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2010 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT 229

Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT

kÕ <Ûë s¡ D eTT
n~Ûø±s¡eTTe\q Á|ü#·T]+#·ã&çq~

HÓ+. 9 ˇ+>√\T, 2010e dü+e‘·‡s¡eTT, nø√ºãs¡T HÓ\, 18e ‘˚~, k˛eTyês¡eTT

$wüj·T dü÷∫ø£
Á|üuÛÑT‘·«eTT yê] Á|üø£≥q\T 229 ` 245 E&ûwæj·T˝Ÿ Á|üø£≥q\T 245 -252

Á|üuÛÑT‘·«eTT yê] Á|üø£≥q\T

Copy of :-


(Forest - I)



[G. O. Ms. No. 65, Environment, Forests, Science and Technology (For.I),18th August, 2009]

No. 6

In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 4 of the Andhra Pradesh Forest Act, 1967
(A. P.Act I of 1967), the Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby declares that, it is proposed to
constitute the land within the boundaries specified in the Schedule below as a Reserve Forest under
the said Act, and appoints the Forest Settlement Officer, Ongole to be Forest Settlement Officerin
regard to the said land to consider the objections if any and to enquire into and determine the
existence, nature and extent of any rights claimed by or alleged to exist in favour of any person in or
over any land comprised within such limits, or to any forest produce of such land and to deal with
the same as provided in Chapter II of the said Act.

106A-9 F1 [229]
230 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT nø√ºãs¡T

Name of the District : PRAKASAM

Name of the Division : GIDDALUR
Name of the Revenue Mandal : VELIGANDLA
Name of the Range : KANIGIRI
Name of the Village : GUDIPATIPALLI H/O P.N. VA R A M
Name of the Forest Block
proposed to be reserved : NANDANAVANAM B. BLOCK EAST EXTN.
Area of the Forest blick
proposed to be reserved : : 46.72 Hectares (or) 115.45 Acres.

Details of Areas included in the proposed Reserve Forests

Village S.No. Nature of Area of S.No. Area included in Reserved

classification in Col. (2) in Forest from out of the area
Acres in Col. (4) in acres

H/o P.N. Varam 870 C.A. land 6.96 6.96
985 C.A. land 5.88 5.88
1043 C.A. land 9.00 9.00
1044 C.A. land 7.49 7.49
1045 C.A. land 2.56 2.56
1046 C.A. land 5.75 5.75
1047 C.A. land 1.28 1.28
1048 C.A. land 2.05 2.05
1049 C.A. land 2.13 2.13
1050 C.A. land 17.63 17.63
1051 C.A. land 1.81 1.81
1052 C.A. land 2.09 2.09
1205 C.A. land 5.30 5.30
1222 C.A. land 9.27 9.27
1223 C.A. land 11.23 11.23
1225 C.A. land 8.95 8.95
1226 C.A. land 8.25 8.25
1227 C.A. land 7.82 7.82

Total 115.45 115.45


North : Gudipatipalli Agriculture lands Survey No. 1121, 984

East : Gudipatipalli tank and Agricultural lands Survey Nos. 984, 986, 1054,
1224, 1053, 1042 and NCL , CAP acres Survey Nos. 976, 975.
South : Gudipatipalli Agricultural Lands, Survey No. 1056 and other cultivated lands.
W est : Nandanavanam B. Block R. F.
2010 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT 231
Boundary description (Gudipatipalli CA Area - 46.72 Ha.)

North : Station No. 1 starts at North W est corner stone of Survey No. 1222 and the
boundary line runs is Easterly direction upto Station No. 4 with the follow-
ing magnetic bearings and distance. The Lat + Long reading taken with
GPS instrument at Station No. 1 is N. 15.43333, E 079.24584.

Station Bearing degrees Distance in links

From To

1 2 1040 1260
2 3 1100 300
3 4 1050.30’ 1030

East : Thence the boundary line generally runs in South direction upto Station
No. 5 from Station 4 to 5 the magnetic bearings is 1940 with 630 links.
Thence the boundary line runs in a W esterly direction upto Station No. 7
with following magnetic bearing and distances.

Station Bearing degrees Distance in links

From To

5 6 2890 705
6 7 2920.30’ 264

Thence the boundary line runs towards South direction upto Station No. 9 with the
following magnetic bearings and distances.

Station Bearing degrees Distance in links

From To

7 8 1940 633
8 9 1900..30’ 960

Thence the boundary line runs towards Easterly direction upto Station No. 11 with the
following magnetic bearings and distances.

Station Bearing degrees Distance in links

From To

9 10 1020 369
10 11 1010. 377

Thence the boundary line runs towards South direction upto Station No. 12 with the
following magnetic bearings 1860. and a distance. of 500 links.
232 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT nø√ºãs¡T
Thence the boundary line runs towards W est direction upto Station No. 13 with magnetic
bearing 2840. and a distance of 457 links.

Thence the boundary line runs towards South direction upto Station No. 14 with magnetic
bearing 2040. .30’ and a distance of 1379 links.

Thence the boundary line runs towards W est direction upto Station No. 15 with magnetic
bearing 3010. and a distance of 252 links.

Thence the boundary line runs towards South direction upto Station No. 16 with magnetic
bearing 1920. .30’ and a distance of 1317 links.

Thence the boundary line runs towards Easterly direction upto Station No. 17 with mag-
netic bearing 980. and a distance of 251 links.

Thence the boundary line runs towards South direction upto Station No. 18 with magnetic
bearing 1920. and a distance of 363 links.

Thence the boundary line runs towards South direction W esterly direction upto Station No.
19 with magnetic bearing 2460. and a distance of 714 links.

Thence the boundary line runs towards South direction upto Station No. 20 with magnetic
bearing 2070. .30’ and a distance of 280 links.

South : - Thence the line runs towards W est direction upto Station No. 21 with mag-
netic bearings is 2860. and a distance of 727 links ending at North East corner of Nandanavanam B.
Block BRF. A Khandam stone and a cement pillar exist at station No. 21 Station No. 21 to Station
No. 1 of the block it is the present RF line of Nandanavanam Block RF Compartment No. 508 and
507, the lat-long taken with GPS instrument at Station No. 21 are N 15.421780. E 79.244230.

W est : - Thence the boundary line runs towards North direction upto Station No. 1
with the following magnetic bearings and a distances.

Station Bearing degrees Distance in links

From To

21 22 3600 864
22 23 3600. 1231
23 24 3550 688
24 25 160. 1273
25 26 170 1018
26 27 180. 934
27 1 (Starting point) 160 439

Remarks :-

1. No enclosures are proposed to be admitted with in the block.

2. No right of ways are proposed to be admitted within the block.

Special Chief Secretary to Government.
2010 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT 233
Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢, yÓ*>∑+&É¢ eT+&É\+, >∑T&çbÕ{Ï|ü*¢ H/o |æ. j·THé. es¡eTT Á>±eTeTT˝Àì n≥M uÛÑ÷$T
]»s¡T« n&É$>± Á|üø£{Ï+|üã&çq~.
(õ. z. j·T+j·Tdt. HÓ+. 65, |üsê´es¡D+, n&Ée⁄\T, ôd’Hé‡ eT]j·TT f…ø±ï\J (n&Ée⁄\T. I ) XÊK, ‘˚~ : 18`8`2009)

HÓ+. 6

Ä+Á<ÛäÁ|ü<˚XŸ Á|üuÛÑT‘·«eTT n≥M XÊKyê] n≥M #·≥ºeTT 1967 ôdø£åqT 4 Á|üø±s¡eTT (#·≥ºeTT 1967), Ä+Á<ÛäÁ|ü<˚XŸ >∑es¡ïs¡T
>±] n~Ûø±s¡eTT\≈£î ˝Àã&ç ôdø£åqT 4 Á|üø±s¡eTT ]»s¡T« bòÕ¬sdüTº>± |ü]>∑DÏ+#·ã&ÉT≥≈£î>±qT n<Ûë´j·TeTT` II ˝À bı+<äT|üs¡∫q
dü÷#·q\ y˚Ts¡≈£î á n≥M uÛÑ÷$T jÓTTø£ÿ $d”Ôs¡íeTT, n≥M dü«uÛ≤eeTT eT]j·TT á n≥M uÛÑ÷$T dü]Vü≤<äT› #·T≥÷º>∑\ Á>±eT Á|ü»\ e<ä›
qT+&ç uÛÑ÷ ÄÁø£eTD\≈£î dü+ã+~Û+∫ @yÓTÆHê Äπøå|üD\T ñqïjÓT&É\ yê{Ïì |ü]o*+#·T≥≈£î, n{Ϻ |ü]~Û˝À|ü\ ñqï @yÓ’Hê Vü≤≈£îÿ\
jÓTTø£ÿ ndæÔ‘ê«ìï, dü«uÛ≤yêìï $düÔ è‘·ì >∑T]+∫ $#ê]+∫ eT]j·TT |ü]wüÿ]+#·T≥≈£î >±qT Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ bòÕ¬sdüTº ôd{Ï˝ŸyÓT+{Ÿ Ä|ò”düs¡T
>±]ì ìj·T$T+#·&ÉyÓTÆq~.

