Christian Research Work
Christian Research Work
Christian Research Work
AUGUST, 2018
I, Maxwell Vidza, declare that this research work, with the exception of quotations
and references contained in published works which have all been identified and duly
acknowledged, is entirely my own original work, and it has not been submitted, either
…………………………………… ………………………………
Supervisor’s Declaration
I, L.H. Bobobee hereby declare that the preparation and presentation of this research
……………………………… …..………………………
Winneba, for his technical guidance and encouragement throughout this research
Another special thanks goes to my mentor, Mr. Akompi, Felix for his technical input,
Finally, I would like to say thank you to Thomas Dope, Blagoza, Danso, Marfo,
Overview 1
Intervention strategy 5
Limitation 6
Delimitation 6
Overview 7
Theoretical Framework 7
The Contributions of Behavioural Theories 7
activity-based instruction 11
Scaffolding 12
Study area 24
Sample Size/ Population 25
Instrumentation 25
Overview 33
Research question 1 33
Research question 2 37
Conclusion 44
post-test 41
Table 7.0: A frequency table comparing the students’ scores on the pre-test
and post-test 41
APPENDIX A: Pre-test 52
APPENDIX B: Post-test 55
APPENDIX C: Questionnaire 58
The main objective of this study was to improve upon the performance of form two
science students of Apam Senior High School in the concept of chemical kinetics. The
sample for the study was fifty-seven (57) second year Science students made up of
thirty-seven (37) males and twenty (20) females. This sample was purposefully
selected. The research design used was action research. The main instruments used to
collect data for the study were tests (pre-test and post-test), semi-structured interview
and questionnaire. The numerical data of the pre-test and post-test activities were
and graphical representations (bar graph) for better interpretation. The outcome of the
analysis revealed clearly that there has been tremendous improvement in the
concluded that, the use of activity based instructions had a positive effect on science
Senior High School, Apam. It was therefore recommended that, science teachers at
the Apam Senior High School, Apam, should adopt the use of activity based
instruction in teaching the concept “chemical kinetics” to students and always use the
This chapter focuses on the background to the study, the statement of the problem, the
causes of the problem, intervention strategies, the topic for the study, the aim of the
project, the significance of the study, limitation of the study and the delimitation of the
Science has numerous branches which include biology, chemistry, physics, etc.
Chemistry is an activity- based subject just like most science subjects. Therefore there is
the need for teachers and instructors as a matter of fact to engage learners in hands on
understanding and also to make lessons interesting. According to Dewey (1991), science
matter of laws rather than effective method of enquiry into any subject matter. Different
activities in which students participate both inside and outside themselves, are among the
I had my internship at Apam Senior High School in the Central Region of Ghana. During
my stint at Apam SHS I realized through my interaction with the students that chemical
kinetics was one of the concepts in the chemistry syllabus that most students find difficult
to understand despite its enormous application in everyday life. For instance, students
observe during chemistry practical that if you combine an acid, for example vinegar or
lemon juice, with a base, example, baking soda or ammonia, you are performing an acid-
base reaction. Then again, students understand that cooking involves the use of heat to
cause chemical changes in food. Most of the students have been leaving their unripe
fruits like mango, pear etc. for some time to ripe before eating which constitutes rate of
chemical reactions. Because of its importance in everyday life, some aspect the concept
of chemical kinetics run through the JHS science syllabus as well as the integrated
science syllabus for SHS. Despite the enormous applications of chemical kinetics in real
life, SHS2 science students of Apam SHS have problems with the understanding of
their level of understanding on the said concept. This problem came to light during a
practical session organized by one of the chemistry teachers in the school who was my
mentor during my one term teaching internship in the school. During the practical, the
students were asked to differentiate between a chemical change and a physical change,
and also to write balanced chemical equations to represent chemical reactions and finally
to identify reactants and products of the reaction. Their immediate responses which were
embark on this exercise. The issue was then discussed with my mentor in order for a pre-
test to be administered and an intervention strategy to be implemented to help the
students obtained the pass mark whilst thirty-two (32) representing 56.14% of the
students scored below the pass mark. Some of the identified difficulties include the
chemical reaction is, identification of what reactants and products amongst others.
A semi-structured interview was conducted with all the 57 students to find out why some
of them performed poorly on the pre-test so that I could adopt a possible intervention to
improve their performance. It was also noted from the students’ responses that the
previous chemistry teacher did not use relevant TLMs and did not encourage the
Below is a table of the students’ responses in the interview about the causes of their low
Table 1.0 Students’ Responses in the Interview
to ask questions
of chemical equation
From the students’ responses in the interview conducted, it can be deduced that the
teacher who taught the concepts related to chemical kinetics in their previous classes did
not encourage students’ participation and did not use the relevant materials to teach and
thus the lecture method was the dominant teaching method used.
