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CAE Result SB Unit 6

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ould you believe it?

d in
cuss whether these statements are true or false. 3 Discuss the following.
e answers are on page 153 . a What things did you believe as a child that you
-:-a see a full-length reflection of yourself in a now know aren't true?
:::lirror, it must be at least half as tall as ,YOU. b Do you wish any of them were true?
-:be word 'news' is formed from the first letters c Are there any you're glad aren't true?
f north, south, east and west. d Is it right to let children believe things that
i any group of 23 people, there is a SO% aren't true?
::.'0 sibility that two of them will share a
.:hewing gum takes seven years to pass
~ough the digestive system.
-he number of people alive today is
~eater than the number of people who
ave previously lived and died.
t:.ating celery makes you lose weight.

plete these sentences with true or


- hope all your wishes come

-:-he tourist brochure had given

2. •...... . •. • impression of the
-e-ort; our hotel was only half
- uilt.
btaining money under
...... ... pretences is a criminal
m sure something fishy's
5 oing on - Tim's explanation
-r doesn't ring ... ... .... . .
-:le newspaper was sued for
aking accusations that weren't
::.."ictly .... .... .. . .
""';_;_ying a cheap car is usually a
. ........ economy, as you often end
-P spending more on it than you
=-aid in the first place.
'inning the lottery is a dream come
. ........ for some and a nightmare for others.
~-tall ing smoke alarms can give a ... ..... ... sense
: ecurity, as people forget to check them

Unit6 IJ
Reading Part 8 Multiple matching

1 What special abilities do the superheroes in the pictures have?

Quickly read sections A-D to check your ideas.

2 Read the text again and the tip box. In which section (A-D) are 1-10
mentioned? The underlined words will help you find links to A- D.

a substance that speeds up a natural process 1 .. ..

a substance that looks weaker than it is 2 ... .
someone who takes refuge away from his home 3 .... 4 .. ..
a substance that enables creatures to secure themselves in place 5 .. ..
a selfless act with unforeseen consequences 6 .. ..
someone given a new identity from a ~oung age 7 ... .
a creature that hides itself by changing the way it looks 8 .. ..
someone whose powers are the principle behind a form of transport 9 .. ..
substances that make physical discomfort less noticeable to the sufferer 10 .. ..

3 Discuss the meaning of these

phrases from the text. Try concentrating on one section at a time
and finding which questions refer to that. lt
a crime-ridden streets (1.5)
may be quicker than skimming through A- D
b nooks and crannies (1.13) for every question.
c weight for weight (1.18)
d one thing's for sure (1.36)
e driven by fury (1.60)

f great feats of strength (1.64)
g mask the pain (1.68)

4 If you had the capability to

do one of these things, which
would you choose and why? R !IPIDER-HJRD
• become invisible at will Spider-Man acquired his superhuman abilities when, during
• fly a demonstration of radiation technology, a spider crept into
• see in the dark the beam of radiation and bit his hand. As Peter Parker he
• breathe underwater works as a photographer for The Daily Bugle, but as Spider-
• change your appearance at will Man he fights evil in the crime-ridden streets of New York.
Spider-Man shoots and spins webs from small jets attached
to his wrists and can stick to almost any surface, scaling
skyscrapers with his bare hands. So how far can real science
go in explaining his powers? Like our superhero, spiders
can adhere to almost any surface. Many do this by secreting 10
sticky silk onto their feet, which anchors them in position.
Others have millions of specially shaped microscopic
hairs on their legs, that slip into nooks and crannies. As
for Spider-Man's traps, anyone who has ever walked into
a spider's web knows that the silk is deceptively strong, 1s
despite its gossamer appearance. Dragline silk, which spiders
use to crawl down from ceiling to floor, is the strongest of
all; weight for weight it is actually stronger than steel.

