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Qdoc - Tips - Successfully Specify Three Phase Separators 2

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Successfully Specify Three-Phase Separators Here is a stepwise procedure for designing liquid/liquid/vapor separators, Wayne D. Monnery and Wiliam, ¥.Surcek, Univers of Calgary Lis often necessary to separate two immiscible liquids, the light and heavy phases, and a vapor. A typi ‘cal example in petroleum refining is the separation of water, and a by dro- carbon liguid and vapor. Little fas been published on three-phase (li uiidiliquic#/vapor) separation, with most information available only in corpotate design files, This article latempts to alleviate this situation by covering the basies of three-phase sep- aarator design, The authors provide & Step-by-Step provedure and. worked ‘out examples, Further, the examples offer guidance on making assumptions for the calculations. Selecting three-phase separators As with (vo-phase designs, dhree- plese units ean be either vertical or hor- ‘izoptal, although they typically are hori- zontal (see Figures 1 and 2), The verti cal orientation, Figure 1, is only used if there is a lanze amount of vapor to be separated fom a small amount of the light and heavy Tiguid (< 10-20% by weight). Unfortunately, there ate no simple ules for separator selection, Sometiines. both configurations: should be evaluated 1 decide which is more ‘economical, Further, the available plot space (Tootprint) may be a facto: ‘The design of three-phase separators is similar to thoir two-phase counter- parts, except that the liquid section dit fers. For the vertical type, a baffle com- monly Keeps the liquid separation section calm to promote the separation, ‘There are different variations of hor- izontal three-phase vapor-liquid separi- ‘ors, The Tiguid sepuration section is usually 2 variation of a device to provide Interface level control, which may include 2 boot oF a weir. A boot typical- ly is specified when the volume of heavy liguid is not substantial (< 15-20% of total liquid by weight), while a weir is lused when the Yolume is substantial These horizontal separators are illustrat ed in Figure 2. The bucke-and-weir type design is used when interface level control may be uifficalt, such as with heavy oils or when large mounts of an ‘emulsion or a paraffin are present (1), ‘Stokes’ law applios Soparating a vapor from a light liquid (two-phase separation) has becn covered in a previous article (2) and will not be discussed here. However. all neces information for performing this part of the calculation is provided here. The fol- lowing discussion covers the separation Of light and heavy liguids, ‘The flow of rising light droplets in the heavy liquid phase or setting heavy droplets in the light liquid phase is con- sidered laminar and is governed by Stakes’ law: 1,4885.Ds(0u— Ps) TS a) where 1,488 converts viscosity of the ‘CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS © SEPTEMBER 1994 + 29 ees House ha tnom ad ia G “| Pla are ql Le fi Bate rove mae oe wea] oon va = | | meow z ice Figure 1 Vere three-phase veparators are wsed wih high vapor loadings. is more aiffi- cult (requires more time) to set- tle the droplets ‘out of the contin- uous phase with the greater vis- cosity, since Up is lower, Practically speaking, Up ts rypically limited in calculations to 10 in./min maximum, For vertical sep- arators, the diame- ter required for vapor disengage ment is calculated fs in our previous article (2). In