Technical Proposal KK
Technical Proposal KK
Technical Proposal KK
We, the undersigned, offer to provide our services for the Study and
Implementation of an
Integrated Management Information Systems in accordance with the
invitation to bid and our proposal. We are here by submitting our
Page 1
proposal, which includes this Technical Proposal and the Financial
Proposal sealed under a separate envelope.
If negotiations are held during the period of validity of the proposal, we
undertake to negotiate on the basis of the proposed staff. Our proposal is
binding upon us and subject to the modifications resulting from contract
We understand that you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive
We remain,
Sincerely yours,
Firm’s Reference
ERP system implementation for Dejen Airforce aviation Ethiopia
Page 2
Er Wondimu Taddesse
Fikremariam Teshome
Asmare Emerie
Mengistu Tefera
Dejen defence aviation >250
ERP system implementation for Ikhlas Import Export Ethiopia
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Mr Sachine Panchal
Er Wondimu Taddesse
Khalid Abdu
Efriem Aregaye
Fikremariam Teshome
Asmare Emerie
Mengistu Tefera
Ikhlas Import Export PLC >300
Page 3
Start Date Completion Date 52,500.00USD
No associated Company -
ERP system implementation for Labora International Ethiopia
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Mr Sachine Panchal
Er Wondimu Taddesse
Khalid Abdu
Fikremariam Teshome
Asmare Emerie
Labora International PLC >120
Page 4
Client address 6 Months
No associated Company -
ERP system implementation for Home elements Ethiopia
Page 5
Home Elements >120
No associated Company -
ERP system implementation for Zikri Import Export PLC Ethiopia
Page 6
Asmare Emerie
Zikri Import Export PLC >180
No associated Company -
ERP HR system implementation for Dhgeda Blanket Ethiopia
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Mr Sachine Panchal
Page 7
Er Wondimu Taddesse
Khalid Abdu
Fikremariam Teshome
No associated Company -
ERP HR system implementation for Zemili Paint factory Ethiopia
Page 8
Start Date Completion Date 6,500.00USD
No associated Company -
Page 9
Response to the TOR
Executive Summary
Date: - March 6,2012
KK TEXTILE FACTORY is about to set up an Integrated Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) System for its operations. This project has four
different phases. While the ultimate goal is to have this integrated
software environment built, it is without the hardware and the network
Page 10
infrastructure that it can be realized. The project has therefore been
classified into: -
System analysis
System design
System customization, and Implementation
Testing, Training, and Documentation
This document will focuses on the solutions proposed for the development
of automated ERP System for KK TEXTILE FACTORY. The proposed
solution takes in to consideration the future expansion, current IT
solutions, and existing IT infrastructure. Under this proposal; we have
summarized the systems required to be developed an integrated.
Our team has examined the need and requirement of the company and
has come up with a solution as follows. We recommend 3-tier system
architecture consisting of the Presentation Layer, the Business Logic
Layer, and the Data Layer. The presentation layer will consist of the User
Interfaces, meaning user access points, the Business Logic Layer will
contain the core of the business logic and operation code, and the third
Data Layer will be where all the data will be stored and retrieved. Each is
explained in detail in following sections.
o Financial Management
o Material Management
o Customer Management
o Sales
o Purchasing Management
o Human Resource Management
o Fixed Asset Management
o Archive and Correspondent Management
o Production Management and Quality Control
o Planning and Scheduling
Page 11
our accomplishments date in both the preliminary design and the plans
proposed to deliver against your requirements.
Page 12
o Customer Management
o Sales
o Purchasing Management
o Human Resource Management
o Fixed Asset Management
o Archive and Correspondent Management
o Production Management and Quality Control
o Planning and Scheduling
Pre-test/refine database:
Page 13
proposed system enables the data collection, management, analysis, and
reporting operations of the KK TEXTILE FACTORY office.
o Leave management
o Payroll processing
o Local Purchase
o Foreign Purchase
o Supplier database
o Store management
o Financial management
o General account
o Payroll Management
o Customer database
Production Management
Page 14
o Byproduct management
o Carcass management
Page 15
Employee promotion Over time report
Retirement process Training report
Retirement list report
Salary increment
Transfer report
Page 16
o It manages and keeps track of employees who terminate.
o It manages and controls employees’ medical histories.
o It keeps track employee attendance.
o It controls and manages employees’ grievance.
o It controls and manages employees working hours and
o It keeps track employee award and compensation
o Produce an active report of employees based on different
o Manages controls and tracks any physical and electronically
documents (these can be Letters, files, etc).
o Allow the recording of detail information for every
employee. The information includes: Id number, name,
full address, birth date, gender, marital status, ethnic
group, religion, position, educational level, previous
employment history, retirement date, pension no, salary….
o Record employee events like promotion, transfer, salary
increment, training award, performance appraisal,
disciplinary measure etc…., as soon as they occur.
o Track employee attendance (Time record), absenteeism,
overtime, employee on duty, employee on leave, ---etc
o Handle employee leave transaction based on the collective
agreement and then automatically update the information
every year or as the user requires.
o Associate every employee to the branch, department,
division, section and sub-section he belongs to.
o Mark public holidays of every year to allow automatic
calculation of annual leaves.
o Record salary scale and store the information for as long as
the user needs.
o Associate employee salary with the current salary scale to
automatically Performa salary increments for all employees
based on the collective agreement.
o Control employee attendance automatically by using
biometrics finger print attendance machine.
o Integrate with payroll module and send overtime and
absentee transactions to payroll automatically.
Page 17
o Generate a provident fund, salary wage and pay structure
report for each employee.
o Automatically generate a discipline notice letter for the
o Fuel management system
o Give a report on fuel consumption of each car, travelling
per kilometer…..
o Mange utility usage consumption like internet service,
water service, electric power service and any other utilities
of the company.
o Give a periodic report for each utility’s.
o Insurance management system like life insurance, transit
insurance, material insurance and other types of
o Give a periodic report on how much we cost for insurance.
Record detail personal information like full name and picture, Family
name (Father, mother, sisters and brothers), Gender, Address, Date of
Birth, Place of Birth, Ethical nationality, Marital Status (Name of spouse
and children if any), Language proficiency, Health certificate,
Certificate of good conduct, etc.
Page 18
o Provide necessary validation for each employee record.
o Alerts messages when temporary employee reaches at the
end of their contract.
o For easily updating employee records.
o For managing employee renewals.
In general the flow of employee recruitment
Requisition from dept
Approve by hr manager
Fill the necessary criterias for that postion
Fill the competitors data on the system
System will compare automatically
Select the competitors
It will generate a letter for the selected competitors
Generate interview time
System will automatically generate an interview letter
Fill the interview grade for each competitor
Based on that grade it will generate a form
Generate an employment letter for the selected employee
Page 19
performance module tracks the activities performed by employees and
measures the productivity associated with that activity.
Now days training is one of key factor for increasing the capacity of
employee thus company smoothly maintain its activity. Therefore
recording employee training, enable to make right decision for
promoting the employee.
This system calculates the net leave of the employee has and
administer accordingly. The system also announces the expired leave
of the employee and deduct from the net leave of the employee. This
enables the company to have up to date leave information for each
Page 20
Important feature of recording and managing leave:
To calculate dynamically the net leave of the employee.
To know the expired leave of the employee.
To keep track maternity leave, mourning leave, annual leave
and sick leave records.
By integrated its system with attendance sheet it deducts
from the leave employee already has.
In general the system flow will be like this
We will insert each employee’s balance once then
Page 21
to a time and attendance system to improve data accuracy and
The attendance machine (card system) will automatically control each
employees entering time and moving out time.
Page 22
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Page 24
Page 25
The main reports that will be generated by the system are listed as follow
Recruitment report(joined employee’s list) based on selected range
of date
Vacant position reports based on selected range of date
Employee details
Based on experience
Based on salary range
Based on gender type
Based on employment type
Family details
Educational backgrounds
Language capability…
Resigned employee’s list
Page 26
Day time
Holiday time
Weekly off(weekend)
Night time
Payroll reports
Pay slip report
Salary and wage register
Pension scheme report
Performance analysis report
Leave report
Annual leave
Sick leave
Maternity leave
Other leave
Utility usage report
Electric cost report
Internet cost report
Furnace usage report
Insurance report
Vehicle maintenance report
Electric maintenance
Motor maintenance
Body maintenance
Other maintenance
Disciplinary measure report
Fuel usage report
Vehicle Management
Master Transaction Report
Vehicle Maintenance Maintenance report
Maintenance type
Page 27
system registers all expenses made for each vehicles
System gives an option for registering detail information like date of
maintenance, vehicle name, company who make maintenance,
spare part changed, type of maintenance…
System generates maintenance report
Page 28
also includes running MRP Server, producing MPS Plan & MRP
Matrixes.It guides sales, purchase & stores departments.
Stores Portal : This basically includes management of Semi-Finish
Goods & Raw Material stores. Right from receiving material with DO
& generating GRN to Incoming QC to delivery of material under MR
is controlled through this portal.
Shipment Portal : This basically includes management of Finish
Goods stores often called Warehouse. Right from receiving Finish
Goods from Production Shopfloor, to preparing DO cum Performa
Invoice & issuing Finish Goods to Customers.
Engineering Portal : This basically includes management of
Production Recipes, Processes, BOM, Materials, Machine & Work
Maintenance Portal: This basically created for maintenance
engineers who are responsible for maintaining production line to its
maximum capacity. They will update machine condition & capacity
which will be ultimately used in MRP Capacity Requirement Planning
Engineering Management
Page 29
control the process of updating inventory records, bills of material,
routings—even current manufacturing orders. Engineering Change
Management incorporates revision levels and effective dates, making
change easier to manage. User-defined disposition information can be
used to specify the expected outcome of each engineering change notice,
and engineering change statistics help track the volume of change
requests being processed and identify those that are out of date.
