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US 20220279152A1
( 19 ) United States
( 12 ) CRAMER
Patent Application Publication ((4310)) Pub
Pub.. Date
No .: :US 2022/0279152 A1
Sep. 1 , 2022
( 54 ) DISPLAY SYSTEM GO2B 3/00 (2006.01 )
GO3B 21/10 (2006.01 )
( 71 ) Applicant: Hyperstealth Biotechnology
Corporation , Maple Ridge (CA) GO3B 21/28 ( 2006.01 )
GO3B 21/604 (2006.01 )
( 72 ) Inventor : Guy CRAMER , Maple Ridge ( CA ) GO3B 21/625 (2006.01 )
( 73 ) Assignee: Hyperstealth Biotechnology GO3B 35/26 (2006.01 )
Corporation , Maple Ridge (CA) (52) U.S. CI.
CPC H04N 9/31 ( 2013.01 ) ; F41H 5/08
( 21 ) Appl . No .: 17 /748,796 ( 2013.01 ) ; G02B 3/005 ( 2013.01 ) ; GOBB
21/10 ( 2013.01 ) ; GO3B 21/28 ( 2013.01 ) ;
(22 ) Filed : May 19 , 2022 GO3B 21/604 (2013.01 ) ; GO3B 21/625
Related U.S. Application Data (2013.01 ) ; G03B 35/26 ( 2013.01 )
( 62 ) Division of application No. 16/ 971,403 , filed on Aug.
20 , 2020 , now Pat . No. 11,343,475 , filed as applica ( 57 ) ABSTRACT
tion No. PCT/CA2019 /000019 on Feb. 13 , 2019 .
( 60 ) Provisional application No. 62/ 632,526 , filed on Feb. The present invention relates to display systems that use
20 , 2018 , provisional application No. 62 /693,959 , materials made from various arrangements of lenses and
filed on Jul. 4 , 2018 . other optical materials. Careful design and use of these
Publication Classification materials can be used to achieve display systems with many
desirable visual effects having applicability in image and
( 51 ) Int . Ci . video displays, virtual reality, immersive environments, as
H04N 9/31 ( 2006.01 ) well as in architecture, art, entertainment, and interactive
F41H 5/08 ( 2006.01 ) systems .

1702 1704 1706 1708 1710 1724

? Song 1722

K 1720

1712 1718
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FIG . 1
204 200

? 1


FIG . 2
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FIG . 3
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402 404 410

406 408

FIG . 4

510 508 502

506 504

? D
FIG . 5
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602 604 606 608 610

FIG . 6

702 704 706 708

> ?

FIG . 7
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FIG . 8
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902 904 906


FIG . 9

1002 1004 1005 1006 1008

? FIG . 10
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1102 1104 1106 1108

FIG . 11

1202 1204 1206 1207 1208

FIG . 12
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1302 1304 1306

FIG . 13

1402 1404 1406 1408 1410 1412

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1502 1504 1508 1510 1512 1516 1518


FIG . 15

1604 1606 1608 1610


ll 1614


FIG . 16
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1704 1706 1710 1700

1702 1708 1724


? 1720

1712 1718

FIG . 17

1724 1708 1707 1704 1712 1702

1710 1720

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1904 1906 1908



FIG . 19

2016 2018 2020




2026 2028

FIG . 20
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2108 2106




FIG . 21




2202 2204

FIG . 22
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FIG . 23
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FIG . 24




0 2502

FIG . 25
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FIG . 26 26000
2608b 2606b 26105


FIG . 27
2608c 2612c

26100 26040

FIG . 28
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2630 FIG . 29

2704 2716 2718 2700



2702 2702 2720

FIG . 30
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0 )

3106 3108

FIG . 31




3206 3208 3210

FIG . 32
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} }
I 3310
I 3304 3308

FIG . 33
US 2022/0279152 A1 Sep. 1 , 2022

DISPLAY SYSTEM research into light and light -bending materials and related
studies of effective arrangements optical instruments in
RELATED APPLICATIONS order to achieve the desired effect. Much theoretical prog
[ 0001 ] This application claims priority from : U.S. Provi ress has been made in attempts to model culminating in a
theoretical framework for a field of research sometimes
sional Patent Applications No. 62 / 632,526 filed Feb. 20 , called transformation optics .
2018 ; and 62 / 693,959 filed Jul . 4 , 2018 , and is a divisional [ 0007] Although many systems exist that simulate inter
ofU.S. Pat . No. 11,343,475 , which is aa national entry of and esting and useful visual environments, such systems have
claims priority to PCT/CA2019 /000019 , the contents of often proven costly, requiring sophisticated and powerful
each of which are herein expressly incorporated by reference processing capabilities, cameras used for tracking positions
in their entirety. and movements, and algorithms to adapt generated or dis
TECHNICAL FIELD played video data with expected visual imagery. Improve
ments are thus desired . It is an object of the present invention
[ 0002 ] The present invention relates to improved display to provide improved systems for simulation , interactive
systems generally, and in particular to the use of materials display or immersive environments using cost effective
that interact with light to create improved displays suitable approaches.
for use in simulated or immersive environments .
[ 0008 ] Aspects of the present invention involve displays
[ 0003 ] Display systems used in conjunction with simula and simulated systems that use materials made from various
tors , virtual reality systems and augmented reality technolo arrangements of lenses and other optical materials to achieve
gies which allow users to interact with, at least partially, visual effects with applicability in display systems , virtual
simulated environments are known . Such conventional sys reality, immersive environments, as well as in architecture,
tems typically rely on computer monitors or stereoscopic art, entertainment, displays , interactive systems and the like .
displays and are primarily visual nature, although the These materials utilize the refraction and reflection of light
systems are sometimes augmented with audio or haptic and other rays in the electromagnetic spectrum , to achieve
feedback . Popular examples include flight simulator video desirable visual effects .
games in which the players pilot virtual aircraft in a com [ 0009 ] Materials that are made up of plurality of lenses,
puter - simulated digital environment. Augmented reality arranged in such a way as to refract or reflect one or more
(AR) often refers to the combination of real world objects of visible , near infrared, near ultraviolet or other forms of
and computer generated digital data . Conventionally, AR light or more generally electromagnetic waves, are used to
uses of video and images that are digitally processed and achieve the desired visual effect and simulated environment
augmented with the addition of computer - generated graph and immersive experiences. An example of such a material
ics . is a lenticular lens sheet which may have a regular or
[ 0004 ] Systems involving the use cameras that capture and semi-regular pattern of linear or non - linear shaped lenses,
track a user's position and movement are also known. For which may be mixed with linear lines within the lens to at
example , U.S. Pat . No. 8,009,022 describes a system that least partially reflect or refract light. A typical lenticular
includes a depth camera that captures user position and plastic sheet is a translucent plastic sheet which has one
movement, a three -dimensional (3D ) display device that smooth side while the other side is made of small convex
presents the user a virtual environment in 3D and a haptic lenses called lenticules that allow the transformation of a
feedback device that interfaces to the user via the sense of two dimensional ( 2D ) image into a variety of visual illu
touch by applying, for instance, on or more of forces , sions . Each lenticule acts as a magnifying glass to enlarge
vibrations and motions to the user to provide haptic feed and display the portion of the image below i.e. , on the
back as he or she interacts with aa virtual object in the virtual smooth side . Other materials that may be used include an
environment. array of small spherical lenses , known as a fly’s -eye lens
[ 0005 ] As the user moves through his physical space , his array, or a screen consisting of a large number of small
or her image is captured by the depth camera . Data from that convex lenses. Another example of aa material that can be
depth camera is parsed to correlate the user's position with used is a linear or array prism sheet.
a position in the virtual environment. Where the user posi [ 0010 ] In accordance with an aspect of the present inven
tion or movement causes the user's representation in the tion , there is provided a display system comprising: a first
virtual environment to touch a virtual object, a correspond lens sheet having a first polarity for receiving an image from
ing haptic feedback is provided to the user . Haptic feedback a first projector; a second lens sheet having a second polarity
is provided through use of a glove coupled to the user's arm , proximate the first lens sheet ; wherein the first polarity is
the glove containing a plurality of electrodes that may opposite the second polarity and wherein upon the first
provide a mild electrical stimulation to the user. When the projector projecting a first image through the first lens sheet
user makes a movement in his or her physical environment onto the second lens sheet , the first image is visible on the
that corresponds to grasping a virtual cylinder, the system second lens sheet but not on the first lens sheet .
may determine that this has occurred , and provide haptic [ 0011 ] In accordance with an aspect of the present inven
feedback to the palm and fingers of the user that provides a tion , there is provided a riot shield comprising : a clear body
similar haptic experience for the user as if he or she had having an outer surface and an inner surface ; a first lens
grasped a physical cylinder within the physical space . sheet having a first polarity disposed over the outer surface ;
[ 0006 ] Other forms of interactive or virtual systems a second lens sheet having a second polarity, disposed
include displays that facilitate concealment, camouflaging proximate the inner surface and the first lens sheet , the first
and other simulated visual effects . This has helped inspire polarity opposite the second polarity , wherein upon a first
US 2022/0279152 A1 Sep. 1 , 2022

