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United Republic of Tanzania: National Adaptation Programme of Action (Napa)

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Division of Environment, January 2007


LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................................................................... III

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................................................ III
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.............................................................................................................................................IV
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................................................VII
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...............................................................................................................................................VIII

1. 0 INTRODUCTION & SETTING........................................................................................................................... 1

1.1. COUNTRY BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................................1
1.2 GENERAL OVERVIEW OF NAPA DEVELOPMENT IN TANZANIA ......................................................................1
1.3 THE NAPA VISION ............................................................................................................................2
1.4 OBJECTIVES OF NAPA .......................................................................................................................2
1.5 THE NAPA PROCESS:........................................................................................................................2
1.5.1 Guiding Principles:.....................................................................................................................3
1.5.2 Criteria for Selecting Priority Project Activities ..............................................................................4
2.0 DEVELOPMENT LINKS OF NAPA .................................................................................................................. 4
3.0 VULNERABILITY TO CLIMATE CHANGE AND SECTORAL ANALYSIS ..................................................... 5
3.1. AGRICULTURE...................................................................................................................................6
3.2. WATER............................................................................................................................................7
3.3 HEALTH ...........................................................................................................................................8
3.4 FORESTRY AND WETLANDS .................................................................................................................8
3.5 ENERGY ........................................................................................................................................10
3.6 COASTAL AND MARINE RESOURCES ....................................................................................................11
3.7 WILDLIFE .......................................................................................................................................12
3.8 TOURISM .......................................................................................................................................12
3.9 INDUSTRY ......................................................................................................................................13
3.10 OTHER ASSESSMENT OF VULNERABILITY AND ADAPTATION IN TANZANIA ....................................................13
4.0 CLIMATE AND ITS TREND IN TANZANIA.................................................................................................... 14
4.1 RAINFALL PATTERN ........................................................................................................................14
4.2 TEMPERATURE PATTERN ..................................................................................................................17
5.0. POTENTIAL BARRIERS TO IMPLEMENTATION......................................................................................... 20
6.0 ADAPTATION STRATEGIES AND PRIORITIZATION .................................................................................. 20
6.1 RANKING OF SECTORS .....................................................................................................................33
6.2 RANKING OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES .......................................................................................................34
6.3 PROPOSED TOP MOST URGENT AND IMMEDIATE PROJECTS ......................................................................37
7.0 PRIORITY PROJECT PROFILES .................................................................................................................. 38
8.0 THE PROCESS OF DEVELOPING NAPA..................................................................................................... 51
9.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................ 52


Figure 1: Changes in vegetation cover at Mt. Kilimanjaro......................................................... 10

Figure 5a&b: Extreme Maximum and Minimum Temperatures in Tanzania................................ 18
Figure 6: Trend of monthly minimum temperatures at Morogoro Meteorological station .............. 19
Figure 7: Trend of monthly minimum temperatures at Bukoba Meteorological station ................. 19


Table 1: Tanzania Agro ecological zones ................................................................................. 6

Table 2: Livestock Carrying capacity for selected regions .......................................................... 7
Table 3: Human Health Hazards reported at Village, District and National Levels......................... 8
Table 4: Predicted changes in forests ...................................................................................... 9
Table 5: Major causes of Hazards at village and district level ................................................... 14


CBD Convention on Biological Diversity

INC Initial National Communication
LDCs Least Developed Countries
MDGs Millennium Development Goals
NAP National Action Plan to Combat Desertification
NAPA National Adaptation Programme of Action
NBSAP National Biodiversity Strategy and Action
NEAP National Environmental Action Plan
NEP National Environmental Policy
NFP National Forestry Policy
NSGRP National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty
PMO Prime Minister’s Office
TMA Tanzania Meteorological Agency
UNCCD United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
VAR Vulnerability Assessment Report


Climate change is now a global issue posing challenges to the very survival of mankind and
sustainable development. The adverse impacts of climate change are now evident almost
everywhere. Climate change poses a serious risk to poverty reduction efforts and threatens to
undo decades of development efforts. It is widely accepted that the impacts of climate change are,
and will continue to be more pronounced in poor countries. These countries have contributed the
least to the problem and are the ones least able to cope with the impacts.

Tanzania’s economic base is dependent on the use of natural resources, rain-fed agriculture and
biomass for household energy. The economy is highly vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate
change and to extreme weather events. The impacts are already vivid. Through the NAPA
preparation process, recent temperature measurements from 21 meteorological stations in the
country have shown a steady increase in temperature for the past 30 years. Due to the increasing
temperatures, the adverse impacts are now felt in all sectors of the economy and are threatening
human life. Severe and recurrent droughts in the past few years have triggered the recent
devastating power crisis. The extreme drop of water levels of Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika and
Lake Jipe in recent years and the dramatic recession of 7km of Lake Rukwa in about 50 years, are
associated, at least in part, with climate change, and are threatening economic and social
activities. Eighty per cent of the glacier on Mount Kilimanjaro has been lost since 1912 and it is
projected that the entire glacier will be gone by 2025. The intrusion of sea water into water wells
along the coast of Bagamoyo town and the inundation of Maziwe Island in Pangani District, off the
Indian Ocean shores, are yet another evidence of the threats of climate change.

These impacts have already affected not only the local communities but also economic
development. In 2005 the GDP was targeted to grow by 6.9% but it grew by 6.8%. This was
attributed to severe drought that affected most parts of the country, triggering food shortage and
power crisis. An economic survey conducted in 2005 showed that the agricultural sector (which is
the main economic stay of the country) grew by only 5.2% compared to 5.8% growth in 2004 and
this was again attributed to the prolonged drought in 2005/2006. Recent surveys indicate that
malaria (a climate-related disease) prevalence has been reported to occur in areas where it

was not commonly found in previous decades such as some parts of Kagera region on the shores
of Lake Victoria with an estimated altitude of about 2,500m above sea level as well as Lushoto and
Amani in Tanga region which are part of the East Usambara Mountain Ranges along the North-
East coast of the country.

Climate change is thus poised to undermine national efforts to attain the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs) and places poverty reduction efforts in jeopardy. The loss of human, natural,
financial, social and physical capital, caused by the adverse impacts of climate change, especially
severe droughts and floods, among many other disasters, are indeed of great concern to Tanzania.

The impacts of climate change on sectors such as agriculture, water, health, energy and others
have been the driving force for the preparation of the Tanzania National Adaptation Programme of
Action (NAPA). After two years of comprehensive information and data collection and analysis as
well as wide consultations, Tanzania’s NAPA preparation project has been finalized. This
document has been prepared with the primary objective of identifying and promoting activities that
address urgent and immediate needs for adapting to the adverse impacts of climate change. The
focus of this work has been on adaptation needs in the agriculture, water, energy, health and
forestry sectors. While we understand the importance of a comprehensive analysis covering all
sectors, financial constraints has necessitated the restriction of this work to these sectors only.

NAPA forms a basis for support not only from the LDC Fund under the UNFCCC as required, but
also from the international community at large. It is with great pleasure that Tanzania submits this
document to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for
funding, realizing the urgency and immediacy of addressing the adverse impacts of climate
change. It is my sincere hope that many other development partners will find this document useful
and use it to assist Tanzania to implement the identified priority adaptation needs with the urgency
they deserve.

Hon. Prof. Mark J. Mwandosya (MP)



The United Republic of Tanzania is one of the countries that are continuing to suffer from the
impacts of climate change and related hazards such as floods and droughts, which have
substantially affected economic performance and undermined poverty reduction efforts. The
2004/05 drought and subsequent poor crop yield in many parts of the country have negatively
impacted on Tanzania’s efforts to address poverty and ensure food security and has led to severe
power shortage. In order to reduce such impacts, appropriate plans and programmes that
constitute the local community adaptation strategies are required at both local and national levels.
The preparation of the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) is thus a timely and
essential opportunity for Tanzania to enhance her ability to deal with climate change.

The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania takes this opportunity to convey its gratitude
to the Global Environment Facility (GEF) for providing financial support through the United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP). In particular special gratitude go to Liza Lerclec, Task Manager,
Adaptation to Climate Change, Division of GEF, UNEP for her technical guidance during the
preparation of the project proposal and finalization of the Programme. Special thanks also go to the
Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) and the UNFCCC Secretariat for their valuable
contribution to this work.

Lastly, I thank my colleagues in the Division of Environment, the Director of Environment Mr. E.K.
Mugurusi, the Coordinator of this process Mr. R.S. Muyungi and the National NAPA Team for the
efforts and dedication that has made this work possible.

Ruth H. Mollel


Tanzania National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) preparation has been a timely
opportunity to look at the country’s climate change related vulnerabilities in various sectors which
are important for the economy. Tanzania NAPA document is informed by the aspirations of
National Development Vision 2025 for high and shared growth, quality livelihood, peace, stability
and unity, good governance, high quality education and global competitiveness. Since Tanzania’s
economy is largely dependent on agriculture, it is deemed that sustainable development can be
achieved when strategic actions, both short term and long term are put in place to address climate
change impacts on agriculture and other key economic sectors. The process of NAPA preparation
involved looking at the effects of climate change as a threat mainly to the agrarian population that
still depends on subsistence agriculture for their daily livelihood. The past trend on droughts and
floods; and recent poor harvest in 2005 which caused hunger in most parts of the country and
disappearance of the ice cap at Mount Kilimanjaro is now more than ever imminent evidence of
climate change due to evident temperature increases caused by global warming. The frequency of
extreme weather events such as El Nino floods in 1997/98 and the recent drought are few but
important reminders of the deadly effects of climate change to Tanzania. In this context, the
Tanzania NAPA identifies priority areas in various sectors, and further prioritizes project activities in
those sectors. These activities need immediate and urgent actions for the country to adapt to such
climate change effects on a short term basis as well as putting in place mechanisms for addressing
long-term adaptation initiatives.

Tanzania NAPA has been prepared as part of the overall integrated plans, policies, and programs
for sustainable development at national level. The process not only adhered very closely to the
Annotated Guidelines agreed at the conference of the Parties in 2001 and elaborated by the LDC
Expert Group, but also was conducted in a transparent and participatory manner. The process
started with the formation of a team of experts which composed the NAPA Team. Then the team
undertook climate change vulnerabilities assessment across key sectors clustered in seven
working groups (Agriculture, Energy, Forestry and Wetlands, Health, Human Settlements, Coastal
and marine and fresh water resources). A total of 20 team members were involved in undertaking
the consultations at various stages. After identification of vulnerabilities in each sector, key
adaptation options and strategies that would best address those vulnerabilities were developed.
The consultations were undertaken at national, regional as well as district levels. The consultations
allowed for exchange of information on climate change hazards and created an opportunity for the
NAPA Team to learn and gain insight on the sector specific hazards and adaptation techniques
that were translated into proposed project activities. Furthermore, the invaluable stakeholder
consultations at grassroots level helped to prioritize the fourteen top most possible adaptation
activities that would address the country’s most urgent needs from all sectors.

Initially, 72 project activities were proposed with a breakdown of 11 in agriculture sector; while
water, energy, forestry, health and wildlife sectors had 7 project activities each. Industry and
coastal and marine resources sectors had 6 project activities each; human settlements had 9 and
finally, tourism had 5. Using a list of agreed criteria that best suits Tanzania conditions and local
environment, these were later narrowed down into 14 priority project activities. These are the most
effective and efficient ways to cope with and benefit from the impacts of climate change. The
project activities were further ranked in accordance with their importance regarding impacts on

poverty reduction and health, reliability, replicability of the technique and sustainability. In the final
analysis, the 14 selected projects activities are:

1) Water efficiency in crop production irrigation to boost production and conserve water in all
2) Alternative farming systems and water harvesting
3) Develop alternative water storage programs and technology for communities
4) Community based catchments conservation and management programs
5) Explore and invest in alternative clean energy sources e.g. Wind, Solar, bio-diesel, etc. to
compensate for lost hydro potential
6) Promotion of application of cogeneration in the industry sector for lost hydro potential
7) Afforestation programmes in degraded lands using more adaptive and fast growing tree
8) Develop community forest fire prevention plans and programmes
9) Establishing and Strengthening community awareness programmes on preventable major
health hazards
10) Implement sustainable tourism activities in the coastal areas and relocation of vulnerable
communities from low-lying areas.
11) Enhance wildlife extension services and assistance to rural communities in managing
wildlife resources
12) Water harvesting and recycling
13) Construction of artificial structures, e.g., sea walls, artificially placing sand on the beaches
and coastal drain beach management system
14) Establish good land tenure system and facilitate sustainable human settlements

The proposed project activities form the basis of required financial and technical assistance from
national level as well as the international community. Given the current subsistence farming and
status of natural resources which the large community depend on for their daily livelihoods,
delaying the implementation of these projects will further negatively affect development in health
care and nutrition, life expectancy, primary education, improvement in agriculture and livestock
development, roads and communication infrastructure, which are top agenda of the fourth phase of
the Tanzanian government.