ôw&É ÷ ´\T
1. ¬syÓqT´ õ˝≤¢ ù|s¡T : Á|üø±X¯+
2. ¬syÓqT´ eT+&É\+ ù|s¡T : yÓ*>∑+&É¢
3. n≥M &ç$»qT ù|s¡T : –<ä›\÷s¡T
4. n≥M πs+õ ù|s¡T : ø£ì–]
5. Á>±eT+ ù|s¡T : >∑T&çbÕ{Ï|ü*¢ H/o |æ. j·THé. es¡eTT
6. ]»s¡T« #˚j·Tã&ÉT n≥M u≤¢≈£î ù|s¡T : q+<äqeq+ _. u≤¢≈£î ‘·÷s¡TŒ mø˘‡f…q‡Hé
7. ]»s¡T« #˚j·Tã&ÉT n≥M u≤¢≈£î $d”Ôs¡í+ : 46.72 ôV≤. (˝Ò<ë) 115.45 mø£sê\T.

n≥M u≤¢≈£î˝À ñqï≥Te+{Ï düú\ $es¡eTT\T

Á>±eTeTT ù|s¡T düπs« HÓ+. uÛÑ÷$T dü«uÛ≤eeTT

düπs« HÓ+. Á|üø±s¡+ n≥M u≤¢≈£î˝À
uÛÑ÷$T ` mø£s¡eTT˝˝À ø£*|æq uÛÑ÷$T ` mø£s¡eTT˝˝À
(ø±\+ HÓ+. 2) (ø±\+ HÓ+. 4)
>∑T&çbÕ{Ï|ü*¢ 870 dæ.m. uÛÑ÷$T 6.96 6.96
H/o |æ. j·THé. es¡eTT 985 dæ.m. uÛÑ÷$T 5.88 5.88
1043 dæ.m. uÛÑ÷$T 9.00 9.00
1044 dæ.m. uÛÑ÷$T 7.49 7.49
1045 dæ.m. uÛÑ÷$T 2.56 2.56
1046 dæ.m. uÛÑ÷$T 5.75 5.75
1047 dæ.m. uÛÑ÷$T 1.28 1.28
1048 dæ.m. uÛÑ÷$T 2.05 2.05
1049 dæ.m. uÛÑ÷$T 2.13 2.13
1050 dæ.m. uÛÑ÷$T 17.63 17.63
1051 dæ.m. uÛÑ÷$T 1.81 1.81
1052 dæ.m. uÛÑ÷$T 2.09 2.09
1205 dæ.m. uÛÑ÷$T 5.30 5.30
1222 dæ.m. uÛÑ÷$T 9.27 9.27
1223 dæ.m. uÛÑ÷$T 11.23 11.23
1225 dæ.m. uÛÑ÷$T 8.95 8.95
1226 dæ.m. uÛÑ÷$T 8.25 8.25
1227 dæ.m. uÛÑ÷$T 7.82 7.82
yÓTT‘·ÔeTT : 115.45 115.45
234 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT nø√ºãs¡T

ñ‘·Ôs¡+ : >∑T&çbÕ{Ï|ü*¢ Á>±eTeTT e´ekÕj·T uÛÑ÷eTT\T düπs« HÓ+. 1121, 984.

‘·÷s¡TŒ : >∑T&çbÕ{Ï|ü*¢ {≤´+ø˘ eT]j·TT e´ekÕj·T uÛÑ÷eTT\T düπs« HÓ+. 984, 986, 1054, 1224,
1053, 1042 eT]j·TT j·THé. dæ. j·T˝Ÿ. dæ. m. |æ. @]j·÷ düπs« HÓ+. 976, 975.
<äøÏåD+ : >∑T&çbÕ{Ï|ü*¢ e´ekÕj·T uÛÑ÷eTT\T düπs« HÓ+. 1056 eT]j·TT Ç‘·s¡ e´ekÕj·T uÛÑ÷eTT\T.
|ü&ÉeTs¡ : q+<äqeq+ _ u≤¢ø˘ ]»s¡T« bòÕ¬sdüTº.

düü]Vü≤<äT› $es¡eTT\T (>∑T&çbÕ{Ï|ü*¢ dæ. m. $d”Ôs¡í+ : 46. 72 ôV≤.)

ñ‘·Ôs¡+ : 1) ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 1 ÁbÕs¡+uÛÑ+ düπs« HÓ+. 1222≈£î yêj·TTe´ eT÷\ (HêsYÔ ` yÓdtº) qT+&ç ‘·÷s¡TŒ
~X¯>± ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 4 es¡≈£î á ÁøÏ+~ ø£qãs¡∫q ø√DeTT\T eT]j·TT <ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À ‘Ó*j·T|üs¡#·&ÉyÓTÆq~. ùdºwüHé ` 1 e<ä›
õ.|æ. j·Tdt. |ü]ø£s¡eTT‘√ rdæq nø±¸+X¯, πsU≤+X¯eTT\T N 15.43333, E 079.24584.

ùdºwüqT\T e÷>∑ï{Ïø˘ uÒ]+>∑T\T

qT+&ç es¡≈£î &çÁ^‘√ <ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À

1 2 1040 1260
2 3 1100 300
3 4 1050. 30’ 1030

‘·÷s¡TŒ : 1) ‘·<äT|ü] dü]Vü≤<äT› ˝…’qT kÕ<Ûës¡DeTT>± <äøÏåD ~X¯>± ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 5 es¡≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 4 qT+&ç uÒ]+>¥ &çÁ^\T 1940
*+≈£î\T 630 <ä÷s¡+ b˛yê*.

ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 5 qT+&ç 7 es¡≈£î á ÁøÏ+<ä ø£qãs¡∫q ø√DeTT\T eT]j·TT <ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À ‘Ó*j·T|üs¡#·&ÉyÓTÆq~.

ùdºwüqT\T e÷>∑ï{Ïø˘ uÒ]+>∑T\T

qT+&ç es¡≈£î &çÁ^‘√ <ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À

5 6 2890 705
6 7 2920.30’ 264

ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 9 ≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 7 qT+∫ <äøÏåD ~X¯>± á ÁøÏ+<ä ø£qãs¡∫q ø√DeTT\T eT]j·TT <ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À

ùdºwüqT\T e÷>∑ï{Ïø˘ uÒ]+>∑T\T

qT+&ç es¡≈£î &çÁ^‘√ <ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À

7 8 1940 633
8 9 1900..30’ 960
ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 9 ≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 7 qT+∫ <äøÏåD ~X¯>± á ÁøÏ+<ä ø£qãs¡∫q ø√DeTT\T eT]j·TT <ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À
ùdºwüqT\T e÷>∑ï{Ïø˘ uÒ]+>∑T\T
qT+&ç es¡≈£î &çÁ^‘√ <ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À

9 10 1020 369
10 11 1010. 377
2010 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT 235
ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 12 ≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 11 qT+∫ <äøÏåD ~X¯>± 1860 uÒ]+>¥ &çÁ^˝À 500 *+≈£î\T <ä÷s¡+˝À ø£\<äT.

ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 13 ≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 12 qT+∫ <äøÏåD ~X¯>± 2840 uÒ]+>¥ &çÁ^˝À 457 *+≈£î\T <ä÷s¡+˝À ø£\<äT.

ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 14 ≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 13 qT+∫ <äøÏåD ~X¯>± 2040. 30’ uÒ]+>¥ &çÁ^˝À 1379 *+≈£î\T <ä÷s¡+˝À

ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 15 ≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 14 qT+∫ <äøÏåD ~X¯>± 3010. uÒ]+>¥ &çÁ^˝À 252 *+≈£î\T <ä÷s¡+˝À ø£\<äT.

ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 16 ≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 15 qT+∫ <äøÏåD ~X¯>± 1920. 30’ uÒ]+>¥ &çÁ^˝À 1317 *+≈£î\T <ä÷s¡+˝À
ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 17 ≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 16 qT+∫ <äøÏåD ~X¯>± 980. uÒ]+>¥ &çÁ^˝À 251 *+≈£î\T <ä÷s¡+˝À ø£\<äT.

ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 18 ≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 17 qT+∫ <äøÏåD ~X¯>± 1920. uÒ]+>¥ &çÁ^˝À 363 *+≈£î\T <ä÷s¡+˝À ø£\<äT.

ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 19 ≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 18 qT+∫ <äøÏåD ~X¯>± 2460. uÒ]+>¥ &çÁ^˝À 714 *+≈£î\T <ä÷s¡+˝À ø£\<äT.

ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 20 ≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 19 qT+∫ <äøÏåD ~X¯>± 2070. 30’ uÒ]+>¥ &çÁ^˝À 280 *+≈£î\T <ä÷s¡+˝À

<äøÏåD+ : ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 21 ≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 20 qT+∫ |ü&ÉeTs¡ ~X¯>± 2460. uÒ]+>¥ &çÁ^˝À 727 *+≈£î\T <ä÷s¡+˝À
ø£\<äT. Ç#·Ã≥ q+<äqeq+ μ_μ u≤¢≈£î ]»s¡T« n&É$ì ÄqTø=qTqT. ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 21 e<ä› 1 dæyÓT+{Ÿ düú+uÛÑeTT eT]j·TT K+&ÉeTT sêsTT
ø£\<äT. ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 21 qT+&ç ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 1øÏ b˛e⁄q~ q+<äqeq+ u≤¢≈£î μ_μ ]»s¡T« q+<ä* ø£+bÕs¡TºyÓT+{Ÿ HÓ+. 508 eT]j·TT
507 jÓTTø£ÿ uÖ+&ÉØ ˝…’qT. ùdºwüHé 21 e<ä› õ. |æ. j·Tdt. |ü]ø£s¡+‘√ rdæq Äø±¸+X¯, πsU≤+X¯eTT\T j·THé. 15.42178 0. Ç
79.244230. >± e⁄qï$.

|ü&ÉeTs¡ : ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 1 ≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+.27 qT+∫ <äøÏåD ~X¯>± á ÁøÏ+<ä ø£qãs¡∫q ø√DeTT\T eT]j·TT <ä÷s¡eTT
*+≈£î\˝À ø£qãs¡#·&ÉyÓTÆq~.

ùdºwüqT\T e÷>∑ï{Ïø˘ uÒ]+>∑T\T

qT+&ç es¡≈£î &çÁ^‘√ <ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À

21 22 3600 864
22 23 3600. 1231
23 24 3550 688
24 25 160. 1273
25 26 170 1018
26 27 180. 934
27 1 (yÓTT<ä{Ï~) 160 439

]e÷s¡Tÿ\T : 1. m≥Te+{Ï ÄÁø£eTD\T á u≤¢≈£î˝À ˝Òe⁄

2. m≥Te+{Ï #·≥º|üs¡yÓTÆq≥Te+{Ï s¡Vü≤<ës¡T\T á u≤¢≈£î˝À ˝Òe⁄.
Special Chief Secretary to Government.
236 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT nø√ºãs¡T

[G. O. Ms. No. 66, Environment, Forest, Science and Technology (For.I),18th August, 2009]

No. 7

In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 4 of the Andhra Pradesh Forest Act, 1967
(A. P.Act I of 1967), the Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby declares that, it is proposed to
constitute the land within the boundaries specified in the Schedule below as a Reserve Forest under
the said Act, and appoints the Forest Settlement Officer, Ongole to be Forest Settlement Officerin
regard to the said land to consider the objections if any and to enquire into and determine the
existence, nature and extent of any rights claimed by or alleged to exist in favour of any person in or
over any land comprised within such limits, or to any forest produce of such land and to deal with
the same as provided in Chapter II of the said Act.

Name of the District : PRAKASAM

Name of the Division : GIDDALUR
Name of the Revenue Mandal : VELIGANDLA
Name of the Range : KANIGIRI
Name of the Village : GUDIPATIPALLI
Name of the Forest Block
proposed to be reserved : NANDANAVANAM B. BLOCK EAST EXTNI-I.
Area of the Forest block
proposed to be reserved : : 6.23 Hectares (or) 15.41 Acres.

Details of Areas included in the proposed Reserve Forests

Village S.No. Nature of Area of S.No. Area included in Reserved

classification in Col. (2) in Forest from out of the area
Acres in Col. (4) in acres

Gudipatipalli 975 C.A. land 17.57 5.86 Acres

976 C.A. land 9.55 9.55 Acres

Total 27.12 Acres. 15.41 Acres.


North : Nandanavanam Village cultivated lands.

East : KCP CAP area - and other Agricultural lands Survey Nos. 974, 973

South : Gudipatipalli Agricultural Lands, Survey No.975 (Part)

W est : KCP CAP area Survey Nos. 977, 978, 979, 983
2010 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT 237
Boundary description (Gudipatipalli CA Area - 6.23 Ha.)

North : Station No. 1 stats at North W est corner stone of Survey No. 976 and the bound-
ary line runs is towards East direction upto Station No. 2 with the magnetic
bearings 1120 and a distance of 870 links. There is a cement concrete pillar at
Station No. 1 and the Lat - Long taken with GPS instrument is N. 15.43736,
E 079.25179.

East : Thence the boundary runs generally in south direction upto Station No. 5 with
the following magnetic bearings and distances.

Station Bearing degrees Distance in links

From To

2 3 1900 925
3 4 1780.30’ 377
4 5 1860.30’ 623

South : Thence the line runs towards W est direction upto Station No. 6 with
magnetic bearings 2770.30’and a distance of 1320 links.

At Station No. 6 the GPS readings are taken to be N 15.43363, E 79.25053.

From Station No. 4 of the Nandanavanam B Block East Extension towards 3560 angle at a
distance of 7.60 links the Station No. 6 of present block exist.

W est : Thence the boundary line runs towards North direction upto Station No. 7 with
following magnetic bearings 3510and distance of 414 links.
Thence the boundary line generally runs East direction upto Station No. 8 with magnetic
bearing 1110 and a distance.of 803 links.
Thence the boundary line runs towards North direction upto Station No. 9 with magnetic
bearing 100 .30’ and a distance.of 139 links.
Thence the boundary line runs towards East direction upto Station No. 10 with magnetic
bearing 1000 and a distance.of 80 links.
Thence the boundary line runs towards North direction upto Station No. 1 with following
magnetic bearing and distances.

Station Bearing degrees Distance in links

From To

10 11 150 289
11 12 70. 455
12 13 2920..30’ 150
13 14 90. 237
14 15 2900. 235
15 16 80.30’ 410
16 17 3150. 53
17 1 (Starting Point) 220. 277
106A-9 F2
238 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT nø√ºãs¡T
Remarks :-

1. No enclosures are proposed to be admitted with in the block.

2. No right of ways are proposed to be admitted within the block.

Special Chief Secretary to Government.

Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢, yÓ*>∑+&É¢ eT+&É\+, >∑T&çbÕ{Ï|ü*¢ Á>±eTeTT˝Àì n≥M uÛÑ÷$T

]»s¡T« n&É$>± Á|üø£{Ï+|üã&çq~.

(õ. z. j·T+.j·Tdt. HÓ+. 66, |üsê´es¡D+, n&Ée⁄\T, ôd’Hé‡ eT]j·TT f…ø±ï\J (n&Ée⁄\T. I ) XÊK, ‘˚~ : 18`8`2009)

HÓ+. 7

Ä+Á<ÛäÁ|ü<˚XŸ Á|üuÛÑT‘·«eTT n≥M XÊKyê] n≥M #·≥ºeTT 1967 ôdø£åqT 4 Á|üø±s¡eTT (#·≥ºeTT 1967), Ä+Á<ÛäÁ|ü<˚XŸ >∑es¡ïs¡T
>±] n~Ûø±s¡eTT\≈£î ˝Àã&ç ôdø£åqT 4 Á|üø±s¡eTT ]»s¡T« bòÕ¬sdüTº>± |ü]>∑DÏ+#·ã&ÉT≥≈£î >±qT n<Ûë´j·TeTT` II ˝À bı+<äT|üs¡∫q
dü÷#·q\ y˚Ts¡≈£î á n≥M uÛÑ÷$T jÓTTø£ÿ $d”Ôs¡íeTT, n≥M dü«uÛ≤eeTT eT]j·TT á n≥M uÛÑ÷MT dü]Vü≤<äT› #·T≥÷º>∑\ Á>±eT Á|ü»\ e<ä›
qT+&ç uÛÑ÷ ÄÁø£eTD\≈£î dü+ã+~Û+∫ @yÓTÆHê Äπøå|üD\T ñqïjÓT&É\ yê{Ïì |ü]o*+#·T≥≈£î, n{Ϻ |ü]~Û˝À|ü\ ñqï @yÓ’Hê Vü≤≈£îÿ\
jÓTTø£ÿ ndæÔ‘ê«ìï, dü«uÛ≤yêìï $düÔ è‘·ì >∑T]+∫ $#ê]+∫ eT]j·TT |ü]wüÿ]+#·T≥≈£î >±qT Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ bòÕ¬sdüTº ôd{Ï˝ŸyÓT+{Ÿ Ä|ò”düs¡T
>±]ì ìj·T$T+#·&ÉyÓTÆq~.

