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Mills Effect 2014

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The effect of emotional states on learning visual skills


Caroline Elaine Mills

A mini-dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree

MA Research Psychology

in the Department of Psychology at the



SUPERVISOR: Dr Nicoleen Coetzee

March 2014

Table of contents
Chapter 1 ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Introduction to the Study ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 The Problem Statement ........................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Research Aims ........................................................................................................................ 4
1.4 Proposed Structure of the Study.............................................................................................. 6
1.5 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 7
Chapter 2 ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Literature Review.................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Visual Skills ............................................................................................................................ 8
2.2.1 Eye dominance. ............................................................................................................. 10
2.2.2 Visual acuity. ................................................................................................................ 10
2.2.3 Pursuit tracking. ............................................................................................................ 11
2.2.4 Sequencing. ................................................................................................................... 12
2.2.5 Vergence. ...................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.6 Eye-hand coordination. ................................................................................................. 13
2.2.7 Focusing. ....................................................................................................................... 14
2.2.8 Visualisation.................................................................................................................. 15
2.3 Sports Vision Exercises ........................................................................................................ 15
2.3.1 Benefits of sports vision exercises for students. ........................................................... 17
2.3.2 The relationship between visual skills and academic performance. ............................. 19
2.4 Emotional States and Visual Skills ....................................................................................... 21
2.4.1 Anxiety. ......................................................................................................................... 22
2.4.2 Curiosity. ....................................................................................................................... 29
2.5 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 33
Chapter 3 ............................................................................................................................................... 34
Methodology ......................................................................................................................................... 34
3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 34
3.2 Research Design.................................................................................................................... 34
3.3 Validity of Research Design ................................................................................................. 36
3.4 Research Aims and Hypotheses ............................................................................................ 36
3.5 Sample................................................................................................................................... 38

3.5.1 Gender distribution of the participants. ................................................................................ 39

3.5.2 Race distribution of the participants. ............................................................................ 40
3.5.3 Age distribution of the participants. .............................................................................. 41
3.6 Ethical Considerations .......................................................................................................... 41
3.7 Measurement Instruments ..................................................................................................... 42
3.7.1 The State-Trait Personality Inventory (STPI). .............................................................. 42
3.7.2 Visual skills. .................................................................................................................. 46
3.8 Data Collection Procedure .................................................................................................... 48
3.8.1 Pre-test. ......................................................................................................................... 49
3.8.2 Treatment. ..................................................................................................................... 49
3.8.3 Post-test. ........................................................................................................................ 50
3.9 Data Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 50
3.10 Statistical Techniques Used .............................................................................................. 51
3.11 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 51
Chapter 4 ............................................................................................................................................... 52
Results ................................................................................................................................................... 52
4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 52
4.2 Descriptive Statistics ............................................................................................................. 52
4.2.1 Descriptive statistics for anxiety. ......................................................................................... 52
4.2.2 Descriptive statistics for curiosity. ....................................................................................... 53
4.2.3 Descriptive statistics for visual skills. .................................................................................. 54
4.3 Results of Left-Sided/Lower Tailed T-tests ................................................................................ 60
4.4 Results of Correlation Analysis .................................................................................................. 62
4.5 Results of Stepwise Regression Analysis ................................................................................... 65
4.6 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 68
Chapter 5 ............................................................................................................................................... 69
Discussion of Results ............................................................................................................................ 69
5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 69
5.2 Results of the T-tests ................................................................................................................... 69
5.2.1 Focusing. .............................................................................................................................. 69
5.2.2 Tracking. .............................................................................................................................. 71
5.3 Results of the Correlation Analysis ............................................................................................ 72
5.3.1 Focusing and anxiety. .......................................................................................................... 72
5.3.2 Tracking and anxiety. ........................................................................................................... 73

5.3.3 Curiosity and the learning of visual skills. ........................................................................... 74

5.4 Results from Stepwise Regression .............................................................................................. 74
5.4.1 Tracking and anxiety. ........................................................................................................... 75
5.4.2 Vergence and anxiety. .......................................................................................................... 75
5.4.3 Curiosity. .............................................................................................................................. 76
5.5 Limitations of the Research ........................................................................................................ 77
5.6 Recommendations for Future Research ...................................................................................... 77
5.7 Conclusion on the Study ............................................................................................................. 78
References ............................................................................................................................................. 79
Appendix A: Participant Information Form .......................................................................................... 90
Appendix B: Consent Form .................................................................................................................. 92
List of Figures

Figure 2.1 Diagram of the human eye……………………………………….………………..9

Figure 2.2 Relationship between anxiety and visual skills…………………………………..25

Figure 2.3 Relationship between attentional field and fixations towards peripheral

Figure 2.4 Relationship between anxiety and the quiet eye period……………………….…27

Figure 3.1 Gender distribution of the participants…………………………………………..40


List of Tables

Table 3.1: Gender distribution of the participants………………………………………...….39

Table 3.2: Race distribution of the participants…………………………….…….………….40

Table 3.3: Age distribution of the participants………………………………….……………41

Table 3.4: Means, standard deviations and alpha coefficients calculated for the STPI….…44

Table 3.5: Results from correlation analysis conducted to determine test-retest reliability of
the visual skills tests conducted……………………………………………………………...48

Table 4.1: Descriptive statistics for anxiety in week 1 and week 12………………….….….53

Table 4.2: Descriptive statistics for curiosity in week 1 and week 12…………………........53

Table 4.3: Visual acuity measurements and their corresponding percentages……………....54

Table 4.4: Descriptive statistics for Visual Acuity Left in week 1 and week 12…………... 55

Table 4.5: Descriptive statistics for Visual Acuity Right in week 1 and week 12………..... 55

Table 4:6: Descriptive statistics for Visual Acuity Both in week 1 and week 12……….…..56

Table 4.7: Descriptive statistics for eye dominance in week 1 and week 12…………….… 56

Table 4.8: Descriptive statistics for focusing in week 1 and week 12………………….….. 57

Table 4.9: Descriptive statistics for tracking in week 1 and week 12……………….…….. 57

Table 4.10: Descriptive statistics for eye-hand coordination in week 1 and week 12….…. 58

Table 4.11: Descriptive statistics for visualisation in week 1 and week 12……………...... 58

Table 4.12: Descriptive statistics for vergence in week 1 and week 12……………….……59

Table 4.13: Descriptive statistics for sequencing in week 1 and week 12…………………..59

Table 4.14: Results from t-tests on paired variables: Focusing (week 1) & focusing (week 12)
and tracking (week 1) & tracking (week 12)………………………………………………. 61

Table 4.15: Results from t-test on paired variables: Vergence (week 1) & vergence (week

Table 4.16: Anxiety and focusing, and anxiety and tracking……………………….………..64

Table 4.17: Anxiety and vergence…………………………………………………….……..65

Table 4.18: Tracking and vergence…………………………………………………………..67


Chapter 1

Introduction to the Study

1.1 Introduction

One of the most important senses in the human body is vision, which is the primary source
of processing external information. Adequate visual skills are necessary for tasks such as reading
and writing (Du Toit et al., 2011).

The visual skills that are most often researched and worked on within sporting environments
and performance contexts are eye dominance, visual acuity, pursuit tracking, vergence (the ability
to retain binocular vision while crossing and uncrossing the eyes), eye-hand coordination,
sequencing, focusing and visualisation (Du Toit et al., 2011). These visual skills interact with one
another and work together to bring about optimal vision (Du Toit et al., 2011). These visual skills
are normally developed by providing sports vision exercises (Du Toit et al., 2006). These exercises
are performance-oriented vision care programmes which involve the enhancement, protection,
correction, evaluation and education of an athlete’s vision. Sports vision exercises are administered
to athletes to improve their performance by improving their visual skills (Du Toit, Krüger & Neves,

It is believed that sports vision exercises help athletes, since an athlete’s visual performance
is a significant element of excellence in sport. In addition, because many sporting activities are
hindered by poor vision, it is of vital importance for athletes to receive training that includes sports
vision exercises in order to excel in their sport (Du Toit, Van Vuuren, Van Heerden & De Wet,
2006). It has been shown in certain studies that sports vision training does improve visual skills in
athletes. For example, Wilson and Falkel (2004) reported that sports vision exercises enhance eye
movement efficiency and elicit a beneficial psychological response, while Du Toit, Krüger,
Chamane, Campher and Crafford (2009) established that sports vision training does enhance
performance and gives athletes an advantage over their rivals.

Athletes, however, are just one of the groups that can benefit from sports vision exercises.
Administering sports vision exercises to a non-athlete population such as students may have
significant benefits if the students’ visual skills could be improved, as these skills are a necessary

component of academic achievement (Du Toit, Krüger, Chamane, Campher & Crafford, 2009). It is
widely recognised that the ability to read and write competently plays a central role in academic
achievement. Students require optimal vision to be able to read and write efficiently. Efficiency in
reading and writing enables students to effectively look through a large amount of literature to find
the appropriate information to use in assignments. This makes it possible to comply with certain
academic requirements, and the prescribed study material can be learned more quickly. All of this
will in turn improve academic achievement (Du Toit et al., 2011). Improving students’ visual skills
may lead to an increase in their cognitive performance and learning, both of which are vital for
academic performance (Du Toit et al., 2009).

A study conducted by Maples (2003) revealed that inefficient visual skills negatively affect
a student’s learning, and that if the visual skills of students are improved it is possible that academic
scores and performance may increase as well. It is possible that improving visual skills could make
an important contribution to solving the problem of academic under-achievement (Maples, 2003).
At present, however, students do not receive visual skills training. This is because a learning
institution such as a university or school is geared towards educating students and preparing them
for future careers. Apart from administering or encouraging eye tests resulting in corrective care,
learning institutions do not focus on improving visual skills.

Another problem with teaching visual skills to students is related to the fact that students’
ability to learn such skills may be impacted upon by various emotional states (Janelle, 2002).
Before one can determine whether sports vision exercises can enhance a student’s academic
performance by improving his/her visual skills, one needs to account for factors such as emotional
states that may impact on the learning of such skills. As such, it is reasonable to propose a
connection between emotional states and the learning of visual skills. Research (Janelle, 2002;
Henderson & Wilson, 1991) has indicated that anxiety and curiosity are the two emotional states
which in particular may have an impact on the learning of visual skills. Janelle (2002) has noted
that anxiety decreases a person’s ability to learn visual skills whereas curiosity increases an
individual’s ability to learn visual skills (Henderson & Wilson, 1991).

Anxiety is a negative emotional state which interferes with the learning of visual skills. This
is because increased anxiety can trigger physical problems such as the tightening of the body’s
muscles, which in turn causes fatigue (Potgieter, 2003). Anxiety also causes feelings of panic,
confusion, dizziness and depression, and can reduce a person’s tolerance of setbacks, pain and
discomfort, and cause a person to give up more easily than when not anxious (Potgieter, 2003). A

further effect of anxiety is to reduce visual skills (Janelle, 2002). This is because an increase in
anxiety causes a narrowing in attentional focus. When attention narrows beyond an optimal point it
produces a tunneling effect, and as a result some relevant cues are eliminated, which causes a
decline or deterioration in performance (Easterbrook, 1959). Anxiety also affects attentional
processes by causing the person to focus his/her attention internally rather than externally. The
individual becomes preoccupied with his/her own negative feelings and thoughts instead of
concentrating on the task at hand (Potgieter, 2003).

Curiosity, which has an inverse correlation with anxiety (Voss & Keller, 1983), has been
linked to intelligence. It is thought that people who display marked curiosity are more intelligent
(Henderson & Wilson, 1991). Because of this link, it is proposed that the presence of curiosity
would facilitate the learning of visual skills (Henderson & Wilson, 1991). People who display high
curiosity are expected to show a greater improvement in their visual skills, as higher curiosity may
result in the increased use of visual search strategies and more exploratory visual behaviour
(Daffner, Scinto, Weintraub, Guinessey & Mesulam, 1992).

1.2 The Problem Statement

It is widely recognised that, within an educational setting, individual students exhibit

different degrees of learning potential in relation to different tasks (Maples, 2003). If a non-athlete
population such as students could also receive the same benefit that athletes get from sports vision
exercises, then these students would have a method of improving their visual skills, and in turn
improving their academic performance. This is so because in most cases visual skills are a vital
component of academic achievement. In addition, Du Toit et al. (2011) have demonstrated that
adequate visual skills are necessary for reading and writing, which are fundamental components of

Before one can establish whether sports vision exercises can improve a student’s academic
performance by enhancing his/her visual skills, one must take into account the presence of
emotional states such as anxiety and curiosity. It was previously indicated that both these emotional
states have an impact on the learning of visual skills. Since little research has been conducted on the
relationship between the learning of visual skills and the presence of these two emotional states,

one needs to determine the extent of the effect that anxiety and curiosity will have on the learning
of visual skills.

Previous studies have examined the positive impact that sports vision exercises have on the
visual skills of adults and children with visual defects (Hazel, 1995). However, there are very few
studies which focus on the effect that sports vision exercises have on non-athletes with corrected to
normal or normal vision (Du Toit et al., 2011). In addition, little is known about the effect that
anxiety and curiosity may have on the learning of visual skills. As there has been no extensive
research done on the effect that anxiety and curiosity may have on visual skills and the learning
thereof, this study is exploratory in nature and could open up a new avenue of exploration into
visual skills and sports vision exercises, and how to effectively administer these exercises. This
exploratory research will add to the existing body of knowledge which emphasises the link between
curiosity and intelligence. This study will also attempt to establish a link between curiosity and an
increased ability to learn visual skills, and anxiety and a decreased ability to learn visual skills, after
receiving sports vision exercises.

Although academic performance will not be measured, the results of the research may be
used in future studies to implement programmes into the University curriculum which could
provide visual skills training. Further research could follow to determine how to optimally deliver
visual skills training to students.

1.3 Research Aims

The primary aim of this study was to determine whether anxiety and curiosity have an
impact on a student’s ability to learn visual skills directly after receiving sports vision exercises for
12 weeks.

To determine whether there are relationships between anxiety, curiosity and visual skills,
and what the extent of these relationships is, the following secondary aims were formulated:

 To determine whether sports vision exercises improve the visual skills of second-year
physiology students at the tertiary institution.

In order to measure this particular aim, the following hypotheses were set:

H0: There is no relationship between sports vision exercises and the improvement of
visual skills among second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

H1: There is a statistically significant relationship between sports vision exercises

and the improvement of visual skills among second-year physiology students at the
tertiary institution.

 To determine whether anxiety influences the learning of visual skills after receiving
sports vision exercises.

In order to measure this particular aim, the following hypotheses were set:

H0: There is no relationship between anxiety and the learning of visual skills among
second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

H1: There is a statistically significant relationship between anxiety and the learning
of visual skills among second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

H0: Anxiety is not a significant predictor of the learning of visual skills among
second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

H1: Anxiety is a significant predictor of the learning of visual skills among second-
year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

 To determine whether curiosity influences the learning of visual skills after receiving
sports vision exercises.

In order to measure this particular aim, the following hypotheses were set:

H0: There is no relationship between curiosity and the learning of visual skills
among second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

H1: There is a statistically significant relationship between curiosity and the learning
of visual skills among second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

H0: Curiosity is not a significant predictor of the learning of visual skills among
second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

H1: Curiosity is a significant predictor of the learning of visual skills among second-
year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

1.4 Proposed Structure of the Study

Chapter 1 introduced the study and the key concepts under investigation. Following this, the
problem statement and research aims were discussed.

In chapter 2, all the constructs under investigation were defined and discussed in full. The
way in which the constructs relate to one another was indicated, and the reasons for studying these
particular sets of constructs were provided.

The emphasis in chapter 3 was on describing the research design chosen for the study, and
the reasons for choosing it were given. The sampling method and the sample (an in-depth
description of the individuals in the sample) were discussed in detail. Brief discussions were also
presented on the measures used for data collection and the data collection process, as well as the
type of statistics used to analyse the data.