In order to implement those projects, the relevant key sectors in collaboration with the Vice
President’s Office will be the main custodian of the NAPA while project activities will be
implemented by relevant sectors local communities. However, this NAPA program is not perceived
as an end product but a living document that will need to be updated from time to time in order to
adapt to the changing environmental conditions of the country.


1.1. Country Background

The United Republic of Tanzania is the largest country in the East Africa. It is located between 1 degrees
South and 12 degrees South latitude and 30 degrees East and 40 degrees east. It is constituted by
Mainland Tanzania and Tanzania Zanzibar. It is a vast country with a total area of 945,087 Sq. km
comprised of land area of 883,749 sq. km (881,289sq.km mainland and 2,460sq.km Zanzibar), plus
59,050 sq. km inland water bodies (URT, 2002a). It shares borders with eight countries. Its neighbours
include Kenya and Uganda in the North, Rwanda, Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo in the
West, Zambia and Malawi in the South West and Mozambique in the South. [Figure 1`- Political Map of
Tanzania] Mainland Tanzania borders the main water bodies of Africa. To the east is the Indian Ocean, to
the north Lake Victoria, to the west Lake Tanganyika and to the south-west Lake Nyasa. Mainland
Tanzania also has the highest point in Africa. The snow caped Mount Kilimanjaro is 5,950 metres high.

Based on the 2002 Population and Housing Census, the country was reported to have about 34,569, 232
people: 33,584,607 from mainland Tanzania and 984,625 from Zanzibar with an annual average
intercensal growth rate (1988 – 2002) of 2.9 (URT, 2002b). By 2005 the country has about 36.2 million
people (17.7 million people were males and 18.5 million people were females).

Agriculture (including livestock) is the dominant sector in Tanzanian economy, providing livelihood,
income and employment to over 80% of the population and it accounted for 56 percent of GDP and about
60 percent of export earnings in the past three years making a significant contribution to the National
GDP compared to other sectors. It is the main source of employment and livelihood for more than two-
thirds of the Tanzanian population. It is an important economic sector in terms of food production,
employment generation, production of raw materials for industries and generation of foreign exchange.
The Gross Domestic Product in real terms grew by 6.8 percent in 2005, compared to 6.7 percent in 2004,
however this was lower than the targeted growth of 6.9% and the drop was attributed to severe drought
which affected most parts of the country in the last quarter of last year leading to severe food shortages,
food insecurity and hunger.

1.2 General Overview of NAPA development in Tanzania

Tanzania National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) document is informed by the aspirations
National Development Vision 2025 for high and shared growth, quality livelihood, peace, stability and
unity, good governance, high quality education and international competitiveness. Since Tanzania’s
economy is largely dependent on agriculture, it is deemed that sustainable development can only be
achieved when strategic actions, both short term and long term are put in place to address climate
change impacts on agriculture and other key economic sectors.

NAPA identifies climate change related vulnerabilities of key economic sectors, which form basis of the
livelihood of the rural community and backbone of the national development and prosperity. Thus
information in NAPA is a concise disc, action oriented towards priority on the ground activities.

1.3 The NAPA Vision
The overall vision of Tanzania’s NAPA is to identify immediate and urgent Climate Change Adaptation
Actions that are robust enough to lead to long-term sustainable development in a changing climate. It will
also identify climate change adaptation activities that most effectively reduce the risks that a changing
climate poses to sustainable development.

1.4 Objectives of NAPA

The main objectives of NAPA are:
i. To identify and develop immediate and urgent NAPA activities to adapt to climate change and
climate variability;
ii. To protect life and livelihoods of the people, infrastructure, biodiversity and environment;
iii. To mainstream adaptation activities into national and sectoral development policies and
strategies, development goals, visions and objectives;
iv. Increase public awareness to climate change impacts and adaptation activities in communities,
civil society and government officials;
v. To assist communities to improve and sustain human and technological capacity for
environmentally friendly exploitation of natural resources in a more sustainable way in a
changing climate;
vi. To complement national and community development activities which are hampered by adverse
effects of climate change; and
vii. To create a long-term sustainable livelihood and development activities at both community and
national level in a changing climatic conditions.

1.5 The NAPA Process:

The NAPA process was based on consultation with sectors and literature review. However a number of
consultations were done at community level especially the farmers in some parts of the country mainly to
verify and concretize the information from the sectors. In this regard, NAPA team members were able to
obtain communities’ perception and views regarding the adverse impacts of climate change on
sustainable rural livelihoods and a range of coping and adaptation measures that have evolved through
the use of indigenous knowledge and modern science and technology initiatives. In the final analysis,
through this consultative process a large number of people participated in the development of this NAPA
document and are aware of what the project intends to do and achieve for vulnerable rural communities.

Cognizant of the adverse impacts of natural disasters and calamities such as floods, droughts, landslides
and insect pests outbreak to the economy of Tanzania, the government created a Disaster management
Department to deal with these issues. This highlights the importance that the Government attaches to
initiatives aimed at dealing with climate-related disasters and calamities among the most vulnerable
communities in rural areas. Thus, the NAPA report is actually addressing the priority needs of all
Tanzanians, especially in the needs of rural communities, and complementing existing government

The NAPA preparatory process involved the participation of many stakeholders. The multi-disciplinary
team used participatory approaches to ensure that national plans and strategies are integrated in the
document. This approach ensured that the NAPA document was developed in a transparent and
participatory manner, a feature that would further ensure that the proposed activities are implemented
and adopted by target vulnerable communities.

1.5.1 Guiding Principles:
In line with annotated guidelines for the preparation of NAPA (LEG, 2002), Tanzania NAPA preparation
process was guided by the following principles:-

a) A Participatory process:

Tanzania being a large country, a sectoral participatory approach was employed during
consultation exercise. The process started by establishment of a muti-disciplinary and multi-
sectoral NAPA team. This was important to ensure that all the relevant sectors participate in the
process. Consultations were done which involved the participation of various stakeholders from
the public and private sector organizations, such as government ministries and departments, the
academic and research institution, NGOs and Media. The main objective of the consultative
process was to publicize the project activities, and solicit inputs and feedback from all
stakeholders, including rural communities who will be involved in project implementation.

b) Multidisciplinary approach

This was taken into account in the formation of a NAPA team. The NAPA team comprised of
experts from various government institutions (Ministries, Universities, Agencies, etc) and private
institutions and NGOs.

c) Complementary Approach at all levels

The NAPA complements other existing national programmes including National Strategy for
Growth and Reduction of Poverty, Agricultural Sector Development Strategy (ASDS), Rural
Development Strategy, National Action Plan to Combat Desertification (NAP) and National
Biological Diversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP).

d) Sustainable development

The project activities that will enhance sustainable development were given a great consideration
during preparation of Tanzania NAPA Framework.

e) Country-Driven Approach

Since Tanzania is party to a number of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), the

NAPA Framework has been designed to suit the needs of Tanzanians to combat local and global
impacts of climate change. Sound Environmental management

The NAPA Framework has been formulated strategically to be inline with the Environmental
Management Act, 2004, which came into force on July 1, 2005.

f) Cost-effectiveness

NAPA has taken into consideration the feasibility and implementation costs, based on past and
ongoing projects, strategies and plans, e.g. tree planting projects, impregnated mosquito nets
programmes, etc.

g) Simplicity

NAPA process is intended to create simple and sustainable activities that are appealing to
communities, which will be recipients of the project-based activities.

i) Flexibility

NAPA framework allows for the implementation of the activities by private sector as well as
NGOs, CBOs, individuals and government institutions.

1.5.2 Criteria for Selecting Priority Project Activities

The following criteria were and are expected to be the basis for the ranking:-
- Level or degree of adverse effects of climate change;
- Poverty reduction to enhance adaptive capacity;
- Cost effectiveness;
- Improvement of the livelihood of the rural communities;
- Vulnerable groups in the communities, e.g. the rural poor;
- Cost of the project;
- Complementality to national goals and objectives; and
- Locally driven criteria (country driven).
The overriding principle was the immediate and urgent needs that was disclosed and/or argued by


NAPA is linked with other national development policies, goals, objectives, plans, strategies and
programme and supports/complements strategies and programmes of other multilateral environmental
agreements that Tanzania is Party. These include: the United Nations Convention to Combat
Desertification (UNCCD), United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary
Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, Vienna Convention on the Protection of Ozone
Layer and Montréal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone layer, among others. A number of
strategies and action plans related to some of these conventions are in place. These encompass the
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), the National Action Programme (NAP), and the
National Biosafety Framework (NBF). Indeed, the NAP provides useful information for development of

Other relevant strategies and action plans relevant to the NAPA development include the Rural
Development Strategy, the Agriculture Sector Development Strategy, and Local Government Reform
Strategy (to implement the 1999 Local Government Act – which re- created the concept of
decentralisation by devolution). More important, the government has recently adopted the National
Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty- NSGRP (MKUKUTA in Kiswahili), which is a second
national organizing framework for putting the focus on poverty reduction high on the country’s
development agenda. The NSGRP /MKUKUTA strives to widen the space for country economic
ownership and effective participation of civil society, private sector development and fruitful local and

external partnerships in development and commitment to regional and other international initiatives for
social and economic development.

The NSGRP builds on the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRS(P)) (2000/01-02/03), the PRS
Review, the Medium Term Plan for Growth and Poverty Reduction and the Tanzania Mini-Tiger Plan
2020 (TMTP2020) that emphasize the growth momentum to fast-track the targets of Vision 2025. The
NSGRP is expected to last 5 years, i.e. from 2005/06 to 2009/10. The end point of the strategy coincides
with the targets of the National Poverty Eradication Strategy (NPES - 2010); it is two thirds of the way
towards the MDGs (2015) and 15 years towards the targets of Vision 2025. All these development
strategies conforms well with the commitment of the Fourth Phase of the government which has strongly
committed itself towards stable economic development and better life to every Tanzanian thereby
reducing vulnerability to the adverse impacts of climate change and other stresses. The government has
been creating enabling environment that will speed up the implementation of these development
strategies in order to realize the intended goals.

Furthermore, the National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) of 1994 led to formulation of National
Environmental Policy (NEP) in 1997. The NEP provides a framework for mainstreaming environmental
considerations into the decision making process in Tanzania. Though NEP does not pay explicit attention
to climate change, the primary environmental issues brought forward include many of the concerns that
would be addressed by non-regrets climate change adaptation measures. In particular, the NEP
highlights the importance of integrating environmental management in several sectoral programmes and
policies. In addition, National Forestry Policy (NFP), 1998 which is a review of the 1953 version, gives no
direct reference to climate change despite the vulnerability of Tanzanian forests to changed climatic
conditions. One of the main objectives of the NFP is to ensure ecosystems stability through conservation
of forest biodiversity, water catchments, and soil fertility. The policy states that new forest reserve for
conservation will be established in areas of high biodiversity value and that biodiversity conservation and
management will be included in the management plans for all protected forests.


The adverse impacts of Climate Change are already having their toll in the livelihoods of people and in
the sectors of the economy in the country. Frequent and severe droughts in many parts of the country are
being felt with their associated consequences on food production and water scarcity among others. The
recent severe droughts which hit most parts of the country leading to severe food shortages, food
insecurity, water scarcity, hunger and acute shortage of power signify the vulnerability of the country to
impacts of climate change.

Predictions show that the mean daily temperature will rise by 30C – 50C throughout the country and the
mean annual temperature by 20C – 40C. There will also be an increase in rainfall in some parts while
other parts will experience decreased rainfall. Predictions further show that areas with bimodal rainfall
pattern will experience increased rainfall of 5% – 45% and those with unimodal rainfall pattern will
experience decreased rainfall of 5%– 15%. All these changes will aggravate the situation leading to
increased vulnerability of the communities to the impacts of Climate Change and also affecting the
sectors of the economy especially Agriculture, water, Energy, Health and forestry. Sectoral vulnerability
analysis ha indicated the extent of vulnerability for each sector as illustrated in the following section.

3.1. Agriculture
Tanzania has about 88.6 million hectares of land suitable for agricultural production, including 60 million
hectares of rangelands suitable for livestock grazing. Based on altitude, precipitation pattern, dependable
growing seasons and average water holding capacity of the soils and physiographic features, Tanzania
has 7 agro-ecological zones (Table 1).