projector in communication with a first image source pro having a first polarity disposed proximate the matte wherein
jecting an image onto the first lens sheet through the second at a first location relative to the double sided lens sheet aa first
lens sheet, the image is visible on the first lens sheet but not view of the image is visible to an observer ; and at a second
on the second lens sheet. location relative to the double sided lens sheet a second
[ 0012 ] In accordance with an aspect of the present inven observed view is visible to the observer but not the first view ,
tion , there is provided a display system comprising: a first wherein said second location different from the first location
lens sheet having a first polarity receiving a first image from and said first view is different from said second view .
a first projector and a second projector and receiving a BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS
second image from a second projector; a second lens sheet
having a second polarity proximate the first lens sheet; [ 0017] In the figures, which illustrates by way of example
wherein the first polarity is opposite the second polarity and only, embodiments of the present invention,
wherein upon the first projector projecting a first image [ 0018 ] FIG . 1 is a schematic diagram illustrating the
through the first lens sheet onto the second lens sheet, the principle of the law of refraction as it relates to visible light;
first image and the second image visible on the second lens
sheet but not on the first lens sheet and wherein at a first [ 0019 ] FIG . 2 is a schematic diagram of a lenticular lens
location relative to the second lens sheet, the first image is sheet, partly in cross -section;
visible to an observer but not the second image , and at a [ 0020 ] FIG . 3 is a schematic illustration of an embodiment
second location relative to the second lens sheet, the second having a vertically polarized sheet close to a projector,
image is visible to an observer but not the first image . whereby the projected video image is perceived as a bright
[ 0013 ] In accordance with an aspect of the present inven horizontal strip with a ghost image above and below ;
tion, there is provided a display system comprising: a first [ 0021 ] FIG . 4 is aa schematic illustration of an embodiment
lens sheet having a first polarity for receiving an image from having a first sheet closer to a projector, and aa second sheet
a first projector; a plurality of secondary lens sheets each on which images are displayed ;
having a second polarity arranged adjacent one another to [ 0022 ] FIG . 5 is aa schematic illustration of an embodiment
form at least partially enclosed space , proximate the first having a first sheet closer to a projector, and a second sheet
lens sheet ; wherein the first polarity is opposite the second on which images are displayed ;
polarity, the first projector projects images onto an inner [ 0023 ] FIG . 6 is a diagram of an embodiment in which a
surface of at least one of the second lens sheets through the decoy image is projected through a projector lens having a
first lens sheet , and an observer looking at outer surfaces of polarized lens opposite that of the display sheet ;
any two different ones of the secondary lens sheets from [ 0024 ] FIG . 7 is a diagram of an embodiment in which the
outside the enclosed space , observes different views of a decoy image is projected onto a display sheet having lenses
virtual decoy image that appears formed within the enclosed on both sides, with opposite polarities ;
space . [ 0025 ] FIG . 8 is aa schematic block diagram of two decoy
[ 0014 ] In accordance with an aspect of the present inven sheets used to have decoy images projected thereon ;
tion, there is provided a method of using of lens sheets [ 0026 ] FIG . 9 depicts an embodiment in which an image
comprising: placing a first lens sheet having a first polarity is projected on curved set of lenses , shaped like a half
proximate a second lens sheet having a second polarity, the cylinder;
first polarity opposite that of the second polarity; and [ 0027] FIG . 10 depicts another embodiment in which an
projecting image data representative of an object through the image is projected on curved set of lenses , shaped like a half
first sheet onto the second sheet, wherein upon a first cylinder;
projector projecting a first image through the first lens sheet [ 0028 ] FIG . 11 depicts another embodiment in which an
onto the second lens sheet, the first image is visible on the image is projected on curved set of lenses , shaped like aa half
second lens sheet but not on the first lens sheet . cylinder ;
[ 0015 ] In accordance with an aspect of the present inven [ 0029 ] FIG . 12 depicts yet another embodiment in which
tion, there is provided aa method of projecting an image onto an image is projected on curved set of lenses , shaped like a
a translucent display surface. The method involves, using a half cylinder;
projection device to broadcast an image or video through [ 0030 ] FIG . 13 depicts a schematic illustration of an
one lenticular sheet of lenticules that run in one parallel embodiment in which an image projected on to a spherical
direction ( e.g., left/right or horizontally) and then at aa farther display;
distance from the first sheet , projecting onto a second [ 0031 ] FIG . 14 is a schematic illustration of an embodi
lenticular sheet with lenticules running in the opposite ment in which the display includes multiple surfaces used to
polarity ( e.g. , up /down or vertically ) so that the image
interlaces on the second sheet thereby creating an image or display different images , viewable from different vantage
video on the second lenticular sheet which remains translu points;
cent in areas where the image is not projected. The stretching [ 0032 ] FIG . 15 is a schematic illustration of an embodi
of the image due to the proximity of the first sheet to the ment in which the display includes multiple surfaces used to
projection source and the distance between the first sheet display different images , viewable from different vantage
and the second sheet can be offset by adjusting the image points ;
within the projection thereby compensating for the stretch [ 0033 ] FIG . 16 is a schematic illustration of an embodi
ing to make the image appear as a normal aspect ratio on the ment in which the display includes multiple surfaces used to
second sheet . display different images , viewable from different vantage
[ 0016 ] In accordance with an aspect of the present inven points;
tion, there is provided a passive display system that has : a [ 0034 ] FIG . 17 is a schematic illustration of an embodi
matte having an image thereon ; and aa double sided lens sheet ment of a display system having two projectors placed a
US 2022/0279152 A1 Sep. 1 , 2022

fixed distance apart, the display system further including Principle of Refraction
two lens sheets of opposite polarities are disposed therebe
tween ; [ 0050 ] It is commonly observed that as a ray of light that
[ 0035 ] FIG . 18 is a schematic illustration of another enters a material medium at an oblique angle changes its
embodiment of a display system having two projectors direction . This phenomenon is called refraction . Refraction
placed a fixed distance apart, the display system further generally involves a change in the direction of wave propa
including two lens sheets of opposite polarities are disposed gation due to a change in propagation speed . In the case of
therebetween ; light, refraction can be traced to the slowing of the light as
[ 0036 ] FIG . 19 is aa schematic illustration of aa variation of it enters the medium , and the speed of light is reduced from
the embodiment of FIG . 4 further utilizing a mirror; its vacuum speed c = 3x108 to c/n , where n is the refractive
index of the medium .
[ 0037] FIG . 20 is a schematic illustrations of aa variation of [ 0051 ] FIG . 1 depicts an illustration of the law of refrac
the embodiment of FIG . 17 or FIG . 18 further utilizing a tion also known as Snell's law. An incident light ray 106
mirror; travels from an initial point P , through a first medium 102
[ 0038 ] FIG . 21 is a schematic illustration of a virtual such as air, and enters into a second medium 104. The
reality room , exemplary of an embodiment of the present incident ray 106 is refracted at the interface 110 , so that the
invention , in which different users looking at the same wall , trajectory of a refracted ray 108 arrives at the point P2 . This
have different views ; is explained by Fermat’s principle of minimum time , which
[ 0039 ] FIG . 22 is a schematic illustration of another vir states that light will travel from one point to another along
tual reality room , exemplary of an embodiment of the a path that requires the minimum time . Thus the angle of
present invention , in which projectors have polarized lenses incidence o ,1 and angle of refraction 02 must be such as to
built into their respective projector lenses ; minimize the optical path length from P 1, to P2 . As shown in
[ 0040 ] FIG . 23 is a schematic illustration of display sys FIG . 1 , if the refractive index of the first medium and the
tem having a cylinder configuration to display two different second medium are respectively n , and n2 , then Snell's law
images viewable in a perspective dependent manner; states that n , sin 0 , =n2sin 02.
[ 0041 ] FIG . 24 is a schematic diagram a display system for [ 0052 ] As noted above , materials that are made up of a
simulating a 3D object at a location, by exploiting perspec large number of lenses , subsets of which are arranged
tive dependent views of lens sheets arranged to enclose the adjacent to one another or in very close proximity in such a
space ; way as to refract visible , near infrared and / or near ultraviolet
[ 0042 ] FIG . 25 is a schematic diagram of a system that light are known . A typical example is the lenticular lens
employs pre -distortion to compensate for distortion artefacts sheet. Lenticular lens sheets can be made of translucent
observed in projected images in exemplary embodiments of plastic . Further, some lenticular lens sheets may be smooth
the present invention ; one side and while the opposite side may be made up of
small convex lenses called lenticules. These lenticules can
[ 0043 ] FIGS . 26-28 are schematic block diagrams of riot make an otherwise ordinary two dimensional view of a
shields exemplary of embodiments of the present invention ; scene, appear to have a variety of interesting visual effects .
[ 0044 ] FIG . 29 is a block diagram illustrating lenticular For example a lenticule may act as a magnifying glass.
lenses used to simulate a three dimensional image ; [ 0053 ] FIG . 2 is a schematic diagram of a lenticular lens
[ 0045 ] FIG . 30 is a simplified schematic diagram of the sheet partly in cross - section . As shown, a lenticular sheet
interior of a vehicle having pillars used for display of images 200 includes a plurality of lenses or lenticules 202 . Images
and video; from the lenticular lenses can be viewed within a V - shaped
[ 0046 ] FIG . 31 is a simplified block diagram of compo viewing region that corresponds to a viewing angle 204 .
nents of a passive display system , exemplary of an embodi Viewing angle 204 may be small or large . A small viewing
ment of the present invention ; angle 204 makes the picture very sensitive to change in the
[ 0047] FIG . 32 is a simplified block diagram of a passive sense that aa viewer just needs to turn the head slightly and
display system , constructed using the components of FIG . a different set of pictures will be seen . For wide viewing
31 , for simulating motion parallax using the perspective angle 204 lenses the viewer can make a relatively large
dependent nature of lens sheets; and displacement or turn of his head to see a different set of
[ 0048 ] FIG . 33 is a simplified schematic diagram of pictures so the change in the viewed is not as sensitive to the
another double - sided linear lens sheet, made by placing two displacement in the head's position or orientation . As a
single sided lens sheets back to back . result, narrow viewing angle lenses are good for three
dimensional ( 3D ) effects and wide viewing angles lenses are
DESCRIPTION OF EMBODIMENTS good for dynamic prints such as animation , flip , morph or
zoom .
[ 0049 ] As noted above, embodiments of the present inven [ 0054 ] A display that presents a three -dimensional image
tion involve display systems and simulated environments to a viewer without the need for special glasses or other
that make use of materials made from various arrangements impediments is sometimes referred to as auto - stereoscopic.
of lenses and other optical materials to achieve distinctive The first auto - stereoscopic method to appear was the barrier
visual effects with applicability in display systems , virtual technique, which involved dividing two or more pictures
reality, immersive environments, architecture, art, entertain into stripes and aligning them behind a series of vertically
ment, interactive systems , collaboration systems and the aligned opaque bars of the same frequency. It was demon
like . These materials utilize the refraction and reflection of strated in paintings of by G. A. Bois - Clair which would
light and other rays in the electromagnetic spectrum , to appear to change from one picture to another as a viewer
achieve desirable visual effects . walked by.
US 2022/0279152 A1 Sep. 1 , 2022