siz ing a separaion, the heights of the light and heavy ligaids fre assumed, and the setling veloci- tics and settling times are then calculated. continuous phase fiom Ibv(fis) to eR The residence times ofthe light and ‘Simplifying Bq. 1 and converting heavy Tiquidls are determined next. For the units of the terminal settling the liquids to separate, the residence Velocity to in./min ftom fus results in; time of the light liquid must be wreater than the time required for the heavy droplets to settle out ofthe light liquic 2.06151 10 *DPu=Pd phase: and the residence time of the u heavy liquid must be greater than the time required for the light liquid 2) droplets o rise out of the heavy liquid where D, is in microns (J micron = phase. IFthese conditions re not satis- 3.28084 x 10 feet) and Up, in Jin. fied, then Tiguid ‘Eg. 2 may be rewritten separation is con ‘rolling and the vessel diameter p= Bd =Pd coe uw Holdup time for ne eae z he Sel maiecs ky = 2.06151 x 10 °DE fine, The height pe Menai daegen apa Be oS a es oe wy ee ae asain scene Pra terearemenene y-- paoeud 30 + SEPTEMBER 1998 © CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS a For horizontal separators with a ‘given diameter, the heights ofthe light ‘and heavy liguids are assumed so thet the cross-sectional area can be ealeu- lated. With the vapor disengagement area set by guidelines, the lengths required by holdup requirements and ‘yaporfliquid separation are calculated. Then, with the assumed heights of the Tight and heavy liquids and calculated values af seitling velocities, the set- ting times are calculated ‘The actual residence times for the Tight and heavy liquids are subse ‘quently calculated and compared with the required setiling times, as in the Vertical case, If the residence times ‘re not groater than the required set- ting times, then either the diameter should be increased or, for a given diameter, the length should be inereased (liquid seperation is cone trolling), In the subsequent design procedures, the Latter approach is used, along with the procedures dis cussed in our previous paper for ‘vaporfiquid separation (2) ‘The following design procedures and heuristics are o result of a review of literature sources and accepted industrial design guidelines. Horizontal design procedures are pre- sented far the four separator types shown in Figure 2. The horizontal design procedures incorporate opti- mizing the diameter and length by minimizing the approximate weight of the shell and heads. To add a depree of conservatism to the design, the vol- ‘ume available in the heads is ignored. Like ees GM eas = ‘procarbons Spot" < 035 Spa EO 085 Wotce Matiyety Ketone 22 Buty alohol Met isobu ketone Sais: 1. Interaco control 3 Interface contra with weir Teed Pe ae oat outlet eer wi STN “aN win] Les See a a «ine | | in eens Sel : nd Weir (Se eee Grom el ar ae ew Te | Chica | mel hae Nee feed Vimy Lire : Toud guid ei Se le a Si ls Si J anh ee ee eee ann sin | Zire ones toe are bate Feed 2s = ce inet ae if Ae man - a ERT | i gs HL ate san le ieee ; Light liquid Lightiauidhokkmsinge | ME] | 060) linus 1 Uae | Be Zag A. Hoyts al woes [oe Tae “Se ee (Be ae a 2 Zate eee q Cemet itie ae Nonna ahs = dy =Norie dia. 1 Figure 2. Basie designs of horizomal three-phase separators. Vertical design procedure Refer to Figure 1 for dimensions: 1 Calculate the vertical terminal vapor velocity: P= Py. u=K¢ ® Calculate the K value, using one of she methods in Table 2 and set U, = 0.75U;, for a conservative design. 