M05 Q&a
M05 Q&a
M05 Q&a
1. provides
An FMS system, besides controlling navigation, thrust and auto-nav, also a) b) c) take-off and landing warnings dedicated status and warnings GPWS warnings
The correct answer is b The FMS is not used for Take Off or Landing The GPWS warnings come from the GPWS Computer 2. EADI sky and ground display is provided by a) synthetic TV signals b) raster scan c) stroke pulse
The correct answer is b Pallett - Aircraft Instruments Page 302 Fig. 12.5 3. HSI heading is valid if the heading flag is a) in view b) green c) out of view
The correct answer is c Warning flags 'in view' indicate failure. Normally the only coloured flag used is RED, indicating failure 4. A NOR gate with both inputs inverted becomes a a) NAND gate b) AND gate c) OR gate
The correct answer is b Read up on logic gates - you need to know much more than you needed for Module 4 5. An ARINC 429 binary coded decimal data word occupies bits a) 11 to 28 b) 11 to 29 c) 1 to 8
The correct answer is b Pallett - Aircraft Instruments Page 159 6. A fibre optic cable consists of a) a plastic core with a cladding having a higher refractive index b) a silica glass core with a cladding having a higher refractive index c) a silica glass core with a cladding having a lower refractive index
The correct answer is c See www.commspecial.com/fiberguide 7. The command bars on an ADI relate to a) path required b) path being followed c) roll indications
The correct answer is a Pallett - Aircraft Instruments Page 212 8. The recording medium in an FDR is a) a high density floppy disc b) magnetic tape coated with ferrite c) copper foil coated with ferrite
The correct answer is b See www.l-ar.com/html/history.html 9. Convert 0111012 to octal a) 25 b) 33 c) 35 The correct answer is c The OCTAL code has 8 digits, 0 - 7. To convert binary to octal divide the binary number into groups of three starting from the right. You've got to know your binary, octal, hex and bcd conversions!
What does the CADC feed a) Altimeter / FMS / secondary radar b) standby altimeter / machmeter c) cabin pressure controller sensor / machmeter / altimeter
The correct answer is c Pallett - Aircraft Instruments Page 179 Fig. 7.12
ARINC 629 databus is a) one cable, bi-directional b) two cables, bi directional c) two cables, uni-directional
The correct answer is b Pallett - Aircraft Instruments Page 160 2. Requirements for software control can be found in a) AWN 45 b) JAR OPS c) JAR AWO
The correct answer is a AWN 45 has been deleted at issue 133, but the examiners may not know that! (Sinicism, surely not!) 3. Software can be modified by a) licensed avionics engineers b) the manufacturer c) The same rules apply as to modifications to hardware
The correct answer is c Read up on software control - get a copy of AWNs 4. called Two connected fibre optic cable ends are parallel but not quite touching. This is a) lens connector
b) c)
The correct answer is b There are several websites on fibre optics 5. A disadvantage of a fibre optic cable is a) shallow bend radius allowed b) couplings susceptible to ingress of fluid c) end terminals are susceptible to environmental contamination
The correct answer is c www.commspecial.com/fiberguide.htm 6. The inside of a CRT consists of a) an oxide coating and rare mercury gas b) a phosphor coating and rare mercury gas c) iodine and rare mercury gas
The correct answer is b Pallett - Aircraft Instruments Page 284 7. What kind of light is used in a fibre optic systems? a) Infrared b) Visible c) Ultraviolet
The correct answer is a www.floti.bell.ac.uk/MathsPhysics/light.htm 8. Typical displays on an EHSI are a) VOR, Map, Plan and weather radar b) VOR, Plan, Map and Attitude c) Engine indications
The correct answer is a Pallett - Aircraft Instruments Pages 302 & 304 9. An EADI display showing a moving runway moves down during the final stages of an approach. The aircraft must a) fly up b) fly down c) hold descent path The correct answer is b At 200ft, during Approach, the Rising Runway starts to move up the EHSI display until, at touch down, it touches the bottom of the aircraft symbol. If the Rising Runway start to move down again it means that the aircraft is climbing and should FLY DOWN 10. An ARINC 573 data bus is used a) to input into a Digital Flight Data Recorder b) to input into a FDR Digital Acquisition Unit c) to supply digital inputs from a Symbol Generator to the EADI and EHSI The correct answer is a The FDR can have different inputs depending upon the age of the system, modern systems use ARINC 573. The inputs to FDR DAU are only analogue, discreet and ARINC 429. The interface between SGUs, EADI and EHSI is only ARINC 429
A flight data recorder can obtain information from aircraft instruments a) provided there is adequate isolation b) by direct connection to the instruments c) provided there is adequate damping The correct answer is a Read up on Flight Data recording 2. Adding invertors to the two inputs of an AND gate makes a a) NAND gate b) OR gate c) NOR gate
The correct answer is c Read up on logic gates - you need to know much more than you needed for Module 4! 3. An ARINC 429 bus uses a) a twisted shielded pair of wires b) two bi-directional twin sheathed and earthed wires c) a single twin wire cable for each transmitter
The correct answer is a Pallett - Aircraft Instruments Page 157 4. CRT horizontal beam control is achieved by a a) square wave b) sawtooth wave c) sinusoidal wave
The correct answer is b Northrop Institute of Technology - Electricity & Electronics for Aerospace Vehicles Page 284 5. The ARINC 429 data bus word systems use a) decimal numbering b) hexadecimal numbering c) binary coded decimal
The correct answer is c Pallett - Aircraft Instruments Page 156 6. The binary number 11010111 expressed as a decimal is a) 207 b) 223 c) 215
The correct answer is c Learn binary, octal, hex and BCD conversions 7. The octal number 1001 expressed as a decimal is a) 65 b) 513 c) 9
The correct answer is b Learn binary, octal, hex and BCD conversions
8. A 0 1 B 0 0
0 1
1 1
0 1 a) b) c)
The correct answer is b Read up on logic gates - you need to know much more than you needed for Module 4! 9. The inputs and outputs of a CADC are a) pitot and static in; altitude, attitude, CAS and VS out b) pitot and static in; altitude, CAS, mach and VS out c) pitot in; static, altitude, mach, CAS and VS out
The correct answer is b Pallett - Aircraft Instruments Page 179 Fig. 7.12 10. EICAS provides the following a) engine parameters only b) engine parameters and system warnings only c) engine parameters and engine warnings only
1. During an instrument approach, the glideslope pointer deflects below the glideslope centre mark. This means the aircraft is positioned a) above the glideslope b) below the glideslope c) to the left of the localiser The correct answer is a Consider the centre of the G/S scale as the aircraft position and the pointer as the centre of the G/S beam 2. Engine parameters are displayed on a) ECAM b) EHSI c) FMSCDU
The correct answer is a Engine parameters can be displayed on ECAM by selecting the Engine Page. See Pallett - Aircraft Instrumnets and Integrated Systems Page 391 3. A central maintenance computer provides a) ground and flight monitoring and testing on an on-board computer b) ground and BITE testing using a portable control panel c) display of system warnings and cautions
The correct answer is a Read up on BITE systems 4. ARINC 573 is related to what system? a) INS b) FDR c) Weather Radar
The correct answer is b Boeing Maintenance Training notes for B757 5. The rising runway is positioned from information derived from a) barometric height b) vertical speed c) radio altimeter
The correct answer is c Boeing Maintenance Training notes for B757 6. Where are the Digital Flight Data Recorder outputs supplied to? a) The recording unit b) Flight instruments c) There are no outputs
The correct answer is c Information recorded in the DFDR is only accessable in the shop 7. FMS failure and warnings are a) displayed on EICAS b) engine warnings only c) EFIS warnings only
The correct answer is a FMS warnings are displayed on EICAS and EFIS, but the answers given are 'EICAS' or 'EFIS only' so for the purposes of this question the correct answer is EICAS 8. Who is responsible for the operational program of the FMS? a) The pilot b) The engineer c) The manufacturer
The correct answer is a Ambiguous question. Do they mean who is responsible for following the program, if so the answer is 'Pilot' or producing the program, then the answer is 'Manufacturer' 9. Flight director command bars are moved to the correct position by a) position feedback b) amplifier gain c) calibration
The correct answer is a Read up on the flight director indication system 10. If a signal has quantity in volts and physical position it is a) digital b) synchronous c) analogue The correct answer is c This is the definition of an analogue signal
1. In a CRT, if the magnetic field is parallel to the Y plates, what will be the direction of the electron beam movement? a) Vertical b) No movement c) Horizontal
The correct answer is a The Y plates lie horizontal. Use the right hand rule to work out the direction of electron beam movement. Aircraft Instruments & Integrated Systems, Pallett, page 287 2. What is the fixed feature of an ADI? a) The glideslope pointer b) The lateral deviation bar c) The aircraft symbol
The correct answer is c The little aeroplane pianted in the middle of the instrument 3. Primary colours of a CRT are a) red, green and blue b) red, green and yellow c) red, blue and yellow
The correct answer is a Rotor Gear Box 4. What information is required before completion of the alignment of an Inertial Navigation System? a) Aircraft present position b) Aircraft present position and heading c) Heading and attitude The correct answer is a Read up on INS 5. IRS accelerometers are mounted a) 60o to each other b) 45o to each other c) 90o to each other The correct answer is c Read up on IRS
An FMS navigation database is updated a) at the operators request b) once a month c) every 28 days The correct answer is c Read up on FMS navigation data management
A single failure of a fly-by-wire system a) has no effect on aircraft operation b) will limit the flight profile c) will reduce operational heights and speeds
The correct answer is a Redundant FBW systems will continue to fly the aircraft 8. Fly-by-wire load alleviation function in turbulent conditions will result in a) ailerons moving symmetrically upwards b) ailerons and spoilers moving symmetrically upwards c) spoilers moving symmetrically upwards
The correct answer is b Read up on Load Alleviation system Ailerons move symmetrically upwards and No 4 and 5 spoilers move symmetrically upwards in a gust. 9. Fly-by-wire roll control is achieved by
a) b) c)
The correct answer is c Automatic Flight Control, Pallett and Coyle Page 296 10. The movement of fly-by-wire control surfaces are a) hydraulically controlled and electrically actuated b) both electrically controlled and electrically actuated c) electrically controlled and hydraulically actuated
The correct answer is c Read up on ARINC 629 and 429 2. On an EADI, the Flight Director command bars show a) the actual path with respect to the required path b) the required path with respect to the actual path c) the path with respect to the horizon
The correct answer is b Read up on ILS system indication 3. What instrument includes a display of a rising runway? a) EADI b) EHSI c) ECAM
The correct answer is a Read up on ILS system indication 4. What are the effects of the X and Y plates on a CRT? a) X plates move the beam vertically, Y plates move the beam horizontal b) Y plates move the beam vertically, X plates move the beam horizontal c) X and Y plates can move the beam in either direction
The correct answer is b Read up on CRTs 5. ARINC 629 data bus is a) two buses, unidirectional b) two buses, bi-directional data flow c) one bus, bi-directional data flow
The correct answer is c Read up on ARINC 629 and 429 6. provides An FMS system, besides controlling navigation, thrust and auto-nav, also a) b) take-off and landing warnings dedicated status warnings
7. In order to maintain HIRF protection, bonding checks between airframe and electrical components carrying voltages greater than 50 volts RMS or DC or main earth return should not exceed a) 1 megohm b) 1 ohm c) 0.05 ohm The correct answer is b CAAIPs Leaflet 9-1 8. protected by Ribbon cables effected by mutual impedance and current loop leakage should be a) b) c) shielding each individual conductor connecting all conductors to a common earth earthing each alternative conductor to separate point
The correct answer is c Read up on cable protection methods 9. EADI sky and ground display is provided by a) synthetic TV signals b) raster scan c) stroke pulse
The correct answer is b Read up on CRTs and see what a raster scan is 10. Normal transmission order of ARINC 629 LRUs in periodic mode is in order of a) power up b) shortest to largest TG c) shortest to largest TI
The correct answer is b Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin Page 149
What frequency creates the raster effect on a CRT? a) 50/60 Hz b) 400 Hz c) 250Hz
The correct answer is a Read up on CRTs 2. generator? If an EFIS has 3 symbol generators, what is the purpose of the 3rd symbol a) b) c) Comparison with No.1 symbol generator Standby Parity function
The correct answer is b Read up on EFIS 3. The sweep waveform used on a electromagnetic CRT is a) trapezoidal
b) c)
sinusoidal sawtooth
The correct answer is a Do not get confused with an electrostatic CRT. Electromagnetic CRT uses trapezoidal waveform to overcome the impedence of the coil 4. FMS operational program is updated every a) 7 days b) 28 days c) 90 days
The correct answer is b Read up on FMS 5. Fibre optic data is sent by a) modulating the frequency of a laser beam b) modulating the frequency of a filament beam c) a strobe light
The correct answer is a Read up on fibre optics 6. What is 345 in binary? a) 100111001 b) 110011001 c) 101011001
The correct answer is c You've got to know your binary, octal, hex and bcd conversions! 7. Which logic gate can be represented as a parallel circuit? a) OR gate b) Exclusive OR gate c) NAND gate The correct answer is a Read up on logic gates - you need to know much more than you needed for Module 4!
