Abbreviations: Kuwait National Petroleum Company
Abbreviations: Kuwait National Petroleum Company
Abbreviations: Kuwait National Petroleum Company
Group Abbrevia Description
SH&E & Fire AIT (IT) Auto Ignition Temperature
BA Breathing Apparatus
BCF Bromo-Chloro-Fluorine (halon extinguishers)
DCP Dry Chemical Powder (extinguishers)
ECCC Emergency Communication Control Centre
(Refinery Fire Station Control Desk)
HAZMAT Hazardous Materials
HAZOP Hazard & Operability Study
IDLH Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health
LC Lethal Concentration
LD Lethal Dose
LEL (LFL) Lower Explosive (flammable) Limit
MSDS Material Safety Data sheet
NOX Nitrogen Oxides
PCSI Process for Continuous Safety Improvement
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PSM Process Safety Management
SCBA Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
SCUBA Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
SHE Safety, Health & Environment (SH&E)
SOX Sulfur Oxides
STEL Short Term Exposure Limit (of TLV)
SWL Safe Working Load
TC Toxic Concentration
TD Toxic Dose
TLV Threshold Limit Value
TWA Time Weighted Average (of TLV)
UEL (UFL) Upper Explosive (flammable) Limit
1. KNPC Safety shall mean Supdt of the Division in charge of the Safety Section or his
nominee ( Senior Safety Engineer, Lead Safety Engineer, Area Safety Engineer or
Shift Safety Engineer). This term is used in all the chapters for simplicity.
2. Custodian Division: KNPC department division who is the owner or the assigned
owner of the facility.
3. Custodian Supervisor: KNPC Supervisor in charge of the facility.
4. Company Employee: A person employed and whose salary/wages is paid by KNPC
5. Secondment Employee: A person filling a position in KNPC organization chart but
not a direct employee.
6. Contractor Employee: A person employed and paid by a Contractor engaged by
KNPC for a specific job. This includes person employed and paid by any of the sub-
contractors of KNPC Contractor.
7. KNPC Premises: Consist of KNPC’s total establishment; they include all the plant
areas and storage facilities, product loading/unloading areas, workshops, construction
sites, laydown yards, office buildings, cafeterias, and KNPC parking lots.