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US 20180250787A1

( 19 ) United States
(12) Brockway
Patent Application Publication (10 ) Pub. No.: US 2018 /0250787 A1
(43 ) Pub . Date : Sep . 6 , 2018
(52) ???
U .S . CI................
B24B 5/ 44 (2013 .01) ; B62D 61/ 12
(2013 .01); B23P 6 / 00 (2013.01); B24B 5 /366
(71) Applicant: Radial Iron Works LLC , Fairchild , WI (2013.01 )
(72 ) Inventor: Robert John Brockway, Fairchild , WI (57) ABSTRACT
(US )
(21) Appl. No.: 15 /614 ,016 A method for reconditioning a compactor wheel of a com
paction machine is provided . The method includes mounting
(22) Filed : Jun . 5 , 2017 a compactor wheel on a positioning system configured to
Related U .S . Application Data provide one or more of angular adjustment, vertical and
horizontal translation , and rotation of the compactor wheel,
(60 ) Provisional application No.62/ 465,203, filed on Mar. so as to position the compactor wheel in a desired position .
1 , 2017 . The method also includes providing a welding system
configured to perform a submerged arc strip welding or weld
Publication Classification cladding operation on the compactor wheel. The submerged
(51) Int. Cl. arc strip welding or weld cladding operation is performed on
B24B 5 /44 ( 2006 . 01) at least one surface or edge of the compactor wheel to add
B24B 5 /36 ( 2006 .01) weldable material thereto , so as to recondition the at least
B23P 6 /00 ( 2006 .01) one surface or edge of the compactor wheel.




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FIG. 3

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FIG, 4
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FIG . 7



FIG . 8 - 66
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FIG . 10
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FIG . 22
US 2018 /0250787 A1 Sep . 6 , 2018

METHOD FOR RECONDITIONING A wear to the edges determines the type of repair to be
COMPACTOR WHEEL performed and the total cost to repair . As one example , a
hard -face ring or band that is typically 1 " wide and 1/8 " thick
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED may be applied to the inner and outer edges of the compactor
APPLICATION wheel, so as to protect the integrity or life span of the
remaining wheel edges and allow them to wear at least as
[ 0001] The present invention is a continuation of and long as the life span of the new teeth — with FIG . 18
claims priority to U . S . Provisional Patent Application Ser. illustrating a known technique of welding a ring 2 to the
No . 62/ 465 ,203 filed Mar. 1, 2017, the disclosure of which wrapper 4 of the compactor wheel around the inner /outer
is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety . edges thereof and FIG . 19 illustrating a known technique of
welding bands 6 to the wrapper 4 along the inner /outer edges
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION in areas between cleats 8 . As another example, some
[0002 ] The invention relates generally to compaction instances would require cutting the first 4 " - 10 " off the
machines , such as those used to compact soil and landfills original inner and outer wheel edges , as illustrated in FIG .
and, more particularly , to a method for reconditioning the 20 . This practice is almost as expensive as removing and
compactor wheels on such a compaction machine . replacing the outer drums completely , as it requires having
100031 Compaction machines are used to compact new to cut and re -weld the wheel on both the inner and outer
road beds, construction sites, landfill sites , garbage dumps, sidewalls for either operation . As the wheel diameter may be
and other such locations. These machines typically include as large as 38 " - 80 " in some cases , labor costs can multiply
a self- propelled vehicle having four large compactor wheels quickly and are the same as a total outer wrapper replace
made of steel. Each compactor wheel has a hub mounted to ment or complete rebuild .
one end of an axle and a rim disposed around and radially [0006 ] For resurfacing and thickening the outer wrapper 4
out from the hub . The rim typically includes an outer to bring it back to a total thickness of 3/4" or more as
wrapper or drum on which a plurality of cleats is usually required , the first technique then rolls two sections of 1/4" -3/8"
mounted . The design of conventional compactor wheels thickx3" wide bar stock 9 . These sections are clamped down
varies widely , but in general a compactor wheel is designed and then welded solid all the way around the wheel outer
to compress (i. e ., compact ) soils and waste by concentrating diameter ( O . D .) between each radial row of teeth 8 , as
the weight of the compaction machine on the relatively shown in FIG . 21 . Two passes around the O . D . of each row
small area of the cleats to break apart, size reduce , and of teeth 8 mustbe welded solid . These wheels normally have
compact waste or soils by imparting static breaking forces four (4 ) to five (5 ) rows of open wheel face between the rows
thereon . of teeth . That means to finish a wheel, it is necessary to go
[0004 ] It is recognized that, over time, the external surface around it eight ( 8 ) to ten ( 10 ) times .
