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Solvent Bearing Bituminous Compounds: Standard Test Methods For

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Designation: D 6511 – 00

Standard Test Methods for

Solvent Bearing Bituminous Compounds1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6511; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope D 140 Practice for Sampling Bituminous Materials4

1.1 These test methods cover procedures for sampling and D 146 Test Methods for Sampling and Test Bitumen-
testing solvent bearing bituminous compounds for use in Saturated Felts and Fabrics Used in Roofing and Water-
roofing and waterproofing. proofing3
1.2 The test methods appear in the following order: D 224 Specification for Smooth-Surfaced Asphalt Roll
Roofing (Organic Felt)3
Sampling 4 D 249 Specification for Asphalt Roll Roofing (Organic Felt)
Uniformity 5 Surfaced with Mineral Granules3
Weight per gallon 6
Nonvolatile content 7
D 402 Test Method for Distillation of Cut-Back Asphalt
Solubility 8 (Bituminous) Products4
Ash content 9 D 562 Test Method for Consistency of Paints Using the
Water content 10
Consistency 11
Stormer Viscometer5
Behavior at 60°C (140°F) 12 D 1079 Terminology Relating to Roofing, Waterproofing,
Pliability at –0°C (32°F) 13 and Bituminous Materials3
Aluminum content 14
Reflectance of aluminum roof coatings 15 D 1475 Test Method for Density of Liquid Coatings, Inks,
Strength of laps of rolled roofing adhered with roof adhesive 16 and Related Products6
Adhesion to damp, wet, or underwater surfaces 17 D 2042 Test Method for Solubility of Asphalt Materials to
Mineral stabilizers and bitumen 18
Mineral matter 19 Trichloroethylene4
Volatile organic content 20 D 2369 Test Method for Volatile Content of Coatings6
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the D 2824 Specification for Aluminum-Pigmented Asphalt
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information Roof Coatings Non-fibered, Asbestos-fibered, and Fibered
only. Without Asbestos3
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the D 4017 Test Method for Water in Paints and Paint Materials
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the by Karl Fisher Method6
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- E 1 Specification for ASTM Thermometers7
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- E 145 Specification for Gravity-Convection and Forced
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Ventilation Ovens8
E 200 Practice for Preparation, Standardization, and Stor-
2. Referenced Documents age of Standard and Reagent Solutions for Chemical
2.1 ASTM Standards: Analysis9
C 670 Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements 3. Significance and Use
for Test Methods for Construction Materials2
D 4 Test Method for Bitumen Content3 3.1 These tests are useful in sampling and testing solvent
D 5 Test Method for Penetration of Bituminous Materials4 bearing bituminous compounds to establish uniformity of
D 88 Test Method for Saybolt Viscosity3 shipments.
D 95 Test Method for Water in Petroleum Products and 4. Sampling
Bituminous Materials by Distillation5
4.1 Determine the number of containers sampled to repre-
sent a shipment in accordance with Practice D 140.
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-8 on 4.2 Open the original containers and examine them for
Roofing, Waterproofing and Bituminous Materials and are the direct responsibility
of Subcommittee D08.05 on Solvent-Bearing Bituminous Compounds for Roofing uniformity of contents. Record the degree of separation, if any,
and Waterproofing.
Current edition approved Jan. 10, 2000. Published March 2000.
2 6
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.02. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.01.
3 7
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.04. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.03.
4 8
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.03. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.04.
5 9
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.01. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.05.

Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 6511
into portions of appreciably different consistency, such as thick D 5 weight-per-gallon of sample calculation from 6.3.1,
or thin layers, sedimentation or coagulation, etc. Also, note any and
difficulty encountered in stirring to a uniform condition. 8.33 5 weight-per-gallon of water at 25 6 0.5° C (77 6
4.3 Take the samples for laboratory examination from the 1°F).
original containers immediately after stirring to a uniform 6.4 Report:
condition. Restir individual or combined samples immediately 6.4.1 Report the weight-per-gallon of the sample in pounds-
before taking out portions for tests. per-gallon to the nearest 0.1 lb at 25°C (77°F).
6.4.2 Report the specific gravity of the sample to the nearest
5. Uniformity hundredth at 25°C (77°F).
5.1 Procedure—Examine the contents of a full container of 7. Nonvolatile Content
not less than 1 L or 1 qt in volume that has stood undisturbed
7.1 Apparatus:
for 72 h.
7.1.1 Metal Dish, flat-bottom, having a diameter of 65 mm
5.2 Report—Make a notation of any separation or settle- (2.5 in.) with walls 10 mm (5⁄8 in.) high.
ment of suspended matter that cannot be overcome by moder- 7.1.2 Oven, forced draft, conforming to Specification E 145,
ate agitation. Type III B, for asphalt products, or a standard convection oven
for coal tar products.
6. Weight-per-Gallon/Specific Gravity 7.1.3 Balance, capable of weighing 50 g to within 60.01 g.
6.1 Apparatus: 7.2 Procedure—Weigh 10 6 1.00 g in the tared metal dish
6.1.1 Weight-per-Gallon Cup, with lid, stainless steel, cali- to the nearest 0.01 g. Dry the dish and its contents in a forced
brated to contain 83.3 g of water at 25 6 0.5°C (77 6 1°F). draft oven at 163 6 3°C (3256 5°F) for asphalt products or
6.1.2 Balance, accurate to 0.01 g. (105 to 110°C (221 to 230°F) in standard convection oven for
6.1.3 Water Bath, constant temperature, maintained at 25 6 coal tar products until the residue shows a loss of not more than
0.5°C (77 6 1°F). 0.05 g on successive hourly weighings (approximately 4 h),
6.2 Procedure: after cooling in a desiccator.
6.2.1 Stir the sample, and place in the 25°C (77°F) water 7.3 Calculation—Calculate the percent nonvolatile content
bath until the sample temperature reaches 25 6 0.5°C (776 RI, from the mass of the dry residue and the mass of the
1°F). Time required for temperature equilibration depends on original sample, as follows:
sample size and configuration. RI 5 ~R/S! 3 100 (3)
6.2.2 Condition cup and lid to 25 6 0.5°C (77 6 1°F).
Weigh the weight-per-gallon cup with lid to the nearest 0.01 g
R 5 mass of dry residue, g, and
and record as tare weight. S 5 mass of sample, g.
6.2.3 Remove the sample from the bath, and stir until 7.4 Report—Record the average of two determinations.
homogeneous. Avoid trapping air in the sample during stirring.
6.2.4 Carefully fill the weight-per-gallon cup with the 8. Solubility of Residue in Carbon Disulfide or
sample avoiding the entrapment of air. Jar or vibrate the cup Trichloroethylene
until no further change in volume occurs. 8.1 Apparatus—See Test Method D 4.
6.2.5 Immediately place the lid on the weight-per-gallon 8.2 Procedure—Determine the matter soluble in carbon
cup and remove, with a clean rag or paper, the excess sample disulfide or trichloroethylene on a representative portion of the
oozing through the orifice in the lid. nonvolatiles (Section 7), in accordance with Test Method D 4.
6.2.6 When the lid is placed on tightly, clean the weight- 8.3 Calculation—Calculate the percent solubility in carbon
per-gallon cup carefully, weigh on the balance to the nearest disulfide or trichloroethylene SI from the mass of the residue
0.01 g, and record as weight of sample and tare. and the mass of the original sample as follows:
6.3 Calculations: SI 5 ~R/S!3 100 (4)
6.3.1 Calculate the weight-per-gallon of the sample as
follows: where:
R 5 mass of insoluble residue, g, and
D 5 ~B – A!/10 (1) S 5 mass of sample, g.
8.4 Report—Percent by weight of the residue that was
A 5 tare weight of weight-per-gallon cup, g, soluble in the carbon disulfide or trichloroethylene.
B 5 weight of sample and tare g, and 9. Ash Content
D 5 weight-per-gallon of sample, lb/gal. To convert units to 9.1 Apparatus:
kg/m3, multiply D by 119.83. 9.1.1 Porcelain Crucible, 30-cm3 capacity, or equivalent.
6.3.2 Calculate the specific gravity of the sample as follows: 9.1.2 Balance, capable of weighing 50 g to within 60.01 g.
SG 5 D/8.33 (2) 9.1.3 Muffle Furnace, capable of maintaining a temperature
of 593 6 2.5°C (1100 6 10°F).
where: 9.2 Procedure—Thoroughly mix the dry residue from the
SG 5 specific gravity,
determination of residue by evaporation (store the residue in a

