Stat-X Vs Other Gaseous Systems
Stat-X Vs Other Gaseous Systems
Stat-X Vs Other Gaseous Systems
Stat-X Aerosol Fire suppression system is used to suppress fires in specific hazards or equipment
located in enclosed areas and confined spaces where an electrically non-conductive agent is required
and where low weight/space to extinguishing capacity is a factor. The fire-extinguishing agent is an
ultra-fine aerosol which will hang in suspension for extended periods of time (up to one hour)
providing excellent protection against re-flash, as well as, minimizing clean-up. Stat-X® systems are
suitable for use in unoccupied and normally unoccupied areas. In areas where personnel may be
present the system must employ a pre-discharge alarm, 30second time delay, and provision for
system isolation and manual only activation whenever personnel are in the protected area. They are
intended to protect the following:
Telecommunications Facilities
Data Processing Facilities
Process Control Rooms
Generator Rooms
Power Plants
Turbine Enclosures
Flammable Liquid Storage Areas
Marine Engine Rooms
High Value Mobile Equipment
Storage Vaults
CNC and other High Value Machines
Stat-X systems are currently listed for the following classes of fire:
1. Class A - Surface Fires
2. Class B - Flammable Liquids
3. Class C - Energized Electrical Equipment with A or B involvement
Ideal Applications
Typical Installation of Stat-X Aerosol Fire Suppression system as per NFPA 2010
Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) : 0 Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) : 0
Global Warming Potential (GWP) : 0 Global Warming Potential (GWP) : 1
Atmospheric Lifetime (Years) : 0 Atmospheric Lifetime (Years) : 30-95
US-EPA certification for normally occupied areas
US-EPA certification for occupied areas and totally a
only if there is pre-discharge time to evacuate
green product
personnel present in the area
Extinguishing Concentration (Class B fires) : 700
Extinguishing Concentration (Class B fires) : 67 g/m³
Mechanism of fire suppression : Chemical Mechanism of fire suppression : Physical
No Pressure Cylinders, manifolds, nozzles and Pipe
Requires pressure cylinders, manifolds and pipe
Stat-X Canisters are self-contained and zero
CO2 agent is stored in bulky cylinders.
pressure units.
No Floor space required since the Stat-X canisters
CO2 cylinders require a lot of floor space.
are mounted on the ceiling.
Simple to install and commission
If discharged, the CO2 cylinders have to be taken
Stat-X canisters are electrically (or thermally)
to the service center for refilling and hence a lot
activated. Simple wiring can reduce the installation
of downtime and potentially hazardous periods of
time to 1/4th or less. If discharged, new canisters
non-active fire suppression.
may be reinstalled in minutes with no downtime.
Annual servicing/maintenance required with
10 Years’ service life with very minimal
pressure testing annually& hydro testing to be
carried out during the major maintenance.
Solid pressed composition in hermetically
Agent storage: Liquid, super-pressurized with N2 Liquid, super-pressurized with N2
sealed casing.
Agent storage pressure Atmospheric (unpressurized) 25 bar (other fill pressures possible) 25 bar (other fill pressures possible)
Exposure tests at the design application Laboratory tested on rats to 100 grams per m3 No, Tested on animals No, Tested on animals
concentrations? (Charles River Labs and German Hygienic - no adverse effects to 10.5% conc. - no adverse effects to 9% conc.
Institute). No adverse effects as concluded by - lowest adverse effects level is greater than - lowest adverse effects level found is 10.5%
the testing labs. 10.5%
Results of Human Testing? No human testing. Live demonstrations have No human testing. Early human testing discontinued in favor of a
been performed with electric utility personnel “PBPK” simulation of cardio-toxic effects is “PBPK” simulation of cardio-toxic effects is
evacuating through aerosol-flooded utility used to confirm safety. Model apparently used to confirm safety. Model apparently does
underground services tunnels (man hole). No does not consider effects on central nervous not consider effects on central nervous
adverse effects due to human exposure to system. system.
aerosols following Stat-X First Responder unit
Expected exposure in a typical Approx. 6.5 % in 10 seconds and duration of Approx. 10 % in 10 seconds and duration of
application rate at 27 ºF Approx. 67 g/m3. exposure could be 5 minutes or longer. exposure could be 5 minutes or longer.
Exposure limit at 37 ºC 5 minutes. Effluent gases are minimal and well 5 minutes (PBPK simulation) 5 minutes (PBPK simulation)
below IDLH levels. Solid particulates produced Over safe NOAEL but PBPK indicates limited
are at levels considered benign. exposure is possible.
Visibility? There will be obscuration since the fire Variable obscuration. Variable obscuration for approx. 4 minutes.
suppressant is solid micro-particulates of Humidity dependent. Humidity dependent.
median size 1-2 microns. However this is also
a benefit as the visibility of the aerosol cloud
confirms that the area remains protected,
unlike clean agents where the presence of
agent can only be measured by air sampling
instrumentation. When obscuration has
cleared, then all of the airborne agent has been
exhausted from the room.
Environmental factors? No ozone depletion; No ozone depletion; No ozone depletion;
ODP = 0 ODP = 0 ODP = 0
GWP listed as negligible (US EPA) Global warming is very low; Global warming is very high;
No atmospheric lifetime GWP = 1 GWP = 3,300
ALT = 0 Atmospheric Lifetime is very low Atmospheric Lifetime is very long
ALT = 5 days ALT = 31 to 42 years
No ozone depletion but an HFC chemical with
significant global warming.
In USA? No concerns due to no ODP, and very low No concerns due to no ODP, and very low Remains an acceptable agent without
environmental GWP and ALT environmental GWP and ALT environmental restrictions at present.