of a compactor wheel wears down due to impact and sliding [0007 ] The welding of rings 2 and/or bar stock 9 to the
friction , with the compactor wheel cleats wearing down and outer wrapper 4 is recognized as being only a band -aid type
becoming less efficient in compressing and breaking apart temporary fix . Once the rings /rolled bar stock wears itself or
waste , and the surface of the outer wrapper wearing down between its welded inner and outer edge , it tears away from
such that a thickness thereof is reduced and the inner/outer the wheel face, plus the thinly worn original wrapper or
edges of the wrapper become worn . In order to extend the outer drum face 4 under the welded ring /bar stock 2 , 9 is still
longevity of a compactor wheel body , it is therefore neces in the same failed condition that it was originally in — such
sary to periodically recondition the compactor wheel, that its integrity is compromised and eventually fails . In
replace compactor wheel cleats , and /or recondition the outer instances of failure where the bands and /or bar stock welded
wrapper. With respect to reconditioning the outer wrapper , to the edges and wrapper of the compactorwheel come loose
the outer wrapper is typically manufactured to have a and tear away from the wheel face, the bands and /or bar
thickness of 1" to 2" and , in reconditioning the outer stock may cause damage to the compaction machine , such as
wrapper, the standard in the industry for the allowable by cutting hydraulic and brake lines and / or by causing
reusable thickness of an outer drum or wrapper is a mini damage to a machine side panel.
mum of 3/4 " or 75 % ofnew — with such a thickness providing [0008 ]. A second known technique for reconditioning a
enough integrity of the outer wrapper to prevent the teeth compactor wheel is by performing a total rebuild or replace
from pushing through a wrapper that was worn to the point ment of the outer drum , as illustrated in FIG . 22 — i.e.,
of failure and ensure the outer wrapper lasts the life of any removing the worn wrapper 4 and scrapping it and subse
new teeth installed , such that useful teeth are not thrown quently welding on a new replacement wrapper 4 . Such a
away on a failed wrapper. Described here below are various technique is often employed if the wheel edges become so
techniques currently employed in the industry for recondi worn that they intrude into the welded sidewall area , such
tioning a compactor wheel. that the wheels or welds holding the wrapper 4 to the wheel
[0005 ] A first known technique for reconditioning a com body fails — which can be very costly due to collapse of the
pactor wheel is generally referred to as “ re -cleating ” or as a wheel under the weight of the compactor machine . A total
" tooth tip swing exchange ” . In such a technique , the worn rebuild where four ( 4 ) new 1 " - 2 " thick outer drums are
teeth , tips , or cleats are removed by a carbon arc process or replaced , depending on unit type and size , will cost an
plasma cutting process. New teeth are then applied and additional $ 11,000 - $ 22,000 to an already costly rebuild .
welded in the spacing between existing worn teeth . All or [0009] It would therefore be desirable to provide a method
any other blemishes or defects on the wheel sets may also be for reconditioning the outer wrapper of a compactor wheel,
repaired or replaced , such as worn inner and outer wrapper with such a method lowering the cost of such a recondition
or drum edges being either cut off ( if badly worn ) or ing, providing an outer wrapper with a desirable finish that
repaired , with it being recognized that the severity of the allows for the easy welding of new cleats /teeth thereto , and
US 2018 /0250787 A1 Sep . 6 , 2018

increasing the longevity of the rebuilt compactor wheel [0023] FIG . 12 shows attachment of an angle iron to a
beyond what is achievable with existing rebuilding tech compactor wheel edge for rebuilding an edge thereof ,
niques. according to an embodiment of the invention .
[0024 ] FIGS. 13A - 13D show steps of performing a recon
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION ditioning process of an outer wrapper of a compactor wheel,
according to an embodiment of the invention .
[0010 ] The invention is directed to a method for recondi [0025 ) FIGS . 14 and 15 show inner sidewalls and bolt
tioning a compactor wheel of a compaction machine. cylinder extensions of a compactor wheel that may be
10011 ] In accordance with one aspect of the invention , a reconditioned , according to embodiments of the invention .
method for reconditioning a compactor wheel of a compac [0026 ] FIG . 16 shows resurfacing of the outer wrapper via
tion machine is provided . The method includes mounting a multiple passes of strip weld material, along with resurfac
compactor wheel on a positioning system configured to ing of welds between the outer rapper and an inner sidewall ,
provide one or more of angular adjustment, vertical and according to an embodiment of the invention .
horizontal translation , and rotation of the compactor wheel, [0027 ] FIG . 17 shows cladding of the outer wrapper and
so as to position the compactor wheel in a desired position . sidewalls via multiple passes of strip weld material, so as to
The method also includes providing a welding system provide an edgeless compactor wheel structure , according to
configured to perform a submerged arc strip welding opera an embodiment of the invention .
tion on the compactor wheel and performing the submerged [0028 ] FIGS . 18 - 22 show known techniques for recondi
arc strip welding operation on at least one surface or edge of tioning an outer wrapper on the compactor wheel, and inner
the compactor wheel to add weldable material thereto , so as and outer edges of the compactor wheel.