D 6511
desiccator at all times prior to this test) (Section 7) and weigh where:
3 6 0.5 go to the nearest 0.01 g in a previously ignited and V 5 volume of water in trap (ml), and
tared crucible. Incinerate the contents inside a muffle furnace at W 5 mass of sample (gm).
a temperature of 600°C (1110°F) to constant weight. Volatile water-soluble material, if present, may be measured
NOTE 1—Caution: This incineration will produce black smoke. This as water.
procedure should be carried out under a fume hood. 10.4 Report—Report as mass percent of the sample.
9.3 Calculation—Calculate the ash thus obtained, Ar, as
percent of the residue by evaporation as follows: 11. Consistency
Ar 5 ~A/S! 3 100 (5) 11.1 Asphalt Roof Coatings:
9.4 Report—Ash as a percentage of the residue by evapo- 11.1.1 Summary of Test Method—Consistency is deter-
ration. mined using the stormer viscometer and the rate of shear
reported in terms of the time required for 100 revolutions of the
10. Water Content rotor produced by a specified load (compare with Test Method
D 562).
10.1 Apparatus—See Test Method D 95.
10.2 Procedure—Determine water content in accordance 11.1.2 Apparatus:
with Test Method D 95. Standard Stormer Viscometer.
10.3 Calculation—Calculate the water in the sample, as Water Bath-Test Cup Assembly, without central
mass percent, as follows: baffle or thermometer holder.
V ~0.99707! Rotor, propeller-type (see Fig. 1).
Water, % 5 W 3 100 (6) Slotted Weights, and a suitable hanger.

NOTE 1—All dimensions are subject to a tolerance of 60.1 mm (60.004 in.). Material: nickel-plated brass or stainless steel.
FIG. 1 Propeller-Type Rotor for Use with Stormer Viscometer

D 6511 Thermometer—ASTM stormer viscosity thermom- might unduly prolong the test, calculate the time required for
eter having a range from 20 to 70°C, and conforming to the 100 revolutions from direct measurement of the time required
requirements for Thermometer 49C as prescribed in Specifi- for no less than 25 revolutions.
cation E 1. 11.1.6 Report—Time required for 100 revolutions using Stop Watch. 450-g test load (driving weight) in addition to the standardizing
11.1.3 Preparation of Apparatus: load. Place the stormer viscometer on a table or shelf 11.2 Aluminum-Pigmented Asphalt Roof Coatings:
high enough to permit the weight to drop about 1 m (40 in.), or 11.2.1 Apparatus—Use the apparatus and equipment speci-
sufficient distance to produce about 125 revolutions of the fied in Test Method D 562, Procedure A.
rotor. Insert the shaft of the propellar-type rotor in the chuck as 11.2.2 Procedure:
far as it will go and secure it with the set screw. Testing D 2824 Type I Coating—Thoroughly mix Raise the water bath-test cup assembly until the the sample and fill a 500-ml (1-pt) container to within 20 mm
bottom of the test cup just touches the bottom of the rotor (3⁄4 in.) of the top. Stir the coating carefully to remove any
blade; then, lower the assembly 6 mm (1⁄4 in.). Tighten the set trapped air bubbles. Maintain the temperature of the sample
screw on the position collar, if available, while the collar is in and the test assembly at 25 6 0.2°C (77 6 0.3°F), and start the
contact with the bracket and the assembly, and use this setting test within 1 h after filling the container. Place the container on
to position the cup for all test runs. Using the set screws in the the platform of the viscometer so that the paddle-type rotor is
rim of the bath holder, adjust the water bath-test cup assembly immersed just to the mark on its shaft, and turn the rotor
so that the cup and rotor are visually concentric. through approximately 100 revolutions in 25 to 30 s before For convenience in weight adjustment, attach a starting the test. Then determine the time required for 100
slotted metal can cover approximately 50 mm (2 in.) in revolutions with a 100-g load in addition to the standardizing
diameter to the hanger to support the slotted weights required. load from a running start, that is, permit the rotor to make at
11.1.4 Calibration: least 10 revolutions before timing the next 100. Use a 94.85 % by weight aqueous glycerin solution Testing D 2824 Type II or Type III Coating—
as a calibration standard. Determine the initial concentration of Follow the procedure in, except use the propeller-type
reagent grade glycerin by accurately measuring its specific rotor (see Fig. 1) with a 300-g load in addition to the
gravity (see Appendix X1), and then add additional water to standardizing load.
make up the desired total of 5.15 % by weight water. 11.2.3 Report—Time required for 100 revolutions using Determine the weight on the viscometer cord 300-g test load (driving weight) in addition to the standardizing
(approximately 100 g) required to produce 100 revolutions of load.
the rotor in the glycerin calibration standard at 25 6 0.2°C in 11.3 Viscosity of Asphalt Primer:
18.0 6 0.2 s, this is the standardizing load. Check the
11.3.1 Saybolt Furol Viscosity—Test Method D 88.
calibration periodically, particularly after prolonged use of the
instrument, and recalibrate as necessary.
12. Behavior at 60°C (140°F)
11.1.5 Procedure: Remove the test cup and fill it with the sample to a 12.1 Preparation and Apparatus:
level that will extend 6 mm (1⁄4in.) above the top of the rotor 12.1.1 For solvent-based roof cement prepare two test
blade. Agitate the sample in the cup thoroughly to remove any specimens by troweling cement through masks centered over
trapped air bubbles. Place the test cup in the water bath, and two steel panels. The masks shall have openings 75 by 125 mm
then move the assembly up into test position against the preset (3 by 5 in.) and shall be 2.4 mm (3⁄32 in.) 6 10 % thick. The
collar. panels shall be 150 by 150 mm (6 by 6 in.); 30 to 28 gage (0.32 Add 450 g to the standardizing load determined in to 0.40 mm) nominal thickness; capable of being bent This will be the test load or driving weight. smoothly and uniformly through 180° over a 25 mm (1 in.) Adjust the temperature of the sample and the entire diameter mandrel; and shall be free of oil and scale.
test assembly to 25 6 0.2°C. To expedite reaching equilibrium, 12.1.2 For coating, prepare two test specimens with each
raise the driving weight and release the brake to provide base by brushing roof coating on two 150 by 150 mm (6 by 6
agitation. When the water bath test cup, sample, and rotor have in.) steel panels and two pieces of smooth surface asphalt roll
all reached 25 6 0.2°C, remove the thermometer. roofing, each covered by a 0.8 mm (1⁄32 in.) 6 10 % thick mask Raise the driving weight on the cord so that it with a 75 by 125-mm (3 by 5-in.) opening in the center. The
nearly touches the pulley. With stop watch in hand, release the steel panels shall conform to requirements of 12.1.1. The
brake and observe the moving pointer. After 8 to 10 revolutions smooth surface asphalt roofing roll shall conform to the
have been made, time the next 100 revolutions. Take the requirements of Specification D 224.
average of at least three determinations and record as the 12.2 Procedure:
Stormer consistency in s/100 revolutions. Record the driving 12.2.1 Immediately after troweling the cement or brushing
weight. the coating on the test panels, dimension, parallel to and no Consistencies of up to approximately 100 s/100 more than 50 mm (2 in.) from one edge of the coating. Measure
revolutions shall be determined directly by timing 100 revolu- the distance of the thread from the edge of each test panel to the
tions. For higher consistencies, when timing 100 revolutions nearest 0.8 mm (1⁄32 in.).