2. Caleulate the vapor volumetric flow rate: Wy v= 5500p, 3. Calculate the vessel internal siameter, Diy ca nuk (6 Aoe| IF there is-@ mist eliminator, add 3-6 in, to Dyp to accommodate a support sing and round up to the next 6-in, increment to obtain Di if there is bo nist eliminator, D = Dy, 4, Calealate the setting velocity of the heavy fiquid out of the light liquie using Stokes" law (the maximum is 10 inmin): age" Ua=Hey=P) oy where k, is obtained from Table Tor is calculated (see Ea. 3). §. Similarly, caleulate the rising velocity of the Light liquid out of the heavy liquid phase using Stokes’ law: Uy = PhP n= PD Hi 6. Caleulate the light and heavy Liquid volume flow rates, and Out (8) O) co) 7. Assume H, = 1 { Gninimuen) and calculate the settling time for the (CHEMICAL ENIGINEERING PROGRESS * SEPTEMBER 1994 © 31 prac ean ahere Orsini ete: item = 928084 108 t heavy liguid droplets t settle through this distance (12 isa conversion facior for ft to in}: ante — on 8. Assume Hy, = 1 ft (minima) ‘and calculate the settling time for the Light liguid droplets to rise through this distance: 12H, 2) 9 IF there is a bate plate, ealese late the area: a. Calculate (p, - Py. Fh Assume HM, (use 9 in. as @ mini- mum) and calculate H, + Hy. ¢, Use Figure 3 to obtain G. 4. Caleulate Ap: Soe Eq. (13) in the box fe. Assume W), = 4 in f, Calculate W,,/D. 32 © SEPTEMBER 1eot + cHENNCA. euam¥eERING PROG Do= Equation £3 Equation ES Qu Equation £5 g. Use Table 3 to dotermine Ay JA. hi, Calculate A= (w4)D> 1 Cateutaie Ay, 4 Select the larger value of Ap K, Calculate the area of the beffle seating area for the Hight lige =A 10, Caleulate the residence time cf each phase based on the volumes cccupied by the light and heavy phases HA Soaa (ida) tax Zetec Tf Ops < ty OF Oy < fy increase the diameter and repeat the procedure from Step 7 (liquid separation is con- ‘wolling), Note that Ay, = A 11, Calculate the height of the sight liquid above the outlet (holdup 2, 16,5000 Ibvh Ae rere eer 60 minf/h x 53.95 Ibift 1,300 Ibfh 60 min/h x 62.11 Ib/ft esate ‘Equation 13 U,=0.313, SEB OOS ~ 2.74 As 1m Bguation £1 415,000 Ibi 415,000 Ih 2465: = 5.556 sax o.sora i 105928 Equation #2 FRIOSSIAWE _ 10,13 6 72.05 fs =5.10 ft/min = 0.35 ft/min height) based ofthe required holdup time: QT Ay= a ‘Check this value with that assumed in Step 9b to ensure that the assumed value is reasonable. If surge is not specified, calculate the surge height based on sumpe time: (Qu+Qn\T a6) a as) ‘The minimum is 6 in. 12, Calculate the vessel height using the guidelines: #H,=61in. minimum Hyy= Ve dy + greater of (2 fhor Hy +0510. Hp = 05D or 8 minimum of: 36 in. + ily (without mist eliminator) or ‘in, + ey (with mist eliminator): ReMi gee Boece = 000LS3756, b= 287101 = 3299201 = Or eylalew expesslens sh 36 14D Hip = Hy + Hy + Hy + Hy + Hay + 4, a7 I a mist eliminator pad is used, ssdditional beight is added as shown in Figure 1 Example 1 Size vertical separor with x bat. fe plate and wire-mesh mist tor 10 separate the mixture given in “Table 4. The oporating pressure is 105 psia, and it is necessary 10 have a hydrocarbon liquid holdup time of 25, min und a surge time of only 5 min. 1. Caleulate the vertical terminal ny. Using Table 2, caleakate X sing the York Demister equations, sce Fg. E1 in the box and Uy = 0.75 x 27 085 fs. B0in, Zin. hin, 2m, Bin allowable dowrtiow coh? High qui level above imerface 6D Ss 2 S © 8 © pepe tate Figure 3. Gis found from the donncomer allowable flow. the time for the Ioght liquid to rise out of the heavy liquid phase: ‘y= (12) (10) /174=69 