Relations.-Compare: Lat. mact., Tarent., Mygale., Aranea, Apis, Vespa, and serpent poisons. SYMPTOMS.
1. Mind.-Delirium, half smothered by imperfect intoxication.-Nervous depression. 6. Face.-Anxious expression.-Extreme pallor changing to blue tint, of face and body.-Jaws stiff very soon, could not open mouth to eat, and could scarcely articulate. 11. Stomach.-Lost all desire for food (after a fortnight); lingered six weeks and then died. 12. Abdomen.-Very severe drawing or cramping sensation in abdomen. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Respirations almost ceased. 19. Heart.-Almost pulseless.-Pulse slow, scarcely more than twelve or fourteen beats to the minute. 23. Lower Limbs.-Severe shaking, burning pains ran from the bite on the foot up the limbs to back, accompanied by nervous twitching all over body soon; pain felt almost equally in both limbs, and seemed to centre about heel.-Feet felt as if rudely lacerated by dull instrument, waking him from sleep (immediately). 24. Generalities.-Suffered long, wasting and losing all energy, some having appearance of one going into a decline; it was three months before he rallied and six before he recovered.-Nervous twitching all over body.Suddenly became faint and pallid.-Large quantities of whisky produced little impression, except a feeling as though affected side was drunk. 25. Skin.-Small, red spot like flea-bite.-Bitten surface raised, as large round as teacup, the raised part white with red halo; with pain; swelling and pain > by spirits of Ammonia.-Swelling size and shape of hen's egg; pain > by ammonia, but not the swelling.-The bite remained a small purple point for nine days, on the tenth began to swell and turn white like a bee-sting; pain and swelling rapidly increased, dorsum of foot and ankle like a puff-ball, red streak running up leg.-A bright scarlet, papular eruption on both lower limbs, which stung and burned like fire. 27. Fever.-Extremities cold and flaccid.-A cold, clammy sweat covered l. lower extremity; in morning sweat covered both limbs.
Piper Methysticum.
Macropiper methysticum. Ava. Kava-kava. Kawa. N. O. Piperace. Tincture of fresh root. Clinical.-Albuminuria. Anus, prolapse of. Brachialgia. Brain-fag. Catalepsy. Cystitis. Dysuria. Eczema. Gonorrh?a. Headache. Head, enlarged feeling. Ichthyosis. Leprosy. Neuralgia. Neurasthenia. Orchitis. Paraplegia. Prostatorrh?a. Rheumatism. Toothache. Urethritis. Uric acid, excess of. Characteristics.-Piper methysticum (it is called Macropiper methysticum in most recent botanical works, but I retain the older name by which it is best known in hom?opathy) furnishes the root called Kava in Polynesia. The natives use it as a stimulant, either chewing the root or drinking a beverage made of it before undertaking any important business or religious rites. Excessive indulgence in it produces a skin disease like leprosy, called at Tahiti Arevareva. Lutz (quoted H. W., xxviii. 175) describes the disease as observed amongst natives of the Sandwich Islands: "The skin, particularly that of the extremities, assumes the appearance of well-marked ichthyosis, associated with a certain degree of atrophy, such as is observed in senile skin. There is an absence of inflammatory symptoms." The mental symptoms of the" Intoxicating Pepper" (???s??, drunkenness) are the most interesting feature of the drug's action. W. N. Griswold proved the third and second dilutions, and developed a large number of nervous, mental, and brain symptoms, among which are some which have
proved to be keynotes. The drug causes a feeling of buoyancy, as if every nerve was strung up to the highest pitch; feels he can work without fatigue, quickly followed by a feeling of tired brain, and over-sensitiveness to all external impressions. Mental tension; feeling as though the head were enlarged even to bursting. The mental symptoms, excitement or depression, and the headache, were > by diversion of mind. This is one of the keynotes, and it has served to indicate Piper m. in connection with other symptoms. Griswold cured a case having burning in chest, > by diverting mind (Org., i. 229); and three cases having: "Agonising pain, with tossing, twisting, and writhing; patient driven irresistibly to change position, which generally gives little or no >." This italicised passage is the second keynote of Piper m. These cures were with the 1x or tinctures. Skinner gave fractional doses of tincture in water to a highly excitable young girl who had severe toothache and earache, and had worn out her family by the incessant day and night attendance she required. The pains were dragging, heavy, < at night in bed, and after or when eating, "forgets all about her pains if amused with anything, but directly she is tired of it she exclaims, 'Oh, my tooth or ear!' " In addition she had "Agonising pain with tossing, twisting, and writhing; irresistibly driven to change position." The patient slept well that night the first time for a fortnight, and had no more pain. The remaining swelling was removed by Puls. 200. Skinner also reports this case: Miss R., 20, has toothache in a decayed molar, > if attention is diverted by anything sufficiently exciting. When pain is at all violent she has no rest in any position, must keep continually changing it. Piper m. 500 (F. C.) was given, and there was relief very soon after the first dose. A few doses completely removed the pain (Org., i. 299).-Piper m. has much dizziness and vertigo; > on closing eyes. The forehead was full, "solid with pain;" this shifted to occiput and cervical spine, where it became a compression, extending as a constricting sensation to stomach and chest. The sensation of enlargement of head was marked and persistent. Farrington says convulsions simulating catalepsy are produced. Cerna (quoted H. W., xxvi. 556) as a result of his investigations found Piper m. a general and local ansthetic. It diminishes reflex action by its action on the cord, and kills by paralysing respiration. Cerna illustrated its relationship to Cubeba by citing cases of gonorrh?a, acute and chronic cystitis, gleet, prostatorrh?a, vaginitis, cured with it. The provings give the indications. The symptoms were < before meals (sour eructations); reading and thinking; urinating (burning in urethra); walking. Going down stairs = symptoms to rush up. > Moving; diverting mind; open air; closing eyes (vertigo). Relations.-Antidoted by: Puls. and Rhus (partially). Compare: Cubeba, Piper nig., Matico (botan.). In > by diverting mind, Ox. ac. > By motion, Rhus. Feeling of buoyancy, Coff. (but with Coff. the reverse condition of brain-fag does not quickly follow). Neurasthenia, Pic. ac., Arg. n., Avena. Unbearable pains, Coff., Aco., Cham. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Hilarious from 10 a.m. till 1 p.m.-Lively after an emission.-Lively and inclined to work, can dance with more ease than usual.-Agreeable excitement and support against great fatigue.-From increased doses intoxication of a sorrowful, silent, and sleepy character, different from that produced by alcohol.-Faculties sharpened.-(Capable of working more without fatigue or brain-fag.).-Lazy and drowsy.-Deep torpor and irritation from least noise (intoxication from root grown in damp soils).-Want of vigour, timid, apprehensive. 2. Head.-From 5 to 9 p.m. very dizzy; swimming sensation and faintness.-Intoxication, with fantastic ideas and desire to skip about, although he cannot for a moment hold himself on his legs.-Vertigo in morning in bed, with frontal pressure.-Brain tired; in morning on waking, > getting on feet.-Tired feeling in brain at night.Fulness, sometimes in one part, sometimes in another, < in forehead.-Heaviness of head.-Headache with pressure in upper part of orbit; with sleepiness.-Shooting: intermittent after 3 p.m., in l. supra-orbital nerve; in l. temple.-Headache: in l. supra-orbital nerve; back of eyes; l. brain from front to back; over eyes and deepseated; at 9 a.m., < 3 p.m.; in afternoon and evening, with drowsy and stupid feeling; above eyes at 5 p.m.; at 7 p.m.; in l. side and deep in upper part of orbits, with pain on moving eyes; intermittent in r. frontal eminence, > open air and motion; above r. eye radiating over eyes, at 10 a.m.; heavy in forehead and temples, < thinking and reading.-Frontal brain "solid with pain"; this ache during day generally moved to base of brain
and along medulla, > by slight motion, < by large, continued and active motion; slight mental effort, passing from topic to topic, for an instant >; sustained effort <.-Compressive pain and soreness back of head and cervical cord; disappear later leaving cerebellum sensitive; parts feet treble their normal size.-Dulness in forehead, with fulness and pressure, and on raising head or moving it to either side vertigo, after the noon meal the pressure shifted to lateral and occipital regions, < lying down, but not amounting to real pain, pressure; < remaining in one position, > moving, apprehension of pain by rapid movement, but temporary relief from it. 3. Eyes.-Conjunctiv red.-Pain along r. optic nerve when reading at 3 p.m.-Pain deep in l. eye as if ball would be pressed out, in the street at 5.30 p.m.-Dizzy blindness when dressing, vertigo, > closing eyes, directing attention to head and exerting the will, at the same time vertigo, then rush of blood and fulness in forehead, then similar sensation in occipital and basilar regions. 4. Ears.-Singular pressure in lobules of pinna of l. ear. 6. Face.-Pressure outward in face at 7 p.m. 7. Teeth.-Teeth deep yellow.-Teeth sensitive to cold water, cold air, brushing, &c. 8. Mouth.-Tongue feels as if covered with velvet or fur at night.-Burning on tongue.-Burning in whole mouth followed by numbness.-Dryness of mouth on waking from afternoon nap, with sweat (in a hot day).Salivation.-Taste: nauseous; sweet, then piquant and sharp; pappy; everything tasteless; lost to food, but ravenous haste in eating.-Taste and relish to food not as usual, at noon, but appetite unusually good. 10. Appetite.-Appetite: formidable at 8 p.m.; slight; hungry at noon, but not able to eat much; able to eat but little supper. 11. Stomach.-Sour eructations, < an hour before meals and at night, at times rolling up and rumbling from stomach to mouth, but generally breaking at throat-pit, and in throat-pit sensation of something that cannot be swallowed, the latter temporarily > by eructations.-Bloating at 11 p.m.-Constriction extending from base of brain.-Crampy pain, > pressure against edge of table.-Warmth in stomach. 12. Abdomen.-Pain: every day about 9 a.m.; in forenoon after first stool, with distressing full sensation; > motion.-Pain in abdomen, above umbilicus; in r. groin when walking, then a large stool, the latter part soft. 13. Stool and Rectum.-Diarrh?a threatened.-Stool: loose in morning, more difficult in evening; soft, difficult.Constipation: stool hard; large; light-coloured.-Stool large; soft.-Urging: all day; every evening.-Continuous desire, next day forced a large stool, which caused prolapsus ani.-Burning in rectum. 14. Urinary Organs.-Micturition at 4.45 a.m.-Burning in urethra during micturition.-Urine nearly neutral at 10 a.m., hot and over-acid at night.-Urine: increased; scanty in morning. 15. Male Sexual Organs.-Shooting in penis.-Erection: in afternoon; at night; at 4 a.m. after an emission.-Pain in r. testicle.-Emission early in morning, without dreams.-Amorousness. 18. Chest.-Heaviness behind upper part of sternum, as from wind that cannot be eructated.-Constriction of chest and stomach, extending from base of brain. 19. Pulse.-Pulse steadied. 20. Back.-Pain in back only felt on pressure.-Soreness about second dorsal vertebra.
21. Limbs.-Pain: in r. foot and wrist and l. toe at 10. p.m.; r. elbow and l. knee, with stiffness; r. foot and back of l. hand at 11.30 p.m., with heat of them.-Pain in r. arm as if marrow would be affected, changing its location, with paroxysmal paralysed feeling in hands, in toe at 9 p.m. 22. Upper Limbs.-Pain: in l. shoulder; in l. arm in the street, with flushing heat in l. hand.-Excoriating pain in r. arm, as if the marrow would be affected; paralysed feeling in hands.-Pain in r. arm, running in all directions, with heaviness, soreness, and tired sensation.-Dragging in l. arm at 8 p.m., > 10 p.m.-Tingling as from an electric current from l. elbow to fingers.-Numbness of r. elbow.-Pain in r. wrist, < writing.-Weakness of l. hand.Pain in joint of l. thumb, < pressure. 23. Lower Limbs.-Drunk in his walk, but intellect unclouded, aware of his inability to control the movements of his legs.-Numbness of lower limbs.-Weakness; all day; in afternoon; in thighs as if unable to stand.-Sticking in l. knee at 4 p.m. when walking.-Heaviness of legs when walking.-Pain: in feet; l. foot and toe; r. sole; at outer and under border of l. foot and in r. great toe, with coldness of l. foot.-Sticking: in end of l. toe on waking at 4.45 a.m., in great toe when moving and walking. 24. Generalities.-Emaciation and decrepitude.-Trembling.-Pains (esp. of head) temporarily > by turning mind to another topic.-Feeling as if drug descended and impressed lower part of system, causing trembling of abdomen and lower limbs and blood-vessels connected therewith, but on descending stairs the drug seemed to come upward through the circulation, reaching the brain, causing exhilarating dizziness and disposition to swing and stagger, as if under the influence of liquor, felt talkative and happy, after the dizziness felt a "tonedup" condition of brain and nervous system, dizziness returned on beginning to move.-Nervous system strung up to its highest tension.-Stimulating and sedative effects, then sweat.-Vigour; all day, with exhilaration, next day feelings varying and generally depressed.-Uneasiness and weakness during day, with timidity and apprehension.-Weakness in morning, > rising and moving around.-Want of tone and life in all functions towards night.-< In open air and on motion. 25. Skin.-Covered as in leprosy with large scales, which fall off and leave white spots, and these often become ulcers.-Dryness, esp. where it is thick, as on hands and feet, with scales, cracks, and ulcers.-Painful hard swelling in lower corner of l. ear; red, painful lump, threatening to become an abscess, on forehead above r. inner canthus and on back. 26. Sleep.-Sleepiness: at 10 p.m., soon afterwards liveliness and wakefulness; irresistible.-Hard sleep several times a day.-Stupid sleep.-Heavy sleep with disturbing but unremembered dreams.-Sleepless; from 12 till 2.30 a.m.; at 4 a.m., after an emission, then sound sleep, next night wakeful after an emission till I got up for breakfast; latter part of night, mind working on business problems, next morning tired feeling before and after rising.-Difficult falling asleep.-Restless sleep last part of night.-Fragmentary sleep last part of night.Fragmentary sleep from 12.30 till 4.20 a.m., with varied and exciting dreams, then sleeplessness so that I had to get up at 4.30 a.m., did excitedly all kinds of unusual office work.-Dreams: curious, nonsensical, wild; amorous; of travelling by rail; active, vivid, last part of night, alternating with half-conscious waking; in afternoon, of fighting unknown men, left them to follow an unknown woman, and when she left me found that she had conducted me to a prayer-meeting, which must have changed to a restaurant, for I ordered a Hamburg beef steak, but woke before it was served; of a fire, heard the engines and firemen. 27. Fever.-Chilliness for the last few hours, at 8 p.m.-Heat: at 9 a.m.; flush of general heat; in face and hands, < l. hand; flushing, in cheeks; heat in l. ear-flap and l. hand; over upper part of body in evening.-Hands sought cool places, otherwise no perceptible increase of heat.-Heavy perspiration, with great dryness of mouth on waking from afternoon nap.
Cytisus laburnum. N. O. Leguminos. Tincture or trituration of seeds. Tincture of fresh bark. Clinical.-Convulsions. Eyes, affections of. Hydrocephalus. Vertigo. Characteristics.-All parts of this well-known ornamental tree are poisonous, our knowledge of it being derived chiefly from the accidental poisoning of children who have eaten the pea-like seeds and pods. Here is a typical case: W. G., t. 10, ate eight to ten seeds. Five or ten minutes after began to sweat, but soon became cold and shivering, skin pale, pulse scarcely perceptible, general collapse. Pupils dilated, is drowsy and giddy, but in no pain. Emetics and brandy were given, but after an hour of this there was no improvement. An enema of hot strong coffee was now given, the patient was wrapped in blankets, and hot bottles applied. The collapse then gradually passed off (Brit. Med. Jour., Sept. 26, 1891).-The giddiness is intense and in some cases peculiar: "Constant vertigo, even while lying; if she attempted to sit upright, she immediately fell back again." In one case the head was rigidly thrown back. Head hot. Convulsions, insensibility, drowsiness, and mental indifference were leading features; and muscular twitchings about the face were noted. Pupils dilated; in two cases they were unequally dilated. These patients were two boys poisoned by the root of an old tree; they had very strange waving motions of the arms and convulsive drawing up of the legs, first one leg then the other. A boy who ate the green twigs was seized with vomiting, pain in the stomach, and collapse; there was no diarrh?a but tenesmus and erections. After a few hours he passed 300 grams of grass-green urine, after which he felt >. The urine soon after passing assumed a natural colour. Relations.-Antidoted by Coffee, and stimulants, hot and cold douches to chest. Compare: Nux; Gels. (> by copious urination). SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-No anxiety; remarkable indifference to all around.-When spoken to, seemed stupid and unconcerned; when aroused by a shake and asked a question, he answered by a nod or shake of the head.-Stupefaction. 2. Head.-Constant vertigo even while lying down; if she attempted to sit up, she immediately fell back.-Giddy, wheeled perfectly round before and during vomiting.-Staggered, rolled head from side to side, eyes closed.Giddiness prevented him from walking, but he could sit upright.-Head rigidly thrown back.-Head hot.Headache.-Pain in head and abdomen. 3. Eyes.-Eyes: dull, lustreless; surrounded by livid zone; sunken.-Lids only half open; mostly closed.-Pupils: much dilated, but react to strong light; unequally dilated; slightly contracted; sluggish. 6. Face.-Expression anxious.-Face: pale, cold, of dull expression; pale and expressive of severe pain, augmented from time to time by a succession of spasmodic muscular contractions after the pain; deathly pale with blue lips.-Twitchings of muscles of face (and neck); with efforts at vomiting. 8. Mouth.-Slight frothing at mouth.-Pale, glazed tongue.-Tongue dry, glazed, and red.-Dryness of mouth; and throat.-Lips parched.-Speech very indistinct. 9. Throat.-Burning in throat with great thirst. 11. Stomach.-Impaired appetite.-Excessive thirst.-Greedily thirsty, grasped at liquids with avidity, seizing the vessel with both hands and draining it.-Constant nausea and eructations.-Vomiting, pain in stomach, collapse; no diarrh?a but tenesmus and erections; followed by copious urination.-One vomited repeatedly during twelve hours, another one two or three hours; in the latter case the other symptoms were much more violent.Nothing remained in stomach, even water or ice was almost immediately rejected.-Burning pain in epigastrium.-Cramp-like sensation in region of stomach. 12. Abdomen.-Abdomen distended; tympanic sensation.-Flatulent distension.-Colic < by pressure.
13. Stool.-Diarrh?a: followed by cessation of convulsions; with tenesmus and slightly bloody stool.-Never vomited but was much purged.-Watery fluid with peculiar odour constantly drained involuntarily from bowels.-In the crude form it colours the stools, giving them either a green, clay, or dark appearance.-The bowels almost always become constipated.-Tenesmus and erections.-(Marked relief to constipation due to pressure on rectum.-Cooper.) 14. Urinary Organs.-After a few hours passed 300 grains of grass-green urine and felt > after. The urine soon assumed natural colour on standing. 15. Male Sexual Organs.-Tenesmus and erections. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Breathing: stertorous; accelerated after the fever; hurried and laboured; slow, expiration very markedly prolonged. 19. Heart.-Heart's action rapid and tremulous.-Slight increase of pulse, and respiratory movements are also accelerated; this is transient, pulse soon falls below normal; languor and tendency to sleep follow.-Pulse alarmingly weak. 21. Limbs.-Jerking and trembling of limbs.-Extremities weak and cold. 23. Lower Limbs.-Some had a peculiar twitching in their walk. 24. Generalities.-Convulsions.-Insensible, very strange waving motions of arms to and fro; now and then the legs, first one then the other, convulsively drawn up.-Complete collapse with great restlessness; with, perfect consciousness.-Extreme intractable restlessness ending in incessant, almost frantic jactitation.-Felt faint and giddy. 26. Sleep.-Remarkably sleepy.-Transitory somnolence and languor, but this soon passed off, leaving marked insomnia, which lasted through the night. 27. Fever.-Surface of body pale, remarkably cold, almost like marble; at same time great aversion to slightest covering.-Sub-normal temperature.-Skin, very cold add clammy.-Every now and then severe rigors shook his frame.-Skin covered with clammy sweat.-Cold sweats, vomiting, vertigo, preceded by slight feeling of malaise, and followed by high fever.
Lac Caninum.
Bitch's Milk. Clinical.-Arms, varicosis of. Breasts, painful. Chancre. Croup. Diphtheria. Dysmenorrh?a. Epulis. Eyes, affections of. Gonorrh?a. Headache. Ichthyosis. Leucorrh?a. Neuralgia. Ovaries, affections of. Ranula. Rheumatism. Sciatica. Spinal irritation. Stomach, affections of. Syphilis. Throat, sore. Ulcers. Uterus, affections of. Vaccinosis. Varicose veins. Warts. Characteristics.-Lac caninum is not a novelty in remedies. "Dioscorides, Rhasis, Pliny, and Sextus recommended it for the removal of the dead f?tus. Sammonicus and Sextus praise it in photophobia and otitis. Pliny claims that it cures ulceration of the internal os. It was considered an antidote to deadly poisons." (Quotation by Hering.) Hering adds that the remedy was revived by Reisig, of New York, who used it successfully in the treatment of diphtheria. After Reisig the remedy was used by Bayard and Swan, to whose indefatigable exertions we owe the present status of this medicine. Swan's potencies were prepared from Reisig's 17th. The
provings were made with the 30th and upwards and are published in a little volume by Swan and Berridge. As in the case of Bufo, Castor equi, and other remedies of ancient times, hom?opathy has stepped in to confirm the accuracy of the old observers. In the provings a large number of the symptoms were manifested in the region of the throat, the effects being diagnosed as actual diphtheria in some instances. It is in diphtheria, both as curative and prophylactic that Lac can. has won its greatest fame; and the provings and clinical experience have developed a grand characteristic in this and other affections-an alternation of sides, often very rapid. "Soreness of throat commences with a tickling sensation which causes constant cough then a sensation of a lump on one side, causing constant deglutition this condition entirely ceases, only to commence on the opposite side, and often alternates, again returning to its first condition; these sore throats are very apt to begin and end with the menses." This "alternation of sides" once led me to the cure of an eczematous condition of the eyelids in a child. The child's aunt, who brought her to me, casually remarked that it often left one side entirely and went to the other and then back again. Lac can. cleared it up in a very short time. Rheumatic and other affections having this peculiarity of changing from side to side are very likely to be benefited by Lac can. From diphtheria, with its fetid discharges, it is not a far step to ozna, and Lac can. has proved itself curative in a number of cases. Corners of mouth and al nasi cracked. It has cured a case presenting the following characters: Crusts under which grey matter forms. Throat bad, swallowing difficult; mucous follicles swollen, covered with cream-coloured mucus. Nose bad; feared destruction of bones. Bloody pus discharges several times a day. Bones of nose sore to pressure. In addition to the changing sides characteristics Lac can. has: "Inflamed surfaces (of throat) glistening." The same appearance when found on ulcerated surfaces in the skin is a leading indication for Lac can. The mental symptoms are remarkable. One prover had delusions about snakes; imagined she was surrounded by them; was afraid to close her eyes at night for fear of being bitten by a large snake which she imagined was beside the bed. Awoke in the night with a sensation that she was lying on a large snake. After menses, imagined all sorts of things about snakes. These snake-symptoms led to a cure. E. T. Balch (H. P., x. 286) asked for advice in this case: "Maud R., 10, demibrunette, of healthy parents, one and a half years before fell forward and hurt her chest whilst playing. Nothing was thought of it at the time, but when brought to Dr. Balch she was pale, emaciated, capricious, no desire for play. Sleep disturbed by frightful dreams, during the day piteously begs her mother to take her, she is so afraid. She feels as though snakes were on her back. In response to advice tendered one dose of Lac. can. 50m. was given, dry, and in twenty-four hours the child became more lively and cheerful and very soon all abnormal sensations disappeared. Another mental curiosity which has proved a useful pointer is this: "Imagines he wears some one else's nose." Restlessness, nervousness, and prostration appear in the provings and show the relation of the remedy to diphtheritic paralysis as well as to diphtheria itself. In one prover the symptoms occurred periodically: < in morning of one day and < in afternoon of next. Wandering rheumatic pains. The sensation of lightness or levitation was noticed-seemed to walk on air; not to touch the bed when lying. Cannot bear one part of her body to touch another; must even keep her fingers apart. The symptoms in general were < at night. Cold winds and cold, sharp air <. Cold washing = pain in herpetic eruption. Cold application > pain in upper jaw and teeth; and cold water gave momentary > to sore throat. Pains in ankles, forehead, and upper jaw were > by warmth. Rest and lying down > most symptoms; motion <. Flexion >, extension <. Going up and down stairs = pain in heart. Walking = leucorrh?a, < sores between labia and thighs. Touch < (external throat; breasts, causing sexual excitement). < After sleep. The Schema comprises both caused and cured symptoms; the latter are bracketed or have the name of the disease in which they occurred appended in brackets. Relations.-[According to Nichols, Lac. can. "acts best in single dose; if repeated should be given at exact intervals."] Compare: Lachesis is the nearest analogue (throat, ovaries, symptoms changing from side to sideLach. left to right; < after sleep; fainting on raising arms); Lac. vac. deflor. (dreams of going on a journey). Lac. vac. coag., Lact. ac. [The following were mostly supplied by Lippe to Swan's arrangement.] Weak memory for what she has read, not for other things (Lach., Nat. m., Staph.). Absent-minded (Anac., Caust., Con., Dulc., Lach., Nat. m., Sep.). Crying, fearing she was contracting consumption (Calc., Guar., Sep.). Exalted feeling in sensorium (Plat.). Headache < in cold wind, > in warm room (Aur., Nux v., Rhus). Headache < by noise > by
keeping quiet; confused feeling in head (Calc.). Must have light, but intolerant of sunlight (Aco., Bell., Calc., Gels., Ruta, Stram). Soreness and scabbing of nostrils (K. bi., Thu.). Lips dry and peeling (Nat. m.). Throat sensitive to touch externally (Lach.); < by empty swallowing (Ign.). Breasts sensitive to pressure (Calc., Murex); to deep pressure (Merc.); as if full of very hard lumps, very painful when going up and down stairs (Bell., Calc., Carb. an., Lyc., Nit. ac., Phos.); soreness and enlargement (Bell., Bry., Calc.). Small, round, or irregular grey white ulcers on tonsils and fauces (Merc. i.). Discharges of diphtheritic matter from vulva and rectum (Apis). Empty, weak feeling in stomach-pit (Dig., Ign., Pet., Sep.); pain as from a stone or undigested food in stomachpit (K. bi.). Pain in right ovarian region (Ap., Lyc., Pallad.). Sensation as if breath would leave her when lying down, must get up and move about (Grind.). Sciatica (Cur., Graph., Gnap., K. bi., Ir. v., Lach., Phyt., Tell.). When walking seems to be walking on air; when lying does not seem to touch the bed (Asar., Chi., Coff., Nat m., Nux, Op., Rhs., Spi., Stram., Thuj., Stict. pul., Phos. ac.). Dreams of going on a journey (Lac. v. deflor., Laches., Sang., Sil.). Spreads fingers apart (Secale-in spasms). Retina retains impressions of objects (Tuberc. Nicotin.-Lyc., ear retains impression of sounds). Red spot before vision (Dubois. Hyo.). Flatus from vagina (Bro., Lyc., Nux m., Nux v., Sang.). < Going down stairs (Borax). Diphtheria (Diphtherinum, Merc. cy., Gels.). [Hydrophobinum is a dog-engendered nosode and must be compared with Lac. can; Lach. is one of its antidotes.] Cannot bear one finger to touch the other (Lac. f. cannot bear one foot to touch the other). Causation.-Result of fall. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Illusions or hallucinations about snakes; imagines they are all around her; that they are creeping into her bed; fears to close her eyes.-Horrible visions, fears they will take objective form; when sitting still and thinking.-Wakes at night with a sensation that she was lying on a large snake.-After menses, imagines all sorts of things about snakes.-Woke at daylight, feeling that she was a loathsome, horrible, mass of disease.-Could not bear to have any one part of her body touch another; felt if she could not get out of her body in some way, she would soon become crazy; could not think of anything but her own condition.-Feels weak, and nerves so thoroughly out of order, that she cannot bear one finger to touch the other (nervous throat affection).-Is impressed with the idea that all she says is a lie; that all her symptoms are unreal, and the result of a diseased imagination; it seems to be very difficult to speak the truth, but continually distrusts things; when reading anything she rapidly changes the meaning, omitting or adding things.-Imagines that he wears some one else's nose (diphtheria).-Felt very short in morning while walking; ditto in evening.-Finds it very difficult to read understandingly anything requiring a mental effort to follow it.-Very restless; cannot concentrate her thoughts or mind to read; wants to leave everything as soon as it is commenced.-When speaking, substitutes the name of the object seen for that which is thought.-Cannot remember what she reads, but can remember other things.-In writing, uses too many words or not the right ones; very nervous.-Absent-minded.-Cannot bear to be left alone for an instant (diphtheria).-Fear: of disease; of consumption; of heart disease; of falling downstairs.Fits of weeping two or three times a day (metritis).-Depression.-(Thinks she is looked down upon by every one, and feels insulted thereat.).-Anxious.-Easily excited; easily startled.-Cross and irritable; while headache lasted.(Attacks of rage, cursing and swearing at the slightest provocation.) 2. Head.-Dizzy sensation with slight nausea.-Constant noise in head very confusing; < at night, and much < at menses (metritis).-(Sick headaches beginning in nape; the pain settling gradually in r. or l. forehead.).-Pain in l. occipital region running up when moving head.-(Headache over eyes, < when sewing; frontal and occipital, < turning eyes up.).-Sharp lancinating pain, in a zigzag line from r. side of forehead to an indefinite point in occiput; instantaneous, and sometimes repeated; as soon as it is felt, she lays aside whatever she is doing and lies down, from an indefinite dread that it will return; if at night, she goes to bed at once; has great dread of the pain, though not very severe; recurred for several days.-Sharp, throbbing pain in r. side of forehead; then in l. side of forehead slightly.-Sharp pain like a stab in r. temple, at 7 p.m.-Throbbing pain just over r. temple, then sharp pain in socket of r. eye and in r. temple, disappearing quickly.-Pain in forehead, afternoon, first on l.
side, then on r., over l. eye principally.-Headache over l. eye on first waking, and great pain in pelvis, most marked at r. ovary.-Neuralgic pain in l. side of head, followed by a film over l. eye, wants to rub it off; not > by rubbing.-Headache first on one side of forehead, then on the other.-On going into the cold wind, felt a terrible pain in forehead as if it would split open, > on going into warm room.-Headache in upper part of forehead, with sensation of a broad band pressed firmly across forehead from one temple to the other.-Darting pain across forehead and over eyes.-Headache over both eyes, extending back over l. ear.-Slight pressure on vertex and over eyes, the day before menses ceased.-Dull pain in r. temple and r. eye, with pressure on vertex during menses.-Stiffness in occiput on turning head, with soreness on pressure.-(Occipital headache, with shooting pains extending to forehead.).-Headache < by noise or talking, > by keeping quiet; confused feeling in head.Intense headache, entirely > by cold-water application, but soon returned, not, however, as severe.-Pains in head during day, first on one side then on the other; it seems perfectly unbearable; > on first going into the air, but soon grows <.-Sensation as if brain were alternately contracted and relaxed, several times rapidly; generally only when lying down; at various times all through proving.-Excessive dandriff on head for past week.-Sore pimples on scalp, which discharge and form a scab; extremely painful when touched, or on combing hair.-Head very sore, and itches almost all the time, < at night.-Slight roughness of skin of forehead, as of numerous pimples. 3. Eyes.-Sharp pain in socket back of r. eye, followed by tenderness in r. temple; both transient.-Darting intense pain round l. eye.-Heaviness of upper eyelid, with pain above l. eye; burning in l. eye; agglutination of l. lids (rheumatism).-Eyes slightly swollen; profuse lachrymation; with catarrh.-Looking at different objects causes eyes to ache.-Pricking sensation in eyeballs; eyes sensitive to cold air.-Upper eyelids very heavy, can scarcely keep eyes open; very sleepy.-Pain in eyes when reading; followed by a film over them, apparently requiring to be wiped off before she can see.-Tendency in retina to retain the impression of objects, esp. of colours; or somewhat of the object last looked at is projected into the next.-(Sees faces before her eyes, < in the dark; the face that haunts her most is one that she has really seen.).-Small floating discs before eyes occasionally, and showing primary colours at edge of discs.-When reading the page does not look clear, but seems covered with various pale spots of red, yellow, green, and other colours.-Occasionally when looking at an object sees red spots on it.-While looking at an object appears to see just beyond or out of the axis of vision, an object passing across the field of sight; but on adjusting the eye to see it, it is gone; it always appears as a small object, like a rat or bird, sometimes on the floor, at others in the air. 4. Ears.-Pain in r. ear, sometimes intense.-Very sharp pain in r. middle ear, while walking in wind; had to cover it with hand, which gave entire relief; sharp pain in r. side also.-No pain during day, but is awakened several times during night by sore aching pains in middle and external ear of side on which she is lying; soon passes off when the pressure is removed.-(Green, odourless discharge.).-Reverberation of voice as if speaking in a large, empty room; with pain in frontal region, first over one eye and then over the other.-(Sounds seems very far off.).-Ringing in r. ear.-At night a buzzing in r. ear.-Noises in ears; sensation as though ears were full.-(More than any other remedy, relieved deafness from hereditary syphilis.) 5. Nose.-Sore on r. side of septum of nose; next day nose sore, constant inclination to pick at it and get the scab off; nose still sore on sixth day, and on seventh day was very painful to touch; but on eighth day scab came off nose, leaving it as well as ever.-L. nostril first dry, afterwards discharging a thin, ichorous fluid, excoriating nostrils.-Stuffed feeling in nose and throat.-Watery discharge, followed by dry sensation in nose.Fluent catarrh from both nostrils, with sensation of fulness in upper part of nose.-(Profuse nocturnal nasal discharge, like gonorrh?a, staining pillow greenish yellow.).-One side of nose stuffed tip, the other free and discharging thin mucus at times and thin blood; these conditions alternate, first one nostril stopped up and the other fluent, and vice vers (diphtheria).-Bad smell in nose.-Cannot bear smell of flowers; they seem to send a chill over her.-All drinks return by the nose, nothing being swallowed (diphtheria).
6. Face.-R. cheek burns like fire, and is red after coming in from the cold.-Pain as from a knife-thrust from under l. zygoma up to vertex.-Burning, flushing of face.-Marked pallor of face.-Lips dry and peeling off.-Jaw cracks while eating (dyspepsia). 7. Teeth.-Pain in l. upper molars, coining from l. temple through l. ear.-Teeth sensitive to cold water.-Gums swollen, ulcerated, retracted, bleeding, teeth loose; caused by defective nutrition and exposure. 8. Mouth.-Tongue coated brown.-Tongue dirty, deeply coated near back and centre, except on edges, which are bright red; at 9 p.m. tongue looks patched.-Taste: putrid; of lead, afternoon.-Swelling of l. sublingual gland; ranula.-Mouth and throat covered with aphthous yellowish-white ulcerations, easily bleeding.-Roof of mouth very sore, with blisters that break and leave loose skin; any seasoned food causes great pain.-Inside of lower lip feels tender and sore, and looks very red.-Mouth very dry.-Saliva: increased, slightly viscid; ran from mouth during sleep.-Mouth constantly full of mucus, but a constant inclination to swallow, which = pain.-Frothy mucus in mouth < by going into open air, and after eating.-Breath very offensive (diphtheria).-Talking is very difficult, and there is a disposition to talk through nose (nervous throat affection). 9. Throat.-In morning throat very sore; r. tonsil covered with ulcers and patches, which extended over palate and covered l. tonsil; next day membrane extended across posterior wall of pharynx; uvula elongated, accompanied by chilliness, high fever, pains in head, back, and limbs, great restlessness, and extreme prostration. This was pronounced to be "severe diphtheria," but it soon got well.-Diphtheritic patch appeared first on r. tonsil, then on l., and frequently on alternated sides; the swelling of submaxillary and lymphatic cervical glands also alternated in like manner; there Was a noticeable < after a cold storm from north-east.Quinsy; alternating sides; thick, tough pieces of diphtheritic membrane coming away, and new membrane constantly re-forming; swelling in throat so large and tense that mouth could not be closed.-The diphtheritic deposits look as if varnished; exudations migratory, now here, now there (diphtheritic croup).-Throat sore: with severe headache; pain extending to chest; dry and sore; deep red colour on either side of throat opposite tonsils; on l. side; painful to external pressure on both sides.-Throat feels stiff (diphtheria).-Sore throat, alternating sides, beginning and ending with menses.-Feeling of a lump in throat, which goes down when swallowing, but returns; throat < r. side; < on swallowing saliva; afterwards, throat which had been getting well, suddenly one evening grew rapidly <, but this time on l. side.-Constant inclination to swallow, which causes pain extending to r. ear.-Tickling and sense of constriction in upper part of throat, causing constant dry, backing cough. 10. Appetite.-Appetite improved; increased.-Cannot satisfy her hunger.-Desire for highly-seasoned dishes, which is very unusual; has used pepper, mustard, and salt freely.-No appetite (diphtheria; acute rheumatism).Considerable thirst.-Great hunger for large quantities, often.-Craves milk and drinks much of it (diphtheria).Aversion to anything sweet. 11. Stomach.-Nausea, with headache, on waking; continuing all morning.-Nausea > by eructations of wind.-At 5 p.m. while smoking a cigar, great nausea with severe pain in stomach-pit; vomiting seemed imminent, but the sensation ceased in four or five minutes.-At 10.15 a.m., empty, weak feeling in stomach-pit; next day, same at 6 p.m.-Weak, sinking feeling at stomach-pit, on waking in morning.-Burning in epigastric region, feeling of a weight and pressure of a stone in stomach. 12. Abdomen.-Pain in r. side of pelvis; while it lasted there was no pain in l. side.-Pain and burning in l. side of abdomen and pelvis, with weight and dragging on that side; clothes feel very heavy.-Feeling of tension in l. groin; does not want to walk or stand, as it < the sensation; > by flexing leg on abdomen.-Very acute pain in l. groin, extending up l. side to crest of ilium; > by stool; sometimes the pain is in track of colon.-Abdomen swollen, and sensitive to deep pressure, which also = nausea, the nausea passes off when pressure is removed.-Felt as though abdomen and chest were firmly compressed all over, as if the skin were contracted.Abdomen very sensitive to pressure and weight of clothes, entirely > by removing them, during very profuse
menses.-Pains in abdomen intermittent.-Pain in pelvis, principally over r. ovarian region.-Headache (l.) on first waking, and great pain in pelvis, most marked at r. ovary.-Pressure from within outwards, as if contents of abdomen would be forced out literally, just above pelvis.-Sensation while walking as if abdomen would burst. 13. Stool and Rectum.-Frequent desire for stool all through provings.-When having a soft passage great tenesmus; rectum does not act as if it had lost power, but as if it could not expel fces because they are soft, and adhere to the parts like clay.-Constipation; occasionally natural passages; urgent desire for stool, but passes nothing but wind, or possibly one or two small pieces like sheep-dung; considerable wind in abdomen, with rumbling, but never any pain.-Profuse diarrh?a, with colic pain; diarrh?a watery, profuse, coming out with great force.-Great constipation before and after menses; bowels very loose (not diarrh?a) during menses. 14. Urinary Organs.-Urination causes intense pain in urethra, soon passing off.-Sensation after urinating, as if bladder still full; continued desire to urinate.-Frequent desire to urinate, which if not immediately attended to causes pain in bladder; a numb, dull sensation; if not > by urination it spreads over abdomen and l. side to ends of fingers; never in head; would frequently wake at night dreaming of the pain, and would have to urinate to > it.-Constant desire to urinate, passing large quantities frequently; at night she dreams of urinating, and wakes to find an immediate necessity; a less strong and healthy person would probably have wet the bed.(Nocturnal enuresis, a specific.) 15. Male Sexual Organs.-Sexual desire quite marked.-R. spermatic cord, low down, sore to touch.-Chancre on prepuce, l. side of frenum; penis greatly swollen; chancre like a cauliflower excrescence, red, smooth, and glistening.-(Small sore at entrance of urethra; parts of glans around urethra an open ulcer, exhaling most fetid smell, and with most excruciating pain; red, glistening appearance.).-Gonorrh?al pains, intermittent, in front, middle, or posterior part of urethra; when the gonorrh?a is >, catarrh sets in. 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Menses scanty; terribly cross and impatient first day; on second day, severe paroxysmal pains in uterine region, causing nausea; occasional pain in l. ovarian region, passing about half-way down thigh, on upper part of it; all these pains > by bending backwards; pain and aching in r. lumbar region when leaning forwards (as in sewing) even for a short time; entire > when bending back.-Menses scanty at first; with pain in l. ovary.-Menses very profuse; abdomen very sensitive to pressure and weight of clothes, entire > by removing them.-(Several cases of membranous dysmenorrh?a.).-Dysmenorrh?a, pain in l. groin, with bearing down and nervousness.-Leucorrh?a all day, but none at night, even after taking a long walk.-Slight leucorrh?a during the day, < when standing or walking.-Severe pain in r. ovarian region, completely > by a flow of bright-red blood, which lasted an hour, and did not return.-In afternoon, intermittent, sharp pains in r. ovarian region.-Constant pain in r. ovary.-Pain in l. ovarian region, and all across lower part of abdomen.-Sharp pains beginning in l. ovary, and darting like lightning either towards r. ovarian region, or else up l. side and down arm, or sometimes down both thighs; but generally down l. leg to foot, which is numb, pains like labourpains; accompanied by great restlessness of legs and arms, and great aching in lumbar region; (5th d. after premature labour).-Sharp, lancinating pains like knives cutting upward from os uteri, and as these were being relieved, sensation as of needles darting upwards in uterus.-Escape of flatus from vagina.-Pressure on anterior part of vulva, entire > by sitting; sensation as if everything were coming out at vulva; with frequent desire to urinate and smarting in urethra.-Itching in l. side of labia, with rough eruptive condition on l. side of vagina, with acrid leucorrh?a; excoriating severely.-Great swelling of l. labia, and terrible, pain while urinating; (from gonorrh?a).-Itching of vulva.-Intense painful soreness of vulva, extending to anus, coming on very suddenly about noon, and lasting for about two hours; came on again during evening; could not walk, stand, or sit; > by lying on., back and separating the knees as far as possible.-Raw and bad-smelling sores between labia and thighs, in folds of skin; < when walking, would rather keep still all the time; these sores are covered with a disgusting white exudation.-Sexual organs extremely excited; very much < from the slightest touch, as putting the hand on the breast, or from the pressure on vulva when sitting, or the slight friction caused by walking.(After-pains very distressing, extending to thighs, rather < on r. side.).-Menses very stringy and sticky, cannot
get rid of them.-Urination caused intense pain in vulva, when even the least drop of urine came in contact with it.-Breasts very sore and sensitive to pressure for a day or two during menses.-Breasts very sore and painful, with sharp, darting pain in r. ovarian region extending to knee, very painful and must keep leg flexed (1st d. after miscarriage at 6th month).-Constant pain in breasts, they feel very sore when going up or down stairs.Breasts seem very full.-Constant pain in nipples.-Breasts sensitive to deep pressure.-Breasts painful; feel as if full of very hard lumps, < going up or down stairs.-Loss of milk while nursing, without known cause.Galactorrh?a (many cases).-Dries up the milk when nursing.-Given for an ulcerated throat to a nursing woman, it cured the throat and nearly dried up the milk.-After two doses of c.m. rapid decrease in size of breasts and quantity of milk in a lady who wanted to wean her child. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Slight hoarseness, with now and then a change of voice, after waking, but soon passing away.-Cough from tickling in upper anterior part of larynx, < when talking and also when lying.-Cough from tickling under middle of sternum.-Cough with pain and oppression of chest; it jars her all over.-Loss of voice, cannot speak in a whisper (pharyngitis).-Marked soreness on touching larynx (diphtheria).-Sensation as if the breath would leave her when lying down and trying to sleep; has to jump up and stir around for an hour or so every night. 18. Chest.-Terrible dyspn?a immediately after sleep, first on l. side of chest; the dyspn?a compelled her to be lifted upright with violent exertion to get breath; there was sharp pain in region of heart with each of these attacks; after the medicine had but one attack of dyspn?a, and all the pain was referred to r. side of chest (acute rheumatism).-Lungs feel as though fast to chest, < while writing.-Clavicles sore to touch.-Stabbing pain in r. lung, just below nipple, preceded by pain in stomach-pit as of a stone or undigested food.-Sharp pain in r. breast at 4 p.m.-Feeling of oppression and tightness behind sternum, with desire to draw a deep breath. 19. Heart.-Palpitation of heart, irregular, causing shortness of breath. 20. Neck and Back.-Neck stiff (rheumatism, neuralgic headache; diphtheria).-Sharp neuralgic pain under r. scapula.-Lameness and cutting pain under l. scapula, < turning in bed.-Sharp, cutting pain under l. scapula, shooting forwards through lung.-Backache nearly all day between scapul, < after becoming warm, somewhat > by leaning back.-Pain in sacrum < by riding (not by walking.).-Aching pain, < by stooping, > by leaning back, with weakness; this pain extended around l. side of pelvis (leaving the back) to inside of thigh followed by a bloody leucorrh?al discharge after six hours, which came all at once, leaving labia extremely sensitive.-Spine aches from base of brain to coccyx (pharyngitis). 21. Limbs.-Aching pains in limbs and back.-Rheumatism beginning in soles flying from joint to joint and side to side, < every evening and by movement and touch; numb pains in ankle.-Burning of hands and feet at night (ovaralgia.) 22. Upper Limbs.-Painful swelling and hardness, with suppuration of l. axillary gland; menses came on at same time.-Pains down r. arm and in fingers, which feel cramped; does not seem to have the same power in r. hand.-From draught in evening, sudden, violent pains in r. shoulder, so much so that when retiring she could not raise arm to finish toilet, as if disabled by dislocation.-Right wrist lame and painful.-Sharp, shooting pains in ball of r. thumb.-Sharp pain round l. arm, as of a cutting instrument; felt principally at the vaccination-cicatrix; passed from thence to l. elbow and disappeared; (forty-five minutes after first dose.).-Trembling of l. hand, as in paralysis agitans.-Woke at night feeling very chilly, with sharp pain in l. hand, and sensation in l. arm as if asleep; lasting fifteen minutes.-Palms and soles burning hot.-Two warts on little finger noticed to be leaving.Painful eruption on axill, like moist herpes, exceedingly painful on washing them. Veins in hands look bluer than usual, they are swollen.-Sensation as if an insect were crawling on shoulders and neck, occasionally on hands.-Perspiration in axill, stains linen bright orange colour, no smell.-Very fetid perspiration in axill, staining linen brown.-Wrists very lame, esp. r., which has sharp pains passing from thumb to little finger.
23. Lower Limbs.-A few days before menses, inside of both thighs became raw and painful when walking, they then broke out with large, flat, red pimples; the soreness soon left; but the pimples remained.-Varicose veins on outer r. thigh, from hip to knee.-Sensation of numbness in l. leg with great heat as if burning, but cool to touch; brought on by pressure.-Stiffness through thighs, < on attempting to move after sitting.-Veins of feet and ankles very much swollen.-Feet swollen and very sore, causing considerable pain while walking.-Cramps in feet.-Numbness and paralytic feeling in inner side of both knees, extending to both big toes.-Pain in r. hip and leg while walking, with a trembling of leg, and slight feeling of uncertainty, esp. on going down stairs (metritis).-(Articular rheumatism in r. hip and knee-joints, esp. former; she was seated in an armchair, unable to move, complaining of bruised, smarting, lancinating pains in both joints and in lumbar region with swelling of affected joints; pains < by slightest motion at night; by touch and by pressure of bed clothes; next day pains and swelling had gone to l. hip and knee joints, leaving r. almost free; the ensuing day they had almost entirely disappeared from l. hip and knee-joints and had again attacked r. hip and knee; complaining, moaning, and sighing on account of her sufferings and probable termination of her illness).-Rheumatic pains in l. hip and along sciatic nerve; wandering pains in nape of neck, with stiffness; pains in one or other shoulder; pain above l. eye and heaviness of eyelid; burning in eye, agglutination of eyelids; sensitiveness to light (sciatica and rheumatism).-Intense, unbearable pain across supersacral region, extending to r. natis and down r. sciatic nerve; pain so severe as to prevent sleep or rest (sciatica).-(Partial paralysis of r. leg from miscarriage; leg numb and stiff, but cannot keep it still; feels > flexing it on abdomen.).-Numb pains chiefly in ankles, < while quiet, with swelling; veins of ankles distended; > while extreme heat is applied (rheumatism).-Ecthyma: on r. leg. 25. Skin.-Sensation as if an insect was crawling on shoulders and neck, occasionally on both hands.-Herpetic eruption in both axill, with light brownish scab, extremely painful when washing; eruption most in r. axilla, and in both instances appeared previous to pain in labi, which was followed by a discharge of blood from vagina.-Every scratch gets sore.-Icthyosis, with branlike desquamation of skin.-Shining, glazed, and red appearance of ulcers on shin and wrist (syphilis).-Crusts on skin, under which greyish yellow matter formed and was squeezed out. 26. Sleep.-Great desire to sleep (diphtheria).-Cried out and talked in sleep (diphtheria).-Cannot find any comfortable position in bed; there is no way that she can put her hands that they do not bother her; falls asleep at last on her face.-Dreamed a large snake was in bed (tonsillitis).-Got to sleep late; profuse sweat during sleep; felt feverish all night; in morning > in every way.-At night lies with l. leg flexed on thigh, and thigh on pelvis; restless; < after sleep (ovaralgia).-Dreams frequently that she is urinating, and wakes to find herself on point of doing so, requiring immediate relief.-Symptoms < after sleep (diphtheria). 27. Fever.-Chilly feeling lasting all day.-Internal chilliness with external warmth.-Cold chills run down back, hands as cold as ice (on entering house 4 p.m.; 6.30 entire > after a good dinner).-Fever and chills for a few days, and up and down every few hours.-Intense fever on waking in morning, with perspiration.-Dry, hot skin (diphtheria).-Exhausting sweats; after sleep.-Wakes at night in cold perspiration, with fearful foreboding (metritis).-Perspired considerably through night, sweat having a rank smell (acute rheumatism).
Lac Felinum.
Cat's Milk. Dilution. Clinical.-Ciliary neuralgia. Dysmenorrh?a. Headache, Keratitis. Mouth, inflammation of. Stye. Throat, catarrh of.
Characteristics.-This is another of the remedies introduced by Swan. The full pathogenesis appears in Med. Visitor, Aug., 1893, part having already appeared in H. W., xviii. 15l. The greatest number of the symptoms were experienced in the head and eyes, and many of these have been confirmed. Here is one from Swan: "Terrible headache penetrating the left eyeball to centre of brain, with pain in left supra-orbital region extending through brain to right vertex" (H. W., xviii. 429). Many eye cases are on record. Swan benefited this case: "Pain in eyes back into head, extremely sharp, with a sensation as if the eyes extended back. Great photophobia: any continued glare causes the pain" (H. W., xvii. 54). Berridge reports this case: "Mr. H., 37. Left eye inflamed three weeks; deep red; photophobia; on left segment of cornea an ulcer. For three nights pain like a knife running from left eye to left occiput, on lying down, especially on left side. Burning in left temple, near eye, < at night. Lac. fel. 40m. (Fincke) every four hours. Eye was better next day, and steadily got well. The pain ceased first." Berridge remarks that "< lying on left side" has been verified by him in another case (Lach. has < lying on painful side; Zinc. < lying on unpainful side-H. P., vi. 376). One of the provers took 17th, and afterwards 1m. (Fincke) potency. Another prover took the 200th. Among the verified symptoms are: Morbid conscientiousness; heaviness in forehead; scalded sensation on tongue; absence of appetite. The eye affections are mostly accompanied by shooting pains from eye backwards. Styes were present in some cases. (In the Schema cured symptoms are bracketed or have the name of the disease in which they occurred appended in brackets.) Relations.-Compare: Lac. can., Lac. def., &c. In eye affections, Spigel. Stye, Staph., Puls., Hep. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Great depression of spirits.-Very cross to every one.-Fear of falling downstairs, but without vertigo.Morbid conscientiousness; every little fault appeared a crime.-Mental illusion that the corners of furniture, or any pointed object near her, were about to run into eyes; the symptom is purely mental; the objects do not appear to her sight to be too close (asthenopia). 2. Head.-Dull pain in forehead in region of eyebrows.-Heaviness in forehead.-Heavy pressure in sides of head and vertex.-Pulsations in head with sensation of heat in forehead, and constriction across bridge of nose.Acute pain on vertex.-Acute pain in frontal region.-Intense pain early in morning on vertex, and l. side of head: it commences just in front of vertex, with a flush of heat which extends front about an inch, and is followed by the intense pain; the heat and pain then spread, never crossing median line, down l. side as a veil, taking half the nose and jaws, and entering ear, causing her to close the eyes from its intensity; during the pain, head drawn down so that chin pressed heavily on chest, and her agony was so great that she had to hold the head firmly in her hands, and rush through the house from room to room screaming (from the 17th potency).-Acute pain over l. eye and temple.-Pain in head < from reading.-Sharp lancinating pains passing zig-zag down l. side of head about every ten minutes from vertex towards l. ear.-Pain commencing with a chilly sensation at root of nose; also a cold pain passing up median line to vertex, and passing down to ear (like the previous symptom).Headache over eyes (l.).-Pain in forehead, occiput, and l. side of head, with rigidity of cords of neck (splenius and trapezius), and heat in Vertex; the pain in forehead is heavy, pressing down over eyes (headache).-Intense pain from head along lower jaw, causing mouth to fill with saliva.-Crawling on top of brain (asthenopia).Weight on vertex (asthenopia).-Terrible headache penetrating l. eyeball to centre of brain, with pain in l. supra-orbital region extending through brain to vertex (headache).-Burning in l. temple near eye, < at night (keratitis). 3. Eyes.-Sharp lancinating pain through centre of l. eyeball, leaving in very sore internally, and causing profuse lachrymation (from the 1m.).-Heavy pressure downwards of eyebrows and eyelids, as if the parts were lead.Inclination to keep eyes shut.-Eyes feel as if sunken in head, and l. eye occasionally waters.-Twitching of outer end of l. upper lid, inside.-(Twitching of eyelids r. and l.).-(Ciliary neuralgia.).-Sharp lancinating pain in centre of r. eyeball extending externally to temple and frontal region over eye, with intense photophobia, redness of conjunctiva and lachrymation; < by reading or writing; the pain appears to be in interior of eyeball, and
extends thence to posterior wall of orbit, and then to the temples, with throbbing; dim sight when reading: also constipation, loss of appetite, lassitude in legs (choroiditis).-(Have had great success with it in eye cases, esp. where there is severe pain in back of orbit, indicating choroiditis.-Swan.).-On looking fixedly, reading, or writing, darting pain from eyes nearly to occiput; much < in r. eye (asthenopia).-When reading letters run together, with dull aching pain behind eyes, or shooting in eyes, the confused sight and shooting being < in r. eye; symptoms excited by catching cold or by over-fatigue (asthenopia).-Pain in eyes, back into head, extremely sharp, with a sensation as if eyes extended back; great photophobia to natural or artificial light; any continued glare results in this pain (improved).-Darting pain going backwards in centre of r. eye, < at night (keratitis).-If she lies on l. side. r. eye feels as if it were moving about and too heavy, with great pain.(Ulceration of cornea.).-Photophobia.-[L. eye feels hot and adheres in morning.-White spot on outer edge of l. cornea, with red vessels running up to it from conjunctiva, and shooting pains from the spot to occiput.-Pain in r. lower orbital border as if sore, with tenderness there on touch, and shooting in r. eye.-R. eye inflamed, with shooting backward where the white spot is; l. eye also inflamed, but without shooting.-Stye on l. upper lid.Two styes on r. lower lid.-Eyes get bad every September.-Eyes ache by gaslight. (Cured in various cases of ulceration of cornea)]. 5. Nose.-Cannot bear the smell of clams, of which she is naturally very fond, and cannot eat them. 7. Teeth.-Pains in all the teeth as the hot pain from head touched them. 8. Mouth.-Sensation as if tongue were scalded by a hot drink.-Redness under tongue, on gums, and whole buccal cavity.-Soreness and sensation of ulcers on tongue and roof of mouth.-The parts of mouth seem to stick together, requiring an injection of air or saliva to separate them.-Loss of taste.-Brassy taste in mouth.Salivation, tongue enlarged and serrated at edges by teeth.-Small white ulcers covering tongue and whole buccal cavity.-Elongation of palate.-Very sore mouth.-(Dryness of mouth.) 9. Throat.-Tough mucus in pharynx.-Stringy, tough mucus in pharynx, cannot hawk it up and has to swallow it; when it can be expectorated it is yellow.-Mucus in pharynx between head and throat is thick, yellow, tough, stringy, expectorated with difficulty, and has a sickish sweet taste.-Posterior wall of pharynx slightly inflamed, with sensation of soreness. 11. Stomach.-No appetite.-After eating feels swollen; has to take off her dress and loosen clothes.-Great desire to eat paper.-Stomach sore all around just below the belt, < l. side.-Occasionally very slight nausea.-Heat in epigastrium.-Great soreness and sensitiveness of epigastric region. 12. Abdomen.-Pain in abdomen and back, as if menses about commencing.-Pain in bowels.-At midnight, sensation of a cold bandage over lower part of abdomen.-Great weight and bearing down in pelvis, like falling of the womb, as if she could not walk; < when standing.-Pain in pelvis through hips on pressure, as when placing arms akimbo. 13. Stool and Rectum.-Natural stool, but very slow in passing, at 2 a.m.-Stool long, tenacious, slipping back when ceasing to strain; seeming inability of rectum to expel its contents. 14. Urinary Organs.-Frequent desire to urinate, urine very pale.-(Obstruction in urinating, has to wait.) 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Leucorrh?a ceased on third and reappeared on fourth day.-Furious itching of vulva, inside and out; yellow leucorrh?a.-(Dragging pain in l. ovary.) 17. Respiratory Organs.-Dryness of rim of glottis. 18. Chest.-Very much oppressed for breath, continuing for several days; it is a difficulty in drawing a long breath, or rather that requires the drawing of a long inspiration, for it seems as if the breathing was done by upper part of lungs alone.
22. Upper Limbs.-Pain in right side of l. wrist when using index finger. 23. Lower Limbs.-L. foot feels cold when touched by r. foot.-Legs ache. 24. Generalities.-Entire r. side from crown to sole felt terribly weak, heavy, and distressed, so that it was difficult to walk.-(Constant nervous trembling, esp. of hands, as in drunkards.) 26. Sleep.-Dulness, sleepiness, gaping.-Heavy, profound sleep, not easily awakened.-Dreamed of earthquakes. 27. Fever.-Cold and heat alternately, each continuing but a short time.
Lac Vaccinum.