In chapter 4, the statistical processes used to analyse the data were discussed in greater
depth. In addition, the findings of the research were stated. This chapter consists of the statistical
output derived from data collected from the research participants.

Chapter 5 discusses the results with reference to the literature as presented in chapter 2. The
limitations of the present study are discussed, and recommendations for future research are made. A
conclusion on the results of the study is also provided. Each chapter will be ended off with a

1.5 Conclusion

Good visual skills are essential components in achieving educational, economic and social
success and independence (Marshall, Meetz & Harmon, 2010). A need has been identified to
determine whether the visual skills of students can be improved through sports vision exercises, and
whether the potential benefits derived from these sports vision exercises could be influenced by
emotional states such as anxiety and curiosity.

The following chapter presents an overview of the past and current literature on the
constructs of visual skills, sports vision exercises, anxiety and curiosity. The potential influence of
anxiety and curiosity on visual skills is explored, and the efficacy of sports vision exercises in
improving visual skills is discussed.

Chapter 2

Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

Vision plays an extremely important role in our everyday lives and adequate visual skills are
necessary for tasks such as reading and writing (Du Toit et al., 2011). Visual exploration is
propelled by two key factors, namely our own individual intentions and interests, and the stimuli
within our environment (Risko, Anderson, Lanthier & Kingstone, 2012). Stress and anxiety are
unavoidable elements of everyday life, and may negatively affect visual skills (Janelle, 2002).
Curiosity, on the other hand, could positively impact visual skills (Daffner et al., 1992) because
higher curiosity may result in more visual exploration, increased use of visual search strategies and
more exploratory visual behaviour.

Certain visual skills can be improved by sports vision exercises, which may lead to an
improvement in cognitive and motor performance as well as enhancing learning abilities in an
academic environment (Du Toit et al., 2011). In this chapter, visual skills and what these skills
entail are discussed. A description of sports vision exercises and the efficacy of these exercises are
then provided. A discussion of emotional states is presented, centering particularly on what the
constructs of anxiety and curiosity are, and the interaction between emotional states and visual
skills. In addition, what the literature reveals concerning anxiety and visual skills and curiosity and
visual skills will be explored. Individual differences in eye movements and how these may relate to
curiosity are discussed. In addition, a discussion is presented on the link between curiosity and
intelligence in an individual, as well as the more recently discovered molecular link between
curiosity and intelligence. Finally, the effect of vision on academic performance is discussed.

2.2 Visual Skills

The eye is an organ that reacts to light for numerous purposes. The human eye is a
conscious sense organ and allows vision. Cone and rod cells in the retina permit vision and
conscious light perception, including depth perception and colour differentiation. The eye can

distinguish approximately 10 million colours (Judd & Wyszecki, 1975). The optic nerve is the part
of the human eye that transmits visual information from the eyes to the brain. The optic nerve is
located at the back of the eye, and is composed of approximately one million thread-like nerve
fibres which originate from the retina (Schuster, 2005).

Figure 2.1 Diagram of the human eye (Passer et al., 2009).

Vision refers to the process whereby light is reflected from various objects present in our
environment and transformed into a mental picture (Molia, Rubin & Kohn, 1998). The relationship
between vision and visual skills can be described as follows: good vision includes much more than
just being able to see clearly without using glasses or contact lenses. Good vision involves not only
visual acuity, or clearness of sight (the sharpness of vision that is measured by an eye chart test),
but also includes many other important visual skills such as how well a person can coordinate his or
her eyes at close range, as required for reading, how successfully he/she can follow a line of print or
sentence without losing his/her place, how effectively an individual can adjust focus changes from
far to near distances, and how efficiently a person can make sense of and understand what they see.
Visual skills can be divided into two types, which are both equally important (Buys, 2002). The
first type of visual skill is related to the optometric properties and physical differences in sight that
are involved in vision. The second type of visual skill involves the greater use of the pathways
involved in the integration and analysis of visual information, as well as the planning and execution
of a motor response (Buys, 2002). Visual pathways comprise pathways that transmit visual

information from the retina to the brain (Berg, Tymoczko & Stryer, 2002). The visual skills that are
most often researched and worked on within sporting environments and performance contexts are
eye dominance, visual acuity, pursuit tracking, vergence (the ability to retain binocular vision while
crossing and uncrossing the eyes), eye-hand coordination, sequencing, focusing and visualisation
(Du Toit et al., 2011).

2.2.1 Eye dominance.

Eye dominance refers to the fact that one eye processes and transmits information more
rapidly than the other eye (Du Toit et al., 2011). The world is viewed by us through two, laterally
separated eyes, and for the majority of people the images from the two eyes are blended into a
collective binocular view. With both eyes open, people who have normal binocular vision have no
awareness that one eye is contributing more to the collective binocular view (Yang, Blake &
McDonald, 2010). Only when normal binocular vision is disturbed is a person liable to favour one
eye over the other. Nevertheless, when tested in a laboratory or clinic, individuals with normal
binocular vision act as if they have a dominant or favoured eye (Yang et al., 2010). The notion of
eye dominance is firmly established in the clinical literature and provides the foundation for a
variety of clinical decisions, which include contact lens wear, cataract surgery and monovision
treatment (Westin, Wick & Harrist, 2000). With monovision treatment, a person wears a contact
lens on one eye to correct distance vision, and on the other eye the individual will wear a contact
lens to correct near vision. The contact lens that is used for distance vision is normally worn on the
dominant eye. At present, both the basis and the importance of eye dominance, be it sensory or
motor, are poorly understood. Since it appears that eye dominance is not determined by a more
accurate or reliable input from one eye, or more effective cortical processing of input from the other
eye, there remains the prospect that its basis can be found in the nature of the interaction which
takes place between the eyes when both eyes are operating together, as is the situation in every-day
viewing (Li et al., 2010).

2.2.2 Visual acuity.

Another visual skill, visual acuity, is an approximation of the visual system’s ability to
resolve or determine fine details. Visual acuity approximations are recorded and measured by

assessing and quantifying the ability of the eye to recognise and resolve letters of varying shapes
and sizes. This approximation is a vital component or element in the battery of tests that are
performed to determine a patient’s adequacy of optical correction and refractive error; these tests
also serve as a principal indicator of ocular health status (Chen, Norazman & Buari, 2012). Optical
correction refers to the use of contact lenses or eyeglasses to correct refractive errors by refocusing
light rays on the retina in order to compensate for or counteract the shape of the eye. Refractive
error refers to an error in the focusing of light by the human eye, and is a common reason for
decreased visual acuity. Ocular health status refers to the health status of the eye and its organ
system. Various types of visual acuity test charts are available, such as the conventional Snellen
chart. This chart is based on surrounding lighting, perception, visual cues, contrast, interaction and
different pattern designs. The visual acuity chart assesses the visual system’s minimum angle of
resolution, which is the smallest target estimate that a person is capable of resolving or determining
(Chen et al., 2012). Dynamic visual acuity is commonly defined as the capability of the visual
system to determine detail when there is movement between the observer and the target (Erickson
et al., 2011). Static visual acuity refers to the ability to clearly see a static object, thereby enabling
the discrimination and identification of an object at a certain distance (Du Toit et al., 2011).

2.2.3 Pursuit tracking.

Pursuit tracking refers to the capability of a person’s eyes to follow a certain object through
space (Du Toit et al., 2011). There are two forms of pursuit eye tracking, specifically, visual
fixation and smooth pursuit tracking. Gaze is maintained on a stationary target during visual
fixation (Gooding, Miller & Kwapil, 2000). Both visual fixation and smooth pursuit eye tracking
are measures of the pursuit tracking subsystem, and saccades disturb the overall quality of these
two measures. In smooth pursuit eye tracking, a person’s eyes visually follow a target that is
moving slowly by matching inhibiting saccades and the velocity of the target (Leigh & Zee, 1991).
Abnormal smooth pursuit tracking is often characterised by an increased amplitude and/or
frequency of intrusive saccadic movements, which results in gaze deviation. Saccadic eye
movements are the jump or rapid movement of the eyes (Du Toit et al., 2011). Both visual fixation
and smooth pursuit eye tracking abnormalities have been suggested as possible markers of a
schizophrenia diathesis. Diathesis refers specifically to a genetic predisposition toward a diseased
or abnormal condition, or more broadly to a vulnerability which arises from early childhood
development (Gooding et al., 2000).

Saccadic eye movements move the fovea quickly to a peripheral auditory or visual target,
while smooth pursuit eye movements retain the image near the fovea of a moving target that is
focused on. The fovea (see figure 2.1) refers to a part of the eye that is responsible for foveal vision,
or sharp central vision, which is essential in humans for driving, watching television, reading or any
other activity in which visual detail is of central importance (Grossberg, Srihasam & Bullock,
2012). Tracking a moving stimulus or target usually involves a period of smooth pursuit with an
ensuing catch-up saccade, which results in the person’s eye being brought close to the position of
the stimulus or target (Lisberger, 1998).

2.2.4 Sequencing.

Sequencing is the ability to arrange visual information (Du Toit et al., 2011). As the visual
system has restricted computational resources, it is essential to limit detailed processing to
particular aspects of the input. Consequently, people alternate saccades, or rapid eye jumps, from an
area of input to another area of fixation, while the information is acquired. This selection process is
a vital mechanism that is driven by different areas of the brain (Veneri et al., 2011). Sequencing,
cognitive set maintenance, cognitive set shifting, concept formation and planning are cognitive
abilities that are associated with the executive functions of the brain (Lezak, 1983). Executive
function refers to the ability of a person to retain an appropriate problem-solving set in order to
attain a future goal. Executive functioning includes behaviours such as flexibility of action and
thought, organised searching, set maintenance, inhibition of dominant but irrelevant responses,
impulse control and planning (Ozonoff, Pennington & Rogers, 1991).

One of the psychological assessment measures that can be used to measure sequencing
ability is the Picture Arrangement (PA) subtest, which forms a part of the Wechsler Adult
Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) (Wechsler, 1981). The WAIS-R contains 10 items and
measures executive function, assessing goal-directed thought and sequencing ability. In the Picture
Arrangement Task, the person is given cards which describe a part of a story. The cards are given to
the person in a standardised and incorrect sequence, and the person is required to arrange the cards
provided in the correct sequence, and within a specific time interval, which may vary between one
and two minutes (Wechsler, 1981).

2.2.5 Vergence.

As mentioned in 1.1 and 2.2, the ability to retain binocular vision (ability to retain visual
focus on a target or object with both eyes, thus creating a single visual image) while crossing as
well as uncrossing the eyes is referred to as vergence (Du Toit et al., 2011). Vergence has a short
latency (delayed transmission) and is, by definition, binocular. Vergence refers to the differences
found in the positions of both eyes. This type of eye movement is assumed to be brought about by
binocularly processed visual skills and is sensitive to binocular disparity. Binocular disparity refers
to the slight difference that exists in the positions of both retinal images that stems from the slight
difference in the viewpoints of both eyes (Masson, Yang & Miles, 2002). With regard to vergence,
binocular disparity is a sufficient stimulus to generate the response (Busettini, FitzGibbon & Miles,

Vergence rotates a person’s eyes in opposite directions in order to allow for bifoveal
fixation. These eye movements are frequently classified into four subtypes. Accommodative
vergence refers to the vergence system’s response to blur-driven accommodation. Proximal
vergence indicates the vergence response to the observed or perceived nearness of a target. Tonic
vergence refers to the angle of vergence that is present in the absence of visual stimuli, and
disparity vergence is directed or driven by retinal disparity (McDaniel & Fogt, 2010).
Retinal/binocular disparity refers to the difference that exists between the visual images perceived
by each eye, due to the different angles at which the world is viewed by each eye. Retinal/binocular
disparity is vital for depth perception. Each eye receives a marginally different image or
perspective. However, two separate images are not seen by the individual. The images overlap or
intersect at the centre, and these images are combined by the brain into one seamless view
(McDaniel & Fogt, 2010).

2.2.6 Eye-hand coordination.

Eye-hand coordination involves the brain’s ability to receive and examine visual
information and then react to this information with coordinated motor movements of the hand (Du
Toit et al., 2011). Eye-hand coordination refers to the coordinated control of hand movement with
eye movement, and the procedure that is followed to process visual input in order to guide grasping
and reaching, accompanied by the utilisation of proprioception of a person’s hands in order to guide

the eyes (Rand & Stelmach, 2010). Proprioception refers to an individual’s sense of the position of
their body parts relative to the rest of their body. Simply put, eye-hand coordination is the
coordination of hand movements and vision in order to execute a task. Manual aiming movements
necessitate the highly integrated coordination of hand and eye movements and the sensorimotor
processing of on-going target location and hand movements (Rand & Stelmach, 2010). The current
theory explaining sensorimotor transformation for reaching towards a target suggests that the target
location is stored and perceived within an eye-centred context or frame of reference. The eye-
centred frame of the target locations is re-mapped each time the eyes move or shift to a new target
(Henriques, Klier, Smith, Lowy & Crawford, 1998). The eye-centred frame seems to be
predominant and to be utilised even when the position of the target for which one is reaching is
perceived by a sensory modality other than vision, for example, audition. Consequently, a sequence
of sensorimotor transformations is believed to occur from the eye-centred frame to the hand-
centred, body-centred and head-centred frames for reaching (Pouget, Ducom, Torri & Bavelier,
2002). For a specific hand movement towards a target to take place, different spatial dimensions of
the target location, such as distance and direction, have to be processed (Rand & Stelmach, 2010).

2.2.7 Focusing.

Focusing refers to bringing one’s eyes into a state such that an object is brought into focus,
allowing the observer to clearly see what the object is. The act of focusing involves adapting one’s
eyes to the current level of light until one is able to see clearly (Erickson et al., 2011). People with
normal vision have the ability to use both eyes together, and each eye independently, to quickly
bring a target of visual interest into clear and sharp focus. This act is performed rapidly and
subconsciously, and places no strain on the normal visual system. In both children and adults with
eye focusing problems, the visual system and eyes do not focus properly. Frequently the blurred
image can be brought into focus by intense concentration, but this places a large amount of stress
on the visual system (Erickson et al., 2011). Focusing is also referred to as accommodation, or
accommodative function (Griffin, 1982). Symptoms of accommodative dysfunction (focusing
problems) are normally associated with close work activities and reading, and include avoidance of
near activities, loss of concentration, tired eyes, burning or watering of the eyes, headaches and
blurred vision during close work activities (Scheiman et al., 2011).

Attentional focusing refers to the capability to adjust or alter the size of attentional focus
that is directed towards an object in the visual space. Attentional focusing is separate from
orienting. Attentional focusing can occur without orienting, whereas orienting can simultaneously
activate attentional focusing. Orienting refers to the capability to shift the attentional focus in visual
space. The processing mechanisms of attentional focusing and orienting of visuo-spatial attention
are used independently in visual search tasks, subject to the task demands (Fu, Caggiano,
Greenwood & Parasuraman, 2005).

2.2.8 Visualisation.

Visualisation refers to a mental image that is comparable or similar to a visual image or

visual perception. Visualising implies that one positively and actively accesses a visual target to
make it visual or visible (Okamoto, 2006).

Salience detection is a primary mechanism through which visual attention is facilitated.

Salience refers to the quality or state of an object that stands out in relation to other neighbouring
objects. A good visualisation directs the observer’s attention towards the relevant aspects of the
visual image and representation. Consequently, the spread of salience over a visualisation image
comprises a vital measure of the quality and merit of the visualisation (Janicke & Chen, 2010).

2.3 Sports Vision Exercises

Sports vision exercises relate to visual skills in that sports vision exercises are used as a
technique to improve an athlete’s visual skills. These sports vision exercises are administered to
athletes to improve their performance and give them a competitive edge (Du Toit et al., 2011). In
the sports industry, an array of visual training techniques and procedures exist to enhance and
improve an athlete’s performance. Sport has become a multifaceted science which utilises
technology to study several aspects of sport that have gone unnoticed or been overlooked thus far.
An athlete’s visual performance is a significant predictor of excellence in sport, as many sporting
activities are hindered by poor vision (Du Toit et al., 2007a).