Table 1: Tanzania Agro ecological zones

Zone Sub-Zone and areas Soils and Topography Altitude Rainfall (mm/yr) Growing season

1. COAST North: Tanga (except Lushoto), Infertile sands on gently rolling uplands Under North: Bimodal, 750- North: October-
Coast and Dares Salaam Alluvial soils in Rufuji 3000m 1200mm December and March-
Sand and infertile soils June
South: Eastern Lindi and Fertile clays on uplands and river flood
Mtwara (except Makonde plains South: Unimodal, 800-
Plateau 1200mm South: December- April

2.ARID LANDS North: Serengeti, Ngorogoro North: Volcanic ash and sediments. Soils North: North: Unimodal, March- May
Parks, Part of Masailand variable in texture and very susceptible to 1300- unreliable , 500-600mm
water erosion 1800m
Masai Steppe, Tarangire Park,
Mkomazi Reserve, Pangani and South: Rolling plains of low fertility. South: Unimodal and
Eastern Dodoma Susceptible to water erosion. Pangani river South Unreliable, 400-600mm
flood plain with saline, alkaline soil 500-
3. SEMI-ARID Central Dodoma, Singida, Central: Undulating plains with rocky hills Central: Central: unimodal and December - March
LANDS Northern Iringa, some of and low scarps. Well drained soils with 1000- unreliable: 500-800mm
Arusha, Shinyanga low fertility. Alluvial hardpan and saline 1500m
soils in Eastern Rift Valley and lake Eyasi. Southeastern: Unimodal
Southern: Morogoro (except Black cracking soils in Shinyanga. Southeast 600-800mm
Kiliombero and Wami Basins ern 200-
and Uluguru Mts). Southern: Flat or undulating plains with 600m
Also Lindi and Southwest rocky hills, moderate fertile loams and
Mtwara clays in South (Morogoro), infertile sand
soils in center
4. PLATEAUX Western: Tabora, Rukwa (North Western: Wide sandy plains and Rift Valley 800- Western: unimodal, 800- November- April
and Center), Mbeya scarps 1500m 1000mm
North: Kigoma, Part of Mara Flooded swamps of Malagarasi and Ugalla
Southern: Ruvuma and Southern rivers have clay soil with high fertility Southern: unimodal, very
Morogoro reliable, 900-1300mm
Southern: upland plains with rock hills.
Clay soils of low to moderate fertility in
south, infertile sands in North.
5. SOUTHERN Southern: A broad ridge of from Southern: Undulating plains to dissected Southern: Southern: unimodal, Northern: December –
AND WESTERN N. Morogoro to N. Lake Nyasa, hills and mountains. Moderately fertile clay 1200- reliable, local rain April
HIGHLANDS covering part of Iringa, Mbeya soils with volcanic soils in Mbeya 1500m shadows, 800-1400mm
Southwestern: Ufipa plateau in Southwestern: Undulating plateau above Southwestern:
Sumbawanga Rift Valleys and sand soils of low fertility Southwest Southern: unimodal, November- April
Western: North-south ridges separated by ern: 1400- reliable, 800-1000mm
Western: Along the shore of swampy valleys, loam and clay soils of low 2300m Western: October-
Lake Tanganyika in Kigoma and fertility in hills, with alluvium and ponded Western: bimodal, 1000- December and February-
Kagera clays in the valleys Western: 2000mm May
6.NOTHERN Northern: foot of mt Northern: Volcanic uplands, volcanic soils Northern: Northern: Bimodal, Northern: November-
HIGHLANDS Kilimanjaro and Mt. Meru. from lavas and ash. Deep fertile loams. 1000- varies widely 1000- January and March-June
Eastern Rift Valley to . Eyasi Soils in dry areas prone to water erosion. 2500m 2000mm
Granite steep Mountain side to highland Granitic Granitic Mts. October-
Granite Mts Uluguru in plateaux. Soils are deep, arable and Mts: Granitic mts. Bimodal December and March-
Morogoro, Pare Mts in moderately fertile on upper slopes, shallow 1000- and very reliable 1000- June
Kilimanjaro and Usambara Mts and stony on steep slopes 2000m 2000m
in Tanga, Tarime highlands in
7. ALLUVIAL K-kilomberao (Morogoro) K-Cental clay plain with alluvial fans east K—Unimodal, very K-November-April
PLAINS R- Rufuji (Coast) and west reliable, 900-1300mm R- December-April
U- Usangu (Mbeya) R- Wide mangrove swamp delta, alluvial R-Unimodal, often U-December-March
W- Wami(Morogoro) soils, sandy upstream, loamy down steam in inadequate 800-1200mm W-December-March
floodplain U-Unimodal, 500-
U-Seasonally Flooded clay soils in North, 800mm
alluvial fans in South W-Unimodal, 600-
W- Moderately alkaline black soils in East, 1800mm
alluvial fans with well drained black loam
in West

Studies undertaken during INC indicate that increase in temperature by 2oC -4oC would alter the distribution of
the agro ecological zones. Consequently, areas that used to grow perennial crops would be suitable for
annual crops. In addition, global warming would tend to accelerate plant growth and hence reduce the length
of growing seasons.

Among the vulnerability in the agricultural sector include decreased crop production of different crops
exacerbated by climatic variability and unpredictability of seasonality, erosion of natural resource base and

environmental degradation. The following list shows the percentage of decrease of two selected crops; maize
and coffee:-

™ Maize: with increase in temperature and reduced rainfall as well as change in rainfall patterns,
average yield will decrease by 33% country wide. Furthermore, yield of the same crop will
decreases by up to 84% in the central regions, 22% in Northeastern highlands, 17% in the Lake
Victoria region, and 10 – 15% in the Southern highland;

™ Coffee and Cotton: As a result of temperature increase of 2-4 oC, coffee production is projected
to increase by 18% in bimodal rainfall areas and 16% in unimodal rainfall areas.

Furthermore, climate change is expected to further shrink the rangelands which are important for
livestock keeping communities in Tanzania. This shrinkage will be more aggravated by the fact that about
60% of the total rangeland is infested by tsetse fly making it unsuitable for livestock pastures and human
settlements. Shrinkage of rangelands is likely to exacerbate conflicts between livestock keepers and
farmers in many areas. Surveys show that existing number of cattle in Tanzania has already surpassed
the normal carrying capacity in most of the areas as shown in Table 2. As a result, most livestock
keepers are shifting their herd towards southern Tanzania in search for pastures.

Table 2: Livestock Carrying capacity for selected regions

Region Carrying Capacity Excess
Existing Recommended
Mwanza 2, 180,275 63,360 2,116, 915
Shinyanga 3, 806,677 87,800 3, 718, 877
Dodoma 798,105 160,167 637, 938
Singida 727,930 117,983 609, 947
Source: Ministry of Livestock Development, 2005

3.2. Water
Tanzania is endowed with many river basins which are economically important. Among these, the major
ones are Rufiji, Pangani, Ruvu, Great Ruaha, Malagarasi, Kagera, Mara, Ruvuma, and Ugalla River
Basins. Apart from being economically significant, these river basins also form an important part in
sustaining the daily livelihood of the local communities through fishing and traditional farming irrigation

The INC shows that rainfall pattern and soil moisture will vary due to changes in mean temperature
hence affecting the runoff of these rivers. For instance the increase in temperature between 1.8 oC - to
3.6 oC in the catchments areas of River Pangani in the North and North East of the country, hence
decrease in rainfall, will lead to a decrease of 6-9% of the annual flow of the river. Rufuji River, which
houses Mtera and Kidatu hydropower stations, is expected to experience an increase in river flow by 5-
11% due to low temperature fluctuation of between 3.3 oC to 4.6 oC and hence increase in rainfall. Floods
on Rufiji and Pangani Rivers would cause damage to major hydropower stations and human settlements
found along these river basins in the country.

Furthermore, the second Vulnerability Assessment Report (V.A.R II) on the other hand reveals that
majority of households use more than one source of water supply, although (62%) depend on traditional
sources of water supply. By ranking the values are wells (26%), rivers (24%) rain harvest (9%) and lakes
(6%). Two thirds of the households depend on undergdound water wells, rain water and Lakes for water
supply while only one third is served by piped water. Change in the precipitation will automatically affect
each source and the consequences might be devastating depending on the magnitude. V.A.R I indicates
that civil conflicts have been occurring between livestock keeper and farmers over grass and water for
the animals in Morogoro, Mara and Kilimanjaro regions. Similarly due to mass exodus of cattle keepers in
search of animal feeds school attendance has gone down. On more commercial basis, crop and animal
production has been affected negatively in areas with decreasing rainfall and vise versa.

3.3 Health
Malaria is the largest cause of loss of lives in the country accounting for about 16% of all reported deaths.
Under the current trend in both rainfall and temperature, the frequency of occurrences and impacts of
malaria will further rise. The V.A.R study further reveals among four major health hazards reported at
village, district and national level, Malaria is one of them. Other major diseases in Tanzania are:
Dysentery, Cholera, and Meningitis (Table 3).

Table 3: Human Health Hazards reported at Village, District and National Levels
S/N Disease Village % District % National estimate %
1 Dysentery 83 95 56
2 Malaria 98 93 85
3 Cholera 60 93 24
4 Meningitis 54 85 24
Source: Disaster Vulnerability Assessment Phase II by PMO and UCLAS 2003

Malaria transmission is said to be at its peak during high temperatures and humidity, after the rain
season. As a result of change in temperature and rainfall regimes, malaria epidemic has been observed
to extend to some parts of Tanga, Kilimanjaro and Arusha highlands (non-traditional malaria areas)
where the disease was not prevalent. As more areas receive more rains, it will in turn attract more
malaria vectors, leading to increased incidences of malaria diseases across the country.

Furthermore, the study conducted by Kangalawe and Yanda (2004) indicate that malaria is endemic in
the lowlands but unstable in the highlands of the Lake Victoria region, there is creeping-up of the disease
towards the highlands. The study further indicates that women and children are more vulnerable to
malaria than men due the roles they play in the society, and that poverty influence adaptation to
malaria/cholera in the area.

3.4 Forestry and Wetlands

Tanzania is well endowed with forest resources such that by 2002, 38.8 million hectares, (35% of the
total land) were covered by forests and woodlands. However, all forest areas and types are under major
threat of deforestation. The deforestation rate was estimated to be 91, 276 hectares per year in 2002.
The main reasons for deforestation include clearing for agriculture and settlement, overgrazing, wildfires,
charcoal burning and over-exploitation of wood resources for commercial purposes. All these activities
contribute a great share to the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere as the carbon sink is progressively

reduced. Predictions show that the mean daily temperature will rise by 30C – 50C throughout the country
and the mean annual temperature by 20C – 40C. There will also be an increase in rainfall in some parts
while other parts will experience decreased rainfall. Predictions further show that areas with bimodal
rainfall pattern will experience increased rainfall of 5% – 45% and those with unimodal rainfall pattern will
experience decreased rainfall of 5%– 15%.

The expected change of vegetation types in the forest zones due to increase in temperature are
summarized in Table 4.

Table 4: Predicted changes in forests

Type of vegetation Expected change
Sub tropical dry forest and subtropical Change to tropical; very dry forest, tropical dry forest and
moist forest life zone tropical moist forest
Subtropical thorn woodland Completely be replaced/ disappear
Subtropical dry forest Decline by 61.4%
Subtropical moist forest Decline by 64.3%;

Species that will be more vulnerable are those with: limited geographical range and drought/heat
intolerant; low germination rates; low survival rate of seedlings; and limited seed dispersal/migration

Furthermore, recurrent forest fires have contributed to the diminishing of forests and forest resources in
various parts of the country and ecosystems. More ecosystems and natural agro ecological zones are
vulnerable as a result of bushfires emanating from impact of climate change. Among the chronic areas
where bush fires have caused negative rampart effects are Mountains Uluguru and Kilimanjaro. At Mount
Kilimanjaro vegetation cover has not only changed but has also been diminishing year after year due to
frequent occurrence of fires, such that the Montane type of forest disappeared in year 2000 as is shown
in Figure 1. As a result of these changes the catchment forests has been disturbed along the slopes of
Mount Kilimanjaro.

Figure 1: Changes in vegetation cover at Mt. Kilimanjaro

1976 1984 1993 2000 2000

Montane Subalpine Erica

Montane Subalpine Erica Erica Alpine Helichrysum
Erica Alpine Helichrysum Subalpine Alpine zone without
Subalpine Alpine zone without Forest

Source : TMA, 2005

3.5 Energy
Tanzania has a good number of energy sources including solar, wind, biogas, coal reserves, natural gas,
hydropower, biofuel, wood fuel, and geothermal power. Of all these, the most exploited source is wood fuel
because it is considered both cheap and accessible to the poor majority in rural and urban areas.

Petroleum, hydropower and coal are the major source of commercial energy in the country. The biomass
energy resource, which comprises of fuel-wood and charcoal from both natural forest and plantations, accounts
for 93 per cent of total energy consumption. Tanzania installed Hydro electricity generation capacity” of 561
MW. It is reported that Tanzania has an estimated 4800 MW of economic hydro potential capacity, which
accounts for 90 percent. However, not all this hydro-potential has been taped. In addition, due to drought, the
highest water levels in most of the hydropower stations have progressively been declining in recent years. Data
from the Ministry of Energy and Minerals show that the highest water level in Mtera Dam declined from 695.8m
asl in 2003 to 690.5m asl in 2004 689.5m asl in 2005 and 688m asl in march 2006. Similar case was
experienced in the Nyumba ya Mungu Dam where the level declined from 686.2m asl to 683.8m asl, 683m asl
and 680m asl in 2003, 2004 and 2005 respectively thereby affecting hydropower production.

Blackouts and power rationing as a result of low water levels in the hydropower dams have forced Tanzania
Electric Supply Company (TANESCO) to rely on gas-powered generators and to look increasingly at thermal
projects for future capacity increases. Power rationing for both domestic and industrial use makes Tanzania’s
economy more vulnerable to climate change related disasters; and leads to inefficiency in service provision to
the public. The current information from the Governor of the Central Bank of Tanzania showed that the
economy will grow at a rate of 5.9% instead of 7% and this drop of the rate of economic growth is attributed to
the serious shortage of electricity affecting all pillars of economy.

Tanzania has 1,200 million metric tons of coal, which could provide energy for paper mills, cement factories,
agriculture and household consumption as well as generation of power. The current coal generated electricity
capacity is 6MW. As an adaptive strategy, Tanzania plans to increase this capacity to 200MW in the short term
and up to 600MW in the long term as adaptation to the drought situation of HEP dams. Wind and solar energy
is another sources of energy. However, very little attempt has been made to utilize this source of energy which
could be a viable alternative sources to reduce the dependency on wood and oil for heating purposes, hence
reduction of CO2 emissions. Solar Photovoltaic Market Transformation pilot project for off-grid areas in Mwanza
region is an attempt to utilize the widely available solar potential for the production of energy. Moreover, it is an
indigenous alternative source of energy which can be exploited to enhance Tanzania’s energy sector so that to
boost economic growth.

3.6 Coastal and Marine resources

The coast of Tanzania is characterized by a wide diversity of biotopes and species, typical of the tropical
Indowest Pacific oceans. The peoples living there utilize a variety of its natural resources. These coastal and
marine resources of Tanzania have for generations had profound influences on the socio-economic well being
and health status of not only the immediate communities but also those far removed from them. They constitute
a significant component of the country’s rich heritage, and the highly productive ecosystems play a substantial
role in the economic and social development of the country. Coral reefs are an important coastal resource. In
addition to being complex ecosystems and habitat to a wide diversity of marine flora and fauna, they are also
important for the tourism and fisheries industries with the former industry serving as one of the main markets for
fish products.

Rise in temperature as a result of climate change is expected to cause various impacts including rise in sea
level which in the final analysis will lead to coastal resources and infrastructure destruction such as mangroves
and houses. This will in turn further impoverish the local communities which depend on these resources.

Wetland habitats are important integral parts of the coastal fisheries industry and provide critical spawning and
nursery grounds for many marine and freshwater organisms. Estuarine and lagoon fisheries are therefore the
basis for livelihood in many communities. The mangroves, in addition to providing physical protection for the
coast against erosion, are used as firewood, building poles, boat building, fish smoking, and in making several
domestic appliances (beds, drums, carts, etc.).

Due to the importance of the sea and coastline, the welfare of the population living by the coast and the socio-
economic value to the country, the coastline has to be protected against any effect of climate change.

3.7 Wildlife
The wildlife of Tanzania is one of the richest and most diversified in Africa. Approximately 19 % of the country is
protected as national parks or game and forest reserves. The country has a diverse spectrum of fauna and flora
including a wide variety of endemic species and sub-species. The biological diversity and degree of endemism
consist of primates, (20 species and 4 endemic), antelopes (34 species and 2 endemic) fish (with many
endemic in Lake Victoria, Tanganyika and Nyasa and other small lakes and rivers), reptiles (290 species and
75 endemic), amphibians (40 endemic), invertebrates and plants caround 11,000 species including many

Tanzania's great reservoir of wildlife and biological diversity is increasingly under threat as a result of
ecosystem fragmentation, over utilization of resources and conflicts between agriculture and wildlife.
Persistent drought due to increase in temperature and unreliable rainfall pattern in the country is
expected to affect the lifestyles of most of the migratory wild species, in particular the wildebeest and
some bird species. The wildlife forms an important source of food and income for some local
communities in Tanzania. Change in ecological systems will lead to disappearance of some wild animal

3.8 Tourism
With a vast land area covered by forests as well as various species of flora and fauna, Tanzania is
considered to be one of the premier tourism destinations in Africa. The country has beautiful natural
resources including extensive tracts of wilderness and a rich diversity of scenery. Among the tourist
attraction is 12 National Parks, including the famous Serengeti, 34 Game Reserves, and 38 Game
Controlled Areas. Among many tourism sites, the prime tourist attractions include Mount Kilimanjaro,
Zanzibar’s historic Stone Town, the Olduvai Gorge archaeological site and clean white sand beaches
fringed by palm trees. However, due to increase in temperature some of these attractions such as the ice
cap of Mount Kilimanjaro are under threat of smelting. The studies undertaken showed that the ice cap of
Mt. Kilimanjaro has decreased between 50-80%.

Figure 2 shows the shrinking ice caps of Mt. Kilimanjaro between 1993 and 2000 (Source TMA 2005). It
is estimated that about 80% of the snow at Mt. Kilimanjaro has disappeared leading to reduced water
flow at the feet of the mountain where the local community live.

Figure 2: Shrinking ice caps of Mt. Kilimanjaro

3.9 Industry
Manufacturing activities in Tanzania are relatively small and at an infancy stage. Its contribution to GDP
has averaged 8% over the last decade, with most activities concentrated on manufacture of simple
consumer goods - food, beverages, tobacco, textiles and furniture and wood allied products. However,
the growth of industrial sectors is threatened by unavailability of sustainable and cheap energy source.
Coping strategies in the energy sector are important for the growth of the economy in Tanzania.

3.10 Other Assessment of Vulnerability and Adaptation in Tanzania

Assessment of vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in various sectors also form part of the
Initial National Communication (INC). In addition, there are twodisaster vulnerability assessments reports
conducted in 2002 and 2003 by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) and University College of Lands and
Architectural Studies (UCLAS) which reveal the situation at the grassroots. All of these assessments
contain very valuable information which contributes to an increased understanding of Tanzania’s
vulnerability to Climate Change.

Furthermore, there are two Food Assessment Reports conducted by Food Situation Investigation Team
(FSIT) which shows that North Eastern and coastal regions received very little or no rains in Vuli season,
a situation which led to food relief distribution to more than 56 districts out of 120. Kilimanjaro is now one
of the hardest-hit regions although it used to be a heavy rain area in the past two decades.

The major causes of these vulnerabilities at village, district and national levels is climate change
associated with prolonged heavy rainfall or drought. According to the V.A.R, the top four hazards in the
country as indicated in Table 5 are: epidemics (43%), drought (47%), pest/vermin/plant diseases (50%)
and floods (13%). These high ranked hazards have also been observed as commonly occurring in a

period of less than five years, and have a positive correlation with the climate change observed
throughout the country within the same time period. During the survey, the perception recorded from the
local communities regarding the occurrence of these extreme weather events are:

a. Drought: At household level drought was reported as a problem and 83% mentioned prolonged
low rainfall to be the cause, followed by climatic variability in terms of onset of rainfall for
cropping seasons 60% and increased deforestation 53%.
b. Pests: Out of 995 respondents at village level who mentioned pest as a problematic hazard
(37%) mentioned climate change to be a cause increased and new pests and diseases and
prolonged rainfall/dryness (31% ) and poverty 14%.
c. Epidemics: Out of 852 respondents who were affected by diseases outbreak, 42% reported
prolonged rainfall and drought to be the cause, climatic variability 30% health related 41% and
d. Floods: Was mentioned as been caused by prolonged rainfall (83%) while climate change
scored (19%). Table 5 summarizes these findings.

Table 5: Major causes of Hazards at village and district level

S/N Hazard type Causes Village % District %

1 Strong winds Desertification, poor farming methods, 67 50
Climate change 67 33
Prolonged low rainfall/dryness 33
2 Drought Desertification, poor farming methods, 10 87
Climate change 10 67
Prolonged low rainfall/dryness 8 67
3 Diseases outbreak Prolonged low rainfall/dryness 40 42
Health related 28 45
Poor house plan and drainage - 50
Climatic change 16 -
Poverty 25 70
4 Floods Prolonged heavy rainfall 53 75
5 Pest Climatic change 27 45
Prolonged low rainfall and dry spell 23 40
Poverty 28 55
Lack of expertise and technology 23 36

Source: Disaster Vulnerability Assessment Phase II by PMO and UCLAS 2003


The climate of Tanzania varies from place to place in accordance with geographical location, altitude,
relief and vegetation cover. Predictions show that the mean daily temperature will rise by 30C – 50C
throughout the country and the mean annual temperature by 20C – 40C. There will also be an increase in
rainfall in some parts while other parts will experience decreased rainfall. Predictions further show that
areas with bimodal rainfall pattern will experience increased rainfall of 5% – 45% and those with unimodal
rainfall pattern will experience decreased rainfall of 5%– 15%.

4.1 Rainfall Pattern

Rainfall patterns in the country are subdivided into: tropical on the coast, where it is hot and humid (rainy
season March-May): semi-temperate in the mountains with the short rains (Vuli) in November-December

and the long rains (Masika) in February –May: and drier (Kiangazi) in the plateau region with
considerable seasonal variations in temperature. The mean annual rainfall varies from 500 millimeters to
2,500 millimeters and above. The average duration of the dry season is 5 to 6 months. However,
recently, rainfall pattern has become much more unpredictable with some areas/zones receiving
extremely minimum and maximum rainfall per year. Figures 3 a-b show the map of Tanzania indicating
areas experienced maximum and minimum rainfall for two selected stations and their associated time
series (Figures c-d) from 1921 to 2005.

Figure 3 a-b: Map of Tanzania showing areas of Maximum and Minimum rainfall
3a: Extreme Maximum Rainfall 3b: Extreme Minimum Rainfall

2 2

4 4

6 6

8 8

10 10

12 12
28 30 32 34 36 38 40 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Longitude Longitude

Source: TMA, 2005

3c: Bukoba annual maximum rainfall time 2d: Kongwa annualKONGWminimum
rainfall time
series 1921-2005 series 1921-2005




2000 500


1600 400




1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 200
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Source: TMA, 2005

Furthermore, analysis of total annual rainfall for 21 meteorological stations in selected regions of
Tanzania indicated that there is a decreasing trend for over 13 stations (61.9%) whereas an increasing
rainfall trend was observed over 7 stations (33.33%) and 1 station had almost a constant pattern. The
most affected stations were Pemba, Zanzibar, Moshi and Arusha. However, one common feature of the

rainfall pattern was a greater variability in cycles. Figure 4 shows the trend of rainfall observed from 1970
to 2005 at Pemba meteorological station, Zanzibar.

Figure 4: Rainfall Pattern at Pemba Meteorological station

A N N U A L T O T A L R A IN F A L L - P E M B A M E T

3 ,0 0 0 .0

2 ,5 0 0 .0

2 ,0 0 0 .0
R A IN F A L L , m m

1 ,5 0 0 .0

1 ,0 0 0 .0

5 0 0 .0

















In addition, the Disaster Vulnerability Assessment Report further shows that rainfall in some parts will
increase (both short and long rain seasons) especially those areas getting bimodal rainfall particularly
North Eastern, North West, Lake Victoria basin(e.g. Bukoba, Kagera) as shown in Figure 2c and Northern
parts of coastal belt. On the other hand in areas experiencing unimodal pattern, rainfall will decrease.
Such areas include parts of South Western, Western, Central (e.g. Dodoma, Singida) and Eastern parts
of the country. However, some anomalies are expected to happen in these areas as shown in Figures
4(a&b) for Bukoba and Kagera Annual rainfall anomalies.

Figure 4 a&b: Graphs showing rainfall anomalies time series of some selected regions in Tanzania

Figure 4a: Bukoba annual rainfall anomalies Figure: 4b:Kongwa annual rainfall anomalies



2 1.5



-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32



Source: TMA 2005

4.2 Temperature Pattern

As explained in section 4.1, temperature in Tanzania also varies according to the geographical location,
relief and altitude. In the Coastal Regions and the off-shore Islands the average temperatures ranges
between 27 oC and 29 oC, while in the Central, Northern and Western parts temperatures range between
20 oC and 30 oC and higher between the months of December and March. In the Northeast and
Southwest where there are mountainous areas and Makonde Plateau, the temperature occasionally
drops below 15 oC at night during the months of June and July. In some parts (Southern Highlands)
temperature can reach as low as 0 oC - 6 oC. This temperature variation has significant impact on the
agro-ecological zones described in Table 1 section 2.4.1 and the adaptation strategies in the agriculture

According to the INC, the mean temperatures will increase throughout the country particularly during the
cool months by 3.5oC while annual temperatures will increase between 2.1oC in the North Eastern parts
to 4 oC in the Central and Western parts of the country. Figures 5 (a&b) are maps of Tanzania showing
areas experiencing extreme temperatures (Maximum and Minimum), while Figures 5c&d are graphs
showing time series of these temperatures for Kilimanjaro and Mbeya regions, respectively. These
changes in temperature can affect the coping strategies of the local communities for various sectors.

