Arena Admin Guide
Arena Admin Guide
Arena Admin Guide
Released on January 16, 2022
Restricted Rights
The material in this manual is for information only and is subject to change without notice.
While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure accuracy of this material, Arena, A PTC
Business, does not assume any liability resulting from errors or omissions in this manual, or
from the use of the information in this manual.
Arena and Arena PLM are trademarks of Arena, A PTC Business. All other company and product
names may be trademarks of their respective owners and are used for product and company
identification only.
Arena Account Administrator Guide Arena Account Administrator Guide
Table of Contents
Welcome ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Chapter 3 – Items
Creating a New Item Number Format ................................................................................ 133
Editing and Activating a Number Format ......................................................................... 138
Creating Item Lifecycle Phases .......................................................................................... 141
Customizing Item Lifecycle Phase Order ........................................................................... 142
Deactivating Item Lifecycle Phases ................................................................................... 143
Defining Revision Sequences ............................................................................................ 144
Configuring System BOMs ................................................................................................. 146
Creating a New Custom BOM ............................................................................................. 148
Setting a Workspace Default Custom BOM ....................................................................... 151
Chapter 4 – Requests
Adding a Request Administrator ....................................................................................... 153
Creating Evaluator Groups ................................................................................................ 154
Configuring Supplier Access to Requests .......................................................................... 156
Creating a Request Numbering Sequence ........................................................................ 158
Editing Request Codes ....................................................................................................... 159
Chapter 5 – Changes
Creating Approval Roles .................................................................................................... 162
Editing Approval Roles ...................................................................................................... 163
Adding Routings to a Workspace ...................................................................................... 164
Editing Routings ................................................................................................................ 166
Adding a Change Administrator ....................................................................................... 168
Assigning a Change Escalation User, Quality Escalation User, or Proxy Approver in the
Profiles Subview ................................................................................................................ 185
Editing Change Configuration Settings ............................................................................ 171
Configuring Category-Specific Routing Methods ............................................................. 173
Creating a Change Numbering Sequence ......................................................................... 177
Editing Change Numbering Sequences ............................................................................. 178
Customizing Workspace Inventory Disposition ................................................................ 179
Enabling Implementation Tasks and Creating an Implementation Task Template ......... 181
Viewing the Proxy Schedule .............................................................................................. 183
Scheduling Out of Office Users with the the Proxy Schedule ........................................... 333
Assigning a Change Escalation User, Quality Escalation User, or Proxy Approver in the
Profiles Subview ................................................................................................................ 185
Chapter 6 – Projects
Creating a New Project Template ...................................................................................... 188
Configuring a Project Template ........................................................................................ 190
Activating a Project Template ........................................................................................... 193
Deleting a Project Template .............................................................................................. 195
Creating or Deleting a Program ........................................................................................ 197
Chapter 7 – Quality
Configuring Arena Quality ................................................................................................ 200
Creating a Quality Process Template ................................................................................ 201
Configuring a Quality Process Template ........................................................................... 203
Duplicating a Quality Process Template in the Same Workspace ..................................... 208
Duplicating a Quality Process Template to Another Workspace ...................................... 210
Creating a Quality Numbering Sequence .......................................................................... 215
Editing Quality Numbering Sequences ............................................................................. 216
Creating or Deleting a Quality Type .................................................................................. 217
Chapter 9 – Requirements
Creating a New Requirement Template ............................................................................ 223
Configuring Requirement Template Layout ..................................................................... 225
Creating Requirement Numbering Sequences ................................................................. 228
Defining Relationship Types for Requirements ................................................................ 229
Defining Priority Values for Requirements ....................................................................... 230
Chapter 11 – Reports
Adding a Report Administrator ......................................................................................... 244
Chapter 12 – Attributes
About Attributes ................................................................................................................ 246
Editing Core Attribute Properties ..................................................................................... 247
Adding a New Custom Attribute ....................................................................................... 249
Chapter 13 – Categories
Viewing Category Trees and Details ................................................................................. 254
Creating a New Category ................................................................................................... 258
Editing Category Information ........................................................................................... 263
Editing Category Default Settings ..................................................................................... 265
Activating or Deactivating a Category .............................................................................. 269
Moving a Category ............................................................................................................ 270
Deleting a Category ........................................................................................................... 272
Configuring Category Attributes ...................................................................................... 274
Customizing Category Layout ........................................................................................... 278
Chapter 14 – Compliance
Creating a Compliance Requirement ................................................................................ 283
Deleting a Compliance Requirement ................................................................................ 286
Chapter 15 – Notifications
Customize a Notification Event Email ............................................................................... 288
Deactivating Notification Event Email .............................................................................. 292
Item Notification Events .................................................................................................... 293
Request Notification Events .............................................................................................. 294
Change Notification Events ............................................................................................... 295
Projects Notification Events .............................................................................................. 297
Quality Notification Events ............................................................................................... 298
Training Notification Events .............................................................................................. 301
Requirements Notification Events .................................................................................... 302
Tickets Notification Events ................................................................................................ 303
Chapter 17 – Integrations
Editing Integration Information ........................................................................................ 315
Adding an Integration Administrator ............................................................................... 319
Adding Event Trigger ........................................................................................................ 321
Editing Event Trigger ......................................................................................................... 326
Adding Triggers to Outbound Events Integrations .......................................................... 331
List of Tables
Table 2.1. Items - History .............................................................................................................. 85
Table 15.1. Non-Customizable Change Notification Event Emails ............................................ 296
Table 15.2. Non-Customizable Quality Notification Event Emails ............................................. 300
This guide contains step-by-step procedures for setting up and administering your account and workspace in
All of the procedures in this guide are performed in the Account Administration tool, accessible only to Arena
Account Administrators. To open the Account Administration tool, click the Workspace Settings link which is the
second option from the user menu .
If you're not an Account Administrator, this link will take you to the Workspace Information tool.
If you believe you should be an Account Administrator, contact a current Account Administrator for your account.
To find a list of these users, click Workspace Settings which is the second option under the user menu and then
click the Administrators view.
This guide is one of many places you can find answers to your questions about administering your workspace. You
may also find the following useful:
• Arena Help: Access Arena Help from the Help menu in the top right corner of every Arena page or click the
icon you'll see on most workflows.
• Arena Getting Started Guide: This guide is available from the Documents section of Arena Help, and includes
a section on how to set up your Arena account.
• The Arena Solutions website: contains valuable information about the Arena
If you have comments or suggestions for this guide, please feel free to contact us by selecting Send Us Feedback
from the Help menu at the top right of any Arena page.
Customize Email Notification Footer for Change and Quality Emails ......................................... 52
3. Edit the account information, and click the Save Changes button to update the information and return to the
Account Profile view.
4. If you need to change the Account Representative for your account, contact Arena Support by selecting Send
Us Feedback from the Help menu on any Arena page.
2. Click Edit Account Info. The Edit Account Info button is symbolized by a Pencil icon
3. Enter a value in the Password Reset Interval field. You can enter any number up to 1000. When the interval
expires, users will be prompted to change their Arena password upon their next login.
Note: The interval does not reset when you enter a new value. If it has been 80 days since the last prompt, and you
set the interval to 100 days, employees will next be prompted to reset their passwords in 20 days.
4. Select a value from the Enforce Password History drop-down menu. Enforce Password History determines the
number of previous passwords an employee user cannot reuse when changing their password.
a. Users can select the following values No, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, or ten. Selecting
one of the numerical values prevents a user from changing their password to any of their past X number
of passwords where X is equal to the Enforce Password History value selected. If an Administrator selects
ten for this value, then the user cannot reuse any of their pass ten previous passwords.
b. If you select No, then users have no restrictions on using previous passwords.
5. Enter a value for the Minimum Password Age setting. Values can be typed in or selected incrementally by the
up and down arrows. Minimum Password Age restricts a user from resetting their password for a selected
amount of time. The Minimum Password Age setting can be set from a minimum of zero to a maximum of 24
Note: Minimum Password Age is designed to deter users from circumventing the Enforce Password History setting
by performing a number of consecutive password resets equal to the value of the Enforce Password History.
a. Selecting On means that a user will be locked out after a number of failed logins equal to the value of the
Failed Login Attempts setting. This is the default option.
b. Seleting Off means that users will not be locked out after any number of failed logins.
7. Select a value from the Failed Login Attempts dropdown. Failed Login Attempts is used in conjunction with
Password Lockout. The value selected determines the number of Failed Login attempts before a user is
lockedout. Administrators can configure this value to a minimum of two and to a maximum of ten.
8. Select a value from the Lockout Period dropdown. Lockdown Period determines the time interval in minutes
that a user is locked out due to failed login attempts. Once the time interval is over, the user can attempt to
login again. Users can select the following values measured in minutes from the dropdown: 5, 10, 15, 30, 60,
120, and Indefinite. Selecting Indefinite means that the user is lockedout indefinitely.
Note: Indefinitely locked out users and time locked users can be unlocked at anytime by Account Administrators
resetting the lockedout user's password within the user profile within the Enabled Access, Account Employees view
in Account Settings. (The actual name of the Account Employees view will vary depending on the name of your
account. The name of your account will prefix the word Employees.) Account Administrators who are indefinitely
locked out can be unlocked by another Account Administrator from the same account. If all Account Administrators
from a single account are indefinitely locked out, please contact Arena Support.
3. In the Company Logo field, click Browse. Then select a file from a local drive. GIFs, JPGs, and PNGs are supported.
150px x 27px maximum; 27px x 27px recommended.
4. Click Save Changes. Your logo will be displayed in the upper left of every page.
5. To return to the default Arena logo, return to the Account Info page and click Remove Logo.
Account Administrators can add Employee users up to the number specified for an account. If you have questions
about how many licenses your company is allowed, contact your Account Executive.
1. Click the [Account Name] Employees tab to see the Employee users for your account.
3. Enter the information for the new Employee user, and click Create Profile.
Note: If you wish to make the new employee an Account Administrator, make sure to select Yes in the Administrator
section of the form.
4. Use the checkboxes to select the workspaces to which you wish to grant this user access, and click Select
Workspaces. If you do not want to grant workspace access at this time, click Do Not Grant Access. You may
add workspace access at a later time.
5. Select a License and/or Access Role for the user in each workspace.
a. For workspaces configured to use Access Roles to manage user access, select a license and access role
for the new user in each workspace using the drop-down menus.
Note: In these workspaces, you can further specify a user's access, restricting their view access by category,
with Advanced User Privileges. To learn more, see “Implementing Advanced User Privileges” on page 120
b. For workspaces configured to use Access Policies to manage user access, select a license. You can create
and assign Access Policies after the Employee is added. Remember that a user's license determines what
privileges they can be granted by Access Policies.
c. If the user needs access to Training Plans in a workspace, make sure the Training checkbox is selected.
d. If you granted the Employee access to more than one workspace, use the radio buttons in the Initial
Workspace column to specify which workspace should be presented to the user the first time s/he logs
in. Click the Assign Access button to return to the details page for the new Employee user.
6. You will be taken to the Profile view for the new Employee.
The Employee user import process is a 2 step workflow that allows you to merge Employee User data from a CSV
file into your Arena workspace to create Employee user profiles.
• In step 2, you map columns in your source import file to columns in Arena.
You can also click Column Requirements in step 1 for a list of columns required.
Before beginning the import process, you must first prepare an acceptable CSV file for import into Arena. We
recommend downloading the Arena user import template file from Step 1 of the Import process, removing
the data, and replacing it with your own. This topic explains how to use the column requirements and import
guidelines to create your own file.
1. Using a spreadsheet program (like Microsoft Excel), create a spreadsheet of the user data you want to import.
2. Add the columns you need. In Step 1 of the Import process, you can click Column Requirements to view all
the columns in your workspace for Employee users and whether or not they are required (you'll need to click
the Import Items button to get to Step 1, but you can cancel the process at any time by clicking Return to
Workspace). If a column is required and you do not include it in your import file, or do not provide a value for
that column, your import will fail with errors.
Note: With our Winter 2022 release, Arena import column names no longer contain underscores. For example, the
import column name for supplier name number now appears as FIRST NAME and no longer FIRST_NAME. To ensure
your import columns are automatically mapped, please remove underscores from the import column name within
your personal import templates. If underscores are not removed from the template, you’ll be prompted to map each
individual import column name to the corresponding Arena import column.
a. The email address (email), first name (first name), last name (last name), temporary password (temp
password), administrator (administrator), and status (status) columns are required when creating new
Employee profiles.
b. If updating existing employee profiles then only the email column and the columns being updated are
required. Email is the primary attribute required when importing employee user information. Currently
email is the only attribute that cannot be updated by import.
3. Add your employee data to the file. In Step 1 of the Import process, you can click Import Guidelines link to
review guidelines related to the Employee user import process. These include:
b. The Employee user import only creates employee profiles in the acccount. Workspace access must be
assigned separately.
The first step of importing Employee user data into your Arena workspace is to select the source data file that you
will import.
1. In the File Location field, click Browse to navigate to a file on a local drive.
2. After selecting the CSV file with employee data. Click Next.
The second step of importing Employee users into your Arena workspace is to map each column in your import
source file to an Arena attribute.
1. Use the drop-down menus to select a target attribute for each column in your import file. Remember that the
format of values in the import file must match the format in Arena. Check the Column Requirements for more
2. Click Next.
• If you have left any columns unmapped, you will be prompted to map them. Any columns left unmapped will be
ignored (will not be imported into your workspace.)
• If you select the same Arena column for more than one column in your import file, data from each column will
be concatenated in the selected Arena column.
• With our Winter 2022 release, Arena import column names no longer contain underscores. For example, the
import column name for an employee's first name now appears as FIRST NAME and no longer FIRST_NAME. To
ensure your import columns are automatically mapped, please remove underscores from the import column
name within your personal import templates. If underscores are not removed from the template, you’ll be prompted
to map each individual import column name to the corresponding Arena import column.
1. Click the [Account Name] Employees tab to see the Employee users for your account.
4. In the Personal Information section, set the Administrator drop-down menu to Yes.
6. You will be taken to the Profile view for the new Employee.
Employee users can reset their own passwords once they have configured a security question and answer. If they
have not yet configured their security question and answer, or have chosen to disable the functionality, an Account
Administrator must reset their password. When a user who does not have a security question and answer configured
attempts to reset their password, the Account Administrator will receive an email notification requesting the
password reset. Follow these instructions to reset an Employee's password.
1. Click the [Account Name] Employees tab to see the list of Employee users.
2. Click the name of the Employee to view his or her user details.
4. Type a temporary password, and type it again to confirm it. You may notify the user of the new password by
email, though it is not recommended because email is not a secure means of communication. Click the Save
Changes button to save the changes and return to the employee details page or the Cancel button to leave
without making any changes.
Note: This is only a temporary password. The user will be required to select a new password on his or her first login.
If your workspace uses Single Sign-On, you will still need an Arena password for functions that require password
verification. Functions that require an Arena password as an electronic signature include but are not limited to the
following: Change approval, Request promotion, and Quality Step sign-off.
When Single Sign-On is enabled, employee passwords are not validated against Arena, the request is sent to the
IDP provider setup in the Single Sign-On configuration. Arena does not cache nor know the login password of the
employee user.
In order to comply with CFR Part 11 requirements for medical device manufacturers and other FDA-regulated
industries, Arena is required to verify the identity of the user every time an electronic signature is recorded. The
Arena password prompt fulfills this requirement.
If a Single Sign-On user wants their corporate login password to match their Arena password, we would advise
changing the Arena password to match their login password.
Account Administrators can choose to enforce two-factor authentication for all Employee users in their account.
2. Click Edit Account Info. The Edit Account Info button is symbolized by a Pencil icon.
3. In the Enforce Two-Factor Authentication? section, select the following radio button option: Yes.
All Employee users will be required to enter a second form of authentication when logging in from an untrusted
device. At each Employee's next login, they will be required to configure two-factor authentication.
When a user has enabled two-factor authentication, or when an Account Administrator has chosen to enforce
two-factor authentication for all Employees across the entire account, Account Administrators can disable it for a
user. When two-factor authentication is disabled, the user will not be required to enter a secondary authentication
code at login.
1. Click the [Account Name] Employees tab to see the list of Employee users for your account.
The list of all Employees includes the Two-Factor Authentication column. If two-factor authentication is enabled
for a user, the value in this column is Email or Text Message.
4. To confirm that you want to disable two-factor authentication for the user, enter your password and click
Disable Two-Factor Authentication.
The user will no longer be required to enter a second form of authentication when logging in from an untrusted
device. If the user re-enables two-factor authentication, they will be required to re-authenticate.
When you need to remove an Employee's access for any reason, you can disable the Employee's account. (You can
change account status back to enabled at any time.) You should first remove the Employee from any evaluator
groups or approval roles; otherwise, the disabled Employee will continue to appear as a participant in Requests
and a reviewer on Change routings.
1. Click the [Account Name] Employees tab to see the list of Employee users for your account.
2. Click the Enabled Access tab to see the list of all Employees with enabled access.
4. Click the Edit Information button to change the status of the user.
5. Select Disabled in the Status drop-down menu, and click the Save Changes button to return to the user details.
Note: Account Representatives cannot be disabled. To disable an Account Representative user, that user's Account
Representative status must be removed. To designate a new Account Representative, contact Arena Technical
Support by selecting the Send Us a Feedback option from the Help drop-down menu which is symbolized by a
question mark icon. Once a user is no longer the Account Representative, that user account can be disabled.
You can configure your workspace in a variety of ways by changing its settings. Multiple settings may be changed
and saved at once.
1. Click the Settings subview to see the current values of the editable settings for this workspace.
2. Click the Edit Settings button on the right side of the View bar.
a. To change the separator that appears between Item Number and Revision in lists of search results, click
the Item Number and Revision Separator drop-down menu, and select the desired format for the display
of the combined Item number and revision. Then click the Save Changes button to save the change and
return to the Settings view.
b. To determine how Design stage revisions should be displayed in the drop-down menu in the Revision
bar (in the Items world), select an option from the Revision Bar Format for Design Stage Items drop-down
i. If Always show Item phase is selected, the revision number of each Design stage Revision will be
followed by the name of the lifecycle phase of that revision.
ii. If Show Change Number when it exists is selected, the revision number of each Design stage revision
will be followed by the appropriate Change number if a Change created the revision.
c. To determine how Production stage revisions should be displayed in the drop-down menu in the Revision
bar (in the Items world), select an option from the Revision Bar Format for Production Stage Items
drop-down menu.
i. If Always show Item phase is selected, the revision number of each Production stage revision will be
followed by the name of the lifecycle phase of that revision.
ii. If Show Change number when it exists is selected, the revision number of each Production stage
revision will be followed by the Change number if a Change created the revision.
d. To determine whether duplicate Item numbers should be allowed in the workspace, select an option
from the Duplicate Item Numbers Allowed drop-down menu.
i. Select No to require unique Item numbers in your workspace. If No is selected, users will be unable
to create Items with duplicate Item numbers.
ii. Select Yes if you want to allow duplicate Item numbers in the workspace. Users will be able to create
Items with duplicate Item numbers, but they will be warned before doing so.
e. To determine whether original Item history should be included when duplicating an Item, select an option
in the Duplicate Item History section.
i. To specify that Item history should always be included when duplicating Items, select Always.
ii. To specify that users in the workspace should be able to choose whether or not to include Item
history when they duplicate an Item, and have the user's choice default to include original Item
history, select Optional, default Duplicate History.
iii. To specify that Item history should never be included when duplicating Items, select Never.
iv. To specify that users in the workspace should be able to choose whether or not to include Item
history when they duplicate an Item, and have the user's choice default to NOT include original Item
history, select Optional, default Do Not Duplicate History.
f. To specify the value for Item Sharing Status that will be pre-selected when users create new Items, select
an option from the Share New Items by Default drop-down menu.
i. To specify that the value for the attribute Sharing Status should default to Do not share this Item with
sourced Suppliers , select No.
ii. To specify that the value for the attribute Sharing Status should default to Share this Item with sourced
Suppliers, select Yes.
g. To specify whether Account Administrators can edit the specifications of multiple Items at once, from
lists of search results in the Items world, select an option from the Bulk Spec Editing drop-down menu.
i. To specify that Account Administrators should be able to perform bulk specification edits, select Yes.
ii. To specify that Account Administrators should not be able to perform bulk specification edits, select
a. To edit the Reference Designator Checking setting, select an option from the Reference Designator
Checking for New Assemblies drop-down menu.
i. If Check is selected, warnings will be generated when editing the BOM of a newly created assembly
if there is a mismatch between the quantity and the number of reference designators, or if the same
reference designator is used more than once.
ii. If Don't Check is selected, no comparison of the quantity and the number of reference designators
will occur in the workspace.
b. To set the default method for numbering lines in new assemblies in the workspace, select an option from
the Line Numbering Method for New Assemblies drop-down menu.
i. If Allow manual editing is selected, the line numbers in new BOMs will be editable.
ii. If Automatically generate is selected, a new BOM's line numbers will be created automatically.
c. To determine whether to allow negative quantities in BOMs, select an option from the Negative Quantities
Allowed drop-down menu. (This setting can be changed without affecting existing workspace data.)
d. To determine how zero- or no-cost line items are displayed in the Purchasing subview of the Bill of
Materials view in the Items world, select an option from the Zero or No-Cost Line Items Bought drop-down
i. Select Buy to force zero- or no-cost line items to appear in the table of Items to be purchased
ii. Select Don't Buy to force zero- or no-cost line items to appear in the table of Items that do not need
to be purchased.
e. To determine how zero-quantity line items are displayed in the Purchasing subview of the Bill of Materials
view in the Items world, select an option from the Zero-Quantity Line Items Bought drop-down menu.
i. Select Buy to force zero-quantity line items to appear in the table of Items to be purchased.
ii. Select Don't Buy to have zero-quantity line items appear in the table of Items that do not need to be
f. To determine how negative-quantity line items are displayed in the Purchasing subview of the Bill of
Materials view in the Items world, select an option from the Negative-Quantity Line Items Bought
drop-down menu.
i. Select Buy to force negative-quantity line items to appear in the table of Items to be purchased.
ii. Select Don't Buy to force negative-quantity line items appear in the table of Items that do not need
to be purchased.
g. To determine how the application should handle the possibility of adding a duplicate Item on a BOM,
select an option from the Identical BOM Items Allowed drop-down menu.
i. Select No to prevent users from adding an Item that already exists within a BOM.
ii. Select Yes to allow a user to create duplicate Items on BOMs. The user will not be warned.
iii. Select Warn to warn a user when they are about to add an Item that is already present within a BOM.
