Implementing Employee Central Core: Implementation Guide - PUBLIC Document Version: 2H 2022 - 2023-03-17
Implementing Employee Central Core: Implementation Guide - PUBLIC Document Version: 2H 2022 - 2023-03-17
Implementing Employee Central Core: Implementation Guide - PUBLIC Document Version: 2H 2022 - 2023-03-17
5 Data Models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Employee Central provides comprehensive, integrated, searchable people and organizational information.
Information is natively stored in our product so other modules can access the information. It captures
information about a company’s organization, pay, job structure, and employees. It drives a lot of the
information used in the Employee Profile as well as Talent.
Employee Central data is smart because it allows you to capture history, create associations, use effective-
dated objects, define automated workflows, and automatically configure options for on-screen selections.
Here is a brief overview to show the differences between Employee Central and the employee profile.
What does it do? Drives all core HR administration, trans Drives all Talent and Learning proc
actions and processes.
What is it based on? Person and employment records. Employment records based on User ID.
Where does the data come from? Data from imports and manual entry. Data from HRIS Sync from Employee
This is the recommended implementation sequence for Partners and Consultants. We strongly recommend
that you follow this sequence for the first few implementations and discuss any variations with your Team Lead.
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact
your implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product
All configuration files for Employee Central, for example, master data models, master picklists, as well as
country/region-specific files, have moved from the SAP Help Portal to the Software Download Center .
Step 1: Setting Up a New Account in Provisioning Initial Configuration Tasks [page 23]
Step 2: Creating the Super Admin Initial Configuration Tasks [page 23]
Step 3: Defining the Corporate Data Model Refer to the SAP SuccessFactors Data Model Reference
Guide for information about how to set up the Corporate
Data Model.
Step 4: Defining the Country/Region-Specific Corporate Refer to the SAP SuccessFactors Data Model Reference
Data Model Guide for information about how to set up the Country/Re
gion-Specific Corporate Data Models.
Step 5: Setting up MDF Foundation Objects MDF Foundation Objects [page 120]
Step 6: Configuring the Succession Data Model Refer to the SAP SuccessFactors Data Model Reference
Guide for information about how to set up the Succession
Data Model.
Step 7: Configuring the Country/Region-Specific Succession Refer to the SAP SuccessFactors Data Model Reference
Data Models Guide for information about how to set up the Country/Re
gion-Specific Succession Data Models.
Step 10: Configuring Business Rules Business Rules in Employee Central [page 153]
Step 11: Creating Event-Reason Derivation Rules Event Reason Derivation Business Rules [page 151]
Step 12: Creating Workflow Derivation Rules as well as Work Implementing and Configuring Workflows in Employee Cen
flows tral guide in the SAP Help Portal.
Step 13: Setting Role-Based Permissions Permissions for Employee Central [page 39]
Step 15: HRIS Sync Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Synchroniza
tion [page 202]
This section describes how you can sync data from Em
ployee Central to other modules.
Step 16: Setting up Leave of Absence You need to set up Time Off to use leave of absence. Note
that you need to decide first whether you want to use leave
of absence as standalone or together with other Time Off
features. Depending on this decision, the setup varies.
Optional: Setting Up Employee Central Advanced Reporting Employee Central Advanced Reporting: Standard Reports
Optional: Setting Up Higher Duty or Temporary Assignment Implementing Higher Duty or Temporary Assignment
This is information about the recommended sequence for partners and consultants to integrate Employee
Central with other SAP SuccessFactors modules.
It is recommended to either start with Employee Central or end with Employee Central.
Before implementation, consider the following topics and how they impact other modules:
• Employee ID generation
• Foundation Objects
• Company Structure
• Job Structure
• Global Assignment
• Concurrent Employment
This document covers the core of Employee Central, but there are many parts to Employee Central. Hopefully,
this will help you find all the information that you need.
All guides for Employee Central can be found on the SAP Help Portal at
Topic Link
Company Structure Overview Implementing and Managing the Company Structure Over
view in Employee Central
Data Model Field Information for Employee Central Data Object Tables in Employee Central
Integration with SAP ERP SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Integration to SAP
Business Suite
Related Information
Component Description
LOD-SF-EC-WFL Workflows
LOD-SF-EC-LOC Localization
1.6 Assignment ID
Assignment ID is an identifier assigned to the work relationship between a person and the company. The
relationship could be an employment relationship, contingent relationship, pensioner relationship, intern,
global assignment, or others. A person can have one or many work relationships with a company at the same
time, for example, concurrent employments or home and host assignment in a global assignment.
Currently, assignment ID is not supported in some SAP SuccessFactors areas, for example, Learning,
Compensation, Onboarding 1.0, and data protection and privacy features. This might cause display
inconsistencies across the HXM Suite. Refer to the Important Notes about Assignment ID to find the
specific areas impacted by assignment ID as well as the areas where assignment ID is not supported. This
document will be regularly updated to reflect the latest development of assignment ID.
Before you change assignment IDs, we recommend that you evaluate the risks associated with the
inconsistencies. If assignment ID is not supported in the SAP SuccessFactors areas you've enabled, please
don't make any changes to assignment ID at this time.
The system automatically generates assignment IDs for users created prior to the Q3 2019 release, and their
default values are the same as the current user IDs. However, in the Employee Central-enabled instances, if you
have used a business rule to generate assignment IDs, the system then creates assignment IDs based on the
rule and the assignment IDs might be different from the user IDs. When you create new users using the user
management tools such as Employee Import, Manage Users, or OData APIs, assignment IDs for these users are
also added to the system.
Previously, when you wanted to change user IDs in some cases, such as employee relocation or going live
on Employee Central or another HRIS system, a support ticket was needed. The user ID conversion process
Now, you can use assignment ID to identify users and change it if needed.
Assignment ID is a unique identifier in Employee Central and assigned to the Employee Central object
employment. It is a multiple purpose field. Currently assignment ID supports two main scenarios. One is
the Platform use case of managing users with the Manage Users, Employee Import, Import Extended User
Information admin tools, and OData APIs. The other is the integration use case of the Employee Central to SAP
ERP system or SAP S/4HANA (SAP ERP/S/4). In the Employee Central integration use case, the assignment
ID is equal with the SAP ERP/S/4 PERNR (personnel number). Employee Central is responsible for ensuring
the assignment ID matches the SAP ERP/S/4 PERNR format and determines an assignment ID by using rules
during all processes where a new employment is created. As a result, the assignment ID (8 digit max) is
generated and replicated to the integrated SAP ERP/S/4 system .
For more information, refer to Using Assignment ID in Employee Central Integration with SAP ERP HCM.
You must decide for one scenario and are not allowed not switch between the two scenarios.
You can use the Check Tool to find any missing or inconsistent assignment IDs in the system. Any fix would
result in the update to your data in Employee Central. We recommend selecting the check available under the
Employee Central Core Employment Information section.
Read the following table to find the differences and relationships between person ID, UUID, user ID, and
assignment ID.
Person ID (person-id-exter A unique identifier of a per Yes UUID and person ID are in a
nal) son in Employee Central. Per
one-to-one relationship.
son ID identifies a natural
person. An employee gener User ID and assignment ID
ally has only one person ID are in a one-to-one relation
throughout their time at the
company, since this ID is as
sociated to each person. One person ID is associated
UUID (per-person-uuid) This identifier is generated No to one or more user IDs and
when person data is created assignment IDs.
in the system. UUID is in
One UUID is associated to
troduced for integrating per
son data in Employee Central one or more user IDs and as
with other modules. UUID is signment IDs.
stored at a database level
only and is not visible on the
Here are some data protection and privacy features specific to Employee Central rather than the entire HXM
For information about data protection and privacy in your SAP SuccessFactors system, refer to Setting Up and
Using Data Protection and Privacy on the SAP Help Portal.
Data Blocking
For HRIS workflows in Employee Central as well as MDF workflows, data blocking is only available for
completed workflows. This means, for workflows that have the status approved, rejected, or canceled. The
completed workflows can only be viewed by users with the correct permissions.
For Employee Central, we recommend not only marking fields to be flagged for the read audit, but also flagging
fields as sensitive, which masks them on the UI. Both of these fields can be added to the HRIS elements in the
Business Configuration UI. This helps to prevent that a log is written every time that UI is accessed.
Only those fields marked for read access are reported. Masked fields are not considered for read audit. If a field
is masked but also enabled for read audit, it will be included only if the Show link is selected for that field.
Note that attachments cannot be tagged as sensitive information. If an error occurs for a field with an
attachment, then the system will not show that block.
The following core areas support read audit. Note that Address and Deductions do not support read audit.
Area Sub-area
Change Audit
The following core areas support the change audit. This includes both effective and non-effective dated
Employment Information Compensation Info - Pay Component Recurring & Spot Bo
Non-Effective-Dated Create I
Non-Effective-Dated Change U
Non-Effective-Dated Delete D
Effective-Dated Create I
• If an admin changes data for users in different countries with different retention times, then the system
applies the lesser of the retention times, for example, 3 months instead of 6 months.
• The system does not check whether target users are Employee Central users or not, for example, a
user could be from Onboarding or other modules.
Information Report
2.1 Provisioning
Provisioning is an internal tool that Professional Services consultants and partners use to set up SAP
SuccessFactors modules for a customer. You can access each customer instance from within Provisioning.
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact
your implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product
To get started with the customer implementation, you need to do a number of initial configuration tasks.
The tasks listed below are the minimum required provisioning settings. You will make further Provisioning
settings based on the customer's requirements as you progress through the implementation.
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact
your implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product
Keeping the User Directory and Org Chart Up to Date [page 30]
• Check Tool
We also recommend that you review the SAP SuccessFactors Enterprise Check guide for information about
the Allow list for APIs, time synchronization, certificate renewals, and cookie handling.
Here is an overview of the basic options that can be selected for Employee Central.
1. Log on to Provisioning with your user name and password, and select the company from the list shown or
through the initial letter of the company ID.
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact your
implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product
This allows the admin to purge inactive users. For more information about purging users, refer to the
Setting Up and Using Data Protection and Privacy guide.
7. Optional: For a new customer, if you want to use the new Payment Information block (MDF-based,
effective-dated, and employment-specific), select the following checkbox. You don't have to set up the
HRIS elements directDeposit and paymentInfo in Succession Data Model. For more information, refer
to the Implementing and Configuring Payment Information in Employee Central guide on the SAP Help
• Enable New Payment Information (MDF-based, effective-dated, and employment-specific). [CAUTION:
For existing customers, by switching on this feature via Upgrade Center, the old direct-deposit-based
UIs, APIs and objects will be irreversibly deactivated. New Payment Information is integrated into
Employee Central Payroll. Integration scenarios towards 3rd party systems utilizing the old direct
deposits APIs might no longer work. Please check in advance and inform customers that they
might need to migrate existing 3rd party integration scenarios to the new APIs, for example,
compound employee API or OData API.] — requires Employee Central V2 (Event Reason Derivation),
Enable Generic Objects, Effective Dated Data Platform, Employee Profile data audit and Enable the
Attachment Manager
For an existing customer that is using the old Payment Information or Direct Deposit block, if you
want to enable the new Payment Information block, please use the Upgrade Center instead. For more
information, see the Implementing and Configuring Payment Information in Employee Central guide on
the SAP Help Portal.
8. Optional: If you want to hide the user name in the value help in the system, select the following checkbox:
Here is an overview of the attachment options that can be selected for Employee Central.
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact
your implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product
1. In Provisioning, on the Company Settings page, scroll to the section Document Attachment.
2. Specify the attachment settings as required by the customer.
If the customer requirements are not known at this time, make the following settings:
Attachment Setting
Create a super admin user in the Provisioning application, for a specific customer instance, so that you can
access the system and grant necessary permissions to other users.
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact
your implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product
1. Log into Provisioning and select the company instance you wish to access.
Setting Description
Admin Username Determines both Username and User ID of the super ad
min user.
Admin Password Password with which super admin can access your sys
Admin First Name First name of super admin as it appears in the system.
Admin Last Name Last name of super admin as it appears in the system.
Use PWD to log in to SAP SuccessFactors Once it is checked, the newly created super admin can log
into the system using username and password.
Confirmation of customer approval Provisioning user must check a box confirming that they
have received approval from the affected customer for the
creation of a super admin user account.
Customer Email Address Customer email address that receives notification when
the super admin account is created.
You can only proceed to create a super admin if you have provided all of the required information. If not,
this action is disabled.
The super admin user account is created and the customer is notified at the email address provided.
Allow the admin access to the Company System and Logo Settings link in the Admin Center, which has many
Employee Central relevant settings.
Ensure that the permission for Administrator Permission Manage System Properties Company System
and Logo Settings is enabled.
• Enable Address Validations: validate if postal codes are in the correct format for your country or region
whenever you add or edit addresses in People Profile or import addresses
• Enable National ID Validations
• Enable Bank Account Validations
• Enable Payment Information Validations
3. Optional: If you use contingent workers, select the Enable target group based filtering for Worker fields
This means that, if checked, then the values in the dropdown list for Worker fields will be based on
the target group settings assigned in permissions. If not checked, then all users will be available in the
dropdown list.
4. Save your settings.
You must have the required permissions to view the page: Permission Settings Manage System Properties
Employee Central Feature Settings
Manage the areas of Employee Central using the Admin Center, for example:
If you are unable to see this page, it is recommended that you log out and log back in to the Admin
Center. Doing so will trigger the changes in permission immediately. You should then be able to search
for the Manage Employee Central Settings page.
The User Directory and Org Chart use data that is maintained and stored in Employee Central. You need to
make sure that the data in the different systems is current and consistent.
The user directory and org chart pull the data from User Data File. This User Data File holds the standard
employee data that Directory, Org Charts and Talent Modules use as well.
Employee Central updates the user data in real time using HRIS Sync.
Employee Central needs to update the data in real time, which is why we need to schedule the sync job. Once
it is scheduled, every time a field in Employee Central that needs to flow to User Data File (for example, First
Name, Last Name,… gets updated), the job launches automatically and updates the file.
If there are extra fields to update, you can configure the HRIS Sync mappings in the Succession Data Model.
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact
your implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product
This is an SAP SuccessFactors Business Beyond Bias feature. Use it to support processes that detect,
prevent, or eliminate the influence of bias, helping you achieve your diversity and inclusion goals.
1. In Provisioning, navigate away from the Company Settings page by selecting the company name on the top
2. Scroll down and select Manage Job Scheduler Manage Scheduled Jobs .
3. Select Create New Job (above the Job Type) field.
4. Enter a suitable job name (such as EC Effective Dates Sync).
5. As the job owner, specify the Super Admin you created in the previous task. You can use the Find User
function to do this.
6. From the drop-down list, select the job type HRIS Sync.
7. Based on the customer requirements, specify the time and frequency of the job.
8. Specify additional email recipients and job start notifications as required.
9. On the bottom right, select Create Job.
10. Save your changes.
Turn the API setting to on so that you can use them to integrate data.
With this option turned on, you can use Employee Central SOAP APIs.
Configure the Internal Job History block to view the internal career history of an employee. This history can be
shared with a broader audience with the company.
• Ensure that you have permissions for People Profile from Administrator Permissions Manage System
Properties Manage Employee Files
• Create a rule using the Internal Job History Block rule scenario. You do this by going to Admin Center
Configure Business Rules Employee Central Core Internal Job History
This rule scenario only supports Job Information as the base object. In the rule, you only add the If
condition, for example, to show job changes in the People Profile. You can’t change the Set condition in the
rule, and it is not shown in the rule.
Here is an example for a rule configured for an event reason for promotion. Rules can be configured and
customized based on customer requirements.
• Ensure that you have permissions for this block from User Permissions Employee Widgets Internal
Job History .
• Ensure that you have permissions to view Job Information records from User Permissions Employee
Central Effective Dated Entities Job Information .
This is a read-only block, which is really a filtered version of the job history for an employee.
This is a double block, meaning it needs 2 block spaces. The system does not allow you to place it in a
single block.
4. Select the block to edit it's properties.
5. Edit the block.
a. Enter the block title and block description.
b. Optional: Select the option Show the description below the block title.
If you don't select the option, users access the description through the Help in the block.
c. Select the Job Information fields from the dropdown that you would like to have in the block.
The fields shown in the dropdown list are based on the configured fields of the Succession Data
Model as well as the Country/Region-Specific Succession Data Model.
Transient fields, for example, time in position, time in job, time in company, are not supported.
Any fields with the label NA do not show data in the block.
d. Select the rule you created using the Internal Job History rule scenario from the Rules dropdown.
Only the Internal Job History rule scenario rules are shown. If no rule is configured, then the Rule
dropdown will not be seen.
To view the Internal Job History Block, navigate to Employee Profile for the employee whose history you would
like to see. The new block appears on the Employee Profile. You will see the filtered version of the job history for
an employee based on the rule scenario configured and the Job Information fields selected.
Set up the currency exchange rate to show pay component group values as well as to be able to calculate
Compa Ratio/Range Penetration.
Permission Description
Metadata Framework Import Permission on Metadata Allows users to import the MDF object into the system.
MDF Foundation Objects Currency Exchange Rate Allows users to see and use the Currency Exchange Rate
MDF object.
If you are a new customer, check whether there is already an existing picklist with ID =
"CurrencyExchangeRateType" and a picklist value = "DEFAULT". If it is not available, create the picklist
and the default value.
Only exchange rates with the default exchange rate type, DEFAULT, are used in Employee Central
currency conversion.
For mass updates of currency exchange rates, you can use the standard import and export UI. For
more information, refer to Importing MDF Data topic in the Implementing the Metadata Framework
(MDF) guide.
d. Save any changes.
2.2.10 User ID Generation
The system automatically assigns user IDs to employees once they are created in the system based on a
database sequence.
Optionally, you can configure business rules using the Generate Employee ID For Hire/Rehire rule scenario to
generate user IDs during the hire or rehire process. If you have configured rules, the rules take precedence over
the database sequence.
The database sequence helps to avoid application errors caused by duplicate employee IDs, which can happen
in the following cases:
Let's say a company with 10.000 employees acquires another company. When merging the employees into one
company, 5.000 new employees are added with a CSV file import to the system. You would then need to set the
ID for the next person that is hired to be the current number of employees plus 1, so you would enter 15.001 in
the Next Person Id Assigned field.
We recommend selecting a number that does not start with a leading zero. For example, for a company with
10.000 employees, you could start with the following number“100000”, which would give a capacity of 1
million employees.
If Position Management is active in your system, remember to update the Employee Number in this section
as well as the Position Sequence Number during data migration.
In certain cases, gaps in the row of assigned IDs cannot be avoided, such as aborted hires. After enabling the
sequence, you may get the error with the text “Unable to generate unique Employee ID. Sequence needs to
be updated. Please contact your Admin.”. This error occurs because the next number provided by database
sequence is already used for other employees. The system has a set number of attempts to find a valid
number, but if it can't find one, then you will get the error. To resolve this issue, you can update the sequence
to Maximum Number Already Used as Employee ID for Existing Employees value. To do this, enter the Maximum
Number Already Used as Employee ID for Existing Employees in the field Next Person ID Assigned and save the
To start the sequence with different number, update the number in the field Next Person ID Assigned and save
the changes.
Related Information
You can create multiple sequence ranges for customers who want to place certain types of employees in those
Next Steps
You can then create a business rule with an If/Else condition to call the respective sequence based on the
employee category.
You can encrypt the user IDs in URLs for Employee Central pages.
• Global Assignment
• Switching Profile/Searching for other user profiles
• Concurrent Employment
• Rehire
• Rehire with New Employment
• Internal Hire
• Manage Pending Hires
• New Hire creation from Org chart
• View Profile Link from Hire Success Page
You can use role-based permissions (RBP) to control access to who sees what with regard to employee
Role-based permissions allow you to grant different levels of read or write access depending on the role of the
employee. For example, an employee is only allowed to read their own compensation information, but an HR
Admin is allowed to edit it. You define these kinds of permissions by managing permission roles.
The blocks seen by users in the employee profile are directly related to permissions and roles granted to those
The permission categories are divided in User Permissions and Admin Permissions, which are further
subdivided, for example, Employee Data or Miscellaneous Permissions . Once selected, the list of permissions
associated with this category is displayed on the right side and in some areas, further divided into groups. For
example, the HR Information section contains groupings, for example, for Biographical Information.
You can use role-based permissions (RBP) to control access to who sees what with regard to what users can
see and do in the system.
The blocks seen by users in the employee profile are directly related to permissions and roles granted to those
The permission categories are divided in User Permissions and Admin Permissions, which are further
subdivided, for example, Employee Data or Miscellaneous Permissions . Once selected, the list of permissions
associated with this category is displayed on the right side and in some areas, further divided into groups. For
example, the HR Information section contains groupings, for example, for Biographical Information.
Here is a list of the user permission categories.
Employee Central Effective Dated Entities Set field-level permissions for effective-dated blocks and
fields. These blocks are effective dated:
• Addresses
• Compensation Information
• Dependents
• Job Information
• Job Relationships
• Personal Information
Employee Views Allows users to view the sections in People Profile. Each item
under the Employee Views Section permission corresponds
to a section in People Profile. An item is automatically listed
under the permission category after you create a section.
The entries listed here refer to the different blocks that have been defined as HRIS elements in the Succession
Data Model.
If necessary, you can use OnView rules to control who can see which fields in the blocks listed here,
since you cannot use role-based permissions to set field-level View permissions for these blocks. For
more information about how to create such rules, refer to the Example Employee Central Business
Rules [page 188].
Note that the labels depend on the labels defined in the Succession Data Model. If you have taken over the
standard Succession Data Model, the following entries are displayed under HR Information:
User Permissions Employee Data Biographical Information Admins with this permission can access
HR Information (personInfo) personal data of a user.
User Permissions Employee Data National ID Information Admins with this permission can access
HR Information (nationalIdCard) the national ID information of a user.
User Permissions Employee Data National ID (Restricted to only coun Admins with this permission can only
HR Information try/region of legal entity) access the national ID information of
an employee relevant to the country
or region of the legal entity where the
employee is currently employed. For ex
ample, an administrator responsible for
an employee currently employed in the
United States can’t view or add national
ID information related to other coun
tries or regions for the employee.
User Permissions Employee Data Phone Information (phoneInfo) Admins with this permission can access
HR Information personal data of a user.
User Permissions Employee Data Email Information (emailInfo) Admins with this permission can access
HR Information personal data of a user.
User Permissions Employee Data Business Email Address This entry is an exception. It refers
HR Information to one of the email types of the
emailInfo element: business email
User Permissions Employee Data Social Accounts Information (imInfo) Admins with this permission can access
HR Information personal data of a user.
User Permissions Employee Data Primary Emergency Contact Admins with this permission can access
HR Information (emergencyContactPrimary) personal data of a user.
User Permissions Employee Data Spot Bonus Users with this permission can view the
HR Information (payComponentNonRecurring) Spot Bonus block on the Employment
Information page.
User Permissions Employee Data Spot Bonus Edit Action Users with this permission can change
HR Information what data employees are allowed to
change on the Employment Information
User Permissions Employee Data Payment Information (paymentInfo) Admins with this permission can access
HR Information personal data of a user.
User Permissions Employee Data Work Permit Info (workPermitInfo) Admins with this permission can access
HR Information personal data of a user.
User Permissions Employee Data Global Assignment Details This entry is only displayed when Global
HR Information (globalAssignmentInfo) Assignments Management are active in
the system.
User Permissions Employee Data Pension Payout Details This entry is only displayed when pen
HR Information (pensionPayoutsInfo) sion payouts are active in the system.
User Permissions Employee Data Business Address Normally every employee needs a busi
HR Information ness address. If a company assigns the
addresses to the employees and does
not want them to be editable by the
employees, select only View permission
User Permissions Employee Data Pay Targets Admins and managers with this permis
HR Information sion can view and edit the pay targets
section of the Compensation Informa
tion block.
Related Information
Assign permissions for actions and fields in the Global Assignment Details block.
These permissions are found in User Permissions Employee Data Global Assignment Details
The fields listed are from the Succession Data Model for the HRIS element globalAssignmentInfo.
For this Global Assignment Details entry... which permission is needed:
Global Assignment View block View allows the user to view the Global Assignment Details
block on the Employment Information page.
Global Assignment Edit Link Edit allows the user to make changes to the Global
Assignment Details block directly on the Employment
Information page.
Global Assignment Add Edit allows the user to add a global assignment by navigat
ing from the Employment Information page to the Update
Employee Records page using the Take Action menu.
Global Assignment Edit/MSS Edit allows the manager to edit a global assignment by navi
gating from the Employment Information page to the Update
Employee Records page using the Take Action menu.
Global Assignment End Edit allows the manager to end a global assignment by navi
gating from the Employment Information page to the Update
Employee Records page using the Take Action menu.
Global Assignment Delete Edit allows the manager to delete a global assignment by
navigating from the Employment Information page to the
Update Employee Records page using the Take Action menu.
Assignment Type Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Planned End Date Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Actual End Date Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Assignment Start Date Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Payroll End Date Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Related Information
These permissions are found in User Permissions Employee Data Pension Payout Details
The fields are from the Succession Data Model for the HRIS element pensionPayoutsInfo. Only the HRIS
fields with visibility "both" or "view" are available for setting permissions.
Pension Payout Edit Link View to allow the user to view the Pension Payout Details
block in Employment Information.
