Chapter 6 Review
Chapter 6 Review
Chapter 6 Review
1. Is an implement attached to the tractor through a horizontal or nearby hinge axis and is
partially supported by the tractor, at least during transport, but is never con~ supported by
the tractor.
a. trailed b. mounted c. semi-mounted d. self-propelled
2. It is the movement of soil across a tool surface without surface and fast enough to avoid soil
a. sliding b. inversion c. shearing d. scouring
3. It is a disk harrow that has one right hand gang and one left ~ gang, operating in tandem.
a. tandem b. single-acting c. offset d. double-acting
4. It is the process of randomly dropping and covering of seeds in fun~ to give definite rows.
a. drill seeding b. hill dropping c. broadcasting d. row crop planter
5. It is an atomizing device for spraying in which the liquid is broken up by a high velocity gas
a. hydraulic b. gas c. centrifugal d. low velocity jet break-up
6. The plow normally turns the furrow slice on the right but this plow has thee function to turn
the furrow slice to both side.
a. tandem plow b. 2-way plow c. middle breaker d. rotary plow
7. 17his a type f moldboard plow bottom which has a long, low molboard with a gradual twist
(spiral) that completely inverts the furrow slice with a minimum of break up, thus covering
the vegetative matter thoroughly,
a. sod bottom b. slat molboard c. stubble molboard d. blackland moldboard
8. The total draft of a 4-bottom 41-cm moiboard plow when plowing 18 cm deep at 6 kph was
15 WM. Calculate the specific draft.
a. 20.3 b. 1.27 c. 720 d. 5.08
10. If the field efficiency for the above problem is 57%, what is the rate of work in ~?
a. 1.3 b. 0.33 c. 0.19 d. 0.74
11. What seed spacing is required when p~ corn in rows 102 cm apart if the desired plant
population is 6,000 plants per hectare and an average emergence of 85% is e~
a. 163 cm b. 72 cm c. 140 cm d. 82 cm
12. A horizontal plate planter has plates with 72 cells on a 165mm diameter circle. The
effective radius of the drive wheel (presswheel) is 195mm. A 16 tooth sprocket on the
presswheel drives; an 18 sprocket on the feed shaft. A 12-tooth bevel gear on feed shaft
drives a 27-tooth gear m the plate shaft. Calculate the seed spacing in the row for
100%cell fill.
a. 141 b. 72. c. 655 d. 326
13. It is a harvesting machine that permits the removal of grain directly from panicle without
cutting or uprooting of plants.
a. reaper b. stripper c. combine d. windrower
14. Determine the field capacity in ha/ hr for a disc harrow having a diameter of 609.7 mm and
there are 20 discs in a gang. The total width of cut is 2,286mm. The harrowing speed is 3.5
kph. The field efficiency is 77%.
a. 0.62 b. 0.81 c. 3,286 d. 4,267
15. Assuming an 8-hr working day, how many days would the above machine finish a 100
hectare land?
a. 100 b. 20 c. 161 d. 26
Answers: lx, 2A, 1c, 4.a, 5.15, 6.t), 7.a, 8.d 91,, 11x, 11a, 11b, Ma, 15.b
Farm Machinery (2002)
1, Warranty of parts and services for heated air mechanical grain dryer based in PAES
Standard within _______ after the acceptance of the machine.
a. 6 months b. 10 months c. 18 months d. 24 months e. nota
2. It is the ratio of the heat released by the fuel of a heated air mechanical dryer to the
theoretical heat available from the fuel.
a. burner efficiency b. furnace efficiency c. combustion efficiency d. nota
4. Holding capacity of the mechanical dryer during testing as prescribed by PAES should be
based on the _______and other accompanying information such as moisture content and
a. volume b. weight c. density d. nota
5. Milling test samples during the test of mechanical grain dryer based on the PAES standard
test should be conducted at least ______ after drying test.
a. 24 hours b. 48 hours c. 36 hours d. nota
7. The minimum number of trial(s) required in testing heated air mechanical grain dryer as
specified in PAES.
a. One b. two c. three d. nota
10. The shaft rpm of the rice thresher Wit need to be ______ if the chamber of the threshing
cylinder is reduced.
