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Government of The People's Republic of Bangladesh Sample Question Bank For Certificate of Proficiency (COP) MCQ Exam

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Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Department of Shipping
Sample Question Bank for Certificate of Proficiency (COP)
MCQ Exam

Basic Training For Oil Tanker Cargo Operations

(Version: 01)

This document is copyright of © Department of Shipping 2021. All rights reserved. Any
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Basic Training For Oil Tanker Cargo Operations

1.What is OHS? 5.What is MARPOL about?

i. operations of pumps on high i. prevention of pollution from pump
speed. room.
ii. onboard hygiene and safety. ii. prevention of pollution from
iii. occupational health and service. ships.
iv. occupational health and safety. iii. prevention of pollution from
engine room.
2.How to work safely? iv. prevention of pollution from
i. by following workers best idea. garbage
ii. by following occupational
health and safety practices. 6.What is MARPOL about?
iii. by following supervisor’s advice. i. regulations for oil tankers.
iv. none of above. ii. regulations for chemical tankers.
iii. prevention of pollution from
3.What is SOLAS? ships.
i. safety of lamp at sea. iv. regulations for all types of
ii. safety of life at ship. tankers.
iii. safety of life when working at slop
tank. 7.How many annexes in MARPOL?
iv. safety of life at sea. i. 5 annexes.
ii. 7 annexes.
4.What is SOLAS about? iii. 8 annexes.
i. is about safety of life at Lake. iv. 6 annexes.
ii. is about safety of life in the inland
rivers. 8.Prevention of pollution by oil is in what
iii. is about safety of life at sea. annex?
iv. is about safety of life at haor i. none below.
(backswamp). ii. annexes 5.
iii. annexes 6.
iv. annexes 4.

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Basic Training For Oil Tanker Cargo Operations

iii. ships which are carrying oil in the

9.Annex 2 is for what? containers.
i. Prevention of pollution by iv. none of the above.
dangerous chemicals in bulk.
ii. Prevention of pollution by 13.As per definition of MARPOL Annex-
dangerous packaged chemicals. 1, a product tanker is one which can
iii. Prevention of pollution by oil. carry:
iv. Prevention of pollution by paint. i. oils and chemicals.
ii. oils other than crude oils.
10.What is tanker vetting? iii. oil product and occasionally
i. voting for crew union in the crude oils.
tanker company. iv. mainly chemical products but at
ii. voting of safety committee in the times refined oil products.
tanker ship.
iii. ventilation of the pump room. 14.What is chemical tanker ship?
iv. none of the above. i. none of the below.
ii. ships which are carrying chemical
11.What is a tanker ship? for engine room.
i. ships which are carrying coal as iii. ships which are carrying varieties
cargo. of chemical.
ii. ships which are carrying iv. ships which are carrying liquid
containers with liquid cargo. chemical in bulk.
iii. ships which are carrying liquid
cargo in bulk. 15.What is chemical tanker ship?
iv. none of the above. i. ships which are red color or
orange color.
12.What is oil tanker ship? ii. ships which are carrying
i. ships which are carrying liquid dangerous cargo.
cargo in bulk. iii. ships which carry liquid
ii. ships which are carrying oil for chemicals in bulk.
engine room.

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iv. ships which have lot of pipelines 19.What is the name of Chemical tanker
on deck. types?
i. BMO ship types.
16.What is the sign board shown at the ii. CMO ship types.
gangway in a tanker ship? iii. AMO ship types.
i. “Warning, No Smoking, No iv. IMO ship types.
Open Lights, No Visitors”
ii. “Dangerous Cargo Being 20.Which type of chemical tanker

Transferred” carries most dangerous cargo?

iii. “Danger, Do Not Board” i. IMO ship type 4.

ii. IMO ship type 1.
iv. “Warning, Keep Off, Stay Clear”
iii. IMO ship type 3.
iv. none of above.
17.During cargo operation which of the
following signals must be displayed?
21.Product tanker is what type of ship?
i. A yellow flag by day, red light by
i. is a type of gas tanker.
ii. is a type of chemical tanker.
ii. A red flag by day, red light by
iii. is a type of oil tanker.
iv. all of above
iii. A green flag by day, green light
by night.
22.Which type of chemical tanker
iv. A red flag by day, a blue light by
carries least dangerous cargo?
i. IMO ship type 2.
ii. IMO ship type 1.
18.How many types of Chemical tanker
iii. IMO ship type 3.
iv. IMO ship type 4.
i. four types.
ii. six types.
23.Bitumen tanker is what type of
iii. five types.
iv. three types.
i. Gas tanker.
ii. Chemical tanker.

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iii. Oil tanker. i. maintain temperature due to

iv. all of above. weather fluctuation.
ii. chilling.
24.Product tanker carries what type of iii. freezing.
cargo? iv. heating.
i. refined soybean oil.
ii. refined crude oil. 28.What type of cargo pump used in
iii. refined chemical. tanker for bulk discharge of cargo?
iv. none of above. i. centrifugal pump.
ii. striping pump.
25.As per definition of MARPOL Annex- iii. wilden pump.
1, a Crude Oil tanker designed to iv. rotor pump.
i. crude oil and other dirty oils. 29.What is the purpose of the relief
ii. crude oil along with some refined valve of cargo pump?
products. i. allows two or more tanks to be
iii. crude oil only. filled at the same time.
iv. crude oil, but alternatively may ii. permits the return of cargo to
carry at times dirty and clean oil the suction side of the pump.
products also. iii. provides for the emergency
shutdown of the pump.
26.What is the use of heating line in iv. provides for the removal of
tanks? vapors.
i. to mix.
ii. to heat. 30.What is SBT in ships?
iii. to cleanse. i. segregated ballast tank.
iv. to impart flavor. ii. segregated bilge tank.
iii. smart battery terminal.
27.What is the role of insulation in the iv. segregated ballast technology.
31.Why SBT is needed in ships?

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i. to separate cargo from bunker.

ii. to separate bunker from water. 35.On tankers using manually operated
iii. to separate ship’s drinking water tank valves, what does the deck
from ballast water. hand wheel indicator register?
iv. to separate cargo from ballast i. exact lift position of the tank valve
water. disk, through 100% of its
32.Chemical tanker particularly belongs ii. oxygen content of the tank.
to which annex of MARPOL? iii. approximate number of the
i. none of below. turns the tank valve has been
ii. MARPOL Annex III. opened.
iii. MARPOL Annex I. iv. level of oil in the tank.
iv. MARPOL Annex II.
36.What type of cargo venting system is
33.What is independent venting? in use in chemical tanker?
i. none of below. i. independent venting system.
ii. venting commonly connected to ii. locked venting system.
all tanks. iii. unlocked venting system.
iii. venting connected to all tanks iv. no venting system.
and with IG main line.
iv. venting connected to 37.Which venting system is considered
individual tank. dangerous in chemical tanker?
i. closed venting system.
34.Why we need to follow MARPOL? ii. no venting system.
i. for making safe cargo operations. iii. unlocked venting system.
ii. for prevention of pollution from iv. open venting system.
iii. for prevention of damage to the 38.Cargo tank/oil tank vents are fitted
ship. with a screen which will stop what?
iv. for preventing ships from i. oil from flowing out of the tank
grounding. vent.