NB. By product will be registered as one type of product group and the
system will manage all transactions of it
Page 30
the system will provide an option to register categorically
(pregnant, dangerous to health, needing,ehabilitation…) and the
failed cattle due to different reasonsseparately
The system provides a report of orders successfully delivered,
rejected orders and orders under process
o Shift plan
o Quantity per shift plan for a planned order
Page 31
HOW ERPWEB Panning works?.
The ERPWEB applications for production & shop floor management allow
you to manage the process from beginning to end. Work Center
Definitions and Routings give you control over the flow through your plant
and allow you to plan for the inevitable disruptions that happen to
Page 32
everyone. Manufacturing Order Processing manages your orders and
enables you to quickly see how to more effectively use your available
resources and change your production plans accordingly.
Page 33
Stock / Inventory Management
Advantages of stores:
Page 34
Delivery Due List --> Goods Receive from Production --> Increase Finish
goods stock & decrease WIP --> Packing List is also prepared --> Packing
Material also released from stores decreasing stores inventory &
increasing warehouse inventory --> Shipment Plan --> Transporter
arranged --> Goods Issue to Customer --> Goods Issue Approved --> DO
Generated --> Accounts Updates --> Goods Loaded & shipped to
customer --> Customer confirms receipt.
The delivery due list ( FGRECEIVE )ensures that shipments are not
missed because a phone call was not made or a paper order was
misplaced from sales department.
Invoicing activities are directly tied to shipping activities ensures
that billing is not missed because of delivery of goods not
communicated with accounts department.
Packing list ensures that product is shipped along with requested
Transporter details are managed to ensure timely transport facility.
Finished goods inventory is communicated in real time with
planning department to generate accurate planning.
Warehouses are maintained with inventory movement analysis.
Plant Maintenance
Oftentimes, management can lose sight of the role plant maintenance can
play within the organization. On-time shipment depend on consistent and
reliable equipment availability. Without this consistency, the company
can incur excess costs.
Page 35
Page 36
An option to send quality control comment and results on the
slaughtering process.
The system shall register separately the laboratory result for
incoming quality assurance , line quality
To have a future on registration and giving of comment on
returned products
Enables to check and approved quality of carcass, offal and
finished products.
To insert rejection of slaughtering when needed
The system provides an option to insert and send problems
happened on the process to line managers
Generally the quality control management system has the
following processes
Maintenance Management
In this functionality the system will do the following process:
Setting up of the maintenance to enter details of the machine
and any relevant data about maintenance activity and action
lists of the machines. Once the data has been entered then
further details required by the maintenance engineers can
also be entered for each plant.
Register Information about machines (all machine, spare part,
equipment maintenance type, , machine name, maintenance
place, spar part used , problem description and spar part cost
Enable to maintain ,view and setup the following information
for maintenance
Date Issued
Work order status like open, finished or closed
Page 37
Previous history like Machine working Hours
Up/Lower, down time etc..
Who maintain the requested maintenance relative
to what activities has been done.
Spare parts used for each activity for each
machine used
Summary of spare part consumption information
for each repairs and to show fast moving spare
parts information
Machine breakdown time
Solution given for each machine
Maintenance engineer name
Register a preventive maintenance plan with spare parts
To create a new PM Schedule or corrective maintenance plan
for each machines and piece of equipment used in the KK
TEXTILE FACTORY. manufacturing and alarm before the
maintenance schedule date is reached.
Automatically track and monitor Preventative Maintenance
activities to help protect KK TEXTILE FACTORY capital
Maintain and setup all operational information on each
machines like Activity Action List for all activities that will be
associated with a given machine, together with any action
lists that have been defined for each activity.
To alarm when each spare parts reaches minimum from a
given stock level.
Repair Comments used for reasons like why the maintenance
is delayed.
Show each spare part used for related activities and based on
the frequency of spare part for a specific machine and
Page 38
Shows Inventory Status Records: Dynamic information about
the current level of inventory for all components designated in
the BOM of each end item.
Page 39
* Additional reports and formats for SCM can be generated / customized
based on client requirements.
Page 40
• Deliveries are managed online, eliminating the need for a Hot List
printed report from your old legacy system.
• Tight integration among Purchasing, Production, Quality Control and
Accounting improves the overall business.
Supplier Master
Supplier Reg Master Form: The screen that appears contains following
fields in table named SUPPLIER & SUPPLIERREG:
Page 41
1. MATERIALNAME: Material supplied by supplier.
2. CAPACITY: Weekly Capacity of supplying this material by supplier.
Note that the capacity unit is per week basis.
3. LEADTIME: Supply, Intransit & Purchasing lead time in weeks from
supplier order to material delivery at your stores.
4. PARTCODE: Supplier Part code or material name. Your material
name and suppliers name & number may be different.
5. CURRENCY: Currency in which this materials purchase order and
payments will be processed.
6. UNITPRICE: Standard unit price provided by supplier for above
mentioned materials on time-to-time basis.
7. UNIT: Standard unit of product ordered and supplied by supplier.
8. MINORDERVAL: Minimum order value of purchase orders should
only be placed to suppliers is specified here.
9. PRICEVALIDFROM: Price mentioned above is valid from which date
is specified here.
10. POTYPE: Purchase Order type supplier accepts can be normal,
blanket, supermarket or consignee POs.
11. BIZALLOC: Business Allocation in % percentage for this
material and supplier is mentioned in this field Range[0-100].
3. PR - Purchase Requisitions
Two aspects about the requisition process can be proved beneficial. The
fact that the document was entered in the system one time by the original
requester minimized data entry errors & time. Also, the document history
maintained by ERPWEB allowed any user to see who had or hadn't
approved his or her requisition, whether the material had been ordered
yet, and whether anyone had changed anything in the requisition.
The requisitions hold much the same data as the planned orders do.
Primarily, the requisition identifies the material, quantity to be procured,
and several data values. The dates maintained on the requisition include
Page 42
the planned date (date the material requirement exists), delivery date
(date the material is to be received), and release date ( date the
procurement process is to be initiated to ensure timely delivery ). The
quantities and dates are calculated by the system from information
contained in master data. Similar to Planned Orders requisition can be
rejected or approved. The scheduling run typically creates unapproved
purchase requisitions.
Master Data fields for Purchase Requisitions are as follows: Table: PR and
Page 43
in RFQ's UNITCOST field. RFQ's from different vendors can be compared
and quotation that has best offer can be approved. The approved RFQ can
be then converted to Purchase Order PO.
"RFQ allows you to compare prises from different suppliers & select best
supplier for that item. You have successfully Posted Unapproved & Open
PR to RFQ-Request for quotation. Select this PR enter Supplier Details &
quote deadline date. Print RFQ & Send to Supplier. When Supplier sends
quotation enter unit cost & delivery date quoted by supplier. Compare all
quotations from different suppliers for that PR. Enter the selected supplier
in Supplier Master along with Item cost details. Offhold & Approve PR. PR
now can then be converted to PO. You should have registered Item in
Item master for generating valid PR which can be converted to RFQ. So it
is recommended that all new Items should be entered in Item master
before generating RFQ. All New Supplier should be entered in Supplier
master before approving PR."
Page 44
5. PO - Purchase Order
Normal Purchase Order: The ERPWEB system requires that the exact
quantity and delivery dates be identified on the purchase order. Purchase
Orders could be created in purchasing system, in addition to special terms
and conditions that would be typed in a word processor because they
didn't fit in the purchase order. Individual normal Purchase Orders are
created for adhoc items which does not have continuous requirements.
Page 45
Master Form associated to PO: Table: PO & View: POREG
Stores Functionality:
• The Sales Department has to no longer make repeated calls to the
Stores. The stock requirements list allows Production, Customer
service and purchasing personal to view and based on security
process items on the list.
Page 46
• Proper management of inventory results into reduced inventory and
reduced costs.
• Proper Inventory Analysis gives proper control of inventory through
• Integrated Purchase, Production and Accounts helps to manage
Stores without rushing for last minute run.
To execute good’s movement. These include:
• Goods receipts
Goods receipts are inbound movements of stock that has been received
as the result of a purchase order, production order, or for other reasons.
All goods receipts cause an increase in the total stock in inventory
management and warehouse management.
Goods issues
In the case off goods issues, the total stock in inventory management and
in decentralized warehouse management is reduced by the goods issue
posting. The task of the decentralized WMS is to determine the required
goods for picking in the individual storage bins in the warehouse and to
transfer them to the goods issue area.
• Stock transfers
If you have stock transfers of materials between two storage locations
(slaughtering service area), the goods are picked from the issuing storage
location (slaughtering service area) and put away in the destination
storage location.
• Posting changes
Posting changes usually refer to a change in the data of a particular
material. In this case, the goods remain at the same storage location, and
there is no physical transfer of the goods, for example, a change in the
batch number or release of blocked stock.
Material Receive
Page 47
• Calculates work expenditure
• Assigns a storage location for put away
• Updates order processing
Planning Monitoring & Analyzing Inbound deliveries
• Which deliveries are pending for goods receipt?
• Which deliveries are being processed?
• For which materials have the most deliveries been created?
• Which deliveries are based on certain purchase orders?
• Which deliveries result from which purchase orders?
• Which deliveries included certain purchase-order items?
• For which deliveries you need to initiate activities in the warehouse?
The following functions are available at goods receipt:
• Goods receipt referencing a purchase order
A purchase order can be placed with either an external vendor or an
internal vendor (for example, a distribution center).
• Goods receipt not referencing a purchase order
You can have the system automatically generate a purchase order to
enable you to verify the invoice.
• Goods receipt referencing a delivery
A goods receipt can be entered for deliveries with or without purchase
order reference.