min 9. Caleukne 2. Caleulate the vapor volumetric flow rate, see Ey, E2 in the box. 3, Caleulote the vessel inner diam- ‘rer, 0° Ea, ES in the box Assume H= I2in., Hy + H,=24 Use D= 1055 tt in. Using Figure 3, G = 9.800 ephifi 4. Calculate the settling velocity oF Ay = (7.48 gal/f)(60 minh) (5.10 the heavy liquid out of the ight liquid + 0.35)(1°)/9,800 gphit’ = 0.25 2 the battle plate area: p= $3.95 ~ 0.0973 25 phase. Using Table 1. hs = 0163, + Assume W, =4 in Then W,/D = 4412 « 10.5 Uy, = 0,163(62.11 ~ 53.95)/0.630 =2thinsain oer Calculate the settling velocity of the light liquid out of the heavy liquid phase: Usp = 0.163(62.11 74 indmin 6, Calculate the fight and heavy liguid volumetric flow rates, see Eq. E4 and E5 in the box. 7. Assuine H, = 1 ftand calculate the time for the heavy liguid to settle ‘out of the light liquid phuse: ty, = (12) (1.0) (2-11 = $7 min SeAscume Hy = | ft and calculate 53.9500.764 CENICAL ENGNEEAING PROGRESS + SEPTEMBER Q64 + 33 MULTIPHASE FLOW Peo E Compressor. sn) fats ween pees ae F Fuel gas eect crus 2Dft sug in ie incoming uel gs ine between MLL and hat evel shutdown “pean rae ton foal fovemd trent) nmeriin Tater Boeel 0 Weliemrete 18 Tate 12 Senledinonensd 12 wnecpeinesd 15 Parinsrrenmg 15 16,500 1,300 = TROD * 53-95 + TF gop x 6211 = 54.55 Io Equation E6 ‘34 © SEPTEMBER 1904 © CHENVCAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS + Using Table 3, 4,/A = 0.0085: (RAY 10.5 1H? = $6.59 FE Ay = (0.0095) (85.59 10) = 0.82 + Use Ap = 0.82 fF A, = 86.59 — 0.82 = 85.77 fe 10, Calculate the residence time of each phase: C0 ft) (85.77 £25.10 168 min (1.0 fy) (86.59 f2V0.35, 47.4. min 11. Calealate the height ofthe gh liguid above the outlet, based on holdup: Hp = (5.10 At min) (25 min) (85.7 fea 1S tt Hy = (5.10 + O35\E%/miny sminy/86.59 12 = 0131 fe Use My i 12, Calculate dy according to ‘Table 5 A= OQ, + Oy) = G10 + O.35/5.10 + 0.35 + 165.32 x 60) 0.0006 Use Bi. £6 (see box) t0 caleulate Pin fy = puAt pull — 2) = (54.55) (0.0006) + (0.6973) 1 ~ 0.0006) 0.730 Qy, = 165.32 + 10 + 0.5y60 = res res ‘Use Bq. E7 (se bon) ro culate ay dy 2 21 ing use dy = 24 in, Caleiate Hs: Hy =05.003)=5. Hy = 24 + 22 (oninimarn) 3.08 Set H, = 0.5 ft Final dimensions: D Hy= 15 8, H,=05 1, Hy = 30 hh 0.5 fH, LO On H, and Hp= eliminator, Hy= 40 Hy = 140/105 = 1.3 Add 2 ft t0 Hy (Hy = 2.0 ft, Hy = 720 1) 0 that Hy/D = 1.52 yD Should be in the range of 1.5 to 6.0), 5 ft Add 1.5 ftfor the mist Horizontal design procedure: no boot or weir 1. Calculate the vapor volumetric flow rate, Qn using Bq. 5. 2. Coleulate the ight and heavy liquid volumetce fh rates, Q,, and ye using Egs 9 and 10. 'S Calulate the vertical terminal velocity, Up, uring Eg 4, (select a & alae from Table 2) and set Uy = 075tip 4. Select holdup and surge times ‘rom Table 6 and ealolate te holdup onl surge vohimes, Vand ¥,.(anless surge is otherwise specified, such as 3 slug volume? v 119, as) Yat. a9) 5. Obtain an £/0 from Table 7 und initially calculate the diameter sceording to: 6 alr Ws) 2 O5x{Yp) Caleulate the total cross-sectional As & en 6 Set the vapor space height, Hy, othe lager of 0.20 0° 2 1, 1 tt it ‘Sere Js no mist eliminator Using #/DinTable3, obtain A,/, and cal- culate 4. 7. Set the heights of the heavy and i iguids, My, and H,. 