C147148-01 Technical Note On Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios R02
C147148-01 Technical Note On Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios R02
C147148-01 Technical Note On Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios R02
Document Control
Document Information
Project Title Dike 2 Pontal System, Runout Analysis
Document Title Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
Issue Number 02
Client Information
Client VALE S.A.
Av. Dr. Marco Paulo Simon Jardim, 3.580 - Prédio 1 - Térreo - Mina de Águas Claras - 34006-
Client Address
270 - Nova Lima - MG - Brazil
Revision History
Prepared Approved
Issue Date Status Comments on Content Checked By
By By
01 23 April 2020 For Review Awaiting client comments RJE BSP
02 26 April 2020 For Review Inclusion of client comments RJE BSP
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
Fugro Belgium
Avenue de Broqueville 12
1150 Brussels
26 April 2020
We have pleasure to submit this Technical Note providing geotechnical assessments for the length of
failure at Dike 2, Pontal system. This Technical Note presents interpretations of the collected
geotechnical data at Dike 2 and recommendations for depth and lateral extents of failure to be
considered for runout analysis.
We trust the Technical Note will provide the information requested by AECOM during the online
meeting of 16th April.
Yours faithfully,
Benoit Spinewine, Richard Jewell, Michael Ramos da Silva and Pedro Thá
Principal and Senior Engineers
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
1. Introduction 1
2. Empirical Evidence and Basis to Define a Cautious Length for Dam Breach 2
2.1 Theoretical and numerical studies 2
2.2 Case history data for tailings dam Case 2A failures 3
2.3 Proposed criterion by Fugro to bound the observed failure data 3
2.4 Application to Pontal Dike 2 4
3. Empirical Evidence for the Angle to Define the Runout Volume 5
3.1 Comment on the cross section of Dike 2 5
3.2 Comment on continuing movement at Pontal Dike 2 6
4. Geotechnical Evidence of Continuous very Loose Layers in the Tailings near Dike 2 7
5. Presence of Residual Soil at Pontal Dike 2 Limiting the Maximum Possible Breach Dimensions 8
6. In situ Water Content, Rheometer Data and Selection of Cautious Parameters for Run out
Analysis 9
8. Conclusions 12
9. References 14
List of Plates 15
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1. Introduction
Run out analyses supported by associated geotechnical assessments are being provided to
VALE by Fugro for several tailings storage dikes. Most recently, rheometer testing was
completed on samples from tailings retained by Pontal Dike 2. Updated analyses were
completed using rheological properties for the tailings based on these new rheological test
data. Following presentation of findings and discussion of results between Vale and AECOM
on 16th April, Fugro was requested to provide more detailed justification for the selection of
the dam breach dimensions, initially limited to a central 200 m wide section of Dike 2, and to
consider the likelihood and assess the potential consequences of a wider dam breach at Pontal
Dike 2 considering a complete and instantaneous liquefaction of the entire dike. This Technical
Note addresses the requested clarifications and additional run out results.
The above work is based on the data made available to Fugro and interpretation of related
analysis and guidance published in the literature. It represents a professional assessment of
the likely dimensions of any failure of the dike, and presents numerical analysis for the
subsequent run out of tailings and impact on structures downstream of the dike. This technical
note does not include an assessment for the probability of failure for Dike 2, which is outside
the scope of work commissioned.
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The analytical and numerical work is summarised in a paper by Hicks and Li (2018). The
objective, motivated initially by water retaining dikes in the Netherlands, was to predict the
length of failure that was likely within a long dike embankment system. Vanmarcke and Calle
tackled this question, separately, by analytical means, adopting simplifying assumptions, as
described by Hicks and Li (2018). These latter authors also completed direct numerical
modelling to compare with the results from the analytical solutions.
The premise is that natural variations along any long embankment structure or slope (linear
geotechnical structures) result in localised failure; long structures are not homogenous. The
feature that leads to localised failure may be a continuous zone or layer of weaker/looser soil
(natural or fill), or locally steeper or higher slope conditions, or a zone of higher water pressure
than elsewhere. These potential causes of local slope failure are termed “features” and the
length of such a feature (a slope may have several of them) is termed the “scale of feature” or
SOF by Hicks and Li. This terminology has been maintained in the present work. The objective,
therefore, is to identify the resulting length of slope failure in relation to the SOF; there are
typically many features within a long geotechnical structure.