Cow's milk. Dilution. Clinical.-Albuminuria. Blindness. Diabetes. Headache. Milk, intolerance of. Rheumatism. Sternum, pains in. Tongue, ulcers on. Characteristics.-Lac vac. was proved by J, C. Boardman, of Trenton, New jersey (H. W., xix. 402). Swan's 200th potency was used. I have given the symptoms in the Schema. To these might be added the effects of milk on persons intolerant of it. The headaches, biliousness, and constipation frequently induced by milk are well known. The headaches were well brought out in the proving. Milk frequently aggravates rheumatism; and Burnett has observed that children who drink much milk after their teeth are grown become very liable to colds. The keynote of Lac can. is alternation of sides; in Lac vac. the symptoms appeared both sides simultaneously. The great thirst and excessive flow of urine suggest diabetes. Swan gives a brief proving (H. P., ix. 252) and some cures. The cures were: (1) Short rheumatic pains in knee and ankles on walking; passing fetid flatus. (2) Fever at night followed by profuse sweat all over; the fever was preceded by chilly feeling, beginning at shoulders, then running up from feet to head; headache. (3) Flat white ulcers on tongue, sensitive, covered with white slimy mucus, extending to sides of cheeks. (4) Brown crusts, having greasy appearance, especially in corners of mouth, like "butter-sores." (5) Fulness of head, as if too large and heavy. (6) Vertigo. (7) Eructations and passing of much flatus.-The symptoms of Swan's proving (by Miss H. from the 1m. of Fincke) are included in the pathogenesis. Relations.-Compare: Lac. v. def., Lac. v. flor., Lac. can. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-General nervousness, with depression of spirits, feeling as though about to hear bad news.-Mental confusion, lasting a long time after proving. 2. Head.-Vertigo: falls backwards if she closes her eyes.-A creeping sensation, or screw-like or vertical motion, began over l. eye, and continued upwards to vertex, next the same motion or feeling began two inches behind l. ear, and likewise went upwards to vertex; also a pressure on vertex, with a sensation of heat when hand was applied (1h.).-Sensation like a fire-ball in each temple simultaneously (20 m.).-All these symptoms passed away except pain on top of head, which feels as though something heavy were laid there, and occasionally a sharp pain simultaneously (3 1/2 h.).-Woke in morning with an aching pain all over head, most severe in occiput. 3. Eyes.-Dull pain over r. eye, and very, slight dull feeling over l. eye.-Eyes have a blur, or dimness, or obscurity of sight, off and on for a few moments at a time.-Blindness of both eyes, which came on three or four times in
succession, lasting only a second at a time, then passing entirely away, leaving a pain in each temple, on top of head, l. ear, and below l. ear in the neck (2 1/2 h.). 4. Ears.-Ears felt stopped up; felt deaf in both ears, although she could hear as before. 8. Mouth.-Had a dirty, yellow-coated tongue, which felt parched.-Sour taste.-Acid saliva staining handkerchief yellow. 9. Throat.-Sensation of plug in throat or larynx. 10. Appetite.-Thirst for cold water in quantities; drank three tumblerfuls during evening. 11. Stomach.-Had a swelling or bloating of stomach (3rd d.).-At 10.30 a.m. sour taste; nausea, but no rising or vomiting (1 h.).-Contractive, pressing pain in stomach-pit, > by external pressure. 12. Abdomen.-Pain proceeding from sternum, extending across abdomen about an inch below umbilicus. 13. Stool.-Obstinate constipation. 14. Urinary Organs.-Urine was not increased in morning, but was dark red, without sediment.-Filled a large iron spoon with the urine and boiled it for twenty minutes; it left quite a mass of albumen, about a quarter of the whole; specific gravity 1030.-Yesterday the urine turned blue paper red; to-day it turns the red paper blue (13th d.).-In afternoon was obliged to urinate every fifteen minutes, in large quantity each time; was afraid to go across the street to a store for fear it would overtake me before I could return; it all passed off the same night.-The density of urine varied during a few days from 1,013 to 1,028, colour clear, odourless, acid reaction.-Frequent discharge of clear urine, nearly colourless, no sediment. 16. Female Sexual Organs.-White watery leucorrh?a; pain in sacrum. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Sensation of plug in throat or larynx. 18. Chest.-A sharp pain appeared in a spot the size of a shilling on each side of sternum and about middle of chest, with a sense of suffocation.-Later a burning sensation in same region.-Same pain, extends across abdomen about five inches lower down (about an inch below umbilicus); it did not seem to involve the bladder; no rumbling or passing of flatus.-Sharp pains in l. lower chest, or in region of lower lobe of l. lung; the pain was momentary, and did not return (5th d.).-Sharp pain began in r. chest, about three inches below clavicle; it passed upwards to top of r. shoulder, then down arm and forearm to thumb, and then passed off. 20. Back.-Pains in sacrum. 21. Limbs.-All the joints of body, esp. knees, feel weak and powerless, as when half drunk. 22. Upper Limbs.-Fingers of both hands, esp. when stretched out, tremble and quiver as from extreme weakness.-A clammy sticky coldness in both hands and both feet simultaneously.-Sharp pain under l. scapula, about three inches down from top; it then passed upwards to top of l. shoulder, then down arm and forearm and hand to the four fingers of the l. hand and then passed off.-Soon afterwards an aching pain was felt in l. hip-joint, which soon passed off. 23. Lower Limbs.-Piercing or lancinating pain in each hip-joint, not severe.-Aching pain along both thighs on outer side and terminating in both knees.-Aching pains in both knees like a rheumatic pain; they began simultaneously in both knees, but the r. was most severe (5th d.).-On going upstairs the knees trembled or quivered or were extremely weak, so as to be unable to take a step forwards.-Aching pains in bones from both hip-joints to both feet; simultaneously also burning sensation in both feet.
24. Generalities.-The pains in chest, abdomen, hips, thighs, and knees were all felt on r. and l. sides simultaneously.-She was so suddenly prostrated mentally and bodily that she was unable to collect her thoughts or use a pencil to write her symptoms I was therefore compelled to witness and ask questions and record them after the proving was nearly over she said she had so much mental confusion that she could not get mentally clear enough to feel her thoughts or express them; she could only give direct short answers to questions; as for writing her symptoms, she had no physical power to do it. In 2 h. all symptoms subsided gradually, but still there was a general trembling or quivering of whole body as well as the fingers. In 6 1/2 h. nearly relieved, except great physical prostration; mind is again normal. 26. Sleep.-Slept well all night, and woke in morning free from pain (8.30 a.m.).-Head feels all over heavy, dull, aching, drowsy, wants to go to sleep.-Gait is unsteady.-Must force herself to keep awake.-Must force herself to keep her eyes open, for if she shuts them she cannot avoid falling backwards and down to the floor. In 7 h. said she still felt sleepy, and could have fallen asleep in a minute at any time during the whole day.-General restlessness and bad dreams.-Dreams of trying to lay out a corpse, &c. 27. Fever.-Hands became hot and dry, a decided fever heat of hands.-Also pain on l. side of head, extending from neck to top of head, and a chilling sensation with it.-A slight fever over the entire body with a moisture in both hands, and aching in legs from thighs to knees, both sides simultaneously.
anmic women, nausea, vomiting, and obstinate constipation. The symptoms which specially indicate it in diabetes are: Intense thirst; wasting. The menses are irregular; sometimes very dark, scanty; sometimes colourless water. (Lac def. cured this case: Menses suppressed suddenly from putting hands into cold water. Great pain in uterine region. Intense headache. Pains fly all over. Flushed face. Patient slept after first dose, next morning slight flow appeared. Second dose brought back flow profusely, and patient felt well and the flow continued.) Nutrition is perverted. There is loss of weight, or else obesity. Dropsy. Fatty degeneration. Some peculiar sensations are: As though a knife was cutting up and down through the heart. As if head would burst. As if eyes full of little stones. As if top of head was lifted off. As if a ball of pain in centre of forehead. As if flesh was off bones and edges were separated and sticking out. As if objects were tossed up from below in all directions. As if a large ball rose from lower end of sternum to upper end of ?sophagus. As if a stone in abdomen. As if sheets were damp. As if a cold air blowing on her. It may be well to recall in this last connection that milk is one of the articles forbidden to hydrogenoid or chilly patients. Burnett maintains that excess of milk in the dietary of children after they have cut their first teeth renders them susceptible to colds. There is periodicity in the symptoms: every eight days. Headache ceases at sunset. Most symptoms occur in the morning. Fever and prostration come on in afternoon. Putting hands into cold water = suppression of menses. External heat does not > chilliness, < pain in eyeball. Sensation as if cold water were blowing on her, even while covered up warm. No position >. Lying down < vertigo; headache; urinary pain. Vertigo compels to sit up. Extending arms above head = fainting spells. Motion < all symptoms. < Walking; < sitting down, though ever so gently. Abdomen is sensitive to touch. Pressure round waist = fainting spells. Pressure > pain in eyeball (presses eyes into pillows); bandaging head lightly > pain. After injury subject to distress in head. Relations.-Compare: Lac can., Lac coag., Lact. ac., Sacch. lac., Vaccin. (a cow nosode); Nat. m. (diabetes, headache, constipation, heart); Coccul. (menstrual sick-headaches); Cact. (heart; but Lac d. has not the "grasp" of Cact.); Nux m. (head heavy, tends to fall to left-Lac. d. to right). Causation.-Injuries. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Loss of memory; listlessness, disinclination for bodily or, mental exertion.-Depression; does not care to live; questions as to quietest and most certain way of hastening one's death.-During conversation, headache and depression of spirits >.-Depression with crying and palpitation (fainting spells).-Imagines that all her friends will die and that she must go to a convent (fainting spells).-Does not want to talk to any one.-Can remember what has been read only by a strong effort of will.-Vacillation of mind.-Great despondency on account of the disease, is sure he is going to die in twenty-four hours; without fear of death. 2. Head.-Vertigo: on moving head from pillow; < lying down and esp. turning while lying, obliging to sit up.Intense vertigo when opening eyes while lying, < when rising up; objects appeared to move swiftly from l. to r., at other times moving as if tossed up from below in every direction.-Head feels heavy with marked tendency to fall to r.-Faintness and nausea when stepping upon floor in morning.-Pain first in forehead, then extending to occiput, very intense, distracting and unbearable; great photophobia, even to light of candle; deathly sickness all over, with nausea and vomiting, < by movement or sitting up; very chilly, and external heat does not >; frequent and profuse urination of very pale urine.-After injury subject to distress in head; severe pain in forehead just above eyes; breath offensive; appetite poor, nausea; at times sleeps for hours during attack; great distress across back; urine dark and thick.-Nausea and sometimes vomiting, which >; pain in forehead as if head would burst, with blindness; pain is > by bandaging head tightly; < by light and noise; constipation, stools large; hands and, feet cold (hemicrania).-Headache: < during menses; < by speaking, alternating with tonsillitis.-Throbbing frontal headache (over eyes), nausea, vomiting and obstinate constipation; esp. in anmic women.-Headache: with pains in eyes; as if full of little stones; < closing eyes; profuse urination.-Dim vision, as of cloud before eyes; profuse urination; full feeling in head; slight nausea at pit of stomach; face pale; feet cold; coldness in back.-Intense pain at point of exit of supraorbital nerve, diffused thence over forehead;
attack commences with chill, quickened pulse, flushed face and discharges of wind from stomach.-Severe headache, with a sensation as if top of head was lifted off, raised about five inches and brains were coming out; head feels hot, motion < pain; face felt as if flesh was off bones and their edges were separated and sticking out.-Pain first in forehead, extending through occiput, making her nearly frantic.-In morning nausea and sensation of a round ball full of pain in centre of forehead.-Head feels large as if growing externally.-Head heavy, falling to r. side.-General sore pain of head produced by coughing. 3. Eyes.-Dim vision; can only see lights, not objects; preceding headache.-Great photophobia, even candle light unbearable.-Great pain in eyes on first going into light, soon passed off; on closing eyes on account of light, pain was felt in eyeballs as if from pressure of lids.-On closing eyelids painful pressure as if lids were short laterally, causing sensation of band pressing upon balls.-Upper eyelids feel very heavy; sleepy all day.-Pain in head, most marked over l. eye and in temple, extending into eyes, and causing profuse lachrymation. 5. Nose.-Painful pressure or tightness at root of nose (catarrh). 6. Face.-Deathly paleness of face.-Sallow complexion with eczematous eruption.-Flushes of heat in l. side of face.-Face, neck, arms and body generally flush colour of a red rose, with swelling, but no itching or burning.Sensation as if all flesh was off bones of face and edges were separated and sticking Gut.-Pimples on face and forehead (irregular menses). 7. Teeth.-Grinding of teeth when asleep, with pain in stomach and head with vomiting. 8. Mouth.-Mouth very dry.-Breath very offensive.-Mouth clammy and frothy, esp. during conversation. 9. Throat.-Globus hystericus; sensation of a large ball rising from a point about lower end of sternum to upper end of ?sophagus, causing distressing sense of suffocation.-Sore throat < when swallowing; slight, hacking cough. 10. Appetite.-Entire loss of appetite.-Great thirst for large quantities and often; intense thirst.-Could not drink milk without its causing sick-headache. 11. Stomach.-Sour eructation.-Nausea: in morning; from a recumbent position at any time during day or evening, or on moving or rising in morning; deathly, cannot vomit, with groans and cries and great distress, great restlessness with sensation of coldness; although skin was hot, pulse was normal.-Nausea and vomiting and a sensation of deathly sickness, < from movement or rising up in bed.-Vomiting first of undigested food, intensely acid, then of bitter water, and lastly of a brownish clot, which in water separated and looked like coffee grounds; no smell; bitter taste.-Incessant vomiting, which had no relation to her meals.-Violent pain in pit of stomach, seldom lower, brought on by fatigue.-Much wind, and acid stomach, no tenderness.Dyspepsia.-Bloating in epigastric region, with attacks of asthma; he could scarcely breathe: hard pressive pain at about fourth cervical vertebra.-Cramps in epigastric region. 12. Abdomen.-Abdomen sore and sensitive to touch.-Severe pain across umbilicus with headache.-Great fatigue from walking, on account of heaviness as of a stone in abdomen.-Drawing pain across lower part of abdomen, with heat and pressing, bearing down in pelvic region, both sides; < by, pressure.-Flatulence. 13. Stool and Anus.-(Constipation.).-Is generally constipated, and when it is most persistent, very chilly; cannot get warm.-Constipation: with chronic headache; most powerful purgatives were of no avail; fces dry and hard, passed with great straining, lacerating anus, extorting cries and passing considerable blood; chronic.Continual persistent constipation, > only by cathartics and enemas, with violent attacks of sick-headache, pain unbearable; great photophobia; deathly sickness all over, with nausea and vomiting < by movement or sitting up; chilly, not > by external heat.
14. Urinary Organs.-Frequent and profuse urination of very pale urine.-Frequent but scanty urination.-Profuse, pale urine.-Albuminuria.-Constant pain in region of kidneys, passing around each side above hips to region of bladder, also downward from sacral region to gluteal, and from thence down back of thighs; pain burning, not > in any position, < lying down.-Urine dark and thick.-Urine very pale; cannot retain it.-Urine comes away drop by drop, or else gushes out with a sensation of very hot water passing over the parts; wetting bed at night. 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Pressing bearing down in ovarian region.-Drawing pain across uterine region, with heat and pressive bearing down in both ovarian regions; cannot bear pressure of hand or arm on abdomen, intense distress in lower part of abdomen during menstruation, not > by any position; violent inflammation in ileo-ccal region, with intense pain, swelling, tenderness, fcal accumulation and violent vomiting.-Menses delayed a week with congestion of blood to head; coldness of hands, nausea, and vertigo; flow commenced next morning after taking Lac defl., scanty with pain in back; sensation of weight and dragging in l. ovarian region.-After putting hands in cold water sudden suppression of menses; pains all over, esp. in head.-Irregular menstruation, sometimes very dark and scanty, sometimes colourless water.-Slight yellowish leucorrh?a.Morning sickness during pregnancy; deathly sickness at stomach on waking; vertigo and waterbrash on rising; constipation.-Decrease in size of breasts.-(Has never failed to bring back the milk in from twelve to twenty-four hours.).-Diminished secretion of milk. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Asthma so that he could scarcely breathe, accompanied by bloating in epigastric region.-Short, dry cough, with difficult expectoration of a small lump of mucus, which > cough. 18. Chest.-Soreness of chest with great pressure.-Tuberculous deposit in apices of both lungs. 19. Heart and Pulse.-Pressure around heart (not like grasping of Cactus), with dyspn?a and a feeling of certainty that he is going to die in twenty-four hours.-Sharp pain in apex of heart, as if a knife were cutting up and down; this preceded a heaviness of head, dulness over eyes, throbbing in temples and palpitation of heart.-Palpitation of heart and flushes of heat, esp. in l. side of face and neck. 20. Neck and Back.-A symmetrical patch of herpetic eruption on each side of neck, itching and burning after scratching.-Hard, pressive pain at fourth cervical vertebra; chills creeping along back between scapul.Intense burning pain in small of back and sacrum, commencing in region of kidneys, passing around on both sides above hips into groins, also downward from renal region through gluteal region, down back part of thighs; pain, burning, and > by no position; lying down. 21. Limbs.-Cold hands or feet during headache.-Aching pains in wrists and ankles. 22. Upper Limbs.-Ends of fingers icy cold, rest of hand warm. 23. Lower Limbs.-Numbness and loss of sensation over outer and anterior surfaces of thighs.-Pains passing down under side of thighs to heels, and pains across top of feet as if bones were broken across instep; pains would come on as soon as she stepped upon floor in morning, upon which she would be faint and nauseated and would have to lie down.-Weakness and aching in ankles, puffiness.-Skin thickened at edges of feet. 24. Generalities.-Great lassitude and disinclination to exertion.-Great restlessness and extreme and protracted suffering from loss of sleep at night.-Feels completely tired out and exhausted, whether she does anything or not; great fatigue from walking.-Great loss of strength, commencing with a sharp cutting pain in apex of heart; forehead feels heavy, with a dull sensation over eyes and throbbing, principally in temples, rest of head feels light. 25. Skin.-A symmetrical patch of herpetic eruption on each side of neck, itching and burning after scratching. 26. Sleep.-Sleepy all day long.-Great restlessness, extreme and protracted suffering from loss of sleep at night.
27. Fever.-Hot fever 9 p.m., continues until near morning, wakes in profuse sweat, which stains linen yellow, difficult to wash out.-Hectic fever; malignant typhoid.-Sensation as if the sheets were damp.
Lacerta agilis. Green Lizard (also Large Green Spotted Lizard of U.S.). N. O. Lacertilia. Tincture of whole animal. (A separate preparation of the spotted lizard should be made.) Clinical.-Skin, eruptions on. Tongue, vesicles under. Characteristics.-The Green Lizard is usually considered to be non-poisonous; but Baldelli, who ate a lizard cut into small pieces, developed some decided symptoms of indigestion, vesication under the tongue, and skin eruptions; and a girl, bitten on the sole of the left foot by a "large green spotted lizard," died of the effects of the bite after twenty-one days of suffering. This is recorded in Allen's Appendix, and comes from an American source, so it is probably an American variety of Lacerta that is accountable for this. Swelling, pain, numbness, delirium, with an alternating state of greatly increased mental acumen, left-sided paralysis, neck and jaw of left side rigid and muscles tender. In the Schema the symptoms due to the bite of the American lizard are marked (A). The symptoms of the proving were > by drinking frequently vinegar and water. Motion = excruciating, pains in bitten limb. Touch <. Relations.-Compare: Amphisb?na, Heloderma. Antidote: vinegar (?) SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Occasional delirium.-Wonderfully increased mental acumen during intervals of reason (A). 6. Face.-Muscles of l. (bitten) side neck and jaw rigid and tender to touch (A). 8. Mouth.-Large vesicles under tongue.-Constant accumulations of saliva in mouth. 9. Throat.-Much difficulty in swallowing (A). 11. Stomach.-Violent eructations and some distress in stomach.-Nausea and a feeling of weight and pressure in stomach. 12. Abdomen.-Pains in intestines, > by frequently drinking vinegar and water. 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Ulcerated places on female genitals. 19. Pulse.-Pulse rose eight beats; subsequently fell fourteen beats. 24. Generalities.-Numbness; prickling; swelling spreads up from bitten foot, with most excruciating pain on slightest motion; muscles of neck and jaw of l. (bitten) side stiff and tender to touch, while l. side paralysed. The limbs were spotted a short time before death on the twenty-first day (A).-All the symptoms disappeared on the subsequent night after a profuse sweat. 25. Skin.-Moist white eruptions in several parts of the body, esp. inner canthus of eye.
Trigonocephalus lachesis. The Surukuku Snake of South America. N. O. Ophidia. Trituration. Dilution. Clinical.-Albuminuria. Alcoholism. Amblyopia. Aneurism. Apoplexy. Appendicitis. Asthenopia. Asthma. Atheroma. Bedsores. Boils. Bubo. Ccum, inflammation of. Carbuncle. Catalepsy. Chancre. Change of life. Chilblains. Ciliary neuralgia. Cough. Cyanosis. Delirium tremens. Diphtheria. Dog-bite. Dropsy. Dyspepsia. Ears, polypus of; wax in; noises in. Enteric fever. Epilepsy. Erysipelas. Eyes, affections of; hmorrhage into. Fainting. Fistula lachrymalis. Flatulence. Fungus hmatodes. Gall-stones. Gangrene. Glanders. Gums, bleeding of. Hmorrhages. Hmorrhoids. Hay fever. Headache. Heart, affections of. Heartburn. Hemiplegia. Hernia. Herpes facialis. Hoarseness. Hydrophobia. Hysteria. Injuries. Intermittent fever. Jaundice. Labour, pains after. Laryngismus. Laryngitis. Leprosy. Liver, affections of. Locomotor ataxy. Malignant pustule. Measles. Mnire's disease. Mercury, effects of. Mind, affections of. Morvan's disease. Mouth, sore. Mumps. Neuralgia. Neurasthenia. Noises in ears. Nymphomania. ?dema of lungs. Otorrh?a. Ovaries, affections of. Paralysis. Paraphimosis. Perityphilitis. Perspiration, bloody; absent. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Plague. Pneumonia. Puerperal fever and convulsions. Purpura. Pymia. Quinsy. Rabies. Scarlatina. Sciatica. Scurvy. Small-pox. Stings. Strangury. Syphilis. Throat, sore. Trachea, affections of. Traumatic fever. Tumours. Ulcers. Veins, varicose. Vertigo. Vicarious menstruation (nosebleed). Warts. Whitlow. Wounds. Characteristics.-"The first trituration and first dilution in alcohol of the snake-poison Trigonocephalus lachesis was made by Hering on July 28, 1828. The first cases were published in the Archives in 1835. In 1837 this remedy was introduced into our materia medica." I quote from Hering's Guiding Symptoms, vol. vi., of which Lach. occupies nearly one hundred pages, and comprises the substance of a monograph he was compiling at the time of his death to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the introduction of the remedy into the materia medica. To the genius and the heroism of Hering the world owes this remedy and many another of which this has been the forerunner. When Hering's first experiments were made he was botanising and zoologising on the Upper Amazon for the German Government. Except his wife, all those about him were natives, who told him so much about the dreaded Surukuku that he offered a good reward for a live specimen. At last one was brought in a bamboo box, and those who brought it immediately fled, and all his native servants with them. Hering stunned the snake with a blow on the head as the box opened, then, holding its head in a forked stick, he pressed its venom out of the poison bag upon sugar of milk. The effect of handling the virus and preparing the lower attenuations was to throw Hering into a fever with tossing delirium and mania-much to his wife's dismay. Towards morning he slept, and on waking his mind was clear. He drank a little water to moisten his throat, and the first question this indomitable prover asked was: "What did I do and say?" His wife remembered vividly enough. The symptoms were written down, and this was the first instalment of the proving of Lachesis. The natives crept back one by one next day, and were astonished to find Hering and his wife alive. The snake grows to seven feet and upwards in length, has fangs nearly an inch long, a reddish brown skin marked along the back with blackish brown rhomboidal spots. Nearly all the provings of Lachesis were made with the 30th and higher attenuations.-The four grand characteristics of Lach. are: (1) < By sleep. (2) Excessive sensitiveness of the surface with intolerance of touch or constriction. (3) Left-sidedness, and the direction left to right: symptoms begin on the left side and either remain there or proceed to the right. (4) > From the onset of a discharge. There is headache > as soon as nasal catarrh comes on. Uterine pains > as soon as menses appear. The other side of this is < from non-appearance of an expected discharge, and it is this which is the foundation of the appropriateness of Lach. to the climacteric state. Wherever one or more of these features is prominent in any case Lach. will most likely prove the remedy. Hom?opathic literature abounds with illustrations of the first named-< from sleep. I will take an illustration from Nash: An old syphilitic suffered from obstinate constipation, and was taken with severe attacks of colic. The pains seemed to extend all through the abdomen, and always came on at night. The man was not making any progress, when one day he remarked to Nash, "Doctor, if I could only keep awake I would never have another attack." And in response to an inquiring look from the doctor, he added, "I mean that I sleep into the attack and waken in it." He never had another. One dose of Lach. 200 cured the colic and the constipation too. "Sleeps into an aggravation;" "< after sleep whether by day or by night;" "as soon as he falls asleep the breathing stops "-there are endless
varieties of forms in which this peculiarity may be met with. < By closing the eyes (vertigo) is allied to this. But the presence of the opposite condition > after sleep) does not necessarily contraindicate Lach. Rushmore (H. P., xii. 64) cured with Lach. c.m. a married woman who had been a great sufferer from headache, which always began with dim and aching eyes. The pain was of sharp, neuralgic character, in temples and eyes, < right side. If she could not be still with it she had nausea and very bitter vomiting. Sometimes unable to be still a minute, at others could not stir. Brought on by least fatigue. Keeps her in bed all day, and one attack is scarcely over before another comes on. Mental excitement, as receiving a call; induces it. With the headaches she is very cold; and with and after them has a very bitter mouth. Wants to close the eyes with the headache, which is > by sleep. Smarting in eyeballs and dim vision for several days after headache. During the headache much heart trouble; after the headache "skipping beats," soreness about head, pain in side. Loss of appetite after headache. Menses regular, painless, too free. Leucorrh?a many ears. A single dose of Lach. was given at the time, and the severe headache left on the way home. A constant light headache, with heaviness of head in morning, remained some days; but, without repetition, the remedy completely cured the headaches and the heart trouble as well. The hmorrhages of Lach. have this peculiarity-they contain flakes of decomposed blood looking like charred wheat straw. Uterine hmorrhage and hmorrhages in typhoid fever presenting these characters will find their remedy in Lach. The sensitiveness to contact of Lach. is not so much on account of pain or aggravation of pain as on account of the uneasiness it causes. In uterine affections the patient wants to lift the clothes up to prevent contact with lower abdomen. Touching the throat in laryngeal affections causes suffocative spasms. A minor characteristic of Lach. is pain in the shin bones. "Much pain in shin bones of an aching kind only." This has been frequently verified, but W. J. Guernsey (H. P., x. 476) has pointed out Rat when such pains occur concomitantly with throat affections, Lach. is specific. This I have confirmed. Guernsey remarks that in such cases it will always be found that the throat affection is < on left side or commenced on left side. According to Hering, Lach. is particularly suitable to those of melancholic disposition (Such provers showed most symptoms); next, to choleric individuals. Phlegmatic and lymphatic persons are also suitable, but principally when their dispositions border on the melancholic, with dark eyes and tendency to laziness and sadness. Lach. does not suit sanguine persons with high colour, fine, delicate skins, and impressible natures, unless the disease should have imparted to their disposition a choleric or melancholy tinge. Lach. especially suits choleric women with freckles and red hair. To this list must be added: Persons who have peculiar sensitiveness of the surface of the body. Women who "have never been well since the change of life." Debilitated, weakened persons. Thin rather than fat persons; persons who have been changed both mentally and physically by their illness. Drunkards. Sufferers from effect of masturbation. Persons who have been overdosed with Mercury; and to syphilitic, mercurial affections. Children and old people. Persons who cannot stand the sun and who are < in summer weather. A patient of mine, a tall, broad-shouldered, very nervous man of forty-seven, who had fled from the Cape as he could not bear the summer there, sent for me to see him at his hotel because he did not dare venture out in the middle of the day for fear of being caught in the sun. Lach. 200 soon enabled him to attend garden parties. The delirium of Lach. is of the low, muttering type; at times the patient sinks into a torpid state, with cold extremities, tremor of body and hands, tremor of tongue. Tremor of tongue is a leading feature of many Lach. states. It not only trembles, but it catches in the teeth or lower lip when the patient attempts to put it out. The mind is profoundly disturbed. There are rapidly alternating states: exalted powers, rapid succession of ideas; and again there is weak memory; frequent mistakes in writing; confusion. "Frantic loquacity, jumps from one subject to another," is a strong characteristic; "talks, sings, or whistles constantly; makes odd motions with arms"; "insane jealousy"; "intense sadness and anxiety"; "irritable, irascible, peevish, malicious." A curious symptom in the mental sphere is a derangement of the time sense. It occurs also in Merc. (to which Lach. is an antidote); but is more prominent in Lach., when a patient is always making mistakes in the time of day, and confounds the morning hours with the evening hours, Lach. will generally put this right, if it does no more. Fainting fits and vertigo on closing eyes; on looking intently at any object; in morning on waking. Rush of blood to head. Sun-headaches. Headache with very pale face. Throbbing headaches in temple, with heat of head. Headache extending into nose; > when nasal catarrh comes on. A woman, forty-four, to whom I gave Lach. 12 for a poisoned finger,
experienced after each dose a sensation "as if a hand were in her head, moving and squeezing," an eruption of spots came out, and she felt as if she had no energy. The finger healed, but when she left off the medicine on account of the head pains, the finger became worse with cramping pains and a feeling of pins and needles. There is intense nervous irritability, restless, tossing, moving; nervous exaltation, hysteria. Trembling in whole body, thinks she will faint or sink down from weakness. Convulsions, spasms. Cases of hydrophobia have been cured with Lach., the thirst, spasms, sensitiveness and nervous prostration closely corresponding to the symptoms of rabies. Fainting accompanying other complaints is an indication for Lach.: with pain at heart; with nausea; with vertigo and pale face. Catalepsy. Awkward gait; left side weak. Gressus gallinaceus. Disturbances of sight and hearing are numerous. I have frequently cured with it noises in the ears when < after sleep. In hay fever it is the remedy when there is headache extending into nose < on suppression of the discharge, which may occur in sleep; or when the paroxysms are < after sleep. Sore nostrils and lips. Pus and blood from nose. Red nose of drunkards. Dark red eruptions; purplish swellings; black and blue spots are characteristic of Lach. Ulcer sensitive to least touch. Small ulcers surrounding larger. The throat is in an especial degree the seat of the Lach. action. Sore throats of almost all descriptions come within its range, provided some of the characteristics are present: < after sleep; by touch; symptoms < left side or proceeding from left to right; cannot bear any pressure about neck; empty swallowing is agonising, liquids are swallowed with less pain and solids with least pain. Diphtheria, mercurial and syphilitic sore throat. Fetid breath. The prostration is out of all proportion to the appearance of the throat.-Lach. has sinking at the stomach, and cannot go long without food. Unquenchable thirst. Desires: oysters, wine, coffee (coffee agrees). Symptoms are > after eating, especially after fruit. The throat symptoms are < by hot drinks. Nausea always after drinking. Everything sours; heartburn. Alcoholic drinks < (except the immediate effects of the bite). Although Lach. is a left-side medicine, it has a powerful action on the liver as well as the spleen. "Acute pain in liver extending towards stomach," though contrary to the general "left to right" direction, is characteristic, as I can testify. Lach. is also one of the most prominent remedies in appendicitis. The general characteristics will guide here. Bubos. Lach. and Naja have had the greatest success of all hom?opathic remedies in the recent epidemics of Plague in India. The bladder and rectum are most painfully affected. There is a very characteristic symptom in the bladder: Sensation as if a ball were rolling loose in the bladder or abdomen on turning over. The urine is almost black; frequent; foaming; dark. ("The patient always has to urinate after lying down, day or night, especially after sleep; more frequent in the night. Urine has little black spots or flakes like soot floating in it."-H. N. Martin.) Stitches in kidneys. The ball sensation occurs elsewhere: as if a ball, or lump, or button in throat; as if two balls threatened to close the throat; as if a ball rose from abdomen to throat; as if a plug were in anus. Many severe and characteristic symptoms appear in rectum and anus. Diarrh?a of fetid, cadaverous kind and also constipation. Atony of rectum. Painful hmorrhoids. Visible spasmodic tenesmus in paroxysms, from two to five minutes, extorting cries; passes blood and mucus. Painful constriction of anus followed by collapse. Hmorrhoids with scanty menses. Burning in rectum. Stitch in rectum (upwards) when coughing or sneezing. Full feeling in rectum, and sensation as of little hammers beating. Tugging upward sensation as from a mouse. Both ovaries are affected, but principally the left; swelling, induration, tumours. Menses regular but scanty; pains > when flow is established. In a case of mine, Lach. 12 postponed menses for a week. Many symptoms occur in connection with menses. The breasts are affected. I have seen most obstinate and distressing eruptions appear on the nipples and areol of a middle-aged woman after a dose of Lach. in high potency. Cancer of the breast when assuming a bluish appearance will be helped by Lach. Lochia are thin, ichorous, insufficient. Milk thin, blue, nipples extremely sensitive to touch. In the respiratory sphere the sensitiveness of the parts to touch, constriction, and < by anything tight round neck, are the ruling conditions. Tickling, irritating cough. The least thing coming near mouth or nose interferes with breathing. Sleeps into an attack of asthma. Threatened paralysis of lungs. The heart feels too large-cramp-like pain in precordia. Constriction. Palpitation with numbness down arm. Cyanosis. Varicosis. Peculiar sensations of Lach. (in addition to those already mentioned) are: As if frightened by visions behind him; as if knives were being thrust into brow; as if tongue bound or tied up; as if a part of right-side of head cut away; as if a thread was drawn from behind to eye; stitches as from knives in eyes; eyes as if they had been taken out, squeezed and put back; ears as if
closed from within; as if stuffed up as if insects whizzing in ears; as if he had a moustache of ice as if a small crumb lodged in throat; as if he had had a blow on neck; as if a stricture in rectum. As if heart hanging by a thread and every beat would tear it off; as though heart turned over and ceased beating for a moment; as if heart hadn't room to beat. As if neck constricted with a cord. (Lach. is one of the remedies for "gridle pain") as if burnt or scalded in different parts (tongue, tibia, hypogastrium). Burning sensation and pains are a leading feature throughout this remedy. Lach. is called for in many kinds of fever, particularly intermittents after abuse of Quinine. The symptoms of Lach. are < in spring or summer; from extremes of temperature; from sun's rays; change of weather, especially in a warm spell. Must have open air, which >; but draughts of air < External warmth > (wants head closely wrapped up); hot drinks < thirst; = toothache and bleeding of gums. Cold weather, cold washing <. Most symptoms appear or are < at night and in early morning after sleep. Lying down > pain in head; < vertigo, throat, cough, breathing. Lying right side > earache in right ear; palpitation. Lying left side = pain in heart. > Sitting bent. < Standing or stooping. < Motion generally. < Contact. < Constriction. Swallowing = stitches into ears. > By discharges. Relations.-Antidote: Radiate heat outwardly, Alcohol inwardly, Salt,-effects of bite. Antidotes to dilutions: Alum., Bell., Coccul., Coff., Hep., Merc., Nit. ac., Nux, Pho. ac.; to the visible spasmodic tenesmus of rectum, Sep. According to Teste the chief antidote is Cedron. It antidotes: Bufo, Crotal., Rhus. Compatible: Aco., Ars., Bell., Bro., Carb. v., Chi., Hep., Hyo., Kali bi., Lac. can., Lyc., Merc., Nit. ac., Nux, Olean., Pho., Pul., Sil., Sul. (pneumonia), Tarent., (Plat. follows well when Hep. and Lach. fail to evacuate pus from ovarian abscess). Incompatible: Acet. ac. (Am. c.). Complementary Hep., Lyc., Nit. ac. [Lyc. is the chief complement; it is the opposite of Lach. in many respects (right to left, right upper, left lower; > warm drinks); Iod. and Kali iod., which are complementary to Lyc., are probably complementary to Lach. K. iod. has the diffused sensitiveness of Lach.] Compare: Crotal., Naja, Bothrops., Helod., Apis, Sul. and Lyc. (aphasia); Therid. and Mosch. (vertigo < closing eyes and sun-headache); Ars., Hydr. ac., Lauroc., Dig. and Ver. (fainting from cardiac weakness); K. carb. (heart hanging by a thread); Glon., Bell., Camph., Nat. c., Therid. (< from heat of sun); Stram., Agar., Mephit., Act. r., and Paris. (loquacity); Op., Hyo., Arn., Alum., Lyc., and Rhus (typhoid); Merc., Chi., Pul., Bry. and Gels. (catarrhal and rheumatic headaches); Sil. (> wrapping up head; aversion to touch); Crot., Pho., and Arn. (retinal apoplexy); Crotal. and Elaps. (otorrh?a); Apis, Ars. and K. ca. (?dema of face); Cic. (dyspn?a from spasm); Grind. (stops breathing on falling asleep); Apis, Rhus and Euphorb. (erysipelas, herpes, &c.); Phyt. (sore throat); Chi., Carb. v., Hep., Kre., K. bi., Nux and Lyc. (dyspepsias and abdominal diseases); Colch. and Elaps. (cold feeling in stomach); Bell., Caust., Nat. m., Nit. ac., Ign., K. bi., Op., Pb., Mez. and Coccul. (constriction of anus, anal tenesmus, and dysentery); Anac. (sensation of plug in rectum); Hep., Asaf., Lyc., Mur. ac., Silic., Sulph. ac., and Ars. (ulceration); Apis, Arg. m., Plat., Murex, Pall., Lyc. and Graph. (ovarian and uterine diseases); Crotal., Helleb., Dig., Tereb., Apis and Colch. (vesical and rectal affections, with hmaturia); Calc. (gall-stones); Pho. and Thu. (fungus hmatodes); Nat. m. and Led. (effects of bee-stings) Lact. ac. (fulness of throat and constriction); Lac. can. (diphtheria changing sides; sees snakes); Tarent. cub. (carbuncles); Colch. and Carb. ac. (black urine); Sel., Nat. c. and Nat. m. (< in warm, relaxing weather); Carb. v. (craves coffee-it > Lach. but not Carb. v.); Ant. t. (threatened paralysis of lungs); Merc. (Lach. occasionally antidotes Merc., when pus degenerates and becomes dark, thin, offensive); Chi. sul. (intermittents after abuse of Quinine, when chills return in spring); Am. c. (blueness, somnolence, engorgement of neck; but Am. c. right-sided and without sensitiveness); Hep. (any kind of food = indigestion); Nat. m. (opp. Lach., has > from tight clothing); Apis (jealousy); Ar. t. (diphtheria); Anac. (has two wills; thinks he is under control of superhuman power); Arn. (sensitiveness of chest-Lach., of peripheral nerves; Arn., soreness of over-full blood-vessels); Bry. (headache from suppressed coryza); Act. r. (puerperal mania); Bapt. (offensive discharges; typhoid); Bell. (head symptoms; throat; scarlatina); Hyo. (talks of things of daily life, jumps from one subject to another); Spi. (larynx sensitive; Lach., hypersthesia; Spi., inflammation of cartilages, turning head = suffocative spell): Sul. (left side; inflammation of liver, going on to abscess; < after sleep-also Nat. m.; Pho. > after sleep); Staph. (on swallowing pain runs externally along parotid gland to ears; perspiration impossible); Pho. (sensation as if anus open; Lach., as if uterus); Sil., Caul., Sul., Ustil. and Vib. o. (left ovarian and left inframammary pain). Nux m. (cough of pregnancy; Lach., cough at menstrual period when it is going off. Patient must swallow what
loosens); Puls. (menstrual cough; menses scanty; but pain < as flow increases); Con., Graph. (scanty menses); Anthracin. (carbuncles; boils); Tereb., K. bi. (tongue glazed;-and shining, Apis, Lach.); Pul., Pho., Sul. and Mur. ac. (piles during menses) Solania, Bell. and Dulc. (paralysis of lungs); Iris t. (appendicitis) Pho. ac. (disappointed love); Hydrophobin.; Sabad. (throat affected left to right-Sabad., more chronic). Causation.-Injuries. Punctured wounds. Poisoned wounds. Grief. Vexation. Anger. Fright. Jealousy. Disappointed love. Alcohol. Masturbation. Sprain (bluish swelling of joints). Sun. Warm weather. Draught of air. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Great anguish, insupportable anxiety, and uneasiness, from which patient seeks relief in open air.Fear, and presentiment of death.-Discouragement; distrust; easily affected to tears.-Mental dejection and melancholy, with apprehension, uneasiness about one's malady, great tendency to give way to sorrow, to look upon the dark side of everything, and to think oneself persecuted, hated and despised by acquaintances.Dread of death; fears to go to bed; fear of being poisoned.-Thinks she is some one else; in the hands of a stronger power; that she is dead and preparations are being made for her funeral; that she is nearly dead and wishes some one would help her off.-Sadness when awaking in the morning or night (particularly in the morning); no desire at all to mix with the world.-Restless and uneasy; does not wish to attend to business, but wants to be off somewhere all the time.-Sadness, and disgust to life.-Mistrust, suspicion, and a strong tendency to take everything amiss, to contradict and to criticise.-Frantic jealousy.-Indolence, with dislike and unfitness for any labour whatever, either mental or bodily.-Timidity of character, with variableness and indecision.-Great apathy and extraordinary weakness of memory, everything that is heard is, as it were, effaced, even orthography is no longer remembered, and there is forgetfulness even of things on the point of utterance.-Confusion as to time.-Mistakes are made in speaking and writing, as well as in the hours of the day and the days of the week.-Imbecility and loss of every mental faculty.-Over-excitement and excessive nervous irritability, with a tendency to be frightened.-Perfect happiness and cheerfulness followed by gradual fading of spirituality, want of self-control and lasciviousness; felt as if she was somebody else and in the hands of a stronger power.-Amativeness.-Affections of the intellect in general.-State of ecstasy and exaltation which even induces tears, desire to meditate, and to compose intellectual works, with a sort of pride.-Frantic loquacity with elevated language, nicely chosen words, and rapid and continual change of subject-matter.Loquaciousness, with mocking jealousy, with frightful images, great tendency to mock, satire and ridiculous ideas.-Nocturnal delirium with much talking, or with murmuring.-Dementia and loss of consciousness. 2. Head.-Head fatigued from intellectual labour.-Momentary vertigo on closing eyes.-Giddiness after resting.Vertigo chiefly on waking in morning, as well as after lying down in evening, on going into open air, on raising arms, and often with fainting, paleness of face, nausea, vomitings, congestion in head, bleeding of nose, and lassitude of limbs.-Intoxication, stupor, and loss of consciousness.-Apoplectic fits, with blue face, convulsive, movements of limbs, and extravasation of blood in brain.-Softening of brain and its membranes.-Violent pain in head, with yellow face and flushed cheeks.-Headache, with congestion of blood, sparkling before the eyes, drowsiness, shiverings and inclination to lie down, or with nausea and vomiting.-Headache preceding coryza.Cephalalgia from heat of sun.-Pains deeply seated in brain; or in the sockets of the eyes; or above the eyes; or in occiput; with stiffness in nape of neck.-Pain as from a bruise in crown of head, or sensation of boring, with jerks and throbbings on moving the head.-Heaviness and pressure in head, as if it were going to burst, or tension, as from threads drawn from occiput towards the eyes, or shootings, as from knives, in different parts of the head, and as far as the eyes.-Pressing headache in temples as if the brain were pressing out, in the morning after rising, from motion, from stooping; < from pressure and while ascending; > from lying down after eating.-Cutting headache as if a part of the r. side of the head were cut off, < after rising or ascending; > from heat and after belching up wind.-Pains which spread from the interior of head to ears, nose, and neck.Headache extending into root of nose.-Headache with flickering before the eyes.-Headache every morning on
awaking, or after dinner; or else on every change of weather.-Pulsating, beating headache with heat in head, esp. on vertex, or on r. side, or over eyes, preceding a cold in the head, with stiffness of neck.-Swelling of head, muscular throbbings in temples, tension in occiput extending to nape of the neck, painful sensibility of scalp, with troublesome itching, excessive desquamation, and falling off of the hair.-Falling off of the hair, esp. during pregnancy, with great aversion to rays of sun.-Sensitiveness of scalp in l. vertex down, and l. side of face on touch or moving muscles, a sensation as if sunburnt.-Cannot bear to have hair touched. 3. Eyes.-Yellow colour of the white of eyes.-Eyes yellow or turbid, dull and dejected, or bright and convulsed, with fixed look.-Pupils strongly dilated.-Ecchymosis and hmorrhage of the eyes.-Hmorrhages into interior chamber.-Dryness of eyes, as if full of dust; or lachrymation with tears, which sometimes seem to be cold.Photophobia.-Over-sensitive to light.-Itching and burning of the eyes.-Itching, and shootings as from knives, in eyes, or violent aching, as if the ball were going to start from the socket, < by moving eyes.-Eyes red and inflamed, with redness of conjunctiva and sclerotica, burning heat and lachrymation.-Eyes water with headache from a cold.-Sensation as if the eyes were too large or the sockets too small.-Feels when throat is pressed as if eyes were forced out.-Swelling and inflammation of the eyelids or of the edges.-Convulsions, heaviness, and paralysis of eyelids.-Weakness of sight and presbyopia.-When reading the letters appear to be confused.-Clouded vision as when looking through a veil.-Obscuration and loss of sight.-Dimness of vision; black flickering before the eyes; often makes reading difficult.-Bright blue rings, filled with fiery rays, about the light; zigzag figures.-Flames and sparks appear before the eyes, or a blue veil or blue circles round the candle.Eyes appear small and inexpressive.-Fistula lachrymalis accompanied by long-standing eruption on face. 4. Ears.-Ears cold, sensitive to the wind.-Painful swelling of interior of ear.-Dryness of ears.-Cerumen scanty, too hard and too pale, or like pap, and white, with diminution of the power of hearing.-Very disagreeable throbbing, tinkling, roaring, cracking, buzzing and rolling, or a resounding noise, as if a drum were beaten, in ears.-Whizzing, as from insects in ear.-Ears as if stopped.-Excessive sensibility, or hardness of hearing.Hmorrhage from the ears.-Pain in ears with sore throat.-Tearing extending from zygoma into ear.-Swelling of parotids.-Excoriation and scabs behind ears. 5. Nose.-Nocturnal pains at bridge of nose.-Stoppage of nose, as from an internal swelling, principally in morning, or with coryza.-Swelling, redness and excoriation of edges of nose, with scabs in nostrils.-The nose bleeds when it is blown (blood dark), and blowing of blood from the nose, esp. in the morning.-Nose-bleed in amenorrh?a, typhus, &c.-Copious bleeding from nose, of a bright-red, or thick and black.-Flow of (blood and) pus from the nose.-Paroxysms of sneezing in hay fever.-Dry, chronic coryza, with stoppage of nose, or fluent coryza, with abundant discharge of serous mucus, lachrymation, frequent sneezing, and inflammation and excoriation of nostrils.-Imperfect coryza, with many sufferings of head and mind, all of which disappear as soon as the catarrhal flux commences.-Red, chronic pimples on nose.-Redness of the point of the nose.-Many symptoms end with catarrh. 6. Face.-Face pale, wan, wasted, and cadaverous; leaden, or earthy, discoloured, yellowish complexion.-Red spot on cheeks with yellowness of rest of face.-Dark bluish-red patch on l. side of nose and cheek, coming on when flushed, generally at noon or after wine; never in evening or night (Cooper).-Blue circle round eyes.Small red veins in cheeks.-Bloatedness, sometimes to a frightful extent, tension and red swelling of face.-Heat and redness of the otherwise pale face.-L. side of face and lower jaw swollen and sensitive to touch.-Tri-facial neuralgia, l. side, orbital; heat running up into the head.-Heat and redness of face (during delirium).-Erysipelas in face, sometimes with itching, pimples or vesicles, cracks and corrosive oozing, burning pains and swelling.Miliary eruption and pimples on face.-Tetter with thick scabs in region of whiskers.-Tensive and crawling pains in face, pains in bones of face, prosopalgia, with vomiting of food.-Feeling of stiffness of the malar bone coming from the cervical glands.-Lips dry and swollen, pimples on lips, trembling of the lips.-Weakness and paralysis of lower jaw, with distortion of features.-Trismus, with clenching and grinding of the teeth; chattering of the teeth.
7. Teeth.-Boring pains in the teeth which are carious, principally after dinner, and sometimes with swelling of the cheeks, and a sensation as if the teeth were too long.-Toothache every morning after waking, or after dinner every day, with tearing, drawing, and shooting pains in roots of teeth (of lower jaw); from warm and cold drinks.-Toothache with pains in head, shiverings, heat and heaviness of the legs.-The toothache affects the ears.-Brittleness and looseness of the teeth; the carious teeth become soft, and pieces of them are broken off.-Swelling and painful sensibility of the gums.-Gums bleeding; swollen, spongy.-Hot and cold drinks renew the pains. 8. Mouth.-Inflammatory swelling of the buccal cavity.-The mouth and palate are excoriated and very painful.Dryness of the mouth and tongue, or accumulation of water in the mouth and salivation.-Tongue shining, dry, red and cracked; or inflamed, swollen (covered with blisters), brownish or blackish.-Stiffness, immovableness, and paralysis of the tongue.-Aphonia, or confused, indistinct speech, nasal tone of voice, difficulty in pronouncing certain letters or particular words; the speech is louder and more precipitate than the speaker wishes.-Tongue heavy; cannot open mouth.-Tongue trembles when protruded, or catches behind the teeth.Stammering. 9. Throat.-Constant tickling in throat, as if a crumb of bread, or something similar, were stopping in it.-Partial or general dryness of throat, often extending to ears, nose, and chest.-Burning and pain as of excoriation in throat, principally on swallowing.-Painful excoriation and inflammatory swelling of throat, with redness of parts affected, as if they were coloured with vermilion.-Swelling of the tonsils (mostly l.).-Large and small tumours in throat, which impede deglutition.-Cannot swallow the food after masticating it, because it rests on the back part of the tongue, and produces a thrilling pain there.-Constant desire to swallow, and a sensation on swallowing as if there were a tumour, or a piece of something, or a plug in the throat.-Sensation of contraction, of strangulation, and of constriction in throat.-The throat as it were stiff and paralysed.Convulsions and spasms in throat.-Impeded deglutition, with dread of drinks, which often pass through nostrils.-Hydrophobia.-Much slimy saliva, esp. in back of mouth.-The pains in the throat are < by slightest contact, and by least pressure on neck, as well as after sleeping, and while swallowing the saliva; the pains are > by eating.-When swallowing the pain extends to the l. ear.-Sore throat, which affects only a small part, or which, on the contrary, affects the ears, larynx, tongue, and gums; frequently with dyspn?a and danger of suffocation, salivation and hawking up of mucus.-Much hawking up of mucus, which is exceedingly painful.Empty swallowing < the pain in throat more than swallowing food; or fluids are swallowed with less pain than solids.-Copious accumulation of tenacious mucus in throat.-In old chronic sore throats: throat may not be very sore, but a great quantity of mucus will stick there, and occasions much hawking and spitting to no purpose; the mucus will stick and can't be forced up or down.-Sore throat alternately with stoppage of nose, or with sufferings, while speaking.-Ulcers on palate, on back, of mouth (on the inflamed tonsils), and in throat, with fetid odour, abundant suppuration, and sharp pains on swallowing food.-The inflammation and ulceration of throat begin on l. side and extend later to r. side.-The external throat is very sensitive to touch (not painful, but an uneasy sensation); on lying down, with suffocative sensation; even to touch of linen. 10. Appetite.-Disagreeable, or saccharine, acid, rough, astringent, or metallic taste.-Want of appetite; complete indifference to food and drink.-Repugnance to bread, which it is impossible to swallow.-Irregular appetite, at one time anorexia, at another bulimy.-Sickly craving, with nausea, convulsive yawnings and fainting fits, if food is not eaten instantly, or with gnawing and aching in stomach, which is renewed shortly after eating.-Insatiable thirst.-Thirst, with dry tongue and skin.-Desire for wine or for milk, both of which, however, disagree; desire for oysters.-After a meal: pressure on stomach, risings, vertigo, flatulency, inclination to vomit, or vomiting of food, weakness in knees, indolence, and heaviness of body, mental fatigue, uneasiness, regurgitation, diarrh?a, difficult respiration, pain in head and teeth, and aggravation of all the sufferings.
11. Stomach.-Hiccough after having drunk; or after smoking tobacco.-Violent empty risings, with danger of suffocation.-Risings, which > the sufferings.-Acid risings, with taste of the food.-Pyrosis from the throat, as if the whole of the ?sophagus were filled with rancid substances.-Nausea and inclination to vomit, principally in morning, or after a meal; as well as in consequence of many other sufferings.-Violent and convulsive vomiting of everything taken, or of bilious, bitter, greenish matter.-Vomiting of pure blood, or of bloody mucus.Vomiting, with diarrh?a, obscuration of sight, pains in stomach, and diuresis.-Excessive sensibility of precordial region to slightest touch; tight garments are insupportable, and the least pressure is very painful.-Great weakness of stomach; it can bear neither food nor drink.-Stitches extending into the chest.-Gnawing in stomach; > after eating, but returns when stomach gets empty.-Painless gnawing.-Pressure in stomach; after eating; with weakness in knees.-Sensation as if something encumbered the cardia and impeded deglutition.Aching in stomach, extending to chest, and a sensation as if a worm were moving about in it and gnawing it.(Every evening) cramps and violent pains in stomach, with risings, retching, and vomiting of slimy matter. 12. Abdomen.-Burning, drawing, or cutting pains in liver.-Acute pain in liver, extending towards stomach.Inflammation and softening of liver.-Hepatic abscess.-Gall-stones.-Pains and stitches in region of spleen, sometimes on riding in a carriage or walking.-Enlargement of abdomen in young girls.-Painful distension, flatulence; can bear no pressure, surface nerves sensitive.-Sensation of emptiness in abdomen.-Pains in abdomen, in consequence of a strain in the loins.-Pains, generally pressive, in umbilical region, sometimes with difficult respiration, < an hour after a meal, and > by eructations.-Tearing and cutting pains in r. side of abdomen.-Cutting pains, so violent as to drive patient distracted; or acute pullings, with contraction of abdomen.-Burning in abdomen, with pressure on bladder.-Abdomen hot, sensitive; painfully stiff from loins down thighs; peritonitis; pus formed.-Inflammation of intestines.-Extravasation of blood in peritoneum.Swelling in ccal region; must lie on back, with limbs drawn up (typhilitis).-Abdomen hard and distended, with flatulent colic, pain in back, vomiting, diarrh?a, and diuresis.-Frequent emission of flatus; the flatus sometimes penetrates into inguinal ring.-Pain, as if a hernia were going to protrude. 13. Stool and Anus.-Slow evacuation.-Obstinate constipation with hard and difficult evacuation.-Constipation, anus feels tight as if nothing could go through.-Fces small, scanty, and tenacious.-Constipation alternately with diarrh?a.-Diarrh?a, with violent colic, nausea, vomiting, anguish, pains in rectum during passage of fces, tenesmus and excoriation of anus.-Stool lies close to anus without passing and without urging.-Loose evacuations, principally at night, or after a meal, or in warm (and damp) weather, or from having taken fruits and acids.-Diarrh?a after food, with occasional pain across navel, loins, and back.-Involuntary and unperceived evacuations.-Stools excessively offensive.-Evacuation of fetid matter, or of soft fces, of the consistence of pap, or liquid, or slimy, like pitch, or sanguineous and purulent, or of undigested substances, or of pure blood, or of sanguineous mucus.-Stools watery, offensive, dark; watery, frequent, sudden, about midnight, offensive, ammoniacal; soft, bright yellow; pasty, putrid.-During the evacuations: pain, tenesmus, and burning in anus.After the stool: congestion of blood to head, vertigo, debility, pains and throbbings in anus.-Painful constriction of anus and rectum.-Anus feels closed: sensation of a plug.-Prolapsus recti during evacuation.Discharge of mucus and blood from rectum, sometimes with violent colic.-Hmorrhoids with colic, or with burning and cuttings in rectum, or with congestion of blood in anus, and diarrh?a.-Stitch in rectum when laughing or sneezing.-Sensation in anus as of several little hammers beating there.-Piles irritable, with painful drawing upward like a mouse tugging at one side and drawing it up.-Bleeding hmorrhoids.-Hmorrhoidal tumours protrude after stool, with constriction of sphincter.-Large hmorrhoidal tumours (in persons addicted to spirituous drinks).-Hmorrhoidal tumours protruding with stitches at each cough or sneeze. 14. Urinary Organs.-Pressure on bladder, with urgency to urinate, or with cuttings and burnings in abdomen.Frequent want to urinate, with copious emission even in night.-Violent pain, as if a ball were rolling about in bladder, and thence into urethra.-Violent tenesmus, with scanty emission of urine.-Paralysis of bladder.Continual incisive shootings in urethra.-Small tumour in urethra, with retention of urine.-Urine turbid and brown, or red, or deep yellow, and sometimes with frequent but scanty emission, or with brown and sandy or
red or brick-coloured sediment.-Frothy urine.-Urine frequent, foaming, black.-Involuntary and unnoticed emission of urine.-Pains in back and loins during the want to make water.-Sensation of burning in urethra on making water, and many other sufferings, all of which are renewed by motion of a carriage, and return after drinking wine.-Pain, as from excoriation, in urethra and in glans.-Flow of urine after evacuating and after urinating. 15. Male Sexual Organs.-Pressure in testes, as if a hernia were going to protrude, when making an effort to urinate.-Pimples on the hairy parts.-Strong sexual desire without physical power, and with flaccidity of the penis.-Erections without sexual desire.-Pollutions night and day, sometimes with debility and sweat.-Flow of prostatic fluid when urinating, or after having urinated.-Semen of a pungent smell.-During coition the emission is tardy or does not occur at all.-Abundant secretion behind the glans.-Spots and red pimples on the glans and on the corona.-Mercurio-syphilitic ulcers.-Attenuation of scrotum and hardness of testes.-Thickening of prepuce. 16. Female Sexual Organs.-In females who never get well from the change of life -"have never felt well since that time"; may have unnatural unwell periods.-During change of life, where she has flashes of heat all day, and cold flashes on retiring at night.-Sensation in the abdomen as if a ball were ascending from thence to chest, as in hysteria.-Pains from ovaries to uterus, with discharge of pus while at stool.-The uterus feels as if os were constantly open.-Redness and swelling of external parts (with discharge of mucus).-Swelling of the parts, with itching and sexual desire.-Catamenia feeble, tardy, and of too short duration, often accompanied by hmorrhoidal and, other sufferings.-Menstruation suppressed.-Menstruation too scanty (blood black).Abdominal spasms during catamenia.-Before menses: pains and throbbing in the head, vertigo, epistaxis, aching in stomach, risings, cuttings in hypogastrium, flow of mucus from urethra, and cramps in chest.-Before and after menses, diarrh?a with violent colic.-Menstrual colic, beginning in l. ovary.-Swelling, induration, pain and other anomalies of l. ovary.-On the appearance of the catamenia, sacral pains, with pain as of a fracture in hips and chest.-During the catamenia, pains in the loins like those of labour, throbbings in the head, and cuttings.-Miscarriage.-(The milk of females bitten by the serpent becomes venomous and curdles.).-Mamm swollen.-Intolerably itching tetters on and around nipples.-Nipples swollen, erect, painful to the touch.-Sexual desire excited: nymphomania. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Catarrh, with cough, coryza, shooting pains in head, stiffness of nape of neck, and affection of chest.-Continual hoarseness, with a sensation as if there were something in the throat which impeded speech, and which cannot be detached.-Oppressed breathing, < when talking and eating.-Contraction and constriction of the larynx, with a sensation of swelling and of tension.-Painful sensitiveness of larynx and neck to touch, and on slightest pressure, with danger of suffocation on feeling the gullet, and on holding back the head.-Sensation of pulsation and of choking between larynx and chest.-Dryness, burning, and pain as of excoriation in larynx.-Sensation as if there were a ball in the larynx.-Voice weak, hollow, nasal.-Cough, often fatiguing, and by which nothing is detached, excited mostly by a tickling in larynx, chest, and pit of stomach, or by pressure on the gullet, as well as by conversation, walking, and everything which increases the dryness of the throat.-Cough caused by pressure on the larynx, or by any covering of the throat; by a tickling in pit of throat and sternum; when falling asleep; from ulcers in the throat.-Constant irritating cough, with or without expectoration.-Very chronic coughs.-Cough with rawness of chest, difficult expectoration and pains in throat, head, and eyes.-Frequent attacks of short cough from tickling in pit of stomach, dry during the night; difficult, sometimes watery, salty mucus, which has to be swallowed again, is raised.-The cough is < during the day; after sleeping; from changes in the temperature; from alcoholic drinks; from acids and sour drinks.-Cough with hoarseness.-Diphtheria.-Cough always after sleeping, or at night, when sleeping, or in evening after lying down, as well as on rising from a recumbent posture.-Dry, short, suffocating and croaking cough, sometimes with vomiting.-Spittle mucous, tenacious, or acid, and of a disagreeable taste, or sanguineous.-Hmoptysis.On coughing, accumulation of water in the mouth, sharp pains in pit of stomach, shocks in head, and tension of eyes.