Intervention Strategy
In order to remedy the situation and improve the students’ poor performance in the
concept of chemical kinetics which is largely attributed to the fact that their chemistry
teacher did not encourage students’ active participation, activity based instruction, with
much focus on student participation, was deemed to be possible a solution to the problem.
Also, the use of appropriate teaching and learning materials (TLMs) can be of great help
The topic for this study is “using activity-based instructions to enhance the performance
of S.H.S.2 science students in chemical kinetics”. A case study of SHS2 science students
The aim of this study is to use the activity method of teaching to enhance SHS 2 science
This study will arouse the curiosity of chemistry students of Apam SHS and enhance
their interest in the study of chemistry. This study will also go a long way to improve the
chemical kinetics is one of the key topics in chemistry. This will prompt science teachers
students’ performance. Furthermore, this study will also equip teachers with a strategy to
solve similar problems and finally, it will serve as a reference material for those who may
Research Questions
I. What are the factors affecting students’ performance in the study of chemical
II. What is the effect of activity based instruction on selected Apam Senior High
The target groups for this study were the form 2 General Science students of Apam SHS.
However due to time constraint only the science A students were used for this study.
Even though the study was to a larger extent to help in solving problems of the
implementation of the intervention strategy as a cross section of the class were part of the
drama and cultural troupes as well as the sports teams, thus had divided attention during
the process, as sporting activities were being held at the school during the time of the
This study was restricted to the use of activity based instruction in teaching of chemical
concepts. It was also limited to the second-year science students only because they were
The purpose of this study was to enhance student’s performance on the concept of
chemical kinetics by the use of activity-based instruction. This chapter reviewed literature
related to the problem. The review focused on theoretical and empirical research done in
Theoretical Framework
The theoretical work done was based on constructivists and objectivist’s views on
learning whiles the empirical work done on the problem focused on the following: The
activity method of teaching and its advantages, chemistry and the activity method of
Skinner and others viewed the teacher’s job as modifying the behaviour of students by
setting up situations to reinforce students when they exhibited desired responses, teaching
them to exhibit the same response in all such situations. These behavioural principles
programmed instruction is limited, its principles form much of the basis of effective drill
The Contributions of Information-Processing Theories
unsatisfying. They did not agree with behaviourists’ views that stimulus-response
learning alone could form the basis of building higher level skills. As they focused on
capabilities such as rule learning and problem solving, they became more concerned with
the internal processes that went on during learning. With this knowledge, they hoped to
human learning. During the 1950s and 1960s, a group of researchers known as the
cognitive learning theorists began to hypothesize a model that would help people
visualize what is impossible to observe directly (Eggen & Kauchak, 2001). Though some
were among the first and most influential of the cognitive-learning theorists. They
hypothesized processes inside the brain that allow human beings to learn and remember.
and storage originally proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968). According to them, the
brain contains certain structures that process information much like a computer. This
model of the mind as a computer, hypothesizes that the human brain has three kinds of
1. Sensory registers. The part of memory that receives all the information a
person senses.
2. Short-term memory (STM). Also, known as working memory, is the part
According to this model, learning occurs in the following way. First, information is
sensed through receptors: eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and/or hands. This information is held
in the sensory registers for a very short time (perhaps a second), after which it either
can be sensed but lost before it gets to STM, if the person is not paying attention to it.
Anything people pay attention to goes into working memory, where it can stay for about
5 to 20 seconds (Ormrod, 2001). After this time, if the information is not processed or
processing theorists believe that for new information to be transferred to LTM, it must be
linked in some way to prior knowledge already in LTM. Once information does enter
LTM, it is there essentially permanently, although some psychologists believe that even
information stored in LTM, can be lost if not used regularly (Ormrod, 2001).
Information-processing views of learning have become the basis for many common
classroom practices. For example, teachers ask interesting questions and display eye-
catching materials to increase the likelihood that students will pay attention to a new
topic. While presenting information, they give instructions that point out important points
and characteristics in the new material and suggest methods of “encoding” or
remembering them by linking them to information students already know. Teachers also
give students practice exercises to help ensure the transfer of information from short- to
long-term memory.
storage. Gagné proposed that teachers use a hierarchical “bottom-up approach,” making
sure that students learn lower order skills first and build on them. Ausubel, by contrast,
guidelines for directed instruction that combine the behavioural and information-
processing learning theories. He asserted that teachers must accomplish at least three
Teachers must make sure that students have all the prerequisite skills they
need to learn a new skill. This may involve identifying component skills and
the order in which they should be taught. Gagné referred to this group of skills
as a learning hierarchy.
internal processes involved in learning; that is, they must supply sequences of
and skills.
Finally, teachers must vary these conditions for several different kinds of
Activity-based Instruction
cognitive science. This area focused specifically on students’ motivation to learn and
ability to use what they learn outside the school culture. Constructivist strategies try to
the teaching methods based on them. In addition, constructivists try to inspire students to
see the relevance of what they learn and to prevent what Cognition and Technology
Group of Vanderbilt, (CTGV), (1990) calls inert knowledge, or student failure to transfer
what is already known to the learning of other skills that require prior knowledge.