8. Find (yg 4 Ay Ay using Hy, + H,Din Table 3 and calelate Ay, +z 9. Calelate the minimum length sccommodkte the liquid holdupssonge Vy ts v— (Au Au 2) 10, Calculate the liquid dropout o=HU, 3) 11. Calculate the acwal vapor Seer velocity Uy = OVAy ay 12, Calculate the minimum lengih reauited for vaporliquid separation: Lane =n es) 13, IL < Lyyy, then set L = Lage (here, vapor/iquidd separation con trols). This simply results in some extra holdup and residence time, If L <6 Fup then increase Hy and reval- culate Ay, and repeat, starting from Step 9. FL > Lyune the desion is acceptable for vapor/iquid separa tion, IL >> Ly (liquid holdup con. trols), £-can only be reduced and Ly increased if Hy is reduced. M, tmay only be reduced if it is greater than the minimum specified in Step 6. (With reduced fy, recalculate Ay and repeat the procedure from Step 9.) Note: For this and other caleulations, “much greater than” (>) and “much less than (<<) mean a variance of greater than 20%, 14, Calculate the settling velocities ‘of the heavy liquid out ofthe light Fiq- suid phase and the light liquid out of the heavy liquid phase, Uy and Uy using Bags. 7 and 8 (fd & from Table 1) 1S. Calculate the seuling times of the heavy liquid out of the light phase aand the light liquid out of the heavy phase’ ty, 12D Hy Hy Ui, (26) fue = 12 Hyun Qn 16, Calculate the residence times ofthe light and heavy liquids: Buy = Ault (28) (4r-Av-AuJb 9) : oan IT, Oi < tay OF Oe < ty, then increase the vessel length (liquid sep- aration controls) Bu G0) 18, Caleulate L/D. IF UD << 15, decrease D (unless it is already at its minimem), and if 1D >> 60 then increase D- repeat from Step 5 19, Caleulate the thickness of the shell and heads according to Table 8, 20, Caloukte surface area of the shell and heeds according to Table 8, 21, Calculate the approsimate ves- sel weight according to Table 8. 22, Increase or decrease the vessel Giameter by 6-in. increments and repeat the calculations until the I/D ratio ranges from 1 5-6.0. 23. Using the optimum vessel sive (ininimum weigh), calculawe the nor- ‘mal and high liquid levels: Hy =D- Hy GD Aun = Aint Au) Vif (32) Obtain Hz, using Table 3 with the value of Ayy/l: Horizontal design procedure: heavy liquid boot 1, Calculate the vapor volumetric ow rate, Oy, using Eq. 5. 2. Calculate the tight and heavy liguid volumetric flow rates, Q,, and Qn, per Eqs.9 and 10, 3. Coleulate the vertical terminal velocity. Up, using Bg 4 (the K value comes from Table 2) and set U, 0.75 Uy. 4. Select holdup and surge times from Table 6 and calculate the holdup and surge volumes, V;, and Vy from Eqs. 18 and 19 (unless surge is other- CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS © SEPTEMBER IN © 35 MULTIPHASE FLOW eee Table 8. Wall thickness, surface area, Pe cn Rte Lt wise specified. such as slug volume). & Obiain (7D from Table 7 and intially cet the diameter according to: cae (xiao ‘Trew eters the tl ron tional area, Ap, using Eq 21. Me ge epee enc eap Hy ww the hnger OF O20 06 2 R(T FU fia ay ke ee Us HyD in Table 3, obala AA, lea een 7, Sel the light liquid heights in the esse and oot Hy tt Hi Calculate the orose-setional arcaof he ight uid above the bot onl fe oe Arg bane FD in Table 3 ‘he dosgn passant wap a 8 ! 9. Catoulte the minimam length Piet ees ne 4 same accommodate the liquid holdup/surge: ‘Reference (5). The jomnt etfciency, ee yatatts toate amen ias ins, and ¢ ‘for {00% X-rayed joints. The corrosion ollawence, fp typically rengas from Vx to 'sin. The ee aes +5 L a) Any 10, Calculate the liquid dropout the hesvy liquid out of the Tigh liquid 19, Calculate the thivkness of the time, 6, using Eq, 23. phase: shell and heads aeconding to Table 8. i Calculate the actual vapor 20. Calculme the surface area. of velocity, Uj. using Ea, 24, fy = 12 Hyp + D= Hyp, 5) the shell and heads according to Table 12. Caleolate the minimum length 8 required fox liquidivapor separation, 16. Calculate the residence time of 21. Calculate the approximate 2 ys sig Bg, 25. the light liquid ‘weight of the shell and heads accord TB. EL < Lygy, then set = Layy ing to Table 8, (vapor/liquid. Separation controls). 