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ii. air from entering the tank vent. iv. ullage.

iii. vapour from leaving the tank.
iv. flames on deck from entering 42.How heating of cargo is done in
the tank. petroleum tanker?
i. by electric heater.
39.Which refers to the depth of a ii. by hot gas.
petroleum product in a tank? iii. by hot air.
i. thievage. iv. by steam.
ii. innage.
iii. outage. 43.How heating of cargo is done in
iv. ullage. chemical tanker?
i. by hot air.
40.What is meant by the “thievage” of a ii. by steam.
petroleum cargo? iii. by electric heater.
i. siphoning off a few barrels of iv. by hot gas.
petroleum for shipboard use.
ii. reducing the gross cargo 44.How heating of cargo is done in
calculations to net amount. bitumen tanker?
iii. determining the amount of i. by steam.
water (if any) in each cargo ii. by hot air.
tank. iii. by electric heater.
iv. adjusting the cargo figures to iv. by thermal oil.
coincide with the draft.
45.Chemical tanker carries what cargo?
41.Which of the following terms best i. gas cargo.
describes the amount of product in a ii. crude oil.
tank measured from the tank top to iii. petrol.
the level of liquid? iv. none of above.
i. outage
ii. thievage. 46.What is controlled venting?
iii. innage. i. venting without PV valve.

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ii. venting with PV valve. ii. to put more cargo in the cargo
iii. tanks without any ventilation. tank.
iv. tanks with many ventilation. iii. to maintain a set pressure in
the cargo tank.
47.Why independent venting is used? iv. to maintain a set temperature in
i. for safety of the ship. the cargo tank.
ii. for safety of the atmosphere.
iii. for very accurate calculation of 51.When stripping pump is used?
cargo. i. at the beginning of cargo
iv. for separation of cargo. discharge.
ii. at the beginning of cargo loading.
48.What is open venting? iii. at the end of cargo discharge.
i. venting open to the air freely. iv. at the end of cargo loading.
ii. venting open to the engine room.
iii. venting open to the pump-room. 52.In the chemical tanker, cargo pumps
iv. venting open to the cargo control are placed where?
room. i. in the cargo tank.
ii. in the compressor room.
49.When common venting may be iii. in the pump-room.
used? iv. in the engine room.
i. when air temperature is very
high. 53.What is the use of cargo pump in
ii. when air temperature is very low. tanker?
iii. when carrying many different i. for loading cargo.
types of cargo. ii. for discharging ballast.
iv. when carrying one type of iii. for discharging engine room
cargo. bilge.
iv. for discharging cargo.
50.What is the purpose of the venting
system in the cargo tanks? 54.What is gauging system?
i. to maintain a set flash point. i. measuring air temperature.

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ii. measuring cargo. 59.Why coatings are used in tanks?

iii. checking draft. i. for looking good.
iv. measuring cargo temperature. ii. for environment protection.
iii. for tank protection.
55.Gauging system may be grouped as iv. for easy of works.
how many types?
i. 2 types. 60.Why polyurethane used in tanks?
ii. 4 types. i. for tank cleaning.
iii. 3 types. ii. for removing smell in cargo tanks.
iv. 5 types. iii. for removing traces of previous
56.Which type of gauging system should iv. for tank maintenances.
not be used for toxic cargo?
i. open type. 61.What is epoxy used in tanks?
ii. closed type. i. for tank cleaning.
iii. can be used any type. ii. for tank protection.
iv. none of above. iii. for removing traces of previous
57.How many basic types of coatings iv. for removing smell in cargo tanks.
used in cargo tanks?
i. 3 types. 62.What is Zinc Silicate used in tanks?
ii. 4 types. i. one type of tank cleaning item.
iii. 5 types. ii. one type of smell removing item.
iv. 6 types. iii. for removing traces of chemicals
of previous cargo.
58.Why coatings are used in tanks? iv. for tank metal protection.
i. for looking good.
ii. for cargo protection. 63.Mast riser is for what?
iii. for easy of works. i. for releasing gas/vapour from
iv. for environment protection. store room to the atmosphere.

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ii. for releasing gas/vapour from i. during discharging ballast

engine room to the atmosphere. operation.
iii. for releasing gas/vapour from ii. during bunker loading operation.
ballast tank to the atmosphere. iii. during cargo loading
iv. for releasing gas/vapour from operation.
cargo tank to the atmosphere. iv. during discharging cargo
64.What is the purpose of mast riser?
i. for maintaining positive pressure 68.To know about the cargo operations,
of the bunker tank. need to know about what?
ii. for maintaining positive i. chemistry about the cargo.
pressure of the inert gas. ii. physical properties about the
iii. for maintaining positive pressure cargo.
of the pump room. iii. chemical properties about the
iv. none of above. cargo.
iv. all of above.
65.Mast riser is connected to where?
i. to multiple cargo tanks. 69.To know about the cargo operations,
ii. to multiple ballast tanks. need to know about what?
iii. to multiple bunker tanks. i. none of below.
iv. none of above. ii. about chemistry of the cargo.
iii. about flash point of the cargo.
66.Mast riser is connected to where? iv. about density of the cargo.
i. to the bunker line.
ii. to the cargo liquid line. 70.What is the purpose of inhibitor used
iii. to the vapour return line. in the cargo?
iv. to the inert gas line. i. none of below.
ii. to increase the rate of reaction.
67.When there is most use of Mast iii. to decrease the rate of
riser? reaction.
iv. to make a change in the colour.

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iii. when a liquid will change colour.

71.How the property of a cargo is iv. when a liquid will catch fire.
i. by its colour property. 76.The minimum concentration of a
ii. by its smell property. vapor in air which can form an
iii. by its density property. explosive mixture is called what?
iv. by its physical & chemical i. auto-ignition point.
property. ii. flash point.
iii. lower explosive limit (LEL)
72.Crude oil is mainly made of what? iv. threshold limit value (TLV)
i. carbon and oxygen.
ii. oxygen and hydrogen. 77.What is LEL says about?
iii. carbon and hydrogen. i. when a liquid will become gas.
iv. carbon and nitrogen. ii. when a liquid will become solid.
iii. when a liquid will change colour.
73.Crude oil is obtained mostly from iv. when a gas will catch fire.
i. from oil refinery. 78.What is the meaning of LEL?
ii. from fertilizer factory. i. Limited explosive level.
iii. from oil field. ii. Lower explosive level.
iv. from sea bottom. iii. Lower explosive limit.
iv. Lower exposure limit.
74.What is flash point?
i. it is a density. 79.What is LEL (Lower Explosive Limit)
ii. it is a temperature. of a gas?
iii. it says about colour. i. the highest concentration of the
iv. all of above. gas at which an explosion can
75.What is understood with flash point? ii. the lowest concentration of the
i. when a liquid will become gas. gas at which an explosion can
ii. when a liquid will become solid. occur.

