Born Model: Thermodynamic Cycle To Calculate The Work Done in Transferring A Charged Sphere From Vacuum Into The Solvent
Born Model: Thermodynamic Cycle To Calculate The Work Done in Transferring A Charged Sphere From Vacuum Into The Solvent
Born Model: Thermodynamic Cycle To Calculate The Work Done in Transferring A Charged Sphere From Vacuum Into The Solvent
h d sphere
in vacuum
The following thermodynamic cycle is
developed. The ion i , represented as a GS Zero electrostatic work of transfer
charged sphere of radius R,is
id d in
i to
t be
b initially
i iti ll located
l t d in
i a WT = 0
vacuum, and the work Wd required to Solvent
strip the ion of its charge q = zie is Uncharged sphere
determined . Then this uncharged in solvent
p is transferred into the solvent
dielectric medium . We assume that
this transfer process involves no work .
Then the charge on the sphere inside Charging process Work of charging WC
the solvent is restored to its full value
q = zie and the work done in charging
Wc is determined . Finally, the ion is
Charged sphere
transferred from the solvent back into
in solvent
vacuum . The work done in this
transfer process is - Gs .
In a thermodynamic cycle the algebraic From fundamental electrostatics we recall
Sum of all the work terms is zero. that the electrostatic potential at a certain
point in space is defined as the work done
Wd Wtr Wc G s 0 to transport a unit positive charge from
G s Wc Wd infinity to that specific point . Now the
electrostatic potential at a point located a
We now evaluate the work done in charging a distance r from a charged
h sphere
h (r)
( ) is
sphere of radius R from q = 0 to q = zie , given by the product of the electric field
where zi denotes the valence of ion i and e is strength E(r) (which defines the electric
the fundamental electronic charge . To do force per unit charge) acting on the moving
h we start off with h an uncharged
h sphere
h test charge
h andd the
h distance
d r through
h h
and add infinitesimal amounts dq to the sphere which the charge is carried .
until the final charge level is attained .The R R
product of electrostatic potential and the
r E r dr
1 q q
4 0 r 2
h increment dq
d gives theh work k increment 4 0 R
Direction of
dw dq Increasing
Wc r R dq
1 q
4 0 0 R
0 0
work Wc dq
1 zi e
1 zi e 1
Gs Wd
N A zi2 e 2 1 T r
1 H s 1 2
4 0 2 R r 4 0 2 R r r T
Molar Gibbs
Energy of zi e 2 1 A clear prediction is that the
solvation Gs
N N A q2 1 solvation free energy should
1 1
4 0 2 R r 4 0 2 R r vary inversely with ion size R