Start Date Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
End Date Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Pension Provider Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Actual End Date Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Payroll End Date Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Related Information
These permissions are found in User Permissions Employee Data Employment Details
The fields are from the Succession Data Model for the HRIS element employmentInfo. Only the HRIS fields
with visibility "both" or "view" are available for setting permissions. Termination-related fields are also included.
Employment Details MSS View to allow the user to view the Employment Details block.
Employment Details Edit Edit allows the user to edit the Employment Details on the
profile by selecting Edit button.
Add New Employment Edit allows the user to add multiple employments for one
Bonus Pay Expiration Date Hide this field from the user interface by deselecting View
and Edit.
Change Primary Employment The field defines whether the admins are allowed to
change the employment classification of an employee in the
Employment Details rather than in the Manage Data UI.
Employment Details Custom String 1 Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Employment Details Custom Date 1 Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Employment Details Custom Long 1 Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Employment Details Custom Double 1 Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Employment Details Worker Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Employment Details Location Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Employment Details Business Unit Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Employment Details Picklist Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Hire Date Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Termination Date Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Original Start Date Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Seniority Start Date Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Payroll End Date Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Last Date Worked Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Regret Termination Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Eligible for Salary Continuation Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Eligible for Stock Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Stock End Date Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Salary End Date Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Benefits End Date Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Service Date Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Initial Stock Grant Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Professional Service Date Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Initial Option Grant Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
New Assignment Company Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Is Contingent Worker Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Seniority Date Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
New Main Employment Edit allows the admin or manager to update this field.
Related Information
Assign permissions for the Change Job and Compensation Info page.
The HR Actions section controls mainly who has access to the Update Employee Records page for actions
defined in the Succession Data Model.
Update Employment Records (displayed as Take Action but This option overrules all other permissions in this section. It
ton) controls whether the user can see and use the Take Action
button from the Employment Information page.
View Higher Grades This option defines whether a manager can view an employ
ee's job classification if it is higher than the manager's.
Report No-Shows This option allows the admin or manager to report no-show
new hires within 30 days of the expected start date of the
Add New Employee This is an hris-action from the Succession Data Model. It
defines if the user can access the Add New Employee link in
the Admin Center.
Manage Leave of Absence This option allows admins or managers the Take Action but
ton for legacy LOA.
Return from Leave of Absence This option allows admins or managers the Take Action but
ton for legacy LOA.
Permissions to access the Update Employee Records page for Global Assignments are set in User
Permissions Employee Data HR Information .
Define whether a user has the permission to view changes for effective-dated entities in the future.
These permissions are found in User Permissions Employee Data Future-Dated Transaction Alerts
You can define whether a user has the permission to view future changes for effective-dated entities when the
user selects the Pending future change… link.
homeAddress Only the View permission is applicable
here. The Edit permission has no func
Related Information
Define whether a user can see if a workflow has been initiated, but not yet approved.
These permissions are found in User Permissions Employee Data Transactions Pending Approval
Work Permit Info workPermitInfo View means the pending approval link is
shown, but you cannot select it to get to
the details of the workflow request.
Define the permissions to view the workflow history from the History page of certain effective-dated entities..
These permissions are found in User Permissions Employee Data View Workflow Approval History
Home Address
homeAddress Only the View permission is relevant,
Edit has no function.
Assign View or Edit permissions for individual event reasons. This helps distribute different functions within the
company to the correct people.
These permissions are found in User Permissions Employee Data Event Reasons .
• HR admins can be the only ones given access to data changes and this action has no workflow attached.
• HR admins have access to transfers outside the team.
• Managers only have access to transfer to/from their team.
• Payroll admins only have access to out-of-cycle salary increases.
There are many types of event reasons, for example, data changes, termination, job changes, global
assignment, benefits, paid or unpaid leave, hire or rehire, transfer, and so on.
Related Information
These permissions are found in User Permissions Employee Central Effective Dated Entities .
These permissions include country/region-specific fields that are prefixed by the 3-letter ISO code (for
example, FRA for France, DEU for Germany, and so on).
There are five different permissions you can select for effective-dated entities:
• View Current: The user can see only the current field value of an effective-dated entity. When the user looks
at the History page, the past data record for this field is not displayed.
• View History: The user can see past values on the History page. This permission also includes the View
Current permission, so that the user can also see the current field value.
• Edit/Insert: The user can edit an effective-dated entity by inserting a new data record for it which is
effective as of a certain date. As the user does not really change the data record itself (then it would just
overwrite the past data record), past data records are still available in the History. The field is also available
for editing when a new data record is inserted.
• On view of UIs
• On save of UI data
homeAddress This is an exception: you can only set
entity-level permissions on this entity,
but not a specific field.
For a complete list of all listed fields, refer to the fields listed in your Succession Data Model and country/
region-specific Succession Data Model.
You can show the name of the user next to the user name in the Last modified by field in the History pages of
effective-dated HRIS elements. Showing the user name rather than the user ID in the History page makes it
easier to identify employees who last changed the record.
If the Platform Feature Settings Hide Username setting is active in the system, then the person who
made the latest changes is shown with their full name.
If the Platform Feature Settings Hide Username setting is not active in the system, then the person who
made the latest changes is shown with their full name and their user ID.
In addition, for each of the sections, you can set these two permissions on block level:
Use this option when you want to associate an approval workflow with the changes done in this block.
All the permissions for actions for the effective-dated entities are validated:
• On view of UIs
• On delete
• On correct/Insert
• Edit Link permissions control what users can do in the Manager and Employee Self-Service pages.
The permissions for this are validated:
• On view of UIs
• On save in MSS
The remaining entries refer to the fields listed in the Succession Data Model and country/region-specific
Succession Data Model. If a field is configured in both the Succession Data Model and the country/region-
specific Succession Data Model, only the field from the Succession Data Model is shown in this list.
Related Information
Employee Views permissions allow you to view sections in the People Profile.
These permissions are found in User Permissions Employee Views Employee Views Section .
Under the Employee Views Section permission, each item listed corresponds to a section in the People Profile.
The items vary depending on the sections configured in your system.
Related Information
You can use role-based permissions (RBP) to control access with regard to which admin can view or edit which
Role-based permissions allow you to grant different levels of read or write access depending on the role of the
employee. For example, an employee is only allowed to read their own compensation information, but an HR
Admin is allowed to edit it. You define these kinds of permissions by managing permission roles.
Under Administrator Permissions, the following permission categories are relevant for Employee Central:
Manage System Properties These permissions ensure that access and validations are
properly set up.
Manage Foundation Objects These permissions ensure that users can import and work
with foundation objects and translations for Job Codes.
Manage Foundation Object Types These permissions are control what the admin is allowed
to do on the Manage Organization, Pay and Job Structures
page. Grant permissions for each individual foundation ob
Manage User These permissions ensure that users have the correct ac
cess to all they need in Employee Central. This is especially
important for the integration between Recruiting, Onboard
ing 1.0, and Employee Central.
Metadata Framework These permissions ensure that users can work with generic
objects in the Metadata Framework (MDF).
Manage Business Configuration These permissions ensure that users can work with the Busi
ness Configuration UI, which allows them to access the Suc
cession Data Model as well as the country/region-specific
Succession Data Model from the UI rather than having to go
through Provisioning.
Employee Central API These permissions ensure that users can work with the
SOAP-based application programming interfaces (APIs) for
Employee Central. These are relevant for integrating Em
ployee Central with other software products.
Manage Time Off These permissions ensure that users can work with Time Off
and the Time Sheet.
Manage Time
For more information about Time Off, refer to the Imple
menting Employee Central Time Off guide on the SAP Help
Manage Positions These permissions ensure that users can work with Position
Manage Compensation These permissions ensure that users can work with Em
ployee Central compensation data.
Manage Pay Scale
For more information, refer to the Implementing and Con
Manage Deductions figuring Employee Compensation Data in Employee Central
guide on the SAP Help Portal.
Manage Spot Awards
Related Information
Set permissions to ensure admins have access to the correct pages to complete their work.
Here you define permissions for the admin that cover many aspects of the system, for example, creating &
updating company settings as well as processes. Allowing admins the rights to update settings for mobile and
security areas is also done here.
• Import Foundation Data: Grants access to the Import Foundation Data link in the Admin Center.
• Import Translations: Allows the admin to import translations for the jobCode foundation object, using the
Import Translations link in the Admin Center. For more information, refer to Translating Foundation Data.
Related Information
Set permission to ensure users can work with foundation object types.
You can define permissions for the admin that refer to the different types of foundation objects. Foundation
objects are created, edited, and deleted in the Admin Center. To access the page, in the Tools Search field,
select Manage Organization, Pay and Job Structures.
The following permissions are relevant here and refer to what the admin is allowed to do on the Manage
Organization, Pay and Job Structures page:
• View: The admin can only view the corresponding foundation object type.
• Create: The admin can create a foundation object of the selected type.
• Insert: The admin can create a new data record for a foundation object type, by selecting Insert New
• Correct: The admin can correct foundation objects by selecting Take Action Make Correction in the
History page.
• Delete: The admin can delete foundation objects by selecting Take Action Permanently delete record
in the History page.
Related Information
Set permissions to ensure that users have the correct access to all they need in Employee Central. This is
especially important for the integration between Recruiting, Onboarding 1.0, and Employee Central.
The following scenarios may be relevant for you to help you make the correct selections:
• Add New User: Grants access to the Add New Employees link in the Admin Center.
The Add New Employee screen does not respect the role-based permissions you set up here. Instead
it respects the settings from the data models with regards to whether a field or block is visible or
• Rehire Inactive Employee or Rehire Inactive Employee with New Employment: Grants access to the Rehire
Inactive Employee link in the Admin Center.
• Rehire Inactive Employee with New Employment (by 'match' in New Hire) or Rehire Inactive Employee (by
'match' in New Hire): Grants access to the Match pop-up in the New Hire screen.
• Include Inactive Employees in the search: Enables the search for inactive users on the Employee Files page
and in the directory search.
• Import Employee Data: Grants access to the Import Employee Data link in the Admin Center.
• Restrict fields of type Worker
Fields of the type Worker (for example, supervisor in Job Information or HR/matrix manager in Job
Relationship, and so on) respect target groups defined in permissions. This means that, if configured,
users can only add managers that are included in the target group defined in the permissions.
For example, you may want to restrict the access of a user to all managers of a legal entity.
• Manage Workflow Requests: Grants access to the Manage Workflow Requests link in the Admin Center, for
example, to change the approver for a particular workflow.
The admin can only access the workflow requests for the target population to which the admin role has
been granted access.
• Manage Workflow Groups: Grants access to the Manage Workflow Groups link in the Admin Center.
Set the read-only permission for the name and external code fields of the Metadata Framework (MDF)
Foundation Objects (FOs) and set the rest of the fields to No Access. This grants Value Help Read Only
permissions for everyone.
These permission settings allow all users to view and select information on the New Hire, Employee Self
Service (ESS), and Manager Self Service (MSS) pages.
Without these settings, users will not be able to view or select values from a drop-down list associated with a
field of the MDF FO (also referred to as value help). For example, if the setting is not applied to the Legal Entity
MDF FO, the user will not be able to view or select any Legal Entity value from the drop-down lists.
1. We will now set Read Only permission for the name field. In this example, select Business Unit Name
from the Field dropdown and apply the Read Only permission.
2. Now, repeat this for all other fields displayed in the Field dropdown but set Permission to No Access, as
shown below.
Related Information
Add a new parameter to a dynamic group filter to allow managers and admins access to employee data prior to
their internal transfer or hire date.
This feature works only when permission roles are granted by permission groups, and only for permission
groups. This feature does not work for predelivered roles such as Managers or Everyone (All Employees).
Creating permission groups for each manager is not feasible since it would result in thousands of additional
permissions group to be maintained whenever a new employee joined the company as a manager.
Previously managers and admins could not access the employment records of a user before the exact effective
date of the organizational change, for example, hire, transfer, or promotion. This caused process delays for all
There is a new parameter for managers and admins with correct permissions to see a pending transfer or hire
prior to the transfer date to add employee data and complete the hire process. This parameter represents the
number of days that the receiving parties (admins or managers) can see the employment records before the
Add a new parameter called extend by n days to the criteria in the dynamic group filter. The parameter for the
dynamic group filter is always added on HRIS element level (Job Info) rather than on field level (department).
For example, if a department or cost center are used as filter criteria to determine the permission group, and
you add a parameter with a value of 90 days, it will allow users with the right permission group for that cost
center or department to access the employee data 90 days before the organizational change takes effect.
For example, for the filter criteria Department = Finance, the parameter extend by 90 days is added to allow a
potential receiving manager with access permissions to employees in the Finance department to access the
data 90 days before the transfer date.
Next Steps
Once the filter is created, you create a permission group or update an existing group to grant them access to
see the employee data.
Give a permission group access to a specific target population of employees who have pending organization
The permission group to which you want to grant access exists in the system.
When configuring a permission group (PG) using this parameter, the preview will only show the ‘active’
employees in the permission group. Employees still inactive at the definition point in time will not show
up. Nevertheless if they match the criteria, then they will be part of the permissions group and correctly
selected during runtime.
For entities with multiple changes each day such as Job Information, Compensation Information, or Pay
Component Recurring, only the last record (EFFECTIVE_LATEST_CHANGE = true) is taken into account when
the permission group is built.
5. For 1, leave the default setting Grant role to Permission Group as is.
6. For 2, select Target population of, then select the None selected checkbox. Choose Select.
7. In the Groups list, select the permission group and then select Finished.
8. For 3 and 4, you can leave the default settings as is. Select Finished to save your settings.
All Ad Hoc reports are now enabled automatically when the corresponding module is enabled. There are
several report schemas available for Employee Central ad hoc reports. Some are end-user reports and others
are purely meant for admins.
Basic Information
This report shows employee HR data as of a given date (by default, it shows today unless specified), for
example, reporting all employees hired as of a certain date. This report can be run based on future dates
as well. For example, you could run a Termination report on Jan 01, 2013 to see how many future dated
terminations are set to take place As Of Date Jan 31, 2013.
Make sure to use filters to limit the size and scope of the report - such as filtering on a particular Legal Entity, or
Be mindful of the number of Column Sets (JOINS) you include in one report - for example, if you include
Compensation or Pay Component data (as employees tend to have more than one), you could end up with
duplicate rows in the report .
The report results return only as numbers. This is for performance reasons. If you want the corresponding
labels or external codes that match, select the columns in the relevant entity to generate a report with codes.
Since the data displayed in the Compensation Information block is transient (calculated when the page
loads), the displayed value is not stored in the database, and therefore not directly available in ad hoc
reports. To display this information in the Person and Employment (as of date) ad hoc report, you must
have the HRIS PayComponentGroup Sums Sync job created and scheduled in your instance. This job must
be created by Product Support or the Implementation Consultant configuring the instance.
When the job runs for the first time, it will likely take some time to complete. However, once completed,
all subsequent jobs that run (advised as once daily) will be much faster. Once the job is completed, the
Person and Employment (As of Date) report displays the calculated values when selecting the column set
“Employee Pay Group Sums” and one of the Pay Component Groups, such as AnnualizedSalary.
This report shows an employee’s Job Info for a range of dates; for example, reporting all Job Information and
Status changes within the give date period. For example, all Job Information and Status changes between Jan
01, 2012 and July 01, 2013 (in mm/DD/yyyy format).
This schema reports data based on the effective dates of the employees Job Information records. If you
report on Compensation Information, the report generates one row per Job Info effective-dated record the
employee has, and NOT based on one row per Compensation Info effective-dated record the employee has. For
example, if the employee has three Compensation Info records but six Job Info records, and you report on Job
Information using this report, you will see six rows for Compensation Information, because the Compensation
Information records are reported on based on the Job Info record effective dates, within the date range you
If you add multiple column sets to the report, this increases the complexity of the report and you may need to
run the report offline for it to complete successfully.
This report shows an employee’s Compensation Information for a range of dates; for example, reporting on
salary changes between 01/01/2012 and 07/01/2013 (mm/DD/yyyy).
This schema reports on data based on the effective dates of the employee's Compensation Information
records. If you report on Job Information, the report generates one row per Comp Info effective dated record
the employee has, and NOT based on one row for each Job Information effective dated record the employee
has. For example, if the employee has three Job Information records but six Compensation Information
records, and you report on Job Information using this report, you see six rows for Job Information, because the
Job Information is reported on based on the Compensation Information record effective dates within the date
range you specify.
Do not include too many complex joins. For example, do not include Pay Component Non-Recurring data if
there is no need.
If you are getting multiple (duplicate) rows - please ensure for each Effective Dated column set, you include also
the Start Date and Sequence Number fields - this makes the report easier to understand when mashing a lot of
different table data together.
This report shows the non-recurring pay Components within a Date Range specified by the user; for example,
reporting bonus payments within a certain date range. You should only use this report to identify Spot Bonus/
One-Time Bonus information for a period.
Do not include too many complex joins. For example, do not include Pay Component Recurring data if there is
no need.
If you are getting multiple (what looks like duplicate) rows, please ensure that, for each Effective Data column
set, you also include the Start Date and Sequence Number fields. This makes the report easier to understand
when a lot of different table data is being mashed together.
This report shows all the inserts and corrections of an employee’s information in Employee Central, including
who made changes and when. An example would be reporting employee movements and flagging any
historical changes.
We recommend that you use this report to determine who inserted, deleted, or edited a record in the
employee's data in Employee Central. This is a very powerful report that shows one row per Insert/Update/
Delete of data for each record that is reported on. Run this on only one area of Employee Central data at a
time, for example: Job Information (do not include Compensation Information, or other data). Make a separate
report for Compensation Information audit, or Personal Information audit, and so on.
• Insert = Represents the change was made using 'Take Action' or Inserting a record into the history
• Update = Can happen from either the 'Pencil' icon or from editing an existing record from the Employee
• Delete = The record was deleted. Please note that you can view any Deleted record with this report
You must filter the report to ensure that you do not get too much data returned. No filter results in ALL audit
data, but will most likely cause the report to fail (since it is a LOT of data).
The report should only ever be run on a one-column set. Do not mix fields from different columns sets. Doing
so will skew the report when the tables are joined.
This report should not be used for any headcount or functional user reporting. It is purely an admin report used
to check who changed what and when.
You can export employee data so that it can be updated and reimported with any need to format it in an
import-friendly way. For example, if you needed to update Job Information records for multiple users, you
would use this report to extract the data.
Do not include multiple column sets (such as Job Information, Compensation Information, and so on). This
report is meant to be run against one column set at a time (all fields in Job Information column list, for
This report should not be used for any headcount/functional reporting. This report is purely an admin report to
allow export of data in an easy-to-use format for data imports.
Ensure that this report is always run with filters. It will likely fail when run with no filters if the employee/
employment population in the instance is very high.
Foundation Objects
You can export information directly from the Foundation Object tables that have been loaded to the system
or manually entered. For example, reporting directly on one or more particular Foundation Objects, such as
returning the details of all Locations and linked Organization Units (showing the relationship).
Use this report to export only the legacy Foundation Object data, in an import-friendly format. If you need to
export MDF-based Foundation Object data for import, please use Import and Export Data instead.
Do not mix and match the report schemas when creating multi-data set reports. For example, if you create a
multi-data set report using a Date Range and an As Of Date schema, the system generates the report based on
the As Of Date schema. The same is true if you include the Export schema within the above scenario (Export,
Date Range and “As of Date” schemas), then the report will actually run based on the Export report, and date
range/as of date will not be possible with the reports. You will also have unexpected results and behavior, as the
system is not designed to work in this way. If you do need to create multi-data set reports, please ensure you
use the same schema type for each domain you add to the report.
Cross-Domain Reporting
It is currently not possible to use this ad hoc Report feature with Employee Central 2.0 ad hoc report schemas.
Scheduled Reporting
All Employee Central ad hoc Reports can be scheduled to run and export to SAP SuccessFactors or external
FTP folders. To set up scheduled Employee Central ad hoc reports, please create the report you wish to have
There are different options that can be enabled for Ad Hoc Reports.
Row-level permissions are enabled by default and cannot be disabled. This layer of security restricts the user
running the report, to be able to report on the target populations assigned by role-based permissions (RBP).
Please note that this will mean the user running the report will be able to report on any data for any user in their
target population.
This is specific to the report schema you are creating. The As of Date will limit 1 row for the Effective Date you
report on. If cell-level permission is turned off, then only row-level permission is applied, meaning the report will
include everyone in the target population of the user running the report. If cell-level permission is enabled, then
the row level will still include all the users in your target population, but then restrict what data you see in that
cell in the row for the targeted user.
Row-level permissions include historical and future-dated data. For period reporting = Date Range reports
should be used if you want to see all records in a period. For example, you have not enabled cell-level
permission, and a manager wants to run a Compensation report to see the pay component data of their direct
reports. If the manager's manager is in the target population, then they will see their manager's pay component
data. If, however, cell-level permission is enabled, then further restricting based on RBP, the manager will still
see the columns but for the row where their manager comes, there will be no values returned in those cells.
In Table reports, the cell level and field level permissions are supported only for the Employee Profile domain
and not for the other domains of the Employee Central schema.
The cell level and field level permissions are supported for the Employee Central schema only in Canvas reports
(Advanced Reporting).
All Ad Hoc reports are now enabled automatically when the corresponding module is enabled.
To reduce the size of SQL query, which helps reduce the query parsing time, the system is set for Ad Hoc Query
Trimming, which is enabled by default. It can be disabled in Provisioning if required.
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact
your implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product
AdHoc Query Trimming supports only the following Ad Hoc Reports (Employee Central):
Data Models describe how data elements are structured in a database. They also define the properties these
elements possess and their relationships to each other.
For more information about data models, refer to the SAP SuccessFactors Data Model Reference Guide.
For more information about fields in the data model, refer to the Data Object Tables in Employee Central.
Legacy Employee Central picklists have been migrated to MDF picklists. All picklists are now managed in the
Picklist Center.
For more information, refer to the Implementing Picklists guide on the SAP Help Portal.
If you’re looking for information about... See this KBA... This applies to...
Please check this KBA to keep up to date with any related issues to
Blank error while adding new employee KBA 2197679 Employee Central
Contingent Workforce: Events with externalCode are missing in the KBA 2400351 Employee Central
picklist event
Cascading picklists not working on Job Information KBA 2458906 Employee Central
Unable to create Leave of Absence Time Types after migrating picklists KBA 2518461 Employee Central
to MDF
HRIS Sync stops working for certain mappings after MDF picklist KBA 2464855 HRIS Sync
Legacy picklist externalCode is blank for Boomi integrations KBA 2116077 Integration
Fields are not mapping between Onboarding and Employee Central in KBA 2432866 Onboarding 1.0/
Emergency Contact Information Employee Central
You get the following error when accessing the Picklist Management KBA 2211499 Permissions
page: "You do not have permission to perform any Administrative or
Human Resources functions"
Mapping picklist fields in Employee Central Position Management to KBA 2361220 Recruiting
RCM Integration with OData API Management/
Employee Central
Error encountered when selecting any Recruiting or Onboarding hire in KBA 2478250 Recruiting
the Manage Pending Hires page Management/
Employee Central
Disabling the sync of non-unique external codes KBA 2824572 Employee Central
Country/region not filled out in the Job Information section when KBA 2798662 Employee Central
adding a new employee
An error occurred while the changes were being synchronized. The KBA 2800724 Employee Central
position and incumbents have not been updated
Picklist Issues: xxx is an invalid option ID for the field KBA 2997095 Employee Central
Foundation objects are used to set up data that can be shared across the entire company, such as job codes,
departments, or business units. Foundation objects are sometimes referred to as “foundation tables”.
Foundation objects are the first objects you should load because some of the lists of values proposed in
employment information come from the Foundation Objects.
You can use Foundation Objects to populate data at the employee level. For example, if you assign a job code
to an employee, that employee’s record is then populated with all information based on the attributes of the job
code. Additionally, the relationships that are configured between the Foundation Objects can be used to filter
the lists of values in Employment Information. For example, the list of pay components that are selectable on
an employee’s record can be filtered based on the country the employee is associated with as determined by
the employee’s Legal Entity.
Some Foundation Objects are predelivered for you in the Corporate Data Model. For a list of these object, refer
to Predelivered Foundation Objects in Corporate Data Model in the SAP SuccessFactors Data Model Reference
Guide on the SAP Help Portal.
You need to import the data into the system using different methods and in a specific order. The import
methods are as follows:
• You update legacy Foundation Objects in the Corporate Data Model. To manage Legacy Foundation Object
data, choose Admin Center Manage Organization, Pay, and Job Structures .
• You create and update MDF Foundation Objects using Admin Center Configure Object Definitions . To
manage MDF Foundation Object data, choose Admin Center Manage Data .
• Ad-hoc reports work based on both the migrated and Legacy Foundation Objects. For Advanced Reporting
(ODS), the reports will be migrated when you first invoke the reports after migration.
You can use the Check Tool to find any inconsistencies in your associations. Any fix would result in the update
to your data in Employee Central. We recommend selecting checks available under the following sections:
• System Health Tab Employee Central Core Invalid Effective End Date for FO/GO Area
• System Health Tab Employee Central Core Object Relationship Area
• System Health Tab Work Structure Rules
Related Information
• Each foundation object consists of one or more fields. Some of them are required if you use the relevant
• Each foundation object has a technical ID, called an hris-element-id. You cannot change this.
