Phase Detection of The Two-Port FPW Sensor For Biosensing
Phase Detection of The Two-Port FPW Sensor For Biosensing
Phase Detection of The Two-Port FPW Sensor For Biosensing
Abstract—This study reports the phase detection of the two-port chemical warfare agents, and biological species [1]–[4]. They
flexural plate wave (FPW) sensor for designing and integrating the are used mostly to detect the adsorption or attachment of pro-
miniature system and provides a comprehensive methodology for tein molecules [5], cells [6], bacteria [7], or the immunological
portable using in the biosensor applications of severe acute respi-
ratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV). The miniature system properties of cytokines conjugated to organisms on the plate sur-
mainly utilizes the concept of the frequency divider that involves a face of two-port IDTs [8].
divider, a time-based oscillator and a gate to reduce the high fre- There has been a notable development in biosensing detec-
quency, and the FPW sensor is fabricated using microelectrome- tions in recent years, such as the quartz crystal microbalance
chanical systems (MEMS) technologies for producing a potable (QCM) [9], [10], the thickness shear mode (TSM) [1], the
biosensing detector. The results demonstrate that the insertion loss
decreased about 1 15% dB/ C, and the phase delay was about acoustic plate mode (APM) [11], the flexural plate wave (FPW)
2.05 /(1000 cP). The phaseshift resolution was about 10 mV per [12]–[16], the love mode [17], the shear horizontal acoustic
degree, and the original frequency of 4.2 MHz was divided by 100 plate mode (SH-APM) [18], and the surface acoustic wave
to reduce the frequency to 42 kHz. The SARS-CoV could be de- (SAW) [19]. In general, the FPW has a higher sensitivity with
tected via the S protein binds to the human angiotensin-converting the loading changes at lower operating frequencies among
enzyme 2 (hACE2) as a functional receptor, which would cause
the phase delay due to the combining of the antibody with the all these detecting methods [20], [21]. However, the FPW
antigen. Therefore, the feasibility studies provide the information sensors in the most studies can only detect at a low level of
that phase detection is an appropriate low-cost technology via fre- frequency change during the different loadings [5], [22]. It is a
quency divider for fabricating of the miniature biosensors. well-known hard task to deal with a signal of only a few Hertz
Index Terms—Biosensing, flexural plate wave, integrated comparing to the original resonant frequency of several mega-
system, phase detection, readout concept, severe acute respiratory hertz, especially since this biosensor is commonly measured
syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV). by a network analyzer instrument [10], [23] or fluorescent
microscope [24]–[26]. As a portable device, measuring the
frequency shift by a network analyzer is a very difficult and
unpractical way. In addition, it is also very hard to assemble a
N GENERAL, the biosensing signals that is based on an control device for acoustics waves, which could be easily read
I acoustic wave sensors could be done in two methods, using
a one-port interdigitated transducer (IDT) or a two-port IDT.
out and mastered by users.
Therefore, we presented an adaptive readout system using
One-port IDTs are arranged to conduct surface to propagate in the frequency divider, phase detector, and microelectromechan-
one direction, and then turn back to create a resonant cavity ical systems (MEMS) technologies for miniature system and
to measure the resonant frequency shift. Thus, it is very dif- portable using. Furthermore, the miniature system was veri-
ficult to design a critical resonator with a higher bandwidth fied by the varied viscosity solutions, standard products of the
for biosensing detection and gravimetric detection ability of Brookfield laboratories, to test the frequency amplitude decay
an added mass in a liquid. However, the two-port IDTs placed and phase delay. In the meantime, the phaseshifts could be de-
at opposite ends of a slice can easily measure the attenuation, tected in the SARS virus due to adding S protein and employing
delay, or frequency shift of signals in liquid sensing such as human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (hACE2) to the func-
tionalized FPW biosensor.
