Client 1+1 Protection
Client 1+1 Protection
Client 1+1 Protection
The client 1+1 protection is the linear 1+1 protection that is defined in ITU-T G.808.1.
The client 1+1 protection is configured with one working wavelength and one protection
wavelength that are transmitted in two different routings to protect the OTU board and OCh
fiber. The client 1+1 protection protects the OTU board and OCh fibers by using the dual fed
and selective receiving function of the OLP/DCP/SCS board.
Parent topic: Client 1+1 Protection
This section provides the information about the equipment that support the client 1+1
Table 1 Board and equipment that support the client 1+1 protection
The preceding contents list the boards of each device supported by the function. For details, see
sections "Functions and Features" and "Parameters Can Be Set or Queried by NMS" in the hardware
description of each device. Alternatively, see the "Availability" section in the feature description of
each device.
Function Implementation
Client 1+1 protection uses two wavelengths: one is the working wavelength, and the other is
the protection wavelength. The two wavelengths adopt diverse routing to transmit signals to
protect the OTU board.
Trigger Conditions
The trigger conditions for the client 1+1 protection automatic switching are as follows:
In the case of the OptiX OSN 9600/9800 series, OptiX OSN 8800 series, OptiX OSN 6800
and OptiX OSN 3800:
The board is offline, including the following situations: removing or cold resetting the board.
There is a signal failure (SF) condition. SF includes the following board-side alarms: R_LOF,
There is a signal degraded (SD) condition. SD includes the following board-side alarms:
In the case of the board that supports both the DEG and EXC alarms,
OTUk_DEG/ODUk_PM_DEG among the SD trigger conditions takes effect only after the SD
Trigger Condition of the board is set to OTUk_DEG/ODUk_PM_DEG.
In the case of the OptiX OSN 3800, IN_PWR_HIGH and IN_PWR_LOW are valid for the
LWXS, LWX2, and LWXD boards.
In the case of the OptiX OSN 6800, IN_PWR_HIGH and IN_PWR_LOW are valid for the
LWXS, LWX2, and LWXD boards.
In the case of the OptiX OSN 8800 series, IN_PWR_HIGH and IN_PWR_LOW are valid for
the LWXS board.
In the case of the OptiX OSN 9600/9800 series, IN_PWR_HIGH and IN_PWR_LOW are
valid for the T130, T216 and T302 boards.
In the case of the OptiX OSN 1800 series, the LWX2 board provide the R_LOS and R_LOC
trigger conditions.
For details of the above alarms, refer to the Alarms and Performance Events Reference.
Switching Time
Switching Mode
The switching mode can be Revertive or Non-Revertive. Revertive means that the service
can be automatically switched to the working channel after the working channel becomes
normal. Non-Revertive means that the service is not switched to the working channel after
the working channel becomes normal.
Switching Status
The following switching states are available: Idle, Lockout, Force to Working, Force to
Protection, Manual to Working, Manual to Protection, Wait-To-Restore, Automatic
Switching, SD Switching, SF Switching, and Unknown.
Working Principle
In the case of the OptiX OSN 9600/9800 series, OptiX OSN 8800 series, OptiX OSN 6800
and OptiX OSN 3800:
This protection is utilized when the working OTU and the protection OTU are in the
same subrack of an NE. The SCS board is recommended for this type of protection.
This protection is utilized when the working OTU and the protection OTU are in
different subracks of an NE. The OLP or DCP board must be used for this type of
This protection is utilized when the working OTU and the protection OTU are in
different NEs. The OLP or DCP board must be used for this type of protection.
In the case of the OptiX OSN 3800, the client 1+1 protection and VLAN SNCP cannot be
configured at the same time for the L4G and TBE board.
In the case of the OptiX OSN 6800, the client 1+1 protection and VLAN SNCP cannot be
configured at the same time for the L4G and TBE board.
The three share similar protection principles. The difference lies in that the positions of the
working and protection OTU boards are different.
When the SCS board is used, the system selects signals by opening or closing the client-side
laser of the working or the protection OTU board. When the OLP or DCP board is used, in
normal cases, the client-side lasers of the working and protection OTU boards are enabled.
When the OTU detects the SF (or SD) alarm, it sends SF (or SD) event to the SCC. This cause
the SCC closes the client-side laser of the OTU. So the R_LOS alarm occurs on the OLP and
the OLP performs switching. Figure 1shows the principle with the client 1+1 protection as an
For the description of the working principle of the SCS, OLP and DCP boards, refer to the
Hardware Description.
: Direction of the working signal flow : Direction of the protection signal flow
The SCC board communicates with the OTU through the backplane. This communication is
not indicated in Figure 1.
The OptiX OSN 9600/9800 series, OptiX OSN 8800 series, OptiX OSN 6800 and OptiX
OSN 3800 support the same client 1+1 protection in terms of working principle and
application. The difference lies in that the OptiX OSN 9600/9800 series, OptiX OSN 8800
series and OptiX OSN 6800 use the optical multiplexing/demultiplexing unit while the OptiX
OSN 3800 uses the optical add/drop multiplexing unit.
In the transmit direction, the SCS board at the transmit end splits each signal into two
channels. Then it sends them to the working OTU (OTU1) and the protection OTU (OTU2).
The working signals and the protection signals are transmitted to the receive end
respectively through the working route and the protection route.