ôw&É ÷ ´\T
1. ¬s$qT´ õ˝≤¢ ù|s¡T : Á|üø±X¯+
2. ¬s$qT´ eT+&É\+ ù|s¡T : yÓ*>∑+&É¢
3. n≥M &ç$»qT ù|s¡T : –<ä›\÷s¡T
4. n≥M πs+õ ù|s¡T : ø£ì–]
5. Á>±eT+ ù|s¡T : >∑T&çbÕ{Ï|ü*¢
6. ]»s¡T« #˚j·Tã&ÉT n≥M u≤¢≈£î ù|s¡T : q+<äqeq+ _. u≤¢≈£î ‘·÷s¡TŒ mø˘‡f…q‡Hé ` 1
7. ]»s¡T« #˚j·Tã&ÉT n≥M u≤¢≈£î $d”Ôs¡í+ : 6.23 ôV≤. (˝Ò<ä) 15.41 mø£sê\T.

n≥M u≤¢≈£î˝Àq ñqï≥Te+{Ï düú\ $es¡eTT\T

Á>±eTeTT ù|s¡T düπs« HÓ+. uÛÑ÷$T dü«uÛ≤eeTT düπs« HÓ+. Á|üø±s¡+ n≥M u≤¢≈£î˝À
uÛÑ÷$T ` mø£s¡eTT˝˝À ø£*|æq uÛÑ÷$T ` mø£s¡eTT˝˝À
(ø±\+ HÓ+. 2) (ø±\+ HÓ+. 4)

>∑T&çbÕ{Ï|ü*¢ 975 dæ.m. uÛÑ÷$T 17.57 5.86

976 dæ.m. uÛÑ÷$T 9.55 9.55
yÓTT‘·ÔeTT : 27.12 15.41


ñ‘·Ôs¡+ : q+<äqeq+ e´ekÕj·T uÛÑ÷eTT\T.

‘·÷s¡TŒ : ¬ø.dæ.|æ. (dæ.m) uÛÑ÷$T eT]j·TT Ç‘·s¡ e´ekÕj·T uÛÑ÷eTT\T düπs« HÓ+. 974, 973
2010 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT 239
<äøÏåD+ : >∑T&çbÕ{Ï|ü*¢ e´ekÕj·T uÛÑ÷eTT\T düπs« HÓ+. 975 ˝À ø=+‘· $d”Ôs¡íeTT
|ü&ÉeTs¡ : ¬ø.dæ.|æ. (dæ. m) uÛÑ÷$T düπs« HÓ+. 977, 978, 979, 983

dü]Vü≤<äT› $es¡eTT\T (>∑T&çbÕ{Ï|ü*¢ dæ. m. $d”Ôs¡í+ : 6.22 ôV≤.)

ñ‘·Ôs¡+ : ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 1 e<ä› ˇø£ dæyÓT+≥T düÔ+uÛÑeTT ø£\<äT. düπs« HÓ+. 976≈£î yêj·TTe´ eT÷\ (HêsYÔ ` yÓdtº)
qTqï ùdºwüHé HÓ+.1 qT+&ç ‘·÷s¡TŒ ~X¯>± 1120 uÒ]+>¥ &çÁ^˝À 870 *+≈£î\T <ä÷s¡+˝À ùdºwüHé HÓ+.2 es¡≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+.1e<ä› õ.|æ.
j·Tdt. |ü]ø£s¡eTT‘√ rdæq nø±¸+X¯, πsU≤+X¯eTT\T N 15.43736, E 079.25179.

‘·÷s¡TŒ : 1) ‘·<äT|ü] dü]Vü≤<äT› ˝…’qT kÕ<Ûës¡DeTT>± <äøÏåDeTT ~X¯>± ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 5 es¡≈£î á ÁøÏ+<ä ø£qãs¡∫q
ø√DeTT\˝À eT]j·TT <ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À yÓfi¯ófl#·Tqï~.

qT+&ç es¡≈£î e÷>∑ï{Ïø˘ uÒ]+>∑T\T <ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À

2 3 1090 925
3 4 1780. 30’ 377
4 5 1860. 30’ 623

<äøÏåD+ : ‘·<äT|ü] dü]Vü≤<äT› ˝…’qT |ü&ÉeTs¡ ~X¯>± ùdºwüHé HÓ+ 6 es¡≈£î e÷–ï{Ïø˘ uÒ]+>¥ 2770. 30 eT]j·TT 1320
*+≈£î\T <ä÷s¡eTT b˛e⁄qT.

6e ùdºwüHé e<ä› õ.|æ.j·Tdt. Ø&ç+>¥ ñ‘·Ôs¡eTT 15.43363 eT]j·TT ‘·÷s¡TŒ 79.25053 q+<äqeq+ _ u≤¢ø˘ ‘·÷s¡TŒ
mø£‡f…q¸Hé ]»s¡T« jÓTTø£ÿ 4e ùdºwüHé qT+&ç 356 &çÁ^\ ø√DeTT˝À 7.60 *+≈£î\T <ä÷s¡eTT˝À á u≤¢≈£î jÓTTø£ÿ 6e ùdºwüHé ø£\<äT.

|ü&ÉeTs¡ :` ‘·<äT|ü] ùwºwüHé HÓ+. 6 qT+∫ ñ‘·Ôs¡+ ~X¯>± 3510 uÒ]+>¥&çÁ^˝À 414 *+≈£î\T <ä÷s¡+˝À ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 7 ø£\<äT.

‘·<äT|ü] ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 8≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 7 qT+∫ ‘·÷s¡TŒ ~X¯>± 1110 uÒ]+>¥&çÁ^˝À 803 *+≈£î\T <ä÷s¡+ b˛yê*.

‘·<äT|ü] ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 9≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 8 qT+∫ ñ‘·Ôs¡+ ~X¯>± 100 30 uÒ]+>¥&çÁ^˝À 139 *+≈£î\T <ä÷s¡+ b˛yê*.

‘·<äT|ü] ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 10≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 9 qT+∫ ‘·÷s¡TŒ ~X¯>± 1000 uÒ]+>¥&çÁ^˝À 80 *+≈£î\T <ä÷s¡+ ø£\<äT.

ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 1≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 10 qT+∫ ñ‘·Ôs¡eTT ~X¯>± á ÁøÏ+<ä ø£qãs¡∫q ø√DeTT\T eT]j·TT ùdºwüHé eT<Ûä´ <ä÷s¡eTT
*+≈£î\˝À ‘Ó*j·T|üs¡#·&ÉyÓTÆq~.
qT+&ç es¡≈£î e÷>∑ï{Ïø˘ uÒ]+>∑T\T <ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À
10 11 150 289
11 12 70 455
12 13 2920. .30’ 150
13 14 90. 237
14 15 2900 235
15 16 80...30’ 410
16 18 3150 53
17 1 (yÓTT<ä{Ï~) 220 277
240 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT nø√ºãs¡T
]e÷s¡Tÿ\T : 1. m≥Te+{Ï ÄÁø£eTD\T á u≤¢≈£î˝À ˝Ò<äT.
2. m≥Te+{Ï #·≥º|üs¡yÓTÆq≥Te+{Ï s¡Vü≤<ës¡T\T á u≤¢≈£î˝À ˝Òe⁄.
Special Chief Secretary to Government.



[G. O. Ms. No. 67, Environment, Forest, Science and Technology (For.I),18th August, 2009]

No. 8

In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 4 of the Andhra Pradesh Forest Act, 1967
(A. P.Act I of 1967), the Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby declares that, it is proposed to
constitute the land within the boundaries specified in the Schedule below as a Reserved Forest
under the said Act, and appoints the Forest Settlement Officer, Ongole to be Forest Settlement
Officer in regard to the said land to consider the objections if any and to enquire into and determine
the existence, nature and extent of any rights claimed by or alleged to exist in favour of any person
in or over any land comprised within such limits, or to any forest produce of such land and to deal
with the same as provided in Chapter II of the said Act.


Name of the District : PRAKASAM

Name of the Division : GIDDALUR
Name of the Revenue Mandal : C.S.PURAM
Name of the Range : KANIGIRI
Name of the Village : PEDAGOGULAPALLI
Name of the Forest Block
proposed to be reserved : CHAPATIPPA W E S T EXTN.,
Area of the Forest block
proposed to be reserved : : 41.74 Hectares (or) 103.15 Acres.

Details of Areas included in the proposed Reserve Forests

Village S.No. Nature of Area of S.No. Area included in Reserved

classification in Col. (2) in Forest from out of the area
Acres in Col. (4) in acres

Pedagogulapalli 1 Poramboke 103.15 103.15


North : Viranjipuram Village Agricultural Lands.