[ 0055 ] Later, physicist Gabriel M. Lippmann used aa series extending grooves are substantially parallel with the central
of lenses at the picture surface instead of opaque barrier longitudinal axis and grooves cover the outer surface of the
lines , and was able to record a complete spatial image with housing . In addition , the invention further includes aa method
parallax in all directions . The process utilized an array of of using the lenticular pattern - forming device to produce a
small spherical lenses , known as a fly's -eye lens array or lenticular lens web , which can be used to make a lenticular
integral lens array to record and playback the image . image web . The image web can be used to create end
[ 0056 ] Several scientists simplified the integral lens array products such as wallpaper, banners, labels and the like .
by incorporating a lenticular lens array. A lenticular lens [ 0061 ] Some embodiments of the present invention, that
sheet consists of a linear array of thick plano -convex cylin will be described later, relate to the use of lenticular lens
drical lenses . The lens sheet is transparent and the rear face, sheets to achieve improved camouflage. For example, one
which constitutes the focal plane, is flat. It is also optically suitable type of a lenticular lens sheet has been described in
analogous to the parallax barrier screen . Nowadays there are U.S. Pat . No. 8,411,363 entitled “ Plastic sheets with len
specific lens designs for animation , 3D and large formats ticular lens array ” , filed on Oct. 20 , 2009 , the contents of
and mass production techniques. which are incorporated by reference herein . The patent
[ 0057] Conventional materials used for making a lenticu discloses a lenticular sheet that includes a first surface
lar lens sheet are made as clear as possible while maintaining having at least two portions, an opposing second surface,
the ability to refract light. Higher transparency of the mate and a plurality of lenticular lenses formed in the first surface .
rial is often desirable and in some applications such as Each portion of the first surface includes a number of
printing, clearer and better visual effects can be realized with lenticular lenses per centimeter that is different from the
a high transmittance rate . The material should also be as number of lenticular lenses per centimeter of an adjacent
stable enough to reduce thermally induced distortion so that portion of the first surface.
a sheet of lenticular lenses can be used many contexts such [ 0062 ] There are several kinds of materials that may be
being rolled for shipping or for use in printing presses. A
lenticular sheet is usually made from acrylic, polycarbonate, used to make lenticular lens sheets. These include polyeth
polypropylene , PVC and polystyrene. The lenses may be ylene terephthalate (PET) which is not amorphous and
arranged in an appropriate density , often commonly mea retains its crystallinity. PET has excellent clarity, good gas
sured and expressed as lens per inch (LPI ) . barrier properties, and good grease and solvent resistance .
[ 0058 ] Typical embodiments of the arrangement of these Polypropylene (PP ) is also suited if the piece is to be finished
lenses provides a V - shaped viewing region as depicted in die cutting lamination or fabrication . Polyvinyl chloride
FIG . 2 and discussed earlier. The image sensitivity to change ( PVC ) which is made by combining ethylene produced by
in the position of the viewer depends on the viewing angle refining petroleum , with chlorine which is produced from
204. A small viewing angle 204 makes the picture sensitive rock salt , may also be used .
to change in that aa viewer just needs to turn the head slightly [ 0063 ] Specific applications and uses of various types of
and a different set of pictures will be seen . For wide angle materials incorporating lenses , methods of making such
lenses 204 the viewer can make a relatively bigger head turn materials, and articles of manufacture embodying such
to see a different set of pictures so the change is not so materials, exemplary of embodiments of the present inven
sensitive. As a result, narrow viewing angle lenses are tion , will be described .
suitable for three dimensional effects, and for dynamic [ 0064 ] Visual concealment and deception are useful in
prints. many contexts, such as hunting where decoys are often setup
[ 0059 ] The material used for making lenticular lens sheets to attract either the same type of animal or a predator of the
are preferably stable , so that thermal distortion is reduced, animal represented by the decoy. Often these decoys are life
while retaining flexibility so that it can be used in a printing size in scale , which means the size of the decoy may be life
press , and rolled for shipping . sized version of a deer or elk . As such, physical decoys are
Manufacture of Lens Sheets difficult to get in and out of an area .
[ 0065 ] However, as the lens sheet material is nearly trans
[ 0060 ] Lenticular lens sheets are typically manufactured parent the background colors allow it to blend into any
using machines or devices custom made for this purpose . environment in any season , day or night. The need to
One such device is described in published US patent appli provide different large physical decoys is avoided as differ
cation US2005 /0286134A1 filed on Aug. 30 , 2005 , and ent images can be projected on to the display made of the
entitled “ Lenticular lens pattern - forming device for produc lens sheet with practically unlimited choice of decoy images
ing a web roll of lenticular lens” , the contents of which are to display.
hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety. The [ 0066 ] Using two lens sheets of opposing polarity can be
published application describes a lenticular lens and method used to create an image by way of interlacing as will be
for manufacturing the lens , in particular as a lenticular lens described below . Such techniques allow creation of stand
web , such that finishing operations such as cutting, laminat alone decoys with the projector broadcasting either a sta
ing and various end - use applications of the lens including tionary decoy or a video of the decoy grazing.
labeling can be achieved or accommodated in - line with the
manufacture of the lens web . The publication also discloses [ 0067] For two sheets to have opposing polarities, if in the
a lenticular pattern - forming device comprising a housing first sheet the arrangement of the lenses or lenticules is along
that is rotatable about a central longitudinal axis . The a first particular direction , ( e.g. , horizontally or left -to - right ),
housing has an outer surface having a groove pattern . The then in the second sheet having the opposing polarity, the
groove pattern includes circumferentially and longitudinally lenses or lenticules would be disposed in aa second direction
extending grooves on the outer surface and the grooves have at or about 90 degrees (perpendicularly ) to the first direction
substantially equal groove widths. The longitudinally (e.g. , vertically or top - to -bottom ).
US 2022/0279152 A1 Sep. 1 , 2022