22, Increase or decrease the vessel This simply resus in some extra ge lave go) siameter by ein, increments and hholdup and residence time. If L ee On repeat the calculations until L/D << Note: This volume of light liquid 23, With the optimam vessel size Line the design is aeeoptable for ignores the light iguid volume in the (miniowim weight), caleulatethe-nor- vapoefiquid separation, If L>> Jaye BOO inal and high liquid levels lignid bokdup controls. L-can only be 17. Af Oy, < ty. then imerease the rece an Lyyy increased if Thy is vessel length (ligid separation con- (8) fedueed. Hy may only Bereduced ii trols) is greater than the minimum specified 9) in Step 6. ta, en ‘With reduced H,, recalculate Ay, ciiests— Determine H,, using Table 3 from ‘and repeat from Step 9. (4r-Ay} Auth, V4, Calculate the setting velocity Za. Design the heavy liquid boot ofthe heavy liquid ou of the light lig «18, Calculate 1/D. f L/D << 1.5 Sot the height of the heavy liquid id phase Hg using Bq. 7 (obtain k, ten decrease D (unless icis already at Hy calle the sing velocity of fica Table 1) {minimum and if 17D >> 60 then the light liquid out ofthe heavy hauic 18, Calafate the setiing time of increase Dy peat ftom Step 5. phase, Up using Eq, 8 find fy from 36 + SEPTEMBER 1994 » CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS 75. Uy, caleutane the heavy liquid boot diameter: [FXPGe tao PN! a, “Then calculate the Setthng time of the light liguid out of the heavy: liquid phase: lap = ial ay Calculate the residence time of the heavy liquid: Oy = Se (42) AQ Tf ja, < hay then increase the boot diameter. Horizontal design procedure: weir 1, Calculate the vapor volumettic flow rate, Q,, using Ea. 5 2. Calculate the light and heavy id Yolumetric flow rates, Qy, and ig, a8 par Eqs. 9 and 10. 3. Caleulate the vertical terminal \apor velocity, Up, using Bg. find K {rom Table 2) and set Oy = 0.750. 4. Seloct holdup and surge times from Table 6, and ealeaate the holdup and surge volumes, Vi, and Vy, from Eqs, 18 and 19 (unless surge is other- wise specified, such asa slug volute). $, Obiain L/D from Table 7 and initially calculate the diameter according to: eal O.6niLp) ‘Then calculate the total eoss-section- : al area, Ap, using Ea, 21. 6. Set the vapor spoce height, 1. to the larger of 0.20 or 2 fe (I ft at i there is n0. mist eliminator). Using if H./Din Table 3, obtain A/Ay and cal- é alate Ay * 7. Caleailate the low liquid level in Table 9. Low liquid level height the light liquid compartment using Eq. 44 or read it from Table 9 yy =0SD+7 ay ‘where D is in feet and H,, in inch es (round up to neurostin.), I D<4.0 4 then Hy, = 9 in, Using Hy,,/D in Table 3, Calculate A,,,. 8. Calculate the weir height Hy=D-H, (a5) It Hy <2 fh, increase D, und repeat the calculations from Step 6. 