These theories are based on the ideas of educational philosophers, psychologists, and
practitioners such as John Dewey, Lev Vygotsky, Jerome Bruner, Jean Piaget, and
Howard Gardner.
Dewey’s ideas support constructivist models of teaching and learning. Among these ideas
is the need to center student instruction around relevant, meaningful activities. Dewey
asserted that, any instruction that did not center on problems already within the child’s
experience is worse than useless. Dewey emphasized that learning should be hands-on
and experience based, rather than abstract (Prawat 1993). Based on these assertions of
Dewey, this research work is based on games which are fun and activity based learning.
These ideas are supported by Smith & Smith (1994) who objected to commonly used
student through direct drill and memorization . . .” Dewey believed that meaningful
learning resulted from students working cooperatively on tasks that were directly related
“Vygotsky’s twin concepts” of scaffolding and the zone of proximal development are
important for constructivists. Prawat (1993) observed that “Vygotsky emphasized the
constructivists feel that teachers can most effectively provide scaffolding or help in
Vygotsky felt that cognitive development was directly related to and based on social
development (Gage & Berliner, 1988; Ormrod, 2000). What children learn and how they
think are derived directly from the culture around them: “. . . children begin learning from
the world around them, their social world, which is the source of all their concepts, ideas,
facts, skills, and attitudes. . . . Our personal psychological processes begin as social
processes, patterned by our culture” (Gage & Berliner, 1988). An adult perceives things
much differently than a child does, but this difference decreases as children gradually
translate their social views into personal and psychological ones (Davydov, 1995).
Vygotsky referred to the difference between these two levels of cognitive functioning
(adult/expert and child/novice) as the zone of proximal development. He felt that teachers
could provide good instruction by finding out where each child was in his or her
development and building on the child’s experiences. He called this building process
“scaffolding.” Ormrod (2001) said that teachers promote students’ cognitive development
by presenting some classroom tasks that “they can complete only with assistance, that is,
within each student’s zone of proximal development”. Gage and Berliner (1988) felt that
problems occur when the teacher leaves too much for the child to do independently, thus
slowing the child’s intellectual growth. “In the zone of proximal development, social
knowledge and individual knowledge grows and becomes more complex” (Gage &
Berliner, 1988). This implies that, as learners interact with each other through games,
major scientific concepts behind the games are acquired and then finally become personal
Bruner’s Relevance Principle
Some of the principles associated with the educational theorist, Jerome Bruner, seem to
coincide with those of Vygotsky and Piaget, providing further theoretical support for the
constructivist theory. Like Piaget, Bruner believed children go through various stages of
primarily concerned with making education more relevant to students need(s) at each
stage, and believed that teachers could accomplish this by encouraging the students’
active participation in the learning process. Active participation, he felt, was best
achieved by providing discovery learning environments that would let children explore
According to Skinner (1974), Mills (2000) and Watson (1930), the constructivists and
behaviourists theories, if merged, will greatly promote learning but they are hardly seen
As Molenda (1991) observed, an “either-or stand” seems to gain us little. Rather, both
sides need to find a way to merge the two approaches in a way that will benefit learners
and teachers. A link between the ‘two planets’ must be forged so that students may travel
freely from one to the other, depending on the characteristics of the topics at hand and
individual learning needs. Sfard (1998) agreed that “one metaphor is not enough” to
explain how all learning takes place or to address all problems inherent in learning.
Bereiter (1990) initially supported directed instruction methods and later shifted towards
achieve is sufficiently complex that none of the existing learning theories can account for
how it is actually learned, let alone the conditions that should be arranged to facilitate the
learning. He points out the futility of theory and research that attempts to:
(2) Quantify their comparative contribution to what he calls difficult learning, that is,
Bereiter (1990) again observed that each of these contributing factors tends to interact
with others, thus changing their relative importance. He quoted Cronbach’s vivid
hall of mirrors that extends to infinity”. Practicing teachers could encounter endless
variations of explanations about how people learn or fail to learn. Escaping from this hall
of mirrors will require, Bereiter maintains, a more all-inclusive learning theory than those
currently available. In light of Bereiter’s observations, the debate between directed and
constructivist proponents seems likely to inspire different methods primarily because they
focus on different kinds of problems (or different aspects of the same problems)
confronting teachers and students in today’s schools. Like the blind men trying to
describe the elephant, each focuses on a different part of the problem, and each is correct
in limited observations.