One-way Projection with Interlacing Effect Again, the first sheet 506 and the second sheet 504 have
[ 0068 ] FIG . 3 is a schematic illustration of an embodiment opposite polarities, as shown using vertical and horizontal
having a vertically polarized sheet 305 close to a projector parallel lines respectively.
301 , whereby the projected video image is perceived as a [ 0078 ] FIG . 4 , FIG . 5 , FIG . 6 to FIG . 7 , FIG . 9 , FIG . 10 ,
bright horizontal strip 303 and may contain ghost images FIG . 12 and FIG . 13 illustrate embodiments that can be used
above and below the strip 303. The vertical polarity of the for decoys such as the embodiment illustrated in FIG . 8 , and
sheet 305 , leads to the horizontal alignment of the strip 303 . in displays as depicted in FIG . 21 and FIG . 22 .
[ 0069 ] Adding a second a horizontally polarized sheet 307 [ 0079 ] FIG . 6 depicts an embodiment in which the decoy
such that the sheet 305 is between the projector 301 and the image is projected through a projector lens having a polar
second sheet 307 as illustrated , allows the projected video ized lenticular lens opposite that of the display sheet. A
image to be displayed correctly onto the second sheet 307 . projector 606 having a projector lenticular lens 608 projects
[ 0070 ] The lenses in the second sheet 307 run in the the decoy image onto a display sheet 604. A first viewer 602
opposite polarity (that is , horizontal polarity ) thereby creat and a second viewer 610 are on opposites sides of the
ing video image 309 on the second sheet 307 which remains projector 606. The display sheet 604 and the projector lens
translucent in areas where the image 309 is not projected . 608 have opposite polarities. In the depicted example,
Using a black background to record the target or decoy, projector lens 608 has a horizontal polarization while the
produces a translucent background around the image por sheet 604 has aa vertical polarization .
trayed. [ 0080 ] In a related alternate embodiment, the polarities
[ 0071 ] The first sheet 305 and second sheet 307 can be may be reversed so that the lens 608 may have a vertical
used on a riot shield . When used on riot sheet, the body of polarization while the sheet 604 may have a horizontal
an object holding the riot shield in place ( such as a police polarization . Both viewer 602 and viewer 610 would be able
officer, or a tripod holding the shield in an experimental to see the decoy image .
setup ) is hidden when behind the shield from the viewer. [ 0081 ] FIG . 7 depicts an embodiment in which the decoy
Moreover, the location of video image 309 on the shield is image is projected onto a display sheet having lenses on both
perspective dependent. sides but with opposite polarities. A projector 706 having a
[ 0072 ] Projector 301 may be a large 2000 lumen or more projector lens 708 projects the decoy image onto a display
projector or a handheld 200 lumen portable battery powered sheet 704. However, in this embodiment, the projector lens
projector and similar effects are observed . Newer short 708 does not have a polarized lens. A first viewer 702 and
throw projectors with internal memory and battery power a second viewer 710 are on opposites sides of the projector
may thus be used to create a system that may be used by 706. The display sheet 704 has lenses on both sides but with
armed forces or the military where video images on shields opposite polarities. Viewer 702 would be able to see the
display non - threatening portrayals of people or items, hiding decoy image but viewer 710 may or may not be able to see
one or more security personnel or soldiers behind . the decoy image depending on the polarity and the viewing
[ 0073 ] In alternate embodiments, the exemplary material angle .
may be in front of a military vehicle and may be used to [ 0082 ] In embodiments having a second projector on the
portray a common sports utility vehicle (SUV ) or a farm side of the viewer 702 , if the image includes a background
vehicle or animal onto the material thereby deceiving the landscape and a decoy foreground image , the decoy image
enemy. is only viewable on the opposite side i.e. , by viewer 702 ,
[ 0074 ] In a variation of the above , a projector such as while the background landscape may be seen on both sides .
projector 301 may simply broadcast the image or video of a On the side where the decoy image is visible the background
tank ( e.g. , M1 Abrams tank) or a soldier onto to create can only be seen behind the decoy image , from a tight angle,
realistic decoys as will be illustrated later. whereas the background is visible on the opposite side
[ 0075 ] Another related application or embodiment, using ( viewable by viewer 710 ) across a very wide angle but the
any of the techniques above is to project a lenticular image decoy image is not visible on that side .
or lenticular video onto the material matching one of the two [ 0083 ] This visibility of an image from one projector on
polarities and frequency of that lens within the sheets, this both sides only occurs when the two lens sheets of opposite
would allow for standalone three dimensional images or polarity are in very close proximity to each other or touch
videos onto one or more display sheets . ing .
[ 0076 ] In the embodiment shown in FIG . 4 , a first viewer [ 0084 ] Moreover, in embodiments having a second pro
402 and a second viewer 410 are on opposite sides of the jector on the side of the viewer 702 , visibility of an image
projector 408. The first sheet 406 is closer to the projector from one projector on both sides further requires the polarity
408 than the second sheet 404 on which the decoy image is to be set up so that side showing the background only , has
presented. Both viewer 402 and viewer 410 would be able its lenses disposed vertically ( up -down ) whereas the side
to see the decoy image on the second lens sheet 404. As that shows both the decoy image and the background (within
shown the first lens sheet 406 and the second lens sheet 404 a tight viewing angle) has its lenses disposed horizontally
have opposite polarities . (left- right)
[0077] FIG . 5 shows a similar embodiment slightly dif [ 0085 ] Using this above techniques, a military soldier may
ferent from the embodiment shown in FIG . 4 with the place decoy soldiers around a defensive position to make
polarities of corresponding lens sheets reversed . In FIG . 5 a adversaries perceive a larger force . If combat occurred the
first viewer 502 and a second viewer 510 are on opposites adversaries would have many more targets to select from
sides of the projector 508. The first sheet 506 is closer to the thereby protecting the actual soldiers and if the decoy was
projector 508 than the second sheet 504 on which the decoy hit the bullets would likely go right through the material and
image is presented. Both viewer 502 and viewer 510 would remain intact and the decoy would appear uninjured thereby
be able to see the decoy image on the second sheet 504 . drawing further fire away from the real soldiers.
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[ 0086 ] A simplified embodiment of the above scenario is allow for distortion . This single piece of material may be
schematically illustrated in FIG . 8 which depicts two decoy manufactured as a flat sheet, curved or in any geometric
sheets 802 , 804. The decoy sheets 802 , 804 are used shape providing a projection screen that may have a number
respectively to have decoy images 808 of soldiers projected of curved or angled viewable surfaces such as a cube or
thereon from a projector 806 , in order to create the illusion pyramid . More than one projector may be required to project
of aa much larger force than is actually present. onto surfaces of a shaped screen to provide an image or
[ 0087] While the image may be viewed on either the video over a partial shape of the material or over the
smooth or lens side of the material on the second sheet 804 complete shape of the material.
that interlaces the image , better or even optimum results
occur when viewing the image with the lens side facing the Irregularly Shaped of Lens Sheets
viewer 810 as shown . This could be improved with anti [ 0094 ] FIG . 9 depicts an embodiment in which an image ,
reflective coatings on the smooth side and these anti -reflec which may be a decoy image , is projected on curved set of
tive coatings on the lens side may also improve results. The lenses , shaped like a cylinder. A projector 906 projects the
smooth side facing the projector is also perceived better if image onto a cylindrical display sheet 904 which has aa front
the viewer is on the side of the projector 806 as the smooth half that is polarized opposite the back half as shown . In the
side helps reflect the image back towards the projector side . depicted embodiment, the front half is horizontally polarized
[ 0088 ] The projector 806 can be on the side as the viewer while the back half on which the projected projects in the
810 facing away from the viewer onto the material ( such as image initially is vertically polarized . A viewer 902 views
one of decoy sheets 802 , 804 ) which is further away from the the image formed on the front half of the cylindrical display
viewer in relation to the projector 806. The material on sheet sheet 904 .
804 closest to the projector 806 would have to be shorter [ 0095 ] FIG . 10 depicts an embodiment in which an image ,
than sheet 802 to allow the viewer 810 to see over sheet 804 which may be a decoy image , is projected on curved set of
and see the decoys on sheet 802 . lenses , shaped like aa half cylinder. A projector 1006 projects
[ 0089 ] Improvements of having lenses manufactured with the image onto a half cylindrical display sheet 1004 whose
the opposite polarity being on both sides of each sheet so lenses are polarized opposite that of a second sheet 1005 that
there is no smooth side on either sheet — that is , the first sheet is closer to the projector 1006 as shown. Although in FIG .
would have lenses on both sides running up and down 10 a flat second sheet 1005 is shown, in other embodiments,
whereas the second sheet would be opposite of the first sheet sheet 1005 may be curved as well . A first viewer 1002 views
with lenses on both sides running left to right. These the image formed on the front half of the cylindrical display
polarities are interchangeable between the two sheets as long sheet 1004. A second viewer 1008 also sees the same image
as they are opposite from one another. formed the half -cylindrical display sheet 1004 if sheet 1005
[ 0090 ] Using larger decoy sheet material, images of larger does not obstruct viewer 1008 from viewing sheet 1004 .
objects such as armored vehicles and tanks may be broad [ 0096 ] FIG . 11 depicts another embodiment in which an
cast . The larger decoy sheet material may be attached to a image , which may be a decoy image , is projected on curved
small golf cart . Alternately, the larger material may be set of lenses , shaped like aa half cylinder. A projector 1106
attached to balloons in order to broadcast images of an attack projects the image onto a half cylindrical display sheet 1104
helicopter. which is formed by placing two half cylindrical display
[ 0091 ] Placing very large decoy sheets around an instal sheets together whose lenses are polarized opposite one
lation would provide for a large static or moving display of another as shown by the vertical and horizontal lines .
vehicles, soldiers and aircraft which may deceive an enemy [ 0097] A first viewer 1102 views the image formed on the
into believing that there is a much larger defensive or outer side of the half cylindrical display sheet 1104. A
offensive force around the installation , with minimal cost to second viewer 1108 also sees the same image on the inner
create and operate these decoys . side of the half -cylindrical display sheet 1104. As noted
[ 0092 ] Other exemplary embodiments involve a curved earlier with reference to FIG . 7 , visibility of an image having
set of lenses, shaped like a cylinder, having lenses on one or a background and a decoy foreground, from a single pro
both sides . In one specific embodiment, on the side of the jector, on both sides of display sheet 1104 only occurs when
cylinder facing the projector the lenses are arranged in aa first the two lens sheets making up display sheet 1104 are of
polarity while on the opposite side the lenses are arranged opposite polarity and in very close proximity to each other
with an opposite polarity to the first set of lenses . This or touching. Moreover, in embodiments having a second
creates an element of depth , being able to see part of the projector on the side of the viewer, visibility of an image
image on the right side of the curve and as viewer moves from one projector on both sides further requires the polarity
around to the left side , the viewer can then view that part of to be set up so that side showing the background only, has
the image could not be seen from the right. Both lenses may its lenses disposed vertically ( up -down ) whereas the side
be curved in the same direction or the first lens may be flat that shows both the decoy image and the background (within
as will be described in detail below . The curve may be a tight viewing angle) has its lenses disposed horizontally
concave such as on new televisions and IMAX screens ( left - right).
which helps reduce reflections on the screen having lenses . [ 0098 ] FIG . 12 depicts another embodiment in which an
[ 0093 ] In aa related embodiment, lenses of opposite polar image , which may be a decoy image , is projected on a
ity are manufactured into the same piece of material so one curved lens sheet made up of a set of curved lenses , shaped
side of the material the lens runs up down and the other side like a half cylinder. A projector 1206 having a polarized
lens runs right to left. No other lenses are needed to attain projector lenticular lens 1207 projects the image onto a
an image interlaced onto this combined lens material nor is cylindrical display sheet 1204 .
any distortion required to fix the image or video on the [ 0099 ] The lenses on display sheet 1204 and the projector
material as there is no separation between the two lenses to lenticular lens 1207 have opposite polarities. A first viewer
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1202 views the image formed on the front half of the where images are portrayed . Alternately, the lenses of the
cylindrical display sheet 1204. A second viewer 1208 also projectors would have lenticular lenses of the opposite
sees the same image formed on the half - cylindrical display polarity as described above with reference of FIG . 15 .
sheet 1204 .
[ 0100 ] In alternate embodiments, that will be discussed Two -way Projection Display Systems
below , displays may be shaped differently and may even [ 0105 ] In another exemplary embodiment illustrated in
have a three dimensional configurations having multiple FIG . 17 and FIG . 18 , a display system with two projectors
display surfaces. disposed a first fixed distance apart, to face each other
[ 0101 ] FIG . 13 depicts a schematic illustration of an project their respective images towards one another. Two
exemplary embodiment in which a viewer 1302 views an lens sheets having opposite polarities are disposed, a second
image projected on to a spherical display 1304 from a fixed length apart between the projectors. The second length
projector 1306. The viewer 1302 is on one side of the is shorter than the first length as the lens sheets would be
spherical display 1304 while the projector 1306 is on the disposed in between the projectors.
opposite side of the projector 1306 as shown . The back [ 0106 ] In the specific embodiment of a display system
hemisphere of the spherical display 1304 facing the projec 1700 depicted in FIG . 17 and FIG . 18 , a projector 1712
tor 1306 or at least a portion thereof, would have the connected to a computer 1718 and another projector 1710
opposite polarity of the front hemisphere ( or at least a connected to another computer 1720 are placed facing each
portion thereof) of display 1304 where the image appears. other about 12 feet apart. This distance can be varied and the
[ 0102 ] FIG . 14 depicts a schematic illustration of another specific distance of twelve ( 12 ) feet noted above is only
embodiment in which multiple projectors are involved , and exemplary. A first lens sheet 1704 and a second lens sheet
viewers view different images depending on their vantage 1708 having their respective lenses arranged in opposite
point. A first viewer 1402 views an image projected on to a polarities are placed in between the two projectors 1712 ,
display surface 1406 from a first projector 1410. A second 1710 about two (2 ) feet apart from each other. This distance
viewer 1412 views another image projected on to another can be varied and the specific distance of two ( 2 ) feet noted
display surface 1408 from a second projector 1404. There above is only exemplary.
would be lens material in between projector 1404 and [ 0107] In operation , as shown in FIG . 17 , when projecting
display surface 1408 of the opposite polarity of display the image 1722 from computer 1720 using the projector
surface 1408. Similarly there would be lens material 1710 , the projected image 1706 would first go through lens
between projector 1410 and display surface 1406 of the sheet 1708 closest to projector 1710 and interlace onto lens
opposite polarity of display surface 1406. Alternately the sheet 1704 as shown .
lenses of the projectors would have lenticular lenses of the [ 0108 ] Simultaneously, as shown in FIG . 18 , when pro
opposite polarity so that the projector lenticular lens polarity jecting image 1714 from computer 1718 using the projector
on projector 1404 would be opposite of display surface 1408 1712 , the projected image 1707 would first go through lens
and the projector lenticular lens polarity on projector 1410 sheet 1704 that is closest to projector 1712 to interlace onto
would be opposite of display surface 1406 . the farther lens sheet 1708 as shown .
[ 0103 ] FIG . 15 depicts a schematic illustration of yet [ 0109 ] As may be appreciated, in the specific depicted
another embodiment in which images or video are displayed arrangement, a user 1702 in FIG . 17 would be able to see the
on numerous sides of displays. One or more projectors 1520 , image on lens sheet 1704 but not the same image 1706 on
1514 can be used . Projector 1520 projects images on to lens sheet 1708. Similarly, a user 1724 in FIG . 18 would be
display 1506. Different sides of display 1506 such as side able to see the image 1707 on lens sheet 1708 but not the
1504 and side 1508 can display different images . Display same image on lens sheet 1704 .
1506 may be polyhedron in shape in general, and a tetra [ 0110 ] An interesting application of the above embodi
hedron in particular as shown. Projector 1514 projects ment as depicted in FIG . 17 and FIG . 18 is simultaneous
images on to display 1516. Different sides of display 1516 video broadcasting. Video sequences or movies projected
can display different images as shown. Viewers 1502 , 1510 , would behave in the same manner as the images , i.e. , user
and viewers 1512 , 1518 can see images in their fields of 1702 would be able to see a video sequence projected on
view projected on display 1506 and display 1516 respec lens sheet 1704 but user 1702 would not be able to see the
tively. As would be appreciated, there is lens sheet material video on lens sheet 1708 from where he or she is positioned.
( not shown) of opposite polarity between the projector and Similarly, user 1724 would be able to see the video projected
the surface where images are portrayed. Alternately, the and interlaced on lens sheet 1708 but will not see the video
lenses of the projectors would have lenticular lenses of the sequence on lens sheet 1704 from where he is she is
opposite polarity as described just above . positioned or situated.
[ 0104 ] FIG . 16 depicts a display with a complex shape in [ 0111 ] It was found by the inventor of the present inven
which multiple projectors are used with many potential tion that when lens sheets are placed two ( 2 ) feet apart, if a
applications in advertising, art, architecture and the like . An viewer changed his or her viewing angle or perspective , the
exemplary complex display 1608 displays images projected image would shift on the lens sheet providing an element of
under, over or from the side of its surfaces. Display 1608 depth that was specific to the viewer. The shifted image
may be polyhedron in shape . The projections may also viewed would be different for aa second viewer and similarly
emanate from within the display 1608. Viewers 1602 , 1612 again different for each person on that same side of the lens
are thus able to see a variety of images on the many surfaces sheet. This effect was more apparent when the image or
1618 of display 1608 , as projected by projectors 1604 , 1606 ,
2 video was on the horizontal polarity. The second motion
1610 , 1614 and 1616. Again , the skilled reader would picture or movie playing on the opposite side in the vertical
appreciate that there is lens sheet material (not shown) of polarity was slightly different as there was more perceived
opposite polarity between the projector and the surface movement up and down in relation to the viewers distance
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changing between the viewer and the lens i.e., as the be will be will be appreciated by those skilled in the art, the
viewer got closer, the image would move up on the lens in lens sheet 2014 and the lens sheet 2018 have opposite
relation the viewer's distance . polarities.
[ 0112 ] The above finding provides a new use for embodi Perspective Dependent Views, Holodeck and Immersion
ment of FIG . 17 and FIG . 18 and confirms the holodeck
application of the embodiments of FIG . 21 or FIG . 22 that [ 0121 ] Another exemplary embodiment of the present
illustrate immersive experience room for multiple people invention involves immersive virtual reality (VR ) systems
providing different perspectives for each . that are known to allow users to interact in virtual environ
[ 0113 ] The element of depth and perspective comes about ments , where presence is limited to the virtual world .
from the two lens sheets 1704 , 1708 of opposing polarity Movies and scientific literature have suggested several VR
having some gap or distance between them ( e.g. , two feet ). interfaces that enhance presence of users in a virtual envi
This is also true of one projector broadcasting through both ronment (VE ), for example, the holodeck on the popular
lens sheets set apart from each other (gap of inches or television series Star TrekTM Some of these immersive
feet )—the greater the gap between the lenses the more environments inspired research into displays where the user
movement occurs with a viewer's changing perspective . cannot tell real from virtual.
[ 0114 ] When the two lens sheets are held together, the [ 0122 ] In embodiments of the present invention, as a
image had no movement change when based on the viewers ' viewer moves , the image or video on a lens sheet display
perspective. Further, when using two projectors from either changes, but based solely on the location of the viewer
side each lens would show a ghost image from the closest relative to the lens sheet display.
projector over the image or movie from the second . [ 0123 ] Companies such as Microsoft are working on a
[ 0115 ] Tighter configurations of lenses on a lens sheet, Holodeck type room to immerse someone into a simulated
which may have different angles, such as in cylindrically environment within the room providing video on the walls
shaped sheet 904 in FIG . 9 , increases the clarity and viewing that are projected with the correct perspective for the view
angle of the video and reduces the bands of light and prism er's location within that environment. Typical approaches
( rainbow ) effect which are seen when a larger configuration are geared towards a first person, assumed to be a single
of lenses is used . user , whose head is tracked by a camera and the images or
video are moved or spatially translated in relation to the head
Display Systems with Mirrors of the subject person to retain the correct perspective . In
[ 0116 ] Another display system , exemplary of an embodi other words , a video camera tracks the first person's head
ment of the present invention, is depicted in FIG . 19. The and modifies the environment for the correct perspective of
display system includes a projector 1910 and a mirror 1904 this viewer.
disposed between a first lens sheet 1902 and a second lens [ 0124 ] While this allows the first person to attain the
sheet 1906. This arrangement allows for more compact correct perspective , any other persons in the room that are
display system housing all the components . Such an not near the first person would get an unrealistic perspective .
arrangement permits components behind lens sheet 1902 The perspective of other persons would be off or incorrect if
such as projector 1910 to be hidden from the viewer 1908 the other persons are not near the first person .
( around a corner ). [ 0125 ] Exemplary of embodiments of the present inven
[ 0117] Lens sheet 1902 and projector 1910 may be sub tion do not track the viewer. Rather, it is a property of the
stituted with a projector having a projector lens or projector lens sheet material that, when utilized in the manner as
lens cover thereon . As will be appreciated by a person of depicted and described herein , provides different perspec
skill in the art, the projector lens or cover would have a tives depending on the location of the viewer. Tracking of
polarity opposite that of lens sheet 1906 so as to permit the user's movements is avoided , in sharp contrast to exist
interlacing of the projected sub- images.The lens sheet 1906 ing VR systems. One of the most intuitive ways of moving
may also utilize different geometric shapes as discussed in through such a scenario as well as through our real world is
relation to earlier described embodiments . to perform real walking .
[ 0118 ] In the above embodiment, a distortion of the aspect [ 0126 ] This is important in creating realistic looking 3D
ratio may be observed on the displayed image on lens sheet objects, holographic like displays or virtual or augmented
1906 , when aa video image is projected from projector 1910 . [ 0127] Using materials exemplary of embodiments of the
This may be due to the distance between the two materials present invention, such as lenticular lens sheets as described
with the mirror bounce creating a larger distance. To correct above , in a virtual reality room , and broadcasting from the
such distortions, horizontal and vertical ratio of the video other side of the wall from the observers with numerous
being projected may be changed as will be described later. projectors providing unique perspectives which can only be
[ 0119 ] In yet another variant, exemplary of another seen from particular observation points, multiple users could
embodiment of the present invention, a display system as experience the same virtual reality environment without a
depicted in FIG . 20 uses a plurality of projectors 2022 , 2026 camera tracking one user . The projectors may also be inside
connected to corresponding image sources 2024 , 2028 the room , for example, on the roof or suspended above the
respectively, and aa mirror 2016 in between a lens sheet 2014 people or in other areas within the room . The projectors
and lens sheet 2018. This allows for dual viewing in a broadcast images onto the lens material placed on or in front
manner similar to the embodiment of FIG . 17 and FIG . 18 . of the walls which may be transparent, translucent or solid
[ 0120 ] Viewer 2012 sees the image or video from projec walls . If the walls are transparent then the projectors may be
tor 2026 without seeing the image from projector 2022 while placed behind the walls .
viewer 2020 sees the image or video from projector 2022 [ 0128 ] Each user would have a perspective dependent
without seeing the image from projector 2026. As may now view that depends on the viewers physical location and
US 2022/0279152 A1 Sep. 1 , 2022