Motor skill instruction teaches people fundamental motor skills. These motor skills help
individuals to manipulate their environment, control their bodies, and form complex movement
patterns and skills that are involved in recreational activities and sports (Goodway, Crowe & Ward,
2003). Motor skill instruction has benefited from an area of sports science research which focuses
on sports vision (Knudson & Kluka, 1997). Sports vision is a region of study that combines
neuroanatomy, sports psychology, biomechanics, motor learning and vision science as they
correlate with visual or perceptual motor performance. When planning daily practice sessions,
sports vision exercises can be incorporated into the regular practice sessions and activities of
athletes (Knudson & Kluka, 1997).

Sports vision is not confined to the visual system; it is also relies on a network of different
systems, such as the skeletal muscles, the somatic and central nervous systems and the brain.
Together, this network operates to maintain visual concentration, short-term memory, visual
anticipation, depth perception, peripheral awareness and hand-eye coordination (Thompson, Dilda
& Creem-Regehr, 2007). These aspects are necessary for total sports vision, and are the focus in
many sports vision exercises. Under-development in any of these areas significantly affects sports
vision and consequently sports performance will be negatively affected (Du Toit et al., 2006).

The aim of sports vision exercises is to exercise the visual coordination of the athlete, and to
help the athlete to gain knowledge of the necessary motor responses, which includes what the eyes
instruct the body to do, and how the body should react in response to a certain visual stimulus.
There are numerous aspects that should be explored when training and developing an athlete for
participation in sport. An important ability that sportsmen require, particularly those that play team
sports, is awareness, or peripheral vision. This form of vision permits athletes to be aware of their
surrounding environment and what is happening in it, without actually looking around (Du Toit et
al., 2007b).

A fundamental component of sports vision exercises is to load or stress the visual

proprioceptive, visual motor and visual systems to better prepare an athlete for competition (Wilson
& Falkel, 2004). “Visual proprioceptive” refers to visual information concerning an individual’s
own body movements relative to the environment. Proprioception describes information which
typically arises from peripheral mechanoreceptors which play a role in joint stability, joint position
sense, the conscious sensation of movement and postural control. A mechanoreceptor refers to a
sensory receptor which responds to mechanical distortion or pressure. Proprioception plays a
fundamental role in motor performance and sensorimotor integration (Brindle, Mizelle,

Lebiedowska & Miller, Stanhope, 2009), and involves coordinating inputs to create awareness of a
person’s own movement and body position in space. In this case, the focus is on integrating
perceptual (particularly visual) information which specifies body movement with kinesthetic and/or
proprioceptive information for such movement. Visual input is integrated with proprioceptive and
kinesthetic information to create an awareness of body position (Schmuckler, 1995).

Sports vision exercises are performance oriented, complete vision care programmes which
involve the enhancement, protection, correction, evaluation and education of an athlete’s vision.
Developments in this field of sports vision have emphasised areas that can possibly improve visual
performance, namely: training to improve the visual skills that are essential for athletic excellence,
and evaluation and screening of athletes for certain visual skills that are related to their sport and
vision (pursuits, saccades and peripheral awareness) (Du Toit et al., 2009). Three basic assumptions
of sports vision training are that i) athletes have superior visual skills compared to non-athletes, ii)
visual abilities are trainable and iii) the training of these visual abilities can be transferred to the
athlete’s performance. It is possible for the visual system to be trained to respond more rapidly to
certain stimuli by utilising specific techniques and exercises (Du Toit et al., 2006).

The potential benefits that sports vision exercises have for athletes relates to the fact that an
athlete’s visual performance is a significant element of excellence in sport, and because many
sporting activities are hindered by poor vision, it is of vital importance for athletes to have training
that includes these sports vision exercises in order to excel at their sport. Under-developed visual
skills may significantly affect sports vision and consequently have a negative effect on sports
performance (Du Toit et al., 2006).

2.3.1 Benefits of sports vision exercises for students.

Sports vision exercises are used as a technique to enhance an athlete’s performance, and
have been shown to take athletes to the next level of competition. Sports vision exercises are safe
and have beneficial effects on athletes. These sports vision exercises enhance eye movement
efficiency and elicit a beneficial psychological response (Wilson & Falkel, 2004). There are,
however, some sceptics who question whether sports vision exercises improve vision. In a study
conducted by Abernethy and Wood (2001) on young participants undertaking visual training to
determine the efficacy of two generalised visual training programmes in improving motor and
visual performance for racquet sports, no evidence was found to support the claim that visual

training programmes led to advancements in motor performance or vision, above and beyond the
improvements which were a result of test familiarity. According to Abernethy and Wood (2001),
the fundamental failure of the visual training programmes is that they endeavour to train basic and
general visual factors, and it is recommended that generalised visual training programmes be
utilised with caution. However, this study was conducted in 2001, and since then it has been
established that sports vision training does enhance performance and gives athletes an advantage
over their rivals (Du Toit et al., 2009).

Regarding sports vision assessment in athletes, Du Toit et al. (2009) assert that sportsmen
will have an immense advantage over their competitors owing to improvements in their visual skills
as a result of sports vision training programmes. These training programmes can help to improve
and train an athlete’s hand-eye coordination, visual coordination and anticipation, and increase
focus and concentration. The study conducted by Du Toit et al. (2009) used a sample size of 48. It
is proposed that these principles could be applied in similar assessments of non-athletes, and the
visual system could be trained to respond faster to specific stimuli by making use of certain
exercises and techniques. Du Toit et al. (2009) recommend that further studies conducted on this
topic should use a larger sample size to evaluate visual skills more extensively. As a result of this
suggestion, sports vision training has been broadened to incorporate other target populations where
it is known that sport vision exercises could benefit the population.

Reed-Jones, Dorgo, Hitchings and Bader (2012) conducted a study to investigate the
efficacy of agility and visual training for mobility and balance in senior adults living independent in
the community when implemented in conjunction with the basic physical activity that is
recommended for older adults. Flexibility, cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength only
account for a portion of a person’s ability to avoid falls that result from contact with an obstacle.
Visual information concerning an obstacle and self-motion play a large role in the ability to avoid
obstacles successfully, and visual training can be incorporated into agility and fall prevention
training programmes. The results of this study imply that obstacle avoidance is improved by visual
training above and beyond the gains that are observed with fitness training alone. While agility
training may enhance older adults’ reflexes as well as their ability to perform rapid body
movements that enable effective balance control, visual training may enhance processing of visual
information related to obstacle avoidance, attention and visual processing (Reed-Jones et al., 2012).

According to Herman and Retish (1989), another group of people that could benefit from
visual training are students. These researchers believe that successful visual training could help
students to develop efficient and mature movement patterns. The effect that vision therapy has on
several deficient visual dysfunctions has been investigated by numerous researchers. Hoffman and
Rouse (1987) and Suchoff and Petito (1986) indicate that substantial improvement in binocular
vision, accommodation, efficiency and eye movement can be attained through vision therapy
programmes. These studies support the effectiveness of vision therapy for several competencies that
play a part in an efficient visual system. This has been applied in non-athlete populations where
studies show that the correct treatment can improve and enhance perceptual skills, and this
improvement positively affects mathematics and reading achievement (Herman & Retish, 1989).
Herman and Retish’s (1989) findings thus demonstrate that vision exercises may have significant
benefits for students. The visual skills discussed in 2.2.1 to 2.2.8 could be improved by training
students using sports vision exercises, which would lead to an improvement in learning abilities,
and cognitive and motor performance. This improvement in learning and cognitive abilities is
significant for students since they are both vital components of academic performance (Du Toit et
al., 2009). Despite the known benefits of visual skills training, students unfortunately do not receive
it. In 2.3.2, an elaborate discussion will be provided to show that visual skills are a necessary
component of academic achievement.

2.3.2 The relationship between visual skills and academic performance.

A study conducted by Maples (2003) revealed that inefficient visual skills negatively affect
a student’s learning, and that if the visual skills of students are improved it is possible that academic
scores and performance may improve as well. In earlier research, Maples (2001) established the
importance of visual skills in predicting academic performance. The symptoms associated with
deficient visual skills can be measured and vision can be modified using optometric techniques
(Maples, 2003). It is possible that improving visual skills could make an important contribution to
solving the problem of academic under-achievement and could thereby significantly improve
academic performance (Maples, 2003). Good visual skills are essential components in achieving
educational, economic and social success as well as independence (Marshall, et al., 2010). If a
person has any visual impairments which are undetected and are therefore not corrected, this could
increase the potential for academic dropout and poor academic performance (Marshall, et al., 2010).

Although in general the literature supports the belief that a deficit in visual efficiency skills
may have a negative influence on school performance, this topic remains the subject of much
controversy. The reason for this controversy is that, because their research has yielded conflicting
results, some of the researchers in this area disagree on whether a deficit in visual efficiency skills
negatively influences school performance. Due to the lack of adequate data concerning the possible
influence that visual deficits may have on an individual’s performance in assessments of higher
level visual-information processing, Goldstand, Koslowe and Parush (2005) decided to conduct a
study to address the problem. Their study compared visual-information processing and visual skills
among children with and without mild academic and reading problems and examined the
occurrence of visual deficits among these children. Their results showed that visual function
differentiates significantly between children with and without mild academic problems. Significant
differences were also discovered in visual-perceptual scores for the two groups. These researchers’
findings strongly suggest that when basic visual skills are not functioning optimally, reading ability
and overall academic functioning are negatively influenced.

Visual impairments, however, are not the only visual aspect that may influence academic
performance. Kavale (1982) discovered that visual perception is an important correlate of reading
achievement or accomplishment. He further noted that reading achievement is an excellent
predictor of reading performance in school. Another important discovery with regard to the
relationship between visual skills and performance was made by Schneck (2001). He determined
that visual-information processing, which consists of visual-motor integration and visual
perception, plays a significant role in certain facets of academic performance (Schneck, 2001).
Kavale (1982) and Schnek’s (2001) notions were later confirmed by the research findings of
Goldstand et al. (2005). These researchers compared children without academic and reading
problems to children with mild academic and reading problems. The two groups were compared
with one another regarding their visual skills and ability to process visual information. The results
showed significant differences between the two groups with regard to academic problems and their
ability to visually process information. These researchers’ findings strongly suggest that when the
basic visual skills are not functioning optimally, this may have implications for reading ability and
overall academic functioning.

In yet another study conducted by Chen, Bleything and Lim (2011), it was learned that
children who achieve average and above-average academic results showed a visual performance
profile that is different from that of children with low academic achievement. The former also had a

better pass rate on visual tests measuring visual-analysis skills and visual-spatial/visual-motor
integration (the ability of a person to coordinate what he/she sees with his/her body movements,
such as, controlling a pencil to form precise strokes), ocular motor balance (which involves the eye
muscles working together to ensure that the eyes are coordinated and balanced, to bring about
optimal vision) and visual acuity (referred to in 2.2.2). These researchers concluded that it is more
likely that children with low academic achievement will exhibit problems in visual-motor
integration, ocular motor balance, visual acuity and most elements of visual analysis skills. These
findings support the idea that visual performance is central to learning and is therefore of primary
concern in academic achievement (Chen et al., 2011). Moore (1996) was therefore correct when he
stated that “vision is our most important sense for learning, memory, and interacting with our
environment” (p. 16).

When considering the effect of vision training programmes on an individual’s visual skills,
one must keep in mind the potential effect that emotional states such as anxiety and curiosity may
have on the learning of these visual skills. This is an important consideration as anxiety (Maples,
2003) and curiosity (Saab et al., 2009) have been identified as potentially having the biggest
influence on the learning of visual skills.

2.4 Emotional States and Visual Skills

Emotions are one of the most pervasive and central aspects of human experience. People
experience a broad range of emotions, ranging from the satisfaction of completing a simple task, to
the grief that is experienced when a loved one passes away (Ortony, Clore & Collins, 1988).
Emotions are widely considered to be states of action readiness, which supports the idea that one of
the main functions of emotion is to prepare a person for action (Schupp, Junghofer, Weike &
Hamm, 2003).

Emotional states can include a state of unhappiness, which is a state that is characterised by
emotions which range from mild discontentment through to deep grief, or a state of embarrassment
or happiness. Emotional states can be split into two bipolar continuums: arousal (low versus high)
and valence (negative versus positive). Arousal is a psychological and physiological state of being
reactive to stimuli or being awake. It includes the activation of the endocrine system, the autonomic
nervous system and the reticular activating system found in the brain stem, leading to increased

blood pressure and heart rate, and a condition of mobility, sensory alertness and readiness to
respond (Lapidus & Schmolling, 1975). Valence refers to the dislike or aversion (negative valence)
or attractiveness (positive valence) associated with a situation, object or event. The emotions of fear
and anger have negative valence, whereas joy has positive valence (Dunn & Schweitzer, 2005).
Inducing particular arousal and valence states can influence the way individuals process and store
information (Brunyé, Mahoney, Augustyn & Taylor, 2009). As a result, it is believed that
emotional states could play a large role in several situations which require a person to execute
complex spatial tasks. An example is a soldier attempting to plan a mission in a degraded and
remote environment, or a paramedic trying to navigate to the location of an emergency. The
emotional states evoked by a person’s circumstances and tasks may affect their ability to think and
learn about environments and consequently execute complex spatial tasks (Brunyé et al., 2009).
The two examples provided above, which concern emotional states and spatial tasks, provide an
illustration of how emotional states can interfere with the execution of certain activities on a
broader level, and with this in mind we can focus our attention on how emotional states can
interfere with the learning of visual skills.

Examples of emotional states are anxiety, curiosity, anger, depression, happiness, disgust,
fearfulness, sadness, and surprise. As was mentioned in 2.3.2, emotional states can impact on visual
skills either positively or negatively. The emotional states of anxiety and curiosity have been
identified as potentially having the biggest influence on the learning of visual skills. It is
hypothesised that anxiety will negatively impact on the learning of visual skills, whereas curiosity
will positively impact on the learning of visual skills. Since anxiety and curiosity are the emotional
states that will be monitored within the context of the present study, an in-depth discussion will
follow on each of these constructs and how they relate to visual skills.

2.4.1 Anxiety.

Anxiety can be considered to be a part and potential result of stress, characterised by a

situation of conditioned activation in which feelings and thoughts of uncertainty, concern and worry
dominate (Woodman & Hardy, 2001). According to Martens, Burton, Vealey, Bump and Smith
(1990), anxiety consists of two components. The first component is a cognitive component which
refers to the person’s thoughts. Cognitive anxiety refers to the mental component of anxiety which
is caused by negative self-evaluation or negative expectations concerning success. Cognitive

anxiety is characterised by unpleasant visual imagery, negative self-talk and worry. Examples of the
cognitive component of anxiety are concerns, worries and negative thoughts. The second
component of anxiety is the somatic component which refers to physiological arousal symptoms.
Examples of these symptoms are palpitations, increased heart rate, perspiration, churning of the
stomach, tension, dry mouth, clammy hands, etcetera (Powell & Enright, 1990; Rowan & Eayrs,
1987). Anxiety can be additionally divided into state and trait dimensions (Martens et al., 1990). State anxiety.

State anxiety is context-specific and relatively transient (Martens et al., 1990). State anxiety
is a transitory emotion which is characterised by consciously perceived feelings of tension, dread
and apprehension and physiological arousal (Spielberger, 1966). State anxiety refers to the intensity
of subjective feelings of worry, nervousness, apprehension and tension at a specific time, with the
associated arousal or activation of the autonomic nervous system. When conducting a
psychological test to measure an individual’s state anxiety, such as the State-Trait Personality
Inventory (STPI), respondents are asked to report the intensity of the anxiety they are feeling right
at that particular moment (Spielberger & Reheiser, 2009). Trait anxiety.