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iii. the lowest measurable ii. have an expert inspect it after

concentration of the gas. every use.
iv. the highest measurable iii. take proper care of it.
concentration of the gas. iv. have your rank put on it.

80.What is an explosion-hazardous 83.What is the name of the concept in

environment? which substances start burning
i. an environment with too much without the aid of an ignition source?
gas and too little air. i. flashpoint.
ii. an environment where many ii. auto (Spontaneous) ignition
explosions happen. temperature.
iii. an environment in which an iii. ignition temperature.
explosive mixture can arise. iv. LEL.
iv. an environment with too little gas
and too much air. 84.What is UEL (Upper Explosive Limit)
of a gas?
81.What is a risk associated with static i. the highest concentration of
electricity? the gas at which an explosion
i. static electricity can cause non- can occur.
conductive materials to catch fire. ii. the lowest concentration of the
ii. static electricity can result in a gas at which an explosion can
spark which could cause an occur.
explosion. iii. the lowest measurable
iii. static electricity carries virtually concentration of the gas.
no risk. iv. the highest measurable
iv. static electricity carries no risk in concentration of the gas.
85.What is Flammable limit?
82.What must you do with your PPE’s i. the lowest concentration of the
(personal protective equipment)? gas at which an explosion can
i. have your name put on it. occur.

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ii. the lowest and highest ii. by following MARPOL.

concentration of the gas at iii. by following ISM Code.
which an explosion can occur. iv. none of above.
iii. the lowest measurable
concentration of the gas. 90.What is ISM?
iv. the highest measurable i. international seamen medical
concentration of the gas. testing standard.
ii. international ship management.
86.What is LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) iii. international ship satellite
of Methane? management.
i. 5% iv. international safety
ii. 21% management.
iii. 11%
iv. 8% 91.What three elements must be
present for a fire to occur?
87.What is UEL (Upper Explosive Limit) i. oxygen, heat, fuel.
of Methane? ii. oil, nitrogen, flame.
i. 8% iii. fuel, carbon, heat.
ii. 5% iv. oxygen, hydrogen, flame.
iii. 11%
iv. 15% 92.What is the food to feed the fire?
i. oxygen.
88.Toxicity is characterized by what? ii. nitrogen.
i. instability. iii. fuel.
ii. volume. iv. heat.
iii. temperature.
iv. exposure to toxin 93.Flammable liquids, gases and
greases are designated as fires of
89.How safety practices are maintained what class?
in the tanker ships? i. class A fire.
i. by following SOLAS. ii. class B fire.

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iii. class C fire.

iv. class D fire. 98.Toxicity is measured by what units?
i. epm.
94.What is class C fire? ii. bpm.
i. fire involving flammable liquid. iii. tpm.
ii. fire involving flammable gas. iv. ppm.
iii. fire involving solid combustible
material. 99.How work place exposure limit for
iv. fire involving energized toxicity is expressed for 8 hours?
electrical equipment. i. TLV-EW
ii. ELV-TW
95.What is class A fire? iii. TLV-TW
i. fire involving flammable gas iv. BLV-EW
ii. fire involving flammable liquid.
iii. fire involving solid 100.Which of the following will prevent a
combustible material. flammable atmosphere from
iv. fire involving energized electrical occurring in a cargo tank on a tank
equipment. vessel?
i. a combustion stabilizer.
96.What is class D fire? ii. an oxidizer.
i. fire involving energized electrical iii. inert gas.
equipment. iv. a vortex eliminator.
ii. fire involving flammable liquid.
iii. fire involving metal. 101.What is the maximum allowable
iv. fire involving flammable gas. oxygen content within the ship’s
cargo tanks, inert gas piping and the
97.Toxicity is expressed by what? vapor recovery system?
i. toxicity is expressed by PLV. i. 4%
ii. toxicity is expressed by ELV. ii. 5%
iii. toxicity is expressed by DLV. iii. 8%
iv. toxicity is expressed by TLV. iv. 11%

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i. as an aid in the stripping and

102.How does an inert gas system on a cleaning of cargo tanks.
tanker function to prevent explosions ii. to increase the rate of discharge
in cargo tanks? of cargo.
i. de-energizes the "charged mist" iii. to force toxic and explosive
effect. fumes from a cargo tank to vent
ii. inert gas filters out the flammable to the outside atmosphere.
vapors from the cargo tank iv. to lower the oxygen levels
spaces. inside cargo tanks, making
iii. inert gas dilutes the flammable explosion nearly impossible.
vapor and air concentrations to
keep them below the lower 105.What is the purpose of Deck Water
explosive limit. Seal of the inert gas system?
iv. maintains a positive pressure on i. cools the inert gas and prevents
the vent header to cool the soot from entering the cargo
flammable vapors. tanks.
ii. acts as an emergency system
103.What is the purpose of inert gas shutdown when the inlet
systems aboard tank vessels? pressures exceed the safe
i. to allow sufficient oxygen in the working pressure in the
tank to sustain life. hazardous zone.
ii. to provide increase in cargo iii. prevents the backflow of
discharge pressure. hydrocarbon gasses into
iii. to comply with double hull nonhazardous areas.
pollution prevention regulations. iv. relieves sudden large
iv. to prevent outside air from overpressures in the system.
entering the tank.
106.Back flow towards machinery
104.Why inert gas system is installed on spaces of cargo vapour in an Inert
a tanker? gas system is prevented by what?
i. pressure vacuum breaker.

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ii. high velocity vents. iii. gas not suitable for supporting
iii. deck water seal. life.
iv. pressure vacuum valves. iv. all of above.

107.Which of these devices prevents 111.What is required to enter an

the back flow of hydrocarbon? enclosed space?
i. PV breaker. i. putting green flag at the entrance.
ii. PV Valve. ii. putting red flag at the entrance.
iii. scrubber. iii. take a whistle along with.
iv. deck water seal. iv. enclosed space entry permit.

108.What is an Enclosed Space? 112.What is the minimum oxygen

i. space with lot of natural content required before entering into
ventilation. an enclosed space?
ii. a living quarter. i. 5%
iii. wide range of entry and exit to ii. 11%
the space. iii. 20%
iv. none of above. iv. 21%

109.Minimum how many gases to be 113.What is the maximum allowable HC

checked for entering an enclosed content in a cargo tank before
space? entering?
i. 3 i. 0% LEL.
ii. 4 ii. Less than 1% LEL.
iii. 5 iii. 1.5% LEL.
iv. 6 iv. 2% LEL.