For Pontal Dike 2, very loose tailings could provide a feature (or weakness) that might trigger
preferential failure. The net height of the dike, the difference in level between the retained and
downstream tailings material, is largely constant at Dike 2. No apparent source or evidence
was found for high localised water pressures along the dike. Therefore the geotechnical data
has been analyzed to see if there are loose and continuous zones of tailings material below
Dike 2 that could trigger either deeper failure or failure over a significant length of the dike.
The results of the analytical and numerical studies summarised by Hicks and Li are shown on
Plate 2.1. The summary is expressed in terms of the failure length within the long embankment
or slope as a function of the length of the SOF, the zone of weakness or higher loading within
the embankment or slope length that triggers failure.
Shown on the plot is the simple but conservative assumption derived by Fugro to apply to
tailings dams. This uses the most conservative result found in each case, and is limited to the
range SOF > 5 m.
The inclined line defined by Fugro simply represents equality between the expected failure
length Lf and the length of the SOF (length of weakness). The simple relation Lf = SOF applies
where SOF > 25 m.
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As shown below, in practical terms there is little interest in shorter lengths of weakness.
However, if cases with 25 m > SOF > 5 m are to be considered for any reason, then the
assumption SOF = 25 m applies in that range, as shown on Plate 2.1.
Table 2.1: Definition of Dam Breach Types by CDA (Martin et al., 2019)
A total of 14 upstream tailings dam failures of type Case 2A were identified in the literature.
Based on reported details and dimensions, supplemented by data accessible from satellite
imagery of the failed structures, the length of dike failure Lf was determined in each case
permitting the case histories to be plotted as shown on Plate 2.2.
The failure length is expressed as a proportion of the total dam length, Lf/Ld, and is plotted
against the aspect ratio for the dam Ld/Hd .
The limiting case Lf/Ld = 1 represents the total length of the dam participating in failure.
This criterion can be plotted on Plate 2.2 by noting that Ld/Hd = (Ld/SOF).(SOF/Hd). Hence a
specific value for the scale of feature as a proportion of the dam height, SOF/Hd , provides a
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contour line on Plate 2.2, from which the applicable SOF can be found for any specific dike
dimensions Ld and Hd.
The results are illustrated on Plate 2.3 and show that values SOF/Hd equal to 15 or 10 bound
the existing data for upstream tailings dam failures. The case SOF/Hd = 15 bounds all of the
case records identified, while a more realistic case SOF/Hd = 10 excludes only one case history
(Sullivan dam) comfortably bounding the other case record data of tailings failures of CDA type
Case 2A.
Note that for each case history, the implied SOF may be determined from the reported
dimensions Lf , Ld and Hd. In all cases that fall within the locus defined by SOF/Hd = 10, for
example, the applicable value for the case record will be SOF/Hd < 10, equal to a value that
may be determined. Therefore the criterion proposed, for example SOF/Hd = 10, represents
the largest expected value for SOF that might reasonably be expected, based on the available
case history records, not the expected value for SOF should dike breach actually occur.
The difference in height between the base of the dike at elevation 780 m and the retained
tailings at elevation 800 m would give a total height of 20 m. This larger height is not
considered to be applicable for the current dike geometry.
The total length of Dike 2 is about 600 m which provides the two cases Ld/Hd = 30 or 43, with
the latter value, derived from the current net height, considered most relevant. The geometry
for Dike 2 is shown on Plate 2.4 from which the expected maximum length of failure Lf may be
directly determined.
The resulting failure length for the four cases is summarised in Table 2.2.
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Based on the results shown in Table 2.2, and placing greater weight on the results for the
current net height of Dike 2 of 14 m, a conservative failure length Lf = 200 m was selected
from the range of results and used for dam break analysis. This geometry is applicable for the
current net height of Dike 2 following construction of the stabilising toe weight.
It is noteworthy that the CDA Bulletin on Tailings Dam Breach Analysis for Case 2A does not
recommend considering the full length of the dam for breach analysis purposes. Indeed if the
CDA guidance was followed it would suggest much smaller breach dimensions than selected
by Fugro based on the work summarised by Hicks and Li (2018). Adopting an assumed length
of breach 200 m allows for the theoretical and numerical studies in the literature and the
evidence from relevant case histories. In this respect, Fugro has been more conservative than
would be suggested by the CDA guidelines. Fugro nevertheless considers that the proposed
approach is more complete and provides a logical and prudent basis on which to select a value
for the possible dam breach length for the current risk assessment purposes. Of course, if a
much longer SOF can be determined for a particular tailings storage dike than would be
anticipated by the empirical approach, then that larger value should be taken into account and
the conservative assumption would be to assumed Lf = SOW.