Figure 2a&b: Extreme Maximum and Minimum Temperatures in Tanzania
Figure 5a: Extreme Maximum temperature areas Figure 5b: Extreme Minimum Temperatures
in Tanzania areas in Tanzania

2 2

4 4
Latitude(°S )

L a titu d e



28 30 32 34 36 38 40 12
Longitude(°E) 28 30 32 34 36 38 40

Figure 5c: Kilimanjaro airport time series for Figure 5d: Mbeya time series for extreme
extreme maximum temperature minimum temperature



36.5 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010


1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Linear (MAX TEMP)

Source: TMA, 2005

Moreover, monthly minimum and maximum temperatures over the last 30 years (between 1974 and
2004) show upward trend at the analyzed meteorological stations located in regions of Arusha, Bukoba,
Dodoma, Iringa, Kilimanjaro, Mbeya, Morogoro, Mwanza, Songea, Tanga, Zanzibar and Shinyanga. The
increasing trend was mostly associated with the months of January, July and December. Samples of
increase in temperature are shown in Figure 6 for Morogoro meteorological station monthly minimum

temperatures and Figure 7 for Bukoba meteorological station monthly maximum temperatures
respectively. It is most probable that this is an indication of climate change. Although rainfall does not
show significant changes for the past 30 years, there is no doubt that, increase in temperature increases
evaporation rates of soil, water bodies as well as transpiration rate of plants.

Figure 3: Trend of monthly minimum temperatures at Morogoro Meteorological station

ja n
M O RO G O RO M ET f eb
3 5 .0 m ar

ap r
3 4 .0 m ay

ju n
3 3 .0 ju l

3 2 .0 sep

o ct

3 1 .0 no v

d ec
3 0 .0 L in e a r ( ja n )

L in e a r ( f e b )
2 9 .0 L in e a r ( m a r )

L in e a r ( a p r )
2 8 .0 L in e a r ( m a y )

L in e a r ( ju n )
2 7 .0 L in e a r ( ju l)

L in e a r ( a u g )
2 6 .0 L in e a r ( s e p )
1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004
L in e a r ( o c t )

YEAR L in e a r ( n o v )

L in e a r ( d e c )

Figure 4: Trend of monthly minimum temperatures at Bukoba Meteorological station


m ar

2 8 .5 ap r

m ay
2 8 .0

2 7 .5 jul

2 7 .0


o ct
2 6 .5
no v
2 6 .0 d ec

L in e a r ( ja n )
2 5 .5
L in e a r ( f e b )

2 5 .0 L in e a r ( m a r )

L in e a r ( a p r )
2 4 .5
L in e a r ( m a y )

L in e a r ( ju n )
2 4 .0
L in e a r ( ju l)
2 3 .5 L in e a r ( a u g )
1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004 L in e a r ( s e p )

YEAR L in e a r ( o c t )

L in e a r ( n o v )

L in e a r ( d e c )

5.0. Potential barriers to implementation

Tanzania recognizes the importance and urgency of addressing the problems associated with climate
change because these affect the sustainable livelihoods of all Tanzanians. Hence the need to urgently
implement the proposed adaptation options listed in the NAPA document. However there are several
barriers that may hamper the implementation of these activities. There is need to address these for the
smooth implementation of the proposed activities.

Apart from limited internal capacity to fund adaptation activities, Tanzania is also constrained by several
factors, including (i) extreme poverty of the most vulnerable groups, (ii) poor infrastructure , especially
poor rural roads making it difficult to access rural areas, hence difficulties in delivering farm inputs and
accessing markets (iii) limited credit opportunities fro rural communities to allow family house holds easily
access farm inputs, (iv) the impact of HIV/AIDS creating a major drain on family energy, cash and food,
(v) poor health conditions of resource-poor rural communities and (vi) Limited analytical capability of local
personnel to effectively analyze the threats and potential impacts of climate change, so as to develop
viable adaptation solutions.


Adequate food, good health, access to clean and safe drinking water, and sufficient energy for domestic
and industrial use are critical factors for sustaining livelihoods and economic growth. The current drought
led to critical food shortages leading to food insecurity and hunger. Thus major effort is required to
achieve food security at national and household levels, and also to enable rural communities generate
cash from farming activities.

In view of the above and basing on the sectoral consultations done by the NAPA team, various
existing/coping strategies were identified in each sector of the economy depending on vulnerability and
proposed the potential adaptation strategies for each sector (Table 6.)

Table 6: Summary of vulnerabilities and adaptation activities (existing & potential) of the sectors

Sector Vulnerability Existing Adaptation Activities Potential Adaptation Activities

Agriculture • Unpredictable rainfall, uncertainty in • Small scale irrigation • Alternative farming systems
Sector cropping patterns • R&D on drought tolerant • Promote indigenous knowledge
• Shifting in agro-ecological zones seed varieties • Change planting dates in some agro ecological
• Prolonged dry spells beyond • Agriculture extension zones
normal patterns activities • Increase irrigation to boost maize production in
• Increased weed competition with • Diversification of selected areas
crops for moisture, nutrients and agriculture: growing • Drip irrigation for specific regions
light different types of crops on • Reduce reliance on maize as staple food by
• Ecological changes for pests and different land units growing short-season and drought tolerant crops
diseases • Water harvesting such as sorghum and millet
• Decline of maize yields, the • Shift crop farming to more appropriate agro
national food crop nationwide by ecological zones
33% due to temperature rise; • Change crop rotation practices
highest decline reported for • Integrated crop and pest management
Dodoma and Tabora • Make better use of climate and weather data,
weather forecasts, and other management tools
• Create awareness on the negative effects of
climate change
• Sustainable water management to boost food
crop production
• Strengthen early warning system

• Follow standard agronomic practices

• Promotion of annual and short term crops
• Cotton yields could decrease by
10%-20% due to the impact of

Table 6: Summary of vulnerabilities and adaptation activities (existing & potential) of the sectors

Sector Vulnerability Existing Adaptation Activities Potential Adaptation Activities

pests and diseases.
Increased temperature and rainfall Reactive adaptation measures:
Livestock could result in: • Strengthen cross • Change land use patterns
Sector • Changes in plant species breading for resistant • Tsetse fly control
composition breeds • Integrated pest and disease control
• General increase in Dry • Strengthen tick and • Sustainable range management
matter yields tsetse control • Infrastructure development
• Favorable condition for pests programmes • Research and development
and disease • Strengthen livestock • Education of farmers/livestock keepers
• Livestock deaths due to heat extension services • Advocate zero grazing
waves • Improve livestock • Control movement of livestock
• Enhance research
and development
• Promote zero grazing
Forestry • Deforestation and • Collaborative forest • Develop community Forest fire prevention plans
Sector desertification management in various and programmes
• frequent forest fires districts • Strengthen community based forest
• Changes in forest types, • Ensured ecosystem stability management practices
species composition and through conservation of forest • Afforestation programmes in degraded lands
distribution biodiversity, water catchment using more adaptive species
• Disappearance of medicinal and soil fertility e.g., SECAP • Establish multiple fast growing tree species in
plants usambara, Eastern Arc community woodlots
vulnerable species are those with: conservation project • Control habitat destruction and fragmentation in
• limited geographical range • National wide tree planting high biodiversity areas.

Table 6: Summary of vulnerabilities and adaptation activities (existing & potential) of the sectors

Sector Vulnerability Existing Adaptation Activities Potential Adaptation Activities

and drought/heat intolerant campaign • Enhance the development of buffer zones and
• low germination rates • Participatory forest wildlife migratory routes
• low survival rate of seedlings management • Promotion of alternative sources of energy for
and both domestic and industrial use
• limited seed • Promotion of appropriate and efficient
dispersal/migration technologies to reduce use of wood
capabilities • Promotion of natural forest regeneration
• Unsustainable supply of forest • Enhance participatory forest management
products and services through benefit sharing from forest resources
• Decrease in employment and • Ex-situ conservation of important plant genetic
foreign exchange earnings resources
through forest based • Promotion of use of non-timber forest products
industries and trade • Promotion of lesser unknown timber species

Water Sector • Decreased and/or increased • Integrated water resource • Develop alternative water storage programs and
runoff in river basins management water harvesting technologies for communities
• encroachment into stream • New Infrastructure • Strengthen integrated water resources
ecosystems • Conjunctive water Use management
• water pollution • Inter-basin transfers • Development of both surface and subsurface
• water logging due to increased • Protection of water water reservoirs
water flow Catchments • Promotion of Community based catchments
• Rainwater Harvesting conservation and management programs
• New dam sites • Promote new water serving technologies in
• Development of recycle and reuse facility in
industrial sector and potentially in households

Table 6: Summary of vulnerabilities and adaptation activities (existing & potential) of the sectors

Sector Vulnerability Existing Adaptation Activities Potential Adaptation Activities

• Develop early warning systems
• Desalinization and defluoridation of water in
areas with fluoride and saline content
Coastal and Sea-Level Rise • Marine and coastal • Raise awareness on climate change
Marine • Land losses environment management • Desalination of saltwater where possible
Resources • Coastal erosion and damage programmes and projects e.g • Relocation of services, properties and existing
to coastal structure and : infrastructures due to sea level rise
properties • Tanga Coastal • Establishment of protected areas
• Loss of coastal and marine Conservation and • Restoration of degraded habitats e.g., beach
habitats and resources Development nourishment, vertiva grass planting, mangrove
(mangroves, sea grass-beds, Programme (TCCDP) replanting, stimulation of coral reefs growth
fishes and corals) • The National Integrated • Construction of artificial structures, e.g., sea
• Saline intrusion in fresh water Coastal Environment walls, artificially placing sand on the beaches and
bodies Management Strategy, coastal drain beach management system
• Inundation of low-lying • Rural Integrated Project • Reduction or elimination of non-climate stress
coastal areas and small Support Programme and monitoring; e.g., Elimination of destructive
islands (RIPS) fishing practices and over-fishing, Reduction of
• coral bleaching • Mangrove Management pollution and damaging extraction, proper
Programme (MMP) management of salt production and seaweed
• Rufiji Environment farming, Coastal ecosystem monitoring
Management Project
• Conservation of Lowland
Coastal Forests Project
• Zanzibar Coastal Zone
Management Programme

Table 6: Summary of vulnerabilities and adaptation activities (existing & potential) of the sectors

Sector Vulnerability Existing Adaptation Activities Potential Adaptation Activities

• Sustainable Dar es
Salaam Project
• Kinondoni Coastal Area
Management Programme

Conservation of marine and

coastal resources measures:-
• Mafia Island Marine Park
• Mnazi bay Marine Park
• Menai Bay Conservation
• Misali Island Conservation
• Chumbe Island Coral Park

Health Sector • More cases of malaria diseases • The Ministry of Health has • Strengthen malaria control programme.
due to higher temperature across an Integrated Diseases • Strengthen phyto-medicine programmes
the country Surveillance Response • Establishing and Strengthening community
• Emergency of highland malaria System (IDRS) in place to awareness programmes on preventable
• Water-related diseases such as prevent, mitigate and major health hazards
schistosomiasis and cholera respond to epidemics in the • Establish Health & Climate collaboration &
• Severe shortage of food and high country. synthesis programs
increase in the rate of • Available Infectious • Develop early warning system and
malnutrition, especially to Disease Weekending emergency measures
children. (IDWE) reports at the • Establishment of efficient and well
• Increased the rate of outbreaks of Health Centres and coordinated early warning system in all

Table 6: Summary of vulnerabilities and adaptation activities (existing & potential) of the sectors

Sector Vulnerability Existing Adaptation Activities Potential Adaptation Activities

water-borne diseases such as District/Regional Hospitals. districts.
cholera and other gastro- . • Provide efficient communication
intestinal diseases. • Presence of Emergency equipment to assist early diagnosis in the
Plan Response Unit health centre.
(EPRU) that coordinate • Ensure availability of sufficient trained staff
and manage all health at all health facilities.
related hazards, which
include epidemics,
accidents, drought and
• Use of
• A Traditional Medicines
Research Unit established
at Muhimbili Medical
Research Institute

• Reduction in productivity of • Wildlife management • Development of migratory corridors and buffer