It is the combination of the two proponents of teaching that guided this research.
activities and integration methods that are best suited to their specific needs hence the
Teaching has generally been perceived to be the transmission of knowledge from one
teachers dominate the class and transfer knowledge to students. This method of teaching
generally recognized students as passive listeners rather than active participants of the
dimension which places students at the center of the teaching and learning process, a
dimension that allows students to be active participants and a dimension that gives
students the opportunity to construct their own knowledge from their past or current
There is no globally accepted method of teaching and there are varied teaching methods
adopted by teachers all over the world (Carin 1993). Farant (1980), indicated that there
are a lot of teaching methodologies that teachers can employ during their teaching.
However, Farant (1980), Carin (1993) and Gabel (1984) stipulated that the activity
method of teaching has received global recognition over the past decade as one of the
best teaching models for science. Brunner (1960) also indicated that the activity method,
unlike the lecture method of teaching in which the flow of information follows a linear
teaching as the transmission of knowledge from one person to another seems limited in
some respect in that it treats the students as being ‘empty vessels’. To him teaching must
be viewed as the process of guiding students to acquire relevant knowledge and skills as
According to Cain (1990), a teacher’s duty is to guide the students to construct their own
knowledge by giving them the necessary fundamentals. This is in line with the
directly from one knower to another, but learners have to actively construct their own
students can actively participate in activities that enable them to make their own
Pine (1989) defined the activity method of teaching as the conscious or planned strategy
in which teachers engage their students in the teaching and learning process. Pine
continued to reiterate that the students’ involvement in the lesson must be seen as
important, in that, it is one way of capturing the students’ interest I n whatever they are
taught and makes teaching and learning practically based. Brown and Brown (1982) also
in dicated that a teacher can involve the students in his or her lesson in the following
i. demonstrations
v. hands-on activities
Carin (1993) on the other hand, gave some advantages of the activity method of teaching
pursuance of knowledge.
b. It gives reality for learning and makes learning more practical rather than being
All these citations justify the fact that the activity model of teaching remains one of the
best and globally accepted teaching methods that a teacher can employ in his or her
teaching to ensure that the students grasp the concepts they are taught to improve their
Chemistry is an activity- based subject just like most science subjects. Therefore there is
the need for teachers and instructors as a matter of fact, to engage learners in hands- on
understanding and also to make lessons interesting. According to Dewey (1991), science
matter of laws rather than effective method of enquiry into any subject matter. Different
activities in which students participate both inside and outside, are among the multiple
situations that can have an effort on science achievement of learning. The learning
environment will not be conducive for students unless a teacher devised a good strategy
of teaching. This approach places emphasis on the direct participation of the students in
the learning process, the students getting the right concept while engaging themselves in
different activities.
The constructivists’ theory of learning is the bedrock principle that underpins this study.
The theory does not view a teacher as a knowledge giver but rather a facilitator in the
teaching and learning process. Thus students are encouraged to construct their own
knowledge, based on their prior knowledge (Markman 1999). As already stated in chapter
one of this study, chemistry, like the other sciences, is an activity oriented subject and
Several research reports, such as; Camacho and Good (1989), Forson (2010) and Boo
(1998) indicated that the activity model of teaching is one of the best teaching models
that a teacher can use during the teaching of chemistry. Forson indicated that chemistry is
phenomenon and thus students must be given the opportunity to develop their own ways
of constructing knowledge from their prior experiences. Thus, Forson (2010) and Shehen
(2015) in their studies, used the activity method of teaching to enhance students’
understanding of the mole concept through hands-on activites. The concept of chemical
conducted by Jenkins (2000), Boo (1998), Frailich, Kesner and Hoftein (2009), Attahiru
(2016) and Sproul (2005) they used the activity method of teaching to enhance students’
understanding of chemical bonding through the use of demonstration, whole class
discussion and asking of thought provoking questions which challenges students’ ability
In the pursuit of science including chemistry as a branch, we must be concerned with the
empirical aspects of the world and these aspects are the things that can directly be
observed (Head 1985). Researchers in Chemistry Education have suggested that learning
chemistry is enhanced and the understanding level is improved when the learners are
engaged in chemistry practical and experiments (Hodson, 1993 and Dahar and Faize
2011). Practical work stimulates the learners’ interest in the science subjects they are
studying when they are personally made to engage in useful scientific activities and
experimentation and as such Cakmak and Leach (2005) used practical activities which
Hofstein (2004), Colangelo et al (2009) and Karamustofaoglu and Mamlok (2015) also
developing learning experiences and promote long- term memory than theory alone.
The ultimate goal in teaching and learning is what learners are able to learn and not just
what teachers are required to teach (NCCE, 2011). Kankia (2008) revealed that learners
remember one-fifth (1/5) of what they hear, half (1/2) of what they see and three-quarters
(3/4) of what they do with their own hands. Therefore, learning by doing and not by
seeing or hearing should be given more emphasis so that proper transfer of information
takes place.
The teaching and learning of chemistry should not be pursued in an abstract manner but
understanding of nature. The above citations justify the fact that, the activity method of
teaching cannot be underrated when it comes to the teaching and learning of chemistry.