18. Chest.-Respiration short, frequent, or convulsive or rattling, stertorous, and croaking, or wheezing, moaning, and deep.-Frequent want to draw a long breath.-Dyspn?a and oppression of the chest, with effort to breathe.-Shortness of breath, principally after a meal, on walking, after making an effort with the arms, and sometimes with sadness, or with an asthmatic cough.-Attacks of asthma, and difficulty of respiration, principally after eating, or in the evening on lying down, or at night, during sleep, and sometimes with anguish, thirst, nausea, vomiting, fainting, and cold sweat.-Fits of suffocation, esp. on lying down in evening or in bed at night, and principally when anything is placed before nose or mouth.-Paralytic orthopn?a.-Offensive breath.Pressure on chest, as from a weight, or as if it were filled with wind, and principally at night.-Contraction of the chest wakens him after midnight, with slow, heavy, wheezing breathing, compelling him to sit up with his chest bent forward.-Violent pains with great anguish and constant movements in the chest.-Burning and pain of excoriation in chest, as if it were raw, principally after a meal.-Oppressive pain in the chest as if full of wind, > by eructations.-Stitches in side and in chest, < by breathing, and sometimes with cough and sanguineousexpectoration.-Stitches in (l. side of) chest, with difficult breathing.-Extravasation of blood in lungs.-Pneumonia (hepatisation of the inflamed lungs).-Gangrene of lungs.-Swelling and bloatedness of integuments of chest.Itching, red places, and miliary eruption on chest. 19. Heart.-Palpitation of heart, with (fainting and) anxiety, sometimes excited by cramp-like pains, with cough, and fit of suffocation.-Palpitation of heart and choking from slightest anxiety.-Feels as if heart hanging by a thread and every beat would tear it off.-Irregularity of beats.-Constrictive sensation in region of heart.-Spasms in heart (with aneurism of r. carotid) and disagreeable pulsation in ears.-As if heart too large for containing cavity.-Stitches in region of heart, with shortness of breath, fainting fits and cold sweat.-Faint feeling about heart, with heats up spine and flushings of face.-Faintings, giddiness, and palpitation constantly recurring. 20. Neck and Back.-Nape of neck and neck excessively sensitive to least pressure.-Rheumatic stiffness of nape of neck and neck.-Stitches in back and between shoulders.-A small tumour is formed near the spine.-Burning in back.-Spasms in muscles of back.-Painful stiffness from loins to hip, as if muscles were too short.-Insupportable nocturnal pains in back, in loins, hip and knee.-Pain in the small of back, with constipation, intermittent fever, palpitation of the heart or dyspn?a.-Pain in the os coccygis, when sitting down one feels as if sitting on something sharp.-Want of strength in back and knees, which forces patient to stoop when walking.-Pain, as from dislocation, in loins, as after great exertion.-Papul, vesicles, tetters, pimples, and scarlet spots on back and shoulder-blades. 22. Upper Limbs.-Lameness in l. shoulder.-Pain in r. shoulder-joint with headache.-Perspiration in axill of strong smell (like garlic).-Rheumatic and arthritic pains, and aching pains in bones of arms, in hands, fingers, and wrists.-Malignant ulcer on upper part of arm.-Tension, as from contraction of tendons, from the elbow to fingers.-Erysipelatous inflammation in elbow.-Pimples on arms after scratching.-Sensation of fatigue or of paralysis, and pain, as from dislocation, in arms.-Paralysis of hands.-Trembling of hands (in drunkards).-The hands are dry and burning.-Extremities of the fingers numbed and painful.-Tingling and pricking in l. hand.Prickings in extremities of fingers.-Numbness in tips of fingers (morning).-Itching, psoric eruptions, red spots with vesicles, furunculi, excrescences, and warts on hands and fingers.-Hard and cold swelling of a bluish black colour, on the back of hand and fingers.-The hands are cold, as if dead.-Hard swelling from hand to elbow, with excessive pain.-Panaris. 23. Lower Limbs.-Sensation of contraction, and contractions of the tendons of the ham.-Nocturnal pains in hip and thigh.-Caries of the tibia.-Burning spots on tibia.-Agonising pains in tibia (with throat affections).-Sharp and drawing pains in legs, when there is change of weather, and in windy weather.-Furunculi on thighs.Sensation of heaviness, paralysis, of numbness and trembling in thighs and knees.-The knees are, as it were, dislocated, stiff and weak.-Stinging in knees.-Sensation as if hot air were going through knee-joints, which were shaky.-The l. knee feels as if sprained.-Swelling of knees.-Swelling of feet, < after walking (during pregnancy).-Flat ulcers on lower extremities, with blue or purple surroundings.-Gangrenous ulcers on legs
(toes).-Cramps and pains in calves of legs.-Red pimples on the thighs and on the legs, after scratching.Excoriated places, and superficial ulcers with foul bases, on the legs.-Red or bluish, and painful swelling of feet and legs.-Heaviness, numbness, icy coldness, sweating of the feet.-Itching, psoric eruptions, papul and spots as from a burn, in feet and legs.-Cracks and rhagades between the toes.-Abscess in the heels. 24. Generalities.-Sensation of pain accompanied by voluptuous feelings; dreadful or strongly pressive pains in various parts of body.-Sensation of dislocation and of paralysis in the joints.-Stiffness and tension of the muscles, as if they were too short.-Pains in the bones.-Sharp and drawing rheumatic pains in the limbs (first in l. side then in r.), or gnawing pains, with sensations as if bruised on moving.-Nocturnal pains, which appear insupportable, and which do not permit patient to remain in bed.-The pains affect the sides of the body alternately, or at one time the limbs, at another the body, and often manifest themselves transversely.Intermittent and periodical pains; sufferings, accompanied by danger of suffocation; and sufferings, with want to lie down, and aversion to move.-Aggravation or renewal of the sufferings after sleep or at night, and principally before midnight, or some hours after a meal, or during damp hot weather, as well as when there is a change of wind and weather (excessively cold and excessively warm weather cause great debility); many of the symptoms are > in open air.-Mental emotions, such as disappointment, fear, fright, &c., frequently renew all the sufferings.-Slight touch intolerable.-Obliged to wear clothes loose; cannot bear the contact.-Paralysis, with heaviness and stiffness of the limbs; semi-lateral paralysis.-The l. side is principally or first affected (throat, ovaries).-Affections in general of r. chest; r. lower extremity; r. abdominal ring; symptoms generally appear on l. side; symptoms beginning on l. side with great tendency to spread to the r. side.-Extreme feebleness of body and mind; exhaustion, like that caused by loss of blood; rapid failure of strength; relaxation of muscular force.-Weakness of whole body in morning on rising.-Nervous hypersthesia, with external flushings.-Fainting fits, with dyspn?a, nausea, cold sweat, vertigo, pallid face, vomiting, dizziness, obscuration of the eyes, pains and prickings in region of heart, convulsions and epistaxis.-Tearing, pricking, and pulsating pains.-Attacks of asphyxia and of syncope, with loss of sense and motion, insensibility like death, clenching of teeth, stiffness and swelling of body, pulse tremulous or imperceptible.-Trembling of limbs, muscular palpitations, and jerking in several parts of body.-Contractions of the muscles.-Convulsive and epileptic fits, with screaming, movements of the limbs, falling down without consciousness, eyes convulsed, foaming at mouth, fists clenched; before the attack, cold feet, eructations, paleness of the face, vertigo, head heavy and painful, palpitation of heart, inflation of abdomen; after the attack, sleep.-Attacks of tetanus, with distortion of limbs.-Hmorrhage and extravasation of blood in different organs.-Affected parts look bluish (cyanosis). 25. Skin.-Ecchymosis; wounds and ulcers bleed readily and copiously (small wounds bleed a good deal; ulcers bleed readily; cicatrices bleed readily; pain in old cicatrices), wounds bleeding a great while; skin very hard to heal, masses of blood pass through the pores.-Varicose swellings.-Dropsical swelling over whole body.-Hard and pale tumefaction.-Skin yellow, green, lead-coloured, or bluish-red or blackish, chiefly round the wounds and ulcers.-Yellow, red, copper-coloured spots.-Pale, livid spots, with fainting fits.-Dry, miliary itch, with eruption of large vesicles of a yellow or of a bluish-black colour, with swelling of parts affected, and pains which drive to despair.-Miliary eruption, which subsequently resembles nettle-rash, scarlatina, or morbilli.Erysipelas and vesicular eruptions with a red crown.-Excoriated places, on touching which a burning pain is felt.-Rupia and other skin affections, with angioleucitis (Cooper).-Ulcers, surrounded by pimples, vesicles, and other small ulcers (on a purple skin).-Ulcers with great sensitiveness to touch, uneven bottom, ichorous, offensive discharge when touched, esp. around the lower extremities.-Gangrenous ulcers.-Gangrenous blisters.-Superficial ulcers, foul at bottom, with a red crown.-Cancerous ulceration (of wounds), or putrefaction of the flesh, which becomes detached from the bones, and falls off piecemeal.-Gangrenous wounds, with inflammatory fever, weak, quick, and intermittent pulse, fainting nausea, spasmodic and bilious vomiting, convulsions, and cold sweats.-Papul, warts, hard swellings.-Panaris.-Red and itching lumps and tuberosities.Carbuncles, with copper-coloured surroundings and many smaller boils around them.-Flat exanthemata which do not fill up; pustulous exanthemata; spongy excrescences.
26. Sleep.-Great drowsiness by day, and principally after a meal.-Sleeplessness, chiefly before midnight, with excessive nervous excitement.-Lively and wide awake in evening.-The patient sleeps into an aggravation, as (e.g.) in croup; is very well while awake, but as soon as goes to sleep the croup symptoms appear in great violence; child almost suffocates, and the mother or nurse is consequently really afraid to let him go to sleep.Also in convulsions; patient has none while he is awake, but as soon as he is asleep they appear.-Drowsiness and sleeplessness alternately every two days.-When falling asleep he is awakened by a tickling cough.-Restless sleep, with many dreams.-Sleeplessness in the evening with talkativeness.-Light sleep, with frequent and easy waking, agitation and tossing, groans and sighs, starts and fright.-Dreams connected and frequent, poetical and meditative or voluptuous; dreams of quarrels, of horrible things, of spectres, and of death.-At night, heat, agitation, burning in palms and soles, pains in the bones or rheumatic pains, diarrh?a, emission of urine, mental excitement, and many other sufferings.-After sleep, sensation of stiffness, and pain as from fatigue in the limbs, erections with sexual desire, pains in the back and loins, congestion of blood, heaviness and pain in head, pressure in stomach, sore throat, nervous yawnings, and aggravation of all the sufferings. 27. Fever.-Icy coldness of the skin or of the limbs, or only of the feet, with great desire to be near a fire, and sometimes with loss of sensation, clammy sweat, weakness and great quickness of the pulse.-Shiverings, sometimes only partial, often with pains in the limbs, sacral pains, agitation and tossing, colic, trismus and convulsive movements of the limbs, pain in chest, thirst, chattering of teeth.-Chill ascending the back, often on alternate days.-Shuddering while the heat continues, and principally on lifting the bed-clothes.-Shivering, chiefly after a meal, or in afternoon.-Dry heat, principally at night, or in evening, and esp. in feet and hands, often accompanied by agitation and tossing, headache, delirium, insatiable thirst, eructations, bilious vomitings, cries, groans, dryness of mouth and throat, and frequent stools.-Heat, alternately with cold (alternating and changing localities), shivering of shuddering.-Fever at night or in evening, quotidian, tertian, or quartan, and often accompanied by headache, rapid prostration of strength, and debility which obliges the patient to lie down; want of appetite, hiccough, vomiting, sensibility of the neck to the touch, palpitation of the heart, anguish, yellow urine, diarrh?a, pains in the limbs, back, and loins, nervous and spasmodic yawnings, stretchings, swelling of the body, spots and ulcers.-Internal sensation of heat, with cold feet.-Chronic fevers; slow fevers; typhoid fevers.-The fevers are renewed by acid food.-Dry, burning skin.-Sweat >.-Perspiration colouring linen yellow red.-Febrile sweat, principally after hot stage, towards morning; copious sweat; fetid sweat; cold sweat; sanguineous sweat.-Pulse intermittent, or feeble and quick (but accelerated), or irregular, or scarcely perceptible, or tremulous, or alternately full and small.-Intermittent fever, the paroxysms come on every spring, or after suppression of the fever in the previous fall by quinine; face red; feet cold; during hot stage continuous talking; face yellow or ashy.-Typhus fever, esp. when the tongue is red or black, dry or in fissures, esp. at the tip, or when tongue trembles when put out, or if while endeavouring to put it out, the tip remains under the lower teeth or lip and cannot be put out.
Lachnanthes tinctoria. Red Root. N. O. Hmodorace. Tincture of whole plant. Clinical.-Cough. Diphtheria. Headache. Heart, heat in; pains in. Phthisis. Pneumonia, typhoid. Sore throat. Stiffneck. Wry-neck. Characteristics.-Lachnan. is a herb, growing in sandy swamps near the coast. The root is red and fibrous; leaves sword-shaped; stem hairy; flowers yellow, woolly. It belongs to the same order as Aletris, and is allied to the Irises. The head, the chest, and the circulation seem most prominently affected by Lachn. There are headaches of great intensity; right-sided, as if split open with a wedge; with icy coldness of body; crying spells; < by vomiting. In the chest there are lancinating stitches, in quick succession in right side of chest below mamma.
Stitches in heart with anxiety. A peculiar symptom is: Sensation of heat, bubbling and boiling in chest and region of heart, rising to head; giddy; breaks out into perspiration. Trembling of heart. There is also burning of palms and soles and burning under nail of left toe. On the other hand, there is much coldness and chilliness. Continued chilliness. Sensation as if a piece of ice was lying on back between shoulders, then a shock followed by coldness over whole body with gooseflesh. These attacks occur on moving, > after going to bed. Cannot get warm under a feather bed. A hot flat-iron > icy coldness of body. Lachn. has been largely used in cases of phthisis, often empirically, but sometimes on its indications. Arthur Dalzell reports these cases (H. W., xxv. 158): (1) Mrs. B., 43, fibroid phthisis of both lungs, collapse of right lower lobe. Great prostration; nightsweats; bowels alternately relaxed and confined; pain and stiffness in back; bruised all over; dry cough; roughness of throat, heart-sounds weak. Sleep bad owing to cough. Lachn. , three drops every four hours. In three days the prostration was diminished, and the cough was much better, night-sweats and bruised feeling gone. From this time an emulsion containing cod-liver oil, liquor pancreaticus, eggs, cream and hypophosphites, and oil of Eucalyptus were given in addition. The case went on to recovery. (2) Mrs. R., 45, in last stage of consumption. Right lung consolidated; left in cavities. Remittent fever. This patient had circumscribed flush on face; brilliant eyes; throat rough; felt bruised all over. Skin dry, except at night, when she had profuse perspiration. Constant dry cough. Muco-purulent expectoration. Lachn. , five drops every three hours, relieved all the symptoms and procured euthanasia, the patient dying quite easily twelve days later.-Toothache is < eating and drinking warm things. With fever there is loquacious delirium, brilliant eyes, and circumscribed red cheeks (there is also a blueness about face, blue under eyes, blue lips). During the cold sensation the skin is damp and clammy. The loquacity of Lachn. is remarkable. Hering says the Indians chew the plant when they meet the white man to give them a flow of language. Lachn. has been used with success in diphtheria, typhoid fever, typhoid pneumonia. A peculiar symptom is stiffness of the neck, the head being twisted to one (right) side. This occurring in connection with sore throat is a strong indication. There is much dryness of throat, which is < on waking in the night, with much coughing. Sensations are: As if head enlarged; as if split open with a wedge; vertex as if enlarged; as if hair standing on end. As if a cloud before eyes; pressing as from dust in eyes. As if something had closed ear. Bridge of nose as if pinched (confirmed by E. E. Case-H. P., xiii. 76). As of something crawling over face. A curious observation is quoted in Brit. J. of H. (xxxix. 181), that the while pigs and sheep of Virginia lose their hoofs if they feed on Lachn., while the black varieties eat it without inconvenience. Relations.-Compare: Aletris, the Irises and Veratrums (botan.); heat in heart (Croc., Op., Rho.); pain in lower right lung (Chel., K. ca., Sep.-right apex, Ars., Calc.; left apex, Ars.; left base, Oxal. ac., Sul.; right middle lobe, Sep.; right chest, Sang., Phell. aq., Zn.); cold between shoulders (Am. m.;-heat between shoulders, Lyc., Pho.); loquacity (Lach., Hyo.); brilliant eyes, red cheeks, delirium (Bell.). Compare also: Act. r., th., Agar., Can. ind., Cic., Crotal., Sele., Glo., Gymnoc., Plat., Stram. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Restlessness, tosses about (during perspiration).-Great loquacity; afterwards stupid and irritable.-Illhumoured and sleepy.-Great hilarity (evening).-Became much excited over a trifle.-Loquacious delirium, with brilliant eyes and circumscribed red cheeks (1 to 2 a.m.). 2. Head.-Giddiness in the head, with sensation of heat in chest and around heart, and perspiration.-Giddiness with icy coldness of the forehead.-Painful tearing in forehead in the open air.-Dull headache and pressing in forehead.-Tearing in forehead from l. to r. side.-On forehead elevated red pimples.-Wrinkles on forehead, with longitudinal ridges from interior corner of eyebrows upward.-Head feels heavy.-Sensation as if the vertex were enlarged and were driven upward.-Tearing in vertex.-Headache pressing eyes outward.-The head feels enlarged, and as if split open with a wedge from the outside to within; the body is icy cold; she cannot get warm also for a long time under a feather bed; the whole face becomes yellow; she has to whine with the headache; the head burns like fire, with much thirst; during the cold sensation the skin is moist and clammy.-
Tearing in (r.) temple, extending to cheek.-Pricking headache (evening).-Sensation as if the hair were standing on end; < in the occiput.-Scalp very painful to touch. 3. Eyes.-Obscuration of sight; could not see in evening; as if a cloud were before the eyes.-Pressing in eyes as from dust; with secretion of white mucus.-Secretion of white mucus from eyes (canthi).-Twitching of r. canthus.-Sensation of twitching in upper eyelids, < when closing them.-In morning, violent lachrymation and burning of eyes, with sensation of dryness.-The eyes feel heavy, as if they could not be kept open.-Eyes dry.Eyes feel cold.-The eyebrows and upper eyelids are drawn upwards; looks with fixed eyes.-Yellow spots before eyes.-Bright, sparkling eyes with delirium. 4. Ears.-Singing in ear when walking in open air.-Tearing in ears.-Crawling and itching in ears.-Itching or tingling in ears; > by boring with the finger, but immediately returning and feeling as if something had closed ear.Almost complete deafness (during fever). 5. Nose.-The nose bleeds profusely; the blood is pale.-Bridge of nose feels as if pinched. 6. Face.-Face swollen, with redness and blueness under eyes.-Pale, sickly countenance; face and lips bluish; eyes dull, feel thick and cold.-Circumscribed redness of face (1 a.m. to 8 am.), with violent delirium and brilliant eyes.-Redness of face; yellow face.-Sensation as if something were crawling over face. 7. Teeth.-Pain in all the teeth when eating or drinking warm things.-All the teeth feel loose and too long; < in bed. 8. Mouth.-Saliva of tough mucus.-Swelling and tension of the lips.-Lips red.-Sensation as if the mouth were sore and thick. 9. Throat.-Great dryness in throat, esp. on awaking during the night, with much coughing.-Sore throat, with short cough.-When swallowing, itching (in a small spot).-Sensation of swelling in pharynx, with stiffness of neck, and head drawn to one side (diphtheria). 10. Appetite.-Aversion to meat.-Much thirst. 11. Stomach.-Sensation of qualmishness above navel, when walking in open air.-In pit of stomach, beating as from a pulse, as if a hammer were beating on an ulcerated spot.-Fulness in pit of stomach. 12. Abdomen.-Rolling of wind in abdomen, and discharge of flatulency.-Sensation of heat through abdomen. 13. Stool and Anus.-Frequent stool; passes much wind.-Frequent unsuccessful desire to evacuate.-Continuous stitch in rectum. 14. Urinary Organs.-Pressure on bladder while urinating. 15. Male Sexual Organs.-Violent burning in l. half of the scrotum, drawing towards r. side.-Tingling and itching of scrotum.-Perspiration and itching of scrotum and penis. 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Menses too early, blood viscid, mixed with mucus.-During menses, sensation of distension of abdomen; it feels as if it were boiling.-Menstrual blood profuse, bright red. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Burning in r. side of larynx.-Hoarseness (forenoon).-Cough dry, as if it came from larynx (with sore throat); expectoration streaked with blood, with severe pain in chest (pneumonia).-Sensation of fulness in chest; is compelled to inhale deeply.-Stitches in l. side of chest.-Stitches (like knives) under r. breast and under clavicle.-Cough < in bed and after sleeping.-Feels hot and oppressed in chest, with gentle perspiration all over.
19. Heart.-Bubbling and boiling in chest and region of heart; it rises to the head and he becomes giddy; he breaks out into a perspiration.-Sensation of heat in region of heart.-Stitches in heart, with anxiety.-Frequent violent pulsations of heart, each beat is double, one hard and full, the other soft and small.-Trembling of heart with great debility. 20. Neck and Back.-Stiffness and pain in neck, extending over whole head down to the nose, and sensation as if nostrils were pinched together.-Sensation of spraining in neck when turning or moving head backward.-Stiff neck; the head is drawn to one side (after diphtheria, scarlet fever.-Burning on r. scapula.-Sensation as if a piece of ice were lying on back, between the shoulders, followed by a chill, with gooseflesh all over.-Sensation between the shoulder-blades as if wet with cold perspiration, the skin being dry and cool.-Burning in region of l. kidney, extending towards r. side.-Burning in spine above sacrum.-Burning in sacrum. 22. Upper Limbs.-Tearing from the shoulder, extending to finger-joints.-Thumb and index-finger feel as if sprained.-Tearing in elbow-joints.-Tearing in knuckles of the middle fingers of the r. hand.-Burning of palms and soles. 23. Lower Limbs.-Tearing in r. ischium.-Small pimples around l. gluteus muscle, which discharge a watery fluid when scratched open.-Burning stinging in, above, or below the knee-pan.-Tearing in l. knee.-Tingling in both lower limbs and feet, < in heat.-Burning in feet (soles).-Cramps in the feet (during night). 24. Generalities.-Very restless; throws herself about; feels weak. 25. Skin.-Sensation in skin as if an eruption would appear.-Pimples appear here and there, containing a watery fluid.-The red pimples on the forehead suppurate.-Itching and burning in the skin all night; < after scratching.Stinging, itching, and tingling on thighs, legs, feet, arms, &c. 26. Sleep.-Sleepiness with yawning, eyes feel so heavy that she cannot keep them open.-Sleepless, or restless sleep, with distressing dreams.-Cannot go to sleep easily.-After waking and stretching, a shock followed by chilliness and gooseflesh all over. 27. Fever.-Flashes of heat alternating with chilliness.-Continuous chilliness.-Sensation as if a piece of ice were lying on back between shoulders, then a shock, followed by coldness over whole body with gooseflesh; these attacks recur on moving and go off after going to bed.-Feels hot, but the chills run all over her before the heat can develop itself.-Icy coldness of body.-Heat with redness of face; after heat circumscribed redness of both cheeks; < on r. side; fever with violent delirium and brilliant eyes (< from 1 a.m. to 2 a.m.).-Fever with somnolency.-Perspires freely (after restless sleep), esp. after midnight.-The skin is cold, damp and clammy during the coldness.-Icy cold perspiration, principally on forehead.
Lacticum Acidum.
Lactic Acid. Milk Acid. HC3 H5 O3. Dilution. Clinical.-Bones, swelling of. Diabetes. Foot-sweat. Indigestion. Pregnancy, sickness of. Rheumatism. Sciatica. Throat, constricted, sore. Vomiting. Characteristics.-Lactic acid "was discovered by Scheele in sour milk, the result of the spontaneous fermentation of sugar of milk, under the influence of casein. It is also met with in many vegetable products which have turned sour" (Hering). Reisig introduced it into hom?opathy. It has been proved in both the lower and higher attenuations, but many valuable observations have been made on patients taking substantial doses for diabetes (C. D. P.). In these cases the symptoms of rheumatic fever were directly traced to the acid. Pain,
swelling, and stiffness and tenderness of joints < by motion (as with Bry., which antidotes Lact. ac.), and flying pains about limbs. One prover had pain along the right sciatic nerve. The well-known effects of milk that has soured on the stomach and remained undigested were produced-nausea, vomiting, burning and sense of weight; and these have all proved useful indications in the hom?opathic use of the drug. Diabetes is the affection for which it has been most given in old-school practice; but it has also proved of great power in this affection in the hom?opathic attenuations. Nash regards the concomitance of rheumatic pains as the chief guiding symptom here. (In Med. Adv., xxi. 508 he records a case of diabetes, with rheumatic fever supervening, cured with Lact. ac. 200.) But nausea is no less a guide: Constant nausea; nausea on awaking before rising; > by eating. This may occur in diabetes; or it may occur in pregnancy. It is also an indication when occurring in rheumatism. There is > by eructations; and < by smoking. Smoking < eructations. Copious foot-sweat is a feature of Lact. ac., but it is not offensive. It is suited to anmic, pale women. Large doses disagreed with melancholic, choleric constitution, dark hair and eyes. Relations.-Antidoted by: Bry. (relieved sharp pains upper third right side, but soreness remained). Compatible: Meat diet in diabetes. Incompatible: Coffee < symptoms. Compare: Lac can., Lac coag., Lac defl., Sac. lac. In nausea of pregnancy, Nux, Puls., Ph. ac., Colch., Lyc., Lac d., Ip. Excessive hawking with (or without) nausea, Caust. (phlegm in throat, cannot be hawked up, causing nausea). Diabetes, Pho. ac., Acet. ac., Lac d., Ur. nit Flying rheumatism, Puls., Rhus. Great discouragement, Pso. Compare also: Vegetable acids, which all cause weakness and thinness of the blood. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Great discouragement.-Lazy.-Sarcastic.-Memory lost. 2. Head.-Vertigo: when turning head suddenly; with heat, on rising; on stooping; at night.-Congestion of head; painless, with strong pulsation of vessels of neck.-Headache, with sensation of fulness in vertex.-Dull pain in forehead, just over eyes, and extending into eyes.-Pain in head and back all night.-Pain in occiput, and alternating between there and forehead. 3. Eyes.-Sensation of fulness in eyes, with headache.-Eyes feel as if they would burst.-Photophobia.-Jerking of l. upper lid.-Marked protrusion of eyes; pupils dilated; eyes feels tired.-Hypersthesia of retina, steady aching in and behind eyeball. 4. Ears.-Disturbed and troubled by noise.-Roaring in l. ear on rising in afternoon; singing, snapping in l. ear.Pain from parotids into ear; stiff feeling in parotids. 5. Nose.-Great sensitiveness of smell.-Nose-bleed every morning.-Severe coryza, stopped nose, sneezing, thick mucus from head to throat, yellow; dead sweet taste. 6. Face.-Face flushed or congested from headache. 8. Mouth.-Tongue coated thick white.-Yellow coating on tongue, with bad taste in morning.-Tongue sore on l. side, raw and red; dry, parched, sticky.-Mouth and fauces very dry and hot.-Very sore mouth; canker sores.Much saliva in mouth, tasting salty.-Copious salivation (pregnancy).-Bad taste in mouth: acrid, with nausea; sour; coppery. 9. Throat.-Sensation of a plug in the throat.-Fulness in throat which keeps him swallowing frothy mucus; lump or fulness feels like a small puffball; not > by swallowing.-Intense burning in throat, fauces, and ?sophagus < by eructation.-Sense of constriction low down in throat; rough and dry.-Fauces hot, dry and swollen.-Difficulty of swallowing solids; less in swallowing liquids.-Excessive hawking with or without nausea. 11. Stomach.-Appetite impaired.-Voracious appetite and great thirst.-Eructations of hot, acrid fluid, which burns from stomach to throat.-Food sours.-Eructations of burning, hot gas from stomach, causing a profuse
secretion of tenacious mucus, which must be constantly hawked up; < by smoking tobacco.-Burning and weight in stomach.-Constant nausea; persisting for days.-Nausea on rising in morning.-Nausea after breakfast; not severe, but very persistent.-Nausea with waterbrash or vomiting.-Sensation as if all food were lodged under upper end of sternum, which oppresses and distresses her for hours. 13. Stool and Anus.-Aching pain in anus.-Soft, mushy stool; diarrh?a.-Greenish yellow stools with tenesmus.Very costive, stool once a week, hard, black. 14. Urinary Organs.-Frequent pain in kidneys.-Frequent desire to urinate large quantities.-Urinates frequently day and night; the attempt to retain it causes pain. 15. Male Sexual Organs.-Annoying erections in morning, but loins ache too much to attempt coition.-Seminal emissions three successive nights. 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Aching pain in region of r. ovary, < by rapid walking or exercise.-Menses: scanty; seventeen days late; two days early; more profuse than usual; pain in small of back and lower abdomen; itching of vulva during flow.-Leucorrh?a; staining linen yellow; when checked nasal catarrh ensues.-Heaviness and dragging down as if womb down.-Pain as if menstruating; sitting with feet high > uterine soreness.-During pregnancy: morning sickness; salivation; nausea and vomiting; waterbrash > by breakfast. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Dryness and rawness, extending to larynx.-Hoarseness.-Aphonia.-After rising, voice was entirely without control, whispering and squeaking when expecting to speak aloud.-Spasmodic, ringing cough, caused by irritation in throat.-Hoarse, hard, dry cough, with dryness of glottis.-L. side of chest sore and painful.-Cutting or sticking pain in upper third of r. side. 20. Neck and Back.-Pain in small of back, extending into shoulders.-Sore aching in lower part of back; < when walking. 21. Limbs.-Severe, sharp pains in joints.-Acute pains in joints; flying pains about limbs.-Joints swollen, not tender, stiff.-All pains < by movement. 22. Upper Limbs.-Rheumatic pain in shoulders.-Rheumatic swelling with redness and pain in wrists and elbows, wrists, and small joints of hands. 23. Lower Limbs.-Soreness to touch along r. sciatic nerve, on getting out of bed, lasting all day and pulsating constantly but slightly.-Sharp pain in r. knee with stiffness.-Knees and other joints stiff and painful.-Rheumatic pain in knee-joints. 24. Generalities.-Weakness as if from exercise, with rheumatic pains in the bones.-Debility, weariness of the limbs.-Aversion to exercise. 25. Skin.-Skin harsh and dry, no sweat.-Red spots or blotches on various parts of the body, particularly thighs and lower extremities.-Itching and burning, < by cold. 26. Sleep.-Restless all night.-Does not sleep well. 27. Fever.-Cold and chilly at times.-Flashes of heat.-Chilly, mostly on limbs.-Copious perspiration.-Unusual perspiration of feet.
Cream. Attenuations by Swan's fluctional potentiser. Clinical.-Diphtheria. Leucorrh?a. Menorrhagia. Throat, sore. Characteristics.-Many persons can take cream who cannot tolerate milk, and vice vers, therefore Swan decided to prove the different parts of milk independently. He proved his 200th (which, according to Skinner's calculation, is not the same as the 200 centesimal, being duplicated instead of centupled at each remove) on himself and Miss Mary P. As with the other Lac preparations, a large number of the symptoms were manifested in the throat and female sexual organs. Dry throat and extreme difficulty of swallowing. Menses profuse and accompanied by cramps. Relations.-Compare: Lac c., Lac f., Lac v., Lac v. coag., Lac v. def. Ars. stopped abruptly the excessive menses and accompanying pain; Lac v. def. restored the flow, and then they ceased naturally. SYMPTOMS. 8. Mouth.-Food tastes as if it lacked salt. 9. Throat.-Dryness and redness of upper part of pharynx.-Increased redness and soreness of upper part of pharynx, < at night, causing difficulty of deglutition, obliging her to bend the head forwards on swallowing, so as to favour it, otherwise a pain runs up to ears.-Great dryness of upper part of pharynx in the morning; difficult deglutition; yellow mucus, with a sickish sweet taste; throat < night and morning; at night had to take hold of throat to assist in swallowing. 12. Abdomen.-Tendency to flatulence in lower intestines. 14. Urinary Organs.-Urine appears to stain more yellow. 15. Male Sexual Organs.-Soreness of end of prepuce, as if there were longitudinal cracks there, though none could be discovered. 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Menses seven days too soon.-Menses profuse; cramps in and above region of navel, bending her double; during the cramps was very cold, and, although well clothed, could not get warm; painful, frequent, and profuse diarrh?a; Arsen. stopped the pains and the menses; Lac vac. deflor. restored the menses, and they ceased naturally; since then, albuminous leucorrh?a, like white of egg, if she walks much, or is on her feet much.-Sexual desire easily excited when the hand touches the bosom. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Hoarseness after singing.-Sensation of shallow breathing; has to take a deep respiration to relieve. 23. Lower Limbs.-Rigidity on posterior side of lower legs, just below knees, while walking; very unpleasant, but not painful. 25. Skin.-Itching of body above pubes and hips, on abdomen, chest, and back, without eruption. 26. Sleep.-Horrible dreams; saw a dead person in a coffin; slept and dreamed the same dreams; feels stupid; does not care to speak.-Wakefulness, without restlessness.-Drowsy and sleepy; head feels heavy.-Constant talking during sleep.
Lactuca virosa. Poisonous Lettuce. Opium Lettuce. Also, Lactuca sativa. Garden Lettuce. N. O. Composit (Genus, Cicorace). Tincture of fresh flowering plant (Specimens of both L. vir. and L. sat. might be included in the tincture. Tincture of impissated juice," Lactucarium" or Lettuce Opium. (The symptoms in the Schema marked "(s)" were produced by Paris Lacucarium prepared from Lactuca sativa. American Lactucarium is prepared from L. elongata.) Clinical.-Angina pectoris. Anus, affections of. Ascites. Asthma. Constipation. Cough. Diarrh?a. Globus hystericus. Gonorrh?a. Heartburn. Hysteria. Lactation. Levitation. Liver, affections of. Musc volitantes. Noises in ears. Pylorus, pain in. Sleep, excessive. Smell, illusions of. Spinal cord, pains in. Spleen, affections of. Whooping-cough. Yawning. Characteristics.-The leaves of garden lettuce, Lactuca sativa, when too old and going to seed, have a bitter taste, and the stalk then contains a milky juice which is intensely bitter. This juice contains Lactucin, and is common to all lettuces, but is especially virulent in L. vir., from which (as well as well as from Lact. sat.) Lactucarium, or "Lettuce Opium," is prepared. It has a soporific action, and is used "instead of Opium to allay cough, quiet nervousness, and induce sleep in cases where, from idiosyncrasy, Opium is not borne" (Brunton). This use of lettuces has been known from very remote times, and has not been added to by old-school observers. The sleep-provoking powers of Lactuca are recognised by sensitive persons who eat ordinary garden lettuce in salad. Hom?opathic provings and records of poisonings have produced an extensive array of symptoms. A simple reading of the symptoms will show what a powerful agent we possess in Lactuca, though the hom?opathic uses have not been as extensive as the proving seems to warrant. As an instance of poisoning I take this from C. D. P. A man, 25, ate Lact. v. in a salad, 7 p.m. Went to bed at 9. Was waked at 11 with sharp colicky pains, soon followed by nausea and vomiting, which lasted all night. Fell asleep at 5 a.m., but in the morning was astonished to find himself unable to distinguish objects clearly. A boy of 10 who ate of the same meal became affected with lively delirium at midnight, and it lasted till morning; he jumped about on the bed, played all sorts of pranks, and nobody could quiet him. He had no colic or vomiting. His pupils were dilated till the iris was a mere rim. Trying to read he mistook M for P and O for V. In his delirium he had hallucinations, saw on his bed a soldier, an inkstand, &c. Both these patients and another had liquid stools. The dilated pupils persisted some time. One of the keynote symptoms of Lact. v. is an indescribable sensation of tightness, affecting the whole body more or less, but especially the chest: must yawn and stretch to relieve the squeezing of the lower chest. This develops into asthma and angina pectoris. There is tightness in the liver region, and enlargements of the liver have been removed by Lact. v. when that symptom was present. Squeezing in left breast. Feeling as if a hundredweight on chest. On the other hand there is also a feeling of relaxation in the chest. There is intolerance of touch and pressure. Lact. v. has cured a spasmodic cough in frequent paroxysms with feeling of suffocation. Attacks came suddenly without any apparent cause, and were induced by a violent tickling in pharynx and roof of mouth (N. A. J. of H., May, 1890). Whooping-cough, paroxysms preceded by anxiety. There is both constipation and diarrh?a, and many concomitant anal symptoms. Hering gives "Painful gonorrh?a in females" as an indication; and one of the symptoms of the male urethra is suggestive. "Sensation as of a drop continually passing along the urethra when seated." Urine has smell of violets. Lctu. has cured hypertrophy of ovaries in a woman of fifty, consequent on an abortion twenty-five years before. The tumour was excessively large, and the patient could get no rest for the pain of the pressure. The rectum was contracted, and fces evacuated with great pain. "Fatigue during stool," and also "sleepiness during stool" are peculiar and may prove characteristic. Ebullitions rising up from abdomen suggest globus hystericus. In addition to the sense of tightness there is a sense of lightness no less pronounced. Extraordinary lightness of body, more pronounced in open air. Feels as if swimming, in bed. Dreams of swimming in the, air, or of walking above the ground. The head feels light; also empty. Sensation as if head too large; as if brain loose. Sensation as if looking through gauze. "Pain in spinal marrow even to cauda equina and streaming along coccyx" should prove a leading symptom in some spinal cases. Other sensations are: As if chest would fly to pieces; as if circulation in legs was suspended. Coldness of stomach, throat, chest, feet. Right arm is much affected by Lact.
v. Sitting up > chest symptoms. Bending > pain in stomach. Crossing legs > pinching in umbilical region. Touch <. Sneezing <. Symptoms are > in open air; < in warm room. Yawning and stretching > pressure in chest. Relations.-Antidoted by: Vegetable acids and Coffee. (In a proving of Lactucarium, Acetic Ether and Hock were more effectual than Coffee.) Compare: Drowsiness and constipation, Op., Nux mos.; levitation, Sti. pul., Pho. ac., Lac can., Asar., Thuj., &c. intolerance of anything tight round neck, Lach.; gonorrh?a, Thuj. urine smells of violets, Tereb.; squeezing in left breast, Borax (Borax has empty feeling). Coldness, Helod.; pain in soles as if he had jumped on a stone, Bro.; heart symptoms, K. carb. and K. iod.; cough, Drosera. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Disposition melancholy, fretful; seeming to invite sadness, with extravagant and exaggerated notions, of such a nature that the simplest occurrence suggests apprehensions of the most terrible and disgusting kind; after suffering from grief, stunning pain in forehead in evening, and violent contractions in throat, with constant inclination to weep.-Internal anguish and agitation.-Excessive ill-humour, provoked by slightest contradiction; ill-humour, peevishness, with indisposition to labour, and inability to remain in bed; crossgrained humour, which is roused by slightest provocation.-Difficulty in thinking (thinking = headache) (s), indisposition to intellectual labours, because the thoughts are intermixed, and it is found impossible to resolve them into any general idea; various places are searched before anything can be found. 2. Head.-Confusion: of head; in morning, sometimes with heaviness, as from fulness; in forehead sometimes with a sensation of heat in the part, sometimes in r. frontal protuberance, sometimes in l. (externally), with lancination across l. protuberance, on stooping; sensation of giddiness and of vertigo; head bewildered, sometimes in morning on rising.-Sensation as if head were empty; with stupidity as from want of sleep, and vertigo, so as to cause falling down; in morning, as after a nocturnal debauch, or else with pressure outwards in direction of forehead and orbits.-Feeling of intoxication.-Vertigo (s also): turning, with heaviness of legs, sensation of weight in head, esp. in occiput, with darkness before eyes; the threads appear confused in sewing; in a warm room, with fulness in head, and sensation as if the body were swimming, in bed; also as if the head were too large, or that its volume had been increased by a rapid movement of upper part of body.Pain in region of vertex, sometimes on one spot, as in clavus hystericus (of a young female); sometimes in one place, sometimes in another, in the head, esp. in occiput; cephalalgia in afternoon.-Dull pain: in forehead; in whole head; with great depression and physical indolence; in l. temporal region (when the head is shaken, while washing), and < each time it is moved.-Sensation of weight in head; in occiput; with dull pain, or with aching, or else in afternoon; in forehead with lancinations, esp. in l. frontal protuberance.-Pressive cephalalgia; sometimes with sensation as if brain were waving to and fro in head; or else < by the heat of a room, or lancinations as if with blunt instruments, or (in evening) burning, with external heat on forehead; very much felt in glabella; acute on one side of head, as on the bone; in occiput, tensive, with heat in forehead and coldness of hands.-Aching in forehead, in morning on awakening, or else after slight mental application, also affecting eyes; as of forcing outwards in temples, esp. l., and thence sometimes pervading whole head.Compression in occiput.-Drawing pain in temples towards the forehead; tearing in r. temporal region; dull shocks in both temples.-Painful shaking of head on coughing but slightly, with wavering and aching, which remain a long time afterwards.-Starting and throbbing in head, during repose; buzzing within and before ears, with sensation of fulness in the head; resonance in r. side of forehead in the morning.-On exterior of head: a painful spot near the vertex, pain < by touch; fixed dull pain on one spot on coronal bone, to l.; drawing pain on a spot on coronal bone, towards r. side, < by touch. 3. Eyes.-Biting in the eyes.-Itching above the eyebrows; aching, with sensation of distension in ball of r. eye; smarting in eyes, esp. in external canthi, < by friction; or else in the l. internal canthus only.-Burning in eyes, esp. in the lids (sometimes in the daytime only when writing, or else more particularly in r. eye, with clouded vision and dilated pupils).-Redness of conjunctiva, with increased mucous secretion in elderly persons, with abdominal congestion.-Eyelids charged with humour.-Pupils dilated (s).-Cloudiness of vision; weakness of sight,
sometimes with heat in eyes; sight feeble, cloudy (s); sight intercepted as by a cloud or veil, which sometimes disappears on the attention becoming fixed on some object.-Flying insects before eyes, on stooping, after a meal.-Hemiopia. 4. Ears.-Drawing pains in ears; shootings followed by tension in l. ear.-Buzzing in ears; ringing sound before ears, evening, in bed. 5. Nose.-Sensation as though end of nose were distended.-Peculiar smell before nose, and a like taste in mouth.-Frequent sneezing, with < of symptoms in chest; or else with soreness of chest (sometimes like excoriation, which subsequently turns to aching).-Coryza, followed by excoriation and dryness in nose. 6. Face.-Look: haggard (s); visage pale, wan.-Heat of face, with trembling and sensation of swelling of lips (s).Tingling, with a feeling of tightness on face.-Pricking, drawing pains, from r. sub-maxillary gland to ear and tongue.-Lancinations in chin at extremity of sub-maxillary nerve.-In lips, quivering.-Swelling of the lymphatic glands. 7. Teeth.-Sharp pain in molars on l. side of lower jaw, as if they were being twisted.-Soreness of gums, on an empty socket on masticating. 8. Mouth.-Sensation of tightness in bottom of mouth and palate, with constant spitting; increased accumulation of saliva, sometimes acidulated (or acrid).-Dryness of mouth, without thirst.-Tongue charged with a white coating (s also), coated with thick mucus (s); sore, as if burned at tip.-Contraction under tongue. 9. Throat.-Slight burning in throat, sometimes in evening; sensation in throat as if the part were exposed to heat of a brisk fire.-Difficult deglutition, with sensation as if uvula were raw, with burning, or else as if muscles of pharynx could not perform their office.-Accumulation of mucus in throat; viscid mucus in throat in morning (s also). 10. Appetite.-Taste: sickly (s); bitter, after eating bread and butter; bitter as gall, in throat.-Want of appetite (s also): at noon food is repugnant; no appetite for bread and meat.-Appetite increased (s also); sometimes more particularly at noon.-Increased thirst.-After a meal, sensation of fulness in stomach, with pressure downwards. 11. Stomach.-Risings: frequent, repeated, which > the oppression of the chest; empty, sometimes deep, with taste of the extract of lettuce; repugnant, with sensation of coldness in gullet, and continued bitterness in mouth; acrid, and sometimes acid.-Loathing (s also); nausea (s also); sometimes with uneasiness at pit of stomach.-Vomiting and loathing (s).-Pains in stomach, with contraction of pit of stomach, < by pressure.Sensation at pit of the stomach and sternum, as if patient had sat a long time with the body much curved; uneasiness at pit of stomach, with anguish in precordial region; sensation of softness in stomach.-Pressure in stomach (s also); with fulness, bursting, followed by tingling under r. breast, with sensation as if a blister were being formed there; feeling as though the contents were striving to pass out in a volume the size of the palm of the hand, followed by tenesmus; aching at orifice of the stomach, pressure and fulness at the pit of the stomach; the pressure in the pit of the stomach turns to anguish, in the midst of gurgling in stomach, risings, borborygmi in abdomen, and emission of wind, which affords >; it occurs presently below the sternum, and alternates with a sensation of burning or of coldness.-Sensation of coldness in stomach (s also); tingling in stomach and pit of stomach, with frequent risings, as if ice were in gullet and stomach, following a sensation of heat in stomach, with nausea which rises in throat, and sickly taste at root of tongue.-Shootings in pylorus.-> Of pains in stomach, on bending body forwards, while seated, or on expulsion of fetid wind. 12. Abdomen.-Dull shocks, or else lancinations, esp. in r. hypochondrium.-In hepatic region: contusive pain in morning; periodical dragging; dragging pain; aching, sometimes in evening; lancinations, sometimes after a meal, either directed towards the back, or else accompanied by a sensation of weight; enlargement of liver, sometimes with aching, or else with tension or pressure.-In region of spleen, quick lancinations; squeezing,
esp. while at rest.-Sensation of relaxation in the abdomen.-Pinchings: in abdomen; during and after breakfast, with want to go to stool, although nothing is emitted but wind; in umbilical region, < on crossing legs; in upper part of abdomen, in morning, in bed, or else with cutting pains, and < during and after a meal, so as to cause writhing of the body.-Cutting pains in abdomen: in different places, with pinchings; throughout abdomen, with painful borborygmi, and followed by a liquid mucous evacuation.-Disagreeable sensation of heat in abdomen; frequent ebullition, ascending from abdomen into chest.-Sensation of weight in abdomen, which presses downwards after breakfast; sensation as though a burden were lying on abdomen, chiefly on umbilical region, and pit of stomach; < in an upright position.-Affections of the portal system.-Abdominal dropsy (following an intermittent fever, with constipation), with excessive enlargement of abdomen, feet, and face; or else with induration of liver and asthma.-Sensation of fulness in abdomen, sometimes with borborygmi and emission of wind (s); sensation of fulness in r. side, with difficulty of respiration, > by risings and emission of wind (s); tightness of abdomen, esp. in hepatic region, in evening.-Movement of flatus in abdomen, very frequent borborygmi in abdomen, sometimes during a meal, or else afterwards (with lancinations below the precordial region, or else with pinchings in abdomen), or chiefly in umbilical region; abundant emission of wind, sometimes fetid (after the borborygmi), or else in evening, preceded by pinching pains. 13. Stool and Anus.-Constipation: no stool first day, or else a tardy and hard evacuation (habitual constipation diminishes).-Stool only after urgent calls, and griping.-Want to go to stool, with sensation of great lassitude, and with evacuations difficult and infrequent.-Stool preceded by tenesmus, hard, and not ejected without effort, with continued pain as of a bruise in anus.-Scanty stool.-Stools: hard; hard and tardy, dry, hard, difficult, and with straining; hard, knotty, with burning at anus, after a constipation of two days' continuance; stools altogether more infrequent and more firm.-Provokes easy stools (s?), facilitates the intestinal evacuations (s?); soft stools or else like pap the first few days; frequent stools, like pap (s); diarrh?a (s); sometimes diarrh?a, at others constipation.-During stool: general lassitude, fatigue so as almost to bring on sleep, yawning, and accumulation of water in mouth.-After stool (soft), pressure in the anus.-At anus: drawing; pricking, towards evening (bruised pain); hmorrhoidal tumours round anus, with tenesmus in rectum, and a fresh evacuation of a liquid stool after each solid evacuation. 14. Urinary Organs.-Want to make water, with frequent drawing pain in glans, which extends throughout the body.-Increased secretion of urine (s also); more frequent and more copious emission of urine; it is necessary to rise during the night to urinate; pressure on bladder, towards morning, from an unusual accumulation of urine.-Urine clear as water, and at same time more copious, and more frequently passed, than usual; clear yellow, with a smell of violets; brown, hot, and burning in urethra.-In urethra continual sensation, on being seated, as of a drop of water passing along it; heat at orifice.-Dragging pressure in region of bladder, as from urgency to urinate. 15. Male Sexual Organs.-In penis, swelling of a lymphatic vessel, following morning erections.-Drawing pains at root of penis, or also in r. spermatic cord, and along internal surface of thigh.-Diminished sexual appetite; chases away lasciviousness and voluptuous fancies (s).-Painful erections during morning sleep.-Pollutions, sometimes during lascivious dreams, during morning sleep, or else two in one night, happening unconsciously during a profound sleep. 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Catamenia too early by four or six days (with cramp-like pains in abdomen).Promotes catamenia (s).-Increase of milk in breasts (s).-(Painful gonorrh?a of females.).-Bearing down and weak feeling about pelvic organs, and general relaxed feeling. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Power of voice increased.-Roughness: in throat, after reading with a loud voice; in pharynx; in larynx, causing deep inspirations; with scraping in throat (s); dryness and scraping in pharynx and upper part of chest; hoarseness in evening, or also in morning, with roughness in throat; sensation of fulness in larynx, diminished on throwing body backwards; frequent need to cough; constant sensation of fulness in larynx, with irritation of a suffocating cough, impeded speech, and frequent cough, with expectoration.-Cough:
provoked by a tickling in throat; sometimes with a sense of oppression of chest; with sensation of burning dryness in throat; dry from time to time, or else by fits, with shaking of chest, as likewise of abdomen and occiput; dry, barking, painful; proceeding from a pre-existing cough, with easy expectoration; spasmodic, hollow, and dry, or else very violent, and threatening to burst the chest, induced by a tickling in gullet; the dry cough arising from a cough already established, and appearing more particularly according to the changes of the weather, disappears entirely.-Excretion of mucus by the cough (which was dry previously?), and the movements in coughing are more violent and prolonged; copious expectoration of mucus, by means of a short cough.-During coughing or hemming chest pains <; cough suffocating, dry, in hysterical persons, with prolonged sleeplessness, and a nipping coldness in stomach and pit of stomach. 18. Chest.-Dyspn?a: shortness of breath, respiration straitened (s); difficulty of respiration, with lancinations in the l. lung, or else with pressure in pit of stomach; respiration rapid, from fulness and ebullition in chest; frequent want to breathe deeply, esp. on being seated in a bent position; respiration, as it were, insufficient, on walking and on holding body erect, by reason of a spasmodic constriction in umbilical and precordial regions, with frequent want to draw a long breath; on breathing deeply, sensation as though the chest were imperfectly inflated.-Asthma: straitened respiration, or constraint of chest (s also); as if lower part of chest were too narrow, with fear to breathe deeply, because a shock is experienced at each effort; laboured at night, arousing from sleep, and forcing prompt assumption of a sitting posture, with anguish (s); frequent, with weight on chest, want to breathe deeply, > for the moment by yawning and stretching; as from corrosive exhalations, in evening, in bed, with cough, suffocating, hollow; with constant need to double up the body when seated, because otherwise there is a feeling of constraint, as if the parts were too narrow; as if thorax were too narrow, compressed, or constricted, esp. on being seated in a bent position, or else with frequent constrictive pain in lower part of chest; sensation of spasmodic constriction in hypochondria, esp. r.Oppression of chest, or difficulty of respiration (s also): necessitating deep inspirations (s also), sometimes with yawning and anxiety; or else > on rising after having been seated in a bent posture, or on throwing back the shoulders; with dull pain below sternum; great, with frequent pain in different places in chest; slight, of the sides, and below sternum, followed by a sensation of heat on wall opposite the chest, with slight starting and bruise-like pain in chest.-Sensation of weight on chest, with difficulty of respiration as if there were a hundredweight on chest, with want to throw off clothes in evening, with sensation of fulness in pharynx; on walking in open air, as if there were a weight on chest; periodical, increasing or diminishing, with squeezing, oppression, and heat in chest.-The chest symptoms are > on sitting up; nothing tight can be borne round the neck (because it impedes respiration).-Convulsive asthma, sometimes attending an organic affection of heart; fits of suffocation in dropsy of chest; dropsy of chest, with general swelling, anxiety, want of power to breathe on lying down, obliging the resumption of a sitting posture; cough short and dry, great weakness, irresistible inclination to sleep in afternoon, and diminished secretion of urine.-Dull pains, forcing patient to breathe deeply, at l. side of chest, and shortly afterwards at r. side also, but only transient there.-Breathing deeply increases the dull pain in chest.-Aching pain in chest: in centre of chest; below sternum, on pressing the hand upon it; in both sides of chest, in morning, < on drawing a long breath; below sternum, occasioned by movement, with tension; in upper chest, after walking in open air, with weakness, to the extent of sinking down, squeezing pressure in different parts of chest, or else chiefly in upper part, with oppression, yawning, and stretching of upper part of body.-Lancinations in chest: in r. side of chest, with constant sensation of spasmodic jerking; or else in lower part of chest, towards back (s), in upper region of cartilages of false ribs; acute, below small l. ribs; pleuritic, towards middle of sternum; squeezing in upper part of l. breast, with oppression of the whole chest.-Dull stitches from l. side of chest to scapula.-Dull dragging pain in chest, morning, in bed; < after rising.-Ebullition in chest, with squeezing, and forcing to breathe rapidly; with oppression, sometimes after even moderate exercise, or else followed by cramp-like pains in chest, externally.Painful throbbing, burning, in r. cavity of chest, in one particular spot.-Feeling of relaxation in chest, from noon to evening; sensation of internal coldness (s).-Pain, as of fatigue, from physical exertion, at bottom of chest, and walls of thorax, esp. l., in morning after awakening.-Rapid pain externally, in muscles of chest and of delta, in direction of shoulder, during repose.
20. Neck and Back.-Pain in nape of neck, when coughing; drawing pains and tension (sometimes simultaneously in shoulders and muscles of neck); subcutaneous pricking, which gradually becomes fixed under r. shoulder-blade.-Tension in muscles of neck on r. side, sometimes spasmodic.-Lancinations under r. armpit, as if caused by a pointed instrument, < on raising arm, and on pressing the part with finger.-Drawing pains in loins, towards the groins.-In the back: pains in spinal marrow, as far as the cauda equina, and extending to sacrum; cramp-like pains passing over back in various directions; contusive pain in lumbar region. 22. Upper Limbs.-Pains in shoulders (s); sensation of paralysis in l. articulation.-In the arms: drawing pains, commencing chiefly in elbow-joint, or else with starting; wandering, tearing pains, as if on the bone, in shoulder-joint and r. elbow; afterwards, sometimes in wrist, sometimes in other parts; sharp lancinations below r. arm.-Great fatigue of r. arm.-In upper part of arm, drawing pain and sensation of weakness; cramplike pain in lower extremity; pain, as of dislocation, in l. deltoid muscle, but only when forearm is bent.-Dull dragging pain at point of elbow.-In r. forearm, tearing pain, followed by a sensation of paralysis in little finger.In hands: painful jerking; drawing pain in l. hand, sometimes of a spasmodic character in the joint; trembling of hands; which are moist (s).-In fingers: sensation of heat, followed by continued weakness of the parts; tearings in metacarpal bones of both hands.-Tingling itching of the fingers of l. hand. 23. Lower Limbs.-In the legs: great fatigue, trembling, and lassitude; heaviness, sometimes < when walking, with tension in the hams; the legs frequently go to sleep, sometimes when patient is seated.-In thighs: contusive pain, with tension in hams, on rising from a seat; starting in l. thigh.-In the legs: feeling of stagnation of the blood, sometimes on being seated with heaviness, or else in r. leg only, during repose, and with drawing pains drawing pain in r. leg, with sensation of stiffness, sometimes ascending to hip trembling in l. leg, in afternoon; cramp in l. calf when walking.-In the feet: pain in sole of l. foot, during repose, as if patient had jumped on a stone, disappearing on standing upon the foot; coldness of feet.-Numbness of soles and pains in lower back.-In the toes: crawling itching (on l. foot); pain in l. great toe, as if it were being distorted and turned back, on putting down the foot; pain, as of subcutaneous ulceration, below nail (of fourth toe). 24. Generalities.-Patient never feels rested, enfeeblement is general.-Dragging pains in limbs and back, or else periodical in different parts of body (s); tearing pains which pass first between r. shoulder-joint and elbow, afterwards in wrist, knees, thigh, joint of foot, nape of neck, temples, &c.; painful ebullition in extremities, afternoon, while seated tranquilly; starting pains, acute, cramp-like, near articulations (at nape of neck, the hypochondria, elbows, hips), most frequently in evening, and while at rest, sometimes, also, < in morning, esp. in the side of the extensors; cramp-like pains which shortly reappear in other parts, and impede the use of them (esp. elbows, hands, fingers, and legs); contusive pain in all the limbs, which obliges the patient to remain in bed during the day.-Faltering gait, tendency to stumble when walking (s); dangerous convulsions in women (s).-General feeling of depression, sometimes with lassitude and immobility; great fatigue; great lassitude (also s); sometimes with sleepiness, or else in morning, after rising, with inaptitude for labour; the least labour produces irritation and lassitude, as after great fatigue.-Indescribable sensation of tightness in the body (s); sensation of vivifying power in hysterical persons (s); necessity, when seated, to keep the body straight.-In the open air the patient feels altogether better, the chest esp. is >; unusual lightness in the body (s); > of symptoms, esp. by exercise in open air; desire to be out of doors.-Feeling as if the body were swimming, in bed.-Slight shivering. 25. Skin.-Subcutaneous lancinating, pinching, and smarting in various parts, or else with shootings.Inflammation and eruption (from external applications on delicate parts of the skin).-?dematous swellings of whole body, with asthmatic affections, head confused, lying on back is distressing, shuddering, want of appetite, short cough, and pulse small and full. 26. Sleep.-Frequent yawning; yawning and stretching of limbs (s).-Great drowsiness during day (s also); with fatigue and lassitude; with frequent yawning (s also), early in evening, obliging patient to lie down quickly; unconquerable sleep (s); falling asleep while at labour; coma, sometimes with loathing (s); inclination to sleep
without power to sleep, profound sleep, lasting several hours, sometimes with the pulse rather quick.Nocturnal sleep: tranquil, refreshing (s also); profound, with many dreams, or else dreamless; sound, with involuntary emission of semen (s); stupefying, with difficult awakening in morning; agitated, unrefreshing (s also); sleep protracted, troubled (s); frequent awakening, almost every quarter of an hour.-Inability to rest on back (in consequence of asthmatic symptoms) and tension at pit of stomach patient prefers to lie with head elevated, and on r. side.-At night, in bed great oppression of chest, which breaks the slumbers, and compels the patient quickly to raise himself into a sitting posture, with anxiety, sensation of great fatigue in morning (s); difficulty of respiration, with pressive and grasping pains in chest, which allow but little sleep; difficulty of respiration which hinders sleep, with throbbing in head, and, at same time, palpitation of heart, followed by tearing pains in the head, with heaviness and stupidity; pains in head; spasmodic cough and febrile heat, with unconscious dreaming and disturbed sleep.-Dreams: fantastic, during a troubled sleep; lively and sometimes anxious (of suicide by firearms), during a profound sleep; towards morning, sometimes of a strange character, and as if patient were whirling round upon the foot; sleep the whole night with many dreams.-In morning, on awaking, sensation as though the head were empty; difficulty in dispelling sleep; great lassitude after troubled sleep, with oppression. 27. Fever.-Coldness often pervading back and head (s also), sometimes with heat of face (s), or else with shivering in a warm room, and coldness of feet and hands; easily provoked shivering during day, even in a warm room; shuddering, which seems at times to creep along under the hair.-Fever, with violent pains in head, painful sensitiveness of scalp to touch, tearing pains in joints of limbs (same as in nape of neck and face), great heaviness of head in evening, which causes it to fall forwards; distressing and parching pains in head and upper part of body, with icy coldness of feet, and at same time burning heat and lachrymation in eyes, dry cough, suffocating and spasmodic, with violent shaking of chest and head, and spasmodic and painful contraction of lumbar vertebr, and hypochondriac region.-In morning, from 3 to 6 a.m., sensation of heat, of an insupportable dryness, esp. in legs, which are painful as after running a great way.-Pulse: slow (s also); slow and wiry; infrequent, even to the limit of ten or twelve pulsations (s).-Copious sweats; violent sweating (s); nocturnal sweat, general and gentle (s).