Spielberger (1966) refers to trait anxiety as a person’s predisposition to respond anxiously

to any type of situation. Martens et al. (1990) describe trait anxiety as general, enduring and
dispositional. Trait anxiety is defined as relatively stable individual differences relating to how
prone people are to experience anxiety. This proneness to anxiety is reflected in the incidence of
previously manifested anxiety states, and the likelihood that feelings of state anxiety will be
experienced by the person in the future (Spielberger & Reheiser, 2009). As is the case with state
anxiety, the STPI also has a subscale that measures trait anxiety. When conducting the STPI,
respondents are asked to report how they generally feel by assessing the frequency with which the
anxiety-related symptoms, cognitions and feelings are experienced (Spielberger & Reheiser, 2009).
24 Anxiety and visual skills.

Visual attention (the restriction of visual processing to a single item at a time) plays a
critical role in sporting expertise (Janelle, 2002). Visual attention is an essential visual skill that can
be taught to athlete and non-athlete populations through sports vision exercises. For athlete and
non-athlete populations, it is vital to be able to restrict your visual processing to one item at a time
in order to focus and concentrate on certain items in the environment. According to Potgieter
(2003), visual attention is interlinked with a process known as visual search strategy. Visual search
strategy involves the practice of locating a target item among other distractor items in a visual
environment that is often cluttered (Williams & Elliott, 1999).

Emerging evidence reveals that when people are anxious, gaze behaviour tendencies are
consistently altered, leading to ineffective and inefficient visual search strategies (Janelle, 2002).
Visual search strategies are therefore negatively affected by anxiety (Janelle, 2002). According to
Boot, Becic and Kramer (2009), this could be attributed to the fact that when a person is anxious,
limitations are experienced regarding the cognitive and physical processing of information related
to the location of a target. As a result of these limitations, attention that is required for focus is
diverted to irrelevant scenes. In addition to the difficulty people who are anxious experience with
focusing on a specific target, it has been discovered that individuals become more distractible under
conditions of high anxiety and are, yet again, inclined to focus on potentially irrelevant or
threatening cues (Eubank, Collins & Smith, 2000). In order to understand these processes,
researchers have investigated the mechanisms underlying attentional variability, which is believed
to be the result of increasing anxiety (Janelle, 2002).

Attentional variability refers to the attention-related changes that take place when
differences occur in emotional states such as anxiety. When a person experiences anxiety, the
changes that occur in his/her attention levels result in impaired performance. Once changes in
attention levels take place, certain attentional mechanisms are affected. Because of this, information
that is task-relevant might be ignored while information that is task-irrelevant is attended to
(Janelle, 2002). Janelle, Singer and Williams (1999) conducted research to 1) determine how shifts
in attentional parameters may be affected by changes in arousal and anxiety, and 2) to examine
attentional narrowing and distraction in a dual-task motor racing simulation. Students were
randomly assigned to one of six groups: central anxiety, central control, relevant anxiety, relevant
control, distraction anxiety and distraction control. A driving task was performed by those in central

conditions while the other four groups had to identify peripheral lights as well as drive the vehicle
used as part of the study. Irrelevant peripheral lights were incorporated into the distraction
conditions. Participants in the groups experiencing anxiety-inducing conditions were subjected to
increasing levels of anxiety by means of a time-to-event paradigm (a process of testing an athlete
48 hours, then 24 hours, then two hours and lastly five minutes before the start of a competition).
Measures of performance, visual search patterns, arousal and cognitive anxiety were recorded. With
greater levels of anxiety, the identification of peripheral lights became less accurate and slower, and
significant reductions in performance occurred in peripheral and central tasks. Furthermore, in the
distraction anxiety group, visual search patterns were found to be more eccentric. In sum, it was
found that as arousal and anxiety increased, the response time needed to identify the presence of
relevant cues also increased. Results indicated that drivers who were extremely anxious
experienced an altered capacity to acquire peripheral information and cues at the perceptual level
(Janelle et al., 1999).

The investigations conducted by Janelle et al. (1999), Murray and Janelle (2003) and
Williams and Elliott (1999) revealed that attentional narrowing occurs as a result of anxiety and is
exhibited by a reduction in variability in the visual search patterns. When anxiety increases,
important information which is available exclusively in the peripheral visual field might not be
detected (Janelle et al., 1999; Murray & Janelle, 2003; Williams & Elliott, 1999).

One can therefore conclude that when people are experiencing anxiety, their ability to
perform certain visual tasks deteriorates, and the higher the level of anxiety experienced, the more
the person’s visual ability deteriorates. When anxiety increases, information present in the visual
field might be missed or overlooked. Thus, anxiety has a negative effect on a person’s visual skills,
and on their ability to pick up on certain cues or focus on specific targets in their visual field. Figure
2.2 illustrates the negative relationship between anxiety and visual skills. From the graph it can be
seen that as anxiety increases, visual skills decrease.


1 2 3 4 5

Visual skills

Figure 2.2 Relationship between anxiety and visual skills

In addition, the ability to pinpoint peripheral stimuli is compromised as the attentional field
narrows, resulting in an escalation of fixations towards peripheral locations (Janelle et al., 1999).
Figure 2.3 illustrates the positive relationship between narrowing attentional field and fixations
towards peripheral locations. From the graph it can be seen that as the narrowing of the attentional
field increases, fixations towards peripheral locations also increase.

Relationship between narrowing attentional field and

fixations towards peripheral locations

Narrowing of
attentional 3

0 1 2 3 4

Fixations towards peripheral locations

Figure 2.3 Relationship between attentional field and fixations towards peripheral locations

The results of an experiment conducted by Behan and Wilson (2008) revealed that the quiet
eye period, which refers to a specific visuomotor strategy (Vickers, 1996), is susceptible to
increases in anxiety. Visuomotor relates to connections between motor and visual processes, and
concerns motor activity that is dependent on or involves sight. Quiet eye can be described as the
tracking gaze or final fixation directed to a single object or location in the visuomotor workspace
that is within (or less than) three degrees of visual angle for a minimum of 100 milliseconds. With
the quiet eye there is an onset that happens before the final movement has taken place in the motor
task, and an offset that happens when the tracking or fixation deviates off the target (location or
object) by more than three degrees of visual angle for a period longer than 100 milliseconds
(Vickers, Rodrigues & Edworthy, 2000). Figure 2.4 illustrates the negative relationship between
anxiety and the quiet eye period. The graph shows that as anxiety increases, there is a decrease in
the duration of the quiet eye period.


0 1 2 3 4

Duration of the quiet eye period

Figure 2.4 Relationship between anxiety and the quiet eye period

Behan and Wilson (2008) discovered that pressure manipulation alters gaze behaviour. In
addition, decreases in the duration of the quiet eye period become apparent under high anxiety. In
their experiment, under conditions of raised cognitive anxiety, optimum visual orientation was
altered, as was indicated by changes in the duration of the quiet eye period. It is suggested that the
precursors of cognitive anxiety are those factors within the competitive environment that affect an
athlete’s expectation of success. Cognitive anxiety occurs whenever an athlete’s expectations of
success become negative, which explains why athletes often begin worrying several days before a
competition. Cognitive anxiety is strongly and consistently related to performance. There is a
negative relationship between cognitive anxiety and performance; an increase in cognitive anxiety
results in a decline in performance (Burton, 1988). The change in visual orientation caused by an
increase in anxiety may lead to inferior performance on a specific task at hand that requires visual
skills and visual ability in order to succeed and perform the task effectively (Behan & Wilson,

Since it has been established that when people’s anxiety levels increase, their visual search
strategies become ineffective, one can conclude that anxiety would also have a negative impact on
the learning of visual skills. Visual search strategies would also be negatively affected by anxiety.

This is because when a person is anxious they become more distractible and turn their attention to
irrelevant cues in their environment instead of focusing on essential items in their visual field.

2.4.2 Curiosity.

Curiosity, which bears an inverse relationship to anxiety (Voss & Keller, 1983), is defined
by Loewenstein (1994) as a desire to gain new sensory experience and knowledge that motivates
exploratory behaviour. Curiosity frequently contributes to successful adaptation to stimuli in the
environment and effective personal adjustment (Spielberger & Reheiser, 2009). This is so because
curiosity is considered to be a resilience factor (Beardslee, 1989). Resilience is a buffering factor
which operates as a protective mechanism and which consists of constitutional and environmental
factors; it is the ability to restore equilibrium and adapt to one’s environment. Resilience is
composed of curiosity, self-esteem, self-discipline, self-confidence and control over one’s
environment (Beardslee, 1989). Curiosity is a desire to know, an intellectual need. Silvia (2008)
states that curiosity propels individuals towards discovery and inquiry. Curiosity is closely related
to interest, another emotional state that encourages an intrinsic desire to explore and learn (Silvia,
2008). Curiosity has both personality and situational aspects to it (Spielberger and Reheiser, 2009). Trait curiosity.

The personality aspect of curiosity is referred to as trait curiosity (Voss & Keller, 1983).
According to Spielberger and Reheiser (2009), trait curiosity refers to individual differences in
curiosity that are relatively stable personality traits. When a psychological test to measure a
person’s trait curiosity is conducted, such as the State-Trait Curiosity Inventory (STCI),
respondents are asked to give an account of how they feel at a specific moment. A person with high
levels of trait curiosity feels curious more often and experiences higher levels of intensity than a
person who is low in trait curiosity (Spielberger & Reheiser, 2009). State curiosity.

The importance of a situation relates to state curiosity, or curiosity as a motivational state

(Voss & Keller, 1983). According to Spielberger and Reheiser (2009), state curiosity refers to

curiosity as a transitory emotional state. When conducting the STPI, respondents are asked to give
an account of how they generally feel. High levels of state curiosity reveal an intense desire to
understand, explore and seek out new characteristics of the environment (Spielberger & Reheiser,
2009). Curiosity and individual differences in eye movements.

Individual differences in eye movements are important because they are related to trait
curiosity. Trait curiosity is associated with individual differences in curiosity that are relatively
stable personality traits (Spielberger & Reheiser, 2009). It is therefore possible to establish an
association between individual differences in curiosity and individual differences in eye
movements. People with high levels of trait curiosity feel curious more often, and may therefore
also experience increased eye movements in order to explore their surrounding environment. This
may relate to visual skills as people who are higher in trait curiosity and have increased eye
movements may benefit more from sports vision exercises and may therefore have better visual
skills than people lower in trait curiosity and who have fewer eye movements.

As mentioned previously, one of the principal means by which we collect information

concerning our environment is by moving our eyes. Visual exploration is propelled by two key
factors: our own individual intentions and interests, and the stimuli within our environment.
Research examining these two features of attentional guidance has concentrated almost exclusively
on factors that are common across people. The study by Risko et al. (2012) followed a different
approach, and investigated the role that individual differences in personality play. The study
conducted by Risko et al. (2012) investigated whether individual differences in the way people
explore real-world views or scenes correlate with the occurrence of trait curiosity. The findings of
the study by Risko et al. (2012) revealed that trait curiosity is a reliable and robust predictor of a
person’s eye movement behaviour in scene-viewing. The results reveal that “who a person is, is
related to how they move their eyes” (p. 86). Risko et al.’s finding that the perceptual curiosity of
an individual predicts the extent to which they will explore various scenes provides strong support
for the idea that a person’s characteristics are associated with the way the eyes are moved.

In one of the early studies of individual differences in eye movements conducted by Noton
and Stark (1971), it was discovered that people are inclined to show distinctive patterns of eye

movements while viewing the same line drawings of various objects. However, there seemed to be
insufficient consistency within an individual when viewing different images. As a result, Noton and
Stark (1971) came to the conclusion that an “explanation in terms of eye movement habits
independent of the pattern viewed was rejected’ (p. 940). This lack of verification for stimulus-
independent differences in individuals in looking patterns is in contrast with recent work.
Particularly, studies conducted by Andrews and Coppola (1999), Rayner, Li, Williams, Cave and
Well (2007) and Castelhano and Henderson (2008) have discovered that both the frequency and the
size of saccades within and across several tasks, co-varied considerably within individuals.
Saccades are small jerky and rapid movements of the eye, particularly as the eyes jump from one
specific point to another, for example when one is reading. Furthermore, it was uncovered by
Underwood, Foulsham and Humphrey (2009) that across two different scenes, a person’s scan
pattern was more alike than one would have expected it to be by chance. Altogether, these results
reveal stable stimulus-independent individual differences in eye movement behaviour (Risko et al.,

In line with the recent discoveries discussed in, it is evident that there are differences
between people in their eye movement behaviour, which lend support to the idea that trait curiosity
has an influence on eye movements, and thus on visual skills. A person who displays high levels of
trait curiosity may have better visual skills as a result of the increased eye movements they use to
explore their surrounding environment, and may have a better ability to learn visual skills, thus
benefiting more from sports vision exercises. Curiosity and visual skills.

The experience of curiosity can be thought of as a positive emotional vital sign. The reason
for this is that curiosity could be perceived as a motivator of exploratory behaviour that frequently
contributes to successful adaptation to stimuli in the environment. This often results in effective
personal adjustment to the person’s environment. Although the above is widely acknowledged,
little research has been conducted on the evaluation of curiosity (Spielberger & Reheiser, 2009).

Some of the research that has been conducted on the evaluation of curiosity has investigated
the relationship between curiosity and eye movements in patients suffering from Alzheimer’s
disease. A clinical study of Alzheimer’s disease conducted by Daffner et al. (1992) suggests that

some patients display significantly diminished curiosity early on in the course of the illness. These
behavioural changes are particularly difficult to measure experimentally, and were therefore
determined by assessing the exploratory eye movements that occur in response to inconsistent and
challenging visual stimuli. It was discovered that the participants from the control group spent
considerably more time viewing inconsistent stimuli, but the Alzheimer’s patients spent
considerably less time examining the novel stimuli, and displayed diminished visual exploration.
Daffner et al. (1992) concluded that diminished curiosity in Alzheimer’s patients could be
determined by studying exploratory eye movements. This study demonstrates that curiosity does
have an effect on vision and can be measured.

In light of the above findings it is concluded that visual exploration and the way people
move their eyes are related to curiosity. It is further postulated that higher curiosity levels would
result in more visual exploration, increased use of visual search strategies and more exploratory
visual behaviour. This relates to visual skills in that higher curiosity levels may facilitate better
visual skills. This can be achieved through increased visual search strategies and the motivation to
explore the environment, which may in turn also facilitate the learning of visual skills. The link between curiosity and intelligence.

It is commonly believed that curiosity and intelligence go together (Henderson & Wilson,
1991). The more powerful the motive of curiosity is in an individual, the greater the motivation will
be to acquire skills, habits, techniques and concepts to satisfy this motive. Some people require a
higher level of stimulation input to enable optimal intellectual functioning, whereas others favour a
relatively low level of input (Saklofske & Zeidner, 1995). The idea that intelligence is influenced
by curiosity coincides with theories which propose that responses to novelty in the environment
could be a source of developmental continuity in intelligence, beginning in infancy and continuing
through adulthood (Saklofske & Zeidner, 1995). Earlier research conducted by Gottfried, Gottfried,
Bathurst and Guerin (1994) found that gifted adolescents and children have higher levels of
curiosity when compared to a control group. In another study conducted by Cahill-Solis and
Witryol (1994), it was noted that novelty preference in children is related to elevated achievement
scores in second grade and fifth grade learners. The recent discovery of a molecular link between
curiosity and intelligence demonstrates that the notion of a relationship between the two constructs
is correct (Saab et al., 2009). The discovery was made after Saab et al. (2009) investigated the way

in which two proteins interact in the dentate gyrus. The latter is associated with spatial navigation
and long-term memory. During the study, the researchers increased the ability of brain cells to
change the way in which they communicate with each other, which gave the mice used in the
experiment superior memory in complicated tasks and a substantial increase in the display of
exploratory behaviour. Since behavioural exploration is perceived to be an indicator of curiosity
(Raine, Reynolds, Venables & Mednick, 2002), one can conclude that Saab et al. (2009) increased
the mice’s levels of curiosity. In addition, it was found that some of the brain regions and molecules
that control memory and learning also control curiosity. Saab et al. (2009) concluded that when
curiosity levels are increased, intelligence is enhanced. They also noted that the inverse also
occurred, that if intelligent behaviour is displayed, an increase in curiosity levels is observed.