orientation which changes as each user moves move through [ 0135 ] The embodiment demonstrates that as a viewer
the room due to the nature of the lenticular lens that allows moved from one side of the cylinder to the other that you
them to create 3D images , and the many different projectors would see the two different views . The same image or movie
of the scene . may be shown on both the left side and right side but with
[ 0129 ] This is depicted in FIG . 21. The virtual reality room the correct perspective for the viewer such as seeing the left
in FIG . 21 depicts different users 2102 , 2104 looking at the side of a person on the left side and the right side of the same
same wall 2110 made of aa lenticular lens sheet . Projectors person on the right side leading to a simulated three dimen
2106 , 2108 project or broadcast on to the wall of the virtual sional effect. This technique of using two or more projectors
reality room . The user 2102 views the image 2112 , while to create multiple perspectives that are viewer location
user 2104 views the image 2114 on the same wall 2110 . dependent also works on non - curved ( flat) lenses .
Image 2112 and image 2114 may be perceived as 3D images . [ 0136 ] Photographs with a flat black backdrop show that
[ 0130 ] In FIG . 21 the projectors 2106 , 2108 could be when projected , black background does not show up on the
behind transparent wall 2110 with aa lens sheet in front of the material or sheet 2304a . This aspect is important when
projectors and second lens sheet of the opposite polarity on simulating a decoy onto the material such as a soldier, the
background does not give away that it is a decoy.
the wall 2110 as shown . The transparent wall 2110 may be
made of glass or Plexiglas. The projectors 2106 , 2108 may [ 0137 ] It is to be noted that projected images on lens sheets
also be arranged within the room with a lens in front of the 2304a , are above the lower piece of the light bending
projector and a second lens of the opposite polarity on the material in behind ( the sheet 2304b closest to the projectors
wall which is either transparent, translucent or solid . Mirror 2302a , 2302b ) . Once this feature is pointed out , it becomes
bounce techniques could also be used as described previ very confusing for a viewer to understand the optical prin
ously for FIG . 19 and FIG . 20 . ciples involved , which adds to the Sci - Fi holographic dis
[ 0131 ] New projectors may be developed for the display play effect people have hoped for.
system as shown in FIG . 22. As illustrated FIG . 22 depicts [ 0138 ] The two projectors 2302a , 2302b are both from the
different users 2202 , 2204 looking at transparent or semi same manufacturer. Projector 2302b includes a short throw
transparent wall 2210 made of a lenticular lens sheet. lens allowing it to be much closer to the material on sheet
Projectors 2206 , 2208 project or broadcast on to the wall 2304b in order to provide the same size image as projector
2210 of the virtual reality room . The user 2202 views the 2302a .
image 2214 , while user 2204 views the image 2212 on the
[ 0139 ] In a slight variation of the embodiment depicted in
same wall 2210. These new projectors 2206 , 2208 have FIG . 23 , only one projector may be used with one image of
polarized lenticular lenses built into their respective projec .