Lamium album. L. lvigatum. L. maculatum. Dead Nettle. White Nettle. N. O. Labiat. Tincture of entire fresh plant whilst in flower and seed. Clinical.-Hmorrhoids. Headache. Hernia. Leucorrh?a. Menstruation, too early. Characteristics.-Lamium was proved by Hahnemann and others, including Stapf. It produced headaches of several kinds, one a "deep-in" headache like that of Bacil.; tightness of scalp; and a backward and forward motion of the head. Much uneasiness of mind and body; trembling of limbs; weakness during the chill. Tearing and drawing in the limbs. The menses appeared too early and were scanty. Much leucorrh?a, with biting sensation or without sensation, white mucus. Farrington says Lamium has been recommended for external piles. "Hard stool with blood" is the nearest symptom bearing on this. A characteristic symptom seenms to be "backward and forward motion of head." Symptoms were < in morning on waking (headache); < while lying down in bed in morning, > on rising (headache); > on sitting (headache); < in open air (headache); < by drinking (burning in chest) < by eating (pressure beneath pit of stomach; burning in chest) < rising from stooping (indescribable headache). Relations.-Compare: Other members of the Mint tribe (Hedeoma, Ocimum canum, Origanum, Mentha piperita); "deep-in" headache, Bacil.; head moves backwards and forwards, Arn., Cham., Lyc.
SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Whining mood, inclination to weep, feels as if abandoned.-Great sadness, with lachrymose humour.Great agitation and anxiety, which permit no rest. 2. Head.-Aching in centre of brain, < on rising from a stooping posture.-Headache, < by rising from a seat, > when seated.-Cephalalgia, as if brain were compressed on all sides, with very violent pains in centre of brain.Excessive tightness of scalp, esp. near coronal suture.-Great mobility of head, esp. from before backward.Sight and hearing are diminished. 8. Mouth.-Hawking up of thick mucus of an acid taste, which is detached from bottom of gullet. 11. Stomach.-Burning pain in middle of chest, or in ?sophagus, after eating or drinking anything whatever.Nausea and vomiting of food, with heat, great lassitude, excessive dejection, and cloudiness of sight. 12. Abdomen.-Excessive distension of the abdomen.-Pinching in the abdomen, as from incarcerated flatus, which is not > by expulsion of the wind.-A dragging in l. side of abdomen down into pubic region as if a hernia would protrude there.-Great agitation in the abdomen, as if catamenia were about to come on violently. 13. Stool.-Evacuations of the consistence of pap, hard, with emission of blood. 14. Urinary Organs.-Urgent want to urinate, with very scanty emission.-Discharge of serum from the urethra. 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Catamenia too early and too scanty; eleven days too early at the new moon.Leucorrh?a, sometimes with a biting sensation in genitals.-Leucorrh?a profuse, painless, white mucus. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Voice weak and faltering, as from mental agitation.-Want of breath when speaking, with weakness of the chest.-Anxious pressure on chest, with nausea. 20. Back.-Bruised pain in small of back. 22. Upper Limbs.-Torpor and crawling numbness of back of hand, and of the fleshy part of thumb, < by touch, with painful sensation of rawness in the parts on moving the hand.-Tearing and drawing in fingers. 23. Lower Limbs.-Intermitting drawing, pressive tearing on lower posterior muscles of r. thigh (while sitting).Blister on heel from slight rubbing, afterwards bursting and changing to an ulcer with smarting and biting. 24. Generalities.-Tearing and drawing in limbs.-Great restlessness of body and mind, with trembling of limbs. 25. Skin.-Smarting and stinging in the ulcer (< in evening when lying) with redness and swelling around it, and smarting early in morning in bed.-Ulcers, with pain as from excoriation, and shootings. 27. Fever.-Shivering, with general weakness, or with anxiety.-Burning heat in both cheeks, without redness, and without thirst.-Constant thirst, except during shivering fit.
Lapathum Sylvestre fol. minus acutum (Gerarde). Rumex obtusifolius. Common Dock. N. O. Polygonace. Tincture of fresh root. Clinical.-Epistaxis. Headache. Kidneys, pain in. Leucorrh?a. Uterus, atony of.
Characteristics.-Lapathum is the old name of the Docks now generally named Rumex. The word is of Greek origin and signifies, according to Gerarde, "to soften, ease, or purge the belly," and the name was given to "herbs used in pottage and medicine, very well known to have the power of cleansing." Lapath. was proved by Widenhorn. It produced some rather severe headaches and nosebleed. (Hansen says it is indicated in epistaxis following headache.) Weight in stomach. Pain in kidneys with pressure from without inwards. Weak feeling in genital parts; leucorrh?a with uterine bearing down and pain in kidneys. Relations.-Rumex c. and Rheum (botan.-Phytolacca is a near ally); Sep., Lil. t.; kidney ache, Santal. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Sadness and moroseness alternating with gaiety. 2. Head.-Headache at vertex; as after intoxication.-Pressive headache, in morning; it seems as though the head were swollen. 5. Nose.-Epistaxis.-Blowing of blood from nose. 11. Stomach.-Pain in pit of stomach, with loss of appetite and weight in stomach. 12. Abdomen.-Feeling of distension in l. hypochondrium.-Extension and pressure, esp. in morning, with prostration and emission of flatulence.-Drawings in l. hypochondrium.-Pain in kidneys for five hours, with pressure from without inwards. 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Weak feeling in internal genital parts.-(Leucorrh?al flow for five or six days very copious, thick, whitish, with constriction and expulsive efforts from top to bottom of the womb, and pains in the kidneys.-This symptom is put in brackets and at the same time italicised by Allen.) 21. Limbs in General.-Bruised pain in all the limbs. 24. Generalities.-Weariness. 27. Fever.-Excessive coldness in feet, as well inside as outside, so that it was almost impossible to warm them.
Lapsana Communis.
Lapsana communis. Nipplewort. N. O. Composit. (Genus Cichorace.) Tincture or infusion of whole fresh plant. Clinical.-Hmorrhoids. Nipples, sore. Characteristics.-As the common name of Lapsana would imply, it is a popular remedy for sore nipples, a decoction of it being used as a lotion for that purpose. Cooper (H. W., xxxiii. 202) has published documents in proof of its efficiency in piles. The method of preparation is as follows: Three ounces of the green plant (or four of the dry) are boiled in three pints of thin water gruel till it is reduced to a pint and a half. The decoction to be strained. Half a pint to be drunk on three mornings following, fasting-immediately on getting out of bed. One patient who was cured in this way said he had not swallowed the draught more than a few minutes before he felt his stomach as warm as if he had drunk hot brandy and water. Only three doses are ordered, and the patient is told, in case of not being cured, to wait a fortnight before repeating the treatment. Cooper has confirmed the power of Lapsana over piles, using single doses of the tincture.
Lathyrus sativus, Chick-pea, "Jesse," "Jarosse," and Lathyrus cicera, Lesser Chick-pea. "Jarosse pois-casss." N. O. Leguminos. Trituration of seeds. Tincture of the flower. Tincture of the green pods. Clinical.-Athetosis. Beri-beri. Impotence. Locomotor ataxy. Lumbago. Paralysis, spinal (spinal sclerosis); rheumatic. Paralysis agitans. Paraplegia. Rheumatism. Rheumatic paralysis. Roaring (in horses). Urine, incontinence of. Characteristics.-A paralytic affection named Lathyrism has been recognised from ancient times, and has been commonly attributed, as its name implies, to poisoning with Lathyrus, a species of pea. Our own Sweet Pea is Lathyrus odoratus. The two varieties of Lathyrus which have occasioned the poisonings are Lath. sativus and Lath. cicera. The peas are very much alike in appearance. That of Lath. cicera is rather smaller than the other, more square, and a lighter brown. Except for this brownish colour they could easily be mistaken for ordinary peas. Lath. cicera has red flowers, Lath. sativus bluish. Both are cultivated for food, and are sometimes cut green for fodder. Accidents have most commonly happened in famine seasons, and the best account of such a poisoning is communicated by C. Bojanus to Journ. of B. H. S., July, 1897. But it is not only in such cases that poisoning has occurred. Two cases are recorded (H. W., xix. 319) as having been admitted to the University clinic of Parma. The patients were two brothers aged seventeen and twelve, of excellent personal and family history, and in good bodily health. They were admitted as suffering from locomotor ataxy and chronic myelitis. For a year past they had eaten bread made with the flour of Lath. sat. and Lath. cic. The elder had at times eaten the vetches green. This caused nausea, vomiting, giddiness, singing in the ears, stupidity. These symptoms gradually increased, then tremor of upper extremities appeared, < when taking up or putting down anything. Legs heavy with vague pains, formication and sense of cold. He was unable to stand without the help of a stick. There was no weakness, but the abductors and flexors of the lower limbs felt hard and contracted. Gait uncertain and staggering; right leg being rather the stronger. He lifted his feet with difficulty, often dragged them and put them down suddenly and forcibly, as if they were heavy weights. The floor, he said, felt irregular, and he was obliged to keep his eyes fixed on the ground to guide his feet. He rested all his weight on a stick. Movement < when eyes shut; he "felt as if standing between two abysses." He walked worse without his shoes. In bed he could not sit up without helping himself up with his arms. He could not move his toes or flex or extend the foot on the leg, or the leg on the thigh; could not extend or close legs when sitting; voluntary movement of abductor and adductors, and rotation of feet impossible. Knee-jerk exaggerated. Sensibility to touch, heat, pain, and electricity perfect. Temperature normal. The Brit. J. of H. (xlii. 81) quoted from L'Art Mdical of August, 1882, an article on Lathyrism as observed in Algiers from the effects of eating bread made with wheat and barley flour mixed with flour of the seeds of Lath. cic. When the wheat harvest is bad Lath. cic. is used by the poorer inhabitants in as high a proportion as three parts to one of the other two. The resulting disease is perfectly well known to the Algerians, who call it, from the Arabic name of the plant, jilben. These are the symptoms: (1) Lumbago; incontinence of urine; complete loss of sexual power; pains in lower and sometimes upper limbs; tremors. The invasion of the disease is sudden, often coming on after a damp, cold night. (2) The lower limbs are affected with ansthesia and motor paralysis. After the lapse of some days or weeks the patients can rise up, and they show a characteristic gait; the heel in the air, foot in extension and abduction, with contraction of muscles of lower limbs and exaggerated reflexes. At this period few show any disturbances of sensibility, and there are no longer any affections of bladder and genitals. In the cases related by Bojanus the general symptoms were the same. In these it was the Lath. sat. which was the cause of the trouble, which arose during the great Russian famine. A few symptoms may be mentioned. Case i., man, 21, after eating Lath. sat. for three months had the usual paralytic symptoms, and "strong pressure on bladder with frequent desire to micturate." "When sitting had great swelling of legs." "Predominating coldness in legs,
which at night changes to a hot, burning sensation, with desire to uncover." Respiration, heart, and digestion normal. Case iii., man, 25, felt (1) heaviness and pains in region of stomach, heartburn, nausea, sometimes vomiting (once of blood), colics, sometimes diarrh?a, followed by general weakness, tremor, difficulty in moving, coldness of feet, and cramps in calves. (2) About a week later, pressure on bladder so violent that he had to urinate immediately or the urine rushed out of its own accord with great force. The diarrh?a increased, and was accompanied by pressure on the intestines similar to that on the bladder. Sexual excitability lost; pains in back. In hospital the bladder and intestinal symptoms passed off, but the paralysis remained. Cramps in calves; legs blue and cold, morning and night hot and burning. This recurs regularly every day and lasts a few hours. Pains in back excited by touch and efforts to rise. Case iv., man, 32, had (1) heartburn, sickness, vomiting, vomiting of blood, dysentery. (2) Cramps in calves, pains in back so violent that he could hardly move; depressed, hypochondriacal. Hardly any movement possible in coxo-femoral joint. From time to time erections and pollutions.-Horses fed with Lath. along with oats manifested symptoms of paralysis of the limbs, and also of the throat and windpipe, setting up the condition called "Roaring." Some have died of suffocation. The < from cold, damp wind appears to be the leading Condition of Lath. so far as at present known. In the case of horses as well as of human beings, the symptoms often remain in abeyance until cold, damp weather sets in. Burning heat with > by uncovering is another noteworthy condition. Provings, especially provings with potencies, are required to bring out the fine indications. When these are available Lath. will doubtless prove a notable remedy in spinal complaints. As it is the likeness to many forms of spastic paralysis, to Beri-beri, and to cases of locomotor ataxy, is sufficiently close to warrant its use. I have relieved with it several cases of spastic paralysis. Miss R., 25, had been ill four years with the usual symptoms of spastic paralysis, with excessive constipation and violent urging to pass water; if she attempted to retain it, it passed of itself. The muscles were hard and unyielding. She had had very heavy drugging under allopathic treatment before coming under my care. Hypericum was first given with considerable benefit. As the improvement went no further, Lath. sat. 1 and 30 were given, and then the improvement was much more marked. The patient is still under treatment. In one of the cases of lathyrism the back pain was induced by touch. < By touch may prove a keynote; as < in damp, cold weather certainly ought to. > Uncovering was prominent in several cases. < By movement. > Lying down (lower limbs move more freely. I have not seen any observation recorded in female sufferers; and men are more sensitive to it than women. It should be like Nux, a man's medicine. It affects chiefly the parts below the waist. Lumbago with bladder affections should be curable by it. W. A. Dewey (Med. Cent., viii. 17) has recorded a brilliant cure with Lath. sat. 3x of a case of spastic paralysis in a man of twenty-eight. The attack had been coming on six months. The patient was a hunchback, having been deformed since the age of five, but this had given no more than the usual inconvenience. On admission to hospital (December 1, 1898) he was unable to make the slightest movement of the lower extremities, even of the toes. The adductors were in a constant state of irritable contraction, so that the thighs were constantly crossed. Reflexes greatly exaggerated. No pain. Spine not tender. General health normal. The only other symptom was a girdle sensation, as if he had a cloth wrung out of cold water round his waist. Three weeks after commencing Lath. sat. there was slight lessening of rigidity. On April 5, 1899, he could raise his limbs and move his toes. On July 2nd he walked out of the hospital without difficulty, the abnormal irritability of the muscles having disappeared. In 1877 (I think) I published cases relieved by Lath. sat., two of paralysis, one of multiple sclerosis, one of rheumatic paralysis with stiff knees. Relations.-Compare: Sec. (paralysis; blueness; > uncovering); Phaseol., Gels., Nux, Curar.; Pic. ac. (paralysis; erections); Dulc. (< damp weather); Lyc. (> uncovering); Nux (suited to men); Rhus (paraplegia from effect of wetting). Mang. and Con. (paralysis from below upward). Causation.-Cold and damp weather. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Depressed; hypochondriacal.
11. Stomach.-Weight in stomach and indigestion.-Heartburn.-Nausea.-Vomiting.-Vomiting of blood. 12. Abdomen.-Colic. 13. Stool and Anus.-Diarrh?a with urgent pressure on intestines.-Dysentery.-(Constipation.) 14. Urinary Organs.-Incontinence of urine.-Pressure on bladder, if not immediately satisfied, urine rushes out with great force. 15. Male Sexual Organs.-Impotence.-From time to time erections and pollutions. 20. Back.-Lumbago.-Pain in back so severe as to prevent movement.-Pains in back < or excited by touch. 22. Upper Limbs.-Trembling of arms, < on attempting to do anything. 23. Lower Limbs.-Sudden paraplegia, esp. of younger persons, young men more than young women.-Gluteal muscles and those of lower limbs emaciated; upper limbs retaining natural appearance.-While lying in bed they move lower limbs with considerable facility, extending and abducting them, but flexion was difficult; esp. difficult to lift up limbs.-L. limbs considerably weaker than r.-When walking they threw the chest well forward, the haunches projecting behind; they seemed to fall from one foot to the other.-They misplaced the feet, bringing them too close to median line, and sometimes crossing it, causing legs to tangle up.-The worst affected walked very bow-legged.-The whole weight of the body rested on the metatarso-phalangeal joints, the heels never touching the ground.-Walking backward was similarly effected, but was more difficult.-Trying to stand steady they swayed widely forward and sideways, and seemed in constant danger of falling; instinctively sought to keep balance by pressing both hands on hips; not at all modified by shutting eyes.Hardness of muscles, esp. of abductors and flexors.-Legs blue and cyanotic; cold or burning; swollen if they hang down.-Paralysis of legs and knees.-Knees stiff and flexed, with weakness of feet and lameness, without pain.-Stiffness of ankles with lameness.
Latrodectus Mactans.
Latrodectus mactans. N. O. Arachnida. Tincture of living spider. Clinical.-Angina pectoris. Hmorrhages, watery. Characteristics.-To the ready pen and luminous insight of S. A. Jones, and to the labours of A. J. Tafel, who furnished data and materials, we owe the introduction of this remedy into the materia medica. In a most interesting article communicated to the Hom?opathic Recorder of July, 1889, and reproduced by Anschutz: in New, Old, and Forgotten Remedies, Jones relates the facts concerning this spider and the effects of its bite, recorded by E. W. Semple, M. D., in the Virginia Med. Monthly of 1875.-Case 1. A man bitten on the prepuce. At first there was itching; in less than half an hour nausea followed by severe abdominal pains. Soon after, violent precordial pains, extending to axilla and down left arm and forearm to fingers with numbness of the extremities and apn?a. Dry cupping was resorted to and the blood that flowed was thin and florid and uncoagulable. This was before Semple arrived. He then found most violent precordial pains, the left arm almost paralysed; pulse 130, very feeble. Skin cold as marble, countenance expressive of deep anxiety. At eight next morning, in spite of stimulants and pediluvia, the symptoms were worse and continued to increase until 2-30 p.m. Pulse uncountable and scarcely to be felt. Vomited black vomit, a quart or more. Soon after, reaction set in and the man gradually recovered. He had two copious stools like the black matter vomited, and after that felt quite well. In thirty-six hours from the time he was bitten he took 3 1/2 quart bottles of the best rectified whisky without, showing the least symptom of intoxication. Jones considers the order of the
occurrence of these symptoms of great importance, and notes that the precordial region was the chief locus of attack. Linnell (N. A. J. H., Dec., 1890) records a case of angina pectoris, pain in precordial region and left arm, brought on by slightest exertion, cured with Lat. Mac. 3. Relations.-Compare: Lat. k. and other Arachnida. Helod. (coldness). Lach., Spig., Act. r., Cact., Kalm., Lycopus, &c. (angina pectoris). Sanguisug. (non-coagulating hmorrhages). SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Extreme anxiety.-Screams fearfully, exclaiming that she would lose her breath and die. 6. Face.-Expression of deep anxiety. 11, 12. Stomach and Abdomen.-Nausea followed by severe abdominal pains (1/2 h.).-Vomited black vomit copiously; which > (26h.).-Severe abdominal pain with nausea, and a sinking sensation at epigastrium. 13. Stools.-Two copious evacuations similar to the black vomit. 15. Male Sexual Organs.-Itching of prepuce (seat of the bite), with a little redness of the part. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Extreme apn?a.-Respiration only occasional, gasping. 19. Heart.-Violent precordial pains extending to axilla and down l. arm and forearm to fingers with numbness of the extremity and apn?a.-Later, most violent precordial pains and pain in l. arm, which was almost paralysed.-Pulse 130.-Pulse so frequent it could not be counted and so feeble it could scarcely be felt (26h.).Pulse quick and thready (in few minutes).-Pain extends from bitten r. hand to back of head; more violent pain in precordia, extending thence to l. shoulder and axilla, down arm to finger-ends, l. arm partially paralysed; l. pulse extinct, r. pulse doubtful.-Pain in precordia with apn?a; screaming fearfully, exclaiming that she would lose her breath and die. 22. Upper Limbs.-Violent pain extending from bite on r. wrist, up forearm and arm to shoulder, thence up neck to r. back of head and precordia; thence down l. axilla and arm to finger-tips, l. arm partially paralysed.Stinging in r. wrist, with itching and redness of bitten spot; in 1/2 h., painful sensations extended up arm to shoulder; in 1h. along neck to back of head; later, pain in precordia and apn?a; screaming fearfully. 24. Generalities.-When cupped the blood flowed like water and would not coagulate; not even when tannin was added next day.-In 36h. from the time he was, bitten he took 3 1/2 quart bottles of the best rectified whisky without the least sign of intoxication.-Itching, and redness of part bitten, at first without pain, but violent pain soon commenced there (back of l. hand) and extended in a short time up forearm and arm to shoulder and thence to precordial region.-Apparently moribund. 27. Fever.-Skin cold as marble.-Skin very cold (few m.).
Cerasus laurocerasus. Common Laurel. Prunus laurocerasus. Cherry Laurel. N. O. Rosace. Tincture of young leaves. Dilutions of Aqua Laurocerasi. Clinical.-Apoplexy, threatened. Asphyxia, neonatorum. Asthma. Cholera. Cholera infantum. Chorea. Climacteric sufferings. Convulsions. Cough. Cramps. Cyanosis. Diarrh?a. Dysmenorrh?a. Epilepsy. Heart, affections of. Liver, affections of. Metrorrhagia. Palpitation. Pneumonia, typhoid. Tetanus. Tumours. Whooping-cough.
Characteristics.-Laurocerasus, the so-called "Laurel" of our gardens, is not a member of the Laurace, though the Bay Laurel, Laurus nobilis, is. The Aqua Laurocerasi, prepared by distilling the fresh leaves, contains Hydrocyanic acid and is supposed to owe all its medicinal virtue to this fact. Milne says it is "used in spasmodic cough, and in phthisis; but it is better to employ the prussic acid itself." In the poisoning cases that have occurred the symptoms have been practically identical with those of persons poisoned with prussic acid; but the provings bring out more delicate shades of action and fully entitle the remedy to an individual place of its own. Coldness, blueness, epileptiform convulsions are common to both. Both have a dry, tickling cough; but Lauro. has also a cough with jelly-like expectoration dotted with bloody points. Lauro. has cyanosis both of the new-born infant and of heart disease. A peculiar "gasping" is indicative here-gasping without really breathing. In addition to the blueness there is twitching of the muscles of the face (which is also an indication for Lauro. in chorea). Clubbing of fingers, which is a common feature in cyanosis and phthisis, is a characteristic of Lauro. "Lack of reactive power," low vitality, is another keynote of Lauro. This is particularly so when occurring in chest affections. Long-lasting faints (Camph. has sudden fainting); seems to have no reactive power; face pale, blue; surface cold. Prostrate before getting up in morning and difficulty in opening eyes; attacks of indigestion and pains across lower abdomen, which come suddenly in the morning and generally disappear on getting up. Gnawing pain in lower abdomen going on for years in old men with occasional looseness of stool. If fluids are forced down the throat they roll audibly into stomach. When indicated in eruptive fevers the eruption is livid, after pressure with the finger the skin is long in regaining its colour. There are suffocative spells about the heart < by sitting up; the patient is compelled to lie down (as with Psor.); though some heart symptoms have the opposite condition and compel the patient to sit up. Guernsey gives these leading symptoms: "Gasping for breath; the patient puts his hand to the heart as if there was some trouble there; this may result from running a short distance, which puts him completely out of breath; going upstairs, walking, or any exercise may bring the gasping on." Coldness is a common sensation, internal coldness and external heat. Cold tongue. Heat of single parts. Warmth on centre of forehead, then a coldness as from a draught of air lasting a long time. The left chest is most affected. There is < before eating. Constricted sensations-in gullet; in rectum. There are some very noteworthy uterine symptoms, of menorrhagia and dysmenorrh?a, in the provings, and the value of them has been emphasised by cases related by Cooper in his work on Cancer and Cancer Symptoms (2nd ed., p. 60). The leading indications according to Cooper are: "A sense of fatigue pervades the whole system, with a very painful condition of the hard and indurated tissue of the parts affected; pain much > by sleep; tendency to oozing of blood, which is generally bright and mixed with gelatinous clots. This applies to chest as well as to uterine and rectal symptoms; only, the blood comes painlessly into the mouth, but with great pain Per vaginam. In most cases it will be found that the pains it relieves are such as start from the lower part of the spine and extend either round the pelvis or up to the head, and are accompanied with a sense of suffocation and a sick feeling, with drowsiness and a great desire to sleep that generally brings relief. In cases that are sleepless the desire for sleep is very great. Digestion is weak; bowels confined patient, low-spirited with flatulence and burning in chest after food constant tired, sick feeling; entire frame enfeebled; inclined to loss of flesh and hmorrhages that are small in quantity and bright in colour. The flatus is audible and gurgling and rolls about the upper abdomen (p. 64)." In nervous affections "constant jerks; cannot keep still" and the characteristic "gasping" are leading indications. Peculiar sensations are: Coolness of forehead as from draught of air. Weight on top of head. As if brain loose and falling into forehead when stooping. As if a heavy lump falling from abdomen to small of back, as if a veil before eyes. As if nose stopped. As if flies and spiders crawling over skin. As if tongue, mouth, and throat were burnt. As if abscess in region of liver would burst. As if lungs could not be sufficiently expanded. As if lungs pressed against spine. As if mucous membranes were dry. Stitches are very prominent; also stiffness and pressure, especially pressure outward. Allen's indications are: An extremely nervous, excitable condition accompanying ailments. Diarrh?a as of green mucus, with suffocative spells about heart. Dry, harassing cough of phthisis. Spasmodic cough of later stages of whoopingcough when patient is much prostrated and has nervous spasmodic symptoms. Cough with valvular heart disease; cough incessant, especially on lying down; fluttering in heart and gasping, with cough. Alternation of chill, fever, and sweat in phthisis. E. Wigg (H. P., xii. 30) relates the case of May S., 7, who had been troubled
some time with an almost incessant cough, for which many remedies were given without benefit. At last Wigg came to the conclusion that Lauro. was the remedy, and put ten drops of the 200th into five tablespoonfuls of water, ordering a teaspoonful of this to be taken every two hours when the child was awake. This was at 4 p.m. After the third dose she fell asleep. At 3 a.m. she awoke in a very excited condition. Her mother asked her if she had not been dreaming, but her tongue was so stiff she could not answer. Suddenly she began to tremble all over as if in a chill. After ten minutes she began to twitch and jerk. Wigg was sent for and found her in this convulsed state. She could not articulate for the thickness and heaviness of the tongue. The mind was clear. Recognising the action of Lauro. Wigg antidoted it with Camphor and later a cup of coffee, and she came all right in a few hours. She had no more of the cough. Many symptoms are > sitting up. Coughs continuously when lying down. Bending head forward > pressure in nape. Compelled to bend forward by contractive pain in groins. On the other hand suffocating spells about heart compel him to lie down. When she attempts to rise from recumbent posture, sensation of heavy lump falling from pit of stomach to back. Stooping <. Sitting < gasping; = feet to go to sleep. Crossing legs = feet to go to sleep. Motion < cough; = gasping. After dinner: Hunger; irresistible drowsiness. < Evening and night. Coldness in forehead and vertex is > in open air; vertigo, and pressure in nape are <. External warmth does not > coldness. Approaching stove = nausea; cold. Being touched by water = burning between fingers. Relations.-Antidoted by: Camph., Coff., Ip., Op. Compatible: Bell., Phos., Pul., Ver, Compare: Camph. (coldness; cramps; lack of reaction; fainting-Camph. sudden; Lauro. long-lasting. Camph. is a product of a true Laurel); Caps. (lack of reaction in persons of lax fibre); Op. (lack of reaction in patients where there is no pain; stupid, drowsy); Pso. (lack of reaction in chilly, psoric persons, despair of recovery; chest affection > lying down); Sul. (lack of reaction in hot, perspiring, psoric subjects; chest affections; liver wasted after congestion); Val. and Ambra (lack of reaction in nervous persons); Carb. v. (cold knees, breath, tongue; collapse; indifference); Lach., Chi., Dig., Ver.; Ant. t. (asphyxia neonatorum; Ant. t. has rattling of mucus, head thrown back; Lauro. blue face, twitching, gasping); Bar. c., Bell., Bry.; K. ca. (stitches); Calc., Ip., Nux v.; Op. and Nux in. (drowsiness); Pho., Pul., Rhus, Sep. Compare also: Hydrocy. ac., and Amyg., Pru. spi., Pru. Virg., and other Rosace. In hunger after meals with feeling of emptiness, Calc., Chi., Cascar., Cin., Grat. (after meals and after stool, Petr.); in semilateral swelling of tongue, Calc., Sil., Thuj. (Lauro. has loss of speech with it). Causation.-Fright. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Mental dejection.-Great anxiety, apprehension, and agitation, which do not allow a moment's rest, nor yet sleep in evening, but which disappear in open air.-Repugnance to intellectual labour.-Mental promptitude and precipitation.-Inability to collect one's ideas.-Weakness of memory.-Fear and anxiety about imaginary evils.-Intellectual incapacity.-Mental dulness (insensibility) and loss of consciousness, with loss of speech and motion.-She becomes irritable, talks too much; and then pains in shoulders and arms to tips of fingers come on, and she loses the power to hold things in her hands.-Intoxication. 2. Head.-Stupefaction, with falling down, and loss of consciousness.-Feeling of intoxication and vertigo, with drowsiness.-Vertigo, on rising from a stooping posture, or on getting up from a seat, with what appears to be a veil before the sight, or with a sensation as if all objects were turning round.-Vertigo < in the open air.Stupefying pain in the whole head.-Stupefying headache, with a feeling of weight, and sensation, on stooping, as if the brain fell forwards and struck against the cranium.-Brain feels contracted and painful.-Stitches in head.-Itching of hairy scalp.-Very violent pressive headache in a room.-Constant feeling of coldness in head.Sensation of coldness in forehead and vertex, as if a cold wind were blowing on it, descending through neck to back; < in room, > in open air.-Feeling as if ice lay on vertex.-Congestion in the head, with heat and throbbing.Pulsation in head, with heat or with coldness.-The headache disappears, with a sensation of coldness in vertex, forehead, in nape of neck, extending to loins.-Headache in r. temple.
3. Eyes.-Burning pain in eyes.-Dryness of eyes.-Eyes widely open, or half-closed, convulsed, prominent, and fixed.-Pupils dilated, and immovable.-Darkness before the eyes; obscuration of sight.-Eyes distorted.-All objects appear larger than they really are. 4. Ears.-Hardness of hearing.-Tingling in ears.-Itching in ears. 5. Nose.-Nose feels stopped up; no air passes through.-(Coryza with sore throat.) 6. Face.-(Sunken face with) countenance pale, sallow, and grey.-Face wan, or bloated and swollen.-Distortion of the features.-Cramps in the jaws.-Twitching in muscles of face.-Eruption round mouth.-Titillation in the face, as if flies and spiders were crawling over the skin.-Lock-jaw.-Painful sensations in the under jaw and lower teeth. 8. Mouth.-Mouth dry and clammy.-Froth at the mouth.-Sensation of coldness on tongue.-Loss of speech.-Dry and rough tongue.-White and dry tongue.-Tongue feels cold, or burnt and numb.-Swelling and stiffness of l. side of tongue. 9. Throat.-Sore throat with painful sensation, as if it were drawn downwards, during deglutition and at other times.-Cramps in pharynx and ?sophagus.-Audible gulping when drinking.-Deglutition is hindered or obstructed.-Contraction of ?sophagus when drinking.-The drink he takes rolls audibly through ?sophagus and intestines.-Dull sticking pain as from a lump in throat, which extends to l. side of back.-Sensation of swelling in pharynx.-Sensation of coldness, or heat and burning pain in throat, and in bottom of palate. 10. Appetite.-Sweetish, or acrid and irritating taste.-Ardent thirst, with dryness of mouth.-Entire loss of appetite, with clean tongue.-Want of appetite, with repugnance to all food.-Excessive craving.-Sinking between meals, husky voice, brings up phlegm streaked with blood. 11. Stomach.-Violent risings, either empty, or having taste of food.-Excessive disgust, nausea, and vomiting, even of food.-Hiccough.-Bitter eructations.-Violent pain in stomach, with loss of speech.-Burning in stomach and abdomen, or coldness.-Contractive pain in region of stomach, and cutting pain in abdomen.-Vomiting of black matter.-Aching of stomach.-Pains in stomach, sufficiently violent to cause fainting.-Great anguish in precordial region.-Sensation of coldness, or burning in stomach, and in epigastrium.-(Inflammation of stomach.).-Weak digestion with confined bowels. 12. Abdomen.-Sticking pains in liver with pressure.-Distension of region of liver, with pains, as from subcutaneous ulceration.-Induration of liver.-Atrophic nutmeg liver.-Colic below navel, with incisive pain in intestines.-Sensation of swelling, of size of a walnut, in l. side of abdomen.-Cuttings, cramps, and contractions in abdomen.-Sensation of coldness, or heat and burning in abdomen.-(Inflammation of intestines.).-Pains in l. intestine.-Flatulent colic.-Borborygmi, rumbling, and grumbling in abdomen and in stomach.-Pinching in umbilical region.-Flatulence pressure outward at perinum; pressing on bladder.-Pressure and tension beneath both Poupart's ligaments as if a part would press through.-Contractive pains in groins; compelled to bend up for two hours (4 p.m.).-Sharp stitches in groins. 13. Stool and Anus.-Constipation.-Hard and tenacious evacuations, with straining.-Ineffectual urging to stool, with emission of wind only.-Diarrh?a, with tenesmus, incisive and burning pains in anus.-Diarrh?a of green, slimy matter, with contraction in groins.-Involuntary stools.-Paralysis of sphincter ani.-Cramp in rectum extends upwards from anus.-Fine sticking in rectum after urging to stool.-A stitch as with an awl in rectum during stool, which shoots from above downwards, and is followed by discharge of some pasty fces.-Three tearings in succession in rectum.-Constriction of the rectum.-Itching or crawling in rectum as from worms.-No stool or urine is discharged.
14. Urinary Organs.-Retention of urine.-Pale yellow, watery urine.-Frothy, acrid urine.-Thick, reddish sediment in urine.-Involuntary emission of urine.-Paralysis of bladder.-Pain in region of stomach during emission of urine. 15. Male Sexual Organs.-Increased sexual desire.-Gangrene of genital parts.-Sticking pain above r. pubis, extending along spermatic cord, while lying and on moving about; > when sitting up.-Voluptuous itching beneath prepuce with desire for coition. 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Catamenia too early and too abundant blood thin; with nightly tearing in vertex.Menorrhagia, blood dark, in large clots, during climaxis.-(Metrorrhagia in tumour case.).-Tearing in head, odontalgia, and cuttings, during catamenia.-Severe pain in sacral region extending to pubis with dizziness and dimness of vision; cold extremities; cold tongue; great melancholy (dysmenorrh?a).-Dysmenorrh?a; colic first day, headache second day all over head, with or without sick feeling.-(Relieves the pain of uterine and rectal cancer.).-Attacks of suffocation, with palpitation and a sort of gasping for breath; must lie down sometimes to find relief (pregnancy).-Burning and stinging in and below mamm.-Needle-like stitches in and beneath l. breast.-Creeping or moving stitches in female breast, whereby the skin becomes sensitive to touch lasting a long time. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Hoarseness, roughness, and scraping in throat and pharynx.-Deep bass voice.Spasmodic constriction of the trachea.-Little short cough, excited by a tickling and scraping in throat.Abundant gelatinous expectoration, with small specks of blood.-(Persistent cough in phthisis trachealis.) 18. Chest.-Slow, weak, anxious respiration.-Rattling, stertorous respiration.-Obstruction to respiration in region of stomach.-Asthmatic respiration as if lungs were incapable of being sufficiently dilated, or as if they were paralysed.-Pressure on chest.-Constriction of chest, with oppression.-Burning and stitches in chest.-In pulmonic affections, where the patient coughs and spits a great amount of phlegm, which is sprinkled over and through with distinct dots of blood; the dots may be close together, or considerably scattered (frequently seen following typhoid pneumonia).-Affections of l. chest.-(The breast-scirrhus swells up suddenly, looks dark and angry, with shooting pains.-R. T. C.) 19. Heart.-Pains in region of heart.-Slow and irregular beating of heart.-The patient puts his hand to his heart, as if there was some trouble there; this may result from running a short distance, which puts him completely out of breath; going upstairs, walking, any exercise may bring, this on. 20. Neck and Back.-Painful stiffness in l. side of neck and nape.-Compressed feeling in shoulders and nape, as well as in arms and back, with sudden palpitation which wakes her up at night.-Pressure in nape esp. in open air, compelling him to bend head forward.-Spinal irritation; pain down back every four hours, darting up to head and chest and causing a feeling of suffocation, with constant sick feeling and drowsiness; > from sleep.Sensation of a heavy lump falling from just above umbilicus to small of back.-Painful stiffness in small of back, when writing; > immediately on becoming erect, but it soon returns.-Stitches in r. side of small of back.-Severe pain in sacral region extending to pubis.-Burning in coccyx, 4 p.m. 22. Upper Limbs.-Acute drawings and shootings in shoulders and in arms.-Pressure on r. shoulder or in the joint.-In r. shoulder, pains as from lameness and stitches.-Stitch in both elbows.-Pain, as if sprained, in r. wristjoint.-Burning sensation in hands, with swelling of the veins.-Trembling of hands.-Skin dry and rough between the fingers, with burning when touched with water. 23. Lower Limbs.-Acute drawings and shootings in knees.-Pain, as if sprained in l. hip-joint.-Sticking in l. knee.The feet go to sleep (when crossing legs or sitting).-Ulcerated pains in lower part of heels.-Stiffness of feet after rising from a seat.-Numbness of feet.
24. Generalities.-Weak, anmic, emaciated girls.-Weak, apathetic, lies in bed in morning.-Suffocation, sickness, drowsiness.-Convulsive and spasmodic jerks, by fits.-Internal inflammation.-Trembling, esp. of hands and feet, during exercise in open air.-Sudden weakness, with excessive nervous dejection.-(Apoplexy, and paralysis of limbs.).-Painless paralysis of the limbs.-Fainting fits.-Drawing and tearing pains in limbs.-Pinching with sensation of tearing.-Coldness of inner parts; heat of single part; internal chilliness and external heat.Want of vital energy, and of reaction.-Sense of fatigue in whole body.-Epileptic convulsions, with foaming at mouth, which is tightly closed.-Tetanus.-Painlessness of the ailments.-Pulse small.-Skin turns blue; toe- and finger-nails become knobby.-Symptoms < in evening; > at night, and in open air.-In general > from sleep. 26. Sleep.-Frequent yawning, often accompanied by shuddering, with cutis anserina.-Insurmountable inclination to sleep during day (esp. after dinner) and early in evening.-Deep snoring sleep.-Soporous condition.-Somnolence, sometimes like coma vigil.-Sleeplessness from over-excitement, and sudden heat.Troublesome and agitated dreams. 27. Fever.-Chilliness and febrile shivering, which are removed neither by heat of fire, nor by that of bed.Shuddering, with cutis anserina, followed by burning heat.-Chilliness and heat in alternation.-Heat running down the back.-Perspiration during the heat and continuing all night.-Perspiration after eating.-Coldness over whole body, but esp. in feet, principally in open air.-Want of natural heat.-Pulse feeble, slow, and irregular, often imperceptible, again more rapid, seldom full and hard.
Ledum palustre. Wild Rosemary. Marsh Cistus. Marsh Tea. Labrador Tea. N. O. Ericace. Tincture of dried small twigs and leaves collected after flowering begins. Tincture of whole fresh plant. Clinical.-Ascites. Asthma. Bites. Black-eye. Boils. Bruises. Deafness. Ear, inflammation of. Eczema. Erythema nodosum. Face, pimples on. Feet, pains in; tender. Gout. Hmoptysis. Hands, pains in. Intoxication. Joints, affections of, cracking in. Mnire's disease. Pediculosis. Priapism. Prickly heat. Punctured wounds. Rheumatism. Skin, eruptions on. Stings. Tetanus. Tinnitus. Tuberculosis. Varicella. Whitlow. Wounds. Characteristics.-In the preface to his proving of Ledum Hahnemann says it "is suitable for the most part only for chronic maladies in which there is a predominance of coldness and deficiency of animal heat." Teste, who is one of the chief clinical authorities on Ledum, mentions that it is native to damp regions of the North of Europe, and that no animal except the goat eats it, on account of the strong resinous smell of its leaves, which "keeps off lice and prevents flour from getting mouldy." In Sweden a decoction of Ledum is used for freeing, oxen and pigs from lice. Linnus says that this same decoction, if taken internally, has cured "violent headaches and a species of angina." The leaves of Ledum are also used in Sweden in beer to increase its intoxicating power; and also in tanning. Led. is an example of a common article of diet being at the same time a very powerful medicine. Mrat and de Lens say Led. cures itch and scald-head, which Teste explains by its parasiticide action. This anti-parasitic action led Teste to think of Led. as a remedy for bites and punctured wounds, especially as certain symptoms of the proving seemed to agree with it. The success which has attended this use of Led. in mosquito-bites, stings of bees and wasps, rat-bites, needle-pricks resulting in whitlows, confirms the observation. "Redness, swelling and throbbing in point of index finger, from prick of a needle:" Led. aborted a felon in a few days (W. P. Wesselh?ft). Teste relates a case of punctured wound: A young lady fell with an embroidery needle in her hand, and the hand was pierced through and through. The wound was serious. There was no hmorrhage, but Teste noticed the intense cold which accompanies and characterises Ledum fever. Within a week Led. cured the patient. Yingling records (H. P., x. 400) a parallel case: A. J. M., 38, drove a rusty spike through his left foot near the arch of the instep, glancing to the inside of the
foot without passing through the bone. This was at 5 p.m. At 8 p.m. this report was brought to Yingling: A few moments after accident the patient felt stiffening pains in the foot, running up the leg, and rapidly increasing in severity. Great chilliness with chattering of teeth followed. Lower jaw became somewhat stiff; general shivering; neck felt stiff; "can't endure it much longer." Led. 3x was sent, and rapid improvement took place from the first dose. A compress of Calend. 3x was also applied, an attack of tetanus being evidently aborted. Led. occupies the second place in Teste's Arn. group, in which are also Crot. t., Fer. magn., Rhus, Spig. The sphere of Led. is frequently identical with that of Arn., according to Teste; but Led. has a special action on the capillary system in parts where cellular tissue is wanting, and where a dry, resisting texture is present, as in the fingers and toes. "It is, perhaps for this reason that it acts better on the small than on the large joints;" hence its appropriateness in gout. The characteristic skin affection of Led. is thus described by Teste: Not so much a boil, as with Arn., as a sort of bluish or violet-coloured tuberosities, especially on the forehead, and an eczematous eruption, with a tingling itching, that spreads over the whole body, penetrating into the mouth, probably also into the air-passages, and occasions a spasmodic cough, which is sometimes very violent and might be mistaken for whooping-cough. The same phenomenon takes place with Rhus and Croton. "In a gouty subject I have seen cough precede by two days the breaking out of vesicles on the skin, which could not fail to suggest the use of Ledum. These vesicles, which had probably existed on the bronchial membrane, before showing themselves in the face, on the shoulders, &c., became quite apparent on the tongue, where they might be traced to its root." The Led. eczema is frequently concentrated on one leg, less frequently on both at once. [Ingalls (Amer. Hom., xxv. 210) commends a light paste of Ledum (equal parts of Led ., alcohol, and water) as an application for carbuncles, giving Led. 1x internally at the same time.] Dr. R. Hilbert, a German physician, has obtained very satisfactory results from the use of an infusion of the leaves of Ledum palustre as an expectorant in bronchitis. He states that the feeling of pain along the trachea, which is characteristic of the early stages of acute bronchitis, disappears after a few doses of the remedy. The fever rapidly subsides, especially in the case of children. In chronic bronchitis the infusion facilitates expectoration and lessens cough. It is particularly useful in bronchitis with emphysema of the aged, because of its action in rendering the bronchial secretion less viscid; in these cases, moreover, it lessens dyspn?a, stimulates the circulation, and lessens cyanosis (Cooper). Guernsey points out that Led. is appropriate to the remote no less than the immediate effects of punctured wounds: e.g., as when a patient says: "Ten years ago I stepped on a nail, and ever since then have had a pain running up to the thigh." The pains of Led. shoot upward (of Kalm. downward). A, very notable condition of Led. is < from warmth. This is at times so great that the patient can only get relief to his rheumatism by sitting with his feet and legs in cold water. Warmth of the bed is intolerable; he must get up and walk about. An octogenarian had rheumatism of left arm, chiefly elbow and wrist, coming on in the night or early morning. There was no more sleep for him unless he rose and took a cold bath, after which he could sleep. I cured him with Led. 30. As with Merc. the symptoms are < at night; but with Merc. there is "sweat without >," and the characteristic tongue and offensive mouth. The eye-symptoms of Led. are marked, and Nash says Led. 200 is unequalled as a remedy for "black-eye" from a blow; if there is pain in the eyeball itself Symphyt. will be necessary. Ecchymoses of conjunctiva. Slight injuries cause ecchymoses. Inflammation of ear, with deafness from getting cold (as having hair cut). The hmorrhages of Led. are bright red and gushing; uterine; respiratory. Hmoptysis alternating with attacks of rheumatism. (Raue puts it "coxalgia alternating with hmoptysis." Stens cured a young man who had violent stitch pain in right hip, followed by hmoptysis, this in turn followed by rheumatism of hands, with Led. 200 when the case was apparently on the point of sinking into rapid phthisis.) Suffering parts waste. Discolouration remains long in contused parts. Many cases of whooping-cough have been cured with Led. Lembke (quoted by Hoyne, H. W., xiv. 66) gives these indications: Before the paroxysms: Arrest of breathing. During: Epistaxis, shattered feeling in head and chest, rapid respiration. After: Staggering; spasmodic contraction of diaphragm; sobbing respiration. < Evening. The pains are sticking, tearing, throbbing. Pricking, biting sensations. Sensation of torpor of integuments, especially after suppressed discharge from ears, eyes, and nose. Sensation as if something was gnawing in temples, occiput, and ears. As if eyeball would be forced out. As if sand in eyes. Noises in ear as from ringing of bell, or from a wind-storm; as if ear was obstructed by cotton. Itching as from lice on chest; as of lump in throat. As of
boiling in hip-joint. As if muscles of thigh in wrong position. As if knee beaten. Pain in ankle as from sprain; limbs as if beaten and bruised. Hot, tense, hard swellings. "Ledum has often been given to horses when they go lame and draw up their legs. The pains move upward" (Hering). E. Carleton (Med. Adv., xxv. 293) completed the cure of a case of primary syphilis, in which Aur. had done good, where these symptoms appeared: Feet held to the earth as by a magnet when attempting to move; when moving felt as if pricked with needles, the pain rising gradually from feet to head; every joint and muscle of body and limbs stiff and sore; sour nightsweats; great emaciation with loss of appetite. Led. 200, in water, cured completely and speedily. Suited to: Pale delicate persons. Complaints of persons who always feel cold and chilly. Rheumatic, gouty diathesis; constitutions abused by alcohol. Sanguine temperament (Teste). There is < from moving, especially moving joints; while walking; when stepping, > from rest. Symptoms are < evening and night, and before midnight. < From taking wine. < By covering; > by application of ice-water. < By warmth; ("the limb is cold, can't get warm; and gets < when it does become warm in bed"). Relations.-Antidoted by: Camph. (according to Teste Rhus is the best antidote). It antidotes: Effects of alcohol; Apis, Chi. ("Cinchona bark given for the debility produced by Led. is very injurious."-Hahn.) Compatible: Aco., Arn., Bell., Bry., Nux v., Puls., Rhus, Sul. Compare: Kalm. (bot.; Kalm. pains shoot down; Led. pains shoot up); Arn. (trauma. Led. follows Arn. when it fails to relieve soreness; punctured wounds); Crot. t. (skin cold); Hamam. (traumatic ecchymosis; black-eye), Ruta (bruises: Ruta, especially of periosteum Symph. of bone; Hyperic. of nerve) Apis (nightly itching of feet) Am. m., Nat. c. (blistered heels) Zn., Rhus, Glo., Nux, Sel., Fl. ac., Ant. c., Pul., Bovis., and Sil. (< from wine); Sil. (chronic rheumatism, extending from feet upwards; Sil. > covering up, Led, > uncovering); Lyc. > uncovering); Bry. (rheumatism < motion; Led. more gout of great toe, scanty effusion, tends to harden into nodosities; Bry., copious effusion. Led. hot swelling of hip- and shoulderjoints); Aco. (hmoptysis of bright red foamy blood) Rhus [gout and rheumatism affecting small joints (Rhod. also) Led. pains travel up; < warmth of bed (Rhus >); motion < (Rhus. >)]; Sul. (itch); Staph. (pediculosis); Merc. (bloody semen). Causation.-Alcohol, abuse of. Hair-cutting. Suppressed discharges. Wounds: Bruises; Bites; Punctured wounds; Stings. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Anxiety.-Timidity.-Tendency to anger and rage.-Vehement angry mood; vehemence.-Dissatisfied; hates his fellow-beings.-Desire for solitude.-Imperturbable gravity.-Morose and peevish humour.Misanthropy.-Dementia. 2. Head.-Intoxication.-Stupefying dizziness, sufficient to occasion falling backwards or forwards, < by stooping or being in open air.-Vertigo, head inclines backward.-Raging, pulsating headache.-Pressing headache when head is covered.-A misstep causes the sensation of concussion of the brain.-Head bewildered, with painful shaking of brain, on making a false step.-Stupefying headache.-Pressive headache, as if whole brain were weighed down.-Tearing in head and eyes, which are inflamed, with fever in evening.-Violent throbbing pains in head.-Inability to bear any covering on head.-Itching, as if lice were crawling over scalp, and forehead.Integuments of head easily affected by cold.-Pimples and boils on the forehead (as in drunkards).-Blood-boils on the forehead. 3. Eyes.-Itching in the internal canthi of the eyes.-Aching in eyes, esp. in evening, sometimes with burning.Inflammation of eyes, with agglutination and tearing pains.-Violent suppuration of eyes, with discharge of fetid pus.-The tears are acrid, and make the lower lids and cheeks sore.-Burning lachrymation of eyes.-Pupils dilated.-Confusion of sight, with sparkling before eyes. 4. Ears.-Noise in ears.-Tinkling in ears.-Roaring in ears as from wind.-Ringing and whizzing in ears.-Hardness of hearing (r. ear) as from obstruction of the ears.
Nose.-The nose is painful when touched.-Violent burning in nose.-Bleeding in nose.-The blood is pale. 6. Face.-Paleness of face.-Face bloated, at one time red, at another pale.-Redness and tuberous eruptions on face and forehead, like those of drunkards, with shooting pain when touched.-Dry and furfuraceous tetters on face, with burning in open air.-Pimples and furunculi on forehead.-Violent and tearing pains in face at night, alternating with shootings in one of the teeth, and terminating in shuddering, followed by deep sleep.Engorgement of the gland below the chin. 8. Mouth.-Stinging in forepart of tongue.-Exhalation of a fetid smell from mouth.-Mouldy or bitter taste in the mouth.-Buccal hmorrhage. 9. Throat.-Sore throat, with shooting pain during and after deglutition.-Sensation as if there were a plug in the throat, with shootings on swallowing. 10. Appetite.-Violent thirst for cold water.-Want of appetite and speedy satiety.-Contractive pain in sternum when eating quickly.-Nausea, with inclination to vomit, on expectorating.-Water-brash, with cramp-like pains in abdomen. 11. Stomach.-Pressure on stomach after a light meal. 12. Abdomen.-Pain in abdomen as if intestines were bruised.-Sensation of fulness in upper part of the abdomen.-Colic as if diarrh?a would set in, from umbilicus to anus (with cold feet).-Ascites.-Drawing pain in abdomen.-Gripings in abdomen, in evening. Dysenteric belly-ache.-Frequent discharge of flatus. 13. Stool and Anus.-Constipation.-Diarrh?a, during which the fces are mixed with mucus and blood.-Blind smarting piles. 14. Urinary Organs.-Burning in urethra after urinating.-Stream of urine frequently stops during its flow.Frequent want to urinate, with scanty emission.-Diminished secretion of urine.-Frequent and copious emission of urine.-Swelling of urethra. 15. Male Sexual Organs.-Violent and prolonged erections.-Pollutions of sanguineous or serous semen.Inflammation of the glans.-Inflammatory swelling of penis; the urethra is almost closed.-Increased sexual desire. 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Catamenia too early and too copious; the blood is bright red. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Tickling in larynx.-Cough, preceded by suffocating suspension of respiration (and opisthotonos).-Fatiguing spasmodic cough, which resembles whooping-cough.-Tiresome cough, chiefly in morning, with yellowish expectoration and irritation in chest, and palpitation of heart.-Cough, with purulent expectoration, esp. in morning or at night.-Greenish expectoration of a fetid smell, during fit of coughing.Hollow shaking cough, with expectoration of bright red blood.-Hmoptysis, bright blood.-Phthisis, preceded by history of neuralgia and rheumatism in head and limbs, with inflammatory tendency (Van den Berghe).Tingling of trachea (bronchitis). 18. Chest.-Obstructed and painful respiration.-Spasmodic and sobbing respiration (double inspiration) as after weeping bitterly.-Respiration obstructed when going up stairs.-Constrictive oppression of chest, < by movement, and walking.-Burning in chest.-Pain in chest on breathing, as if there were something alive in it.Shootings in chest, esp. on raising or moving arms.-Eruption on the chest, resembling sheep-rot.-Gnawing itching in chest, with red spots and miliary eruption.-Pain, as from excoriation under sternum. 19. Heart.-Pushing or pressing inward at l. edge of sternum; palpitation; also in hmorrhage.
20. Neck and Back.-Painful stiffness in back and loins after sitting.-Tearing from loins to occiput, esp. in evening.-Violent cramp-like pain above hips, with suspended respiration in evening. 21. Limbs.-Affections of, in general; knee-joint; hip-joints; toe-joints; gouty pain in; when striking the toes there is a coldness in the parts, and a gouty pain shoots all through the foot and limb; cracking of the joints, i.e., on moving them.-Heat in hands and feet in evening.-Long-continued warm sweat on hands and feet. 22. Upper Limbs.-Tearing and pressive pulling in arms.-Lancinating pains in shoulder, on raising or moving arms.-Aching pain in joints of shoulder, and of elbow, < by movement.-Rheumatism in r. elbow-joint due to urate deposit, on periosteum apparently.-Rheumatic pain in the joints of the arm.-Eruption, like sheep-rot, on arms.-Tearing pains in hands and fingers.-Fine stinging in hands.-Boring pain in first joint of thumb.-Arthritic nodosities in joints of hands and fingers.-Perspiration on palms.-Itching, miliary eruption on wrist.-Trembling of hands on moving them, or on grasping anything.-Panaritium. 23. Lower Limbs.-Rheumatic, paralytic pain in the coxo-femoral joint.-Pressure in the region of r. hip-joint, < during motion.-Rheumatic pains in hip, knee, and foot-joints.-Contusive pain, and pain as from excoriation in periosteum of femur, and in knees.-Pressure on l. thigh, posteriorly; as if the muscles were not in their right places, like pains of dislocation, in every position, but esp. violent when walking or when touched.-Tensive stiffness of the knee, which cracks and yields in walking.-Cramp-like tension in the knees, calves, and heels.Weakness and trembling of knees (and hands) when seated or walking.-Hard and tight swelling of knee, with shootings and nocturnal aching and tearing pains, and hardness of whole leg.-Swelling of leg, above and below knee, with heat and drawing shooting pain.-Legs red and swollen with shooting pains in instep and ankles, and prickly pains up leg.-Pressure above l. inner ankle, < by movement.-Very severe gnawing itching on dorsum of both feet; always < after scratching; only allayed after he had scratched the feet quite raw; much < by heat of bed.-Obstinate swelling of feet; with intolerable pain in ankle-joint on treading.-Pressure on inner border of l. foot.-Stiffness of feet.-Pain in soles, when walking, as if they were galled; as if filled with blood.-Inflammatory or else ?dematous swelling of legs and feet.-Incisive pains in toes, while asleep at night.-Swelling of fleshy part of great toe, with pain when treading with it.-Fine tearing in (l.) toes; podagra. 24. Generalities.-Arthritic, pressive, and acute pulling pains, or pains merely pressive in limbs, < by heat of bed in evening (till midnight).-Numbness and sensation of torpor in several of the extremities.-Tearing or shooting, pulsative and paralytic pains in joints, < by movement.-The pains in the joints are the only ones which are < by movement.-Gouty nodosities in joints.-Hard, hot, tense swellings, with tearing pains.-Dropsical swellings of some parts, or of skin of whole body.-Emaciation of affected parts.-Pains change location suddenly.-Coldness and want of vital heat.-Heat of the bed is insupportable, and occasions heat and burning in limbs; wants to uncover.-Sufferings are <, or come on, after getting warm in bed, compelling the patient to get out of bed, which affords them relief.-Leucorrh?a.-For complaints of people who are cold all the time, in bed, in the house, &c.; they always feel cold and chilly.-Pale delicate persons.-Affections of external forehead; heel; under part of heel; ball under the toes. 25. Skin.-?dematous swellings, also of skin of whole body.-Hot, tensive, hard swellings, with tearing pains.Dryness of the skin and want of perspiration.-Large, rough exanthema on the face.-Dry exanthema.-Whitlows or felons on fingers of a seamstress are often caused by needle pricks.-Itching < by scratching.-Itching and gnawing in skin, with burning after having scratched.-Gnawing itching, as if caused by lice.-Miliary eruptions.Eruption, like rot in sheep, with desquamation.-Bluish spots over body, like petechi.-Ecchymosis remaining a long time in bruised parts after pain and inflammation subside.-Dry, furfuraceous tetters, itching excessively (burning in open air).-Furunculi. 26. Sleep.-Great inclination to sleep during day, as when intoxicated; a kind of drowsiness with great wish to lie down.-Nocturnal sleeplessness, with restless tossing, jerking, fantastic visions and images on closing eyes.-
Agitated anxious dreams.-Uneasy dreams, in which he changes from place to place, and from one subject to another.-Lascivious dreams, with emission of semen. 27. Fever.-Violent shivering and shuddering, with coldness in limbs.-Chilliness with thirst and sensation as if cold water were poured over the parts.-Morning and forenoon predominating chilliness with thirst.-General coldness, with heat and redness of face.-Heat without thirst more towards evening.-Perspiration all night, with inclination to uncover oneself.-Night-sweat, of putrid or sour smell.-Perspiration causes itching.-Intermittent fever.-Chilliness without subsequent heat, accompanied by thirst, esp. desire for cold water.-Heat all over without thirst; on waking up, body covered with perspiration, accompanied by itching of whole body.Intermittent fevers with malignant rheumatic pains.-Heat in hands and feet in evening.-Fever in evening, with pain in head and eyes.-Sensation of great heat, alternating with sweats.-Perspiration easily excited by walking, esp. on forehead, and sometimes of a sour smell.