The user will have the option to proceed anyway.
h. To determine how the application should handle duplicate BOM lines during the import process, select
an option from the Identical BOM Lines Merged on Import drop-down menu.
i. If Yes is selected, identical BOM lines will be merged during the import process.
ii. If No is selected, identical BOM lines will not be merged during the import process.
i. To determine whether or not to allow Items and revisions to be specified as acceptable substitutes for
child Items in a bill of materials, select an option from the Substitutes Allowed drop-down menu.
Note: Setting Substitutes Allowed to "No" removes the Substitute command from the Indented subview
of the Bill of Materials view, and prevents new substitutes from being specified. However, any existing
substitutes will still be shown.
j. To specify how many levels of a BOM an Advanced Supplier user sourced at the top level should see,
select an option from the Supplier BOM Access drop-down menu.
i. To specify that Advanced Supplier users should see shared Items at all levels of the BOM, select All
BOM Levels.
ii. To specify that Advanced Supplier users should see shared Items only at the first-level of the BOM,
select First BOM Level.
Note: If another Supplier is sourced at any level of the BOM, the top-level Advanced Supplier can see those
lower-level Suppliers, because they may need their information to build the assembly.
a. To set the currency symbol that will be placed in front of costs in the workspace, select an option from
the Currency Symbol drop-down menu.
b. To determine the default method by which prototype and production costs will be calculated for new
assemblies, select an option from the Cost Calculation Method for New Assemblies drop-down menu.
Note: Prototype and production costs of components (i.e., Items that contain no child Items in their BOMs) are
always determined from quoted costs. If Rolled Up or Rolled Up & Quoted is selected here, when an Item
becomes an assembly through the addition of components to its BOM, the prototype and production costs of
the Item and any assemblies that include it will be recalculated.
i. If Quoted is selected, costs will be derived from a quote for the entire assembly.
ii. If Rolled Up is selected, costs will be derived from the sum of quotes for each individual Item in the
iii. If Rolled Up & Quoted is selected, costs will be derived from the quote for the entire assembly plus
the quotes for all Items in the assembly.
a. To determine whether or not the form to send email notifications to interested parties after registering
a decision on a Change should always be displayed, select an option from the Notification Form After
Decision Entry drop-down menu.
Note: Regardless of this setting, each Change participant will continue to receive notifications of Change
decisions in the Notifications tab of his/her Dashboard Inbox.
i. Select Required to have the form automatically displayed after a user enters a Change decision. Note
that the user can still choose not to send any notifications.
ii. Select Optional to give users the option to display the notification form after entering a Change
b. To determine which users will receive automatic decision requests for Changes, select an option from
the Automatic Decision Requests drop-down menu.
i. If "Unanimous" Approval Roles Only is selected, only Decision Board members in approval roles with
a "Unanimous" requirement will automatically receive decision requests when the stage at which
they may enter a decision opens.
ii. If Entire Decision Board is selected, every decision board member (including additional reviewers)
will automatically receive decision requests when the stage at which they may participate opens.
c. To determine if and when Change Creator and Change Administrators should be notified that a Deviation
(a Change with temporary effectivity) is about to expire, select an option from the Change Expiration
Notification drop-down menu.
ii. If 3 Days Prior to Expiration is selected, one notification will be sent to Change Creator and Change
Administrators 3 days before the Change is set to expire.
iii. If 5 Days Prior to Expiration is selected, one notification will be sent to Change Creator and Change
Administrators 5 days before the Change is set to expire.
iv. If 1 Week Prior to Expiration is selected, one notification will be sent to Change Creator and Change
Administrators 1 week (7 days) before the Change is set to expire.
Note: Notifications are sent at 12am on the day specified. If you select a value that is within the current timeframe,
a new notifcation is sent the following day. For example if a Change is to expire in 4 days, and you change this
setting to 5 Days Prior to Expiration, a notification will be sent the next day.
d. To determine if Changes should be escalated to another approver after a period of one to nine days after
the Change Approval deadline or after a stage opens, select an option from the Change Escalation drop
down menu.
i. If Escalate is selected along with Before Due Date, then the Change will be escalated to a designated
user if the Change hasn't been approved by the original approver one to nine days before the Change
Approval Deadline.
ii. If Escalate is selected along with After Stage Opens, then the Change will be esclated to a designated
user if the Change hasn't been approved by the original approver one to nine days after the stage
routing has opened.
iii. If Do not Escalate, is selected then Changes will not be escalated under any conditions.
Note: Changes that meet the criteria established in the Change Escalation field will move from a non-escalated
state to an escalated state in a process that is initiated at 12:10 AM Pacific. In order for the Change to escalate,
the Change must exactly match the workspace escalation condition at that moment, whether it is a set number
of days before the due date or a set number of days after the currently highest stage opened.
e. To determine if Changes should be approved in the numerical order of the approval stages, select an
option from the Enforce Stage Order menu.
i. If Enforce is selected, Change approvers will not be able to approve a Change until their stage opens.
Change Administrators on the approval board will not have access to the standard approve and
reject buttons until their stage opens, but will still have access to the force approval and force rejection
ii. If Do Not Force is selected, Change approvers can approve at any stage as long as the Change has
been submitted for approval.
a. To determine if a Quality Process step or signoff step should be escalated to another user after a period
of one to nine days after the Quality Process step deadline or one to nine days after a stage opens, select
an option from the Quality Escalation drop-down menu.
i. If Escalate is selected along with Before Due Date, then the Quality step will be escalated to a
designated user if the Quality step hasn't been completed or signed-off by the original assignee one
to nine days before the Quality step approval deadline.
ii. If Escalate is selected along with After Step Opens, then the Quality step will be escalated to a
designated user if the Quality step hasn't been completed or signed-off by the original assignee one
to nine days after the Quality step has opened.
iii. If Do Not Escalate, is selected then the Quality step will not be escalated under any conditions.
Note: Quality Process steps that meet the criteria established in the Quality Escalation field will move from a
non-escalated state to an escalated state in a process that is initiated at 2:30 AM Pacific. In order for the Quality
Process step to escalate, the Quality Process step must exactly match the workspace escalation condition at
that moment, whether it is a set number of days before the due date or a set number of days after that specific
Quality Process step has opened.
a. To determine which labels are available when entering or editing a Supplier's phone numbers, select an
option from the Sharing of Supplier Phone Labels drop-down menu.
i. Select Shared to allow labels to be chosen from a list that includes the labels for all Supplier phone
numbers in the workspace.
ii. Select Not Shared to limit the selection list to default labels and any customized labels you have
entered for a given Supplier's phone numbers.
b. To determine which labels are available when entering or editing phone numbers for a given Supplier's
contacts, select an option from the Sharing of Contact Phone Labels drop-down menu.
i. Select Shared to allow labels to be chosen from a list that includes the labels for all Supplier Contact
phone numbers in the workspace.
ii. Select Not Shared to limit the selection list to default labels and any customized labels you have
entered for a given Supplier Contact's phone numbers.
c. To determine whether a unique Supplier Identifier should be required for the workspace, select an option
from the Unique Supplier Identifier Required drop-down menu. When a Supplier Identifier is required,
no two Suppliers will be allowed to have the same Supplier Identifier.
i. Select Yes if a unique Supplier Identifier should be required for each Supplier in the workspace.
ii. Select No if a unique Supplier Identifier is not required for each Supplier in the workspace.
a. To determine whether to require Item Type when creating or editing Supplier Items, select an option
from the Item Type Required drop-down menu.
i. Select Yes to require Item Type when creating new or editing existing Supplier Items.
ii. Select No if Item Type is not required when creating new or editing existing Supplier Items.
a. Enable or disable Arena FileDrop by selecting an option from the Arena FileDrop drop-down menu. Each
workspace has a unique FileDrop at from which users can
upload files without entering the workspace.
i. If Enabled is selected, users will be able to upload files from Arena FileDrop at
ii. If Disabled is selected, users will not be able to upload files from Arena FileDrop at
b. To determine whether the content of earlier File editions may be corrected, select an option from the
Corrections to Files Allowed drop-down menu.
i. If Yes, but don't allow removal of original content is selected, Account Administrators will be able to
correct the content (but not the descriptive information) for File editions that are otherwise locked.
The original content will be accessible in the Corrections subview of the Editions view of the File.
ii. If Yes, and allow removal of original content is selected, Account Administrators will be able to correct
the content for File editions that are otherwise locked AND remove access to the original content
from the Corrections subview of the Editions view of the File. The Corrections subview will record
that the previous content existed, but users will not be able to access it or any previous corrections
to that content.
iii. If No is selected, no user will be able to correct the content for locked File editions.
c. To set the default behavior of the application when updating or checking in a File edition, select an option
from the File Edition Update and Check In drop-down menu.
i. If Update Latest Edition is selected, the default behavior will cause the latest edition will be overwritten
when a new File is updated or checked in.
ii. If Create New Edition is selected, the default behavior will be to prompt the user for a new edition
number during the File update or check-in process, and the latest edition of the File will not be
d. To determine the default Edition Identifier when creating a new File, enter an edition identifier in the
Default Edition Number text field.
e. To determine how a default File Title should be derived from a selected file when uploading File
information, select an option from the Default Title drop-down menu.
i. If <file_name> is selected, the default File Title will be the text of the filename before the period.
ii. If <file_name>.<extension> is selected, the default File Title will be the entire filename, including
period and extension.
iii. If <file_name>. is selected, the default File Title will be the filename, including period.
f. To determine how a default File Format should be derived from a selected file when uploading File
information, select an option from the Default Format drop-down menu.
i. If <extension> is selected, the default File Format will be the file extension, without period.
ii. If .<extension> is selected, the default File Format will be the file extension, including period.
a. To determine the character set that should be used for PDX export files, select an option from the PDX
Output Character Set drop-down menu.
i. If US-ASCII is selected, text data in exported PDX documents will include only US-ASCII characters
(all other characters will be omitted to ensure compatibility).
ii. If UTF-8 is selected, all text data will be exported with UTF-8 encoding and no data will be omitted.
Note: Though UTF-8 encoding is compliant with the PDX standard, you may have problems viewing such
documents in the Agile Express PDX viewer.
a. To determine the format for displaying abbreviated dates within the workspace, select an option
(MM/DD/YYYY, DD/MM/YYYY, or YYYY/MM/DD) from the Short Date Format drop-down menu.
b. To specify how times should be displayed throughout the workspace, select an option in the Time Format
drop-down menu.
i. If AM/PM is selected, the 12-hour format will be used. For example, 01:30PM.
ii. If 24-Hour is selected, the 24-hour format will be used. For example, 13:30.
c. To specify how dates should be displayed for recorded decisions in the Decisions view in the Changes
world, select an option in the Date Format for Change History drop-down menu.
i. If Relative Dates is selected, a date will be displayed relative to today's date (yesterday, two days ago).
After three days, an absolute date (June 29, 2009) will be shown.
ii. If Date Only is selected, an absolute date will be displayed (June 29, 2009).
iii. If Date & Time is selected, an absolute date and the time in Pacific Standard Time (June 29, 2009,
6:10am) will be displayed.
a. To determine whether or not first-level categories should be displayed in the first drop-down menu in
the Search bar, select an option in the Display Categories drop-down menu.
a. To determine whether or not the File ID should be prepended to the file name of Files exported as part
of an Item, Supplier, or Supplier Item export, select an option in the Exported File Name Handling
drop-down menu.
i. If Prepend File ID is selected, the File ID value will be prepended to the file name of the exported file.
For example, a File "instructions.txt" with File ID "0187" would be exported as "0187.instructions.txt".
ii. If Do Not Prepend File ID is selected, the exported file name will appear exactly as it appears in Arena.
Note: If files with identical file names are exported, Arena appends a number to the filename to differentiate
the files.
15. Adjust settings in the Scribe section. You can select Enabled or Disabled for any Arena world. If you set a world
to Disabled, the Scribe pane will not appear in that world.
a. Configure the duration of the Idle Session Timeout. Manually type in the desired duration or use the up
and down arrow keys to increase or decrease the duration. Idle Session Timeout has a maximum limit of
180 minutes and a minimum limit of 10 minutes. The current default duration is set to 90 minutes.
Note: Idle Session Timeout is the duration of time a user can remain inactive in a workspace before automatically
being logged out. Before logout the user will encounter a two-minute pop-up warning indicating a logout is
imminent. API users will receive no warning. User Inactivity can be canceled at any time by clicking on a location
in the workspace that causes a browser page refresh. Idle Session Timeout is workspace specific and only
applies to the workspace in which the setting is configured.
17. Click the Save Changes button to save the changes and return to the Settings view.
If neither is set, all times are displayed in the default time zone (Pacific Standard Time).
If both are set, the user's personal setting for time zone overrides the account setting.
In addition, Account Administrators can choose to display time in am/pm mode or 24-hour mode using the Time
Display setting in their workspace settings.
Workspace Alias is an optional field in your workspace profile. Append the workspace alias to to create a unique URL that will take users directly to the FileDrop for
your workspace ([Workspace Alias]). This can be useful when you use
more than one workspace or one of your Suppliers works with more than one Arena customer.
Note: Workspace aliases must be unique. If your workspace alias is already in use, you will be prompted to select a
different value.
If a user is not receiving notification emails from Arena, there are two possible causes:
1. The user's preferences are set to receive notifications only in the Notifications tab of his or her Dashboard Inbox.
In this case, the user can update the preference to "Dashboard and Email".
2. Arena notification emails are being incorrectly identified as spam by an email filtering program. This can occur
because the sender and reply-to addresses do not match in Arena notification emails. Notification emails are
sent from an Arena proxy server but the reply-to address is the address of the user generating the notification.
You can rectify this situation by specifying domains for which the reply-to address should be omitted, so
notifications sent to these domains will not be blocked. To learn more, see “Omitting the Reply-To Address from
Arena Emails” on page 47.
If your company uses Sender Policy Framework (SPF), your DNS record may not include the Arena mail servers.
For reference, all email sent by the Arena application originates from Arena's production IP block:
(subnet mask In addition, Arena maintains a warm disaster recovery site which, in the event of
a physical disaster at the primary site, would originate mail from the IP block (same subnet mask).
If Arena email notifications sent to your domain are being blocked by a spam filter, removing the Reply-To address
may allow notifications to bypass the filter.
If your company’s Domain Name System (DNS) records includes a Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record for your
company’s domain, you should include Arena's mail servers in the SPF record as authorized senders, or notification
emails sent from Arena may be lost because they are rejected by SPF-aware mail receivers.
1. Using the software you normally use to update your company’s DNS records, open the SPF record for your
domain. Your IT administrator can help if you don’t know how to do this.
2. Add the hostname as an authorized mail sender to your SPF record. This will
normally involve inserting the text “” in the text of the SPF record.
to read
3. Publish your updated SPF record in your domain's public DNS. Depending on the configuration of your DNS
servers, it may take up to one day for the update to your SPF record to be processed
Note: You can check whether your domain has an SPF record established, and check that it is valid, at A simple wizard to help create a properly formatted SPF record is available
3. Make modifications to the information, and click the Save Changes button. Click the Cancel button to return
to the Summary view without making any changes.
1. For most users, Workspace Settings should open to the Summary view, Profile subview of the workspace. If
you're navigating from another part of Workspace Settings, Click the Summary view, Profile subview to see
the current values of the editable settings for this workspace.
3. Scroll down to the Color menu at the very bottom. There are 23 workspace color themes to select. A preview
screen shows the selected color theme.
4. Click the Save button to save the changes and return to the Settings view. Upon saving your changes the
workspace should immediately change to the color you selected.
4. Navgiate to the Email Notification Footer field towards the bottom. Enter custom information you'd like to
display in the email footer for Change and Quality emails.
2. Enter information about the new workspace, and click Create Workspace to return to the details for the new
3. New workspaces are created with no additional features. To enable additional features, contact Arena Support
via Send Us Feedback.
There are two different options for access control in Arena: Access Roles and Access Policies. If your workspace uses
Access Roles, each user is assigned a role (a predefined, non-editable set of privileges) that determines what
information they can see or edit. If your workspace uses Access Policies, you can define policies made up of specific
rules for any type of information and apply those policies to users or user groups. All workspaces use Access Roles
by default; contact to migrate a workspace to use Access Policies.
An access role defines a user's access to a workspace: It's a collection of privileges that determine how a user may
work with the information in your workspace.
You assign users an access role when you create their user account. Access roles include world settings that specify
the types of objects a user can access and the object-level functions that can be performed. Roles also include
access privileges, which use data filters to define access to specific sets of objects and Permissions to indicate the
views and subviews that can be seen and edited for those objects as well as the commands that can be performed
on them.
View access role details in the Access Roles subview of the Access view in the Account Administration tool.
If you want to control specific categories of data a user can access, you can do so with Advanced User Privileges,
or you can change how access is managed in your workspace by switching to Access Policies.
• Partner: Users from outside your account with access to all Items in the workspace.
• Basic Supplier: Users from outside your account with access to Items sourced to them.
• Advanced Supplier: Users from outside your account with access to Items sourced to them and access to the
BOMs of those Items.
• Can see all objects but cannot directly edit the product record
• Choice of Item revision visibility: All Item revisions or effective Item revisions only
• Can take ownership of unassigned Project tasks and edit status for owned tasks
• Can be designated as a Project Manager with full editing rights for Project schedule.
—May have “direct” phase change and Make Effective buttons in both Design and Production stages
—May have “direct” phase change and Make Effective buttons in Design stage only
• No Revision Creation
• This special role is specifically for users who only need access to Training Plans
• Intended for Suppliers who need to see the bill of materials of an Item in order to supply the Item (contract
• Suppliers see Items explicitly sourced and shared AND shared Items in the bill of materials (not sourced) – note
that a workspace setting controls whether the Advanced Supplier has access to shared items in the first level
BOM of a sourced assembly, or to shared items at all levels.
For workspaces configured to use Access Roles to manage user access, an access role defines a user's access to a
workspace: it's a collection of privileges that determine how a user may work with the information in your workspace.
The role types are: Employee (users with access to all Items in the workspace), Partner (users from outside your
account with access to all Items in the workspace), Basic Supplier (users from outside your account with access to
Items sourced to them) and Advanced Supplier (users from outside your account with access to Items sourced to
them and their first-level BOMs).