to recondition the at least one surface or edge of the
[0012] In accordance with another aspect of the invention , [0029 ] Embodiments of the invention provide a method
a wheel of a compaction machine is reconditioned by a for reconditioning a compactor wheel of a compaction
process that includes the steps of mounting a compactor machine. A submerged arc strip welding or weld cladding
wheel, providing a welding system configured to perform a process is employed to recondition the wheel, with strips of
weld cladding operation on the compactor wheel, and per weld wire being applied onto an outer wrapper and / or edges
forming the weld cladding operation , via the welding sys
tem , on at least one surface or edge of the compactor wheel thereof of the compactor wheel. The finish that results from
to one or more strips of weldable material thereto , so as to this method ofwelding is highly desirable, with very little or
recondition the at least one surface or edge of the compactor no grinding, sandblasting, or wheel prep being required for
wheel. welding any tooth type to the new surface. The weld material
or alloy steel blend used for the welding process is wear
[ 0013] Various other features and advantages will bemade resistant so as to increase the longevity of the rebuilt
apparent from the following detailed description and the compactor wheel, and may be applied onto the outer wrap
drawings . per around an outer diameter thereof in a single , continuous
pass, so as to reduce the cost of reconditioning the compac
[0014 ] The drawings illustrate embodiments presently [0030] Referring to FIG . 1 , a compaction machine 10 on
contemplated for carrying out the invention . which embodiments of the invention may be employed is
[0015 ] In the drawings: shown . The present invention is not intended to be limited to
any particular type of compaction machine 10 and may be
[0016 ] FIG . 1 is a side view of a compaction machine used on any suitable compaction machine . In general, the
having compactor wheels mounted thereon for use with compaction machine 10 includes compactor wheels 12
embodiments of the invention . mounted on axles 14 of the compaction machine , with the
[0017] FIG . 2 shows perspective views of exemplary dual wheels 12 including a hub 16 adapted , for example , with a
feed submerged arc welding apparatuses , for use with plurality of bolt holes for being bolted or otherwise mounted
embodiments of the invention . to the axle 14 . A rim 18 is mounted around the hub 16 , with
[0018 ] FIGS. 3 and 4 are perspective views of a flat strip the rim 18 including a wrapper or drum 20 having an inner
sub -arc weld head for use in the systems of FIG . 2 , for use circumferential edge 21 and an outer circumferential edge
with embodiments of the invention . 23 (better shown in FIG . 5, for example ) that generally
[0019 ] FIG . 5 illustrates a positioning system used to define the inner and outer ends of the compactor wheel 12 ,
mount and rotate a compactor wheel for reconditioning , for as well as an outer face or surface 22 that faces and makes
use with embodiments of the invention. contact with a surface that is traversed by the compaction
machine. A plurality of cleats 24 (i. e ., teeth ) are mounted on
[0020 ] FIGS. 6 and 7 show an application ofan electroslag the compactor wheels, such as by welding to the outer
weld strip onto the outer wrapper of the compactor wheel, wrapper 20 , with the cleats 24 being mounted in any of a
according to embodiments of the invention . variety of patterns, as desired , such as being aligned in a
[0021 ] FIGS. 8 -10 show locations on the compactor wheel plurality of rows, for example .
where electroslag weld strips may be applied , according to [0031 ] According to embodiments of the invention, a
embodiments of the invention . submerged arc strip welding or weld cladding process is
[0022] FIG . 11 shows a rotating table and electro -slag employed for reconditioning the outer wrapper 20 of a
welding unit for performing a submerged arc welding compactor wheel 12 . The process welds on or applies a weld
(SAW ) operation on a compactor wheel to rebuild an edge material that replaces or increases the original outer drum
thereof, according to an embodiment of the invention . edge thickness lost to friction wear. The weld material may
US 2018 /0250787 A1 Sep . 6 , 2018

be in the form of a strip weld wire coil or alloy steel blend wheel edge . At a very conservative average industry stan
that provides strength and longevity to the reconditioned dard cost of $ 150 per pass , the prior art technique would thus
outer wrapper 20 , and may thus be in the form of a steel be performed at a cost of $ 3 ,600 per wheel compared to a
matrix deposit that is stronger and will last up to four times $ 300 cladding cost per wheel achievable with embodiments
longer than any low carbon steel plate or A - 36 mild carbon of the present invention .