East : Chapatippa R. F. Compt. No. 462.
South : Gogulapalli Village lands patta No. 13 & 2.
W est : Viranjipuram Village Agricultural Lands.
2010 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT 241
Boundary description CAP K.S. Road at Pedagogulapalli 41.74 Ha.,

North : Station No. 1, 2, 3 there are Cement Concrete pillars, Station No. 1 starts at
North W est corner of Survey No. 1 and the boundary line runs in North East direction upto Station
No. 3 with following magnetic bearings and distances. At Station No. 3 there is a tri-junction
khandam stone situated adjacent to boundary line of Compact No. 462 of Chapatippa RF.

Station Megnetic Distance in links

--------------------------------------- Bearings in degrees
From To

1 2 680 812
2 3 550 1179

East :Thence the boundary runs towards South direction upto Station No. 9 with the
megnetic bearings and distance. At Station No. 3 the lat-long taken by GPS instrument are N
15.28693, E 079.30140.

Station Megnetic Distance in links

--------------------------------------- Bearings in degrees
From To

3 4 1980 688
4 5 1970 792
5 6 2000 706
6 7 1950 476
7 8 1620 1679
8 9 2020 2360

South:- Thence the boundary line runs towards W esterly direction to Station No. 11 with the
following magnetic bearings and distance. At Station No. 9, the lat-long taken by GPS instruments
are N 15.274230, E 079.298860.

Station Megnetic Distance in links

-------------------------------------- Bearings in degrees
From To

9 10 2880 1147
10 11 3010. 137

Thence the boundary line runs towards W esterly direction with the following magnetic
bearings upto Station No. 18.
242 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT nø√ºãs¡T
Station Magnetic Distance in links
--------------------------------------- Bearings in degrees
From To

11 12 2480 353
12 13 2320. 115
13 14 2580 504
14 15 2120. 202
15 16 2600 263
16 17 1880. 90
17 18 2790 450

W est : Thence the boundary line runs towards North and North Easterly direction upto
Station No. 25 and towards North W esterly direction upto Station No. 1 with the following bear-
ings and a distances starting point.

Station Magnetic Distance in links

--------------------------------------- Bearings in degrees
From To

18 19 360 740
19 20 260. 990
20 21 270 757
21 22 290. 1679
22 23 650 307
23 24 430. 491
24 25 110 403
25 1 (Starting Point) 3400 521

Remarks :-

1. No enclosures are proposed to be admitted with in the block.

2. No right of ways are proposed to be admitted within the block.

Special Chief Secretary to Government.

Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢, dæ. j·Tdt. |ü⁄s¡+ eT+&É\+, ô|<ä >√>∑T\|ü*¢ Á>±eTeTT˝Àì

n≥M uÛÑ÷$T ]»s¡T« n&É$>± Á|üø£{Ï+|üã&çq~.

(õ. z. j·T+.j·Tdt. HÓ+. 67, |üsê´es¡D+, n&Ée⁄\T, ôd’Hé‡ eT]j·TT f…ø±ï\J (n&Ée⁄\T. I ) XÊK, ‘˚~ : 18`8`2009)

HÓ+. 8

Ä+Á<ÛäÁ|ü<˚XŸ Á|üuÛÑT‘·«eTT n≥M XÊKyê] n≥M #·≥ºeTT 1967 ôdø£åqT 4 Á|üø±s¡eTT (#·≥ºeTT 1967), Ä+Á<ÛäÁ|ü<˚XŸ >∑es¡ïs¡T
>±] n~Ûø±s¡eTT\≈£î ˝Àã&ç ôdø£åqT 4 Á|üø±s¡eTT ]»s¡T« bòÕ¬sdüTº>± |ü]>∑DÏ+#·ã&ÉT≥≈£î >±qT n<Ûë´j·TeTT` II ˝À bı+<äT|üs¡∫q
dü÷#·q\ y˚Ts¡≈£î á n≥M uÛÑ÷$T jÓTTø£ÿ $d”Ôs¡íeTT, n≥M dü«uÛ≤eeTT eT]j·TT á n≥M uÛÑ÷MT dü]Vü≤<äT› #·T≥÷º>∑\ Á>±eT Á|ü»\ e<ä›
2010 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT 243
qT+&ç uÛÑ÷ ÄÁø£eTD\≈£î dü+ã+~Û+∫ @yÓTÆHê Äπøå|üD\T ñqïjÓT&É\ yê{Ïì |ü]o*+#·T≥≈£î, n{Ϻ |ü]~Û˝À|ü\ ñqï @yÓ’Hê Vü≤≈£îÿ\
jÓTTø£ÿ ndæÔ‘ê«ìï, dü«uÛ≤yêìï $düÔ è‘·ì >∑T]+∫ $#ê]+∫ eT]j·TT |ü]wüÿ]+#·T≥≈£î >±qT Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ bòÕ¬sdüTº ôd{Ï˝ŸyÓT+{Ÿ Ä|ò”düs¡T
>±]ì ìj·T$T+#·&ÉyÓTÆq~.

ôw&É ÷ ´\T
1. ¬syÓqT´ õ˝≤¢ ù|s¡T : Á|üø±X¯+
2. ¬syÓqT´ eT+&É\+ ù|s¡T : dæ. j·Tdt. |ü⁄s¡+
3. n≥M &ç$»qT ù|s¡T : –<ä›\÷s¡T
4. n≥M πs+õ ù|s¡T : ø£ì–]
5. Á>±eT+ ù|s¡T : ô|<ä >√>∑T\|ü*¢
6. ]»s¡T« #˚j·Tã&ÉT n≥M u≤¢≈£î ù|s¡T : #ê|ü{Ï|üŒ yÓdtº mø˘‡f…q‡Hé
7. ]»s¡T« #˚j·Tã&ÉT n≥M u≤¢≈£î $d”Ôs¡í+ : 41.74 ôV≤. (˝Ò<ä) 103.15 mø£sê\T.

n≥M u≤¢≈£î˝Àq ñqï≥Te+{Ï düú\ $es¡eTT\T

Á>±eTeTT ù|s¡T düπs« HÓ+. uÛÑ÷$T dü«uÛ≤eeTT düπs« HÓ+. Á|üø±s¡+ n≥M u≤¢≈£î˝À
uÛÑ÷$T ` mø£s¡eTT˝˝À ø£*|æq uÛÑ÷$T ` mø£s¡eTT˝˝À
(ø±\+ HÓ+. 2) (ø±\+ HÓ+. 4)

ô|<ä >√>∑T\|ü*¢ 1 b˛s¡+uÀ≈£î 103.15 103.15


ñ‘·Ôs¡+ : Msê+õ|ü⁄s¡+ Á>±eTeTT e´ekÕj·T uÛÑ÷eTT\T

‘·÷s¡TŒ : #ê|ü{Ï|üŒ ]»s¡T« bòÕ¬sdüTº ø£+bÕsYºyÓT+{Ÿ HÓ+. 462.
<äøÏåD+ : >√>∑T\|ü*¢ Á>±eT+ |ü{≤º ˝≤´+&é‡ düπs« HÓ+. 13 eT]j·TT 2.
|ü&ÉeTs¡ : Msê+õ|ü⁄s¡+ Á>±eT+ e´ekÕj·T uÛÑ÷eTT\T.

dü]Vü≤<äT› $es¡eTT\T (dæ.m.|æ.¬ø.j·Tdt. s√&é ô|<ä>√>∑T\|ü*¢ 41.74 ôV≤.)

ñ‘·Ôs¡+ : ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 1, 2, 3 e<ä› dæyÓT+{Ÿ düú+uÛÑeTT\T ø£\e⁄. ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 1 ÁbÕs¡+uÛÑ+ yêj·TTe´ eT÷\
(HêsYÔ ` yÓdtº) düπs« HÓ+. 1 eT]j·TT uÖ+&ÉØ ˝…’qT áXÊq´ eT÷\ (HêsYÔ ` ádtº) ~X¯>± ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 3 es¡≈£î á ÁøÏ+~ ø£qãs¡∫q
ø√DeTT\T eT]j·TT <ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À ‘Ó*j·T|üs¡#·&ÉyÓTÆq~. 3e ùdºwüHé e<ä› Åf…Æ»q¸Hé ø£+&ÉeTT sêsTT ø£*– #ê|ü{Ï|üŒ ]»s¡T«
ø£+bÕs¡TºyÓT+{Ÿ HÓ+. 462 ˝…’qT≈£î ÄqTø=ì j·TTqï~.