IJ Unit6
d. Superman was forced to flee his doomed InCREDIBLE HULK
rypton, eventual ly land ing on Earth where he was As a nuclear physicist, Bruce Banner developed a new gamma
• under the name Clark Kent. He now works as a bomb for the military. When a reckless teenager strayed onto
ann ered newspaper reporter, but whenever danger the bomb test site, Banner saved him - but was caught in the
~sa quick change away from saving the world ... as
middle himself and transformed into a huge green monster,
an. He is faster than a speeding bullet, can fly, has enormously strong and driven by fury. When angry, Banner 6o
'Tla n strength , can leap over ta ll bui ldings and has now changes into the Hulk, acqu iring superhuman strength
·an. Superman 's ce lls convert the sun 's energy into - and turning green- but with decreased intel ligence and an
e su perpowers - but can scientific fact exp lafn this? inabi lity to control his temper. At times of stress, humans do
·mals have to eat plants (or each other) to survive, sometimes perform great feats of strength. This may be caused
can ha rvest their energy directly from the sun 's by the re lease of certain hormones in the body wh ich boost the 6s
photosynthesis. Plants are full of a chemica l called levels of oxygen and fuel avai lable to muscles. Over time, they
~ 11 that accelerates this reaction . lt traps all of the
can even increase muscle bulk. Other natura l chem ica ls can
e need to live, storing it inside plants until the mask the pain that over-stretching muscles may cause, allowing
s re leased inside our bodies after eating. So perhaps ind ividua ls to push their body beyond its natural limits. The
a11 is using some form of photosynthesis to build Hu lk's colour changes may be re lated to the way animals use 70
-,emendous reserves of energy that he needs for his co lour cel ls to alter their appearance; the cuttlefish uses this for
'Tla n feats of strength . One thing's for sure - he's not camouflage, and may even be able to communicate using waves
oro phyll , because it would turn him bright green! of colour.

bv the X-Men , Magneto wa s born a mutant
r d that feared and despised his kind.
he isolated himself from humanity
'Oid M, preparing for th e time when
\o ul d rule the Earth. Magneto can create
agneti c field s and control them so that he can
- 3 I objects made of metal , project force fields and
::elect ricity. So can science explain his abi lities?
:: steel are magnetic, and are attracted to either
~ or south poles of a magnet. Electromagnets
_ io ma ke trains that float over the rail s; these are
'Tlove forward than a conventional train , which
:of energy through friction between the rails and
ost material s, including water, are 'diamagnetic',
~·hat they are always repelled by both magnetic
~::e ani mals are mostly water, scientists have found
use a strong enough magnetic field , they could
e frog without hurting it at all.
Vocabulary Grammar
Verbs of moving and looking Modals GR p175-176

1 Decide which word in each group a-e is not a verb 1 Underline the modal verbs in a-g and match them
of movement. with their functions 1-7 below.
a creep glance stumble a I could ride a bike by the time I was five years
b hobble totter gaze old.
c limp plod glimpse b Passports must be shown at the border.
d glare stagger limp c We might arrive in time for the conference, but I
e peep trip crawl doubt it.
d The stewardess said we can unfasten our seat
2 Which verbs of movement in 1 hav similar belts now.
meanings? Choose the best verbs to complete a- e e You should put on overalls if you plan to paint
below. the bedroom.
f We don't need to get a ticket to park here.
a It was such a low tunnel into the cave that we
g Clare must be allergic to bananas - they always
had to .... ... ... on our hands and knees.
bring her out in a rash.
b We got completely lost on our walk and had to
.......... through lots of wet, muddy fields .
1 obligation 5 possibility
c I got home after midnight and slowly ...... .. ..
2 absence of obligation 6 ability
upstairs so I wouldn 't disturb anyone.
3 permission 7 strong advice
d Despite ..... .... . slightly after the first fence, the
4 assumption/ deduction
horse quickly recovered and won the race.
e My grandmother is extremely prone to accidents
and is always .... ...... over things. 2 Look at the picture and decide whether the
assumptions and deductions in a- g on page 73
3 Read the dictionary entries for synonyms of look. are justified, giving reasons. Then make other
Which verbs of looking from 1 are being defined? deductions from the clues in the picture.

a ......... a quick look: She stole a ....... at her watch.

b ... ... a long steady look at sb/sth: She felt embarrassed
under his steady ..... .
c ........... a look at sb/sth for a very short time, when you
do not see the person or thing completely: He caught a
00 00 00 00 of her in the crowd.
d ....... a long angry look at sb/sth: She fixed her
questioner with a hostile ..... .