steel, which is the standard material type used in the landfill [0034 ] Referring now to FIGS. 2 -5 , various views of
and soil wheel compactor industry . The submerged arc strip welding manipulators , turn tables, positioners, and dual feed
welding or weld cladding process can be used on old worn submerged arc welding apparatuses that can be used to fully
wheel edges 21 , 23 , with this reconditioning procedure automate the welding process are shown , according to an
being used to add limitless passes of material to build up the embodiment of the invention , with such systems/ apparatuses
worn wrapper thickness back to like new specifications (i.e., reducing normal labor costs involved in current compactor
thickness ). In addition , should a customer choose to desire wheel rebuild methods. Referring first to FIG . 2 , an exem
wheel edges 21, 23 that are thicker than new , the submerged plary dual feed submerged arc welding system 30 useable
arc strip welding or weld cladding process can be used to with embodiments of the invention is shown. The sub
apply still additional material to further thicken the wheel merged arc welding system 30 is useable with a robot
edges. Still further, it is recognized that, upon the resurfacing positioner having a base 32 , a first arm 34 , and a second arm
of the compactor wheel 12 (via application ofmaterial using 36 that collectively provide for three -axis movement of one
the submerged arc strip welding or weld cladding process ) or more flat strip sub - arc weld heads 38 of the welding
to build up the worn wrapper thickness , it may be desirable system 30 relative to a compactor wheel 12 . The flat strip
to have the outer diameters machined back down to exact sub -arc weld heads 38 may be mounted to second arm 36 via
original OEM specifications, with such machining being suitable attachment brackets ( not shown ). In the illustrated
possible via implementation of the present reconditioning embodiment, the submerged arc welding system 30 also
technique. includes power sources 40 and weld head cables 42. The
[ 00321 According to embodiments of the invention , an power sources 40 provide electric power to the weld heads
abrasion resistant weld material can also be applied onto the 38 via the weld head cables 42 and , in one embodiment, may
outer wrapper 20 for hard - surfacing 1" to 3 " wide and 1/4 " to also direct the feeding of gas to the weld heads 38 .
1/2 " thick strips along the top of each wheel inner and outer [0035 ] One or more flat strip weld wire supplies (not
edge 21, 23 . The weld material applied to the edges 21, 23 shown ) are also included in the submerged arc welding
of the compactor wheel 12 may be any of a variety of system 30 to provide flat strip weld wire (i.e ., electroslag
materials, including but not limited to stainless , chrome weld strip ) to the weld heads 38 . Each wire supply supplies
nickel molybdenum , or tungsten carbide impregnated strip welding wire to a wire motor (not shown ), which feeds the
weld material. All of these, including standard weld strip or welding wire to a respective weld head 38 . In other words,
wire material, are harder and more wear resistant than A - 36 the wire motor moves the welding wire from the wire supply
(mild carbon steel) or any abrasion resistant ( A . R .) steel along a wire path to the weld head 38 . Additionally, the
( e . g ., A . R . 400 , a type of wear resistant bar stock ) and will submerged arc welding system 30 includes a flux supply or
last up to 10 times longer than some of these materials. In hopper 41 that supplies flux 43 (FIG . 4 ) through to the weld
addition to the hardness and wear resistance of the strip heads 38 . The flux 43 includes granular fusible flux particles.
welded material applied onto the edges 21, 23 , it is recog The flux particles may include lime, silica , manganese
nized that the strip welded material melts into the base oxide , calcium fluoride , or a combination thereof. The flux
material of the outer wrapper 20 and thus will not break 43 may also include flux fines (i. e ., small particles ) and dust
away therefrom and cause any damage. This is in compari of the same or similar composition as the flux particles. In
son to prior art reconditioning techniques where bar stock is one embodiment, the flux supply 41 includes a pressurized
put in between teeth 24 on the inner/outer edges 21, 23 of a flux delivery system that employs pressurized air to push or
compactor wheel 12 or where rolled bar -stock , rolled rings, otherwise move flux through the flux lines, wherein the flux
or liners are put in between the rows of teeth 24 on a lines is directly connected to the weld heads 38 .
compactor wheel 12, with it being recognized that such bar 10036 ] Referring now to FIGS. 3 and 4 , a more detailed
stock , rolled rings , or liners are only as strong or last as long view of the flat strip sub -arc weld head 38 is provided ,
as the small welds holding the material down to the wheel according to one embodiment. The weld head 38 is config
body and that , once these welds wear down to where they ured to provide a continuous feed of flat strip weld wire 45
can 't hold the bar or rings down, they fail. to a compactor wheel 12 to provide for reconditioning
[0033] The abrasion resistant weld material can be applied thereof, according to an embodiment of the invention . The
to the horizontal edges 21, 23 of the compactor wheel 12 in weld wire 45 is unwound regularly from a weld wire supply
one radial pass and one wheel rotation with a two-head and is fed to weld head 38 , where the weld wire 45 is then
submerged arc welder, with the material being applied in pushed forward along a guide groove 44 up to vises 46 , 48
1" -3 " wide strips that are 1/8" - 1/2" thick . The abrasion resis of a pliers electrode 50 . Feeding of the weld wire strip 45
tant weld material can thus be applied at a cost of $ 200 for through the jaws 46 , 48 of pliers electrode 50 may be carried
one rotation . The current industry standard for the applica out by means of a pulling unit through with the strip is
tion of wheel edge hard - face is a 1" wide and 1/8" thick passed , with the pulling unit including, for example , a pair
application of material circumferentially around the outer of rolls 51 rotating in opposite directions , which unwind the
diameter of each horizontal edge with such passes provid strip by frictional force and force the same to pass between
ing only a 1" wide by 1/8" thick protective weld . The current the jaws of the pliers .