Since it has been established that there is a link between curiosity and intelligence, one
could assume that higher levels of curiosity and intelligence would result in increased visual skills
and an increased ability to learn these visual skills. The basis for this conclusion is that because
intellectual behaviours such as reading, manipulating and questioning the environment are
successful behavioural methods for gratifying an individual’s curiosity, it follows that a curious
person would be more prone to develop these skills to increase intelligence and general knowledge,
and thus more likely to develop their visual skills, as vision is the primary way through which we
gather information concerning our environment.

2.5 Conclusion

It has been shown that there are relationships between visuals skills and anxiety and
curiosity. It now remains to be determined whether these relationships will manifest when visual
skills are taught to students and whether they have an impact on a student’s ability to learn these
visual skills.

In the next chapter, the research design used in the present study will be discussed in detail,
as well as the validity of the research design. The research aims and hypotheses will be mentioned
again. The sample and the sampling method will be discussed in detail, as well as any ethical
considerations that may have arisen during the study. Discussions will be presented on the
measures used for data collection and the data collection process. The type of statistics that were
used to analyse the data will also be mentioned.

Chapter 3


3.1 Introduction

This chapter outlines the research process utilised to investigate whether sports vision
exercises improve the visual skills of students, and whether anxiety and curiosity influence the
learning of visual skills after receiving sports vision exercises. The research design, validity of the
research design, research aims and hypotheses, sample, ethical considerations, measurement
instruments, data collection procedure, data analysis and the statistical techniques used are explored
in this chapter.

3.2 Research Design

For the purposes of this study, a quantitative research methodology was used. Quantitative
research focuses on finding relationships between variables and aims to maximise internal validity.
Avoiding false negative or false positive conclusions regarding causal hypotheses is the core of
internal validity (Shadish, Cook & Campbell, 2001). Quantitative research also concentrates on the
average behaviour of individuals in a population (Whitley, 2002).

A quasi-experiment was conducted to collect data on visual skills and the effects of sports
vision exercises on these visual skills. In a quasi-experiment, pre-test observations of the
participants are made, after which the treatment is administered to the participants. After the
treatment, post-test observations are again made of the participants (Whitley, 2002). The specific
type of quasi-experiment used in this study is the interrupted time series quasi-experimental design.
In the interrupted time series design, a single-case approach is used whereby a baseline period is
followed by an intervention or treatment which interrupts the baseline. This in turn is followed by a
period of post-treatment observations (Whitley, 2002). The information regarding the students’
visual skills was gathered by administering the visual skills tests discussed in section 3.7.2.

Quasi-experimental research designs make use of various kinds of quasi-experiments which

aim to establish causality between a specific intervention and outcome. Quasi-experiments also

attempt to attain naturalism in settings through the manipulation of an independent variable within a
natural setting. In addition, existing groups of people are utilised as the participants (Reichardt,
2009). There are several types of quasi-experimental designs, one of which is the within-subjects
design with a pre-test and post-test. This was the design of choice for the present study. Within the
context of the design, pre-test observations are made for the participants. The treatment is then
administered to these participants. Afterwards, post-test observations are made for these
participants (Reichardt, 2009).

The major advantage of this interrupted time series quasi-experimental design is the use of
pre- and post-test measurements. By using a pre-test, the researcher is able to establish a baseline
against which the effects of the treatment can be assessed (Whitley, 2002). By acquiring pre-test
measurements of the sample of participants, the researcher is able to evaluate the preliminary
comparability of the participants in terms of the dependent variable and related confounds that may

A quasi-experimental design is also useful when it is not ethical or logistically feasible to

perform a randomised controlled experiment or trial, and is often used to assess the benefits of
particular interventions (Harris et al., 2006). A quasi-experimental design allows competing threats
to validity to be ruled out, and often hypotheses worthy of further exploration are suggested (Cook
& Campbell, 1979).

With a quasi-experiment, the possibility that there may be alternative explanations for the
results must be taken into consideration. In addition, the nature of quasi-experiments is that this
design cannot establish causality with certainty. However, there are two steps that can be followed
to increase the researcher’s confidence that the independent variable did cause the difference.
Replication is the first step: the more often we can replicate an effect under different circumstances,
the more probable it is that the causal agent was the independent variable. The second step is to
have several naturally occurring groups of participants to measure (Whitley, 2002).

An interrupted time series design quasi-experiment that is well designed, and controls for
extraneous variables throughout the duration of the quasi-experiment, attrition rates and participant
self-selection into the research, is likely to produce a result that is similar to that of a true
experiment and to result in similar conclusions concerning the hypotheses being tested (Whitley,
2002). Attrition refers to the failure of participants to complete a study, or a situation where

participants drop out of or withdraw from a study while it is being conducted. If these
characteristics are associated with the dependent variable under investigation, one cannot be certain
that any differences uncovered between the pre- and post-test are a result of the effects of the
independent variable, rather than from differences in participant characteristics (Whitley, 2002).

3.3 Validity of Research Design

Construct validity is crucial since a quasi-experimental design has been chosen. Specifying
the populations of settings, persons and times to which a particular relationship applies can help to
clarify construct validity issues (Cook & Campbell, 1979). Construct validity in the context of a
quasi-experimental design is concerned with the adequacy of operational definitions. Construct
validity deals with whether the procedures used to concretely represent the hypothetical constructs
under investigation, have in fact correctly represented those constructs (Whitley, 2002). Avoiding
false negative or false positive conclusions regarding causal hypotheses is at the core of internal
validity (Cook & Campbell, 1979). The research study has addressed issues of confounding
variables by using students from the same university and the same degree programme. In addition,
a laboratory environment was used. This helps to control for confounding variables such as a
different environment, or inconsistency among respondents or testers. The large sample size also
increases the internal validity of the study (Cook & Campbell, 1979).

3.4 Research Aims and Hypotheses

As was noted in 1.3, the primary aim of this study was to determine whether anxiety and
curiosity have an impact on a student’s ability to learn visual skills directly after receiving sports
vision exercises for 12 weeks.

To determine whether there are relationships between anxiety, curiosity and visual skills,
and what the extent of these relationships is, the following secondary aims were formulated:

 To determine whether sports vision exercises improve the visual skills of second-year
physiology students at a tertiary institution.

In order to measure this particular aim, the following hypotheses were set:

H0: There is no relationship between sports vision exercises and the improvement of
visual skills among second-year physiology students at a tertiary institution.

H1: There is a statistically significant relationship between sports vision exercises

and the improvement of visual skills among second-year physiology students at a
tertiary institution.

 To determine whether anxiety influences the learning of visual skills after receiving
sports vision exercises.

In order to measure this particular aim, the following hypotheses were set:

H0: There is no relationship between anxiety and the learning of visual skills among
second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

H0: Anxiety is not a significant predictor of the learning of visual skills among
second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

H1: There is a statistically significant relationship between anxiety and the learning
of visual skills among second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

H1: Anxiety is a significant predictor of the learning of visual skills among second-
year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

 To determine whether curiosity influences the learning of visual skills after receiving
sports vision exercises.

In order to measure this particular aim, the following hypotheses were set:

H0: There is no relationship between curiosity and the learning of visual skills
among second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

H0: Curiosity is not a significant predictor of the learning of visual skills among
second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

H1: There is a statistically significant relationship between curiosity and the learning
of visual skills among second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

H1: Curiosity is a significant predictor of the learning of visual skills among second-
year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

3.5 Sample

For the purposes of the present study, a convenience sample consisting of second-year
physiology students from a tertiary institution was chosen and these students were targeted for
participation. Convenience sampling is a non-probability sampling method in which the participants
are members of a certain group of people that the researcher considers it convenient to draw a
sample from, or from which the researcher considers it convenient to collect the data (Özdemira, St.
Louis & Topbas, 2011). Convenience samples are usually an inexpensive means of data collection
and are easy to acquire (Whitley, 2002).

The sample consisted of second-year physiology students who were enrolled at a South
African based tertiary institution at the time of the study. The physiology students who were
second-year students in 2012 formed the group of participants that were sampled from. The
treatment consisted of the presentation of sports vision training.

The participants received 12 weeks of sports vision training in the form of exercises. The
sample size consisted of 204 second-year physiology students. The sample composition for this
group comprised both genders, various races and ages ranging from 18 to 37 years of age.

The tertiary institution and participating second-year physiology university students were
chosen on the basis of ease of access to research facilities and participants. In addition, these
participants also formed part of a study conducted by the Physiology Department. The researcher
collaborated with the students’ lecturers and members of the Physiology Department in order to
promote participation for the present study.

Eye-hand coordination tests were performed before the study commenced to make sure that
none of the participants had substantially superior visual skill levels before testing. The eye-hand
coordination test consisted of the alternative hand wall toss, in which the participants were
requested to stand and face a wall while remaining behind a restraining line that was two metres in
length, and hold a ball in their right hand. Following this, the ball was tossed against the wall using
an under-arm movement and then caught with the left hand. The ball was then tossed using the left
hand and caught using the right hand. This alternative hand wall toss was repeated and the total
amount of successful catches that occurred in 30 seconds was noted.

3.5.1 Gender distribution of the participants.

The gender distribution of the participants is displayed in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1

Gender distribution of the participants

Frequency Percentage Cumulative Cumulative

frequency percentage

Male 47 23.38 47 23.38

Female 154 76.62 201 100.00

Frequency missing = 3

It is evident that the group of participants consisted of more females (76.62%) than males.
Graphically, the gender distribution can be displayed as follows:



40 Percentage

Male Female

Figure 3.1 Gender distribution of the participants

3.5.2 Race distribution of the participants.

The race distribution of the participants is displayed in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2

Race distribution of the participants

Frequency Percentage Cumulative Cumulative

frequency percentage

Black 56 28.28 56 28.28

Coloured 3 1.52 59 29.80

Indian 7 3.54 66 33.33

Asian 4 2.02 70 35.35

White 128 64.65 198 100.00

Frequency missing = 6

It is evident that the participants consisted of more white students (64.65%) than students from the
other race groups.

3.5.3 Age distribution of the participants.

The age distribution of the participants is displayed in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3

Age distribution of the participants

Age Frequency Percentage Cumulative Cumulative

frequency percentage

18 5 2.53 5 2.53

19 65 32.83 70 35.35

20 77 38.89 147 74.24

21 34 17.17 181 91.41

22 6 3.03 187 94.44

23 4 2.02 191 96.46

24 4 2.02 195 98.48

30 1 0.51 196 98.99

36 1 0.51 197 99.49

37 1 0.51 198 100.00

Frequency missing = 6

It is evident that the majority of the participants were either 19 (32.83%) or 20 (38.89%) years old.

3.6 Ethical Considerations

Permission to conduct the study was obtained from the Research Committee of the Faculty
of Humanities and all the relevant ethical committees situated at the tertiary institution. The ethical
rights of the participants were respected throughout the study. All of the participants received a
package that consisted of participant information and informed consent forms. These documents
notified them of the purpose, aim and duration of the study. An explanation of procedures to be

followed and of whether any of the procedures involved risk or discomfort was also included. The
participants were also informed that their participation in the study was voluntary (see Appendix
A). The participants were required to complete an informed consent form, which was signed by the
participant, the investigator and a witness. They were also informed that they could withdraw from
the study at any stage without any prejudice against them (see Appendix B) (Whitley, 2002). The
participants were assured that their identity and the information provided by them would be kept
confidential and would be anonymously processed into a research report. The participants’ identity
was kept confidential by providing them with respondent numbers instead of using their names or
student numbers. No deception was used in the study as there was no need to do so (Whitley,
2002). If the participants had any questions on matters which had not been fully explained, they
were encouraged to ask the investigator, whose contact details were provided.

3.7 Measurement Instruments

Measurement involves the sets of procedures utilised to allocate numbers to quantify

variables. A measurement instrument in a research setting is a device that is used to measure the
variables under investigation (Anastasi, 1986). Research measures are also utilised to provide
information concerning the mean scores of various groups of people so as to compare groups of
individuals on a construct or determine relationships between constructs (Whitley, 2002). Two
measurement instruments were selected for data collection in the current study.

3.7.1 The State-Trait Personality Inventory (STPI).

The researcher measured anxiety and curiosity by using the STPI. The STPI was chosen
because it seems to be the only instrument that measures anxiety and curiosity simultaneously.

The STPI is a self-administered questionnaire, and the responses are measured by means of
a self-report technique. A self-report technique involves respondents’ recording their responses in
accordance with the questions they read on a questionnaire that a researcher provides them with.
These self-report measures can be utilised as a technique for measuring constructs that would
otherwise be challenging to obtain with physiological or behavioural measures (Whitley, 2002).

The STPI consists of 80-items which are divided into eight 10-item scales that are used to
measure anxiety, curiosity, depression and anger as personality traits and emotional states
(Spielberger, Ritterband, Sydeman, Reheiser & Unger, 1995). The wording of each item that is
used in the questionnaire to assess state curiosity, depression, anger and anxiety reflects the
different levels of intensity of these emotional states. It was considered important when developing
the STPI to discard items describing psychosomatic symptoms, which may be the result of medical
conditions such as heart disease or physical injury (Spielberger & Reheiser, 2009). The STPI can be
easily and swiftly administered and scored in order to measure anger, anxiety, curiosity and
depression (Spielberger & Reheiser, 2009).

The STPI has been used expansively with diverse patient populations, as well as with
normal adults and adolescents. The administration instructions are easy to follow and brief and the
procedures for scoring are objective and fairly uninfluenced by examiner bias. This inventory yields
results that contribute to diagnosis, outcome assessment and treatment planning, and has excellent
psychometric properties (Spielberger & Reheiser, 2009). The reliability and validity of the STPI are
discussed in and

The respondents selected one answer from the response options provided for each of the 80
questions. The response options for State (page 1 of the questionnaire) are as follows: Not at all (1),
Somewhat (2), Moderately So (3) and Very Much So (4). The response options for Trait (page 2 of
the questionnaire) are as follows: Almost Never (1), Sometimes (2), Often (3) and Almost Always

The unit of measurement for this study during the analysis was a computed average score
for anxiety and curiosity. No distinction will therefore be drawn between state and trait anxiety or
state and trait curiosity. An average score for anxiety and curiosity was developed because the
researcher did not consider it important to examine the distinction between the situation-specific
(state) emotional states, and emotional states that are characteristic of the person (trait), and to
determine how these influence visual skills. The researcher was interested instead in how anxiety
and curiosity overall, thus as a combination of states and traits, influenced the learning of visual
skills. Two new variables were thus derived for the data, namely ANXST and CURST.
44 Reliability of the STPI.

Spielberger, Ritterband, Reheiser and Brunner (2003) have performed much research on the
STPI with the purpose of establishing its reliability. The information relating to the reliability of the
STPI as was documented in the Preliminary Manual for the State-Trait Personality Inventory is
illustrated in Table 3.4 (Spielberger et al., 2003).

Table 3.4

Means, standard deviations and alpha coefficients calculated for the STPI (Source: Coetzee, 2005;
Spielberger et al., 2003)

Age 18-22 23-32 33+

Gender Female Male Female Male Female Male

N 180 112 189 138 129 128

Trait anxiety:

Mean 19.40 19.13 17.99 18.08 17.98 16.27

SD 5.33 4.73 5.03 4.77 5.45 4.70

Alpha coeff 0.92 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.92 0.88

State anxiety:

Mean 18.42 18.80 18.64 18.68 18.17 16.89

SD 6.26 5.65 6.84 5.49 5.75 5.57

Alpha coeff 0.93 0.91 0.94 0.91 0.93 0.92

Trait curiosity:

Mean 27.59 26.72 29.00 28.50 28.86 30.45


SD 5.16 5.29 5.79 5.12 5.73 5.64

Alpha coeff 0.96 0.96 0.95 0.96 0.95 0.93

State curiosity:

Mean 25.54 25.01 26.36 27.44 27.59 29.30

SD 6.51 6.34 6.59 6.30 6.73 6.23

Alpha coeff 0.94 0.94 0.92 0.94 0.93 0.91

In the following section, a discussion will be presented on the research results reported with regard
to the validity of the STPI. Validity of the STPI.