a person taken from the front, to simulate the holographic

tor lens thereby removing the need for the first sheet to be effect without the need for multiple projectors. While the
placed in front of the projector, thus allowing for the image viewed is static , the movement of the viewer and the
projector to transmit the image or video directly onto the way the image follows the viewer on the material as the
second sheet in the form of wall 2210 having the opposite viewer moves left to right (more so when on the horizontally
polarity. An improvement may be to have the second sheet polarized lens sheet) or closer and farther (more so when on
with the same polarity of lenses manufactured on both sides the vertically polarized lens sheet) makes it appear like a
of the sheet or placing two sheets together with the same three dimensional ( 3D ) object.
polarity. Mirror bounce techniques could also be used as
described previously for FIG . 19 and FIG . 20 . [ 0140 ] Multiple large pieces of the lens sheet material may
[ 0132 ] In experiments, using different size lenses between be used to create life sized rendering of images . For
the first lens and the second of the opposite polarity still example, FIG . 24 depicts a system 2400 for simulating a
functioned . However the larger lens polarization if used on soldier in uniform using the perspective dependent nature of
the first lens closest to the projector could be perceived on the lens sheet material.
the second lens if the lenses were close to each other. [ 0141 ] A projector 2402 projects a video or sequence of
[ 0133 ] In an alternate exemplary embodiment, two lenses images through a first lens sheet material 2404. In the
of opposite polarity are placed close together or on top of depicted embodiment, five ( 5 ) large pieces of secondary lens
one another to create a translucent screen for either forward sheet material 2406 , 2408 , 2410 , 2412 , 2414 , each in oppo
or rear projection which can be viewed on either side . site polarity to lens sheet material 2404 , are used to increase
the viewable angle.
[ 0134 ] In one exemplary embodiment illustrated in FIG . [ 0142 ] A black backdrop may be used to hide the back
23 , a cylinder configuration to display two different images ground while filming a person wearing a uniform so only the
or video streams of the front left and front right side on the person is shown on the material. Viewers 2416 would
same lenticular lens sheet 2304a . A pair ofprojectors 2302a , perceive the virtual decoy soldier 2418 as a military guard
2302b which may be the smaller 200 lumen portable pro observing the area , even when the viewers 2416 walk around
jectors are used . A first viewer 2306 and a second viewer to different angles.
2308 view different images or videos as they are at different
locations relative to the cylindrical display 2304 having a [ 0143 ] If the virtual decoy soldier 2418 is intended to
first lens sheet 2304a and aa second cylindrical sheet 2304b . appear to be defending a location and shooting a gun , it is
The two lens sheets 2304a , 2304b have opposite polariza desirable to have the enemy target the virtual decoy 2418
tions . The lens sheet 2304b first receives the projected image instead of real or actual combatants. One benefit to the
from the projectors 2302a , 2302b which are then interlaced illustrated system 2400 is that bullets should go right
onto lens sheet 2304a . Viewer 2306 sees the image or video through the lens sheet material and have little effect on the
projected from projector 2302a and viewer 2308 sees the material or the video projection. The virtual decoy soldier
image or video projected from projector 2302b . would still appear to be defending and the enemy would
US 2022/0279152 A1 Sep. 1 , 2022