Software documentation procedures are laid down in a) AWN 45 b) JAA Ops c) MOE
The correct answer is a AWN 45 has been deleted at issue 133, but the examiners may not know that! (Sinicism, surely not!) 9. HIRF is prevented from entering a fibre optic cable by a) enclosing it in a metal braid b) grounding the fibre at both ends c) using an opto-isolator coupling
The correct answer is c Although a fiber optic cable is 'immune' from collecting HIRF, it can still transmit HIRF which has been picked up by the source circuitry. An optoelectronic isolator will filter out the HIRF prior to transmission. 10. In an ARINC 429 wordstring, bits 1 to 8 represent the a) source of message b) monitored parameter c) destination LRU address
The correct answer is b Both a and b are correct. Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems Pallett Page 158 says 'source of the message', whereas ARINCs own tutorial (See FORUM Mod.5) says 'bits 8-1 contain parameter' (which Pallett's book also infers on Page 159).
ARINC 629 terminal transmit interval is a) unique to each terminal b) common to each terminal c) when all terminals are quiet
The correct answer is b The ARINC 629 TI is common to all LRUs. 2. Continuity of a fibre optic cable is checked by a) a light source and an opto-power meter b) a calibrated light source c) a calibrated light source and an optometer
The correct answer is c See http://www.tpub.com/neets/tm/109-13.htm 3. To shield a fibre optic from EMI you must a) earth both transducer and couplings b) shield it with a braided shield c) use an opto-isolator
The correct answer is c Read up on fibre optics 4. A simbol generator displays ESDs warning. During replacement a) you must wear a wrist strap connected to an approved earth point b) make sure the pins are not touched and covers fitted c) you must earth the unit to the airframe structure
The correct answer is b See Pallett's Micro Electronics In Aircraft Systsems or CAAIPs 9-4 para.7.1.3. 5. Magnetic deflection on a CRT is achieved by a a) sawtooth waveform b) trapezoidal waveform c) sinusoidal waveform
The correct answer is b Read up on CRTs - do not get confused with electrostatic deflection types - which are more common on aircraft 6. An FDR fitted to a helicopter begins recording a) on take-off b) on engine start-up c) when power is applied to the aircraft
The correct answer is b See ANO Art 53 para.1 7. MIL-ST-1533 is a data bus for a) Flight Data Recorders b) Inertial Reference System c) Digital Information Transfer System
The correct answer is c Read up on MIL-ST-1533 - a military version of ARINC 429 8. Making an invertor from a NAND or NOR gate is achieved by a) inverting the input b) connecting two in series c) connecting the inputs
The correct answer is c Read up on logic gates 9. Parallel to series conversion is achieved by a) a parallel to series converter b) a shift register c) a multiplexer / demultiplexer
The correct answer is b Read up on parallel to series converion 10. The FMS databases consist of a) one navigation and one performance database b) two performance and one navigation database c) one performance and two navigation databases The correct answer is c Normally we consider the FMS as having 2 databases (1 navigational and 1 performance). (Jeppesen Avionics Fundamentals Page 385). However, the Navigational database is split in two. 1 is for Jeppesen data, uploaded on the ground, the other is for pilot input data (additional waypoints etc.). See http://www.b737.org.uk/fmc.htm for more
The FMS can update the IRS position outputs by using information from either a) VOR and DME only b) DME and GPS only c) GPS, DME, LOC and VOR
The correct answer is c Read up on INS/IRS 2. The accepted error from INS/IRS is a) 1 mile/hour + 3 miles b) 2 miles per hour + 3 miles c) 3 miles / hour + 3 miles
The correct answer is c Read up on INS/IRS 3. Before a) b) c) an IRS can complete the alignment sequence the shutdown present position must be entered the current present position must be entered either the last or current position must be entered
The correct answer is b Read up on INS/IRS 4. Within a computer controlled flight system, position feedback is converted from a) analogue to digital b) digital to analogue c) position feedback to rate feedback
The correct answer is a Read up on computer controlled flight 5. What shape does the waveform take to counter the impedance effect of the coils in an electromagnetic controlled CRT? a) Trapezoid b) Sawtooth c) Rectangular The correct answer is a Read up on CRTs - do not get confused with an electrostatic CRT
What warnings can an FMS provide? a) Discrete warnings b) Spurious faults c) Ground faults only
The correct answer is a This means it can warn of inoperative equipment, but not when equipment is providing incorrect data 7. Centralised Aircraft Monitoring System a) performs in-flight and ground tests of aircraft systems by carrying out a BITE interrogation b) give red warnings and amber cautions to display system status c) performs in-flight BITE interrogation only The correct answer is b Read up on ECAM 8. The control of the speed or rate that the flight director command bars move can be controlled by a) position feedback b) rate or velocity feedback c) amplifier gain The correct answer is b Read up on ILS indication
9. operation
a) in the air only b) on the ground only c) either in the air or on the ground The correct answer is b Aircraft Electricity and Electronics, Eismin, 5th Edition Page 359
The third EFIS Symbol Generator is operated a) with EICAS b) in an emergency c) as a standby to the No1 and No2 system The correct answer is c Read up on EFIS
What functions are available on the EHSI? a) Full arc and Wx only b) Full arc, Wx and Map Mode c) Full Arc only
The correct answer is b Read up on EFIS 2. EFIS displays of the right hand and left hand displays are compared by comparators in the a) FMS b) EICAS c) Symbol Generators The correct answer is c Read up on EFIS 3. What is the approximate earth rate? a) 5o/hour b) 10o/hour c) 15o/hour
The correct answer is c Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems. Pallett Page 102 4. An IRS platform has a) two accelerometers b) three accelerometers c) two or three accelerometers depending on the system
The correct answer is b Jeppesen Avionics Fundamentals Page 137 5. IRS Laser Ring Gyros provide a) rate movement about an axis b) displacement about an axis c) both rate and displacement about an axis
The correct answer is a Jeppesen Avionics Fundamentals Page 137 6. What are the outputs of a Digital ADC a) TAS, MACH, Altitude, TAT and SAT b) TAS, MACH and Altitude c) TAS, MACH, Altitude and TAT The correct answer is a Both Static and Total Air Temperatures are outputs of a digital ADC
ARINC 629 periodic mode is used for a) normal operation b) transferring data only on events important to aircraft operation c) database loads
The correct answer is a Read up ARINC 429 and 629 8. A fibre optic data bus used on an aircraft a) connects non-essential systems only b) can transmit on several channels at the same time c) can send only one message at a time
The correct answer is b Read up on fibre optics 9. Light travels along a fibre optic by a) reflection b) refraction
The correct answer is a Read up on fibre optics 10. Manufacturers of aircraft can ensure HIRF protection by a) designing specific avionic areas that are shielded against HIRF b) ensuring all single wires are shielded with metal conduit c) advising operators of all points susceptible to deterioration due to corrosion, moisture ingress, flexing etc. The correct answer is a Understanding HIRF By Gerald L. Fuller ----------------------------------------------------------
How is data coupled to an ARINC data bus? a) By a capacitive pickup b) By an inductive pickup c) By a resistive pickup
The correct answer is b Read up on ARINC 429 and 629 data bus systems 2. An AND gate output is 1 when inputs are a) both 0 b) 1 and 0 c) both 1
The correct answer is c Read up on logic gates 3. What is hex 110 in decimal a) 272 b) 282 c) 32
The correct answer is a Read up on hexadecimal numbering system 4. Convert the binary word 1100 to decimal a) 16 b) 12 c) 11
The correct answer is b Read up on binary to decimal converion 5. How does MIL-STD-1533 put data onto the data bus? a) Through the bus controller b) R1 (remote terminal) c) SSIFU (sub-system interface unit)
The correct answer is a Read up on MIL-STD-1533 data bus systems 6. If a data message is made up of 1 and 0 it is a) analogue b) digital c) logic
The correct answer is b Read up on binary to decimal converion 8. What sort of gate requires two positive voltages to operate a) NOT b) OR c) AND
The correct answer is c Read up on logic gates 9. What is the main disadvantage of a fibre optic data bus? a) Bend radius and moisture ingress at connections b) Less strong and durable when compared to twisted pair and coaxial c) Expensive to install
The correct answer is a Read up on fibre optics 10. When 4 binary serial counters are connected in cascade for frequency division, what division factor is required a) 4 b) 8 c) 16 The correct answer is c Each serial counter changes its state once every 2 clock pulses. So 4 serial counters devides by 2x2x2x2 = 16
Magnetic deflection in a CRT is achieved by a) a sawtooth waveform b) a trapezoidal waveform c) a sinusoidal voltage The correct answer is b Do not get confused with electrostatic deflection (plates), which would be sawtooth
Fly By Wire systems in the fully active mode, the actuators will a) both be active b) one in active mode, one in damping mode c) both be in damping mode, awaiting control inputs
The correct answer is b Read up on Fly by Wire 3. The parity bit in digital information is used a) for BITE programs b) to check the validity of data information c) to check the status of the system
The correct answer is b Read up on the purpose and use of parity bit
On a Fly By Wire system, what controls the stab trim a) ELAC b) ELAC and SEC c) SEC
The correct answer is b ELAC = Elevator Aileron Computer, SEC = Spoilers Elevator Computer and FAC = Flight Augmentation Computers (rudder) 5. A disadvantage of a fibre optic cable is a) shallow bend radius b) couplings susceptible to ingress of fluid c) liable to environmental contamination of end terminals
The correct answer is c Read up on fibre optics 6. ARINC 429 SDI word format is at bits a) 1-8 b) 9 - 10 c) 32 The correct answer is b SDI = Source Destination Ident
The correct answer is b Read up on decimal conversions 8. What is serial to parallel and vice-versa called a) Encoder/Decoder b) Multiplex/Demultiplex c) Switching
The correct answer is b Read up on multiplexing 9. What is the parity bit for on an ARINC 429 bus a) To check for corruption during transmission of a word b) To act as a terminal gap in an emergency c) To delay the signal
The correct answer is a Read up on purpose and use of parity bit 10. 3 binary counters in cascade. What is the division? a) 8 b) 16 c) 32 The correct answer is a Each serial counter changes its state once every 2 clock pulses. So 3 serial counters devides by 2x2x2 = 8
Control of software is by
a) b) c)
The correct answer is a See AWN 45. 2. A typical fibre optic connector is a) F-type connector b) coupling type, with lens fitted c) push-pull connector
The correct answer is b Read up on fibre optics. 3. An ARINC 429 word label format is a) binary b) octal c) hexadecimal
The correct answer is b Read up on ARINC 429 word format. 4. Which of the following is an optelectronic device? a) Triac b) Thyristor c) Laser Diode
The correct answer is c Read up on optoelectronic devices (from Module 4). 5. What is the advantage of a single mode fibre optic over ordinary wire? a) Large bandwidth b) Small bend radius c) Not prone to damage
How many LRUs can be connected to an ARINC 429 data bus a) 120 b) 20 c) 60
The correct answer is b Read up on ARINC 429 and 629. 7. Convert the hexidecimal number D into decimal a) 13 b) 14 c) 14
The correct answer is a Read up on hexidecimal numbering system. 8. Convert decimal 15 into binary a) 1101 b) 1111 c) 1110
The correct answer is b Read up on decimal to binary conversion. 9. Convert 448 to hex a) 3616
b) c)
2416 2216
The correct answer is b read up on octal to hex conversion. 10. When will a NAND gate give logic 0 at the output? a) When both inputs are at 0 b) When both inputs are at 1 c) When the inputs are different The correct answer is b Read up on logic gates.