9, Calculawe the minimum tenet fof the light liguid compartment to ‘accommodate holdup/surge, Ly in Figure 2: wiv, 46) Ar Ay Aus Round to the nearest 4 fl The minimum for Ly = d+ 12 in 10, Set the interface atthe height Hy, obaining the heights of the heavy and light liquids, Hy, and Hp. 11, For the liquid setting com- partment, calculate the eross-section- al arza_of the heavy liquid, using Hpy/D in Table 3 and calculate the cross-scctional area ofthe light from ies Au 4s~Ay— Ane a7) 12, Cateulate the settling velocity of the beavy liguid out ofthe light lig- tld phase, Uy, and the light Liquid out Of the heavy liquid phase, Uy, using Eqs 7 and 8 (find 4, from Table |), 13, Calculate the setting times of the heavy liquid out of the light liguid phase snd the light liguid out of the heavy liquid phase: fue = afin, as) fy = gy (oy 14. Calculate minimum Z, 10 facil itete liquid-liquid separation as the largor of: Round io the nearest 1 fi, 15 Find £: L=h+h, oy 16, Calculate the liquid dropout time, 0, using Eg. 2: 17. Calculate the actual vapor velocity, Uy. using Eg. 24 18, Calcalate the minimurn Tength required for vapor/liquid separation, Leu ving Ea IB ACL < Ly, then 8 E = Lyyy (vaporiiiquid separation controls) ‘This simply results in some extra Holdup snd residence time: If L << yup then increase H, recalculate Ay and repeat the calculations from Step 6.16 > Lay the design is acceptable for vapor/liguid separation. IF L >> Tray (liquid! seperation and holdup control), ean only be redueed and Tygy increased if Hy is reduced, Hy may only be reduced if itis grester than the minimum specified in Step 9. With redueed 4%, recalculate Ay and repeat from Step 9. 20, Calculate LiD. If LUD << 15. then decrease J (unless it is already at ‘6 minimum) and repeat from Step 6. Tf 1/0 > 60, then increase D and repeat from Step 5 24. Calcubate the thickness of the shell and heads according t0 Table 8 22. Calculate the surface atea ofthe shell snd heads according to Table 8. ‘CHEMICAL ENGIEERING PROGRESS * SEPTEMBER TE © 37 HASE FLOW 23, Calculate the approximate ves- sel weight aceording to Table 8. 24, Increase or decrease the diam= eter by 6-in, increments and repeat the cealeulations until L/D ranges. from 15-6 25, With the optimum vessel size (minimum weight, calculate normal and high liquid levels: Hyg =D = Hy (52) Ane = Ane + Villa 33) Obtain Hy, using Table 3 with Agel Horizontal design procedur bucket and weir 1. Caleulate the vapor volumetric flow rate, Qy. using Eq. 5. 2 Calculate the light and beavy Figuid volumetric flow rates. Q;, and Qn, per Eqs. 9 and 10. 3, Calculate the vertical terminal vapor velocity, Up, using Eq. 4 (lind K rom Table 2) snd set Uy =0.75 Up. 4, Select residence times for light and heavy liguids, 0,, and @. For sour water stripper feed drams, Qyy = 60 min for refinery service, or 10-15 ‘nin for ehemical-plant service. For amine regenerator feed drums, Quy = 10-15 min. 8. Obiain L/D from Table 7 and initially set the diameter according to: 4.8. +008) 0.70R{fip) “Then calculate the tora eross-seetion= al area, A, using Eq, 21 16. Sel the yupor spuce height, Hy. to the larger of 0.20 or 2 ft (1 ft if 6 there is no mist eliminator). Using 12D in Table 3, obtain Ay/A, and cal ceulate Ay. 5 Calelate Ly: (2:84 2m) — 65) Ay—Ay 8. Calculate the liquid dropout time, ¢, using Bg. 23. 9. Calculate the actual vapor yeloe- ity, Ua. using Eq. 24. 10. Caleulate the minimum length required for yaporlliquid separation, Tay using Bq. 25 TLE Ly < Lg then set Ly = Liga (vaporfliquid separation controls) This simply resulls in some extra holdup and residence time WL, ce Lys then increase H,. recalculate Ay tnd repeat the calealations from Step 7. If Ly > Lage the design is accept able for vapor/liquid separation. 