The SIWES report is dedicated to God almighty, who has given me the grace to participate In
the SIWES program, to my parents and to mentor and as many that have contributed greatly
I thank God who has seen me throughout my SIWES program and give thanks to my
training. I also want to appreciate my SIWES supervisor Mr Ojuawo, the HOD computer
science department and my SIWES coordinator. I’m grateful. Thanks, and God bless you all.
This report is a summary of all the work experience I have been able to gather during my
Title page
This chapter gives brief history of SIWES, its aims and objectives as well as a short narrative
on application and posting. It also introduces intelligent solution providers (ISP) of computer,
The student work experience scheme (SIWES) is a skill training program designed to prepare
and expose students for the industrial work situation they are likely to meet after graduation.
The scheme affords students the opportunity of familiarizing and exposing themselves to
handling equipment’s and machinery. Before the establishment lacked adequate practical
knowledge and that the theoretical education in the institution of learning was not responsive
It is against this background that the industrial training fund (ITF) initiated, designed and
introduced SIWES in 1973 to acquaint students with the skills of handling industrial
One of the key functions of the ITF to work as cooperative body with industrial and
commerce where students in institutions of higher learning can undertake mid-career work
experience attachment in industrial which are compatible with student’s area of study. The
students industrial work exercise scheme for industrial work situation which they are likely to
The word SIWES (student industrial work experience scheme) was introduced by the federal
government in the year 1973 to develop the technological, physical and social skill of our
Through this, adequate and intelligent students are providing the department involved the
actual challenge various discipline before they can be awarded as National Diploma (ND)
Provide an avenue for students in institutions of higher learning to acquire industrial skills
and experience in their approved course of study and also by interacting with people with
Expose students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge in real world situation
thereby reducing the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical work.
Enlist and strengthen employers’ involvement in the entire educational process and
Record all training activities and other assignment in the log book
Complete SPEI from ITF. FORM 8 and get it endorsed by the employer for submission to
the ITF
To make through explanation of the work done during my four-month industrial training
To contribute to the body of knowledge and enhance the understanding of the writer
The logbook issued to students on attachment by institution was used to report all daily
activities that took place during the period of attachment and it was checked and endured by
the industry base/ institution base supervisor and ITF during supervision
Honda Road.
Science academic for training and skill acquisition in web development and software
Web development is the building and maintenance of websites; it’s the work that happens
behind the scenes to make a website look great, work fast and perform well with a seamless
user experience.
Web developers, or ‘devs’, do this by using a variety of coding languages. The languages
they use depends on the types of tasks they are preforming and the platforms on which they
are working.
Web development skills are in high demand worldwide and well paid too – making
development a great career option. It is one of the easiest accessible higher paid fields as you
The field of web development is generally broken down into front-end (the user-facing side)
and back-end (the server side). Let’s delve into the details.
The following languages are the basic tools involved in web development;
Front-end development
Back-end development
Full-stack development
producing HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a website or Web Application so that a user can
see and interact with them directly. The challenge associated with front end development is
that the tools and techniques used to create the front end of a website change constantly and
The objective of designing a site is to ensure that when the users open up the site, they see the
information in a format that is easy to read and relevant. This is further complicated by the
fact that users now use a large variety of devices with varying screen sizes and resolutions
thus forcing the designer to take into consideration these aspects when designing the site.
They need to ensure that their site comes up correctly in different browsers (cross-browser),
Backend development is that area of web development that focuses on how a website or web
application works. It is what happens behind the scenes, the same way that a restaurant’s chef
and his/her staff handle all orders without the customers sitting at their tables seeing them.
Instead of cooking food, though, backend developers write codes that enable web browsers to
The primary role of a backend developer is to ensure that end-users get the data or services
they requested without a glitch and on time. As such, backend development requires a
A Full Stack Developer is a relatively new role which brings together the skills and roles for
what were traditionally known as web designer and web developer. Web designer worked on
the design of the site, and the web developer worked on the code. As the web has grown more
and more complex, and customers are seeking more complex solutions for their on-line
presence, the two roles have become more specialized and technical. Further in some cases,
the two roles and skills have become inter-linked, resulting in the position of Full Stack
instructions to the web browser. It instructs the web browser on exactly how the web page
The <title> element specifies a title for the HTML page (which is shown in the browser's
The <body> element defines the document's body, and is a container for all the visible
The <head> element is a container for metadata (data about data) and is placed between
HTML metadata is data about the HTML document. Metadata is not displayed.
Metadata typically define the document title, character set, styles, scripts, and other meta
The <br> HTML element produces a line break in text (carriage-return). It is useful for
<h1> </h1>
<h2> </h2>
<h3> </h3>
<h4> </h4>
<h5> </h5>
<h6> </h6>
Images are not technically inserted into a web page; images are linked to web pages.