This is exam number 14. You've been here 1 times. 1. How many LRUs can be connected to an ARINC 629 data bus a) 120 b) 20 c) 60 The correct answer is a Read up on ARINC 429 and 629 data bus systems 2. Convert decimal 15 into hexadecimal a) E b) G c) F
The correct answer is c Read up on hexadecimal numbering system 3. A 0 0 1 1 Which logic gate has this truth table C 0 1 1 0 a) NOT b) Exclusive OR c) NAND
B 0 1 0 1
The correct answer is b Read up on logic gates 4. Which logic gate can be represented as a parallel circuit? a) OR b) Exclusive OR c) NAND
The correct answer is a Read up on logic gates 5. What is the definition of level one software? a) Critical b) Essential c) Non-essential
ESDS bags are sealed by a) zip locks b) ESDS labels c) twine (100% cotton)
The correct answer is c Boeing manual says 100% cotton twine. Other manuals say ESDS label. However, it could be considered that ESDS labels do not 'seal'. 7. What is 345 in binary? a) 101011001 b) 110011001 c) 100111001 The correct answer is a Read up on decimal to binary conversion
What are the values of an ESDS wrist strap? a) 250 kilohms to 1.5 megohms b) 2 megohms to 5 megohms c) 2 gigohms to 4 gigohms
The correct answer is a CAAIPs Leaflet 9-4 5.3.1 - closest answer 9. Convert 1D to binary a) 29 b) 11101 c) 101001
The correct answer is b Read up on hex to binary conversion 10. ARINC 629 terminal transmit interval is a) unique to each terminal b) common to each terminal c) is when all transmissions are quiet The correct answer is b The TI is common to all LRUs on ARINC 629
The correct answer is a Read up on hex to octal conversions 2. A fibre optic light source is normally a) a filament lamp b) a laser or LED c) a strobe light
The correct answer is b Read up on fibre optics 3. What precautions are required when removing ESDS equipment a) Wear a wrist strap connected to an approved ground point b) Keep one hand on the airframe
The correct answer is a Read up on anti-static precautions 4. An ARINC 429 bus uses a) two bi-directional twin, sheathed and earthed wires b) a twisted shielded pair of wires c) a single twin cable for each transmitter
The correct answer is b Read up on ARINC 429 and 629 data bus systems 5. The minimum requirement for a cockpit voice recorder to begin operating is a) on engine startup b) on commencing the takeoff roll c) once established in the en-route climb
The correct answer is b See ANO Art 53 para.1. Although JAR Ops states that the CVR must begin when the aircraft is capable of moving under its own power. 6. ARINC Communications Addressing and Reporting Systems is used to a) download aircraft status reports b) connect the aircraft to base c) make telephone calls
The correct answer is b Read up on ACARS 7. ARINC 429 data bus systems uses a) decimal numbering b) hexadecimal numbering c) binary coded decimal
The correct answer is c Read up on ARINC 429 and 629 data bus systems (429 uses either BCD or binary) 8. With radio coupled autopilot, what are the inputs a) ADF and ILS b) ADF and VOR c) ILS and VOR
The correct answer is c Read up on autopilot 9. B-RNAV system must be capable of a) holding six waypoints b) displaying distance and bearing to waypoint c) reversing the waypoints for "fly-me-home"
The correct answer is b Read up on B-RNAV 10. The basic principle of radar is based upon a) the amount of power in the signal returned b) the time delay between outward and returning pulse c) ultrasonic wave propagation The correct answer is b Read up on basic radar theory
An ARINC 429 Binary Coded Decimal word occupies word bits a) 11 - 28 b) 11 - 29 c) 1-8
The correct answer is b Two versions of ARINC 429. BCD uses 11 - 29, Binary uses 11 - 28. 2. Engine parameters are displayed on a) ECAM b) EHSI c) CDU
The correct answer is a Read up on ECAM/EICAS systems 3. A flight deck CRT LRU is being replaced. What does the ESDS label indicate? a) Wrist straps should be worn b) Do not touch plug pins or leave them exposed c) Remove power before connecting
The correct answer is b See Pallett's Micro Electronics In Aircraft Systsems or CAAIPs 9-4 para.7.1.3. 4. What systems does the ADC feed? a) Altimeter / FMS / secondary radar b) Standby altimeter/machmeter c) Cabin pressure controller sensor / machmeter / Altimeter
The correct answer is c Read up on Air DAta Computers 5. A hexadecimal is a number to base a) 8 b) 2 c) 16
The correct answer is c Read up on hexadecimal numering system 6. An ARINC 429 system uses a a) 16 bit word over a twisted pair of wires b) 32 bit word over a twisted pair of wires c) 20 bit word over a bi-directional bus
The correct answer is b Read up on ARINC 429 and 629 data bus systems 7. A thyristor is a device which has a) a positive temperature coefficient b) a negative temperature coefficient c) a temperature coefficient of zero
The correct answer is b Read up on thyristos 8. When using a wrist strap, before touching the LRU the resistance should be measured from your skin to the end of the earth probe. This should be a) more than 10 kilohms b) less than 10 kilohms
The correct answer is a Read up on anti-static precautions 9. 1012 converted to decimal is a) 52 b) 510 c) 210
The correct answer is b Read up on binary to decimal converions 10. shaft are Physical variables in quantitative forms, such as voltage or angular rotation of a
The correct answer is a Read up on counters 2. When is a radio altimeter active? a) Up to 10,000 ft b) Up to 2,500 ft c) Up to 100 ft
The correct answer is b Read up on radio altimeters and ILS 3. Which of the following could be a primary cause of HIRF protection failure? a) Unserviceable radio filters b) Broken or missing static wicks c) Corrosion on bonding leads
The correct answer is a The exact definition of HIRF does not include electrostatc discharge (ESD). But only interference from outside sources. Understanding HIRF By Gerald L. Fuller 4. The binary coded decimal number 10011000 expressed as a decimal number is a) 98 b10 b) 152 10 c) 152 2
The correct answer is a Read up on BCD to decimal conversions (BCD is not the same a s binary) 5. The decimal number 7 expressed as a binary number is a) 111 2 b) 7 2 c) 101 2
The correct answer is a Read up on decimal to binary conversions 6. Convert 011101 binary to octal a) 25 b) 33 c) 35
The correct answer is c Read up on binary to octal conversions 7. Manufacturers of aircraft can ensure HIRF protection a) by designing specific avionic areas that are shielded against HIRF b) by ensuring all single wires are shielded with metal conduit c) by advising the operator of parts of the aircraft susceptible to degradation due to corrosion, moisture ingress, flexing etc. The correct answer is a Understanding HIRF By Gerald L. Fuller 8. An ARINC 629 characteristic is a) all LRUs can transmit at the same time b) all LRUs can transmit and receive at the same time c) data can transmit in both directions down the data bus
The correct answer is c Read up on ARINC 429 and 629 data bus systems 9. In an ARINC 429 word string, bits 1 - 8 represent a) the source of the message b) the monitored parameter c) the destination LRU
The correct answer is b Read up on ARINC 429 and 629 data bus systems 10. What limits the number of ARINC 429 receivers on a bus a) The speed and size b) The parallel input impedance c) The weight
The correct answer is b Read up on ARINC 429 and 629 data bus systems
The 'fan-in' in a gate is the a) number of outputs from a gate b) number of inputs to a gate c) number of inputs and outputs of a gate
The correct answer is b Read up on logic gate systems 2. Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) means the number of gates in a single IC is a) up to 1000 b) up to 10,000 c) over 10,000
The advantage of DRAM over SRAM is a) they operate slower b) has a larger storage capacity per chip area c) are cheaper to manufacture
The correct answer is c Read up on memory (RAM) types 4. A BYTE is usually a) a 12 bit word b) an 8 bit word c) a six bit word
The correct answer is b Read up on computer terminology 5. Data is transferred on the MIL-STD-1553B by a) bi-polar return to zero b) manchester bi-phase c) non return to zero
The correct answer is b Read up on MIL-STD-1553 data bus system 6. The fibre optic cable can be identified on aircraft by its jacket colour which is a) purple b) red c) yellow
The correct answer is a Read up on fibre optics 7. the For a fibre optic cable connector that is not regularly disconnected you would use a) b) c) ceramic lens type ball lens type butt type
The correct answer is c Read up on fibre optics 8. The timebase in a CRT consists of a) an amplifier and an oscillator b) an oscillator only c) an amplifier only
The correct answer is a Read up on CRTs 9. HIRF protection of LRUs is provided by a) built in filters and overvoltage circuits b) internally shielded cables c) built in filters only
The correct answer is a Understanding HIRF By Gerald L. Fuller 10. An EADI display of flight director commands are coloured a) cyan b) red c) magenta
The correct answer is c Aircraft instruments and integrated systems,(pallet) page 302 fig 12.5 eadi flight director command bars are magenta
Which systems does a modern ADC give information to? a) Flight control computer, Air Data Instrument, Engine systems b) EFIS c) EICAS
The correct answer is a Read up on Air Data Computer 2. Binary Number: 110010 a) 80 b) 50 c) 34
The correct answer is b Read up on binary to decimal conversion 3. How are engine indications sent to the FDR? a) Via ARINC 573 b) Via ARINC 629 c) Source isolated
The correct answer is a Read up on Flight Data Recorder 4. What is this truth table? A B A.B 000 100 010 111 a) AND gate b) NOR gate c) NOT gate
The correct answer is a Read up on logic gates 5. Where do the outputs from a DADC go? a) EADI b) EHSI c) IRMP: Inertial Reference Mode Panel The correct answer is c Read up on Digital AIr Data Computer (IRMP is the control for the Inertial Referencing Unit)
During an EFIS screen fit a) use bonding strap b) dont touch terminals c) no tooling is required
The correct answer is b Microelectronics in Aircraft Systems - Pallet. pg 219 7. To stop earth loops forming, you would
a) b) c)
leave both ends of the cable screen open circuit earth both ends of the cable screen earth only one end of the cable screen
The correct answer is c Read up on anti-static precautions 8. How many satellite signals are required to achieve precise 3D positioning? a) 4 b) 5 c) 6
The correct answer is a Read up on satallite navigation (or GPS) 9. Binary addition of 1101 + 101101 is a) 58 b) 61 c) 70
The correct answer is a Read up on binary addition and binary to decimal conversions 10. What system uses base 8? a) ARINC 429, in dataword labels only b) ARINC 629 c) ARINC 573
The correct answer is a Read up on ARINC 429 data bus word format
What maintenance problems are associated fibre optics? a) Corrosion b) Earthing faults c) Kinking and contamination of connectors
The correct answer is c Read up on fibre optics 2. Who can sign for a software update? a) Design organization or the aircraft manufacturer b) Engineer c) Chief pilot
a) b) c)
The correct answer is b Read up on logic gates 4. What creates the raster effect on a CRT? a) Sawtooth frequency b) Sinusoidal frequency c) Trapezoidal
The correct answer is a Read up on Cathode Ray Tubes 5. Common fibre optic use is a) modulating intensity on direct read b) modulating frequency on direct read c) HIRF
The correct answer is b Read up on fibre optics 6. An aircraft may have been HIRF affected. a) A static wick check is required b) A bonding load check is required c) Test all radio frequencies for interference
The correct answer is a Read up on HIRF protection 7. The binary number 11010111 is expressed as a decimal is: a) 215 b) 107 c) 53
The correct answer is a Read up on binary to decimal converion 8. The octal number 1001 expressed as a decimal is: a) 513 b) 613 c) 713
The correct answer is a Read up on octal to decimal conversion 9. With a relative humidity of 10% to 20%, if you walked over a carpet what electrostatic voltage value would you expect to see? a) 6,000 volts b) 12,000 volts c) 35,000 volts The correct answer is c Read up on static electricity 10. Before fitting a Printed Circuit Board you should check the a) resistance between skin and strap end plug is less than 10 megohms b) resistance between skin and strap end plug is more than 1 megohms c) resistance between strap and strap end plug is less than 1 megohms The correct answer is c CAAIP Leaflet 9-4 5.3.1
a) b) c)
can only transmit 1 message at a time can transmit several messages simultaneously is only used for non essential messages
The correct answer is b Read up on fibre optics 2. The minimum requirement for an aeroplane CVR is a) from power on b) from engine start c) from beginning of take off roll
The correct answer is b JAR OPS Para 1.700 (c) OR answer c by CAP 393 Section I Para 53 3. data bus is On an ARINC 629 data bus, the maximum amount of current-mode couplers per a) b) c) 46 120 64
The correct answer is b 120 LRUs maximum (but the B777 uses 46) 4. required b) required c) a terminal controller and interface module only is required current mode coupler, terminal controller and a production break is To connect a LRU to the data bus a) a current mode coupler, serial interface module and terminal controller is
The correct answer is a Read up on ARINC 429 and 629 data bus systems 5. Core is to A current-mode coupler contains an E-Core assembly. The purpose of the Ea) b) coupler c) enable easy access for monitoring of the signal couple the signal to the data bus provide effective screening of the signal through the current-mode
The correct answer is a Read up on ARINC 429 and 629 data bus systems 6. The ARINC 429 low rate of transmission is a) 12-14 Kbits/second with high of 100 kBits/second b) 12-14 Mbits/second with high of 100 Mbits/secon c) 100 kbits/second with high of 12-14 Mbits/second
The correct answer is a Read up on ARINC 429 and 629 data bus systems 7. A D to A converter is required to produce an output range of 0 to 10V. This can be achieved by a) a non inverting op amp connected in series with output b) an inverting op amp connected in series with output c) a differentiator with a 100 Kilohm feedback resistor The correct answer is b Read up on DACs and ADCs 8. A D to A converter would use a precision amplifier to a) ensure that the output voltages remain accurate
b) ensure that the input voltage remains accurate c) compensate for the variation of the feedback resistor with temperature The correct answer is a Read up on DACs and ADCs