D 6511
12.2.2 Expose the test panels horizontally in a well venti- NOTE 2—A photograph of a typical filtering assembly is shown in Fig.
lated area for 60 min at 23 6 2°C (73.4 6 3.6°F), but not in 2. The filter pads, No. 934-AH, may be purchased from almost any
direct sunlight. scientific supply house.
12.2.3 Suspend the panels vertically with the thread closest 14.3 Procedure:
to the top edge in an oven at 62 6 2°C (140 6 3.6°F). After 5h, 14.3.1 Place the Gooch crucible plus one thickness of the
remove the test panels from the oven and examine for any sign glass-fiber pad in an oven at about 107°C (225°F) for 15 min,
of blistering. Then, measure to the nearest 0.8 mm (1⁄32 in.) the and allow to cool in a desiccator.
distance of the thread from the edge of each panel again to 14.3.2 Place the crucible in a 100-cm3 beaker and tare weigh
determine the extent of any sagging or sliding. Average the two to the nearest 1 mg. Then, add about 1 g of the well-mixed
determinations from each type of panel. Report results to the sample to the crucible and reweigh as quickly as possible to the
nearest 0.8 mm (1⁄32 in.). nearest 1 mg. Add 50 cm3 of benzene to the crucible and
12.2.4 Observe and estimate to the nearest 5 % the area beaker, filling the crucible about three-fourths full and pouring
stained on the reverse side of the prepared roofing panel due to the remainder into the beaker around the crucible. Cover and
the absorption of the roof coating. let stand 15 min. Then, transfer the crucible to a suction flask
and apply suction. Wash the crucible and mat twice with
13. Pliability at 0°C (32°F)
acetone and twice with water.
13.1 Cool the coated metal panels from the preceding test to 14.3.3 Transfer the crucible to a 500-cm3 wide mouth
room temperature, and then immerse them in a water bath at Erlenmeyer flask. Add 50 cm3 of ferric sulfate solution and
0°C (32°F) for 1 h along with a 25-mm (1-in.) diameter stopper the flash immediately with a rubber stopper fitted with
mandrel. Bend samples over the mandrel while still in water a 50-cm3 separatory funnel and with an outlet tube. Immerse
bath. The bending shall be accomplished in approximately 2 s the end of the outlet tube in a flask of sodium bicarbonate
at a uniform rate, with the metal side of the test panel against solution. Quickly add 50 cm3 of sodium bicarbonate solution to
the mandrel. the Erlenmeyer flask through the separatory funnel, and shake
13.2 Immediately after bending, maintain the panels in the the flask gently. This produces a CO2 atmosphere, which
bent position, dry the panels thoroughly and examine the prevents oxidation of the reduced ferric iron. Keep the sepa-
coating visually for cracking or bond failure. Ignore cracks less ratory funnel stopcock closed and the outlet tube immersed in
than 3 mm (1⁄8 in.) long unless they extend to the metal. the sodium bicarbonate solution to retain the inert CO2
13.3 Report large cracks and bond failure. atmosphere. Heat the solution in the Erlenmeyer flask gently
14. Metallic Aluminum until all of the aluminum is dissolved (about 15 min), and then
bring the solution to a boil for 10 min. Cool to 10 to 15°C (50
14.1 Reagents—Reagent-grade chemicals, or equivalent, to 60°F) during the remainder of the procedure.
prepared in conformance with Practice E 200, shall be used in 14.3.4 Add 15 cm3 of phosphoric acid through the separa-
the determination of metallic aluminum. tory funnel, followed by 50 cm3 of water. Shake gently to mix
14.1.1 Water—Use only distilled or deionized water. thoroughly. Remove the stopper assembly, add 1 cm3 of the
14.1.2 Ferric Sulfate Solution—Dissolve 330 g of ferric indicator, and quickly titrate with 0.5 N potassium dichromate
sulfate [Fe2(SO4)39H2O] in 750 cm3 of water and 75 cm3 of solution to a purple end point (see Note 3).
concentrated sulfuric acid (sp gr 1.84). Heat the solution and let
stand two days to dissolve the ferric sulfate completely. Then, NOTE 3—Reduce the rate of addition of potassium dichromate near the
add water to make up a total volume 1000 cm3. titration end-point in order to be able to recognize the transition from
green to intense purple. An excess beyond this point will produce an olive
14.1.3 Indicator (Diphenylamine Sulfonate Solution)—
green color.
Dissolve 0.32 g of the barium salt of diphenylamine sulfonic
acid in 100 cm3 of water. Then, add 0.5 g of sodium sulfate and 14.3.5 Calculation:
filter off the precipitate of barium sulfate. Metallic aluminum, % 5 ~VN 3 0.009/S! 3 100 (7)
14.1.4 Phosphoric Acid—CP 85 % orthophosphoric acid.
14.1.5 Potassium Dichromate Solution—Prepare a 0.5 N where:
solution by dissolving 24.52 g of potassium dichromate in V 5 volume of K2Cr2O7 solution, cm3,
water and making up to 1000 cm3. N 5 normality of K2Cr2O7 solution, and
14.1.6 Sodium Bicarbonate Solution—Prepare a saturated S 5 sample weight, g.
solution of sodium bicarbonate (approximately 10 %). 14.3.6 Report weight percent metallic aluminum.
14.2 Filtering Apparatus:
14.2.1 Gooch Crucible, glazed inside and outside with the 15. Reflectance
exception of the outside bottom surface. The approximate 15.1 Prepare two panels at least 100 by 125 mm (4 by 5 in.)
dimensions shall be a diameter of 44 mm at the top tapering to by coating with a doctor blade, and allow to dry 48 h at room
36 mm at the bottom and a depth of 28 mm. temperature. The wet film thickness of Type I coatings shall be
14.2.2 Filter Pad, glass-fiber 32 mm in diameter. 0.38 mm (0.015 in.) and Type II coatings shall be 0.51 mm
14.2.3 Filter Flask, heavy-wall with side tube, 500-mL (0.020 in.). Any smooth, flat substrate, such as uncoated
capacity. aluminum or steel may be used for the test panels. Hiding
14.2.4 Rubber Tubing, of adapter for holding Gooch cru- power or opacity charts, suitably supported, also may be used.
cible on the filter tube. 15.2 Measure the percent luminous reflectance of each