Lemna Minor.
Duckweed. N. O. Lemnace or Pistiace. Tincture of the whole fresh plant. Clinical.-Asthma. Nose, affections of. Ozna. Polypus. Rhinitis atrophica. Characteristics.-We owe this remedy, the common duckweed, with its brilliant green leaf and bladder-like float, to Dr. Cooper. Some tentative clinical experiments proved to him that Lemna had a very definite affinity for the nose, acting beneficially in cases of nasal obstruction and catarrh with or without polypus. Foul smell from the nose and foul taste in the morning on waking are indications; also < in damp weather, and especially in heavy rains. Burnett has recorded several cases of polypus in which immense relief was given by Lemna by shrinkage of the swelling, but not actual cure. On this Cooper remarks: "In bad cases of nasal polypi the tendency is to the growths filling up the cavities formed by removal, and, consequently, relief often appears temporary, when the case only requires repetition of the Unit Dose." Asthma from nasal obstruction < in wet weather has been cured by it. I removed with Lemna 3x four times a day a very chronic catarrh in a lady, and at the same time made her tolerant of the smell of strong-scented flowers, which she could not bear before. In a man I cured with Lemna 3x, given three times a day, an aggravated nasal catarrh. In the morning he filled two pocket-handkerchiefs with yellow defluxion before he could get his nose clear. Cooper gave in all his cases single doses of the tincture, allowing them to expend their action before repeating. In three of his cases diarrh?a was set up. Shearer (Hom. Eye, Ear, and Throat Jour., 1895) found Lemna the best remedy in atrophic rhinitis, when crusts and muco-purulent discharge were very abundant. The Schema is made up of cured symptoms, and symptoms produced in patients. Relations.-Compare: Cepa, Agraph. nut., Chlorum, &c., in nasal catarrh; Teucr., Calc. c. and Thuja in nasal polypus; Pso. (which it follows well), Cadm. s., Aur., K. bi., and Syph. in ozna; Anac. in bad smell in nose. Follows well: Calc., Merc., Pso. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Spirits braced up. 2. Head.-Flitting pains about head and legs, with pains in eyes during heavy rain, drowsy by day, restless at night. 4. Ears.-Improvement in hearing.
5. Nose.-Foul smell in nose, or loss of smell.-Smell of strong-scented flowers before intolerable can now be borne.-Feeling of cold in nose better, sense of obstruction nearly gone.-Nose blocked with polypi became almost cleared with Lemna after Calc. 2000, followed by Merc. 3 (given for faceache);-previously Lemna had been given without effect.-Nasal polypi in man, 60; markedly < in wet weather; after taking Lemna 3x gtt. v three times a day for a month said, "That is the best tonic I have ever taken"; and he could breathe quite comfortably.-Polypi which swell in wet weather.-Nostrils plugged by swollen turbinates.-Ozna since childhood in girl of sixteen; odour most offensive; bad taste; takes cold easily in night air or damp; bowels and catamenia irregular, greatly relieved by Lemna.-Post-nasal ulceration high up, dry feeling at top of throat with flatulence, much catarrhal pharyngitis; two weeks after dose of Lemna nose less blocked and better in every respect; colic and diarrh?a followed.-Stuffiness of nose relieved; simultaneously an attack of diarrh?a.Turbinate bones swollen.-Crusts form in r. nostril, pain like a string extends from r. nostril to r. ear, which is deaf (greatly relieved).-Excessive catarrh with frequent sneezing attacks.-Profuse yellow defluxion.-Atrophic rhinitis; crusts and muco-purulent discharge very abundant, with fetor. 6. Face.-Pallid, dullish, sickly look changed to a healthy complexion. 8. Mouth.-Foulness of mouth, putrid teeth. 9. Throat.-Sensation of intense dryness in pharynx and larynx (if given too low in atrophic rhinitis).-Dropping of foul secretion from posterior nares. 12. Abdomen.-Twisting pains in bowels, followed by diarrh?a.-Rumbling and disturbance in bowels.-Diarrh?a with pains across bowels as from flatus < after eating; with very putrid teeth. 13. Stool.-Diarrh?a.-Bowels acted freely with much heat in anus.-Disposition to morning diarrh?a. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Asthma, attacks coming on in rainy weather. 24. Generalities.-Diminishes sensitiveness to wet weather. 26. Sleep.-Snoring cured after an aggravation in the shape of diarrh?a.
Leonurus Cardiaca.
Leonurus cardiaca. Motherwort. N. O. Labiat. Tincture or infusion of fresh plant. Clinical.-Dysentery. Hmorrhages. Characteristics.-The popular name of this plant sufficiently indicates its traditional virtues. The only experience with it is an involuntary proving recorded by Clarence Bartlett (Med. Adv., xx. 280). A married woman, 40, took an infusion to produce miscarriage. Twenty-four hours later Bartlett saw her, and found her vomiting and retching, passing bloody stools, suffering severe abdominal pains, which were provoked by drinking anything more than a small quantity of water, which she did to allay her great thirst. Dry conjunctiv, dry, cracked tongue were noted. The bowel symptoms were < midnight to 3 a.m. Ars. 3x relieved all symptoms. She did not miscarry. Relations.-Antidoted by: Ars. Compare: Mentha pulegium, Hedeoma puleg. SYMPTOMS. 3. Eyes.-Conjunctiv had a very dry appearance; looked as if wiped dry.
8. Mouth.-Tongue dry, coated or brownish white; covered with cracks in arborescent arrangement, main crack down centre. 11. Stomach.-Intense thirst, yet drinking more than a very slight quantity of water, warm or cold, provoked epigastric pains.-Shortly after taking the drug seized with vomiting and retching, more retching. 12. Abdomen.-Very severe abdominal pains, with soreness to touch; when lying on side > drawing up legs; when on back > with legs out straight. 13. Stool and Anus.-During the (first) night frequent calls to stool; stools dark brown at first, afterwards bloody.-Later stools contained larger quantities of blood, never any mucus.
Lepidium Bonariense.
Lepidium mastruco. N. O. Crucifer or Brassicace. Tincture and trituration of fresh leaves. Clinical.-Breasts, affections of. Cough. Head, pains in. Heart, affections of. Indigestion. Rheumatism. Characteristics.-Lep. bon. is a Brazilian cress, "very common in the neighbourhood of Rio, where it is found along the roads and in stony regions" (Mure). It is a great remedy in domestic practice in Brazil, and is used for purposes similar to those for which Arnica is used. All the Lepidiums are anti-scorbutic, and L. oleraceum, the New Zealand variety, was eagerly sought after as a remedy for scurvy by the early voyagers. L. sativum is our common garden cress. "Watercress," Nasturtium officinale, belongs to the same family; but the garden "Nasturtium," or "Indian Cress," belongs to a quite different family, and it receives its name of "cress" from the "acrid taste, similar to that which exists among the Crucifer," which it possesses. Mure's proving brought out some distinctive symptoms on the left side of the head, in the limbs, and especially in the heart. Along with the latter was numbness and pain in the left arm, which should indicate usefulness in that sphere. There was the sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach, indicating an action on the solar plexus. Many of the pains dart from one part to another. Lancinating pains and throbbing pains are frequent. There is < from stooping; and < from turning head to the right. < When covered. It needs clinical elucidation. Relations.-Compare: Brass. nap., Cheiranthus cheiri., Thlaspi. burs. past., Arm. sat., Raphan., Sinap. (botan,); Spigel., Kalm., Lycopus, &c. (heart). SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Imagined the floor sinking under her.-Inability to think.-Imagines herself pursued by a phantom in a churchyard, cries, with loss of voice next morning.-Sad and quarrelsome. 2. Head.-Vertigo with desire to vomit.-Painful pressure on head.-Constrictive pain in head.-Beating headache as if brain were bounding.-Pains in l. brain, spreading to occiput and nape.-Throbbing in head causing one to bend it forward.-Pulling at forehead and root of nose.-Lancinations in l. side of head.-Heaviness of the head, with indescribable malaise in brain, < l.-Heat in head with cold sweat and fever.-Sensitiveness of hairy scalp. 3. Eyes.-Pricking and burning in eyes; redness; dartings in r.; pain in r. as from a round weight resting on it.-Lids weary at night.-Sight dim, as through white gauze. 4. Ears.-Itching in r. ear, < stooping.-Pricking pain round r. ear.-Pains in teeth with deafness.-Noise in ears; on swallowing. 5. Nose.-Nose swollen and painful l. side.-Coryza.-Heat in nose with sensation of current of cold air in l. nasal fossa.
6. Face.-Pain in r. cheek > pressing on bone.-Cutting across face from temple to chin.-Heat in l. side of face.Itching under chin from ear to ear. 7. Teeth.-Sticking, beating lancinations in jaws.-Pain in lower teeth with deafness.-Toothache as if teeth soft and on edge. 8. Mouth.-Pricking itching at tongue.-Drawing pain from tongue to arm, tongue feels swollen.-Smarting at tip of tongue. 9. Throat.-Heat in throat with desire to vomit and noise in ears on swallowing. 10. Appetite.-Aversion to meat.-Desire: for tea; for fruit with loathing of (other) food; for cress with loathing on seeing it; for chocolate, salad, vinegar; for coffee.-Prostration with loathing of food. 11. Stomach.-Eructations: sour; foul.-A piece of cake descends into stomach suddenly, with a sticking sensation.-Oppression after eating.-Faint feeling in stomach.-Distress in pit of stomach, with desire to vomit.Stitching pain in pit of stomach after eating.-Pain in pit of stomach as if cut through.-Trembling at epigastrium. 12. Abdomen.-Lancinations in abdomen and sides.-Worm colic with tenesmus.-Compression as by a band round the waist. 13. Stool.-Diarrh?a. 14. Urinary Organs.-Weight and pressure at bladder when urinating.-Dark urine. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Cough: with hoarseness; hacking, with salt saliva; with slight spitting of blood.-Sputa, salt, thick. 18. Chest.-Pain in r. side, arresting breathing.-Twitching in muscles under r. breast.-Coldness in chest from stomach to throat.-Sensation as of a string at r. breast.-Itching at nipples, swelling and hardness of breasts.Pricklings between the breasts. 19. Heart.-Palpitation, with pain hindering breathing.-Convulsive trembling of heart.-Sensation as of knife slowly penetrating heart.-Constrictive pain extending to l. axilla.-Sharp stitching in heart region with lancinations under false ribs. 20. Neck and Back.-Acute pain in muscles of neck and shoulder-blade.-Sensation as if a string were pulled from shoulder to ear.-Cramping pain r. side of neck extending to arm.-Darting from ear to shoulder.-Pain from shoulder round the neck like a band, with a stitch in pit of stomach and nape of neck.-Pain in side of neck < turning head to r.-Throbbing in back.-Passing heat in back followed by shuddering all over.-Darting in spine of shoulder-blade, shifting to the other shoulder.-Pain from shoulder to back, with lancinations hindering breathing.-Sticking pain at scapula.-Shock across back.-Pain in back as from a nail. 22. Upper Limbs.-Cutting pain under l. axilla.-Violent pain in l. arm, < when covered; she cannot stretch it.-Pain as from a blow in r. arm, with numbness.-Numbness of l. arm, with pain in shoulder as if beaten.-Darting from elbow to scapula.-Pain in l. arm, she can scarcely raise it.-Laming pain in l. arm while holding it still.-Cramping pain in l. hand.-Itching on back of hand.-Cramping pain in r. hand followed by shuddering all over.-Lancinating pains in muscles of r. hand and shoulder-blades.-Prickling at tip of index finger, which draws it up. 23. Lower Limbs.-Bruised pain in r. hip.-Pulling along l. sartorius muscle.-Pain in l. gluteus maximus as if contracted.-Contraction of leg with stiffness of bend of knee.-Acute pain inner side of r. tibia.-Pain from l. hip to knee, with weakness of the leg.
26. Sleep.-Desire to yawn.-No sleep after midnight, with pains all over when stirring.-Heavy sleep with numbness and sensation as if bruised on waking.-Drowsy, and shuddering in legs.-Suffocative fit at night.Dreams she is talking with dead persons.-Sad dreams with fear on waking. 27. Fever.-Internal heat with restlessness, she has to rise.-Heat after the cold, esp. in renal region.-Shuddering and cold in the air.
Leptandra Virginica. Veronica Virginica. Black Root. Culver's Physic. Tall Speedwell (U.S.A.). N. O. Scrophulariace. Tincture of resinoid Leptandrin. Tincture of fresh root of second year. Trituration of dried root. (A fresh plant tincture should also be made and tested.) Clinical.-Ascites. Bilious attack. Bilious fever. Constipation. Diarrh?a. Dysentery. Dyspepsia. Headache. Jaundice. Liver, affections of. Remittent fever, infantile. Yellow fever. Characteristics.-Leptandra in the form of the resinoid Leptandrin has been the subject of an heroic proving by Burt. As one of the grand characteristics of its relative Digitalis is white stools, so the grand characteristic of Lept. is black stools. The following experience of Dr. Burt fairly epitomises the drug's action: "For the last two hours" (i.e., six hours after the second dose on the fourth day of proving) "have been in awful pain and distress in umbilical and hypogastric region; drinking cold water < the pain very much; dull, aching, burning distress in region of gall bladder, with frequent chilliness along spine; great distress in hypogastrium with great desire for stool. A very profuse black stool, about the consistence of cream, with undigested potatoes in it, gave >, but was followed by great distress in region of liver extending to spine; for the last four hours there has been constant distress, with pains in whole abdomen, but for the last half-hour the pains in umbilicus and hypogastrium have been awful to endure, with rumbling and great desire for stool; a very profuse black, fetid stool, that ran a stream from my bowels, and could not be retained for a moment, gave great > but did not stop the pain altogether." There were great varieties of this stool, and in the later stages of the proving it became dysenteric and mixed with shreds. There was also constipation with hard black stool, followed by softer. And with the liver symptoms there was dull, heavy, frontal headache. These symptoms confirm the use of the drug by eclectics as a kind of "vegetable calomel." But though black stools are the chief characteristic, they are not the only kind that Lept. causes. Hale gives the following as the order in which the different kinds of stools occur in the time of the proving. (1) Black, thick, tar-like, fetid. (2) Thinner, brownish, often fetid. (3) Stool of mixed mucus, flocculent and watery matter, with yellow bile or blood. (4) Mucous bloody stool mixed with shred-like substances, often pure blood. Hale says it is only in cases of dysentery which have developed in this way that Lept. is curative; not in cases primarily dysenteric. Cases due to sudden climatic changes have been cured by it. Farrington further characterises the liver action of Lept.: Dull aching in right hypochondrium, gall-bladder, and back of liver, accompanied by soreness. Burning distress in and about liver after spreading to stomach and bowels. With this there is drowsiness and despondency. Bilious and typhoid fevers with the black, tarry stools. Neidhard observed a periodicity in cases cured by him: Periodical, occurring every two or three months; yellow-coated tongue; constant nausea with vomiting of bile shooting or aching pains in region of liver; loss of appetite; urine brownish, or, at any rate, very dark; often pain in transverse colon giddiness. But the most characteristic symptom is very dark, almost black stools. In cases of disease of any kind when these characteristic black stools are present Lept. must be thought of. Like Euphras., Lept. has a number of eye symptoms. Lept. is a right-side medicine; has chilly sensation along spine and down right arm; pains in right shoulder and arm. The symptoms are < by motion: rising = nausea and faintness. Weakness is so great he is hardly able to stand. < From exposure to wet weather. < Drinking cold water. A peculiar sensation is, "Feeling as if something was passing out of rectum." Like Dig. and Tabac. it has sinking at the pit of the stomach.
Relations.-Dig. (liver; weakness; slow pulse; < by drinking), Scrof., Euphras., Gratiol. (botan.); Merc. (with Merc. tenesmus continues after stool; with Lept. there is > after stool, and only colic continues, and that in moderate degree); Nit. ac. (hmorrhage in typhoid Nit. ac. bright red; Lept. tarry); Bapt. (pain in gall-bladder typhoid and remittent fevers); Gels. (infantile remittent); Bry. (< by motion; sitting up = nausea); Bacil. (deep-in headache); Canth. and Arsen. (membranous diarrh?a); Chi., Iris v., Pod. and Veron. off. (liver);-Veron. off., following Aur. n. m., cured tarry stools alternating with ashy stools in Nash's case. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Gloomy, desponding, drowsy.-Gloomy and irritable all day. 2. Head.-Very dizzy while walking.-Very severe frontal headache; walking <, making it almost intolerable.-Dull frontal headache, with sensation as if the hair were pulled out.-Dull frontal headache very deep in brain.Constant dull frontal headache; < in temples, with aching in umbilicus.-Sick-headache with furred tongue.Bilious headache; constipation, bitter taste, indigestion. 3. Eyes.-Smarting and aching in eyes, with dull pain in eyeballs.-Profuse lachrymation.-Lids agglutinated. 8. Mouth.-Tongue yellow or black down centre.-Flat taste. 11. Stomach.-Canine hunger.-Awoke, 5 a.m., feeling very hungry, with great pain in epigastrium, > after breakfast.-Food rises very sour 10 a.m.-Nausea and deathly faintness on rising.-Vomiting of bile, yellow tongue; shooting pains about liver, black stools.-Weak, sinking sensation at pit of stomach.-Great distress in stomach and small intestines, with immediate desire for stool.-Burning aching in stomach and liver < drinking water.-Dyspepsia from disordered liver and stomach. 12. Abdomen.-Dull aching in liver, < near gall-bladder.-Burning distress in back part of liver and spine.Periodical liver derangement, every two or three months.-(Malignant disease of liver with black, tarry stools.).Deliriousness; complete prostration; heat and dryness of skin; cold extremities; fetid, tarry stools; tongue thickly coated with black streak down centre.-Jaundice with clay-coloured stools.-Constant dull aching distress in umbilical region.-Sharp, distressing pains between navel and epigastrium.-Rumbling and distress in whole bowels, esp. in hypogastrium, with black stools.-Bilious colic or tendency to it.-Rumbling and distress in hypogastrium, profuse, black, fetid stools, pains in bowels. 13. Stool and Anus.-Stools: black, tarry, bilious, undigested, followed by great distress in liver; mushy, with weak feeling in bowels; greenish, muddy, spouting out like water; profuse, black, fetid, running a stream; profuse, black, consistence of cream; black, papescent, tar-like, fetid, in afternoon and evening; first hard, black, lumpy, afterwards soft and mushy; watery with large quantities of mucus; yellowish green; clay coloured; < morning as soon as he moves; < from meat or vegetables.-Profuse watery stools, followed by severe cutting pains in small intestines; after exposure to wet, damp weather.-Before stool: rumbling.-After stool: sharp cutting pains and distress in umbilical region; faint, weak, hungry; griping but no straining.-Profuse dark brown, almost black, mushy and highly offensive stools; difficulty in retaining stool, must go immediately.-Sharp pains preceding stool, > afterwards, but increasing weakness; usually went to sleep soon after stool.-For nearly three months camp diarrh?a, hardly able to stand; emaciated, features haggard and jaundiced; stools previously mixed with undigested food, now muco-purulent and bloody, quite frequent, with tenesmus and cutting pains low down in bowels; sense of weight at stomach after cold water, cutting in bowels and disposition to stool.-The mucus discharge resembles false membrane.-Dysentery or typhoid with black, tar-like passages.-Constipation; hard, black stools followed by mushy portion; piles, from hepatic derangement.-Frequently bleeding piles; constipation and distressing pain beneath sacrum. 14. Urinary Organs.-Red or orange-coloured urine with aching in lumbar region.
16. Female Sexual Organs.-Menses suppressed or retarded; liver affected; prickly heat.-Leucorrh?a, with ulceration of os; sometimes fetid with mucous shreds; irritation of bladder and rectum; frequent pain at bottom of bowels; languor; skin hot and dry. 19. Heart.-Soreness in cardiac region.-Pulse slow and full. 20. Neck and Back.-Chilly sensation in shoulders and down back.-Sore, lame feeling in small of back.-Constant distress with very sharp pains by spells in lumbar region. 22. Upper Limbs.-Pain in r. shoulder and arm.-Both wrists very lame and ache quite severely (< l.) in morning; lasting till noon. 24. Generalities.-Weary, can hardly walk. 25. Skin.-Jaundice.-Dry, hot skin. 26. Sleep.-Sleep sound.-Sleep restless after midnight; felt very ill next day. 27. Fever.-Chilly along spine and down r. arm.-Shivering, or dry, hot skin; limbs cold and numb; tongue black down centre.-Bilious typhoid fever.
An arsenical mineral water of the South Tyrol, containing also Iron and Copper with other elements. Dilutions. Clinical.-Debility. Skin, diseases of. Characteristics.-Levico has a high reputation among health resorts for nervous and skin cases, favouring assimilation and increasing nutrition. Burnett is the only hom?opathic authority. He says "Levico in 5 to 10 drop doses is a valuable intercurrent help in grave cases where there is much debility, notably after the searching remedies such as Bacillinum." Levico is supplied in two strengths, the strong and the weak. Either may be used in the doses indicated by Dr. Burnett, which is much smaller than that usually prescribed.
Liatris Spicata.
Liatris spicata. Dense button-snakeroot. Gay feather. Devil's bit. Colic root. N. O. Composit (tribe Cichorace). Tincture of powdered fresh root. Clinical.-Diarrh?a. Dropsy. Renal dropsy. Ulcers. Characteristics.-Liatris is an old botanic remedy for indigestion and colic. As T. C. Duncan explains (H. R., xiii. 110), it is called "Devil's bit,"-a piece is missing from each tuber, just as if it had been bitten out. It has the reputation of being aromatic, stimulant, diaphoretic, diuretic, anodyne, and carminative; particularly useful in colic, headache, and flatulency. It was introduced to hom?opathic medicine (H. R., xiii. 35) because of its action in two cases of dropsy under eclectic treatment: (1) Dropsy from material enlargement of liver and spleen. (2) Dropsy with almost total suppression of urine. After other remedies had failed Liatris was given, and on the second day the patient passed a gallon and a half of urine. A. E. White wrote in Minneap. Hom. Mag. (date not noted) of another use of Liatris. It has a popular repute as specific in chronic diarrh?a following exposure in
camp life; and also as an application to non-granulating ulcers. For this purpose the root is to be chewed and then applied. White was invited to chew a piece, which he did. The result was, in six or eight hours he had three successive calls to stool, very urgent, a little griping in lower back, and some straining at stool. He has confirmed its use in camp diarrh?a, but says it acts better if Sul. or Merc. cor. is given first. He gives this case. Mr. X, 56, had chronic diarrh?a since the war. Had tried treatment of all kinds, hom?opathic included. Had twelve to sixteen stools a day. Had fallen from 18o to 120 pounds in weight. Was all run down and had made up his mind he had only a short time to live. He was given Sul. 30x two doses, one each night; then Merc. cor. 3x, a dose each night for five nights; then Liatris 1x, four pellets each night for five weeks, by which time he was completely cured.
Lilium Tigrinum.
Tiger Lily. N. O. Liliace. Tincture of fresh stalk, leaves, and flowers. (Some of the provings were made with tincture of the pollen alone.) Clinical.-Angina pectoris. Asthenopia. Astigmatism. Dementia. Diarrh?a. Dysentery. Eyes, affections of. Fibroma. Heart, affections of; Palpitation of. Hysteria. Ovaries, affections of; dropsy of. Pruritus vulv. Spinal irritation. Urination, too frequent. Uterus, affections of; displacements of; subinvolution of. Characteristics.-The Tiger Lily, which was introduced into the West from China and Japan, was first suggested as a remedy by W. E. Payne. Carroll Dunham urged Payne to have it well proved. This Payne did, and Dunham himself assisted by having it proved on a woman under his own supervision. The account of this case of Lilium tigrinum disease, with others, is given in Dunham's lucid style in his Science of Therapeutics. Lil. t. was given in the 30th and 3rd attenuations, which were taken during ten days. The symptoms began early but were somewhat slow in developing, and, after recovery, recurred with other symptoms. The third series recurred in the ninth week after taking the drug, and this was the most severe of all. So intense were the sufferings mental and bodily that Dunham felt bound to antidote them with Plat. 200, which was speedily effective. The symptoms developed in this order: (1) Increased activity; things went more easily. (2) Increased sexual instinct. (3) Sweetish nausea without inclination to vomit. Abnormal fulness < after eating ever so little. (4) Ill-humour; drowsiness; sleep but with unpleasant dreams. (5) Bloating more pronounced and chiefly across hips in uterine region; darting pains in head and lower abdomen from ovaries down thighs; pressure in vagina; pain at top of sacrum extending to hips. (6) Crazy feeling with thoughts of suicide; head grows wild after being quiet for a short time; increased depressing weight over parting; < evening. Knees ache. From this point, ten days after the first dose, no more medicine was taken, but the Lil. tig. disease continued to develop and increase in intensity for eight weeks longer, when it was so bad that it had to be put an end to by an antidote. Of these symptoms the most prominent were a "downward dragging" from shoulders, from thorax, from left breast, from epigastrium down to pelvis, and out at the vagina as if everything would be forced through. (In some other provers who were examined actual displacement was found, especially anteversion.) Late in the proving a thin brown leucorrh?a appeared, leaving a brown stain. This was intermittent. The downward pressure involved the rectum and bladder, and loins. There was consciousness of the ovaries as distinct painful and burning spots with pains radiating from them down the thighs. Menses came at regular times but flowed only as long as she kept moving. Much hurried and driven, she knows not why. Heart symptoms came on at this time, about a month after commencing the proving: Sudden fluttering sensation, less felt if she can busy herself very much. Faintness accompanied the fluttering, as though she could make no exertion but must sit still. Sharp pain in apex of heart. After a cessation of symptoms for about a week there was a recurrence of the same, including leucorrh?a, burning pain from groin to groin, with new mental symptoms, including obscene thoughts and disposition to strike and swear. Menses recurred after only two weeks' interval, leucorrh?a having ceased two days before. After another brief interval the second recurrence occurred, which was put an
end to by Platinum. In male provers there was a good deal of pelvic distress, affecting bladder, rectum, and back, and a very decided increase in sexual instinct, but nothing approaching the intensity of the action on the female organs. The heart, in the males, appears to have borne the chief impact of the drug's action. The outward forcing in which the down-dragging symptoms of the female provers culminated was manifested in other symptoms. One man had this: The heart's action was intermittent, every intermission followed by a violent throb, causing an involuntary catching of the breath; at the same time the blood rushed up through the carotids to the head, producing great heat and a crowded feeling of head and face. Another prover, woman, 53, who had ceased to menstruate, took a drop of 30th. She had: A feeling of exhaustion as if the blood were pushed outward; and later a blinding headache "as if all the blood were pressing outward through every aperture." S Lilienthal had among his symptoms: "A sensation as if a rubber band were stretched tightly from temple to temple"; "as if a skullcap were crushing the head"; "as if the brain was being pushed through eyes and ears." "Outward forcing" is plainly a keynote of this remedy; and the contractive pains at the heart as if grasped with a hand are all of a piece with this. The characteristic feature in the heart-grip is an intermittent pressure-there is alternate spasm and relaxation as if a hand squeezed the heart and then let go and squeezed again. Another leading indication is when there is pain and numbness in the right arm along with the heart pain; and again when there is alternation between heart pains and uterine or ovarian pains. The pains of Lil. tig. are wandering, flying, shooting, squeezing and relaxing, opening and shutting, burning and radiating. They radiate from ovary to heart to left breast, down legs (especially left), across to opposite ovary; through left breast to back; from ilium to ilium; across sacrum. In contradistinction to the down-dragging is a "pulling-up" sensation from the tip of the coccyx. A patient to whom I gave Lil. tig. 30 said it caused a sensation in the abdomen as if the contents were "tied up in knots." C. Sigmund Rage has observed (H. R., xi. 482) excellent results from Lil. t. 3x and 30 in cases of uterine fibroid presenting the characteristic symptoms of the remedy. The 2x and 3x caused severe aggravations-backache; fever and sweat during the night; fear of dying. Among other peculiar sensations are: With nausea, a lump in centre of chest which could be moved down by empty swallowing. As if an electric current in fingers and hands. As if cool wind blowing on lower extremities. The eyes were the seat of many marked symptoms, and one prover who was astigmatic, after much suffering in the eyes during the proving, found her astigmatism gone when the proving was over.-The left side was most markedly affected. Intense restlessness, nervous system irritable, weak, trembling; aimless hurry; walks to and fro. Convulsive contractions of almost all muscles of body, and feeling as if she would be crazy if she did not hold tightly upon herself. Feeling as if she must scream. "Cannot walk on uneven ground" (H. C. Allen). Burning palms and soles accompany other complaints. The symptoms are > lying on left side, when lying down at all is tolerated. Rest in general <. (Berridge cured a lady, 50, of heart pain, as if grasped with hand, with cold feeling from apex of heart to under left scapula; excited by worry; < lying on right side; > lying on left side and when busy at work.) Hasty, busy movement >. Pressure and support >: Must cross legs to relieve bearing down; must put hands to vulva to prevent contents escaping. Movement < uterine symptoms: unable to move for fear her womb would drop from her. Stooping < heart pain. Standing < downward dragging. < Afternoon and night from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. Diarrh?a < early morning. > In open air. < In warm room; is faint. Touch < (on epigastrium = desire to vomit); < hmorrhoids. Pressure of bedclothes is intolerable on abdomen and uterine region. Rubbing and pressure > heart spasm. Jarring <.-I never obtained good results from Lil. tig. until I gave it in the 30th attenuation. I have tried higher, but the aggravations from these were so severe that I have kept to the 30th. Relations.-Antidoted by: Platina; Helon. (anteversion); Nux (colic); Puls. Compare: Sep. (very like in most respects, but Lil. > by diverting mind and busying about; Sep. > by violent exertion; leucorrh?a of Lil. is more excoriating); Lil. < afternoon; Sep. > afternoon; Lil. pressure in anus, Sep. weight like a heavy ball); Puls. (< in warm room; venous stasis with taste of blood in mouth-also Ham.; weeping mood-Puls. quiet weeping, Lil. spasmodic, flashing; Puls. has not the tendency to prolapse; is not > by support); Nat. m. (heart; uterus; coldness about heart); Helon. (profound melancholy with consciousness of womb; Lil. hurry with incapacity and distress based on apprehension of serious malady); Alo. (fulness in rectum; like a plug wedged between pubes and coccyx); Cact. (heart constricted by iron band; constriction continuous, Lil. intermittent; uterine and
ovarian pains); Anac. and Ver. (profanity); Bell. (< by jar; bearing down; Bell. < by motion, Lil. >); Sul. (early morning diarrh?a, burning palms and soles); Zinc. (heart symptoms > by lying on left side;-Pho., Pul., Arn. < lying on left side); Murex, Vib. tin., Vib. o., Nux m., Gossyp. (bearing-down pains); Lach., Sul., Act. r. and Ustil. (left ovary and left inframammary pain); Calc. (ovarian pain extending down thigh; Calc., right; Lil., left; Pallad. and Plat. (irritability, "things don't go right"; Pall. over-sensitive, Plat., hauteur); Aur. (prolapse; Aur. from weight of organ, Lil. from relaxation of ligaments); Latr. mact. and Spig. (heart), Act. r. (heart and uterus); Pod. (early morning diarrh?a); Cact., Nat. ph., Tarent., Rhus (pain and numbness of left arm with heart disease; Lil. more characteristic, right); K. bi. (radiating pains; alternating conditions). SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Depression of spirits; inclination to weep, timidity, apprehensiveness; of some terrible internal disease.-Tormented about tier salvation (with uterine complaints).-Constant hurried feeling, as of imperative duties and utter inability to perform them (during sexual excitement).-Disposed to curse, to strike, to think of obscene things; as these mental states came, uterine irritation abated.-Does not wish to be alone, prefers society; very low-spirited; weeping with feeling of dread.-Crazy, wild feeling on top of head; thoughts of suicide.-Mistakes in speaking; uses wrong words; forgetful.-Desire for fine things; dissatisfied with tier own, envious of others. 2. Head.-Headache, esp. if depending on uterine disorders.-Dull pain in forehead (and fulness) over the eyes.Hot pain; blinding pain, in forehead and temples.-Pressure outward.-Headache: on waking; < in open air, > at sunset, with heaviness as if too full of blood, blowing blood from nose, desire to support head with hands.Neuralgia over l. eye to vertex.-Neuralgia in temples, alternately l. and r.-Pressure and crazy feeling in vertex.Pain in occiput and over eyes. 3. Eyes.-Wild look.-Hypermetropia; presbyopia.-Vision dim; and confused, with disposition to cover eyes and press upon them.-Pains extending back into head.-Burning after reading and writing, with weak feeling.-Cured astigmatism in a prover.-Blurred vision with heat in eyes and lids.-Musc volitantes. 4. Ears.-Neuralgia in r. ear.-Rushing sounds in ears after going to bed. 5. Nose.-Rubbed her nose violently.-Discharge: thin, clear; yellow mucus.-Nose stopped. 6. Face.-Face (l.) flushed, with heat.-Pain in r. cheek-bone, with stoppage of r. nostril.-Pain in l. cheek extending into ear and temple.-Pain in r. jaw with feeling of elongation in teeth. 8. Mouth.-Darting pain from (l.) teeth to ear.-Tongue coated yellowish white in patches.-Mouth and throat feel coated on waking in the night.-Saliva abundant.-Taste: bloody, afternoon; peculiar; foul > eating. 9. Throat.-Enlargement cif r. tonsil, with exudation.-Soreness and dryness.-Feeling of lump, with pulsations when lying. 10. Appetite.-Appetite: great, esp. for meat; great as if in back, extending to occiput and over vertex.-Desire for sour or sweet dainties, alternating with disgust for food.-Appetite lost.-Aversion to coffee; to bread.-Thirst; then stupidity, then the severe symptoms. 11. Stomach.-Eructations.-Hiccough.-Nausea: < from tobacco; with inability to vomit; with pain in back; with fulness in abdomen.-Nausea, with hawking of mucus.-Sensation of a lump in centre of chest; moved up and down by empty swallowing.-Sensation of a hard body rolling around in stomach, > at night.-Vomiting of chyme and thin yellow mucus; finally bloody.-Hollow, empty sensation in stomach and bowels.-Faintness at epigastrium with tasteless eructations.
12. Abdomen.-Distension of abdomen.-Rumbling; emission of flatus.-Dragging down of whole abdominal contents, extending even to organs of chest; must support the abdomen.-Bubbling in r. hypochondrium.Lancinations from l. hypochondrium to crest of ilium.-Dragging downward and backward.-Sensation as if diarrh?a would come on; also passing off by urinating.-Trembling sensation in pelvis, extending down thighs.Feeling as if menses coming on.-Grasping pains across hypogastrium > gentle rubbing with warm hand. 13. Stool and Anus.-Pressure on rectum (and bladder) with almost constant desire to go to stool (immediately).-Morning diarrh?a in cases with prolapsus of uterus.-Morning diarrh?a; stools loose, bilious; dark, offensive, very urgent, can't wait a moment; stool preceded by griping pains or great urging, with pressure in the rectum; followed by smarting, burning of anus and rectum.-Pressure on perinum.Constipation: hard and dark stools, then heat in rectum and anus and pain in abdomen. 14. Urinary Organs.-Frequent urination during day, with smarting in urethra.-Continuous pressure in bladder.Constant desire to urinate, with scanty discharge; burning (tenesmus) and smarting in urethra after.-Urine: milky in morning; clear and white; like boiling oil; strong-smelling; phosphatic; copious; sediment white or red. 15. Male Sexual Organs.-Testes: swollen and tender to touch; sore in morning, and heavy; neuralgia in l.-Desire increased.-Prostration from coitus, with irritability from suppression of desire.-Emission towards morning. 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Bearing down, with sensation of heavy weight and pressure in uterine region, as if whole contents would press out through vagina; > by pressure of hand against the vulva.-Sharp pains in ovarian region.-Grasping pain in l. ovarian region and groin, with pain in right hip, extending into thigh.-Pains in ovaries extending into inside of thighs.-Pains in r. ovary and back.-Ovaries sore on pressure, < r. side.-Aching and burning pain in ovaries; feeling like live coals; afterwards pain in r. increased till it seemed as if a knife inserted in ovary and ripped down groin and front of thigh; extending over loins to r. hypochondrium, > by pressure on ovary.-Gnawing dragging in r. ovary < walking.-Severe neuralgic pain in uterus; could not bear touch; not even the weight of bedclothes or slightest jar; anteversion; retroversion; prolapsus.-Fundus of uterus low down, tilted against bladder, the os pressing upon rectum.-Bearing down in uterus, with pains in l. ovary and mamma.-Voluptuous itching in vagina, with feeling of fulness of parts; stinging in l. ovarian region.Sexual desire increased; ending in orgasm; with hurried feeling; > during physical effort; disposition to use obscene language.-Leucorrh?a; bright yellow, acrid, excoriating; leaving a brown stain; after menses.-Menses continue only when moving about, and cease when sitting or lying down.-Amenorrh?a: accompanied with cardiac distress, or with ovarian pains of a burning or stinging character; if complicated with prolapsed or anteverted uterus; partial, the menses returning occasionally, or again remain absent for some time.-Menses freer than usual, relieving headache.-Sensation of dragging down from the shoulders and chest, feeling as if she wants to be held up; abdomen feels as if it must be supported; as if it must be held up with both hands. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Voice could not be controlled.-Dry, hacking cough, evening, > in open air.-Oppression.Desire to take a long breath; frequent sighing; seems to come from lower part of abdomen.-Inhales forcibly in order to pull up thorax and clear the pelvis. 18. Chest.-Tightness of chest.-Hot, congested feeling.-Ebullition, must go into open air.-Constriction: a handbreadth below l. breast; extending to r. side, > change of position, with sharp pain running to throat, clavicle, and axilla.-Sharp pains through r. lung < in open air.-Fine pains in r. chest, sometimes gnawing, with lameness and soreness of muscles and desire to stretch the parts; the lameness extending through to r. scapula.-Pain under sternum towards middle lobe of r. lung.-Feeling of congestion of chest if desire to urinate is not attended to.-Pains sharp, sticking, cramping in or below l. breast, extending to scapula and side, < lying down and on l. side. 19. Heart.-Dull, pressive pain in region of heart.-Pain in heart < when lying down at night.-Constant feeling of a load or weight in l. chest.-Sharp and quick pain in l. side of chest, with fluttering of heart.-Heart feels as if
squeezed in a vice; or alternately grasped and relaxed.-Fluttering or palpitation of heart; > rubbing and pressure.-Intermittent; after every intermission, violent throbbing, causing involuntary catching of breath and a rush of blood to head and crowded feeling in face.-Pain in heart is < by exercise; stooping; lying down at night; > in morning.-Sharp pain at apex of heart > by rest.-Pulse: rapid; small and weak; irregular, < by slight motion; compressible. 20. Neck and Back.-Pain in nape with constriction.-Soreness in cervical and occipital muscles, < by thirst.-Pain: between scapul; sore in region of scapula; in lower dorsal vertebr as if back would break.-Spine sore, with stiffness < in loins.-Shooting across loins.-Pain in sacrum, < standing, with pressure downward in hypogastrium; between hips, not much > lying, with pressure downward at anus.-Dull pain in sacrum.Sensation of pulling upward from tip of coccyx. 21. Limbs.-Limbs cold, clammy; more when excited or nervous.-Burning in palms and soles all night, constant desire to find a cool place for them.-Out-pressing sensation in hands, arms, feet, and legs in early part of night. 22. Upper Limbs.-Tearing from l. shoulder to hand.-Cramping pain in l. shoulder and mamma.-Trembling of l. arm with weakness.-Pain in r. arm and wrist (with heart complaints).-Hand and arms, stiff, hot; painful.Trembling of hands.-Paralytic pricking in fingers and hands.-Cramp in fingers.-Stiffness of fingers almost like paralysis; difficult to guide pencil; pricking in (tips of) fingers and hands; sensation of electric current, first in fingers of l. hand then of r.; running up arms.-Cold hands; cold perspiration on back of hands. 23. Lower Limbs.-Staggering gait; extreme difficulty in walking straight.-Stitching pains from ilium to ilium or from pubes to sacrum.-Pain in r. hip extending down thigh.-Sensation as though cool wind blowing on lower limbs.-Trembling of knees, abdomen, back, and hands.-Legs ache, cannot keep them still.-Joints seem to lack synovial fluid.-Cramps in both legs and feet after stool in morning.-Cramp in toes.-Burning beginning in soles and palms, thence over body; < in bed, constant desire to find a cool place.-Pains severe, fleeting, quick, sharp, or circumscribed; coldness or cold perspiration; l. leg more affected. 24. Generalities.-Weak, trembling, nervous.-Faintness, < in a warm room, or after being on feet a long time.-< Walking, yet pains so much worse after ceasing to walk that he must walk again.-Pains in small spots; shifting pains.-Throbbing pulsations, as though the blood would burst through the veins.-Restlessness.-Hysteria. 25. Skin.-Irritation of upper chest and arms and a fine rash about forehead and around borders of the hair, with much itching.-Skin of abdomen feels stiff and stretched.-Tingling, formication, burning itching of various parts. 26. Sleep.-Yawning, stretching, drowsy.-Slept soundly, but suddenly waked by desire to evacuate bladder.Inability to sleep, < before midnight.-Restless sleep; wild feeling in head; everything seems too hot; dull headache, palpitation, mammary pain.-Dreams: frightful and laboured; unpleasant; voluptuous; half-awaking; intervals seem very long (of dead people). 27. Fever.-Chills run downwards; violent beating of heart; congestion to chest and burning heat all over; constriction about heart.-Chills from face downwards; chilly when in cool open air, yet otherwise >.-Great heat and lassitude in afternoon.-Throbbing all over.
Limulus cyclops. L. polyphemus. Polyphemus occidentalis. King-crab. Horse-foot. Sauce-pan. (Coast of North America). N. O. Merostomata, or P?cilopoda of the Crustacea. Triturations of the dried blood.
Clinical.-Apoplexy. Cholera. Constipation. Diarrh?a. Fever. Hmorrhoids. Sea-bathing, effects of. Skin, affection of. Characteristics.-Limulus was proved in the lower triturations by Hering, Lippe, and others. Among the symptoms recorded the most notable was a rush of blood to the face, with heat of face and over whole body, recalling a similar symptom of Ast. r., another sea-animal. The remedy does not appear to have been much used, and Hering has omitted it from his Guiding Symptoms. The only italicised symptoms in Allen are these: "Frequent rush of blood to the face, and painful fulness of the whole right half of the body, especially here and there, and in the lower extremities" (a symptom of Hering's from the first centesimal trituration); and "heat, burning, and constriction in abdomen" (Blumenthal, a grain of 1st trit). There was much gastro-intestinal disturbance, and in one prover a choleraic condition. Headache caused by straining at stool. The flushing of the face was < in afternoon. There was dyspn?a < by drinking. Coryza < drinking cold water. Heat in face alternated with confusion in head. Relations.-Compare: Homarus, Ast. r.; Fer. (flushing); Indium. (pains in head from straining at stool); Ars. (illeffects of sea-bathing). SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Very indifferent mind with constant confusion of head.-The great disinclination to wash and inability to accomplish much, which he had experienced since the sea-bath, disappeared completely during the day and gave place to mental quiet, steadiness, with constancy and perseverance in performing very irksome duties.(Very difficult to recollect names.) 2. Head.-Confusion of whole head attended with dulness and heat of face; together with dull feeling over whole body, esp. in abdomen, where it increases to a kind of burning in evening.-Stool followed by headache.Pressure in head > after running from nose.-Feeling of warmth r. side of forehead.-Pressure on r. side of head, deep internally, extending back and forth several times during the day. 3. Eyes.-Feeling of warmth above eyes.-Pressure about eyes deep in bones.-Violent pains drawing back and forth behind l. eyeball.-Lachrymation; of r. eye. 4. Ears.-Stopped sensation; bubbling deep in r. ear; evening. 5. Nose.-Sneezing and fluent coryza all day.-Running from nose renewed after a glass of cold water; feeling of heat in face and over whole body as in fever; after a while prickling as in perspiration with only moist skin.Snuff has a greater effect than usual in evening. 6. Face.-Lines in face as in dying person (in a kind of cholera).-Rush of blood to face.-Jerking pain in l. side upper jaw, evening. 8. Mouth.-Frequent gnawing pain in last upper back teeth, now r., now l.-Mouth slimy, with small pasty, insufficient stools, morning.-Taste: metallic, of the drug, and general sensation as if he had taken medicine; sweetish, coming from both sides as if from the teeth; earthy, extending back into palate. 9. Throat.-Much hawking. 11. Stomach.-Pressure in pit of stomach, and decided heat of face.-Eructations of water tasting like bad eggs.Nausea with general sweat.-Deathly nausea; became as white and cold as marble; constant vomiting and diarrh?a; lines of face as in a dying person. 12. Abdomen.-Profuse emission of loud (very offensive) flatus.-Pain here and there in all places in abdomen.Warmth and painful sensation in abdomen.-Heat, burning, and constriction in abdomen.-Cramp-like pain.-
Cutting colic, with feeling of heat.-Sensation as though he had a dissolving acid in intestines, and all the pains seemed to be caused thereby; as though a gangrene in stomach, and then burning in intestines. 13. Stool and Anus.-A painful swelling, thick as a finger, and very hard nodes, like peas, l. side of anus; he was obliged to lie with limbs spread apart.-Piles l. of anus, following a hard, nodular, lumpy stool, evacuated with pressure, < riding in carriage, very painful at night on going out.-Burning and constriction in anus.-A coolingburning in small spots in anus.-Two diarrh?a-like stools, greenish grey, without pain (first morning).-Stool very watery towards the end.-Desire for stool after dinner; only wind, and after much pressing a few lumps; headache caused by the straining.-Constipation; he feels the stool in the bowels long before the evacuation, as if he were unable to evacuate it.-Hard stool. 15. Male Sexual Organs.-Burning l. side of scrotum.-Increased sexual desire and power; but more difficult emission of semen.-Emission wanting during coition. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Voice husky; must constantly hawk, though the voice remains weak and hoarse, with difficult respiration, evening.-Cough during the afternoon sleep repeatedly waking him.-Sudden violent cough.Respiratory troubles after drinking water, in afternoon and repeatedly afterwards.-Dyspn?a after drinking water.-Peculiar difficulty of breathing in lower chest as if an impediment below diaphragm, cannot take deep breath even when outstretched, as if it were too full there, in afternoon, < evening. 18. Chest.-Oppression of chest, weakness and yawning.-Suffocative swelling up in middle of chest behind sternum, taking away breath, and, when violent, becoming painful, as from beating of waves in aorta.-Violent pains below sternum, like transient cutting from above down, and from r. to l., < on stretching out r. arm; in forenoon; then at noon; then at 2 p.m. 20. Back.-Pain in back; in small of back and loins, bruised feeling on bending back. 21. Limbs.-Weakness in limbs.-Cramp-like sensation in limbs. 22. Upper Limbs.-Violent pain in l. metacarpal bone; then shivering and coldness with headache above eyes; again in hands. 23. Lower Limbs.-Painful sensation of fulness in lower limbs.-Pain in r. hip-joint, posteriorly, as if dislocated, < by certain motions.-Violent bruised pain in both hip-joints, < l.-Right heel feels benumbed on standing on it.Remarkably sore pain in both heels, when walking and stepping. 24. Generalities.-Relaxation of mind and body.-Sudden great weakness.-Heat of day at noon intolerable.Inclination to stretch.-Peculiar feeling as if poisoned.-Frequent rush of blood to face, and painful fulness of whole r. half of body, esp. here and there and in lower limbs. 25. Skin.-Burning itching points here and there immediately.-Small burning itching spots on face.-Small brownish spots on backs of both hands as if warts would form.-Itching and eruptions like small weals on l. shoulder and in hollow of both knees, lasting more than a week, < r. side.-Eruptions on hands, small itching vesicles, esp. on backs of fingers. 26. Sleep.-Much yawning with weakness evening.-Sleep and sleepiness all day.-Sleep at night bad. 27. Fever.-Chilliness with constant trickling from nose.-Cold and white like marble, in cholera.-Feeling of heat in face and over whole body.-Reflexion causes heat of face in evening.-Burning in palms.-General sweat with nausea.
Linaria vulgaris. Toad-flax. N. O. Scrophulariace. Tincture of fresh plant. Clinical.-Diarrh?a. Enuresis. Fainting. Hmorrhoids. Ophthalmia. Tongue, roughness of; prickling on. Characteristics.-Linaria has been proved by Mller, Raidl, and others. It produced confusion in the head; thirst, with rough tongue; constriction of the throat; nausea, vomiting, and diarrh?a; profuse urination; oppression of the breathing and stitches in the chest. Farrington commends it for cardiac fainting: "faints dead away without apparent cause"; and also in enuresis: "enuresis with frequent painful urging to urinate causing patient to rise at night." Carleton (H. P., xii. 526) has seen it produce,: "fainting feeling three or four times a day; fainted away completely once." Coldness was a prominent feature, and the symptoms were much < by walking in open air; > by taking tea with milk. In domestic practice Linar. has long been used as a lotion for inflamed eyes, and as an application for painful piles. It is said to be purgative and diuretic. Relations.-Antidoted by: tea in milk. Compare: Digit. (fainting), and other Scrophulari. Caust., Eu. purp., Equiset. (enuresis). SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Peevish mind.-Indifference.-Stupid feeling of indifference, ill-humour, with dull pain in forehead, with heat after the sleep, lasting till midnight. 2. Head.-Confusion of the head with irresistible sleepiness.-Pressure in forehead. 8. Mouth.-Dryness of tongue, morning on waking, with thirst for water before rising, water tasted badly, seemed rough, glided unpleasantly over tongue, papill elevated.-Burning prickling on tongue, extending down into throat, smoking = tickling irritation to cough, could scarcely continue to smoke.-Saliva increased, frequent spitting.-Taste of blood in mouth. 9. Throat.-Sensation of constriction in throat; as if a ball lodged in it which should be swallowed. 11. Stomach.-Appetite: diminished; lost.-Thirst.-Eructations: frequent, preceding and following usual stool; of odourless air, afterwards also of water; sweetish; bitter.-General sick feeling with sleepiness and sleep for two hours (10 a.m. to 12).-Vomiting of thin, mucous substances followed by disappearance of all gastric symptoms.-Very acute pressure in stomach < by touch. 12. Abdomen.-Griping about umbilicus, increasing in intensity from time to time.-Rumbling, and in the course of two hours five watery stools with very little pigment.-Griping, half an hour afterwards a watery stool. 13. Stool and Anus.-Burning in anus.-Diarrh?a; stools thin; ten watery, bileless stools with much flatus.-Very dark-coloured fces. 14. Urinary Organs.-Great desire; frequent inclination; quantity increased and frothy.-Urine very highcoloured, like dark beer, passed more frequently.-(Enuresis.) 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Menses a few days early.-Menses which had just ceased returned the same day she took a new dose. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Violent paroxysm of cough, obliged to stand quite still to cough it out and regain breath.
18. Chest.-Oppression, making respiration difficult and causing cough.-Transient stitches here and there, deep in chest and abdomen. 24. Generalities.-General prostration.-Symptoms > for short time after drinking tea with milk; severely and persistently < on walking in open air. 25. Skin.-Itching in throat, chest, and upper back. 26. Sleep.-Frequent yawning and stretching with feeling of weakness and prostration.-Irresistible sleepiness.Sleep forepart of night, quiet and refreshing as if he had slept all night; rest of night sleepless with confused dreams towards morning. 27. Fever.-Coldness.-Alternations of chills and heat.
Linum Catharticum.
Linum catharticum. Purging-flax. N. O. Linace. Tincture of whole plant. Clinical.-Amenorrh?a. Bronchitis. Cough. Diarrh?a. Hmorrhoids. Laryngitis. Rheumatism. Characteristics.-The proving of L. cath. (by Stokes and Galston) shows that it deserves its name. Colic and diarrh?a of loose, bright yellow stools, and also of slender, feculent stools were most marked. The sexual functions were depressed; in men absence of desire; in women menses were omitted or delayed. There was much nasal and respiratory catarrh, stuffed-up condition of nose and chest, troublesome cough and difficult expectoration of frothy, yellow mucus. The cough was < walking in open air. Headache > in open air, and > by eating. Relations.-Antidoted by: Sul. (headache). Compare: Lin. usitatiss. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Dulness and depression.-Irritable. 2. Head.-After sleep, confusion of head; malaise as from cold.-Congestion and vertigo on throwing head back.Headache: > open air; > after eating.-Severe frontal headache, obliging to lie down after dinner (> by Sul. ).Dull headache, as of weight on brow, < holding head back and after reading. 4. Ears.-Singing in l. ear for some hours in evening. 5. Nose.-Sneezing; at night.-Mucus from nose, occasionally rose colour.-Fluent coryza.-Nose stopped, and running a clear, profuse mucus from first one nostril for several days, then the other. 8. Mouth.-Tongue: deeply furred; foul.-Mouth dry without thirst.-Taste: insipid; foul; bilious. 9. Throat.-Much hawking of yellow mucus, sometimes tinged with blood.-Rawness in throat when out in open air after breakfast. 11. Stomach.-Eructations tasting of bile.-Rising of food, evening.-Repletion. 12. Abdomen.-Rumbling and slight uneasiness.-Colicky pains.-Occasional griping and distension, < after food.Tormina and tenesmus.-Abdomen tender on pressure.
13. Stool and Anus.-At night pressing in rectum as if swollen.-Smarting at anus after stool.-Smarting stinging in anus as if piles were coming, in evening.-Tenesmus.-Several motions of small, slender-formed fces.-Stools free; urging compelling to obey instantly; rectum seemed to have little grasp of the fces, which pass as if pushed out from the colon.-Uneasiness in abdomen, followed by a very loose, bright yellow, mucous stool, with some urging, forenoon.-Full, soft, formed stool.-Feculent stool of slender coils, sinking to bottom of utensil.-Difficult stool with pressing down in rectum; fces covered with epithelial-like shreds resembling worms; gelatinous mucus in form of rolls; evening.-Bowels continued costive several days, then relaxed with pressive force of rectum, then alternately costive and relaxed.-Costive stool with much pressure.-No stool for several days. 14. Urinary Organs.-Itching at orifice of urethra.-Frequent desire to urinate.-Urine straw-coloured, strongsmelling. 15. Male Sexual Organs.-Feeble erections; diminished desire. 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Menses: delayed; missed. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Voice hoarse.-Cough: dry, hard; tickling teasing with frothy mucous sputa; < in, or returning from, open air.-Expectoration, with much difficulty, of frothy, and some yellow, mucus. 18. Chest.-Great pain in chest, < by any movement, on deep inspiration.-Chest: much stuffed sore. 19. Heart.-Pulse full and quickened. 22. Upper Limbs.-Slight shooting down muscles of arms in evening.-Slight shooting pains in l. and r. shoulderjoints. 24. Generalities.-Languor towards night; on waking. 26. Sleep.-Sleepy after dinner.-Sleep profound.-Insomnia.-Dreams: lascivious; of travelling; of cholera. 27. Fever.-A cold feeling in streets as from a blast of cold air.-Much heat of body and moderate sweat.-Sweats freely.
Linum Usitatissimum.
Linum usitatissimum. Flax. (Source of Linseed or Flax-seed.) N. O. Linace. Trituration and tincture of seed, or meal. Trituration and tincture of the oil. Tincture of freshly-made poultice. Clinical.-Asthma. Convulsions. Hay fever. Tongue, paralysis of. Trismus. Urticaria. Characteristics.-Linseed-tea and Linseed poultices are among the most innocent of domestic remedies; but occasionally Lin. us. has produced effects of the most violent kind. In H. W., xx. 316 I quoted the case of a woman in whom the application of a linseed poultice to an ulcer over the right shin-bone produced an attack of asthma which nearly proved fatal. It was not the first time this had happened to her, and she protested, but in vain, against the doctor's order. If a linseed poultice even came near her she felt constriction of the chest. The doctor who ordered the poultice, and reported the case, was speedily summoned to witness the worse attack of asthma he had ever seen. The patient was livid and struggling for breath. When the poultice was removed the symptoms gradually subsided. A crop of herpes appeared where the poultice had been, and an eruption of urticaria over back, chest, and arms. The dust had no effect in this case; but Dr. A. G. Towner related his own experience with it in the Era (quoted H. W., xxvii. 513). When in New York State he could
handle Linseed in all forms freely, but after removing to Illinois it affected him most powerfully. Once he rubbed his eye whilst preparing a poultice: intense conjunctivitis came on at once, chemosis, and in an hour the eye was closed, and did not come right again for three days. The irritation passed along the lachrymal duct, and the same burning and irritation took place in the nose, nearly driving him wild. The swelling closed the nostrils, and he had to breathe through his mouth. The irritation still spread, affecting the throat, which was covered with large white blisters, and a desperate attack of bronchial asthma supervened, slightly relieved by large doses of Ipec. In two hours the skin became affected with an attack of "hives" (urticaria): "I was one complete blotch from the crown of my head to the end of my toes, a complete bodily eruption, smart, sting, burn." He had five of these attacks. The steam of a poultice would cause coryza; the dust would occasion a complete attack. One was caused by inadvertently eating a lozenge containing linseed. An entirely different set of symptoms is recorded by Allen (Appendix), in which a girl, aet. 19, drank a cupful of milk into which she had poured by mistake some spoonfuls of linseed oil. Immediately she felt a fulness of stomach, and precordial uneasiness. She vomited, as she thought, all she had drunk, and had copious stools. She soon went to bed, where she was seized with spasms which were most peculiar. Head shaking spasmodically in measured time; the eyes and prominent temporal muscles jerking rapidly. Jaws clenched. Tongue paralysed and drawn down into throat. All the time the brain was quite clear. A clyster of Asaf?tida gave temporary relief, but the symptoms recurred for a time with renewed violence. On the third day she was quite recovered; but her health was not good for some time. From these remarkable cases it will be seen that intense irritation is the rule of Lin. us. Skin and air passages with their offshoots are involved (asthma and skin eruptions are often found associated in natural disease) in certain cases; the nerve centres mothers. It is plain from these experiences that the "soothing" effects of Linseed-tea and Linseed poultices are really of a specific and hom?opathic nature. A teaspoonful of unground Linseed, steeped in warm water for half an hour and then taken, acts as a laxative. Relations.-Antidoted by: Ipec. (?), Asaf?t. (?). Compare: Lin. cath.; in asthma and skin affections, Ars., Chloral., Apis, &c. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Perfectly conscious, but only able to express herself by signs. 2. Head.-Heavy frontal headache.-Violent pain in cheeks and temples.-Rigid and prominent temporal muscles, jerk rapidly.-Head shakes spasmodically in measured time. 3. Eyes.-Unpleasant heat, burning, dryness, and intense conjunctivitis, chemosis, swelling of lids completely closes eye in one hour; ?dema persisted three days. 5. Nose.-Irritation rapidly extended through lachrymal duct to nose, heat, burning dryness with indescribably scraping, itching sensation, nearly driving him wild.-Nasal passage completely closed, was compelled to breathe through mouth. 6. Face.-Face red and slightly moist.-Violent, dull pain in cheeks and temples.-Jaws immovably clenched. 8. Mouth.-Complained that her tongue was drawn down into her throat.-Complete paralysis of tongue.-Could not articulate a syllable.-Tip of the tongue turned upwards and backwards so as to touch the velum palati. 9. Throat.-Irritation continued (from eyes and nose) down into throat.-Throat filled with large white blisters. 11. Stomach.-Great weight in stomach and severe colic.-Fulness in stomach and precordial uneasiness (almost immediately after swallowing the oil), followed by convulsions.-Vomiting with copious stools. 13. Stools.-Vomiting and copious stools.