• For each foundation object, you must enter an external code. This is a short unique identifier.
Once you've entered the external code, do not change it, as this can lead to data inconsistencies.
For example, if you configure the city field in the Corporate Data Model as a picklist for a country/
region X, you can’t use city in the search criteria for location. If you do, you won’t be able to search
locations by city for country/region X.
There are many similarities between MDF Foundation Objects and Legacy Foundation Objects. Both serve to
provide foundational data that organizations can use to structure their companies. Both provide the ability
to store attributes on the object level that can be referenced or propagated to the employee’s job and
compensation records.
However, MDF and Legacy Foundation Objects are built on two separate platforms, which result in different
ways of accessing, configuring, and managing the objects and corresponding data. Below is a table which
summarizes the key differences between the two object types.
Configuring the Object Provisioning Corporate Data Admin Center Configure Object
Managing the Object Values/Data Admin Center Manage Admin Center Manage Data
Organization, Pay, and Job
Structures .
Importing Object Values/Data Admin Center Import Foundation Admin Center Import and Export
Data Data
Exporting Object Values/Data Ad Hoc Report Report Definition Admin Center Import and Export
Mass Deleting Object Values/Data Manual deletion only using Admin Admin Center Import and Export
Alternatively, you can import the foun which data should be deleted upon im
Permissions for the objects and data Manage Foundation Object Types MDF Foundation Objects
Custom Fields You are limited to 20 of each type: There is no limit to the number of cus
tom fields you can create for MDF ob
• String
jects. In addition to the data types sup
• Date
ported for Legacy FOs, there are addi
• Decimal tional field types available.
• Long
For more information, refer to the Im
• Number plementing the Metadata Framework
guide on the SAP Help Portal.
In addition to the differences in maintaining the tables and data, there are vast differences in the supported
functionality and capabilities of the two object types. All functionality that is supported for Legacy Foundation
Objects is supported for MDF Objects (associations, field-level configuration, picklists, and so on). However,
the opposite is not true – all functionality that is supported for MDF Objects is NOT supported for Legacy
Foundation Objects. MDF Objects contain a plethora of additional supported capabilities, including the support
of business rules, field-level permissions, and more. MDF Foundation Objects and MDF Generic Objects are
created and maintained under the overall MDF platform.
Related Information
To correct an error, you may need to delete a foundation object or a foundation object value at some point.
If a Foundation Object value is required to be removed from the UI, it is vital to consider the following points:
SAP SuccessFactors does not support mass deletion of Legacy Foundation Objects. Legacy Foundation
Objects must be deleted individually on the User Interface or mass-inactivated through import.
Some legacy Foundation Objects available in the Admin Center Manage Organization, Pay, and Job
Structures do not support forward propagation, whereas others do.
Department Yes
Division Yes
Dynamic Role No
Event Reason No
Frequency No
Geozone No
Location No
Location Group No
Pay Component No
Pay Grade No
Pay Range No
Workflow No
The system runs validations for changed data in foundation objects, generic objects, associations, and
picklists. This improves data consistency and reduces the workload for admins.
Whenever you create and change HRIS-based employee data, the system checks the following for foundation
objects, generic objects, associations, and picklists:
Since Cost Center objects are imported into Employee Central from other systems, the system allows a
new record to be added that is before creation date.
• For picklists, the system checks whether the value is active. The system does not consider the effective
date of the data change, but does consider the validity of the picklist value always as of the current date.
• For picklists, the system checks whether the fields configured as picklist are of type 'String'.'
• Check Tool System Health Tab Employee Central Core Association Area
• Check Tool System Health Tab Employee Central Core Invalid Effective End Date for FO/GO Area
• Check Tool System Health Tab Employee Central Core Object Relationship Area
• Check Tool System Health Tab Employee Central Core Picklist Area
• Check Tool System Health Tab Employee Central Core Picklist Usages Area
Here are the requirements for the use of legacy foundation objects.
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact your
implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product
• Import the Corporate Data Model. If you've enabled Employee Central, foundation objects such as
Location are predelivered in the Corporate Data Model.
• Enable the role-based permissions for the foundation objects.
• Admin Permissions Manage Foundation Objects
• Admin Permissions Manage Foundation Object Types
As an administrator, you can control access of a user to managing the foundation objects, under User
Permission Settings Permissions... Manage Foundation Objects , Access Manage Organization, Pay
and Job Structures page.
To use foundation objects without Employee Central, you must configure foundation objects, for example,
Location, in the Corporate Data Model.
Related Information
7.2 Associations
Associations define relationships between foundation objects.
For example, a business unit consists of several departments, so you would create an association of one
business unit to many departments — a ONE-TO-MANY relationship. Whereas a location can only have one
geozone associated with it — this is a ONE—TO—ONE association. The type of association restricts what the
user can display or enter in Employee Central — for a ONE_TO_ONE association from location to geozone, for
example, the user can enter exactly one geozone for a location on the UI.
The standard XML file for the Corporate Data Model already contains some associations. You can add more
ONE_TO_MANY associations, or change the existing associations in the XML file if needed. Each association
has a “driving object” that acts as the basis for the association.
For Foundation Objects, you can only define a ONE_TO_MANY association and not a MANY_TO_ONE
association. In most cases, the one object typically filters the many object. However, it is recommended
that associations be modeled on the many object rather than the one object to achieve the required filtering
As an example, if we assume the job codes ENG01 and ENG02 are applicable to “Philadelphia" and you would
like to filter job codes by location. Logically, this would be a MANY-TO-ONE relationship from the jobCode to
the location. However, as only ONE-TO-MANY associations are supported, this would need to be configured
as a ONE-TO-MANY association from jobCode to location. Once this association has been defined, the valid
locations can be attached to the job codes in Employee Central when setting up the job codes on the UI.
You can use the Check Tool to find any inconsistencies in your associations. Any fix would result in the update
to your data in Employee Central. We recommend selecting checks available under the following sections:
• Check Tool System Health Tab Employee Central Core Invalid Effective End Date for FO/GO Area
• Check Tool Employee Central Core Object Relationship Area
Related Information
Working with Associations, Field Criteria and Value Help [page 122]
In this example of a company’s organization structure, you can see a range of different options for configuring
and customizing the associations to accommodate different hierarchies.
In this example, we can see that there is a ONE-TO-MANY association between the following objects:
We can also see the ONE-TO-ONE associations between the following objects:
• Area to Division
• Section to Department
An additional option available in constructing the Foundation Object associations is to build an association
against the same object. For example, if a larger department is divided into sub-departments, a parent-child
association can be created against the department object. The benefit of constructing this parent-child
relationship is that it does not drive any restrictions when drilling down the hierarchy. This is possible for
all objects except Legal Entity, since this must stay at the top of the hierarchy.
This table lists several examples of associations to show the relationships between foundation objects.
References to Department, Division, Legal Entity and Business Unit in these examples now point to the MDF
foundation objects.
Pay Component Group Pay Component ONE_TO_MANY A pay component group can
contain multiple pay compo
7.2.3 Configuring Associations
You need to fully understand the relationships between foundation objects in order to define them correctly in
the system.
With the migration of Foundation Objects to MDF FOs, the HRIS elements of the migrated objects are no longer
available in the Corporate Data Model XML as an association destination. This requires a solid understanding
of the association requirements, in order to configure the association in the correct manner. Associations from
Legacy FOs to other Legacy FOs are defined in the Corporate Data Model, whereas associations from MDF FOs
to Legacy FOs or to other MDF FOs (or GOs) are defined in MDF (Configure Object Definitions). For associations
from an MDF FO to a Legacy FO, associations cannot be directly defined. Instead, a wrapper MDF FO is used. A
wrapper is not required for associations to custom FOs as these are considered to be GOs.
For more details of how to configure associations based on the object destination, see Working with
Associations, Field Criteria and Value Help [page 122] topic.
You can also add an association to a field that is not part of the same block; for example, to filter the pay
components on the compensation info block based on job info criteria. To do this, you have to add a prefix of
the corresponding object as destination field value as in this example:
Sample Code
<hris-element id="payComponentRecurring">
<hris-field id="pay-component" visibility="both" required="true">
<label>Pay Component</label>
<field-criteria destinationFieldValue="jobInfo.payScaleGroup"
Here, the pay component that is part of the payComponentRecurring block is filtered based on the field
payScaleGroup from the job info block. To achieve this, you add the prefix jobInfo. to the destination field
You can only IDs of effective-dated HRIS elements as prefixes, for example, jobInfo, compInfo, or
personalInfo as prefixes.
The next few sections describe how you can get associations to work for the following scenarios.
The steps also describe optional configuration that is required only if you have position management enabled
and need associations to work on the position and the employee record.
Disable the filter for custom fields of type Foundation Object in the system.
Custom fields using the attribute type="foundationObject" take over the association settings of the
corresponding foundation object. For example, if you have a custom field of type="location", and you have
associated the location FO with the legal entity FO, the custom field would only show a restricted list of
values (where the legal entity defines which locations are displayed). However, if you prefer custom fields with
type="foundationObject" to show all the FOs available in the system, you need to check the following setting:
To understand the steps involved, consider the following example of the Generic Object
cust_MarketCategory being filtered by the Generic Object cust_FunctionalArea.
This allows you to attach the parent Generic Object doing the filtering (cust_FunctionalArea) to the child
Generic Object being filtered (cust_jobMarketCategory). The steps are as follows:
1. Create the Generic Objects that will do the filtering and be filtered.
Attach the relevant Parent Generic Object values to the Foundation Object.
This sets up which parent Generic Object values filter the child Generic object values.
This tells the system for this field what Generic Object is doing the filtering and the field that references it on
Job Information.
1. Define the field criteria for the Generic Object being filtered in the Succession Data Model.
2. Save your changes.
The field name of the internal code on the parent Generic Object can be derived from the
<internalCode> database field named found in the Configure Object Definition page.
The field-criteria attribute is not supported for the Country/Region-Specific Succession Data Model.
Define field criteria for the child Generic Object being filtered.
This step is to be done only when Position Management is enabled. This tells the system for this field what
Generic Object is doing the filtering and the field that references it on the Position object.
Refer to the previous step for information on how to derive the internal code.
It is possible to use one generic object as a filter for another using field criteria.
This allows you to attach the parent Generic Object doing the filtering to the child Generic Object being filtered.
For the new field, ensure that Data Type Generic Object is set.
5. Select Details. Update the Valid Value Source to be the technical name of the parent field.
Attach the relevant Parent Generic Object values to the Foundation Object.
This sets up which parent Generic Object values filter the child Generic object values.
In the Succession Data Model, add the field criteria for the field to be filtered.
This tells the system for this field what Generic Object is doing the filtering and the field that references it on
Job Information.
To understand the steps involved, consider the following example where Legal Entity (Generic Object) is
required to filter Location (Foundation Object) on Job Information and Position.
In the Corporate Data Model, add an association to the Generic Object in the Foundation object element that is
to be the subject of filtering.
Attach the relevant parent Generic Object values to the Foundation Object.
This sets up Generic Object values that will filter the Foundation Object values.
Define field criteria for the foundation object field being filtered in the Succession Data Model.
This specifies which Generic Object is doing the filtering and the field that references it on Job Information.
The field-criteria attribute is currently not supported for the Country/Region-Specific Succession Data
Define field criteria on the Foundation Object that is to be the subject of the filtering field on the Position
This step is to be done when the object doing the filtering is an MDF Object. This tells the system for this field
which Generic Object is doing the filtering and the field that references it on Position.
It is possible to use one foundation object as a filter for another foundation object.
To understand the steps involved, consider an example where: Location Group (Foundation Object) is required
to filter Location (Foundation Object) on Job Information and Position.
In the Corporate Data Model, add an association to the Foundation Object to be filtered.
Attach the relevant parent Foundation Object values to the Foundation Object.
This attaches the relevant parent Foundation Object values to the child Foundation Object and allows you to
specify which parent values filter which child values.
Define field criteria in the Succession Data Model (SDM) for the Foundation Object field being filtered (in this
case, location).
This step is to be done for Job Information as it is maintained in the Succession Data Model. For the Position
object, see the next step.
Here, we are using a custom field in the field criteria, <custom-string2>, to refer to <locationGroup> as
locationGroup is not a standard field of Job Information.
Define field criteria for the Foundation Object that is to be the subject of the filtering field on the Position
This step is to be done when the object doing the filtering is an MDF Object. We just defined the field criteria
for the FO that is the subject of filtering for Job Information. We will now do the same for the Position Object.
This tells the system for this field which Generic Object is doing the filtering and the field that references it on
For the example, we assume that you have already created a custom field by the name of
cust_locationGroup which is of type Foundation Object.
To understand the steps involved, consider the following example where the Foundation Object Pay Grade is
required to filter the Generic Object Grade Level on Job Information and Position.
Associate the wrapper to the child generic object, which means the field that should have its values filtered.
Associate values to be filtered to the values doing the filtering on the child Generic Object to be filtered.
With this, you configure the child values (Generic Object) that can be selected for specified parent values
(Foundation Object).
In the Succession Data Model, define the field criteria for the Generic Object field being filtered.
The field-criteria attribute is currently not supported on the Country/Region-Specific Succession Data
Define field criteria for the Generic Object field being filtered on the Position Generic Object.
Effective dating means that information records capture time as part of the data that is stored in SAP
SuccessFactors and the time element can be edited.
In the application, the HRIS fields “start-date” and “end-date” are used for effective dating. The “start-date” is
usually uppermost on the UI. This is where the user has to enter the date from which the changes are effective.
Whether an HRIS element is effective-dated or not is defined by the system.
The HRIS field “end-date” does not appear on the UI but is used for reporting purposes. For example, if you
change an effective-dated field such as Pay Grade and set the date when the change should be effective to
01/01/2015, the system records 12/31/2014 as the end date in the background. If you run a report on the pay
grade in the time from 01/01/2014 until 12/31/2014, the pay grade value that was valid in that time frame will
be shown.
The system does not change the stored data. Instead, it creates a new row of data to track the new values from
the effective date of the change, and continues to store the values that were effective before the change.
By default, the end date does not appear on the UI for MDF Foundation Objects, but it is possible to change
the visibility of this field. To preserve the system functionality that automatically sets the end date, it is highly
recommended to either leave the end-date field as hidden, or set to read-only. It is not recommended to
manually set the end-date of Foundation Objects.
Change a Foundation Object by inserting a new record to update the Foundation Object. You should never edit
the object directly.
Foundation objects are effective-dated in the same way as employee data. When updating an employee’s job
information, the process typically involves inserting a new record, effective on a specific date, updating the
employee attributes, and then saving the record. The same applies to Foundation Objects.
This is an example of how you can update the name of a Location in your system.
Ensure that the date you set is either today’s date or a future-dated date. A best practice is to set these
changes to happen over a weekend, when Job Information changes are not likely to be made.
It is important to know that if you set the date in the past, this could affect Job Information records that
are using the older Location value but the effective start date of that Job Information record is after the
Effective Start Date of the Location FO’s changes.
Next Steps
Once the Foundation Object has been updated, you will also need to add a new Job Information record to
all employees that should have this updated Location. For example, if you updated the location’s name from
“Chicago” to “Chicago, USA”, the system will not automatically propagate that change to Job Information, so
you will need to update all users who have “Chicago” set as their Location in Job Information. This is because
FO’s are effective dated, and so are Job Information records.
If the employee’s job information is not updated, you will still see the label update on view of the employee’s
job information. This is only a display feature. A new record should still be inserted in the Job Information of
the user for the change to be reflected in Job History and synced to Employee Profile.
You can update the employee’s Location manually using the UI, using the Mass Changes tool, or by importing a
new record for the impacted employees.
Another example is the updating of a Business Address. For example, the company has moved their office
at the location Chicago, from one address to a new address, and this address is shown in Employee Central
or synced to Employee Profile. You would need to follow this full process to force the system to update the
employee’s Employee Central data.
There are different types of foundation objects. You can use one of these types, called organization objects, to
define how your business is structured. This information states where in the organization the employee and
position belongs, as well as where they are physically.
Legal Entity MDF The legal entity table stores all the le
gal entities of a company. No legal en
tity can cover more than one country,
so the country in the legal entity de
termines the country of employees as
signed to the legal entity.
By default, Department, Division, and Location values are synced from Employee Central to Employee
Profile for downstream talent processes. The values contained in these fields will also display in dashboards
and UI views (such as the org chart and People Profile). For more information, see the Human Resource
Information System (HRIS) Synchronization [page 202] topics.
Some of the foundation objects (FO) can be used to handle job-related issues. This information states what
they do in the organization.
Some of the foundation objects (FO) can be used to handle pay-related issues. This information states what
and how they are paid.
For more information, see the Implementing and Configuring Employee Payments in Employee Central guide
on the SAP Help Portal.
In addition to the organization objects, job-related objects, and pay-related objects, you can also use the
following (most are related to workflows):
As part of the phased migration of Foundation Objects (FO) to the Metadata Framework (MDF), the following
Foundation Objects are now MDF Foundation Objects (also referred to as GOs). Any organizational information
configured using these FOs will now be configured using the corresponding MDF FO.
• The object definitions for these FOs have also been migrated from the Corporate Data Model to MDF. As a
result, the migrated Foundation Objects will no longer be configured in the Corporate Data Model. Instead,
the Configure Object Definitions page will be used to configure these MDF Foundation Objects and the
Manage Data page will be used to manage these MDF Foundation Objects .
• The currency and country fields of the Legal Entity FO are now GOs. Any references to these fields will now
refer to the corresponding GO.
• All instances of these objects and related data such as associations, translations, and audit data have been
migrated to the respective entities in MDF.
• Picklists referenced by the fields on these objects are migrated to MDF picklists and kept in sync with the
ECV2 picklist. Cascading picklists have also been migrated.
Related Information
Note that while the search criteria will appear blank, the externalCode and name fields are already implicitly
defined as part of the search criteria. These are default search keys and do not need to be manually
configured. In the empty text box, specify the name of any other field you would like to make searchable.
You can choose from the list of fields mentioned in the Fields section.
Default search-criteria for the fields externalCode and name are defined by default and do not need to
be manually configured.
With the migration of Foundation Objects (FOs) to MDF Foundation Objects (GOs), the HRIS elements of the
migrated objects are no longer available in the Corporate Data Model XML as an association destination.
Instead, associations from the GOs to another FO or GO are now defined in MDF. For associations from a GO
to a FO, associations cannot be directly defined. Instead, a wrapper GO is used. A wrapper is not required for
associations to custom FOs as these are considered to be GOs.
The table below describes the different associations possible. Here mFO refers to the MDF FO; cGO refers to a
custom FO; FO refers to Foundation Objects defined in the Corporate Data Model.
mFO – FO Corporate Data Model mGO – FO using Metadata Framework Here you cannot
have a direct
association. Therefore,
a WrapperGO is
created during
migration. The
wrapper instances
are created and
association data is
cGO – mFO using Metadata Framework cGO – mGO using Metadata Framework The data type of
custom WrapperGO custom WrapperGO the custom wrapper’s
external code is set to
FO – mFO Corporate Data Model FO – mGO Corporate Data Model Here FO is changed to
GO in the association
mFO – mFO Corporate Data Model mGO – mGO Metadata Framework Defined in Configure
Object Definitions
page. The association
type is valid-when.
mGO - mFO using Metadata Framework mGO - mGO Metadata Framework The association using
wrapper GO the wrapper GO is
replaced by a direct
association between
the two GOs .
Association from FO costCenter to an FO or GO defined in the Corporate Data Model before the migration:
<association id="id" multiplicity="ONE_TO_MANY" destination-entity="location"
<association id="id" multiplicity="ONE_TO_MANY" destination-
After the migration, the association to FO Location is migrated to the MDF association with name
cust_toFOWLocation and destination object type FOWLocation. Here, FOWLocation is the wrapper GO
for the FO Location. The association to the wrapper GO is modeled as Type "Composite" and Multiplicity
"One To Many". The association to the custom FO Sub Division (GOSubDivision) will be modeled as an
association of Type "Valid When" and Multiplicity "One To Many".
Association from FO to FO costCenter defined in Corporate Data Model before the migration:
<association id="id" multiplicity="ONE_TO_ONE" destination-entity="geozone"
<association id="id" multiplicity="ONE_TO_MANY" destination-entity="company"
required="false" />
<association id="id" multiplicity="ONE_TO_MANY" destination-
entity="costCenter" required="false" />
Association from FO to GO CostCenter defined in the Corporate Data Model after the migration:
<association id="id" multiplicity="ONE_TO_ONE" destination-entity="geozone"
required="false" />
<association id="id" multiplicity="ONE_TO_MANY" destination-
entity="LegalEntity" required="false" />
<association id="id" multiplicity="ONE_TO_MANY" destination-
entity="CostCenter" required="false" />
If you have implemented a GO with composite association to cost center, you must define an association
from the GO to costCenter FO. For that you must implement a wrapper GO as proxy for the costCenter
FO. After the migration, the wrapper GO will be the proxy for the GO CostCenter. If the wrapper GO is not
Before the migration, cost center was an FO, and it is now a GO. If you want to maintain the GO CostCenter
assignments, you can use the Manage Data page.
All the filtering on Job Information and Position works as before. Now you have a new element called Field
Earlier, the value help on custom-defined fields would automatically filter out associated Generic Objects. After
migration, the field criteria can be used to change the value help behavior as to which field shall be filtered as
child field.
You can restrict the value list of the GO source depending on the GO/FO destination selection, while associating
GO source to a GO/FO destination. If FO is the association destination, you perform this task using a GO
If you want to filter an FO-related field by a GO-related field, you define a One-to-Many association at the FO
HRIS element type in the Corporate Data Model and enter the GO type as the association destination.
You must add field criteria in Job Information at the field that is filtered. Earlier, the element Field Criteria was
not required, and the parent/child field relationship was reversed.
On Job Information, the cost center field is filtered by business unit and a custom field custom-string2
referring to GO cust_GCC:
For the migrated FOs Business Unit, Division, Department and Legal Entity, FO Wrapper types are now
deprecated. You must not use them anymore. If Cost Center has an association to an FO Wrapper, it will
be migrated to the mapped GO and association type will be changed to valid-when. This is applicable for
associations to Business Unit, Division, Department and Legal Entity only.
If the Department is restricted, the field criteria is always defined at the restricted field. The field criteria in
this case will be as follows:
The source field name must be in the format <association name>.internalId and destinationFieldValue will
be in the format <filteringFieldID>. The destination field will be the field name in the Succession Data
For example, if the business unit filters the division, the field criteria defined on the division field looks as
<field-criteria sourceFieldName="cust_toBusinessUnit.internalId"
destinationFieldValue="business-unit" >
If there is an association from Business Unit to Location, a wrapper will be required for the association.
Additionally, if there is an association from Business Unit to Cost Center, it will be a direct association since
this is an mGO - mGO association:
<field-criteria sourceFieldName="cust_toFOWLocation.internalId"
destinationFieldValue="location" >
You can also add an association to a field that is not part of the same block; for example, to filter the pay
components on the job information block. To do this, you have to add a prefix of the corresponding object as
destination field value as in this example:
Sample Code
<hris-element id="payComponentRecurring">
<hris-field id="pay-component" visibility="both" required="true">
<label>Pay Component</label>
<field-criteria destinationFieldValue="jobInfo.payScaleGroup"
Here, the pay component which is part of the payComponentRecurring block is filtered based on the field
payScaleGroup from the job information block. To achieve this, you add the prefix jobInfo. to the destination
field value.
You can only IDs of effective-dated HRIS elements as prefixes, for example, jobInfo, compInfo, or
personalInfo as prefixes.
Related Information
You can add the legal entity field to the cost center foundation object to create associations between these
objects. This is for new customers from 2020.
You have set the visibility of the Legal Entity field to Yes in the object definition. By default the visibility of the
legal entity field is set to No, but it must be set to Yes to use this field.
There is no need to create a custom legal entity field or a custom association to the legal entity object within
cost center.
This creates the association between the specific cost center and the specific legal entity.
In the Job Information block in the employee profile, the cost center objects displayed in the dropdown list are
filtered by the selected legal entity. The user can view and select only the cost center objects that are assigned
to the selected legal entity using the new legal entity field in the cost center object.
Next Steps
You can repeat these steps for the Position object as well.
There are a few areas where imports to now MDF foundation objects differ to legacy foundation objects.
You can import updates for all the migrated FOs such as Cost Center, Business Unit, Division, Department,
Legal Entity, and Legal Entity Local.
Scheduled Jobs will run as before, without any change. There are a few areas with change in behavior, but for
critical areas, backward compatibility is maintained.
• You can use the standard MDF imports page as an alternate entry page to import the migrated FOs. In this
case, you need to use the MDF import template for all the objects, which has a different structure than that
of the standard import.
• Import template is enhanced to support translations. You are not required to import translations through a
separate MDF import to the GO FOTranslations.
• MDF import does not support localized format for numbers. Use the format specified in the UI or use the
ECv2 Import template.
• Translations for fields on all migrated FOs are not imported to the MDF object FO Translations.
• Threshold field is not honored in case of import of all the GOs. MDF imports always run asynchronously.
• Synchronous mode validation and import are not supported for the GOs.
• End Date is not exposed in the enhanced template.
• When future-dated associated values are entered in the import file, no error message appears. Instead, it
shows blank value.