D 6511

FIG. 2 Filtration Apparatus

panel (the CIE10 tristimulus Y value) for CIE Source C 16. Strength of Lap
(daylight), using an instrument that integrates diffuse and 16.1 Apparatus:
specular reflectance by means of a hollow integrating sphere,
16.2 Significance—For those specifications requiring a lap
calibrated according to the manufacturer’s instructions using a
strength test, the following is the procedure to be used.
Gardner Laboratory Gray-White Reflectance Standard with a
16.3 Test Specimen and Sample:
CIE tristimulus Y value of 40. Take at least three readings on
different areas of each panel and calculate the mean luminous 16.3.1 Use any roll roofing with a 100-mm (4-in.) wide
reflectance for each panel. Report the luminous reflectance of selvage conforming to the requirements of Specification D 249.
the coating sample as the mean of the two panel values to the 16.3.2 Four test specimens are required. For each specimen,
nearest 0.5 %. cut a 25 by 305 mm (1 by 12 in.) transverse strip of roofing that
15.3 Age approximately 300 cm3 of coating in a tightly- includes the selvage; then, cut this strip in half so that one piece
closed 500 cm3 (1 pt) container in an oven at 496 2°C (120 6 contains the selvage and the other is plain.
3.5°F) for three days. Remove from the oven, cool to room 16.3.3 Spread 2.0 g of lap cement evenly over the selvage
temperature, prepare two panels, and determine the luminous and set aside for 10 min at 20 to 30°C (68 to 86°F); then, place
reflectance. the reverse side of the plain half over the cement-coated
15.4 Report the mean of the two panel values as the selvage in the same manner as a field lap would be made.
luminous reflectance of the sample after high-temperature shelf 16.3.4 Place a 4.5-kg (10-lb) mass over the cemented lap.
aging. The mass shall be large enough to cover the 25 by 100-mm (1
by 4-in.) lap completely. After 2 min, remove the mass, and age
four specimens for 24 h at 20 to 30°C (68 to 86°F).
Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage. 16.4 Procedure—Test each specimen immediately after the