The comparison is shown on Plate 3.1. Based on these findings, a representative angle 4⁰ to
the horizontal was adopted to define the volume of tailings that would run out of the dam
breach, starting from the elevation of the breach at a location close to the rear of the dam
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The question remains whether the measured movement data from InSAR can be used to
predict imminent failure. In the case of Brumadinho, perhaps yes, in hindsight, but practically
no as a reliable forward indicator. In the case of Cadia the answer is almost certainly yes.
It is the change in measured dam and tailings movement, indicative of deformation, strain,
consolidation or creep in tailings materials, and the response of the dam to changing load,
which would signify imminent failure; an acceleration in the rate of movement is what is sought
as an indication of imminent danger of collapse.
If there is no or very little movement in the tailings or dike structure, as is the case indicated
by the InSAR data for Pontal Dike 2, then internal deformation and creep mechanisms that
might be the source of sudden, brittle static liquefaction of the dam system cannot reasonably
be expected to be occurring. Further, if the dike and retained tailings do not move as a result
of changing water pressure conditions between the wet and dry season, this again must be
indicative of an adequately stable structure and system unlikely to be developing internal
mechanisms that could reduce stability and trigger sudden static liquefaction and failure.
While not reliable as a single indicator of stability, this observation of very little to no movement
at Dike 2 Pontal, even between the wet and dry seasons, is supportive of the notion that the
dike currently (following construction of the toe weight) has a reasonable margin of safety.
The InSAR data for Pontal Dike 2 is available to Vale through a protected online portal where
the measured movement of Dike 2 and the retained tailings can be examined over any selected
period of time between May 2015 and January 2020. Some plots of the data for Dike 2 are
shown on Plate 3.3 as an illustration.
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The shape, depth and extent of the potential failure mechanism at Dike 2 depends on the
strength properties and strength distribution in the surrounding tailings. In particular, the
presence of continuous, weak and potentially liquefiable layers at depth below the dike could
result in a deeper failure surface with a greater volume of tailings being mobilised.
Critical State Soil Mechanics (CSSM) provides a framework to detect the presence of such
layers: weaker layers, looser than critical, show contractile behaviour and generate positive
excess pore pressures upon undrained shear loading. As a result the undrained shear strength
is lower (often substantially) than the drained shear strength.
where e is the in situ void ratio and ec is the void ratio at critical state at the same effective
mean pressure.
Within a soil or tailings profile, layers with ψ>-0.05 are expected to correspond with contractile
behaviour (Jefferies and Been, 2016), such that liquefied and unfavourable undrained shear
strength properties would apply for stability assessment.
The state parameter can be derived based on the collected CPTu data using screening
procedures described by Plewes (1992), Robertson (2009) and Jefferies and Been (2016). These
different methods were applied to the available CPTu tests for Dike 2. All three methods give
very comparable results for the extent of contracile layers of tailings at each CPTu test location.
The Jefferies and Been (2016) approach was selected for further analysis and interpretation as
it also makes use of the pore water pressure data through the pore pressure parameter Bq. This
additional data on the soil condition is not considered in the other methods
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The cone resistance and the derived state parameter profiles for each cross-section are
presented on Plates 4.2 to 4.7.
The following conclusions may be drawn from the data on these cross-sections:
Several CPTs indicate the presence of loose, liquefiable to an elevation 776 m, or even
deeper. The CPTUs tests exhibiting looser tailings are predominantly located in the
South-Western part, towards the left abutment of Dike 2
However, the zones of loose and liquefiable material do not appear to be continuous
across the dike, neither laterally nor in the perpendicular direction
Based on the above geotechnical assessment of the available data, and the current geometry
for Dike 2 with a strong layer of base material (Itabrica) to a depth 6 m below the downstream
tailings and toe weight, Fugro considers it is reasonable to assess the most likely dam breach
extending to just below the strong and wide base of Dike 2 at elevation 780 m.
A significant and continuous weak layer would be required at greater depth to compensate for
the extra resistances and energy dissipation that would occur in a larger and deeper failure
mechanism. Fugro considers the evidence for deeper failure as the basis for risk assessment
from dam break is insufficient to justify that as a reasonably expected case.
The maximum thickness of tailings at Dike 2 extends from zero on the left and right abutments
to a maximum of ~55 m near the dike centre, as shown on Plate 5.1. For the deepest anticipated
potential failure elevation 780 m, just below the strong base material forming Dike 2, the width
separating the natural terrain at the left and right abutments is equal to ~318 m. This
dimension is therefore considered as the widest possible breach width for any failure at an
elevation 780 m on the dike axis.