17. Respiratory Organs.-A picture of an aggravated case of bronchial asthma; it was with the most extreme effort that I could breathe.-Livid, and struggles for breath; her friends thought she was dying. 22. Upper Limbs.-Upper limbs shaken by spasms, but pliable and uncontracted. 24. Generalities.-Almost immediately (after swallowing the oil) felt a fulness at the stomach and a precordial uneasiness, went to bed, where she was seized by spasms.-She lay on her back, head moved rhythmically; jaws completely clenched, had to be prized open.-Did not recover speech till evening.-Bruised feeling in elbows and knees remained with prostration, and she was left with impaired health.-Livid and struggling for breath. 25. Skin.-A crop of herpes (where the poultice was applied).-Urticaria.-One complete blotch from crown to toes, smarting, stinging, burning.
Lippia Mexicana.
Lippia Mexicana. N. O. Verbenace. Tincture of whole fresh plant. Clinical.-Cough. Characteristics.-The Chicago Med. Times (H. W., xxxii. 185) gives this indication for Lippia: Hoarse ringing or barking chest cough, without expectoration, occurring every winter, especially in women. The dose recommended is ten to thirty drops every two to four hours.
The waters of the mineral spring in Lippspringe, Westphalia, containing Sulphates of Sodium and Calcium, Chloride of Magnesium, and other salts in smaller proportion, with carbonic acid, nitrogen, and oxygen gases, which are freely evolved. Dilution. Clinical.-Diarrh?a. Hmoptysis. Hmorrhoids. Jaundice. Leucorrh?a. Menorrhagia. Urinary calculi. Urticaria. Worms. Characteristics.-Lippspringe is a cold, sulphurated, saline spring, and very gaseous, of saline and piquante taste. "It is used in drink and bath as a refreshing and laxative medication. It is vaunted above all against commencing phthisis complicated with hmoptysis, when the subjects are plethoric, irritable, and liable to pulmonary congestion" (Constantin James). The hom?opathic data are derived partly from provings and partly from observations on patients. The purging effect was very marked, as also the diuretic. The urine was increased in quantity and the urging great; in one case many calculi were found. There was > after micturition in one case-"a peculiar feeling of comfort." "Itching of nose and anus" suggests Lipp. as a worm remedy. Alternation of bloody stools with hmoptysis occurred in one case. Jerking of the limbs; uneasiness; cramp in calves. Perspiration and diarrh?a were < at night. Sneezing, palpitation, cramp and restlessness were < evening. Heaviness of chest was < after coitus; and < by smoking. < By walking. > After micturition. Relations.-Compare: Calc. sul., Nat. sul., Mag. mur. Restlessness, Rhus, Zn., Caust. > By micturition, Eug. j., Lith. c. < After coitus, K. ca. SYMPTOMS.
1. Mind.-Depressed; sad; apprehensive.-Apprehension < riding in carriage; a kind of anxiety in the heart of impending misfortune with home sickness.-Irritable.-Great desire to write.-Weak memory. 2. Head.-Vertigo: while walking, compelling to stop; whirling; with heaviness of head and sleepiness; after eating obliged to sleep.-Sudden headache, with drawing in nape.-Drawing-sticking r. side of vertex. 3. Eyes.-Redness of white of eye, slight pressure in ball, lachrymation.-Flickering before eyes like a bright flaming star, preventing distinct vision, < when reading in recumbent position. 4. Ears.-Violent itching in ears and nose.-Roaring in both ears. 5. Nose.-Itching: of nose and anus; of nose so that it seems she would rub it off. 6. Face.-Suffering expression; face yellowish-white; sickly-looking. 8. Mouth.-Teeth sensitive to cold water.-Bitter taste, morning. 9. Throat.-Dryness of throat in evening, obliged to drink, which did not >; afterwards > by holding sugar in mouth.-Sore throat so she could scarcely speak or swallow. 11. Stomach.-Increased appetite.-Eructations: as soon as she goes into the bath; tastes of the gas of the spring.-Retching and vomiting of mucus, morning.-Vomiting of sour water, with paroxysmal colic.-Stomach feels as if disordered by sour grapes; sour vomiting with much mucus, chilliness, loss of appetite.-Pressive cramp in stomach < lying on back, after dinner; > lying on side. 12. Abdomen.-Sticking pains in liver.-Prickling in l. hypochondrium.-Distension.-Loud rumbling and emission of much offensive flatus.-Feels "shrunk together," as if abdomen constricted to one-third.-Griping as before stool.-Periodic pressive pain in hypogastrium. 13. Stool and Anus.-Protrusion of rectum after lying down.-Piles with burning, sticking pains during the hard stools; lost much blood daily for fourteen days.-Very violent itching in anus, obliging rubbing.-Four pasty stools.-Stools continued to be followed by mucus and often blood, sometimes thin, sometimes clotted, for a long time.-Stool in morning like sheep-dung, with some blood.-Very yellow stools as in little children.-Stools bloody (in patient with hmoptysis, which disappeared after occurrence of the bloody stools).-Constipation, stool hard, difficult. 14. Urinary Organs.-Slight mucous discharge from orifice.-Burning cutting while urinating.-Great urging (immediately on rising), unless call instantly obeyed urine passed involuntarily.-Frequent urination at night; must make great exertion before urine is pressed out; urine smells of violets.-Two or three ounces of small calculi passed in eight days.-Increased secretion; urine clear watery. 15. Male Sexual Organs.-Smegma preputii increased, thin.-Emissions two nights in succession (in one who had never had them before). 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Increased mucous discharge from vagina; two days later some bloody streaks in the mucus.-Leucorrh?a: with itching in rectum; acrid, with soreness on margins of labia majora, < from walking, painful on rubbing.-Menses three days early and more profuse. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Tickling in larynx woke him from afternoon nap and lasted till he raised some mucus.Trachea feels raw and dry.-Hoarseness, roughness in throat, while trachea feels as if covered with glutinous, dry substances, afternoon, > riding in carriage.-Dry cough, morning, with tickling in throat, < talking.-Violent catarrhal cough with easy expectoration of enormous quantity of watery, glassy, tenacious mucus.-
Hmoptysis; blood thin, bright red, occurring nearly every morning after rising (after drinking the water and inhaling the gases the previous evening). 18. Chest.-Violent anxiety in chest (in the back).-Fulness in chest immediately after taking the water and breathing the gases.-Heaviness and pressure on chest while walking.-Fine suddenly piercing, transient Stitches in both sides of chest about a handsbreadth externally and above the nipples.-Stitches in the mamma. 19. Heart.-Violent palpitation every evening (in a healthy woman), obliged to stop drinking the water.Increased rapidity of pulse. 20. Back.-Bruised sensation between shoulders.-Pain in loins, with pressure and tension, waking him several times in night, < lying l. side.-Pain in small of back with griping in abdomen. 21. Limbs.-Jerking in limbs, continued long after the pains. 22. Upper Limbs.-Paralytic pain in whole r. arm.-Great distension of veins in backs of hands after inhaling the gas.-Trembling of hands (< r.) while sitting, with anxious palpitation and orgasm of blood in chest. 23. Lower Limbs.-Suddenly, transient pain shooting from knee to ankles.-Acute, paralytic-like pain in front of upper end of tibia, when putting foot forward in walking.-Weariness of feet after a short walk.-Burning pains in corns. 24. Generalities.-Sudden weakness; dizzy; restless; jerkings through whole body.-Peculiar feeling of comfort after micturition. 25. Skin.-Jaundice.-Fine, red, or pale red, discrete eruption size of linseed, smooth, itching violently, while in bath, and in evening in bed; larger pemphigus-like vesicles developed later on continuing the baths.-Eruptions on arms, hands, and face like bee-stings with swellings an inch and a half in diameter, like nettle-rash; itched so violently could scarcely Sleep. 26. Sleep.-Much yawning while inhaling the gas.-Sleepy: falls asleep at unusual time; after dinner.Unremembered, anxious dreams with frequent waking.-Many dreams of dead people and coffins. 27. Fever.-Chilliness.-Shivering with thirst.-Flushes of heat with flickering before eyes.-Orgasm of blood, flushes of heat with anxiety; obliged to loosen everything about throat and wrists.-Glowing heat of face.Sweats easily.-Profuse sweat in morning, obliged to change his shirt.
Lithium Benzoicum.
Benzoate of Lithium. LiC7H5O2. Clinical.-Uric acid, deposit of. Characteristics.-Hale quotes T. O. Summers (Nashville J. of Med. and Surg.) as saying that Li. ben. had great effect in diminishing uric acid deposits and increasing the free hippuric acid of the urine. "It acts upon the urine before it leaves the blood." Bearing in mind the powerful action which each of its elements possesses over the urinary functions, hom?opaths can understand this action, and future experience will probably extend it.
Lithium Bromatum.
Bromide of Lithium. Li. br. Trituration. Tincture. Clinical.-Apoplexy. Epilepsy. Speech, thick. Vertigo. Characteristics.-Weir Mitchell, quoted by Hale, is the authority for this medicament. He gave thirty grains to a gentleman (who had had one previous attack of apoplexy and was hemiplegic) for these symptoms: Numbness, vertigo, headache, and thickness of speech. The one dose removed them in half an hour. Mitchell gave it in epilepsy when other bromides were not borne. Hale mentions that it removed these symptoms in a case: After any prolonged mental exertion, flushed face, insomnia, and intense pain between the shoulders.
Lithium Carbonicum.
Carbonate of Lithia. Lithic Carbonate. Li2 CO3. Trituration. Clinical.-Albuminuria. Aneurism. Angina Pectoris. Barber's itch. Bubo. Dyspepsia. Eyes, affections of. Gallstones. Gastralgia. Glands, swelling of. Gout. Headaches. Heart, affections of Hemiopia. Hernia. Menstruation, disorders of. Nose, affections of. Obesity. Ossification of arteries. Prostatitis. Retina, anmia of. Rheumatism. Spleen, affections of. Syphilis. Urethritis. Urinary disorders. Characteristics.-Hering introduced and made the first provings of Li. c. It affects the entire organism, but notably head and eyes, urinary organs, heart, and joints. In arthritic complaints accompanied with heart or eye symptoms it is very likely to be needed. Recurring attacks of acute inflammation of the small joints. The skin of the Lith. patient is dry and harsh like a nutmeg-grater. According to Allen, the Lactate of Lithia has been found valuable for subacute rheumatism of the shoulder-joint. "Soreness" is a note of Li. c.: Bruised spots from falls or blows. Bones, joints, muscles, whole body sore as if beaten. Rheumatic soreness in heart region. Eyes pain as if sore. "Pressing from within outward" is another common symptom: in head; abdominal ring; perineum; chest. There are two grand characteristics about the heart symptoms: < bending forward; and > after urinating, though < on rising to urinate. This > after urinating may be compared with < on cessation of menses: "Menses cease suddenly and headache comes on." A pain in heart occurs before and at time of menses. The heaviness is > whilst eating, and < after. A good deal of confusion in the head. The nose is red and inflamed; there is dropping of solid lumps down the back of the nose. Acidity of the stomach. Sensations are: Temples as if bound. Head too large. Eyes dry. As if veil before eyes. Lancination as from red-hot needles in bubo. Arm as if paralysed. Border of foot and soles as if gouty; itching. Prostration of whole body, especially knee-joints and sacrum. Paralytic stiffness of whole body. Most symptoms are < at night or early morning. Hot water < itching. Open air = dropping from nose and constriction of chest. Inspired air feels cold even into lungs. Going out > headache. In general, rest > and motion <; but lying down < headache and cough. Many symptoms of Lith. c. have Concomitants in other parts. Relations.-Compare: Alumina (asthenopia, dry eyes, eyes pain when reading); Eug. j., Lipp. (> after urinating); Bism. (gastralgia); K. bi., Coral. (inspired air feels cold); K. bi., Sep., Teuc. (catarrh with discharge of solid chunks from posterior nares); Led., Kalm. and Benz. ac. (valvular deposits.-Benz. ac. offensive urine); Zn., Con., and Aur. (sudden jerks or shocks about heart); Kalm. and Calc. (gout and rheumatism); Calc., Benz. ac., Lyc. and Am. ph. (nodular swellings); Dig., Cyc., Sel., Berb., Caust., Lyc., Cop. and Apis (prostatitis and urethritis); Gettys. (scrofulous joints).
Causation.-Bruises. Falls. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Difficulty in remembering names.-Disposed to weep about his lonesome condition.-Anxiety, hopeless all night. 2. Head.-Confusion of head: with pain in sacrum; with out-pressing pain in l. abdominal ring.-Pain and heaviness over eyes < towards evening.-Pain in l. temple, extending into orbit, with gnawing in stomach; began an hour before dinner; > while eating, but returning soon after; and remaining as a pressure in temples until night, and only goes away after falling asleep.-Pains in small spot in r. temple.-Pressure in temples from without inwards, with a pressing pain in middle of chest.-Tension as if bound in temples, with half-vision.-Early on awaking violent headache in vertex and temples (after sudden cessation of menses), with nausea.-Heavy weight on vertex with pressure on l. temple.-Headache like a stitch, superiorly in vertex, on r. side sensitive when touched.-Headache < when lying down; it pains everywhere; > when sitting up; > by going out.Confusion of head.-Looking at anything < headache; can hardly keep eyes open; they pain as if sore from morning till noon.-Trembling and throbbing in head, pains in heart extend to head.-Head seems too large.Head externally sensitive.-(Milk-crust.) 3. Eyes.-Stitches in r. eye.-Eyes pain as if sore.-Sensation of dryness and pain in eyes after reading.-Sensation as if sand in eyes.-Pain over eyes with half-vision.-Sunlight blinds him.-Black motes before eyes, eyes sensitive after using them by candle-light; asthenopia.-Uncertainty of vision and an entire invisibility of r. half of whatever she looked at (during second day of menstruation); if two short words occur in succession, that on r. hand is invisible.-Scrofulous inflammation of eyes with hardening of meibomian glands.-Ophthalmia, red sclerotica, muco-purulent discharge; sticking pains in eyes, photophobia, sensation as of a veil before them. 4. Ears.-Earache, l. side, from throat, with prosopalgia.-Pain behind l. ear, in bone, extending towards neck. 5. Nose.-Nose obstructed above, < morning and forenoon.-Blows nose very much, evening, much mucus remains behind in choan.-Coryza; dropping from nose in open air.-Nose swollen, red, esp. r. side, sore internally, shining crusts form in it; dry as if inflamed (at same time frequent urinating at night, disturbing sleep). 6. Face.-Pain in r. side of face (afternoon) from root of the tooth that has been sawn off, extending to temple, followed next day by same pain in l. side, passing from throat to l. ear, causing earache and moderate, brief pain in l. temple.-Glandular swellings l. side of face, some hard, some suppurating. 7. Teeth.-Teeth feel numb, dull and loose, cannot bite on them.-Toothache r. side. 9. Throat.-Sore throat extending into ear.-Expectoration of mucus from choan and out of fauces in solid lumps, esp. morning and forenoon. 11. Stomach.-Gnawing in stomach < before a meal, > while eating.-Nausea and gnawing in stomach.-Nausea, with fulness in temples; with headache.-Acidity in stomach.-Fulness in pit of stomach, cannot endure pressure of clothes.-Sticking burning extending upwards in epigastrium. 12. Abdomen.-Pressure in hepatic region.-Violent pain in hepatic region, between ilium and ribs.-Sticking pain in l. hypochondrium (spleen).-Feels swollen as if distended with wind.-Violent pain across upper abdomen.Out-pressing in left abdominal ring.-Violent pain horizontally in hypogastrium, in upper region of bladder.Buboes; l. groin.
13. Stool and Anus.-Diarrh?a after fruit (or chocolate).-Very offensive stools (during night).-Diarrh?a; stools light yellow.-Very stinking discharge of flatus.-Itching in anus, sharp, sudden, short.-Violent, painful, dull stitch in perineum near anus, from above downward, and from within outward, when walking. 14. Urinary Organs.-Sensitive pain, sharp pressure, in region of bladder, < r. side after urinating.-Tenesmus vesic and micturition (evening while walking).-Soreness of bladder and sharp, sticking pains in neck of bladder, on r. side, with soreness; frequent urination; pains in r. kidney.-Pain in r. ureter, and through spermatic cord into testicle.-Fugitive, sensitive pains in lower region of bladder, somewhat towards r. before urinating; pains extending into spermatic cord, more towards l., after urinating.-Tenesmus of bladder for a while, then discharge of clear, frothy urine, thirteen ounces, more than he could retain in health.-Quick, strong tenesmus.-Frequent and copious micturition (disturbing sleep).-Turbid urine with mucous deposit.-Less urine though he drinks as much as usual.-Burning in urethra.-Urine scanty and dark, very acrid.-Dark, reddish-brown deposit.-On rising to urinate a pressing in region of heart, which did not cease till after urination (morning). 15. Male Sexual Organs.-Erection after urination at night.-Greenish-yellow discharge from urethra, thick, profuse, alternating with hmaturia.-Pain: in ureter, spermatic cord, and testicle; in testes when sitting, stitches in penis.-Burning in urethra. 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Menses: late, scanty; cease suddenly and headache comes on. 17. Respiratory Organs.-On inspiration air feels cold even into lungs.-Violent cough in evening, while lying down, compelling to rise, without expectoration; the irritation to cough is in a little spot, posteriorly and inferiorly in throat. 18. Chest.-Pressure in middle of chest.-Constriction of chest when walking (after breakfast), followed by expectoration of much mucus, seemingly from middle of sternum. 19. Heart and Pulse.-Rheumatic soreness in region of heart.-Violent pain in region of heart as she bent over bed, morning on rising.-Sudden shock in heart.-Throbbing; like a dull stitch in region of heart.-Pains in heart after pains in bladder.-Pains in heart before and at time of commencement of menses.-Trembling and fluttering of heart (after mental agitation of a vexatious character).-Pains in heart before and at time of urinating.-Pressure in region of heart on rising to urinate, > after urination. 20. Back.-Sore feeling r. side near spine, below loins, on small spot; < from pressure; morning on rising.-Stitch in sacrum.-Pain in sacrum, when standing, with confusion of head.-Feeling of prostration in sacrum at night.Pressure as with a dull point, here and there, internally, as if near sacral bone, in evening; most on l. side. 21. Limbs.-Occasional rheumatic pains in limbs. 22. Upper Limbs.-Pain in r. shoulder-joint near insertion of pectoralis major, at margin of muscle.-Itchingthrobbing very sensitive in all the fingers, as if it were in and upon the bones, extending from hands to ends of fingers, only during repose; > by pressure, when grasping, and during motion.-Soreness at margin of nail, with pain and redness.-Burning stitch in ball of l. thumb. 23. Lower Limbs.-Pain in r. hip, later in l.-Rheumatic pains in lower extremities.-Pain in and above knees, esp. when going upstairs.-Prostrated feelings in knee-joints, on going upstairs.-Rheumatic pains in r. foot on awaking at night, > on rising.-Painfulness of feet, ankles, metatarsus, all the toes, esp. of border of foot and sole, as if gouty.-Pain and weakness of feet.-Burning in great toe, esp. around the corns.-Great soreness of corns.-Itching of sole of (l.) foot on inner margin.-Pain in little toes. 24. Generalities.-Paralytic stiffness in all limbs as if beaten; stiff and sore over whole body, in all the bones, joints., and muscles.-Swelling, tenderness, sometimes redness of last joint of fingers, with general puffiness of body and limbs; increase of bulk and weight; clumsiness in walking at night, and weariness in standing;
sometimes intense itching of sides of feet and hands at night from no apparent cause, > by very hot water.Pressing, as if with a dull point, here and there, internally, as if it were near the bone, most in l. side.-Burning stitch which goes from within outwards, and ends in an itching.-Before menses, symptoms < l. side; after menses < r. side.-All symptoms < r. side. 25. Skin.-Itching: at anus; in middle finger around margin of nail; in side of thigh; in sole; in palm. 26. Sleep.-Sleepiness early in evening; late in morning.-Sleep at night disturbed by urination.-Voluptuous dreams, tenesmus vesic, and erections, which subside after urination. 27. Fever.-Shudder starting from thorax.-Very copious sweat.-General feeling of heat; sweat on back of hands.
Lithium Lacticum.
Lactate of Lithia. Clinical.-Rheumatism. Characteristics.-A chemist, while preparing a combination of Lactic acid and Lithium carbonate, experienced decided rheumatic pains in the small joints. Berghaus (B. J. H., xli. 380, quoting N. A. J. H.) on this hint used Lith. lact. in local subacute rheumatism with good effect. Allen says it especially affects the shoulder.
Lithium Muriaticum.
"Dilute Muriatic Acid was saturated with the caustic and Carbonate of Lithium and evaporated." Solution. Clinical.-Heartburn. Heart, pains in. Nose, sore. Tongue, numb. Characteristics.-Hering, who proved Li. c., proved also this salt. He put one drop on his tongue. It had a salt taste, but different from common salt; a fatty-salt taste. The tongue became numb as if fat were on it. Pains in the head, back teeth, and heart. Gohrwisch, who took the 3rd dilution, had pains in heart region and notably: Hot, burning uprising in the throat and pit of stomach like heartburn. He also had pains in teeth. The tip of the nose was red, sore, and somewhat swollen. Relations.-Compare: Li. carb. SYMPTOMS. 2. Head.-Painful dulness r. side of head; also l.; with heat of face.-Pain in middle of vertex.-Pain in forehead above r. eye.-Dull pain through whole head. 3. Eyes.-Spasmodic twitching of r. upper lid. 5. Nose.-Difficult breathing through nose as in catarrh.-Tip of nose red, sore, and somewhat swollen, with a rather sensitive pain, disappeared without suppurating. 6. Face.-Frequent heat in face.
8. Mouth.-Painful dulness in l. lower back teeth.-Pains in hollow teeth l. side.-Salty taste but not like common salt.-Upper surface of tongue numb, as if fat were on it. 9. Throat.-Uprising of something acid and stringy in throat, frequently. 11. Stomach.-Increased appetite.-Uprising of food and sour water.-Warmth in stomach, more l. side.-Frequent eructations.-Hot, burning uprising in throat and pit of stomach like heartburn.-Feeling of heat and weakness of stomach, as after a purge, as though diarrh?a would ensue. 13. Stool and Anus.-Prickling in anus. 18. Chest.-Sharp but not violent pain in lower l. chest, transient, frequently recurring. 19. Heart.-Pain in upper and inner part of heart. 20. Neck and Back.-Dull pressure from between shoulders and lower down on each side of spine between shoulders and small of back.-Constant pain in back; < after remaining seated long in one position.-Aching between shoulders extending through to chest. 22. Upper Limbs.-Trembling pain in l. humerus, extending upward from middle, at different intervals, as if something were dropping or slipping outward. 23. Lower Limbs.-Throbbing in r. ankle.
Lobelia Cardinalis.
Lobelia cardinalis. Cardinal Flower. N. O. Lobeliace. Tincture of fresh plant. Clinical.-Anorexia. Debility. Headache. Sore throat. Characteristics.-There is a proving of Lob. card. by S. D. R. Dubs, who took ten drops of the tincture in one dose. Dubs' symptoms have been confirmed by a second proving by Kopp (H. W., xxxi. 26). The acrid properties of the plant were immediately felt by Dubs, in burning in mouth and throat, which lasted a long time. Sticking and pricking sensation in various parts, especially left chest and left hypochondrium. Oppression of breathing. Headache at base of occiput < by motion and shaking head; stiffness in nape. Throbbing and weakness in lower limbs. Most of the effects lasted two weeks, and it was three weeks before the appetite returned. There was thirst for cold water, which > burning in tongue and fauces. Many symptoms occurred at 8 a.m. Sleepy but difficulty in sleeping. A lady to whom Cooper gave one dose of Lob. cd. had "flashes of light before eyes every day for a week." It seems, he says, to have an action distinct from that of other Lobelias, since a dose of it brought back pains which had been relieved by Lob. dort. Relations.-Compare: Lob. i., Lob. s.; Caps. (burning in mouth and throat; but Caps is < by cold water, Lob. cd. >). SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Disposition to sing. 2. Head.-Head feels light, with dull pain in forehead and occiput, 6 a.m.-Headache, dull, distressing, with fulness in forehead and esp. base of occiput; < motion, or shaking head; remained longest in occiput.-Slight shooting pain in forehead with eruption of small sore vesicles.
3. Eyes.-Eyes burning, sore, smarting, and watery, dread of light, sore on closing them 8 a.m.-Flashes of light before eyes every day for a week. 5. Nose.-Dryness of nose, with fulness, followed by sneezing. 6. Face.-Dull pains in both maxillary bones, with aching in molar teeth. 8. Mouth.-Burning and stinging in tongue and fauces (lasting fourteen hours); > by copious draughts of cold water.-Tongue raw, sore, very red, esp. at tip, where is a blister.-Mouth and fauces dry, with raw, distressed feeling extending down to epigastrium 8 a.m.-Unpleasant taste, morning and through the day. 9. Throat.-Throat sore, dry, with disposition to swallow and hawk.-Soreness of fauces, extending down into upper ?sophagus; when it leaves fauces burning and pricking remain there. 11. Stomach.-Appetite indifferent.-Thirst for cold water, which >.-Nausea 8 a.m.-Dull, heavy pain in epigastrium, with sensation of weight or load.-Sticking pains with sensation of load at epigastrium. 12. Abdomen.-Sticking pain at l. hypochondrium, which came suddenly and so violently as to cause him to cry out, > placing ends of fingers over spot. 13. Stool.-Stool at first thin, then more consistent. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Breathing oppressed; through day, with sticking pains on taking a deep breath; with dull, distressing pain in lower part of sternum, with same feeling on each side, forming a circle, > by beating the part gently with the hand. 18. Chest.-Pricking pain in l. lung.-Severe stitch l. side of chest nearly taking away breath; > pressing with hand. 20. Neck and Back.-Stiffness of nape.-Weakness as from spine across kidneys. 23. Lower Limbs.-Throbbing and weakness in lower limbs, with headache compelling him to lie down.-Sticking like pricking with needles: inner r. thigh; l. calf and heel; l. sole, shooting up. 24. Generalities.-Debility all day.-Symptoms continued two weeks, and it was three weeks before the appetite came back. 25. Skin.-Eruption of small, sore, vesicular pimples in centre of forehead. 26. Sleep.-Whilst lying down great sleepiness with difficulty of falling asleep.-Starting in sleep, with jerking of hands. 27. Fever.-Hot sweat on forehead, with throbbing there and at base of occiput.
Lobelia Dortmanna.
Lobelia dortmanna. (The principal indigenous British species. Habitat, shallow lakes.) N. O. Lobeliace. Tincture of fresh plant. Clinical.-Ears, noises in. Headache. Indigestion. Pylorus, affections of. Characteristics.-I am indebted to Cooper for the whole of the information about this remedy. The symptoms of the Schema were observed on patients after single doses of the tincture allowed to exhaust their action.
According to Cooper, Lob. d. has much in common with Lob. er. and Lob. i. The letters and figures appended to the symptoms denote the sex and age of the patients "m" means "man," "w" "woman." SYMPTOMS. 2. Head.-Violent headache lasting all day goes on for a fortnight, ending in severe colic and diarrh?a; and then an old cough goes away (w. 56). 4. Ears.-All through same night (after dose), and several times after, had roaring noises in ears; < on lying down; when going to sleep; and in early morning; also an itching on skin behind angle of r. jaw and below ear (M. 24; deaf with nasal blockage high up). 5. Nose.-Violent sneezing and catarrh (w. 47). 11. Stomach.-Pains of cancer of pylorus with distended stomach go away for a whole afternoon, great depression, mental and physical, follow at once on the dose, and next day she has neuralgic pains down r. arm to fingers followed on third day by great pain in r. knee lasting two days (W. 33; healthy otherwise).-Habitual indigestion; no power to digest (cured). 13. Stool and Anus.-Great discharge of flatus (M. 23).-Burning as of a red-hot poker and shootings in rectum, generally < at night, lessen at once (m. 47). 17. Respiratory Organs.-Breathing distinctly improved (w. 65).
Lobelia Erinus.
Lobelia erinus. N. O. Lobeliace. Tincture of fresh plant. Clinical.-Breast, cancer of. Cancer. Deafness. Earache. Fever, hectic. Indigestion. Keratitis, interstitial. Characteristics.-Cooper, who is the sole authority for Lob. er., says. "This common and insignificant-looking plant possesses beyond question remarkable curative powers." He has only used it in single doses of . In the Schema the sex of the patients on whom the observations were made is indicated in brackets after the symptom produced or cured. Its chief power is manifested in malignant diseases. For example: (1) Woman, 36, had for three weeks noticed a painfully inflamed spot, size of a shilling, scabbed over and resting on a scirrhous base close to l. nipple, which was retracted below the surface. This had led to the breast being condemned to operation. Axillary tenderness and a large soft swelling existed for eight years immediately below the breast. The disease yielded completely to single doses of Lob. er. given at long intervals during nine months of treatment, the lower swelling having in this time gone down to one-quarter of its former size, and the suspicious painful swelling having entirely disappeared. (2) An elderly lady had both breasts affected, left indurated and discharging, with scattered nodules of induration over adjacent tissues, pains burning and stinging, left arm ?dematous with axillary involvement. Lob. er. was given on July 26th at a time when the pain was excessive and had resisted other remedies, and till the end of life on September 21st perfect freedom from pain was secured. Cooper also mentions interstitial keratitis in hereditary syphilis as having been influenced by Lob. er. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Low spirits, dyspn?a, and flatulence (m. 64; full-blooded healthy except for cataract; 1st day).-Great depression following heat and perspiration.
2. Head.-Tightness across occiput, head felt heavy as if brain rolling over, and could hardly stand for fear of moving, breathing continued short (2nd day; 3rd day felt altogether better.-m. 64). 3. Eyes.-Interstitial keratitis in hereditary syphilis. 4. Ears.-Fearful earache, said to be from cancer of the nose and throat, goes away after the dose, but returns after a few days.-Deafness with history of otorrh?a, also anmia.-Deafness of both ears, dating from excision of tonsils at seven years old, and rapidly getting worse (improved rapidly after the dose.-w. 21). 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Menses come on too often, with much bearing down last time; this bearing down kept on for a month, being < at the period (w. 35). 17. Respiratory Organs.-Laryngeal phthisis; weight increases rapidly (m. 46). 18. Chest.-Pain r. chest same evening (of dose), and again three days later, causing aching in back; and then pain came on each evening for three days and then disappeared (w. 30).-Right breast eaten away by cancer, "heavenly relief to local pain and distress" (w. 78). 27. Fever.-Felt hot and perspired freely, followed by great depression (w. 35).-Persistent high temperature in tuberculous children with diarrh?a.
Lobelia Inflata.
Lobelia inflata. Indian Tobacco. (Fields and roadsides from Canada to Southern U.S.A.) N. O. Lobeliace. Tincture of fresh plant when in flower and seed. Trituration of dried leaves. Acetum. Clinical.-Alcoholism. Alopecia. Amenorrh?a. Angina pectoris. Asthma. Cardialgia. Cough. Croup. Deafness. Debility. Diarrh?a. Dysmenorrh?a. Dyspepsia. Emphysema. Faintness. Gall-stones. Gastralgia. Hmorrhoidal discharge. Hay-asthma. Heart, affections of. Hysteria. Meningeal headaches. Millar's asthma. Morning sickness (of drunkards; of pregnancy). Morphia habit. Palpitation. Pleurisy. Psoriasis. Rigid os. Seborrh?a. Shoulders, pain in. Tea, effects of. Urethra, stricture of. Vagina, serous discharge from. Vomiting, of pregnancy. Wens. Whooping-cough. Characteristics.-Matthew Lobel, whose name is given to this family of plants, was a physician and botanist attached to the court of James I. There are two British species, L. Dortmanna, found in shallow lakes, and L. urens, which grows in heathy places. L. inflata, the North American variety, is the most important of all, medically. According to Hale, this plant was used by the Indians as an emetic detergent, in the same way as Verat. alb. was used by the ancients to produce "Helleborism." But the chief modern exponent of Lobelia is Samuel Thompson, of New Hampshire, who founded the modern Botanic School. His chief remedies were, besides Lobelia, cayenne pepper and the vapour bath. There can be little doubt that he accomplished much with these, but his unbounded faith in Lobelia led, in some instances, to fatal poisoning. Such a result is not altogether unknown in qualified practice; but as Thompson had no medical degree these cases brought him into trouble.-The records of them have furnished some of the symptoms of the pathogenesis. Lob. i. probably obtained the name of "Indian Tobacco" from the similarity of its action to that of Tabacum in producing intense nausea, vomiting, profound depression at the epigastrium, and collapse. It was a true instinct On the part of Teste that led him to class Lob. i. with Sul.; and though the provings and clinical experience do not fully bear out what he says about its skin action, the results of botanic practice, confirmed by Cooper, show that it has an antipsoric action, and relieves morbid states due to the suppression of discharges. In a paper read before the Brit. Hom. Society, November 1, 1888 (M. H. Rev., xxxii. 717) Cooper explains that he got no good out of Lob. i. until under the advice of a herbalist he used a solution of Lobelia made with common vinegar.
Here is one of his cases. A young woman, 23, of consumptive family history on both sides, had, when 14 to 15 years old, severe pain in left, and sometimes right, side, and round lower abdomen, with faint feeling. This lasted till the monthly period came on regularly and then she was well till 20, when diarrh?a came on, which nothing was able to check and which kept her in bed for months at a time. The symptoms were: Pains all round abdomen and up the back, much < after undressing, feeling of exhaustion or failing to pieces inside and out, cannot bear anything to touch her. Four or five motions daily when taking medicine; if she leaves it off continual motions all day; it literally runs from her: watery, sometimes light-coloured, sometimes dark, never bloody. Menses very irregular, sometimes five to six weeks between; all symptoms, especially diarrh?a, < then; much tenderness all over abdomen, especially in ovarian regions, legs ache fearfully, pains all over body; faints continually. Since the illness began subject to neuralgia of face, one or other side or both, extending to chest, coming and going suddenly at any time. In spite of treatment of all kinds, including that of a skilful repertorian, she grew worse. She went into a hospital, and there a small pile was removed with but temporary benefit; and after this the vagina as well as the rectum began to discharge copiously an excoriating fluid. Lob. i. ac. , eight drops three times a day, was now given. She began to improve at once, and in a few weeks was quite well. In this case the difficulty first showed itself when the menstrual era was commencing; was relieved when the flow was regularly established; reappeared simultaneously with menstrual irregularity. In the next case there was an analogous history. A lady of 52, when 37, was exposed to a severe chill which checked the catamenial flow. After this she had threatened phthisis with bronchorrh?a, which after two years gradually went off, leaving her subject to severe constantly recurring seizures of vertigo. Nine months before coming under Dr. Cooper's care she felt as if something was forming in the utero-vaginal region, causing much bearing down. She was obliged to go to bed, and then there occurred a profuse pouring away of apparently serous fluid from utero-vaginal and vesical mucous membranes, with paroxysms of agonising, burning, and scalding, < in evening. Vagina swollen, extremely tender, bathed in moisture; urination always very painful and followed by paroxysm of general scalding. She was unable to sit up and decubitus could only be maintained with the knees drawn up, or on the left side. At night she would be awoke by finding her back resting in a pool of water, and the sense of uterine bearing down was almost intolerable. The bowels were unaffected; urine free from all but a trace of albumen. A hardness and dulness to percussion existed all down right side of abdomen. Lob. infl. acet. , 1/3 drop every four hours. From that time the patient had not to keep her bed for a single day, and all her symptoms cleared up. The Lob. i. was in this case assisted by Nat. chlor. (Liq. Sod chlor. of B. P.), 1/3 drop doses occasionally, which relieved the bearing down more than anything else. All that remained of the illness was a slight weakness in lower abdomen felt every autumn. Cooper recalls in connection with these cases a symptom recorded by Jahr: "Violent pain in the sacrum with fever supervening upon suppression of the menses during their flow." Alongside this action of Lob. i. may be placed another, also vouched for by Cooper, the power of eliminating foreign substances like that possessed by Silica. A woman got a piece of mutton-bone down her windpipe and into one of the bronchia. She was taken to the London Hospital, but the idea of operation was abandoned as hopeless and she was sent out. Lob. i. ac. was given, five drops three times a day. Soon a most violent cough was set up, in the course of which the patient coughed up a large quantity of fetid, pus and finally the bone. B the action of Lob. i. in determining to the periphery it meets a large number of conditions due to suppression, including cases of phthisis. Cooper adds the following note to the above: "The interest of knowing that Lob. i. meets very serious symptoms connected with a profuse flow of serous discharge from the utero-vaginal mucous surfaces is to some extent marred by my having employed the acetous preparation, and subsequent trials of it would certainly have been made with the fresh plant tincture had I been able to obtain the living plant. As it is, my inferences, re the action of Lob. i., are all derived from the acetous tincture. The indications for Lob. i. are difficult to discover, being broad and general rather than precise and localised. Its power over serous discharges from mucous surfaces accounts probably for its influence on certain very obstinate forms of chronic diarrh?a, these being more serous than watery, and it is probably owing to a similar influence over sebaceous secretions that it removes in time the most obstinate wens on the scalp, causing them sometimes to gradually disappear and at others to point and discharge their contents, and that it causes the hair to grow when used locally in seborrh?a capitis. It is particularly called for
in ailments that never finish up, whether beginning from acutely inflammatory causes or not; it also fights with symptoms occasioned by mechanical irritants in a way that I have never found any remedy do, e.g., where a spicula of bone presses on the brain (compression) or where a bone is lodged in bronchus. The late Dr. Coffin (Botan. Jour., Aug., 1849, p. 271), in a boastful way, professed to cure children and adults whose lives were despaired of from poisoning by various substances by (decoctions? of) Lobelia, but whether by directly evacuant action or not it is not stated. But in my own hands a few drops mixed in water cured a baby of severe convulsions that I afterwards found were caused by a diabolical nurse giving the little one Chlorodyne. In symptoms existing along with hereditary syphilis and in the tuberculosis of childhood it acts with full power; in tabes mesenterica, in persistent earaches and headaches due to suppressed discharges, where the lips are dry and hot and continual feverish colds are prominent, it is specific. Here it stands side by side with Ars. iod. and our foremost antipsorics. In severe inflammatory conditions existing along with anthrax, or with malignant deposits in different regions, Lobelia in repeated as well as in single doses will often arrest urgent mischief. A few drops of Lob. i. ac. in boiling water takes away the pain and tension of inflamed piles; the patient sits on a utensil thus filled. In the broncho-pneumonia of childhood and in imperfect recoveries from chest affections, especially where tubercle threatens, Lobelia is indispensable. Treatment with Lobelia should always be begun with a single dose, if the symptoms permit, as in some cases it produces violent depression. In veterinary practice it is said to have proved curative in the tetanus of horses; a disease it is also said to produce. It must be kept in mind when studying Lob. i. that the herbalists used it in two forms: the decoction to produce emesis, and through which they seem to have obtained its antidotal action, or by virtue of which they aborted acute gout; and the acetous tincture, which they gave in chronic diseases, and in moderate doses."-Lob. i. may cause a rash which exfoliates, and it has cured many cases of psoriasis. It meets a condition in which the secondary digestion is at fault. The patient is thin, poor, and has no appetite. It cures the condition which favours pediculi corporis. Referring to the skin action of Lob. i., Hale quotes P. H. Hale as saying that, with the intense nausea it causes, there is sometimes a prickling itching of the skin, and acting on this hint P. H. Hale thinks he has seen benefit from its use in suppressed urticaria, with nausea and vomiting. The symptom Teste gives is this: "Eruption between the fingers, on the dorsa of the hands and on the forearms, consisting of small vesicles accompanied by a tingling itching, and resembling the itch pustules exactly." As with Sulph. "faintness at the stomach" is a grand characteristic which will be found in a large proportion of the cases calling for the remedy. Jeanes, who proved Lob. i., gives these as the chief symptoms: "Constant dyspn?a, < by slightest exertion and increased to an asthmatic paroxysm by even the shortest exposure to cold; sensation of weakness and pressure in the epigastrium, and rising thence to the heart with a constant heartburn; feeling as of a lump or quantity of mucus, and also a sense of pressure in larynx; pain in forehead from one temple to the other; pain in neck; in left side; high-coloured urine; weakness and oppression in epigastrium, with simultaneous oppression of the heart." I have italicised "rising thence to the heart" because I think this a particularly characteristic feature. There is something like it in the ?sophagus; a kind of globus hystericus. Hale quotes Dr. Cutler's (allopath) account of his own case. He had been asthmatic ten years, liable to very severe and prolonged attacks, and during the intervals scarcely ever passed a night without more or less of it, and as often as not was unable to lie in bed. In the middle of an attack he had a tablespoonful of afresh plant tincture. In three or four minutes his breathing was quite free; but there was no nausea, and thinking that necessary he took another spoonful ten minutes after the first, and this occasioned sickness. Ten minutes later he took a third, and this produced a sensible effect on the stomach coats, and a very little vomiting and "a kind of prickling sensation through the Whole system even to the extremities of the fingers and toes. The urinary passage was perceptibly affected, by producing a smarting sensation in passing urine, which was provoked by stimulus on the bladder." But all these symptoms very soon subsided, and vigour seemed to be restored to the constitution which he had not experienced for years. The necessity of taking Lobel. in doses sufficient to cause pathogenetic symptoms was insisted on by Thompson, and though it led to some disasters seems to have been the means of saving some lives. Thompson tells how as a boy he chewed this herb and so learned practically its effects. He used to give it to other boys out of sport. One day whilst mowing he gave a sprig of it to a companion. By the time they had got six rods the man said he thought the sprig would kill him: he never felt so
ill in his life before. He was in a profuse perspiration, trembled all over, and was as pallid as a corpse. Unable to walk, he lay down and vomited "two quarts." He was helped to his house; ate a good dinner, and returned to work in the afternoon. After this he "felt better than he had for a long time." This gave Thompson his first notion of the medicinal virtues of Lobel. In Walter Besant's Life of Edward Henry Palmer, the great Orientalist, Palmer's own account of his cure by Lobel. is given. In 1859 he was seized with pulmonary disease, which rapidly increased until he was told he had probably only a few months to live. On the advice of a herbalist named Sherringham he took a single large dose of Lobel. i., and this is what he experienced: (1) Violent attack of vomiting; (2) cold chill mounting up from feet to hands, which he could no longer move; to heart, which ceased to beat; to throat, which ceased to breathe. A doctor was sent for. "I felt myself dying," he said afterwards, describing the experience I was being killed by this dreadful cold spreading all over me. I was quite certain that my last moments had come. By the bedside stood my aunt, poor soul, crying. I saw the doctor feeling my pulseless wrist, watch in hand; the cold dews of death were on my forehead; the cold hand of death was on my limbs. Up to my lips, but no higher, I thought I was actually dead. I could see and hear but not speak, not even when the doctor let my hand fall on the pillow and said solemnly, "He is gone!" There was no pain, he said, and he was in no concern except about a book he wanted to finish. He recovered suddenly. New strength came to him. The consumption was arrested and was no more trouble to him for the rest of his life (H. W., xviii. 405).-The prickling sensation experienced by Cutler is characteristic, as also is tenderness of the sacrum. Carleton Smith (H. P., viii. 272) thus describes these: Extreme tenderness over sacrum; cannot bear even pressure of soft pillow; cries out if any attempt is made to touch the part; she sits up in bed, leaning forward to avoid contact. After each vomiting spell breaks out all over with sweat, followed by sensation as if thousands of needles were piercing her skin from within out. Lob. i. is indicated in whooping-cough with dyspn?a threatening suffocation. Must keep mouth open to breathe. The headaches of Lob. i. are remarkable. Teste describes them as follows: Pressive headache, at occiput, less frequently at the forehead, sometimes one-sided (left), < by motion; in evening and especially at night. Continual periodic headache, in afternoon and increasing till midnight, every third attack being alternately more or less violent. The brain is racked by the cough, which causes an intolerable pain. Heat and sweat about head and face, Cooper has recorded this case (M. H. R., xxxiv. 289): Girl, t. 9, seized with very bad headache affecting whole head and continuing night and day for two days, Merc. and Verat. v. being given in vain, Lob. i. acet. , two or three drops in a little water given in the morning after a bad night, gave immediate relief and restored the appetite. Cooper considered it a meningitic headache, and he finds Lob. i. ac. and Kali iod. 30 especially useful in these (excessive sensitiveness being a leading indication for the latter). A headache that has been frequently verified is: "Dull, heavy pain passing round the forehead from one temple to the other, immediately above eyebrows." Headache following intoxication; < afternoon till midnight; < from tobacco. A peculiar symptom of Lob. i. is semilateral coating of tongue.-Sudden pallor with profuse sweat. Gastric derangements, extreme nausea and vomiting. The nausea of Lob. i. is continuous and accompanied by constant flow of saliva. This is the indication for it in morning sickness and in effects of suppressed or missed menstrual period. Vomiting; face bathed in cold sweat. The nausea of Lobel. has been used in the same way as that of Tabac. and other emetics to produce relaxation of muscles, as, for example, rigid os. Sometimes this is effected by direct physiological action, but it may be hom?opathic as in this cured case: "With every uterine contraction violent dyspn?a, which seems to neutralise labour pains; rigid os, and perineum." But it is also of service locally, as in an enema; also in cases of difficult catheterism. G. W. Boskowitz (H. R., xv. 357) relates the case of a man, 40, who had twice had gonorrh?a, the second attack, three years before, having left him with a gleety discharge. For a year the stream had been diminishing until at last it took him half an hour to empty the bladder. Many surgeons had tried to pass an instrument and had failed. Boskowitz also failed several times, until one day he dropped fifteen drops of Lob. i. into the urethra and held the meatus, to retain it, for five minutes. It produced a smarting which soon passed away; and then No. 10 sound passed with ease. This sound was passed twice a week until No. 24 entered easily, and after this there was no further trouble. Boskowitz has used Lob. i. in many similar cases with like success. Guernsey gives this as a leading indication when found prominent: "Urine has a deep red colour and deposits a copious red sediment." Dyspn?a (as well as nausea) occurring in connection with
imperfect menstrual evolution may indicate Lobel. H. M. Broderick (Med. Adv., xviii. 568) has recorded this case: Young lady, 18, ill two years under allopathic treatment. Symptoms: Laboured breathing, sense of tightness across chest compelling her to take deep inspirations, which caused pain in heart region. Pulse full, very rapid; cough after each deep breath. Unable to lie down from oppression and pain. Twitching of muscles of face. Menses never regularly established; would go several weeks over time and then would last only a day. Lob. i. 3x was given in water. After the second dose she went to bed and slept. The remedy was repeated just before next menstrual period. She had no more attacks and menstruation became normal. Among the peculiar sensations of Lobel. i. are: As of lump in pit of throat. As of foreign body in throat. As if ?sophagus contracted from below upward. As of a lump or heavy load in stomach. As if a lump rose up to meet food and obstruct. its descent. Fulness in trachea as if from chest. As of a lump in larynx. As if the heart would stand still. As of a band about chest. As if blood stagnated in chest (> moving about). As if thousands of needles were pricking her skin from within outward. Lobel. i. is suited to persons with light hair, blue eyes, and fair complexion; inclined to be fleshy. Symptoms are < by touch (right deltoid sore. Sits up in bed, leaning forward to avoid contact with bedclothes on sacrum. Cannot bear even a soft pillow over sacrum. Pressure at epigastrium = oppression). Motion; slightest exertion <. Bending forward < pain under right shoulder-blade. Effort to move = fainting. Every rapid movement = dyspn?a and suffocation. Going up or down stairs < dyspn?a. Symptoms generally > afternoon, < evening and night. Rapid walking > sensation of congestion, weight or pressure in chest as if blood from extremities was filling it. Sickness (of pregnancy) < morning. Coldness > by warmth. Cold < dyspn?a; < from current of air. Warm food = vomiting. Headache is < by tobacco or tobacco smoke. Relations.-Antidoted by: Ipec. Compare: The other Lobelias; Digit. and Tabac. (heart affections; vomiting; < by motion sudden pallor with profuse sweat); Ars. (hay fever; gastric troubles) Verat. alb. (gastric troubles); Ipec. (asthma-but Lob. i. has, with the asthma, weak sensation at epigastrium spreading up into chest, nausea, salivation, feeling of lump in stomach); Ipec. and Ant. t. (morning sickness). Nux (morning sickness of drunkards; Lob. in fair people, Nux in dark); Bry. (< by movement; cough = headache); Asaf. (reversed peristalsis); Sul. (occipital headache; cough = headache); Ab. n. and Thuj. (effects of tea); Lact. ac. (vomiting with profuse salivation-Merc. at night); Lil. t. (pain at heart-Lob. i. at base, Lil. t., apex); Daph. i. and Rhus (semilateral coating on tongue; with Rhus the coating is white); Kali i. (meningitic headaches). Causation.-Alcohol. Tea. Tobacco. Wetting feet. Suppressions. Foreign bodies. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Mental inquietude; great depression and exhaustion; presentiment of death, and dyspn?a.-Sobbinglike a child.-Violent raving with flushing of face and palpitation, every evening, after an hour's sleep.-Lost his reason and became convulsed; it required several men to hold him; this continued till death.-Felt he was dying, with distress at chest.-Felt he was dying, but was unconcerned. 2. Head.-Cerebral suffering; giddiness; vertigo.-Vertigo with nausea.-Headache with slight giddiness.-Vertigo as if starting from l. eye.-Feeling of disorder: at first in occiput; afterwards in forehead; in head, after a meal, increasing to a violent aching pain, with heat in face.-Headache < by coughing; brain racked by cough which causes intolerable pain.-Heaviness in head, with lassitude in back.-Cephalalgia, esp. during movement, and when ascending a staircase, chiefly in vertex; with vertigo and lancinations in temples; dull pain and heat in occiput, in evening; violent, in forehead, from time to time (during the fever).-Outward pressing in both temples.-Tension in head, in evening, esp. in occiput, or else with heat in face.-Aching in occiput, sometimes chiefly in open air, or else diminished on covering the head.-Pressive pain on l. side of occiput; < at night and from motion.-Wens.-Seborrh?a.-Seborrh?a of scalp smelling offensively (produced in an infant every time one drop of Lob. i. ac. was taken.-Cooper.). 3. Eyes.-Burning in eyes; (hemiopia).-Pain and soreness in r. eye.-Burning in eyes.-Itching in angles of (l.) lids.Pressing pain in eyeballs, most in upper part.-Pupils dilated.-Vision dim.
4. Ears.-Aching in l. ear.-Shooting pain extending into l. ear from painful spot in throat to l. of larynx.-Sudden shutting up of r. ear, as if stopped by a plug, at 2 p.m., > boring finger in ear.-(Profuse-discharge from the ear.Constantly recurring earache and deafness following suppressed otorrh?a.) 6. Face.-Heat of face; sweat on face, with nausea.-Chilly feeling in l. cheek extending to ear. 8. Mouth.-Flow of clammy saliva in mouth (with nausea).-Sharp, disagreeable taste in mouth, esp. at tip of tongue and back of throat.-Accumulation of saliva; frequent expectoration of a very watery saliva; copious salivation.-Tongue white, charged with a thick coating, on r. side only.-Acrid, burning taste in mouth; bitter, with foul tongue and thirst. 9. Throat.-Scraping in throat; changing into aching and nausea, which in turn is succeeded by retching, with squeezing and convulsive heaving in larynx; with risings and burning, arising from stomach; with sensation of rawness in throat, and constriction in ?sophagus; with great dryness, which is not removed by drinking, after a meal.-Burning in throat, which becomes a scraping sensation; increased secretion of viscid saliva, with scraping, nausea, and risings; burning scraping from velum palati to larynx; < on swallowing, and with frequent hawking, by reason of an increased secretion of mucus in throat, burning followed by dryness, during the forenoon.-Viscid mucus in throat.-Tough mucus on fauces, causing frequent hawking.-Aching in ?sophagus: with nausea, griping in abdomen, and emission of fetid wind; along ?sophagus, as far as stomach, worse in certain parts, and esp. below the larynx.-Sensation in ?sophagus as if it contracted itself from below upwards.Deglutition impeded as by a foreign body; in swallowing, sensation as if something rose in larynx, and prevented the food from descending. 11. Stomach.-Anorexia.-Frequent risings, with accumulation of water in mouth; frequent regurgitation of an acid and burning liquid; acidity in stomach, with sensation of constriction in pit of stomach.-Frequent and violent hiccough, with abundant accumulation of water.-Pyrosis, sometimes constant, or else with accumulation of saliva.-Heartburn and running of water from mouth.-Faintness, weakness, and an indescribable feeling at epigastrium, from excessive use of tea or tobacco.-Violent and constant loathing, with shuddering and shivering; relaxation of the stomach, sometimes with loathing, or with a very marked sensation of anti-peristaltic movements (but without nausea).-Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, with profuse running of water from mouth.-Burning in stomach.-Feeling of weight in stomach.-Nausea: in morning, disappearing after taking a draught of water; with cold sweat on face; great disposition to vomit, without vomiting.-Vomiting: of all kinds, even the most violent; with sighing, and continual nausea; vomiting of food after a meal, esp. hot food.-Vomiting, with cold perspiration of face.-Dyspepsia.-Pain in stomach; sensation of weakness in stomach; or else in pit of stomach, with oppression, which thence extends itself throughout chest. 12. Abdomen.-Aching in stomach: sometimes after eating but very little; after the meal, with fulness and gurgling in abdomen; ascending towards chest, which becomes oppressed; with nausea; accumulation of water in mouth, and retching.-Pressure in pit of stomach; across body into spinal marrow, as by a plug, by intermitting action, becoming each time stronger; as from a weight, when fasting, and after a meal, < chiefly in evening, also with vomiting of bile, and oppression and anguish in chest, and pains in loins.-Violent and painful constriction in epigastrium.-Cramps in stomach of various kinds.-Pains in abdomen; < after eating, with cephalalgia, on returning from a walk, after a meal; cutting and drawing pains in abdomen; griping and twisting, with nausea, violent risings, and emission of fetid wind.-Inflation of abdomen, with dyspn?a; flatulency and abundant emission of wind, with borborygmi in abdomen, which are sometimes painful. 13. Stool and Anus.-Soft, whitish stool.-Discharge of black blood after stool.-Copious hmorrhages from hmorrhoidal vessels.-Stools, like pap, soft, green; diarrh?a, sometimes with frequent evacuations and confusion of head.
14. Urinary Organs.-Increased secretion of urine, sometimes with want to urinate.-Frequent emission of urine, even during night, and following morning (secretion of urine diminished).-Urine cloudy: with loose deposit; deep red, with sediment of a dull red, soon becoming turbid, with sediment of a rose colour, having small blue crystals. 15. Male Sexual Organs.-Fatiguing heaviness in genital parts.-Smarting of the prepuce. 16. Female Sexual Organs.-During menstruation violent pain in sacrum.-Violent pain in the sacrum, with fever, &c., supervening on suppression of the menses during their flow. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Tickling in larynx, with frequent fits of short coughing; dryness in throat, with sensation as though a solid body were there impeding both respiration and deglutition.-Irritation which provokes coughing and expectoration. 18. Chest.-Respiration anxious, difficult, sobbing, with sensation of obstruction in chest; short, imperfect, with sensation of fulness in chest; during inspiration, tickling in inferior region of sternum; on breathing deeply, mitigation of the pressive pain at pit of stomach, and a feeling of improved health.-Pain in chest, with breathing, while sitting after dinner, > moving about.-Congestive pressure and weight in chest as if blood from extremities was filling it, > by rapid walking.-Want of breath, sometimes with respiration impeded, hurried, with frequent want to breathe deeply; great difficulty in retaining the breath.-Oppression of chest, causing laboured respiration; asthma, chiefly with gastric symptoms, and sensation of weakness in pit of stomach; dyspn?a, sometimes with a sort of presentiment of death; difficulty of respiration, after the least fatigue, after washing in cold water, likewise from a current of air, and from heavy food.-Asthmatic symptoms, hysterical asthma.-Violent pains in chest; < on breathing deeply; on returning from a walk, after a meal.-Dyspn?a and asthma, with sensation of a lump in the throat, immediately above sternum.-Burning feeling in the chest, passing upwards.-Tension in chest on turning body; burning pain as of excoriation at one spot below r. breast, with sensation on breathing deeply, on sneezing, and on moving body quickly, as though something there were dislodged, which in the midst of the suffering returns to its place; with a like sensation at pit of stomach and l. side; perforating pain at one spot in chest, extending sometimes to back and shoulder-blade, < by movement, and with sensation of paralysis in the part affected.-Pain in the breast.-Burning feeling in breast passing upward.-A tightness of the breast with heat in forehead.-Drawing in l. breast from nipple to axilla. 19. Heart.-Precordial anxiety.-Deep-seated pain in region of heart.-Sensation of weakness and pressure in epigastrium rising to heart.-Sensation as if heart would stand still, a pain deep in above heart.-Sensation of weakness in precordium extending upwards and downwards.-Dyspn?a and suffocation from every rapid movement, with vertigo, and threatened loss of consciousness and a peculiar confusion of head.-Pulse small; and weak. 20. Neck and Back.-Swelling and pain l. side of neck.-Rheumatic pain between the scapul.-Pain under r. scapula < bending forward.-In back: lassitude, with heaviness of head; burning and incisive pains at lower part of spine; pains in loins; violent cramp-like squeezing in posterior part of iliac region, which renders contact with anything, or motion, almost insupportable. 22. Upper Limbs.-Rheumatic feeling in r. shoulder-joint; goes to l. upper arm and around elbow-joint.-Fine crawling stitches inside of r. deltoid.-Pain in shoulders of an elderly lady who had not menstruated for two years; Lob. i. relieved the pain and brought on menstruation.-Rheumatic pain in r. elbow-joint.-Sweat of palms, backs of hands dry and cool; tips of fingers cold. 23. Lower Limbs.-In the legs, lassitude; acute tearing in tibia, extending to knee-joint; cramps in calf in morning, on waking from a troubled sleep.-Inflammatory rheumatism in r. knee; with tearing pains in fibula.
24. Generalities.-Lancinating pains throughout body, extending to ends of fingers and toes; trembling of limbs, likewise of whole body feeling of depression; unusual lassitude; prolonged weakness; exhaustion state of stupefaction; convulsions, sometimes such as to require two men to hold the patient, followed by death; violent convulsive jerkings, followed by death.-Other symptoms coming on when a discharge ceases. 25. Skin.-Prickling itching of skin all over body.-Eruption between fingers, on dorsa of hands and on forearms, vesicular itch-like pustules with tingling itching (Teste).-Vesicular eruption on skin. 26. Sleep.-Gaping; < followed by crawling in nose and sneezing; then gaping and belching of wind.-Wakened early by very impressive dreams: arm amputated; wounded by a shot, &c.-Disturbed sleep with many dreams, sometimes anxious; painful dreams; numerous, without intermediate awakening; cold sweat. 27. Fever.-Pulse: accelerated; frequent and softer than usual; slow, in evening (after a stronger dose).Intermittent fever: commencing at noon, with great paleness and anorexia; quotidian, sometimes every morning at ten o'clock; at first violent shivering, alternating with moderate heat until noon, afterwards a predominance of heat, with slight shuddering, until evening; also, copious nocturnal sweat, great thirst by fits (esp. during the shivering), respiration short, anxious, impeded and fainting, with a feeling of constriction in chest, sensation of weakness and of oppression in pit of stomach, and in chest generally; tickling in larynx, with frequent fits of short coughing; violent frontal cephalalgia; anorexia during and after the attack, white tongue, covered with a thick coating on r. side, and great weakness.-Coldness of whole body; heat, with tendency to perspire, esp. on face; tendency to perspire excessively.-Thirst before the chill and through the whole fever; often only before the chill, not during the chill, but again during the heat.-Drinking < the violence of the shaking chill and the coldness.-At the end of the heat, perspiration with heat.