9. A given transducer provides a voltage which corresponds to true heading. This voltage can be converted to 'bits' by using a a) commutator b) digital to analogue converter c) analogue to digital converter The correct answer is c Read up on DACs and ADCs 10. The output of a NOT gate is logic 1. The input is a) logic 1 b) logic 0 c) both logic 1
An ARINC 629 bus cable is a twisted pair of wires with a) a 130 ohm resistor at one end b) a 230 ohm resistor at one end c) a 130 ohm resistor at both ends
The correct answer is c Read up on ARINC 429 and 629 data bus systems 2. An ARINC 629 stub cable a) connects bi-directional data between the LRU and current mode coupler b) connects single directional data between the LRU and current mode c) connects bi-directional data between two LRUs
The correct answer is a Read up on ARINC 429 and 629 data bus systems 3. Care must be taken when installing ARINC 629 cables into bus panels, damage to cables can cause a) arcing of high voltage signals b) standing waves. c) corrosion of the conductor The correct answer is c Read up on ARINC 429 and 629 data bus systems 4. An aircraft data bus system a) cannot use both ARINC 629 and ARINC 429 data buses. b) can use both ARINC 629 and ARINC 429 as they are compatible. c) can use both systems, ARINC 629 and ARINC 429 via system card files and signal gateways The correct answer is c Read up on ARINC 429 and 629 data bus systems 5. An Inertial Navigation System (INS/IRS) computes distance from acceleration by
a) b) c)
The correct answer is c Read up on acceleration - velocity - distance computations 6. Before the aircraft is moved from the loading pier the pilot must a) insert the latitude and longitude of the pier into the IRS b) set the altitude to be fed into the INS c) insert the longitude and latitude of the first waypoint into the INS
The correct answer is a Read up on Inertial Reference Systems 7. A 12 bit 16 Channel encoder will use a multiplexer with a) 2 wire series address line b) 3 bit parallel address line c) 4 bit parallel address line
The correct answer is a Read up on multiplexing 8. An A to D converter uses successive approximation to a) increase resolution b) increase speed c) increase accuracy
The correct answer is b Read up on ADCs and DACs 9. An R-2R D to A converter uses a) two values of resistors whose precision is not important b) two values of precision resistors c) resistors whose values are logarithmic
The correct answer is b Read up on ADCs and DACs 10. A fiber optic cable to LRU connector should be connected a) using torque-loaded pliers b) hand tight only c) very carefully to ensure alignment and reduce light loss The correct answer is c Read up on fibre optics
An IRS has a) accelerometers fixed to the airframe and gyros on a stable platform b) accelerometers and gyros fixed to a the airframe c) accelerometers on a stable platform and gyros fixed to the airframe
The correct answer is b Read up on IRS 2. An IRS system requires data for wind computation from a) central Air Data Computer b) satellites c) Doppler System
The correct answer is a Read up on IRS 3. longitude b) c) to update the EMS with the new lateral flight profile for the flight plan to update the VOR and DME systems with an accurate position fix The FMS carries out a Rho/Theta navigation function, the purpose of this is to a) update the IRS system with an accurate position fix of latitude and
The correct answer is a Read up on FMS - IRS update function 4. The FMS is updated a) by the aircrew by reference to the Tech Log b) automatically by update data from the ACARS c) by an aircraft engineer updates the system either by a magnetic tape or
floppy disc The correct answer is c Read up on FMS database updating 5. Pitch Control of a fly by wire system is achieved by a) elevators only b) stabilizer and elevator c) stabilizer only
The correct answer is b Read up on fly-by-wire 6. controller: In a fly by wire system, if the pilot control input is derived from a side stick a) b) c) computer failure The correct answer is b Read up on fly-by-wire 7. In memory using multivibrators, when power is switched off the datawill a) still be available on power up b) be lost c) automatically be downloaded control surface feedback is fed to the side stick there is no control surface feedback to the side stick there will be only control surface feedback to the side stick after a
The correct answer is b Read up on RAM types 8. The resistance of the wrist strap used as part of anti static precautions should be a) 0 - 200 ohm b) 250 kilohm - 1.5 megohm c) 20 megohm - 200 megohm
The correct answer is b CAAIPs Leaflet 9-4 5.3.1 9. What is the function of a status register in a microprocessor? a) To indicate the status of the processor b) In the ALU, to store the position of the program during an interrupt c) To synchronize the clock pulse
The correct answer is a <See http://www.i-garden.org/docu/cecs/cs14.pdf 10. What is the advantage of EPROM over fusible link?
a) Cheaper to produce b) Can be re-programmed c) Does not need refreshing The correct answer is b Read up on RAM types
A basic IRS platform has a) 3 accelerometers and 2 laser gyros b) 2 Accelerometers and 3 laser gyros c) 3 accelerometers and 3 laser gyros The correct answer is c Jeppesen Avionics Fundamentals Page 137
What must be entered into the IRS before the aircraft can be moved? a) Present position b) Flight plan c) Cruise height
The correct answer is a Read up on IRS 3. The FMS Operational Data Base is a) updated once a month b) is fed with information on aircraft weight, cruise altitude and cost index c) needs no update information
The correct answer is b Read up on FMS databases 4. Control surface feedback is fed back to a) the Flight Control Computer only b) the Flight Control Computer and side stick controller c) the side stick controller only
The correct answer is a Read up on fly by wire 5. The function of a commutator is to a) convert from analogue to binary form b) provide a sampling in sequence of a number of parameters c) provide continuous availability of all parameters connected to the system
The correct answer is b Read up on DACs and CADs 6. When the voltage that represents a logic 1 state is less than the voltage that represents a logic 0 state, the logic being used is a) either positive or negative b) positive c) negative The correct answer is c Read up on logic systems 7. The output of an AND gate having two inputs A and B is logic 1. The two inputs will have the logic states of a) A = 0, B = 0
b) c)
A = 1, B = 1 A = 1, B = 0
The correct answer is b Read up on logic gates 8. Registers are used in digital computers to a) store bits of information in a permanent memory b) store a limited amount of information on a temporary basis c) keep a count of operations completed
The correct answer is b Read up on CPU architecture 9. What is 0111000012 in Octal? a) 281 10 b) 225 8 c) 341 8
ARINC 629 is used for a) normal flight b) emergency only c) a backup to ARINC 429
The correct answer is a Read up on the ARINC 429 and 629 data bus system
Testing of HIRF on aircraft systems is done a) by periodically listening for interference on all systems b) at and during production and testing (initial certification) c) only after a report of radio interference
The correct answer is b Understanding HIRF By Gerald L. Fuller 2. How are earth loops prevented from forming? a) Ground only one end of the cable screen b) Ground both ends of the cable screen c) Ground neither end of the cable screen
The correct answer is a Read up on HIRF protection 3. When carrying out a bonding check on a surface protected by anodic film a) the anodic film should be removed locally to ensure a good contact b) the film is conductive so no preparations are required c) add a bonding factor to the result of the test to account for the resistance of the anodic film The correct answer is a Read up on electrical testing 4. The accelerometer output in an INS/IRS is a) integrated twice to give velocity
b) c)
The correct answer is b Read up on acceleration - velocity - distance computations 5. An INS/IRS Battery Unit provides a) standby power when airborne and on the ground b) standby power only whilst in flight c) standby power only on the ground
The correct answer is a Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems. Pallett Page 247 & 248 6. The FMS Navigation Data Base must be updated a) once a month b) every 28 days c) before each flight to establish the flight plan
The correct answer is b Read up on FMS databases 7. If a fly by wire actuator loses hydraulic power the control surface will a) automatically move back to the neutral position b) remain rigid in the failure position c) remain in the failure position but may move due to aerodynamic pressure
The correct answer is c Read up on fly by wire systems 8. The output of an OR gate having two inputs A and B is logic 0. The two inputs will have the logic states of a) A = 0, B = 0 b) A = 1, B = 0 c) A = 0, B = 1 The correct answer is a Read up logic gates 9. When clamping cable looms containing co-axial cables a) avoid distortion to the co-axial cable to maintain the dielectric constant b) distortion of the outer sheath is allowed providing the inner cable is not c) the clamps must be no more than 1 metre apart
The correct answer is a Read up on cable installations 10. When incorporating an aerial cable it must be a) in the centre of the other wires b) outside the other wires for easy access c) positioned separately from the loom
Some of the advantages of fiber optic cable over copper cable are a) non conductive, easy to manufacture and assemble, higher bandwidth b) smaller size and weight, non conductive, more rugged, higher security
c) weight
The correct answer is c Read up on fibre optics 2. When carrying out airframe bonding checks as part of a program of HIRF prevention the airframe bonding resistance should be less than a) 50 milliohms b) 100 milliohms c) 1 ohm The correct answer is a Read up on HIRF protection 3. LCD screens are driven by a) AC voltage b) variable current DC voltage c) fixed current DC voltage
The correct answer is a See discussion in Forum Module 5 for details 4. IRS alignment a) takes up to 10 minutes and the present position can be entered at any time during alignment b) takes up to 10 minutes and present position must be entered before alignment. c) takes up to 10 minutes and the previous flight shut down present position is used for the alignment The correct answer is a Read up on IRS 5. A fault light appears on the IRS Mode Selector Unit during the alignment sequence. The correct action is a) immediately switch off and select the standby system. b) select HDG/STS on the Inertial System Display Unit (ISDU), observe the action code in the right alpha/numeric display c) refer to the warning display on the EICAS/ECAM system. The correct answer is b Read up on IRS 6. standby b) one for the EADI display and one for the EHSI display c) one to control the type of EFlS display and the other to select the source of the information being displayed The correct answer is c Read up on EFIS 7. A FMS has a total of how many Data Bases a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 EFlS systems have two control panels, their purpose is a) to provide display control by one control panel whilst the other provides a
The correct answer is b Read up on FMS databases (navigation and performance databases) 8. Fly by wire High Speed protection is
a) b) c)
to prevent high speed stall to increase the pitch angle as speed increases to prevent tuck under
The correct answer is c Read up on fly by wire 9. In a single mode fibre optic cable a) several waves travel down the cable b) the diameter of the cable is dependent on the wavelength of the light c) the distortion of the signal occurs is dependent on the length of cable
The correct answer is b Read up on fibre optics 10. A semiconductor which emits photons and releases electrons when stimulated by photons is called a) an LED b) a photodiode c) a laser diode The correct answer is c Read up on laser diodes (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) ----------------------------------------------------------
An IRS Laser gyro provides a) detection of the rate of movement about an aircraft axis b) detection of the earths rotation to establish true north c) detection of the earths gravitational force to establish true north
The correct answer is a Jeppesen Avionics Fundamentals Page 137 2. A Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) has the advantage over a CRT because a) it displays more colours b) it requires less servicing c) it requires no cooling
The correct answer is c Read up on LCDs and CRTs 3. The left and right cockpit displays a) are supplied from separate Symbol Generators at all times b) are supplied from the same Symbol Generator c) will only be supplied from the same symbol generator when all other symbol generators have failed The correct answer is c Read up on EFIS 4. A single failure of a fly by wire control surface computer will a) cause the system to revert to an alternate law of operation b) cause the system to revert to a direct law of operation c) not have any operational effect on the system
An encoder changes a) analogue to digital b) digital to analogue c) data from one format to another
The correct answer is c Read up on encoders and decoders 6. An encoder using Grey code a) changes analogue to digital b) changes analogue to binary c) changes digital to analogue
The correct answer is a Read up on altitude encoders and grey code 7. What is the Low Speed transmission rate for ARINC 429? a) 12 14.5 kbits / second b) 100 kbits / second c) 120 kbits / second
The correct answer is a Read up on ARINC 429 and 629 data bus systems 8. What is this symbol:
a) b) c)
The correct answer is b Read up on logic gates 9. What Logic Gate does this switch circuit indicate?
a) b) c)
The correct answer is b Read up on logic gates 10. What is the effect of a level 1 software failure? a) Significant reduction in safety margins b) Large reduction in safety margins c) Loss of aircraft and / or fatalities
1. protected by
Ribbon cables affected by mutual impedance and current loop leakage are a) b) c) earthing each conductor earthing each alternate conductor wrapping the complete ribbon in an earthed shield
The correct answer is b Read up on HIRF protection 2. What is the definition of baud rate? a) 1 bit per second b) 1 byte per second c) 1 word per second
The correct answer is a Read up on computer terminology 3. An RS flip-flop with Q at 1 is said to be a) reset b) set c) zero
The correct answer is b Read up on flip-flops / vibrators 4. What is the Boolean Algebra for the XOR Circuit below?