~'" .•.

llJ Unit6
Exa mple 5 Complete a- f with an appropriate form of don't
The owners of the house can't be well off. )( need to or needn't and the verb in brackets.
The owners of the house must be well-off because
chey 've got a safe. a Look, there's no one else on the tennis courts.
We .. ... ..... (bother) to book one in advance.
a The safe can't be burglar-proof. b Apparently there are still plenty of tickets left for
J The burglars must have had a key for the flat. this year's festival, so we ....... ... (worry) about
- A neighbour might have called the police. getting hold of some.
~ There could have been more than one burglar. c My work colleagues kindly took me out to
e The burglars can't have taken any valuables. dinner to celebrate my promotion, and I
The police might have found a clue. . ... ... . . . (pay) a penny.
_ The owners couldn't have gone out for the d My husband and I bought a dishwasher
evening. yesterday, so we .......... (do) the washing-up
ever again!
' e modal verbs of assumption or deduction, and e You ....... ... (apply) for a visa to travel round this
· e verbs in brackets, to complete the dialogue. country, as far as I know.
It was much too cold to go swimming when I
-: Oh no! I put my bag down by the door and it's
was on holiday, so I ....... ... (pack) my bikini
gone! Someone .... ...... (1 steal) it!
after all.
- Don't be ridiculous. There's nobody here but us!
-. Yes, but we've been busy talking. Someone
... ..... .. (2 come) in quietly, picked it up and 6 Correct the modal verbs in these sentences .
lipped out with it. It's possible, you know. a Surely you mustn't be retiring this year? You
- Are you sure you didn't leave it on the bus? I look so young!
saw you put it down on the seat next to you. b You mustn't make up your mind about the job
You .... ..... . (3 leave) it behind when you got off. offer yet if you don't want to .
. o, I .... ... .. . (4 do), because I remember looking c How lovely to see you, Bill! And this should be
in it on the way here. I wanted to check I'd got your wife, Betty?
my mobile. d After many failed attempts, they could rescue
'Vel!, it's not here now. the trapped miners.
Oh dear, I .... .... .. (5 be) more careful with it, e I've just seen the weather forecast and it could
' know. Thank goodness there wasn't much in it. not be warm enough for a barbecue after all.
That's a relief! Let's just check at the police
-ration anyway. You never know, someone 7 Match modals a-e with their meanings 1-5. Then
.... ... .. . (6 hand) it in there. explain to a partner the rules of a game or sport
you know well, using a-e.
rnplete a-g with an appropriate form of can/able
a You don't have to/ need to ...
:::orry I ........ .. get out to meet you last night but b You shouldn't .. .
c Everyone has to
• had to babysit for some friends.
8ne day, we .. .. ... ... cure many common d You ought to .. .
:.Jnesses. e You mustn't .. .
·- took a lot of work but in the end the mechanic 1 It's forbidden to do it.
.. ... .. . get the car going. 2 The rules say so .
..... .. ... go ice skating for the past few weeks 3 It isn't necessary to do it.
ecause I've injured my leg. 4 It's advisable to do it.
~ rn .... ...... come to the phone at the moment 5 It isn't advisable to do it.
t I'll take a message if you like.
. child genius, he ... ..... .. solve difficult fractions
:· the time he was three years old.
-ove .......... stay in bed on Sunday mornings.

UnitS m
Listening Part 4 Multiple matching

1 Who would you include in a top five of today's best

live performers? Discuss your choices.

2 0 Listen to part of a radio programme about a singer

called Beyonce to find out:
a what Beyonce was accused of.
b whether the accusation was true.
c what effect her performance had on the audience.
d why she did not perform live.
e what action she performed that was misleading.

3 0 You will hear five short

extracts in which people are
talking about pop stars Remember that questions
1- 5 and 6-10 refer to
miming or 'lip-synching'.
the same five speakers,
While you listen, complete so scan across both tasks
tasks 1 and 2 below. while you listen.
The tip box will help you.


For questions 1-5, choose from the list A-H what each speaker feels about the music industry today.