• Quick validations in MDF are not supported.
• Full purge is recommended over Incremental Load. See the examples below:
• On the Monitor Jobs page, the Job Type column displays content related to MDF now:
• Error messages are displayed with the new field IDs, for example, effectiveStartDate instead of start-date.
Let's say Location was associated to the Cost Center in the Corporate Data Model as a One-to-Many
relationship, and we import Cost Center value CC1 in Incremental Mode, with associated locations as Loc1,
Loc2, and Loc3 on January 15, 2001.
If we import new record for CC1 with no location values for January 1, 2014, original associations with
location, that is Loc1, Loc2 and Loc3, will be retained.
This is different from the ECV2 foundation data import, where the import delimits CC1 with no associated
Suppose Cost Center has a Valid When association with a customer GO cust_GO with values GO1 and GO2.
We import a Cost Center record CC1 with association GO1 on January 1, 2014 and another import with
association GO2 on January 2, 2014, through incremental load.
On January 2, 2014, Cost Center record has both GO1 and GO2 associations. Here GO1 is carried forward to
the next record, which was not the case in ECV2 foundation data imports.
Suppose Legal Entity has a Valid When association with a customer GO cust_GO with values GO1 and
GO2. We import a Legal Entity record LE1 with association GO1 on January 1, 2014 and another import with
association GO2 on January 2, 2014, through incremental load.
On January 2, 2014, Legal Entity record has both GO1 and GO2 associations. Here GO1 is carried forward to
the next record, which was not the case in ECV2 foundation data imports.
If you want to enhance, for example, the CostCenter object definition in MDF, use the MDF Import for
cost center. For more information about MDF imports, refer to the Implementing the Metadata Framework
(MDF) guide on the SAP Help Portal.
Prior to the November 2014 release, you could create multiple workflows on the same cost center instance.
With the November 2014 release, if a workflow has already been initiated on the cost center, no other
transaction can be performed for that cost center. The same applies for the following MDF Objects with effect
from the Q2 2015 release: Business Unit, Division, Department, and Legal Entity.
For more information on changes as a result of the migration to MDF, see the Migrating to MDF Foundation
Objects guide on the SAP Help Portal.
With the Q2 2015 release, the country and currency fields of Legal Entity have been replaced with the Country/
Region and Currency GOs. As a result, HRIS elements with fields referring to countries/regions or currencies
are now based on the Country/Region and Currency GOs. With these new GOs, you can now add new
countries/regions and currencies, set them to 'inactive' as well as maintain associations.
All currencies have been migrated to the GO Currency. The currencies from GO Currency are now visible in
places where currencies are used (for example, PayComponent).
Likewise, you can manage the currency using this page as well. Instead of country/region, select currency
and proceed. Select the View Translations icon next to the currency name to get a list currency name
6. To remove a currency from the drop-down list, enter the currency name. From History, select Take Action
Make Correction .
7. Change the status of the currency to Inactive:
8. Save your changes and repeat for all currencies and countries/regions.
If you want to add a new country/region and the fields related to it, you need to create a new MDF object for
those country/region-specific fields. Then you have to assign the new object as a child object to LegalEntity.
Create a new MDF object for the country/region-specific fields needed for your company.
Assign the new country object to Legal Entity to associate the two objects in the system.
If you want to add a new country/region and the fields related to it for job classification, you need to create
a new MDF object for those country/region-specific fields. Then you have to assign the new object as a child
object to JobClassificationCountry.
Create a new MDF object for the country/region-specific fields needed for your company.
Assign the new country/region object to JobClassificationCountry to associate the two objects in the system.
This example shows you how you can configure a field. For this example, we'll be configuring the standard field
glStatementCode as a picklist.
The Configure Object Definitions page now displays the current configuration for the GO CostCenter.
6. Select Done.
When the standard Legacy and MDF Foundation Objects are not enough to structure an organization’s
business, it may be necessary to build custom objects to maintain additional information and attributes. These
custom objects are referred to as Generic Objects. You use generic objects for information and settings relating
to the people working in the company.
Generic objects are created using the Metadata Framework. This guide concentrates on the use of generic
objects in the context of Employee Central. For more information about the Metadata Framework, refer to the
Implementing the Metadata Framework guide.
The key difference between Foundation Objects (both Legacy and MDF) and Generic Objects is that Foundation
Objects are standard, pre-delivered, and preconfigured objects that are used to structure a company’s
Organization, Job, and Pay areas. All Foundation Objects were originally Legacy Foundation Objects, created
and maintained using the Corporate Data Model. As the Foundation Objects are slowly migrating to MDF, we
are seeing the conversion from Legacy to MDF Foundation Objects. As Employee Central continues to expand,
all future objects are being developed on the Metadata Framework platform. Objects that are created on the
Metadata Framework are known as Generic Objects. In fact, all MDF Foundation Objects are Generic Objects,
as they are built on the Metadata Framework platform, and it is common to see the term “Custom Foundation
Object” and “Generic Object” used in place of “MDF Foundation Object”.
Related Information
In addition to the standard Foundation Objects available, as Employee Central continues to expand, additional
objects are available to help organizations run their businesses effectively and efficiently.
Here are some examples of standard Generic Objects that are used to configure and support Employee Central
• Country/Region
• Pay Calendar
• Pay Scale
• Position
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact your
implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product
• You have to set permissions for generic objects, which determine who can use them and what they can do
with them.
• In the case of field IDs, you can decide whether each field appears in your UI and, if so, whether it is for
display only or whether users can change or edit the information in it.
Some customers may require additional foundation objects to be created to provide a holistic representation
of their organization in Employee Central. For example, organizations with more levels in their organizational
hierarchy may require the addition of a “Sub-Department”.
Customers transitioning from other SAP products may require the use of Generic Objects to store their
“Personnel Area” and “Personnel Sub-Area” attributes, rather than using the standard “Employee Class” and
“Employment Type” picklists.
For information on how to create a generic object, refer to the Implementing the Metadata Framework
guide on the SAP Help Portal.
2. Assign the Generic Object to the Corporate Data Model or Succession Data Model.
Download the Succession Data Model or Corporate Data Model from Provisioning and open it in an XML
a. If assigning the Generic Object to a Legacy Foundation Object
1. Download the Succession Data Model or Corporate Data Model from Provisioning and open it in an
XML editor.
2. In the Corporate Data Model, add a customer-specific field as a custom-string and add the type
attribute referencing the external code of the generic object.
<hris-element id=”jobInfo”>
<label>Job Information</label>
<hris-field max-length="256" id="custom-string5" visibility="both"
type="GO_Building” >
Use only a custom-string as customer-specific field when you use the type attribute with
generic objects.
Related Information
In this example, we configure a workflow for the Location foundation object. The workflow will be triggered
when a new Location is created or an existing Location is edited.
For more information on how to configure workflows, see the Employee Central Workflows: Implementation
and Administration guide on the SAP Help Portal.
2. Create a business rule that can trigger the workflow.
The base object must be the foundation object for which the workflow should be triggered. The parameter
code FOWorkflow and the object FO Workflow must also be included.
It is possible for the system to generate foundation object codes by defining a sequence and then using this
sequence in a business rule.
The rule trigger needs to be set on the foundation object element, after the labels, but before the field
10.1 Events
Events are occurrences that span the various stages of an employee’s lifecycle from hire to rehire. The event
sets the user status.
Technically, events are defined in picklists. Events are predelivered by SAP SuccessFactors. You can change the
labels of these events as needed.
• Additional Job
• Assignment
• Assignment Completion
• Job Change
• Completion of Probation
• Data Change
• Demotion
• Furlough
Refer to the Restrictions for the Furlough and Suspension Events section for more information.
• Hire
• Leave of Absence
• Job Reclassification
• Pay Rate Change
• Position Change
• Probation
• Promotion
• Rehire
• Return from Disability
• Return to Work
• Suspension
Refer to the Restrictions for the Furlough and Suspension Events section for more information.
The hire and rehire events set the Employment Status as active and that is the reason that the status is
maintained as active where as the transfer/promotion/data change events get the status of the employment
from the previous record and set it accordingly.
Job Information records with the Furlough event can be created in the History UI and Job (Information) History
imports. There is no dedicated UI transaction available.
System Behavior
Job Information records with the Suspension event can be created in the History UI and Job (Information)
History imports. There is no dedicated UI transaction available.
System Behavior
You can no longer create new records or edit existing records for specific Hire, Rehire, and Termination events
using the Job Information History UI. Instead, these transactions must be made using the Take Action menu
for such events (or the Add New Employee page for Hire or Rehire events). This ensures that the status of the
employee, along with their employment and/or termination details, is updated correctly. A full purge import
can also be used to make these changes.
• Hire (H)
• Termination (26)
• Rehire (R)
• Leave of Absence (10)
• Return to Work (22)
• No Show (NS)
• Add Global Assignment (GA)
• Away on Global Assignment (AGA)
• Obsolete (OGA)
• Back from Global Assignment (BGA)
• End Global Assignment (EGA)
• Start Pension Payout (SPP)
• End Pension Payout (EPP)
• Discard Pension Payout (OPP)
• Surviving Spouse Start (SSS)
• Surviving Spouse End (ESS)
• Work Order End (ECWK)
• Add Higher Duty/Temp Assignment (HD)
• End Higher Duty/Temp Assignment (END_HD)
• Obsolete Higher Duty/Temporary Assignment (OHD)
Related Information
Payroll Event
Event reasons are defined by the customer. They are used to define more specifically the reason why an event
has taken place.
When the manager or admin changes an employee’s data, for example, by increasing the salary or changing
the department information, the reason behind this change is normally that an event has taken place in that
employee’s professional life. For example, an event could be a promotion or a transfer to another department.
The information about which event lies behind this change is stored in the system for reporting purposes.
However, such a change might also include a change to the employee’s status, for example, if the employee
leaves the company, the employee status would be changed accordingly to reflect that the employee is no
longer an active user in the system.
For example, the event “Termination” can take place either because the employee’s performance was not
sufficient, or because the employee wanted to change companies. In this example, if the customer wants
to differentiate between the two possibilities, you define two event reasons that you could call “Terminated-
Performance Issues”, or “Terminated – By Employee”. You can create as many event reasons for an event as
you like.
Technically, event reasons are foundation objects. This means that the admin can create event reasons in the
Admin Center Manage Organization, Pay and Job Structures screen or by mass uploading data using a
CSV file in the Admin Center Import Foundation Data .
Event reasons are mandatory in the system. Even if a customer decides not to create its own event reasons for
the purpose of narrowing down the reasons why an event takes place, the admin has to create an event reason
for each event that the company uses. The event reason sets the employee status.
The event reasons are grouped by event and there is no way to change the order or to filter this list.
For a minimum setup, the admin should create one (or several) event reasons for the following:
• Hire event
• Rehire event
• Termination event
• Changes to Job Information and Compensation Information
You can associate the event reason for such changes to the Data Change event, or you create more specific
event reasons for the events Promotion, Transfer, Pay Rate Change, and so on.
• If Leave of Absence is activated, you need to create event reasons for the events Leave of Absence and
Return to Work.
UI Expected Behavior
Change Job and Compensation Information The Event and Event Reason fields are not shown on the
UI if you have enabled the Enable Business Rules for Event
Reason Derivation setting in Provisioning.
Job History Events and event reasons are displayed in Job History.
Job (Information) History Import If no event reason is provided in the imports template, it can
be derived with onSave business rules. This does not depend
on the Provisioning setting for the Event Reason Derivation.
If no event reason can be derived by a business rule, an error
message is displayed by the system.
Add New Employee All event reasons that have the event "Hire" (external_code
H) and the employee status "Active" (external_code A) are
displayed in the Add New Employee Wizard.
Add Concurrent Employment All event reasons that have the event "Hire" (external_code
H) and the employee status "Active" (external_code A) are
displayed in the Event Reason field.
Add Global Assignment All event reasons that have the event "Add Global Assign
ment" (external_code GA) and the employee status "Active"
(external_code A) are displayed in the Event Reason field.
Termination All event reasons that have the event "Termination" (exter
nal_code 26) and the employee status "Terminated" (exter
nal_code T) are displayed in the Termination Reason field.
Termination - Transfer of Direct Reports All event reasons that are available in the "Change Job and
Compensation Information" actions are also displayed in the
Transfer Event Reason field of the Termination UI when ter
minating employees with direct reports.
You have to create event reasons for certain events in the employment cycle and set statuses for when they
You have edit permissions for event reasons listed in Permission Settings User Permissions Employee
Data .
Event Status
Hire Active
End of Probation
Data Change -
Suspension Suspended
Job Reclassification
Job Change -
Demotion -
Promotion -
Additional Job
Layoff Furlough
Rehire Active
Termination Retired
Event reasons can be sorted in alphabetical order by enabling the Sort Picklist Columns Based On Labels option
in Provisioning .
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact
your implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product
Next Steps
You can then use the Check Tool to verify that the event reasons are configured correctly.
Once the event reasons are created, you can assign the event reason to a permission role.
Create event reason derivation rules in the system so that the system automatically selects the appropriate
event reason for an event.
By default, a cross-entity rule from Compensation Information to Job Information copies the event reason from
the source entity to the target entity. This can lead to problems when the event reason in the Job Information
target record already exists in the user’s Job Information history. With this configuration object in systems
with Centralized services enabled, you can define fallback event reasons that will be used in case the event
reason used in the Compensation Information record would lead to change in the employment status in Job
If a fallback event reason is configured, the system changes the event reason to avoid data inconsistencies. If
no configuration is found or it can't be used, then the user receives an error message.
When the Compensation Information in a hire record is created or changed, the rule creates a new Job
Information record with the same event reason as the Compensation Information record. This would
result in an additional hire record in Job Information. Since a user can only have one hire record in Job
Information, this transaction fails. However, with the new configuration, the event reason is replaced with
the defined fallback event reason and the transaction is successful.
Related Information
Customers that operate in multiple countries/regions often have event reasons that are very specific for a
Customers that operate in multiple countries/regions often have event reasons that are very specific for
a country/region. As the employee is always clearly assigned to one legal entity, and thus to one specific
country/region, you can set up to show only the values relevant for that employee.
Once set up, administrators and managers can use them on all screens that have an event reason field
[Employment/Personal Information page; Update Employee Records page; History pages (for example, Job
History); Add New Employee page, and so on].
This feature is useful for:
• Large customers operating in multiple countries/region that have several legal entities in one country
• Customers that have a high number of country/region-specific event reasons
1. Create an association from the Country/Region object to the Event Reason foundation object.
1. From the Configure Object Definitions page, choose Object Definition Country/Region .
2. Select Take Action Make Correction .
3. Under Associations, in the Destination Object field, select the wrapper generic object that you have
Next Steps
Related Information
You can create rules that define the event reason according to what change is done to an employee’s data,
so that the system automatically selects the appropriate event reason. Depending on the event reason, the
employee status is updated, if necessary. These rules are for Job Information and Compensation Information
only. For transactions where the Save action is enabled on Centralized services, no status changing event
reasons can be derived for Job Information records.
You can create event reason derivation rules using business rules.
If you don’t create derivation rules, the user has to manually select the event-reason from the UI every time
the user makes a change to the employee data that is linked to an event. However, this is time-consuming and
more error-prone, since the employee status depends on the event reason that is selected.
The Provisioning setting Enable Business Rules for Event Reason Derivation must be enabled. This means that
the fields Event and Event Reason are not displayed on the Manager Self Service (MSS) Take Action page. It
will not have an impact on the History UIs. When creating a business rule, you can select the Event Reason
Derivation rule scenario that restricts the base objects and Set condition of the rule to avoid rule configuration
We recommend that you use the Event Reason Derivation scenario while creating a new rule instead of the
Basic scenario.
Here are a few recommendations to configure business rules for event reason derivation:
• Check if the event reason field's value is null before setting it through the business rule. This avoids
overwriting the event reason accidentally.
• All onSave rules configured for an entity or element are evaluated. The value of the event reason set by the
last matching rule is considered by system. Therefore, ensure that the rules are defined in an appropriate
sequence. Workflow rules are triggered first, then the rules for event reason derivation.
• If the event reason is not set by a rule, the system issues an error and there is little that you can do to
resolve this situation. Therefore, it's a good practice to configure a rule that checks whether the event
reason is null or not and then set it with a default value (for example, Data Change) if it's null.
• If the event and event reason are selected, these values are saved regardless of whether an onSave rule
tries to overwrite the event reason.
If you had XML rules in your system, they are now migrated to business rules. They can be found in the list on
the Configure Business Rules page and contain the term "ERD_migrated_rule".
For any new event reason derivation rules, create them using business rules with the Event Reason Derivation
rule scenario.
Consider a case where both the Job Information and Compensation Information entities are processed on the
Manager Self Service (MSS) Take Action page.
1. The system tries to get the event reason set on the Job Information entity first. If it is set on the Job
Information entity, then the event reason is used.
2. If no event reason is set on Job Information, the system tries to derive the event reason set on the
Compensation Information entity. If it’s set, then the event reason is used.
3. If the system encounters a case where the event reason is neither set on the Job Information nor on the
Compensation Information entity, it raises an error message and this is displayed on the screen.
To find event reason derivation rules that have been created using the Basic scenario, you can run
the check All rules for event-reason derivation are assigned to an application-specific rule scenario
Related Information
Business rules are a way to add application logic to determine the outcome of a change made to particular
data in the system. This means that business rules can be set up to trigger certain actions when data is added,
changed, or deleted from the system.
You can also set up business rules in Employee Central. Rules follow the logic 'If this data is changed in a
certain way, then the system reacts in this way', for example, when changing a specific field or saving the job
information for a newly hired employee.
The system also has rule scenarios to help configure the business rule in the correct way for certain scenarios.
For example, for a rule for a hire or rehire, the rule scenario limits the base object to only either Employment
Information or Employment Information model. This helps avoid issues later.
However, hiding all fields in a block using a business rule is not supported and will potentially cause
unexpected behavior in the system. You must have at least one field on this object enabled to avoid
inconsistent behavior.
Business rules only work for HRIS elements and MDF objects. Elements for the Employee Profile such as
standard and background elements are not supported.
Related Information
Business rules are very important to keep business processes running, so making sure they are configured
correctly is key. You can improve the system performance during rule execution by following some guidelines.
Less is more
Before you create a new rule in the system, check the existing rules to see if any can be tweaked to cover any
new business requirement.
For example, if you need to default a value on the Job Information block of the new hire process. Before
immediately adding a new business rule, perform a quick assessment to understand how best to configure the
requirement. Typically, there is at least one onInit new hire business rule that is already defaulting values on Job
Information or setting the visibility of existing fields. This existing business rule can be tweaked to add the new
requirement rather than creating a new one.
Remember that these rules are needed for to sustain long-running business processes and that customers
don't want to create a support ticket for everything that may go wrong. Try to create meaningful rules that are
set up to last.
Order Matters
For complex business rules, it may be unavoidable to have a scenario where 30, 40, or more onSave business
rules need to be configured. As the business rules begin to stack up, there may be performance issues with
the application when saving transactions. To reduce the impact, prioritize IF conditions so that the broader
conditions are processed first. For example, if you have a requirement that a field should default to a specific
value for all union employees in the USA, the first IF statement should be the condition that narrows down the
• Combine business rules wherever possible. The system processes IF/ELSE IF statements faster than
processing multiple, separate business rules.
• Prioritize IF conditions.
• Access fields directly on the Base Object of the rule whenever possible, rather than navigating to another
object to access the field. The latter approach takes the system longer to process the condition.
Try to figure out ways to ensure that business rules don't need to be changed once set up.
Take the example of a customer who has a vastly different process for the termination of an employee,
dependent on whether it is a voluntary termination or an involuntary termination. Besides a separate workflow
that is triggered, there may be additional checks that need to happen based on the termination type or the
defaulting of certain fields. For the workflow rule, a better design than listing all the voluntary terminations in
the IF statement might be to have a flag on the Event Reason object that separates out a voluntary termination
from an involuntary termination. By doing this, should the customer decide to add or remove termination event
reasons in the future, they do not have to touch the business rule.
For Employee Central objects, the base object defines what you can enter in the rule; for example, to set field
properties, you have to choose a Model base object. At the same time, the base object defines what event types
you can use in a later step when you assign the rule to the Employee Central object in the data model. For
example, you cannot use onView events for changes done on the Add New Employee screen.
Here's an overview of how base objects, events and pages in the system belong together:
Employee Files • Changing a field value (see onChange event) Employee Central Object (Person or
Employment • Saving a page (see onSave event) Employment Object)/[Employee Central
Information/Personal • Viewing a transient field (see onView event) Object] Model
Information • Opening a page in Edit mode (see onEdit
For example:
• Compensation Information
Note • Compensation Information Model
Currently limited to the HRIS element • Job Information
paymentInfo. • Job Information Model
• Dependents Model
Add New Employee • Opening a page (see onInit event) Employee Information/Employee Information
• Changing a field value (see onChange event) Model
• Saving a page (see onSave event)
Manage Organization, • Opening a page (see onInit event) Foundation object, for example:
Pay and Job
• Changing a field value (see onChange event) • Location
• Saving a page (see onSave event) • Event Reason
• hidden fields
• foundation objects.
Related Information
Understand which field properties you can use for Employee Central model base objects.
For Model base objects, you can set the following properties:
• Required
• Visibility
• Previous Value
• Value
• Required
You can make a field required or not by entering true or false accordingly.
Fields that are required in the data model should not be set to 'not required' in the rules. This would
lead to errors. Here is a list of the required fields you should not override using rules:
For this HRIS element in the Succession Data Model... ...this HRIS field is always required:
compInfo currency-code
emailInfo email-address
employmentInfo end-date
globalAssignmentInfo company
imInfo im-id
jobInfo job-code
jobRelationsInfo relationship-type
nationalIdCard card-type
payComponentNonRecurring pay-component-code
payComponentRecurring pay-component
pensionPayoutsInfo company
personalInfo first-name
personRelationshipInfo relationship-type
phoneInfo phone-type
workPermitInfo issue-date
• Visibility
You can enter the following values:
• both: Field is visible and editable.
• view: Field is read-only.
• none: Field is not visible on the user interface.
• Previous Value
Use this property when you want to compare an old value with a new value, for example, when a rule is
triggered only when a certain value is changed to a new value. You can also define that any data change to a
specific field triggers the rule by setting up the rule as follows:
New value is not equal to previous value
For example: FTE.Value is not equal to FTE.Previous Value
When you use Previous Value in the THEN condition, do not use Set as output type; it will be ignored by
the system, as you cannot change a previous value using the previous property.
• Value
Use this property when you want to combine setting field properties with setting default or conditional
values. When you select Value, you have to select the corresponding value in the dropdown menu when
creating the rule.
The field type defines which function you can select in a business rule for a certain field. For Employee Central
objects, this field type differs from the Employee Central object data type for the different HRIS elements.
Here is a mapping of the Employee Central object data types to the business rule field types, where the column
defines the following:
• Employee Central Object Data Type: This is the data type that you can find in the Data Object Tables in
Employee Central guide. This is based on the database field data type.
• Business Rule Field Type: This is the field type that is used on the Configure Business Rules page.
• Manual Entry Value for Field Type: This defines what the user can enter or choose from on the Configure
Business Rules page.
Employee Central Object Data Type Business Rule Field Type Manual Entry Value for Field Type
(Foundation object, for example: Value Dropdown list for user to select from
department, division)
(Enum, for example: Gender, which has Enum Dropdown list for user to select from
a picklist)
Find out which rule event you can use for a rule that you want to be triggered by a user action on a certain page
in Employee Central. The following table gives an overview of the relationship between events and pages on the
user interface in Employee Central.
Table 3: Overview: Relationship Between Rule Events and Pages in Employee Central
• Edit • Edit
• Edit • Edit
• Edit • Edit
• Personal In • Employment
formation Information
block block
There are different event types for HRIS element and HRIS fields in business rules. Events define which user
action in the system triggers rule execution.
Note that the base object you've selected for creating a rule limits which event you can choose.
Here's an overview of the available event types and when to use which:
Use this
Rule is triggered event Assign the rule event
when... type: to: Use this event to:
Page is loaded onInit HRIS element Set field properties (for example, making fields mandatory,
or hiding fields), or to default values that you want to be
shown as soon as the user calls up a page.
Page is saved onSave HRIS element Validate user entries when the user wants to save the
Field value is changed onChange HRIS field Trigger rules as soon as the user changes a field.
Page with transient onView HRIS element Default the value for a field or to change field properties.
field is loaded
Calculate fields that are transient (this means that the result
is not a fixed value stored on the database, but is calculated
during rule execution when the user calls up the page).
Change to relevant em saveAlert HRIS element Send alerts to remind users of coming system events.
ployee records is saved
Only for these elements:
• Job Information
• Employment Details
• Work Permit Information
After changes to an onPostSav HRIS element Trigger events for Intelligent Services.
object have been e
Setting up business rules in the system can be tricky. Here are some answers to common questions to help you
avoid any issues that may arise.
Assign rules to all HRIS elements You can assign rules only to HRIS el You cannot assign rules to the
ements contained in the Succession userAccountInfo HRIS element.
Data Model, the country/region-specific
Succession Data Model, or the Corpo
rate Data Model.