In the Users subview of the Access view in the Account Administration tool, access roles can be assigned to Arena
users to control their levels of access to your workspace. Roles include world settings that specify the types of
objects a user can access and the object-level functions that can be performed. Roles also include access privileges,
which use data filters to define access to specific sets of objects and permissions to indicate the views and subviews
that can be seen and edited for those objects as well as the commands that can be performed on them.
2. Click the Access Roles subview to view access role descriptions. This view is only available to workspaces that
do not have Access Policies enabled.
3. Click the arrow icon to the left of any role name to expand the details of that role.
When a user belongs to your account, you can grant them access to any workspace within the account.
3. Click the name of the user to whom you wish to grant workspace access.
5. The Workspaces view lists all workspaces to which this user has access. The first table lists workspaces configured
to use Access Policies. The second table lists workspaces configured to use Access Roles.
6. In the Access Policies table, click Add Workspace to add the user to a workspace configured to use Access
a. Select a Workspace and a License for the user in that workspace and click Add Workspace.
Note: If the user needs access to Training Plans in the workspace, be sure the Training checkbox is selected.
b. Use the checkboxes to select User Groups to which to add this user in the workspace and click Add User
c. Use the checkboxes to select Access Policies to apply to the user in the workspace and click Add Policies.
Note: To view the details of an Access Policy, right-click a policy name and open it in a new tab.
7. In the Access Roles table, click Add Workspaces to add the user to one or more workspaces confgured to use
Access Roles.
b. Use the drop-down menus to select a License and Access Role for the user in each workspace and click
Assign Roles. If you select Add-On Product(s) Only, you do not need to select an Access Role.
Note: If the user needs access to Training Plans in the workspace, be sure the Training checkbox is selected.
8. You will be returned to the updated Workspaces view for the user.
You can edit a users' license types and access roles in two places in the Account Administration tool: in the Users
subview of the Access view and in the Enabled Access tab of the Employees tab.
1. In the Users subview of the Access view, expand the Employee Access or Partner Access section.
3. Use the checkboxes to select users and click Edit Employees or Edit Partners.
4. Select a license for each user. Licenses are governed by the amount of each license type available to your
5. Select access roles from the drop-down menus. Note that if you selected Add-On Product(s) Only as the License
for a user, you cannot select an Access Role. If a user needs access to Training Plans in a workspace, ensure
that the Training checkbox is selected.
6. You can also edit the access role of a single user in the Enabled Access tab of the Employees tab:
a. Click the name of the user for whom you wish to edit workspace access.
b. Click the [Account Name] Workspaces tab to see the workspaces in this account to which the user already
has access.
c. In the Commands column on the right side of the table, activate the command menu for a user and select
Edit Access Role.
d. Select a license for the user. Licenses are governed by the amount of each license type available to your
e. Select a new access role from the drop-down menu and click Assign Roles. Note that if you selected
Add-On Product(s) Only as the License for a user, you cannot select an Access Role. If a user needs access
to Training Plans in a workspace, ensure that the Training checkbox is selected.
3. Click the name of the user whose access roles you wish to edit.
7. Select a license for the user in each workspace. Licenses are governed by the amount of each license type
available to your account.
8. Use the drop-down menus to select an access role for the selected workspaces, and click the Assign Roles
For detailed, granular control of user access to product information, workspaces can be configured to use Access
Policies. Unlike Access Roles, which are a predefined set of privileges that cannot be modified, Access Policies allow
the account administrator to define rules that govern access to each World, View, Category, and more, and apply
them to individual users or User Groups. Access Policies can be defined for Employee and Partner users only.
Supplier users are not affected.
A Rule is a specific Action (Such as Read, Edit, Download) to be performed on a Resource (an Arena world or object
class, such as Items or Changes). The rule can have a Filter applied to remove specific attributes from the Action
(such as the BOM or Supplier Access view, cost attributes, or custom attributes) and further narrowed by an
Expression, removing specific resources (such as Revision Types or Categories).
For example, an administrator may create a rule that grants Read access to all Item views except the Costing view
and restricts access to only the Effective revisions of Items. Or a rule to Download only the latest editions of Files.
When a resource is not accessible to a user, it is completely hidden from that user. It will not appear in search results
or drop-downs within workflows.
The privileges granted by Access Policies are additive in nature. That is, the user receives the union of all privileges
granted by rules in the policy. If, for example, one rule in a policy grants Joe access only to the effective revisions
of Items, but another rule in the policy grants him access to both the effective and working revisions of Items, Joe
has access to both the working and effective revisions of items. This also applies when multiple policies are applied
to the same user.
Because Arena often displays a resource on a view of another resource, a user's display in such a view will be affected.
For example, the Download icon from an Item's Files view is disabled for users that cannot download the File edition
associated with the icon. Or the Update link on the Files view of an Item is disabled for users unable to modify that
The Arena REST API is also affected in workspaces configured to use Access Policies: the API user must have all
necessary privileges to act upon resources through the API.
Full users have the ability to create all object types (like Items, Changes, or Projects.)
Approvers are similar to a Read Only license but with the added ability to participate in your Request and Change
processes. Approvers can create Requests but nothing else.
Read-Only users can read all objects but cannot participate in any processes.
The Add-on Products Only license type is for those users you want to have access to Arena but only for Training
For workspaces that use access policies to manage user access, you not only need to grant users a license but also
put the user in one or more user groups. The license is the most critical aspect of setting up the user’s abilities in
Arena. If you grant the user a Full license but put them in a Read-Only User Group they will be a Read-Only User.
Conversely if you give a user a Read-Only license but put them in the Item Creator user group they will not be able
to create Items, instead they will only be able to read them.
2. Click the Policies subview. This subview shows the existing Access Policies for this workspace.
4. Enter the name and description for this Access Policy. If you want this policy to be available to apply to users
and user groups immediately, select the Enabled checkbox. When you are finished, click Create Policy.
5. You'll be taken to the Access view, showing the details for your new policy, where you can get started adding
2. Click the Policies subview. This subview shows the existing Access Policies for this workspace.
5. In the Rules section, click a World that will be the affected Resource for this rule.
8. Select an Action for the Rule. The page may reload to display the relevant options for the selected Action.
Note that you should always create a Read Action Rule before creating other Rules, to ensure that users have
access to the necessary views.
9. Select Filters and Expressions for the rule. Options available here depend on the Resource for the Rule and
the Action selected, and may include views, categories, lifecycle stages, revision types, and more. To select
specific categories for the Rule, click All in the Categories section and select categories from the dialog.
Note: When creating rules for Workpace Settings, certain Category, Attributes, and Compliance views are grayed
out by default. Access to these subviews are enabled by access to the parent object resource. For example to create
Read Access to Attributes > Items, Attributes > BOM, and Compliance > Items, simply select Read Access to Items
(the Workspace Settings > Items view).
Note: If you select All Categories for a Rule, any newly created categories in that Resource are automatically added
to the Rule. If you select specific categories, newly created categories must be added to the rule manually.
10. Determine the Attribute conditions for the Access Policy Rule. Attribute conditions determine access to an
object based on the presence of a value of a Predefined Drop-Down Menu. Default is set to Unconditional.
b. Select Conditional to launch an Attribute interface where Administrators can select the predefined custom
attributes and values that governs the Access Policy rule.
Note: Attribute Conditions currently do not support attribute values that contain a semi-colon. We advise
Account Administrators to not utilize attribute values that contain semi-colons when configuring Conditions
for an Access Policy Rule.
Note: Similar to Categories, Attribute Conditions can create situations where a user creates an object it can't
see. Let's suppose there's a workspace with an Access Policy Read Rule Condition where users under that rule
can only read Changes with an custom attribute X value of Y and not Z. Let's also assume this user has the
ability to create and edit all Changes. If this user creates a Change and configures custom attribute X with a
value of Z and then clicks Create Change, they will immediately encounter a message that states Unable to
display the requested data. The Change with a custom attribute value of Z will be created within the workspace,
but that user will not have read access to it because of the Attribute condition limiting the user to Changes
with an attribute value of Y.
c. Use the plus icon to add additional attribute conditions to the policy rule.
2. Click the Policies subview. This subview shows the existing Access Policies for this workspace.
You are returned to the Policies view, showing the details of your new policy. Modify Filters and Expressions
for the policy by clicking Edit Information, and manage Rules and Users using commands in the relevant
Access Policies can manage user access to Workspace Settings. Through the creation of Workspace Settings rules
a non-Account Administrator user can gain access to specific Workspace Settings views.
Note: Since Access Policies does not give access to the Workspace Settings Summary view, non-Account Administrator
users cannot be granted access to the File Correction setting or the ability to change the workspace color theme through
Access Policies since both settings are located in the Workspace Settings Summary view. Similarly since Access Policies
can't give non-Account Administrators access to Account Settings and the Users > Access subview, a non-Account
Administrator user cannot be granted the ability to provision access to workspaces or reset employee passwords.
The table below details the Workspace Settings views that can be managed by Access Policies and the Workspace
Settings views that cannot be managed by Access Policies.
Workspace Settings Views Managed By Access Policies Workspace Settings Views Not Managed By Access
• Users > User Groups • Summary
• Items • DataExtract
• Requests • Integrations
• Projects • Lists
• Training
• Requirements
• Tickets
• Reports
Workspace Settings Views Managed By Access Policies Workspace Settings Views Not Managed By Access
• Attributes > Changes
Workspace Administrative Settings Views Included Workspace Settings Views Unique to Non-Account
by Default to Non-Account Administrator Users Administrator Users
• Categories > Items • Profile
Note that while Projects > Templates view read access is included to non-Account Administrators by default, the
read access rule for Projects gives read access to the Projects > Programs view.
Items - General
Items - Specs
Items - BOM
Items - Sourcing
Items - Files
Items - Compliance
Items - Revisions
Items - Notifications
Items - Projects
Items - Quality
Items - Training
Items - Tickets
Items - Items
Requests - General
Requests - Summary
Requests - Summary
Requests - Items
Requests - Participants
Requests - Evaluation
Requests - Changes
Requests - Status
Requests - Projects
Requests - Quality
Changes - General
Changes - Summary
Changes - Files
Changes - Items
Changes - Requests
Changes - Routings
Changes - Decisions
Changes - Implementation
Changes - Alerts
Changes - Notifications
Changes - Status
Changes - Projects
Changes - Quality
Changes - Tickets
Suppliers - General
Suppliers - Profile
Suppliers - Contacts
Suppliers - Sourcing
Suppliers - Items
Suppliers - Files
Suppliers - Quality
Files - General
Files - Summary
Files - Associations
Files - Editions
Files - Markups
Files - Projects
Files - Quality
Projects - General
Projects - Summary
Projects - Schedule
Projects - Reference
Projects - Quality
Quality - General
Quality - Summary
Quality - Details
Quality - Affected
Quality - Projects
Quality - History
Training - General
Training - Summary
Training - Items
Training - Users
Training - Records
Training - Files
Training - References
Training - History
Requirements - General
Requirements - Summary
Requirements - Details
Requirements - Traceability
Requirements - References
Requirements - Files
Requirements - History
Tickets - General
Tickets - Summary
Tickets - Files
Tickets - References
Tickets - History
Users View
Items View
Requests View
Changes View
Projects View
Quality View
Training View
Requirements View
Tickets View
Reports View
Attributes View
Category View
Compliance View
Notifications View
2. Click the User Groups subview. This subview shows the existing User Groups for this workspace.
6. Check the boxes next to the options below to determine the Assignability of the User Group.
a. Select All means that this User Group can be used for Access Policies, Quality assignment and approval,
and Change Approval.
b. Access Policies means that the User Group is used for Access Policies.
c. Quality means that the User Group can be used for assignment in a Quality step or approval in a Quality
sign-off step.
d. Changes means that the User Group can be used for approving Changes.
You are returned to the Users view, showing the new User Group.
8. To start adding users to your new User Group, click the group name.
2. Click the User Groups subview. This subview shows the existing User Groups for this workspace.
5. Use the checkboxes to select users and click Add Employees/Add Partners.
2. Click the Policies subview. This subview shows the existing Access Policies for this workspace.
4. To assign User Groups to this policy, click the Plus icon in the User Groups section.
5. To assign Employee or Partner users to the policy directly, click the Plus icon in the relevant section.
6. You'll be taken to the Access view, showing the details of the policy, including the newly assigned groups and
If you use Access Roles to manage user access to your workspace, you can further configure user access to Items,
Files, Requests, and Changes by selecting categories to which they should have view access. Advanced User
Privileges are available for Employee and Partner users. By default, new users have access to all categories. If you
use Access Policies, you can configure granular access through policies and rules and this functionality is not used.
• The user is prevented from submitting a Change that includes Items assigned to a restricted category, including
a BOM that includes Items assigned to a restricted category.
• The user sees a warning on any BOM that contains Items assigned to a restricted category.
1. In the Access subview of the Users view, hover to the right of the Pencil icon to launch the drop down menu.
Select Edit Advanced User Privileges.
Note: Because you cannot edit privileges for Account Administrators, they are not included in the list.
3. All categories in the workspace are listed in a tabbed view: Item and File categories are shown in one tab and
Request and Change categories in the other. Click the tabs to switch between the two.
Note: If you are editing privileges for multiple users, note that the default is to remove access for all categories
for all selected users. Be sure you have configured Advanced Privileges appropriately on both tabs.
4. Use the checkboxes to select categories the user will be able to see in the workspace. If a category is unselected,
the user will not see any objects assigned to that category. For Item categories, removing access to a category
removes access to every revision of an Item assigned to that category, even if superseded revisions were
assigned to another category.
Note: For Item categories, changes to category access will take effect when the user next logs in to the workspace.
5. Click Save.
In Arena, workspace access is granted to individual Supplier contacts (as opposed to an entire Supplier company).
To grant access to a Supplier contact, you must first create the contact in the Contacts view of the Suppliers world.
You may not add Supplier access for a Supplier with no contacts. Add contacts in the Contacts view of the Suppliers
A Supplier contact with Basic Supplier access can view shared revisions of Items for which they are the source. A
Supplier contact with Advanced Supplier access can view shared revisions of Items for which they are the source
and the BOMs of those Items. Note that a workspace setting controls whether Advanced Suppliers are granted
access to shared Items at all levels of a sourced BOM, or only shared Items at the first-level of the BOM.
Note: This workflow can also be accessed directly by clicking the Access command for a Supplier contact in the Contacts
view in the Suppliers world.
3. Click the Plus icon next to the Basic or Advanced Supplier access link to give a new Supplier access to this
workspace. You can expand the Basic Supplier Access or Advanced Supplier Access link to see the existing
access relationships.
4. Type the Supplier name, or search for all Suppliers with a wildcard (*), and click the Find Supplier button.
Note: If your search returns no results, click the Back button to return to the previous screen and try another search.
5. Select the Supplier for which you would like to grant contacts access, and click Select Supplier.
Note: Contacts cannot be granted access to your workspace if: They have no email address, they already have access
to the workspace, they have not responded to a pending access invitation, or they are already Employee users of
the account.
7. Select the access role you would like each of these Supplier contacts to have, and then click the Assign Roles
8. To give the Supplier user access to Training Plans, check the box under the Training column.
9. Review the email that will be sent out to the Supplier contacts inviting them to join your workspace with the
access roles you have selected. You may enter an additional message to be included in the email for all the
selected Supplier contacts. When you are finished, click the Send Invitations button.
10. When a Supplier contact receives and accepts your invitation, the contact will have access to this workspace
as a Supplier user. Until the contact accepts, the access status is pending.
Partner access grants Employee-like access to your workspace to people outside your organization. Account
Administrators can add Partner users up to the number specified for an account. If you have questions about how
many licenses your company is allowed, contact your Account Executive
3. Click the Plus button next to the Partner Access link. You can click the Partner Access link to see the existing
access relationships.
4. Enter the first name, last name, and email address of each person to whom you would like to grant Partner
access. If you wish to add more than one person at a time, click Add a Line.
a. For workspaces configured to use Access Roles, select a license and the access role you would like each
of these Partners to have, and then click Assign Roles.
b. For workspaces configured to use Access Policies, first select a License for each Partner user. Then click
Edit in the User Groups column to choose from a list of User Groups to assign the user, and click Edit in
the Policies column to choose from a list of Access Policies to assign the user. Then click Assign Access.
Remember that user access is the union of all policies assigned to the user, both those assigned directly
and those assigned through membership in a User Group.
c. If a user needs access to Training Plans in a workspace, make sure the Training checkbox is selected.
7. Review the email that will be sent out to the Partner users inviting them to join your workspace with the level
of access you have selected. You may enter an additional message to be included in the email for all recipients.
When you are finished, click the Send Invitations button.
8. When each Partner receives and accepts your invitation, that Partner will have access to this workspace, and
can set their own password. Until the Partner accepts, the access status is pending.
If a Partner user or Supplier contact does not respond to an access invitation, and has pending access, Account
Administrators can send another invitation.
Note: The Re-Invite command is also available to Account Administrators in the Contacts view of the Suppliers world.
3. Click the Partner Access, Basic Supplier Access or Advanced Supplier Access link to see the list of all existing
access relationships.
4. A Partner user or Supplier contact whose access is pending will have a Re-Invite command in the Status
column. Click Re-Invite for the appropriate user.
5. Review the email that will be sent out to the Partner user or Supplier contact inviting them to join your
workspace with the level of access selected when they were originally invited. You may enter an additional
message to be included in the email. When you are finished, click the Send Invitation button.
6. When s/he receives and accepts your invitation, the user will have access to this workspace. Until the user
accepts, the access status remains pending.
Supplier and Partner users can reset their own passwords once they have configured a security question and answer.
They can click Forgot Password? next to the password field on the login page, and they will be instructed on how
to reset their password. (Because a Supplier or Partner user can have access to multiple accounts, Account
Administrators are not able to reset Supplier or Partner user passwords.)
If your supplier user needs help, they should contact Arena Support through Send Us Feedback to reset their
Note: IP access restrictions can only be created and configured by Arena Support; to start using access restrictions, contact
Arena via Send Us Feedback.
IP access restrictions define ranges of IP addresses from which users can access a workspace. Ranges apply to one
of five scopes of users: workspace-wide, Employees, Partners, Suppliers, and Users from a specific Supplier. Only
the most specific access restriction that applies to a user is recognized (e.g. if a workspace has an access restriction
that specifies a range of allowable IP addresses at the workspace-wide scope, and one that specifies allowable IP
addresses for Supplier users, a Supplier user would only be affected by the Supplier-scope access restriction.)
2. Click the IP Restrictions subview. This subview shows a list of all access restrictions for the workspace.
a. The Scope column defines the set of users to whom the restriction applies.
3. To view access restrictions by user to which they are applied, click the Users subview.
a. Expand the user type for which you wish to view access restrictions.
For workspaces in which Arena Analytics is enabled, Account Administrators can grant and manage user acccess.
2. In the Employee Access section, click Edit (for workspaces that use Access Roles to manage user access, this
command is Edit Access Roles.)
b. For each selected user, use the Analytics Role drop-down menu to select the type of access to be granted.
Viewer Access grants read access to Analytics Dashboards; Editor Access grants write access to edit
Analytics Dashboards.
c. Click Assign Licenses (for workspaces that use Access Roles to manage user access, this command is
Assign Roles.)
Chapter 3 – Items
Account Administrators can set up Item number formats for use in a workspace. The following fields can be added
(with a maximum of 10 fields and 50 characters total per number format):
• Free Text
• Delimiter
• Auto-Generated Sequence
Remember when setting up your Item number formats to check the field length of any integrated ERP system.
2. Click the Numbering subview. This subview shows all number formats that have been created for this workspace,
along with the name, type, and details of all fields included in each number format.
3. To add a new number format to your workspace, click the Plus icon.
4. Enter a name for this number format. You may also enter an example to show how an item number using this
number format would appear. Click Add Number Format when you're ready to proceed.
Once a number format has been created, you may use the commands in the table of number formats to add
and order fields, activate or deactivate the number format and perform other editing functions.
5. To add fields to this number format, click Add Field. See “Notes” on page 136 for a description of each Field
a. Select Pre-Defined Code List in the Field Type list, and click Select Field Type.
b. Enter a name for the Pre-Defined Code List field, and add at least one code to the list. Click Define Field
when you are ready to proceed.