Wildlife ungulates in different policy to ensure zones for wildlife species
Sector protected areas conservation of wildlife • Development and implementation of
• Increase in production of DM resources management plans for protected and
and thousand production of • enhanced legal, conserved areas.
animal biomass in some regulatory, institutional • Support implementation of Community Based
areas. environment for rural Management (CBM) programmes of wildlife
communities and private

Table 6: Summary of vulnerabilities and adaptation activities (existing & potential) of the sectors

Sector Vulnerability Existing Adaptation Activities Potential Adaptation Activities

• Shrinking of wildlife area with sector to participate in management areas surrounding the national
resultant habitat loss wildlife conservation parks and game reserves
• Disappearance of wildlife through establishment of • Combating illegal hunting and forest fires
corridor that impair wildlife Wildlife management • Developing wildlife information database
movement and dispersal with areas(WMA) • Enhance wildlife extension services and
impact on the productivity • Developing appropriate assistance to rural communities in managing
regulatory mechanisms wildlife resources
that will continue to set • Enhance capacity building on wildlife
aside PAs where wildlife management for sustainable development
and natural areas will be

Industry Poor rainfall and increased drought • Diversification of process • Promotion of efficiency energy saving
Sector will lead to: lines, importation of raw technologies
• Shortage of raw materials material and semi
• Shortage of power supply processed raw material • Promote industrial self-energy production
• Shortage of water supply and use
• Application of cleaner • Promote cleaner production technologies
production technologies

Energy Biomass and Hydropower power are • Improving and increasing • Explore and invest in alternative energy
Sector vulnerable due to reduced rainfall and clean thermal power sources
high temperatures generation • Develop community based mini-hydropower
• Harness the proven coal reserves

Table 6: Summary of vulnerabilities and adaptation activities (existing & potential) of the sectors

Sector Vulnerability Existing Adaptation Activities Potential Adaptation Activities

• Protection of hydropower • Support programmes to develop alternative
water catchments source of energy which is feasible and less
polluting e.g. Wind, Solar, bio-diesel, etc.
• Increasing availability of • increase use of geo-thermal power generation
biomass resources • Appropriate and efficient use of biomass
• Improvement of biomass to • Enhance natural gas utilization
energy conversion efficiency • promotion of application of cogeneration in the
industry sector
• Increased use of modern
biomass to energy

• Energy switching
• End-use energy efficiency
Wetlands • In areas where there will an • Assessment, inventory and
sector increase in temperature and monitoring of the types and
decrease in rainfall will result spatial distribution of the
to shrinking and actually wetland ecosystems and their
drying of the wetlands component

• Destruction of breeding sites

for fishes and other aquatic

Table 6: Summary of vulnerabilities and adaptation activities (existing & potential) of the sectors

Sector Vulnerability Existing Adaptation Activities Potential Adaptation Activities

• Reduction in surface runoff
hence drying of some water
springs and small tributaries
that originating from wetland

Human • Coastal erosion and loss of • Coastal and beach erosion: • Relocation of vulnerable communities to other
Settlement settlements in the coastal areas. there are plans for areas
sector development of tourist hotels • Establish good land tenure system and facilitate
• Loss of infrastructure e.g. roads, or buildings situated along the sustainable human settlements
buildings, crop loss in agricultural seashore (mainly in Dar-es- • establish rural areas improvement plan
land. Salaam) • sensitize the communities on the climate
change related hazards
• Migration of people and livestock • Poor urban transport and • formulate a database for hazard prone areas
to other areas. drainage systems: preparation and plan for appropriate measures -
• Land conflicts of town plans (Central • Zoning planning
• Development of unplanned Business District Schemes) • Establish disaster committee and plans at
settlements village level.
• Unplanned settlements: • Establish a Disaster planning framework
Regularization and upgrading • Improve building codes
of unplanned settlements.
This also includes low lying-
flood prone areas, wetlands,
hilly areas, and coastal areas
along the oceans and lakes.

• Housing Development

Table 6: Summary of vulnerabilities and adaptation activities (existing & potential) of the sectors

Sector Vulnerability Existing Adaptation Activities Potential Adaptation Activities

Schemes in different regions
of the country.

• Implementation of the
National Land Policy
• Implementation of the
National human
Settlements Development
Policy (2000),
• Implementation of the
Land Acts No. 4 and 5
• The review of Town and
Country Planning Act
Tourism • Shift in the preference from • The establishment of national • Relocation of people living in wildlife corridors
sector important tourist destinations such parks, forest, game and • Development of buffer zones around the
as Serengeti to less important marine reserves to ensure the national parks and game reserves
areas. Coastal erosion may also sustainability of tourism • Establishment of Community Based Fire
result to the displacement of industry. Protection and Control Programme
coastal communities. • Protecting the seashore by • Establish alternative source of income for the
building barrier walls, e.g. community in the tourist area
• Coral bleaching and related along the Ocean Road. • Implement sustainable tourism activities
reduction of marine biodiversity. • Implementation of the
National Tourism Policy and

Table 6: Summary of vulnerabilities and adaptation activities (existing & potential) of the sectors

Sector Vulnerability Existing Adaptation Activities Potential Adaptation Activities

• Submerging of small islands e.g. Action Plan.
Zanzibar, Mafia and Kilwa which • Protection of the wildlife
are important tourist destinations. corridors (such as the Derema
corridor in Amani Nature
• Retreat of the ice cap at Mt. Reserve) and along
Kilimanjaro Kilimanjaro National Park.
• Existence of Community
• . This alone, has not been shown to Based Management
have a Programmes in areas
surrounding the National
• Fire risk is a more serious threat to Parks and game reserves.
tourism since the effect may result
to the loss of endemic biodiversity. • Strengthening Community
Based Management
• Changes in the hydrological cycles Programmes in areas
may affect the availability, patterns surrounding the national parks
and distribution of endemic plants and game reserves
and animal species e.g. in the
eastern Arc Mountains, and hence
the income from these.

• Prolonged droughts may result in

the change of vegetation and
ecological zones, thus affecting the
distribution of wildlife in some

Table 6: Summary of vulnerabilities and adaptation activities (existing & potential) of the sectors

Sector Vulnerability Existing Adaptation Activities Potential Adaptation Activities

• Increase in the frequency of floods,
drought and land degradation will
reduce the frequency of
recreational activities and wildlife
safaris. For example, hydrological
changes in Lake Manyara may alter
the migration and breeding patterns
of the existing bird species such as

Land use • Soil erosion • Terracing, contour • encouraging Terracing, contour farming
• Degradation of soil structure farming • Use of organic manure
• Declining soil fertility • Use of organic manure • Zero grazing
• Extinction of some animal and plant • Zero grazing • Specific land uses to be allocated for various
species development and informal sectors
• Limited pastures as a result of long
droughts and outbreak of diseases
• Low soil pH due to paddy
• Variability of rainfall, floods &
drought affecting land management
especially on slopes of Mt.

It is important to note that Agriculture, livestock and Energy sectors play an important role in the
development and functioning of the industrial sector in country by providing raw materials and energy for
industrial production. In this context adverse impacts of climate change to these sectors will for a large
extent impact the industrial sector.

Most of the existing adaptation strategies in the table above are on-going and they incorporate the potential
or anticipatory adaptation activities. However due to barriers such priority attached to the existing
adaptation strategies, resources availability, poverty, awareness and inadequacy in terms of addressing
adaptation better. The proposed potential adaptation strategies aims at improving further the adaptation of
communities to the adverse impacts of climate change and hence reduce vulnerability since they were
conceived with climate change in mind.

6.1 Ranking of Sectors

Following a consultation done by the NAPA team to the stakeholders, the sectors were then ranked in their
order of importance based on the criteria listed in the previous section. Table 7 shows the ranking.

Table 7: Ranking of sectors according to priorities

Sector Rank order

Agriculture and food security (including livestock) 1

Water 2/3

Energy 2/3

Forestry 4

Health 5

Wildlife 6/7

Tourism 6/7

Industry 8

Coastal and marine resources 9

Sector Rank order

Human settlements 10

Wetlands 11

6.2 Ranking of project activities

Regarding the activities in each sector, the ranking was also done as a result of NAPA team consultation
with the stakeholders. Table 8 clearly shows this ranking in order of importance.

Table 8: Ranking of project activities per sector

Sector Activities Rank

Agriculture Increase irrigation to boost maize production in all areas 1
and food
security Alternative farming systems 2
livestock) Make better use of climate and weather data, weather forecasts, and other 3
management tools and expand climate and weather data collection network

Create awareness on the negative effects of climate change 4

Increase the use of manure and fertilizer 5

Range management for livestock production 6

Change land use patterns 7

Dip irrigation for specific regions 8

Control pests, weeds, and diseases 9

Biological control of tsetse fly 10

Promote indigenous knowledge 11

Water Develop alternative water storage programs and technology for communities 1/2

Promote water harvesting and storage facilities 1/2

Develop reservoirs and underground water abstraction 3

Sector Activities Rank
Community based catchments conservation and management programs 4

Develop new water serving technologies in irrigation 5

Develop early warning systems on drought and floods 6

Development of recycle and reuse facility in industrial sector 7

Energy Explore and invest in alternative clean energy sources e.g. Wind, Solar, bio- 1
diesel, etc.
Develop community based mini-hydropower 2
Improve biomass to energy conversion efficiency (improved charcoal production 3
technology, improved charcoal and wood stoves, use of biomass waste
briquettes, biomass waste gasification, promote fuel crop)
Increase use of geo-thermal power generation 4

Harness the proven coal reserves 5

promotion of application of cogeneration in the industry sector 6

Enhance natural gas utilization 7
Forestry Afforestation programmes in degraded lands using more adaptive and fast 1
growing tree species

Develop community forest fire prevention plans and programmes 2

Strengthen community based forest management practices 3

Promotion of alternative sources of energy for both domestic and industrial use 4

Promotion of appropriate and efficient technologies to reduce use of wood 5

Control habitat destruction and fragmentation along coast forest resources 6

Enhance the development of buffer zones and wildlife migratory routes 7

Health Establishing and Strengthening community awareness programmes on 1

preventable major health hazards

Ensure availability of sufficient trained staff at all health facilities 2

Strengthen malaria control programme 3
Develop early warning system and emergency measures 4

Establish Health & Climate collaboration & synthesis programs 5

Establishment of efficient and well coordinated early warning system in all 6


Sector Activities Rank
Provide efficient communication equipment to assist early diagnosis in the health 7

Wildlife Enhance wildlife extension services and assistance to rural communities in 1

managing wildlife resources

Support implementation of Community Based Management (CBM) programmes 2

of wildlife management areas surrounding the national parks and game reserves

Combating illegal hunting and forest fires 3

Developing wildlife information database 4

Development of migratory corridors and buffer zones for wildlife species 5

Development and implementation of management plans for protected and 6

conserved areas.
Improve wildlife and ecological surveillance systems
Tourism Establish alternative source of income for the community in the tourist area 1
Establishment of Community Based Fire Protection and Control Programme 2
Development of buffer zones around the national parks and game reserves 3

Implement sustainable tourism activities 4

Relocation of people living in wildlife corridors 5
Industry 1
Improve energy efficiency in industrial energy consumption

Efficient use of raw materials
Alternative use of raw materials
Water harvesting and recycling
Create better and permanent drainage systems
Promote use of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind etc
Coastal and Construction of artificial structures, e.g., sea walls, artificially placing sand on the 1
marine beaches and coastal drain beach management system
resources Restoration of degraded habitats e.g., beach nourishment, vertiva grass planting, 2
mangrove replanting, stimulation of coral reefs growth
Reduction or elimination of non-climate stress and monitoring; e.g., Elimination of 3
destructive fishing practices and over-fishing, Reduction of pollution and
damaging extraction, proper management of salt production and seaweed
farming, Coastal ecosystem monitoring
Relocation due to sea level rise of small island communities 4
Establishment of protected areas 5
Desalination of saltwater where possible 6

Sector Activities Rank
Human Establish good land tenure system and facilitate sustainable human settlements 1
settlements Relocation of vulnerable communities to other areas 2
Establish disaster committee and plans at village level. 3

Formulate a database for hazard prone areas and plan for appropriate measures 4

sensitize the communities on the climate change related hazards 5

establish rural areas improvement plan 6

Establish a Disaster planning framework 7

Zoning planning 8

Improve building codes 9

Wetlands Assess and conduct inventory of the types and spatial distribution of the wetland 1
ecosystems and their components

Develop wetlands monitoring programmes 2

Propose more Ramsar Sites for sustainable management of wetlands 3

Provide adequate capacity building, awareness and education on wetland 4

management issues related to climate change

6.3 Proposed top most urgent and immediate projects

The following project activities were ranked (by the NAPA team in consultation with stakeholders) as the
top most in terms of priorities

i. Increase irrigation by using appropriate water efficient technologies to boost crop production in
all areas
ii. Alternative farming systems and relocation of water sources including wells along the low lying
coastal areas
iii. Develop water harvesting and storage programs for rural communities particularly those in dry
iv. Community based catchments conservation and management programs
v. Explore and invest in alternative clean energy sources e.g. Wind, Solar, bio-diesel, etc.
vi. promotion of application of cogeneration in the industry sector
vii. A forestation programmes in degraded lands using more adaptive and fast growing tree species
viii. Develop community forest fire prevention plans and programmes
ix. Establishing and Strengthening community awareness programmes on preventable major health

x. Implement sustainable tourism activities
xi. Enhance wildlife extension services and assistance to rural communities in managing wildlife
xii. Water harvesting and recycling
xiii. Construction of artificial structures, e.g., sea walls, artificially placing sand on the beaches and
coastal drain beach management system
xiv. Establish good land tenure system and facilitate sustainable human settlements

Basing on these activities five project Profiles were prepared as indicated in the section below




1.0 Rationale/Background

Shinyanga, Dodoma and Singida regions are top in the list of drought stricken areas of Tanzania. Recent
crop surveys have revealed that rainfall shortage has become an outstanding cause of crop failure and in
effect recurrent food insecurity has become rampant in a number of regions and districts. It has been
reported that although Tanzanian farmers have been able to actively feed 100% of the country’s population
per annum on average, pockets of food shortages continue to exist in 37 districts (nearly one third of all
districts) in an average of 8 regions (MAFSC, 2006)1.