Manuscript received May 4, 2007; accepted July 13,2007. This study was II. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
supported in part by the Ministry of Economic Affairs as part of an environ-
mental construction project by the government of Taiwan, R.O.C. The associate A. Flexural Plate Wave Device
editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was
Dr. Richard Fair. The two-port FPW sensor was designed and fabricated, as
W.-Y. Chang is with the Department of Engineering Science, National Cheng
Kung University,Tainan 701, Taiwan, and also with the Microsystems Tech-
shown in Fig. 1(a). We started with a standard silicon wafer
nology Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Tainan 709, Taiwan. of 4 inches in diameter. The design and fabrication sequences
P.-H. Sung, C.-H. Chu, and C.-J. Shih are with the Microsystems Technology were described as follows. First, a 0.4 m thick film of low
Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Tainan 709, Taiwan.
Y.-C. Lin is with the Department of Engineering Science, National Cheng
stress silicon nitride was deposited on the silicon surface, the
Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan, and also with the Center for MicroNano average tensile stress of which was about 110–130 MPa. The
Technology, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan (e-mail: next step was to grow the ground electrode and the piezoelectric thin film of aluminum nitride (AlN), with a thickness of about
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at 0.1 and 1 m, respectively. Generally speaking, the thickness
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2008.918728 of the AlN thin film is larger than that of a silicon nitride thin
1530-437X/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE
A. FPW Chip
After the MEMS fabrication of the FPW chips, we first ver-
(2) ified the character of FPW using the network analyzer, Agi-
lent model 8753ES/ET. The scattering parameters of the for-
where is the transformation of a low-pass filter. ward or reverse transmission, or , could be determined
In the same deriving way, the output of the sensing chip, by calculating the difference between the input and the output
, can be acquired and compared with . power level response for the two-port IDT, i.e.,
. Typically, the insertion loss of the two-port
D. FPW Immobilization Process FPW device is at its resonant frequency. The peak of the reso-
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS- nant frequency was almost at 4.2 MHz, as shown Fig. 4. These
CoV) infects the ciliated airway epithelial cells via an inter- three curves were measured from different samples, and the re-
action with ACE2 on the apical surface of ciliated cells [27]. sults showed a good uniformity property of fabrication.
Fig. 4. The transmission insertion loss of the FPW device was measured only
considering the S or S parameter. These three curves are measured from
different samples; the result showed the resonant frequency was about 4.2 MHz.
Fig. 6. The flowchart block of the frequency divider. (a) A time-based oscillator
and a gate to reduce frequency. (b) Using trigger signal to sample the sinusoidal
signal for a square wave.
Fig. 5. The experimental testing of the FPW characteristics with different tem-
peratures presented the insertion loss decreases of about 1:15% (dB/ C).
during 1 s of the gate time in the measure-
ment period. Thus, the resolution of 100 MHz at the count
of will be 100 Hz. The original resonant frequency
Corresponding with intermediate frequency signals, the of the sinusoidal signal was 4.2 MHz, then the square wave
insertion losses were calibrated to different temperatures, as was obtained using a trigger signal, followed by being counted
shown in Fig. 5. The results demonstrated that the charac- down to 1/100 with a divider of 100 times by each counter
teristic of the insertion loss was a linear curve and the slope for MCU processing, as shown in Fig. 6(b). Consequently,
was decreased about % dB/ C. The effect is the mem- the frequency was counted down to 42 kHz. Therefore, it was
brane tension caused by thermal expansion. To improve the adequate to directly count the frequency of the FPW sensor
temperature stability of the FPW, it suggests using a heater using MCU when the trigger button was started.
and a temperature sensor to compensate the temperature shift
phenomenon. Therefore, the employing advance processing C. MCU Control
based on the phase delay effect, the small relative transmission
The MCU is the detecting kernel of the FPW sensing system
loss caused by the temperature variation could be evaluated at in integration of the miniature system for portable using of the
a high accuracy.