Lobelia Purpurascens.
Lobelia purpurascens. N. O. Lobeliace. Tincture of whole fresh plant. Clinical.-Heart, paralysis of. Influenza; headache of. Lichen tropicus. Lungs, paralysis of. Snake-bites. Tongue, paralysis of. Typhoid fever. Vertigo. Characteristics.-The first mention of this plant was made by Erskine C. White (H. W., xxxii. 502) under the name Lobelia rubra, corrected later by F. Kopp (H. W., xxxiii. 328) and E. C. White himself (H. W., xxxiii. 510) to Lob. purpurascens. Kopp describes the plant thus: "Stems angular, procumbent. Leaves ovate, green on surface, and either purple or purple and green underneath, somewhat serrulated, rather firm, usually from half to one inch long; pedicles axillary, much shorter than the leaves, reflexed after flowering. Flowers white above, purpled beneath, delicately scented, most di?cious, corolla four or five lines long, the lower lobes oblong, obtuse, the two upper ones shorter and narrower, more acute and incurved. Capsule narrower, ovoid, fully three lines long; seeds rather large, often flattened." It grows profusely in the Australian bush, preferably in moist places, and most profusely, says Kopp, where snakes most abound. White adds that it prefers loose sandy soils. This is interesting since James S. Bray, quoted by White and Kopp, observed that the iguana after a fight with a snake, whenever it happened to be bitten, ate this Lobelia. On the other hand, Bray once found a number of sheep dead, and from their appearance he at first thought they had been bitten by snakes; but on examining their stomachs he found the leaves and stalks of Lob. Purp., and he came to the conclusion that this was the cause of their death. White gives a short pathogenesis in which symptoms like the effects of snakepoison are prominent. His symptoms, together with those of Kopp, who crushed with his teeth and swallowed a leaf (H. W., xxxiv. 306), will be found arranged in the Schema. They bear a strong family resemblance to those of Lob. inflata. White gives a clinical experience of his own which is important: "This plant, if only touched carelessly with the teeth, produces overwhelming giddiness. I had noticed that the sickening stupor
and headache it produces exactly resembled those of La Grippe, before I knew the name of the plant. My headache disappeared like magic under Lob. purp. , and I used to notice that all chest symptoms were avoided under its sway. La Grippe breaks out in wet weather. This plant, with its tiny gem-like white blossoms, always carpets the earth after each rain throughout the year." Other general characteristics of Lob. purp. White gives as follows: Intense prostration, vital and nervous. Deadly chill without shivering, but overpowering the system. Paralysis of lungs and resultant poisoning with carbonic acid gas; vomiting and coma. Acts very like Bapt. in low typhoid conditions, and seems to neutralise the poison of influenza. Growing on sandy soil it contains much flint, and like Secal., Staph., and the common carrot, agrees especially well with patients who are deficient in silica, and who are nervous, liable to boils, of a hasty disposition, perspire profusely, and whose teeth are always decaying. Symptoms are < by movement; < in damp weather. Relations.-Compare: Lob. inf., Tabac., Lach. and other snake-poisons. Bapt. (influenza, typhoid); Secal., Staph. (teeth). Causation.-Snake-bites. Blood poisoning. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Hasty disposition.-Dejection. 2. Head.-Vertigo accompanied with nausea and stupor.-Overwhelming drowsiness (exactly as produced by snake-venom), sickening, dizzy headache, esp. just between eyebrows.-Dull and distressing pain in head, with fulness in base of occiput and forehead; pain < by shaking head and any motion.-Confused feeling in head. 3. Eyes.-Eyes weak; on closing them an apparent soreness.-Impossible to keep eyes open, almost spasmodic closing of (upper) lids. 5. Nose.-Dryness and fulness of nose. 7. Teeth.-(Suited to persons whose teeth decay early from lack of Silica.) 8. Mouth.-Mercurial taste in mouth.-Thick saliva in mouth.-Tongue white and paralysed. 9. Throat.-Dryness in throat, of burning character. 10. Appetite.-Great thirst.-Loss of appetite. 11. Stomach.-Sinking feeling in stomach.-Nausea accompanying vertigo. 14. Urinary Organs.-Increased secretion of urine. 18. Chest.-Tightness of chest with great oppression and labouring breathing.-Sensation as if lungs paralysed; superficial breathing.-Breathing slow, almost ceases. 19. Heart.-Distressed feeling in region of heart.-Heart paralysed; beat almost imperceptible. 20. Back.-Weakness in lumbar region accompanied with great languor. 21. Limbs in General.-Weariness and extreme weakness of the limbs. 23. Lower Limbs.-Great weakness of lower extremities; knees appear to collapse under weight of body. 24. Generalities.-Exhaustion and dejection.-General debility with loss of appetite and great languor.-The symptoms come on with great rapidity, within five minutes of taking the drug.-Low typhoid condition.
25. Skin.-A prickling itching all over body like prickly heat (lichen tropicus). 26. Sleep.-Overwhelming drowsiness.-Restless sleep. 27. Fever.-Deadly chill without shivering, but overpowering the system.-General feeling of feverishness.Profuse perspiration.-(Typhoid fever.-Influenza.)
Lobelia Syphilitica.
Lobelia syphilitica. L. c?rulia. Great Blue Lobelia. (Grows in low grounds in U.S.) N. O. Lobeliace. Tincture of fresh plant. Acetum. Clinical.-Acidity. Adenoids. Asthma. Back, pains in. Borborygmi. Cartilages, pains in. Catarrh. Coryza. Cough. Dyspepsia. Eustachian catarrh. Flatulence. Hay-fever. Influenza. Kidneys, pains in. Lumbago. Melancholia. Postnasal catarrh. Pylorus, pain in. Sciatica. Spine, pains in. Spleen, affections of. Stomach cough. Throat, sore. Characteristics.-The symptoms of the Lob. syph. proving, whilst in many points analogous to those of the other Lobelias, do not bring out the emetic properties of Lob. inflata. There is, however, epigastric sinking, flatulence, dyspepsia, and diarrh?a. Lob. card., Lob. inf., and Lob. syph. all have a milky juice. Hale quotes Rafinesque as saying that the analysis of Lob. syph. shows it to contain Silex, Iron, and Muriate and Phosphate of Lime. The marked action of Lob. syph. on the posterior nares led Cooper to use it with success in cases of deafness arising from an "unhealthy, soft, swollen, easily bleeding catarrhal" condition of the naso-pharynx. This is emphasised by another symptom: "Dull aching pain in centre of forehead, over root of nose." Cooper (who uses an acetic preparation) considers that with this, as well as with the Inflata, a history of suppression is a leading indication. There are many notable symptoms in the back, back of chest, and about the lower ribs. Some of these led Jeanes (the first prover) to make a very fine cure of melancholia in an educated, intelligent man, of which these were the characteristics: "Great depression of spirits; unhappy state of mind, always associated with pain about and under short ribs in back on left side, extending outward nearly to left side posterior aspect of region of spleen." In the proving there was this: Pain on inside of right scapula. Farrington adds this: "Pain under (not below) inner border of left scapula, < after weeping." The pains of Lob. syph. travel about, from right to left; from left tonsil to right; from back down legs; from eighth rib downward; aching from back of head down nape. Then there are frequent synalgias: Pain in right maxillary joint, with pain in middle of right lung; pain in breast and larynx; pain in left side of chest near axilla, with aching in left shoulder and arm. Touch < (soreness of ischium). Motion <. Deep inspiration <. Drinking cold water > (temporarily) gastric symptoms. Mental exertion < (mental state). Reading and writing < pain in forehead. Internal nose painfully sensitive to cool air. Inhaling moderately cool air <. Flushing after dinner > somewhat in open air. Symptoms < after dinner. < At night. Secretion of thick mucus > throat soreness. Relations.-Compare: Other Lobelias; Puls. (mental depression and weeping); Chel. and Ranunc. (scapular pains); Hydrast. (postnasal catarrh); Cean. (spleen). Lob. i. has one-sided coating of tongue. Lob. s. has left half of palate dry. Pod. relieved the diarrh?a of Lob. s., but not the acute abdominal pains. Causation.-Grief. Suppressions. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Frequent mistakes in spelling and writing (with confused feeling and slight aching in head (after 15 min.).-Depressed, temper unhappy; with pain in posterior aspect of spleen.-Brain weakness, exertion of mind intolerable; seemed as if he would go wild.
2. Head.-Dizziness < moving about.-Headache continuing till daylight.-Headache, after dinner.-Dull pain in forehead over eyes (and esp. over root of nose), < reading and writing.-Pain in both mastoid processes; first and < in r.-Acute pain along r. fronto-temporal suture.-Stitching pain in l. temple.-Pain in l. parietal protuberance. 3. Eyes.-Heaviness over eyes, like a weight, but no pain; with drowsiness.-Burning in r. eye with a tear.-Itching of l. internal canthus; in external canthus.-Boring pain in r. orbit.-Drawing sensation under r. eye, afternoon.Feeling of foreign body under r. upper lid with smarting and burning.-Soreness of r. tarsi.-Soreness of eyeballs from turning them. 4. Ear.-In l. ear: pain; continued itching about posterior edge of meatus. 5. Nose.-Frequent sneezing with severe and painful jarring in breast and larynx; larynx feels stretched almost to bursting, with copious discharge of thick mucus from both nostrils, at sunset.-Painful irritation of both sides of cartilaginous septum; < immediately behind the columna nasi; sensitive to cool air.-Itching and tingling in l. nostril as if about to sneeze.-(Postnasal catarrh.) 6. Face.-Flushed face, with heat, when lying down.-Face flushed and headache after dinner, with drowsiness and lassitude, but inability to sleep when lying down; > open air.-Sensation of dropping under l. cheekbone, afternoon.-Drawing pain in r. cheekbone.-Perfect dryness of lips, and a feeling of dryness and sensitiveness of nostrils so that inhalation of air of moderate temperature (60) = a painful feeling.-Pain in r. jaw-joint and in middle of r. lung, afternoon. 8. Mouth.-Frequent shooting pains through r. teeth.-Bleeding of gums with putrid taste.-A renewed secretion of thick mucus, apparently on inferior surface of palate, renewed by snuffing and hawking, with still further diminution of throat soreness.-Dryness of l. half of palate.-Constrictive feeling of skin of mouth and tongue, esp. at l. commissure of jaws; ten minutes later towards root of tongue.-Great soreness, rawness, pricking, dryness of lower surface of palate; extending forward through mouth; > by secretion of mucus and at noon, but still continued. 9. Throat.-Increased secretion of mucus.-Thick mucous secretion in throat with > of constricting rawness, dryness, and soreness.-Dryness of throat with sensation as if pharynx was open like a funnel.-Pain in region of l. tonsil (immediately); of r. tonsil (after 16 minutes).-Sensation of a lump in upper part of ?sophagus. 11. Stomach.-(Acid eructations 5 to 6 a.m.).-Water-brash 8 a.m.-Dyspepsia uniformly > by drinking cold water.Sinking in stomach followed by borborygmi below epigastrium.-Slight pain in region of pylorus.-Awoke 6 a.m. with violent pain in stomach and pain and borborygmus in bowels, followed by copious watery stools with tenesmus and soreness of anus; four attacks one day increasing in violence, colic and diarrh?a > by Podoph., but the pain in stomach with sense of distension increased, with hunger.-Jolting of an easy carriage = pain in stomach and both hypochondria. 12. Abdomen.-Borborygmi: below epigastrium < after dinner; in lower abdomen towards r. side.-Woke 3 a.m. with flatulence but inability to pass it.-Pains in abdomen, most below umbilicus, followed by diarrh?a, afternoon and evening. 13. Stool and Anus.-Copious watery stools with tenesmus and soreness of anus.-Loose stools.-Ineffectual effort at stool, but free evacuation of tasteless wind on rising from bed. 14. Urinary Organs.-Itching and smarting in fore part of urethra.-Increased quantity of urine with free discharge.-A small quantity of water, which he is obliged to retain for some time, = pain in bladder; when evacuated, of deep amber colour.
17. Respiratory Organs.-Larynx feels stretched almost to bursting.-Much tickling about top of larynx with disposition to hacking cough, evening.-Morning hoarseness from state of stomach.-Dyspeptic stomach cough.Slight mucous expectoration, evening.-Dry, hacking cough of four weeks' duration, day and night, with pain r. side about junction of sixth rib with its cartilage, of a year's duration; dryness of back of throat. 18. Chest.-Pain middle r. lung and r. jaw-joint.-Pain just anterior to cartilaginous margin of short ribs.-Pain between shoulders and neck both sides.-Aching pain in cartilage of sixth l. rib.-Rheumatic pain along r. clavicle.-Pain along juncture of sixth r. rib with its cartilage.-Pain in l. chest near axilla with aching in l. shoulder and arm.-Oppression in lower chest as if breath did not reach there; distress in region of heart and audible "knocking" respiration (like sound of chopping wood); pain under short ribs and dry cough.-Pain under l. breast.-Severe and painful jarring in breast and larynx; larynx feels stretched to bursting, frequent sneezing; at sunset. 19. Heart.-Severe pain in region of heart about sunset. 20. Neck and Back.-Stiffness of nape (< l. side) from looking up.-Slight aching pain from back of head down nape.-Pain, heavy, aching, in back under false ribs, < night after lying down in bed, increased to cutting pain by deep inspiration, and < turning in bed; less during the day.-Cutting under false ribs forward and upward (not noticed after going to bed).-Stitching pain in r. back passing from eighth rib downward.-Pain on inside edge r. scapula.-Pain, acute, sticking, in eighth dorsal vertebra; < by least movement and deep inspiration.-Pain and aching in posterior aspect of region of spleen.-Pain in region of l. kidney; stitch in r.-Pain commencing r. side small of back, then going down to os ischium, very sore to touch.-Great rigidity of spine, least motion exceedingly painful; pain goes from r. to l. side of back and shoots down leg. 22. Upper Limbs.-Severe aching of shoulder and fingers, whilst writing.-Heavy pain in radial muscles of l. arm; later in same of r.-Stiff, numb feeling in r. palm.-Sticking pain in l. thumb, fleshy part of last phalanx. 23. Lower Limbs.-Pain in both hips, occasionally.-Sensation of coldness, as if from the weather, with aching, in both knees through the day.-Stitching pain in l. tibia.-Rheumatic pain over r. inner ankle.-Pain in upper part of l. heel.-Pricking stinging sensation as if asleep, in both soles.-Pain in fleshy part of last phalanx of l. great toe; sore pain in its joints. 24. Generalities.-Lassitude, after dinner.-Transient pain over l. kidney, and soon after in l. hypochondrium. 25. Skin.-(Itching here and there on skin, worse than usual.) 26. Sleep.-Drowsy but unable to sleep, when lying down after dinner.-Slight drowsiness and oppression over eyelids.-Restless sleep with frequent wakings through the night. 27. Fever.-Cold sensation as if alcohol had been spilled on outer l. thigh.-Cold hands, hot forehead.-Feeling of heat in back, shoulders, face, with burning of ears.
Lolium Temulentum.
Lolium temulentum. Darnel. N. O. Gramine. Trituration of seeds. Tincture of ripe spikelets. Tincture of ripe seeds. Clinical.-Delirium tremens. Paralysis. Paralysis agitans. Tremor. Writer's cramp.
Characteristics.-The name Darnel means stupefied, and the plant's evil reputation is of very ancient date. The symptoms are the result of observations made on persons poisoned by eating meal containing an admixture of Lol. tem. Allen mentions an assertion that Lolium is much infested with ergot, and that it is to this that the poisoning symptoms are due, the unaffected grain being inert; and Allen notes in support of this that the poisonings have been most frequently observed in low, wet districts, and during wet seasons. Provings are needed to decide this. The chief symptoms are: Confusion of mind, at times delirium; very great depression. Nausea and vomiting of the bread containing it and mucus with it. Paralysis, tremors, and convulsions. Cold rigors, internal chilliness; cold sweat. A very characteristic symptom is: Tightness in the calves; violent pain in the calves as if bound with cords. This tightness affects the rest of the legs in less degree. Bonino has cured a carpenter, 29, who had had trembling of the hands eleven years, < morning. Latterly the legs also began to tremble. His father and brother were similarly affected. Merc. v. and Agar. only relieved temporarily. Lot. tem. cured. Relations.-Compare: Ananth., Secale; Lath. (paralysis; < wet seasons). Op. (sleep). SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Mania.-Slight delirium.-Depressed spirits.-Anxiety and general uneasiness.-Comprehension slow and difficult; distraction; confusion and stupefaction. 2. Head.-Vertigo; > closing eyes; with shaking in head.-Dizziness, nausea, loss of speech.-Intoxication.-Violent sticking in head, esp. forehead and temples. 3. Eyes.-Pupils widely dilated.-Vision: dim; blindness in some cases; scintillation before eyes. 4. Ears.-Deafness.-Roaring and tingling in ears.-Noise like drums and cymbals. 5. Nose.-Epistaxis. 6. Face.-Face: red, hot, puffy; or pale. 8. Mouth.-Tongue: first white; then black; tremulous.-Burning in mouth and throat.-Speech: difficult; very imperfect; or lost. 9. Throat.-Deglutition: difficult; impossible, cannot pronounce a whole word. 11. Stomach.-Nausea.-Vomiting.-Inflammation of gullet, stomach, bowels, with fever.-Vomiting every halfhour, all night, portions of bread and colourless mucus, leaving disagreeable taste.-Uneasiness in epigastrium, with eructations of peculiar taste.-Pains in stomach, esp. a pressure in stomach-pit and abdomen. 12. Abdomen.-Distension.-Severe colicky pains. 13. Stool.-Severe purging.-Diarrh?a; with great colic; obstinate constipation. 14. Urinary Organs.-Copious micturition. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Difficult breathing. 18. Chest.-Sticking pains in sides. 19. Heart.-Small irregular pulse. 21. Limbs.-Gait unsteady; trembling in all limbs; unable to hold a glass of water.-Spasms of arms and legs. 22. Upper Limbs.-While attempting to write, hand refused its service and he became stupid.
23. Lower Limbs.-Attempting to rise from a seat he began to stagger, was obliged to steady himself on walking along the room.-Great pain and tightness in legs, esp. calves, extending to ankles, with redness, swelling, and itching of skin.-Legs excessively tight and painful, swollen, inflamed, itching much for nine days, followed by a small collection of gelatinous fluid inside foot, terminating in gangrene, followed by sphacelus.-Violent pain in calves as if bound with cords. 24. Generalities.-General tremors.-Paralysis.-Restlessness.-General malaise for several days.-The action of Lolium is apt to be manifested in very wet seasons. 26. Sleep.-Drowsiness.-Sleep unusually heavy.-Sopor. 27. Fever.-Great internal chilliness.-Cold rigors all over, esp. in limbs.-Fever.-Cold sweat.
Lonicera Periclymenum.
Lonicera periclymenum. Woodbine. Honeysuckle. N. O. Caprifoliace. Tincture of fresh plant. Clinical.-Irritability. Characteristics.-Cooper has cured with Lon. peri. irritability of temper with violent outbursts; and has seen it produce the same. Relations.-Compare: Lon. x., Vib. tin., Vib. op., Sambucus, Symphoricarpus (botan.); Staph., Hyo., Croc. (outbursts of temper).
Lonicera Xylosteum.
Lonicera xylosteum. Fly Woodbine. N. O. Caprifoliace. Trituration or tincture of berries. Clinical.-Coma vigil. Convulsions. Characteristics.-Lon. xylost. is known from the effect of poisoning by its berries. Vomiting and purging; trembling and jerking of the limbs, convulsions and coma were the chief symptoms. Peculiar symptoms were: Contraction of one pupil and dilatation of the other. Abdomen retracted especially in umbilical region. Slow pulse. Relations.-Compare: Dig. (slow pulse). Cad. s. and Rhod. (one pupil contracted, the other dilated). For botan. relations see Lon. peri. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Stupefaction.-Coma. 2. Head.-Great congestion of head and chest. 3. Eyes.-Conjunctiva red.-Pupils dilated.-Contraction of one pupil, dilatation of the other.-Everything foggy and indistinct to vision for half an hour.-Photophobia. 6. Face.-Face red.-Pallor.-Lips dry.
8. Mouth.-Tongue moist; coated with mucus. 11. Stomach.-Excessive thirst.-Profuse vomiting; and purging. 12. Abdomen.-Abdomen retracted, esp. in umbilical region; soft.-Violent colic. 13. Stool.-Bloody stools. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Respiration rapid and deep. 19. Heart.-Violent impulse of heart.-Pulse: slow; small, soft, irregular. 24. Generalities.-Frequent jerking of limbs.-Trembling and jerking of whole body.-Violent convulsions.-Seemed neither to hear nor see; unable to make answer.-When raised from bed, limbs and head fall over as if paralysed. 26. Sleep.-Sleepy.-Constant deep sleep with half-open eyes; red face. 27. Fever.-Extremities cold.-Fever.-Profuse cold sweat.
Moon's Rays. Sugar of milk is exposed on a glass plate to the moon's rays and stirred with a glass rod meanwhile. The sugar of milk so charged is dynamised in the usual way (Fincke). Higgins made a preparation by exposing pure water to the moon's rays for three or four hours in South America and then dynamising the water so charged. Clinical.-Acidity. Epilepsy. Headache. Inter-menstrual flow. ?dema. Physometra. Somnambulism. Worms. Characteristics.-Goullon of Weimar contributed to Zeit. des Berl. Ver. H. A. (translated in Rev. Hom. Belge, January, 1897), a notable article on "The Influence of the Moon on the Human Organism," in which he mentions, among other interesting facts, that somnambulism is a lunar effect; that worm affections are most troublesome at the full moon, and that gotre diminishes, more or less, during the waning moon. On this fact is based the following Spongia-Luna treatment, which he calls "infallible": Cut slices of sponge of the size of a finger. Grill them at a candle flame till they are brittle at the centre but still elastic at the borders. Triturate the whole and put 7 or 8 grams into half a litre (rather less than a pint) of rain-water or river-water. The bottling must be done three days before the new moon. Close the bottle and put it in a cellar, taking care to shake it once every day. Three days before the full moon the patient commences to take a tablespoonful night and morning. The greater part of the bottle will be finished during the waning moon. [Spongia, I may interpolate, is one of the remedies having < at full moon.] Goullon quotes the following remarkable case of somnambulism from the Cercle Mdical: "A youth of fifteen, in good health in other respects, had been withdrawn from his apprenticeship, on account of his nightly promenades on roofs, and put in a private asylum. Although his room was oriented so that no actual moon-rays could reach, it, the moon nevertheless exercised a potent influence upon him. As soon as it reaches the horizon he gets out of bed, and carefully, with closed eyes, moves towards a window, so high that he has to jump in order to reach and open it. As it is barricaded with an iron trellis he gets down, and, crossing the corridor, goes to the outer door, above which is a window. With cat-like agility he climbs up to this, when he is seized by three warders, who take him back to his room, where, only after the moon has set, can he lie down and go to sleep. In the morning he remembers nothing. At full moon the symptoms are still more extraordinary." Among other maladies notably influenced by the moon is epilepsy, and epilepsy < at full moon generally needs Silic. Skin diseases, according to Menuret, are frequently
influenced by the moon. He instances a case of eczematous affection which increased with each waning moon, and was at its maximum intensity at the new moon, when it covered the whole face and chest, and was accompanied by unbearable itching. Then there was gradual improvement and the face became smooth, but scarcely had the full moon passed than all began again. Scabies and worm affections are < at full moon. Nervous affections, especially in subjects of sycosis, are frequently influenced by the moon. Moritz Hoffmann observed a young girl (daughter of an epileptic mother) whose whole body became swollen at every new moon, the swelling disappearing as the moon waned. [One of Swan's cases cured by Luna presented these symptoms: Excessive ?dema of face, neck, and hands, with neuralgic pain in the swollen parts.] Mead tells of a child who was subject to convulsions at each waning moon. Gale remarked that with weakly persons there are two epochs at which excitability is most pronounced-the new moon and the full moon. Goullon quotes these words of Arago, which show that he had a proper estimation of the limits of physical analysis: "A deeper research is needed, for there is nothing to show that it is the light of the moon which is its only efficient agent. It must further be remarked that the nervous system, according to a large number of reports, constitutes an instrument far more delicate than the most subtle apparatus of actual physics. And, in fact, who does not know that the olfactory nerve detects in the air the existence of odorous particles of which chemical analysis cannot reveal the smallest trace?" The moon-rays have been treated as other "Imponderables" (see under Magnetis Poli, &c.) and attenuations prepared. Swan communicated to H. W., xviii. 469, a proving of Luna 1m. made on a lady physician, Dr. S. J. W. The prover was menstruating at the time the proving was commenced, but was otherwise in good health. Repeated doses were taken for two days. The effects lasted four weeks. The majority of the symptoms were observed in the generative sphere, the head and the lower limbs. The pains were > in open air; > by cold-application; > by eructations and by passing flatus from vagina. < After sleep; < from milk. Swan appends to his article some clinical observations. These symptoms will be found in the Schema in brackets. Relations.-Compare: thus., Mag. c. (< from milk). The following medicines have relation to the moon's phases (italics indicate those which have the relation more pronounced): < At new moon: Alum., Am. c., Bufo, Calc., Caust., Clem., Cup., Daph., Lyc., Saba., Sep., Sil. < At full moon: Alum., Calc., Cyc., Graph., Kal. n., Nat. c., Nat. m., Saba., Sep., Sil., Spo., Sul., Teuc. < During increasing moon: Arn., Clem. < During waning moon: Dulc., Thuj. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Irritability on being spoken to.-Wants to be let alone.-Mind not clear.-Disinclined for mental or physical labour.-Sad, depressed.-Mental faculties, esp. ability to receive, retain, and express ideas, are most powerfully affected by the full rays of the moon in tropical countries; the influences being most felt the day before the full moon. 2. Head.-Slight giddiness, with slight bitter taste l. side of tongue, with increased saliva.-While reading, sharp pain just above root of nose, followed instantly by pain in l. temple, then general headache (15 minutes); pain in l. temple returns later (half-hour after third dose); also deep burning, scraping pain in l. upper frontal bone, temporarily > by eating; later > by a walk in open air.-Pain in occiput, changing to lame feeling on retiring, and preventing turning in bed with ease.-Woke 3 a.m. with very severe headache; later drank cup of tea, which was immediately returned, tasting sour.-Headache > by magnetic passe.-(Severe frontal headache during menses speedily cured with 1m.).-(Congestion of blood to head with sensation of great fulness, 8 a.m.) 3. Eyes.-Weakness of eyes and feeling of sand < by the medicine.-Sharp stinging sensation, leaving a smarting.(Stinging in r. eye cured with c.m.).-(Swelling of eyelids and profuse discharge of purulent matter with a painful smarting and profuse lachrymation; without heat, or change of colour.) 5. Nose.-Sensation of a cold in head.-Coryza, sneezing, and pain in occiput.-4 p.m. sensation of heavy cold in head with lachrymation.-Discharge of yellowish-green mucus from nose.
6. Face.-(?dema of face.) 8. Mouth.-Bitter taste l. side of tongue with increased flow of saliva.-Repeated later after eighth dose, with stinging in r. eye.-Recurred on waking, with faint feeling in stomach.-Increased flow of saliva, all day. 9. Throat.-Some soreness in throat. 11. Stomach.-(Is excellent in sour eructations, esp. if tasting of ingesta.).-No appetite; slight nausea.-Desires something, she does not know what.-Flatulency with burning in stomach.-Burning < after drinking milk.Immediately ejected cup of tea during headache, the tea tasted sour.-Woke at midnight with severe heartburn and great distress in stomach; had to get out of bed. 12. Abdomen.-Colic, commencing two inches above umbilicus and seeming to pass directly upward to stomach, causing desire to bend forward.-Faint feeling in stomach on awaking and sensation of great distension and slight pain round umbilicus, > by eructations.-Pain through liver and spleen, 3 p.m. 13. Stool and Anus.-Urgent desire for stool, immediately > by passing flatus. 14. Urine.-Urine profuse, clear, and watery, at times darker. 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Menses less free, strings of dark blood; colic pain above umbilicus > by eructation.Sharp pain l. side of vagina, leaving dull aching which seems to extend through l. external parts, then grows suddenly sharper, again returning to vagina and passing through to rectum.-Sharp pains fly from vagina through abdomen, ceasing in stomach-pit.-This pain was > later by passing flatus from vagina.-Bearing-down sensation.-Menses returned two days after ceasing.-After returning intense itching of labia majora extending into vagina, > bathing with cold water.-After a bath, followed by a short nap, woke suddenly with dull, heavy, dragging pains in pelvic region, with urgent desire to urinate, and general restless, languid feeling.-Cramp-like pains in pelvic region, as if uterus were being contracted by a strong electric current; at intervals.-(Excessive increase of menstrual flow, amounting to hmorrhage.) 18. Chest.-After ascending stairs, a peculiar heating sensation, beginning at lower extremity of sternum and extending outwards, following Somewhat attachment of diaphragm on each side to a point under each arm; at same time warm glow down arms to finger-tips; "lost in l. (5 minutes). 19. Heart.-On retching, peculiar feeling round heart as though it stopped beating, > by eructations, < by lying down.-Suffocative sensation round heart.-Pulse rapid. 20. Neck and Back.-Very severe pain in sacral region, in evening. 22. Upper Limbs.-Slight rheumatic pains in shoulders, esp. l. 23. Lower Limbs.-Sharp, quick pain in l. cervical nerve, intermittent every few seconds.-Sharp pain in l. great toe.-Swollen feeling, and sensation as if tightly bound in r. calf and in hypochondria.-Pain like growing-pain above l. knee, > walking.-After retiring, aching in bones of lower limbs, with pain in lumbo-sacral region.-Great lameness in anterior tibial region from walking.-Acrid yellow leucorrh?a through day, with backache and pain in r. ovary; great itching, which was not > till cold wet cloth applied after retiring. 24. Generalities.-(Excessive ?dema of face, neck, and hands, with neuralgic pains in the swollen parts.) 25. Skin.-Stinging itching r. side of body as if an insect was biting the parts, felt most on foot, leg, and forearm. 26. Sleep.-Symptoms < on waking.-Felt as if had not slept enough.-Dreams: horrible; of death; of murder; waking in affright.
27. Fever.-Woke 6 a.m. with severe chill, after which he had headache; felt sick and weak all day; at night had horrible dreams of death.
Humulus lupulus. Hop. N. O. Cannabinace (of the Urticace). Tincture of the seeded spikes. Trituration. Tincture of Lupuline (small resinous granules covering the scales). Clinical.-Dyspepsia. Dysuria. Gonorrh?a. Characteristics.-Lupulus has had a somewhat extensive proving, to the symptoms of which have been added the effects of working with hops and of sleeping in rooms where hops were stored. The "hop-pillow" remedy for sleeplessness is well known; and this sleep-provoking effect passes into delirium and stupefaction. In a child of twelve, who remained several days in a room where hops were being picked, there was: Frequent starting up from deep sleep with violent delirium, from which he could only be aroused with great difficulty, when he recognised the bystanders, but immediately fell backward into stupor. It was months before he recovered. The effects which remained were: Dilated pupils; mental indolence; unsteady movements; erythema. Among other symptoms of Lupulus are: Burning in urethra during urination. Nausea and vomiting. Turning sensation in stomach. Fermenting in abdomen. Twitching of tendons. Faintness. > In open air. Relations.-Compare: Urt. urens, Cann. ind., Cann. s., Op. Antidoted by: Coffee. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Frequent starting from deep sleep with violent delirium, from which he could only be aroused with great difficulty, immediately lapsing again into stupor.-Mental functions remained indolent several months. 2. Head.-Vertigo, stupefaction.-Confusion.-Rush of blood to head and eyes.-Heat in head and face; with confusion and dull headache.-Headache: insupportable; drawing; dull pressure.-Violent pulsating of temporal arteries. 3. Eyes.-Pupils remained dilated several months. 8. Mouth.-Tongue thickly coated, dry. 9. Throat.-Strong pulsation of carotids. 11. Stomach.-Appetite lost.-Great thirst, no appetite.-Eructations: nauseating; tasting of hops.-Nausea.Vomiting.-Sensation: of increased warmth in stomach; of turning with nausea without diminished appetite; of turning with feeling of hunger, but without appetite. 12. Abdomen.-Fermentation and dull pains in abdomen.-Dull griping in lower abdomen with nausea. 13. Stool.-Stool softer than usual, with urging so great he could hardly reach the closet.-Stool retarded. 14. Urinary Organs.-Burning in urethra during micturition, not > by coffee.-Urine retarded.-Diuresis.-Urine dark brown, clear. 15, 16. Sexual Organs.-Diminishes and allays sexual appetite. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Respiration deep, almost stertorous.
19. Heart.-Pulse slow and intermittent. 22. Upper Limbs.-Great twitching of tendons. 23. Lower Limbs.-Paralytic weakness. 24. Generalities.-Movements difficult and unsteady for months.-Occasionally the smell made him so faint and dizzy he was obliged to go into the open air.-Drawing in almost all muscles in short paroxysms, < between shoulders, and in muscles of arms and hands; pains rheumatic, shift from place to place. 25. Skin.-Scarlatina-like erythema, esp. over face; with here and there small pustules. 26. Sleep.-Sopor.-Great drowsiness. 27. Fever.-Pulse slow.-Profuse, greasy, clammy perspiration.-Profuse perspiration with high temperature.
Lycopersicum esculentum. Solanum lycopersicum. Tomato. Love-apple. N. O. Solanace. Tincture of ripe fruit. Tincture of fresh plant. Clinical.-Backache. Coryza. Deltoid rheumatism. Diabetes. Diarrh?a. Eyes, affections of. Gout. Headache. Leucorrh?a. Metrorrhagia. Obesity. Rheumatism. Throat sore. Characteristics.-There is a popular impression that eating Tomatoes is a cause of cancer. The impression is not strong enough to prevent the universal use of them, and I have been unable to discover any basis for the idea. Cooper gave Lycopers. in a case of rodent ulcer and caused sharp pain and temporary spread of the disease. Cooper commends the use of them in cases of obesity. I know of one instance in which the slightest indulgence in them brings on an attack of gout. When raw they require mustard or other condiment, being cold to the stomach. Gross made a proving of Lycopers. It caused sticking and pressing pains; a sense of paralysis; peevishness and loss of memory; pressing and boring pains in head; stopped catarrh. Some women cannot eat tomatoes without getting backache, leucorrh?a, or metrorrhagia. In Gross's proving the headache was < in evening, she was obliged to rise in the night to urinate. The mind symptoms were <, and the headache > by leaning the head against something. Dr. Herbert H. Roberts, of Derby, Conn., has published (N. A. J. H., October, 1900) provings made by himself, two with the 3x and two with the 30x tinctures. "The original tincture was made from the thoroughly ripened fruit, great pains being taken to thoroughly macerate the seeds as well as the pulp." Dr. Roberts' symptoms seem to me of great importance. They will be found marked "(R.)" in the Schema. The rheumatic and congestive symptoms were mostly produced by the 3x, the nervous symptoms mostly by the 30x. Roberts remarks that the natives of Mexico and California eat quantities of the ripe fruit to prevent rheumatism. Very decided rheumatic pains were developed both by Gross and Roberts. The right deltoid was very markedly affected, and should make Lycopers. a companion to Sang. in shoulder pains. The headaches were very intense and characteristic, in some great soreness remained after the pain had gone. This is a not uncommon feature; and neuralgic headaches with this concomitant or sequela should call Lycopers. to mind. A coryza < out of doors should make Lycopers. a useful alternative to Cepa, which has > out of doors. < By noise. < By motion. (Gross's rheumatic pains were bad both by rest and motion.) The headache in one instance was completely > by tobacco smoke. > In warm room. > By external heat. Right side principally affected, symptoms proceed from right to left, but left side is not so severely affected. Polyuria was a feature of both provings, and with the great thirst should give Lycopers. a place in diabetes. Dark-complexioned people seem to be suited to its action from two cases recorded by Roberts. (1) Widow, 50, dark complexion, large, stout, grey eyes. Sudden attack of grip. Very severe aching pains all over, up and down back, limbs, head. Beating, throbbing in head, beginning in occiput, spreading all over head, settling with great violence in temples. Excruciating pain back of eyes and in balls as if they would burst with the pressure. Light causes pain.
Delirium. Severe, deep, racking cough. Thirst for large quantities. Pupils contracted. Lycopers. 3x every hour, cleared away the fever and acute symptoms by the following morning, and rapidly cured the remaining cough. (2) Man, 40, dark complexion, black hair and eyes, tall, thick-set. Severe bursting, throbbing pain beginning in occiput and settling with great force in temporal and frontal regions; eyes painful, < from light; pupils contracted. Thirst for large quantities. Temperature 104F. Pulse full flowing. Lycopers. 3x every hour given in evening removed headache before midnight. Next day right tonsil swollen and inflamed; sore on swallowing; feeling of a lump there. Temperature 101. Rapidly got well. Relations.-Antidoted by: Tobacco smoke. Compare: Bell., Hyo., Dulc., Caps., Sol. t., Sol. n. (botan.); Ant. t. (weakness of cervical muscles). In coryza, Cepa (but Cepa has > open air, Lycopers. < open air). Contracted pupils, Op. Deltoid rheumatism, Sang. Diabetes, Uran. nit. Headache; sore throat; right side; Bell. Headache < on coughing, < in open air, Caps.
SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Thoughts disappear, < when leaning head against anything; forgets everything he wishes to recollect.Peevish about trifles, < by weakness of memory.-Unusually active for short periods, followed by longer periods of dulness (R.).-Cannot keep mind fixed on work (R.).-Very irritable, noises greatly annoy (R.). 2. Head.-Giddiness with inclination to faint on attempting to walk (R.).-Heavy confusion; dulness of the head.Heaviness of head with weakness of cervical muscles.-Sensation as if head were compressed from both sides.Very severe nervous headache all over head, but settling in back of eye and temples with great force; pupils contracted; complete > from tobacco smoke (R.).-Intense throbbing, bursting headache, beginning in occiput and spreading all over head, settling with great violence in occipital and temporal regions (R.).-Boring; therewith the skin of forehead becomes painfully tense.-Pressure beneath frontal bone as if the brain would be forced out, > leaning head against something; evening, and continuing awhile after going to bed.-Bursting pain in head, esp. vertex; and when coughing (R.).-Dull pain with occasional sharp shooting pain in temples (R.).-Sensation as if a nail were sticking into r. parietal region.-Boring in l. occiput.-Boring, pressing pain in r. occiput (R.).-Dull, heavy pain in occiput (R.).-Sore, bruised feeling in whole head after pain had ceased (R.).Head, esp. scalp, sore to touch (R.). 3. Eyes.-Eyes: dull, heavy; ache and feel sore and burn, intense aching as if eyeball being much contracted (R.).Lids feel heavy and swollen (R.).-Pupils minutely contracted (R.).-Light painful (R.).-Letters run together when reading (R.).-Eyes water on close work (R.).-Keeps wiping eyes to see clearly (R.).-Twitching in l. inner canthus (R.). 5. Nose.-Stopped catarrh.-Profuse watery coryza excoriating al; drops down posterior nares; saltish taste; markedly < out of doors (R.). 6. Face.-Face flushed (R.).-Pallid (R.).-Pressure in r. zygoma.-Stitch in l. cheek.-Stitches in l. zygoma. 8. Mouth.-Itching and tickling in roof of mouth (R.).-Tongue: coated thick yellow; thick and white, more in centre (R.).-Foul breath (R.).-Foul taste (R.). 9. Throat.-Constant desire to clear throat.-Throat slightly sore on swallowing.-Mucous membrane of pharynx pale, tip of uvula and arches of pharynx red and inflamed (R).-Burning raw feeling r. side of throat, changing to l.; l. side slightly sore (R.).-Swelling of l. tonsil, doubtfully malignant, is much relieved in an elderly woman (Cooper).
11. Stomach.-Thirst for large quantities of water (R.).-Great flatulency between 10 a.m. and 1l.30 a.m. (R.).Violent eructations of gas with taste of food (R.).-Burning sensation in stomach towards evening and during evening (R.). 12. Abdomen.-Great flatulency of abdomen (R.). 13. Stool and Anus.-Brownish, watery diarrh?a (R.).-Stool brownish, yellow, frothy, no urging, painless (R.). 14. Urinary Organs.-Must rise at night to urinate (Gross, also R).-Constant debility when in open air; not at all in warm room (R.).-Increase of watery constituents of urine, not of total solids (R.). 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Profuse leucorrh?al discharge (immediately).-In some cases, what was thought to be too frequent menstruation (with depressing backache), brought on by free use of canned tomatoes, the flow would return whenever this food was eaten for a few meals. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Hoarseness towards night (R.).-Husky voice (R.).-Hoarseness: with constant tickling in pit of throat; with constant desire to clear throat (R.).-Cough: deep, harsh; starting from irritation in lower chest (R.).-Dry, hacking cough coming on at night and keeping him awake (R.).-Explosive cough (R.).Expectoration white and in lumps (R.).-Expectoration early in morning with more later in day (R.). 18. Chest.-Slight sticking beneath l. side of sternum; without difficulty of respiration.-Oppression in chest; in lower lobe of r. lung (R.).-Relief of soreness and tenderness of scirrhous breast (Cooper). 19. Heart.-Fine stitching pains at base of heart (R.).-Lame pain in region of heart (R.).-Pulse 100, full and flowing (R.). 20. Neck and Back.-Rheumatic pain near attachment of trapezius muscle to spine (R.).-Heavy dragging in r. scapula (R.).-Intense aching through whole back, esp. lumbar region (R.).-Intense aching through back and limbs even after headache had stopped (R.).-Backache in lower dorsal and lumbar region, making them gloomy and depressed (in women from eating tomatoes).-Cannot get into a comfortable position (R.). 21. Limbs.-Intense aching, rheumatic pain in muscles of all limbs (R.).-Lame, tired feeling in all limbs, with great exhaustion (R.). 22. Upper Limbs.-Sharp (rheumatic) pain in r. deltoid and pectoral muscles; < lifting arm upward and outward (R.).-Dragging in r. deltoid (R.).-Gnawing pain in middle of r. arm on motion (R.).-Twinges, and rheumatic pain, in r. elbow-joint (R.).-Sticking on inner side of l. forearm.-Sensation of numbness and weight as if arm asleep (R.).-Tingling along r. ulnar nerve and branches (R.).-Benumbing, aching pain through r. hand and wrist, with occasional stitches through ball of r. thumb.-Lameness of l. wrist, hand, and fingers, where it is painful even when not moving it (R.).-Sharp cutting pain extending through l. wrist and palm when pressing hand firmly against anything (R.). 23. Lower Limbs.-Painful sticking behind articulation of l. hip.-Intense aching pain in lower limbs (R.).-Sharp sticking pain along course of r. crural nerve (R.).-Rheumatic aching along crural nerves (R.).-Dull aching pains along border of r. fibula to os calcis, where it is < (R.).-Sticking above r. external malleolus, during rest and motion.-Dull aching pains deep in r. lower leg as if in bones, < by continued motion (R.).-Cramps in r. calf when raising foot from floor (R.).-R. calf lame and sore (R.).-Rheumatic pain in r. ankle (R.). 24. Generalities.-All night lies on back, from sensation of paralysis. 25. Skin.-Erythematous lupus much relieved (Cooper).
26. Sleep.-Very restless sleep (R.).-Unable to fall asleep in evening, tosses about, every position uncomfortable.-Frequent waking and tossing, limbs when pressed feel paralysed.-Wakened by insignificant dreams.-Confused, disagreeable dreams (R.). 27. Fever.-Chilliness towards night, preceded by thirst for large quantities of water (R.).-Chilliness with sweat (R.).-Temperature from 100.5 to 101 F.-Sweat on awaking confined to a strip about four inches wide along whole length of back.
Lycopodium clavatum. Muscus terrestris repens. Pes ursinus. Clubmoss. Wolf's-claw. (Hilly pastures and heaths in Central and Northern Europe, Russian Asia, and North America. Common in Great Britain, especially the North.) N. O. Lycopodiace. Trituration of spores. Tincture of spores. Tincture of fresh plant. Etherial tincture of spores (ether dissolves the spore cases). Clinical.-Abdomen, distended. Abortion. Albuminuria. Aneurism. Angina pectoris. Aphasia. Asthma. Axilla, offensive perspiration of. Biliousness. Borborygmi. Bright's disease. Cancer. Cataract. Constipation. Consumption. Corns. Cough. Cramps. Cystitis. Debility. Diphtheria. Distension. Dropsies. Dysentery. Dysmenorrh?a. Dyspepsia. Ear, eczema behind. Eczema. Ephelis. Epistaxis. Epithelioma. Excoriation. Eye, inflammation of; polypus of canthus. Face, eruption on. Feet, perspiring. Fibroma. Flatulence. Gall-stone colic. Glands, swelling of. Gotre. Gout. Gravel. Hmaturia. Hmorrhoids. Hair, falling out. Hands, chapped. Heartburn. Heart, diseases of. Hemiopia. Hernia. Hydropericardium. Hypochondriasis. Hysteria. Impotence. Influenza. Intermittents. Intertrigo. Irritation. Labour-pains, abnormal. Lip, cancer of. Liver, derangement of. Liver-spots. Locomotor ataxy. Lungs, affections of. Menstruation, disorders of. Metrorrhagia. Nvus. Nymphomania. Otorrh?a. Panaritium. Paralysis. Paralysis agitans. Peritonitis. Phlegmasia dolens. Physometra. Plica polonica. Pneumonia. Polypus, of eye; of ear; of nose. Proctalgia. Prostatitis. Pylorus, affections of. Quinsy. Renal colic. Rheumatism. Rhagades. Sciatica. Sleep, abnormal. Speech, disordered; stammering. Strains. Sunstroke. Taste, abnormal. Throat, sore. Tongue, coated; cramp in. Typhoid fever. Urine, abnormal. Varicosis. Warts. Water-brash. Whooping-cough. Worms. Yawning. Characteristics.-Lycopodium is one of the pivotal remedies of the materia medica, and an intimate acquaintance with its properties and relations is essential to a proper understanding of the materia medica as a whole. The spores from which the attenuations are made have been called "vegetable sulphur" (probably on account of their use for producing stage-lightning at theatres), and Lyc. ranks with Sulphur and Calcarea in the central trio around which all the rest of the materia medica can be grouped. The Lycopodiums stand between the mosses and the ferns, and in past eras occupied a most important place in the world's vegetation as fossils show. In the old school the function of Lyc. has dwindled into its use as an "inert" coating for pills and an "inert" powder for dusting on excoriated surfaces. Earlier practitioners did not consider it as by any means inert. Teste mentions that it is recorded of a decoction of the plant that it has caused vomiting. The use of the powder in intertrigo was not regarded as a physical one but as medicinal. It was praised by Wedel, Lantilius, Gesner, and others in (1) cardialgia and flatulent colic of children and young girls; (2) diseases of children; (3) nephritic colic and calculi-which is about as much as some hom?opathists know about it at the present day. But Mrat and de Lens speak of its internal use in: Rheumatism; retention of urine; nephritis; epilepsy; and pulmonary diseases. In Poland it is used for powdering the hair in "plica polonica," a decoction being used internally and also externally at the same time. The comparative fruitfulness of the two schools of medicine may be accurately measured in the history of this drug: in the old school it has dwindled into an "inert" powder; in hom?opathy, by means of the scientific methods of developing and investigating drug action it possesses, all the old virtues of Lyc. have been confirmed and precisionised, and a new world of medicinal action added to them. Teste puts Lyc. at the head of a group containing Nat. m., Viol. tric., and Ant. c. Among
the common characters he attributed to them are: Primary action on digestive organs and adjoining glands; on liver and larger intestines rather than stomach. Aversion to bread and < from eating bread and foods made of fermented and fermentable dough. Frequent and painful eructations. Sour eructations; vomiting; distension; alternate diarrh?a and constipation. Pale, whitish, cloudy, mucous urine, often fetid. Premature and profuse menses. Peevishness. Rush of blood to head. Falling of hair; with crusty scalp eruption. Inflammation of eyes and lids. Deficiency of vital heat. Contraction of tendons, especially hamstrings. These are general features common to the group. Lyc. acts profoundly on the entire organism, on solids and fluids. It causes paralysis and paralytic weakness of limbs, of brain, suppurative conditions, even gangrene. It is particularly suited to: Persons of keen intellect, but feebler muscular development; upper part of body wasted, lower semi-dropsical; lean and predisposed to lung and hepatic conditions; herpetic and scrofulous constitutions; hypochondriacs subject to skin diseases; lithic acid diathesis, much red sediment in urine, urine itself transparent; sallow people with cold extremities, haughty disposition, when sick, mistrustful, slow of comprehension, weak memory; weak children with well-developed heads but puny, sickly bodies, irritable, nervous, and unmanageable when sick, after sleep cross, pushing every one away angrily; old women and children. In my experience it has been more indicated in persons of dry temperament and dark complexion; but this is not by any means exclusive. Undernourished states suggest it. But it is impossible to get the best therapeutic results for this great remedy without an intimate knowledge of certain leading characteristics. Lyc. will cure any case in which the totality of symptoms correspond with symptoms of the remedy; but it will be found that in a large proportion of cases in which this is the case, there will be present some symptoms which are peculiarly characteristic of the remedy, constituting what are called keynotes. Practice on keynote symptoms alone is an absurdity; but the right use of keynote symptoms is an immense saving of labour. The Lyc. keynotes are very pronounced, and though I cannot say that one is more important than another, I give them in this order. (1) < From 4 to 8 p.m. [In one case cured by Lyc. it was: "Bad from 4 to 6; better at 8; gone at 9."] In any case, when the symptoms are < from 4 to 8 p.m., the chances are very great that the rest of the case will correspond to Lyc., no matter what the disease may be. The times may not be accurately at these hours, and still Lyc. may be the remedy. < At 4 p.m. or from 4 to 6; and the condition may continue into the night without the 8 p.m. alleviation. But the grand characteristic is 4 to 8. (2) The second keynote is in direction, right to left. Any affection commencing on the right side and spreading to the left is likely to require Lyc., whether it be headache, sore throat, chest affection, abdominal affection, pains in ovaries-if the affection begins on the right side and spreads to the left Lyc. must be studied. Cutting pains shooting from right to left in any part indicate Lyc. In this it is complementary to Lach., which has just as characteristically the opposite direction. Lyc. is a right-side medicine; but right-sidedness is not so characteristic as the direction right to left. These two features are perhaps the most valuable keynotes, in the materia medica. After them in importance, and scarcely less important, come others. (3) > From uncovering. This is general, but it applies to Sufferings in the head more particularly. If a patient complains of headache, no matter of what kind, and if the headache is distinctly > by taking off the hat or other covering, Lyc. will probably be the remedy. This is the great dividing line between this remedy and Sil., another great headache medicine: in Sil. cases the patient must wrap up the head. > From loosening the garments is in the same category. (4) The next characteristic is somewhat of an opposite kind: > From warm drinks; < from cold food and drink. This does not refer to gastric complaints alone, but to headache, sore throat, and any other condition. (5) Fan-like movement of al nasi occurring in cerebral, pulmonary, and abdominal complaints. The movements are usually rapid, never slow, and are not synchronous with the breathing. In the same order with this are spasmodic movements of facial muscles: angles of mouth alternately drawn up and relaxed; and spasmodic movements of tongue, it cannot be protruded; rolls from side to side like a pendulum. One prover had a kind of cramp in the tongue when speaking, cutting off the end of every sentence. Nodding and side to side movement of the head. Loosvelt (H. W., xiv. 396) has found that "half-open condition of the eyes during sleep" is a strong indication for Lyc., and has led him to make cures in cases of bronchitis, pneumonia, and typhoid when other remedies have failed. The "fan-like movement" of the al nasi led Halbert to the cure of a case of nervous asthma (H. W., xxxiii. 545): Mrs. S., 28, had periodic attacks of spasmodic asthma, always ushered in by unusual excitement and attended by peculiar mental
depression. The attack for which Halbert saw her was induced by a violent fit of anger, and persisted longer than usual. Extreme despondency and melancholy, would have nothing to do with her friends. Fan-like motion of al nasi. Constriction of throat, like globus, but always induced by regurgitation of food. Excessive appetite easily satisfied. Fulness of abdomen with flatulence. Constipation, dry, hard stools. Dyspn?a. Slight cough with chest constriction; > in open air. All symptoms < 4 to 8 p.m. Lyc. 6x trit. cured. (6) Suddenness; sudden flashes of heat, lightning-like pains; sudden satiety. Pains and symptoms come and go suddenly, as with Bell. (7) Sensation as if a hand were in the body clutching the entrails (also as with Bell.). (8) Restlessness > by motion. (9) Right foot hot, left foot cold. (10) Burning pains > by heat; burning like hot coals between scapul. Burning stinging in breasts. (11) Dryness of parts: of mucous membranes; of vagina; of skin, especially palms. Prominent among mental symptoms is Fear: of being alone; of men; of his Own shadow. Apprehensiveness: susceptible to natural causes of fear which make a profound impression on bodily organs, as the liver; mental states resulting from fear. Profound sadness and inclination to weep. Peevish. Forgetful. Avaricious. Imperiousness. Lyc. is a remedy for misers. The headaches are in great variety, but the modalities will generally decide: < 4 to 8 p.m.; from eating; from warmth of bed; from becoming heated during a walk; from heat in general; from mental exertion; > in open air; in cool place; by uncovering. Hair falls out. Ophthalmia: conjunctiva looks like red flesh. Lyc. has cured desperate cases of facial neuralgia with the general characteristics of the drug. The facial appearance is pale and yellow; deeply furrowed; looks elongated. Sordes in teeth. Lyc. is in the front rank among flatulent remedies. Incarcerated flatulence; more in intestines than stomach; painful with > by eructations. There is the sinking sensation at epigastrium; and it is < in the night, waking up the patient; or < in afternoon. This sensation becomes translated into canine hunger, but as soon as a morsel of food is swallowed there is distension and fulness to the throat, preventing him eating any more. Sour stomach, sour taste, sour vomiting. Thirst for little and often, but drinking cold water = nausea. Great weakness with the vomiting. Cord-like tension across hypochondria. Flatulence incarcerated, pressing outward, sensation as if something moving up and down in bowels. Great sensitiveness in liver region. [This sensitiveness is a characteristic of Lyc., as it is of its complementary remedies, Lach., Kali iod., and Iod. It has led me to cure many cases of sciatica having this characteristic: cannot bear to lie on painful side it is so sensitive. Especially in case of right-side sciatica of this description. Gums, epigastrium, abdomen, right side of chest, eruption round anus, all soft parts are sensitive. Touch and pressure < all these; only > tearing in head.] The flatulence presses on rectum and bladder. There is out-pushing also in right inguinal ring; and Lyc. has cured many cases of right inguinal hernia, especially in children. Lyc. is one of the great remedies for constipation where purgatives have been abused. Spasmodic constriction of rectum. Constipation of infants. The urinary symptoms present no less important characteristics than the gastric. Renal colic, with stinging, tearing, digging pain in right ureter to bladder, as if some small calculus was tearing its way to bladder. Aching in back before micturition. Child cries before micturating; red sand is found on diaper. Aching in kidneys < before > after urinating. The catamenia are too early and too profuse. Extreme sadness and irritability before, ceasing with the flow. Cutting pain right to left. Left leg colder than right. Borborygmi under left ribs in front. Ill-humour. Bearing-down pains and headache. Intolerance of tight clothing. Sensation as if a hand were in body clutching the entrails. Though a right-side remedy, it must not be supposed that Lyc. is exclusively so. It has cured left ovarian pain, dull aching, < on raising the limb or turning in bed. It is of great service in pregnancy (nausea; varices; excessive f?tal movements); and in labour (unsatisfactory pains). The "burning" of Lyc. is exemplified in the cure of a case of puerperal fever having these symptoms: Feels as though hot balls dropped from each breast through to back, rolling down back, along each leg, and dropping off heels; this alternated with sensation as if balls of ice followed same course. Phlegmasia dolens. Lyc. has a very large range in respiratory affections. Salt sputa; milky; greenish yellow; thick yellow muco-pus. Dry burning catarrh of nose, larynx, throat, chest. A very characteristic cough of Lyc., which I have verified, is this: "Dry teasing cough in emaciated boys". The cough of Lyc. is provoked by: Irritation from deep breathing; stretching out throat; and by empty swallowing. A patient of mine to whom I gave Lyc. 30 developed this symptom: "Pain under sternum as if food lodged there and she could not breathe through it." Cough,< on waking. All the bloodvessels from the heart to the capillaries are affected by Lyc. It has cured both nvus and aneurism, and
relieved many conditions of disordered heart. It is also one of the most important remedies in varicosis. Excessive sensitiveness is a note of Lyc.: Cannot bear any strong smells. Cannot endure noise. Sensitiveness to sound has a curious development in this symptom: In the evening she continues to hear the music she has heard during the day. "Heaviness of the arm" is a special feature among the general paralysing effects of Lyc. Skinner cured with Lyc. c.m. this case: A lady had burning in right arm with paralysis, preventing her grasping anything with the right hand. Had had much worry. Irritability before menstrual period, > by the flow. < From 6 to 7 p.m. With the burning was a sharp pain shooting up the arm; but it was not the pain which caused the paresis. Nash mentions that the sphere of Lyc. in impotence is considerable. It covers the case of old men who marry again and find themselves impotent; and the case of young men who have become impotent from masturbation or sexual excess. The desire is strong but the power is absent; penis small, cold, relaxed. P. C. Majumdar records (Ind. Hom. Rev., x. 1) the case of a boy, 14, who had general dropsy and anasarca consequent on the subsidence of an enlarged spleen under allopathic medication. There was afternoon fever (< 4 to 8 p.m.), slight chilliness, but no thirst; difficult breathing on lying down, urine scanty and high coloured, bowels constipated, heart's action weak but regular. Apis caused the urine to be more free, but a troublesome diarrh?a set in. Apocy. 6x removed the diarrh?a, but had no effect on the dropsy. Lyc. 30 was now given purely on the symptoms, and quickly cleared up the case. S. A. Jones (Amer. Hom., xx. 283) calls attention to the irritability of Lyc., and instances the cure of a boy of typhoid with excessive tympanites when the case seemed almost hopeless, the guiding symptoms being: "When awake exceedingly cross, irritable, scolding, screaming, behaving disagreeably," which was quite different from his usual nature. Lyc. 30 was given. The same writer (H. R., xi. 351) relates an involuntary proving of Lyc. from inhalation of the fumes in the course of chemical experiment, Lyc. powder being added to a boiling mass. The writer (apparently a medical man) had at times whilst engaged in the experiments: Frightful headaches (occiput, vertex, and through right eye), always > by Mag. phos. In addition he discovered 12.5 per cent. of albumen in his urine, which had been tested a short time previously and found normal. Other characteristic symptoms of Lyc. were present, and all disappeared, including albuminuria, when the experiments were abandoned. H. Goullon (H. R., vi. 155) cured this case of cystitis: A man, 55, subject to attacks of enteralgia, was seized two days after such an attack with a severe cystitis, with fever and palpitation of the heart. The calls to micturate were increased, and he could hardly reach the vessel quick enough to prevent premature escape of the urine, so severe and sudden was the urging. During and sometimes after the passage there was intense burning pain, "as if molten lead were flowing through the urethra." During the height of the pain he grasped the penis to obtain relief. The urine, which was discharged in very scanty quantities, looked turbid, almost loamy, had a dirty brownish-red colour, and a peculiar odour of malt. Lyc. 12 was given, six drops in half a wineglassful of water: a teaspoonful every three hours. Cured in twenty-four hours. J. E. Winans (Med. Adv., xix. 499) points out the appropriateness of Lyc. to the effects of chewing tobacco. Allen records under Tabac. this symptom: Convulsions, head firmly drawn back, with rigidity of muscles of back of neck; constantly recurring rigid tetanic spasms, muscles of back being principally affected, till death a week after he chewed the tobacco." Winans had a very similar case from the same cause-clonic, opisthotonic spasms as of cerebro-spinal meningitis-which he cured with Lyc. c.m. and m.m. given after each tetanic seizure. Other Lyc. symptoms verified by him are: "Forehead cold, but becomes warm if lightly covered" (Sil.); and, in pernicious intermittents "a long-lasting chill coming on 9 a.m., and generally passing off without subsequent heat or sweat." Drysdale has recorded (B. J. H., xlii. 203) the cure of a young woman whose hands were covered with warts. One 2 gr. tablet of Lyc. 6 trituration was given at bedtime. The warts soon began to shrivel, and in less than six weeks were all gone. The sphere of Lyc. in metrorrhagia is illustrated by a case of Waszily's (quoted H. W., xxviii. 320): Mrs. O., 44, menses after being absent eight months had come on and lasted fourteen days. She felt particularly well, and had walked out, when a violent flooding came on, and she had to be taken home in a carriage and put to bed. Dark blood with large clots flowed from her, < every movement; no pain. Previous day had much flatulent distress. Lyc. 30, two globules on the tongue. After that one large clot passed and nothing more. Rapid recovery followed. Among the peculiar sensations of Lyc. are: As if everything was turning round. As if temples being screwed together. As if brain vacillating to and fro. As if head would burst. As if head opened. Pain in head as if caused by wrong
position. As if eyes too large. As if hot blood rushed into ears. As if sulphur vapour in throat. Front teeth as if too long. Vesicles on tip of tongue as if scalded and raw. As if a ball rose up in throat. As if hard body lodged in back of throat. As if everything eaten was rising up. As if ?sophagus was being clutched and twisted. As if steam rising from stomach to head. As if something were moving up and down in stomach. As if suspensor ligament of liver would tear. As if stomach would fall down. As if drops of water were falling down. As if heart hung by a thread. As if gimlets were running into spine. As if dogs with sharp teeth were gnawing her. Tension as from a cord in diaphragm. As if chest constricted with tight waistcoat. (Cramps in chest accompanying stomach affections is a strong indication for Lyc.) Burning as of hot coals between scapul. As if hot balls dropped from each breast through to back, rolling down back, along each leg and dropping off heels; alternating with balls of ice. As if water spurted on back. As if lying on ice. The symptoms are < by touch, pressure, weight of clothing. Riding in carriage = nausea. < Morning on waking; < afternoon, 3 p.m., 4 p.m., 4 to 6 p.m., 4 to 8 p.m., 5 p.m., 6 p.m.; < evening before midnight. < After eating, even if ever so little. < Wrapping up head, even wearing hat or bonnet. < In warm room. < Getting warm by exercise. Warmth of bed < headache and irritation of skin, but > toothache, rheumatism, and other symptoms. Great desire for open air. > In open air; by uncovering. Must be fanned, especially wants to be fanned on the back (burning between shoulders). > By warm, < by cold food and drink. < By wet weather; by stormy weather; especially by wind. < From moistening diseased parts. Rest <; motion >. Lying down > headache; pain in epigastrium. Lying on back > cough. < Lying on right side in liver affection. < Lying on painful side (sciatica). < Lying on left side. < By rising from a seat; > after. < From lamplight; from looking fixedly at any point. < From eating cabbage; vegetables, beans and peas, with husks; bread, especially rye bread and pastry. < From wine. < From milk. < Before menstruation. < From suppressed menstruation. [Lyc. is very prone to cause aggravations, especially when highly attenuated, and hence it is necessary to give it with caution. Unless the indications are quite clear it is better to start a case on an allied remedy. I gave Miss E. Lyc. 30 for constipation. Soon after taking it she had pains in upper abdomen in all directions; urging to stool without ability to pass it; much flatus which could neither be got up nor down. Lyc. 1m. was now given, a few globules dissolved in water, a teaspoonful at bedtime. All symptoms vanished. On rising a second teaspoonful was taken, and after this the bowels were well relieved. On another occasion she took Lyc. 1m. in the evening, and immediately felt her throat tight and uncomfortable; but this passed off and she went to bed. At 5 a.m. she woke with choking; had the greatest difficulty in getting her breath. She managed to reach a bottle of Bell. 3, and a dose of this relieved her at once.-A patient for whom Lyc. 5 had, to her great delight reduced the gouty swellings about her finger-joints, till she could get rings on she had not been able to wear for years, was obliged to discontinue it on account of the distressing headaches it caused.-Mr. W. had every Sunday afternoon attacks of pain like biliary colic. They came on at 5 p.m. and lasted till 1 a.m. The pain started from right of gall bladder, travelled to middle line, and then passed downwards. In the attack he was cold and yet sweated. Bowels constipated. Lyc. 1m., one dose every alternate day. A powder of the same was, given to be dissolved in water, of which a teaspoonful was to be taken every twenty minutes in the event of an attack. During the week he felt better, but on the next Sunday he had the worst attack he had ever had, and the Lyc. given to be taken frequently did not relieve at all. Nux 30 was next given night and morning. The next Sunday was passed without any pain, and he felt much better generally. Cases of this kind could be multiplied indefinitely, and I have known some very good prescribers almost abandon this remedy on account of unexpected aggravations.] Relations.-Antidoted by: Aco., Camph., Caust., Cham., Coff., Graph., Nux, Puls., Coffee. It antidotes: Chi. (yellow face, liver and spleen swollen, flatulence, tension under short ribs < right side, pressure in stomach and constipation); Merc.; Chlorine (effects of the fumes when they cause impotence). Compatible: Bell., Bry., Carb. v. (a dose of Carb. v. every eighth day facilitates action of Lyc.); Calc. c. (predisposition to constipation, hard stools evacuated with difficulty, or urging ineffective); Graph., Hyo., Lach., Led., Pho., Puls., Sep., Sil., Stram., Sul., Ver. Follows well: Sul., Calc., Lach. Is followed well by: Graph., Lach., Led., Pho., Sil. Incompatible: Coffee. Complementary: Iod., Chel. (K. iod., Lach., Ign., Puls.); Ipec. in capillary bronchitis, < right side, sputa yellow and thick. "Unless undoubtedly indicated the treatment of chronic diseases should not be commenced with Lyc., it is best to give first another antipsoric remedy." Compare: Desires fresh air, desire to be uncovered, Sul., Pul.