Assign more than one rule for the same Yes, you can assign several rules for the Not applicable
HRIS element or HRIS field same HRIS element or HRIS field in the
data model.
Use correct base object Use the current correct entity for the Do not add additional base objects as
base object. parameters in the rule to access other
elements in the same rule. To do this,
Rules with Employee Information and
add it to the If condition.
Employee Information Model are trig
gered only during new hire flow.
Create cross-entity rules Cross-entity rules can set values for Do not create new Compensation Infor
mation records using cross-entity rules.
fields in a different entity. Currently it
is supported only for specific employ
ment-related entities.
• Job Information
• Compensation Information
• Employment Information
• Job Relationships
• Pay Component Recurring
• Pay Component Non-Recurring
Use rules to set field properties You can set field properties only with: Do not use an OnSave rule to set field
• OnInit rules - to default field prop
erties during new hire flow
• OnChange rules - to change field
properties based on value from a
• OnView rules - to hide fields in
read-only mode of the block. Note
that onView rules only work in View
mode and not Edit mode.
Use rules to set valid field properties You can use rules to change two field Not applicable
properties - visibility and required.
• true
• false
Create country/region-specific rules Yes, you can create country/region-spe Not applicable
cific rules. The country/region-specific
fields are listed under the correspond
ing Employee Central object, preceded
by the country/region code (for exam
ple: IND for India).
Assign a rule in the Succession Data Yes, you can assign a rule to the same Not applicable
Model, and then a rule for the same HRIS field or HRIS element once in
field or the same element in the coun the Succession Data Model, and an
try/region-specific Succession Data other rule in the Country/Region-spe
Model cific Succession Data Model.
Use pay component group sums in A pay component group sum is the Not applicable
rules total amount (sum) of the pay compo
nents that are part of a specific pay
component group. You can use pay
component group sums in rules, for ex
ample, to perform calculations.
Rules for recurring pay components Not applicable Do not create OnChange rules for re
curring pay components of type num
ber to change the visibility of individual
Set value of position and position entry By default, the system always expects Not applicable
date fields during rehire the user to select value for position
field, and then the position entry date
will be calculated in the code.
Set onSave rules in the jobinfo ele Not applicable If you set the event reason through an
ment onSave rule, ensure that the expected
event reason has been set before the
workflow derivation rules are executed.
This is to make sure that the correct
workflow will be triggered.
Create rules for alerts You can create alerts to be triggered for If you use Employee Information as the
dates for certain events, for example, base object, note that the system can
before a contract expires. only read values for the fields of the
same entity only.
Use previous values in rules The previous value property is available Not applicable
for all fields when the base object is a
model object.
Use country of company in rules Use the country listed in the Legal Do not use the <country of
Entity field, since this is stored in the company> field in the rule because it
database. is a transient field, meaning it is not
stored in the database.
Trigger rules for Person In the Business Configuration UI, there Not applicable
are 2 nodes for the Person entity,
Employee and Dependent. If a rule is
configured for the Person entity, it will
not be triggered in the system, due to
the presence of the Employee node.
Use picklists in rules If you copy values from an MDF picklist Not applicable
to an Employee Central picklist, make
sure that the external codes on both
sides match.
OnInit rules OnInit rules work only in the new Hire Not applicable
wizard and for foundation objects (in
Manage Organization, Pay & Job Struc
tures). Since these rules are for new
hires, they do not work for existing
Hire/Rehire rules We recommend using the Hire/Rehire Cross entity rules with, for example,
rule scenario. This limits the base ob Employment Details as the base object
ject to either Employee Information or cannot set values in another entity such
the Employee Information model. This as Job Information in the Add New Em
ensures that all the objects involved in ployee UI. You need to use Employee
hire/rehire are available to the rule even Information as the base object.
though they are not yet saved in the
Operation in rules for Job Information Not applicable It is no longer possible to set up a busi
ness rule that contains a CREATE or
DELETE operation on a Job Information
onChange business rule Not applicable The use of onChange business rules
isn't supported for foundation objects.
Run the Pay Scale Pay Increase back The pay scale increase processes ONLY Don’t use any other rules, since they
ground job two groups of rules will not be triggered or executed.
Raise Smart Suite/Intelligent Services Use Job Information Model as the base You cannot use any other element as
object and assign the rule as an onPost the base object, and you cannot assign
Save rule in the Succession Data Model. the rule as an onSave rule - the only
supported event is onPostSave.
Here are some further tips to help you troubleshoot any issues with rules:
1. Enable the rule trace from the Admin Center, and make sure that the rule is actually triggered.
2. If the rule is not triggered, then check that it has the proper base object and that it is associated with
correct event.
Remember that rules for Hire and Rehire must only use Employment Information or the Employment
Information Model as the base object.
3. Make sure no additional parameters are added to the rule that are used in one of the If/Set statements
4. Make sure that to group all If statements for Compensation Information before grouping the If statements
for Job Information.
5. If the rule is accessing other entities with navigations from Employment Details, make sure those other
objects are in the same object. For example, in case of new hires, other objects are not yet saved to the
database, so those navigations will not work.
6. If the rule sets values to other entities, make sure cross-entity rules are supported for those entities. As of
now, cross-entity rules are supported for employment-related entities only.
7. If the rule base object is Employee Information or Employee Information Model, those rules will be
triggered on new hire/rehire only.
8. If both Job Information and Compensation Information are updated from Take Action, then Job Information
OnSave rules are executed before Compensation Information OnSave rules.
9. For OnChange rules, you can enable browser extensions (such as F12 in Google Chrome), and then check
for the call "triggerRule" to validate its response.
10. OnSave rules are executed at the time of workflow initiation, not at the time of the approval during the final
step of the workflow.
11. Caution
We recommend that every rule is tested once it is created to ensure that it works as required.
12. In some cases, you may need to change the order in which rules are executed to ensure that the rule works
as required.
11.2.6 Cross-Entity Rules
For employment-related entities only, you can set up rules so that when one entity is changed, the system
updates a related entity. These are called cross-entity rules.
• Job Information
• Job Relationship Information
• Compensation Information
• Recurring Pay Component
• Non-Recurring Pay Component
• Employment Details
The source/target direction is very important. The source element must be the base object of the rule.
• Changes to Job Information (for example, company, location and/or, employee class) that then update
Compensation Information
• Changes to Job Information that then update Job Relationships
If the source entity is modified in the UI, API, or in an import, then onSave rules for cross-entity rules
are supported. For onChange rules, both entities must be selected in the Change Job and Compensation
Information page in Manager Self-Service UIs.
If the source entity supports forward propagation, then by default, the target entity is also supported with
forward propagation when data is updated using cross-entity rules.
If an object is changed based on cross-entity rules, then onSave rules are not triggered for that object (unless
both objects are visible on the block such as Compensation Information and Recurring Pay Components).
If you use event reason derivation, then the event reason for the target entity is inherited from the source
When the base entity is an entity that has no event reason field, the event reason must be set by the cross-
entity rule that creates the Job Information or Compensation Information record. Otherwise the event reason
won't be set by the system, which results in an error.
If you do not use event reason derivation, then the event reason is always inherited from the event reason in the
source element. It cannot be manually added to the cross-entity rule.
Here is an overview of which elements support cross-entity rules to other elements when the rule expression is
configured with the Create operation:
Job Information and Compensation Information as the target element do not support updates to existing
records. Cross-entity rules with Job Information or Compensation Information as the target must only use
the Set command, which always results in the creation of a new record. Do not use the Create command to
create a new record.
Job Relation Not Supported - Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
We recom
mend navi
gating di
rectly from
tion Infor
mation to
the Recur
ring Pay
nent. Do
not navi
gate to Em
Details and
then to the
Pay Com
Recurring Pay Not Supported Supported: Not Supported - Supported: Not Supported
• onSave • onSave
• onChange
Non-Recurring Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Supported: Supported: Not Supported
Pay Component
• onSave • onSave
• onChange
Employment Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Supported: Not Supported -
Details (Active
• onSave
Here is an overview of which elements support cross-entity rules to other elements when the rule expression is
configured with the Set operation.
These rules are triggered based on changes made in the Take Action menu, History UI, Imports, and APIs.
Job Information and Compensation Information as the target element do not support updates to existing
records. Cross-entity rules with Job Information or Compensation Information as the target must only use
the Set command, which always results in the creation of a new record. Do not use the Create command to
create a new record.
Target Ele
ment: Com Target Ele Target Ele
Target Ele Target Ele pensation In ment: Recur ment: Non-Re Target Ele
Source Ele ment: Job In ment: Job Re formation ring Pay Com curring Pay ment: Employ
ment formation lationships ponent Component ment Details
Job Relation Supported: - Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Supported:
• onSave • onSave
• onChange
We recom
mend navi
gating di
rectly from
tion Infor
mation to
the Recur
ring Pay
nent. Do
not navi
gate to Em
Details and
then to the
Pay Com
Job In
part of
It will
work if
Job In
part of
It will
work if
Here is a general overview of which elements support cross-entity rules to other elements to delete records:
You cannot delete Job Information or Compensation Information records using the Delete function in a
business rule.
Target Ele
ment: Com Target Ele Target Ele
Target Ele Target Ele pensation In ment: Recur ment: Non-Re Target Ele
Source Ele ment: Job In ment: Job Re formation ring Pay Com curring Pay ment: Employ
ment formation lationships ponent Component ment Details
Job Relation Not Supported - Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
We recom
mend navi
gating di
rectly from
tion Infor
mation to
the Recur
ring Pay
nent. Do
not navi
gate to Em
Details and
then to the
Pay Com
Recurring Pay Not Supported Supported: Not Supported - Supported: Not Supported
• onSave • onSave
• onChange
Non-Recurring Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Supported: Not Supported Not Supported
Pay Component
• onSave
Employment Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Supported: Not Supported -
Details (Active
• onSave
Related Information
Rule scenarios help you create rules correctly, based on the rule context and parameters for a given scenario.
Generate Assignment ID External You can use this scenario to generate the assignment ID
external for a user.
Generate Employee ID For Hire/Rehire You can use this scenario to generate an Employee ID from
the Metadata Framework Sequence (MDF) and assign it to
the User ID field of the Employee Information object during
the Hire/Rehire with new employment process. You must
first register the rule in the Matching User Configuration
object settings.Use this scenario to create the rule that gen
erates the value for Assignment ID External based on MDF
Sequence objects. Create a single rule only based on this
Rules For Hire/Rehire You can use this scenario to configure rules on the Employee
Information object during the Hire/Rehire with new employ
ment process.
Event Reason Derivation You can use this scenario to derive the event reason auto
matically for Job and Compensation Information entities.
Generate Alerts You can use this scenario to create rules that generate alerts
for Employee Central data, for example, alerts for job infor
mation changes.
Enforce New Employment for Rehire You can use this scenario to configure a rule that validates
the business requirements to enforce new employment and
returns an error message if the conditions are not met.
Trigger Workflows You can use this scenario to create a rule that triggers Em
ployee Central workflows to approve data changes.
Internal Job History You can use this scenario to configure the rule for the Inter
nal Job History Block on the People Profile page.
Validation for HRIS Elements You can use this scenario to create business validations and
raise alert messages on HRIS elements.
Calculate Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) You can use this scenario to calculate full-time equivalent
(FTE) for a user using the Job Information Model base ob
Cross-Entity Rules You can use this scenario to configure cross-entity rules that
are triggered from the source entity and changes executed
on the target entity. For example, when changes in Job Infor
mation update Compensation Information.
Trigger onPostSave Events for HRIS Elements You can use this scenario to create rules that trigger events
or alerts after changes are saved to HRIS elements.
Trigger Changes to HRIS Elements You can use this scenario to create rules that trigger changes
to HRIS elements.
Save Changes to Foundation Objects You can use this scenario to create rules that save changes
to Foundation Objects and their fields.
Related Information
Rule Scenarios
Example Business Rules for Compensation
Add context to onSave and onChange rules in the Business Configuration UI to prevent triggering unnecessary
rules in a given context and to improve system performance.
You do not have to add contexts to rules. If no contexts are set, then the rules are triggered when the
parameters set in the rule are met. By adding context, you limit the situation where rules are triggered.
These contexts are currently only for HRIS elements, not for MDF objects. The contexts are only for onSave and
onChange rules. If you select specific contexts, the rules will be exclusively triggered in the contexts checked.
Rules in all contexts not checked will be ignored. Rules in contexts that are not explicitly listed on the screen will
be triggered unaffected by any setting.
Contexts only apply for onSave and onChange rules and do not apply for other types of rules (onView,
postSave, inInit, and so on).
For more information about the BCUI, refer to the Configuring Context for Business Rules in the Setting Up and
Using Business Configuration UI (BCUI) guide on the SAP Help Portal.
• Edit
• History
• Imports
• Mass Changes
• Hire
• Onboarding
• Promotion from Compensation Planning
• Report No-Shows
• Off Cycle Event Batch
• Termination
Here are some recommendations for what situation the contexts are useful, for example:
The rules for Event Reason Derivation only make sense when making changes in ESS/MSS, so we
recommended limiting such rules to the ESS/MSS context by setting it to Yes while switching all other contexts
to No.
If validation rules are only made for specific purposes such as in the context of Termination or New Hire, we
recommend setting only this exact context to Yes for such a rule.
This is supported
for inserting a new
record rather than
editing an existing
Onboarding No No No No No
Promotion from No No No No No
The Onboarding rule context is applied on Onboarding data collection pages, for example, Personal Data
Collection page.
The Promotion from Compensation Planning rule context is used so that the system can differentiate
promotions done from within Compensation (on-cycle promotions) from those done from Employee
Central (off-cycle promotions).
For onChange rules, find the relevant field and select the Details link. Scroll down to the Trigger Rules
section and select the Details link.
4. In the Details pop-up, ensure that the Event Type is either onSave or onChange.
5. Select the Plus (+) icon to add a context.
6. In the Rules Contexts section, for each context, select Yes or No from the drop-down list.
Only after you add context to the rule, the default for all contexts is Yes, which means that the rules would
only be triggered in those screens.
If you change the setting to No, that means that the rule is not processed in that context for the HRIS
7. Select Done to exit the pop-up.
8. Save your changes.
You can autofill employee data and position attribute values based on organizational and employment grouping
criteria. You can configure complex selection criteria to achieve conditional defaults. By autofilling default
values, you can reduce the overhead of manual data entries resulting in consistent and accurate data.
As an administrator, you want to define selection grouping criteria and assign default values to group items,
eliminating the necessity of representing logical conditions in business rules.
1. Configure the HRIS elements, MDF objects, condition fields, default fields, groups (employer, employee,
default) and their items.
2. Create business rules for default fields of objects (HRIS elements and MDF objects).
3. Assign business rules to objects and their condition fields.
Before you create and assign rules that set defaults, you need to change object definitions and enter
configuration data so that you can specify default values and the mappings between objects.
• You've determined the base objects (HRIS elements and MDF objects) and default fields for which you
would like to implement conditional groups and defaults.
• You know the data type and data source of the condition fields that determine the values of the default
As an administrator, you want to assign role-based permissions so that you can configure objects (MDF
objects, Foundation objects, and Picklists) and enter configuration data for default fields.
Default fields for these entities (base objects) are supported: Position, Job Information, Compensation
Information, and Employment Details.
1. Log on as an administrator.
2. Assign the relevant role-based permissions to access the HRIS elements, MDF objects, and their fields.
The supported data types are MDF objects, Foundation objects, and Picklists.
f. Choose Done.
4. Enter configuration data for all the objects.
You can also import configuration data using the import function.
For each condition field, ensure that you've added a custom field of the same data type
and source either to the Employer or Employee group. For example, a condition field for
Legal Entity of type Generic Object, has to have the same data type and source as its
custom field.
• Default Field
• For configuring Employer and Employee groups and entries in each group. These objects are used
to group users based on the conditional fields and can be reused for conditional defaults.
• Employer Group Items
• Employer Group
• Employee Group Items
• Employee Group
• For configuring multiple entries with default values for default fields based on Employer and
Employee groups.
• Default Group Items
You can configure only 15 condition fields for each group. For example, 15 for Employer Group, 15
for Employee Group.
You could start with dependent fields so that you can then add them to a parent field. For example,
condition fields and group items.
c. Choose Save for each object.
Next Steps
You need to create business rules for the HRIS elements, MDF objects, and their condition fields.
Related Information
These examples illustrate the configuration data and mappings between condition fields and default fields.
The selection criteria for default fields is based on these two groups:
• Employer Group (ER): Comprises Legal Entity and Location as condition fields.
• Employee Group (EE): Comprises Employee Class and Employee Type as condiiton fields.
Employer Group
Employee Group
Default Group
Related Information
Using a business rule, you can set default values for object fields (HRIS elements and MDF objects), based on
organizational assignment and employment classification.
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact your
implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product
• You've configured the objects and condition fields that are used to set the default fields.
As an administrator, you want to set the defaults for fields of type MDF, Foundation, and Picklist. Fields
from these entities (base objects) are supported: Position, Job Information, Compensation Information, and
Employment Details.
For example, MDF entities such as Paygroup and Payscale, Foundation objects such as Location and Pay Grade,
Picklists such as Employee Class and Employment Type.
Here's what you need to do to create a business rule that sets a default value:
1. Log on as an administrator.
SAP recommends that you select the Metadata Framework category for MDF objects.
For MDF objects, from the Purpose list, select a rule intent:
• Initialize: To initialize all the keys in the fields with default values.
• Evaluate: To assign values to fields based on other field values during the Save operation.
Business rules are set for the Initialize, onInit, and onSave events of base objects. And for onChange,
and Evaluate events of an object's condition fields.
6. Choose Continue.
7. For the If field, SAP recommends that you choose Always True.
8. For the Then field, choose the Set operation.
Ensure that you select the same default field chosen for the Set operation.
12. For the other function parameters, select Job Information if your condition fields are from JobInfo else
select Position.
13. Choose Save.
Next Steps
To activate your business rule, you must assign it either to a base object or its condition fields.
Related Information
After you create a business rule, you need to assign it to an object or its condition fields so that the rule is
triggered for an associated event.
• You've configured the objects and their condition fields that are used to set the default fields.
• You’ve created business rules for the object fields that you want to default.
As an administrator, you want to assign business rules to events of condition fields and objects of type MDF,
Foundation, and MDF Picklist.
Fields from these entities (base objects) are supported: Position, Job Information, Compensation Information,
and Employment Details.
Here's what you need to do to assign your business rules to base objects and condition fields:
1. Log on as an administrator.
Business rules are set for Initialize, onInit, and onSave events of base objects. And for onChange and
Evaluate events of an object's condition fields.
7. Assign your business rules based on their pupose and choose Done.
• Initialize: In the Rules section, select your rule from the Initialize Rules list.
• Evaluate: For a condition field, choose Details and select your business rule from the External Code list
in the Rules section.
For HRIS Elements
For the OnInit and onSave events, you need to enable your business rule at the object level in the
Trigger Rules section.
The rule is triggered when the values of the condition fields are changed or the base object is initialized or
Here are a few examples of how you can use business rules in your system.
Once rules are create, they must be assigned to the element in Manage Business Configuration and the trigger
event selected.
You can create objects that have multiple instances for the same entity for a given user, for example, Phone
Information, Email Information, National ID, Pay Component Recurring, and so on.
To create an entity using cross-block OnSave rules, use the "CREATE" function in the THEN condition, not
Here is an example of how to create a Pay Component Recurring object in the OnSave rule on Job Information.
If the rule tried to navigate to a non-effective-dated object, for example, Email Information or Pay Component
Recurring, enter the value for the filter. A best practice here is to filter by primary key. If you don't enter the
value for the filter, it may not be clear which instance of the same object is updated.
You can create data for a custom MDF objects when saving changes to Job Information. This means that
instead of having to manually create the data for the custom MDF object in the Manage Data page, you can
create a rule that does the same for you.
Do not add additional base objects as parameters in the rule to access other elements in the same rule. To do
this, add it to the If condition using the default navigation provided in the Employment Details element that is
available for each Employee Central base object.
You can use OnInit rules to set field properties such as required=true or visibility=false based on some business
conditions. This is generally used in new hire flow with Employee Information model as the base object.
If you want to set properties for a field using an OnInit rule, it should be assigned as an OnInit rule for that
element only. If the requirement is to set field properties for fields from multiple elements, you need to create
one OnInit rule for each element, for example, Job Information and Compensation Information. You can use
fields from other elements in the If condition, that is valid, but you should not try to set properties for fields
from other elements in the rule.
You can set up the system to ensure that an employee receives the correction salutation and gender settings.
In the AND/OR condition, you can set the system to check the combination of Salutation & Gender. If there is
any discrepancy, then an error message is displayed.
This rule can either be an onChange rule for the fields for Gender/Salutation or an onSave rule for employee
personal information or both.
You can automatically set the employee retirement date based on the employee age & pay grade when the HR
admin saves the new hire data.
You can use the Date Plus rule function to set the retirement date based on the date of birth, for example, set
the retirement date when employee age is 50 years (600 months) old.
You can set a default Business Phone as primary phone contact information & set the default business phone
number for all employees during creation of business phone data. Only the extension would need to be
provided as an input for Business Phone during data maintenance.
This is an onChange rule for the <phone type> field in phone information model object.
You can set up the system to format a phone number, so that numbers beginning with 0, are formatted to begin
with (0).
The If condition uses the Matches() function to check whether the phone number entered matches the
defined format. The format is defined as any number that begins with 0. The asterisk indicates zero or more
occurrences of the preceding element. The Then condition firsts uses the Format() function to format the
number using the template. The template is defined as (0)%s. This is a string starting with (0), where (%s = a
The Then condition then makes use of the Substring() function to define the end of the string (%s) from the
template. The phone number is the string that the substring is taken from. The substring starts at index 2. The
length is optional and should be left ‘Null’ as there may be different length phone numbers. The index of a sting
is the position of a character in the string. Strings start at index 1.
You can automatically set the job title based on the job code selection.
In this rule, we are setting the job title value in employee job information from the value which is maintained at
job classification object level.
This is an onChange rule for the <job classification> field in job information.
You can set the system to validate the data integrity of data at position object level against what is there for an
employee at job information level. If they are different, an error message is displayed.
You can use a cross-block business rule to create a record in the job information block for every change in job
relationships information for a user.
You can use a cross-block business rule to end recurring deductions as of the termination date.
Use OnView rules to control who can see which fields in the non-effective dated blocks and ensure data
protection and privacy for your users, since you cannot use permissions to set field-level View permissions for
such blocks.
This is an example of an OnView rule that controls the visibility of the <Date of Death> field in the
Biographical Information for a permission group.
This is an example of an OnView rule that controls the visibility of the <Date of Death> field in the
Biographical Information for a user.
An example where, based on the Location of the employee, you change the Location Manager (matrixManager)
of that user in the Job Relationships section.
Once the rule is created, in Manage Business Configuration assign it to the jobInfo element. For the base object,
select Job Information Model (as in the rule) and then select onSave as the event type. Select the rule from
drop-down list and save your changes.
Human Resource Information System (HRIS) synchronization is a one-way sync of data from Employee Central
to user data tables and Employee Profile. User data tables feed data to other modules of SAP SuccessFactors
like Performance and Goals.
Employee Central is the core HR system that contains relevant information to manage employees through their
lifecycle within an organization. Employee Profile serves as the platform for talent management activities and
modules, and it requires core employee data in order for the talent processes to launch and run successfully.
But for customers with Employee Central, some talent modules continue to refer to User Data File to run
the talent processes in the system because they can't use person and employment information directly from
Employee Central.
With HRIS Sync, however, you don't need to manually upload this information. When there is a change in
Employee Central data, it flows to Employee Profile fields and consumed by talent modules that can't directly
use Employee Central data. This ensures that Employee Profile is updated with information stored in Employee
Central and that user data is consistent across all modules in the SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite
HRIS Sync can be triggered automatically by certain actions taken on the UI, or it can be kicked off due to a
scheduled job.
All employee data in Employee Central, whether effective-dated or not, can be synced. If it's effective-dated
data and with an effective date in the future, it's synced when that date becomes the current date.
HRIS Sync only syncs data for valid Employee Central users, that is, for those users that the isECRecord
value is set to 1.
HRIS sync is immediately triggered upon the following changes made to the Employee Central records through
UI operations (Employee Self-Service, Manager Self-Service, and new hire process):
• A record is changed and the record being updated is effective at that time.
• A future-dated record is synced when its effective date becomes the current date.
This method only syncs the data from the HRIS Element that you are updating.
You can set up an HRIS Sync job in Provisioning to either trigger a sync on a regular schedule or trigger a
one-time full sync.
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact
your implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product
If there is an HRIS Sync job configured in your company instance, the HRIS Sync job can be triggered by
updates made through an import or an API to the Employee Central data with sync mappings. Only one HRIS
Sync job can run at a time.
Parent topic: Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Synchronization [page 202]
Related Information
The data to be synchronized from Employee Central to user data tables are based on sync mappings either
hard-coded or configured in the Succession Data Model.
Picklist Configuration for Employment Status and Job Relationship Type [page 227]
The picklists of job relationship type and employment status must have correct non-unique external
codes so that job relationships and employment status are synchronized correctly.
Parent topic: Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Synchronization [page 202]
Related Information
The system synchronizes some HRIS elements and fields from Employee Central into user data tables based
on hard-coded sync mappings.