12. Caleulate the light liquid leyer thickness based on the heavy liquid seating out: 235,000 Ib/h, y= = 343.57 fl =0.175,/ 405-019 - 9.55 tus Or 3.600 wh x 0.190 Ib i NEN oven ume 1m Equotion £8 1B Fquaton E11 12 = 45,000 1tvh ae 4x 277.80 a= ian tage = 1852 min a LIS Fuse 11.0 BF quation ED Equation E12 7,500 tbh Or oe reo Ou= men xe ‘a= 9505710845 4 1 Fqueion £10 Equation ED frre _ 2.0 minx 2.026 "min Sn _ 2.0 minx 2.02ft /min _ 9 45 fy Au 8.93 f° Equation E14 in X 18.52 f'/miN _ 9 47 « 15.02 f° 71.08 fe Equation £16 5 343.57 ft)s _ 4 93 ys 3B = SEPTEMBER 1994 + CHEMICAL ENGRENING PROGRESS 0.001280,(AS.}D5 (50) Hie where Dj is in microns, 13, Calculate the difference in = liga igi om shove Met ‘ed nie. height between the light and heavy | Hs deena high liguid weirs He = bokpeia 1, = tom gid rac LL. san sen i-Ps) 14, Design the light liquid bucket: Set the top of light liquid weir= D — sume a holdup/surge (typical S15 min): assume HLL is 6 ii Delow the weir height and LLL is in, above the bottom of the bucket, sing Table 3. with Hiy,/D and /D. cateuiate Ngug 20d Acre late Ly (T+ Ts] (Ama~ Aus) 15. Assume Js is the larger of D/N2 in, 16, Design the heavy liquid com- partment: Set the top ofthe heavy ge j weir = D~ Hy ~ Mf assume & solduplsurge (ypically, $15 min), about 6 in. below the and LLL is about 6 in ove the bottom of the vessel. Using ble 3 with Hju,/D and H,,/D, cal Ay and A Caleulate £,2 (58) (Ti+ Ts}Qm (Am:-Aun) 17, Caleulte L=L, +L, +L, +L. 18, Calculate LD. IF 7D > 60, then increase D and repeat from Step 5. 19. Calculate the thickness of the shell and heads according to Table 8, 20, Calculate the surface ares of ‘CHEINICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS © SEPTEMBER 1994 ¢ 39. MULTIPHASE FLOW Eo eke shell and heads zecording 10 Table 8. 21, Calculate the approximate ves- sel weight according to Table 8, 22, Increase or decrease the diam- ter by éin. inerements and repeat the caleulations until 2/D ranges from 5-60. Example 2 Design a three-phase horizontal Separaior with a weir to separate the mixture in Table 10, The operating pressure and temperature are 25 psig, and 100, respectively, and it is neces sary Co have a guid holdup and surge time of {5 min, 1, Sce Eg, EB, box. p. 38 2. See Figs. 9 and E10. bos, p. 38 3. K = 01175 (the Gas Processors Suppliers’ Association value in Table 2 was divides by 2 since there is no ‘mist eliminator) See Eq. El, box, p. 38 Uy = 0.95 «2.55 = 1.91 fis 4, Holdup + surge as specified = min, Viy+ Ve (05 min) (18.52 f/m) = 27.80 te Assume 10 min holdup. 5. min sarge 5. Assume L/D = 7 See Ea E12 bos p38 4 (11.0 fi = 95.03 fe Kone Oras a moe 55x 132 Tx17,500 x 0: Equation E17 0.885 x 55x BEquedon E15 490 Lb, 0.500 in. | fr” (Zins Sm Fquction B19 40 + SEPTENBER 1984 + CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS 19 FX17,500 x 0.85 0.155 = 1673.87 ft’ +2 x 101.88 ft Table 11. Selection af vessel heads. Were: P= design pressure and D= drum di, about $2% of the loading, set H, to be much greater than the minimum, Assume Hy = 0.70D = (0.70N(11.0 f0, = 7.70 ft. Using Table 3, Ay/Ay = 0.748, 7. Mhz, = (0°5)(11.0) +7 = 12.5 in, tse 13 in Hijyy/D = 13I1.0 x 12) Using Table 3, 4,,/4 neg = (00051)195.03 fe) 8. =11.0-7.70=330f 9. See Eq. E13, box, p38 Use Ly = 15.0 tt 10, Hy, = Hy, = 3.3002 = 1,65 ft J. Hy /D = 1 65/11 0 = 0.150 2988 inion ‘Use 10 in/min (maximum) Uyy = (0.333K62.0 — 40.50.58 10.50 1n.min Use 10 in/min (maximum) (12 insfo(l.65. 10 1.98 min, use 200 mins Onin i SCE Bap. EIA and ES, box, tee by 3.08 15.L=30+15.0= 180% 16, 6 = 7.70 f/L.91 fs = 4.08 s 17, See Ea. E16, box, p. 38 18, Lay = (483 f5}4.03 5) = 1958 19, Since L

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