Several research papers, articles and reports such as Cakmakci (2005), Leach & Donnely
(2006), Bozkoyun (2004) and Van Driel (2002) have brought to light some students’
misconceptions with regards to chemical kinetics. The motive of this sub-heading of the
reference to chemical kinetics. Students’ conceptions which are different from those
et al 1983). The word misconception as used in this context refers to students’ naïve ideas
become a hindrance in acquiring the correct body of knowledge. In a case study of one
student, Taber (1995) demonstrated that the student’s alternatives framework about
charges acted as a block to learning about chemical bonding. Some studies have
abandoned before new concepts can be developed. For the sake of brevity and
cohesiveness, this aspect of the literature review has been categorized and explained into
Many renowned scientists and writers of the chemistry has defined rate of
chemical reaction in various ways. Amongst them Zumdahl (1986) defined rate of
time’. Petrucci, Harwood, Herring & Madura (1993) also described rate of
with time’. In a similar study carried out by, Cakmakci (2005) about student’s
f. The period of time when at least two reactants undergo a reaction to when
a product is formed.
According to a study carried out by Kolomuc & Tekin (2011) students were
required to draw and explain the rate of the reaction-time graphs. The graphs
showed that most of the students could not draw the rate of reaction-time graph of
reactants and products. Some of the students drew the graph by assuming the rate
of reaction to be fixed and stated that the rate of reaction could change with only
misconceptions: ‘the rate of reaction did not remain stable because there were no
increasing rate, and some at decreasing rate”, “the rate of the reaction is not
affected by the concentration of the reactant that take part in the reaction”.
kinetics stemmed from the fact that the students had an insufficient command of
comprehending graphs. Similar studies carried out by Kozma (2003) and Costu
(2007), brought out student’s alternative concepts about the topic under
over time.
b. The reaction is realized and the rate of reaction gets faster and faster.
c. The rate of reaction did not remain stable because there were no
The above citations suggest and attest to the fact that students’ difficulties in chemical
kinetics is universal and thus teachers all over the world must adopt strategic means of
This chapter dealt with the study area, research design, population, sample, research
instruments, validity and reliability of the research instruments, data analysis procedure
Study area
This study was conducted at Apam Senior High School popularly known to the local
folks of Apam and Ankamu as Great APASS. APASS is located in Apam in the Gomoa
West District of the Central region. The school is about 1km meter away from the Gomoa
West District Assembly Office Complex in Apam. The school has a total student
The study is a practical action research. With regard to this type of research, the
a problem in their professional context. According to Schmuck (1997), the main purpose
of practical action research is to ‘research a specific school situation with the view of
improving practice’.
This type of research however has a major limitation. During or after the implementation
of the findings, other issues may emerge, which would require further research process to
Despite this limitation, I chose this type of design because it helped me to produce valid
information and knowledge that has immediate application in the classroom. It also helps
to solve problems which have direct effect on students’ academic performance as the
Fifty-seven (57) SHS2 Science students were used for this study. The fifty-seven
students used for this study consisted of twenty-eight (27) females and thirty-seven (30)
males. Apam Senior High School admits students for five different programmes under
the West African Senior Secondary School Certificate. These are General Science, Home
Economics, Business, General Arts and Visual Arts. The target population is the two
classes of form two science students which comprise one hundred students under the
General Science programme. However, one of the classes (1/1) was chosen purposively
as the accessible population and sample for the study. This class (1/1) was chosen
because the pre-test results showed much downward trend in performance in the class ie.
25 out of 57 students had scores below the pass mark of 50 out of a total of 100 marks
than the other class which is (1/2), hence an intact class of 57 students was used as the
These are tools used to collect information on the students about the problem under
study. The data collected were based on the student’s understanding of the concept,
“chemical kinetics”. The main instruments used to collect data for the study were tests
Observation is the act of recognizing and noting facts or occurrences. The Concise
phenomena as they occur in nature with regard to cause and effect or mutual relations’.
From the description of Fainu (2005 ) and Cobuild (2003) on the other hand, one can
conclude that observation is the process of studying things or people and being able to
tell what they are, what they are capable of or why they behave the way they do.