prior art technique would need to weld 12 passes around [0037] Referring now to FIG . 5 , a positioning system 56 is
each wheel edge 21, 23 , or twenty four ( 24 ) times per wheel illustrated that is used to mount and rotate the compactor
to get a 1/2" thick by 3 " wide hardface bead around each wheel 12 relative to the submerged arc welding system 30
US 2018 /0250787 A1 Sep . 6 , 2018

for purposes of performing a reconditioning/resurfacing . than the normal. As the weld head 38 /electrode 50 pro
According to an exemplary embodiment, the positioning gresses , an electroslag weld strip 45 is deposited on the outer
system comprises translational and rotational positioners wrapper 20 as liquid slag and then solidifies as it cools to
that provide for six degrees of freedom in orienting/posi resurface the outer wrapper 20 .
tioning the wheel as required to perform the welding opera [0040 ] In performing the reconditioning of the outer wrap
tion . That is , positioning system 56 is configured to allow per 20, the weld head 38 and /or compactor wheel 12 can be
compactor wheel 12 to be moved in a horizontal plane moved in a desired manner to resurface the outer wrapper 20
defined by the x axis and y axis , to be moved vertically out and rebuild outer /inner edges 21 , 23 thereof. In one step /
of this plane along the z axis , and to be tilted and rotated process of the reconditioning, the electroslag strip cladding
about one or more axes . As shown in FIGS . 4 and 5 , is used to rebuild worn edges 21 , 23 on the outer drum 20
positioning system 56 includes a drive apparatus 58 that and recondition (i.e ., thicken ) the outer wrapper 20 , in order
provides for translation and rotation of a mounting arm 60 to put the outer drum 20 material thickness back to or thicker
on which the compactor wheel 12 is mounted . The drive than OEM specifications. According to one embodiment, a
apparatus 58 is comprised of a plurality of servomotors 62 specific abrasion resistant weld material can also be applied
that are selectively activated to cause movement of the onto the outer wrapper edges 23 for hard - surfacing, with the
mounting arm 60 in a desired manner, so as to enable application of the abrasion resistant weld material being
positioning of the compactor wheel 12 to various desired done in one radial pass and one wheel rotation via the
locations in three dimensional space , as well as rotation of two -head submerged arc welder 30 . In another embodiment,
the compactor wheel 12 . The drive apparatus 58 also the electroslag strip cladding is used to recondition the outer
includes a control system 64 to send command and control drum 20 at locations between the radial rows of teeth 24
signals to the servomotors 62 to control operation thereof. where wheel drum material has been lost due to wear/
[0038 ] In performing the submerged arc strip welding or friction , such as on a dirt compactor wheel 12 . Using the
weld cladding process operation for reconditioning the com submerged arc welding system 30 , these inner rows can be
pactor wheel 12 , the positioning system 56 first positions the re -surfaced in one pass all the way around the wheel outer
compactorwheel 12 in a desired location , with the dual feed diameter between each row , in order to put the outer drum
submerged arc welding system 30 then being positioned to material thickness back to or thicker than OEM specifica
perform the reconditioning of the outer wrapper 20 . In tions. This is as opposed to the prior art of adding replace
performing the welding operation , the flat strip sub - arc weld ment rings between rowsof teeth 24 , which need to be rolled
head 38 is moved into position with electrode 50 of the and welded on each side between the rows of teeth , such that
weld head 38 and the electroslag weld strip 45 striking an arc there is a large labor cost associated with reconditioning a
with the outer wrapper 20 and depositing material onto the wheel needing 4 -6 rings and two welds for each ring all the
outer wrapper 20 . According to one embodiment, the elec way around the wheel O .D .
troslag weld strip 45 comprises a strip that is up to 3 " wide [0041] FIGS. 6 and 7 illustrate exemplary applications of
and 1/8" thick , although it is recognized that an electroslag an electroslag weld strip 45 and flux 43 onto the outer
weld strip 45 having other widths and thicknesses may be wrapper 20 of the compactor wheel 12 and the resulting
used . In applying the electroslag weld strip 45 onto the outer weld strips that are formed , while FIGS . 8 - 10 illustrate
wrapper 20 , the granular fusible flux 43 is deposited onto the locations on the compactor wheel 12 where the strips 45 are
outer wrapper 20 to protect themolten weld and arc zone of applied — i.e ., between radial rows 66 of teeth 24 of the
the welding process, with the granular fusible flux 43 compactor wheel 12 ( FIG . 8 ), on one or more edges 21 , 23
consisting of lime, silica , manganese oxide, calcium fluo of the compactor wheel 12 (FIGS . 9 and 10 ), and /or on an
ride, and/ or other compounds, for example . The flux 43 entire outer wrapper 20 of the compactor wheel 12 . As can
starts depositing on the joint to be welded and, since the flux be seen , the finish that results from the electroslag strip
43 when cold is a non - conductor of electricity , the arc may cladding is highly desirable , with there being very little or no
be struck either by touching the flat strip 45 and electrode 50 grinding, sandblasting or wheel prep required for welding
with the work piece or by placing steel wool between any tooth type to the new surface , and with paint adhering
electrode 50 and work piece before switching on the welding easily thereto .