During the period (2001/02-2005/06), Tanzania was self-sufficient at different levels - the lowest level (88%)
was recorded in 2003/04 while the highest (103%) was recorded in 2004/05 the lowest number of deficit
regions (4) was recorded in 2002/03 while the largest number (14) was recorded in 2003/04. Over the
same period the lowest number of districts showing pockets of food shortage (13) was recorded in 2002/03
while the highest number (62) was recorded in 2003/04. Currently 2006/07, while the country is 110% food
self sufficient, 5 regions were (50 districts) are earmarked as having pockets of food shortage.

These changes are particularly of interest when thinking of climate change causing a shift in agro-
ecological zones thereby affecting crop calendar and performance. Understanding these changes is also
important in understanding poverty environment surrounding farmer’s purchasing power, which is basically
associated with management of food security at household level. Knowledge of these changes will also
assist in policy decisions associated with improved management of agricultural practices as efforts are
made towards raising farmer’s income as a source of farmer incentive to invest towards increased
productivity and production. It will also assist in appropriate policies to increase consumer’s purchasing
power and hence enhance everybody’s food security.

Ministry of Agriculture Food Security and Cooperatives (2006), AGSTATS for Food Security(Table 5)

In view of working towards these efforts it is hereby advocated that drought tolerant crops such as sorghum
and millets may be most appropriate where adverse weather and degradation of soils are increasingly
becoming a common feature. Consistent with this, deliberate efforts need to be made towards relocating
agro-ecological zones, identifying appropriate crops for the zones, addressing water/moisture availability,
and addressing fertilizer availability. The areas in these pool of failing agriculture and probably attributed to
negative effects of climate change include Shinyanga, Singida, Dodoma, Arusha, Tabora, Kilimanjaro and
the northern part of Iringa region. If anything is to be done to address rampant and probably chronic food
insecurity associated with negative effects of climate change these areas could provide an appropriate
starting point.

2.0 Objectives:

2.1 General Objective:

To promote use of drought tolerant food crops in drought prone areas of Shinyanga, Dodoma and Singida
regions for sustainable food production.

2.2 Specific objectives:

• To create awareness to local communities of the negative impacts of climate change on maize

• To ensure production and supply of food to local community in the drought-prone areas by
replacing maize with the relevant drought tolerant crops.

3.0 Activities:

• Creating awareness of the negative impacts of climate change to local communities.

• Identification of suitable crops to climate change induced AEZ
• Capacity building in terms of acquisition of typical crop varieties, input package, market availability
and utilization of drought tolerant crops
• Enhancing extension services relevant to the identified drought tolerant crops

4.0 Inputs:

Human resources, financial resources and materials

5.0 Activity-Indicative Budget:

Activity Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

Project Planning and Appraisal 900,000 900,000
Farmer training and facilitation 1,800,000 900,000 900,000 3,600,000

Extension services and facilitation 1,200,000 800,000 800,000 2,800,000
Public outreach 400,000 400,000 400,000 1,200,000

TOTAL 4,300,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 8,500,000

6.0 Institutional arrangement:

The Project will be implemented under the leadership of Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security in
collaboration with Local Government Authority, Tanzania Meteorology Authority, local communities, NGOs
and CBOs.

2 Project Title: Improving Water availability to drought-stricken Communities

in Central part of the country.

1.0 Justification/Rationale:
The government recognizes that water is an important component in the development of the country. This
is proclaimed the various policies including: Vision 2025, the Poverty Reduction Strategy, Agricultural
Policy, Environmental Policy, Forestry Policy, Energy Policy, etc. The Tanzania Poverty reduction strategy
Paper recognizes the heavy dependence of the people on the environment (soil, water and forest).

Large areas of the country are water scarce areas and do not enjoy adequate supplies of the water
resources all the year round. Rivers are dry half of the time in the larger part of internal drainage basin.
The high temporal and spatial variability in rainfall has resulted in endemic drought in some part of the
country particularly the central regions. As a result these regions are frequently hit by extreme droughts
posing a major challenge to water availability in these communities. This situation has lead into frequent
food insecurity and aggravated poverty in respective communities thereby increasing their vulnerability to
the adverse impacts of climate change. Rainfall in these regions is very erratic, unimodal and unreliable.
Recurrence of frequent drought in these areas has lead to extreme weather events and rainfall has been
reduced to a minimum of 400mm per year. The rainfall period is usually short and is followed by a long dry
season of six to eight months. Coupled with water scarcity problem, still the little amount of water available
in these regions is unsustainably utilized through poor and inefficient traditional irrigation practices, lack of
storage facilities and degradation of water catchments by human activities.

In view of the above, the challenge of ensuring adequate availability of water for various uses in these
regions remains very daunting. Interventions are needed in order to enable the communities to adapt and
cope with that magnitude of water scarcity in the regions. It is against this background, interventions in this
envisaged project are being proposed mainly to improve water availability in these communities for
sustainable livelihood.

2.0 Objectives:
2.1: Overall objective:
• To provide water and ensure sustainable utilization of water in the drought-stricken areas

2.2 Specific objectives:
• Ensure water availability to all communities in drought-stricken areas;
• Ensure sustainable use of available water;
• Ensure that communities participate in conservation and management of catchment’s areas.

3.0 Expected Outcomes:

• Improved water harvesting techniques and storage facilities;
• Well established water reservoirs and increased utilization of underground water sources;
• Improved sustainable utilization of water for various purposes;
• Increased participation of communities in conservation and management of water catchments;

4.0 Activities:
• To establish water harvesting and storage techniques;
• To develop reservoirs and underground water abstraction;
• To promote community-based catchments conservation and management;
• To promote sustainable utilization of water in small-scale traditional irrigation practices;

5.0 Activity-Indicative Budget:

S/N Activity Costs (USD)

1. Promotion of water harvesting and storage techniques 200,000

2. To develop reservoirs and underground water abstraction 300,000

3. To promote community-based water catchments conservation and

management 100,000
4. To promote sustainable utilization of water in small-scale traditional
irrigation practices 200,000


6.0 Institutional arrangement for project implementation:

The project will be implemented by Ministry of Water in collaboration with Prime Ministers Office- Regional
Administration and local Government, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Ministry of Agriculture
and Food Security, Ministry of Lands and Human Settlement Development, local communities and

3. Project Title: Shifting of Shallow Water Wells Affected by Inundation on the
Coastal Regions of Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar.

1.0 Rationale/Background

The five coastal regions of mainland Tanzania encompass about 15% of the country’s land area and are
home to approximately 25% of the country’s population. Recent estimates indicates that the population of
the five coastal regions now number about 8 millions, with a growth rate ranging between two and six per
cent. A doubling of the coastal population is expected in as little as twelve years. That could mean 16
million people will be living on the coastal areas by 2010, which is about 110 people per square kilometre.

Despite this huge number of the population on the coast due to its potential aesthetic value and other
unique natural resources which have attracted such a big number of people, coastal areas are most
vulnerable to climate change due to the anticipated rise in sea level, floods and other consequences.
Unfortunately, the effect of sea level rise is already being experienced in Coast region, in Bagamoyo
District. In this region sea level rise has resulted into inundation of some traditional water sources.

This process has resulted into salinization of shallow water wells, the only source of domestic water supply.
As a consequence, the process has caused both social and economic problems associated with lack of
reliable safe drinking water to rural communities.

These problems include:

i. Women have to walk very long distances to fetch water. This consumes a lot of their time which
could be spent on other productive activities. The burden is more on women and school children
particularly girls who seem to be the main water courier; and

ii. In some households, they have to set up a budget for buying water which is about US $ 0.2 for 20
litres. Considering the poverty levels of these communities, normal African family of about 8 people,
consumes the minimum amount of about 200 litres of water per day which is equivalent to US $ 0.8.
For a poor family living under US $ 1 a day the budget for water is a challenge. As a result people
are forced to avoid some productive activities such as animal keeping by zero grazing and farming
of cash crops that needs irrigation.

Looking at this trend, there is an immediate need to take action to curb the situation, otherwise if
unchecked; people living along the coast will be forced to migrate to other areas, something which may
cause social conflicts and other environmental degradation due to overpopulation and utilization of
resources. This will be impairing the targets of the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI) especially
target 10 to cut half by 2015 the population without reliable access to safe and clean drinking water and the
UN millennium Development Goals 1,2,3,4, 6 and 7 on poverty eradication, achieving universal education,
gender equality, reducing child mortality and improving maternal health, combating diseases (water borne
diseases in this case), and environmental sustainability respectively.

2.0 Overall Objective:

The overall objective of this project is to construct new water wells to enable people have reliable access to
safe and clean drinking water and for other development processes.

3.0 Activities:

• Awareness to the communities on the cause and impacts and explore their adjustments to the
problems faced due to climate change impacts;

• Training on the sustainable use of water and methods of water harvesting;

• Conducting a survey to identify wells that have been inundated with sea water along the coast.
The task of well survey will be conducted by the SSN adaptation team in Tanzania;

• Chemical testing of salts in wells that have been inundated with sea water to verify the extent
of the problem. This task will be conducted by SSN Tanzania team in collaboration with other
higher learning Institutions, particularly the University of Dar es Salaam;

• Survey for water sources alternatives for communities that need new water sources; e.g. other
places for bore holes or possibility of gravity water supply. To achieve this task, water supply
experts will be consulted and contracted;

• Rehabilitation of the traditional wells not yet inundated with sea water intrusion;

• Implementation of new water sources and supply. Bore holes drilling agents, and water supply
companies will be consulted and contracted to complete the final stage of achieving adaptation

• To reduce pressure on Coastal resources, promotion of alternative income generating

opportunities; and

• Promotion of good practice in land management.

4.0 Outputs

The outputs must be Simple, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Based. Please differentiate
between short term and long term outputs of the proposed project.

Short term output:

• The communities at Bagamoyo District are able to express a basic understanding of current
climate change impacts and adaptations options available;

• Shallow wells are relocated and new wells are being used;

• Shallow wells which have not been polluted are being used sustainably;

Long term Output:

This intervention will contribute to poverty reduction in the following ways:

• The coastal community will have reliable access to safe and clean drinking water and thus
reduce their valuable time and energy spent on fetching water. This time will be devoted to
other productive activities such as Small and medium Enterprises (SMEs), cultivation of cash
crops, etc;

• Provide more time for school children to attend schools and acquire at least the universal
primary education which is essential to every child;

• The cash spent on buying water will be used for other activities probably investing in Small and
Medium Enterprises (SMEs); and

• People will be able to grow and irrigate some small vegetable garden for extra income.

In general this intervention will compliment the efforts and objectives of the international communities
especially the MDGs and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation.

5.0 Activity-Indicative Budget

Activity Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

Project planning and appraisal 300,000 300,000
Facilitation of farmers 600,000 300,000 300,000 1,200,000
Establishment of tree nurseries 300,000 300,000 300,000 900,000
Establishing alternative income generating 300,000 300,000 300,000 900,000
Total 1,500,000 900,000 900,000 3,300,000

6.0 Institutional arrangements

The project will be implemented under the leadership of the Ministry of Water in collaboration with
Ministries of Natural Resources and Tourism, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, Local Government
Authority, Local Communties, NGOs/CBOs.