Possible restrictions in future as US EPA
proposes surtax.
In other countries? Not restricted or regulated in any country Not restricted or regulated in any country HFC type fire protection agents have already
been restricted or terminated from sale, or
subject to fines for false release in Denmark,
Germany, Canada.
Class A or B Tested to UL 2775 Tested to UL 2166 Tested to UL 2166
Class C (electrical)? Will extinguish if power is switched off. Will extinguish if power is switched off. Will extinguish if power is switched off.
Will lessen arcing - especially if higher Will lessen arcing – especially if higher Will lessen arcing – especially if higher
densities are used. concentrations are used. Will thermally concentrations are used . Will thermally
Will not significantly decompose in the arc. decompose readily in the arc, even at low decompose readily in the arc, even at low
power. Very high localized concentrations of power. Very high localized concentrations of
hydrogen fluoride (HF) are to be expected hydrogen fluoride (HF) are to be expected.
Does the agent decompose? Yes, but does not produce any corrosive by- Yes. Novec 1230 will thermally decomposes Yes. FM200 will thermally decomposes in fire
products as a result of exposure to flame. The in fire or on exposure to high temperature or on exposure to high temperature surfaces.
* Permissible Exposure Level products of thermal decomposition are the free surfaces. The decomposition is an acid gas The decomposition is an acid gas (hydrogen
** Immediately Dangerous to Health potassium radicals which are the primary (hydrogen fluoride) which is corrosive to fluoride) which is corrosive to equipment and
and Life extinguishant mechanism in breaking the equipment and can be extremely dangerous can be extremely dangerous to crew. .
flame chemical reactions. to crew.
No HF produced as agent does not contain any OSHA: PEL* is 3 ppm of Hydrogen Fluoride
fluorine element. PEL* is 3 ppm of Hydrogen Fluoride IDHL** is 30 ppm of Hydrogen Fluoride
IDHL** is 30 ppm of Hydrogen Fluoride
Level of HF in fire could exceed 2000 ppm
Level of HF in fire could exceed 2000 ppm A level of a few hundred ppm of HF can
A level of a few hundred ppm of HF can prevent the firefighters form entering the area
prevent the firefighters form entering the area without protective equipment.
without protective equipment.
Clean-up? Very little residue is expected if the agent is None required but there may be damage to None required but there may be damage to
exhausted within 2 hours after discharge. Any equipment due to the thermal decomposition equipment due to the thermal decomposition
minor amounts of residue can be vacuumed or of the agent into hydrogen fluoride gas. of the agent into hydrogen fluoride gas.
wiped away with a water and alcohol solution.
Room integrity fan test NOT mandatory per NFPA 2010 Mandatory per NFPA-2001. Mandatory per NFPA-2001.
Discharge testing to confirm Not required per NFPA 2010. Not required per NFPA-2001, but requested Not required per NFPA-2001, but requested by
distribution and performance? NFPA and approval agencies recognize that by some local authorities to verify some local authorities to verify concentration if
the technology is effective with room leakage. concentration if leakage is significant leakage is significant (leakage intolerant).
(leakage intolerant).
Costs of Installation? Significantly less expensive as NO piping or Each NOVEC cylinder may require a separate Each FM-200 cylinder may require a separate
nozzles are required. The system is entirely pipe run to the nozzles. pipe run to the nozzles
electrically connected to the fire alarm
releasing panel and the costs are similar to
installing fire alarm detectors.
Life-Cycle Costs? There are no pressure vessels. There are no Cylinders must be weighed annually. Cylinders must be weighed annually.
pressurized propellant gases or liquid agent to Hydro-test required. Recharge is very Hydro-test required. Recharge is very
monitor and measure for leakage. The aerosol expensive. expensive.
agent is solid in its normal state and the unit
has no media that can leak. The units are
disposable with a shelf life of at least 10 years.
Availability? Units are disposable and are easily replaceable Readily available in USA, but distributors or Readily available in USA, but distributors or
as “plug and play” type which allows for quick service shop may not stock large quantities service shop may not stock large quantities for
turn-around. for recharge of large systems. Agent would recharge of large systems. Agent would have
have to be shipped to recharge station. to be shipped to recharge station.
Cost of recharge? Not rechargeable but has no costs related to Major difference in price is in recharge costs. Major difference in price is in recharge costs.
hydrostatically retesting of cylinders, flushing, Gas cylinder valve requires rebuilding prior to Gas cylinder valve requires rebuilding prior to
and drying. No charges relating to shipping recharging. Availability of agent fluid from recharging. Availability of agent fluid from
cylinders to gas refilling facilities. No lead time OEM for recharging can take weeks. OEM for recharging can take weeks.
for availability of engineered liquid chemical
agents. Fast turnaround.
Approvals UL, etc. UL, etc. UL, etc.
Location? Aerosol units are normally ceiling or wall Cylinders are normally outside the protected Cylinders are normally outside the protected
mounted near ceilings. No requirement for any space only for small spaces. Medium and space only for small spaces. Medium and
floor space for agent storage cylinders. Units large spaces may require the cylinders to be large spaces require the cylinders to be placed
are man portable. placed inside the space at multiple locations inside the machinery space at multiple
due to inability to meet the required locations due to inability to meet the required
discharge times with normal pipe runs. discharge times with normal pipe runs.
Reliability? All units are disposable with UL listed 10 year On medium to larger systems, cylinder On medium to larger systems, cylinder release
shelf life. Manufacturing of the units are release depends on remote actuation and the depends on remote actuation and the reliability
routinely inspected and tested by UL. reliability of the release system; cylinders of the release system; cylinders cannot be
Release depends on remote actuation and the cannot be accessed in an emergency accessed in an emergency
reliability of the release system.