110.What is expected in an enclosed 114.What is the maximum allowable

space? Toxic gas content in terms of
i. flammable gas? Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL)
ii. toxic gas. or Permissible Exposure Limits

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(PEL) in a cargo tank before iv. get pump room space entry
entering? permit.
i. less than 50% OEL of the
specific gas. 118.What an Explosimeter does?
ii. more than 50% OEL of the i. measures oxygen.
specific gas. ii. measures nitrogen.
iii. at 100% OEL of the specific gas. iii. measures flammable gas.
iv. at more than 100% OEL of the iv. measures inert gas.
specific gas.
119.What is Explosimeter?
115.What is the unit used for expressing i. is a combustible gas detector.
Toxic gas? ii. is a nitrogen gas detector.
i. in percentage (%). iii. is an oxygen gas detector.
ii. in parts per million (ppm). iv. is a toxic gas detector.
iii. in Litre.
iv. in degree Celsius. 120.What is the generally accepted
method of determining whether the
116.The condition of asphyxia arises atmosphere within a cargo tank is
from which of the following? explosive, too rich, or too lean to
i. an inadequate supply of support combustion?
oxygen. i. use the open flame test on a
ii. too much oxygen. small sample that has been taken
iii. sleep deprivation. from the tank.
iv. improper caloric intake. ii. send a gas sample ashore for
laboratory analysis.
117.What is required to do before entry iii. enter the tank with an oxygen
into pump room? analyzer.
i. inform engine room. iv. use an explosimeter.
ii. inform deckhand.
iii. put a red flag at the pump 121.What is Oxygen analyser?

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i. measures oxygen required for an 125.Equipment, wiring methods, and

explosion. installations of equipment in
ii. measures oxygen in the hazardous (classified) locations shall
atmosphere. be:
iii. measures oxygen-air ratio. i. waterproof.
iv. detects presence of flammable ii. approved or safe for the
gas. hazardous (classified) location.
iii. intrinsically safe.
122.What is Toxic gas detector? iv. both B and
i. detects how much poison in the
body. 126.The most common cooling agent
ii. detects presence of flammable used for fighting fires on tanker ship
gas. is what?
iii. detects presence of oxygen. i. carbon dioxide.
iv. detects poisonous gas. ii. flue gas.
iii. water.
123.The presence of toxic gas is iv. steam smothering.
measured by what?
i. none of below. 127.What is the firefighting system used
ii. explosimeter. in cargo pump room?
iii. oxygen analyser. i. inert gas.
iv. LEL detector. ii. carbon dioxide.
iii. water.
124.What is MSDS? iv. steam smothering.
i. material safety device sheet.
ii. material safety development 128.What is the firefighting system used
sheet. on main deck area?
iii. material safety data sheet. i. inert gas and water.
iv. material safety data spectrum. ii. carbon dioxide and water.
iii. water and foam firefighting

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iv. steam smothering system. 133.What is taken as standard PV valve

129.Where is the most likely location for i. +1000, -500 mmWG.
a cargo fire to occur on a tanker? ii. +1500, -400 mmWG.
i. at the vent header. iii. +1400, -250 mmWG.
ii. at the main deck manifold. iv. +1600, -400 mmWG.
iii. in the midships house.
iv. in the pumproom. 134.What is the normal filling level on a
cargo tank?
130.What is the minimum capacity of i. 100%
SCBA? ii. 99%
i. 1800L. iii. 98%
ii. 1200L. iv. 95%
iii. 1500L.
iv. 600L. 135.While loading bulk oil, you notice oil
on the water near the ship. Which of
131.What is the EEBD service time? the following actions should you
i. 15 minutes. carry out FIRST?
ii. 10 minutes. i. notify terminal superintendent.
iii. 20 minutes. ii. search the vessel for leaks.
iv. 30 minutes. iii. stop loading.
iv. notify the Coast Guard.
132.Where on board are you allowed to
smoke? 136.On tankers with manually operated
i. in the normal smoking areas. tank valves, which of the following is
ii. only in designated smoking the type of valve most commonly
place. used?
iii. only in your cabin. i. globe valve.
iv. in the engine work shop. ii. check valve.
iii. butterfly valve.
iv. gate valve.

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140.Oil product samples should be

137.Which of the following is the pipe taken at the commencement and
used to connect two separate piping completion of loading operations. As
systems on a tank vessel? the person in charge, where should
i. junction. the final samples be taken?
ii. connection. i. the shoreline low points.
iii. crossover. ii. the vessel's cargo tanks.
iv. transfer. iii. the shore tank discharged.
iv. the dock riser.
138.What causes the most frequent
incidents of pollution during tanker 141.Tank vessels are required to have a
operations? means of emergency shutdown. This
i. routine discharge of oil during device does which of the following?
ballasting and tank crude oil i. shuts off the main propulsion
washing. plant.
ii. collisions. ii. shuts off the firefighting foam
iii. loading and discharging. systems.
iv. groundings. iii. stops the flow of oil to shore
facility or other vessel.
139.What should you do in order to iv. secures electrical power to all
reduce the accumulation of static motors.
electricity while loading petroleum
products? 142.Prior to entering a cargo pump
i. increase the air flow into the tank. room, you should ensure what?
ii. use the overall method of loading i. the forced ventilating system is
only. operating.
iii. start to load slowly. ii. the cargo pumps are secured.
iv. start to load at maximum iii. no mono carbon gases are
pressure. present.
iv. the oily water separator is de-

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Basic Training For Oil Tanker Cargo Operations

iv. for all types of tankers.

143.Annex I collection of residue tank
washing and also oily mixture to be 147.What is in special areas any
carried where? discharge of oil and oil mixtures from
i. bilge tank. machinery spaces?
ii. sludge tank. i. prohibited.
iii. oily bilge tank. ii. enroute and min 12NM.
iv. slop tank. iii. en route and min 50NM.
iv. en route with oil filtering
144.What is SOPEP? equipment.
i. shipboard oil pollution emergency
payment. 148.What is in special areas any
ii. shipboard oil tanker pollution discharge of oil and oil mixtures from
emergency duty programme. cargo area (including pump-room)?
iii. shipboard oil pollution i. prohibited.
emergency plan. ii. enroute and min 12NM.
iv. shipboard bulk/ore carrier port iii. en route and min 50NM.
duty emergency plan. iv. en route with oil filtering
145.What is COW in tanker ship?
i. cleaning crude oil tank by diesel. 149.What is in special areas any
ii. cleaning chemical tank by discharge of oil and oil mixtures from
kerosene. cargo pump-room?
iii. cleaning crude oil tank by water. i. Prohibited.
iv. cleaning crude oil tank by ii. enroute and min 12NM.
crude oil. iii. en route and min 50NM.
iv. en route with oil filtering
146.COW is for which ships? equipment.
i. for product tankers.
ii. for chemical tankers. 150.Anti-static additives in petroleum
iii. for crude tankers. products does what?