A The only thing that matters nowadays is talent. Speaker 1 [li]

B The industry creates music that follows what's fashionable.
C Tickets for live shows should be offered to fans first. Speaker 2 Oil
D The industry's too concerned about what artists look like.
E It's not only professionals who can perform well.
Speaker 3 []l]
F It's a pity that a lot of talent is going to waste. Speaker 4 [El
G It's not always easy to obtain tickets for live concerts.
H Many singers are second-rate live performers. Speaker 5 [li]

For questions 6- 10, choose from the list A-H each speaker's attitude towards artists lip-synching.

A It would be unwise for some performers not to lip-synch.

B No professional musician should need to lip-synch.
Speaker 1
c Most singers who lip-synch simply look awkward. Speaker 2 [TI]
D It's better to watch a recorded performance than artists lip-synching.
E The press should give more coverage to the fact that artists lip-synch.
Speaker 3 DIJ
F Lip-synching is acceptable if you know it's going to happen. Speaker 4 [li]
G Lyrics aren't important any more so it doesn't matter if artists lip-synch.
H If artists lip-synch, this is an insult to the audience. Speaker 5 [liQ]
4 Are there any occasions when you think artists should lip-synch?

EJ Unit6
ea king Part 2

tch phrases a-e with the photos.

(in) fancy dress d (in) costume
make-believe e dressed up as
- putting on

nich of the people in the photos might be

eriencing these feelings? Explain why.
excited at the thought of something
lost in a world of their own
committed to what they are doing
apprehensive about what might happen
-elf-conscious about their appearance

"ith a partner, each choose a pair of photos to

mpare. Talk for a minute each about why the
ple have changed their appearance in these
·ays, and how they might be feeling.

trnember that in the exam you wil l be given threetip

otographs. You must choose two and ta lk about them.

k at your partner's photos and t~ll your partner, • Making decisions and giving reasons
no more than 30 seconds, which change of I'd go for this one because ...
earance would cause the greate.st reaction.
lt has to be this one because ...
Defin itely this one becau se there ...
Ifs difficult to decide between these two, but ...
I'm torn between them , but ...

Unit6 m
Use of English Part 1 Multiple-choice cloze

1 Discuss any tricks you have played on someone, or any good ones you
have heard about.

2 Read the newspaper article below quickly, ignoring the gaps, to find out
what trick a fast-food chain played and who was fooled by it.


A well-known fast-food chain recently p_ublished a
full-page advertisement announcing that they were
o .. .J?...... a new item to their menu- a 'Left-Handed
Burger', 1 ............ specifically for their left-handed
customers. According to the advertisement, the
dimensions of the new burger were identical to those
of the original burger, 2 ............ were the ingredients.
The difference was that the ingredients had been
rotated by 180 degrees to 3 ............ left-handed people
to handle the burger without 4 ............ .
The following day, April 2nd, the fast-food store
5 ............ that the story had been invented as an April
Fool's trick and the left-handed burger didn't exist.
Nevertheless, restaurants reported that they had
been visited by several thousand customers 6 ........... .
the new burger. Simultaneously, there were many
other concerned customers who insisted that staff
should provide them with their own right-handed
7 .. ........... It just proves how readily people can be
8 ............ , even on April Fool's day.

3 Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap in the text in 2.
0 A establishing B introducing c initiating D organising
1 A created B imagined c obtained D generated
2 A while B as c since D because
3 A enlist B endure c entitle D enable
4 A difficulty B issues C problem D damages
5 A conflicted B confessed c confided D conformed
6 A requesting B calling c attracting D appealing
7 A figure B form c version D adaptation
8 A trapped B disappointed C betrayed D deceived