biosensor applications. Here, we used the MCU of TI’s MSP430
products, the main function of which was to integrate multifunc-
B. Frequency Divider Counting
tions into a single chip. In order to fit the frequency range of the
Generally speaking, it is very difficult to sample the high-fre- sampling, the MCU needs an extra crystal oscillator to enlarge
quency signal by an MCU for portable use in an integrated the frequency range. After modification, the instruction cycle
miniature system. Thus, we proposed a frequency divider which time and the highest frequency range could reach 125 ns and
used a divider, a time-based oscillator, and a gate to reduce 8 MHz, respectively. During the measurement operation, the
the high frequency. The flowchart block of reduced frequency function of the detecting pin was enabled to sense the negative
counting was shown in Fig. 6(a). The counting numbers of edge of the periodic square wave when the MCU detected the
the periodic square wave can be transferred to frequency data trigger from the button. To the counter register, we added one
related to the duration and the decade counter was used as automatic timer function that enabled us to calculate the fre-
a frequency divider to cut down the frequency. The count is quency at the same time. After the timer stopped, the MCU first
Fig. 7. The phase delay and amplitude decay of the FPW propagation were Fig. 8. The relationship between phaseshifts and output voltages was tested by
measured by the different viscosity standard solutions. The nonlinear regression dropping the different viscosity standard solutions. The system resolution of the
curves presented an exponential rising. phase delay is about 10 mV per degree.
disabled the function of the detecting pin and the timer. The mi-
croprocessor enabled the timer and set the gate time to 100 s at
the same time. Based on the register of the counter at 10 counts
per 100 s, the microprocessor transferred the counts to 42 kHz
and displayed the phaseshifts on the LCM.
The operation DC power of the FPW sensor system included
three levels, 5 V, V, and 3.3 V. For a stable DC power sup-
plied, the AC power was rectified to DC 12 V, and then trans-
ferred to a regulator for further adjustment.
A. Propagation Testing Using Viscosity Materials
Fig. 9. The phase delay and amplitude decay was comparing the reference de-
During the FPW propagation measurement, we used variant vice to another sensing device of the FPW in frequency response. The f ; f ,
viscosity standard cP (m.Pa.s) products from the Brookfield lab- and f are output signals of the reference chip, sensing chip without loading
oratories to test the amplitude reduction and phaseshift at en- and loading, respectively.
vironment temperature of 25 C, as shown in Fig. 7. For the
measurement process, the FPW system inputted a resonant fre-
quency to the reference and sensing chip, and used a small tube degree. The approximate function is ,
by hand to drop the viscous liquids into the sensing area at the where is the output voltage, and is the phase delay. There-
top of the backside cavity. The phase detector monitored the fore, the detection sensitivity is based on the relative phase delay
changes of phaseshift in the acoustic wave surface between the of the membrane instead of the frequency of operation like other
two FPW transducers. Therefore, experiment results showed the acoustic devices.
amplitude reducing and phase delay with respect to a reference
signal at different viscosity standard solutions presenting the ex- B. Practical Biological Testing
ponential satisfaction, which had larger changes due to the vis- Antibodies were first immobilized on the gold surface of a
cously liquid mass coupled to the acoustic wave surface plate at FPW among IDTs and the hACE2 binding with S protein be-
low viscosity and had fewer changes due to the FPW chip would came a functional receptor for the SARS corona virus which
largely shift from the mechanical resonance when loading a high led to the unique combination of the antibodies and the antigens
viscosity material. materials. Therefore, the sinusoidal waves would delay and at-
According to the descriptive measuring method above, we tenuate within the propagation region of the sensing chip due
measured the relationship between the phase delay and output to the mass increase on the FPW surface. A phase delay was
voltage of the FPW system as shown in Fig. 8. The curve of detected between two signals, one is reference and the other is
the FPW phase variation presented the triangular waveform and the sensing chip with adding mass loading of the antigen in a
was almost linear; however, it had a nonlinear property at below liquid, as shown in Fig. 9. The phase delays of the reference
or above than 134 when the negative phase is the and sensing without loading chip of the FPWs caused by im-
mirror of the positive phase. The FPW characteristics can be mobilizing of the antibody on FPW sensing surface, and ,
predicted to be satisfied and shifted from the mechanical reso- respectively, were initially about degree. When loading
nance response at nonlinear curve regions when loading a high the cells per microliter on the sensing region that output
viscosity material. The sign is based on which output of the ref- signal is , the phase delay was about compared with
erence or sensing chip was input to the positive detection pin the reference chip. The S protein bound to the hACE2 as a func-
of the AD6302. The phaseshift resolution of the minimum de- tional receptor with different cell numbers per microliter was
tectable change in the measurement system is about 10 mV per shown in Fig. 10(a), which would cause the phaseshifts due to
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