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Basic Training For Oil Tanker Cargo Operations

i. increase electrical conductivity

of oil. 153.When the inert gas system is
ii. reduce electrical conductivity of temporarily unable to maintain a
oil. positive pressure, or an oxygen
iii. increase accumulation of charge content less than 5%, how should
in the oil. cargo operations be adjusted?
iv. reduce friction drag. i. operations should continue at a
slower rate until these
151.Which of the following is required to requirements are met.
have a Shipboard Oil Pollution ii. operations should continue only
Emergency Plan? under "Emergency Procedures".
i. all vessels, regardless of size and iii. operations should be shut
commercial application. down immediately.
ii. an oil tanker of 150 gross tons iv. operations should be monitored
and above or other ship of 400 more frequently.
gross tons and above.
iii. any barge or ship constructed or 154.When tank cleaning with a portable
operated in such a manner that machine, how is the weight of the
no oil in any form can be carried machine is suspended?
aboard. i. a portable davit.
iv. an oil tanker of 400 gross tons ii. solid metal bars clamped to the
and above or other ships of 150 Butterworth opening.
gross tons and above. iii. a natural fiber tag line, saddle
and hose.
152.What do the emergency shutdown iv. a wire rope suspension line.
requirements of the regulations apply
i. condensate pumps.
ii. cargo transfer systems.
iii. induced draft fans.
iv. air compressors.

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Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Department of Shipping
Sample Question Bank for Certificate of Proficiency (COP)
MCQ Exam

Basic Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation

(Version: 01)

This document is copyright of © Department of Shipping 2021. All rights reserved. Any
redistribution or reproduction of part or all the contents in any form is prohibited.
Basic Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation

1.In which of the following physical and

chemical properties of substances 5.COW System is mandatory for all
are mentioned? tanker of:
i. ORB i. 20000 DWT & above.
ii. Ship Log Book ii. 21000 DWT & above
iii. MSDS iii. 22000 DWT & above
iv. STS iv. 23000 DWT & above

2.Piping system in oil tanker are mainly-

---- 6.The most effective agent to extinguish
i. 3 Types. an oil fire is
ii. 4 Types i. CO2
iii. 5 Types ii. Foam
iv. 6 Types iii. Water
iv. Dry Powder

3.Combination carrier is:

i. 2 Types 7.Master Valve is fitted on the
ii. 4 Types i. Fore and Aft pipe line
iii. 6 Types ii. Athwart ship pipe line
iv. 7 Types iii. Vertical pipe line .
iv. Horizontal pipe line.

4.When a tank is inerted oxygen content

of the tank should be: 8.Tanker venting system are
i. Less than 5% i. 2 Types.
ii. Less than 11%. ii. 4 Types
iii. Less than 21% iii. 6 Types
iv. Less than 23%

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Basic Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation

9.In inert gas distribution system, Deck iii. Baltic sea

water seal is used for. iv. None of these
i. Prevent back flow of inert gas
ii. Prevent entry cargo
13.Hot water wash shall be taken to
iii. Both (a & b)
iv. None of above
i. Wash water that has been
heated to above 60 degs C
10.What is the function of Explosimeter? ii. Wash water of 35 degs C
i. To cheek oxygen content of a iii. Wash water that has been heated
tank. but maintained below 50 degs C
ii. To cheek the percentage volume iv. Untreated Wash water
of hydro carbon.
iii. To cheek L.E.L of a tank
14.The full form of ISGOTT is
i. International state Government
iv. To check U.E.L of a tank
orders for tankers and trucks
ii. International society general for
oil tankers and terminals
11.All oil cargo operations on a Tanker iii. International Safety Guide for
should be recorded in the Oil Tankers and Terminals
i. ORB part I iv. International state gas and oil
ii. ORB part I & II tanker terminal
iii. ORB part II
iv. None of these
15.STEL for Benzene vapours is
i. < 5 ppm
12.A Chemical tanker can discharge ii. < 1 ppm
category Y, Z and OS washing to iii. < 15 ppm
sea anywhere except iv. NIL
i. Mediterranean Sea
ii. Antartica

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Basic Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation

16.Presence of toxic gases on board a 19.The ETA and Chaffing Chain on a

ship is checked with? Tanker are designed to be used
i. Explosimeter i. During Towing in Port
ii. oxygen analyser ii. In Emergencies when vessel
iii. Inflamable gas detector has a Blackout condition, both
iv. Toxic Gas Detector with can be deployed without power
Bellows pump and Graduated iii. For Towing other vessels in
Chemical Tubes distress
iv. With Windlass and Winch Power
for deployment
17.For which category of chemicals is
pre washing done prior to
discharging residue to shore facility 20.When required to dry tank bottom
i. Category W i. use Nitrogen padding
ii. Category Y ii. Use mops
iii. Category X & viscous and iii. Use Formaldehyde solution
solidifying cargoes of Category iv. use Tank clean
iv. Category Z
21.Which are the Hazards of Chemical
18.What is the purpose of an bonding i. Toxic & corrosive
flange ii. Flammable
i. insulates ships flanges iii. Self-reactive
ii. used between tank cleaning line iv. All of these
iii. shore tank flange
22.Chemicals carried in tankers may be
iv. To prevent electrical flow
divided into 4 groups
across ship & terminal flanges
i. Petrochemicals, Vegetable Oils
during hose connection or
& fats, Acids and Inorganic

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Basic Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation

chemicals, Alcohols and Or `R’ in the column entitled `Code

Carbohydrate indicates?
ii. Organic compounds i. A' = Approvals 'P' = Petroleum 'R'
iii. hydrocarbons = Risk
iv. Bitumen ii. A' = Agregate 'P' = Permannet 'R'
= Radio
iii. A' = Applicable 'P' = Preventive
23.Where cargoes are heat sensitive or
act 'R' = Retain onboard
where there is possibility of
iv. A' = Agreement 'P' =
polymerization or required to avoid
Permission 'R' = Re-check
elevated temperatures
i. Heating coils shall be blanked off
ii. such cargoes shall not be carried 26.What does UEL mean?
in deck tanks which are not i. upper explosive limit
insulated ii. upper expected limit
iii. Shall not be carried in deck tanks iii. upper exposure level
iv. All of these iv. upper exposure limit

24.Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) produced 27.Marpol Annex II residues may be

solution over 60% but not over 7% discharged to sea when
by mass shall be carried: i. vessel is making at least 7 knots
i. Dedicated ship and no other ii. At least 12 miles from land and in
cargo will be carried 25 meters of water
ii. Type 3 tanks iii. Through below water discharge
iii. Top side tanks arrangement
iv. All of the above iv. all of these

25.In the Ship / Shore Safety Check 28.Filling of cargo tank & associated
List; presence of the letters `A’, `P’ piping system with nitrogen after

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Basic Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation

loading to reduce oxygen content, i.e 32.What should be the maximum

space above cargo is known as residue left on board for NLS liquids
i. Inerting according to latest regulations
ii. Paddling i. 50 litres
iii. Drying ii. 100 litres
iv. Pickling iii. 75 litres
iv. 150 litres

29.What is the explosive range of

chemicals carried in Type I cargo 33.What is the vapour manifold used for
i. greater than 40 % i. Pressure release
ii. greater than 50 % ii. intake of shore vapours
iii. greater than 60 % iii. As a return line for ship's tank
iv. less than 40 % vapours to shore tanks or plant
iv. all of the above

