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Convex sets and functions
Convex set
A set C Rn is convex if for each x, y C and 0 1, one has
x + (1 )y C.

Set on the left is convex, on the right non-convex

Convex functions
Convex function
f : Rn R is convex function, if domain of f is convex and for each
x, y domain(f ) and 0 1 one has

f (x + (1 )y) f (x) + (1 )f (y)

(y, f (y))

(x, f (x))

k k (any norm) is a convex function, since k xk = || kxk and
kx + yk kxk + kyk. Thus kx + (1 )yk kxk + (1 )kyk.
Some operations preserving convexity
Lemma 3.1
If f1 , . . . , fn : Rn R are convex functions over the same domain and
w1 , . . . , wn 0 are non-negative weights, then ni=1 wi fi is convex


Lemma 3.2
If f : Rn R is convex A Rnm and b Rn , then g : Rm R with
g(x) = f (A x + b) is convex.

A symmetric matrix Q Rnn is called positive semi-definite if
xT Qx 0 for each x Rn .

Theorem 3.3
Let Q Rnn be a symmetric matrix. The following are equivalent.
i) Q is positive definite.
ii) All Eigenvalues of Q real and non-negative
iii) Q = U T diag(1 , . . . , n )U, where U Rnn is an orthogonal
matrix and i R0 for i = 1, . . . , n.

Lemma 3.4
Let Q Rnn be symmetric and positive semidefinite, then
f (x) = xT Qx is convex.

Sublevel sets
Definition C
f : Rn R convex and R, C = {x Rn : f (x) } is -sublevel
set of f .

Lemma 3.5
If f is convex, then C is a convex set for each R.

f : Rn R convex, epi(f ) = {(x, t) : x domain(f ), f (x) t} is
epigraph of f .

Lemma 3.6
f is convex if and only if epi(f ) is convex set.

Convex optimization problem
Convex optimization problem
A convex optimization problem is of the form

minimize f0 (x)
subject to fi (x) bi for i = 1, . . . , m,

where fi , i = 0, . . . , m are convex functions.

Corollary 3.7
Q Rnn positive semidefinite, c Rn A Rmn and b Rm . Convex
quadratic program
min xT Qx + cT x
Ax = b
x 0,
is convex optimization problem.

Binary search for minimum
Search smallest R such that convex set
C = {x Rn : f0 (x) , f1 (x) b1 , . . . , fm (x) bm } is non-empty.
Keep upper bound U and lower bound L
Test: Whether C(L+U)/2 = ;. If yes, then L := (L + U)/2. If no,
then U := (L + U)/2.
After O(log ((U L)/) many steps, one obtains a value of
distance from the optimum value.

Separating hyperplane
Theorem 3.8
If S Rn is closed and convex and x S, then there exists a
hyperplane cT x = such that cT s < for each s S and cT x > .

Balls and ellipsoids

The unit ball is the set B = {x Rn | kxk 1}. An ellipsoid E(A, b) is

the image of the unit ball under a affine map t : Rn Rn with
t(x) = Ax + b, where A Rnn is an invertible matrix and b Rn is a

E(A, b) = {x Rn | kA1 x A1 bk 1}. (14)

Consider the mapping t(x) = 12 35 x(1)

x(2) . Draw the ellipsoid which is
defined by t. What are the axes of the ellipsoid?

Volume of unit ball

The volume of the unit ball is Vn 1n 2 ne

Volume of ellipsoid E(A, b) is equal to | det(A)| Vn .
Lemma 3.9 (Half-Ball Lemma)
The half-ball H = {x Rn | kxk 1, x(1) 0} is contained in the
( )
n+1 2 1 2 n2 1 X n

n 2
E = xR | x(1) + x(i) 1 (15)
n n+1 n2 i=2

Let x be contained in the unit ball, i.e., kxk 1 and suppose further
that 0 x(1) holds. We need to show that
2 2
n2 1 X

n+1 1
x(1) + x(i)2 1 (16)
n n+1 n2 i=2
Pn 2
holds. Since i=2 x(i) 1 x(1)2 holds we have
2 2
n2 1 Xn

n+1 1
x(1) + x(i)2
n n+1 n2 i=2
n+1 2 1 2 n2 1

x(1) + (1 x(1)2 )
n n+1 n2

This shows that (16) holds if x is contained in the half-ball and

x(1) = 0 or x(1) = 1.

Proof cont.
Now consider the right-hand-side of (17) as a function of x(1), i.e.,

n+1 2 1 2 n2 1

f (x(1)) = x(1) + (1 x(1)2 ). (18)
n n+1 n2

The first derivative is

n2 1

n+1 1
f (x(1)) = 2 x(1) 2 x(1). (19)
n n+1 n2

We have f (0) < 0 and since both f (0) = 1 and f (1) = 1, we have
f (x(1)) 1 for all 0 x(1) 1 and the assertion follows.

Corollary 3.10

The half-ball {x Rn | x(1) 0, kxk 1} is contained in an ellipsoid E,

whose volume is bounded by e 2(n+1) Vn .

Ellipsoids: Convenient notation

An ellipsoid E (A, a) is the set
E (A, a) = {x Rn | (x a)T A1 (x a) 1}, where A Rnn is a
symmetric positive definite matrix and a Rn is a vector.
Half-ellipsoid: E (A, a) (cT x cT a) where c Rn

Proof of the correctness of next formula can be found in [?].

Lemma 3.11 (Half-Ellipsoid-Theorem)

The half-ellipsoid E (A, b) (cT x cT a) is contained in the ellipsoid

E (A , a ) and one has vol(E )/vol(E ) e1/(2n) .

S Rn convex compact set. Suppose the following:
I) We have an ellipsoid Einit which contains S.
II) We have separation oracle for S

Ellipsoid method decides whether vol(S) < L or computes a point

x S
Ellipsoid method
a) (Initialize): Set E (A, a) := Einit
b) If vol(E (A, a)) < L, then stop.
c) If a S, then assert S 6= ; and stop
d) Otherwise, compute inequality cT x which is valid for S and
satisfies cT a > and replace E (A, a) by E (A , a) computed with
formula (??) and goto step c).

Theorem 3.12
The ellipsoid method computes a point in S or asserts that vol(S) < L.
The number of iterations is bounded by 2 n ln(vol(Einit )/L).


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