In the receive direction, the SCC at the receive end controls the OTU1 and the OTU2 based
on the detection information reported by the OTU. The laser of the client-side optical
interface where the working channel of OTU1 is located works normally, whereas the laser of
the client-side optical interface where the protection channel of OTU2 is located is shut
down. Only the signals transmitted by the working wavelength channel are sent to the client-
side equipment.
When the OTU1 at the receive end detects a channel of signals is faulty, that trigger the
switching, the SCC board directs the OTU1 to shut down the corresponding client-side laser.
The client-side laser of the OTU2 for this channel is opened. Thus, for this channel of services,
only the signals transmitted by the protection wavelength route are sent to the SCS board.
All the other channels of signals are not switched to the protection wavelength route. They
are still transmitted by the working wavelength route.
After the recovery of the working wavelength route, service signals transmitted by the
protection wavelength route can be switched back to the OTU1 or not based on the revertive
mode configured on the NM.
Working Principle (OSN 1800 series)
The client-side 1+1 wavelength protection does not require switching protocols. It is
performed in dual fed and selective receiving mode, single-ended switching mode, or dual-
ended switching mode. The switching of any client service does not affect other services of
the same OTU. The working OTU and the protection OTU should be installed in the same
subrack. For the working principle diagram of the client-side 1+1 wavelength protection, see
Figure 2.
The protection is performed in dual-ended switching mode when the service type is GE or
For details about the working principle of the SCS board, refer to the Hardware Description.
: Direction of the working signal flow : Direction of the protection signal flow
The transmit and receive OTUs in Figure 2 are actually one physical OTU.
The transmit and receive SCSs in Figure 2 are actually one physical SCS.
The SCC board communicates with the OTU through the backplane. This communication is
not indicated in Figure 2.
The SCS board at the transmit end splits each signal into two channels. Then it sends them to
the working OTU (OTU1) and the protection OTU (OTU2).
The services transmitted by the working and the protection wavelength routes reach the
receive end at the same time. The SCC at the receive end controls the OTU1 and the OTU2
based on the detection information reported by the OTU. All the client-side lasers that control
the 1+1 wavelength protection configured on the client side of the OTU1 normally. All the
client-side lasers that control the 1+1 wavelength protection configured on the client side of
the OTU2 are shut down. Only the signals transmitted by the working wavelength channel are
sent to the client-side equipment.
When the WDM-side laser of the OTU1 at the receive end detects alarms (such as LOS or
LOF) that trigger the switching, the SCC shuts down all the client-side lasers that control the
1+1 wavelength protection configured on the client side of the OTU1 and turns on all the
client-side lasers that control the 1+1 wavelength protection configured on the client side of
the OTU2. All client services are transmitted over the protection wavelength route.
When a client-side laser of the OTU1 at the receive end detects the alarms (such as LOS or
LOF) that trigger the switching, the SCC board directs the OTU1 to shut down the
corresponding client-side laser. The client-side laser of the OTU2 for this channel is opened.
Thus, for this channel of services, only the signals transmitted by the protection wavelength
route are sent to the SCS board. All the other channels of signals are not switched to the
protection wavelength route. They are still transmitted by the working wavelength route.
After the recovery of the working wavelength route, service signals transmitted by the
protection wavelength route can be switched back to the OTU1 or not based on the revertive
mode configured on the NM.
When a protection switching occurs, only a part of the client-side services are switched to the
protection OTU. Other client-side services are not affected. As a result, there is no need to
switch the services.
When a channel of client signal received by the working OTU fails, only this channel is
switched. There is no switching at the WDM side.
The working OTU in the opposite end shut down the client-side transmit laser for this failed
channel. The protection OTU at the opposite end turns on the corresponding client-side
transmit laser. The other normal signals are still transmitted through the working OTU.
The application of the client 1+1 protection realized by using the OLP and DCP boards is that same as
that of the client 1+1 protection realized by using the SCS board. In this section, the client 1+1
protection realized by using the SCS board is considered as an example to describe the application of
the client 1+1 protection.
As shown in Figure 1 station A and station B form a point-to-point network in project T. Both
A and B are OTM stations. The client 1+1 protection is adopted between the two stations.
Each station is configured with one SCS board and two OTUs that have the convergence
See Figure 1.
When signals are transmitted from station A to station B, the SCS board in station A sends
signals to the working OTU (OTU1) and the protection OTU (OTU2) at the same time. When
signals reach the OTU1 and OTU2 in station B, only the signals sent from the OTU1 are
transmitted to the client-side equipment through the SCS board.
: Direction of the working signal flow : Direction of the protection signal flow
When signals are transmitted from station B to station A, the SCS board in station B sends
signals to the OTU1 and the OTU2 at the same time. In station A, only the signals sent from
the OTU1 are transmitted to the client-side equipment through the SCS board.
: Direction of the working signal flow : Direction of the protection signal flow
See Figure 2.
In the direction from station A to station B:
In station A, the fiber (used to transmit client service a) between the SCS board and the input
port of the OTU1 breaks. After detection and control, only the OTU2 in station B sends the
client-side signals to the client-side equipment through the SCS board. Client service b is still
transmitted by the original route.
There is no switching because the working wavelength route is normal, and the route of
signals remains the same.
In the case of the OptiX OSN 1800 series, When LSPU, LSPL, LOEU, or LOEL functions as
the OTU board, if fiber break exists on the ONU side of LSPU or LOEU board, the protection
does not work.