30.A Tanker's ETA is located

i. Forward 34.During tank atmosphere evaluation,
ii. Aft tank information to be obtained for:
iii. Mid ship i. Constituents of the tank
iv. near Manifold atmosphere
ii. Flammability & Reactivity
iii. Toxicity or Oxygen Deficiency
31.P & A Manual is approved by
iv. All of these
i. Flag State Administration
ii. Classification Society
iii. IMO 35.When using Engine room Oily water
iv. UN separator
i. All Discharge must be recorded
ii. Cargo Slops pumped out must be
recorded in ORB I

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Basic Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation

iii. All OWS operations must be

recorded in ORB I
39.Purposes for which tank cleaning is
iv. All operations must be recorded
done are
in engine log book
i. Gas free certificate, Dry docking,
man entry, Hot work
36.What is recognized as the main ii. Change of cargo grades
hazard when entering a void space? iii. tank inspections
i. lack of light iv. All of these
ii. lack of mobility
iii. lack of oxygen
40.IBC code is applicable to ships built
iv. no particular hazards
i. before Ist July 1986
ii. after Ist July 1986
37.All chemical samples stored on iii. After Ist December 1990
board must be iv. before Ist December 1990
i. kept in fire protected
41.Vapour Return System is identified
ii. kept in cellular shelves to protect
from spillage
i. Yellow painted presentation
iii. kept in containers that will not
manifold with RED band
react with stored chemical
ii. By the stud for accepting
iv. All of these
iii. By the word VAPOUR stenciled
38.ISGOTT requires O2 content of on the manifold
atmosphere in cargo tanks during iv. All of these
COW to be----
i. 5%
42.Type 3 Tanker cargo tanks are
ii. 11 %
i. For cargoes that have low or
iii. < 8 %
no hazard
iv. 21%

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ii. have high hazard iii. By heating in special Thermal oil

iii. used for HCs only Boilers
iv. those that can carry fuel oils iv. All of these

43.How should a vapour manifold and 46.PPE on a Chemical Tanker shall has
vapour reducer be painted and minimum of
indicated? i. SCBA
i. Black and Red ii. Protective clothing, boots, gloves
ii. Yellow with a Red Band and & goggles
Vapour stencilled on it iii. Chemical suite
iii. Same as other Manifolds iv. All of these
iv. Red with Yellow Band

47.Where MARPOL Annex II pollution

44.Welding can be done on tanker Category X is discharged and tank
decks Only if washed
i. Master gives permission i. Residues shall not be discharged
ii. Company gives permission to sea
iii. Vessel is issued a Gas free ii. Tank shall be Pre Washed till
certificate by recognized residue is <0.1%
Authority iii. wash water must be discharged
iv. There is a strong wind blowing to shore facility only
the gas of deck. iv. All of these

45.Thermal oil is used 48.Category of NLS if discharged into

i. On Bitumen Carriers to heat the sea from tank cleaning would
Bitumen cargoes present a major hazard is
ii. For cargoes that require to be i. Category Z
heated in excess of 100 degs C ii. Category X
iii. Category W

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Basic Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation

iv. Category Y 52.Spilled acid residue can be

neutralized with
i. Sodium Carbonate (Soda ash)
49.Tanks with maximum capacity of
ii. Calcium carbonate
3000 cubic metres are
iii. Caustic Soda
i. Type 1 tanks
iv. None of the above
ii. Pressure Tanks
iii. Type 2 Tanks
iv. Slop tanks 53.On a chemical tanker individual
loading lines may
i. Pass through ballast tanks
50.A solvent cleaner for tank cleaning
ii. Pass through other cargo tanks
composes of
iii. Not pass through other cargo
i. 30% detergent & emulgator, 70%
iv. Disconnected from other cargo
ii. 20% detergent & emulgator,
80% solvent
iii. 40% detergent & emulgator, 60%
solvent 54.55. The rate at which a burning liquid
iv. 10% detergent & emulgator, 90% reduces depends on
solvent i. Burning rate of Gas above it
ii. Boiling rate
iii. Flash point
51.Where chemicals do not fall under
iv. rate of level decrease
any hazardous pollution category
they are listed in MARPOL Annex II
as 55.When using Breathing devices as
i. Category X protection against Toxic gases the
ii. Category Y equipment prohibited for use is
iii. (OS) i. CABA sets
iv. Category Z ii. Cannister / Filter type of Gas

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Basic Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation

iii. ELSA sets i. self operated pump eqpt. Plan

iv. Resuscitator ii. some oil pollution equipment
pump s
iii. hip oil pollution equipment
56.Maximum limit of toxic agent to which
an individual can be exposed for a
iv. Shipboard Oil Pollution
very brief (emergency) period of time
Emergency Plan
i. LEL
ii. UEL 60.What is the first aid if liquid chemical
iii. STEL enters in eye?
iv. TLV-TWA i. Wash with abundant running
fresh water and follow medical
first aid guide lines as given in
57.Maximum working pressure of
Chemical cargo hoses should not
ii. Wait first aid treatment.
iii. Inform duty officer
i. 5 psi
iv. Read cargo MSDS
ii. 1 Mpa
iii. 10 Mpa
iv. 7.5 Bar 61.Asphyxia may be caused by
i. Inhalation of Toxic gases
ii. Oxygen deprivation
58.A clean certificate for a tank prior
iii. Smoke inhalation
loading is issued by
iv. All of these
i. captain
ii. Surveyor
iii. Port Authorities 62.IBC Chapter 18 refers to
iv. Chief engineer i. Chemicals that can be carried on
chemical tankers

59.The full form of SOPEP is

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Basic Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation

ii. Chemicals to which the IBC 66.Which of these in not caused by

code conditions does not Vegetable or Animal oil carried in
apply chemical Tanker
iii. Banned substances i. It reduces the Oxygen by
iv. Specifications of chemicals oxidation
ii. Decomposes to release toxic
63.Tanks with Cubic capacity of 3000
iii. Carbon monoxide may be
Cu. Metres are used for
produced when overheated
i. Storage of Moderately
iv. Releases vapors which are
Hazardous Chemicals
highly combustible
ii. Highly hazardous Chemicals
iii. Hydrocarbons
iv. Non Flammables 67.MSDS should include
i. Firefighting measures
ii. First Aid measures
64.TWA means
iii. Transportation information
i. Travel with agreement
iv. All of the above
ii. Time weighted average
iii. Time weighted allowance
iv. None of these 68.How will you protect against effects
of non-compatibility between
chemical during transport and
65.OEL stands for
i. Occupational Exposure limit
i. By segregating non compatible
ii. Occupational Exclusive limit
chemicals as per the compatibility
iii. Occupy Exception limit
iv. Occupational Explosive limit
ii. By not loading in adjacent tanks
iii. By use of completely segregated
pipeline systems
iv. All of these

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Basic Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation

69.A ship can carry chemicals which are ii. Liquid od specific density
not listed in IBC code iii. All chemicals
i. After permission from iv. Any liquid chemical designated
Classification Society as presenting a safety hazard
ii. After permission from the Flag based on safety criteria for
state administration assigning products to IBC ch-
iii. IMO 17
iv. Without any permission