To avoid unexpected behaviors, don't delete nor duplicate hard-coded sync mappings. But some hard-coded
sync mappings can be overridden in some cases. To learn hard-coded sync mappings and rules on overriding
hard-coded sync mappings, see Related Information.
We strongly recommend that you do not configure HRIS Sync mapping for hard-coded fields in
the Succession Data Model. However, your business processes might require the overwrite in some
circumstances. In such cases, note the cautions and rules while configuring your mappings.
Related Information
HRIS fields with visibility="none" aren’t synced. The rule applies to both hard-coded (exceptions are
noted where relevant) and configurable sync mapping.
User(Internal) is Active if
Active, Paid Leave, Unpaid
Leave, or Suspended. Else,
the user is Inactive. External
user's status will not be up
rel-user-id NA (delegate 1)
(picklist external_code - dele
For future hires, only the
gate 1)
job relationships records
To ensure consistent
sync of Corporate Ad
dresses for all countries
and regions, follow this
hard-coded mapping for
suffix suffix
gender gender
martial-status married
title title
bonus-target bonusTarget
You can add custom sync mappings and override some hard-coded sync mappings in the Succession Data
Model either by using the Business Configuration UI (BCUI tool) or in Provisioning directly in the XML.
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact
your implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product
Configuring HRIS Sync Mappings in the Succession Data Model XML [page 219]
Edit the Succession Data Model XML to configure HRIS Sync mappings to your organization's needs.
Syncing the Termination Date Between Employee Central and Standard User Fields [page 220]
Set up HRIS sync mapping between Employee Central and the standard user field
<companyExitDate> so that you can use the DRTM data purge function to purge inactive users from
the system.
Learn about the HRIS elements that can be customized in HRIS Sync mappings and the conditions around
their sync logic.
HRIS Element Included in Hard-Coded Support Full Sync or Delta More Information
Sync Mappings Sync
We recommend that
you map personal email
and business email to
different Employee Pro
file fields. If both email
types are mapped to
the standard element
email, the last modi
fied record is synced.
We recommend that you
map homeAddress
data to User Info ele
ments and don't over
ride the hard-coded
mapping with the
homeAddress map
ping to avoid inconsis
Job Information (jobInfo) Yes Delta You can override the hard-
coded sync mappings for the
following jobInfo fields:
• job-title
• department
• division
• location
• If there're multiple
records of work per
mits, for example,
work permits of
several document
types, only the last
modified record is
synchronized via
HRIS Sync.
• If there're multiple
last modified re
cords, then the re
cord with the lat
est issue date is
Related Information
When configuring your HRIS Sync mappings in the Succession Data Model, keep these points in mind.
HRIS fields with visibility="none" aren’t synced. The rule applies to both hard-coded (exceptions are
noted where relevant) and configurable sync mapping.
General Rules
Sample Code
<hris-element-ref refid="phoneInfo">
<hris-mapping entity-type="H" >
<hris-field-ref refid="custom-long2"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="custom02"/>
<hris-element-ref refid="jobInfo">
<hris-mapping >
<hris-field-ref refid="company"/>
<hris-mapping >
<hris-field-ref refid="employee-class"/>
<userinfo-element-ref refid="employeeClass"/>
<hris-mapping >
<hris-field-ref refid="timezone"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="timeZone"/>
Enable the Edit role-based permission for the userinfo-elements that you've configured in hris-sync-
mapping. The sync process only pushes data into userinfo-elements with the Edit permission.
The entity-type attribute is used to specify the type of information to sync for the HRIS elements
homeAddress, emailInfo, phoneInfo, and nationalIdCard. The entity-type attribute is mandatory
and the isPrimary flag is not considered by the HRIS sync of these entities.
The entity-type attribute is optional for the nationalIdCard entity. If the entity-type attribute
is not specified for this entity, the isPrimary flag is considered when national ID information is being
synchronized. In this case, the system syncs the record with isPrimary=True.
Sample Code
<hris-element-ref refid="emailInfo">
<hris-mapping entity-type="B" >
<hris-field-ref refid="email-address"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="email"/>
<hris-mapping entity-type="P" >
<hris-field-ref refid="email-address"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="custom15"/>
<hris-mapping entity-type="O" >
<hris-field-ref refid="email-address"/>
<userinfo-element-ref refid="cust_EmailAddress"/>
All refid attribute values must be valid and must already be defined in the Succession Data Model or the
Corporate Data Model.
Date Formats
• You can use the date-format attribute to define in which formats dates are synchronized . You can only
use the following date formats, which are case-sensitive:
• Year in four digits: yyyy
• Month and year: MMM-yyyy
• Month: MMM
• Date and month: dd/MMM
• You can only sync an HRIS field of date type to a standard element of string type.
• The existing hard-coded sync mapping of an employee's date of birth isn't affected by the custom date
format syncing. The system syncs the complete date.
• The date-format attribute allows you to sync only parts of the date. This is an example of sync mapping
that only syncs the day and month, but not the year for birthday information.
Sample Code
Data Types
• If fields fail data type validation (for example, mapping string fields to date fields), the Succession Data
Model XML file can't be imported.
• You can map any data type to a string field.
• If the standard element being mapped is a picklist, the HRIS field must be a picklist or a foundation object
or a territory (country) object.
• If the HRIS field is a picklist, it must be mapped to a field that has an identical picklist id.
• The user-info-record-key is used by other modules that need additional information for integration.
• The user-info-record-key is stored in the user directory and is consumed only through API.
• The key values aren't displayed on any UI.
• You can enter any string value for the user-info-record-key in the Succession Data Model, so it isn't a
refid. Whatever value you use here is used as a key in the user directory.
We strongly recommend that you do not configure hard-coded HRIS Sync mappings in the Succession
Data Model. However, your business processes might require the overwrite in some circumstances. In such
cases, note the cautions and rules while configuring your mappings.
You can configure the hard-coded sync mappings by changing the target field as follows. By default, the HRIS
field department is mapped to the standard element department.
Sample Code
<hris-element-ref refid="jobInfo">
<hris-mapping >
<hris-field-ref refid="department"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="division"/>
In this case, even though your configured mapping now is considered in sync, the hard-coded sync mapping is
still in place. To avoid mapping an HRIS field to two Employee Profile fields, you're recommended to override
the mapping of source field as well. For example,
<hris-element-ref refid="jobInfo">
<hris-mapping >
<hris-field-ref refid="department"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="division"/>
<hris-mapping >
<hris-field-ref refid="company"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="department"/>
To avoid issues in synchronization, do not duplicate hard-coded sync mappings. The system prevents anyone
from adding duplicate sync mappings to the sync-mappings section of the Succession Data Model.
For example, do not add mappings as follows because the HRIS field department already has a hard-coded
Sample Code
<hris-element-ref refid="jobInfo">
<hris-mapping >
<hris-field-ref refid="department"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="department"/>
However, you can have the HRIS field department mapped to another standard element:
Sample Code
<hris-element-ref refid="jobInfo">
<hris-mapping >
<hris-field-ref refid="department"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="custom01"/>
This results in the HRIS field department syncing to both the standard element department (hard-coded
sync mapping) and the standard element custom01 (custom sync mapping).
To avoid data inconsistency, don't map multiple HRIS fields to the same Employee Profile field.
Edit the Succession Data Model XML to configure HRIS Sync mappings to your organization's needs.
• You've downloaded the Succession Data Model XML file and have the file open for editing in an XML editor.
• You understand the rules of configuring sync mappings.
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact
your implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product
Using the Succession Data Model XML, you can do the following:
1. Find the last <view-template> tag section in your Succession Data Model XML.
The <hris-sync-mappings> elements begin right after the last view template end tag (</view-
2. Add the <hris-sync-mappings> as in the code examples.
Sample Code
Related Information
Set up HRIS sync mapping between Employee Central and the standard user field <companyExitDate> so
that you can use the DRTM data purge function to purge inactive users from the system.
HRIS sync mapping for the termination date is not hard-coded, so you have to map the relevant fields between
Employee Central and the SAP SuccessFactors Platform. If this sync is not set up correctly, the data purge
function cannot work correctly.
If the standard element <companyExitDate> is not present in your Employee Export file, it is not enabled in
your system and you cannot complete this task. You need to add this field to your system first.
If you do not have access to the Business Configuration UI in your system, you can also submit a request to
Product Support to have the following XML added to your data model in the Provisioning application:
Sample Code
<hris-element-ref refid="employmentInfo">
<hris-mapping >
<hris-field-ref refid="end-date"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="companyExitDate"/>
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact
your implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product
If you do not see <companyExitDate> in the search box, it is not enabled in your system. You need to add
it before you can complete this task.
6. Leave the Entity Type field blank.
7. Select Done and then save your changes.
The effective-dated end date of an employment in Employee Central is now mapped to the user's company exit
date in the SAP SuccessFactors Platform. This ensures the employment end date in Employee Central is used
to calculate data retention times.
After the sync mapping is added, make sure that the user (userId) used for HRIS Sync is granted View and Edit
permissions for this field.
Related Information
Using Business Configuration UI, you can define HRIS Sync mappings for standard elements, user info
elements, and user info record key elements. With these mappings, you can establish a relationship between
these elements and HRIS fields. HRIS Sync considers these mappings when propagating Employee Central to
other SAP SuccessFactors products.
You can define the mappings for both pre-defined and custom fields. Some mappings between HRIS fields and
standard elements are hard-coded and can only be changed by editing the XML file.
You are no longer required to go into each HRIS Element to edit your changes. You can add, edit, and delete
HRIS Elements mapping in the HRIS Sync Mappings section in the Manage Business Configuration UI page. You
can review all your HRIS Sync Mappings in a single screen. Any duplicate HRIS Sync Mappings are highlighted in
red in the HRIS Sync Mappings section, and are now easy to identify. It’s recommended that you don’t duplicate
mappings since duplication can lead to data discrepancy when the HRIS Sync job is run.
Adding Sync Mapping for User Info Record Key [page 225]
Using BCUI, you can sync standard fields with HRIS fields. The sync mapping will automatically update
the user info record key if there is any change in the HRIS field.
Related Information
You can use BCUI to sync standard fields with HRIS fields. The sync mapping will automatically update the
standard field if there is any change in the HRIS field.
You can maintain HRIS sync mapping for the standard fields present in your instance.
Information on the right side will show details for the selected element.
3. Click Details corresponding to any HRIS field.
Field Entity Type must have value corresponding to the selected element. Entity type attribute will only
be used for address, email, phone, and globalInfo to specify the type. For example, Entity Type field
for homeAddress element must be any of these values[home,shipping,mail,business]. To know more on
allowed values for Entity Type field, select any field from Standard Field dropdown, do not provide value
for Entity type field. Click Done and Save. On Click of Save, error message appears which displays set of
allowed values.
There are certain fields which are hard-coded into the system. Hard-coded fields (by default) are
synchronized from Employee Central to basic user information fields in the SAP SuccessFactors
platform, which means that you must not configure these in the Succession Data Model.
You cannot add duplicate sync mappings of certain HRIS fields with the hard-coded standard element
type. Duplicate sync mappings lead to data not syncing to Employee Profile correctly or in some cases
never syncing correctly.
For example, an error occurs when you sync department HRIS field with department standard field,
since department is hard-coded in to the SAP SuccessFactors application. You can sync department
with any other standard element type other than department. Similarly, you cannot sync mapping of
company HRIS field with country Standard field.
8. Click Done.
You can also add, edit and delete HRIS Elements mapping in the HRIS Sync Mappings section in the
Manage Business Configuration page.
Related Information
Using BCUI, you can sync standard fields with HRIS fields. The sync mapping will automatically update the user
info field if there is any change in the HRIS field.
You can maintain HRIS sync mapping for the user info fields present in your instance.
Information on the right side will show details for the selected element.
3. Click Details corresponding to any HRIS field.
You can also add, edit and delete HRIS Elements mapping in the HRIS Sync Mappings section in the
Manage Business Configuration page.
Related Information
Using BCUI, you can sync standard fields with HRIS fields. The sync mapping will automatically update the user
info record key if there is any change in the HRIS field.
You can maintain HRIS sync mapping for the user info key present in your instance.
Information on the right side will show details for the selected element.
3. Click Details corresponding to any HRIS field.
You can enter any arbitrary string value for the key field in the BCUI, so it is not a refid. Whatever value you
use here will be used as key in the user directory.
6. Provide value for Entity Type field.
7. Provide value for Entity Name field.
8. Click Done.
You can also add, edit and delete HRIS Elements mapping in the HRIS Sync Mappings section in the
Manage Business Configuration page.
Related Information
When you configure HRIS sync mappings for the HRIS elements homeAddress, emailInfo, phoneInfo, and
nationalIdCard in the Succession Data Model, the entity-type attribute is used to specify the type of
information. The <isPrimary> flag is not considered by the HRIS sync of these entities.
If there are multiple records with the same entity type, the system syncs the last modified record.
The entity-type attribute is optional for the nationalIdCard entity. If the entity-type attribute
is not specified for this entity, the isPrimary flag is considered when national ID information is being
synchronized. In this case, the system syncs the record with isPrimary=True.
When an HRIS sync is triggered to sync data for Generic Objects, the data is sent to user data tables in the
default locale of the instance.
When syncing Foundation Objects (FOs) or picklists to user directory tables, note the following:
If the HRIS field is a country/region-specific field, sync country/region name to user directory tables.
• If the standard element is gender and the HRIS field is null, sync " " into the standard element.
• If the HRIS field is MaritalStatus, convert marital status into its legacy value.
• If the HRIS field value is null, null value is synced back to user directory tables.
The picklists of job relationship type and employment status must have correct non-unique external codes so
that job relationships and employment status are synchronized correctly.
Employment Status
You must define the HRIS field emplStatus (Employment Status) as a picklist in the FO eventReason in the
Corporate Data Model.
Non-Unique External Code Employment Status in Employee Cen users_sys_valid flag in Legacy Table
A Active t
U Unpaid Leave t
P Paid Leave t
S Suspended t
F Furlough f
R Retired f
T Terminated f
You can change the label of the predelivered picklist values. But any custom external code is regarded as
inactive in user data tables.
Job Relationships
You must define the relationship-type field in the jobRelationshipInfo HRIS element as a picklist
in the data model. To sync the relationship types correctly into user data tables, the dedicated non-unique
external codes for widely known relationship types are defined. The sync logic regards the non-unique external
code for each relationship type as a fixed value. The system runs different sync logic based on the non-unique
external code.
The non-unique external code for each default relationship type is as follows.
hr manager HR Manager
delegate 1 Delegate A
delegate 2 Delegate B
Once the HRIS Sync is run, you can set up job relationships between employees in the system.
Do not configure multiple picklist labels that point to the same external code.
Related Information
HRIS Sync jobs are set up in Provisioning to push data incrementally or fully from Employee Central to user
data tables.
• You updated sync configuration in the data model and want the new configuration to be applied to all the
data including the existing data.
• There are data inconsistencies between Employee Central data and data in legacy tables. Data
inconsistency could happen for several reasons including, in the past if basic import was used to upload
data to the legacy tables.
You can monitor the HRIS Sync job using the Scheduled Job Manager in the Admin Center.
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact
your implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product
This is an SAP SuccessFactors Business Beyond Bias feature. Use it to support processes that detect,
prevent, or eliminate the influence of bias, helping you achieve your diversity and inclusion goals.
Future-dated records that have events as Hire, Global Assignment, Start Pension Payout, or Start Contingent
Worker are considered as records of future hires.
All job information records of the future hires are synced when the HRIS Sync job is run. If there are multiple
records in a time slice, the last job info record in the time slice is synced.
If users have active records of job information with the Start Contingent Worker event, their future-dated
job information is not synced when the HRIS Sync job is run.
An HRIS Sync job triggers a RefreshJobCodePicklistJob. The purpose of this subsequent job is to make sure
that changes to job codes are also synced to the picklist table for job codes.
Parent topic: Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Synchronization [page 202]
Related Information
You can schedule a recurring or a one time sync job in the system to sync data from your Employee Central
module to the legacy tables.
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact
your implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product
Employee Central pushes data to user data tables using the HRIS Sync job configured and scheduled in your
Please avoid all data changes during an HRIS Sync Job run. Import of user data, user data changes using
OData APIs, or any other operations that change the user data at the same time as an HRIS Sync job runs
can lead to data discrepancies. If you are not aware of the schedule for your HRIS Sync jobs, please contact
your Implementation Partner. If you are no longer working with an Implementation Partner, contact Product
This is an SAP SuccessFactors Business Beyond Bias feature. Use it to support processes that detect,
prevent, or eliminate the influence of bias, helping you achieve your diversity and inclusion goals.
Option Description
Last successful HRIS sync job run date (MM/dd/yyyy) Sync the following delta changes:
• The records that have changed since the last suc
cessful HRIS Sync job
• The future-dated records that become effective on
the day when the job is run
Specify a date Full sync from a specific date for special needs
Synchronize specific users (FTP is required): 01/01/1900 Full sync for selected employees: All data from the begin
ning of an employee's lifecycle at the company is synced.
So you can't specify a start date for this sync.
Although you have choice of the entities to be synced, we recommend syncing all the entities unless you're
troubleshooting an issue.
The setting Select the entities required for sync. doesn't affect the HRIS Sync job, as we sync all entities
for a user ID.
Option Result
Automatic insertion of new manager as next document The new manager becomes a part of the review process
recipient if not already and the former manager is removed from any further ac
Automatic Inbox Document Transfer to New Manager All the documents are moved from the former manager's
Inbox to the new manager's Inbox.
Automatic En Route Document Transfer To New Man All the documents are moved from the former manager's
ager En Route folder to the new manager's En Route folder.
Automatic Completed Document Copy to New Manager All the documents are moved from the former manager's
Completed folder to the new manager's Completed folder.
Automatic Process Owner Change To New Manager For The process owner is automatically changed from the for
In-Progress Documents When Old Manager is Process mer manager to the new manager, when the in progress
Owner (Only for 360) forms are transferred to the manager.
Automatic Process Owner Change To New Manager For The process owner is automatically changed from the for
Completed Documents When Old Manager is Process mer manger to the new manager, when the completed
Owner (Only for 360) forms are transferred to the manager.
Use a recurring schedule if you schedule a full HRIS Sync job for selected employees.
Next Steps
You can monitor the HRIS Sync job using the Scheduled Job Manager in the Admin Center.
Related Information
The HRIS Sync job syncs entities in a particular order. There could be scenarios where an entity synced earlier
could be overwritten by an entity synced later.
Phone phoneInfo
Email emailInfo
addressLine1 field is set up to be synced from homeAddress.address1 in HRIS Sync mapping. addressLine1
is also hard-coded mapped from corporateAddress.address1. When you run the Full HRIS Sync job, which
selects both "Generic Entities" entity and "Job Information," corporateAddress.address1 is always synced
to the employee profile, meaning homeAddress.address1 is always overwritten.
Related Information
Information in Employee Central is organized around the type of data it is, for example, personal or
employment. This information is then shown on the People Profile in organized blocks. Those blocks are
comprised of multiple entities.
An effective-dated entity means that the data is valid only for a specific period and is subject to change more
often than other data.
Personal Information
Personal Information This is personal information that can Imports, History UI, Editing UI
Addresses Employees can add multiple addresses Imports, History UI, Editing UI
as well as multiple types of addresses.
Email Information Employees can add multiple email ad Imports, Editing UI
dresses as well as multiple types of
email addresses.
Social Accounts Employees can add multiple social me Imports, Editing UI
dia accounts.
Employment Information
Recurring Pay Components Managers can add, update, or delete Imports, History UI
recurring pay components such as for
the base salary or a company car allow
Employment Information Managers can change the first date Import, Editing UI
works, stock eligibility, and other infor
Non-Recurring Pay Components Managers can add a spot bonus for an Imports
Related Information
Here is a little more information about the entity Personal Information in Employee Central.
Special characters are not supported in picklist IDs for Personal Information.
For telephone numbers in Personal Information, we have now introduced validations to prevent employees
from adding nonprintable characters at the beginning or end. Empty spaces before or after the number are
now automatically removed when the number is saved.
These validations are not run against existing telephone numbers in the system. You do not have to update all
existing telephone numbers.
Personal Information can be configured in both the Succession Data Model (SDM) and the Business
Configuration UI (BCUI). The configurations should be the same.
However, an admin can create a customized version in the BCUI, for example, personalInfo_employee. If
personalInfo_employee exists in BCUI, then Personal Information block on the People Profile will refer to the
configuration of personalInfo_employee in BCUI only rather than that of personalInfo in SDM. This is however
only supported on the UI and not in Imports or APIs.
Global Information
If the globalInfo HRIS element is configured in the BCUI or the Succession Data Model (SDM), it is part of
the Personal Information block. However, there are no HRIS fields in the SDM for the globalInfo. For each
country/region-specific field needed, fields for the globalInfo HRIS element can be added in the BCUI or
Country/Region-Specific Data Model.
OnInit rules can be configured under both SDM or Country/Region-Specific Data Model. However, with respect
to execution, only one rule for each country/region is executed. You can have different rules for different
countries or regions in the Country/Region-Specific Data Model. However, if there is more than one rule for the
same country/region, then only one rule is executed. If multiple rules are needed, the logic must be set within
the same rule.
In the Global Information section of the Personal Information block, the flag of the country/region is displayed
next to the country/region name by default.
Forward Propagation of Personal Information and Global Information on History UI [page 241]
On the History UI of Personal Information and Global Information, forward propagation of changes in
field values is supported only when you choose Insert New Record to update the history records.
Forward Propagation of Personal Information and Global Information on Editing UI [page 243]
Forward propagation of changes in field values is supported on the Editing UI of Personal Information
and Global Information when you add or edit records.
Record Suppression for Personal Information and Global Information on the UI [page 246]
On the History UI and Editing UI of Personal Information and Global Information, if you update or delete
a record, it doesn't affect the "last modified date" and "last modified by" information of other records in
the block.
Related Information
You can delete a time slice with the Delete button on the History UI for addresses, personal information, and
global information without affecting records in later or previous time slices.
Forward propagation is not supported when you use the Delete button.
The following examples describe how data changes when you use the Delete button on the History UI.
You delete the records of two address types: Home and Shipping with the start date on January 1, 2012.
• The Home and Shipping records with the start date on January 1, 2012 are deleted.
• No forward propagation occurs.
• The records in later time slice are not affected.
You delete the Billing record with the start date on January 1, 2014.
• The Billing record with the start date on January 1, 2014 is deleted.
• No forward propagation occurs.
• The records in previous and later time slice are not affected.
Table 8: Existing Records of Personal Information and Global Information for an Employee
Personal Information Global Information
Number of Chil
First Name Last Name Country/Region dren Start Date End Date
You delete the record of personal information with the start date on January 1, 2017.
• The record of personal information with the start date on January 1, 2017 is deleted.
• The record of global information with the start date on January 1, 2017 is deleted.
• No forward propagation occurs.
Number of Chil
First Name Last Name Country/Region dren Start Date End Date
You delete all records in the time slice with the start date on June 21, 2021.
• The Billing and Home records with the start date on June 21, 2021 are deleted.
• The records in previous time slice are not affected.
Related Information
Forward Propagation of Personal Information and Global Information on History UI [page 241]
Forward Propagation of Personal Information and Global Information on Editing UI [page 243]
Record Suppression for Personal Information and Global Information on the UI [page 246]
On the History UI of Personal Information and Global Information, forward propagation of changes in field
values is supported only when you choose Insert New Record to update the history records.
The updated field is propagated to future records until one of the future records has a field value maintained
that is different from the original field value.
Records in these examples only include some of data fields to demonstrate changes.
You insert a record with a start date on January 1, 2016 and change the last name from "Armstrong" to
The updated field value "Smith" is forward propagated and stops on December 31, 2019, because the last
name of the record starting from January 1, 2019 is "Moore" and is different from the original last name of
the previous record, which is "Armstrong".
You insert a record with a start date on January 1, 2016 and change the number of children from "0" to "1".
The updated field value "1" is forward propagated and stops on December 31, 2019, because the number of
children starting from January 1, 2019 is "2" and is different from the original value of the previous record,
which is "0".
Related Information
Forward propagation of changes in field values is supported on the Editing UI of Personal Information and
Global Information when you add or edit records.
The updated field is propagated to future records until one of the future records has a field value maintained
that is different from the original field value.
The following examples describe the behavior of forward propagation on Centralized services.
Records in these examples only include some of data fields to demonstrate changes.
Table 12: Existing Sample Personal Information and Global Information of an Employee
Personal Information Global Information
The existing records are continuous and have no data gap in between.
You set the start date as January 1, 2016, and do the following changes:
The changed field values are forward propagated, which stops on December 31, 2018, because the field
values of <Custom String 1> and <Number of Children> starting from January 1, 2019 are different
from the original field values of the previous record.
Table 14: Existing Sample Personal Information and Global Information of an Employee
Personal Information Global Information
You set the start date as an existing start date, January 1, 2015 and update the <Number of Children>
in Global Information to 1.
Personal Information remains unchanged. The changed field value in Global Information is forward
Table 16: Existing Sample Personal Information and Global Information of an Employee
Personal Information Global Information
There is no record of Global Information from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018.
You set the start date as January 1, 2016 and update the <Number of Children> in Global Information to
The updated record of Global Information is not forward propagated because there is a data gap starting
from January 1, 2017.