The correct answer is b Read up on boolean algebra 5. What does the logic circuit below represent?
a) b) c)
The correct answer is b Read up on adders 6. The release of a photon by another photon is an example of a) a zener diode b) an LED c) a photo diode
The correct answer is b Reead up on LED operation 7. be? When a JK flip flop is used as a memory device, what type of memory would it a) b) c) non-volatile read-only volatile
The correct answer is c Read up on memory types 8. Once an ARINC 629 LRU has transmitted a message it will wait how long before transmitting again? a) Until the end of the synchronization gap. b) Until the end of the transmit interval c) Until the start of the terminal gap The correct answer is b Read up on ARINC 629 data word format 9. How is the word label 206 written in ARINC 429? a) Decimal 206 b) Binary 11000110 c) Octal 01100001
The correct answer is c Label is Octal - MSB to right - so yes, it is backwards 10. What is ARINC 561 used for? a) Flight Data Recorder systems
b) c)
The correct answer is c Read up on the ARINC data bus systems ----------------------------------------------------------
What are the outputs from digital clocks used for? a) b) VOR, ILS and DME Flight data acquisition unit, Flight management computer and Voice Weather radar, TCAS and ACARS
recorder c)
The correct answer is b Only these require real time reference 2. What does a fibre optic star connection do?
a) Provides direct point-to-point services to units on dedicated lines emanating from the central hub b) Provides a continuous loop of fibre interconnecting all nodes c) Shares a common bandwidth of a common cable The correct answer is a Read up on fibre optics 3. What is the purpose of the ALU? a) To convert serial into parallel data b) To store data being used by the CPU c) The part of the CPU unit where arithmetic & logic operations are carried
out The correct answer is c Aircraft Electricity and Electronics, Eismin, 5th Edition Page 146 4. Which logic gate has both inputs high to get an output? a) NAND gate b) XOR gate c) AND gate
The correct answer is c Read up on logic gates 5. Which would have the least components? a) ALU b) CPU c) LSI
The correct answer is a Read up on CPU components 6. How many address lines would be needed for an 8 line MUX? a) 4 b) 3 c) 2
The correct answer is b Read up on multiplexing / demultiplexing 7. In a MUX, how is parallel converted to serial?
a) b) c)
The correct answer is a Read up on shift registers 8. move? If a magnetic field is parallel to the X plates in a CRT, which way will the beam a) b) c) Diagonally Vertically Horizontally
The correct answer is c Read up on CRTs 9. What would you expect to see displayed on an EADI display? a) Flight director command bars, slip indicator, rate to altitude & autoland b) Compass heading, selected heading and VOR c) Course information, weather radar, way point alert and bearing pointers
The correct answer is a Read up on EFIS 10. The binary number 10101000111001012 in hexadecimal is: a) 22BC 16 b) A8E5 16 c) FFFF 16
1. A fibreoptic lens type coupling with lens and integral LED compared to an endfire coupling is a) more efficient b) less efficient c) equally efficient The correct answer is a 2. An analogue to digital converter is as accurate as a) the sampling rate b) the frequency c) the amplitude
The correct answer is a 3. A digital to analogue converter that requires the output to range between 0v and 10v would have a) a non-inverting amplifier in parallel with the output line b) an inverting amplifier in series with the output line c) a non-inverting amplifier in line with the output with a resistor to ground The correct answer is b 4. An LED display is
An EFIS ADI display will show along with pitch and roll a) flight director bars, autoland, compass rose, altitude b) flight director bars, autoland, altitude, range to altitude, decision height c) decision height, autoland, rad alt , altitude
The correct answer is c 6. A full operation system BITE check will carry out a internal system test that ensures the system meets design requirements and is operational a) but will not move the controls b) as well as checking full system and will move the controls to their stops c) as well as checking full system but will not move the controls to their stops The correct answer is c Digital Avionic Systems - Cary Spitzer. Page 109, Arinc report 604 guidance for design and use of built in test equipment states... 'BITE should excercise the hardware sufficiently to determine if it meets the performance requirements but should not drive it against mechanical stops.' 7. If on a flight deck EFIS system all the displays were missing one bit of information this is most likely to be a) the symbol generator and display b) the input sensor bus and display controller c) the display controller and symbol generator The correct answer is b 8. A arinc data word is bits 11-29, if bits 11-18 are patched which of the following would be the LSB bit a) 19 b) 29 c) 21 The correct answer is a 9. What is a band? a) A block of data b) A bit of data c) A byte of data
The correct answer is b 10. fibre optic b) c) The correct answer is c require no power and they do not process signals process the signal but do not require power Passive sensors in fibre optics a) require power for the processing signal before they send them down the
An LCD display uses what type of power supply? a) Continuous AC b) Variable level DC voltage c) DC voltage
The correct answer is a See discussion in Forum Module 5 for details 2. Fibre optic data bus links are a) bi-directional b) one way data buses c) simplex
The correct answer is a 3. 0011011000101001 when transferred to computer language this information can be a representation of a) binary, octal or decimal numbers b) hex, octal and binary numbers c) hex, octal and decimal numbers The correct answer is b 4. In a bi-stable memory circuit a) the memory is lost as soon as power is removed b) the memory is retained indefinably c) the memory needs to be refreshed constantly, even when power is on
The correct answer is a 5. In an analogue to digital converter, the input voltage a) stays on constantly b) is switched by the digital input c) is intermittent
The correct answer is a 6. In an RS flip flop output is one. This means it is a) set b) reset c) intermediate
The correct answer is a Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 143 7. ARINC 629 utilizes a) full duplex b) half duplex c) simplex
The correct answer is b 8. Optical fibre losses are due to a) absorption only b) absorption, scattering and reflection
The correct answer is b Introduction to Fiber Optics John Crisp Page 50 9. The cone of acceptance is measured between a) longitudinal axis of the core and the outer angle b) the two outer angles c) the diameter of the core
The correct answer is a Introduction to Fiber Optics John Crisp Page 29 10. An R-2R Converter has values or resistance a) whose precision are accurate b) whose relative precision are accurate c) whose precision are not accurate
The correct answer is a 2. What does 1 represent in an analogue system? a) Switches closed, magnetised b) Switches open, unmagnetised c) High frequency
The correct answer is a 3. A centralised monitoring computer system is used a) to test system during flight and for BITE test of systems on the ground using a carry on control unit b) to test systems in flight and on the ground using a centralised on board control unit c) testing systems on the ground only The correct answer is b Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 270 4. A signal in an ARINC 629 system uses a) a pair of wires per transmitter unit b) a twisted pair of wires or fibre optics c) a single wire
The correct answer is b Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 148 5. A beam deflection on EFIS displays are a) electromagnetism b) electrostatic c) solid state
The correct answer is a Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems EHJ Pallett Page 297 6. A nand and nor to become a not gate have a) inputs connected together b) inputs inverted c) outputs inverted
The correct answer is a 7. An in-series ARINC 429 system transmits using a) wave dividing multiplexing b) time dividing multiplexing c) encoder
The correct answer is b 8. Fibre optic cables use a) reflective outer shell b) refractive outer shell c) reflective inner shell
The correct answer is b The outer cladding is glass, so it is refractive (but less so than the core). Cladding causes Total Internal Reflection (TIR), so question can be interpreted in two ways. 9. A sinusoidal circular time constant produces what output? a) 90 degrees out of phase b) 180 degrees out of phase c) In phase
The correct answer is a 10. A terminal controller a) transmits only when addressed b) is repetitive transmitting c) will transmit only once during each transmit interval
What is the advantage of series over parallel message sending? a) Quicker b) More information sent c) Only one pair of conductors
The correct answer is c Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 146 2. The number of LRUs which transmit/receive on ARINC-429 is dependent upon a) size of S.D.I b) speed of transmission & size of aircraft systems c) parallel input impedance
a) b) c)
The correct answer is a 4. In an EFIS display, the lines, Scales, Indicator and Synoptic are generated by a) synoptic scan b) stroke scan c) raster scan The correct answer is b 757 MM 34-22-00 page 40 (p) and 737 MM 34-22-00 page 47, 4(b) 5. Speed of computer process information depends upon a) the size of the programme b) the time period to access the memory c) the external inputs to the system
The correct answer is b 6. A typical example of a mass storage memory device which "write once" and "read many" is a) a CD Rom b) an IC c) a magnetic tape The correct answer is a 7. When handling PCB's labelled ESDS, what precaution are taken? a) Isolate electrical power before installing on Aircraft b) First earth with aircraft then to it c) Do not touch its pins as copper contamination can occur
The correct answer is a Microelectronics in Aircraft Systems. Pallett. Page 219 8. A computer consist of at least the C.P.U and a) memory and input & output port b) register section, ALU, timing and control section c) memory, ALU, input & output port
The correct answer is a Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 144 9. Electromagnetic compatibility is achieved by a) shielding, screening, earthing, bonding and interference filters b) enclosing the system with same frequency and strength of which screening is done c) coating in a conductive paint The correct answer is a 10. The supply to an LCD is a) AC b) current restricted DC c) voltage restricted DC
1. EADI is by
The method of producing (white) lines for aircraft symbols, V/S scale etc. on an a) b) c) stroke scan raster scan trapezoidal input
The correct answer is a MM 737-300/400/500, 34-22-00 page 47 4b or MM 757 34-22-00 page 40 (p). 'The special symbols, characters, letters, vectors and arcs are displayed using the stroke method. The EADI sky/ground ball or EHSI weather radar are displayed using the raster method 2. In modern aircraft, the output from the clock is used a) to synchronise the signals on the control bus b) give GMT details to the flight recorder and other systems c) to provide a clock pulse for CRT
The correct answer is b 3. Audio sounds recorded digitally a) are not as accurate due to clipping and input errors b) are superior quality and "data preservation" c) are narrow bandwidth
The correct answer is b 4. When carrying out HIRF maintenance on aircraft, the max resistance is a) 1 milliohm b) 1 ohm c) 0.05 ohms
The correct answer is c 6. One of the ARINC 429 formats is a) hexadecimal b) BCD c) octal
The correct answer is b http://www.condoreng.com ARINC 429 tutorial 7. When does voice data recording commence? a) On engine start b) From aircraft take off run c) After take off when airborne
The correct answer is b CAP 393 Section I Para 53, OR answer c by JAR OPS Para 1.700 (c)
The correct answer is a 9. A heading reference of 320 degrees in a word label format would be written as a) 101010001 b) 11010000 c) 01000111
The correct answer is b 10. Within an EFIS display system, all displays have 1 bit of information missing. What would be the most probable cause? a) Symbol generator and sensor input b) Display controller and sensor input bus c) Display controller and symbol generator The correct answer is b ----------------------------------------------------------
A computer using RAM would utilise a) a compact disc b) an integrated circuit (chip) c) magnetic tape
The correct answer is b Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 146 2. With a j-k flip flop which is the output set a) q=1 b) q=0 c) either
The correct answer is a 3. If the glideslope pointer is below the centre mark the aircraft is a) on the glideslope b) below the glideslope c) above the glideslope
The correct answer is a Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 132 5. The operational data base of the FMS may have to be modified in flight a) by the pilot
An LED will emit light when a) it is forward biased b) it is reverse biased c) either forward or reverse biased if a sufficient level of ac voltage is
applied The correct answer is a Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 121 7. On an EFIS system the weather radar is displayed on a) the EADI b) the EHSI c) the FMC CDU
The correct answer is b Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems EHJ Pallett Page 305 8. CADC outputs are a) altitude, vertical speed, IAS, mach no b) altitude ,vertical speed, angle of attack, TAT, SAT c) altitude, vertical speed, TAS, CAS, mach no, SAT, TAT
The correct answer is c Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems Pallett Page 162. 9. Data is converted from serial to parallel and parallel to serial by a) a parallel register b) a shift register c) a synchronous counter