a. increased b. reduced c. remain the same d. nota
11. Warranty of The construction and durability of the mechanical doe thresher according to
PAES standard shall be within - after the purchase of the machine.
a. 6 months b. 12 months c. 18 months d. 24 months
e. nota
12. All rotating parts of agricultural machines as provided in the PAES should be
a. rigid b. dynamically balanced c. uniform in speed d. nota
13. Which of the following parts are treated to be dangerous as stated in PAES for ensuring
safety in agricultural machinery.
a. pulleys b. clutches C. coupling d. ad of the above
14. Recommended material in the manufacture of pin sleeve and hitch pin for waiting type
power tiller.
a. mild steel b. cold rolled steel c. spring steel d. nota
15. A centrifugal pump that develop a vacuum sufficient enough for atmospheric pressure to
force the liquid through the suction pipes into the pump casing without initially feeding the
pump to create suction.
a. pressure pump b. sag priming c. mixed flow pump d. nota
16. A type of pump which develops most of the suction and discharged head by propelling or
lifting action of the impellent varies on the water.
a. axial flow pump b. centrifugal pump c. mixed flow pump
d. nota
17. It is the information of the void spaces filled with water vapor due to local pressure drop
and collapse as soon as the vapor bubbles reach regions of high pressures.
a. water hammer b. cavitations c. bubbling d. nota
18. A type of pump with varies or impeller rotating inside a close housing which draws water
into the pump through a central inlet opening and forces the water out through a discharge
outlet at the periphery of the housing.
a. axial flow pump b. centrifugal pump c. mixed flow pump d. nota
19. A type of pump which combines some of the feature of both the centrifugal and axial flow
pump and which head is developed party by the centrifugal force and partially by the lift of
the varies on water.
a. sag priming pump b. diffuser type centrifugal pump c. mixed flow pump d. nota
20. This represents the interrelationship between capacity, head power, NPSH, and the
efficiency of the pump.
a. pump characteristics b. performance curve c. pump laws d. nota
21. It is the filing up of water in the pump to evaluate the entrapped all through a vent and
create a liquid send inside the casing.
a. feeding b. recharging c. priming d. nota
22. The cylinder diameter of mechanical rice thresher is measured distance from?
a. the base of thrashing element passing through the shaft axis
b. the tip of the threshing element passing through the shaft axis
c. the outlet of the cylinder cover
d. nota
23. The maximum moisture content of the grain to be used for testing mechanical thresher
should not be more than ______.
a.18 % b. 24 % c. 28% d. nota
24. The grain straw ratio for samples to be used for tasting should not at a ranged of
a. 0.35 to 5.0 b. 0.50 to 0.65 c. 0.65 to 0.85 d. nota
25. The minimum number of hours required in tasting the rice thresher based on PAES is
a. 0.5 hour b. 1 hour c. 2 hours d. nota
26. When do you want to diagnose ignition and other electrical problems of an engine, typical
instrument to be used is
a. a compression taster b. oscilloscope c. dynamometer d. nota
28. It is the device used to measure the safe of the battery charge of an engine
a. tachometer b. hydrometer c. ohmmeter d. note
31. It is a measure of the area in cubic inches above the piston when R is at the top of its
stroke, compared to the area above the piston when it is all at the bottom stroke.
a. piston displacement b. compression ratio c. clearance volume d. nota
34. Premature explosion in the cylinder of a gasoline engine during the exhaust stroke.
a. backlash b. backfire c. back pressure d. nota
35. A switching device of high voltage current in multiple cylinder engine which breaks
primarily and secondary circuits.
a. distributor b. contact point c. relay d. nota
36. It refers to any ring or m\washer providing a packing or seal between mutual surface of an
a. oil ring b. grease c. gasket d. nota
37. It is the setting of the distributor to give high voltage current to the speak plug in relation to
the movement and position of the piston.
a. idling b. ignition timing c. engine timing d. nota
39. A condition whereby the engine on its operation has abnormally increased its temperature
due to the faulty cooing, lubricating and other mechanical trouble.
a. backfiring b. overheating c. misfiring d. nota
46. Resurfacing or replacing of cylinder head is done when - of its full length is warped.
a. 0.01 to 0.015 in b. 0.015 to 0.02 in c. 0.02 in and above