Compact RTU
Compact RTU
unit a communication module, digital inputs and outputs.
supported communication protocols – MODBUS, HIOCom2, IEC
60870-5-101, IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 60870-5-104, DLMS,
This compact unit is internally resolved as a modular system which
user programming by logical and relational expressions,
enables high flexibility and the possibility to adapt to requirements
DIN rail or panel mounting.
of the client. An example is the wide range of communication in-
terfaces ((E)GPRS, UMTS, Ethernet, RS-232, RS-485), which can be
Variant of connection RTU7C with power supply backup
fitted into the unit in various combinations. Various communication
protocols can be set for each communication interface. It is possible
to communicate via several protocols in one time, for example with
protocol IEC 60870-5-104 into the master system and protocol
HioCom2 into the parameterization SW (remote parameterization,
signal transmission, FW upgrade, etc.). Another communication
options are various methods of backup communication.
Typical applications
• connection of devices
without necessary
Variant of connection RTU7C without power supply backup
communication converter,
communication gate.
Technical specification
Digital inputs 4 × optocoupler, active or passive inputs, signaling voltage 24 V (optionally 12 V)
Digital outputs 4 × relay (NO contact) 3 A / 240 V AC / 30 V DC
Power supply voltage 10 V DC to 30 V DC
Consumption (all DO closed) 400 mA / 420 mA by 12 V DC
Communication interfaces Ethernet LAN, GPRS/EDGE/UMTS (optionally LTE), RS-232/485
Antenna connector FME(m) 50 Ohm
Temperature sensor Measured range -55 °C to 125 °C, accuracy ±0.5 °C in range -10 °C to 85 °C
Operating temperature -25 °C to 50 °C (possible increase up to 65 °C – on demand)
Storage temperature -30 °C to 75 °C
Ambient relative humidity 5 % – 95 % non-condensing
Dimensions 53 × 90 × 60 mm (W × H × D) without connectors
Ingress protection IP20