current or by using a high frequency unit. When molten , the [0042 ] Referring now to FIGS. 11 and 12 , additional
flux 43 becomes conductive , and provides/maintains a cur welding systems and methods are illustrated by which the
rent path between the flat strip 45 /electrode 50 and the work surface 22 and innerlouter edges 21 , 23 of an outer wrapper
piece (i. e ., the outer wrapper 20 ). This thick layer of flux 43 20 of a compactor wheel 12 may be reconditioned , accord
completely covers the molten metal thus preventing spatter ing to additional embodiments of the invention . Referring
and sparks. first to FIG . 11, reconditioning of the outer wrapper 20 is
[ 0039] The submerged arc strip welding or weld cladding performed via use of a rotating table 69 and an electro - slag
process is normally performed in an automatic or mecha welding unit 71 movable via a manipulator 73 , with an
nized mode and the flat- strip electrode is continuously fed to electro - slag sub -arc welding (SAW ) method being employed
the outer wrapper 20 at a predetermined speed . A separate for performing the resurfacing /reconditioning . In perform
drive moves either the welding head 38 over the stationary ing the reconditioning of the outer wrapper 20 (i. e ., of the
work piece or the work piece moves/rotates under the inner/outer edges 21 , 23 thereof), a fixture 75 is first
stationary welding head 38 . In advancing the weld head 38 attached /mounted onto the compactor wheel adjacent the
along the outer wrapper 20 , an arc length is kept constant by edge 21, 23 of the compactor wheel to be repaired (i.e ., 21
using the principle of a self -adjusting arc. If the arc length in FIG . 12 ) — such that a small gap is provided between the
decreases , arc voltage will increase , arc current and there fixture 75 and the wheel edge 21 , 23 . The compactor wheel
fore burn -off rate will increase thereby causing the arc to 12 is then turned by the rotating table 69 and the electro -slag
lengthen . The reverse occurs if the arc length increases more welding unit 71 is moved to a desired position via manipu
US 2018 /0250787 A1 Sep. 6 , 2018

lator 73 , with the electro - slag welding unit 71 then operating down the sidewall thickness along with the edges of bolt
to deposit an electro -slag material (e .g ., welding wirel cylinder 70 to a point of failure . These items are normally
material, such as steel of a desired composition ) into the gap always replaced or re - lined on wheel sets sent in for re - cleat
between the fixture 75 and the worn wheel edge 21 , 23 . As or rebuild exchange , and it is recognized that the technique
the compactor wheel 12 rotates on table 69, electro - slag of the present invention could be utilized to recondition such
material is continuously deposited to fill the gap — with components 68, 70 whenever a compactor wheel 12 is
electro - slag material thus deposited around an entire cir brought in for recleating and /or resurfacing of the outer
cumference of the compactor wheel 12 such that the worn wrapper 20 .
edge 21 , 23 of the outer wrapper 20 is resurfaced /rebuilt. [0046 ] FIG . 16 illustrates a resurfacing on an outer wrap
[0043] Referring now to FIG . 12 , another method of per 20 of the compactor via multiple passes of strip weld
rebuilding wheel edges 21 , 23 of the outer wrapper 20 is material 45 thereto , along with the resurfacing of welds
illustrated , in which a circular angle iron 77 is added between the outer wrapper 20 and a sidewall 68 of the
adjacent the edge of the outer wrapper 20 . The angle iron 77 compactor wheel 12 that is also performed via a strip weld
is first attached ( e. g ., welded ) onto the compactor wheel 12 application . This eliminates the need for re - lining the side
adjacent the worn edge 21 , 23 (i.e ., 21 in FIG . 12 ) of the walls 68 and welding them in place, or completely removing
compactor wheel to be repaired — such that a small gap is them by cutting them out and replacing them with new
provided between the angle iron 77 and the wheel edge 21 , re -welded coned sidewalls 68 and bolt cylinders 70 . As
23. Upon attachment of the angle iron 77 , the gap is then sidewalls 68 cost on average $ 1 ,800 installed , times four ( 4 )
filled with new weld cladding to rebuild the worn area of the wheels , reconditioning the sidewalls 68 via the submerged
edge 21 , 23 . In one embodiment, itmay be desirable to leave arc strip welding/weld cladding process of the present
the angle iron 77 attached to the compactor wheel 12 aftermay
invention may provide a total savings over a machine life up
weld cladding of the edge 21 , 23, thus the angle iron 77 may to $ 21,600 for an end user, with the end user having a better
be formed of a suitably hard material ( e . g ., steel of a desired product that will last longer than original OEM sidewall
composition ) such that it may be left in place . In another material specification .