D 6511
specified aging period in accordance with Test Methods D 146, percent of original, Xa, as follows:
Section 13, except set apart the edges of the clamps 127 mm Xa 5 N – ~100 B/A! (8)
(5.0 in.) 6 2 %, and use a driven clamp speed of 305 mm (12
in.)/min 6 0.7 %. If any specimen fails to meet the minimum where:
values specified in Table 1, report the material as failing the lap N 5 nonvolatile matter from 8.2,
strength test. B 5 net mass of insoluble residue, including corrections,
17. Adhesion to Damp, Wet, or Underwater Surfaces A 5 mass of the sample taken.
17.1 Apparatus: 19. Mineral Matter Based on Original Mass of Insoluble
17.1.1 Metal Lids—Slip on covers, supplied with three-fluid Residue
oz capacity seamless metal containers, approximately 55 mm
19.1 Using the data obtained in accordance with Test
in diameter and with a raised rim 1 mm high and 3 mm wide.
Method D 4, Procedure No. 2, calculate the percent mineral
17.1.2 Water Bath—A bath with a flat bottom surface
matter based on the original mass of the insoluble residue, Mi,
having a capacity of at least 1 qt, which can be filled with tap
as follows:
water to a minimum depth of 51mm (2 in.) and maintained at
20 6 3°C (68 6 5°F). Mi 5 ~C/B! 3 100 (9)
17.2 Procedure:
17.2.1 Spread 5 g of the cement on the top surface of each
C 5 net mass of ignited, reconstituted mineral matter,
of three metal lids and place them in the water bath.
including any corrections, and
17.2.2 Flame three other metal lids in an open gas flame B 5 net mass of insoluble residue, including any correc-
until each entire lid has an oxidized blue-gray surface and place tions.
them in the water bath after they have cooled to room
temperature. 20. Volatile Organic Content (VOC)
17.2.3 After 5 min, place a flamed lid on top of each 20.1 The accepted method is EPA Method 24A, which
cement-covered lid, and press only on the rim of the flamed lid utilizes Specifications D 2369, D 4017, D 1475 to calculate
for 1 minute or until the flow of the cement stops. VOC.
NOTE 4—Covers that have raised rim (1 mm) on the top surface are 21. Precision and Bias 11
intended for this test. When the two lids are pressed together, approxi- 21.1 Criteria for judging the acceptability of test results
mately 4 of the 5 g sample will be contained between the surfaces. If lids
with raised rims are not available, smooth lids may be used except that
obtained by the weight-per-gallon, residue-by-evaporation, and
care should be exercised in pressing the lids together to prevent squeezing ash content test methods are provided in Table 1. The figures in
out all of the sample. column two of Table 1 are standard deviations or coefficients of
variation that have been found to be appropriate for the tests
17.2.4 Remove each set of lids from the water bath and
described in column one. The figures given in column three are
scrape off the excess cement around the edges with a spatula or
the limits that should not be exceeded by the difference
between the results of two properly conducted tests. Single-
17.2.5 Separate the lids without twisting and estimate the
operator precision is to be evaluated based on results of two
percentage of area covered by the cement on each of the flamed
properly conducted tests by the same operator on samples of
the same material. Multilaboratory precision is to be evaluated
17.3 Report:
based on two properly conducted tests from two different
17.3.1 Report the average of the three estimates on coverage
laboratories on samples of the same material.
of the cement on the flamed lids as the adhesion, in percent at
21.2 During the interlaboratory study to determine precision
20°C (68°F).
of the weight-per-gallon, residue-by-evaporation, and ash con-
NOTE 5—There may be a need for testing at lower temperature tent tests, no other test methods were evaluated; therefore, no
Committee D-8 would welcome data supporting suitable modification. statement about bias with reference to these three tests can be
18. Mineral Stabilizers, and Bitumen made.
21.3 No statement is made about either the precision or bias
18.1 Test Method D 4, Procedure No. 2—Mineral matter of test methods in Sections 4, 5, 13, and 14, since the result
shall be reported as mineral stabilizers. Calculate bitumen as merely states whether there is conformance to the criteria for
TABLE 1 Precision Criteria
success specified in these procedures.
21.4 With reference to Sections 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, and
Standard Deviation, Acceptable Range
Material Test % of Two Results, % 19, precision and bias statements are currently being devel-
Single Operator Precision:
weight-per-gallon 0.23 0.7 22. Keywords
nonvolatile content 0.58 1.6
ash content 1.34 3.8 22.1 aluminum; asphalt; bituminous; roof coating; solvent
Multilaboratory Precision: bearing
weight-per-gallon 0.55 1.5
residue-by-evaporation 0.94 2.7
ash content 2.08 5.9 For definition of terms and significance of the parameters, reference should be
made to Practice C 670.

D 6511


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Aqueous solutions of glycerin are suitable liquids for means of an accurate specific gravity determination, the
use as standards in calibrating the Stormer viscometer. By percent glycerin concentration can be determined with 60.02
(see Table X1.1).

TABLE X1.1 Specific Gravity of Aqueous Glycerin Solutions

Sp Gr,A 25/25C Glycerin, weight %
1.23585 90.00
1.23850 91.00
1.24115 92.00
1.24380 93.00
1.24645 94.00
1.24910 95.00
1.25165 96.00
1.25425 97.00
1.25685 98.00
1.25945 99.00
1.26201 100.00
Taken from Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 30th Ed., Chemical Rubber Publishing Co., 19801 Cranwood Parkway, Cleveland, OH 44128, 1948, p. 1742. See
also Sheeley, M.L., Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, IECHA, Vol 24, 1932, p. 1060.

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (www.astm.org).

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