Note: Codes may include any combination of letters, numbers and symbols and do not have to be the same
length as one another. They are case insensitive and must be unique. One entry in the list may be blank, and
each entry should be on a new line.
c. Enter optional comments that will help users select the appropriate entry from the list when creating or
editing an item number with this number format, and click Add Comments to return to the updated
Item Numbering view.
a. Select the "Delimiter" option in the Field Type list, and click Select Field Type to go to the next step,
where you will add more information about the field.
b. Specify a fixed value (containing one or more characters) in the Delimiter Value field. Click Define Field
when you're ready to proceed.
Delimiter values may include any combination of letters, numbers and symbols.
a. Select Auto-Generated Sequence in the Field Type list, and click Select Field Type.
b. Enter the information about the Auto-Generated Sequence, and click Define Field.
Note: Only one Auto-Generated Sequence may be included in a number format. You must name it, specify the
maximum number of digits each sequence value may include and indicate whether zero padding should be
used when sequence values are shorter than the maximum length (e.g. the sequence value 1 would appear as
0001 in a four-digit sequence with zero padding). You must also choose whether or not to associate the
Auto-Generated Sequence with a Pre-Defined Code List, which would allow you to assign sets of sequence
values to each entry on that list. This choice can only be made during the creation of an Auto-Generated
Sequence; it may not be edited later. (If you wish to create an association but have not yet created the appropriate
Pre-Defined Code List, you should cancel the current process and create that field first.)
a. Select Free Text in the Field Type list, and click Select Field Type.
b. Enter information for the Free Text field, and click Define Field to return to the updated Item Numbering
10. When you are finished adding fields, you can edit and delete them by clicking the appropriate icons in the
corresponding rows.
You may also edit a number format after you create it. See “Editing and Activating a Number Format” on page 138
to learn how to edit and activate an existing number format.
Arena enables Account Administrators to configure any type of logical schema under the Item Numbering subview
in the configuration screen. Item numbering schemas are built by adding individual fields of specific types to the
Item's number format. The following fields can be added (with a maximum of 10 fields and 100 characters total
per number format):
1. A Pre-Defined Code List enables you to build a list of codes for a number format, from which a user can select
when generating an Item Number with that number format. A maximum of 500 codes can be included. Each
code must be unique, and one may be left blank. The field is configured by specifying the following:
a. Field Name
b. Codes
2. A Delimiter can be used to separate other fields. The field is configured by specifying the following:
3. Each number format can include one Auto-Generated Sequence. The sequence value is automatically
incremented to create a unique Item number each time a new Item number using a given number format is
created. The sequence can be unique across the entire number format or unique to one or more associated
codes. The field is configured by specifying the following:
a. Field Name
d. Association with a Pre-Defined Code List? (to define what Codes the sequence must be unique to)
4. Free Text allows users to enter any text (to a specified maximum length) in the Item number. The field is
configured by specifying the following:
a. Field Name
A number format may be edited until it has been used for at least one Item number. Once it has been used, it may
not be deleted and certain edit commands are disabled. However, you can deactivate a number format.
2. Click the Numbering subview to see all the number formats that have been created for this workspace, along
with the name, type and details of all fields included in the number format.
3. To edit the Summary information for an existing number format and/or to order its fields, hover your mouse
over the ellipsis to launch the drop-down menu. Select the Edit option at the right.
4. To edit a number format, update the summary information as desired. You may use the arrow icons on this
page to arrange the order of the fields. Click the Edit Number Format button to save changes.
5. To edit an individual field, click the Pencil icon at the right of the appropriate row. To delete a field, click the
trash can icon in the corresponding row.
Note: If you remove or edit a number format's prefixes, those prefixes will also be removed from any category that
uses the prefixes as a default.
6. To activate a number format, making it selectable by users creating or editing Item numbers in the workspace,
click the Activate command at the right of the row for the appropriate number format.
You can create custom phases in the Design and Production stage of the Item lifecycle. Within the lifecycle, these
new phases act the same as the In Design and In Production phases, and follow the same lifecycle rules. Once a
Lifecycle phase has been used in the workspace, it cannot be deleted, but can be deactivated.
Note: If your workspace includes automated integrations, creating and activating a new phase can affect that integration.
If you have questions, contact Arena Customer Success.
3. Click the Plus icon in the Design Stage or Production Stage section.
4. Enter a phase name. The phase name will appear in the Object bar in the Items world for Items in that phase.
5. Enter a short phase name. The short name will appear in Lifecycle diagrams and search results in the Items
6. Click Add.
8. For users to start moving Items into the phase, you must first activate it.
Account Administrators (or users with the proper Access Policies) can now customize the order in which Item
Lifecycle Phases are displayed throughout the workspace. Item Lifecycle Phase order can be customized within
the Lifecycle Phases, Items view in Workspace Settings. Once the Item Lifecycle Phase order is configured, the
configured order will be displayed within workflows that display lifecycle order such as Search, the Make Effective
workflow, and when adding Items or editing existing Items within the Modifications view of a Change.
3. Select the lifecycle Phase you'd like to move. Click and hold the Drag icon that appears to the left of the
selected lifecycle phase. The Drag icon is symbolized by two columns of stacked dots.
Note: Lifecycle Phases can only be moved within their native Lifecycle stage. Design Stage Lifecycle phases cannot
be moved to the Production Stage and Production Stage Lifecycle phases cannot be moved to the Design Stage.
4. While still holding the click on the Drag icon, move the selected lifecycle phase into the desired position. Once
you've reached the desired position, release your click and the lifecycle phase will fall into the position you've
directed to it.
5. Once you've acheived the desired custom lifecycle phase order for the Design stage and the Production stage,
click Save.
You can deactivate Item Lifecycle Phases. Deactivated Item Lifecycle Phases can be hiddeen from search.
Note: If your workspace includes automated integrations, creating and activating a new phase can affect that integration.
If you have questions, contact Arena Customer Success.
3. Select the lifecycle phase you'd like to deactivate. Hover your mouse over the ellipsis under the CMDS column
on the row of the lifeycle phase you'd like to deactivate.
4. Hovering your mouse over the ellipsis in the CMDS column launches a drop-down menu. Select the Deactivate
5. At this point, you'll be presented with warning messages if any Items are associated with the lifecycle phase
you're about to deactivate. If you'd still like to proceed, click on Deactivate.
6. Users have the additional option of hiding a deactivated lifecycle phase from search by selecting the Hide
From Search option which is available under the drop-down menu within the ellipsis under the CMDS column.
Account Administrators can define revision sequences for Items in the Design and Production stages. Revisions in
the sequence determine the suggested next revision number value for Items. If you choose not to enter revision
sequence values, revision numbers will not be prefilled for Items undergoing revision changes. If a revision number
has been manually entered in the Specs view of the working revision of an Item, that Item will not use the next
value in the revision sequence.
3. Click the Pencil icon on the right side of the View bar.
4. Enter revision number values for Design stage Items and Production stage Items. Press Enter after each value
so that each line contains a single value.
Note: If any Change category in your workspace is configured not to allow duplicate revisions, you will not be able
to save a sequence that includes duplicate revisions.
In the System BOM view, you can edit the Indented, Purchasing, Redline, and Sourcing BOMs to include any BOM
Custom Attribute.
3. For any system BOM, hover your mouse over the ellipsis and select the Edit option.
5. Edit the Column Header and set the column width for each attribute.
7. You may adjust the left-to-right position of custom attribute columns included in the selected BOM.
a. To move a column one step to the left or right in the BOM , click the column name in the list to highlight
it, and then click the up or down arrow.
b. To move a column to the farthest left or right position in the BOM, click the column name in the list to
highlight it, and then click the double up or down arrows.
Note: All BOM custom attributes appear after (to the right of) the standard system attributes.
Custom BOMs are Indented BOMs made up of attributes of your choice. In the Custom subview of the BOM view
of an assembly in the Items world, users can select and view any active Custom BOM defined for the workspace.
In the Account Administration tool, you select attributes to include as columns and specify the relative widths of
each column. You can also specify a default Custom BOM for each Item category (the Custom BOM displayed first
when a user clicks the Custom subview of an assembly assigned to that category). If an assembly is not assigned
to a category with a default Custom BOM, it displays the default Custom BOM for the workspace.
Note: Sourcing information can be added to the Custom BOM by checking the box next to sourcing.
4. Use the checkboxes to select attributes and list panels that should appear as columns in this Custom BOM.
5. Optionally, edit the headers that will appear for each custom attribute column in the Custom BOM, and set
the relative width of each core and custom attribute column.
Note: The width of a column's header limits the minimum width of the column.
6. When you are satisfied with the column configuration, click Configure Columns.
8. You may adjust the left-to-right position of columns included in the Custom BOM.
a. To move a column one step to the left or right in the Custom BOM subview display, click the column
name in the list to highlight it, and then click the up or down arrow.
b. To move a column to the farthest left or right position in the Custom BOM subview, click the column
name in the list to highlight it, and then click the double up or down arrows.
9. If desired, select the categories for which this should be the default Custom BOM. Categories appended with
an asterisk have another Custom BOM set as their default; selecting one of these categories will break the
current association.
Note: This step is optional. Items assigned to categories that have no associated default Custom BOM use the default
Custom BOM set for the workspace. If no Custom BOM has been set as the default, Items assigned to these categories
will have no default Custom BOM.
11. You will be returned to the Custom BOM subview of the Items view in the Account Administration tool, showing
the new Custom BOM you just created.
You can set one Custom BOM as the workspace default. This Custom BOM will be displayed first when users click
the Custom subview of the BOM view of an assembly not assigned to a category, or assigned to a category with
no default Custom BOM.
2. Using the radio buttons, select a Custom BOM that will serve as the workspace default.
3. Click Set as Default at the bottom of the table. The Default column for the selected Custom BOM will be
Chapter 4 – Requests
Request Administrators are the only users who can defer, promote, close, or delete a Request. Request Administrators
may also edit the deferral of a previously deferred Request to change the deferral deadline or other information.
Each evaluator group must include at least one Request Administrator.
3. This subview lists Request Administrators that have been defined for the selected workspace, if any. To add
a Request Administrator, click the Plus icon.
4. Select the users to whom you would like to grant Request Administrator privileges, and click the Add
Administrators button.
In order to create an evaluator group, at least one Request Administrator must be defined in your workspace. To
learn how to add a Request Administrator, see “Adding a Request Administrator” on page 153.
Note: Supplier users in the same evaluator group can see each other.
b. Select users by clicking on the appropriate user name in the user list at the left. You may assign any
number of users to this evaluator group, but at least one of them must be a Request Administrator.
c. Click Add to add selected Employees to the list of users in the evaluator group.
5. If you selected more than one Request Administrator as a member of this group, select one of the Request
Administrators to serve as the primary Administrator for the evaluator group and click Specify Administrator.
If you selected only one Request Administrator, this step will be skipped.
6. Define the notification events for each member of the evaluator group, and click Define notification events
to return to the Evaluator Groups subview. Users will be notified when relevant activity occurs.
7. You will be returned to the Evaluator Groups subview of the Requests view.
Account Administrators can allow users from a specific Supplier to create and submit Requests to an admin-specified
evaluator group. To learn more about creating an evaluator group, including adding a Supplier user to the group,
see “Creating Evaluator Groups” on page 154.
4. Using the checkboxes, select Suppliers that should be allowed to create and submit Requests. You can narrow
the list of Suppliers by entering search criteria and clicking Search.
5. For each Supplier, select an evaluator group to which all Requests created by users at that Supplier will be
6. If desired, select users from the Supplier to be automatically added to each Request created by users from
that Supplier.
7. If you wish to allow the Supplier user who creates a Request to choose other users from their company to be
added to the Request as participants, check "Allow Supplier users to modify this list when creating a Request".
9. You will be returned to the Supplier Access subview of the Requests view in the Account Administration tool.
10. You can also edit or remove access from individual Suppliers by clicking the appropriate command.
Request numbering sequences that are used to generate Request Numbers in a workspace. When creating a new
Request, users are required to select a prefix, and Arena generates a new Request number from the chosen prefix
and the appropriate next value.
You can enter more than one prefix for the sequence to group Requests and number them separately under
those prefixes. The new sequence may not include any prefixes that are already included in another numbering
sequence, and the next value of the sequence must be at least 1 and not greater than 1000000.
Account Administrators can define codes used to note the purpose of a Request, and codes to note the reason for
Request deferral or resolution.
2. Click the Codes subview. This subview displays codes defined for use with Requests in the workspace.
3. To edit values for Deferral Code, Request Code or Resolution Code, click the appropriate Edit command within
the drop-down menu under the ellipsis.
a. Edit the existing values, or enter additional values in the Codes field. Separate each code with a carriage
return. When users assign a code value to a Request, they will see the values in the order in which they
appear in the list.
b. You can also enter editing tips to guide users when assigning a code value to a Request.
4. You will be returned to the updated Codes subview of the Requests view.
Chapter 5 – Changes
Assigning a Change Escalation User, Quality Escalation User, or Proxy Approver in the Profiles
Subview ...................................................................................................................................... 185
Enabling Implementation Tasks and Creating an Implementation Task Template .................. 181
Scheduling Out of Office Users with the the Proxy Schedule .................................................... 333
Assigning a Change Escalation User, Quality Escalation User, or Proxy Approver in the Profiles
Subview ...................................................................................................................................... 185
2. Click the Approval Roles subview. This subview shows the existing approval roles for this workspace.
3. Approval roles are individual users or User Groups with Changes assginability who, when assigned to routings,
can approve or reject phase changes or changes to specific views. Click the Plus icon to create a new group
of users.
Note: Only Access Policies enabled workspaces can assign User Groups to Approval Roles. Within Access Policies
workspaces, only User Groups with Changes assignability can be added as Approval Roles.
4. Enter the name for this approval role, and select members from the user list at the left. Click Add to add them
to the approval role. When you are finished, click Add Role.
Note: At least one approval role must exist in order to define a routing.
5. To continue adding more approval roles, click the Add Approval Role button again, and add roles.
3. Each approval role contains an ellipsis on the far right. Hover your mouse over the ellipsis on the line of the
approval role you'd like to edit to launch a drop-down menu. Select the Edit option to add users to, remove
users from, or edit the name of an existing role.
4. Define the routing by entering a Routing Name and Description, and then picking the approval roles and
Supplier users that should be included in the routing. You can view a list of members for each approval role
by clicking the icon.
Note: To define a routing, the workspace must have at least one approval role. To learn how to add an approval
role, see “Creating Approval Roles” on page 162.
a. Set Routing Order by selecting the numbered stage at which each approval role or Supplier user should
be notified and allowed to vote.
Unanimous: All members of the approval role must approve the Change in order for it to be approved.
One or More: At least one member of the approval role must approve the Change in order for it to be
Optional: Members of the approval role may enter a decision, but will not affect the final status of the
Change. While a user with an approval requirement of Optional need not approve a Change, the user
may reject a Change.
Comments Only: Members of the approval role may comment only and do not have approval rights.
For Supplier users, the options are Approval Required Approval Optional Comments Only.
Editing Routings
2. Click the Routings subview. This subview shows the existing routings in the workspace.
3. Each routing contains an ellipsis on the far right. Hover your mouse over the ellipsis on the line of the routing
you'd like to edit to launch a drop-down menu. Select the Edit option to add users to, remove users from, or
edit the name of an existing role.
4. Enter the details for this routing, and add or remove approval roles or Supplier users by selecting or deselecting
them. You can view a list of members for each approval role by clicking the icon.
6. Specify a routing order and approval requirement in the drop-down menus for each of the selected roles.
Change Administrators have special privileges for Changes, including forcing the approval or rejection of a Change.
Any read-write Employee or Partner user can be designated as a Change Administrator.
3. This subview shows the existing Change Administrators (if there are any) in the workspace. To add a Change
Administrator, click the Plus icon.
4. Select the users to whom you would like to grant Change Administrator privileges, and click the Add
Administrators button.
5. You will be returned to the Change Administrators subview of the Changes view.
If the workspace setting Change or Quality Escalation is enabled, Account Administrators can designate an escalation
user for a specific user. Proxy Change Approvers can also be configured for out of office users.
3. Click the first name of the user you'd like to assign an escalation or proxy approval for.
4. This will take you to that specific User's profile. Click the Edit button.
a. Use the Escalate Quality To dropdown to assign an escalation user for a Quality step when the user is an
assignee for an escalated Quality step.
b. Use the Escalate Change To dropdown to assign an escalation user for a Change approval when the user
is an approver for an escalated Change approval.
c. Use the Proxy Change Approver dropdown to assign a proxy approver for a Change approval when the
user is an approver for a Change and is out of the office.
In the Change Configuration view in the Account Administration tool, you control whether or not your workspace
should require Changes for new revisions, and set the global routing method for Design and Production Changes.
You can also choose to have routing methods and routing selection determined by Change category and by Change
attribute values; you can configure Category-specific routing in the Categories view.
a. This subview shows how Changes are handled during each lifecycle stage. Changes are not tracked in
the Preliminary stage, but in the Design or Production stages, you can use Change Management or allow
users to release new revisions with the Make Effective command. To change the configuration, click the
Pencil icon.
b. There are two options for both the Design and Production stages.
Select Use Revision Control as the stage behavior to grant permission for creating revisions and promoting
Items through the lifecycle on a user-by-user basis. You can use the Access view of the workspace details
to configure which users have revision control privileges. Select the Use Change Management option to
assign Change routings to approve or reject phase changes or changes to specific views. (Use the Approval
Roles subview of the Changes view to set up groups of users and the Routings subview to add these
groups to routings in a specific order.) Click the Select Behavior button to proceed.
Note: If Auto-Routing is chosen and No Routing is selected for certain types of modifications, then Changes
that include only these types of modifications will be approved immediately upon submission.
3. Assign routings to review each type of modification during the Design and Production stages. Click the
Configure Routings button at the bottom of the page to configure the Change approval process for this
In addition to setting a routing method by lifecycle phase, Account Administrators can allow the category to which
a Change is assigned to determine the Routing Method that should be used.
2. Click Changes.
4. Click Routings.
5. Click the Pencil icon to edit. From the Routing Criteria drop-down menu, select Category-Specific Routing
a. If you select Auto-Routing, Changes assigned to this category will include the Routings you select from
the drop-downs according to type of Change and modified view.
b. If you select Admin-Defined, Changes assigned to this category will be submitted to a Change Administrator
who will then submit them for approval. Use the checkboxes to select one or more Change Administrators
who should route Changes in this category. You can also set default routings here.
c. If you select User-Defined, Changes assigned to this category will include the routings selected by the
Change creator prior to submission. You can also set default routings here.
d. If you select Change Attributes, Change routings will be determined according to attribute/value rules
you create here. Note that if none of the attribute/value rules are met for a Change, it will use the default
routings you set.
i. From the When... drop-down, select an attribute. Note that attributes must be either global or
associated with this category to show up in this list.
iv. From the Use Routing(s) drop-down, select routings to use for a Change when this attribute has the
specified values.
v. To add conditions to a rule, click the Plus icon. For rules with more than one condition, attributes
must match all conditions to get the specified routing.
e. If you select Change Attributes - Admin Defined, Change routings will be determined according to the
attribute/value rules you created here, and then submitted to a Change Administrator who will then
submit the Change for approval.
i. From the When... drop-down, select an attribute. Note that attributes must be either global or
associated with this category to show up in this list.
iv. From the Use Routing(s) drop-down, select routings to use for a Change when this attribute has the
specified values.
v. To add conditions to a rule, click the Plus icon. For rules with more than one condition, attributes
must match all conditions to get the specified routing.
7. To apply your configuration to all Change categories below this one in the category tree, select the Propagation
Numbering sequences are used to generate Change numbers in a workspace. When creating a new Change, users
are required to select a prefix, and Arena generates the new Change number from the chosen prefix and the
appropriate next value.
You can enter more than one prefix for the sequence to group Changes and number them separately under
those prefixes. The new sequence may not include any prefixes that are already included in another numbering
sequence, and the next value of the sequence must be at least 1 and not greater than 1000000.
Once a Change numbering sequence is created, you can edit its sequence name, next value, and prefixes.
3. This subview lists the numbering sequences that are used to generate Change numbers in this workspace.
Click the Edit link at the right of the row for the appropriate sequence to modify it.
4. Modify the sequence information. If the prefix is used as a default for any existing Change categories, you will
be warned. Note the table showing the most recent number used for the sequence. The minimum next number
value cannot be below the value shown in the table.