4 Key word transformation Vocabulary
1atch phrasal verbs a-f with the similar meanings Expressions with right and left
- to take someone in 1 Choose the best explanation for the expressions
- to come up with (an idea) with right in a-g below.
- to get hold of (something)
- to own up a I thought that film we saw last night was really
"' to set up
to bring out
Too right - not my kind of film at all.
(I completely agree/I think you're being unfair)
_ confess b John's just popped out to get a paper but he 'll
- obtain be right back .
- deceive • (return eventually /return soon)
invent c By rights, the children should be in bed by now.
- publish (according to what is proper/only if necessary)
- establish d The company started distributing advertisements
for their products left, right and centre. (in three
Rewrite the second sentence in a-f keeping the locations/ everywhere)
eaning the same. Use three to six words including e My colleagues in my new job were so friendly
- e word given. Your answers from 4 will help you. that I felt at home right away. (completelyI
- Do you know whose invention this gadget was?
f Apparently our new manager is very friendly -
if you manage to get on the right side of him!
I wonder .... ........ .... the idea for this gadget.
(get him to realise you exist/ get him to like you)
- Have you any idea where I can obtain a cheap, g Paul didn't need to apologise because he knew
second-hand car? he was in the right.
HOLD (got answers right/ had justice on his side)
Where .... ........ ... . a cheap, second-hand car?
- The thief should have confessed to the crime 2 Match the expressions with left with the most
when he had the chance. suitable sentence in 1-4 and discuss their meaning.
OWNED a The left-luggage office is on platform three.
If only .. ... ...... ... .. the crime when he had the b David's got two left feet!
chance. c There were a lot of leftovers from our meal.
- Bob deceived me with his promises to invest d Sam doesn 't know his left from his right.
capital in the business. 1 So I don't need to cook anything new tonight.
TAKEN 2 He's the worst dancer I've ever seen.
I .. .. .. ..... ..... Bob's promises to invest capital in 3 We can leave our suitcases there.
the business. 4 That's why he's no good at giving directions.
- We regret not publishing the novel sooner.
BROUGHT 3 Look up left and right in a dictionary. Which one
We wish .. ..... .... .... . the novel sooner. has more idioms? How many new words can you
find that derive from each one?
The government formed a committee to oversee
the changes.
A committee ... .... .... .. ... the government to
oversee the changes.

Unit6 &J
Writing Part 2 A review WG p160

1 Name your favourite website and explain what sort

of website it is and why you like it. What are the
elements of a good website, in your opinion?

2 Which of the following features might a well-

written review of a website contain?
a clear, useful information
b a lively style to involve the reader
c some present tenses
d a good range of vocabulary
e comments on any special features•
f well-formed paragraphs containing topic
g section headings Men often find choosing presents for women
h good sentence and paragraph linkers really difficult. As fo r me, I used to go blank, and
an interesting introduction that catches the would then end up buying my partner something
reader's attention boringly predictable, like flowers. Then I discovered
a conclusion that recaps and gives a

So how does it work? You type in who the present

3 Read the writing task below and the model answer
is for, thei r age, what the occasion is, the price you
opposite and answer these questions.
want to pay and when the gift must be delivered and
a Does the answer address all parts of the task? simply click 'search '. You are then offered three ideas,
b Does the answer include appropriate items from
together with a helpful description telling you why each
a- j in 2 above? Give examples.
product would appeal to a woman . If the choices are
Yo u see th e ann oun ce ment below in an intern ation al not suitable, you just hit the 'Spin ' button. lt works a bit
magaz1n e. like a fruit machine - press the button and different gift
choices spin up on the screen .
Reviews wanted: useful websites
We want to publish reviews of websites that may This website takes all the stress out of choosing a
be new to our readers. Send in a review describing present. Instead of wandering round a department
a useful website you have used recently, explaining
what makes it stand out from similar websites, and store for hours, you have an online personal assistant
saying who it would appeal to most and why. with the perfect suggestion. There's even a 'Get out of
ja il' option in the form of a next-day delivery service
Write yo ur review in 220-260 wo rd s in an
for last-minute purchases. The price quoted for the
ap prop ri ate style.
ideal gift includes fancy wrapping- what man wouldn 't
appreciate that service?

ManBuysPresent.com is cooler, more user-friendly and

more intuitive than any other e-commerce site around
at the moment, and far more original. No wonder it's a
hit- not just with men either! Due to popula r demand ,
the site now offers similar gift advice to women buying
for the men in their lives. A top website for both
sexes then? Definitely!

4 Identify the topic of paragraphs 2 and 3 in the model answer.

5 Describe how your favourite website works using words

or phrases from the box.
On this site you can ... /This site offers ...
Let me explain how ... works.
You start by ... /The first thing to do is ...
Then, ... /Next, ... 1After that, you ...
Once you've done that, you ...
If/When you ... you are then able to ...
Click on ... if you ... /Clicking on ... enables you to ...
Just hit the ... when ...
You can choose to ... or ...
There's even a ...
What makes it better than similar sites is that it's (far) more ...