Related Information
On the History UI and Editing UI of Personal Information and Global Information, if you update or delete a
record, it doesn't affect the "last modified date" and "last modified by" information of other records in the
Personal Information and Global Information have a parent-child relationship. Scenarios related to the
suppression are as follows:
• When you edit the parent entity, only the data of the parent entity is updated.
There is no change to the "last modified date" and "last modified by" information for the records of its child
• When you edit a record of child entity, the "last modified date" and "last modified by" information of
this record and its parent entity is updated.
There is no change to the "last modified date" and "last modified by" information for any other records of
child entity.
• When you delete a record of child entity, only the "last modified date" and "last modified by"
information of its parent entity is updated.
There is no change to the "last modified date" and "last modified by" information for any other records of
child entity.
Related Information
The default address format is displayed for all countries or regions. To display the address in a format specific
to a country or region, you can instead create the Simple Address Format for the country or region.
For more information, see Setting the Address Formats in People Profile.
The address is an effective-dated entity, meaning that as of the rehire date, you are making a change, and
deleting the address record as of that date. So the address block will capture that change as effective from
rehire date, which is why you see a blank record in address info as of rehire date.
In cases where an employee changes or deletes any address information, or has no address for a specific
amount of time, then this can be reflected on the History UI.
User A was hired on January 1, 2014 and most likely starting on that same date, so there will be a home
address record that starts on the same date as the hire date. Now, the employee moves from the current
home address from January 1, 2016. Then employee edits for the address with an effective date of January
1, 2016 and deletes the home address. (The employee address block has no other address type). Now,
there will be no address shown in the UI.
In Addresses History, employees can undo the changes they've made by deleting the corresponding change
history entry. However, the deletion action can't be undone, therefore you can't restore a deleted address
On the History UI of Addresses, forward propagation of changes in field values is supported only when you
choose Insert New Record to update the address history.
The updated field is propagated to future records until one of the future records has a field value maintained
that is different from the original field value.
You insert a record with a start date on January 1, 1999, set the address type as "home", and the postal
code as "30000".
The new record of home address is forward propagated and stops on January 1, 2021, because the home
address from January 1, 2021 is different from the original previous home record, which doesn't exist.
You insert a record with a start date on May 1, 2020 and change the postal code of the billing address from
"10000" to "20000".
The updated field value "20000" is forward propagated and stops on December 31, 2020, because the
postal code of the record from January 1, 2021 is blank and different from the original postal code of the
previous record, which is "10000".
You insert a record with a start date on May 1, 2020 and change the postal code of the billing address from
"10000" to "30000".
The updated field value "30000" is forward propagated and stops on December 31, 2020, because there's
no record from January 1, 2021 to April 30, 2021.
Related Information
Forward propagation is supported on the Editing UI of addresses when you add or edit a record.
The updated field is propagated to future records until one of the future records has a field value maintained
that is different from the original field value or there is a data gap.
The following examples describe the behavior of forward propagation on Centralized services.
Records in these examples only include some of data fields to demonstrate changes.
You set the start date as January 1, 1999 and do the following changes:
The existing records are continuous and have no data gap in between.
You set the start date as May 1, 2020 and change the postal code of the billing address from "10000" to
The existing records are continuous and have no data gap in between.
You set the start date same as the earliest start date, January 1, 1999 and change the postal code of the
billing address from "10000" to "20000".
In the existing records, there's a data gap between January 1, 2021 and April 30, 2021.
You set the start date as May 1, 2020 and change the postal code of the billing address from "10000" to
The updated field value "30000" is forward propagated and stops on December 31, 2020, because there's
no record from January 1, 2021 to April 30, 2021.
Related Information
You can prevent users from deleting a certain type of addresses in the Editing UI of Addresses block so that the
addresses are available for replication in a Payroll system.
You have the Administrator Permissions Manage System Properties Company System and Logo
Settings permission.
Related Information
Learn how to set entity-level permissions for the People Profile blocks Personal Information, Global
Information, and Addresses in different scenarios.
You can find permissions that control the access to the Personal Information and Addresses blocks in User
Permissions Employee Central Effective Dated Entities .
Employees and admins view records. In the line Personal Information Actions No icon is displayed in the blocks.
or Address Information Actions:
Users can view current records.
The View Current permission
Employees update their records on the In the line Personal Information Actions
The icons (Edit) for Editing UI and
Editing UI and view the change history. or Address Information Actions:
(History) for History UI are both dis
• The View Current permission played in the block.
• The View History permission
Users can do the following:
In the line Edit Link:
• View current records
• The Edit/Insert permission • Update a record on the Editing UI
• The View Current permission • View the change history on the His
• The View History permission tory UI
Admins update the change history. In the line Personal Information Actions
Only the icon (History) for History UI
or Address Information Actions
is displayed in the block.
• The Edit/Insert permission
Users can do the following:
• The View Current permission
• View current records
• The View History permission
• View the change history on the His
tory UI
• Choose the Insert New Record but
ton on the History UI to add a his
tory record
Mandatory Fields
The <relationship> and <name> fields are business keys for Emergency Contact, and must be enabled.
Avoid creating duplicate records for emergency contacts. You would expect errors if adding multiple
emergency contacts with the same name and relationship for an employee.
You can add alternate fields, such as the Alt Phone field, for an emergency contact in one record instead
of duplicating the contact. For more information about the fields for the Emergency Contact block, see
Emergency Contact.
By default, mandatory field validation covers no more than the following fields for emergency contacts,
depending on your field configuration:
• <relationship>
• <name>
• <phone>
• <primary_flag>
• <email>
However, you can extend the validation to cover all mandatory fields in the details section of the Emergency
Contact block.
Temporary IDs
Admins can provide an employee's temporary national ID in the National ID Information if that employee does
not have a valid national ID during the hire process.
Related Information
Here is a little more information about some of the features and functions in Employee Central.
When entering or editing work permit information on the Work Permit block, make sure that you meet the
following prerequisite and requirements.
Go to Manage Business Configuration to enable Country, Document Type, Document Number, and Issue
Date in order to view and edit these fields.
These four fields on the UI are mandatory and must not be left empty. Values entered for these fields are
joined to User ID to form a business key that uniquely identifies a work permit. So, don’t enter two records with
identical Country, Document Type, Document Number, and Issue Date values. At least one of these four fields
must have different values between the two records.
Data Validation
You're advised against disabling validation. If you do need to fully disable it, make sure both the options are
• When Centralized services are enabled to support work permit saving on UI, related workflows can also
be triggered with XML rules, which is consistent with the legacy behavior.
• For employees with multiple employments, they can have two or more identical work permit records
under different user IDs, that is, work permit records having the same Country, Document Type,
Document Number, and Issue Date values.
Issue Date is included in business keys as of 2H 2022, along with the other four fields, namely: User ID, Country,
Document Type, and Document Number. Work permit data entered on UI is validated differently before and
after 2H 2022.
Record existing in Logged-in user's United States Work Permit 2283D2FBC2021 2021-10-01
system ID
Record being en Logged-in user's United States Work Permit 2283D2FBC2021 2022-04-09
tered on UI ID
Before: Business keys consisted of the other four fields, but not Issue Date. So, as the two records have
identical business keys, saving the record on UI would trigger an error and not be successful.
After: Business keys consist of all the five fields. So, as the two records don't have identical business keys,
the new record will be saved successfully, as a separate record.
Validation of work permit data on Add New Employee is controlled solely by the option Enable Validations on
the Work Permit Editing UI (Applicable only when the option "Enable Centralized Services for Work Permit to
save changes on Editing UI" is disabled). In other words, it doesn't matter whether the option Enable Centralized
Services for Work Permit to save changes on Editing UI is selected or not.
With the option Enable Centralized Services for Work Permit to save changes on Editing UI selected, the
validation mechanism checks compliance of not only the current record being saved, but also all other records
Suppose that a user has several existing non-compliant work permit records and is trying to enter a new
Existing record Logged-in us United States Null 2283D2FBC20 2021-10-01 Key field empty
1 er's ID 21
Existing record Logged-in us United King Work Permit 4098D2FBC20 2020-04-09 Same business
2 er's ID dom 20 key as record 3
Existing record Logged-in us United King Work Permit 4098D2FBC20 2020-04-09 Same business
3 er's ID dom 20 key as record 2
Existing record Logged-in us United Arab Work Permit 2298GB23020 2022-10-28 Same business
4 er's ID Emirates 22 key as new re
New record be Logged-in us United Arab Work Permit 2298GB23020 2022-10-28 N/A
ing entered er's ID Emirates 22
To successfully save the new record, the existing, non-compliant records 1-4 must all be corrected.
Work Permit is among the few personal information entities whose final approval is supported by Centralized
services. With Centralized services enabled, if users try to approve a workflow whose triggering work permit
record doesn’t exist anymore, they'll be prevented from approving this workflow and advised to send back or
withdraw it. The legacy behavior would be let the users approve the workflow and create a new but incomplete
work permit record.
The following two checks are available in Check Tool Employee Central Core Employee Central Core :
Enable email address validation in Employee Central so that the format of email addresses is validated
whenever you manually add or import email addresses into the system.
You have permission to access the admin tool Company System and Logo Settings.
After you enable email address validation, the email addresses you added are validated against the RFC 822
standards, some of which are as follows:
Enable attachments for a personal information entity so that employees can upload documents for a certain
type of personal information.
You can allow employees to upload attachments for the following person entities:
You can also enable attachments on Personal Information, Biographical Information, National ID, and
Addresses for dependents with the Manage Business Configuration tool.
Here is a little more information about some of the features and functions in Employee Central.
The data displays a user's employment information, including the company and start date.
• Effective-Dated Entities
• Job Information
Allows the tracking of all job changes of the employee.
Person Type
You can create a data model for the Employee person type for Employment Information. They are then taken
into account for the Profile, Take Action, Workflows, and History, but not for Imports or APIs..
For more information about the supported person types and the overall concept, refer to the Setting Up and
Using Business Configuration UI (BCUI) guide on the SAP Help Portal.
Here is a little more information about some of the features and functions in Employee Central.
As part of Employment Information, Job Information stores data related to an employee's function within
the company. It is defined during the hiring process. It is an effective-dated entity and no gaps are allowed,
meaning that an employee must always have a current Job Information record. All changes to records are
available in the history. Multiple changes for each day using sequence numbers are allowed. Changes to an
employee's data should be done using the Take Action menu options rather than from the History UI to ensure
that all follow-on processes are triggered and prevent data inconsistencies. The employment status of the user
controls which actions can be done, for example, a user with the Inactive status can't be terminated or book
time off.
It is partially configurable in the Business Configuration UI (BCUI). It can be defined either globally, country
specific, or person type specific.
For employees on a leave of absence (LOA), you can define an expected return date. This field can be enabled
and made visible in either the Succession Data Model or in the Business Configuration UI. Once enabled, you
can see the Expected Return Date field in Job History for records with the Paid Leave and Unpaid Leave event
(these event reasons that start a leave of absence).
To see the field in Advanced Reporting, you must set the visibility to Both.
Permissions must also be enabled for this field in Permission Settings User Permissions Employee
Central Effective Dated Entities .
Event Reasons
Event Reasons are a system hard-coded field and therefore are not enabled or configured in the data model.
However, if you need to trigger onChange business rules from the Event Reason field, you must enable the
<event-reason> field in either the Succession Data Model or in the Business Configuration UI.
You can propagate job code values to the Job Information block from the Work Schedule to allow admins to
choose custom codes for the company.
Update the Job Code object definition so that the custom string has the following settings:
This ensures that the selectable values for the Work Schedule are then identical in the job code instances as
well as in the Job Information block.
You must then update the Work Schedule values for the different job codes in the Manage Data Job
Classification screen.
You can sync field values from position management to Job Information using business rules.
The notes and attachments fields are always cleared when a new Job Information record is created. Unlike
most other fields, these two values are never copied over into new records, since they generally refer to one
particular record (for example, documents attached to the Hire record or a note about a Suspension record).
Check Tool
You can also use the Check Tool to find any inconsistencies. We recommend selecting checks available under
the following sections:
• Check Tool System Health Tab Employee Central Core Association Area
• Check Tool System Health Tab Employee Central Core Invalid Effective End Date for FO/GO Area
• Check Tool System Health Tab Employee Central Core Job Information Area
• Check Tool System Health Tab Employee Central Core Object Relationship Area
• Check Tool System Health Tab Employee Central Core Picklist Area
• Check Tool System Health Tab Employee Central Core Picklist Usages Area
• Check Tool System Health Tab Employee Central Core Succession Data Model Area
Related Information
Job Information
Entry Dates and TimeIn Calculation for Job Information
13.11.1 Calculating FTE
Ensure that the system correctly calculates FTE for pay range calculations.
If the standard-hours field is enabled in the configuration, the system will always calculate the FTE based on
Job Information Standard Hours vs Object Standard Hours (Legal Entity or Location or Job Classification)
depending on configuration. This ensures that the FTE value is never null. However, if you have manually
updated the FTE value or set it using a rule to a value other than null or zero, it will not be overwritten by the
automated calculation.
If the FTE field is not visible to the logged-in user for UI transactions, the application will reset the FTE value to
null so that it is recalculated.
• jobInfo.standard-hours / jobInfo.Position.standardHours
Only if Employee Central Position Management is enabled and the standardHours field is visible in the
Position object.
• jobInfo.standard-hours / jobInfo.job-code.standardHours
• jobInfo.standard-hours / jobInfo.location.standardHours
• jobInfo.standard-hours /
This means, that if the job code has a standard hours value, this wins over location, which wins over legal entity.
If the system finds no standard hours value, then it will move on to the next object and so on, until it finds a
If you do not want to use the standard/hard-coded method for calculating FTE, then you will need to configure
the system differently to calculate the FTE. You can use business rules to meet this requirement. If you need
to calculate FTE based on many different scenarios, for example, you need FTE to be 0 if the employee is on a
leave of absence, then you need to configure this scenario using business rules and a custom-double field.
Only remove the <standard-hours> field. Do not remove the FTE field, since it is also used for compa
ratio and range penetration calculations.
The default decimal rounding in the system is based on the principle of bankers rounding. For other
rounding methods, you need to create a rule with round function. For more information, refer to the Round
rule function documentation.
11. Select Take Action Make Correction and then select the trash can icon to the right of the
<standard-hours> field and save your changes.
12. Once the <standard-hours> field is deleted, add a custom decimal field (custom-double) field to jobInfo
and use this as your field for Standard Hours instead.
Create the Rule (Always Needed)
13. Create a new business rule using the Calculate Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) rule scenario. You can set as an
onChange (on the custom <standard-hours> field) and/or an onSave rule (on jobInfo element) so that
the FTE can be calculated differently depending on the requirement/scenario.
Alternatively, you can use the Calculate FTE based on Standard Hours() rule function in the rule. It will use
the <standard-hours> field in Job Information and lead to similar results as the hard-coded calculation.
Here is a little more information about some of the features and functions in Employee Central.
Job relationships can show hierarchical relationships, meaning there is a reporting line between the granted
user and the target user. These are job relationships between employees and their managers as well as
employees and their second managers or alternate managers. However, job relationships can also show non-
hierarchical relationships, which are single-level relationships. These include the relationship of an employee to
the HR manager, the matrix manager, additional manager, and custom manager.
The standard relationships can be used by the system to, for example, route workflows or Performance
Management forms. This means that customer-defined job relationships are not supported for workflow
Job relationships are either entered into the system during the new hire process or during an import. They can
also be added later in the Job History UI or using the Manager Self-Service (MSS) action.
Job relationship records are effective-dated records to cover the employment history from hire to termination,
although, gaps are allowed. Making multiple changes to the records each day is not supported.
They can be partially configurable in the Business Configuration UI (BCUI), but must be defined globally, since
a country-specific job relationship is not supported.
• HR Manager
• Second Manager
• Matrix Manager
• Additional Manager
• Custom Manager
• Delegate 1
Someone who can act on behalf of the manager against all of their direct reports excluding the manager.
• Delegate 2
Someone who can act on behalf of the manager against all of their direct reports excluding the manager.
• Future Manager
This relationship is applicable only for internal hires.
Existing customers can manually add the new job relationship types to their picklist and re-import it to have the
new job relationships in the system.
Job relationship entries must be synced between Employee Central and the Employee Profile. For more
information, refer to Picklist Configuration for Employee Status and Job Relationship Type
You can update a job relationship from the employee's profile by going to Take Action Change Job and
Compensation Info . Then under Change Job and Compensation Info, select Job Relationships. Select the new
relationship and save your changes.
Fields of the type Worker (for example, supervisor in Job Information or HR/matrix manager in Job
Relationship, and so on) now respect target groups defined in permissions. This means that, if configured,
users can only add managers that are included in the target group defined in the permissions.
To enable this feature, please go to Admin Center Company System and Logo Settings and select the
feature Enable target group based filtering for Worker fields. If checked, Worker type fields value dropdown list
will based on the target group settings in role based permission. If not checked, all users will be available in the
dropdown list.
Admins can set up the system to allow employees to update their own master data.
Admins control the allowed transactions based on the permissions for those users. The list here is a
recommended set but users are able to edit any of their information based on permission settings as well
as company requirements.
Personal Information Edit Personal Information Change name, marital status, salutation
Phone Information Edit Phone Information Add, change, or delete phone numbers
Social Accounts Edit Social Accounts Add, change, or delete social media ac
count data
Emergency Contacts Edit Emergency Contacts Add, change, or delete emergency con
Work Permit Edit Work Permit Information Add, change, or delete work permit in
Payment Information Edit Payment Information Add, change, or delete bank details
Related Information
Admins can set up the system to allow managers to make certain changes for the employees who report to
These changes can be made using Actions Change Job and Compensation Info or using the Edit button.
Only records for event reasons with the Employee Status set to No Selection can be created in the Actions
Change Job and Compensation Info pages in the MSS UI.
Admins control the allowed transactions based on the perrmissions for those users.
Job Information Actions Change Job and Change an employee's job, for example,
for a promotion or change the manager.
Compensation Info
Job Relationship Actions Change Job and Change the job relationship, for exam
ple, add a matrix manager or HR busi
Compensation Info
ness partner
Compensation Information Actions Change Job and Change the compensation data, for ex
ample, pay group.
Compensation Info
Recurring Pay Component Actions Change Job and Add, update, or delete recurring pay
components such as for the base salary
Compensation Info
or a company car allowance.
One Time Deduction Actions One Time Deduction Add a one-time deduction, such as for a
charity donation.
Alternative Cost Distribution Actions Manage Alternative Cost Add a new alternative cost distribution
record or modify the latest one, de
pending on the selected start date.
When doing so, combinations of cost
center and percentage can be added,
updated, or deleted.
Employment Information Actions Terminate Set the termination data and reason for
an employee.
Related Information
Centralized services is an umbrella term for a collection of specialized services governing different processes in
Employee Central.
With Employee Data Imports, Centralized services work together to enable different HRIS entities to support
functions like business rules, identical record suppression, forward data propagation, and so on. Business keys
are validated to ensure that duplicate records are not allowed.
Centralized services are enabled by default, and are applicable to data imports initiated from the Import
Employee Data page or OData APIs.
For more information about imports, refer to Centralized Services for Employee Data Imports.
Centralized services support saving changes on the History UI of a supported HRIS entity. To access the
History UI of a block in People Profile, you choose the icon (History) in that block.
Save on the History UI using Centralized services supports features such as employee data deletion, forward
propagation, and identical record suppression. Data validation, such as Earliest Date validation, is supported
for all effective-dated entities.
Save on the History UI of the following HRIS entities is supported by Centralized services:
Addresses Universal
Compensation Information and Recur Admin Opt-out Admin Center Company System
ring Pay Components
and Logo Settings Enable Centralized
Services to Save Changes on the History
UI of Compensation Information
Centralized services support saving changes on the Editing UI of a supported HRIS entity. To access the Editing
UI of a block in People Profile, you choose the icon (Edit) in that block.
Save on the Editing UI using Centralized services supports features such as employee data deletion, forward
propagation, and identical record suppression. Data validation, such as Earliest Date validation, is supported
for all effective-dated entities.
Save on the Editing UI of the following HRIS entities is supported by Centralized services:
Addresses Universal
National ID Universal
Non-Recurring Pay Component Infor Admin Opt-out Admin Center Company System
and Logo Settings Enable Centralized
Services for Non-Recurring Pay
Component Information to save
changes on the UI
Centralized services support saving changes on the MSS UI of a supported HRIS entity.
Save on the MSS UI of the following HRIS entities are supported by Centralized services:
Related Information
Entry Dates, Event-Based Dates, and TimeIn Calculation for Job Information
Record Suppression for Personal Information and Global Information on the UI [page 246]
Data Deletion for Certain Person Entities on History UI [page 238]
Forward Propagation of Personal Information and Global Information on History UI [page 241]
Forward Propagation of Addresses on History UI [page 248]
For employment-related entities only, you can set up rules so that when one entity is changed, the system
updates a related entity. These are called cross-entity rules.
The source/target direction is very important. The source element must be the base object of the rule.
• Changes to Job Information (for example, company, location and/or, employee class) that then update
Compensation Information
• Changes to Job Information that then update Job Relationships
• Changes to Job Information (for example, pay scale level, FTE) that then change (create, update, delete)
Recurring Pay Components
• Changes to Compensation Information (custom field with annual salary) to update amounts in a Recurring
Pay Component
If the source entity is modified in the UI, API, or in an import, then onSave rules for cross-entity rules
are supported. For onChange rules, both entities must be selected in the Change Job and Compensation
Information page in Manager Self-Service UIs. Cross-entity onChange rules are not supported in APIs or
If the source entity supports forward propagation, then by default, the target entity is also supported with
forward propagation when data is updated using cross-entity rules.
If an object is changed based on cross-entity rules, then onSave rules are not triggered for that object (unless
both objects are visible on the block such as Compensation Information and Recurring Pay Components).
If you use event reason derivation, then the event reason for the target entity is inherited from the source
When the base entity is an entity that has no event reason field, the event reason must be set by the cross-
entity rule that creates the Job Information or Compensation Information record. Otherwise the event reason
won't be set by the system, which results in an error. The exception here is in cases where a fallback event
reason is configured for cross-entity rules with Job Information as the target element. The event reason is
derived from the fallback, which avoids errors.
If you do not use event reason derivation, then the event reason is always inherited from the event reason in the
source element. It cannot be manually added to the cross-entity rule.
Here is an overview of which elements support cross-entity rules to other elements when the rule expression is
configured with the Create operation:
Job Information and Compensation Information as the target element do not support updates to existing
records. Cross-entity rules with Job Information or Compensation Information as the target must only use
the Set command, which always results in the creation of a new record. Do not use the Create command to
create a new record.
Target Ele
ment: Com Target Ele Target Ele
Target Ele Target Ele pensation In ment: Recur ment: Non-Re Target Ele
Source Ele ment: Job In ment: Job Re formation ring Pay Com curring Pay ment: Employ
ment formation lationships ponent Component ment Details
Job Information Not Supported Supported: Not Supported Supported: Supported: Not Supported
Job Relation Not Supported - Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Compensation Not Supported Supported: Not Supported Supported: Supported: Not Supported
• onSave • onSave • onSave
• onChange • onChange
We recom
mend navi
gating di
rectly from
tion Infor
mation to
the Recur
ring Pay
nent. Do
not navi
gate to Em
Details and
then to the
Pay Com
Recurring Pay Not Supported Supported: Not Supported Not Supported Supported: Not Supported
• onSave • onSave
• onChange
Non-Recurring Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Supported: Supported: Not Supported
Pay Component
• onSave • onSave
Employment Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Details (Active
Employment Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Details and Ter
mination De
Terminated Em
ployment with
Employment In
formation as
Source Ele
Employment Not Supported Supported Not Supported Supported Supported Not Supported
Details and Ter
mination De
Terminated Em
ployment with
Job Information
as Source Ele
Here is an overview of which elements support cross-entity rules to other elements when the rule expression is
configured with the Set operation.
These rules are triggered based on changes made in the Take Action menu, History UI, Imports, and APIs.
Job Information and Compensation Information as the target element do not support updates to existing
records. Cross-entity rules with Job Information or Compensation Information as the target must only use
the Set command, which always results in the creation of a new record. Do not use the Create command to
create a new record.
Job Relation Supported: Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Supported:
• onSave • onSave
• onChange
We recom
mend navi
gating di
rectly from
tion Infor
mation to
the Recur
ring Pay
nent. Do
not navi
gate to Em
Details and
then to the
Pay Com
Employment Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Supported:
Details (Active
Employment) • onSave
• onChange
Employment Supported: Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Supported:
Details and Ter
mination De • onSave • onSave
• onChange
Terminated Em
ployment with
Employment In
formation as
Source Ele
Here is a general overview of which elements support cross-entity rules to other elements to delete records:
You cannot delete Job Information or Compensation Information records using the Delete function in a
business rule.