Inventory disposition provides instructions for what to do with existing inventory of Items being modified by
Changes. Inventory disposition settings consist of a status (like "In Stock") and related disposition actions (like
"rework" or "scrap") that users can select to explain what should be done with Items of that status. Inventory
disposition settings can be customized in several ways:
ii. Enter the possible disposition actions for this status, separating entries with a carriage return so that
each line contains a single action. This list will be presented to users in the order shown on this page.
iii. Enter an optional editing hint to guide users in assigning the appropriate disposition action for this
inventory status. This hint will always appear to users, even when Page Tips are turned off.
iv. Use the radio buttons to control whether or not a disposition action is required for this inventory
b. To change the order in which inventory statuses will appear to users, click the Pencil icon.
i. Click statuses to highlight them, and use the arrows to reposition them in the list.
c. To edit an inventory disposition setting, hover your mouse over the ellipsis to launch the drop-down
menu and select the Edit option.
d. To delete an inventory disposition setting, hover your mouse over the ellipsis to launch the drop-down
menu and select the Delete option.
i. You will see a deletion warning, confirming that you want to delete the individual inventory
disposition. If you are sure you want to delete this inventory disposition, click Delete Disposition
Enabling Implementation Task Management allows users to create an electronic record for implementing an
effective Change. Implementation Task Management is activated by Change category.
3. Select the Category you'd like to enable Implementation Tasks. Categories are listed towards the left underneath
the Category Tree.
5. To enable Implementation Task Management, click the Implementation Task Management switch. Once
clicked, the switch changes from a white circle on the left on a gray background to a white circle on the right
against a green background.
6. Configure the Implementation Settings for this Change category. Settings with check boxes can be enabled
by clicking within the box.
a. Require Implementation - If this setting is enabled, then a Change created with this category cannot be
set to the Completed Lifecycle status until all implementation tasks have been done..
b. Enforce Task Order - If this setting is enabled, then each implementation task must be completed in the
order they are listed.
c. Auto-Complete Implementation - If this setting is enabled, the implementation status will automatically
be set to Done upon completing all tasks.
d. Object Level Override - If this setting is enabled, users with the appririate access privileges can add, remove,
and reassign implementation tasks on Changes with categories that have Implementation Task
Management enabled.
e. Automate Implementation Stage - This setting is a drop-down menu that allows users to select the Change
lifecycle status that signals the start of implementation tasks. The Change lifecycle status selected will
represent when task assignment email notifications are sent out and when users can start working on
implementation tasks.
7. Configure the Implementation Template by adding implementation tasks and setting default assignees for
each task.
2. Within the box underneath the Implementation Task column, enter a name for the new implementation
3. Within the Default Assignee column, select a user or a user group from the drop-down menu for the new
implementation task.
5. Continue adding implementation tasks until the Implementation Template is completed to your liking.
8. Once the Implementation Settings and Implementations Template is completed, click Save.
Users can set out of office time periods in their user profiles. The Proxy Schedule view presents beginning and end
dates for all scheduled out-of-office users and lists the proxy user for each. During out of office periods, the proxy
user is notified when the user's decision is required on a Change.
1. Click Workspace Settings which is the second option from the user menu drop-down. The user menu appears
as a circular icon with the username's initials at the top right of the screen..
All users with current and scheduled out of office time periods are listed.
Account Administrators can set out of office time periods employees who are out of the office. The Proxy Schedule
view presents beginning and end dates for all scheduled out-of-office users and lists the proxy user for each. During
out of office periods, the proxy user is notified when the user's decision is required on a Change.
1. Click the Workspace Settings option which appears as the second option from the user menu drop-down.
The user menu appears as the username's initials within a circle.
All users with current and scheduled out of office time periods are listed.
4. Select the Out of Office user from the Out of Office User drop-down menu. Select the Out of Office Dates range
using the calendar icons.
6. To edit an employee 's existing out of office date range, click on the Trash Can icon to delete the existing out
of office date range. Then click the the Plus icon to add the employee and the date range as in Step 3.
If the workspace setting Change or Quality Escalation is enabled, Account Administrators can designate an escalation
user for a specific user. Proxy Change Approvers can also be configured for out of office users.
3. Click the first name of the user you'd like to assign an escalation or proxy approval for.
4. This will take you to that specific User's profile. Click the Edit button.
a. Use the Escalate Quality To dropdown to assign an escalation user for a Quality step when the user is an
assignee for an escalated Quality step.
b. Use the Escalate Change To dropdown to assign an escalation user for a Change approval when the user
is an approver for an escalated Change approval.
c. Use the Proxy Change Approver dropdown to assign a proxy approver for a Change approval when the
user is an approver for a Change and is out of the office.
Chapter 6 – Projects
Projects can be based on project templates, which represent business processes like New Product Introduction
(NPI) or New Product Development (NPD). Project templates include phases, such as Concept or Planning, milestones
that represent key points in a phase, and tasks. When a user creates a new Project, they can choose to base it on a
Project Template (which they can then customize) or create it from scratch.
2. Click the Templates subview. If you have created any project templates, they will be listed on the left of the
subview, with the first project template selected, and its information displayed on the right.
The Project Management feature includes a template for New Product Introduction. You can configure this
template as a model for your own project templates, or just review it to get a feel for how Projects work in
3. Click the Plus icon on the right of the working area, below the Subview bar.
a. Enter a name. The Project template name will be displayed in the Project Template drop-down when a
user creates a new Project.
c. Enter a description.
5. If you wish to configure the project template immediately by creating and ordering phases and milestones,
select the "I'd like to configure this project template now" checkbox. To learn more about configuring project
templates, see “Configuring a Project Template” on page 190.
7. You will be returned to the Project Templates subview, with your new project template selected. Note that
project templates are inactive by default.
After you create a project template, you can define phases, milestones, and tasks for the template. When a user
selects a template during Project creation, the template populates the Schedule of the new Project, though the
Project Manager can customize it.
2. By default, the Projects view opens up to the Templates subview. In the tree on the left side of the Templates
subview, click a project template.
a. If you need to create a phase, click the appropriate colored Plus icon.
b. To create a new milestone or tasks, select add milestone or add task from the white plus icon drop-down
menu for the appropriate phase.
c. To move a phase and all its milestones and tasks, click the appropriate Drag icon, symbolized by 6 dots
arranged in 2 columns of three, and drag the phase to a new location.
d. To move a milestone or task within a phase or between phases, click the appropriate Drag icon, symbolized
by 6 dots arranged in 2 columns of three, and drag the milestone to the desired position.
e. To edit the name of a phase, click the Pencil icon; for a milestone or task, click the appropriate Pencil
icon which appears when hovering over the milestone or task line..
f. To delete a phase from the project template, click the appropriate Trash Can icon; to delete a milestone
or task, click the appropriate delete button.
Note: If you delete a phase, the milestones and tasks from that phase move to the previous phase; if you delete
the first phase, the milestones and tasks move to next phase.
5. You will be returned to the Project Templates subview, showing the details of the project template you just
Project templates are created in the inactive state by default, to prevent users from creating a new Project based
on a project template which is not yet ready.
3. From the tree on the left of the subview, click the name of the project template whose state you wish to
4. Under the Actions menu, click the Activate Template or Deactivate Template button.
Note: The Activate/Deactivate Template button toggles. When the selected project template is active, the button
text reads "Deactivate Template"; when the project template is inactive, the button text reads "Activate Template".
5. Review the summary of any changes that will occur to product data in your workspace and confirm that you
would like to activate or deactivate the project template by clicking Activate Template or Deactivate
Note: When you deactivate a project template, no new Projects may be created using the inactive project template.
Existing Projects are not affected.
6. You will be returned to the Project Templates view, showing the details of the activated/deactivated project
You can delete project templates from your workspace only when they are not in use on any Projects, whether
those Projects are open or closed. If you wish to prevent users from selecting a project template that is already in
use in the workspace, you can deactivate that project template. To learn more about deactivating project templates,
see “Activating a Project Template” on page 193.
2. From the tree on the left side of the subview, click the project template you wish to delete.
3. Under the Actions drop-down menu, cselect the Delete Template option.
Note: if the project template is in use by any Projects in the workspace, the Delete Template button is grayed out.
4. Confirm that you want to delete the project template by clicking Delete Template.
Programs are used to group similar Projects, and can be used to represent larger initiatives. The Program name
appears next to the name and number when users view a Project.
The Programs subview lists all Programs defined for the workspace. Users can choose any of these values
when creating a new Project.
a. In the Programs text field, enter new Program names or delete existing Programs.
i. To enter a new Program name, type a value on a new line, separating each value by pressing Enter
so that it appears as a separate line. When users select a Program, they will see the list values in
alphabetical order.
ii. To delete a Program, delete the appropriate line from the Programs text field.
b. If you wish to allow users to add new Programs to the list from within the application, check "Allow users
to add new list values". If this checkbox is unchecked, the Create New option will not appear in the
drop-down menu when users select a Program.
Chapter 7 – Quality
Before using Arena Quality, you need to configure the following views in the Account Administration tool:
• Define Quality number sequences in the Numbering view of the Quality view.
• Create Quality Process Templates in the Templates view. All Quality Processes must be based on templates.
All Quality Processes are based on templates that represent Quality forms like Corrective Action Reports (CARs),
Eight Discipline (8Ds), Nonconforming Material Reports (NCMRs), and more. Templates consist of steps, into which
you can place Quality-specific attributes, and sign-off steps. When users create a new Quality process in the
workspace, they are prompted to select from a list of templates.
2. Click the Templates subview. If you have created any process templates, they will be listed on the left of the
subview, with the first project template selected, and its template displayed on the right.
Arena Quality includes several predefined templates. You can configure these templates as models for your
own process templates, or just review them to get a feel for how Quality works in Arena.
a. Enter a name. The Process template name will be displayed in the Process Template drop-down when a
user creates a new Quality Process.
c. Select Number Formats to associate with this template. The formats you select here will be the only
formats available for Quality Processes created based on this template.
d. Set a default Number Format for the template. When users create a Quality Process based on this format,
they will be presented with the default format, but can pick any format available for the template.
e. Enter a description.
f. Select a default owner for quality processes created using this template. Users will be presented with the
default owner, but can pick any Employee or Partner user.
5. If you wish to configure the template immediately by creating and ordering steps and adding attributes, select
the I'd like to configure this Quality template now checkbox. To learn more about configuring process templates,
see “Configuring a Quality Process Template” on page 203.
After you create a Quality process template, you can define steps for the template and add custom attributes to
each step. When a user selects a template during Quality process creation, the template populates the Details of
the new process.
3. In the tree on the left side of the subview, click a process template.
6. Enter a Step Name, select default assignee (individual user, User Group, or leave it as unassigned), and click
Note: User Groups can only be configured as assignees for a Quality step or approvers for a Quality sign-off step in
Access Policies enabled workspaces. In Access Policies enabled workspaces, User Groups must have an assignability
for Quality in order to be used in Quality Processes.
7. Add more steps before or after the first step with an insert step button.
8. To add attributes to any step, click add attribute, symbolized by the plus icon, for the step. If you don't see
the attribute you need, you can create it in the Quality Subview of the Attributes view.
b. Click Save.
9. To add approvals at any point in the process, click the insert sign-off, symbolized by the Plus icon, at the
appropriate location.
b. Use the drop-down menu to choose whether or not to allow assignees and process owners to add more
approvers to the step.
Note: If you choose not to allow users to add approvers from the process, you must specify at least one approver.
c. Use the drop-down menu to select a default assignee (user, User Group, or leave it as unassigned).
d. Click Save.
e. To add approvers to the sign-off step, click add approvers which is symbolized by a plus icon next to
the pencil icon within a sign-off step..
f. Click a tab that matches the Approval Requirement you want to assign to the approvers. Approvers can
be individual users or User Groups with a Quality assignability.
• All Required: All members must approve the sign-off step in order for it to be approved.
• One Required: One member must approve the sign-off step in order for it to be approved.
• Optional: Members may enter a decision, but will not affect the final status of the sign-off step. While
a user with an approval requirement of Optional need not approve a sign-off step, the user may reject
a sign-off step.
• Comments Only: Members may comment only and do not have approval rights.
10. To move a step or attribute, click and hold its Drag handle, and move it to the desired location.
12. You will be returned to the Quality Templates subview, showing the details of the process template you just
Quality process templates can be duplicated within the same workspace. Unlike duplicating a Quality process
template to another workspace, selected number formats, default number format, default owner and default
asignee can be copied because both templates are within the same workspace and share the same users and
number formats. This action can be performed by Account Administrators or non-Administrators with the appropriate
Access Policies.
3. In the tree on the left side of the subview, click a process template to duplicate.
5. Review the Quality Template Information before proceeding. Note that the template name will end with
(Duplicated) to distinguish the new Quality process template with the original.
6. To configure the duplicated Quality process template as soon as it is duplicated check the box next to I'd like
to configure this quality template now.
8. You will be returned to the Quality Templates subview, showing the details of the process template you just
If you had checked the box next to I'd like to configure this quality template now, you will be taken to the Quality
Template configuration page for the newly created Quality Template. See Configuring a Quality Process
Quality process templates can be duplicated from one workspace to another workspace in the same account. In
order to perform this action, the user must be an account administrator or must be a non-account administrator
with the appropriate workspace settings access policies in the source workspace of the Quality template and the
appropriate workspace settings access policies in the target destination workspace of the Quality template.
Since different workspace can have different users and different number formats, Quality template informsation
such as selected number formats, default number format, default owner, creator, created on, and step default
assignee cannot be copied when duplicating a Quality template from one workspace to another workspace.
3. In the tree on the left side of the subview, click a process template to copy to another workspace.
4. Navigate to the Actions drop-down menu to launch the Actions menu. Select the option Copy Template to
Another Workspace.
5. Verify the New Template Name. Hover over the Target Workspace menu and select the target workspace
where you'd like to duplicate the Quality process template. When you have made your selections click Next.
Note: In order for a workspace to appear as a target workspace option at this step, the user must either be an account
administrator or a user with the appropriate workspace settings access policies in the target workspace.
6. In the next step, the Attribute Selection step, the user reconciles any differences between the Quality process
custom attributes in the source workspace and their counterparts in the target workspace. Review the results
within the Attribute Duplication? column.
Note: In this scenario, the source workspace is defined as the original location of the Quality process template. The
target workspace is the destination where the duplicated Quality template will be created.
• Found Match means that the Quality process custom attribute exists and in the target workspace and is an
exact match in properties with the Quality process attribute in the source workspace. This custom attribute
can be seamlessly duplicated.
• Create means that the source workspace Quality process custom attribute does not exist in the target
workspace. If this duplication completes, then this Quality custom attribute will be created in the target
• Properties Don't Match means that Quality process custom attributes exists in both source and target
workspaces, but they do not have matching properties. To see the conflicting properties click View. The
conflicting property will appear in red.
In order to resolve the conflict, the user must select one of two options from the Action menu next to the
Properties Don't Match value.
—Select Don't Copy to not copy the conflicting custom attribute. If the duplication is completed this Quality
process custom attribute will not appear in the new Quality template in the target workspace.
—Select Use Target to use the target workspace's version of the Quality process template in the new Quality
template in the target workspace.
At any point in this step, click Preview to view a preview of the Quality template.
Once all conflicts have been resolved and you're ready to proceed to the next step, click Next.
7. In the next step, the Confirm Workspace step, verify the source workspace and target workspace one more
• To move back to the previous step in the Copy Template to Another Workspace workflow, click Back.
Numbering sequences are used to generate Quality Process numbers in a workspace. When creating a new Quality
Process, users are required to select a prefix, and Arena generates the new number from the chosen prefix and the
appropriate next value.
You can enter more than one prefix for the sequence to group Quality Processes and number them separately
under those prefixes. The new sequence may not include any prefixes that are already included in another
numbering sequence, and the next value of the sequence must be at least 1 and not greater than 1000000.
Once a Quality numbering sequence is created, you can edit its sequence name, next value, and prefixes.
3. This subview lists the numbering sequences that are used to generate Quality numbers in this workspace.
Click the Edit link within the drop-down menu within the ellipsis at the right of the row for the appropriate
sequence to modify it.
4. Modify the sequence information. If the prefix is used for any existing Quality processes, you will be warned.
Types are used to group similar Quality Processes, and can be used to represent larger initiatives. For example, you
might create a type that represents a product line, so you can easily find all the Quality Processes related to that
product line. The type appears next to the name and number when users view a Quality Process.
The Types subview lists all Quality types defined for the workspace. Users can choose any of these values when
creating a new Process.
a. In the Types text field, enter new type names or delete existing types.
i. To enter a new type name, type a value on a new line, separating each value by pressing Enter so
that it appears as a separate line. When users select a type, they will see the list values in alphabetical
ii. To delete a type, delete the appropriate line from the Types text field.
b. If you wish to allow users to add new types to the list from within the application, check "Allow users to
add new Quality Process types". If this checkbox is unchecked, the Create New option will not appear in
the drop-down menu when users select a type.
Training Managers comprise the pool of users who can be set as the Plan Manager for a Training Plan. This special
privilege allows users to create and reopen Training Plans, and change a Training Plan's Manager. Only Full Employee
users can be designated as a Training Manager.
3. This subview shows the existing Training Managers (if there are any) in the workspace. To add a Training
Manager, click the Plus icon.
4. Select the users to whom you would like to grant Training Manager privileges, and click the Add Managers
Training numbering sequences are used to generate Training Plan Numbers in a workspace. When creating a new
Training Plan, Training Managers are required to select a prefix, and Arena generates a new number from the chosen
prefix and the appropriate next value.
You can enter more than one prefix for the sequence to group Training Plans and number them separately
under those prefixes. The new sequence may not include any prefixes that are already included in another
numbering sequence, and the next value of the sequence must be at least 1 and not greater than 1000000.
Note that you should include a dash after the prefix if you want a separator between the prefix and the
autogenerated number.
Chapter 9 – Requirements
All Requirements are based on templates. Templates determine the attributes that are included in a record, and
their layout in the Requirements world. When you create a new template, you enter required information including
the Name and Number Format the template will use. When you configure the template layout, you can add and
organize attributes you've created for Requirements in your workspace.
Note: Three templates are included with Arena Requirements: Functional Requirements, Product Requirements and Test
Requirements. You can use them as they are or edit them.
2. Click the Templates subview. If you have created any Requirement templates, they will be listed on the left of
the subview, with the first template selected, and its information displayed on the right.
The Arena Requirements feature includes templates for Functional, Product, and Test Requirements. You can
use these templates as-is, or modify them to fit your business practices.
3. Click the Plus icon on the right of the working area, below the Subview bar.
a. Enter a name. The Requirement template name will be displayed in the Template drop-down when a
user creates a new record.
b. Select Number Formats to associate with this template. The formats you select here will be the only
formats available for Requirements created based on this template.
c. Set a default Number Format for the template. When users create a Requirement based on this format,
they will be presented with the default format, but can pick any format available for the template.
d. If you want to allow users to define their own numbers (as opposed to always taking the next available
number in the autogenerating sequence), use the checkbox to select Allow User-Defined Numbers. This
can be helpful if you are migrating existing issues into Arena Requirements.
e. Enter a description.
f. Select a default assignee for Requirements created using this template. Users will be presented with the
default owner, but can pick any Employee or Partner user.
5. If you wish to configure the template immediately by choosing and arranging attributes, select the I'd like to
configure this Requirement template now checkbox. To learn more about configuring Requirement templates,
see “Configuring Requirement Template Layout” on page 225.
7. You will be returned to the Templates subview, with your new template selected. Note that Requirement
templates are inactive by default.
You can configure the layout of a Requirement template, determining which custom attributes appear on the
Summary view of a Requirement and how they are displayed. Requirement templates consist of one or more
sections, which can each be divided into up to 3 columns of attributes. The attributes immediately after the header
are system attributes and cannot be configured. If you need to create custom attributes for Requirements, do so
in the Attributes view.
3. Click a template from the list on the left side of the page.
4. Click Layout in the detail area on the right side of the page.
5. All templates have the system attributes Title, Requirement Number, and Template prefilled in Section 1. These
attributes cannot be removed, but they can be reordered within the section by dragging and dropping.
7. Set the number of columns in any section with the drop-down for that section.
Note: If you remove columns that are already populated with attributes, those attributes will be removed from the
b. Click Add.
Note: For best results, the Description attribute should be placed in a column of its own, because it is a special
rich-text attribute that may require more vertical space.
10. To move attributes within a column, across columns, or across sections, click an attribute name and drag it to
the new location.