embodiment, it may be desirable to remove the angle iron 77 [0047 ] In another embodiment, and similar to that shown
from the compactor wheel 12 after weld cladding of the edge in FIG . 16 , a resurfacing of the outer wrapper 20 and
21 , 23 , thus the angle iron 77 may be formed of a non sidewall 68 of the compactor wheel 12 may be performed in
ferrousmaterial (e.g ., copper) thatmay be removed after the a manner that results in an " edgeless” compactor wheel
weld cladding has cooled so as to leave a better or " true" configuration /construction , as shown in FIG . 17 . That is ,
wheel edge made of weld material. current compactor wheel edges have a 1" to 2 " edge that cuts
[0044 ] Still another embodiment of reconditioning the into the compacting surface , pulling material up instead of
surface 22 and innerlouter edges 21 , 23 of the outer wrapper keeping it down for each pass . According to an embodiment
20 of compactor wheel 12 is illustrated in FIGS . 13A - 13D . of the invention , the exemplary cladding process can apply
In the illustrated technique , an outer wrapper 20 with worn three ( 3 ) to six (6 ) passes per wheel edge with a highly
edges 21 , 23 but still 75 % of original thickness at its center, abrasion resistant matrix that would leave the inner and
is removed from compactor wheel 12 by cutting sidewalls of outer wheel edges 21 , 23 smooth . That way as the weight of
the wheel so that the wrapper 20 comes off the wheel body, the compactormachine 10 weight pushes the wheel 12 down
as illustrated in FIG . 13A . The worn outer wrapper 20 is then into the working compacted surface , it would not pull any
cut radially (FIG . 13B ) and a sleeve or collar 79 is put material back up and the wheel would exit smoothly as the
around the inside diameter of the wrapper 20 , with the two machine rolls back and forth .
cut halves of the wrapper then being welded back together [0048] Beneficially, embodiments of the invention thus
on the sleeve/ collar 79 ( FIG . 13C ). As can be seen in FIG . provide a method for reconditioning a compactor wheel in
13C , in welding the cut halves of the wrapper 20 to the which a submerged arc strip welding/weld cladding process
sleeve/collar 79 , the orientation of the halves is flipped such is employed to recondition the wheel. The finish that results
that the worn edges 21 , 23 of the wrapper 20 are positioned from this method of welding is highly desirable , with very
adjacent one another in a central region of the sleeve/collar little or no grinding, sandblasting, or wheel prep being
79 . As shown in FIG . 13D , the wrapper 20 ( and sleeve /collar required for welding any tooth type to the new surface . The
79 included therein ) is then remounted to the wheel body by weld material ( strip weld wire coil ) or alloy steel blend used
welding the wrapper 20 to the sidewalls, with the compactor for the welding process is stronger and will last up to 4 to 10
wheel 12 then being resurfaced with weld cladding layers times longer than any A - 36 mild or low carbon steel plate
via a process /processes previously described in detail, so as that is typically used in the landfill and soil wheel compactor
to bring the worn outer wrapper 20 of the compactor wheel industry . Wheel bodies can be re - cladded multiple times to
12 back to its original outer diameter. the point where a customer would not need to pay for the
[0045 ] While embodiments of the invention have been higher priced rebuilt exchange option requiring new outer
discussed with respect to reconditioning the surface 22 and drums. Customers could do this for the life expectancy of
inner/outer edges 21 , 23 of an outer wrapper 20 of a their machines which average 10 to 15 years on site .
compactor wheel 12 , it is recognized that the system and Because wrappers are currently replaced every 4 to 5 years
techniques of the present invention are also applicable to on wheel sets, customers could get a better longer lasting
other features/components of the compactor wheel 12 . product along with an average savings over the life of a
Another high wear area of landfill compactor wheels 12 is machine of $ 22,000 to $ 33,000 on wrapper cost alone.
the inner sidewalls 68 and bolt cylinder extensions 70 , views [0049 ] By utilizing the submerged arc strip welding/weld
of which are provided in FIGS. 14 and 15 . Wire and other cladding process of the present invention , labor costs can be
landfill debris tends to wrap itself around the axle 14 ( FIG . dramatically reduced , when strips are applied up to 3 " wide
1 ) closest to the sidewalls 68 , which can eventually wear and 1/4 " to 1 /2 " thick . These strips can be done in one or two
US 2018 /0250787 A1 Sep . 6 , 2018

radial passes and one or two wheel rotations with a single or 2 . The method of claim 1 wherein the at least one surface
two -head submerged arc welder, as compared to current or edge of the compactor wheel comprises an outer wrapper
industry standards for applying a strip of similar width of the compactor wheel that includes inner and outer edges.
thickness around the O . D . of each edge, as use of existing 3. The method of claim 2 wherein performing the sub
techniques would require up to 3 passes two times around merged arc welding operation comprises depositing an elec
each inner and outer wheel edge O .D to get a 1/4" thick pass troslag weld strip on the outer wrapper via the submerged
and would require 12 passes around each wheel edge O .D . arc strip welding operation , so as to recondition the outer
or 24 times around each wheel to get a finish that is 1/2" thick . wrapper.
The submerged arc strip welding /weld cladding process of 4 . The method of claim 3 wherein the electroslag weld
the present invention may thus be employed to increase the strip is deposited onto the outer wrapper done in one radial
thickness of the outer wrapper to 3/4 " thickness or greater , pass and one wheel rotation , about an entire outer circum
and preferably 1" thickness or greater. ference of the outer wrapper.
