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Course Instructions: European Business Law

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European Business Law

Course Instructions


We would like to extend a very warm welcome to you to the first course in our new three-part MOOC
series on European Business law. If this is your first visit, we recommend that you begin by reading
this document as it gives a good overview and provides instructions how to navigate the course. After
that we suggest that you simply begin with the Introduction Module and then continue in the order
of the course. But please feel free to browse around at your own liking and pace.

The Course Series

Like we mentioned above, we have created a new MOOC series called European Business law. This
first course is entitled Understanding the Fundamentals, and will give you a thorough
understanding of the basics of the European Union, its institutions and its legal framework. We will
discuss a wide array of topics, ranging from the history of the EU to the constitutional dynamics that
govern the relationships between the Union and the Member States. Of course, principal subjects
relevant for doing business in Europe, such as the economic freedoms will be dealt with in some detail.

The second and third courses are called Doing Business in Europe, and Competing in Europe.
The former will deal with specific fields of European Business law essential for anyone considering
any sort of business relationship in Europe. The latter will cover the specifics of European
Competition Law and Intellectual Property law. All three courses can be taken independently or in
sequence depending on your needs and preferences.

The course is divided into six modules, each module representing about one week. Lectures and in-
video quizzes are the main method of teaching. In order to give you an overview and ease your learning,
we have included a reading for each lecture. In these you will find more in-depth information about
the legislation mentioned in the lecture, case law, recommended readings, online sources and more.

Each module finishes with a graded quiz. Please note that Module 5 also contains a peer graded
assignment in addition to the quiz. You can read more about quizzes and assignments below.

Module 1. Introduction to EU law

This first module will help the learner to build a solid foundation for the coming lectures on EU law.
The module provides a brief introduction to the history and the institutions of the EU, as well as the
judicial branch i.e. the Court of Justice of the EU. The module will also go into some detail about
the most fundamental EU treaties, namely the Treaty on the European Union (TEU) and the Treaty
on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

Module 2. Legal Resources

The second module is slightly different from the rest of the course as it focuses on practical skills on
how to deal with the legal sources and method of EU law. It will provide you with some skills that
are crucial when dealing with EU law, such as navigating the vast databases of official publications,
legislation and case law. Keep in mind that the module can be used as reference if you continue your
studies of European Business Law.

Module 3. Fundamental Principles and Constitutional Foundations

In the third module you will learn about the fundamental principles and constitutional foundations of
EU law. The dynamic and interaction of the national law of the Member States and the EU will be
covered in some detail.

Module 4. Enforcement of EU Law and Judicial Review

The fourth module covers the enforcement of EU law and judicial review. In the previous lectures,
you have learned that the EU confers certain rights on individuals and companies and that the EU
has certain powers conferred to it by the Member States. This module examines the essential
questions of how you – as an individual or as a company – are able to enforce your rights at a
national level and how you can challenge a legislation through which the EU has acted outside of its
conferred powers.

Module 5. The Economic Freedoms

The fifth Module will deal with the economic freedoms. The freedom of movement of capital, services,
people and goods is at the very heart of EU law and crucial to understanding the law from a business
perspective. While the lectures focus on the free of movement of capital, services and goods, the
readings will include additional material on the free movement of persons and establishment. This
module contains a peer graded assignment in addition to the quiz.

Module 6. The External Dimension

The sixth and last module will deal with the legal framework of the common European foreign policy.
This is a complex field where the policies of the individual Member States and the EU overlap and

interact. The external dimension is important to understand for anyone considering international trade
or relations with the EU.


Each module includes a compendium that includes information mentioned in the lectures such as a
list of legislation and case law, as well as a non-mandatory reading list. The compendium will allow
you to fully focus on listening to your lectures, safely knowing that the key information will be
provided in these documents.

The readings gives references to books, articles and journals, which are examples of useful material
related to the subject at hand. There might also be a reference to useful links. The layout of the
compendium varies slightly between modules; some of the instructors have chosen to include general
guidelines, while others have kept it rather short and concise. At times the readings will refer to a
specific lecture in order to assist you further. If you found a certain topic particularly interesting, the
readings might be useful in order for you to find out more about the topic and do your own research.


Each module finishes with a graded, multiple answer quiz. The quiz consists of ten questions that
have been drafted by the lecturers of the particular module. The questions are intended to assess your
understanding of the particular topics discussed in the lectures. In order to pass the quiz, you must
obtain a score of at least 70%. If you wish to pass the course and receive a Certificate, you must pass
all five quizzes.

Honors Track Assignment

Module 5 also contains a peer graded Honors Assignment in addition to the graded quiz. This is a
short, essay style assignment that will be reviewed and graded by your classmates. The assignment isn’t
mandatory, but rather a part of the optional Honors Track. Learners who complete the assignment,
in addition to meeting the primary passing requirements for the course, will receive an Honors
designation on their Course Certificate. You will also be required to grade a number of your peers in
order to pass. A score of at least 60% is required to pass the assignment.

Although the Honors Assignment is optional, we highly recommend that you complete the assignment
as it is a great opportunity to practice what you have learnt throughout the course and to get valuable
feed-back from your peers. In addition, successfully completing the assignment means that you will
receive special recognition if you decide to issue a final certificate for the course.

At the end of this course, you will have a basic understanding of how to:

 Navigate EU legal sources

 Understand relevant laws and regulations governing the internal European Union market
 Apply the fundamental principles of EU law within the EU legal framework
 Utilise the rules of freedom of movement and direct their impacts on trade in the EU
 Interrelate EU law with national laws
 Research EU policies and their influence on foreign trade and investment


If you wish to obtain a certificate from Coursera that you have taken this course, you must pass all
five required quizzes and the assignment, and create an identity profile consisting of a valid photo ID
(provided as a webcam photo of the ID), a clear face photo, and a typing sample. Also you must pay
the established fee and pass all the required quizzes and assignments. Don’t forget that you can apply
to Coursera for financial aid.

Please refer all technical questions concerning verification of identity to Coursera’s Learner Help


The forums are the main method of communication in the course. This is a good place to throw out
any questions about the course content. We like to encourage learner participation and interaction,
and our experience is that the forums provide a valuable resource for further learning. You can also
use the forums to get support and help concerning technical issues. Our staff monitors the forums
daily and will participate in the discussions when needed.

Don’t forget to join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eblmooc/

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