1.0 Rationale

Glacier retreat and change of vegetation on the slopes of Mt Kilimanjaro have made the latter one of the
climate change hotspots in Tanzania. This has been recognized in the Initial National Communications to
the UNFCCC and the NAPA.

In the past dense forests around the mountain used to cause water flows in a number of rivers that
originated from the mountain eventually forming the large Pangani river basin comprising Nyumba ya
Mungu, Hale and Pangani hydropower stations. Livelihood of surrounding communities depended on the
ecosystem over the mountain. Reliable water, forest products (like fuel, timber building material), rain-fed
and irrigable agriculture as well as livestock manifested the paradise of Mt Kilimanjaro ecosystem.

In recent past water shortage, failing agriculture, depletion of forest stocks and general unreliability of
rainfall has been experienced and in view of persistence of this negative feature it has been attributed to
climate change. The negative effect of climate change has been exacerbated by increasing population
pressure and poverty. In the project area the agricultural land has been inadequate and the communities
have encroached the formally catchment forest area and river valleys for agricultural purposes. Therefore,
a considerable amount of forest has been cleared for coffee and banana planting in subsistence farming. In
the current land tenure system where family heads distribute the available land as an asset to sons, has led
to the allocation of the catchment areas and river valleys as farming land. Under this increasing pressure
from human settlement and resource use the need for intervention becomes inevitable.

This project intends to address protection and conservation, together with promoting afforestation
programmes to adapt to climate change impacts. This will involve restoration of vegetation cover on the
degraded areas and making available forest products to communities living in the area.

2.0 Project Description and general objectives

2.1 General objective

The main objective will be to improve livelihood of communities around Mt Kilimanjaro by providing
alternative sources of income and food through replanting of trees and economic diversification.

2.2 Specific objectives:

• To restore degraded areas around Mt Kilimanjaro ecosystem

• To enhance community participation in tree planting

3.0 Activities:

• To create awareness on climate change adaptation, biodiversity conservation and afforestation through
community participatory efforts;
• To strengthen community participation through CBOs, schools, churches, youth groups, women groups
in conservation activities

• Establishing nurseries and replanting trees in the degraded areas.
• Support alternative sources of livelihoods such as engaging

4.0 Expected Outputs:

Major outputs will include among others:-

• Capacity built in CBOs, schools, churches, youth groups and women groups on climate change
adaptation and biodiversity conservation with a special focus on conservation of damaged river valleys.
• Rehabilitated degraded areas
• Awareness to local communities on climate change issues enhanced.
• Livestock and agricultural production improved, and the negative impacts on biodiversity and
degradation of environment around the project areas reversed.
• Alternative income sources enhanced

5.0 Activity-Indicative Budget

Activity Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

Project planning and appraisal 300,000 300,000
Facilitation of farmers 600,000 300,000 300,000 1,200,000
Establishment of tree nurseries 300,000 300,000 300,000 900,000
Establishing alternative income generating 300,000 300,000 300,000 900,000
Total 1,500,000 900,000 900,000 3,300,000

6.0 Institutional arrangements

Ministry of Natural resources and Tourism will play a leading role in the implementation of the project. Other
collaborating ministries/institutions to be involved are Ministry of Energy and Minerals, Local Government
Authority, Academic and Research Institutions, local communities, Local NGOs/CBOs

5 Title: Community Based Mini-hydro for Economic Diversification as
a result of Climate Change in Same District.

1.0 Justifications and Rationale:

The assessment carried out in the Luguru village recognizes that due to climate change the livelihood of
the community have been affected by lack of woodfuel and other forest products that have been supporting
the livelihood in the community as source of income to the households. Wood fuel has been the main
dependable source of energy to these communities and other forestry products. As a result of this, the
community have been very vulnerable and the household income has been very unreliable contributing to
poverty and increase in the vulnerability.

Thus installation of electricity to the community as an alternative source of energy in Lugulu Village will not
only provide the predictable sources of energy but will also enhance the income generating activities by
providing an avenue for the alternative sources of livelihood that will reduce the pressure on the use of
natural resources and therefore improve their adaptation to the adverse impacts of climate change. Some
of the alternative incomes generating activities that will triggered by the availability of electricity will include
entrepreneurship in small-scale agro-processing industries, services like battery charging stations,
refrigeration, water pumping etc.

The establishment of the community-based Mini-hydro will involve installation of a turbine with a capacity of
75KW at the Yongoma River in the Luguru village. The site is suitable since there exist some structures
such as canal and access road and therefore the installation will be done on the already existing structures
that will need minor modifications or improvements.

2.0 Overall objective:

The main objective of this initiative is to reduce vulnerability of the local communities by provision of more
predictable source of energy.

3.0 Expected Outcomes:

• Reduced pressure on the use of forest and forestry products

• Availability of opportunities for investment in alternative sources of livelihood
• Increased number of households and centres connected to electricity generated from the power

4.0 The Project activities:

Among others, Participatory Rural Appraisal (PPA) should be carried out to identify projects that will
generate income for the community in Lugulu Village.

• Awareness creation to the local communities on the adverse impacts of climate change and their

• Promotion of community-based mini-hydro management.
• Enhance community-based conservation of water catchment areas in the village
• Construction/upgrade of access road to the mini-hydro station
• Construction of power house and water ways
• Modifications and reinforcement of the exiting canal
• Installation of machinery;
• Construction of transmission and distribution network

5.0 Activity-Indicative Budget:

S/N Activities Cost (USD)

1. Awareness creation to local communities on the adverse impacts of 30,000
climate change and their vulnerability.
2. Promotion of community-based mini-hydro management 30,000
3. Enhance community-based conservation of water catchment areas in the
village. 40,000
4. Construction/upgrade of access road to the mini-hydro station.
5. 100,000
Construction of Power House and waterways.
6. Modifications and reinforcement of the exiting canal.
7. Installation of machinery (Turbine). 40,000
8. Construction of transmission and distribution network. 150,000


6.0 Institutional arrangements:

The project will be implemented under the leadership of Ministry of Energy and Minerals in collaboration
with Local Government Authority, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, local communities and

6 Project Title: Combating Malaria Epidemic in
Newly Mosquito-infested areas.

1.0 Justification/Rationale:

Malaria pandemic is one of the leading causes of death in many regions of the country ranging from 24% of
deaths in Rukwa to 48.9% in Dare es salaam. Currently, a malaria problem is evident from national level to
the grassroots level of malaria endemicity. Recently, there has been observed increased trends in the
occurrence of malaria in non-traditional areas found in highlands such as Kilimanjaro, Arusha, Tanga and
Kagera regions. In these areas malaria was not very pronounced in the past and this trend has been
attributed to global warming.

It is well evident that global warming exerts impacts on malaria ecosystems in Tanzania. Recent studies
done in these areas have revealed the relationship between increase in temperature and occurrence of
malaria incidence on these areas. Microclimate changes as a result of global warming such as
temperature, rainfall and humidity contribute to the changes in the epidemiology of the disease and this
leads to the extension of the disease to new non-traditional malaria areas. Change in climate may have
short and long-term impacts on disease transmission as these vectors and species have the potential to
redistribute themselves to new climate-driven habitats. Recent studies show that vector species have
adapted to ecosystems ranging from humid forests to dry savannahs.

Several initiatives to combat malaria have been put in place at national and local level; most of them have
been concentrated to the traditional malaria areas. This leaves the non-traditional malaria areas to be more
vulnerable to the impacts of malaria as most of the local communities are not well adapted to the disease
since the disease was not prevalent in these areas before. Strategic initiatives targeting these areas need
to be put in place in order to assist the communities in increasing their adaptation to the effects of Malaria
thereby reducing their vulnerability. Cognizant of this fact and bearing in mind the deadly effects of malaria
to human kind, the proposed project seeks to address the vulnerability of the communities to malaria in the
non-traditional malaria areas and to strengthen their capacity to adapt to this condition.

2.0 Objectives:
• Ensure community awareness on malaria in newly-malaria infected areas.
• Ensure capacity building for local medical practitioners and selected health centers.
• Ensure increased use of available alternative methods in combating menace of malaria.

3.0 Expected Outcomes:

• Increased awareness and understanding on malaria epidemiology to local communities.
• Increased availability of trained local medical practitioners in the newly-malaria infected areas.
• Improved capacity of selected health centers in early diagnosis of malaria.
• Increased use of local herbs in combating malaria.

4.0 Activities:
• To strengthen awareness and education programmes in newly malaria infected areas
• Strengthen training programmes to local Medical Practitioners
• Strengthen the capacity of selected health centers for early diagnosis of malaria
• To promote the use of traditional herbs in combating malaria.

5.0 Activity-Indicative Budget:

S/N Activity Costs

1 To strengthen awareness and education programmes in newly malaria infected

2 Strengthen training programmes to local Medical Practitioners 150,000

3 Strengthen the capacity of selected health centers for early diagnosis of malaria 300,000

4 To promote the use of traditional herbs in combating malaria. 100,000


6.0 Institutional arrangement:

The project will be implemented by the Ministry of health and Social Welfare taking a leading role. Other
collaborating institutions will include Prime Ministers Office – Regional Administration and Local
Government, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, NGOs/CBOs and Media.


The proposed project profiles will be implemented and managed by relevant sectors. However, the
coordination role is vested to the Vice President’s Office-Division of Environment which is the country’s
focal point regarding environmental issues. Furthermore, monitoring and evaluation of the projects will be
done by the Vice President’s Office in collaboration with other relevant stakeholders.

The main sectors that will play a leading role in the implementation of the proposed projects are: Ministry of
Agriculture and Food Security, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Ministry of Water, Ministry of
Health and Social Welfare and Ministry of Energy and Minerals. The leading sectors will collaborate with a
number of other sector ministries and institutions including Ministry of Education and Vocational Training,
Ministry of Lands and Human Settlement Development, Local Government Authority, Tanzania
Meteorology Authority, Research and Academic institutions, NGOs/CBOs and Local communities.

The process of developing the National Adaptation Programme of Action started with the formation of
NAPA team by a National Climate Change Focal point, which is the Vice President’s Office - Division of
Environment. The NAPA team composed of 20 experts from different sectors which were divided into four
groups. The four groups of NAPA team were assigned a task of consulting stakeholders of different sectors
namely energy and industry; agriculture, livestock, forest, land use, tourism, health, wildlife and wetland;
and coastal, marine, and freshwater resources. The sectoral vulnerability and adaptation tools were the
main approach used in the country-wide consultation to obtain vulnerability and adaptation information from
relevant sector. This approach was adopted because of the size of the country, making it difficult for
community approach, except in some sectors like agriculture and water. Thus, the four groups analyzed
impact of climate change in the country and came up with a NAPA synthesis report based on past and
present studies. The synthesis report was followed by a public consultation (using interviews and
questionnaires) with stakeholders including government officials in different ministries, private sectors such
as industries, and some communities. Among other areas, consultation with stakeholders was undertaken
in 13 districts and 52 villages at local communities including Bagamoyo, Pangani, Rufiji, Mtera, Mbeya,
Shinyanga and Dar es Salaam.

The NAPA Team synthesized and reviewed the gathered information on adverse effects of climate change
and coping strategies. This information included the past climate change studies, sectoral policies and
plans, and national strategies for sustainable development. Also the team conducted a participatory rapid
assessment to assess the current vulnerability and potential increase in climate hazards and associated
risks of the critical sectors. This was based on clear consensus that there was good information and
scientific research at national level that was used to evaluate past, current and future efforts on climate
change aspect.

In addition, the information on assessment of vulnerability and adaptation response options for Tanzania
due to climate change impact was updated during the NAPA assignment. Based on those information,
further analysis was done on the proposed adaptation measures with due regard to the National Action
Plan (NAP). Some measures have double benefits, i.e. achieving the objectives of the sector as well as
adapting the effects of climate change impacts. Less costly measures were considered as important for
implementation in the short-term and medium term programme while those demanding higher investment
for further research can form part of the long-term programme in NAPA. A total of 72 adaptation activities
were proposed from all sectors which were finally reduced to 14 project activities and from these activities
five project profiles were developed. The NAPA document seeks to address Tanzania’s urgent and
immediate adaptation needs to climate change and extreme weather events for vulnerable area. The
document has been endorsed by the Minister of State, Vice Presidents Office - Environment hence
government endorsement and approval.


1. Initial National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC), 2003, The United Republic of Tanzania, Vice President’s Office, Dar es
Salaam, Tanzania
2. Vulnerability Assessment Report, 2003 PMO, 2003, Prime Minister’s Office, Dar es Salaam,
3. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Least Developed Countries
Expert Group, 2003: Selection of examples and exercises drawn from the regional NAPA
preparation workshops.
4. Matari, E. E, 2006: Climate Extremes in Tanzania, paper presented at the Second Annual Scientific
workshop on Climate Change, Moshi, Tanzania
5. Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA), 2005:


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