• Rough goods receipts : This is the first step in a two-step goods
receipt. Only the information contained in the delivery note from the
vendor is entered in the system.
Page 48
The system also closes purchase order if its quantity equals
delivery quantity since no more quantity can be received for this
purchase order.
Page 49
Tax Structure Maintenance Report date
Lead List
Lost Job
Success Job
Salesmen wise
Campaign Performance
Territory Performance
Salesmen Performance
Marketing Performance
Report with different
Page 50
o The system allows to search customers by
The system allows maintenance of
o Tax structure type (nontaxable, 2 %, 8% ....)
o Editing, viewing, deleting and updating types of tax
o new types of tax structures
o automatically add those taxes on items when a sales is
o The system records all available sales type (cash sales,
credit sales, consignment sales).
o The system records information about items/products
(name, product group, price, expired date, tax applicable
o The system allows to record new items and products
o The system allows to edit, view, update and delete
information’s about items or products
o The system allows to insert price for each item or product
o The system allows to edit, view, delete and update price of
products for an authorized person only
o provides an option to register our sales plan
o provides an option for offer plan
o gets an approval of GM before taking effect
o Make comparisons of the actual sales versus sales plan on
periodic wise.
o Automatically forwards our plan expense request to finance
Page 51
Price listing management
In this functionality the system does the following tasks
o To show manufacturing, overhead, labor cost….. and other
costs to make decisions
o accept proposed price from finance department
o Notify a raw material price when there is a change.
o have option to insert price list for each item and product
o gives an approval right for finance department
o Block the price change without General Manager’s approval.
o Give a right to change a price, only for authorized person.
o Inform the general manager whenever the price changing is
o Automatically takes effect on sales price when the price
change is done
o Provides an option for date wise price allocation
o Provides date wise sales price report.
Discount Management
In this functionality the system does the following tasks
o provides an option to set discount on both cash and credit
o Provide options for the General manger to give approval
whenever a discount sales is held.
o Allows providing of discount per customer wise.
o Provides maximum level of discount and
o System blocks or goes to higher authorized person for
approval when discount is much.
o gives an approval right for General Manager
Tender management
The process precedes the following tasks
o provide a secured price inserting method
o The system provides an option for inserting our documents
o The system provides an option for inserting price for each
o The system provides printing option of documentation
o provides an alarm for the deadline
Page 52
Sales invoice Management
The process precedes the following tasks
o Issuing of invoices on the basis of goods and services
o Issuing of credit and debit memos based on requests
o Issuing of Performa invoices
o Cancellation of billing transactions
o Issuing of returns
o Transfer of posting data to Financial Accounting (FI)
o works in corporate with Maraki-POS system
Based on entry of
quotation sales Selected bid from
order auction
Stock Upload e-
transfer PO
Page 53
o making a cash sales
o system accepts cash by CPO, by cheque, direct cash and
supplier account
o print 3 invoices one for clerk, one for store and one for
o approval right for Sales manager to make a cash sales
o automatically bring price when clerk select item name
o make the total price when item price is selected
o Provide cash sales report
o Posts automatically the cash sales invoice to store
o Automatically transfer the invoice to finance for cash sales
account posting
o If they insert VAT like for non VAT applicable products, the
system shall block.
o print 3 invoices one for clerk, one for store and one for
o Gives an option for general manager approval while making
credit sales.
o Sales manager have an approval right for making credit
o Finance manager have an approval right for making credit
o Bring automatically the price, when clerk select item name
and /or item no.
o Add the total price automatically when item price is selected
o Provide credit sales report.
o Transfer invoices automatically to finance for credit sales
account posting purpose.
o The system automatically posts the credit sales invoice to
o The system blocks if they choose a wrong data like for non
VAT applicable products if they insert VAT
o The system notifies or provides an alarm when payment
collection date is reached
Page 54
o The system provides a pending customer ledger
Page 55
Auction Order Management
o options to insert companies auction documents
o Gives a right for the right person to select and approve the
best auction.
o When Auction period is over the system shall select best bid
from inserted documents
o Converts this selected best bid into Auction Order
Page 56
1. Reports
Page 57
Item price
Total item price
VAT(if applicable)
Discount percent(if available)
From which ware house issued
Customer name
Customer tin no
Customer address
Sales person
From which warehouse issued
Invoice prepared by
o Periodic sales history
o Delayed delivery report shall show
Customer name
Purchase order number
Item name
Delayed date
Delivered date
o Pending order report
o Customer payroll
o Customer complain report
o Graphical presentation of monthly sales report
o Monthly wise sales report shall generate
Sales amount
Products sold
Page 58
Sales amount
Products sold
Page 59
(Account Group)
Calendar Master Voucher Entry Ledger Report
Charges Type Master Out Standing Report
Trial Balance
Balance Sheet (H)
Balance Sheet (V)
Profit & Loss Account (H)
Profit & Loss Account (V)
Pay slip
Income tax report
Provident fund report
Payroll report
Introduction to Accounting:
Accounting is the language of business, it involves identifying, measuring
and presenting economic information about the business, judge its
performance and take certain decisions. For this reason certain norms and
systems of accounting have been developed and perfected.
Accounts Tree:
General Ledger:
Asset Management:
Management Control:
Page 60
In order to implement the codeless concept of accounting and enforce a
strict data integrity system to prevent from falling into error traps,
ERPWEB requires you to follow following standard conventions.
Remember, the efficiency and utility of the entire system mainly depends
on how well you plan this tree according to your existing accounting
practice and requirements.
To keep the link and integrity consistent, it does not allow to delete a
group if any child group or Ledger is existing. Similarly, it does not allow
to Delete any Ledger Account if Voucher exists for the Ledger. This
principle applies for all Masters.
Page 61
The most commonly used route to access the Accounts Master is the
following menu path:
Account Group Master Form: The screen that appears contains following
fields in table named ACCGROUP & view ACCGROUPREG:
Page 62
3. GROUPNAME: Account Group name should be entered here
appropriate to specific heads mentioned above.
Account Group Details Form: The screen that appears contains following
fields in table named ACCGROUPDET & view ACCGROUPDETREG.
General Ledger (G/L) accounts are the backbone for the entire ERPWEB
System. All transactions that effect external reporting requirements are
reflected in G/L Accounts. For instance, a goods receipt in Stores will
increase the inventory account, just as billing a customer in Account will
increase the receivable accounts.
The most commonly used route to access the Accounts Master is the
following menu path:
Account Master Form: The screen that appears contains following fields in
table named ACCOUNT & view ACCOUNTREG:
Page 63
3. ACCOUNTNAME: Specify account name here.
4. ACCOUNTDESC: Specify account description here.
5. OPENINGDATE: Specify opening date for this account ledger
Account Details Form: The screen that appears contains following fields in
table named ACCOUNTDET & view ACCOUNTDETREG. This form is used to
maintain year end and year beginning opening balance posting.
Page 64
4. GL - General Ledger
General Ledger (G/L) accounts are the backbone of ERPWEB system. All
transactions that effect external reporting requirements are reflected in
G/L accounts. For instance, a goods receipt (MM) will increase the
inventory account, just as billing a customer will increase the receivable
Page 65
Cost Center Allocation - All Cost Center Related Transactions can be
entered here.
Accounts Receivables - Account Receivables Transactions are stored
Accounts Payable - Account Payable Transactions are stored here.
Receipts Book - All Payments Receipts from customers is stored
Payments Book - All Payments made to Supplier is stored here.
Debit Note Book - Debit Notes are created and stored here.
Credit Note Book - Credit Notes are created and stored here.
Bank Book - All bank pass book entries are stored here.
Stock Book - Year end closing stock entries are stored here for
stock analysis
5. Voucher Transactions
Reference Accounts
Process Debit Credit
Documents Voucher
Page 66
1. Delivery of Performa
Finished Goods. Invoice / Receivables Account Sales (Sales
Shipment of Delivery Voucher Receivables A/C)
Goods Order
2. Send Sales
Invoice to
Sales Debtors Account
customer. Match Sales Invoice
Voucher (Buyer A/C) Receivables
3. Receive Cash &
Debtors (Buyer
Payments from Payment Receipt Bank (A/C
A/C Received
Customer & send Receipt Note Voucher deposited
Receipt Note in)
4. Receive stock
DO from Purchase
items from Payable Account
Supplier & (Purchase
supplier. Match DO Voucher Payables
and PO.
5. Receive Invoice
from Supplier. Purchase Purchase Account Creditors
Match-Invoice-DO- Invoice Voucher Payables (Seller A/C)
PO quantity.
Creditors Cash & Bank
6. Send Payments Payment Payment
(Ledger A/C (A/C paid
to supplier. advise Voucher
paid to) from)
7. Rejection of
Sales Sales
Finished goods. Debtors (Buyer
Credit Note Return Returns
Send Credit Note A/C)
Voucher (Sales A/C)
to Customer.
8. Rejection of
Purchase Purchase
Material. Send Creditors
Debit Note Return Return
Debit Note to (Seller A/C)
Voucher (Purchase A/C)
9. Claiming
Traveling, Claims Form Expenses Cash & Bank
Shipping Freight,
Rent, etc.
10. Salaries given Expense
Payslip Expenses Cash & Bank
to employees Voucher
Page 67
11. Contra or
Journal Journal
General any account any account
Voucher Voucher
Accounting Entries
12. Transfer
closing stock value
calculated as per Stock Stock
Inventory Expenses
FIFO / LIFO or Transfer Voucher
Weighted Average
13. Fund Transfers
Contra Contra Destination Source of
between Cash &
Voucher Voucher of Funds Funds
Bank Accounts
Page 68
To Manually print approved voucher please go through following menu
Approved voucher can form audited Trial balance, Balance sheet & Profit
and Loss account.