Spielberger et al. (2003) conducted a significant amount of research with large sample sizes in
order to demonstrate that the instrument is valid. Spielberger et al. (2003) reported in the
Preliminary Manual for the State-Trait Personality Inventory that the following statistical
procedures had been performed with the purpose of determining the validity of the STPI:

 The scores that were attained from the STPI scales correlated with the scores attained on the
State-Trait Anger Inventory (STAgI), as well as the State-Trait Curiosity Inventory (STCI)
and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) (Coetzee, 2005).
 When using the STPI for the purposes of navy recruits and college students, inter-
correlations were found among the STPI scales (Coetzee, 2005).
 There were correlations found between the scores that were attained on the STPI scales and
scores from the MMPI Lie Scale, the Sociopathy Scale and the Eysenck Personality
Questionnaire (Coetzee, 2005).

The list of statistical procedures provided above is descriptive of an extensive and

comprehensive validity study, and confirms the assumption that the requirements set for predictive
validity, content validity and construct validity were adhered to by the STPI. As a result, the STPI
is believed to be a valid instrument for measuring anxiety and curiosity (Coetzee, 2005; Spielberger
et al., 2003).

3.7.2 Visual skills.

The visual skills of the participants were measured by using a battery of tests which
included the following: A Snellen chart was used to establish visual acuity. For this test, the
participants had to correctly identify letters of varying sizes using the left eye, the right eye and
both eyes (Wilson & Falkel, 2004). The Triangle Method was utilised to establish the dominant
eye. This was established by observing which eye can clearly view an object through a triangle,
without moving off centre (Wilson & Falkel, 2004). The Tracking Test was used to establish the
efficacy of pursuit tracking movements. For this test, the participant was required to read letters
from a chart, and the number of letters that are read in one minute was recorded (Wilson & Falkel,

The Pencil Push-up Test was employed to establish vergence (the ability to retain binocular
vision while crossing and uncrossing the eyes). The procedure followed for this test is the
following: The distance between the tip of the pencil and the participant’s nose is measured once a
double image is seen during the test (Wilson & Falkel, 2004). The Sequencing Test was utilised to
establish the central nervous system’s ability to systematise visual information in a prearranged
order. In the Sequencing Test, the participants observed and then repeated several sequences of
hand movements, and the number of completed sequences was recorded (Wilson & Falkel, 2004).
Eye-hand coordination was tested using the Egg-Carton Catch Test. During the eye-hand
coordination test, the time taken in seconds to catch the numbered egg cartons and flip a coin from
one to 12 in order was recorded (Wilson & Falkel, 2004). Visualisation skills were evaluated using
the Ace to Seven Test. The procedure followed for this test is the following: The participants had to
memorise the order of the cards, turn them face down and then turn them over again in the correct
order from ace to seven. The time was recorded in seconds for the participants to complete the task
(Wilson & Falkel, 2004).

Lastly, focusing was tested using the Near-Far chart in order to assess the eye’s ability to
focus, and the improvement in the ability to maintain clear vision at varying distances. A large
letter chart was positioned on a wall at a certain distance away from the participant, and a small
letter chart was secured at nose level, approximately four inches away from the face of the
participant. The letters were read from left to right, alternating each letter between the far and near
chart. The number of letters which were correctly called out was counted and recorded (Wilson &
Falkel, 2004). Visual skills tests: Test-retest reliability.

The reliability of the visuals skills tests was measured using test-retest reliability.
Consistency across time is a sign of reliability because it is assumed that the traits to be measured
are relatively stable across time. Thus, measures with a high level of true score must also be stable
across time (Whitley, 2002). Therefore, one method of measuring reliability, also referred to as test-
retest reliability, assesses a respondent’s scores on one occasion on a particular measure, and then
the same respondent’s scores on a later occasion on the same measure, and calculates the
correlation coefficient for these two assessments. This correlation coefficient signifies the degree of
reliability displayed by the measure (Whitley, 2002).

In order to establish reliability, the respondent’s scores do not have to be identical on both
occasions, as random error causes this outcome to be unlikely. What is required is that a
respondent’s scores generally fall in a similar rank order: That respondents who obtain high scores
on the first occasion also obtain high scores on the second occasion, and that respondents who
obtain low scores on the first occasion also obtain low scores on the second occasion (Whitley,

Pearson’s Correlation Coefficients were computed to investigate the relationship between

weeks 1 and 12 for the visual skills variables under investigation. The results are displayed in Table

Table 3.5

Results from correlation analysis conducted to determine test-retest reliability of the visual skills
tests conducted

Visual skills test Pearson Correlation Sig. (1 tailed)

Visual Acuity Left 0.481 <.0001

Visual Acuity Right 0.530 <.0001

Visual Acuity Both 0.389 <.0001

Eye dominance 0.498 <.0001

Focusing 0.310 <.0001

Tracking 0.355 <.0001

Eye-hand coordination 0.580 <.0001

Visualisation -0.061 0.395

Vergence 0.566 <.0001

Sequencing 0.173 0.016

p < 0.05

The results reflected in Table 3.5 tell us that all the visual skills tests, except visualisation, obtained
acceptable test-retest reliability scores.

3.8 Data Collection Procedure

The tertiary institution provided a lecture hall for the administration of the STPI, while the
Physiology Department provided a laboratory for the administration of the visual skills tests. The
sports vision exercises were administered at another laboratory situated at the tertiary institution’s
sports grounds, and the study took place during the first semester of 2012.

3.8.1 Pre-test.

The participants attended visual skills testing sessions between classes, and a pre-test was
administered to the students in this group. In the pre-test, the STPI and the battery of visual skills
tests that were discussed in 3.7.2 were used to establish baseline information for their levels of
anxiety, curiosity and visual skills.

3.8.2 Treatment.

Following the pre-test, an intervention which consisted of 12 weeks of sports vision

exercises was administered to the sample of participants.

The sample of participants received 15 minutes of sports vision exercises, in which the
simultaneous ball throw, crossover throw, crucifix ball drop, vertical ball hit and “find the letters”
were each performed once on a bi-weekly basis before classes, over a 12-week period. During the
simultaneous ball throw, the participants stood two metres apart from each other with their knees
bent and their feet apart at shoulder width. One by one, the participants threw two balls at the same
time for another participant to catch. This exercise continued for three minutes. During the
crossover throw, the participants continued to stand two metres apart from each other with their
knees bent and their feet apart at shoulder width. The participants threw two balls at the same time
to the other participant’s opposite hands for them to catch. This exercise was also repeated for three
minutes. The simultaneous ball throw and crossover throw exercises are intended to improve
peripheral vision and concentration (Du Toit, Kruger, Joubert & Lunsky, 2007). During the crucifix
ball drop, the participants stood with their knees bent, their feet shoulder width apart and their
hands on their knees. The coach stood upright, arms extended towards his/her side, holding a ball in
each hand. Following this, the coach dropped one hand, after which the participants were required
to move into a squat position and then catch the ball with their palms turned upwards. The benefits
of this exercise are that it improves foot movement anticipation, and peripheral awareness (Du Toit
et al., 2007). During the vertical ball hit, the participant was instructed to wear a glove bat, and hit a
ball vertically while his/her palms were facing upward. This exercise was repeated for three
minutes. The benefit received from this exercise was to improve concentration (Du Toit et al.,
2007). During “find the letters”, the participants used a computer programme and were required to
click on the letters of the alphabet from A to Z. The letters of the alphabet were automatically

mixed and randomly changed position. The benefit of the vertical ball hit and the “find the letters”
exercise is to improve concentration (Du Toit et al., 2007).

3.8.3 Post-test.

The treatment was followed by a post-test in which the same battery of visual skills tests as
discussed in 3.8.1 were administered to assess whether any changes had occurred in the visual skills
of the participants. The post-test measurements included the administration of the STPI to
determine levels of anxiety and curiosity.

Using the visual skills tests discussed in 3.7.2, testing was done to determine whether the
visual skills of the participants had improved as a result of receiving the sports vision exercises
mentioned in 3.8.2.

As previously discussed, the researcher wanted to determine whether the potential benefits
gained from these sports vision exercises were influenced by anxiety and curiosity (see section 1.3).
An attempt was then made to establish relationships, in that sports vision exercises were expected
to cause improvements in visual skills, and anxiety and curiosity were expected to influence the
learning of these visual skills.

3.9 Data Analysis

Data from the STPI were used in conjunction with the data collected from the visual skills
assessments. The captured data were analysed using SAS® version 9.3 running under windows XP
service pack 3 on a desktop computer. The data were not tested to determine the shape of the
distribution because the data set was large enough to assume an approximately normal distribution.
The reason why an approximately normal distribution can be assumed is the number of
observations per week in the data (Whitley, 2002). Following this, parametric statistics were
computed for the variables under investigation.

3.10 Statistical Techniques Used

A variety of statistical techniques were used to conduct the analysis in order to confirm or
disconfirm the hypotheses. These statistical techniques included left sided/lower tailed t-tests,
correlation and stepwise regression analysis.

3.11 Conclusion

This chapter dealt with the methodology that was used in this study. It indicated that a
within subjects quasi-experiment with pre- and post-test was used. The sample of participants
consisted of students who were enrolled in 2012 for their second-year in physiology. In the quasi-
experiment, the participants received 12 weeks of sports vision exercises. Subsequently, a post-test
was conducted on the sample of participants to test for any differences in visual skills that may
have developed. Included in the pre- and post-test measurement was the STPI, which was
administered to the participants in a group setting. The STPI was used to measure the anxiety and
curiosity levels of the participants. The results of the STPI were utilised in conjunction with the
visual skills tests to determine whether anxiety and curiosity have an influence on the learning of
visual skills. In the next chapter, the results produced by the statistical procedures used will be
discussed in detail.

Chapter 4


4.1 Introduction

This chapter outlines the variety of statistical techniques used to conduct the analysis, as
mentioned in 3.10, in order to confirm or disconfirm the hypotheses set for the study. Included in
the statistical techniques used were left-sided/lower tailed t-tests, correlation coefficients and
stepwise regression analysis. Only the significant results of these analyses will be presented and

4.2 Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics were used to describe the characteristics of the sample chosen for this
study. They were also used to check the variables for any violation of the assumptions underlying
the statistical techniques that were used to address the research questions (Pallant, 2010).

Before discussing the results of the hypotheses testing, the descriptive statistics will first be
discussed for all the variables under investigation. The type of descriptive statistics that will be
reported are number of participants, the mean, standard deviation, standard error, median, minimum
and maximum.

4.2.1 Descriptive statistics for anxiety.

As discussed in 3.7.1, a merged state and trait anxiety score (average anxiety) was used as
one of the units of measurement. Table 4.1 provides the descriptive statistics for this score for the
sample of participants.

Table 4.1

Descriptive statistics for anxiety in week 1 and week 12

Variable: Anxiety

2012 N Mean Standard Standard Median Minimum Maximum

deviation error

Week 1 204 1.98 0.50 0.04 1.95 1.00 3.45

Week 12 198 2.07 0.49 0.03 2.10 1.00 3.55

In the following section, the descriptive statistics for curiosity will be reported.

4.2.2 Descriptive statistics for curiosity.

As discussed in 3.7.1, a merged state and trait curiosity score (average curiosity) was used
as one of the units of measurement. Table 4.2 provides the descriptive statistics for this score for
the sample of participants.

Table 4.2

Descriptive statistics for curiosity in week 1 and week 12

Variable: Curiosity

2012 N Mean Standard Standard Median Minimum Maximum

deviation error

Week 1 204 2.56 0.40 0.03 2.55 1.55 3.50

Week 12 198 2.43 0.43 0.03 2.40 1.35 3.55

In the next section, all the visual skill variables under investigation will be reported for the sample
of participants with reference to the year and the week.

4.2.3 Descriptive statistics for visual skills. Visual Acuity.

With the assistance of an optometrist, the visual acuity measurements (for e.g. 20/200) were
converted into a percentage before statistical analyses were conducted. The new scores are reflected
in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3

Visual acuity measurements and their corresponding percentages

Visual acuity measure Equivalent percentage

20/200 10%

20/160 13%

20/120 17%

20/80 25%

20/70 28%

20/50 40%

20/40 50%

20/35 57%

20/30 67%

20/25 80%

20/20 100%

20/15 133%

20/10 200%
55 Visual Acuity Left

Table 4.4

Descriptive statistics for Visual Acuity Left in week 1 and week 12

Variable: Visual Acuity Left

2012 N Mean Standard Standard Median Minimum Maximum

deviation error

Week 1 204 98.12 23.52 1.65 100.00 28.00 133.00

Week 12 199 98.77 23.84 1.69 100.00 28.00 133.00 Visual Acuity Right

Table 4.5

Descriptive statistics for Visual Acuity Right in week 1 and week 12

Variable: Visual Acuity Right

2012 N Mean Standard Standard Median Minimum Maximum

deviation error

Week 1 204 96.52 22.87 1.60 100.00 28.00 133.00

Week 12 200 96.87 24.44 1.73 100.00 40.00 133.00

56 Visual Acuity Both

Table 4.6

Descriptive statistics for Visual Acuity Both in week 1 and week 12

Variable: Visual Acuity Both

2012 N Mean Standard Standard Median Minimum Maximum

deviation error

Week 1 204 109.07 22.81 1.60 100.00 40.00 200.00

Week 12 200 110.82 23.12 1.63 100.00 40.00 200.00 Eye Dominance.

Table 4.7

Descriptive statistics for eye dominance in week 1 and week 12

Variable: Eye dominance

2012 N Mean Standard Standard Median Minimum Maximum

deviation error

Week 1 204 0.73 0.47 0.03 1.00 0.00 2.00

Week 12 199 0.72 0.47 0.03 1.00 0.00 2.00

57 Focusing.

Table 4.8

Descriptive statistics for focusing in week 1 and week 12

Variable: Focusing

2012 N Mean Standard Standard Median Minimum Maximum

deviation error

Week 1 204 45.84 21.98 1.54 49.00 3.00 88.00

Week 12 200 52.91 20.06 1.42 57.50 5.00 92.00 Tracking.

Table 4.9

Descriptive statistics for tracking in week 1 and week 12

Variable: Tracking

2012 N Mean Standard Standard Median Minimum Maximum

deviation error

Week 1 204 46.32 22.58 1.58 45.50 4.00 100.00

Week 12 200 51.26 22.19 1.57 51.00 7.00 97.00

58 Eye-Hand Coordination.

Table 4.10

Descriptive statistics for eye-hand coordination in week 1 and week 12

Variable: Eye-hand coordination

2012 N Mean Standard Standard Median Minimum Maximum

deviation error

Week 1 204 37.73 21.70 1.52 33.10 0 169.69

Week 12 200 32.30 19.27 1.36 28.89 5.44 159.72 Visualisation.

Table 4.11

Descriptive statistics for visualisation in week 1 and week 12

Variable: Visualisation

2012 N Mean Standard Standard Median Minimum Maximum

deviation error

Week 1 204 38.45 17.63 1.23 35.13 12.69 133.00

Week 12 200 38.81 18.05 1.28 37.52 7.00 105.34

59 Vergence.

Table 4.12

Descriptive statistics for vergence in week 1 and week 12

Variable: Vergence

2012 N Mean Standard Standard Median Minimum Maximum

deviation error

Week 1 203 2.08 2.86 0.20 1.00 0.00 17.00

Week 12 200 2.47 3.23 0.23 1.00 0.00 16.00 Sequencing.