I perceived that, the students have a problem when it comes to balancing chemical
Although observation has an advantage of overcoming the bias which the phrasing of
that,though its disadvantages cannot be done away with , data collected through
the interviewees. However, I chose to use unstructured interview because of its flexibility
and freedom which will enable me to unearth to unearth detailed, relevant as well as
sensitive information about the problem through probing questions because of its
flexibility. The participants also have the freedom to express themselves. This instrument
has the disadvantage of ‘aimless rambling’ on the part of the interviewee hence I took
According to Fianu (2005), a test is a series of questions which serve as a measuring tool
used for collecting specific information from subjects to aid in finding solution to a
research problem. Even though some respondents or testees may not supply accurate
answers as they may suffer from faulty memory or not be able to express their ideas
it is an effective way of securing information from students and also an ideal method that
will help to measure students’ performance. The main instruments used for the study are
pre-test and post-test because they are effective ways of securing information from
students and are ideal methods that helps to measure students’ performance. The pre-test
and post-test were self-prepared and self-administered. This ensured that, the test items
The pre-test was used during the pre-intervention stage to ascertain the authenticity of the
problem while the post-test was used in the post-intervention stage of the research to find
The pre-test and post-test were similar in structure (in terms of construction and difficulty
level) but different in content. Each of the tests was in two sections. The section A of
the tests consisted of 5 multiple choice questions. Each of these questions contained only
one key and three other distracters. Thus in all each multiple choice question had four
alternatives from which the students were to choose the correct answer. According to
Dzakadzie (2015) students can predict answers in multiple choice questions without
having in-depth understanding of the concept. Due to this assertion, each of the multiple
choice questions had four alternatives, thus the probability of the students predicting the
The sections B of the tests were mainly theory questions which involved definitions,
explanations of chemical kinetics and consisted of two major questions with some sub-
questions under each major question. The tests were marked out of hundred.
In every research work, the validity of the research instruments is a paramount factor to
the instrument to measure what it is supposed to measure. To ensure the content validity
of the tests,
three chemistry teachers were made to review the questions. Two of the reviewers were
To ensure that the questions in the tests were reliable, they were pilot-tested with thirty
SHS2 Science B students of Apam SHS who also offer elective chemistry. The students
were given a maximum of one hour to attempt all the questions on the test. The students
were also given a one week notice before the conduct of the test. They were also made
aware that the test would be centered on chemical kinetics. The students were given a
notice one week prior to the test. The students were also made aware of the structure of
the tests even before the day they sat for the paper. The rules governing the conduct of
Data analysis procedure
The students’ scores in each of the tests were grouped into three categories, above
average, average and below average. Students who scored above 75% were categorized
as above average, those who scored between 50% and 74% were categorized as average
and those who scored below 50% were categorized as below average. The pass mark for
both tests was 50% thus students who scored below the pass mark were considered to
As part of my quest to help improve the performance of the students in chemical kinetics,
chemical kinetics. I spent about two hours with the students in each of the two days we
met in a week. The intervention strategy used was activity-based instruction. Before the
intervention lesson, the students were put into eight groups with each group containing
seven members while the last group contained eight students. Each group was assigned
to go and read and make short notes on the concept of physical and chemical change and
to cite examples of physical and chemical changes. The first intervention lesson focused
on the definition of physical change and chemical change and some examples of this
phenomenon. The second lesson also focused on identification of reactant and product
lessons, each group was allowed five minutes for their presentation as I observed. I
started the first intervention lesson by brainstorming with the students using questions to
help students come out with the definition of physical and chemical changes. Each group
was given tasks to perform and record their observations after a series of guidelines and
instructions. The tasks included shredding a piece of paper, cooking an egg, melting an
ice, boil water, mixing an acid with a base, evaporating alcohol, burn a piece of paper,
grinding of salt crystal to powder. The students were then asked to categorize the
activities they performed into physical change and those that involved chemical change.
They were then asked to categorise their activities based on the following parameters: If
there was production of odor, colour, sound, release of energy or a particular change in
the natural composition of the substances involved, and record their observation. I then
called a member randomly from each group to give their presentations. After each
presentation, I discussed what constitute a chemical change and physical change and also
used the activities they carried out to explain what reactants and products are. Based on
the discussions, the students were able to distinguish between which of the activities they
performed constituted a physical change or chemical change. Thus each group realized
that in chemical changes, a new compound or substance was formed as a result of atoms
in the substance rearranging themselves to form new chemical bonds hence, new
compounds. They also saw that in a physical change no new chemical species forms but
changing of the state of a substance between a solid, liquid and gas phases of matter
occurs. They also noted that reactants are the substances that combine with one another to
form a new substance that is referred to as the product. They also realized some
new substances also called products. This stimulated the students’ understanding of
physical and chemical changes in a practical perspective. I used question and answer to
summarize the lesson and informed students on the topic for the next lesson and closed.
The second intervention lesson started with a quick recap of the previous lesson and each
group was asked to present their findings on the meaning of rates of reactions,
mathematical representation of rate of reaction and factors that affect chemical reactions.
After each group had finished with their presentations, I brainstormed with students on
what rate of reaction is, and also deduce the mathematical representation of rate of
reaction as well as factors affecting the rate. A dilute solution of HCl was prepared and
each group was given a strip of zinc metal of mass 1.5g. Each group used 20cm³ of the
solution for the first experiment. Each group was then asked to dilute their solutions
again with 10, 15 and 20cm3 of water. Then dip the zinc metal into each of the diluted
solutions and record the time it took for the disappearance of the zinc metal in each case.
