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18.03 Gibbs' Phenomenon: Jeremy Orloff

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03 Gibbs’ Phenomenon
Jeremy Orloff

Gibbs’ Phenonemon says that the truncated Fourier series near a jump discontinuity over-
shoots the jump by about 9% of the size of the jump. Thus, for the standard square wave
(which jumps between -1 and 1) the peak value of the truncated Fourier series is about 1.18.
The proof is an elaborate and tricky calculus exercise.
Start with the square wave
4 X sin(nx)
f (x) =
π n
n odd
The trunctated Fourier series is
4 sin(3x) sin((2N − 1)x)
fN (x) = sin(x) + + ... +
π 3 2N − 1
Taking the derivative

0 4
fN (x) = (cos(x) + cos(3x) + . . . + cos((2N − 1)x))

0 2 sin(2N x)
Claim: fN (x) = · .
π sin(x)
eix + e−ix eix − e−ix
Proof: Using complex arithmetic: cos(x) = , sin(x) = .
2 2i
0 4 e(−2N +1)ix + e(−2N +3)ix + . . . e(2N −3)ix + e(2N −1)ix
⇒ fN (x) = .
π 2
This is a geometric series with ratio e2ix ⇒

0 2 e(−2N +1)ix − e(2N +1)ix

fN (x) = · .
π 1 − e2ix
Multiply top and bottom by e−ix and use the formula for sin(x) in terms of complex expo-
nentials to get

0 2 e(−2N )ix − e(2N )ix 2 sin(2N x)

fN (x) = · −ix ix
= · . QED
π e −e π sin(x)
The maximum overshoot of fN (x) is its first positive maximum. The formula for fN 0 (x)
shows this is at . Since, fN (0) = 0 and all the terms in the sum for fN (π/2N ) are positive
we conclude that x = π/2N is a local maximum (it is, in fact, the absolute maximum).
We now set about estimating fN (π/2N ), i.e., the maximum value of fN (x). First we
manipulate the series for fN (π/2N ).
 π  4  sin(π/2N ) sin(3π/2N ) sin((2N − 1)π/2N )

fN = + + ... +
2N π 1 3 2N − 1
2 π sin(π/2N ) sin(3π/2N ) sin((2N − 1)π/2N )
= · + + ... +
π N π/2N 3π/2N (2N − 1)π/2N

18.03 Gibbs’ Phenomenon 2

This last is a Riemman sum (using midpoints) for

2 π sin(x)
dx, with ∆x = π/N.
π 0 x

Since ∆x → 0 as N → ∞ we get
Z π
2 sin(x)
lim fN (π/2N ) = dx.
N →∞ π 0 x

In words, as N increases the overshoot goes to the value of the integral.

All that’s left is to estimate the value of the integral. For this we integrate the power series
for . We have
sin(x) x2 x4 x6
=1− + − + ...
x 3! 5! 7!
Which gives
2 π sin(x) π2 π4 π6
dx = 2 1 − + − + ...
π 0 x 3 · 3! 5 · 5! 7 · 7!

This series converges very rapidly and after five terms we have the value 1.18 correct to 2
decimal places.
We have seen that as N gets large the maximum value of fN (x) becomes 1.18. That is it
overshoots the correct value by 0.18, which is 9% of the jump from -1 to 1.

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