6 Find words and phrases in the review which mean the same
as a-g. There may be more than one answer. Why is each
equivalent word or phrase in the model more suitable?
a I had difficulty thinking of an idea
b use your computer mouse to select
c I will now tell you how to use the website
d how much you have to pay
e a lot of men would probably like the wrapping service
(it's) easier for people to use
g it's not surprising that it is so popular

7 Make a plan of four paragraphs for a review of a website you

have used. Base your plan on the following:
• Introduction
• How the site works
• Why the site is better than other similar sites/ extra features
of the site
• Conclusion

8 Using the paragraph plan you prepared in 7, write your

answer to the exam task. Use the how to do it box to help you.

how to do it
• Read the task carefully.

•• Make notes for al l the points you must include .

Make sure the information you give is clear and concise .
Engage your readers by using an interesting range of
vocabulary and structures.

Unit6 11
Review 5 Complete the comments in sentences 1-6 using a
word or phrase with right or left.

1 Rewrite the second sentence in a-c keeping 1 A I don't suppose you know what's showing at
the meaning the same. Use three to six words the cinema this weekend?
including the word given. B I've no idea but I can find out .. ............

a No one believed the accused's explanations 2 A I can't believe Tim hasn't passed his driving
about the illegal merchandise during the trial. test yet.
RING B It's no surprise to me - he doesn't know his
The accused's explanations about the illegal ............. from his ............. !
merchandise ............. to anyone during the trial. 3 A I'm sorry to hear that you were held
b Tom deceived Sally when he married her, as he responsible for the accident.
already had a wife. B It was extremely unfair. I was definitely in
PRETENCES ....... ...... and I intend to make an official
Tom married Sally ............. , as he already had complaint.
a wife. 4 A What makes you think that Richard will
c Buying poorer quality products at lower prices is never make a decent footballer?
not financially sensible. B Well, for a start, he's got two ..............
FALSE 5 A I'm starving. I don't suppose there's anything
It is a .... .. ....... poorer quality products at lower in the fridge to eat?
prices. B Only some ... ....... ... from last night's supper,
I'm afraid.
2 Circle the verb which matches the definitions in 6 A How come you're working this Saturday? ,
a-d. B ............. I shouldn't have to work weekends
a plod limp trip walk slowly with at all, but I'm covering for a colleague.
heavy steps
b totter stagger creep = walk in an unsteady
6 Use the following link words to complete this text
about the popularity of soap operas.
c hobble stumble crawl = almost fall over
d glance gaze peep = look steadily at 11 although after on the other hand
despite while so that as well as
3 Match one of the words you did not circle in 2 to
definitions a-e.
1 ............ the fact that soaps come in for a lot of
a look quickly then look away criticism, they remain one of the most popular forms
b walk with difficulty when one leg hurts of entertainment, 2 ............ being money-spinners
c move on your hands and knees for their producers. 3 ............ , this does not necessarily
d walk with difficulty when both legs hurt mean that they are of a consistently high quality.
e walk silently and slowly Perhaps it is not quality but suspense that attracts
so many ardent viewers. 4 ............ being left on
4 Circle the correct preposition in each sentence. tenterhooks at the end of each episode, fans have no
option but to tune in again next time 5 ............ they
a I remember being very self-conscious with/
about/of my appearance when I was young. can learn the characters' fate. In addition, 6 ........... .
b If you want to succeed in life, you need to be many people sneer at soaps, it is surprising how they
committed for/with/to everything you do. enthusiastically participate in conversations based
c What's the matter with Terry? He seems to be on their characters and storylines. The secret of their
lost in/for/to a world of his own nowadays. success may lie in the fact that fans identify with the
d Despite being understandably apprehensive for/ characters 7 ............ , at the same time, remaining
of/about her interview, it went off very well. detached from their trials and tribulations.
e The team were excited with/for/at the thought
of meeting their opponents in the Cup Final.

11 UnitS

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