Adjustment entries:
1. Closing Stock (assets): Stock at the end of the year is valued and
an entry is passed as follows:
o Debit : Closing Stock
o Credit : Trading Account
2. For Expenses outstanding:
Page 69
o Debit : Expenses
o Credit : Expenses outstanding
3. For Expenses paid in advance
o Debit : Prepaid Expenses
o Credit : Expenses
4. For Incomes outstanding
o Debit : Accrued Incomes
o Credit : Income
5. For Income received in advance
o Debit : Income
o Credit : Advance Income
6. For Depreciation
o Debit : Depreciation
o Credit : Asset
7. For Bad Debts
o Debit : Bad debts
o Credit : Debtors
8. For Interest on capital
o Debit : Interest
o Credit : Capital Account
9. For Interest on drawings
o Debit : Capital Account
o Credit : Interest
10. For discount on debtors
o Debit : Discount
o Credit : Debtors
11. For Repairs, Charity or Compensation
o Debit : Repairs, Charity or Compensation
o Credit : Cash
6. AR - Accounts Receivables
The final piece of the sales process is payment receipts. In business terms
this final step is the management of accounts receivables. The accounts
receivable system is the accounting structure for customers. Within
ERPWEB, accounts receivables is deeply integrated in the sales system
where items like deliveries and invoices are recorded for each customer.
Each of these transactions within ERPWEB creates a material document
that automatically posts a corresponding FI record. This means that an
accounts receivable posting automatically updates the general ledger.
Accounts receivables is done with following documents:
Page 70
How ERPWEB Accounts Payable works:
The last step in the sales & distribution life cycle is Invoicing. If all the
processes of Order Entry and Shipping have been completed without
error, Invoicing should be a simple task to perform. All closed DO or
Performa Invoice creates Billing Due List. Similar to Delivery Due List, the
Billing Due List Scans all delivered line items to return a list of items
ready to be billed. It is possible to combine many shipments to a single
customer into a single invoice. Using settings on the Customer Master, as
well as in Billing Configurations, the rules behind consolidations like Billing
cycle e.g weekly, monthly etc can be established. As with the Delivery
Due List, a single invoice can be created from the result of the process or
the entire invoice can be created at once.
Page 71
The data can be viewed in Sales Voucher via Sales Register or Sales
The most commonly used route to approve sales order & create sales
invoice is through following menu path:
Approved Sales Order can be assigned sales invoice number & sales
voucher can be created through following menu path:
The most commonly used route to print sales invoice is through following
menu path:
The most commonly used route to receive payment against sales invoice
& create Receipt Voucher is through following menu path:
Page 72
To approve receipt of payments after bank verification please go through
following menu path:
The final piece of the purchase process is payment. There is no free lunch,
as the old saying goes. In business terms this final step is the
management of accounts payable. The accounts payable system is the
accounting structure for vendors. Within ERPWEB, accounts payable is
deeply integrated in the purchasing system where items like deliveries
and invoices are recorded for each vendor. Each of these transactions
within ERPWEB creates a material document that automatically posts a
corresponding FI record. This means that an accounts payable posting
automatically updates the general ledger. Accounts payable is done with
following documents:
Page 73
Supplier is happy because they get fast payment and any
discrepancy found is well communicated in timely fashion.
Supplier can directly feed invoice into ERPWEB System from their
premises via internet.
Supplier Invoice can also be uploaded from XML or Excel files send
by supplier with small custom program.
Menu Path: eFRM-Finance Dept. --> General Ledger --> Accounts Payable
--> Payments
Page 74
12. Receipts / Payments Collections due list
The most commonly used route to receive payment against sales invoice
& create Receipt Voucher is through following menu path:
Menu Path: eFRM - Finance Department --> General Ledger --> Account
Receivables --> Receipts
Page 75
RECEIPTS TABLE consists of following fields:
Debit Note
Incoming Raw Materials Rejected via DR can generate Debit Note through
following menu path: Done flag is set on.
Page 76
To create debit note manually use following menu path:
The most commonly used route to register finished goods returned from
customer is through following menu path:
Menu Path: eMRP - Mfg. Department --> Shipment --> FGReceive -->
Menu Path: eMRP - Mfg. Department --> Shipment --> FGReceive -->
Approve --> Rejected
You can view Rejected Finished goods register using following menu path:
Menu Path: eMRP - Mfg. Department --> Shipment --> FGReceive -->
The most commonly used route to create credit note is through following
menu path:
Page 77
Menu Path: eFRM - Finance Department --> GeneralLedger -->
CreditNote --> Open
The most commonly used route to transfer credit note to accounts ledger
is following menu path:
There are two sources for a business house to find out the balance at
bank. One source is the bank account in the ledger. The second is the
pass book or statement rendered by the banker to the customer. If cash
book shows a debit balance, pass book shows a credit balance and vice-
versa. As amount entered are same, both the sources should show the
same amount of balance. However, in practice these two balance do not
always agree. The reason for this are discussed subsequently. So
periodically every business house having a bank account should prepare a
reconciliation statement to reconcile the two balances which often differs
for various reasons mentioned below.
Bank pass book is entered here. It is generally used to store bank records
and then compare this records with accounts to generate bank
reconciliation statement. If Balance in Bank book is not same as Pass
book then find out transactions not specified in Bank book & specified in
Pass book. Enter those transaction manually here in bank pass book using
following menu path:
Page 78
Menu Path: e-FRM-Finance Management --> GeneralLedger -->
[this program should be customized as per banks file & data format]
To approve bank pass book follow this menu path. After approval the
passbook is locked & cannot be modified.
Page 79
Detail Bank Book contains following fields:
Page 80
2. Have a limited useful life.
3. Are held for business use and not for purpose of sale.
1. historical cost of the depreciable asset when the asset has been
2. expected useful life of the depreciable asset; and
3. Estimated residual value of the depreciable asset.
Page 81
Methods of recording depreciation:
Disposal of an asset:
Page 82
4. If there is shortage on the credit side, it represents loss on disposal
and the same is transferred to profit and loss account by the
following entry:
o Debit : Profit and loss account
o Credit : Asset disposal account
5. If there is shortage on the debit side, it represents profit on disposal
or viewed in another way it represents the excess depreciation
provided in the past now credited back to profit and loss account.
o Debit : Asset disposal account
o Credit : Profit and loss account
Year 1: By Depreciation
Year 1: To Cash account 25000 account 8/100*25000
By Balance c/d
Year 2: By Depreciation
Year 2: To Balance b/d 23000 account 8/100*25000
By Balance c/d
Year 3: By Depreciation
Year 3: To Balance b/d 21000 account 8/100*25000
By Balance c/d
Page 83
Year 1: 12th Month - By
Year 1: 4th Month - To Cash
30000 On $ 30000 for 9 months 2250
9th Month - To
20000 On $ 20000 for 3 months 500
Year 1: 12th Month - By 47250
Balance c/d
Year 2: 12th Month - By
Year 2: 1st Month - To Depreciation:
Balance c/d 47250 On $ 47250 for 1 year 4725
7th Month - To 10000 On $ 10000 for 6 months 500
Cash Year 2: 12th Month - By 52050
Balance c/d
Year 3: 1st Month - By
Cash (Sale)
Year 3: 1st Month - By
Year 3: 1st Month - To (Loss on sale of machine $
Balance c/d 8325 - $ 3000)
Year 3: 12th Month - By
Year 3: 12th Month - By
Balance c/d
Asset: All asset Transactions like Purchase, Depreciation & Sales are
stored / calculate here.
Page 84
Menu Path: eFRM-Finance Dept. --> Asset Mgmt --> ASSET --> Open
Menu Path: eFRM-Finance Dept. --> Asset Mgmt --> ASSET --> Post
Menu Path: eFRM-Finance Dept. --> Asset Mgmt --> ASSET --> CalcDepr
Menu Path: eFRM-Finance Dept. --> Asset Mgmt --> ASSET --> Post Depr
Asset Sales can be recorded in Sale Price field using following menu path:
Menu Path: eFRM-Finance Dept. --> Asset Mgmt --> ASSET --> Open
Asset Sales can be recorded in Sale Price field using following menu path:
Menu Path: eFRM-Finance Dept. --> Asset Mgmt --> ASSET --> Approve
Approved Asset Sales can be posted into accounts & asset depreciation is
closed using following menu path:
Menu Path: eFRM-Finance Dept. --> Asset Mgmt --> ASSET --> Post
Asset Sale
Page 85
Table ASSETDET has following fields linked to ASSET:
Page 86
Division) revenues of the division; to be evaluated
Objective: Maximize Sales on the basis of achievement of the
Revenue budgeted targets.
Trial Balance:
Balance Sheet:
Profit & Loss Accounts:
G/L Account Statements:
Cost Center Statements:
Aging Analysis Statements:
ERP FRM system supports the following three processes in petty cash
Petty cash establishment: system will register the name of the cashier or
someone else who is responsible for managing petty cash
Petty Cash replenishment: system has an option to set a replenishment
point so whenever it reaches to this amount system will alarm
Petty cash closing at the end of financial year
Page 87
19, Government Obligations
Income tax
Profit tax ….
Financial Reports -
Page 88
Page 89
Clinic Management
Requirements Specification Document for ERP-CM (Enterprise Resource
Planning Clinic Management)
Page 90
The aim of the proposed system is to address the limitations of the
current system.
Following are the objectives of the proposed system:
The system provides facility to record, store, retrieve & search
medical records in electronic mode which can be accessed using
web technology
The system should provide workflow facility so that documents
travel as and when required between different users like Doctors,
Nurses, Patients, Admin staff, Clearing House and Insurance
The system should provide admin facility to control Roles, Rights
& duties for end users.
The system should be flexible enough so that it can be modified
without programming.