Table 4.13

Descriptive statistics for sequencing in week 1 and week 12

Variable: Sequencing

2012 N Mean Standard Standard Median Minimum Maximum

deviation error

Week 1 202 1.94 0.99 0.07 2.00 0.00 7.00

Week 12 200 2.03 0.93 0.07 2.00 0.00 5.00

The sample sizes differ between week 1 and week 12 as some of the respondents were not available
at the time of testing at week 12. In addition, the week 12 sample sizes differ across some of the
variables as a few respondents did not complete all the tests, and thus information was missing for
those particular variables.

Hypotheses testing will now be discussed.


4.3 Results of Left-Sided/Lower Tailed T-tests

A paired-samples left-sided/lower tailed t-test was used to determine whether sports vision
exercises improve the visual skills of second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution. A
paired-samples t-test is used when a comparison of the mean scores for the same group of
respondents on two different occasions is required. Paired-samples t-tests are frequently used in
pre-test/post-test experimental designs. Each respondent is assessed on a continuous measure both
at Time 1 and then again at Time 2, after having been exposed to some experimental intervention or
manipulation (Pallant, 2010). A left-sided/lower tailed t-test was used because the researcher was
specifically testing to see whether the values in week 12 (Time 2) were greater than the values in
week 1 (Time 1).

As mentioned in section 3.9, the data have not been tested to determine the shape of the
distribution because the data set was large enough to assume an approximately normal distribution
(Whitley, 2002). An approximately normal distribution can be assumed because of the number of
observations per week in the data (Whitley, 2002). To determine whether sports vision exercises
improve the visual skills of second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution, the following
hypotheses were tested using left-sided/lower tailed t-tests:

H0: There is no relationship between sports vision exercises and the improvement of visual
skills among second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

H1: There is a statistically significant relationship between sports vision exercises and the
improvement of visual skills among second-year physiology students at the tertiary

The results of the t-tests indicated that there were significant changes in only two of the
visual skills, namely focusing and tracking.

The following results were obtained when the paired t-test was conducted between week 1
and week 12 for focusing and tracking:

Table 4.14

Results from t-tests on paired variables: Focusing (week 1) & focusing (week 12) and tracking
(week 1) & tracking (week 12)

Paired variables: Focusing (week 1) & focusing (week 12)

Standard Standard
2012 N Mean Median Minimum Maximum t df (1-
deviation error

204 45.84 21.98 1.54 49.00 3.00 88.00
1 -
195 .000
200 52.91 20.06 1.42 57.50 5.00 92.00

Paired variables: Tracking (week 1) & tracking (week 12)

Standard Standard
2012 N Mean Median Minimum Maximum t df (1-
deviation error

204 46.32 22.58 1.58 45.50 4.00 100.00
1 -
195 0.002
200 51.26 22.19 1.57 51.00 7.00 97.00

From table 4.14, it is evident that there were statistically significant differences in focusing
from week 1 (M=45.84, SD=21.98) to week 12 (M=52.01, SD=20.06), p = .000 (lower tail). The
mean decrease in focusing scores was -7.07, with a 95% confidence level ranging from –Infinity to
22.45. For this sample of participants, the intervention had a significant effect on the focusing of
these participants (p = .000).

Significant differences were also observed for tracking from week 1 (M=46.32, SD=22.58)
to week 12 (M=51.26, SD=22.19), p = .002 (lower tail). The mean decrease in tracking scores was -
4.94, with a 95% confidence level ranging from –Infinity to 23.23. For this sample of participants,
the intervention had a significant effect on the tracking of these participants (p = .002).

Although not significant, a result that one needs to take note of is the difference in vergence
between week 1 and week 12. The results are displayed in Table 4.15.

Table 4.15

Results from t-test on paired variables: Vergence (week 1) & vergence (week 12)

Paired variables: Vergence (week 1) & vergence (week 12)

Standard Standard
2012 N Mean Median Minimum Maximum t df (1-
deviation error

203 2.08 2.86 0.20 1.00 0.00 17.00
1 -
194 0.065
200 2.47 3.23 0.23 1.00 0.00 16.00

As a result of the findings of the t-test, the research hypothesis which states that there is a
statistically significant relationship between sports vision exercises and the improvement of visual
skills can be partially accepted.

4.4 Results of Correlation Analysis

Correlation analysis was conducted on all the variables under investigation to determine the
relationships between anxiety, curiosity and visual skills. Correlation analysis examines the
difference in correlations uncovered in two groups and the correlation between two variables.
Correlation analysis is utilised to define the strength and direction of the linear relationship that
exists between two variables (Whitley, 2002).

A Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient (r) is designed for interval level

(continuous) variables. Pearson Correlation Coefficients are only able to take on values from -1 to
+1. The sign in front of the number indicates whether there is a negative correlation (as one of the

variables increases, the other variable decreases), or a positive correlation (as one of the variables
increases, so does the other variable). The magnitude or size of the absolute value (disregarding the
sign) stipulates the strength of the relationship. A correlation of -1 or +1 indicates that the value of
one of the variables can be established by knowing the value of the other variable. A correlation of
0 indicates that there is no relationship between the two variables (Pallant, 2010). To determine
whether anxiety influences the learning of visual skills after receiving sports vision exercises, the
following hypotheses were tested using correlation analysis:

H0: There is no relationship between anxiety and the learning of visual skills among second-
year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

H1: There is a statistically significant relationship between anxiety and the learning of visual
skills among second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

To determine whether curiosity influences the learning of visual skills after receiving sports
vision exercises, the following hypotheses were tested using correlation analysis:

H0: There is no relationship between curiosity and the learning of visual skills among
second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

H1: There is a statistically significant relationship between curiosity and the learning of
visual skills among second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

The results of the correlation analysis that was conducted showed only two significant
correlations. These correlations were between anxiety and focusing, and anxiety and tracking. No
significant correlations were observed between any of the visual skills and curiosity.

Table 4.16

Anxiety and focusing, and anxiety and tracking

Total Anxiety Total Focusing Total Tracking

Total Anxiety Pearson Correlation 1.000 -0.14007 -0.15231

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.0436 0.0281

N 204 204 204

Total Focusing Pearson Correlation -0.14007 1.000

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.0436

N 204 204

Total Tracking Pearson Correlation -0.15231 1.000

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.0281

N 204 204


From Table 4.16, it is evident that there was a small, inverse significant correlation between
anxiety and focusing, r = -.14007, n = 204, p = .044, with low levels of focusing associated with
high levels of anxiety.

A small, inverse significant correlation was also observed between anxiety and tracking, r =
-.15231, n = 204, p = .028, with low levels of tracking associated with high levels of anxiety.

Once again, it is important to note that the correlation between anxiety and vergence was of
interest, despite the fact that it was not significant.

Table 4.17

Anxiety and vergence

Total Vergence Total Anxiety

Total Vergence Pearson Correlation 1.000 0.12414

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.0740

N 204 204

Total Anxiety Pearson Correlation 0.12414 1.000

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.0740

N 204 204

As a result of the above findings, the research hypothesis which states that there is a statistically
significant relationship between anxiety and the learning of visual skills is partially accepted.

4.5 Results of Stepwise Regression Analysis

As discussed in 4.4, correlation analysis was first performed on the anxiety, curiosity and
visual skills variables under investigation in order to determine the relationships between anxiety,
curiosity and visual skills. Following this, the focus shifted to stepwise regression analysis. Various
stepwise regressions were done; only the ones of interest in which significant differences were
found will be reported on and discussed.

Stepwise regression analysis was conducted on all the variables under investigation to
determine the influence of anxiety and curiosity on visual skills. Stepwise regression can be utilised
to answer a variety of research questions, such as how well a particular variable is able to predict a
certain outcome (Pallant, 2010). Stepwise regression analysis is a statistical method used to
investigate the relationships between variables. The researcher seeks to determine the causal effect
of one of the variables on another variable. To determine this, the researcher compiles data on the
variables of interest and utilises stepwise regression analysis to assess the quantitative effect of the

independent variable on the variables that they influence. Statistical significance refers to the
degree of confidence that the true relationship is close to the estimated relationship (Sykes, 1993).

In order to determine whether anxiety influences the learning of visual skills after receiving
sports vision exercises, the following hypotheses were tested using stepwise regression analysis:

H0: Anxiety is not a significant predictor of the learning of visual skills among second-year
physiology students at the tertiary institution.

H1: Anxiety is a significant predictor of the learning of visual skills among second-year
physiology students at the tertiary institution.

In order to determine whether curiosity influences the learning of visual skills after
receiving sports vision exercises, the following hypotheses were tested using stepwise regression

H0: Curiosity is not a significant predictor of the learning of visual skills among second-year
physiology students at the tertiary institution.

H1: Curiosity is a significant predictor of the learning of visual skills among second-year
physiology students at the tertiary institution.

Preliminary analyses were performed to ensure that there was no violation of the
assumptions of normality, linearity and homoscedasticity. The stepwise regression analysis related
to anxiety yielded a model where only two visual skills were significantly impacted upon by
anxiety. The results of this model are displayed in Table 4.18.

Table 4.18

Tracking and vergence

Variable Vergence Entered: R-Square = 0.0429 and C(p) = -0.5493

Analysis of variance

Source DF Sum of squares Mean square F Value Pr > F

Model 2 1.89018 0.94509 4.6 0.0112

Error 205 42.15983 0.20566

Corrected total 207 44.05002

Variable Parameter Standard error Type II SS F Value Pr > F


Intercept 2.17488 0.09067 118.33523 575.4 <.0001

Tracking -0.00415 0.00171 1.21138 5.89 0.0161

Vergence 0.02380 0.01158 0.86826 4.22 0.0412

According to Table 4.18, anxiety is a statistically significant predictor of tracking and

vergence (p < .05). It seems that the results of the stepwise regression analysis coincide to some
extent with the findings of the t-test and the correlation analysis. It should be noted, however, that
the model only explained 4.29% of the variance that occurred. The results therefore need to be
treated with caution. Based on the results, the research hypothesis which states that anxiety is a
significant predictor of the learning of visual skills is partially accepted.

Since the results did not yield a significant model with regard to curiosity, it is concluded
that curiosity is not a significant predictor of the learning of visual skills among second-year
physiology students at the tertiary institution. The null hypothesis is thus accepted in this instance.

4.6 Conclusion

This chapter dealt with the results of the statistical analyses that were conducted in order to
confirm/disconfirm the hypotheses set for the study. Significant differences were found between
focusing week 1 and focusing week 12, and tracking week 1 and tracking week 12. Significant
correlations were reported between anxiety and focusing, and anxiety and tracking. The results of a
stepwise regression analysis only identified tracking and vergence as being significantly impacted
upon by anxiety. No significant results were displayed with regard to curiosity. The next chapter
will focus on the interpretation and discussion of these results.

Chapter 5

Discussion of Results

5.1 Introduction

This chapter discusses the confirmation or rejection of the hypotheses set for the study, as
confirmed/disconfirmed by the variety of statistical techniques used to conduct the analysis.
Current literature will be used to confirm or refute the results. Limitations of the research,
recommendations for future research and a conclusion on the study are explored in this chapter.

5.2 Results of the T-tests

In this section, the results of the t-tests will be discussed. The t-tests were conducted to
determine whether sports vision exercises improve the visual skills of second-year physiology
students at the tertiary institution. The t-tests conducted revealed that there were significant
differences in focusing between week 1 and week 12, and tracking between week 1 and week 12.
These differences could be ascribed to the administration of the sports vision exercises.

5.2.1 Focusing.

After the participants had received sports vision exercises, significant differences for the
visual skill of focusing were observed between week 1 and week 12, (see Table 4.14). Focusing
could therefore be improved by the administration of sports vision exercises. The results are
consistent with the findings of Paul, Biswas and Sandhu (2011). These researchers assessed the
effects of eye-hand coordination and sports vision training on the motor and sensory performance
of table tennis players (Paul et al., 2011). Their sample consisted of 45 university-level table tennis
players who were randomly assigned to three equal groups of 15 each. The experimental group
received eight weeks of eye-hand coordination and sports vision training. The placebo group read
articles relating to sports performance, in addition to watching televised table tennis matches. The
control group underwent their routine practice session for eight weeks. Measures of motor

performance and visual function were obtained from the participants before as well as immediately
after the eight weeks of training (Paul et al., 2011). The findings of the study indicated that
focusing, accommodation and saccadic motility, which play an important role during visual
challenges in table tennis, improved significantly in the experimental group following the eight-
week training session. According to Zupan, Arata, Wile and Parker (2006), such improvements are
the result of the frequent training of the visual system that gives rise to more efficient neural
responses and stronger muscle fibres in the eye. Neural responses refer to responses related to the
nervous system or a nerve (Weng et al., 2013).

Another study that yielded similar findings is the one conducted in Spain by Quevedo, Solé,
Palmi, Planas and Saona (1999). This study aimed to determine the influence of visual training
programmes in shooting initiation performance. Seventy-one (71) university students in their first
year were randomly assigned to an experimental group and a control group. In addition to a nine-
session shooting training programme that included psychological, physical and technical
components, the experimental group received visual exercises. The control group, on the other
hand, received theoretical lectures on psychological training techniques instead of doing the visual
training. Pre- and post-test scores were obtained for visual acuity, saccades, concentration and
shooting. The findings showed that the experimental group had significantly improved distance-
near saccadic fixations and visual acuity. Saccades and focusing are related in that a certain number
of saccades need to be performed per second in order to bring the whole visual field into focus
(Dyckman & McDowell, 2005).

The results from the present study are consistent with the findings of Rezaee, Ghasemi and
Momeni (2012). These researchers assessed the efficacy of sports training, visual training and
sports-visual training programmes for table tennis and basketball players (Rezaee et al., 2012). The
participants in this study had no prior table tennis or basketball training, and were screened for any
eye disorders. Any subjects showing eye disorders were excluded from the study. In the end, 90
university students were randomly assigned to five experimental groups and one control group of
equal size (n=15). The visual training programme comprised the sports visual training designed for
athletes by the optometrist Dr Leon Revien and author Mark Gobor (Revien & Gabor, 1981). The
sports training and visual training programmes were divided into two equal sessions consisting of
15 minutes each. The sports training programme consisted of table tennis and basketball training.
The visual training comprised various visual exercises, such as “chord ball training” and “marbles
in carton exercise”, intended to improve sports vision. With “chord ball training”, an athlete is

instructed to shift his/her gaze rapidly between different balls hanging from various strings. In the
“marbles in carton exercise”, a cardboard box containing marbles with a black spot in the centre of
the box is used. The athlete is requested to keep his/her eyes fixed on the black spot while the
marbles move around in the cardboard box (Revien & Gabor, 1981). Pre-test and post-test scores
were obtained before and after the completion of the eight-week visual and sports training
programmes. The results showed a significant improvement in accommodative facility which is
related to focusing. Accommodative facility is the term used to describe the ability of the eyes to
focus on objects in different sequences and at various distances in a certain period of time (Pandian
et al., 2006).

5.2.2 Tracking.

According to Table 4.14, significant differences occurred between week 1 and week 12 with
regard to tracking. The results suggest that tracking could be improved as a result of receiving
sports vision exercises.

These findings support the results obtained by Wimshurst, Sowden and Cardinale (2012).
They conducted a study to determine whether the visual skills of Olympic hockey players improve
after receiving sports vision training (Wimshurst et al., 2012). Twenty-one (21) players underwent a
pre- and post-test on visual skills tasks (e.g. dynamic shape recognition, rotational acuity, saccadic
eye movements, peripheral awareness, focus acuity, dynamic visual acuity). The intervention
administered by Wimshurst et al. (2012) comprised six computer-based exercises which the
participants completed three times a week, as well as four practical exercises which were practised
once a week. This lasted for 11 weeks. Wimshurst el al. (2012) discovered that the visual skills
related to tracking significantly improved from the pre-test to the post-test.

In another study, Balasaheb, Maman and Sandhu (2008) noted that tracking and depth
perception significantly improved in cricket players who received visual training. The study was
conducted on three groups of college cricket players who were assigned to either a control
condition, a visual training condition or a cricket training condition. The study was conducted over
six weeks. As was previously stated, the group that received visual training performed significantly
better when compared to their pre-test results and the results of the control group (Balasaheb et al.

The results from the present study are consistent with the findings of Rezaee et al. (2012),
whose research was discussed in 5.2.1. In addition to their findings related to focusing, Rezaee et
al. (2012) noted a significant improvement in the eye movements involved in tracking.

As a result of the findings discussed in 5.2.1 and 5.2.2., the research hypothesis is partially
accepted. It is thus suggested that visual skills training would lead to an improvement in an
individual’s focusing and tracking ability.

5.3 Results of the Correlation Analysis

The correlation matrix obtained revealed significant but weak inverse correlations between
focusing and anxiety (r = -.14007, n = 204, p = .044), and tracking and anxiety (r = -.15231, n =
204, p = .028) (see Table 4.16). No significant relationships were obtained when curiosity was
correlated with the visual skills previously discussed.

5.3.1 Focusing and anxiety.

As previously stated, a significant but weak inverse correlation was observed between
focusing and anxiety (r = -.14007, n = 204, p = .044) (see Table 4.16). This result is consistent
with the findings of a study conducted by Janelle et al. (1999). The aim of their research was to
explore how shifts in attentional parameters might be influenced by changes in arousal (as induced
through competition) and anxiety. This involved measuring drivers’ ability to identify the onset of
irrelevant and relevant cues in their peripheral visual field while experiencing arousal and anxiety.
Drivers were exposed to an auto racing simulation. It was found that the response time required to
identify relevant cues decreased when arousal and anxiety increased. A decrease in the ability to
discriminate between irrelevant and relevant cues also occurred when the drivers’ anxiety levels
were increased (Janelle et al., 1999). Janelle et al. (1999) concluded that in high anxiety conditions,
gaze behaviours became more eccentric. The result of this is increased fixations directed towards
peripheral locations, and a decreased focusing ability. The researchers furthermore uncovered
tendencies to be distracted by irrelevant peripheral cues, as a result of a narrowing of the attentional
field. The result of a narrowing of the visual field is a greater need to direct foveal vision (sharp
central vision) to peripheral cues in order to identify them. Therefore, fixations to the central

driving area were decreased when drivers looked at the peripheral cues. The narrowing of the
attentional field brought about in conditions that made the drivers anxious may have heightened the
likelihood of focusing on distracting or irrelevant cues (Janelle et al., 1999). The efficiency of
visual search characteristics (especially search rate) and visual orientation (as measured by the quiet
eye period) is reduced when people are anxious, probably as a result of attentional narrowing
(Janelle et al., 1999). Attentional narrowing refers to a narrowing of the attentional field which
occurs when an individual experiences higher anxiety. Consequently, during moderate levels of
anxiety, performance on primary or central tasks takes place at the expense of a person’s
performance on peripheral or secondary tasks. However, deterioration of primary or central task
performance will occur when an individual becomes highly anxious (Janelle, 2002).

In another study conducted by Murray and Janelle (2003), the researchers discovered that
the efficiency of visual search characteristics and visual orientation is lowered when one is anxious.
Visual search characteristics are required to enable one to focus on an object. Good visual search
characteristics are a vital component of focusing, as they entail focusing visual attention on
important cues, while limiting gaze tendencies towards irrelevant cues (Knudson & Kluka, 1997).
Visual orientation is also central in everyday seeing and focusing (Palomares, Englund & Ahlers,
2011). It is an essential ability associated with object identification. This ability is necessary to
successfully identify and focus on an object. Visual orientation represents an awareness of an
object’s position in an individual’s environment, as well as of the relationship between the object
and individual (Palomares et al., 2011).

5.3.2 Tracking and anxiety.

As was the case with focusing, tracking also showed a significant but weak inverse
correlation with anxiety (r = -.15231, n = 204, p = .028) (see Table 4.16). This result concurs with
the findings of Behan and Wilson (2008). One of the matters they investigated was whether the
functional relationship between action and perception was disrupted as a result of increased anxiety.
Participants (n=20) were monitored during performance on a simulated archery task while being
exposed to various levels of anxiety. Behan and Wilson (2008) found that higher levels of anxiety
resulted in decreases in the duration of the quiet eye period. The quiet eye refers to the tracking
gaze that is directed to a single object or location in the visuomotor workspace (see It is
thus concluded that higher levels of anxiety would result in decreasing tracking ability.

Further confirmation for the results of the present study comes from the study conducted by
Janelle (2002), in which anxiety was shown to decrease the efficiency of gaze behaviour in motor
tasks which require visual detection and search, as well as tasks which require aiming. These
findings have revealed that increases in anxiety result in less efficient gaze behaviour and visual
search strategies (Janelle, 2002). In tasks which require the detection of peripherally presented
targets, participants display higher search rates, which are depicted by increased foveal fixations.
These foveal fixations to the target locations are of shorter duration when the participants are
anxious compared to the duration under control conditions. These findings point to a reduction in
efficiency, as a larger number of fixations are required to collect the same information that is
obtained through fewer fixations in a condition of low anxiety (Janelle, 2002). It may be concluded
from this that as anxiety increases, gaze behaviour becomes less efficient. Gaze behaviour involves
a detection phase when tracking an object, and is one of the processes involved when an object is
tracked in the visual field (Vickers & Adolphe, 1997). Thus we can conclude that increased anxiety
results in less efficient gaze behaviour, which in turn results in decreased tracking ability.

As a result of the findings discussed in 5.3.1 and 5.3.2, the research hypothesis is partially
accepted. It is thus suggested that there is a statistically significant relationship between anxiety and
focusing and anxiety and tracking. Anxiety will thus impact on the learning of these particular
visual skills among second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution.

5.3.3 Curiosity and the learning of visual skills.

The correlation analyses conducted revealed that there were no significant differences
between any of the visual skills and curiosity. As a result, the researcher failed to reject the null
hypothesis, which states that there is no relationship between curiosity and the learning of visual
skills among second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution. At present there are no
studies on this topic which have recorded similar findings. More research is needed on this matter.

5.4 Results from Stepwise Regression

The stepwise regression analysis that was performed indicated that anxiety is a significant
predictor of tracking and vergence (see Table 4.18).

5.4.1 Tracking and anxiety.

According to Table 4.18 (F = 5.89, p = 0.02), anxiety is a statistically significant predictor

of tracking, p < .05. This result confirms the findings of Wilson, Vine and Wood (2009). These
researchers conducted a study to determine the influence that anxiety has on the accuracy and quiet
eye period of basketball players performing free throws. In this study, 10 basketball players took
free throws in two experimental conditions which were designed to influence the level of anxiety
experienced. A mobile eye tracker was used to measure point of gaze, and fixations including the
quiet eye were established using frame-by-frame analysis. It was found that the manipulation of
anxiety caused significant decreases in the free throw success rate and the duration of the quiet eye
period. The participants used a less effective and efficient attentional control strategy when anxious.
These participants initiated an optimal quiet eye fixation, although they failed to maintain it
(Wilson et al., 2009). The quiet eye is the tracking gaze directed to a single object, and is
susceptible to increases in anxiety (Vickers, 1996). As anxiety increases, there is a decrease in the
duration of the quiet eye period. The quiet eye period is essential for efficient visual search
characteristics and visual orientation, and decreases in the quiet eye period result in a decrease in
tracking ability (Wilson et al., 2009).

5.4.2 Vergence and anxiety.

Table 4.18 indicates that anxiety is a significant predictor of vergence (F = 4.22, p = 0.04).
Anderson, Siegel and Barrett (2011) established that anxiety influences individuals’ conscious
experience during binocular rivalry. Binocular rivalry is realised when diverse stimuli are presented
to each eye, causing perceptual switches between the two stimuli, regardless of unchanging retinal
input. Both sets of stimuli compete for perceptual dominance. In binocular rivalry, perceptual
dominance is influenced by stimulus salience, which includes low-level visual properties (such as
colour, motion and contrast) (Alais & Blake, 2005). Binocular rivalry and vergence are related in
that they are both elements of binocular vision. It is therefore concluded that because it has an
impact on binocular rivalry, anxiety would impact on vergence as well.

In a similar study, Nagamine et al. (2007) explored the relationship between anxiety and the
switching rate of binocular rivalry, to test the hypothesis that the switching rate varied among
individuals according to the degree of anxiety. Switching rate in the dominance of binocular rivalry

was compared in 48 healthy volunteers with low and high general anxiety. Nagamine et al. (2007)
found that the switching rate in binocular rivalry was faster for anxious subjects. We can conclude
from this that increased anxiety results in an increased switching rate of binocular rivalry. If
binocular vision is negatively affected by increasing anxiety, then vergence in turn is negatively
influenced by an increase in anxiety. In addition, emotional state influences a person’s conscious
experience during binocular rivalry, and hence one can conclude that vergence is influenced in turn
by emotional state. These results of the research conducted by Nagamine et al. (2007) confirm that
binocular rivalry, and thus vergence, is impacted upon by levels of anxiety.

The above findings are further supported by the research of Anderson et al. (2013). These
researchers compared the visual experiences of individuals with generalised social anxiety disorder
(GSAD) with those of individuals who suffer from generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). A control
group was also introduced into the study. Binocular rivalry was used to assess visual saliency in
GSAD. GSAD is a social phobia in which anxiety centres on social situations. GAD on the other
hand is a generalised worry and anxiety based disorder. There were 165 participants in this study
who were presented with different images to each eye which competed for dominance. Results
indicated that, when compared to participants with GAD and participants from the control group,
smiling faces were more dominant for substantially shorter durations in participants suffering from
GSAD. Anderson et al. (2013) noted that their findings are consistent with the broader view that a
perceiver’s emotional state directly effects visual saliency (Anderson et al., 2013). If visual saliency
is affected, then binocular rivalry is also affected, which in turn influences vergence. As was
demonstrated by the research conducted by Nagamine et al. (2007), binocular rivalry, and thus
vergence, is impacted upon by levels of anxiety.

As a result of the findings discussed in 5.4.1 and 5.4.2, the research hypothesis is partially
accepted. It is thus suggested that anxiety is a significant predictor of the ability to enhance
vergence and tracking. One can therefore predict that anxiety will impair a student’s ability to
display vergence or track objects.

5.4.3 Curiosity.

No significant results were obtained when a stepwise regression was performed to

determine whether curiosity is a significant predictor of visual skills. Because of this, the researcher
failed to reject the null hypothesis which states that curiosity is not a significant predictor of the

learning of visual skills among second-year physiology students at the tertiary institution. Little is
known as yet about this relationship and further research is needed on the matter.

5.5 Limitations of the Research

The first limitation of the study has to do with the sample. The sample used in the present
study was not representative of the broader population of the tertiary institution. The sample was
furthermore dominated by white females. Only one tertiary institution was used. As a result of this,
the research findings should be interpreted with caution and cannot be generalised to the broader
population of the tertiary institution.

The second limitation relates to the scope of the present study. This limited the investigation
of the effects of sports vision exercises on visual skills to a relatively short period of time. The
administration of the STPI and visual skills tests only took place at one time of the day. This helped
to avoid respondent fatigue, however, as well as to include a broader range of results and provide a
more accurate reflection of the tests administered.

The third limitation has to do with the use of a quasi-experimental design. The possibility
that there may be alternative explanations for the results must be taken into consideration even
though measurements were taken under standardised conditions. The nature of quasi-experiments is
that this design cannot establish causality with certainty (Whitley, 2002). In addition, the lack of a
control group made it difficult to establish a baseline in order to assess the effects of the treatment
(Whitley, 2002).

5.6 Recommendations for Future Research

To address the first limitation, a sample from a different population, other than students,
could be used to expand upon these results. The present study was an exploratory study. Future
studies of this nature should use a more representative sample of the South African population,
which would include a proportional distribution across age, race, gender and educational
background, among others.

Regarding the second limitation, the scope of future studies of this nature could be
broadened to incorporate a longer timeline into the testing period, in order to judge whether there
are any lasting effects of the sports vision exercises.

With reference to the third limitation, a more stringent experimental design could be used to
collect the data. This would ensure that causality can be established with certainty. The addition of
a control group for future studies could also help to establish a baseline in order to assess the effects
of the treatment (Whitley, 2002).

The scope of the present study is valuable in building interdisciplinary research alliances,
and promotes knowledge sharing between the disciplines of Psychology and Physiology. Future
studies of this nature should aim for an inter-disciplinary approach, meaning that different
disciplines should collaborate in doing the research. The disciplines of Psychology and Physiology
each has a unique contribution to make, and each discipline offers a different point of departure,
and a different angle from which to approach the research problem. By combining both of these
disciplines with their accompanying areas of expertise, a more robust solution can be provided to
the research questions posed.

More research on the effects of anxiety and curiosity on the learning of visual skills is
needed. Little is known about the relationship between anxiety, curiosity and the learning of visual
skills, and further research in this area will contribute greatly to the existing knowledge base. The
knowledge gap is particularly evident with regard to curiosity and the effect this may have on the
learning of visual skills.

5.7 Conclusion on the Study

In summary, sports vision exercises can improve some visual skills. It should, however, be
noted that anxiety levels must be controlled for when administering this training. The findings of
the present study suggest that anxiety, to some extent, influences the learning of focusing, tracking
and vergence. Curiosity on the other hand does not influence the learning of any of the visual skills
under investigation in the present study.


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Appendix A: Participant Information Form



Dr PJ du Toit
Department of Physiology
University of Pretoria
Tel: (012) 420 2536
Email: peet.dutoit@up.ac.za

Determining lifestyle, heart health, body composition, fitness, anxiety and curiosity levels and
visual skill index of students (between the ages of 18-22) from a traditional tertiary institution
focusing on lectures over a period of 12 weeks.


You are invited to volunteer for a research study. This information leaflet will help you to decide if
you would like to participate. Before you agree to take part in this study you should fully
understand what is involved. If you have any questions, which are not fully explained in this leaflet,
do not hesitate to ask the investigator. You should not agree to take part unless you are completely
happy about all the procedures involved.


The aim of the study is to determine lifestyle, heart health, body composition, fitness and visual
skill index of students (between the ages of 18-22) from a traditional tertiary institution focusing on
lectures over a period of 12 weeks.


If you decide to take part you will be one of 204 participating students. The testing will last 12
weeks, where your body composition, fitness levels, heart health, anxiety and curiosity levels and
visual skills will be tested on week 1 and week 12.


This study involves completing several tests including the following:

 Completing questionnaires
 Completing heart health, body composition, fitness and visual skill tests
It is important that you let the investigator know of any medicines (either prescriptions or over-the-
counter medicines), alcohol or other substances that you are currently taking.


This research study protocol will be submitted to the faculty of Health Science research Ethics
Committee, University of Pretoria. If it is detected that you did not give an accurate history you
may be withdrawn from the study at any time.



The only discomfort may be the fitness tests. No blood will be drawn.


All information obtained during the course of this study is strictly confidential. Data that may be
reported will not include any information which identifies you as a participant. Any information
uncovered regarding your test result or state of health as a result of your participation in this
research study will be held in strict confidence. You will be informed of any finding of importance
to your health or continued participation in this study, but this information will not be disclosed to
any third party in addition to the ones mentioned above without your written permission.

Appendix B: Consent Form


I hereby confirm that I have been informed by the investigator, Dr PJ du Toit about the nature,
conduct, benefits and risks of the research study. I have also received, read and understood the
above written information (Participant Information Leaflet and Informed Consent) regarding the
research study.

I am aware that the results of this study, including personal details regarding my sex, age, date of
birth, initials, health and performance will be anonymously processed into a study report.

I may, at any stage, without prejudice, withdraw my consent and participation in the study. I have
had sufficient opportunity to ask questions and (of my own free will) declare myself prepared to
participate in this study.

Participant’s name

(Please print)

Participant’s signature…………………………………………


I, PJ du Toit herewith confirm that the above participant has been informed fully about the nature,
conduct and risks of the above study.

Investigator’s name: Dr PJ du Toit

Investigator’s signature…………………………………….


Witness’ name……………………………………………..

Witness’ signature………………….…..Date…………….

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