continue to try to hit it , unless the projector is hit . The Undistorting Decoys Using Pre -distortion
projector could be protected and placed out of the way using [ 0151 ] In many of the exemplary embodiments described
the mirror bounce technique. above , it may be observed that the image on the second lens
[ 0144 ) Projector 2402 may be implemented using a small sheet may contains distortions or artefacts that are viewed by
battery powered, portable 200 lumens projector. An internal the target observer. These distortions may be reduced, mini
5 GB memory on the projector 2402 may store video or mized or eliminated with an appropriate compensatory pre
sequence of images to be projected. This avoids the need for distortion at the image source (e.g. , a computer) before the
an external device such as computer, which leads to fewer image is projected by a projector.
pieces of hardware and a compact size , which is important [ 0152 ] An exemplary embodiment for reducing the dis
to soldiers who may have to carry these virtual decoys . In tortion is shown in FIG . 25. An image source 2508 in the
one specific embodiment, projector 2402 was rated to have form of a laptop computer provides a pre -distorted image
estimated battery life up to 1.5 hours and often provided 2510 to projector 2502 .
close to 2 hours, and the projector included two built in 2.5 [ 0153 ] Image 2510 is made much wider on the computer
watt speakers. so the viewable logo image 2506 displayed on the material
[ 0145 ] One of the issues when viewing these demonstra or on lens sheet 2504 appears corrected . It will be noted that
tions is the reflection caused by the pieces of lens sheet the pre -distorted image 2510 appears oval or elliptical while
materials 2406 , 2408 , 2410 , 2412 , 2414. This may be the corrected image 2506 is circular as intended .
overcome with antireflective coatings but even the addition [ 0154 ] This is due to the inherent distortion in the system
of aa simple bug screen to mitigate much of the reflection of FIG . 25 , which would have distorted a clean circular
without hindering the projected image too much . image , now instead has the effect of undistorting the pre
[ 0146 ] Advantageously, a soldier can both hide behind the distorted elliptical image 2510. In this example, a mirror
set of lens sheets for concealment purposes and project a bounce technique is used to provide a compact setting for the
different image on the sheets toward the viewer for decep photo image .
tion purposes, as long as he or she is not between the
projector and the first or secondary lenses . Riot Shields
[ 0147] In the depicted embodiment of FIG . 24 , each of the [ 0155 ] Other exemplary embodiments of the present
five pieces of material 2408 , 2408 , 2410 , 2412 , 2414 are all invention include riot shields. FIG . 26 depicts a riot shield
in the horizontal polarization , so that what is viewed is a 2600a having aa clear shield body 2602a . In such an embodi
table below and wall behind and above or the window ment where there is little distance to work with between the
stretched down as the soldier moves to that side of the person holding the shield using handles 2608a , 26010a and
material. This provides insight into the best polarization to the clear shield body 2602a , a first piece of lens sheet
use for use with soldiers ( vertical) hiding behind it so that material 2604a on the clear riot shield body touches , or is in
the background on the material does not appear as an close proximity to , the second lens sheet 2612a in the
[ 0148 ] In some situations it may be desirable to have a opposite polarity in the vertical center of the shied body
virtual soldier displayed on a riot shield rather than just 2602a , no correction is required for the aspect ratio , and a
hiding behind it , allowing it to show the background. When projector 2606a can be much closer to the material. How
opening a door, persons on the other side will know some ever , this may create a gray colored background zone visible
thing is coming through the door. To stop enemy soldiers from the front appearing behind the decoy or projected
from reacting aggressively, such as reaching for their guns , image if a black backdrop was used to remove the back
ground during filming . This Gray colored background only
one may project one of their soldiers onto the shield or the appears in the center of the shield between the two handles
janitor or someone familiar. This allows the first person in , 2608a , 2610a where the two pieces of lens sheet material
extra safety and extra time to observe the room to determine 2604a , 2612a are closest to each other. Projectors with a
threats from friendlies . This may also be true of soldiers shorter throw distance could be much closer, e.g. , attached
accidently making a noise outside , stepping on a branch and to longer handles, to achieve the same effect.
drawing attention to there location . By portraying an animal [ 0156 ] The reason the material on the riot shield shows the
such as a dog or raccoon onto the material, the viewers will background so well is that the lens polarization is vertical,
be deceived into thinking a non threat created the noise to this up /down polarization hides a person (a vertical human )
continue to hide the soldier or soldiers behind it . in behind while retaining the horizontal elements such as the
[ 0149 ] In other embodiments, it is possible to place a small table edge, wall edge and window frames. The lens sheet
polarized lens directly over a projector lens with the oppo refracts the horizontal and hides the vertical.
site polarization to the viewable lens sheet . This requires ( 0157] In riot shield 2600b shown in FIG . 27 having
lens sheet with very fine lenses . handles 26086 , 2010b and a clear shield body 2602b , a first
[ 0150 ] Many different applications of exemplary embodi piece of lens sheet material 2604b is formed on the clear
ments of a display system using the illustrated and demon shield body 2602b itself while the second lens sheet 2612b
strated techniques, and combinations multiple perspective in the opposite polarity is formed on the projector lenticular
projections to provide 3D holographic style videos or lens of projector 2606b . Projector 2606b can be much closer
images onto a riot shield or virtual military decoys have to the lens sheet material 2604b . Projector 2606b is a short
many uses in civilian and military applications. It is readily throw projector and the distance could be much closer. This
apparent that the invention described herein has potentially configuration removes the gray background that can be
wide commercial applications such as advertising, entertain present in FIG . 26 and allows the actual background colors
ment, architecture, communication, social interaction , home behind the person holding the shield to be displayed as there
security and law enforcement. is sufficient distance between the lenses .
US 2022/0279152 A1 Sep. 1 , 2022

[ 0158 ] In riot shield 2600c shown in FIG . 28 having video within the projection to compensate for the stretching,
handles 2608c , 2010c and a clear shield body 2602c , a first
> 2 so as to make the image on the second sheet appear at a
piece of lens sheet material 2604c is formed on the clear riot normal aspect ratio .
shield body 2602c itself while the second lens sheets 26120 ,
2616c in the opposite polarity (of material 2604c ) are Other Applications 13 See - through Effect
formed on the projector lenticular lenses of projectors [ 0165 ] In one specific embodiment, a projector may allow
2606c , 2614c respectively . Projectors 26060 , 2614c can be the projected image to be seen on a background of any color.
much closer to the lens sheet material 2604c . Projectors In vehicles , the pillars on the windshield have widened to
26060 , 2614c are short throw projectors and again the meet crash test requirements as well as housing air bags .
distance could be much closer, e.g. , attached to longer These wide pillars have in turn created large blind spots in
handles 2608c , 2610c , to achieve the same effect. This vehicles.
configuration removes the gray background that can be [ 0166 ] FIG . 30 depicts a simplified diagram of the interior
present in FIG . 26 and allows the actual background colors of a vehicle 2700 having windshield 2710 and pillars 2702 .
behind the person holding the shield to be displayed as there A short throw projector 2704 on the interior roof of a vehicle
is sufficient distance between the lenses . broadcasts images and video onto a first sheet 2706 which
[ 0159 ] In order to project a larger image on this vertical could be close to the lens of the projector 2704 and not in the
polarization , the video was rotated 90 degrees on a com way of the field of view for the driver, which is then
puter, then the projector was turned 90 degrees to correct for projected onto a second sheet 2708 covering the pillar 2702 .
the projection as the aspect ratio on this projector and most [ 0167] As will be appreciated , another short throw pro
others is 16 : 9 ( 16 widex9 high ). By turning the projector by jector 2716 may be disposed proximate the first short throw
90 degrees, it is possible to utilize the longer side ( 16 units projector 2704 , to project to a sheet 2718 first and then to
of length ) as the height and the shorter side ( 9 units of another sheet 2720 on the opposite side of the interior of
length ) as width . vehicle 2700 in a similar manner, as depicted .
[ 0168 ] The images and video that are broadcast onto the
Other Applications 13 Simulated 3D Image sheet 2708 are captured by one or more cameras ( not
[ 0160 ] Lenticular lenses may be used to create a simulated illustrated ) mounted on the vehicle 2700 recording the
three dimensional image of aa special image that appears to exterior environment. This provides the driver of vehicle
be placed behind and against the back of the sheet. The 2700 with a video view as if through the solid pillar 2702 .
images are not physically displayed directly behind the sheet [ 0169 ] As can be seen in FIG . 30 , the integrated view of
but rather the lenses create an optical effect or optical the visible portion of a triangular object 2712 seen through
illusion, in which the image appears to be beyond the back windshield 2700 , together with the image 2714 of an oth
of the lenses or the sheet , to an observer. erwise invisible portion of the object 2702 obstructed by the
[ 0161 ] FIG . 29 depicts an arrangement used to create a pillar 2702 from the driver's view , but captured by the
display with a simulated three dimensional effect. A lens camera and displayed on sheet 2708 , creates the illusion of
sheet 2630 made up of a number of lenticular lenses 2634 is a driver seeing through the solid pillar 2702 .
used to create a display with a simulated 3D effect. The [ 0170 ] Currently special reflective materials are needed to
lenticular lenses 2634 receive light from a projector of a allow the image or video to reflect the image to been seen
special produced image 2632 which would go through an rather than being washed out . White is the most typically
opposite polarized lenticular lens prior and corrected with used color. However, this has the drawback of limiting the
pre -distortion as shown in FIG . 25. The special produced look of the interiors of vehicles . Using the technolog
image that is projected would utilize the lenticular printing described in FIG . 30 any color could be used on the pillar
effect to simulate the motion as it is done with printed 2702 behind the second sheet 2708 .
lenticular sheets with the printed lenticular image or video ( 0171 ] The Jaguar Land Rover Limited company had
ending up behind and against the smooth backside 2636 of demonstrated broadcasting , the hood of one of its off- road
the sheet 2630 as shown in the exemplary embodiment vehicles , a video on of what was directly ahead of the
depicted in FIG . 29 . vehicle 13 as if the driver could see through the hood of the
vehicle to provide a less obstructed view for increased
[ 0162 ] In an exemplary embodiment of the present inven safety. In a demonstration of what the company called
tion, a projection device or projector may be used to project Discovery Vision Concept , a front - facing camera is used to
an image or video sequence through a first lenticular lens capture images which are then projected on the lower
sheet and a second lenticular lens sheet. The first lenticular portion of the windshield so the driver can simulate seeing
lens sheet may contain a plurality of lenticular lenses or through the hood . A drawback of this approach is that the
convex lenses that run in the same parallel direction, for color of the hood would have to be within a narrow range for
example left to right, giving the sheet aa first polarity. optimal image / video reflection from the projector in day
[ 0163 ] At a farther distance from the first sheet , the second light.
lenticular sheet containing another plurality of lenticular [ 0172 ] By using techniques exemplary of the present
lenses or convex lenses may be placed or disposed . The invention such as that depicted in FIG . 30 , the color of the
lenses in the second sheet run in the opposite direction to the hood may be made any arbitrary color and still retain a good
first that is up and down , giving the second sheet a second reflection for the driver to see the image or video in daytime.
polarity opposite to the polarity of the first sheet . Similar applications of this technology may be employed in
[ 0164 ] The image projected through the first sheet may be cockpits in aircraft, bridges of ships, and control towers at
stretched due to the proximity of the first sheet to the airports.
projection source . The distance between the first sheet and [ 0173 ] Broadcasting an image or video onto a wall usually
the second sheet can be offset by adjusting the image or requires a white or retroreflective surface that is usually
US 2022/0279152 A1 Sep. 1 , 2022