Job Information Not Supported Supported: Not Supported Supported: Supported Not Supported
Job Relation Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Compensation Not Supported Supported: Not Supported Supported: Supported: Not Supported
• onSave • onSave • onSave
• onChange • onChange
We recom
mend navi
gating di
rectly from
tion Infor
mation to
the Recur
ring Pay
nent. Do
not navi
gate to Em
Details and
then to the
Pay Com
Recurring Pay Not Supported Supported: Not Supported Not Supported Supported: Not Supported
• onSave • onSave
• onChange
Non-Recurring Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Supported: Not Supported Not Supported
Pay Component
• onSave
Employment Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Details (Active
Employment Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Details and Ter
mination De
Terminated Em
ployment with
Employment In
formation as
Source Ele
Employment Not Supported Supported Not Supported Supported Supported Not Supported
Details and Ter
mination De
Terminated Em
ployment with
Job Information
as Source Ele
Related Information
Business rules for employment-related entities on Centralized services differ from legacy behavior.
• Business rules
• We do not recommend making any changes to the hire date or employment end date using rules. It is
technically possible, but may cause data inconsistencies.
• Cross-entity rules
• Employment Information as Source Element
For business rules based on Job Information ( triggered in the Employment Details UI of a terminated user), the
following rule event types are supported:
Related Information
With Centralized services enabled, data validations are enhanced to improve data quality.
• The system shows a warning message if an employee with an active employment has a supervisor with
an active employment record on the effective start date of the job information record, but the supervisor
becomes inactive before the end date of that record.
• To ensure that the event reason selected in the History UI is always used and not overwritten by changes
from onSave rules.
• To ensure that exactly 1 hire record exists for each user, which is also the first record. This is performed
during each save action regardless of which record is touched or newly created.
• To ensure that working days for each week is greater than or equal to 0, or less than or equal to 7.
• To ensure that only the Set action is used in rules where Job Information or Job Information Model is the
target object.
• To ensure that a warning message is raised when a termination record is modified or subsequent record
after the termination if there is no rehire.
Identical record suppression ensures data consistency and avoids duplicate records.
Identification of records to suppress isn’t a part of the validation process. However, when the business rules
are executed, if there are changes, then the record is saved. If the records are still identical even after rule
execution, then the record is suppressed.
When a termination record is deleted from the Job History UI, the system clears termination-specific fields,
end-date related fields as well as custom fields in Termination Information:
• OK to Rehire
• Regret Termination
• Attachment ID
• Eligible for Salary Continuation
• New Main Employment ID
• End Date
• Benefits End Date
• Payroll End Date
• Last Date Worked
• Bonus Pay Expiration Date
• Salary End Date
• Stock End Date
In systems with Position Management enabled, the system validates some data when the Job Information
History of an employee is changed or when there's a Job History Import using Centralized Services.
Related Information
With Centralized services enabled, data validations are enhanced to improve data quality.
• To ensure that the start date is not before the first Job Information Hire record.
• To ensure that active employees don't have inactive related users on the start date of the new Job
Relationships record, an error message is raised. To ensure that active employees don't have inactive
related users during the validity of the new Job Relationships record, a warning message is raised.
• To ensure that the start date as well as adding or deleting records can't be done together in one step. The
start date must be moved first and then the grid records can be changed afterwards.
With Centralized services enabled, data validations are enhanced to improve data quality.
All data validations are consistent in Imports, History UI, and MSS.
• When editing the history, audit fields are set for the recurring pay component only when a change is made
to that specific pay component (including rules and calculations).
• To ensure that the new effective start date cannot be after the end date.
• To ensure that moving the start date as well as adding or deleting records can't be done together in one
step. The start date must be moved first and then the grid records can be changed afterwards.
This means that you can still change the pay component value, frequency, and/or currency for the existing
pay components. but you will not be able to remove or add the same or another pay components.
Workflow Handling
With Centralized services, workflows are not supported on the History UI.
Related Information
With Centralized services enabled, data validations are enhanced to improve data quality.
When you edit a termination record and only change employment details, the system saves the changes only
for the employment details. There is no change to the Job Information record. This also means that no rules
with Job Information as the base object are triggered since there are no changes to Job Information.
Workflow Handling
• Workflow Triggers
If there are changes for both Employment Information and Job Information fields, the Employment
Information workflow configuration is used by the system to trigger the workflow. If no Employment
Information workflow configuration is found, then the system checks whether a Job Information workflow
configuration exists and uses that configuration to trigger the workflow. If only fields from Employment
Information are changed, then the system uses the Employment Information workflow configuration to
trigger the workflow. If only fields from Job Information are changed, then the system uses the Job
Information workflow configuration to trigger the workflow.
• Workflow Approvals, Updates, Resubmit
For a user with a terminated employment, the following Job Information fields are now displayed in the
workflow approval:
• Event reason
• Notes
• Attachments
If a user makes change to the above fields, once the workflow is approved, the Job Information record is
updated with all the changes (for Employment Information and Job Information fields).
The "last updated" by source information is now provided on records created or changed using business
processes or input channels running on Centralized services. For other changes, the information is not
available and the field is not shown on the UI.
For records saved using a process enabled on Centralized services, the system now shows through which
business process the last change was made, for example, imports or transferring direct reports. This source
information can help explain why records are created by a user who does not have direct permission for this
Last Modified source details are shown for the following records saved using Centralized services:
For records not saved using a process enabled on Centralized services, the system still shows which user last
made changes on which date.
With Centralized services enabled, there are a few changes to rule handling in the system for Job Information,
Job Relationships, and Compensation Information.
1. Job Information
2. Job Relationship
3. Compensation Information
4. Recurring Pay Component
If the rule is not for workflow or event reason derivation, the rules are processed in this order and then the
result is saved.
If an object is changed based on cross-entity rules, then onSave rules are not triggered for that object (unless
both objects are visible on the block such as Compensation Information and Recurring Pay Components).
If there are multiple entities in a workflow configuration rule, the preference is given to the workflow
configuration set on Job Information. If none is set on Job Information, then the system checks whether
a workflow configuration is set on Job Relationships. If none is set on Job Relationships, then the system
checks whether a workflow configuration is set on Compensation Information. If none is set on Compensation
Information, then the system checks whether a workflow configuration is set on Recurring Pay Components. If
none are assigned, then the system saves the data directly.
For Termination workflows, preference is always given to an Employment Information workflow configuration.
If no Employment Information workflow configuration is found, then the system checks whether a Job
Information workflow configuration exists and uses that configuration to trigger the workflow.
You can create rules that define the event reason according to what change is done to an employee’s data, so
that the system automatically selects the appropriate event reason. For transactions where the Save action in
enabled on Centralized services, no status changing event reasons can be derived for Job Information records.
These rules are for Job Information and Compensation Information only.
If you haven't enabled the Enable Business Rules for Event Reason Derivation Provisioning setting, the user has
to manually select the event-reason from the UI every time the user makes a change to the employee data that
is linked to an event. However, this is time-consuming and more error-prone.
System Behavior
In cases where both the Job Information and Compensation Information entities are processed on the
Manager Self Service (MSS) Take Action page, the event reason will be derived as follows:
1. The system tries to get the event reason set on the Job Information entity first. If it is set on the Job
Information entity, then the event reason is used.
2. If no event reason is set on Job Information, the system tries to derive the event reason set on the
Compensation Information entity. If it’s set, then the event reason is used.
3. If the system encounters a case where the event reason is neither set on the Job Information nor on the
Compensation Information entity, it raises an error message and this is displayed on the screen.
Create Function and Delete & Create Function (Recurring Pay Components)
• For rules that use the Create function to update an existing recurring pay component, the result is that the
recurring pay component is updated with the rule result. The values of any fields that are not filled explicitly
by the rule are taken from the existing record.
• For rules that use the Create function to create a new recurring pay component, the result is that the
recurring pay component is created.
• For rules that use the Delete and Create function to update an existing recurring pay component, the result
is that the recurring pay component is updated with the rule result. The values of any fields that are not
filled explicitly by the rule are taken from the existing record.
• For rules that use the Delete and Create function to create a new recurring pay component, the result is
that the recurring pay component is created.
• Note
The Delete function should only be used if the pay component should actually be deleted (meaning,
it should not exist after rule processing). The behavior of rules that first delete a pay component and
then create the same pay component is identical to that of rules that only create a pay component,
meaning that the Delete function is entirely unnecessary. We recommend removing this from the rule.
The Create function should be used if the pay component should always exist after rule processing.
The Set function can be used instead of the Create function to update fields in an existing pay
For more information, refer to Example Business Rules for Employee Central Compensation
Forward propagation means that a change in the value of a field in an object is also made (“propagated”) to
future records for the same object. The forward propagation of this field change stops as soon as one of the
future records has a field value maintained that is different than the original field value and does not stop at any
gap. Field forward propagation, however, stops at any gap between two existing records.
• MDF Objects
• Job Information
• Job Relationships
If you add new records with information that is the same as in the existing records, the effective-dated
records aren't updated.
The default language is propagated to fields such as job classification. This means that the logon language
is not taken into account.
There is a future change for an employee where they have a promotion consisting of a grade change already
entered into the system. They transfer into a new department 1 month before the promotion takes effect. The
change to the department should be made both before and after the date of the promotion.
There is a future change for an employee where they have a promotion due to a transfer to a new division and
department including a grade change already entered into the system. Their location stays the same. They are
then moved into a different department and their location changed as a part of an office reorganization 1 month
before the transfer/promotion takes effect. The change to the department and location should be made before
the promotion/transfer and the department change will stop correctly for the promotion/transfer however the
location change will continue to be propagated.
There is a future dated change where an employee is changing location and departments. The location is
changed 1 month before the department change takes effect. You should make the change to the location
before and after the transfer of the department, because it is not done by forward propagation.
Job Information
Forward propagation for Job Information is on by default in the system and cannot be switched off, except for
imports, APIs, and Off Cycle Event Batch job where it is optional.
Job Relationships
Forward propagation for Job Relationships is on by default in the system and cannot be switched off.
Related Information
Forward Propagation of Personal Information and Global Information on History UI [page 241]
Forward Propagation of Addresses on History UI [page 248]
Forward Propagation of Addresses on Editing UI [page 250]
Forward Propagation of Personal Information and Global Information on Editing UI [page 243]
Here is some additional information about the fields that are not forward propagated for Job Information.
Here is some additonal information about the fields that are not forward propagated for Job Relationships.
This section lists the deep links available for Employee Central.
A deep link is a direct link to a page, in which the URL contains all the information needed to go that page rather
than having to navigate to the page from the Home screen.
For more information, refer to the Deep Links guide on the SAP Help Portal.
/sf/employmentinfo Takes the user to the Employment Info selected_user(optional) = user sys id.
/sf/employeeupdate Takes the user to the Update Employee selected_user(optional) = user sys id.
Records page
/sf/personalInfo Takes the user to the Personal Info page selected_user(optional) = user sys id.
/sf/employeeterminate?selectques Takes the user to the Terminate/Retire selected_user(optional) = user sys id.
tion=essMssTerminateActionControl page
sf/timeoffworkbench Takes user to Time Off Workbench selected_user can be entered as a pa
rameter. If it is not, theWorkbench
or Administer Time is opened for the
logon user.
The link to a page to terminate a specific user may look like the following:
This section describes how to set up mobile use for Employee Central users.
You can access certain Employee Central features on your mobile device. Since HR data is private and personal,
the following features help ensure the security of the data:
For a list of all features available, refer to SAP SuccessFactors Mobile Features the guide on the SAP Help
There are pre-defined links that direct users straight to specific screens inside the mobile app, for example,
for approvals or access to SAP Jam.
To set up mobile devices for Time Off, see the Implementing Employee Central Time Off guide on the SAP
Help Portal.
1. Select which mobile functionality should be made available. In your instance, go to the Admin Center
Mobile Settings .
2. Select who will be allowed to use the mobile features and then grant them permission to do so. For more
information, refer to the Using Role-Based Permissions guide available on the SAP Help Portal.
3. Notify those users with permission about the available features using the Notification e-mail. Inform them
how to install and use on their device.
For more information about mobile set-up, refer to the Mobile Deployment Guide on the SAP Help Portal.
This section describes how to set up to-do items in Employee Central for your mobile device.
To-Do items are a way of notifying users that there are tasks waiting that they need to complete. For example, if
you are a manager, one of your To-Do items might include approving a job change or one-time bonus for one of
your direct reports.
Once you have performed all the registration, activation, and configuration steps, any Employee Central To Do
items requiring your attention appear in the Open To-Dos screen on your mobile device.
Supported Workflows
The following types of workflows are supported for your mobile device. This means that you can view the
activities related to them, as well as approved or declined.
Switch on Alternative Cost Distribution (ACD) in your Employee Central system in order to use it.
You have to set up generic objects, since alternative cost distribution is a generic object.
In the object definition for both Alternative Cost Distribution and Alternative Cost Distribution Item, in the
Security section, the Secured field must be set to Yes and the Permission Category set to Miscellaneous.
Once the object definition is updated, the permissions must be set in Manage Permission Roles User
Permissions Miscellaneous Permissions .
We recommend using secured objects. However, if you choose not to use secured objects, then you must
set the Manage Permission Roles Admin Permissions Metadata Framework Access to non-secured
objects .
For more information, refer to the Generic Object section of the Implementing Employee Central Core guide on
the SAP Help Portal.
You can access full information about Alternative Cost Distribution by selecting the question mark (?) icon
next to the Cost Distribution switch.
3. Save your settings.
Enable cost centers for non-recurring pay components, independent of whether Alternative Cost Distribution is
enabled in the system. This allows you to assign a cost center other than the one an employee is assigned to,
for example, for a spot bonus.
Ensure that the miscellaneous permissions have been granted in the object definition and that the block is
3. In the What changes are you proposing for (employee name)? screen, select Take Action Manage
Alternative Cost Distribution .
To avoid errors in the People Profile, configure the Alternative Cost Distribution block as a Live Profile MDF
Information custom block with MDF Screen ID EmpCostDistributionUI .
In the Custom Blocks section, the Live Profile MDF Information appears.
5. Drag the Live Profile MDF Information block over to the Alternative Cost Distribution row and drop it in.
6. Add the MDF Screen ID, which is EmpCostDistributionUI.
You must use this screen ID, otherwise the configuration will not work.
Add custom fields to the Configuration UI for Alternative Cost Distribution where needed.
Since this UI is a delivered by SAP SuccessFactors, if it becomes corrupt, it is possible to reset the whole
configuration to the original standard settings. You do this by clicking Delete. This only resets the UI rather
than deleting it from your system. This only works because this specific screen is delivered by SAP. Do not
try this trick with other screens in the system!
For more information about custom fields, refer to the Implementing the Metadata Framework guide on
the SAP Help Portal.
2. In the Manage Configuration UI screen, in the Id field, find the EmpCostDistrbutionUI with Alternative Cost
Distribution as the base object.
We recommend that custom fields only be added to the EmpCostDistrbutionUI, rather than to another
custom UI.
Next Steps
Once you have created the new fields, you can check them in the UI and add the required data for employees.
Go to an employee where you need to change the data. In the What changes are you proposing for (employee
name)? screen, select Take Action Manage Alternative Cost Distribution . Enter the new field as required
and save your entries.
Alternative cost distribution is a generic object, so here's how you can import data for it:
For more information about data imports, refer to the Implementing the Metadata Framework guide on the
SAP Help Portal.
a. You can find the downloaded templates by going to the Admin Center Monitor Jobs .
b. Select Download Status for each of the files, and open the CSV files.
c. Make your entries in the CSV files.
d. Save your changes.
3. Import the data.
a. To import your changed CSV files, go to the Admin Center Import Data .
b. On the Import and Export Data page, select Import Data as the action to perform.
c. Select CSV File.
d. In the File field, select the corresponding file templates. Make sure you first upload the changes done
to the Alternative Cost Distribution file, then the changes done to the Alternative Cost Distribution
Item-Alternative Cost Distribution file.
e. Select Validate first to check the file for any formatting errors.
f. If the file is valid, select Import.
Here's a look at some issues you might encounter when using Alternative Cost Distribution.
In Employee Central, a data purge job may fail for several reasons. One reason may be that the user being
purged has Employee Central data that the user performing/approving the purge does not have access to, for
example, Alternative Cost Distribution.
To resolve such cases, go to Manage Data and delete this additional data for the employee before submitting
the purge.
The user performing the purge must have create/change/delete permissions for the Change Log for Data
Replication MDF Object.
No Permission Error
When you try to delete an Alternative Cost Distribution record, you receive the error "No permission to create
object!" You might receive this in the Alternative Cost Distribution block or in the Manage Data screen. This may
happen if Payroll Integration is enabled in your system. To keep the payroll system aligned when alternative
cost distribution records are deleted, a Change Log for Data Replication is created by the system. If the user
doesn't have permission to create or change this log, then they will get the permission error.
• Grant the user create/change/delete permissions for the Change Log for Data Replication MDF Object.
• Find a user with existing permissions for the MDF object and then delete the Alternative Cost Distribution
Some features and functionality included in earlier releases are no longer needed or are no longer supported
in the new release. The following sections describe features that are retired and the support for which will be
For new customers, the old HRIS-based Direct Deposit or Payment Information (handled by the HRIS elements
directDeposit and paymentInfo) is no longer supported. You must use the new MDF-based Payment
For more information about the new MDF-based Payment Information, refer to the SAP SuccessFactors
Employee Central Implement Implementing and Configuring Payment Information guide on the SAP Help
As of the Q1 2019 release, the HRIS Propagation Configuration XML template is deprecated in your system.
This means that you can no longer use XML-based propagation rules in the Succession Data Model to have
the system automatically fill in fields in employment data from foundation objects. From now on, business
rules must be used for this purpose. Existing rules in XML will be translated into onChange business rules
and automatically migrated for you. For each object, one business rule will be created. All the migrated rules
will start with the prefix migratedRule to make it easier to review and/or edit the rule. If there were multiple
XML rules, then the business rule will contain multiple THEN (Set) conditions for non-country/region-specific
rules or multiple THEN and ELSE IF conditions for country/region-specific rules. The new business rules will be
automatically assigned to the respective HRIS objects in the system and can be found both in the data model
and the Business Configuration UI.
From now on, any changes to HRIS propagation behavior have to be managed by business rules (either by
changing the migrated objects or creating new rules).
SAP SuccessFactors is making this change to give admins more flexibility in the system. Propagation rules are
now available in the admin tools for you to adjust as needed. You no longer need to submit support tickets to
adjust the xml.
We recommend that customers perform spot testing in all instances to validate the migration. If any issues are
found, please contact Product Support. In case the migration is not successful, the existing propagations will
continue to work until SAP SuccessFactors successfully migrates them. The Provisioning option to upload the
XML is available only to fix any migration issues and this will be removed in a future release.
Here are some examples of migrated propagation rules for Job Classification.
The rule will be triggered when the standard hour field in Job Information changes. It is also added as onInit
rule to Job Information to calculate FTE in new hires.
With the 2H 2022 release, event reason derivation is only possible using business rules for Job Information and
Compensation Information.
The following sections on XML Event Reason are no longer relevant. However, they have been retained for
reference purpose only.
Additional Information
In previous releases, XML event reason derivation was migrated to business rules. Using the Upgrade Center,
a business rule was created under a new rule scenario for Job Information and Compensation Information
objects respectively. All the migrated rules start with the postfix 'migrated_rule'.
The new business rules are automatically assigned to the respective HRIS objects in the system. You can find
them in your in your Succession Data Model or on the Business Configuration UI page.
The placement of the migrated rule is always at the bottom of the list of rules attached to an HRIS element.
This order must always be maintained. However, if you have rules for triggering workflows, they must be
placed after the migrated rule.
• The removal of the legacy Enable youCalc rules engine for HRIS switch.
• Decoupling of two switches, Enable Business Rules for Workflow Derivation and Enable Business Rules for
Event Reason Derivation. This means:
• If Enable Business Rules for Workflow Derivation is enabled, workflows are derived using business rules.
Otherwise, workflow derivation happens from the XML model.
• If Enable Business Rules for Event Reason Derivation is enabled, event reasons are derived using
business rules. Otherwise, event reason derivation is disabled.
As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact
your implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product
It is highly recommended that you test and validate the migration in your Preview environment before
upgrading in Production. If you face any issues, please contact Product Support.
Use Cases
Compensation Information
Use Case No. XML Rules Job Information Event Reason Event Reason
1 J1 J1 J1
2 C2 C2 C2
3 R3 R3 R3
7 D7 D7 D7
• J – Job Information
• C- Compensation Information
• R- Job Relationship
• JR – Job Information and Job Relationship
• CR – Compensation Information and Job Relationship
• JC – Job Information and Compensation Information
• D – Default or Catch all
In all the use cases, ensure that there is the primary condition to check if the existing event reason value is
null or blank.
XML Rule:
Sample Code
<rule id="rule-PT1">
id="" inverse="true"/>
id="jobInfo.position" value="" inverse="true"/>
id="jobInfo.cost-center" value="63000" />
XML Rule:
Sample Code
<rule id="rule-7">
id="compInfo.benefits-rate" inverse = "true"/>
Use Case 3: Deriving the event reason based on the Job Relationship information of an employee.
XML Rule:
Sample Code
<rule id="rule-090">
<equal id=" manager"
inverse = "true"/>
Use Case 4: Deriving the event reason based on the Job Information and Job Relationship of an employee.
XML Rule:
Sample Code
<rule id="rule-090">
<equal id="" inverse="true"/>
<equal id=" manager"
inverse = "true"/>
Use Case 5: Deriving the event reason based on the Compensation Information and Job Relationship of an
XML Rule:
Sample Code
<rule id="rule-090">
<equal id="compInfo.benefits-rate" inverse = "true"/>
<equal id=" manager"
inverse = "true"/>
Use Case 6: Deriving the event reason based on the Job Information and Compensation Information of an
XML Rule:
Sample Code
<rule id="rule-6">
id="payComponentGroup.AnnualizedSalary" />
Use Case 7: Deriving the event reason based on any data change.
XML Rule:
Sample Code
<rule id="rule-23">
<!-- Catch all-->
Related Information
Learn about changes to the documentation for Implementing Employee Central Core.
2H 2022
Changed We updated the information about for Forward Propagation in Job Informa
ward propagation in Job Information. tion and Job Relationships [page 291]
New Content from the Implementing Alterna Enabling Alternative Cost Distribution
tive Cost Distribution Guide is now avail [page 299]
able in the Implementing Employee Cen
tral Core Guide.
New You can now enable Centralized services Centralized Services in Employee Cen
for saving changes in the Manager Self-
tral [page 272]
Service UI for the following entities:
Rule Handling with Manager Self-Serv
• Job Information
ice [page 289]
• Job Relationships
• Compensation Information
• Termination
New Centralized services now support saving Centralized Services in Employee Cen
changes on the UI of non-recurring pay tral [page 272]
component information.
New Added new rule scenarios for HRIS ele Rule Scenarios for Employee Central
ments and Foundation Objects Core [page 176]
Changed Saving changes on the Editing UI of Per Centralized Services in Employee Cen
sonal Information, Global Information, tral [page 272]
Addresses, and National ID is universally
supported by Centralized services and
requires no settings.
Changed We added information about the Check Validations for Foundation Objects, Ge
Tool checks.
neric Objects, Associations, and Pick
lists [page 82]
Changed We updated the information for the fol Special Handling for Syncing Fields
lowing: [page 226]
Changed We added information about syncing job Fields Hard-Coded for Syncing [page
relationships for future hires. 205]
Changed We have moved the Change History to Employee Central Overview [page 7]
the end of the guide.
Changed We added information about how to set Permissions for Personal Information
entity-level permissions for Personal In and Addresses Blocks [page 254]
formation, Global Information, and Ad
1H 2022
New You can now enable Centralized services Centralized Services in Employee Cen
for saving changes on the History UI of
tral [page 272]
Compensation Information.
Data Validation for Compensation In
formation and Recurring Pay Compo
nents (MSS and History UI) [page 287]
New Centralized services for saving changes Centralized Services in Employee Cen
on the History UI of Job Information now
tral [page 272]
supports Time Off and saving contingent
worker records. Data Validation for Job Information
(MSS and History UI) [page 284]
New You can now enable Centralized services Centralized Services in Employee Cen
for saving changes on the Editing UI of
tral [page 272]
Personal and Global Information.
Forward Propagation of Personal Infor
mation and Global Information on Edit
ing UI [page 243]
New You can now enable Centralized services Centralized Services in Employee Cen
for saving changes on the Editing UI of
tral [page 272]
Forward Propagation of Addresses on
Editing UI [page 250]
New You can now enable Centralized services Centralized Services in Employee Cen
for saving changes on the Editing UI of tral [page 272]
National ID.
New You can now enable Centralized services Centralized Services in Employee Cen
for saving changes on the Editing UI
tral [page 272]
of Employment Information.Centralized
services is enabled for saving changes System Behavior for Editing UI of Em
on the History UI of Personal Informa ployment Details [page 288]
tion and Global Information.
New You now have the option to show the Configuring the Internal Job History
block description below the block title. Block [page 32]
Added We added information about the new Deep Links in Employee Central [page
deep links for the leave payout and pur 295]
chase leave features in Employee Cen
tral Time Off.
Added We added information about the per Employee Data - HR Information [page
missions for the <isTemporary> and 40]
<temporary-id> fields.
Changed We updated the information about how User ID Generation [page 35]
user IDs are generated in the system.
The system default is now based on a
database sequence.
Changed Updated the table about the API rule Adding Contexts for Business Rules
context. [page 178]
Added Added the list of options that can be se Common Problems for Business Rules
lected to set the visibility of a field using in Employee Central [page 162]
business rules.
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