The correct answer is b 10. A group of bits transmitted at the same time is a) a clock signal b) parallel data c) serial data
A typical characteristic of a CMOS is a) low power dissipation b) high voltage handling c) high power dissipation
The correct answer is a Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 140 2. If one EICAS CRT fails a) the remaining CRT will display primary EICAS data b) the FMS CDU will display the failed CRT data c) the standby CRT will automatically take over
The correct answer is a Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 132 4. EADI displays a) pitch and roll attitudes b) heading and weather radar c) pitch, roll and waypoints
The correct answer is a 5. On an EHSI in weather radar mode, a severe storm would be shown as a) orange areas with black or yellow surrounds b) red areas with black surrounds c) blue areas with white background
The correct answer is b 6. Variations in light on EFIS displays are compensated for by a) integrated light dependant resistors in the display compensating for each display individual b) An external light dependant resistor mounted on the flight deck compensating for all displays in a parallel-parallel format c) manual adjustment by flight crew on EFIS controller The correct answer is a 7. The input bus into a central processor unit is a a) one way bus b) bi directional bus c) two way bus
The correct answer is a 8. A method used in modern aircraft for reporting in flight faults to an engineering and monitoring ground station is a) TCAS II b) ACARS c) TAWS The correct answer is b Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 299 9. A CRT display has the advantage over an LCD display by a) brighter clearer output b) more energy efficient c) large viewing angle
The correct answer is c 10. Most fibre optic connectors are designed so
the receptacle has to torque to a designated torque to ensure correct the connectors can not be over tightened the connector can not be replaced on the aircraft
The self test function on an EFIS system can be tested a) in the air only b) on the ground only c) in the air and on the ground
The correct answer is b 2. Each of the symbol generator outputs in an EFIS system can be a) displayed of each individual display b) only no. 2 can be displayed on the no.1 c) can not be interchanged
The correct answer is a 3. An AND gate with inverted inputs and an inverted output is equivalent to a) an AND gate b) an OR gate c) a NOR gate
The correct answer is b 4. Logic gates internal operating mechanisms are produced from a) thin film resistors b) transistors c) diodes
The correct answer is b 5. To display a circle on a CRT you use a) 2 sine waves 180 degrees out of phase b) 2 sine waves 90 degrees out of phase c) 2 square wave 90 degrees out of phase
The correct answer is b 6. The light source used in fibre optics is a) higher bandwidth than visible light b) lower bandwidth than visible light c) visible light
The correct answer is b Introduction to Fiber Optics J Crisp Page 18/19 7. When the power is removed from a bi-stable memory device, it's memory will a) be lost indefinitely b) be saved indefinitely
downloaded to memory
BITE tests are inhibited for ground use during a) take-off b) gear retraction c) forward motion
Software changes come under the responsibility of a) the national aviation authority b) the aircraft constructor c) the engineer
A multiplexer a) takes many signals in and converts it to a serial transmission output b) takes one signal in and converts it to a parallel transmission output c) takes many signals in and puts these in a parallel transmission on the
The CPU consists of a) register and arithmetic logic unit only b) ALU, timing and control section, register c) register, timing and control section only
The correct answer is b Aircraft Instruments and Intergrated Systems EHJ Pallett Page 153 Basic CPU,. Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 145 2. The ARINC 429 system uses the following system to transfer data a) non return to zero b) harvard bi phase c) bi-directional return to zero
The correct answer is c http://www.condoreng.com ARINC 429 tutorial 3. Which of the following ARINCs are bidirectional? a) 429 b) 629 c) 573
The correct answer is b Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 148. http://www.condoreng.com ARINC 429 tutorial
Data is transferred on the MIL-STD-1553B by using a) bipolar return to zero b) manchester bi-phase c) non return to zero
The correct answer is b http://www.condoreng.com MIL-STD-1553 tutorial 5. The general arrangement of ARINC 629 includes a) current mode coupler, data bus cable only b) data bus cable, stub cable, voltage mode coupler c) data bus cable, current mode coupler, stub cable
The correct answer is c 6. tube To deflect the beam of a CRT horizontally, coils are placed on the neck of the a) b) c) The correct answer is c 7. During flight (non fault conditions) the EICAS system displays on the lower CRT a) secondary engine parameters b) synoptic display c) flight phase page one on the side, one at the bottom each side top and bottom
The correct answer is a 8. Who can design new software? a) BCAR section A8 approved company b) BCAR section A1 approved company c) The CAA
The correct answer is a AWN45a para 3.1.3 (BCAR section A sub section A8) 9. Data bus cables are terminated using a) 130 ohms resistor b) 100 ohms resistor c) 25 ohms resistor
The correct answer is a 10. Modern aircraft with electronic displays would display information on airframe and engine on which system? a) Flight management system b) Electronic centralised aircraft monitoring system (ECAM) c) EADI The correct answer is b
a) b) c)
after take off on aircraft roll out from stand after the first engine has started
The correct answer is c JAR OPS Supbart K 1.715 e 2. Data to flight data recorder can be taken form a communal data bus if a) it goes directly to it b) the power is within flight data recorder limits c) if source isolation has been considered
The correct answer is c 3. In arinc 429 data field is bits 11 to 28. If the bits 11 to 18 had pad bits, the L.S.B. Of the data would be a) bit 19 b) bit 11 c) bit 28 The correct answer is a 4. The BCD data field of arinc 429 is contained within bits a) 1-8 b) 11 - 29 c) 11-28
The correct answer is b Binary Word is 11 - 28. BCD Word is 11 - 29 5. After attaching a wrist strap to you wrist (which is connected to aircraft ground), prior to removal of ESDS equipment, the resistance measured a) between the strap and the pin ground must be >10 Megohms b) between your skin and the pin ground must be <10 megohms c) between the strap and the pin ground must be <10 meghms The correct answer is b Answer found in Boeing SWPM. 20-41-01 3(2) (e) Hold the red lead of the (test) meter between the forefinger and the thumb. The acceptable range is less than 10,000,000 ohms 6. The major source of degradation of HIRF protection is a) corrosion b) damage to static wicks c) radio filter break down
The correct answer is c The exact definition of HIRF does not include electrostatc discharge (ESD). But only interference from outside sources. Understanding HIRF By Gerald L. Fuller 7. The resistance of the magnetic coils of a CRT. Is offset by using a) trapezoidal voltage b) constant voltage c) sawtooth voltage
The correct answer is a 8. If the magnetic deflection plates produce a magnetic field which is parallel to the horizontal then the trace is deflected in a) horizontal axis
b) c)
The correct answer is c 9. Light transmission in a fibre optic cable is due to a) repeated internal reflection b) refraction of the light c) defraction of the light
The correct answer is a 10. The name given to the joining of two fibre optic cables by aligning them carefully and bringing them into close proximity of each other is a) Fusion b) End to end c) Lens Coupling The correct answer is b
In a fibre optic cable a) only one data signal can be sent down it at any one time b) multiple data signals can be sent down it at one time c) data can only be sent in one direction
The correct answer is b Introduction to Fiber Optics John Crisp page 189 2. A logic 1 may be represented in an analogue system by (where Q is an output of a latch I flip-flop) a) switch open I light on IQ b) switch closed I light off / Not Q c) positive I magnetised IQ The correct answer is c 3. A central fault display system should be available through a) a bite test b) a easily accessible multifunction control display unit c) a central bite test box with clear LED indications
The correct answer is b 4 An analogue to digital converter where it counts up to binary state eciual to the analogue in put and then back down when this is reached is a % a) successive approximation counter b) a tracking ramp type converter c) flash type converter The correct answer is b Digital Fundimentals T L Floyd page 571 5. Transistors are used in a current triggered D to A device to a) switch on the input
b) c)
The correct answer is c 6. Radio altitude is displayed on an EFIS system a) on the Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator b) on the Electronic Attitude Direction Indicator c) ontheRMI
The correct answer is b 7. A flight data recorder should be capable of recording a) the last 25 hours b) the last 25 hours of aircraft flight c) the last 25 hours with engines running
The correct answer is c 8. Op amps generally used in ADCs and DACs are normally % a) high input impedance, low output impedance b) high input impedance , high output impedance % c) low input impedance , how output impedance The correct answer is a 9. Magnetic materials are used in a) ROMs only b) some RAMs c) EPROM
The correct answer is b 10. The pins on an op amp are numbered a) clockwise b) anticlockwise c) cross ways
A parallel register a) reads each bit to be stored simultaneously b) requires a clock pulse for each bit c) reads the stored data when logic 0 is applied to the read line
The correct answer is a 2. . HIRF protection is in the order of a) hardened skin and protecting wires I LRUs b) bonding as many parts of the aircraft as possible and a maximum resistance 0.05ohms c) periodically turn off components whilst radio transmitting
The correct answer is a The exact definition of HIRF does not include static build-up, but does include interference from outside sources. The protection from such interferenc is via the aircraft skin and wire/LRU shielding. Understanding HIRF, Gerald L Fuller 3. 16 hexadecimal converted to decimal is equivalent to a) 38 b) 48 c) 22
The correct answer is c Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 132 4. To get logic 1 using this gate
A or B = 1 b) A and B = 1 c) A and B = 0
The correct answer is c 5. What logic gate would this circuit represent?
a) b) c)
The correct answer is c Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 128 7. What systems uses base 10? a) Decimal b) Digital c) Octal
The correct answer is a Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 128 8. What systems use base 16? a) Octal b) BCD c) Hexadecimal
The correct answer is c Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 132 9. a) EADI pointers, dials and engine data is produced using stroke
b) c)
The correct answer is a Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems EHJ Pallett Page 300
10. a) b) c)
Fibre optic cables consists of a silica glass core and refractive outer cladding reflective outer cladding reflective inner cladding
The correct answer is a The outer cladding is glass, so it is refractive (but less so than the core). Cladding causes Total Internal Reflection (TIR), so question can be interpreted in two ways.
The correct answer is a 2. Analogue logic 1 is a) closed switch, Logic Q=0 b) closed circuit, Logic Q=1 c) open circuit
The correct answer is b 3. ARINC 629 is transmitted using a) fibre optics or twisted pair of wires b) single wire for each transmitter c) SWG 28 wire
The correct answer is a Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 148 4. BITE for ground use only is switched off a) when breaks are released b) when undercarriage up c) on take-off
The correct answer is c 5. Fibre optics relies on a) fibre absorbing light b) light reflecting off cladding c) light escaping cladding
The correct answer is b 6. The "light" emitted from a LED used within a fibre-optic system will have a wavelength a) slightly longer then that of visible light
b) c)
slightly shorter then that of visible light equal to that of visible light
The correct answer is a Infrared from 850nm. Visible light is 400 - 800 nm 7. Binary coded decimal (BCD) format has a minimum of a) four "Os" or "1s" b) 2lotsoffour"0s"or"1s" c) 3 lots of four "Os" or "1 s"
The correct answer is a 8. A simplex system has a) 1 transmitter and multiple receivers b) 1 bus controller and 1 remote terminal c) 1 bus controller and multiple receivers
The correct answer is a 9. Fibre optic cable over copper cable has the following advantages a) non-conductive, easier to manufacture and assemble, greater bandwidth b) non-conductive, greater bandwidth, greater signal security c) greater bandwidth, greater signal security, more robust
The correct answer is b 10. An EFIS system ADI displays pitch, roll a) autoland, altitude, compass rose and flight director bars b) autoland, decision height, range to altitude and flight director bars and slip indicator c) autoland, rad alt, decision height and slip indicator
The correct answer is a Convert it to Decimal first (15 x 256 + 8 x 16 + 6 x 1) = 3974. Since it is an even number, it must be the answer with a zero on the end. 2. What is 11000012 - 1011002? a) 1101112 b) 100011012 c) 1101012
The correct answer is c Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 1129 3. During normal functioning of an ECAM system the engine data shown on the Engine/Warning display comes from the a) EFIS channel of DMC3
b) c)