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The natural terrain has a roughly triangular shape above the base elevation at 780 m and
extending up to the dike crest, Plate 5.2. On each side of the base width of the breach, the
most conservative assumption would be to consider that failure proceeds at the interface
between the retained tailings and the natural terrain, Plate 5.2. However, it is more likely that
the breach sidewalls originating from a dike failure at elevation 780 m would form a much
steeper angle, thereby limiting the breach extension laterally.
Two views of the failure thickness associated with two scenarios are shown on Plate 5.3. To the
left side, the most unfavourable failure with a base elevation 780 m, has a maximum width 318
m at its base, and with sidewalls following the interface with the natural terrain. On the right
side of Plate 5.3, is the more credible but less conservative failure scenario considered by Fugro
as a base case; a breach width of 200 m (at the same elevation of 780 m) and steep side angles
within the remaining, intact dike length.
The points where samples were collected were P12 and P15, which are the same points where
CPT tests were performed.
Rheological tests were conducted in a decreasing rate of strain rate. Strain rates used were:
0.3/63.1/55.2/47.3/31.5/23.7/15.8/7.9/0.04 (1/s).
Samples were intended to be tested with water content in the range 14/18/22/26/30%.
However, due to high strength and stiffness of samples at lower water content, the water
content used for rheological testing was larger than initially considered.
Due to sedimentation which occurred very quickly in the samples prepared, at each step of the
test samples were removed from the rheometer and re-homogenised prior to beginning the
test at the next strain rate.
For each strain rate applied, the shear stress was measured with time until stabilization. The
shear stress for each shear strain rate was taken as the minimum value obtained, as indicated
on Plate 6.1.
After all tests were concluded, a plot with all samples tested and in terms of shear stress vs
shear strain rate was prepared, as indicated on Plate 6.2.
For small strain rates, higher shear stress was measured. This behaviour is attributed to the
grain size distribution of the samples, which largely comprise fine sand with silt content in the
range 10 to 40%.
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As the maximum shear strain rates determined from numerical modelling of run out at Dike 2
are in the range between 10 and 60 s-1, the test data was evaluated for this applicable range,
as shown on Plate 6.3. The measured shear resistance of the tailings is only slightly dependent
on the shear strain rate, which indicates a low viscosity of the order 1 to 2 Pa.s.
As the shear stress is almost constant, the yield stress for each sample was defined as the
average of shear stress value over the range of strain rate from 10 to 100 s-1.
The values of yield stress for each sample were plotted against the water content. The fitted
curve and yield stress as a function of water content are shown on Plate 6.4.
As the relevant yield stress for the tailings depends on the water content in situ, an estimation
of in situ water content was made based on the relative density estimated on CPTu tests.
For 16 CPTu tests performed on Dike 2 reservoir, water content was estimated as follow:
Considering that the material is saturated, S = 1. Specific gravity for Dike 2 was
considered as 3.33, as the average value of all samples tested for points P12, P15 and
Yield stress was estimated over depth applying the power curve equation to water
content: 𝑦 = 3. 10 . 𝑤 ,
An average yield stress was defined for each one of the 16 points as the average value
with depth, from the ground surface to 20 m.
The yield stress versus depth estimated for point P3 is shown on Plate 6.5.
The characteristic yield stress for the tailings was taken as the average value with depth for all
16 points evaluated. The average value obtained was 194 Pa, rounded to 200 Pa.
A strength-degradation model is incorporated in the model to account for the expected brittle
behaviour of the tailings material upon liquefaction, whereby the shear resistance reduces from
an initial intact geostatic shear strength, assumed conservatively as 16 kPa from geotechnical
data review, down to the residual yield stress of 200 Pa as soon as the accumulated shear strain
exceeds 1%.
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
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and Pontal lake water, considered as a classical Newtonian liquid. The simulations were
performed adopting the rheological properties summarized in Section 6.
The results are discussed in terms of the predicted discharges and volumes of water and tailings
predicted to overflow the Pontal dam crest. Results are presented here for a total of 10
simulations. All of these assume a failure base at elevation 780 m as described in Section 4. The
variations consider 5 different lake levels, respectively at 782, 781, 780, 779 and 778 m, and two
different failure scenarios, the first adopting a central, 200 m-wide breach with vertical walls,
with mobilized tailings volume of 1.944 million m³, and the second adopting a full width breach
at the basal elevation of 780 m, with breach sidewalls constrained to follow the level of the
pristine, natural terrain, with mobilized tailings volume of 2.019 million m³.