73.When handling toxic or poisonous

70.P & A Manual contains cargoes
i. Chemicals the vessel may load i. Avoid all possible skin contact
and tanks they may be loaded with the cargo
into ii. wear proper PPE
ii. Load, Discharge, Venting, Tank iii. Refer MSDS
cleaning procedures iv. All of above
iii. Pumping and line system
drawings, tank wash machine
74.Tank cleaning methods include
i. Direct injection
iv. All of these
ii. Recirculation
iii. Spraying
71.Anniversary date of Certificate iv. All of these
i. issued date
75.In case of a fire on a chemical tanker
ii. date of expiry
most common medium used is
iii. the annual date
i. Water Spray
iv. the birth date
ii. CO2
iii. AFFF
72.Dangerous chemicals means iv. Alcohol resistant foam
i. Any chemical liquid

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Basic Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation

76.Which type of ship does not require iv. it can evolve gas
protective tank location?
i. Type 1 ship
80.NLS means (Noxious Liquid
ii. Type 2 ship
iii. Type 3 ship
i. Any substance indicated in
iv. Type 4 ship
pollution category column of IBC
ch-17 &18
77.An Inhibitor is ii. Any substance accessed in
i. An additive that reduces or MARPOL annex-II under
retards cargo deterioration or categories of X, Y & Z
polymerization iii. Any substance with acute aquatic
ii. A substance that prevents fire toxicity
iii. A solution for cleaning iv. All of these
iv. An inerting gas

81.Low Expansion Foam is used for

78.Wall wash test is carried out by i. Oil tanker Fires on deck areas
i. HC test ii. Engine room fires
ii. Chloride test iii. Pump room fires
iii. Permanganate-time test iv. Accommodation fires
iv. All of these

82.Acids shall be carried only in

79.Pyrophoric iron sulphide i.e. iron compartments
sulphide capable of pyrophoric i. On type 1 or type 2 ships
oxidation in air, is dangerous ii. that are in protective location and
because not adjacent to ship’s hull sides
i. it can pollute the cargo iii. with corrosion resistant tanks
ii. it can cause corrosion iv. all of these
iii. it can ignite flammable
hydrocarbon gas/air mixtures

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83.STEL means iv. All of the above

i. Short term Exposure limit over
a period of 15 mins
87.In hazardous spaces on tankers, we
ii. short term exposure limit over
use only equipment that is
one work day
i. Certified and approved as
iii. Short term explosion level
intrinsically safe
iv. shore tank extreme limit
ii. Explosion Proof / EX rated
84.Cell Phones of all persons boarding iii. Self-Igniting Lifebuoy Lights /
the gangway should be Walkie Talkies / Torches that are
i. kept on silent approved as Intrinsically safe
ii. kept in flight mode iv. All of them
iii. in normal condition
iv. Switched Off before coming
88.Identify correct Annex II of MARPOL
i. Control of pollution by harmful
85.SOLAS requirement for number of air substances in bulk
exchanges for a chemical tanker ii. Regulation for prevention of
pump room pollution by sewage from ship
i. 25 per hour iii. Regulation for prevention of
ii. 30 per hour pollution by garbage from ships
iii. 20 per hour iv. Regulation for the control of
iv. 45 per hour pollution by noxious liquid
substances in bulk

86.A chemical tanker can carry

chemicals listed in 89.MFAG is a guide that gives
i. IBC code ch-17 i. Marine First Aid guide giving
ii. Ship's Certificate of Fitness first aid measures for
iii. SOLAS chapter VII shipboard accidents

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Basic Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation

ii. marine guide for chemical 93.Re-circulated wash water should not
carriers be reused because it may
iii. manual for arrangements and i. Increase generation of Static
garbage Electricity
iv. Marine flammables guide for ii. Washing will not be proper
explosives iii. It may affect the Tank coating
iv. None of the above

90.In all cases of spillage

i. Raise Alarm 94.When disconnecting chemical hoses
ii. Activate Emergency stop devices from manifolds one must wear?
for pumps i. Chemical protection suit
iii. Evacuate the area ii. CABA set
iv. All of these iii. Personal toxic monitor
iv. all of these

91.Which of these are not used as tank

coating? 95.During Cargo operations Air
i. Epoxy coating conditioning Fresh Air intake must be
ii. Polyester coating i. Fully shut
iii. Marine Line ii. On Recirculation mode (Make
iv. Leaded Primer sure accommodation should
be positive pressure)
iii. Fully Open
92.Which one of these materials are not
iv. 50 % Shut
used in cargo tank construction
i. Lined steel
ii. Stainless Steel 96.Padding is a term for
iii. Mild Steel i. Removal of Nitrogen
iv. Dead Steel ii. Stripping of residues
iii. Adding Nitrogen blanket
iv. cladding steel structures

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100.Maximum capacity of a cargo tank

on Type 1 ships is
97.Before entering a Cargo tank for
i. 1250 Cu.m
cleaning what kind of permit would
ii. 3500 Cu.m
be required?
iii. 3000 Cu.m
i. Enclosed space entry permit and
iv. no limit
hot work permit.
ii. Enclosed space entry permit and
cold work permit 101.The Flammability Range of HC lies
iii. Hot work permit and cold work between its
permit. i. Upper Flammable limit {UEL}
iv. Enclosed space entry permit and its Lower Flammable limit
ii. Flash point and pour point
98.Why bonding wire used for
iii. Upper exposure level.
i. Joining flanges
iv. Upper exposure limit.
ii. Connecting 2 points
iii. Wire used to bind paper 102.What does VLCC mean:
insulators i. Very large crude carrier.
iv. Disconnection of the shore hose ii. Very large combination carrier
or loading arm iii. Vacuum strip.
iv. Very large crude combination
99.When carrying Phosphorous vessel
must provide
i. Water padding of 760 mm 103.Cold water wash is performed at
above the cargo i. Ambient temperatures
ii. Inert Gas ii. 40 - 50 degs C
iii. Nitrogen iii. below freezing
iv. Oxygen blanket iv. not performed on chemical

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108.Butterworth port is used for

i. Allow light into the tank
104.Why Nitrogen is considered
ii. Sampling of oil
iii. Lowering a Portable tank
i. It is inert
cleaning machine into the
ii. Odorless & colorless
Cargo Oil tank
iii. Marginally lighter than air
iv. None of the above
iv. All of the above

109.Which category of NLS if

105.A Wilden Pump is the most basic
discharged into the sea from tank
i. Positive displacement pump
cleaning would present a minor
ii. Eductor
iii. Rotary pump
i. Category W
iv. Fire Fighting Pump
ii. Category X
iii. Category Y
iv. Category Z
106.Documents to be referred prior
loading are
i. MSDS & IBC code ch-17
110.Gravity tanks
ii. Certification of Fitness
i. means tank having designed
iii. P & A manual
pressure not more than 0.07
iv. All of the above
ii. greater than 0.07 MPA
iii. Tank in which cargo is filled by
107.COF stands for
i. Certificate of flammables
iv. Tank at atmospheric pressure
ii. certificate of financial
iii. Certificate of fitness
111.The Shipboard Oil Prevention
iv. Chemical operations firm
Emergency Plan contains
i. List of Coastal Contacts