The correct answer is b DMC 1 (in normal operation) supplies info the the upper ECAM, DMC 2 supplies info to the lower ECAM and DMC 3 is in standby 4. To create a bi-directional communications link within an ARINC 429 system a) only one databus is required b) two databuses are required c) four databuses are required
The correct answer is b 5. Using I.N.S. an aircraft flies a) course directed by ground station b) great circle route c) rhumb line
The correct answer is b Jeppesen Avionics Fundamentals Page 132 6. What warnings can an FMS provide? a) Discrete warnings b) Spurious faults c) Ground faults only
The correct answer is a 7. Aircraft heading (HDG) is a) the angle between True North and the desired track b) the angle between True North and the actual track c) the angle between True North and the longitudinal axis of the aircraft
The correct answer is c Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems EHJ Pallett Page 254 For an IRS System to pass the Alignment System Performance Test the a) entered present latitude and longitude must agree with the latitude and longitude at last power down b) the No 1 and No 2 must both have the same latitude and longitude present position entered c) the latitude entered must be within given limits of the latitude computed by IRU 8. The correct answer is c Aircraft Intruments and Integrated Systems, Pallett pages 279-280 9. The accepted error from INS / IRS is a) 2 miles / hour + 3 miles b) l mile / hour + 3 miles c) 3 miles / hour + 3 miles
The correct answer is c 10. Control Display Unit (CDU ) selection of TKE (Track Angle Error), displays a) distance perpendicular from the selected track b) difference in degrees that the aircraft is to the right or left of the desired
c) desired track
The correct answer is b Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems EHJ Pallett Page 256
In the EICAS system, when is the maintenance mode available? a) On the upper and lower screens - only available on the ground b) Lower screen only - only available on the ground c) In flight
The correct answer is b B747 Maintenance Manual. Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems. Pallett Page 380 2. On a modern aircraft when are BITE checks carried out? a) When BITE selected b) After engine shut down c) Continuously when system is in use
The correct answer is c Aircraft Electricity and Electronics, 5th edition, Eismin, Pages 152 and 268 3. What causes the X and Y beam deflections in an EFIS CRT display? a) Electromagnetic b) Electrostatic c) Either
The correct answer is a Aircraft instruments and integrated systems (Pallett), page 286 4. In an IN system, the purpose of the stable platform is to a) prevent unwanted acceleration affecting the accelerometers b) provide attitude reference c) stop the gyros from toppling
The correct answer is a Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems EHJ Pallett Page 260 5. The three accelerometers on a stable platform are mounted a) parallel to each other b) orthogonally c) 12Oo apart
The correct answer is b Jeppesen Avionics Fundamentals Page 134 6. An IN system requires data from the a) doppler system b) satellites c) air data computer
The correct answer is c Jeppesen Avionics Fundamentals Page 138 7. XTK (cross track) is the
a) b) c)
angle in degrees that the aircraft track is left or right of desired track actual track across the earths surface perpendicular distance from the desired track
The correct answer is c Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems EHJ Pallett Page 256 8. The output of an INS can be fed to a) vertical speed indicators b) attitude indicators c) altimeters
The correct answer is b Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems EHJ Pallett Page 247 fig 10.1. Jeppesen Avionics Fundamentals Page 137 & 138 9. The three accelerometers on a strapdown platform are mounted a) parallel to each other b) 90o to each other c) 120o apart
The correct answer is b Jeppesen Avionics Fundamentals Page 135 10. Gyro-compassing is the term used for a) self-alignment in azimuth b) self alignment in the vertical c) use of the gyro-magnetic compass system to align the platform
The correct answer is c Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems EHJ Pallett Page 280
Centralized Aircraft Monitoring System operates to a) perform in-flight and ground tests of aircraft systems by carrying out a b) c) give red warnings and amber cautions to display system status perform in-flight BITE only
The correct answer is b 2. controlled by The control of the speed or rate that the F/D Command bars move can be a) b) c) The correct answer is b 3. operation The Centralized Aircraft Monitoring System uses the maintenance mode of a) b) c) in the air only on the ground only either ground or air position feedback rate or velocity feedback amplifier gain
The correct answer is b 4. Why does an ARINC databus system send data to LRUs in series? a) More information can be sent b) Takes less time c) Saves weight
The correct answer is c Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 146 5. Can an LRU transmit and receive on more than one 629 bus? a) Yes b) No c) Only if paralleled
The correct answer is a 6. ARINC 629 LRUs transmit a) when addressed b) when terminal gap is sensed c) when signal gap is sensed
The correct answer is b Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin 5th Edition Page 149 7. How is multiplication achieved in an ALU? a) by addition b) by subtraction c) by coupling
The correct answer is a 8. What is the function of a status register? a) To indicate the status of the microprocessor b) To store a program during an interrupt c) To synchronise the clock pulse
The correct answer is a 9. An ADC uses advance approximation to a) increase resolution b) increase speed c) increase accuracy The correct answer is b
10. A DAC uses a precision amplifier to a) ensure the output voltages remain accurate b) ensure the input remains accurate c) compensates for the variation of the feedback resistor due to temperature The correct answer is a
---------------------------------------------------------1. A BCD word occupies bits 11-29, if 11-15 are filled with padders then the LSB of the word will be a) 16 b) 29 c) 11
The correct answer is a 2. If part of a display is lost on a CRT, this could be due to a) an inoperative symbol generator or input sensor b) an inoperative symbol generator or control panel c) loss of power to the CRT
To reduce HIRF on radio equipment a) periodically check bonding leads for condition b) ensure all static wicks are in place c) transmit on all radio frequencies to determine which frequencies are causing the interference The correct answer is b
When a BITE test is carried out on a system with moving parts it should be a) carried out without operating moving parts b) carried out ensuring all moving parts are operated and taken to there carried out ensuring all moving parts are operated but not to there
The correct answer is c Digital Avionic Systems - Cary Spitzer. Page 109, Arinc report 604 guidance for design and use of built in test equipment states... 'BITE should excercise the hardware sufficiently to determine if it meets the performance requirements but should not drive it against mechanical stops.'
A simplex system has a) one transmitter, many receivers b) a bus controller and separate controller c) one transmitter, one receiver
The smallest operation of a CPU is a) the timescale b) the processor sub-cycle c) the processor cycle
In a fibre optic system, different light frequencies are separated by a) an active filter b) a passive filter c) a star network
The most common CRT for an EFIS system screen is a a) electrostatic b) electromagnetic c) combined
The correct answer is c Boeing 757 MM 34-22-00 page 8 paragraph G (EADI), Section (2)........'It (the CRT) utilizes magnetic deflection and electrostaic focus control.'
Sensors in a fibre optic flight control system a) require power for processors b) do not require power c) require processing to give output
The correct answer is b 10. An accuracy amp is used to a) give output at required level b) compensate for temperature variation c) make output between 0 - 5V
L.E.D.s can give a) high definition displays b) red and green displays only c) monochrome displays only
The correct answer is c LEDs can only ever give one colour (i.e. monochrome) as the colour is determined by the doping element and nothing else. LEDs which appear to give two colours are actually two separate LEDs in the same case.
Fibre optic systems can transmit data in a) one direction only b) in two directions c) both directions at the same time
The correct answer is c Introduction to Fiber Optics John Crisp page 189
When handling a PCB you should ensure that a) b) electrical power is isolated ground yourself first to aircraft then PCB
c) contaminated
ensure you do not touch the ends so that copper contacts do not become
The correct answer is a CAAIPs Leaflet 9-4 8.1 (a) 4. you use? For large bandwidth high-speed fibre optic transmission what sort of cable would
In an R-2-R ladder converter the values of resistors a) are precise b) c) do not need to be of precise values only the first resistor need to be precise
The correct answer is a Basic Electronics Malcolm Plant Page 60D 6. In fibre optics the wavelength of the light is a) b) c) The correct answer is b 7. fibre optics What is the advantage of an ILD over an LED when used as a light source in a) b) c) higher bandwidth lower frequency range lower intensity less than visible light more than visible light equal to that of visible light
The correct answer is b Introduction to Fiber Optics John Crisp. A Laser Diode has a lower spectrum of frequencies hence reduce chromatic dispersion.
The correct answer is a 9. A typical example of an IC is a) b) c) The correct answer is b ALU CPU dip switch
A circular time constant produces what sort of output ? a) in phase b) 180o out of phase c) 90o out of phase
Speed of light in a fibre optic fibre a) is always the same no matter what material it is b) is never greater then the speed of light in free space c) increases if it passes through material of higher refractive index
The correct answer is b Fiber Optics Communication and Other Applications Page 15 2. is A device, which converts serial to parallel and parallel to serial for arithmetical functions,
a) b) c)
Multiplexer and De-Multiplexer Shift Register Parallel to serial and serial to parallel converter
The correct answer is b Pulse code modulation/parallel to serial 3. In an Arinc 429 Word label-representing heading is 320, this is represented in bits 1- 8 as a) 01101000 b) 01011001 c) 00001011
The correct answer is c Octal 320 converted to binary. 4. What would be the outputs if A=0 B=0 C=1
0, 1
b) c)
1, 1 0, 0
The correct answer is a Check out the table on http://www.play-hookey.com/digital/adder.html 5. What would be the outputs if A=1 B=1 C=0
a) b) c)
0, 1 1, 1 1, 0
The correct answer is c Check out the table on http://www.play-hookey.com/digital/adder.html 6. The angle of incidence of a beam of light in a fibre optic cable will be a) twice that of the cone of acceptance b) approximately half that of the cone of acceptance c) parallel with the end of the cable
The correct answer is b Fiber Optics Communication and Other Applications Page 46/7. Presumably, this means the MAXIMUM angle of incidence. 7. A fibre optic cable is connected to a unit that will not be frequently disconnected. The preferred type of connector to be used is a a) Ball lens type b) Butt type c) Quick disconnect type The correct answer is b Boeing 777-200 training notes
A cyclic test (watch dog) should be performed for ECAM a) during power up b) during flight c) via MCDU
The correct answer is b Aircraft Electricity and Electronics, Eismin, 5th Edition. Pg 154 9. How is the symbol generator detecting the program error a) looking at the odd parity without error
looking at the even parity without error check sum bites for error detect
What is EPROM? a) erasable programmable read only memory b) enhanced programmable read only memory c) erasable programming read only module
1. A CRT is a) electromagnetic b) electrostatic c) solid state The correct answer is a A CRT is NOT solid state. Most CRTs used on aircraft are electromagnetic. 2. What is used for the power of 10? a) octal b) digital c) decimal The correct answer is c Decimal is a power of 10 counting system 3. a) b) c) What is 44 in hexadecimal? 2c 2d 2F
The correct answer is a (2 x 16) + (12 x 1) = 44 (c = 12) 4. What is octal 33in hexadecimal? a) 22 b) 11 c) 1b
The correct answer is c Octal 33 = (3 x 8) + (3 x 1) = 27 decimal. 27 = (1 x 16) + (11 x 1) = 1b (b = 11) 5. a) b) c) At low ambient temperatures, an LCD screen loses contrast is slower to update as data changes viewing angle becomes larger
The correct answer is b See http://www.arundisplay.co.uk/glossary/lcd_technology.htm 6. a) b) Colour CRT shadowmask screen resolution is 84 triads 400 lines per square inch
The correct answer is a See http://www.lgeservice.com/monterms.html for definition of resolution (pixels per inch) and triads. The actual figure of 84 is irrelevant (as there are many different CRT resolutions). The question is asking whether you know the definition of resolution 7. a) b) c) A multiplexer in test equipment could be used for analogue to digital converter frequency divider digital to analogue converter
The correct answer is a 8. a) b) c) Where does the clock signal in a micro processor come from? ALU Control unit Memory
The correct answer is b Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems, Pallett. Page 153 9. a) b) c) Where is the operating program for the CPU stored? ALU Control unit Memory unit
The correct answer is c Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems, Pallett. Page 153 10. a) b) An LCD display has three colours only has infinite colours
The correct answer is a An LCD display uses only red, green and blue filters. By mixing them, it can get different colours, but not an infinite amount.