Based on the observations the students made during the experiment such as how long it
took the zinc metal to disappear in the solutions, I brainstormed with them to come out
with the meaning of ‘rate of chemical reaction’, as the amount of reactant consumed per
unit time or the amount of product formed per unit time. The students also undertook an
experiment to show the effect temperature has on the rate of a chemical reaction. Each
group was provided with a sodium thiosulphate solution and dilute hydrochloric acid.
They were asked to measure equal volumes of the sodium thiosulphate into three separate
beakers and label them accordingly, they were then asked to warm the solutions to certain
make a big black cross sign on a sheet of white paper placed beneath the beaker and pour
the thiosulphate solution into the acid and immediately start their stop clock and observe
how long it took for the cross sign to disappear when looked through the beaker. Again to
explain the effects of surface area or particle size on reaction rates, each group was given
a lump of calcium carbonate and a powdered calcium carbonate with a dilute
hydrochloric acid. They were instructed to take the same mass of both the powdered and
lump of calcium carbonate and react with the acid in separate beakers and observe which
of the calcium carbonates reacted faster and why. The students concluded from their
observation that the finely divided solid is, the faster the reaction occurs, the reason being
that the powdered solid has a larger surface area compared to the lump.
I used oral questioning and answers periodically to assess students’ learning and give
individual attention where necessary. I closed the lesson by letting students summarize
the discussion. Two days after the intervention activities, I administered my post-
The purpose of this chapter is to present data analysis findings in order to determine the
chemical kinetics at Apam Senior High School, Apam. It also focuses on discussion of
the data analysis findings. The results and discussions are presented based on the order of
1. Research question 1: What are the factors affecting students’ performance in the
To find out some of the factors that affect form two science students’ performance in the
study of chemical kinetics, a questionnaire containing ten (10) items were given to
students to respond to. The questionnaire and the results are provided in table 1 below.
Table 2: Students’ Responses to Questionnaire
No. % No. %
S.H.S. one?
7. Did your chemistry teacher take his time to explain 9 15.8 48 84.2
10. Were you regular and punctual to chemistry class when 47 82.5 10 17.5
N= 57
From table 2 above, 55 students representing 96.5% agreed that they studied chemistry as
an elective subject at the S.H.S one. According to Bruner (1973) any subject could be
manner. This results in the development of the spiral curriculum in Ghana, where for
instance chemistry is supposed to be taught at all levels even at the lower levels through
to the university level with varied degree of difficulty. This was lacking in the 2 students
who did not study chemistry at senior high school level. This implies that there was a
break in the chain of knowledge in chemistry for these two students, hence contributed to
their poor performance in the pre-test given them. (27) twenty-seven respondents agreed
that their previous chemistry teacher at S.H.S. one, was not regular in class hence could
not perform well in the pre-test given. This confirmed the finding of (Saettler, 1990) who
stated that the permanent presence of an instructor or teacher creates a level of confidence
and trust in learners for a particular subject. This also helps to increase in knowledge and
interest in that field of study. A larger number of the students could not have access to the
regular presence of a chemistry teacher. This resulted in their lack of knowledge and
interest in some aspects of chemical kinetics and chemistry as a subject. Even though 30
respondents representing 52. % agreed that their chemistry teachers at S.H.S one were
regular, they likewise performed poorly due to other factors such as non-usage of TLRs
appropriate resources are provided for learners to interact with, learning becomes
interesting and relatively permanent. The use of activity-based instructions in teaching
deepens and broadens the horizon of knowledge and understanding of learners. The
absence of these resources retards the understanding of concepts by learners. This can be
attributed to the poor performance of students in the pre-test which was confirmed by 47
out of 57 respondents representing 82.5% who agreed that they were not taught chemistry
using TLRs.
The preparedness of learners for a lesson is a keen factor that influences learners
understanding of any given concept. Learners flow with the teacher in a lesson when they
read around the concept to be taught in advance. The advance preparation of learners can
only be possible when they have textbooks or reference materials to read from. Forty-five
respondents representing 79.8% said they do not have any personal textbook or reference
material when they were at the S.H.S one which is an indication that they do not read in
advance for their lesson, hence their poor performance in the pre-test.