[0050] Therefore, according to one embodiment of the 5 . The method of claim 4 wherein the electroslag weld
invention , a method for reconditioning a compactor wheel of strip is deposited onto the outer wrapper in an area between
a compaction machine is provided . The method includes rows of cleat pads affixed to the outer wrapper.
mounting a compactor wheel on a positioning system con 6 . The method of claim 4 wherein the electroslag weld
figured to provide one or more of angular adjustment, strip is deposited onto the outer wrapper at one or more of
vertical and horizontal translation , and rotation of the com the inner and outer edges thereof.
pactor wheel, so as to position the compactor wheel in a 7 . The method of claim 6 further comprising depositing a
desired position . The method also includes providing a hard - surfacing abrasion resistant weld material along a top
welding system configured to perform a submerged arc strip surface of the one ormore of the inner and outer edges of the
welding operation on the compactor wheel and performing outer wrapper via the submerged arc strip welding operation .
the submerged arc strip welding operation on at least one 8 . The method of claim 3 wherein the electroslag weld
surface or edge of the compactor wheel to add weldable strip comprises a 3" wide 1/4" thick strip .
material thereto , so as to recondition the at least one surface 9 . The method of claim 3 wherein the electroslag weld
or edge of the compactor wheel . strip is composed of a steel matrix material.
[ 0051] According to another embodiment ofthe invention , 10 . The method of claim 3 wherein depositing the elec
a wheel of a compaction machine is reconditioned by a troslag weld strip on the outer wrapper increases the thick
process that includes the steps of mounting a compactor ness of the outer wrapper to 3/4" or greater.
wheel, providing a welding system configured to perform a
weld cladding operation on the compactor wheel, and per 11 . The method of claim 3 wherein the reconditioned
forming the weld cladding operation , via the welding sys outer wrapper presents a finished surface for which no
grinding, sandblasting or wheel prep is required prior to
tem , on at least one surface or edge of the compactor wheel welding cleat pads thereto .
to one or more strips of weldable material thereto , so as to 12 . The method of claim 1 wherein the at least one surface
recondition the at least one surface or edge of the compactor or edge of the compactor wheel comprises an inner sidewall
wheel. and / or bolt cylinder extension of the compactor wheel.
[0052] This written description uses examples to disclose 13 . A compactor wheel of a compaction machine recon
the invention, including the best mode, and also to enable ditioned by a process comprising the steps of:
any person skilled in the art to practice the invention , mounting a compactor wheel;
including making and using any devices or systems and providing a welding system configured to perform a weld
performing any incorporated methods. The patentable scope
of the invention is defined by the claims, and may include cladding operation on the compactor wheel; and
other examples that occur to those skilled in the art. Such performing the weld cladding operation, via the welding
other examples are intended to be within the scope of the system , on at least one surface or edge of the compactor
claims if they have structural elements that do not differ wheel, so as to recondition the at least one surface or
from the literal language of the claims, or if they include edge of the compactor wheel.
equivalent structural elements with insubstantial differences 14 . The compactor wheel of claim 13 wherein the process
from the literal languages of the claims. further comprises performing one or more of angular adjust
What is claimed is : ment , vertical and horizontal translation , and rotation of the
compactor wheel via a positioning system on which the
1 . A method for reconditioning a compactor wheel of a compactor wheel is mounted , so as to position the compactor
compaction machine , the method comprising: wheel in a desired position .
mounting a compactor wheel on a positioning system 15 . The compactor wheel of claim 13 wherein the process
configured to provide one or more of angular adjust further comprises weld cladding strips of weldable material
ment, vertical and horizontal translation , and rotation of onto an outer wrapper of the compactor wheel in one radial
the compactor wheel, so as to position the compactor pass and one wheel rotation , about an entire outer circum
wheel in a desired position ; ference of the outer wrapper.
providing a welding system configured to perform a 16 . The compactor wheel of claim 15 wherein the process
submerged arc welding operation on the compactor further comprises weld cladding the strips of weldable
wheel; and material onto the outer wrapper of the compactor wheel in
performing the submerged arc welding operation on at an area between rows of cleat pads affixed to the outer
least one surface or edge of the compactor wheel to add wrapper.
weldable material thereto , so as to recondition the at 17 . The compactor wheel of claim 13 wherein the process
least one surface or edge of the compactor wheel. further comprises weld cladding a hard - surfacing abrasion
US 2018 /0250787 A1 Sep . 6 , 2018

resistant weld material along a top surface of one ormore of

inner and outer edges of the outer wrapper.
18 . The compactor wheel of claim 15 wherein the process
further comprises performing the weld cladding operation to
deposit strips of weldable material onto the outer wrapper
and onto one another until the thickness of the outer wrapper
is increased to 3/4" or greater.
19 . The compactor wheel of claim 18 wherein the strips
of weldable material are composed of a stainless steel
matrix , chrome nickel molybdenum , or a tungsten carbide
impregnated material.
20 . The compactor wheel of claim 18 wherein the strips
of weldable material comprise a 3 " wide 1/4 " thick strip .
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