Entire system should be available on the web
System should accommodate a wide variety of clients in different
geographical areas.
System should provide flexible deployment on client side with
net connectivity by limiting resource requirements to Browser,
System URL, and Username & Password only.
The system should be built so as to make components reusable
for future developments.
The system should provide highest security using latest
The system should reduce existing cycle time by at least 20%.
System Requirements
System provides Self Registration facility to Patients online via
web or from Clinic based Kiosks or front office admin staff.
System provides Self Appointment facility to Patients online via
web or from front office admin staff via phone
System provides waiting room check-in facility as patient self-
check-in facility via Kiosks
Systems also allow facility of Prescription Refill to patients via
online web.
System provides Patient vital statistics entry screen to Nurses to
enter vital statistics for each patient before encounter.
Page 91
Nurses makes patients ready for encounter & doctors can see
encounter ready patients list and should be able to call each
patients as per their turn.
System provides facility to Doctors for entering diagnosis or
encounter SOAP data.
System also allows doctors to enter/order Prescription, Lab test
or Referrals.
System also allows doctors to do Prescription refill approval or
System allows billing staff to prepare bills for clinics.
System allows entry of codes automatically as well as manually
in the bills
System provides bill-printing facility as per requirement
System provides role based user defined menu based portals for
each user like Doctors, Nurses, Admin staff, Patients etc. with
standard portal facilities like Links, Workroom or Clinic Guidelines
System provides necessary reports as per requirements yet to be
System maintains coding database as per requirements yet to be
Laboratory Investigation(hematology, chemistry, urine
analysis, stool examination)
Vital sign sheet(fill by Nurses)
Nurses valuation sheet
Medication sheet
Laboratory results
Page 92
Patients list
Demographic patient summary
Patient Document
Web Design
Being professional with extensive experience in the field of website
design and development, our record of satisfactory delivery of turnkey
operational websites deployed for such large governmental,
nongovernmental and international organizations, currently on the
Web, are glaring examples of our developers past achievements.
Among these websites are listed below.
In most of the webs we developed, our task was especially in the
dynamic database integrated ones, were ranging from designing of
website & database and development to testing the systems online.
Also, our experience on several hosting servers as web administrator,
helps us to suitably set up databases on the hosting server, proper
propagation of the domain names, and file transfer(uploading the final
websites to the hosting server ), …etc ; meeting the goal – releasing
the website live for the target audience ultimately.
Page 93
- Static page
- Dynamic page (advanced)
- Data base operation
- Modify information on the database(CMS)
- Set up web mails
Page 94
Description of provided service:
Website development for Medtech Ethiopia PLC
- Dynamic page (advanced)
- Data base operation
- Modify information on the database(CMS)
- Client page with a feature of
Company profile
Products available
Discount products
By product name
By category
Page 95
3. Labora International PLC-
Role in the project:
- Detailed requirement assessment based on the needs of each
department and services of Labora International PLC.
- Based on the requirement assessment and analysis, prepare a first
draft Labora International PLC website design and proto type
- Present the prototype website to department and spectral
representatives of Labora International PLC and get comment.
- Present the final form of the website incorporating the comments
give by the representatives.
- Upload the final /accepted version/ of the website on the server.
- Provide maintenance and support up to at till now.
Page 96
Description of provided service:
A web site for the Yonas Sand Paper Factory.
- Dynamic pages
- Modifying information on the Database and Operations(CMS)
Page 97
Mentioned are websites that are relevant to this project and that
were given to our developers to handle the whole work.
Other websites list, developed by the developer, are shown in
the CV
In general the website will be designed in such a way that visitors are
able to surf the site easily. So, well designed navigational links will be
incorporated so that the visitors smoothly and easily navigate throughout
the entire website keeping consistency as well.
The website, being a bilingual(Amharic and English), will be designed to
support text, images (photo), different files (in PDF, Word document,
etc…) and placing such contents in order that easy access in terms of
downloading time and well look & feel display. It provides visitor to put
their suggestion in directly. Based, on the target audience’s usage,
interest and suggestion, it will be operational with different approaches.
The website being equipped with sound graphical user interfaces (GUI –
user friendly) includes from pages that are dynamic (database integrated)
and needs especial dynamic content management system to regularly
update dynamic pages such as About KK TEXTILE FACTORY, Bids, News,
Vacancy, Events, Media, Resources, Contact Us, and …etc . Accomplishing
these, the website will transfer a message that keeps its own quality &
standard centralizing its audience and transfer ideas goes along with the
expected outcome getting excellent results, ultimately.
Page 98
possible, to maintain cross platform compatibility. We will do as the client
wishes in these regards.
The pages will be designed with standard screen resolution (VGA
600*800), cascading style sheets (CSS) touch for layout consistency and
JavaScript for client side programming. Web/Database integration will be
handled using PHP and MySQL. All pages will be tested for compatibility
with current popular browsers like Internet Explorer (IE), Netscape
navigator, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome and others browsers
with the same class.
The site being a true client/server application will generate reports
whenever there is a need… etc and will have online help manual.
A Dynamic Content Management System (CMS) is essential to website
development especially with the volume of content on the typical Website
growing each year. It has a profound use for the website modulator (web
master). We will define your Content Management needs and identify
technologies to improve your Web content production and publishing
systems. Make no mistake - if you are running a substantive website
without a CMS, you will hit a wall where your website is no longer
sustainable because you can't update your site reliably or quickly enough.
From that point, we will design almost your entire web infrastructure to
put a CMS in its place.
Page 99
5. Fundamentals: agency name, linking policy, linking to
governmental & Non-Governmental Site, reviewing external links,
advertising, news pages and other will be developed very well and
effort will be taken to make them put in content management them
so that updating such pages is easy and automatic.
6. A form-to-email system which allows surfers to submit suggestion
or question via Internet.
7. will have Clarity of subject and information management
8. Generate interest in the website
9. Give a professional image of the Forum, its partners and its
10. Search facility to allow free text searches on article content (with
results ranked by relevance) and document summaries including
pdf and Word documents. An effective search mechanism is
fundamental to the success of the site.
11. Capability to fill membership application on line.
12. Capability for fill event forms on line.
13. The user interface must run on any well-known browser including
14. The website should be designed taking the slow connection in the
country into consideration
15. Subscribe / unsubscribe to mailing list.
16. Ability to monitor and report on website usage
17. A means to highlight new/key content on the site e.g. on the
landing page having a reserved space for highlighting key events
and new additions to the site.
18. Regarding to having higher ranking in search machines (Engines)
such as Google, Yahoo, AOL, etc, the following work will be done:
High attention will be given to Metadata and keyword
descriptions so that the search and engines easily identify the
website and list it on the top of their search results.
Every page of the website will be updated with best keywords
and description
Every images and links in web pages will be equipped with
proper ALT tag and Titles
A Google account will be created for KK TEXTILE FACTORY
and its domain name will be submitted to Google/webmaster
Tools with its Site map so that Google search engine crawls it
and indexed its pages to make it in the top list of search
Page 100
Add Google Analytics to every page and test to see that data
is being received into Google Analytics account
Submit the final site to most popular search engines in US
and Europe such as Google search, Yahoo search, AOL search,
AltaVista … etc.
Create Google Analytics that generate detailed Statistics
about the visitors – a facility to obtain traffic analysis of final
To be clear and more specific, we guarantee you that the web portal
will have the following minimum features, in general:
o User management
o News management
o Feed back and inquiry management with captcha
o Bidding and procurement announcement , from downloading
o Vacancy management
Page 101
o Bilingual (Ameharic and English )
o The system enable all contents of the website should be
convertible both in Amharic and English
o Multimedia Gallery
o Help desk Facility
o Dynamic Menu (side and top, accessible drop down menu)
o Styles and lay outs
o Search (web site contents of website ,department ,process,
services, office )
o Login for staffs
o OWA Mail Accessing for staffs
o Traffic management and information
o Upload and download management
o One year support period
o Full documents(administrative and user)
o Administrative Full training
o Submit all source codes, content and images to bureau.
o The bidder /Developer will register the site with dominant
search engines: google, Yahoo, MSN/Live, Ask.
o Alert
o Print version
o Pdf conversion feature
o Link management
o Copyright to BOWRD , at bottom bar
o Attractive site (Nice look and feel)
Page 102
o Ulead GIF Animator
o Swish
3. Web Hosting
We save your valuable management time by automating such time-
consuming aspects of web-hosting as account creation, resource
allocation, etc …. We will provide a simple, easy to use web interface that
allows your technical staff to maintain your web hosting system from any
computer with internet connection. The hosting we are going to provide
you runs only industry standard software.
4. Deliverables
Final Website Original/full Code and Database
Page 103
5. Obligation of KK TEXTILE FACTORY
KK TEXTILE FACTORY is obliged to provide contents required for the
website in a timely manner in soft copy so as to avoid delay in website
development Schedule.
6. Training
Giving attention to the need of transferring knowledge to IT staff of KK
TEXTILE FACTORY, We will give training on how to administer and
maintain the website in order to minimize down time and to help carrying
out similar tasks
In addition, we will conduct Training for two ICT staffs:
o Full training of PHP and MYSQL based web development
o Practical based training
o Award recognized Certificates
The Bureau will facilitate training room and computers, LCD
The trainees will be provided well published training manual.
8. Conclusion:
A website today represents the first contact point for many prospective
clients. It is, in a nutshell, showing how professional a company is, and
what kind of attitude they have in introducing themselves. In close
consultation with us, we will discuss the interface and layout of the site
with you, to ensure the site is attractive, appealing and reflects the
appropriate image. We shall utilize extensive usability survey to ensure
the site is simple to navigate and encourage usage. Along with having
an appealing and attractive look and feel to the site, the content of the
site must be precisely what the visitor needs to see.
A clear, crisp view of the information on the site is paramount in
relation to finding specific information on a site. At this early stage, we
would anticipate the use of databases to store articles and information
of interest. To provide major benefit to the Bureau, the site should
have significant amounts of information available to the user. This
information must be easily accessible and presented in such a way as
to encourage use. Information on the site must be able to be quickly
and easily update using CMS.
Page 104
Project engineering development phases (processes) would use the
following combination of the state-of-the-art methodologies and
Page 105
Centralizes business rules into a separate layer
Any of the components/layers can moved to any machine thus
improving scalability and centralization
Development takes a little longer which is not an issue exactly
because it going to be fruitful finally.
Flexible ERP Technology ERPWEB USES SoftRobot Codeless
Development Tools along with other tools to help you quickly
modify programs.
Security Technologies ERPWEB has unique Document Signing
feature which can provide security on each document
Workflow Technologies1. Lotus Notes 2 MS Exchange 3.
ERPWEB Workflow
ERPWEB has unique Workflow solution which can help you
simulate your existing paper and folder based workflow as it is
like real world. You can have approvals etc.
Multilingual Interface ERPWEB provides language support for all
languages whose fonts are available
Scope of Software = our ERP system covers all process
Page 106
Technology = our ERP system uses 4th Gen. Codeless Biz Logic
Implementation Method = 6-Sigma based
Platform Independent =our ERP system will work on Any Device
on web
Presentation Tire
Graphical User Interface
"Thin" Client
Middle Tire
Business logic
Business Logic
Data Tire
Database Access Components
There are two levels of security in this system. First, for systems which
intended for internal use, will be designed to run only from the intranet
or extranet of the court. So, user should have privilege of accessing
the intranet or extranet. This avoids intruders from hacking or
accessing the system from the internet. This is network security.
Second, the applications will be designed by us to have another level
of security access based on the type of user access that each person is
given. This is application security.
Page 107
System Administrator: is the technical IT person in charge of
maintaining the system. The interface designed for a system Admin
include functionalities such as creating user accounts and assigning
them as regular or public users, assigning temporary passwords for
each user, resetting forgotten passwords, backing up the system
database, etc.
Public Users: are external users of the system that need information
from the system. These are people or entity other than the regular
user, System Administrator, and Special User. If a user does not
logged in as one of the above user types, the system logged in the
user as a public user. Once a user is logged in as a public user, the
system will be designed to display only the features that these external
users are allowed to see.
The user interface will be designed to display only the features that
have been defined as being needed by an external user. These
features will be refined during the requirements gathering phase of this
project. Generally, these are features with read only access.
Page 108
Client program: Applications will be designed using the latest interface
design principles, state-of -the-art technology development tools
Security and Access Control: The system provides policy-based, easily
configurable, fine-grained access control in hierarchical security feature
by the use of windows and applications password preventing
unauthorized access to the system.
The system also implements cryptography to ascertain data
confidentiality from internet hackers
Compatibility: The system shall enable creation of files that are
portable to other document formats like exporting data to Excel
program, Document Portable Format (PDF), etc. It will also be
designed to be compatible enough to future integration with other
Page 109
Menu Driven System: In order to simplify the user’s activities, the
system will be designed using simple and intuitive menus familiar to
windows application users. The menu system provides a set of
command to the users. The menu offer convenient and consistent ways
in which command are grouped, thus making it easy for users to
access them and perform the various tasks in the system.
o Swish
Scripting Languages
o JavaScript – Client Side Scripting
Page 110
o Web/Database Integration using ASP
Page 111
Client Hardware Specifications:
Client PC Units each with...
One Pentium III CPU
One Original Intel Motherboard
One 9 GB HDD
One 100Mbps Ethernet Card
One 14" Color Monitor
One 101 Keyboard
One Logitech Mouse
One Attractive CPU Unit
One 150W SMPS Unit
Network Accessories
UTP wires in 500 meters with Sockets
Internet Facility
One Domain Name.(optional)
At least 64kbps Internet Lease Line.(optional)
Page 112
GRAPPLE methodology is employed. Grapple is intended for object -
oriented system. The actions with in each segmented are geared
toward producing work product of an object-oriented nature.
The segments of development process are: -
Requirement elicitation or gathering and Requirement Analysis
Development & Implementation
Deployment (Testing, Training, and Documentation)
Fig I, the development process model
Page 113
a topic. This enables us to identify the main business
objectives of the system that will be developed.
Business rules
System constraints
2) Design phase: - based on the results found from phase one, this
phase conducts the design of the new system to be. It has two
major parts
a. System design: - this part determine the system software and
hardware requirements, different system components, system
architecture and network design(if any) so on
b. Object design: - this part also determine system
i. Object Design
ii. User Interface Design
iii. Data base Design and so on.
Page 114
In general from this phase documents such as Class, collaboration, state,
component, deployment, relational persistence modeling and logical and
physical database modeling will be delivered.
Our system supports online maintenance so we can give maintenance
whenever and wherever without stopping the system
ERPWEB has unique Document Signing feature which can provide
security on each document
Page 115
Our ERP software can be integrated with mostly used software like MS
word, MS Excel, PDF….
ERPWEB provides language support for all languages whose fonts are
Our ERP system will work on any device on web
We will provide documentation for database design, relationship
diagrams and system implementation
Also we will provide online manual and help for each user for each
The intention of not just including, but involving the customer in the
requirements generation process is to receive early, valuable feedback
from the customer. Two approaches that emphasize customer
involvement are Participatory Design (PD) and Joint Application Design
(JAD). In PD, the customer works closely with the requirements
engineer throughout the system development life cycle (SDLC) until
final product deployment.
The goal of PD is to narrow the “knowledge gap” between the customer
and requirements engineer, and to allow the customer early
Page 116
familiarization with the new product, thereby minimizing the learning
curve once the product is delivered.
JAD is becoming much more popular within software development
companies due to its ability to gather a great deal of information from
many people in a very short amount of time. Contrasting to PD, JAD is
based on an initial requirements-gathering session, involving both the
customer and developers, aimed at harvesting the greatest amount of
information from all concerned parties.
Page 117
requirements of the
requested system
Understanding the
existing system and
Data gathering
Data analysis
Determine user
requirements and
constraints on the
Requirement automated system
definition &
Current /future
requirements of the
new system
Logical (or
conceptual) model of
the solution
Specification of user
Page 118
Alternative physical
Detail design
Interface Design
Identify interface
objects and actions
Data structure
Defining database
Defining database r/s
Page 119
Module construction
Systems building
Testing and
Unit testing
Module testing
Sanity testing
(Integration testing)
Validation testing
Functional testing
(System testing)
Installation and
Configuration of web
Installation and
Configuration of
Database server
System installation
Installation and Installing the
Configuration System System configuration ½ month
On site system On site Testing
Access control
Ease of operation
Test data
Page 120
Trainee selection
End user
System users
Page 121
Ato Mengistu Tefera Project Manager Schedule and
allocate human and
Control or monitor
projector progress
Supervise the
activities of the
Ensure that the
work is completed
according to
2 System Analyst
Name Position Task
Er Wondimu System Perform system
taddesse Analyst investigation and
Determine user
Organize JAD workshops
with the client
Prepare conceptual
model of the system
using CASE tools,
Prepare documentation
for the system analyzed
and user requirements
Page 122
with the client
Prepare conceptual
model of the system
using CASE tools,
Prepare documentation
for the system analyzed
and user requirements
3 Programmer/ Developer
Name Position Task
Mr Sachin Senior Implement and test the
kumal Programmer system
Panchal and ERP Develop the system in to
implementer components
Customize, and integrate
the system
Refine, debugging, test
the system
Compile and prepare
distribution disks
Installation and
maintaining the system
Page 123
4data Base Designer/ Integrator
Name Position Task
Asmare Database Design and maintain
Emerie Designer the system
Detail design the
system in to sub
systems, components
Design database
Design user interface
documentation on the
system design and
data model of the
6 Domain Expert
Page 124
Roles and Responsibility
Supervise the activities of the team
Ensure that the work is completed according to
Coordinate the activity of the project team with the
needs and demands of the user for whom that system
is being developed
Schedule and allocate human and equipment resources
Control or monitor projector progress
Initiating corrective activities when it required
2. System analyst and/software engineers
4. Programmers
Page 125
Roles and responsibility
Prepare training manuals, system documentation and
technical documents
Plan, schedule and conduct training sessions
CV of Professional Experts
Appendix 1 : CV of Key Professionals
1. Mr. Mengestu Tefera
Page 126
4. Education :
Institution/University Qualification Date
Institute of Social Studies, the MA, Economics of 1999
Huge, Netherland Development
Asmara University, Asmara, BA, in Economics (Minor 1988
Eritrea in Accounting)
5. Other Training:
7. Language:
8. Employment Record:
Page 127
Position held : Executive Director
From : 2005 To 2007
Employer : Labora International Trading PLC
Position held : Managing Director
From : 2002 To 2004
Employer : Ethiopian Management Institute
Position held : Principal Consultant
From : 2000 To 2002
Employer : Amhara Rural Roads Authority
Position held : Human Resource Development & Finance
Division Manager
From : 1994 To 1998
Employer : Amhara Bureau of Labour and Social Affairs
Position held : Labour Affairs Department Head
From : 1993 To 1994
Employer : Amhara Bureau of Labour and Social Affairs
Position held : Industrial Relation Division Head
From : 1988 To 1993
Employer : Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Position held : Employment & manpower research expert
Page 128
Human Resource & Administrative manual
Year: 2009
Client: Reliable Educational Materials PLC, Ethiopia
Main project features:
Development and Implementation of Five year’s corporate
Strategic plan
Development of organizational Structure Setup with Salary
Scale, Incentive Scheme Design, and HR & Administrative
Position Held: Project Manger and Principal Consultant
Activities performed: Five Year’s Strategic Plan and Organizational
Structure Setup, Salary Scale, Incentive Scheme Design, and HR &
Administrative Manual were developed
Name of assignment or project: Five year’s Strategic Planning and
Business Process Reengineering Implementation
Year: 2009
Client: Labora International Trading PLC
Main project features: Development and Implementation of Five year’s
Strategic plan and Business Process Reengineering
Position Held: Project Manger and Principal Consultant
Activities performed: Five Year’s SPM and BPR are developed and
Name of assignment or project: Five year’s Strategic Planning and Quality
Management System (QMS) - ISO 9001:2008 Implementation
Year: 2009
Client: Horra Trading
Main project features: Development and Implementation of Five year’s
Strategic plan and Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2008)
Position Held: Project Manger
Page 129
Activities performed: Five Year’s SPM and QMS – ISO 9001:2008
developed and Implemented
Name of assignment or project: Five Year’s Strategic Plan , Organizational
Structure, Job Analysis & Job description, and Salary Scale
Year: 2008
Client: Reliable Education Materials Supplies PLC
Main project features: - Development of Five Years Strategic Planning
and Management
- Study of Organizational Structure, Job Analysis
& Job description, and Salary Scale
Position Held: Project Manger and Principal Consultant
Activities performed: - Five Year’s Strategic Planning and Management
document is developed and Implemented
- Organizational Structure, Job Analysis & Job
description, and Salary Scale is developed and
Training I have Provided
Strategic Planning and Management for more than 20 organizations ,
(profit making organizations, Public organizations, NGOs
Action Plan Development for EBG, Dashen Brewery, Awash Agor
Industry, Awash Insurance Company, Pharma Success PLC, Labora
International, and others
Business Plan Preparation for more than 15 organizations
Customer Service Management for more than 30 organizations
13. Certification:
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief,
this CV correctly describes myself, my qualifications, and my
experience. I understand that any willful misstatement described herein
may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.
Page 130
Mengistu Tefera Esuneh, Date: June,
Working from a computer programmer to senior IT Manager for over 20 years, both
in governmental and private sector, I have provided thoughtful insights and
experienced analytical input that can only be acquired over time, but not through
classroom Lessons.
Page 131
2006 May Marketing Information Systems - Addis Ababa Chamber of
1999 June-Sept RDBM, Oracle 8,PC maintenance and Local area networking
By Learning Tree International - London, UK
Page 132
Deputy Seismic Field Manager,
Field Computer Electronic Engineer
Soviet Petroleum Exploration and Expedition (SPEE) –
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
Plant Electrician
Ethiopia Cement Factory -Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief,
this CV correctly describes me, my qualifications, and my experience. I
understand that any willful misstatement described herein may lead to
my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.
Page 133
Page 134
Tele: 251-091-1622737 (Mobile)
251-011-1567343 (Residence)
Fax: 251-011-1223782
Page 135
DATE 2004
DATE 2002
QUALIFICATION Certificate on A+
DATE 2004
DATE 2005
Page 137
DATE 2006
Department of Mathematics at AAU
DATE 2006
AREA Ethiopia
Page 138
Ethiopia; Challenges and Opportunities of Introducing E-card systems;
Business Process Reengineering and Firm Performance; ICT and Firm
performance; Alignment of Business Strategy, ICT Strategy, E-commerce
& E-marketing Strategy; Impact of ICT on Accounting Education and
Practice; and potential of XBRL for easing data exchange and
consolidation-case of Addis Ababa BoFED; Internal Control and Security
risks in Computer based Accounting information systems.
Extracurricula Services and Activities:
o Acting Associate Dean of the Faculty of Business & Economics
o Coordinator for the Bachelor of Business and Diploma Program that is
being run by AAU in collaboration with African Virtual University (AVU)
and Curtin Business School (Australia) in Distance Education Mode.
o Coordinator for the Training, Research and Consultancy Unit of the
Information Communication Technology Development Office of the AAU
o Chairperson of the Department of Accounting & Finance of the Faculty of
Business & Economics at AAU
o Project Leader of the Finance, HRM, and Procurement, Budgeting
Automation project Task force of the AAU.
o Secretary of the committee working for studying the System
Development Unit of the AAU and proposing next forward
o Person in charge of administering the Computer Labs of the Faculty of
Business & Economics, AAU.
COMPANY NAME Ministry Of Finance & Economic Development
AREA Ethiopia
AREA Ethiopia
Page 139
DATES OF EMPLOYMENT Sept 1988 – August 1994
Page 140
Page 141
Social and Rehabilitation Development Fund (ESRDF) (Financed by the World
o Developed a Windows Based Transport Operation, Maintenance, and
Invoicing Applications.
o Developed Student Evaluation Handling System for the Faculty of Business &
o Prepared a complete RFP for the supply and automation of AAU’s Finance,
Accounting, budgeting, procurement, Property, and HRM Systems.
o Prepared a project proposal for a pilot E-learning program for the Faculty of
Business & Economics.
o Automate the Accounting System of Tana Transport Plc. using the Peachtree
Accounting Software.
o Provide short-term training on ICT and Business Areas for many government
and non-government institutions.
Page 142
Dr. Salehu Anteneh, Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Business and Economics,
Department of Management, AAU; MBA Coordinator; and Director for Computing
Service Unit of the ICT Developmetn Office of AAU. Tele: 251-091-1642307(Mobile).
Ermias Hilawe
Date of birth : March 6, 1975
DATA Sex : Male
Nationality : Ethiopian
Page 143
I develop General Leger, payroll, fixed asset, Inventory control
management for various companies, job costing for printing
company, procurement system for Coca Cola Company, import
control system and automotive stock and sales system for Toyota
Supplier Company by visual basic 6.0 and MS-SQL Server as
back end system.
Page 144
Prepare lesson plan
Update teaching manuals
MCP, 2002
MCSD, 2002
CSE, 2007
Page 145
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief,
this CV correctly describes myself, my qualifications, and my
experience. I understand that any willful misstatement described herein
may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.
Ermias Hilawe, Date: June, 2011
4. Education
5. Other Training:
Page 146
CTIT, Ethiopia Strategic Planning & Business Management 2008
CTIT, Ethiopia Training for Trainer 2008
CTIT, Ethiopia Project Management and Microsoft Project 2008
CTIT in collaboration with Telecommunications Executive Management; 2009
Washington University delivered by Washington State University and
coordinated by CTIT
8. Employment Record:
From : 2012 To – Date
Employer : Action Consulting PLC.
Position held : Technical Director
From : 2008 To 2012
Employer : College of Telecommunications and Information
Technology (CTIT)
Position held : Senior Training Expert
From : 2008To 2011
Employer : SAK Business & Personal Development PLC (Par timer)
Position held : Senior Consultant
From : 2007 To 2008
Page 147
Employer : Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation
Position held : Project Finance & Contract Administration Coordinator;
NGN CDMA Project Office, ZTE Project at ETC
From : 2007 To 2008
Employer : Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation
Position held : Strategic Planning, Senior Expert
From : 2003 To 2004
Employer : Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation
Position held : Branch Manager – Operations (ETC- SWAAZ)
From : 2002 To 2003
Employer : Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation
Position held : Deputy Division Manager - Procurement & Insurance
From : 1998 To 2002
Employer : Telecommunications Training Institute
Position held : Team Leader & Instructor (Management Training)
From : 1996 To 1998
Employer : Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation
Position held : Administrative Officer
From : 1994 To 1996
Employer : Coffee & Tea Development Bureau
Position held : Management Inspector
Page 148
Year: 2010
Client: SAK Business and Personal Development PLC
Main project features:
Development of Five year’s corporate Strategic plan
Development of organizational Structure Setup with that enables to execute the strategic
Position Held: Senior Trainer and Senior Consultant
Activities performed: Five Year’s Strategic Plan and Organizational Structure Setup has been developed
Name of assignment or project: Five year’s Strategic Planning and Business Process Reengineering
Year: 2009
Client: Labora International Trading PLC
Main project features: Development and Implementation of Five year’s Strategic plan and Business
Process Reengineering
Position Held: Project Manger and Principal Consultant
Activities performed: Five Year’s SPM and BPR are developed and Implemented
Name of assignment or project: Entrepreneurship Educational Module development
Year: 2010
Client: Mandela Distance Education
Main project features: Developing the module that fits to distance learners doable without instructor
Position Held: Module Developer
Activities performed: A comprehensive material was developed and submitted for implementation
Name of assignment or project: Organizational Structure, Job Analysis & Job description, and Salary
Year: 2009
Client: Mahibere Kidusan
Main project features: - Study of Organizational Structure, Job Analysis & Job description, and Salary
Position Held: Member of a committee to carry out the assignment
Activities performed: Organizational Structure, Job Analysis & Job description, and Salary Scale is
developed and submitted for implementation
Training I have Provided
More than ten years in short-term training delivery like Community Based nutrition(CBN) for
Master Trainers & HEW and vCHW’s, Entrepreneurship, Basic Business Skills for PLW
HIV/ADIS, Leadership & Motivation, Human Resource Management, Marketing Management,
Creative Decision Making & Problem Solving, Project Management, Stress Management, TOT,
Life Skill & Personal Development, Customer Handling, Finance for None- Finance for CBO’s,
Page 149
Strategic Management, Team Building, … for different companies
A few Companies served; Telecommunication, Bench Maji Agricultural Bureau, CTIT,
SAK ,UNIDO, UNICEF, CDC- Ethiopia, PATH International, CARE, COOPI, ProAct, Self Help
Africa, FeMSEDA, CBO’s, Unions & Cooperatives etc
Developed more than ten training manuals in different topics for different organizations
10. Certification:
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly
describes me, my qualifications, and my experiences. I understand that any willful
misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.
Aynalem Gissila
Page 150
5. Other Training:
7. Language:
Page 151
Language Speaking Listening Writing
English Excellent Excellent Excellent
Amharic Excellent Excellent Excellent
8. Employment Record:
Page 152
Page 153
Educated homeowners on loss mitigation and retention options,
Created better repayment plan for customers and advised best
Kids Department Leader Meryvn’s Retail Store,
USA 2001
Supervised and managed key processes that support sales and profit,
Provided on the job training and coached team members,
Retained team members through training and follow-up.
Page 154
Skill and Competency
Computer Skills Microsoft office applications (MS Word, MS Excel,
MS Access, MS and PowerPoint), Website design and
online marketing.
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief,
this CV correctly describes me, my qualifications, and my experience. I
understand that any willful misstatement described herein may lead to
my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.
Page 155
Proposed Position: Senior website analyst Expert and
junior implementer
Union College
Page 156
Hawwassa, Ethiopia
Teaching a course networking system, web page
development, basic computer training and introduction to
computer science.(Oct-February)
Labora International
Website’s developed
Benas trading
Page 157
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Action Consulting
Page 158
2008, Window server 2008
Page 159
Window server 2008
It is a web site for Wazema Promotion PLC.
A dynamic webpage that helps the company to
advertise its business also it has news, events and a right
Page 160
for customers to send their comment.
It is the web site of Medtech Ethiopia plc. It is dynamic
and was developed using PHP for the front end and
MySQL DB for the back end. It has the following features:
Archive utilities
It is a web site for Yonas sand paper factory.
A dynamic webpage that helps the company to advertise
its business and also it has the following features
Page 161
Computing Skills: Knowledge of Windows XP/Vista.
Programming skills in Java, php and c#. Good
knowledge of SQL and wamp server.
Fluent in Amharic and English languages.
1, Dr Bewketu Taddesse
Page 162
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief,
this CV correctly describes me, my qualifications, and my experience. I
understand that any willful misstatement described herein may lead to
my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.
Curriculum Vitae
The objective of this curriculum vitae is to present my best
potential and capabilities as well as the value I could offer to any
interested party.
This Curriculum vitae contains my
Personal information
Professional Experience
Education & Professional Training
Computer skills
Languages and
References of persons.
Microsoft Certified Professional.
PG Diploma in Computer Science with a GPA of 3.10.
8 years’ experience in information Technology.
Strong troubleshooting and problem solving skills.
Detail-oriented, multi-tasker with strong organizational
Work effectively independently or as part of a team.
Able to work with and maintain relations with staff and
Page 163
clients on all levels.
Able to travel as needed.
Phone: mob
home +251116453944
2011 – Now Action Consulting PLC as
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Implementer & Programmer:
Page 164
Network Administration & Maintenance:
Installing System and Application softwares,
Maintaining and troubleshooting the
Computers in GEC Organization
Installing, Configuring and Administer Network
system for the office in GEC organization.
Configure, Print and File Servers
Installing, Configuring and Supporting network
system (Internet sharing) for the office in Gift
Real Estate organization.
Development Environment
o Operating system: Ms Windows XP,
Win98/2000/Server 2003
Webpage Developer:
Develop a Webpage for Golden Education
Develop an electronic learning tool (e-Book)
with interactive Question & Answer
Students Grade viewing system through
Internet Development Environment
o HTML, FrontPage, Ms Publisher
o Scripts: VBScript, JavaScript, ASP
Developed a Credit and Saving Association
software for Water well drilling organization as
a final project in the post graduate diploma
program in computer science.
Develop student registration system for the
GTTI (Golden Teachers Training Institute).
Develop generic supermarket software.
Development Environment
o Database (Back end): Microsoft
o Application (Front end): Visual Basic
o Reporting tool: Data Report,
Page 165
Microsoft Excel
Computer Instructor:
Courses:- introduction to computers and Ms
Windows, Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms Access, Ms
Power Point, Ms Publisher.
o Programming courses:- Visual Basic,
o Web page courses:- HTML, FrontPage
Office Clerk:
Registering students, scheduling courses,
Administrative works, printing & copying
student Manuals.
1979 – 1989 High School, ESLCE certificate
TRAINING 1991 – 1996 B.Sc., Degree
2001 – 2003 Postgraduate Diploma, Computer
Science, HiLCoE College of Computer
Science and Technology, A.A
Certificate in Managing & Maintaining Server 2003 Env.,
Certificate of Competency in Hardware & Network Techno,
Certificate in Network+, AVU, Addis Ababa University
Certificate in ORACLE Database
Certificate in Web Page Developing using ASP/ASP.Net
Certificate in Windows 2000 Server Administration
Certificate in Computer Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Internet HTML,Dreamweaver,Flash,VBScript,
Development JavaScript,PHP,Joomla,ASP/ASP.Net
Application Visual Basic, C++, C#.Net, VB.Net,
Programming Some Java programming
Database Microsoft Access, SQL Language,
Oracle 9i. MSSQL server
Page 166
Operating MS Windows Server 2003, MS
System Windows Server 2008, MS Windows
7 /Vista.
Office Tools Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel,
Microsoft Access, Microsoft Power
Point, Microsoft Publisher, Corel Draw
and Adobe Photoshop.
Reading, current affairs, Travel, Driving a car, helping
U Written
U U Spoken
Amharic Fluent Fluent
Tigrinya Fluent Fluent
English Fluent Fluent
Arabic Good Very good
1. Ato Habib Mohammed, Asst. System Administrator, JHU-
Project Mob: 0911706596
2. Ato Teshome Sorecha, General Manager, Golden
Education Institute
Tel: +2516459985
3. Ato Eshetu Zewde, (Eng.) Mobile +251911104389
4. Ato Adnew Hussien, Mobile +251911454514
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief,
this CV correctly describes me, my qualifications, and my experience. I
understand that any willful misstatement described herein may lead to
my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.
Telephone: Office: 091-151-40-28, Res.: 011-663-43-96,
Mob. 091-161-16-75
P.O.Box 55252 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Page 167
Personal Data
Date of Birth : 18/9/1968
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Married
Nationality : Ethiopian
Career Objective
Summary of Qualification
1990 Diploma, Banking & Finance
Addis Ababa Commercial College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Professional Experience
11/1990-7/1994 Accounting Clerk & Accountant
Ethiopian Freight Transport Corporation
Page 168
- Receiving Branch documents by Checking their
- Filling and coding files sequentially
Page 169
Page 170
- Producing Financial Statements and interim reports
Page 171
Major Duties & Responsibilities
Page 172
Jan 9, 1999 - Mar 9, 1999
Peachtree Accounting
Magic Computer Service
Mathewos Asfaw
Managing Director
Telephone: 091-168-33-56
Page 173
Gizaw Mamo
General Manager
Audit Services Corporation
Telephone: 091-120-29-29, 51-52-22
Page 174
2 Introduction
Action Consulting PLC was established in the year 2007. The head office is located at
Addis Ababa Bole Sub city, Kebele 03/05, Mafy City Central Mall, 5th Floor, # 501.
The founders of Action Consulting are a group of people who have worked in
applied management consultancy for Public and Private Organizations in Ethiopia
and abroad for the last 15 years. We are also working with three International
reputable and well experienced Consulting Firms in IT and Management stream,
namely Management Expert Solutions – MSE, (Lebanon), Mobile Softech Technology PLC
(India), and AH Consulting (Uganda). We made partnership with these reputed firms
in order to strengthen our capability and provide state-of-the-art solutions to our
2.1.2 Mission
To render effective training, consultancy, and other services that enables the
customers to undertake changes and ensure effective and efficient services.
Page 175
We, Action Consulting PLC, are committed to:
Provide quality service in accordance to ISO 9001:2008 standards,
Continually improve the effectiveness of our quality management system to
meet and/or exceed our costumers’ needs and expectations by performing tasks
on time and every time,
Deliver competitive, economical services through teamwork, innovation and
competence, and exhibiting high ethical standards.
Page 176
Action consulting PLC is well organized with experienced and well qualified
professionals in Development and Management Consultancy, Training, and
research. The company has 10 professional consultants who work as full time
employees and more than 30 staff on associate or registered need base staff.
Page 177
2.4 Company’s Experience and Track Records
i. Consultancy Service of Major Customers
Sl. Progress of the
Clients Address Consultancy Service
No consultancy
1. Nile Insurance Company Head office Corporate Strategic Plan development Completed
S.C Tele: +251(0)114442600 project (2011/2012-2015/2016)
Fax: +251(0)114426008
P.O.Box: 12836
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
2 Labora International Tel: +251 (0) 114666553 5 year corporate Strategic Plan Completed
Trading Mobile: +251 911202384 development project Completed
Fax: +251 (0) 114665544 QMS – ISO 9001:2008 Completed
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia BPR implementation project Completed
ERP project Design
Page 179
ii. Training Service of Major Customer
Page 180
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
6 Bole Ambassador Hotel Tele:+251(0) 116187098/96 Customer Service Management
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Transformational leadership
7 Equatorial Business Group Tele: +251(0)114424955 Action Plan development
PLC Fax: +251(0)114422148
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
8 Waryt Mulutila Tele: +251(0)116614125 Customer Service Management
International PLC Fax: +251(0)116614296
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
9 Pharma Success Plc Tele: +251(0)116614125 Customer Service Management
Fax: +251(0)116614296
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
10 Merchandize Wholesale & Tele: +251(0)111550700 Procurement, Stocking and Distribution
Import Trade Enterprise Fax: +251(0)111550905 Management
(MEWIT) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Page 181
NB.Please add ikhlas,zikri,zemili paint factory, dhgeda blanket factory, home elements, minaye packaging on our
Page 182