11. To move sections within the layout, click the Drag control (the dotted area on the left side of the section) and
drag it to the new location.
Requirement numbering sequences are used to generate Requirement Numbers in a workspace. When creating
a new Requirement, users are required to select a prefix, and Arena generates a new number from the chosen prefix
and the appropriate next value.
You can enter more than one prefix for the sequence to group Requirements and number them separately
under those prefixes. The new sequence may not include any prefixes that are already included in another
numbering sequence, and the next value of the sequence must be at least 1 and not greater than 1000000.
Note that you should include a dash after the prefix if you want a separator between the prefix and the
autogenerated number.
In Arena Requirements, when you add a trace between Requirements, you describe that relationship by selecting
a relationship type from a drop-down menu. For example, you might link two Requirements because one depends
on the other. If the trace is to an upstream Requirement, the Traceability view would say the Requirement Depends
on the other Requirement; if the trace is to a downstream Requirement, the Traceability view would say the
Requirement Is Depended Upon by the other Requirement. Arena Requirements comes standard with the relationship
types Block, Dependency, Introduce, and Related.
Relationship Types can be deleted until they are used in the workspace; once used, they can be deactivated.
6. If you're ready, make your new Relationship Type available to users in the workspace by clicking Activate.
7. Edit or deactivate any Relationship Type in the list with the commands in each row. The Delete command is
only available for Relationship Types that have not yet been used in the workspace.
In Arena Requirements, you can define a ranked list of values for the Priority field, which can be added to any
Requirement template.
5. Activate or deactivate any entry. Inactive entries are not available for selection when creating or editing a
a. Enter priority values in the List Values field. Separate each value with a carriage return.
b. Click Add.
7. Values are presented in alphabetical order, and new values are inactive by default.
All Tickets are based on templates. Templates determine the attributes that are included in a record, and their
layout in the Tickets world.
Note: Two templates are included with Arena Tickets: Enhancements and Issues. You can use them as they are or edit
2. Click the Templates subview. If you have created any Ticket templates, they will be listed on the left of the
subview, with the first template selected, and its information displayed on the right.
The Arena Tickets feature includes templates for Enhancements and Issues. You can use these templates as-is,
or modify them to fit your business practices.
3. Click the Plus icon on the right of the working area below the Subview bar.
a. Enter a name. The Ticket template name will be displayed in the Template drop-down when a user creates
a new record.
b. Select Number Formats to associate with this template. The formats you select here will be the only
formats available for Ticket records created based on this template.
c. Set a default Number Format for the template. When users create a Ticket based on this format, they will
be presented with the default format, but can pick any format available for the template.
d. If you want to allow users to define their own numbers (as opposed to always taking the next available
number in the autogenerating sequence), use the checkbox to select Allow User-Defined Numbers. This
can be helpful if you are migrating existing issues into Arena Tickets.
e. Enter a description.
f. Select a default assignee for Tickets created using this template. Users will be presented with the default
owner, but can pick any Employee or Partner user.
5. If you wish to configure the template immediately by choosing and arranging attributes, select the I'd like to
configure this Ticket template now checkbox.. To learn more about configuring Ticket templates, see “Configuring
Ticket Template Layout” on page 235.
7. You will be returned to the Templates subview, with your new template selected. Note that Ticket templates
are inactive by default.
You can configure the layout of a Ticket template, determining which custom attributes appear on a Ticket and
how they are displayed. Ticket templates consist of one or more sections, which can each be divided into up to 3
columns of attributes. If you need to create custom attributes for Ticket templates, do so in the Attributes view.
6. Set the number of columns with the drop-down for that section.
Note: If you remove columns that are already populated with attributes, those attributes will be removed from the
b. Click Add.
Note: For best results, the Description attribute should be placed in a column of its own, because it is a special
rich-text attribute that may require more vertical space.
9. To move attributes within a column, across columns, or across sections, click an attribute name and drag it to
the new location.
10. Rename sections by clicking the pencil icon, entering the new name, and then clicking the green checkmark.
11. To move sections within the layout, click the Drag control (the dotted area on the left side of the section) and
drag it to the new location.
Ticket numbering sequences are used to generate Ticket Numbers in a workspace. When creating a new Ticket,
users are required to select a prefix, and Arena generates a new number from the chosen prefix and the appropriate
next value.
You can enter more than one prefix for the sequence to group Tickets and number them separately under
those prefixes. The new sequence may not include any prefixes that are already included in another numbering
sequence, and the next value of the sequence must be at least 1 and not greater than 1000000. Note that you
should include a dash after the prefix if you want a separator between the prefix and the autogenerated
When you are managing defects related to software, it's helpful to specify on what version of the software the
defect was found, and in what version of the software you plan to fix the problem. Or if you're managing hardware
defects, you may want to track different builds where a problem was found and where it will be fixed. In Arena,
you can define lists of release versions for the Found On and Fix Version fields.
Release versions are prepopulated with the values "1.0", "2.0", and "3.0", but you can remove existing values as well
as adding new values.
3. For Fix Version or Found On, expand the Field Details column by clicking the triangle icon.
5. Activate or deactivate any entry. Inactive entries are not available for selection when creating or editing a
6. To add entries, click Add within the ellipsis drop-down menu in the relevant row.
a. Enter release versions in the List Values field. Separate each value with a carriage return.
b. Click Add.
In Arena Tickets, you can define a ranked list of priorities for the Priority field, which can be added to any Ticket
5. Activate or deactivate any entry. Inactive entries are not available for selection when creating or editing a
6. To add entries, click Add selection which is in the ellipsis drop-down menu in the relevant row.
a. Enter priority values in the List Values field. Separate each value with a carriage return.
b. Click Add.
7. Values are presented in alphabetical order, and new values are inactive by default.
Chapter 11 – Reports
Report Administrators are the only users who can delete shared Reports. Any user with a full Employee or Partner
access role may be designated a Report Administrator.
2. This view lists Report Administrators that have been defined for the selected workspace, if any. To add a Report
Administrator, click the Plus icon.
3. Select the users to whom you would like to grant Report Administrator privileges, and click the Add
Administrators button.
Chapter 12 – Attributes
About Attributes
Attributes are the fields that appear on the Specs and Summary views of Items, Requests, Changes, Suppliers, and
Supplier Items. There are two types of attributes in Arena: Core attributes, which are provided by Arena, and Custom
Attributes, which you define for your workspace.
• Predefined Drop-Down Menus are a fixed list of values from which users can select
• Revision Control indicates whether modifying an attribute triggers the working modifications flag on an Item.
Cost attributes are not revision controlled, but all other attribute types are.
• The Association Rule governs whether a custom attribute is global or category-specific. Global attributes appear
on every object of the relevant object type, while category-specific attributes appear only on the categories you
specify. Core attributes and cost attributes are always global.
• The Requirement Rule governs whether or not a custom attribute is required on an object when the object is
created or edited.
• The Visibility Rule governs whether or not the attribute is shown when empty. Core attributes are always visible,
even when empty.
Custom Attributes
Custom attributes allow you to define information about your Items, BOM lines, Requests, Changes, Suppliers,
Supplier Items, Quality Processes, and Tickets that is specific to your company. You can specify the most suitable
field type for a custom attribute and its values. In addition to Single- and Multi-Line Text Fields and Drop-Down
and Predefined Drop-Down Menus, custom attributes can be the following field types:
• Cost (Items only) to specify a cost value, including currency and decimal places
You can edit properties of core attributes in the Items and Changes worlds, including field length, requirement
rule, allowed and excluded characters, and more. Core attributes are the set of attributes defined by Arena, as
opposed to the custom attributes you create. All core attributes are global; that is, they appear on every object in
the world.
Note: Editing core attribute properties can cause problems for inbound integrations that create data in Arena.
3. In the Core Attributes section, click the Pencil icon at the right of the row for the attribute you wish to edit.
4. Edit the information for the attribute. Note that the field type determines which fields are editable (for example,
Predefined Drop-Down attributes do not have an editable length.)
a. Enter a default value for the attribute. If an attribute is required, and no value is entered or selected for
the attribute, the default value will be used.
b. Enter an example. Example text appears next to the attribute value when users edit the attribute.
d. Enter a length. The length determines the maximum length for the value in characters. Next to this field,
note that the maximum possible length for the workspace is shown, along with the longest value currently
used for this attribute in this workspace.
e. Use the checkboxes in the Format section to determine what characters are allowed for this attribute,
and which characters are excluded. Enter excluded characters or text strings with a carriage return between
each entry.
f. Use the radio buttons in the Requirement Rule section to determine whether a value is optional or required
for this attribute. Next to this field, the number of objects with an empty value for this attribute is listed.
If you make an Optional attribute Required, users will be required to enter a value for this attribute when
editing a Change or Item.
g. Use the radio buttons in the Visibility Rule section to determine whether an attribute should be hidden
when it has no value or should always appear in the Specs or Summary view, whether or not it has a value.
Hidden attributes appear for editing when a user edits an Item or Change.
2. Click the subview where you want to add a custom attribute. The subviews show the existing custom attributes
in each world.
a. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*). The Default Value, Example, and Description fields are
not required fields, but they help ensure that users enter data correctly.
b. If you select Predefined Drop-Down Menu in the Field Type field, enter options from which users will be
able to select, with each entry on a new row. If users should be able to select multiple values for the
attribute, select the Multi-Select checkbox and specify the maximum number of allowed selections.
c. If you select Number, select the number of decimal places allowed for the value and choose whether or
not negative numbers should be allowed.
d. If you select Cost, select the currency, number of decimal places, and Cost Calculation Method for values.
Cost Calculation Method determines how costs are calculated for assemblies: Entered does not consider
component or subassembly costs, but only the cost entered on the assembly Item itself; Rolled Up totals
the entered costs from all components and subassemblies on the BOM; and Rolled Up & Entered adds
the total rolled up cost of the assembly to the value entered on the assembly Item.
Note: Cost attributes are not revision-controlled and are always global and optional.
e. The Revision Control section for Item attributes is not editable and is determined by the Field Type you
selected. Cost attributes are not revision-controlled, but all other Item custom attributes are.
f. The association rule determines whether this custom attribute will apply to all objects of this type in the
workspace (global) or only to objects that are assigned to a Category with which this attribute is associated
Note: Quality, BOM, and Ticket attributes do not include the association rule.
g. If you make a custom attribute required, it will only be required when new objects are created or existing
objects are edited; existing objects will not have a value for this custom attribute until they are edited.
Custom attributes are always displayed in editing workflows, but you can set the visibility rule to control
whether or not a custom attribute's label is shown in detail views when no value has been entered.
5. Click the Create Attribute button. (If your workspace is large, adding a new custom attribute may take a few
6. If you are creating a global attribute, review the summary of affected objects and click Add Custom Attribute.
2. Click the subview where you wish to edit an existing custom attribute.
3. Click the Pencil icon at the right of the row for the custom attribute you wish to edit.
5. For predefined drop-down list attributes you can choose to allow multiple selections by selecting the
Multi-Select checkbox and specifying the maximum number of selections allowed.
6. To change the attribute's association rule, make a selection in the Association Rule section.
Note: The Quality subview does not include the association rule; Quality processes are not categorized.
a. To change the association rule from category-specific to global, select the Global radio button. The
attribute will be associated with every object of that object type, including uncategorized objects.
Note: When the association rule is changed from category-specific to global, objects assigned to categories
with which the attribute was previously associated will retain any values entered for that attribute, and the
attribute will be marked as global (overridden).
b. To change the association rule from global to category-specific, select the Category-specific radio button.
The list of categories below the radio button will activate for selection—select the categories with which
the attribute should be associated (child categories will automatically inherit the attribute when you
associate it with a parent category). It is strongly recommended that you assign objects with a value for
this attribute to categories before changing the attribute association rule, because you will not be able
to apply the attribute to uncategorized objects.
Note: IMPORTANT: The attribute will be removed from all objects assigned to categories with which you do
not associate the attribute (including uncategorized objects). Objects that lose the attribute will also lose the
values entered for the attribute. If this is an Item attribute, the values entered on the working revision will be
lost. This change cannot be rolled back.
For each category of Item, Request, Change, and File, you can configure the grouping and order of Custom Attributes
on the Specs or Summary view of objects assigned to that category. It is important to be aware that customizing
a layout changes the presentation of attributes for all objects, locked and unlocked, that are assigned to the category.
Child categories may also use the customized layout.
Core fields are the standard attributes (like Item Name and Item Number) managed in Arena; they always appear
at the top of the Specs view or Summary view in each world. The Additional Attributes group is displayed at the
bottom of any Specs view or Summary view in Arena as a collection of attributes that do not otherwise fall into a
group. You can add or remove attributes from the Additional Attributes group, but attributes within the group
may not be reordered.
Note: Customizing the layout of a category does not include the creation of new attributes or association of existing
attributes with the category. To learn how to create custom attributes in your workspace, see “Adding a New Custom
Attribute” on page 249. To learn how to associate attributes with a category, see “Configuring Category
Attributes” on page 274.
Chapter 13 – Categories
Arena gives you the ability to assign Items, Requests, Changes, and Files into categories in a hierarchical structure,
or "tree." categories help organize your product data by grouping objects into units within each world. Administrators
control the creation and editing of categories in the workspace. This is accomplished from the Categories view of
the Workspaces tab in the Account Administration tool.
All subviews in the Categories view have two panes. The left-hand Category tree pane always displays the
Category tree for the selected object type. The right-hand Category pane is the working area, and will change
and update as you perform different tasks in the Categories view.
3. The Category tree is a graphical representation of the hierarchy of categories available for each categorizable
object type in your workspace. The position and formatting of the category name in the tree allow you to
easily recognize the category's properties.
b. Child categories are indented one level below their parent category.
When a category is active, that category is selectable by users when they create or edit objects in the
workspace. To learn how to activate a category, see “Activating or Deactivating a Category” on page 269.
When a category is inactive, that category appears grayed-out in Category drop-down menus, and does
not appear to users in the workspace. All child categories of an inactive category are inactive until the
category is activated.To learn how to deactivate a category, see “Activating or Deactivating a
Category” on page 269.
When a category is structural, that category appears in square brackets in Category drop-down menus,
and is not selectable by users when they create or edit objects in the workspace. Users may not assign
objects to a structural category, but users can assign objects to an assignable child category of a structural
category). To learn how to set an object's assignability, see “Editing Category Information” on page 263.
4. Click a category whose information you wish to view. The selected category is highlighted in orange in the
Category tree, and will remain orange until you select another category.
5. Details about the selected category are shown in the Category Information section of the Category pane.
a. Path is the full Category tree path for the category, from the top of the tree to the category itself.
c. Icon is the image used to represent the category in the workspace (for Item categories only.)
h. The Default Settings subsection shows specific information types asociated with the category. Note that
these settings are defaults only, and may be changed by a user when creating an object assigned to the
i. Number Format is the number format associated with the object by default when a user creates an
object assigned to this category. For the Requests subview and Changes subview, this field is labeled
Numbering Sequence.
ii. For Item categories, Custom BOM gives the name of the default Custom BOM associated with the
category. For all Items assigned to this category, this Custom BOM will display first and will be marked
as the default in the drop-down menu in the Custom subview of the BOM view in the Items world.
iii. For Item categories, Compliance Requirements show the requirements that will be applied to new
Items in this category. and the statuses that will be set automatically.
iv. For Request categories, Evaluator Group is the value selected by default when a user creates a new
Request assigned to this category.
v. For Change categories, Routings are the values selected by default in the Routings field when a user
creates a new Change assigned to this category. Note that users only select routings in workspaces
configured to use User-Defined or Administrator Defined Manual Routing.
vi. For Change categories, Effectivity is the value selected by default in the Effectivity field when a user
creates a new Change assigned to this category.
vii. For Change categories, Initial Implementation Status is the value entered in the Status attribute in
the Implementation view of a Change when the Change is first created.
viii. For File categories, Supplier Visibility is the value selected by default in the Supplier Visibility field
when a user creates a new File assigned to this category.
6. The Category Attributes section of the Category pane lists the attributes associated with the selected category.
7. The Category Layout section of the Category pane shows how attributes associated with the category will be
displayed on the Specs view or Summary view of objects assigned to the category. If a custom layout has been
created for a category, a Customized indicator will appear.
8. The Category pane is the starting point for all administrative category-related tasks in Arena. From this view,
you can add, move, activate, deactivate, or edit a category. You can also configure the attributes that are
associated with a category or customize a category's layout. To learn more about category attributes, see
“Configuring Category Attributes” on page 274. To learn more about customizing a category's layout, see
“Customizing Category Layout” on page 278.
To associate custom attributes with a subset of objects within each object type, Account Administrators can create
categories. Users can assign objects to these categories, and Account Administrators can configure default settings
for each category.
2. Click the subview in which you would like to create the new category.
3. Click the Plus icon (or Add Child Category in the Actions menu if you wish to add a category beneath the
currently selected category).
4. To define the position on the Category tree of the new category, select a parent category from the Parent
drop-down menu.
5. Type a name for the category in the Name field. Two sibling categories (categories with the same parent) may
not have identical names.
6. If you are creating an Item category, click a radio button in the Icon section.
a. If you do not wish to use an icon to represent this category, select Use no icon.
b. If you wish to select an icon to represent this category, select Select a new icon and select the icon you
wish to use. Mouse over each icon to view its description.
7. Enter an optional description of the category in the Description field. Users will see this description when they
are choosing where to assign objects in the workspace.
8. If users should not be able to assign objects to this category, but should be able to assign objects to its child
categories, scheck "Make this category structural".
Note: For example, your Category tree has a Surface Mount category with Surface Mount Capacitor, Surface Mount
Resistor, and Surface Mount Transistor child categories. Because all of your company's surface mount parts are
either capacitors, resistors, or transformers, you want to enforce good categorization practices by not allowing
users to assign objects to the Surface Mount category. Therefore, you designate the Surface Mount category as
a. If you are ready for users to begin assigning objects to this category, click Active. Active categories are
selectable by users creating or editing objects in the workspace.
b. If you are not yet ready for users to begin using this category, click Inactive. Inactive categories are not
selectable by users creating or editing objects in the workspace. This setting defaults to Inactive to allow
you to set up your Category tree completely before users begin assigning objects to categories.
Note: If a category is inactive, all of its child categories are also inactive until the category is activated.
10. In the Settings/Default Settings section, make selections for category-specific views and default behavior. For
Items, Requests, and Files, these settings are defaults only and may be changed by a user when creating an
object assigned to the category. For Changes, you have the option to enforce default values for Numbering
and Effectivity for a category. Fields with enforced defaults are not editable by users when creating a Change.
a. If you are creating an Item category, select default settings for Item Numbering, Custom BOM, and
Compliance Requirements:
i. Set a default value for Number Format from the drop-down menu. To learn more about Item number
formats, see “Creating a New Item Number Format” on page 133.
If you select a number format other than Basic Item Numbering, you then set default field values
that will be preselected when users create objects in this category.
Note: This section is only displayed if your workspace features Automated Item Numbering.
ii. Set a default Custom BOM for Items associated with the category. The default is the first Custom
BOM displayed and is marked as the default in the Custom subview of the BOM view in the Items
Note: Items assigned to categories for which no Custom BOM is set use the workspace default Custom
BOM (if one is set for the workspace). If no Custom BOM has been set as the workspace default, Items
assigned to these categories will use the first alphabetical Custom BOM as the default.
iii. Set default Compliance Requirements that should be applied to new Items created in this category.
For each requirement you select, set initial values for Status, Rationale, Complance Mark, and Evidence
Type. You can also choose to have an applied Compliance Requirement propagate to child Items
by default.
Note: Arena does not allow setting a default compliance status of Compliant, as this can result in a product
being declared compliant when compliance has not been verified for all parts.
b. If you are creating a Request category, select default settings for Numbering Sequence and Evaluator
c. If you are creating a Change category, select settings for Numbering Sequence, Effectivity, and Initial
Implementation Status.
i. Set a default value for Numbering Sequence. The value you select here is the prefix that will be
selected by default when users create a new Change. Change numbers are made up of a prefix and
an auto-incrementing sequence. To specify that users should not be able to choose another value
for Numbering Sequence when creating a new Change, select the Enforce Default checkbox
ii. Select a default value for Default Effectivity. The value you select here is the Effectivity Type that will
be selected by default when users create a new Change. To specify that users should not be able to
choose another value for Effectivity when creating a new Change, select the Enforce Default checkbox.
iii. Select an Initial Implementation Status. The value you select here is the Implementation status that
new Changes assigned to this category will have upon creation.
iv. In the Duplicate Revisions section, use the radio buttons to choose whether or not users should be
able to reuse the same revision when selecting the end revision for Items included in Changes
assigned to this category.