1. In ARINC 629 aperiodic mode, LRUs transmit in order of a) power up b) shortest terminal gap to longest terminal gap c) longest terminal gap to shortest terminal gap The correct answer is b 2. ARINC 629, aperiodic mode is used a) for normal operation b) for landing and approach operation c) for database loads The correct answer is a 3. What is the device used to convert Binary Coded Decimal into separate supplies for a seven segment digital display? a) Multiplexer
b) c)
Demultiplexer Decoder
The correct answer is c RS catalogue...part number CA3161 (see www.RSwww.com website and enter the part number in their search box) 4. a) b) c) How is ARINC 429 bi-directional data transfer achieved? Via a twisted pair of shielded cables Using two data buses Via a current mode coupler
The correct answer is b 5. A basic computer would consist of a) register section, ALU and timing and control section b) memory, input/output ports and CPU c) RAM/ROM and input/output ports
The correct answer is b Pallett Aircraft instuments & Integrated Systems Page 153 6. ABS 000 01 1 101 1 1 0 This is the truth table for a a) E-OR b) NOT c) NAND The correct answer is a E-OR is another name for XOR (in the twisted CAA mind!) 7. a) b) c) Where is the rising runway? EADI EFIS CRTs in the passenger cabin
The correct answer is a 8. a) b) c) What is ILS marker frequency? 75 Mhz 100 Mhz 125 Mhz
The correct answer is a Jeppesen Avionics Fundamentals Page 218 9. a) b) c) On an external power socket the two short pins are for the AC interlock circuit to prevent arcing when inserting and extracting the socket used to act as a guide
The correct answer is b Pallet Aircraft Electrical System 3rd Edition page 72. Trick question, it is a DC interlock 10. a) b) c) Flat plate antenna is series of waveguides with slots a parabolic antenna used to transmit RF signals only
1. Relationship of CMCs to BITE systems is best described as a) CMCS replaced but is not related to the older BITE system. b) CMCS monitors the individual BITE systems and presents data. c) CMCS modifies and upgrades BITE systems The correct answer is b 2. Operation of a frequency counter is such that a) it changes the incoming waveform to a standard square wave. b) It detects incidences of peak value c) It compares the incoming waveform with standard sine waves The correct answer is b 3. As far as a software product is concerned a) the 'Verification' phase includes performance testing a programmed EPROM b) the 'Validation' phase is done to the software rather than to the component. c) the 'Software Release' phase is the same as the 'Finished Product' phase The correct answer is a 4. A segmented configuration for the display of alphanumeric date requires a) at least 13 segments for all upper and lower case letters b) the starburst display for numbers and lower case letters only. c) 16 segments to display the full range of capital letters and numerals The correct answer is c 5. For braided cables, the amount of braiding a) is a trade-off design feature b) must conform to the requirement for the shielding to cover at least 50% of the surface of the cable c) keeps radiated power inside the emitting assembly or away from the susceptible circuit The correct answer is c 6. Electronic CRT beam display is used typically in a) IRU control display units. b) distance measuring indicators; digital counters c) weather radar indicators
The correct answer is c 7. What is the quickest method of analogue to digital conversion? a) Voltage to frequency b) Flash converter c) Single ramp method
The correct answer is b Digital Fundamentals by Thomas L Floyd 8. In a colour cathode ray tube, how is the phosphor arranged in the tube? a) A red layer on the front with two green layers behind it b) Layers of red, blue and green c) A single phosphor layer containing red, green and blue
The correct answer is c Success in Electronics By Tom Duncan p285 9. An LCD which is back lit is a) monochrome b) three colours c) multicoloured
The correct answer is c LCDs have 3 colours (RGB) which can be blended to make other colours (of limited number) 10. An 8 data input multiplexer has how many Data select lines a) 3 b) 2 c) 8
---------------------------------------------------------1. An electronic flight instrument display consists of; a) ADC, Altimeter, VSI and ASI b) Mode control panel, Raster and Stroke generator display, microprocessor and Data inputs c) ADI, HSI and Symbol generator The correct answer is b Automatic Flight Control by EHJ Pallett and Shawn Coyle page 268 2. An octal format hexadecimal number 3F written as binary would be a) 101 011 b) 110 111 c) 111 111 The correct answer is c 3. What is a passive device ? a) Matrix LCD b) Capacitor c) LED The correct answer is b 4. A priority encoder a) Outputs the selected input b) Outputs the highest input c) Outputs the lowest input The correct answer is b
5. The data format use to transmit signal to flight data recorder a) Manchester 2 bi-phase 12 bit b) Harvard bi-phase 12 bit c) Bi-Polar RZ 12 bit The correct answer is b 6. The output voltage of arinc 429 signal is a) +5v b) -5v c) +10v to -10v
The correct answer is c See ARINC 429 tutorial (in FORUM module 5). 7. How many bytes can be carried in a 32bit word a) 4 bytes b) 2 bytes c) 8 bytes
The correct answer is a 8 bits per byte 8. An Arinc 629 label word is a) 12 bits b) 8 bits c) 10 bits
The correct answer is a 12-bit label field, 4-bit label extension, single parity, 3-bit time hi-lo synch pulse. 20 bit in total 9. voltage? Which of the following ESDS devices can withstand higher static electricity a) b) c) The correct answer is c 10. An IRU interface test is carried out a) only on the ground b) in the air c) on the ground or in the air ECL MOSFET SCR
---------------------------------------------------------1. For a computer to start up the basic instruction is from the a) ALU b) RAM c) ROM The correct answer is c 2. What is a passive device a) Matrix LCD b) LED
The correct answer is c 3. A backlighted LCD a) has infinite colours c) has only 3 colours
The correct answer is c A backlighted LCD has only 3 colours (RGB) but can mix them to make others (but not an infinite amount) 4. An example of a small size integrated circuit would be a) DIP switch b) ALU c) Control Processor Unit
The correct answer is c A DIP switch is not an IC. ALU is an integrated part of the CPU. The 'Control Processor Unit' is another term used for the 'Central Processor Unit (CPU)' or sometimes a switching unit used in telegraphy (such as the touchpad of a telephone) - the latter would be an SSI (defined as containing up to 100 transistors or gates). 5. The smallest operation possible in a computer is the a) timing cycle b) processor sub-cycle c) processor cycle
The correct answer is a Also known as the clock pulse 6. a) b) c) A common used material in computer manufacturing is ferrite material permeamag material ferromagnetic material
The correct answer is c Ferromagnetic material is that which hard-drives and floppy drives are made from 7. a) b) c) FMS system gives warning indications for cruise take off and landings only any flight phase
The correct answer is a 8. An aircraft on an ILS approach is below the glideslope centre line, the glideslope pointer is a) above the centre line b) below the centre line c) level with the datum
The correct answer is a 9. A dot matrix/LED construction is a) 4x7 or a 9x5 rolling end display b) 4x7 or a 5x7 rolling end display c) 5x9 or a 4x7 rolling end display
The correct answer is a Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems Pallett Pages 13 - 15 (Although, in the real world, others are available too). 10. FMS CDU warnings are a) OFST and Fail b) fail and MSG c) MSG, fail and OFST
1. A current mode coupler contains E core assembly. The purpose of the E core is a) couple the signal to the data bus b) provide effective screening of the signal through the current mode coupler c) enable easy access for monitoring purposes The correct answer is a 2. Testing of CADC can be carried out a) in the air b) ground only c) air and ground
The correct answer is b 3. EHSI information displayed, is invalid in the pre-set heading mode when a) flags out of view b) flag green c) flag in view
The correct answer is c 4. CMC (central maintenance computer) works to a) perform in-flight bite and ground tests of aircraft systems, i.e. BITE b) give red warnings and amber cautions to display in accordance with system status c) perform in-flight bite only
The correct answer is b 6. Terminal gap in ARINC 629 is a) always the same period b) flexible c) can be changed by adjusting the rxftx software
The correct answer is c Aicraft Electricity and Electronics, Eismin 5th Ed, pg149
DRAM a) requires a refreshing charge b) memory is stored when power supply is removed c) it does not require a refreshing charge
The correct answer is a http://computer.howstuffworks.com/ram4.htm 8. What is fB6 hex when converted to binary? a) 1000010000110 b) 100000000000 c) 111110000110 The correct answer is c 9. BITE test carried out on input sensors and actuators performs a) atestoftheLRU b) a performance test of the system c) validation of the information of the LRU
The correct answer is b 10. A continuous balance ADC uses a) a closed loop system to compare the analogue input to give the required digital output b) a closed loop system to check the analogue input with the input sample c) successive approximation logic circuit to control the output
1. A BITE check for automatic performance and fault monitoring is carried out when? a) Power-up self test b) For in-flight monitoring c) To check the performance of the LRU The correct answer is a 2. A clock pulse in processor equipment a) is used for the maintenance tests b) is to give the correct timing when calculations are made c) is to synchronise everything The correct answer is c 3. The EFIS system consists of a) EADI, EHSI, Symbol generators b) Mode control Panel, RDMI, EHSI c) EHSI, Mode control panel, EADI
a) b) c)
The correct answer is c 5. In a optical fibre, the angle of acceptance is a) equal to the cone of acceptance b) 1/2 the cone of acceptance c) 1/2 the signal wavelength
The correct answer is b Introduction to Fiber Optics John Crisp page 29 6. The signal sent between a MUX/DEMUX is controlled by: a) the ALU b) control unit c) clock
The correct answer is b 7. In a computer, the code that fetches correct data and feeds it to the ALU is called a) the computer program b) the instruction set c) ARINC
Bubble memory stores data on a) ferrite disk b) ferrite core c) magnetic tape
The correct answer is a (closest answer) See www.tpub.com/neets/book22/92a.htm 10. Ferrite medium is used because a) data is stored after the power is removed b) it has low eddy current losses c) it is light
1. A dynamic EPROM a) requires constant refreshing b) is non-volatile memory c) is erased after reading The correct answer is a 2. A computer requires to operate a) data bus, control bus, address bus b) data bus, control bus c) address bus, data bus The correct answer is a 3. A computer processor has within it a) ALU, control section, register b) register, buffer, data bus c) ALU, register, memory
The correct answer is a 4. when using aTDR (time delay reflecto meter) the loss value of the cable is: a) set on the TDR b) shown by the curve c) allowed for in the calculation
The correct answer is b http://www.tscm.com/riapp1.html 5. Common aircraft fibre optics uses a) modulating intensity on direct read b) modulating frequency on direct read c) modulating intensity on indirect read
The correct answer is b Intensity of light cannot be changed with an LED 6. What manoeuvre does TCAS II advise the pilot to make
a) b) c)
TA RA either RA or TA
The correct answer is b 7. What are the shapes of traffic shown on a TCAS display? a) White diamonds, red squares and amber circles b) White squares, red diamonds and amber circles c) White circles, red diamonds and amber squares
The correct answer is a 8. What is a Grays converter? a) Digital to Analogue b) Analogue to Digital c) Analogue to Analogue
The correct answer is b 9. Data memory is usually stored in a) RAM b) ROM c) EEPROM
The correct answer is a 10. Tristate devices are found a) on input circuits b) on output circuits c) on both input and output circuits
1. AWN 45 requires that a) b) c) The aircraft operator be responsible for software assessment The aircraft constructors be responsible for software assessment The CAA be responsible for software assessment
The correct answer is b 2. What is the main cause of attenuation in fibre optics? a) Refractive index b) Poor termination c) Bends in the cable
The correct answer is b 3. What are the advantages of an LCD display over an LED? a) It is brighter b) It uses less current
The correct answer is b 4. If a dislay shows a red cross only, it is due to a) CRT failure b) Symbol Generator failure c) Altimeter failure
The correct answer is b 5. What is the advantage of a laser diode over an LED? a) Greater bandwidth b) Narrower bandwidth c) There are no advantages
The correct answer is b Introduction to Fiber Optics John Crisp Page 65 6. How does ARINC 629 bus transmit and receive information? a) Optical coupling b) Sockets and pins c) Inductive coupling
The correct answer is c 7. What is ARINC 561 used for? a) To specify Flight Data Recorder data bus b) To specify Radio Comms data bus c) To specify LRU pin-outs
The correct answer is b No correct answer here, as 561 is for INS. 8. Sample and hold is atechnique used in a) D to A convention b) AtoD convention c) Moving coil instruments
The correct answer is b 9. ACARS is an acronym for a) Analogue Communications Airborne Radio System b) Airborne Communications Addressing and Reporting System c) ARINC Communications Addressing and Reporting System
The correct answer is c 10. What are the colours of traffic shown on a TCAS display? a) White diamonds, red squares and amber circles b) White squares, red diamonds and amber circles c) White circles, red diamonds and amber squares
1. Level 1 software failure a) is defined as critical and can lead to loss of aircraft b) is defined as essential and will reduce safety margins c) is defined as essential and may have a minor effect The correct answer is a 2. A wrist band must be worn when working with ESDS devices a) to prevent the operator from getting an electric shock b) to dissipate static charge on the device c) to dissipate and prevent static build-up on the operator
The correct answer is c 3. A humid atmosphere a) eliminates static charge b) reduces static charge c) has no effect on the level of charge
The correct answer is b 4. Control of aircraft software updates a) is the responsibility of the certifying engineer b) is the manufacturer responsibility c) is identified by LRU pin-out changes
The correct answer is a 5. The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) in a central processor unit (CPU) carries out a) addition, subtraction, multiplication and division b) timing and synchronisation c) computations as instructed
The correct answer is c 6. A seven segment display is used to a) display octal and binary numbers only b) display octal and decimal numbers only c) display alpha-numeric characters
The correct answer is c 7. What sort of gate requires two negative input voltages to operate? a) NOT b) XOR c) NAND
The correct answer is c 8. A high level language statement is usually equivalent to several statements in a) assembly b) basic c) pascal
The CPU requires a clock to determine a) the speed of operation b) the date and time c) the number of bits on the highway
The correct answer is a 10. An ALU performs the following a) Arithmetic, Logic, Branch and Move Operations b) Arithmetic, Logic, Branch and Find Operations c) Input/Output operations, Arithmetic, Logic Functions
---------------------------------------------------------1. HIRF is acronym for a) High Intensity Radiated Field b) Heavily Ionised Radio Frequencies c) High Intensity Radio Frequencies The correct answer is a 2. An asynchronous system a) uses a clock pulse after a settling time to input data b) provides data real-time without the need for a clock pulse c) both a and b depending on the system
The correct answer is b 3. What is the purpose of the parity bit on an ARINC 429 bus? a) To indicate if the data is analogue b) To indicate that the data is digital c) To indicate to the receiver that the data is valid
The correct answer is c 4. a) b) c) An analogue to digital converter (ADC) requires the following: a reference voltage, an input gate, an internal counter a reference voltage, an input gate, an internal counter, a comparitor a reference voltage, an input gate, a comparitor
The correct answer is c 5. When does the flight data recorder start recording ? a) When the first engine starts b) Parking brake released c) Undercarriage up
The correct answer is a Flight Instruments and Automatic Flight Control Systems 6th Edition David Harris Page 172 6. ILS indications on PFD/ND are shown in a) cyan b) magenta
The correct answer is b 7. The four distinct sections of a digital system are: sense, decide a) divide and store b) divide and ship c) act and store
The correct answer is c 8. Brake temperature displayed on a flight deck CRT has a) same colour throughout b) different colour for different temperatures c) a master warning light
The correct answer is b 9. When does the lateral deviation scale flash? a) When the localiser rx is faulty b) When the aircraft is out of range c) When the deviation is excessive