The volumes of failure under consideration are shown on Plate 5.3. Note that for the 200 m-
wide breach, the runout volume is not constrained by the original natural terrain, not even in
the soils behind the dike; this results in slightly overestimated runout volumes immediately
upstream of the dike, especially toward the western abutment as visible on Plate 5.3, which is
an additional conservatism in the analysis.
Snapshots of the simulations at various instants for a lake level at 780 m are shown on Plate 7.1
for the 200 m and full-width breach cases.
All simulations predict no overflow of tailings material above the Pontal dam crest. Several
simulations predict a degree of overflow of lake water, however. The overflow volumes,
maximum overflow discharges and hydrograms are illustrated on Plate 7.2 for the 200-wide
breach, and on Plate 7.3 for the full-width breach. As can be seen, the overflow of water, when
predicted, is limited, and lasts only a few tens of seconds.
The magnitude of such water overflow depends strongly on the lake level, and is significant for
a lake level 782 or 781 m. For a lake level of 780 m, however, the overflow reduces to a
negligible value or vanishes, both for the partial-width and full-width breaches. The full width
breach results only in a slight increase of water overflow for the highest lake levels. The
summary of simulations results are presented on Table 7.1.
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Discharge, Tailings
Initial Yield Stress
Discharge, Water
95% degradation
Volume, Tailings
Failure base [m]
Shear strain for
Degraded Yield
Total Overflow
Total Overflow
Viscosity [Pa.s]
Max Overflow
Max Overflow
Stress [Pa]
8. Conclusions
Evidence has been provided for the selection of an assumed 200 m dam breach width for
Pontal Dike 2 for the purposes of assessing the consequences of tailings runout. This length
is considered to be reasonable taking account of both the theoretical and numerical analyses
for long slope and embankment structures, and the available database of comparable
upstream tailings dam failures of Case 2A (CDA guidelines).
Examination of the available geotechnical data for Dike 2 does not provide evidence that the
dam breach would extend deeper than to pass beneath the strong base of the cross section at
elevation 780 m, 6 m below the level of the tailings and toe weight downstream.
The available case history data for Case 2A tailings dam failures was examined and compared
with the current CDA guidelines to estimate the volume of tailings that could be expected to
run out from a dam breach. This comparison supports the selection of a plane at 4⁰ to the
horizontal, extending from the base of the dam breach, to define the volume of tailings that
would run out.
As requested most recently, Fugro has also considered the case of a greater dam breach width
extending between the natural ground at the two abutments of Dike 2. This defines a breach
width 318 m at an elevation 780 m. As a further conservatism, side slopes in the breached
tailings were assumed to follow natural terrain at the left and right abutments, although steep
sides in the breached tailings dams are normally observed in practice. As described in Section
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5, Fugro has considered the widest possible breach that is defined by the limiting natural terrain
extended up to the top of the tailings at both abutments.
The results of the run out analyses for both a central 200 m wide breach and for a full-width
breach constrained by natural terrain have been presented in this technical note. A sensitivity
analysis considering different water levels from 778m to 782m in the lake behind the Pontal
Dam has been performed. The simulations predict no overflow of tailings for either assumed
dam breach case and indicate some overflow of lake water that reduces to practically zero for
a lake water level at 780 m or less.
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9. References
Hicks, M.A. and Li, Y. (2018) Influence of Length Effect on Embankment Slope Reliability in 3D,
International Journal for Analytical and Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol 42, 891-915
Jefferies, M.G. and Been, K. (2016) Soil Liquefaction: a Critical State Approach
Martin, V., Al-Mamun, M. and Small, A. (2020) CDA Technical Bulletin on Tailings Dam Breach
Plewes, H.D., Davies, M.P. and Jefferies, M.G. (1992) CPT Based Screening Procedure for
Evaluating Liquefaction Susceptibility, Innovation Conservation and Renovation
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List of Plates
Title Plate No.