Note: If a revision sequence in your workspace includes duplicate revisions, the option to disallow duplicate
revisions is not available.
v. In the Manual Revision Entry section, use the radio buttons to choose whether users should be able
to enter a revision number manually when selecting the end revision for Items included in Changes
assigned to this category. Note that if you disallow manual entry of revisions, revision numbers
entered in the working revision of an Item will be ignored when that Item is added to a Change
assigned to this category.
vi. To set default Routings for Changes assigned to this category, finish creating the category and switch
to the Routings subview of the category.
vii. To set default Inventory Disposition for Items included in Changes assigned to this category, finish
creating the category and then switch to the Inventory Disposition subview of the category.
d. If you are creating a File category, select a default Supplier Visibility. Selecting the checkbox indicates
that Files assigned to this category should default to private.
You may edit information for any category. Any changes to information for a category to which objects are currently
assigned may have implications on all objects assigned to that category. Editing category information is not
recommended if you restrict user view access with Advanced User Privileges.
3. In the Category tree, click the category you wish to edit. The information for this category will be displayed in
the right-hand pane.
5. The Parent field is prefilled, indicating the position of this category in the tree. To learn how to move a category
to a different position on the tree, see “Moving a Category” on page 270.
6. If desired, edit the name of the category by changing the text in the Category Name field.Two sibling categories
(categories with the same parent category) may not have identical names.
Note: Editing the category name of an Item category will result in working revisions of all Items assigned to the
category being updated and marked as "Modified."
7. If you are editing an Item category, select a radio button in the Icon section.
a. If you wish to keep the icon that is associated with this category, select Keep the existing icon.
b. If you do not wish to use an icon to represent this category, select Use no icon.
c. If you wish to select a new icon to represent this category, select Select a new icon and click the icon you
wish to use.
8. Enter an optional description of the category in the Description field. Users will see this description when they
are choosing where to assign objects in the workspace.
9. If users should not be able to assign objects to this category, but should be able to assign objects to its child
categories, check "Make this category structural". When a category to which objects have already been assigned
is designated as structural, those objects will remain in the structural category, but no new objects may be
assigned to the category.
10. Review the effects of your Changes, and confirm that you want to edit the category by clicking Confirm
Changes. If you would prefer not to edit the category at this time, click Cancel instead.
You may edit default settings for any category. Any changes to information for a category to which objects are
currently assigned may have implications on all objects assigned to that category.
4. In the Category tree, click the category you wish to edit. The information for this category will be displayed in
the right-hand pane.
5. In the Default Settings section, make selections for category-specific settings that will be used when users
create new objects using the category. These settings are defaults only and may be changed by users when
creating a new object assigned to the category.
6. Use the checkbox to indicate if you would like your settings to be propagated to all child categories of this
8. Review the effects of your Changes, and confirm that you want to edit the category by clicking Confirm
Changes. If you would prefer not to edit the category at this time, click Cancel instead.
1. Set a default number format for this Category from the drop-down menu. To learn more about Item number
formats, see “Creating a New Item Number Format” on page 133.
If you select a number format other than Basic Item Numbering, you then set number format default values
that will be preselected when users create objects in this category.
Note: This section is only displayed if your workspace features Automated Item Numbering.
2. Select a default Custom BOM for Items associated with the category. To learn more about Custom BOMs, see
“Creating a New Custom BOM” on page 148.
Note: Items assigned to categories for which no Custom BOM is set use the workspace default Custom BOM (if one
is set for the workspace). If no Custom BOM has been set as the workspace default, Items assigned to these categories
will use the first alphabetical Custom BOM as the default.
3. In the Requirements section, use the checkboxes to select Compliance Requirements that should be applied
to Items assigned to this category and set initial values for Status, Rationale, Complance Mark, and Evidence
Type. You can also choose to have an applied Compliance Requirement propagate to child Items by default.
Note: Arena does not allow setting a default compliance status of Compliant, as this can result in a product being
declared compliant when compliance has not been verified for all parts.
If you are editing a Request category, set default values for Numbering Sequence and Evaluator Group.
1. Set a default value for Numbering Sequence. The value you select here is the prefix that will be selected by
default when users create a new Change. Change numbers are made up of a prefix and an auto-incrementing
sequence. To specify that users should not be able to choose another value for Numbering Sequence when
creating a new Change, select the Enforce Default checkbox.
2. Select a default value for Default Effectivity. The value you select here is the Effectivity Type that will be selected
by default when users create a new Change. To specify that users should not be able to choose another value
for Effectivity when creating a new Change, select the Enforce Default checkbox.
3. Select an Initial Implementation Status. The value you select here is the Implementation status that new
Changes assigned to this category will have upon creation.
4. In the Duplicate Revisions section, use the radio buttons to choose whether or not users should be able to
reuse the same revision when selecting the end revision for Items included in Changes assigned to this category.
Note: If a revision sequence in your workspace includes duplicate revisions, the option to disallow duplicate revisions
is not available.
5. In the Manual Revision Entry section, use the radio buttons to choose whether users should be able to enter
a revision number manually when selecting the end revision for Items included in Changes assigned to this
category. Note that if you disallow manual entry of revisions, revision numbers entered in the working revision
of an Item will be ignored when that Item is added to a Change assigned to this category.
6. To edit default Inventory Disposition for Items assigned to Changes of this category, switch to the Inventory
Disposition subview of the category and click Edit.
a. Use the radio buttons to choose whether Changes assigned to this category should follow the global
Requirement rules for this workspace (as set on the Inventory Disposition subview of the Changes view),
or if Changes assigned to this category should have their own requirement settings for Inventory
b. If you choose category-specific, you can then set required/not required for each inventory disposition
Use the checkbox to indicate that Files assigned to this category should be hidden from all Supplier users by default.
When you activate a category, that category is available to users when creating or editing objects in the workspace.
3. From the Category tree, click the name of the category you wish to activate or deactivate. Information for this
category will be displayed in the Category pane.
4. Hover your mouse over the Actions icon to launch the Actions drop-down menu. Select the Activate Category
or Deactivate Category options.
5. Review the summary of any changes that will occur to product data in your workspace and confirm by clicking
Activate Category or Deactivate Category.
Note: When you deactivate a category, all of its child categories will also be deactivated. Also, while no new objects
may be assigned to the inactive category, any objects currently assigned to the inactive category will remain in the
inactive category until assigned to another category.
6. You will be returned to the Categories view, showing the details of the now active/inactive category.
Moving a Category
When you move a category, the attributes of objects assigned to the category or any of its child categories will be
2. Click the subview where the category you wish to move is located.
3. From the Category tree, click the name of the category you wish to move. Information for this category will
be displayed in the category pane.
5. Select the new position for the category by selecting a new parent category from the New Parent drop-down
menu. You may not move a category beneath itself in the Category tree.
Note: If a category is moved beneath an inactive category on the Category tree, it and all of its child categories will
be inactive until the parent category is activated.
7. Review any changes that will occur to the object's attributes. Attributes may be removed from or added to
the object's layout, and the values in removed attributes lost.
Note: If this is an Item category, any unlocked Item revisions assigned to the affected category will be updated and
marked as "Modified".
8. Confirm that you would like to move the category to its new position by clicking Move category.
9. You will be returned to the Categories view, showing the details of the category in its new position.
Deleting a Category
3. From the Category tree, click the name of the category you wish to delete. Information for this category will
be displayed in the right-hand pane.
5. Review the effects that deleting this category will have on your workspace and product data:
a. All child categories beneath that category in the tree are also deleted.
c. If this is an Item category, any unlocked Item revisions assigned to the category will be updated and
marked as "Modified."
d. If the category is used as a filter to control which Items are included in an integration, that filter will be
e. For Item categories, if this category was restricted from a user by Advanced User Privileges, all revisions
of an Item assigned to that category will become visible to the user when the working revision is made
f. For Request and Change categories, if this category was inaccessible to any user (due to Advanced User
Privileges), Promoted/Effective/Approved/Closed Requests and Changes remain in the deleted category
and all Advanced User Privilege restrictions remain in place for those Requests and Changes.
g. For File categories, if this category was inaccessible to any user (due to Advanced User Privileges), new
editions will be visible to the user; all previous editions remain in the deleted category, and all Advanced
User Privilege restrictions remain in place for those editions.
7. You will be returned to the Detail view for the parent of the deleted category or, if the deleted category was
a top-level category, you will be returned to the first category in the tree.
One of the advantages of categorization in your workspace is that you can specify which attributes are associated
with a category, governing what types of information can be captured by users. Attributes can be configured for
categories of Items, Requests, and Changes; File categories do not have custom attributes. Attributes can be
associated with a category by inheritance (attributes associated with the parent category are automatically associated
with child categories) or because they are global attributes (global attributes are associated with every category
of that object type). Administrators can also directly associate attributes with a specific category by selecting from
a list of all attributes available for the object type. To learn more about creating custom attributes in your workspace,
see “Adding a New Custom Attribute” on page 249.
2. Click the subview that represents the object type of the category whose attributes you wish to configure.
3. From the Category tree, click the name of the category whose attributes you wish to configure. Information
for this category will be displayed in the category pane.
4. Click the Configure Attributes button in the category Attributes section of the category pane.
Note: Cost attributes are global and appear on all Items, but cannot be configured.
The first table lists global and inherited attributes. All of the attributes in this table are already associated with
the category, either through inheritance or because they are global attributes for this object type. The Origin
column notes where the attribute originated.
a. Each attribute whose properties' values have been overridden appears with the checkbox in the Override
column already selected. To reset the properties of an overridden global or inherited attribute to their
original values, unselect the checkbox. This will not remove the attribute from the category.
b. To override the values of the properties of a global or inherited attribute, first select the checkbox in the
Override column. Requirement Setting and Default Value will be activated for editing.
ii. Set the default value (optional). If the Field Type is Drop-Down Menu, select a default value for the
attribute from the drop-down menu. If the field type is Text Field, type a default value for the attribute
in the text field.
5. The second table lists all available category-specific attributes for the object type. Attributes that are already
associated with this category are preselected.
a. To remove an associated attribute, unselect the checkbox in the Associate column for that attribute.
Note: If any objects are assigned to this category, values for the removed attribute will be lost from those object
records when the attribute is removed.
b. To associate an attribute, select the checkbox for that attribute. Requirement Setting and Default Value
will be activated for editing.
ii. Set the default value (optional). If the field type is Drop-Down Menu, select a default value for the
attribute from the drop-down menu. If the field type is Text Field, type a default value for the attribute
in the text field.
6. To create a new custom attribute in this workspace, click Create New Attribute. You will be returned to the
Configure Attributes page after creating the custom attribute, and the new custom attribute will be included
in the appropriate table.
Note: To learn more about creating a new custom attribute, see “Adding a New Custom Attribute” on page 249.
8. Review the summary of changes that you have made to attribute associations for the category and click
Confirm Changes. Note that if you are making changes to an Item category, working revisions of Items
assigned to the category will be updated and marked as "Modified".
9. You will be returned to the Categories view, showing the newly configured category in the category pane.
You can create, modify, or delete attribute groups in your custom layout and reorder attributes within or between
2. Click the subview that represents the object type of the category whose layout you want to customize.
3. From the Category tree, click the name of a category. Information for this category is displayed in the right-hand
4. Click Customize Layout in the Category Layout section of the category detail view.
Note: If the category layout has already been customized, the word "Customized" appears next to "Category Layout."
You can revert to the original layout for the category by clicking the Restore Default Layout button.
a. Before you can customize the attribute layout, you must create at least one attribute group. To create a
group, click the Plus icon at the appropriate position in the layout.
b. To move an attribute from one group to another, including the Additional Attributes group, click the
Drag icon next to the appropriate attribute and drag it to the desired position within another group. The
display automatically updates to reflect the new order.
c. To reorder the attributes within a group, click the Drag icon next to the appropriate attribute and drag
it to the desired position within the group. The display automatically updates to reflect the new order.
d. To change the position in which a group is displayed in the layout, click the Drag icon next to the group
name and drag it to the desired position. The display automatically updates to reflect the new order.
e. To edit the name of an attribute group, click the Pencil icon on the group name bar.
f. To remove an attribute group, click the remove button on the group name bar. Attributes in the removed
group move to the Additional Attributes group.
6. You will be returned to the category pane. Note that the Category Layout section is now tagged as Customized.
Chapter 14 – Compliance
Arena account administrators can define requirements that users apply to Items or Supplier Items. Requirements
are administrator-defined, and can be anything from government environmental standards to internal checks
within your organization.
2. Click the subview corresponding to the world in which you wish to add the requirement.
4. Enter a name for the requirement. This should be a short name by which the requirement can be quickly
recognized in tables and lists.
5. Enter a Statement of Requirement. This should be the formal statement of what compliance with the
requirement will entail.
6. Enter an optional Rationale Hint, that will be displayed to a user entering a rationale for a compliance status.
For example, "Verify the Suppliers provided Certificate of Compliance (CoC) for each Supplier Item used in the
a. Select None Required if the object's compliance status does not require any evidence.
b. For Item or Supplier Item requirements, select Associated Files if evidence of the object's compliance
status will be demonstrated by Files associated with the object itself.
c. For Item requirements, select AML & AML Files if evidence of the Item's compliance status will be
demonstrated by the list of approved manufacturer Items sourced to this Item or Files associated with
those Supplier Items.
a. Select All Files if evidence for this requirement can be found in any Files associated with an Item or its
sourced Supplier Items. (If you select this option, all associated Files will be shown in the Compliance
BOM and will be included in the Compliance Report.)
b. Select Selected File Categories if evidence for this requirement can only be found in specific File categories.
Use the checkboxes to select appropriate categories.
9. If you are entering a requirement for Items, select a radio button in the Propagation Rule section.
Note: The Propagation rule cannot be changed once a requirement is created. If you need to change the Propagation
rule, you must delete the requirement and create a new requirement with a different Propagation rule setting.
a. Select Does Not Propagate if you wish the requirement to only affect the Item to which a user applies it.
b. Select Propagates to Children if you wish the requirement to affect the Item to which a user applies it, and
automatically be applied to all of that Item's child Items.
10. If you are entering a requirement for Items, select a radio button in the Invalidation Rule section.
a. Select Reset status to unknown on new working revisions if new working revisions of Items should
automatically be set to Unknown. You can also specify that Items with the statuses Exempt or Not
Applicable for this Requirement are not subject to the Invalidation rule and will retain their statuses on
new working revisions.
b. Select Do not reset status on new working revisions if the status should automatically be carried forward
to new working revisions.
Note: It's important to be aware that Arena does not enforce any checking for compliance—if you set a requirement's
compliance status to carry forward to new working revisions, you should ensure users check that the working revision
shows the correct compliance status.
12. You will be returned to the Requirements view, showing the subview in which you created the requirement.
When a requirement is no longer relevant or needs to be removed from your workspace, account administrators
may delete that requirement.
2. Click the subview corresponding to the type of object for which you wish to delete a requirement. The subview
displays a list of all requirements created in the corresponding world.
3. Locate the requirement you wish to delete, hover your mouse over the ellipsis to launch the drop-down menu,
and select the Delete option.
4. Review the summary information and confirm that you wish to delete the requirement from your workspace
by clicking Delete requirement.
Note: When you delete a requirement, you delete all related status information from every object to which the
requirement has been applied.
Chapter 15 – Notifications
2. Click the subview of the object whose notification email you'd like to customize.
3. Select a Notification Event email you'd like to customize. Click the triangle next to the Notification Event to
expand it.
4. The Account Administrator can now customize the Notification Event email toward the left of the expanded
Notification Event.
a. Variables represent an object attribute or property that can be added to an email subject or body. Click
on the Select Variable dropdown within the variable generator bar and select a variable you'd to add to
the email. The Variable field will update with the Variable you've selected.
b. Hover your mouse to the left of the Subject bar until a pencil icon appears. Click on the pencil icon to
open up the subject bar for editing.
The pre-existing variables can be deleted. In addition to typing in words, any variables selected from the
variable generator bar can be pasted into the Subject bar. Click on the green check to save your edits to
the Subject bar. Click the red X to close the Subject bar from editing.
c. Hover your mouse to the top left of the Body until a pencil icon appears. Click on the pencil icon to enable
customization of the email Body.
Within the edit email Body, an editor can be used to build tables format texts, and build lists within the
email. Similar to the Subject bar, selected variables can be pasted anywhere in the body of the email.
Note: The email Body currently does not support the following: attachment of images, the combination of
certain special characters as text such as the dolllar sign used in conjunction with curly brackets, or the use of
HTML code.
• To clear all customizations to the notification email and revert it to the default email template, click on
the Revert To Default command.
• To save all your modifications to the notification email, click on the green checkmark icon.
• To close the edit screen without saving any modifications to the notification email, click on the red X
2. Click the subview of the object whose notification email you'd like to deactivate.
3. Select the specific Notification Event you'd like to deactivate. Under the CMDS column hover your mouse over
the ellipsis to launch a drop down menu along the notification event you'd like to deactivate and select the
Deactivate command.
4. The Account Administrator will then receive a pop-up asking the user to confirm the deactivation. Click the
Deactivate button to complete the notification event email deactivation.
Note: Deactivating a notification event will disable all notification emails associated with that notification event.
If a deactivated notification event needs to be reactivated repeat the steps listed here and click the Activate command
to reactivate the notification event.
An Item notification event is a modification to a property or aspect of an Item that triggers an email notification to
a group of recipients. Account Administrators can customize and deactivate email notifications for the Item events
listed below.
A Request notification event is a modification to a property or aspect of a Request that triggers an email notification
to a group of recipients. Account Administrators can customize and deactivate email notifications for the Request
events listed below.
A Change notification event is a modification to a property or aspect of a Change that triggers an email notification
to a group of recipients. Account Administrators can customize and deactivate email notifications for the Change
events listed below.
Not all Change Notification Event Emails are customizable. Below are the Change Notification Event Emails that
are not available for modification or deactivation.
A Project notification event is a modification to a property or aspect of a Project that triggers an email notification
to a group of recipients. Account Administrators can customize and deactivate email notifications for the Project
events listed below.
A Quality notification event is a modification to a property or aspect of a Quality Process that triggers an email
notification to a group of recipients. Account Administrators can customize and deactivate email notifications for
the Quality Process events listed below.
Not all Quality Notification Event Emails are customizable. In addition to Quality digest emails, below are the Quality
Notification Event Emails that are not available for modification or deactivation.
A Training notification event is a modification to a property or aspect of a Training that triggers an email notification
to a group of recipients. Account Administrators can customize and deactivate email notifications for the Training
Plan events listed below.
A Requirements notification event is a modification to a property or aspect of a Requirement that triggers an email
notification to a group of recipients. Account Administrators can customize and deactivate email notifications for
the Requirements events listed below.
A Ticket notification event is a modification to a property or aspect of a Ticket that triggers an email notification
to a group of recipients. Account Administrators can customize and deactivate email notifications for the Tickets
events listed below.
Arena DataExtract lets you connect your product data to business intelligence, analytics, and reporting tools, for
greater insight into trends and bottlenecks in your PLM processes. Because DataExtract outputs flat CSV files, they’re
ready for immediate consumption into the tool of your choice.
Account Administrators configure extracts in the DataExtract tab of the Account Administration tool, specifying a
name for the extract, what type of data should be included, and the frequency and interval that runs should be
automatically performed. The following table shows the available views:
• a "run description" TXT file that describes the content of the archive
• a CTL file for each selected data type (CTL files are necessary for use with Oracle SQL Loader.)
When a run is complete, the ZIP file is available in the Downloads tab of the Dashboard Inbox. The file can be
downloaded manually from the inbox or programatically using the Arena REST API. For more information about
the Arena API, download the Arena API Developer Guide from the Documents section of Arena Help.
DataExtract also includes a Log subview which retains metadata about all past runs.
Creating an Extract
Note: Because DataExtract logs into Arena at regularly scheduled times, this must be a new address which
does not already exist in the Arena system.
Note: Like all Arena passwords, this password must be between 8 and 18 characters and contain at least one
lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one number.
d. If the system that will be processing the data has a limit on the number of characters it can process in
data fields, enter a maximum text attribute length. All fields will be truncated to this length.