ùdºwüqT\T e÷>∑ï{Ïø˘ uÒ]+>∑T\T

qT+&ç es¡≈£î &çÁ^\‘√ <ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À

1 2 680 812
2 3 550 1179

‘·÷s¡TŒ : ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 9 ≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î HÓ+. 3 qT+∫ uÖ+&ÉØ ˝…’qT yÓ+ã&ç <äøÏåD+ ~X¯>± á ÁøÏ+~ ø£qãs¡∫q ø√DeTT\T eT]j·TT
<ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À ‘Ó*j·T|üs¡#·&ÉyÓTÆq~.ùdºwüHé 3 e<ä› õ.|æ.j·Tdt |ü]ø£s¡eTT‘√ rj·T>± Äø±¸+X¯eTT, πsU≤+X¯eTT\T N 15.28693,
E 079.30140 >± e⁄qï$.
244 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT nø√ºãs¡T
ùdºwüqT\T e÷>∑ï{Ïø˘ uÒ]+>∑T\T
qT+&ç es¡≈£î &çÁ^\‘√ <ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À

3 4 1980 688
4 5 1970 792
5 6 2000 706
6 7 1950 476
7 8 1620 1679
8 9 2020 2360

<äøÏåD+ : ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 11 ≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 9 qT+∫ |ü&ÉeTs¡ ~X¯>± á ÁøÏ+~ ø£qãs¡∫q ø√DeTT\T eT]j·TT <ä÷s¡eTT
*+≈£î\˝À ‘Ó*j·T|üs¡#·&ÉyÓTÆq~.ùdºwüHé 9 e<ä› õ.|æ.j·Tdt |ü]ø£s¡eTT‘√ rj·T>± Äø±¸+X¯eTT, πsU≤+X¯eTT\T N 15.27423,
E 079.29886 >± e⁄qï$.

ùdºwüqT\T e÷>∑ï{Ïø˘ uÒ]+>∑T\T

qT+&ç es¡≈£î &çÁ^\‘√ <ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À

9 10 2880 1147
10 11 3010 137

ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 18 ≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 11 qT+∫ HÓ’s¡T‹ eT÷\ (k‘Y ` yÓdtº) ~X¯>± á ÁøÏ+~ ø£qãs¡∫q ø√DeTT\T eT]j·TT
<ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À ‘Ó*j·T|üs¡#·&ÉyÓTÆq~.

ùdºwüqT\T e÷>∑ï{Ïø˘ uÒ]+>∑T\T

qT+&ç es¡≈£î &çÁ^\‘√ <ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À

11 12 2480 353
12 13 2320 115
13 14 2580 504
14 15 2120 202
15 16 2600 263
16 17 1880 90
17 18 2790 450
|ü&ÉeTs¡ : ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 1(yÓTT<ä{Ï~) ≈£î b˛e⁄≥≈£î ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 18 qT+∫ ñ‘·Ôs¡+ eT]j·TT áXÊq´+ ¡ ~X¯>± (HêsYÔ ` ádüºπsº) eT]j·TT
ùdºwüHé HÓ+. 25 qT+&ç HêsYÔ yÓdtº ~X¯>± á ÁøÏ+~ ø£qãs¡∫q ø√DeTT\T eT]j·TT <ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À ‘Ó*j·T|üs¡#·&ÉyÓTÆq~.

ùdºwüqT\T e÷>∑ï{Ïø˘ uÒ]+>∑T\T

qT+&ç es¡≈£î &çÁ^\‘√ <ä÷s¡eTT *+≈£î\˝À

18 19 360 740
19 20 260 990
20 21 270 757
21 22 290 1679
22 23 650 307
23 24 430 491
24 25 110 403
25 1 3400 521
2010 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT 245
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Special Chief Secretary to Government.