Terrible sadness during menses, Nat. m., Nit. ac., Sep. Action on veins, Puls., Sep. Thirst for little and often, Ars. (wants it cold and vomits it immediately); Ant. t. Sinking at epigastrium < at night preventing sleep, Ign.; (Sul. < 11 a.m., also 8-9 a.m. and 1-2 p.m.). Hot flushes in afternoon, Sul. Nausea fasting, Pul., Calc., Sil. Moth spots or liver spots, Thuj. Canine hunger, especially at night, Ign., Chi. Hungry but cannot get food down, Sil. < Every other day, Chi. Fan-like motion of al nasi, Chlorof. (slow); Gadus and Kreas. (rapid). Apprehension of losing senses, Calc., Nux, Sul. Acquisitiveness, Ars., Pul. Fear of being alone, K. ca., Lil. (Ars., Bism., fear and forgetfulness when alone; Pho., fears something is going to happen when alone in room, especially at night; Arg. n., fears to remain alone lest he should harm himself; anxiety compels moving about; fears to go on a lofty place lest he should throw himself down-Anac. also). Fear of darkness, Calc., Stram. Imperiousness, Plat. (haughtiness). Cursing, Anac., Iod., jug. r. Nervous before undertaking anything, Ars., Arg. n. Shaking head, Ant. t., Ars., Aur. sul., Can. i., Eupion., Nux m., Sep., Tarent. Head drawn to one side, Camph.; spasmodically to right side in diphtheria, Lachn. Burning pains > by heat, Ars., Caps., Alumina. Bloody sweat, Calc., Lach., Lyc., Nux m., Nux, Arn. Hoarseness 4 to 6 or 8 p.m., Hell. (Coloc. and Pul. at 4 p.m., Col. and Mag. p. 4 to 9 p.m., Carb. v. 3 p.m. and 4 to 6 p.m.). Constipation when from home (when on journey, Plat.). Laughs at serious things, Pho., Anac., Nat. m., Plat. Laughs and cries alternately, Aur., Pul., Alm., Stram., Bov., Caps., Graph., Pho., Sep., Sul., Ver. Globus hystericus, Ign., Lach., Pul. < Ascending, Ars., Sul. Restlessness > by motion, Rhus (Rhus generally in recent Lyc. in old cases), Puls. > slow motion. Emaciation from above down, Nat. m. Burning as if hot coals between scapul, Glo. (burning as if hot water whole length of spine), Pho. Head symptoms > cold, Ars. (Ars. has general > by warmth, Lyc. < by warmth). Flashes of heat, Lach., Sep., Sul. Feet cold and damp to knees, Calc. Sore throat right to left (Lach. left to right) less sensitive than it looks (Lach. more); < cold drink (Lach. >) Inguinal hernia, Nux (Nux more left, Lyc. more right). Piles, sc., Nux, Caust., Alo., Sul. Child screams before passing urine, just as it begins to pass > by flow, red sand (Sarsa. cries before and during flow, grey sand). Sufferings of widowers from unsatisfied desire, &c., Con., Pic. ac., Plat., Calc. Physometra, Bro., Lac c., Nux, Sang. Burning in vagina during coitus, Kre., Sul. Dryness of vagina with painful coitus, Bel., Fer., Nat. m., Sep. Burning and stinging in breasts, Apis, Carb. a., Pho., Lauro. Milk in breasts when it should not be there, Cycl., Pul., Pho.; (unhealthy milk, Cham., Phyt., Acet. ac., Calc., Lach., Pul.) > Fanning (Carb. v. and Sul. in collapse; Lyc. wants the back fanned). Acid dyspepsia, Mag. c., Robin. > By warm drink and food (Pul. and Phos. > by cold food). Catarrh of chest after badly treated pneumonia, Sul. Chest rattling, full of mucus, Ant. t. Child sleeps with eyes half-open, Sul. Black boils, Lach. Distress in stomach immediately after eating (Nux some time after). In labour and threatened miscarriage, pains fly from right to left (Act. r. from side to side; Ip. from left to right with nausea). Ordinary amount of food causes full sensation, Ars. Diphtheria, nose obstructed, excoriating discharge, patient picks and bores nose, Ar. t. (but Lyc. has right to left; < after sleep, even a short nap; irritable and peevish; urine stains red). Large tonsils studded with small indurated ulcers, Bar. c. Aneurism, Bar. c., Carb. an., K. iod. Nvus, Fl. ac., Arn., Thuj., Vacc. Tympanites, Carb. v. (Carb. v. rancid belching; Lyc. sour). Fan-like motion of al nasi; one foot hot, one cold, Chel. (Lyc. and Chel. are much alike and complementary; Lyc. favours dark, Chel. fair people; Lyc. pains more dull, Chel. lancinating; Lyc. rumbling of flatus in left hypochondrium, sour taste; Chel. bitter). Distension after eating with great accumulation of flatus, Graph. (Graph. has rancid or putrid eructations, Lyc. has not; Lyc. has constriction, Graph. none). Intermittent fever; syphilis; ulcers; flatulent dyspepsia; < after sleep, Lach. Ulcers on instep (Nat. c. ulcers on heel). Half sight, Nat. m., Titan., Aur., Lith. c. Dyspepsia with thick urine; Sep. (Lyc. repletion after eating, Sep. emptiness of epigastrium); ball in anus, Sep. Yellow-brown spots, Sep., Nux, Curar., Sul. Cough excited by talking, Sil. Impotence, Tab. (Lyc. cured impotence caused by indulgence in tobacco). Ailments from fright, anger, or mortification with reserved displeasure, Staph. Nose stopped at night, Am. c., Nux, Samb. Red sand on child's diaper, Pho. Cries before urinating, Bor. Dryness of vagina, Hdrfb. One foot hot, the other cold, Chi., Dig., Ip. Waking at night hungry, Cin., Pso. Enforced sexual abstinence, Con. Proctalgia, Pho. Craving for sweets, Arg. n., Sul. Pain in head during stool, Indium. Fulness after a meal, Chi. (Chi. after a full meal; Lyc. after ever so little. The Lyc. fulness is full right up into the throat). Colic, &c., > bending over, Coloc. Crampy pains, < night. Nux. After-effects of fevers, Pso.
Causation.-Fear. Fright. Chagrin. Anger. Vexation. Anxiety. Fevers. Over-lifting. Masturbation. Riding in carriage. Tobacco-chewing. Wine. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Silent, melancholy, and peevish humour; despair of eternal salvation.-Desponding, grieving mood.Sadness when hearing distant music.-Anguish, esp. in region of epigastrium, with melancholy and disposition to weep; esp. after a fit of anger, or on the approach of other persons.-Sensitive disposition.-Dread of men; desires to be alone, or else aversion to solitude.-Excitement after a glass of wine, almost mischievous.-Must laugh if any one looks at her to say anything serious.-Inclined to laugh and cry at same time.-Irritability and susceptibility, with tears.-Irascibility.-Obstinacy.-Estrangement and frenzy, which manifest themselves by envy, reproaches, arrogance, and overbearing conduct.-Disposition to be very haughty when sick; mistrustful; does not understand anything one says to them; memory weak.-Avaricious.-Character, mild and submissive.Complete indifference.-Aversion to speaking.-Fatigue from intellectual exertion, and incapability of devotion to mental labour.-Giddiness.-Inability to express oneself correctly; misapplication of words and syllables.Confused speech.-Confusion about everyday things, but rational talking on abstract subjects.-Inability to remember what is read.-Stupefaction.-Dulness. 2. Head.-Dizziness and vertigo, as from intoxication.-As soon as she sees anything turning about she feels as if her body were turning about.-Whirling vertigo, esp. when stooping, or in a warm room, with inclination to vomit.-Headache from vexation.-Headache, with disposition to faint, and great uneasiness.-Headache with vertigo.-Heaviness of the head.-Headache when shaking or turning head, and also at every step on walking.Cephalalgia above eyes, immediately after breakfast.-Semi-lateral headache in evening, < beyond endurance by intellectual labour.-Aching as if head would be forced asunder and as if brain were swashing to and fro, < walking, ascending steps, and rising from stooping; could not work and could scarcely step without vertigo.Throbbing after every paroxysm of cough.-Pressive headache sometimes as if a nail were being driven into the head, or with tension, which is < by lying down; < at night when lying in bed, and on getting warm while walking in open air; > when walking slowly in open air, from cold, and when uncovering head.-Stitches in temples, mostly on r. side, from within to without; < in evening and at night when lying in bed, from heat and exertion of the mind; > from cold and in open air.-Thrust in temples during difficult stool.-Pain at vertex during moderate pressure at stool.-Headache after breakfast.-Tearing, boring, and sensation of scraping on external head, during night.-Screwing together in forehead, during menses.-Jerking in r. frontal bone extending to root of nose and eyebrows.-Tearing headache, esp. in afternoon or at night, principally in the (r.) forehead, but often also in whole head, in eyes and nose, extending to teeth, with inclination to lie down.-Stupefying headache, with heat in temples and ears; dryness of mouth and lips; < from 4 to 8 p.m., when rising up, and on lying down.-Pressing headache on vertex < from 4 to 8 p.m.; from stooping, lying down, exertion of the mind, and followed by great weakness.-Tearing in forehead or in r. side of head, extending down to neck, with tearing in face, eyes, and teeth; < on raising oneself up, > on lying down and in the open air.-Shooting headache.-Throbbing in brain on leaning head backward.-Throbbing in head after lying down in evening.Congestion in head, with heat, sometimes in morning on rising up in bed.-Shaking and resonance in brain at every step.-Boring, scraping, and tearing in scalp, esp. at night.-Involuntary movements and convulsive trembling of head.-Head turned involuntarily to l.-Involuntary nodding: now to r., now to l.; slow at first then constantly more rapid.-Involuntary shaking makes him dizzy.-Shaking head on stepping hard.-Great tendency to take cold by the head.-Eruption on the head, with abundant and fetid suppuration, sometimes with obstruction of the glands of the nape and neck.-The hair becomes grey early.-Baldness; the hair falls out, first on the vertex, later on the temples (after diseases of the abdominal viscera; after parturition), with violent burning, scalding, itching of the scalp, esp. on getting warm from exercise during the day.-Scurf over whole scalp, child scratches it raw in night and then it bleeds.-Contracted sensation with feeling as if the hair would be pulled up.-Hair falls off scalp, but increases on other parts of body.
3. Eyes.-Aching in the eyes.-Gnawing, burning, and shooting pains in eyes (and lids), esp. in evening, by candlelight.-Smarting in eyes.-Sensation of coldness in eyes, evening.-Dryness of eyes; and lids; as if dust in them; difficult to open.-Smarting and burning.-Swelling and painfulness of lids.-Inflammation of the eyes and lids.Stye.-Styes on the internal canthus.-Agglutination of eyelids, esp. at night, and lachrymation, < by day, and in a cold wind.-Twitching of the eyelids.-Troubled sight, as from feather-down before the eyes.-Photophobia.Itching in canthi.-Dim, hot eyes.-The eyes are wide open, insensible to light, fixed.-Dryness of eyes, in evening.Sparks before the eyes, in the dark.-Must wipe mucus from eye in order to see clearly.-Purulent mucus.Myopia or presbyopia.-Hemiopia perpendicularis (sees only l. half of objects, esp. with r. eye).-The characters are confused when reading.-Obscurity, black spots, glittering, and sparks before eyes.-Eyes dazzled and irritated by candle-light in evening. 4. Ears.-Otalgia in open air.-Congestion in the ears.-Ulceration of the ears.-Discharge from the ears.-Hearing excessively sensitive to least noise; music occasions fatigue.-Tinkling and buzzing in ears.-Roaring, humming, and whizzing in ears.-Sensation as if hot blood rushed into ears.-Congestion of blood in ears.-Singing in the ears as from boiling water.-Ringing in r. ear; every noise has peculiar echo deep in ear.-Hears in evening music she heard played during day.-Hardness of hearing.-Moist scabs on and behind ears.-Has improved deafmutism (Cooper). 5. Nose.-Scurf in nose; crusts and elastic plugs.-Nostrils ulcerated, scabby, obstructed by mucus at night.Swelling of nose, with acrid, fetid, and corrosive discharge.-The ichorous discharge from the nose begins in r. nostril; scarlatina or diphtheria.-(Patient bores and picks nose.-Convulsive movements of muscles of nose.-Fanlike motion of the nostrils in pneumonia.-Bleeding from nose, on blowing it, and epistaxis, principally in afternoon.-(Nose-bleed in morning from r. nostril.).-Excessive acuteness of smell.-Coryza with acrid discharge, making the upper lips sore.-Coryza of almost all kinds.-Dry coryza, with obstruction of the nose, confusion in head, and burning pain in forehead.-Dryness of the posterior nares.-Obstruction of nostrils, esp. at night, and which prevents respiration except through the mouth.-Stoppage: towards morning; in evening; child's breath often stopped in sleep for fifteen seconds even when mouth is open. 6. Face.-Paleness of face, < in evening.-Face yellow and earthy, with deep wrinkles, blue circles round eyes, lips bluish.-Circumscribed redness of the cheeks.-Face red and bloated, with eruptions and red spots.-Swelling and tension of face.-Tearing in bones of face.-Painful sensation of coldness in face.-Twitching and convulsive movements in muscles of face.-At first l. angle of mouth drawn outward, then r.-Muscles of lips and cheeks drawn together making mouth pointed, followed by broad distension of mouth.-Frequent attacks of transient heat in face.-Eruption on face, sometimes with itching.-Ephelis.-Tetters on face, which are furfuraceous, and yellow at the base.-Lips pale and bluish.-Soreness of corners of mouth.-Swelling of upper lip.-Eruption and excoriations on the lips and their commissures.-Eruptions on face, humid and suppurating.-The lower jaw hangs down.-Ulcers on the red part of the lower lip.-Itching eruption round the chin.-Swelling of the submaxillary glands. 7. Teeth.-Odontalgia only at night, > by hot drinks, and by heat of bed.-Dull pains in teeth, with swelling of the cheeks and gums.-The teeth ache as if suppurating; are excessively painful on touching them; and when chewing; front teeth loose or too long.-Cramp-like drawing, tearing, and jerking, or pulsations in teeth, esp. during or after a meal.-Grinding of teeth.-Yellowness of the teeth.-(Fistula in the gums.).-The gums bleed violently on being touched; when cleaning teeth.-Gumboils.-Swelling of gums, with shocks, tearings, and shootings.-Ulcers in the gums. 8. Mouth.-Dryness of the mouth, without thirst, with tension of the parts, the tongue heavy, and speech indistinct.-Torpor of the interior of mouth and tongue.-Exhalation of a putrid odour from the mouth, esp. in morning when awaking.-Buccal hmorrhage.-Tongue foul and coated.-Involuntary movements of the tongue.In talking, all the words of a sentence were spoken completely and distinctly except the last, which was stammered; it seemed as though the tongue were affected by a peculiar cramp; no amount of attention to this
was of any avail; it lasted four weeks and gradually disappeared of itself.-Stiffness of the tongue; vesicles on tip of tongue; they feel scalded and raw.-Soreness of tongue.-Ulcers on and under tongue (from tobacco).Convulsions of the tongue.-The tongue is painful and swollen in different places (tubercles on the tongue).-The saliva becomes dry on the palate and lips and is converted into tough mucus.-The posterior part of the mouth is covered by tough mucus.-Dry and bitter mouth (in the morning).-Tongue dry; becomes black and cracked.Tongue is darted out and oscillates to and fro; in sore throat.-Tongue distended, giving patient silly expression; in angina or diphtheria. 9. Throat.-Sensation of constriction in throat, with obstructed deglutition.-Dryness of throat.-Pain, as from excoriation, in throat.-Burning pain in throat, with nocturnal thirst.-Sensation in throat, as if a ball were ascending from the pit of the stomach.-Feeling on l. side of a lump moving up and down.-Inflammation of throat and palate, with shooting pain, which obstructs deglutition.-Swelling and suppuration of tonsils.-The ulceration of the tonsils begins on r. side.-The pharynx feels contracted, nothing can be swallowed.-Hawking of hard greenish-yellow masses; granular; of bloody mucus.-Sticking in region of r. parotid.-Sticking in throat during cough.-Sticking preventing sneezing.-Sensitiveness of the submaxillary glands.-Ulcers, like chancres, in the tonsils.-Gotre. 10. Appetite.-Loss of appetite.-Mouth clammy or bitter, esp. in morning, often with nausea.-Nausea in pharynx and stomach.-Nausea in morning and when riding in a carriage.-Sourness in mouth, esp. in morning, or sour taste of food.-Absence of thirst, or burning thirst.-Nocturnal thirst.-Loss of appetite, sometimes with the first mouthful.-Sudden satiety.-Immoderate hunger.-Bulimy.-Aversion to: cooked or warm food; rye-bread; meat; coffee; tobacco smoke.-Craving for sweet things.-Inability to digest heavy food.-After a meal: hepatic pains, oppression and fulness in chest and abdomen, nausea, heat in head, redness of face, pulsation and trembling over whole body, hands hot, palpitation of heart, colic, &c.-Sourness and diarrh?a after taking milk. 11. Stomach.-Violent risings in afternoon.-Incomplete eructations, burning, rising only into pharynx, where they cause burning.-Sour eructations, the taste of which does not remain in mouth, but the acid gnaws in the stomach.-Burning, sour, greasy or bitter risings.-Sour regurgitation of food, esp. of milk.-Pyrosis, esp. after a meal.-Violent hiccough by fits, esp. after a meal.-Nausea when in a room, which disappears in open air, and vice vers.-Frequent continued nausea, esp. in morning, with bitter taste in mouth.-Nausea, caused by the motion of a carriage.-Sensation of nausea in stomach in morning.-Heartburn.-Cancer of the stomach.-Waterbrash, sometimes every second day, with flow of bitter water.-Vomiting of food and bile, esp. at night, or when fasting in the morning.-Vomiting of bitter, greenish matter.-Vomiting of blood.-Vomiting between the chill and heat in intermittent fever.-Vomiting after a meal with salivation; during menses.-Gnawing, griping sensation in region of the stomach.-Slow digestion.-Pains in stomach, with shivering and deadness of the hands after a slight chill.-Periodical pains in stomach, > by heat of bed.-Aching in stomach, in evening, and after every meal, sometimes with a bitter taste in mouth.-Compressive or contractive pains in stomach.-The pains in the stomach manifest themselves principally in morning; in open air; after a meal; or after drinking wine; they are sometimes > in evening, and are often accompanied by cramps in chest and difficulty of respiration.-Swelling of epigastrium with painful sensibility to the touch.-The clothes round the stomach cause uneasiness.-Stitches in l. side of pit of stomach, apparently externally.-Pain in epigastrium caused by cough. 12. Abdomen.-Tension round hypochondria, as from the pressure of a hoop.-Pressure and tension in liver; esp. on satisfying one's appetite.-Cramp-like pain in diaphragm, and contusive pain in liver, on stooping.-Pain when walking in upper part of r. hypochondrium, as if the suspensor ligament of the liver would tear.-Pressive pain in r. hypochondrium, at times took away the breath, became a sticking.-Pain in liver as from a blow, < by touch.-Violent gall-stone colic.-Sharp pain in dorsal hepatic region, in r. shoulder and arm.-Liver region sensitive.-Griping; and rumbling in splenic flexure.-Inflammation and induration of the liver.-Immediately after a (light) meal the abdomen is bloated, full, distended.-Has a great appetite, but a small quantity of food fills him up and he feels bloated.-Aching pains in abdomen.-Fulness and distension of stomach and abdomen.-
Weight in the abdomen.-Sensation of something heavy lying on l. side of abdomen.-Brown spots on abdomen.Hardness in the abdomen.-Dropsical swelling of the abdomen.-Contractive cramp-like pains in the abdomen, which is distended.-Tearing, drawing, tension, and pinching in abdomen and sides of abdomen.-Clawing in hypogastrium, with suspended respiration.-Cutting pains, esp. above the navel.-Pain above the navel, on touching the part.-Burning pain in the abdomen.-Hernia on the r. side.-Tearing shootings, pulsation, and pressure in the inguinal ring, as if hernia were on the point of protruding.-Cramp-like pains in abdominal muscles, esp. at night.-Incarcerated flatus.-Imperfect expulsion of flatus.-The flatulence cannot pass and causes much pain.-Great deal of noisy flatulence in the abdomen, or particularly in the r. hypochondriac region; there seems to be a constant fermentation in the abdomen, which produces a loud croaking sound.Sometimes much rumbling of wind in l. hypochondriac region.-Dyspepsia with loud croaking in the abdomen.Affections of the inner lower belly.-Full, distended abdomen with cold feet.-Gurgling and borborygmi in abdomen, esp. on l. side. 13. Stool and Anus.-Constipation of long standing.-Hard stools with ineffectual desire to evacuate.-Desire for stool followed by painful constriction of rectum or anus.-Small stool, with the sensation as if much remained behind, followed by excessive and painful accumulations of flatulence.-Hmorrhage from rectum, even after a soft stool.-Feeling of fulness in rectum continues after a copious stool.-Contractive pain in perinum, after scanty, hard stool.-Stitches in the rectum.-Diarrh?a (during pregnancy), with earthy colour of the face.-During stool: burning and biting at anus; pressure; tenesmus; ringing in ears; headache; pain in back as if broken; hmorrhage.-After stool: flatulent distension.-Constriction of the abdomen, sometimes with ineffectual want to evacuate, and difficult evacuation.-Constipation or diarrh?a in pregnant women.-Fces: pale and of a putrid odour; thin brown; pale green mixed with hard lumps; thin yellow or reddish-yellow fluid; shaggy reddish mucus (urethral tenesmus, dysentery); green, stringy, odourless mucus.-Discharge of mucus, or of blood, during evacuation.-Lumbrici.-Pains in the anus after a meal and after an evacuation.-Itching and tension in the anus.-Incisive pains, shootings and pain as from excoriation in the rectum.-Spasms in rectum.-Contraction of rectum so that it protrudes during a hard stool.-Piles swollen, protruding, burning sticking, protruding during soft stool, painful on touch and when sitting.-Hmorrhoidal excrescences in anus and in rectum, with prolapsus recti.-Itching eruption in anus.-Itching and tension at the anus (evening in bed).-Painful closing of anus.-Protrusion of the varices.-Distension of the varices of the rectum. 14. Urinary Organs.-Urgent want to urinate, with too frequent emission, with discharge of large quantities of pale urine.-Frequent micturition by night, with scanty and rare discharges by day.-Dark urine with diminished discharge.-Greasy pellicle on the urine.-Involuntary micturition.-Discharge of blood from the bladder, painless.Old thickening of bladder with irritable urethra.-Foamy urine.-Urine deep coloured, with yellow or reddish sediment.-Clear, transparent urine, having a heavy, red, crystallised sediment in the bottom of the chamber.-In typhus fever, where the patient is in a very low state, and cannot retain the urine, we may see this sediment on the sheets; also in colic of babies, with much sediment of this kind on the diaper.-A very severe pain is felt in the back every time before urinating; causing patient to cry out; retention of urine; patients will get into position to urinate, but wait a great while before the water comes, accompanied by the characteristic pain in the back, which ceases when the urine flows; children often cry out with pain before urinating.-Turbid, milky urine, with an offensive purulent sediment; dull pressure in region of bladder and abdomen; disposition to calculi; cystitis.-Hmaturia from gravel or chronic catarrh.-Renal calculus and gravel.-Emission of blood instead of water, sometimes with paralysis of the legs, and constipation.-Incontinence of urine.-Smarting when urinating.-Itching in urethra during and after emission of urine.-Shooting pinchings and incisive pains in the bladder and urethra.-Stitches in the bladder.-Stitches in the neck of the bladder and in the anus at the same time.-Burning in urethra and glans.-Urine burning hot, like molten lead. 15. Male Sexual Organs.-Shooting, drawing, and incisive pain in the glans.-Bastard gonorrh?a, with a deep red and smarting pustule behind the glans.-Excoriation between scrotum and thighs.-Dropsical swelling of genital organs.-Immoderate excitement, or absence of sexual desire.-Repugnance to coition, or disposition to be too
easily excited to it.-Impotence of long standing.-Weakness or total absence of erections.-Penis small, cold, relaxed.-Itching of the internal surface of the prepuce.-Excessive pollutions, or absence of pollutions.-Emission too speedy or too tardy during coition.-Falling asleep during coition.-Lassitude, after coition or pollutions.-Flow of prostatic fluid, without an erection. 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Nymphomania with terrible teasing desire in external organs.-Itching, burning, and gnawing in vulva.-Pressure towards the outside, above the vulva, and extending as far as the vagina, when stooping.-Expulsion of wind from the vagina.-Chronic dryness of vagina.-Shooting pains in labia, when lying down.-Excoriation between the thighs, and at the vulva.-Burning pain in the vagina, during and after coition.Catamenia (too early) too profuse, and of too long duration.-Catamenia suppressed readily, and for a long time, by fright.-Before menses: shivering, sadness, melancholy; bloatedness of the abdomen.-During menses: delirium, with tears; headache; sourness in the mouth; pain in loins; swelling of feet; fainting; vomiting of sour matter; cuttings, colic; and pains in the back.-Menstruation too late; lasts too long; sometimes suppression of; profuse, protracted; flow partly black, clotted, partly bright red or partly serum; with labour-like pains followed by swooning; with sadness; suppressed by fright.-May find females at change of life with one side of the body greatly hypertrophied.-F?tus appears to be turning summersaults.-Metrorrhagia; at menopause; dark blood with large clots pour from her.-A rumbling begins in upper abdomen and descends to lower, when a flow of blood follows, and so on successively.-Leucorrh?a: milky, yellowish, reddish, and corrosive; sometimes preceded by cuttings in abdomen.-Varices on the genitals.-Disposition to miscarriages.-Swelling of the breasts with nodosities.-Excoriation and moist scabs on nipples.-Stinging in nipples.-Milk in breasts without being pregnant. 17. Respiratory Organs.-Crawling scraping in trachea, at night.-Hoarseness, with roughness, and pain as from excoriation in chest, after speaking.-(Voice feeble and husky.).-Whizzing breathing in daytime, with sensation of too much mucus in chest; loud rattling.-Voice weak and dull.-Cough after drinking.-Obstinate dry cough in morning.-Nocturnal cough, < before sunrise, which affects the head, diaphragm, and stomach.-Dry cough, day and night.-Cough excited by a tickling, or as if produced by the vapour of sulphur, or by taking a deep inspiration, generally with a yellowish grey and saltish expectoration, sometimes with great weakness of stomach, fever, nocturnal sweat, and emaciation.-Cough with expectoration through the day and without expectoration during the night.-Whooping-cough from irritation in trachea as from fumes of sulphur, in the morning and during the day, with expectoration of fetid pus or of mucus streaked with blood.-Cough < from 4 to 6 p.m., frequently on alternate days, from exertion, from stretching the arms out, stooping and lying down, when lying on l. side, from eating and drinking cold things, in the wind, or in warm room.-Cough (morning), with copious expectoration of greenish matter.-Copious expectoration of pus, when coughing.-Cough, with expectoration of blood.-When coughing, shocks in the head, shortness of breath, smarting and concussion in chest, or pains in region of stomach. 18. Chest.-Short respiration during almost every effort, also in children, esp. during sleep.-Continued oppression of the chest, < by walking in open air.-Rattling of mucus and stertorous respiration.-When breathing, twitching and shooting in chest and sides of chest.-Pain as if from a bruise in the chest.-Constant pressure in the chest (it feels raw internally).-Weight in the chest.-Tension in anterior part of chest.Lancinations in the chest, esp. on l. side, and principally when sneezing or coughing, on laughing, or on the slightest movement, sometimes with inability to remain lying on affected side, and difficult respiration.-Pain as from excoriation in the chest, esp. after speaking.-Stitches in the l. side of chest, also during an inspiration.Typhoid and neglected pneumonias.-Hepatisation of the lungs.-Paralysis of the lungs.-Hydrothorax.-Itching on the chest.-Stitches in the side, alternately with toothache and pains in the limbs.-Painful eruption and macul hepatic on the chest. 19. Heart.-Palpitation of the heart, esp. during digestion, or in bed in evening, sometimes attended with anxiety and trembling.-Accelerated pulse, with cold face and feet.-Palpitation of the heart with flapping of the
wings of the nose; enlargement of the heart; hypertrophy in general.-Cramp and constriction, dyspn?a, stitches beneath short ribs, extending to small of back and shoulders; sharp pains shooting into heart, sensation of stoppage of circulation at night, with fright and then sweat, pulse quick and unsteady (angina pectoris).-Dyspn?a, cyanosis, hasty eating and drinking (heart disease).-Beating of temporal arteries and carotids.-Heart sounds heard loudly on lying down at night, keeping patient awake.-(Hypertrophy.).(Aneurism.).-(Hydropericardium.). 20. Neck and Back.-Traction and contraction from the nape of the neck to the occiput.-Rigidity of the nape of the neck, sometimes caused by lifting a weight.-Macul hepatic in the nape of the neck.-Tetters on nape of neck and under armpits.-Furunculi under armpits.-Stiffness, swelling, and induration of one side of neck.Painful stiffness of l. side of neck.-Burning as of red-hot coals between scapul.-Swelling of glands of neck and of the shoulder, with shooting pain.-Weakness and paralysis of muscles of neck.-Painful eruption on neck.Large clusters of red pimples around neck, with violent itching.-Soreness of the neck.-Gotre.-Violent sacral pains, which do not permit sitting upright.-Pains in the back and loins, esp. when moving, stooping, and lifting anything, often accompanied by constrictive pains in abdomen.-Shootings in loins on rising up after stooping.Drawing, tearing, and shooting pains in back and loins, with difficult respiration, chiefly when seated, and also at night.-Pain in back and r. side, from congestion of the liver.-Stitches in region of kidneys, < from pressure; extending into rectum.-Distortion of the spine. 22. Upper Limbs.-Tearings and shootings in the joints of shoulder and elbow.-Rheumatic tension in r. shoulderjoint.-Pain in bones of arms at night.-Weakness of arms when at work.-Difficulty in moving arms as if rheumatism were creeping on, with nodes on fingers.-Pain as from a sprain in r. wrist-joint.-Swelling of axillary glands.-Nocturnal aching pains, in the arms and elbow.-Drawing pain in arms.-Jerking in shoulders and arms, also during it siesta.-Paralytic weakness of arms.-Arms and fingers easily benumbed, even at night, or only when raising them.-Biting, itching, and macul hepatic in the arms.-Arthritic stiffness of the elbow and wrist.-Tetters on the arms.-Erysipelatous inflammation in the forearm, with suppuration.-Dryness of the skin of the hands.-Burning sensation in the palms.-Red and painless swelling of the hands.-Warts on the hands and fingers.-Deadness of fingers and hands.-Involuntary trembling of the hands.-Red swelling and arthritic tearing in joints of fingers.-Arthritic nodosities and stiffness in fingers.-Stiffness of the fingers during labour.-Itching pimples between the fingers.-Panaritum.-Contraction and twitches in the fingers.-Chilblains.-Gouty contraction of palmar fascia: sudden pain runs down arm (l.?) causing fingers to stiffen and draw away from each other and to draw towards hand, as though palmar fascia were contracting (Cooper). 23. Lower Limbs.-Rheumatic tension in l. hip.-Pain as from a sprain in hip.-Periodical pains, from coxo-femoral joint to foot, every fourth day.-Tearing: beneath r. hip; in l. hip-joint.-Drawing along sciatic nerves to feet, evening, in bed.-Pain in muscles about joints, on pressure, sitting or lying.-Pain in r. hip > walking in open air.Pain from r. hip-joint to feet when walking, he must limp.-Tearing in legs and knees, extending to tibia and instep, esp. in evening and at night.-Soreness in inner side of l. thigh, with biting itching extending to genitals.Brown spots on inner side of thighs, inflamed with burning pain.-Uneasiness, shocks, and trembling in legs and feet, esp. in evening and at night.-Involuntary shaking in legs, or alternate separation and bringing together again of the thighs.-Burning and biting itching in the legs, esp. in the hams.-Curvature and stiffness of the knees.-Swelling (and stiffness) of the knees.-Swelling of the knee, with perspiration.-Swelling of the legs, with large, red, burning spots, and pains which prevent walking.-Paralysis of the legs, with emission of blood instead of urine, and constipation.-Tetters on the legs and calves of the legs.-White swelling in the knee.-Cramps and cramp-like pains in the calves, esp. when walking, and at night.-Burning pain in legs.-Ulcers in the legs, with nocturnal tearing, itching, and burning heat.-Pain in the soles when walking.-Cramps in the feet and toes.Swelling of the feet and of the malleoli, or of the soles (with shooting pain).-Coldness of the feet.-One foot (r.) hot the other cold.-Cold sweat on feet, sometimes copious, and with excoriation of the skin.-Stitches in r. big toe (evening).-Rhagades in the heel.-Cramp in the toes.-Bending of the toes when walking.-Contraction of the toes.-Corns on the feet, sometimes with shooting pain.
24. Generalities.-Affections in general of r. eye; r. side of face; r. hypochondrium; r. abdominal ring; l. chest; l. lower extremity; general symptoms r. side (though they may spread to the l.); hair of head; rectum; bladder; hands; fingers; finger-joints; back part in the lumbar region, and ankles.-Hard hearing; smell too sensitive.Deep furrows on the face; same on forehead; sensations in the temples.-Collection of water in the mouth, i.e., "mouth waters.".-Pains in different parts as from flatus: over r. hip; below chest; in lower abdomen, &c.Obstructed evacuation; painless diarrh?a.-Anything running from r. to l.-Apoplexia; erethism of blood accompanied with flashes of heat; chlorosis.-Consumption resulting from badly treated pneumonia.-Crooked legs; ankles weak; painless paralysis; old sprains; tension, tightness of the joints.-Enlargement of the bones.Drawing and tearing in extremities, < at night and during repose; sometimes also in the afternoon; every second day, and esp. in windy and rainy weather, > by heat.-Shooting pains, internal and external.-Painful stiffness of muscles and joints, often with torpor and insensibility of the extremities.-Numbness of the limbs.Great liability to strain the back, which, when it occurs, is often followed by stiffness in nape of neck.-Cramps and contraction of limbs.-Alternate spasmodic and involuntary extension and retraction of some of the muscles, or some of the extremities.-Shocks and jerks in some of the limbs or throughout the body, during sleep and on waking.-Cramps, internal and external, < at night.-Attacks of epilepsy, sometimes with cries, foam at the mouth (loss of consciousness, throws the arms and limbs about), and great anguish of heart (imagined he would have to die).-Dropsical and inflammatory swellings.-Varices.-Arthritic nodosities.-Swelling of the glands.-Inflammation of the bones, with nocturnal pains.-Distortion and softening of the bones.-Ulceration of the bones.-The symptoms are frequently < towards 4 p.m., and begin to abate towards 8 p.m., the weakness excepted.-Periodical sufferings.-The whole body feels bruised.-Ebullition of blood throughout the body, esp. in the evening, with inquietude and trembling.-Sensation, as if the circulation of the blood were suspended.Internal weakness.-Great nervous excitability.-Weakness and lassitude in limbs, < during repose, or on waking in morning.-Fatigue, esp. in the legs, after a very short walk, accompanied by a burning sensation in the feet.Fear of movement, with constant desire to remain lying down.-Total prostration of strength, with falling of the lower jaw, eyes cloudy and half closed, and slow respiration through the mouth.-Great emaciation, also with children.-Fainting fits, esp. in evening, and sometimes also on lying down, with loss of consciousness, cloudiness of sight, and great listlessness.-Trembling of limbs.-Want of vital heat.-Great desire for, or marked repugnance to fresh air, with excessive sensitiveness to cool air.-Great tendency to take cold.-< From east winds. 25. Skin.-Gnawing and itching in daytime, on getting heated, or in evening, before lying down.-Tendency of the skin to become chapped.-Painful eruptions.-Nettle-rash (chronic).-Large red spots on skin.-Itching macul hepatic.-Abundant ephelis.-Insensible tetters, of a yellowish brown, wrinkled or moist, purulent, full of deep cracks and thick scabs.-Large furunculi, which return periodically.-Mercurial ulcers. Bleeding ulcers, with shooting pain, which burn while being dressed, or with nocturnal tearing and itching.-Fistulous ulcers, with callous, red edges, reversed and shining, sometimes with inflammation and swelling of the part affected.Excoriated places on the skin of children; the sore places are humid.-Intertrigo; raw places bleeding easily.-Skin unhealthy, corrosive vesicles.-Nvus maternus.-Vascular tumours.-Warts.-Corns which are very sensitive, or with tearing pains.-Exanthema in general, particularly with biting sensation; moist; scurfy; tearing and painful.Want of action of the skin.-Itch, burning; creeping.-Skin scurfy; sticky; clammy.-Brown mortification.-Pale swelling.-Salt rheum.-Varices suppurating.-Chilblains.-Great dryness of the skin. 26. Sleep.-Frequent, and sometimes interrupted, yawning.-Inclination to sleep during day and early in evening, with sleep retarded by mental activity and excessive nervous excitement.-Disturbed and restless sleep, with anxious and frightful dreams, and frequent waking with fright.-Loud coughing during sleep; screaming while asleep.-Sopor.-Hunger at night when waking.-Unrefreshing sleep.-Soporous sleep in typhoid and exanthematous fevers.-Voluptuous, vivid, mournful dreams; dreams of murder or of the occupations of the day, &c.-Anxious dreams of fatal accidents.-Jerks, cries, starts with fright, or bursts of laughter, or tears and groans during sleep.-(Sleeps with eyes half-opened,).-Sleeps with mouth open.-At night, jerking and restlessness in the legs, headache, anguish, nightmare, ebullition of blood and palpitation of heart, stomach-
ache, colic, asthmatic sufferings, &c.-Lying on l. side is difficult on account of the palpitation of heart and stitches.-It is impossible to remain lying down at night on account of every position being uneasy.-Child sleeps all day and cries all night. 27. Fever.-Shivering in evening, sometimes only on one side; or every second day, with heat, or followed by sweat without heat.-Chilliness in the afternoon from 4 to 8, with sensation as of numbness in hands and feet.Chilliness in evening in bed, preventing sleep.-One-sided chilliness, mostly on the l. side.-Chills and heat alternating.-Want of vital heat.-Tertian fever, with sour vomiting and bloatedness of the face and hands after the shivering.-Transient heat.-Burning heat, with short respiration.-Flashes of heat over whole body, mostly towards evening, with frequent drinking of small quantities at a time; constipation and increased micturition.The perspiration is frequently cold, smelling sour, or offensive, or smelling like onions, or bloody.-Intermittent fever.-Nausea and vomiting and then chilliness, followed by perspiration (without previous heat).-Chilliness in the evening till midnight, this is followed by heat, in the morning sour-smelling perspiration.-Great heat and redness of the cheeks, alternating with chilliness.-Shaking chill 7 p.m., and great coldness as if lying in ice, with traction through whole body, upon waking up from sleep, which is full of dreams, covered with perspiration, perspiration is followed by violent thirst.-Typhus fever (with threatening paralysis of the brain).-Malignant fever, with malevolence and ill-humour on waking, or with nervous excitability, without heat of the head or redness of the face, red spots on the cheeks, great weakness, sweat without any mitigation, tongue red and dry, and constipation.-Slow fever, with viscid sweat, at night.-Fever, with total prostration of strength, lower jaw hanging down, eyes clouded and half-closed, and respiration slow, with the mouth open.-Sweat principally in face, easily excited during the day by slight exercise.-Febrile sweat by day.-Nocturnal sweat, often fetid or viscid, principally on chest and back.-Pulse only accelerated in the evening and afternoon.-Sensation as if circulation stood still.
Lycopus Virginicus. Bugle-weed. Virginia horehound. (Shady and wet places in U.S.) N. O. Labiat. Tincture of fresh plant in flower. Clinical.-Aneurism. Bites of reptiles. Bright's disease. Cough. Diabetes. Exophthalmos. Hmoptysis. Headache. Heart, diseases of. Pericarditis. Phthisis. Snake-bites. Tarentula bites. Typho-malarial fever. Characteristics.-According to Hale Lycopus is mentioned by Rafinesque as "partaking of the properties of Digitalis, Sanguinaria, Cimicifuga, and Spigelia," and as being "one of the mildest and best narcotics in existence." He commends it specially as a substitute for Dig., as having the advantage over it of being nonpoisonous; as useful in hmoptysis and "wherever it is required to quell inordinate motions of the blood." This gives a very good picture of the Lcps. place and action, which hom?opathy has made good use of and developed. The association of Lcps. with Dig., Act. r., and Spi. particularly shows a very clear insight into the action of the remedy, which an experience of mine seems to confirm. Miss S., 25, came to me in October, 1899. About three years previously she had manifested the first symptoms of exophthalmos, which was ascribed by her mother to a prescription of Macrotyn, in low potency, taken for pains in the eyes and continued for a long period. The first symptoms were sore throat with ulcerations, then the gotre appeared, and the heart became painful, its action intermittent, with breathlessness and inability to take exertion. After a course of Thyroidin, and later of Thuja 30 (she had been much vaccinated), Lcps. 12 was given, and this tool, away all the heart pains. Attacks of influenza complicated the case later on, and other remedies had to be given. Now the patient is doing very well under Spig. 30, as far as the heart is concerned, though no impression has been made on the gotre, which is small. The heart sounds are normal. Stammers Morrisson made an extensive proving of Lcps., and developed unmistakable heart symptoms. Two cases by Proell (H. W., xxiv. 546)
bring out a very important feature of the action of this drug, namely, on the consequences of suppressions, in his cases, of suppression of hmorrhoidal flux. The patients were each 60 years of age, a man and a woman, both fair with light eyes, tall, very irritable, with weak innervation of the heart without decided organic disease. Both had had, years before, hmorrhoidal flux which stopped suddenly. Both were hypochondriacal and had noise in left ear. This last symptom was the chief thing the man complained of, along with throbbing in the head preventing sleep. Neither Cact., Kalm., nor Gels. helped radically (though Cact. had once given prompt help when he had had blood-spitting). The night after taking Lcps. he was a little better, and in the forenoon came a bleeding from the rectum (about three tablespoonfuls, after defecation), with great general relief. The lady had glycosuria, cataract of left eye, and every third night was restless. Lcps. 1x (same dilution as in the other case), one drop in evening. The following night was excellent, and in the morning came an abundant bleeding from the rectum with great relief. In a case cured with Lcps. by Morrison (of U.S.)., quoted by Hale, the sufferings were associated with the menstrual period, which was exactly regular but intermittent in flow. The first symptom appeared within three or four hours of the onset of the flow, and was a deepseated pain with heat in occiput. Then followed a train of symptoms, among them nausea, and when the nausea came on the occipital pain was better. This is quite a feature of Lcps.: the symptoms shift about. In Proell's cases there was a shift from rectum to heart and head. Pains also shift from heart to eyes, from head to heart, from heart to left wrist and right calf, and back to wrist and heart. The characteristic heart is a feeble heart, with distress and weak pulse. Cardiac irritability with depressed force. This may be found with organic disease as well as without. When this condition exists and has other symptoms associated with it-in the head, throat, eyes, and elsewhere-Lcps. will most likely be needed. If in addition there is a history of suppressed discharge the indications will be all the stronger. Lcps. is a remedy of accompaniments. The heart condition has many associated symptoms not directly referable to the heart. When pulmonary complaints are associated with loose stools Lcps. will very likely be the remedy. There is a characteristic cough with hmoptysis associated with feeble heart action, deep, violent in evening and night without waking, expectoration sweetish, renewed by change to cold weather and cold winds. Stanley Wilde (H. W., xxv. 108) cured a desperate case of pericarditis associated with bronchitis with Lcps. ; also a case of palpitation with darting pain in heart in a young woman, following an attack of acute rheumatism two years before. Briggs of Fort Lovell (St. Louis Periscope, ix. 329), relates the cure of a patient of Tarentula bite by application of a liquid made of Lycopus. He says the Cherokee Indians allow themselves to be bitten by rattlesnakes, centipedes, and tarentulas, chewing as an antidote large quantities of Lycopus and swallowing the juice. H. W. Felter, an eclectic, is quoted (H. R., xv. 430) as commending Lcps. in: passive lung hmorrhages; wild, tumultuous beating of heart (which often precedes lung hmorrhage); cough of phthisis. It does not disorder the stomach, he says, but acts as a tonic and appetiser. Motion, exercise, walking, ascending, all <. At the same time lying down = cardiac depression; and lying on right side < constriction of thorax. There is restlessness, must change position in spite of weakness. By friction. < In morning; (aching down spine, > after rising). < Towards sunset and in evening. At night, violent cough. The muscular pains are > in warm room and in bed; but not > by direct warmth. Open air = faintness and slight nausea; change to cold weather and cold winds = renewed cough. Cold air < rheumatoid pains. Pains shift generally r. to l. Relations.-Antidote to: Act. r. (?). Compare: Lamium (botan.; piles); Ocim. can. (botan); Iber., Kalm., Spi., Cratg., Cact., Dig., Hydr. ac., Lauro., Pru. spi. (heart); Sang. Causation.-Suppressed hmorrhoidal flow. SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind.-Increased mental and physical activity in evening.-Stupid, with lack of expression, during menstrual flow.-Mind wanders from one thing to another.-General wakefulness and morbid vigilance.-Slight obtusion of intellect, with dull aching through sinciput; increased power of concentration.
2. Head.-Vertigo, tends to stagger to r.-Pressure in forehead, < l. portion.-Aching in frontal eminences, l. to r., < l.-Pain in forehead and temples, > by nausea.-Noise and throbbing in head preventing sleep, after suppressed hmorrhoids, Lycopus relieved the head and then restored the flow.-Headaches: frontal then occipital; over eyes and frontal eminences; pains, aching, pressive, pressing out, congestive; often succeeded by laboured heart and cardiac depression; accompanied by intellectual obtuseness. 3. Eyes.-Eyes feel weak, as if system was fatigued.-Eyes feel full and heavy; pressing outward with pressure in front of head.-Dull pain in l. supraorbital region.-Neuralgic pain in r. supraorbital region and l. testicle.Protrusion of eyes with tumultuous action of heart (exophthalmic gotre). 4. Ears.-Burning in r. ear. 5. Nose.-Sneezing and slight nasal catarrh. 7. Teeth.-Toothache in r. lower molars, then subacute pain, first in l. then r. frontal eminence, in r. molar, then r. temple, then l. molar, then l. temple, again to r. molar, then to loins with frontal oppression. 9. Throat.-Rawness at back of r. palate extending to l.-Burning in spot on soft palate, following headache. 11. Stomach.-Nausea from back of fauces, > by eructations that taste of tea and the drug; succeeded by persistent giddiness while sitting, and staggering while walking.-Nausea and faintness.-Circumscribed pain and compression in region of stomach.-Indigestion with pain and distress in gastric region.-Gastritis; enteritis; diarrh?a; dysentery. 12. Abdomen.-Tugging pain in spleen.-Tenderness in l. hypochondrium.-Flatulence and rumbling.-Aching in inguinal canal, < walking, > from upward pressure; with pain in testicles; bearing down as from hernia. 13. Stool and Anus.-Severe colic followed by profuse forcible diarrh?a; stools shining, dark brown, offensive; tenesmus with first part of semi-solid movement.-Increased action of bowels, diarrh?ic symptoms, could have a passage at any time, but sphincter is under perfect control.-Diarrh?a in jaundice from weakened heart.Diarrh?a with griping and rumbling.-Constipation lasting six or seven days, stools dry and clay-like.-(Restores hmorrhoidal flow after suppression and relieves other symptoms.) 14. Urinary Organs.-Drinks large quantities of water; passes nine to eleven quarts of urine a day; fearful thirst, nothing but coldest water would satisfy; very irritable unless spoken to very softly; disinclined to talk, even to her own family (diabetes).-Diabetes mellitus, great thirst, and emaciation.-Tenderness in bladder.-Bladder feels distended when empty; dull pain in l. lumbar region.-Profuse flow of limpid watery urine, esp. when heart is most irritable.-Urine: scanty, thick, muddy, ?dema of feet; cloudy; acid; containing mucus, epithelia) cells and minute crystals, oxalate of lime, spermatozoa. 15. Male Sexual Organs.-Neuralgic pain in testicle with supraorbital pain.-Acute aching in testicles while sitting, 1 p.m., or with occasional darting pains, changing to r. then l. after rising; from r. to l. then both, with aching in inguinal canal.-Sharp darting through l. testicle.-(Lcps. relieved the pain in testicle in a case of orchitis, but had no influence on the inflammation.) 16. Female Sexual Organs.-Menorrhagia and metrorrhagia.-Menses: intermit for ten or twelve days; last from half an hour to six hours.-Vagina very hot, os uteri engorged and swollen.-Puffing of parts on and around pubes and vulva, dilated condition of vagina.-(When heart's action was tumultuous ?dema of pubes was <.) 17. Respiratory Organs.-Constriction of larynx, 7 p.m.-Breathing: oppressed, with sighing breathing 7 p.m.; wheezing; dyspn?a as from bronchial cold, < during exercise, esp. going up stairs.-Cough: with hemiplegia and feeble heart action; deep, violent in evening and night without waking; renewed by change to cold weather,
and by cold winds.-Expectoration pale, sweetish, unpleasant tasting, at times difficult.-Cough and irritation of lungs; with hmoptysis, feeble, quick, irregular action of heart. 18. Chest.-Constriction across lower half of thorax, impeding respiration, with subacute pain; < lying on r. side.Febrile action, quick, weak pulse, occasional hmoptysis, l. apex affected (incipient phthisis).-Pulmonary disease associated with looseness of bowels. 19. Heart.-Constrictive sensation in cardiac region, tenderness; pulse quick and irregular in force.-Acute darting pains in heart, with intermissions of heart-beat.-Throbbing pain in cardia, pressure in forehead "And eyes.Oppressed feeling in brain followed by pain an inch below and to outer side of l. nipple.-Rheumatoid aching in precordial region and at apex, followed by pains in l. wrist, inner side r. calf, and subclavicular region, and again in l. wrist and region of apex.-Cardiac erethism; debility of heart, marked by the influences of some smouldering inflammation, generally in lungs.-Cardiac irritability, profuse flow of watery limpid urine.Palpitation in cardiac hypertrophy with dilatation.-Palpitation and cardiac distress, < morning and evening and when thinking of it.-Action of heart tumultuous and forcible, could be heard several feet from bed.-(It renders heart-beat slower, fuller, and more regular.).-On lying down, cardiac depression with dull, heavy beating.Palpitation from nervous irritation with plethora.-Excessive flatulence which < the palpitations.-Can only walk a few steps without having to stop and get breath; l. arm, head, leg, and foot ?dematous; occasionally a sharp, shooting pain from sternum to l. scapula.-Menses appear regularly, begin with deep pain and heat in occiput, and, later, pain in forehead and temples; faintness and nausea follow and occipital pain is >; aversion to smell of food; exophthalmos; menses intermittent; during menses, stupid; pubes swollen, vagina hot, > by ice locally; constipation, stools dry, clay-like, with exophthalmos, heart tumultuous and swelling of parts <; when heart quiet ?dema of pubes >; urine scanty, thick, muddy; all symptoms > after menses (Lcps. cured).Aneurism of large vessels near heart.-Pulse: many symptoms are < and > according to weakness or strength of heart's action. 20. Neck and Back.-Acute pain at 7th cervical vertebra.-Slight rheumatoid pain in l. supra-scapular muscle.Congestive pain in nape, with severe continuous dorsal and lumbar pain, < lower l. side.-Rheumatoid pains: scapular muscle; lower dorsal region; sent from apex of heart by friction to l. subscapular region, then to middorsal and later to apex.-Severe continuous aching in lumbar region.-Sharp pains first in lumbar region, then in l. leg, extending up thigh, then in r.; feels weak as if over-fatigued.-Severe aching down spine, < from friction, passing off after rising, morning. 21. Limbs.-Muscular rheumatoid pains, affecting articulations and tendons, < by motion and cold air, not > by friction, or cold affusion, or direct warmth, but > in warm room or in bed; rheumatic pains around heart; irregular and intermittent pulse; < towards sunset. 22. Upper Limbs.-Rheumatoid pains in forearm and wrists, with trembling of hands.-Hands unsteady, writing difficult. 23. Lower Limbs.-Rheumatoid pains in knees, legs, thighs, wandering to back, slight lameness, unsteady gait.-L. leg feels shorter than r. and so sounds when walking.-Unsteady feeling when walking. 25. Skin.-Prickings as if bitten by insects.-Troublesome urticaria, esp. on l. forearm and r. leg, before retiring. 26. Sleep.-Sleep restless, full of troublesome dreams.-Wakeful on retiring, though fatigued. 27. Fever.-Stupid, will not answer questions; is waxy, cold; pulse very low yet full and large, soft and compressive; hmorrhage from bowels; tawny expressionless face; veins full and face bloated; eyes expressionless and seem to project from their sockets; fever not high; chokes and swallows. (typhoid malaria).
Ethylene-Ethenyl-diamine. Methylglycoxalidine (Merck). Trituration. Solution. Clinical.-Gout. Lithiasis. Oxaluria. Uric acid diathesis. Characteristics.-Lysidin. occurs in red-white crystals. The solution is a thick pinkish liquid. Clifford Mitchel (H. W., xxxiii. 277) has given the 50 per cent. solution in ten-drop doses well diluted in aerated water, thrice daily, in two cases of oxaluria, one recent in a young man, one in an old man and of long standing. In the second case the distressing lumbar pain was removed by a few doses though it had persisted for a number of days. Relations.-Compare: Nitro-mur. ac., Oxal. ac., Sars., Urotrop.