Another factor that affects learners understanding of concepts is the inability of teachers
to take their time to explain concepts to the understanding of their students. Forty-eight
(48) respondents representing 84.2% agreed that their teachers at the S.H.S. level do not
take their time to explain chemistry concepts. This makes it very difficult for the student
Thirty-seven (37) of the respondents agreed that their teachers at the S.H.S level do not
give them regular assignment after teaching. Even out of the (22) respondents who agreed
that their teachers give them regular assignments, only 12 agreed their teachers provide
feedback and 8 out of this twelve (12) said the feedback was prompt. Assessment
according to Black and William (1998) is all the activities undertaken by teachers and/or
by their students which provide information to be used as feedback to modify the
teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged. As learners’ performance in
assignments helps teachers modify their teaching strategies, prompt feedback to students
serves as motivation and encouragement for student in learning. The absence of these
regular assignment and prompt feedback from teachers was also a factor that affected the
Research question 2: What is the effect of activity based instruction on selected Apam
A pre-test was given to the students to find out their level of comprehension before the
Table 3: Scores of Students in Pre-test
80-89 0 84.5 0 0
90-99 0 94.5 0 0
⅀ FX
Table 4.0: Frequency Table showing the Students’ Performance in the Pre-Test
Average 20 35.09
below average average above average
Pre-test result
A post-test was also given to students to find out students’ performance in chemical
bonding after the intervention. The results are presented in table 3 and figure 4 below.
Table 5: Students’ Scores in Post-test
0-9 0 4.5 0 0
10-19 0 14.5 0 0
⅀ FX
Table 6.0: Frequency Table Showing the Students’ Performance in the Post-Test
Average 29 50.88
below average average above average
Post-Test Results
Table 4.0 A frequency table comparing the students’ scores on the pre-test and post-test
Pre-test 32 20 5
Post-test 14 29 14
To find out the impact of the intervention strategy (the use of activity-based instruction)
on the performance of students in chemical kinetics, a comparism of the pre-test and the
post-test results was made. This is represented in table 4 and figure 5 below
below average average above average
From the pre-test results in table 2 and figure 3 above, thirty-two (32) students
representing 56.14% scored below 50 marks out of a total of 100 marks in the pre-test.
Only four (25) students representing 43.86 % managed to score 50 marks and above out
of a total of 100 marks in the pre-test. From the post-test results in table 3 and figure 4
above, only seven (14) students representing 24.56% scored below 5 out of 10marks in
the post-test and thirty (43) students representing 75.44% scored 50 and above.
Comparing the pre-test results with those of the post-test as represented in table 4 and
figure 5 above, thirty-two (32) students representing 56.14% failed in the pre-test as
against seven (14) students representing 24.56% failing in the post-test. This is evidential
that larger number of students failed in the pre-test than in the post-test. Seventy-five
point four percent (75.4%) of the students on the other hand passed the post-test as
against only twenty-five (25) students representing 43.86% who passed the pre-test.
The comparism of the two results revealed clearly that there has been tremendous
This action research was designed to identify the problems of form two Science A
students of the Apam Senior High School, in understanding the concept of chemical
kinetics and how to improve upon their performance in the concept of “Chemical
According to the findings from the study, the students find it difficult to understand the
concept of chemical kinetics if the lesson is presented in an abstract form or without any
The study has been very successful, in that the intervention activity used was able to help
improve upon the performance of students in the concept “chemical kinetics”. Students’
The positive results obtained by students in the post-test suggest that students attained the
requisite techniques and knowledge needed to enable them understand the chemical
To conclude I can state emphatically that the intervention strategy used was very
Suggestions and Recommendations
As a result of the intervention strategies used to help students to understand the concept
that teachers should ensure full students’ participation in the teaching and learning
process. Students must be placed at the center of the lesson but should not be
2. Motivation should be a tool the teacher should always use to encourage his or her
3. Teachers are advised to cultivate the habit of using appropriate TLMs to stimulate
students’ understanding and make chemistry practically based. Thus, with this
Teachers on this note are also advised to be creative and improvise for materials
4. Teachers are also advised to vary their teaching techniques to suit the learning
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a. A single element
c. A solution
d. A compound
1(a) Give three ways by which the rate of a reaction can be increased.
(b) Enumerate 5 differences between a physical change and a chemical change and
2. The minimum amount of energy required before a chemical reaction could occur
is called?
3. Which of the following is a common sign that a chemical change has occurred?
4. Which of the following statements about the rate of a chemical reaction is true?
5. Increase in temperature of a reaction leads to an increase in the reaction rate by?
1(a) Explain why the rate of any chemical reaction increases with an increase in
chemical change
Answer each question in the table below by ticking (√) the YES or NO column.
assignment at
10. Were you regular and punctual to chemistry class when you
1. C
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. B
(b) i.
(b) ii. Examples of physical changes; shredding of paper, melting of ice, freezing of water
(b) iii. Examples of chemical changes; burning of wood, rusting of iron, boiling of egg.
1. B
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. C
1.a. Particles can only react when they collide. If a given substance is heated, the
particles acquire more kinetic energy and faster and so collide more frequently.
Thereby increasing the rate of the reaction.
b.i. Physical processes; shredding paper, boiling water, evaporating alcohol, melting
of ice cube, crumpling a sheet of aluminum foil.
b.ii. Chemical processes; burning of wood, mixing acid and base, chewing a piece of
bread, baking cake, cooking an egg.