The <img> tag is empty, it contains attributes only, and does not have a closing tag.
The <img> tag has two required attributes:
<td>Alfreds Futterkiste</td>
<td>Maria Anders</td>
<td>Francisco Chang</td>
An HTML form is used to collect user input. The user input is most often sent to a server for
Top of Form
First name:
Last name:
CSS is the language we use to style an HTML document. CSS describes how HTML
What is CSS?
CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the layout of multiple web pages all at once
A CSS rule is a grouping of one or more CSS properties which are to be applied to one or
A CSS rule consists of a CSS selector and a set of CSS properties. The CSS selector
determines what HTML elements to target with the CSS rule. The CSS properties specifies
div {
font-size : 18px;
This example creates a CSS rule that targets all div elements, and the set the CSS properties
div part of the CSS rule. The CSS properties are listed inside the { ... } block.
CSS rules have to be specified inside either a style element or inside an external CSS file.
The <color> CSS data type represents a color. A <color> may also include an alpha-channel
transparency value, indicating how the color should composite with its background.
Using a keyword (such as blue or transparent). All existing keywords specify a color in the
Using the RGB cubic-coordinate system (via the #-hexadecimal or the rgb () and rgba ()
functional notations). These always specify a color in the sRGB color space
Using the HSL cylindrical-coordinate system (via the hsl () and hsla () functional notations).
Using the HWB cylindrical-coordinate system (via the hwb () functional notation). These
Using the LCH cylindrical coordinate system, via the lch () functional notation. This can
Using the Lab coordinate system, via the lab () functional notation. This can specify any
visible color.
Using the color () functional notation, to specify a color in a variety of predefined or custom
color spaces.
CSS ID is similar to classes. They are defined as the stylesheet and referenced in HTML
The primary difference is that once an ID has been used in an HTML element, it cannot be
used again with the same HTML file. IDs are generally used for layout elements that will
only be needed once. A great place to use IDs is for defining CSS rules for Divs. Divs are
considered layout elements because they contain content such as graphics, text and media that
Margins allow us to add spacing around the parameter of an element; a margin can be added
to any side or a combination of sides. To apply the margin, we need to add the margin
definition to our Div. ID. To add a margin, we simply type in margin and the amount of the
Padding creates spacing between the parameters of an HTML element and the content within
it. Similar to margins, padding can be added around all four sides of an element or only
specified sides.
Letter spacing: this allows us to adjust the amount of spacing between each character
Word spacing: this allows us to adjust the spacing between words rather than letters.
Text-align: this allows us to add a text decoration of underline, overline, line-through.
Line-height: allows us to change the spacing between each line of text in a paragraph.
Border: this decoration border is used to specify where the border will be applied and
the thickness.
We can use these values. If we just use the border without defining the value, the border will
Border color: this will be the color of the border itself, the color value can be
represented by a color name such as red, green or blue, hexadecimal number e.g #333
o Dotted
o Double
o Groove
o Hidden
o None
o Rigid
CSS background color decoration allows us to set a background color to an element. The
value can be a color name, or hexadecimal number or an RGB code. We can also use an
image as a background. To do this, we need to use the background image decoration. To use
a background image, we need to indicate the path e.g. background-image: url (photo.jpg).
What is JavaScript
A high-level definition
features on web pages — every time a web page does more than just sit there and display
static information for you to look at — displaying timely content updates, interactive maps,
animated 2D/3D graphics, scrolling video jukeboxes, etc. — you can bet that JavaScript is
probably involved. It is the third layer of the layer cake of standard web technologies, two of
which (HTML and CSS) we have covered in much more detail in other parts of the Learning
The core client-side JavaScript language consists of some common programming features
Store useful values inside variables. In the above example for instance, we ask for a new
take the string "Player 1: " and join it to the name variable to create the complete text label,
Running code in response to certain events occurring on a web page. We used a click event in
our example above to detect when the label is clicked and then run the code that updates the
text label.
What is even more exciting however is the functionality built on top of the client-side
JavaScript language. So-called Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) provide you with
APIs are ready-made sets of code building blocks that allow a developer to implement
programs that would otherwise be hard or impossible to implement. They do the same thing
for programming that ready-made furniture kits do for home building — it is much easier to
take ready-cut panels and screw them together to make a bookshelf than it is to work out the
design yourself, go and find the correct wood, cut all the panels to the right size and shape,
find the correct-sized screws, and then put them together to make a bookshelf.
Browser APIs are built into your web browser, and are able to expose data from the
creating, removing and changing HTML, dynamically applying new styles to your page, etc.
Every time you see a popup window appear on a page, or some new content displayed (as we
saw above in our simple demo) for example, that's the DOM in action.