A copy of Figure 13 from Hicks and Li (2018) showing Fugro’s assumption for tailings dams. 2.1
Case records of upstream tailings dam failures of CDA type Case 2A 2.2
Pontal Dike 2 cases with Hnet = 14 m (current conditions) and Hinitial = 20 m 2.4
State Parameter and Cone Resistance Profile Per Cross-section 4.2 to 4.7
Thickness of Tailings (m) between Present Day Terrain and the Original 1966 Topography 5.1
Cross-section of Present Day and Original (1966) Terrain across Dike 2 Crest 5.2
Thickness of Failure for a Central 200 m Wide Breach with Vertical Walls (Left) and for a Full Width Brreach
Constrained by Original Terrain. Failure Base Set at Elevation 780 m in both Cases
Shear Stress versus Shear Strain Rate from 10 to 100 s-1 6.3
Snapshots of the Tailings Runout at Selected Instants after Initial Failure by Liquefaction (from Top to
Bottom, Respectively after 0 s, 30 s, 60 s, 120 s, 180 s and 240 s). Left: 200 m Wide, Central: Breach with 7.1
Vertical Sidewalls, Right: Full Width
Overflow properties at Pontal dam crest for the 200-m wide breach.
Top: maximum overflow discharge of water as a function of lake water level
Middle: total overflow volume of water as a function of lake water level.
Bottom: overflow hydrogram versus simulation time for a lake level of 780 m
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C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
Plate 2.1
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Plate 2.2
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
Plate 2.3
Bounding Limit with SOF/Hd = 15 (to include Sullivan Dam case history)
Suggested Limit with SOF/Hd = 10 bounding all data except Sullivan Dam
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
Plate 2.4
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
Plate 3.1
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
Plate 3.2
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
Plate 3.3
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
Plate 4.1
Distance (m)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420
Elevation [m]
State Parameter
Cone Resistance
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
State Parameter, [-] State Parameter, [-] State Parameter, [-] State Parameter, [-] State Parameter, [-]
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Cone Resistance [MPa] Cone Resistance (MPa) Cone Resistance (MPa) Cone Resistance (MPa) Cone Resistance [MPa]
Fugro Report No. 147148-01
Plate No. 4.2
Distance (m)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Elevation [m]
Elevation [m]
Elevation [m]
770 770 770
State Parameter
CPTU-09 and SCPTU-02 CPTU-10
CPTU-08a Cone Resistance
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Cone Resistance [MPa] Cone Resistance (MPa) Cone Resistance [MPa]
Fugro Report No. 147148-01
Plate No. 4.3
Distance (m)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340
800 800
790 790
Elevation [m]
Elevation [m]
780 780
770 770
State Parameter
Cone Resistance
CPTU-12a CPTU-13
760 760
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
State Parameter,[-] State Parameter,[-] State Parameter, [-]
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Cone Resistance [MPa] Cone Resistance (MPa) Cone Resistance [MPa]
Fugro Report No. 147148-01
Plate No. 4.4
Distance (m)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300
800 800
790 790
780 780
Elevation [m]
Elevation [m]
770 770
760 760
State Parameter
Cone Resistance
750 750
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
State Parameter, [-] State Parameter, [-] State Parameter,[-] State Parameter, [-]
0 10 20 30 400 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Cone Resistance [MPa] Cone Resistance (MPa) Cone Resistance [MPa] Cone Resistance (MPa)
Fugro Report No. 147148-01
Plate No. 4.5
Distance (m)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
800 800
780 780
Elevation [m]
Elevation [m]
760 760
740 740
State Parameter
Cone Resistance
720 720
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
State Parameter, [-] State Parameter, [-] State Parameter, [-] State Parameter, [-]
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Cone Resistance [MPa] Cone Resistance (MPa) Cone Resistance (MPa) Cone Resistance [MPa]
Fugro Report No. 147148-01
Plate No. 4.6
Distance (m)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
800 800
790 790
780 780
Elevation [m]
Elevation [m]
770 770
760 760
State Parameter
Cone Resistance
750 750
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
State Parameter, [-] State Parameter, [-] State Parameter, [-]
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Cone Resistance [MPa] Cone Resistance (MPa) Cone Resistance [MPa]
Fugro Report No. 147148-01
Plate No. 4.7
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
Plate 5.1
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
Plate 5.2
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
Plate 5.3
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
Plate 6.1
1000 D21.00
Shear stress (Pa)
10 F22.63
0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 F23.00
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
Plate 6.2
1000 D21.00
Shear stress (Pa)
10 F22.63
10 100 F23.00
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
Plate 6.3
Yield stress (Pa)
10 15 20 25 30 35
Water content (%)
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
Plate 6.4
Yield stress (Pa)
50 150 250 350 450 550 650 750
Depth (m)
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
Plate 6.5
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
Plate 7.1
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
Plate 7.2
C147148-01 02 | Note on Geotechnical Aspects and Runout Modelling Scenarios, Dike 2 Pontal
Plate 7.3