E&ûwæj·T˝Ÿ Á|üø£≥q\T 5. Neppali Venkata Subbaiah,

S/o Kanakaiah,
. CIVIL COURT - ONGOLE Aged 55 years,
I.P. No. 25/2008 Cultivation,
R/o Gummalampadu Village,
Between : S. N. Padu Mandal,
Boddapati Venkateswarlu, Prakasam District.
S/o Kanakaiah, 6. Neppali China Venkateswarlu,
Aged 46 years, Hindu, S/o Kanakaiah,
Cultivation, Aged 46 years,
R/o Gummalampadu Village, Cultivation,
S. N. Padu Mandal, R/o Gummalampadu Village,
Prakasam District. S. N. Padu Mandal,
------Petitioner Prakasam District.
And -----Respondents
1. Neppali Chandramama, Notice is hereby given under Section 9
W/o Venkateswarlu, and (b) of Provincial Insolvency Act that the
Aged 41 years, 1st respondent is adjudged as insolvent. The
Hindu, Official Receiver is appointed as receiver for the
House wife, property of the insolvent and it shall vest in the
R/o Gummalampadu Village, receiver. Six months time is granted from the
S. N. Padu Mandal, date of order to discharge the debt of the
Prakasam District. petitioner. Publish notice of order of adjudica-
2. Boddapati Subba Rao, tion in the Official Gazettee as per Section 30 of
S/o Lingaiah, Provincial Insolvency Act.
Aged 43 years, Hindu,
Cultivation, The above case is disposed off in this
R/o Gummalampadu Village, Court on 25th day of August, 2010.
S. N. Padu Mandal, Dated this the 25th day of August, 2010.
Prakasam District.
3. Boddapati Sesharao, (Sd.),
S/o Lingaiah, Addl. Senior Civil Judge,
Aged 39 years, Ongole.
R/o Gummalampadu Village, I.P. No. 8/2010
S. N. Padu Mandal, Between :
Prakasam District. Ravella Koteswara Rao,
4. Neppali Govindu, S/o Obaiah,
S/o Kanakaiah, Aged about 60 years, Hindu,
Aged 60 years, Cultivation, Cultivation,
. R/o Gummalampadu Village, R/o Rajupalem Village,
S. N. Padu Mandal, Martur Mandal.
Prakasam District. -----Petitioner/Debtor
106A-9 F3
246 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT nø√ºãs¡T
And 3. Chebrolu Rama Mohanarao,
1. Shaik Nazeer Hussaian, S/o Koti Swamy,
S/o Kalesha Vali, Hindu, Business, Aged 45 years,
Aged 43 years, Muslim, R/o Near Kanyakaparameswari Temple,
Business, C/o Seema Traders,
R/o D. No. 16-4-26-282/3, Uppuguduru Village,
Bhagathsingh Road, N. G. Padu Mandal.
Near Kalamandhir Cinema Hall, 4. Singhu Vasu,
Chilakaluripet, S/o not know,
Guntur District. Hindu, Aged about 45 years,
2. Popuri Subba Rao, Business,
S/o Nagaiah, Srinivasa Broker Office,
Hindu, Aged 45 years, R/o Opp. Sankar Math Temple,
Cultivation, Uppugunduru Post.
R/o Gangapalem Village, 5. Bellam Seeta Ramaiah,
Hamlet of Konidena, Ballikurava, S/o not known,
Ballikurava Mandal. Hindu, Aged about 65 years,
------Respondents/Creditors Business,
Notice is hereby given under Section R/o near Ganganamma Temple,
19(2) of Provincial Insolvency Act, prays to Uppugunduru Village,
adjudicate him as insolvent and hand over the N. G. Padu Mandal.
properties into the hands of the Official Receiver, 6. Amara Sankara Rao,
Ongole, for administration of proceeds among S/o Ramulu,
the creditors and the said petition stands posted Hindu, Aged about 55 years,
to 4-10-2010. Sri Srinivasa Canvassing Agent,
R/o Main bazaar,
Dated this the 26th of August, 2010. Uppugunduru Village.
7. Nidumukkala Seshasai Anjaneya Prasad,
MD. NURULLAH GHORI, S/o not known,
Senior Civil Judge, Hindu,
Addanki. Aged about 45 years,
CIVIL COURT - CHIRALA R/o Near Marwadi Temple,
I.P. No. 16/2010 I-Town, Vijayawada.
Between : 8. Muvvala Krishna Murthy,
Amara Madhusudhana Rao, S/o not know,
S/o Late Ramaiah, Hindu, Aged about 62 years,
R/o Paparajuthota, Business,
Chirala. R/o Opp. Sivalayam Temple,
-----Petitioner Uppugunduru Village.
And 9. Varalakshmi Traders
Prop. Muttaiah,
1. Amara Ramesh, S/o not known,
S/o Satyanarayana, Hindu, Aged about 75 years,
Hindu, Aged about 45 years, Business, R/o Varalakshmi Trading,
R/o Opp. Andhra Bank, Malakapet,
Uppugunduru Village, Hyderabad.
N. G. Padu Mandal. 10. Chebrolu Prasad,
2. Amara Panduranga Rao, S/o Brahmaiah,
S/o Satyanarayana, Hindu, Aged about 50 years,
Hindu, Aged about 50 years, Business, Business,
R/o Opp. Andhra Bank, R/o c/o Renuka Traders,
Uppugunduru Village, Main Road,
N. G. Padu Mandal. R/o Uppugunduru Village.
2010 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT 247
11. Vanka Kumar, And
S/o Venkateswarlu, 1. Sikkakolli Sankara Rao,
Hindu, Aged about 48 years, S/o Subba Rao,
Main Road, Aged about 50 years, Hindu,
Uppugunduru Village. Business,
12. Shaik Madhar Vali, R/o Santhanuthalapadu,
S/o S. Pullaiah, Prakasam District.
Muslim, Aged about 32 years, 2. Sikkakolli Kesava Rao,
Business, S/o Kamaiah,
R/o near Kanyakaparameswari Temple Aged about 50 years, Hindu,
Street, Business,
Uppugunduru Village, R/o Santhanuthalapadu,
Naguluppalapadu Mandal. Prakasam District.
13. Amara Hanumantha Rao, 3. Sikkakolli Kasiviswanadam,
S/o Krishna Rao, S/o Venkateswarlu,
Hindu, Aged about 50 years, Aged about 55 years, Hindu,
Business, Business,
Vamsi Canvasssing Agency, R/o Santhanuthalapadu,
Main Road, Prakasam District.
Uppugunduru. 4. Sikkakolli Mallikarjuna,
14. Muvvala Satyanarayana, S/o Kasiviswanadam,
S/o Narasimham, Aged about 35 years, Hindu,
Hindu, Aged about 82 years, Business,
Business, R/o Santhanuthalapadu,
R/o Durbar Road, Chirala. Prakasam District.
15. Bellam Murali, 5. Guggilam Lakshmi Kantham,
S/o Gopala Rao, W/o Purna Chandra Rao,
Hindu, Aged 35 years, Business, Aged about 48 years, Hindu,
R/o Main Bazaar, Uppugunduru. House wife,
------Respondents R/o Santhanuthalapadu,
Prakasam District.
Notice is hereby given under Section 6. Guggilam Siva,
19(2) of Provincial Insolvency Act, that the S/o Purnachandra Rao,
petitioner prays to declare that the 1st respon- Aged about 30 years, Hindu,
dent as insolvent and vest the petitioner Business,
schedule property to the Official Receiver, R/o Santhanuthalapadu,
Ongole, for a proper administration and the Prakasam District.
petition stands posted to 22-10-2010. 7. Pulakaram Vanaja Kumari,
D/o Purnachandra Rao,
Dated this the 22nd of September, 2010. Aged about 28 years, Hindu,
House wife,
(Sd.), R/o Santhanuthalapadu,
Senior Civil Judge, Prakasam District.
Chirala. 8. Guggilam Srinu,
S/o Purnachandra Rao,
CIVIL COURT - CHIRALA Aged about 32 years, Hindu,
I.P. No. 17/2010. Business,
R/o Santhanuthalapadu,
Between : Prakasam District.
9. Vema Koteswara Rao,
Padarti Hanumantha Rao, S/o Guravaiah,
S/o Venkateswarlu, Aged about 59 years, Hindu,
R/o Door No. 1-26-73, Business,
Vykuntapuram, Chirala. R/o Santhanuthalapadu,
-----Petitioner Prakasam District.
248 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT nø√ºãs¡T
10. Chedella Sujatha, 19. Vemuri Sesha Rao,
D/o Vema Koteswara Rao, S/o Subba Rao,
Aged about 25 years, Hindu, Aged about 50 years,
House wife, Hindu, Business,
R/o Santhanuthalapadu, R/o Santhanuthalapadu,
Prakasam District. Prakasam District.
11. Biyyapu Balaiah, 20. Munaga Babu,
S/o not known, S/o Ranganayakulu,
Aged about 60 years, Hindu, Aged about 40 years,
Business, Hindu, Business,
R/o Santhanuthalapadu, R/o Santhanuthalapadu,
Prakasam District. Prakasam District.
12. Kuricheti Suresh, 21. Munaga Sita,
S/o Krishna Murthy, D/o Ranganayakulu,
Aged about 39 years, Hindu, Aged about 40 years, Hindu,
Business, House wife,
R/o Santhanuthalapadu, R/o Santhanuthalapadu,
Prakasam District. Prakasam District.
13. Neelisetty Lakshminarayana, 22. Munaga Maruthi,
S/o Subrahmanyam, S/o Sitaram,
Aged about 35 years, Hindu, Aged about 42 years, Hindu,
Business, Business,
R/o Santhanuthalapadu, R/o Santhanuthalapadu,
Prakasam District. Prakasam District.
14. Grandhi Mahalakshmamma, 23. Pabbisetty Gurumurthy,
W/o Singaiah, S/o Venkata Subbaiah,
Aged about 60 years, Hindu, Aged about 45 years, Hindu,
House wife, Business,
R/o Santhanuthalapadu, R/o Santhanuthalapadu,
Prakasam District. Prakasam District.
15. Tunugunta Rama, 24. Sikakolli Ramamurthy,
D/o Subba Rao, S/o not known,
Aged about 28 years, Hindu, Aged about 55 years, Hindu,
House wife, Business,
R/o Santhanuthalapadu, R/o Santhanuthalapadu,
Prakasam District. Prakasam District.
16. Tunugunta Sai, 25. Vema Rama Rao,
S/o Siva, S/o Venkateswarlu,
Aged about 23 years, Hindu, Aged about 46 years, Hindu,
Studying, Business,
R/o Santhanuthalapadu, R/o Santhanuthalapadu,
Prakasam District. Prakasam District.
17. Tunugunta Rathamma, 26. Vema Pandu,
W/o Venkateswarlu S/o Venkateswarlu,
Aged about 65 years, Hindu, Aged about 43 years, Hindu,
House wife, Business,
R/o Santhanuthalapadu, R/o Santhanuthalapadu,
Prakasam District. Prakasam District.
18. Padmanabhuni Subba Rao, 27. Sikkakolli Raja Ratnam,
S/o Kotaiah, W/o Narasimha Rao,
Aged about 45 years, Hindu, Aged about 56 years,
Business, Hindu,
R/o Santhanuthalapadu, House wife,
Prakasam District. R/o Santhanuthalapadu,
Prakasam District.
2010 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT 249
28. Sikkakolli Subrahmanyam, 37. Velammpalli Panchamukhi,
S/o Narasimha Rao, S/o Rangaiah,
Aged about 36 years, Aged about 40 years, Hindu,
Hindu, Business,
Business, R/o Santhanuthalapadu,
R/o Santhanuthalapadu, Prakasam District.