The Geolocation API retrieves geographical information. This is how Google Maps is able to
The Canvas and WebGL APIs allow you to create animated 2D and 3D graphics. People are
doing some amazing things using these web technologies — see Chrome Experiments and
Audio and Video APIs like HTMLMediaElement and WebRTC allow you to do really
interesting things with multimedia, such as play audio and video right in a web page, or grab
video from your web camera and display it on someone else's computer (try our simple
Here we'll actually start looking at some code, and while doing so, explore what actually
Let's briefly recap the story of what happens when you load a web page in a browser (first
talked about in our How CSS works article). When you load a web page in your browser, you
are running your code (the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) inside an execution environment
(the browser tab). This is like a factory that takes in raw materials (the code) and outputs a
A very common use of JavaScript is to dynamically modify HTML and CSS to update a user
interface, via the Document Object Model API (as mentioned above). Note that the code in
your web documents is generally loaded and executed in the order it appears on the page.
Errors may occur if JavaScript is loaded and run before the HTML and CSS that it is intended
to modify. You will learn ways around this later in the article, in the Script loading strategies
When the browser encounters a block of JavaScript, it generally runs it in order, from top to
bottom. This means that you need to be careful what order you put things in. For example,
para.addEventListener('click', updateName);
function updateName() {
Copy to Clipboard
Here we are selecting a text paragraph (line 1), then attaching an event listener to it (line 3) so
that when the paragraph is clicked, the updateName() code block (lines 5–8) is run. The
updateName() code block (these types of reusable code blocks are called "functions") asks
the user for a new name, and then inserts that name into the paragraph to update the display.
If you swapped the order of the first two lines of code, it would no longer work — instead,
you'd get an error returned in the browser developer console — TypeError: para is undefined.
This means that the para object does not exist yet, so we can't add an event listener to it.
JavaScript is a lightweight interpreted programming language. The web browser receives the
JavaScript code in its original text form and runs the script from that. From a technical
standpoint, most modern JavaScript interpreters actually use a technique called just-in-time
compiling to improve performance; the JavaScript source code gets compiled into a faster,
binary format while the script is being used, so that it can be run as quickly as possible.
There are advantages to both types of language, but we won't discuss them right now.
You might also hear the terms server-side and client-side code, especially in the context of
web development. Client-side code is code that is run on the user's computer — when a web
page is viewed, the page's client-side code is downloaded, then run and displayed by the
Server-side code on the other hand is run on the server, then its results are downloaded and
displayed in the browser. Examples of popular server-side web languages include PHP,
Python, Ruby, ASP.NET and... JavaScript! JavaScript can also be used as a server-side
language, for example in the popular Node.js environment — you can find out more about
The word dynamic is used to describe both client-side JavaScript, and server-side languages
— it refers to the ability to update the display of a web page/app to show different things in
generates new content on the server, e.g. pulling data from a database, whereas client-side
JavaScript dynamically generates new content inside the browser on the client, e.g. creating a
new HTML table, filling it with data requested from the server, then displaying the table in a
web page shown to the user. The meaning is slightly different in the two contexts, but related,
A web page with no dynamically updating content is referred to as static — it just shows the
Desktop publishing (DTP) is the creation of documents using page layout software on a
personal ("desktop") computer. It was first used almost exclusively for print publications, but
now it also assists in the creation of various forms of online content.[1] Desktop publishing
software can generate layouts and produce typographic-quality text and images comparable
to traditional typography and printing. Desktop publishing is also the main reference for
digital typography. This technology allows individuals, businesses, and other organizations to
self-publish a wide variety of content, from menus to magazines to books, without the
layout software to create documents for either large-scale publishing or small-scale local
LaTeX could also be used for the creation of highly structured and technically demanding
documents as well. Desktop publishing methods provide more control over design, layout,
and typography than word processing. However, word processing software has evolved to
include most, if not all, capabilities previously available only with professional printing or
desktop publishing.[3]
The same DTP skills and software used for common paper and book publishing are
sometimes used to create graphics for point of sale displays, presentations, infographics,
brochures, business cards, promotional items, trade show exhibits, retail package designs and
outdoor signs.
The student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) exercise has contributed greatly in
The first advantage acquired during my industrial training was that I was web development. I
was exposed to the programming languages needed to build a basic web application such as
Finally, my understanding about web development has been enlightened. This experience
The SIWES program is expected to be undergone by all students of applied science in all
Ilaro for involving themselves is this enlightening program. The importance of this program
I would like to use this medium to implore the federal government at all stages to take this
SIWES program with utmost importance as it serves as virtual improvement in the future
Government should also ensure to introduce more productive training programs to the
The federal government should also make adequate provision in the annual budget for proper
funding od SIWES in view of the potential of the scheme to contribute to enhancing the
A comprehensive and detail directory of employer who accepts student is needed for the
In order to guarantee quality assurance of institution and the ITF, ITF should ensure that the
backlog in payment of students allowance is cleared urgently to remove the negative image