Account Administrators can configure the frequency and interval at which extracts should be run in their workspace.
4. Click the Pencil icon to edit the schedule in the Schedule section of the extract details on the right. Alternatively,
click on Reset Schedule to clear the schedule
5. In the Start Date field, enter a date for the first run. Clicking in the Start Date field pulls up a calendar widget
in which you can click a date.
6. In the Schedule field, use the drop-down menu to select whether the extract should run at Daily, Weekly,
Monthly, or Yearly intervals.
a. After selecting the interval, select how many times in that interval the extract should run by clicking one
or several values in the pick lists. For example, you can select a Weekly interval, but specify that the extract
should run on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week. Or set it to run every 3 weeks on only Mondays.
Account Administrators can configure what information is included in extracts generated for their workspace with
Arena DataExtract.
4. Click the Pencil icon in the extract details on the right to edit the filtering.
5. Use the checkboxes to specify what information should be included in the extract each time it runs.
Note: Each checkbox you select here results in one CSV and one CTL file in the output ZIP file generated by DataExtract.
Chapter 17 – Integrations
Integrations are set up by the Arena support team. Click the Feedback link at the bottom of any Arena page to
contact Arena support. You can edit information about an integration to determine how updates are reconciled
between Arena and the target system.
Note: Depending on whether the integration is managed or automated, some of the settings described below may not
2. From the list of integrations in the left pane, click the integration for which you wish to edit information.
3. To edit summary information in the Integration Information section, click the Pencil icon.
Note: Transfer Type describes whether an integration groups updates by Changes or by individual Item revisions.
d. You will be returned to the Integrations view, showing the integration you are editing.
Note: Some automated integrations, such as the Arena-SolidWorks Integration, do not include Filtering.
a. For managed integrations, use the radio buttons to select an option in the Category Filtering section.
ii. If you wish to include only specific types of Items, select "Only Items assigned to specific categories."
Then, use the checkboxes to select categories of Items that should be included. To learn more about
categories, see “Viewing Category Trees and Details” on page 254.
Categories that appear in square brackets are structural and categories that appear grayed out are
b. For Item revision-based managed integrations, use the radio buttons to select an option in the Lifecycle
Filtering section.
i. If you wish to include only Items in the Production stage of the Item Lifecycle, select Production Stage
Items Only.
ii. If you wish to include Items in both the Design and Production stages of the Item Lifecycle, select
Design and Production Stage Items.
c. For Change-based automated integrations, use the radio buttons to select an option in the Event Filtering
i. If you wish to include effective revisions created with and without Changes, select Changes and
revisioning events.
ii. If you wish to include only effective revisions created with Changes, select Changes Only.
e. You will be returned to the Integrations view, showing the integration you are editing.
5. To edit settings in the Integration Administrators section, click the Configure Administrators button. To learn
more about designating Integration Adminstrators, see “Adding an Integration Administrator” on page 319.
a. For both managed and automated integrations, select an option from the Time-in-Queue Threshold
drop-down menu. This threshold defines how long an update remains in the To Be Reconciled view of
the Integration monitoring and management tool before Integration Administrators are notified.
b. For automated integrations only, select an option from the Time-Since-Connection Threshold drop-down
menu. This threshold defines how many days must pass since an automated integration's last connection
before Integration Administrators are notified.
d. You will be returned to the Integrations view, showing the integration you are editing.
You can designate Read-Write Employee or Partner users as Integration Administrators. These users will be able
to monitor and maintain integrations in the Integration Monitoring and Management tool.
Note: Even though you designate Integration Administrators for a specific integration, these users can maintain any
integration in your workspace.
2. From the list of integrations in the left pane, click an integration for which you wish to designate an Integration
4. The Edit Administrators screen shows all users available to be designated as Integration Administrators.
a. Using the checkboxes, select the users to whom you wish to grant Integration Administrator privileges.
Note: You can also unselect the users from whom you wish to remove Integration Administrator privileges.
b. Using the drop-down menus, select whether each Integration Administrator should be notified via email
when the integration needs attention.
5. You will be returned to the Integrations view in the Account Administration tool.
Triggers allow Administrators to configure a specific Arena object, called a Resource, and a specific modification to
the resource, called an Action to generate an Event.
Note: Depending on whether the integration is managed or automated, some of the settings described below may not
c. Configure the Resource for the trigger. Currently there are three options for Resource triggers:
i. Items
ii. Changes
d. Select the Action for your Trigger. Currently there are three options for Action triggers:
i. Create
ii. Edit
iii. Workflow
Note: Create includes Item duplication. Edit includes Rolling Back Item modifications. Edit is typically triggered
when modifications to an object are saved. Workflow are defined as Lifecycle Phase, Lifecycle Status, or Status
Note: Triggers with edit actions generate events based on the pre-event state of the category, edited attributes,
and the conditions of the resource. For example, if a trigger has a resource equal to Item, action equal to Edit,
category equal to Capacitor, and an edited attribute set to category, that trigger will create an event if a user
edits an Item's category from Capacitor to Resistor.
5. Configure the Filter for your Trigger by selecting the options from the drop-down menus. Filters allow users
to further refine their Triggers. Note that the Filtering options can dynamically change depending on the
Resource and Options selected. For additional information on
i. Click on the Category drop-down and configure all Item categories you'd like to include in the trigger.
ii. Click on the Conditions drop-down and select Conditional to configure your trigger to specify Item
custom attributes with specific values. Use the plus icon to add additional custom attributes to your
Conditional filtering. By default, Conditions is set to Unconditional.
i. Click on the Category drop-down and select all Item categories to include in the Trigger.
ii. Click on the Lifecycle Phase drop-down and select all Item Lifecycle phases to include in the Trigger.
iii. Click on the Edited Attributes drop-down and select the Item core and custom attributes to include
in the Trigger.
iv. Click on the Conditions drop-down and select Conditional to configure your trigger to specify Item
custom attributes with specific values. Use the plus icon to add additional custom attributes to your
Conditional filtering. By default, Conditions is set to Unconditional.
i. Click on the Category drop-down and configure all Item categories you'd like to include in the Trigger.
ii. Click on the From Lifecycle Phase drop-down menu and select all the starting Item Lifecycle Phases
to include in your Trigger.
iii. Click on the To Lifecycle Phase drop-down menu and select all the ending Item Lifecycle Phases to
include in your Trigger.
iv. Click on the Conditions drop-down and select Conditional to configure your trigger to specify Item
custom attributes with specific values. Use the plus icon to add additional custom attributes to your
Conditional filtering. By default, Conditions is set to Unconditional.
i. Click on the Category drop-down and configure all Change categories you'd like to include in the
ii. Configure Effectivity Type by selecting the appropriate radio button. The Any option includes both
Permanent Changes and Temporary Changes which are also known as Deviations.
iii. Click on the Conditions drop-down and select Conditional to configure your trigger to specify Change
custom attributes with specific values. Use the plus icon to add additional custom attributes to your
Conditional filtering. By default, Conditions is set to Unconditional.
i. Click on the Category drop-down and configure all Change categories you'd like to include in the
ii. Click on the Lifecycle Status drop-down and select all Change Lifecycle statuses to include in the
iii. Configure Effectivity Type by selecting the appropriate radio button. The Any option includes both
Permanent Changes and Temporary Changes which are also known as Deviations.
iv. Click on the Edited Attributes drop-down and select the Change core and custom attributes to
include in the Trigger.
v. Click on the Conditions drop-down and select Conditional to configure your trigger to specify Change
custom attributes with specific values. Use the plus icon to add additional custom attributes to your
Conditional filtering. By default, Conditions is set to Unconditional.
i. Click on the Category drop-down and configure all Change categories you'd like to include in the
ii. Click on the From Lifecycle Status drop-down menu and select all the starting Change Lifecycle to
include in your Trigger.
iii. Click on the To Lifecycle Status drop-down menu and select all the ending Change Lifecycle statuses
to include in your Trigger.
iv. Configure Effectivity Type by selecting the appropriate radio button. The Any option includes both
Permanent Changes and Temporary Changes which are also known as Deviations.
v. Click on the Conditions drop-down and select Conditional to configure your trigger to specify Change
custom attributes with specific values. Use the plus icon to add additional custom attributes to your
Conditional filtering. By default, Conditions is set to Unconditional.
i. Click on the Template drop-down and configure all Quality Process templates you'd like to include
in the Trigger.
i. Click on the Template drop-down and configure all Quality Process templates you'd like to include
in the Trigger.
ii. Click on the Template Step drop-down and configure all Quality Process Steps you'd like to include
in the Trigger.
iii. Click on the Edited Attributes drop-down and select the Quality core and custom attributes to include
in the Trigger
iv. Click on the Conditions drop-down and select Conditional to configure your trigger to specify Quality
custom attributes with specific values. Use the plus icon to add additional custom attributes to your
Conditional filtering. By default, Conditions is set to Unconditional.
i. Click on the Template drop-down and configure all Quality Process templates you'd like to include
in the Trigger.
ii. Click on the From Status drop-down menu and select all the starting Quality Statuses to include in
your Trigger.
iii. Click on the To Status drop-down menu and select all the ending Quality Statuses to include in your
iv. Click on the Conditions drop-down and select Conditional to configure your trigger to specify Quality
custom attributes with specific values. Use the plus icon to add additional custom attributes to your
Conditional filtering. By default, Conditions is set to Unconditional.
Triggers allow Administrators to configure a specific Arena object, called a Resource, and a specific modification to
the resource, called an Action to generate an Event.
Note: Depending on whether the integration is managed or automated, some of the settings described below may not
4. Once the trigger has been selected, click on the Pencil icon.
c. Edit the Resource for the trigger. Currently there are three options for Resource triggers:
i. Items
ii. Changes
d. Select the Action for your Trigger. Currently there are three options for Action triggers:
i. Create
ii. Edit
iii. Workflow
Note: Create includes Item duplication. Edit includes Rolling Back Item modifications. Edit is typically triggered
when modifications to an object are saved. Workflow are defined as Lifecycle Phase, Lifecycle Status, or Status
6. Edit the Filter for your Trigger by selecting the options from the drop-down menus. Filters allow users to further
refine their Triggers. Note that the Filtering options can dynamically change depending on the Resource and
Options selected. For additional information on
i. Click on the Category drop-down and configure all Item categories you'd like to include in the trigger.
ii. Click on the Conditions drop-down and select Conditional to configure your trigger to specify Item
custom attributes with specific values. Use the plus icon to add additional custom attributes to your
Conditional filtering. By default, Conditions is set to Unconditional.
i. Click on the Category drop-down and select all Item categories to include in the Trigger.
ii. Click on the Lifecycle Phase drop-down and select all Item Lifecycle phases to include in the Trigger.
iii. Click on the Edited Attributes drop-down and select the Item core and custom attributes to include
in the Trigger.
iv. Click on the Conditions drop-down and select Conditional to configure your trigger to specify Item
custom attributes with specific values. Use the plus icon to add additional custom attributes to your
Conditional filtering. By default, Conditions is set to Unconditional.
i. Click on the Category drop-down and configure all Item categories you'd like to include in the Trigger.
ii. Click on the From Lifecycle Phase drop-down menu and select all the starting Item Lifecycle Phases
to include in your Trigger.
iii. Click on the To Lifecycle Phase drop-down menu and select all the ending Item Lifecycle Phases to
include in your Trigger.
iv. Click on the Conditions drop-down and select Conditional to configure your trigger to specify Item
custom attributes with specific values. Use the plus icon to add additional custom attributes to your
Conditional filtering. By default, Conditions is set to Unconditional.
i. Click on the Category drop-down and configure all Change categories you'd like to include in the
ii. Configure Effectivity Type by selecting the appropriate radio button. The Any option includes both
Permanent Changes and Temporary Changes which are also known as Deviations.
iii. Click on the Conditions drop-down and select Conditional to configure your trigger to specify Change
custom attributes with specific values. Use the plus icon to add additional custom attributes to your
Conditional filtering. By default, Conditions is set to Unconditional.
i. Click on the Category drop-down and configure all Change categories you'd like to include in the
ii. Click on the Lifecycle Status drop-down and select all Change Lifecycle statuses to include in the
iii. Configure Effectivity Type by selecting the appropriate radio button. The Any option includes both
Permanent Changes and Temporary Changes which are also known as Deviations.
iv. Click on the Edited Attributes drop-down and select the Change core and custom attributes to
include in the Trigger.
v. Click on the Conditions drop-down and select Conditional to configure your trigger to specify Change
custom attributes with specific values. Use the plus icon to add additional custom attributes to your
Conditional filtering. By default, Conditions is set to Unconditional.
i. Click on the Category drop-down and configure all Change categories you'd like to include in the
ii. Click on the From Lifecycle Status drop-down menu and select all the starting Change statuses to
include in your Trigger.
iii. Click on the To Lifecycle Status drop-down menu and select all the ending Change Lifecycle statuses
to include in your Trigger.
iv. Configure Effectivity Type by selecting the appropriate radio button. The Any option includes both
Permanent Changes and Temporary Changes which are also known as Deviations.
v. Click on the Conditions drop-down and select Conditional to configure your trigger to specify Change
custom attributes with specific values. Use the plus icon to add additional custom attributes to your
Conditional filtering. By default, Conditions is set to Unconditional.
i. Click on the Template drop-down and configure all Quality Process templates you'd like to include
in the Trigger.
i. Click on the Template drop-down and configure all Quality Process templates you'd like to include
in the Trigger.
ii. Click on the Template Step drop-down and configure all Quality Process Steps you'd like to include
in the Trigger.
iii. Click on the Edited Attributes drop-down and select the Quality core and custom attributes to include
in the Trigger
iv. Click on the Conditions drop-down and select Conditional to configure your trigger to specify Quality
custom attributes with specific values. Use the plus icon to add additional custom attributes to your
Conditional filtering. By default, Conditions is set to Unconditional.
i. Click on the Template drop-down and configure all Quality Process templates you'd like to include
in the Trigger.
ii. Click on the From Status drop-down menu and select all the starting Quality Statuses to include in
your Trigger.
iii. Click on the To Status drop-down menu and select all the ending Quality Statuses to include in your
iv. Click on the Conditions drop-down and select Conditional to configure your trigger to specify Quality
custom attributes with specific values. Use the plus icon to add additional custom attributes to your
Conditional filtering. By default, Conditions is set to Unconditional.
Note: Outbound Events integrations can be created by the Customer Success team. Submit a feedback for additional
2. Click on an Outbound Events Integration. Outbound Events integrations contain the value Outbound-Event
within the Type section.
4. From the Triggers drop-down menu check the boxes next to the trigger you’d like to add to the Outbound
Events integration. (Alternatively, click on the Create New Trigger to create a new trigger.)
5. Once the triggers have been selected, click Add to include the triggers in that Outbound Events integration.
6. You will be returned to the Integrations view in the Account Administration tool.
Scheduling Out of Office Users with the the Proxy Schedule .................................................... 333
Account Administrators can set out of office time periods employees who are out of the office. The Proxy Schedule
view presents beginning and end dates for all scheduled out-of-office users and lists the proxy user for each. During
out of office periods, the proxy user is notified when the user's decision is required on a Change.
1. Click the Workspace Settings option which appears as the second option from the user menu drop-down.
The user menu appears as the username's initials within a circle.
All users with current and scheduled out of office time periods are listed.
4. Select the Out of Office user from the Out of Office User drop-down menu. Select the Out of Office Dates range
using the calendar icons.
6. To edit an employee 's existing out of office date range, click on the Trash Can icon to delete the existing out
of office date range. Then click the the Plus icon to add the employee and the date range as in Step 3.
Account Administrators can view modifications to categories and attributes within the History view in Worksapce
Settings. Only Account Administrators can access this view. The History view records category and attribute
modifications that transpire after the Fall 2021 go-live date. For a full list of category and attribute modifications
that are logged, view the recorded Modifications section in Account Administrator History in Workspace Settings
History: Recorded Modifications.
1. Click Workspace Settings which is the second option from the user menu drop-down. The user menu appears
as a circular icon with the username's initials at the top right of the screen.
3. At the top right of the History view, a drop-down menu with dual radio button options allows the user to filter
the history log. Click on the menu to open up the radio button options.
a. The first radio button determines the time frame for the modifications. The options are Last 7 Days, Last
14 Days, Last 30 Days, Last 90 Days, and All History. Click on the desired radio option to configure the time
frame of the History view.
b. The second radio button determines the the type of modification displayed. Options are: All Modifications,
All Category Modifications, All Attribute Modifications. Click on the desired radio option to configure the
type of modification to be displayed in the History view.
4. At the bottom right of the History view, users can configure the number of results that show up in the page
through a pagination drop-down menu. The options are 10 / page, 15 / page, 20 / page, 30 / page, 50 / page,
100 / page, 200 / page, and 400 / page. Click on the desired radio option to configure the time frame of the
History view.
5. To export the History view, click the export icon, symbolized by a file with an arrow pointing to the right,
appears in the top right of the records area.
Note: The history export file’s scope will be determined by the selections for the primary radio button which selects
the time interval and the secondary radio button which selects for modification type.
Account Administrators can view modifications to categories and attributes within the History view in Workspace
Settings. The table below provides the full list of category amd attribute modifications that are logged. The History
view records category and attribute modifications that transpire after the Fall 2021 go-live date.
Configurable lists allow you to populate certain drop-down menus in the application with list values of your
choosing, set a default value for each list, and choose whether users should be allowed to add new list values from
within the application. You can configure lists of owners, file formats, authors, units of measure, and Implementation
Note labels.
2. Click the triangle to the left of the list name to expand each list and show the list values that currently appear
for users in this workspace. If a default value is selected, it will appear in bold.
a. In the List Values text field, enter new list values or delete existing values.
i. To enter a new list value, type a value on a new line, separating each value with a carriage return so
that it appears as a separate line. When users assign a value from this list, they will see the list values
in alphabetical order.
ii. To delete a list value, delete the appropriate line from the List Values text field.
b. To set the default value for the list, enter one of the list values in the Default Value field. This is the value
that will be preselected each time a drop-down menu for this list appears.
Note: The value entered in the Default Value field must match the value in the List Values text field exactly,
including case.
c. If you wish to allow users to add new list values from within the application, check Allow users to add new
list values. If this checkbox is unchecked, the Create new owner..., Create new file format..., Create new
author..., Create new unit..., and Create new label... options will not appear in the drop-down menu for each
Administrators can view recent activity in their workspaces, including user access, exports, Report runs, and File
2. To generate a list of users who have recently logged in to the workspace, click the User Access subview.
a. Choose a subset of recent access activity to view using the drop-down menu on the right and click Go.
b. The subview shows all access to this workspace in the last 90 days, including the time, date, and duration
of each session and any available information about the IP address and domain from which it originated.
If a user is currently logged in, the words "Logged in" appear in the Duration column. If a user's login has
been blocked by a workspace access restriction, the word "Denied" will appear in the Duration column.
Note: Recent Employee Activity can also be reached in the Employees tab of the Account Administration tool
by clicking the Recent Activity subview when looking at details for a specific Employee. This subview displays
login activity during the last 90 days for this Employee user. In addition to time, date, and duration, the details
listed for each session (including the current session) include the name of the workspace accessed and any
available information about the originating IP address and domain.
c. Click the Show All link to display all recent logins, or use the Previous and Next links to cycle through
a. This subview shows the last 20 exports performed in this workspace, including the date of each export
and the user who performed it. If additional exports have occurred within the last 60 days, those are
shown too.
b. Click the Show All link to display all recent exports, or use the Previous and Next links to cycle through
4. For a list of recent Report runs, click the Report Runs subview.
a. This subview shows the last 20 runs of a Report for this workspace, including the date of each run and
the user who performed it. If additional runs have occurred within the last 60 days, those are shown too.
b. Click the Show All link to display all recent Report runs, or use the Previous and Next links to cycle
through pages.
c. Click the name of a Report to go to the Summary view for that Report.
Note: You must have the appropriate privileges to access the Summary view of a Report.
5. For a list of recent File access, click the File Access subview.
a. By default, the list shows the number of results specified in your Number of Results Shown user preference.
Click the Show More link to display all activities recorded in the last 90 days, or use the Previous and
Next links to cycle through pages.
Note: Activities are logged ONLY for files stored on the Arena servers. Activities performed on file records that
are links to Web or FTP sites are not logged.
b. If a file is completely deleted from the workspace (all editions are deleted from the Arena servers) all
activities involving that file are deleted from this log.