IELTS Language Practice - p003
IELTS Language Practice - p003
IELTS Language Practice - p003
Between Towns Road, Oxford OX4 3PP Sion to reproduce their graphical data:
A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited The Economist Newspaper Ltd p123(Feb/18/2010); Guardian News
Companies and representatives throughout the world and Media Ltd pp93(1994/Jan/10),
ISBN 978-0-2304-1056-5 181(2009/Jun/03).
Text O Michael Vince and Amanda French 2011 The authors and publishers would like to thank the following for permis-
Design and illustration @ Macmillan Publishers Limited 2011 Sion to reproduce the following copyright material:
First published 2011 Material from 'What is the Channel Tunnel Rail Link — CTRL?' copyright
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission ofthe author;
written permission of the publishers. Material from 'Don't jump to conclusions', copyright O The Open University
2010, reprinted by permission of the publisher;
Designed by Xen
Illustrated by Oxford Designers & Illustrators Material from 'In touch: High pressure jobs linked to depression and anxi-
Cover design by Andrew Oliver ety' first published in New Zealand Management 01.09.2007, copyright@
Picture research by Catherine Dunn New Zealand Management 2007, reprinted by permission of the publisher;
Material from 'Subliminal advertising really does work, claim scientists' by
Authors' acknowledgements Richard Alleyne, copyright@Daily Telegraph Group Limited 2009, first
Michael Vince: thanks as ever to all the editorial team at Macmillan.
published in Ihe Daily Telegraph, 28.09.09, reprinted by permission of the
Amanda French: thanks to Liam, Georgia and Joe for support at home, publisher;
and colleagues and students at Languages International, Auckland for
Material from 'Met Offce says new super-computer will give more accurate
helping trial my material.
forecasts' by Simon de Bruxelles, copyright @ Ihe Times 2009, first
The authors and publishers would also like to thank the following for giving
kind permission to have their graphs reproduced by Bonnie Erba: