Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday: GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday: GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday: GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of the effects of earthquake and volcanic eruptions
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to design an emergency and preparedness plan and kit
C. Learning Competencies/
Objectives Enumerate what to do before, during and after earthquake and volcanic eruptions (S6ES-IVb-2)
Write the LC code for each
1. Enumerate what to do before, 1.Enumerate what to do before, 1.Enumerate what to do before, during 1.Practice precautionary measures 1. Design an emergency and
during and after an earthquake during and after an earthquake and after volcanic eruption before, during and after volcanic preparedness plan and kit. (S6ES-
2. Demonstrate precautionary 2.Demonstrate precautionary 2. Demonstrate precautionary eruptions (S6ES IV-b2) 412-a1)
2. Apply an emergency and
Measures before, during and after an Measures before, during and after an Measures before, during and after 2.Apply the precautionary measures
preparedness plan and kit when
earthquake earthquake volcanic eruption before, during and after volcanic there is a disaster.
3. Appreciate the importance of 3.Appreciate the importance of 3. Appreciate the importance of eruption 3. Appreciate preparedness plan and
precautionary measures before, precautionary measures before, precautionary measures before, during Appreciate the importance of kit when there is an earthquake and
during and after an earthquake during and after an earthquake and after volcanic eruption practicing precautionary measures volcanic eruption.
before, during and after volcanic
Precautionary Measures before, Precautionary Measures before, Precautionary Measures before, during Precautionary measures before, Preparedness Plan and kit before,
II. CONTENT during and after earthquake during and after an earthquake and after volcanic eruption during and after precautionary during, and after the earthquake and
measures volcanic eruption.
B. Other Learning Resources Laptop Laptop Laptop Internet, powerpoint presentation, video, pictures and manila paper.
TV TV TV Charts, youtube
Video clip about the lesson Video clips about the lesson Manila paper
Pictures about the lesson Pictures about the lesson Activity Sheets
Video clip about the lesson
Pictures about the lesson
Meta cards
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Show a picture of a place when an Guessing game: Game: What are the different ways that we What are the safety measures
presenting the new lesson earthquake occur. About before, during and after Pinoy Henyo must do before,during and after before, during, and after a volcanic
What would you do if an earthquake earthquake About the precautionary measures volcanic eruption? eruption?
happens to our school? Why? before, during and after earthquake
B. Establishing a purpose for Video clip about the lesson Teacher show the pictures Teacher show the pictures Question of the day: What usually happened to people if
the lesson Let the pupils identify the Let the pupils identify the On July 16,1990, what kind of dsaster there is a volcanic eruption?
precautionary measures precautionary measures our country suffered?
How will you avoid panic or accident
What happened to the people? to during volcanic eruption?
their properties? Original File Submitted and
Formatted by DepEd Club
Can we prevent calamities? Member - visit
for more
So what are the best things to do?
C. Presenting a. Setting the standard a. Setting the standards Activity Proper: Watch the video presentation of COLLABORATIVE and INTERACTIVE
examples/instances of the b. Activity proper Mt.Pinatubo volcanic eruption. APPROACHES
new lesson b. Activity Proper
Group I- Let’s Try This.. Please see
Group 1 – Scene 1 (Classroom) Action/gesture needed in the Distance Learning Program-Science ACTIVITY 1.1
Enumerate what would you do before situation given. You are given place and Health6 Module59, p.178 Each group will going to do the Group yourself according to
an earthquake and the earthquake happen. What following activity: interest and show a
Group 2 – Scene 2 (Riding on a car) will you do? Group II- Dramatized Precautionary presentation on what to do
Enumerate what will you do in case Measures before and during volcanic I- Role Play. when you are near a volcano
Group 1 – Inside the building (Role eruption II - Identifying picture clue of and signs were observed for a
an earthquake happen
playing) before,during and after volcanic possible volcanic eruption.
Group 3 – Scene 3 (Mall)
Enumerate what would you do after Group III- Make a poster Precautionary eruption.
Group I- Poster using a cartolina
an earthquake Measures after the volcanic eruptions III.Poem making Group II- Announcement using a
Group 4 – Scene 4 (Playground) Group 2 – Walking in the field IV.Song cartolina
Enumerate what will you do in case (Dramatization) Group IV- V.Talk Show(Interviewing PHILVOCS Group III- Act as a reporter
Group IV- Compose a jingle
an earthquake happen Please see Director Raymundo Punongbayan by Group V- Do a role play
Group 3 – Standing near the trees Workbook on Science6-p.110(Practices by Atom Araullio and Grtecchen Ho)
(Brainstorming) Precautionary Measures before, during The grade will be based on the given
and after volcanic eruption rubrics
Group 4 – Going down the stairs
(Panel Discussion)
c. Discussing new concepts and c. Group Reporting Presentation/Reporting of Pupils Pupils will present their activity Teacher’s Instruction Video clip about volcanic eruption
practicing new skills #1 Through (Demonstration/ output The teacher will give feedback about Direct Instruction.
Dramatization) Students present their output on the the result. The teacher points out important
activity. points of view regarding the topic.
The teacher will give feedback about
the result. Teacher’s Concept:
occur when rainfalls and mixes with
ashes and debris..Stay away away
from bridges and streams to avoid
f. Finding practical applications Mark and his family lives near the sea. You are living near the hill side or How do we prevent or lessen the Your relatives in Sorsogon live near a Is emergency and
of concepts and skills in daily How would he and his family do if ever mountainside, you feel that there is a damage of properties and the loss of volcano. What are the precautionary prepared
living an earthquake occurs? sudden shaking or trembling of the lives when a volcano erupts? measures you will tell to them so ness plan and kit
ground? What will you do? Why? that they can prepare themselves
when it happen?
g. Making generalizations and Enumerate precautionary measures Concept Map By the use of meta cards pupils will Classify the precautionary measures Is emergency and
abstractions about the before, during, and after an What are the precautionary enumerate the precautionary measures before,during and after volcanic prepared
lesson earthquake. measures which can be done to keep before, during and after volcanic eruptions. ness plan and kit
safe from dangers of an earthquake? eruption
y Measure
h. Evaluating learning Enumerate the following Teacher’s Instruction: Direction: Choose the letter of the best Teacher’s Instruction: Teacher’s Instruction:
Before, D for during, and A for after an
earthquake. The rubric will be used to grade their 1. Why are precautionary The rubric will be used to grade their The rubric will be used to grade their
1. Check yourself and others performance. measures observed on performance. performance.
for injuries. volcanic eruptions? Rubric 1.2
2. Move away from the
doorway. a. To protect properties
3. Keep calm. Stay away from b. To prevent the loss of
falling objects. lives
4. Conduct earthquake drills c. To pinpoint Volcanic
especially in school or Danger Zone
workplace. d. Both A and B
5. Do not use elevators.
6. Use flashlight when 2. When is an area surrounding
searching. a volcano NOT considered a
7. Prepare an emergency plan. danger area? When it ____.
8. If you are outside, move to
an open area away from a. Is buried in lava
power lines, posts, trees, b. Experience landslides
walls. c. Is stable and far from the
9. Familiarize yourself with crater
your school or workplace. d. Experiences a range of
10. Be prepared for aftershocks. earthquake shocks
a. Wear a hat.
b. Wear sunglasses
c. Stay inside the house.
d. Cover the nose with a
wet cloth or musk.
a. I and II
b. II and III
c. I and III
d. I, II, and III
8. Which precautionary
measures should be observed
before and after volcanic
a. I and II
b. II and III
c. I and III
d. I, II, and III
9. Which precautionary
measures should be done
before a volcanic eruption?
a. Prepare an emergency
survival kit
b. Do not cross bridges if
you are driving
c. Check your family and
every family for injuries.
d. Cover your nose with a
damp cloth.