white . Variations of the exemplary embodiment of the 3210 perceives one of the three locations of the image of the
present invention as shown in FIG . 30 may be utilized via a animal appearing staggered on the matte 3108 through the
projector or series of projectors so that large images or lens sheet 3106 depending on their side to side vantage
videos could be displayed on interior or exterior walls , point. If the lenses were configured in the horizontal polar
roof's, floors or other backgrounds of arbitrary color. ization the image will move up and down depending on the
[ 0174 ] Broadcasting images from a projector onto a trans distance or changing height of the viewer 3204 .
parent surface often does not yield favorable results . Typi [ 0181 ] The effect is similar on video display screens , such
cally there is a ghost like image displayed on the transparent as smart phones , tablets, computer monitors , television
surface. By utilizing technique, exemplary of embodiments screens where the lens sheet should be elevated away from
of the present invention as described just above, improve the screen similar to the depiction in FIG . 32 .
images may be displayed on glass . The second lens sheet [ 0182 ] The two lenticular lenses 3110a , 3110b (or one
may be disposed on the glass to yield a much better image double sided lens) could be curved out towards the viewer
or video sequence with minimal ghosting. in the middle so there is greater distance from the image in
[ 0175 ] In a variation of the above, boardrooms may be the middle , thus greater perceived movement in the middle
designed using windows as display screens as needed versus the sides of the image . It could also be curved in
instead of requiring a dedicated screen or a television set or towards the middle so there is more perceived movement on
monitor for presentation. the sides versus the middle .
[ 0176 ] In a related application, very large scale video [ 0183 ] Lenses with different LPI ( “ lens per inch ” or “ lines
images may be displayed across a hotel that has many per inch ”) produce different frequencies of movement. The
windows, which could allow for inexpensive mega screen two lens sheets depicted in FIG . 31 and FIG . 32 are of the
advertising by placing many small projectors on the outside same LPI but in other embodiments, the can be different
or inside of the hotel .
from each other to vary the visual effect.
Passive Display Systems [ 0184 ] FIG . 33 depicts another double - sided linear lens
sheet 3300 , made by placing two linear lens sheets back to
( 0177] In many of the exemplary embodiments described back , similar to lens sheet 3106 but having a horizontal
above , one or more projectors were used to generate the polarity. In this arrangement, an object close -up appears in
image or video that is displayed on a lenticular lens sheet. the correct location but at a particular distance d, the viewed
However, the inventor has discovered other embodiments in object at location 3310 will appear in the mirror image .
which static or passive images are used to simulate the [ 0185 ] Due to the polarization, the effect is to reflect light
motion parallax effect — that is , changes in the perceived rays 3304 into reflected rays 3308 by the back- to -back
image of an object over time that changes with observer plurality of lenses 3306 so that they converge at location
movement. In this exemplary embodiment, static photos , 3310. Thus objects running in the same polarity can be
artwork , logos, images, drawing as well as video display removed or reduced from view , particularly those in the zone
screens may be used . where viewed objects begin to appear in mirror image .
[ 0178 ] FIG . 31 depicts a simplified diagram of compo While FIG . 33 shows the back -to - back plurality of lenses
nents of a passive display system , exemplary of an embodi 3306 running horizontally, the plurality of lenses 3306 may
ment of the present invention , for simulating motion paral also run vertically (as shown in lens sheet 3106 ) or even at
lax using the perspective dependent nature of lens sheets . A an angle and still achieve a similar effect. In other embodi
picture frame 3102 has an edge 3104 which is at or about 1 ments, a lens sheet similar to lens sheet 3300 containing the
cm above the image matte 3108. A double sided lenticular plurality of lenses 3306 may be curved .
lens sheet 3106 , not necessarily drawn to scale , depicts [ 0186 ] Having thus described, by way of example only,
vertically polarized lenticular lenses. A single sided lens embodiments of the present invention , it is to be understood
sheet is a typical lenticular lens sheet as depicted in FIG . 2 that the invention as defined by the appended claims is not
where one side has aa smooth flat surface while the other side to be limited by particular details set forth in the above
contains convex lenses . A double sided lenticular lens sheet description of exemplary embodiments as many variations
contains lenticules or convex lenses on both sides . and permutations are possible without departing from the
[ 0179 ] Ideally lenticular lens sheet 3106 would be manu scope of the claims .
factured as one integral piece . However, two lenticular lens What is claimed is :
sheets may be disposed or placed back to back, along the
dotted line shown in FIG . 31 , to form the lenticular lens 1. A riot shield comprising:
sheet 3106. An adhesive may be used to adhere the backs of a clear body having an outer surface and an inner surface;
the two lens sheets together. The adhesive is preferably a a first lens sheet having a first polarity disposed over the
clear permanent adhesive . However, in some specific outer surface;
embodiments, the adhesive may be water. When two single a second lens sheet having a second polarity, disposed
sided lenticular lens sheets are used , corresponding ones of
the lenses such as lenses 3110a , 3110b in each sheet are proximate the inner surface and the first lens sheet, the
aligned in the same polarity, i.e. , vertically to simulate first polarity opposite the second polarity ,
movement side to side , or horizontally to simulate up and wherein upon a first projector in communication with a
down movement. first image source projecting an image onto the first
[ 0180 ] FIG . 32 depicts lenticular lens sheet 3106 placed lens sheet through the second lens sheet , the image is
on top of the frame 3102. Lens sheet 3106 sits at or about visible on the first lens sheet but not on the second lens
1 cm above the mounting board or image matte 3108. This sheet.
distance can be varied for greater or less effect as desired . 2. The riot shield of claim 1 , wherein the image is visible
The viewer 3204 from different vantage points 3206 , 3208 , on the outer surface but not on the inner surface .
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3. The riot shield of claim 1 , further comprising at least a observer but not the first view , wherein said second
first handle attached to the inner surface and wherein the location different from the first location and said first
second lens sheet is in physical contact with a portion of the view is different from said second view .
inner surface. 7. The passive display system of claim 6 , wherein the
4. The riot shield of claim 3 , wherein said first projector
2 double sided lens sheet comprises a first single sided len
is attached to the first handle , said projector comprises a ticular lens sheet, and a second single sided lenticular lens
projector lenticular lens and said second lens sheet is formed sheet, each lens sheet having a smooth back surface , and
over the projector lenticular lens of the first projector. wherein the first and second single sided lenticular lens
5. The riot shield of claim 4 , further comprising a second sheets are disposed back to back .
handle , wherein a second projector is attached to the second 8. The passive display system of claim 7 , further com
handle, said second projector also comprises a projector prising a frame wherein the distance between the matte and
lenticular lens and a third lens sheet is formed over the the double sided lens sheet is about 1 cm .
projector lenticular lens of the second projector, the third 9. The passive display system of claim 8 , wherein said
lens sheet also having the opposite polarity of the first lens distance is variable , and varying the distance causes a
sheet. change in at least one of the first and second views .
6. A passive display system comprising: 10. The passive display system of claim 9 , the distance is
a matte having an image thereon; varied in dependence on LPI of the lens sheet .
a double sided lens sheet having a first polarity, proximate 11. The passive display system of claim 9 , LPI of the first
the matte; single sided lens sheet is different from LPI of the second
wherein at a first location relative to the double sided lens single sided lens sheet .
sheet a first view of the image is visible to an observer ; 12. The passive display system of claim 9 , the distance is
and at a second location relative to the double sided varied in dependence on lens angle .
lens sheet a second observed view is visible to the *

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