Prakasam District. 38. Bannuri Ramaiah,
29. Dumpa Narasamma, S/o not known,
W/o China Venkatapathi Reddy, Aged about 50 years, Hindu,
Aged about 58 years, Hindu, Business,
House wife, R/o Santhanuthalapadu,
R/o Santhanuthalapadu, Prakasam District.
Prakasam District. 39. Lingamgunta Nageswara Rao,
30. Dumpa Koti Reddy, S/o Venkaiah,
S/o not known, Aged about 45 years, Hindu,
Aged about 59 years, Hindu, Cultivation,
Cultivation, R/o Gangavaram,
R/o Santhanuthalapadu, Santhanuthalapadu Mandal,
Prakasam District. Prakasam District.
31. Yelchuri Sudhakar, 40. Yerragunta Venkateswarlu,
S/o Venkateswarlu, S/o Papaiah,
Aged about 45 years, Hindu, Aged about 65 years, Hindu,
Business, Cultivation,
R/o Santhanuthalapadu, R/o Chandrapalem,
Prakasam District. Santhanuthalapadu Mandal,
32. Kurapati Sandhya, Prakasam District.
D/o Subrahmanyam, 41. Yerragunta Subba Rao,
Aged about 38 years, Hindu, S/o Venkateswarlu,
House wife, Aged about 40 years,
R/o Santhanuthalapadu, Hindu, Cultivation,
Prakasam District. R/o Chandrapalem,
33. Appala Krishna Murthy, Santhanuthalapadu Mandal,
S/o not known, Prakasam District.
Aged about 50 years, Hindu, 42. Nuthanki Sivaiah,
Business, S/o Seshaiah,
R/o Santhanuthalapadu, Aged about 50 years,
Prakasam District. Hindu, Cultivation,
34. Gunturi Anjaneyulu, R/o Chandrapalem,
S/o not known, Santhanuthalapadu Mandal,
Aged about 50 years, Hindu, Prakasam District.
R. M. P., 43. Nuthanki Venkaiah,
R/o Santhanuthalapadu, S/o Naraiah,
Prakasam District. Aged about 65 years,
35. Sikakolli Babu, Hindu, Cultivation,
S/o Ranganna, R/o Chandrapalem,
Aged about 55 years, Santhanuthalapadu Mandal,
Hindu, Business, Prakasam District.
R/o Santhanuthalapadu, 44. Boddu Srinu,
Prakasam District. S/o not known,
36. Chedella Satyanarayana, Aged about 50 years, Hindu,
S/o Subba Rao, Cultivation,
Aged about 50 years, R/o Chandrapalem,
Hindu,Business, Santhanuthalapadu Mandal,
R/o Santhanuthalapadu, Prakasam District.
Prakasam District.
250 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT nø√ºãs¡T
45. Botla Krishnaiah, 52. Annangi Narasimha Rao,
S/o Raghavulu, S/o not known,
Aged about 70 years, Aged about 65 years, Hindu,
Hindu, Cultivation,
Cultivation, R/o Konaganivaripalem,
R/o Chandrapalem, Santhanuthalapadu Mandal,
Santhanuthalapadu Mandal, Prakasam District.
Prakasam District. 53. Nadendla Mallaiah,
46. Botla Hanumantha Rao, S/o Rathaiah,
S/o Subba Rao, Aged about 50 years, Hindu,
Aged about 40 years, Cultivation,
Hindu, R/o Konaganivaripalem,
Cultivation, Santhanuthalapadu Mandal,
R/o Chandrapalem, Prakasam District.
Santhanuthalapadu Mandal, 54. Marripudi Subba Rao,
Prakasam District. S/o not known,
47. Muvva Venkata Reddy, Aged about 40 years, Hindu,
S/o Chakra Reddy, Cultivation,
Aged about 60 years, Hindu, R/o Konaganivaripalem,
Cultivation, Santhanuthalapadu Mandal,
R/o Bodduvaripalem, Prakasam District.
Santhanuthalapadu Mandal, 55. Kanneboina Venkateswarlu,
Prakasam District. S/o not known,
48. Chaganti Mangamma, Aged about 50 years, Hindu,
W/o Thathi Reddy, Cultivation,
Aged about 60 years, R/o Konaganivaripalem,
Hindu, Santhanuthalapadu Mandal,
House wife, Prakasam District.
R/o Bodduvaripalem, 56. Chunduri venkateswarlu,
Santhanuthalapadu Mandal, S/o Narayana,
Prakasam District. Aged about 65 years, Hindu,
49. Annangi Singaiah, Cultivation,
S/o Narasimha Rao, R/o Konaganivaripalem,
Aged about 45 years, Santhanuthalapadu Mandal,
Hindu, Prakasam District.
Cultivation, 57. Naidu Kondaiah,
R/o Konaganivaripalem, S/o not known,
Santhanuthalapadu Mandal, Aged about 55 years,
Prakasam District. Hindu, Cultivation,
50. Annangi Pitchaiah, R/o Konaganivaripalem,
S/o Narasimha Rao, Santhanuthalapadu Mandal,
Aged about 43 years, Hindu, Prakasam District.
Cultivation, 58. Khaza Hanuvala Reddy,
R/o Konaganivaripalem, S/o not known,
Santhanuthalapadu Mandal, Aged about 55 years, Hindu,
Prakasam District. Cultivation,
51. Annangi Yanadhi, R/o P. Gudipadu,
S/o Narasimha Rao, Santhanuthalapadu Mandal,
Aged about 40 years, Prakasam District.
Hindu, 59. Lankapothu Ratta Reddy,
Cultivation, S/o not known,
R/o Konaganivaripalem, Aged about 60 years, Hindu, Cultivation,
Santhanuthalapadu Mandal, R/o P. Gudipadu,
Prakasam District. SanthanuthalapaduMandal,
Prakasam District.
2010 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT 251
60. Mallela Kotamma,
W/o not known, Dated this the 22nd day of September, 2010.
Aged about 55 years, Hindu,
Cultivation, (Sd.),
R/o P. Gudipadu, Senior Civil Judge,
Santhanuthalapadu Mandal, Chirala.
Prakasam District.
61. Khaza Bala Kotaiah,
S/o not known,
Aged about 60 years, Hindu, CIVIL COURT - ONGOLE
Cultivation, I.P. No. 29/2010
R/o P. Gudipadu,
Santhanuthalapadu Mandal, Between :
Prakasam District.
62. Kilari Subba Rao, Chaluvadi Rama Krishna,
S/o not known, S/o Koteswara RAo,
Aged about 55 years, Hindu, Aged 26 years, Vysya by Caste,
Cultivation, R/o D. No. 23-1-391,
R/o Elurivaripalem, Gandhi Road, Near Floor Mill,
Santhanuthalapadu Mandal, Ongole, Prakasam District.
Prakasam District. -----Petitioner
63. Ennamuri Subbaiah, 1. Gowrisetty Srinivasa Rao,
S/o not known, S/o Tirupathaiah,
Aged about 42 years, Hindu, Aged 38 years,
Hindu, Business, R/o 15/11/91-1,
R/o Santhanuthalapadu Mandal, Ramannapet,
Prakasam District. W arrangal District.
64. Jonnalagadda Venkata Subba Rao, 2. Cherukula Venugopala Krishna Reddy,
S/o not known, S/o Narasimha Reddy,
Aged about 55 years, Hindu, Aged 52 years,
Hindu, R/o C/o Veera Reddy, H. No. 8-69,
Business, Julakallu, Piduguralla Mandal,
R/o Last Line, Guntur District.
Sri Bapuji Market Complex, 3. Challa Rajanikanth,
Ongole. S/o Peda Sathyam,
65. Vemula Rambabu, Hindu, Aged 28 years,
S/o Subrahmanyam, Jangamguntla Village and Post,
Aged about 45 years, Hindu, Cumbum Mandal,
R/o Ganjipalem Chirala, Prakasam District.
Prakasam District. 4. Yarramaneni Rangaiah,
66. Marem Srinivasa Rao, S/o Venkateswarlu,
S/o Koteswara Rao, Hindu, Aged 48 years,
Aged about 42 years, Cultivation,
R/o Santha Bazaar, R/o near Bus stand,
Chirala, Throvagunta Village,
Prakasam District. Ongole Mandal,
----Respondents Prakasam District.
5. Devabathina Aruna,
Notice is hereby given under Section W/o Basavaiah,
19(2) of Provincial Insolvency Act, that the Hindu, Aged 35 years,
petitioner prays to declare that the 1st respon- R/o near Bus stand Centre,
dent as insolvent and vest the petitioner Throvagunta Village,
schedule property to the Official Receiver, Ongole Mandal,
Ongole, for a proper administration and the Prakasam District.
petition stands posted to 27-10-2010. -----Respondents
252 Á|üø±X¯+ õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT nø√ºãs¡T
Notice is hereby given under Section 10
Notice is hereby given under Section 10 of Provincial Insolvency Act that the petitioner
of Provincial Insolvency Act that the petitioner has applied to this Court praying for the adjudi-
has applied to this Court praying for the adjudi- cation of the acts of the Insolvency of the peti-
cation of the acts of the Insolvency of the peti- tioner and pass orders for administration of debts
tioner and pass orders for administration of debts and property of the petitioner by Official
and property of the petitioner by Official Re- Receiver, Ongole and this petition posted to
ceiver, Ongole and this petition posted to 21- 22-10-2010.
Dated this the 14th day of September, 2010.
Dated this the 14th day of September, 2010.
Addl. Senior Civil Judge,
(Sd.), Ongole.
Addl. Seniro Civil Judge,
I.P. No. 32/2010
I.P. No. 30/2010 Between :
Yelchuri Sankaracharyulu
Between : -----Petitioner
Talari Venkata Ramana, And
S/o Adinarayana, 1. Choda Brahmanandam
Aged 27 years, Hindu, Cooly, 2. Mr. Pullaiah
R/o Dathi Village, Dathi Rajeru Mandal, 3. B. Punnaiah
Vijayanagaram District, 4. Smt. K. Vijaya
R/o Chimakurthy Village, 5. M. Sai
-----Petitioner 6. Mr.Venkateswarlu
Vs., 7. Pasupuleti Ranga Rao
1. Nukala Prakasah, 8. Shaik Sydabee
S/o Satyanarayana, 9. Malladi Vijaya
Aged 45 years, Hindu, Business, 10. Boddu Rambabu
R/o Chimakurthy Village and Mandal. 11. Singothu Gangamma
2. Gogineni Mohana Rao, 12. Official Receiver, Ongole.
S/o not known, -----Respondents
Aged 50 years, Hindu,
R/o Chimakurthy Village and Mandal. Notice is hereby given under Section 10
3. Pamidi Sreenu, of Provincial Insolvency Act that the petitioner
S/o Pamidi Subba Rao, has applied to this Court praying for the adjudi-
Aged 50 years, Hindu, cation of the acts of the Insolvency of the peti-
R/o Chimakurthy Village and Mandal. tioner and pass orders for administration of debts
4. Kamarla Sanjeeva Rao, and property of the petitioner by Official
S/o Venkaiah, Receiver, Ongole and this petition posted to
Aged 38 years, Hindu, Business, 26-10-2010.
R/o Chimakurthy Village and Mandal.
5. Shaik Basha, Dated this the 16th day of September, 2010.
S/o Khader,
Aged 40 years, Muslim, Business, (Sd.),
R/o Chimakurthy Village and Mandal. Addl. Senior Civil Judge,
-----Respondents Ongole.

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