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Basic Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation

ii. Company Emergency Contacts 115.In cases of breaching of hull and

iii. List of shipboard oil pollution damage Type 1 & Type 2 ships are
equipment. required to survive any damage
iv. All of these i. Along the length of the hull
ii. To have sufficient stability
iii. Except between Engine room
112.How many air exchanges is Oil
Tanker Cargo Pump room fans
iv. All of these
required to do as a minimum.
i. 10 per hour
ii. 45 per hour 116.Purging of Tanks need not be done
iii. 30 per hour i. When there is insufficient time
iv. 20 per hour ii. When HC in the tanks is between
10% and 2% by Volume
iii. Purging must always be done
113.IBC chapter 15
till HC in tanks is reduced to
i. gives definitions
below 2 % by Volume
ii. gives venting requirements
iv. when HC is above UFL
iii. gives special requirements
where specific reference is
made in column 'o' of ch-17 117.After Issue of Enclosed Space Entry
iv. gives operational requirements Permit it is required to
i. Ventilate the space continually
ii. To continuously monitor the tank
114.Following are carried on chemical
atmosphere for HC, H2s, O2
iii. Have rescue harness and
i. MTBE, Benzene, Acids,
resuscitation equipment stand by
Acetone, Peroxides
iv. All of these
ii. crude oil
iii. Fuel oil product
iv. Kerosene Oil 118.Removing Oxides and Iron
contamination from stainless steel is

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Basic Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation

i. Oxidation ii. Checking Ullage of Oil and Oil

ii. Reduction /Water Interface in the tank
iii. Pickling iii. Measuring Temperature of Oil in
iv. Padding the tank
iv. All of them

119.Types of pumping equipment used

on chemical tankers 123.Liquid chemical wastes are defined
i. Centrifugal pumps as
ii. Positive displacement pumps i. Chemical wastes carried for
iii. Deep well pumps disposal other than at sea
iv. All of these ii. Substances, solutions or mixtures
containing or contaminated with
one or more constituents subject
120.The term UTI stands for
to requirements of IBC code
i. Under thermal interface
iii. Chemical wastes carried for
ii. Unified Terminal interfacing
dumping incineration or other
iii. Ullage temperature interface
methods of disposal.
iv. All of the above
iv. All of these

121.Integral tanks are

124.Full form of CDI is
i. Built in with the ship's
i. common direct injection
ii. completely diffused instrument
ii. Floating type
iii. Chemical Distribution Institute
iii. Independently placed
registered in Netherlands
iv. double bottom tanks
iv. Chemical distribution information

122.Tank radar system is used for

125.L.E.L of the pump room atmosphere
i. Monitoring Pressure of Tank
should be
i. Less than 21%

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Basic Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation

ii. Less than 5% i. IBC (International Bulk

iii. Less than 17% Chemical Code)
iv. Less than 1% ii. IDC
iii. IPC
iv. IGC
126.Stripping means
i. Discharging of residual
oil/chemical 130.What are the hazards associated
ii. High rate of discharge with chemical tankers?
iii. Load on top. i. Danger to health – toxicity and
iv. Load on bottom irritant characteristics of the
substance or vapour.
ii. Water pollution aspect – human
127.Tanker has to carry how many oil
toxicity of the substance in the
record books?
i. One
iii. Reactionary activity with water or
ii. Two (Part I & Part II)
other chemicals. And/or
iii. Three
explosion hazariv.
iv. Four
iv. All above

128.After cleaning the tanks where we

131.The IBC Code defines three ship
have to keep the oily water?
types (ST) of chemical tankers, what
i. In the slop tank.
are they?
ii. In the drip tank.
i. ST1, ST2 & ST3,
iii. In the ballast tank
ii. ST1
iv. In the bilge tank
iii. ST2
iv. ST3

129.Chemical tanker cargoes list

contains in which code?
132.What types of cargo carries by ST1
chemical tanker?

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Basic Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation

i. Most dangerous products i. Inerted atm

ii. Requiring significant preventive ii. gas free atm
measures. iii. both of the above
iii. Requiring a moderate degree of iv. none of the above
containment to increase survival
capability in a damaged condition
137.Soda Ash {Sodium Carbonate} is
iv. All of above
used to neutralize what?
i. Acid Residues
ii. Petrol fumes
133.What does Tank scope measures?
iii. Carbon residues
i. hydrocarbon by % volume
iv. Sodium traces
ii. hydrocarbon by % LEL
iii. H2S
iv. CO 138.On a chemical tanker, Inert gas
may be provided by
i. Stored Nitrogen
134.What does Explosimeter
ii. IGG with dry type deck seal
iii. Nitrogen from shore
i. hydrocarbon by % volume
iv. All of these
ii. hydrocarbon by % LEL
iii. H2S
iv. CO 139.A Primary slop Tank is used for
mainly taking
i. A Fresh charge of wash water
135.When Tank scope is used?
& source of washing flui
i. Inerted atm
ii. 1st parcel of any cargo
ii. gas free atm
iii. Taking of tank washings
iii. both of the above
iv. Considered the only & main slop
iv. none of the above
tank on the ship

136.Where Explosimeter is used?

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Basic Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation

140.Hydrocarbon vapour is known to be i. It has been Calibrated & certified

i. Lighter than air Annually
ii. same density as air ii. A Span Check is done
iii. Heavier than air iii. A Battery Check and Zero Check
iv. Extremely light as compared to are done
air iv. All of these options

141.Cargo Tank High Level and Overfill 144.What is the maximum content of
Alarms must be tested sulphur in LSMGO in inside of ECA
i. Once a year are?
ii. Before each Loading and i. Less than 0.1%
before each discharging ii. Less than 1.0%
operation iii. Less than 3.5%
iii. Occasionally iv. Less than 0.5%
iv. when in doubt only

145.Which is the part of Inert Gas

142.Stowage of chemical sample shall system?
be i. Deck Water Seal
i. in a designated space with ii. non - return valve
material resistant to chemicals iii. Scrubber tower
stowed iv. Above all
ii. Adequately ventilated
iii. Cells divided to avoid shifting of
146.What type of cargo pump is
normally used in chemical tanker?
iv. All of these
i. Submersed type powered
hydraulically or electrically
143.Before each and every use of any ii. Framo Submersed type
portable gas detector it is very iii. Submersed pump installed in
important to make sure that each tank.

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Basic Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation

iv. Above all

147.How many tanker venting systems

are there?
i. 3 Types
ii. 4 Types
iii. 6 Types
iv. 2 Types

148.What is the purpose of Deck water

seal in IG plant?
i. Prevent back flow of inert gas
ii. Prevent entry cargo
iii. Both
iv. Washing of the gas.

149.How many fold the scrubber has in

IG plant?
i. Three fold purpose
ii. Two fold purpose
iii. Both
iv. Answer not correct.

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