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Dynamics of The Synchronous Machine: ELEC0047 - Power System Dynamics, Control and Stability

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ELEC0047 - Power system dynamics, control and stability

Dynamics of the synchronous machine

Thierry Van Cutsem

t.vancutsem@ulg.ac.be www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~vct

October 2015

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Modelling the synchronous machine with moving circuits

Modelling the synchronous machine with moving circuits

Slides 2 to 14 are a brief recall of the derivations made in course ELEC0029.
Please refer to the latter for more details.

Stator and rotor windings

f : field winding
d1 , q1 : damper (or amortisseur) windings
q2 : equivalent circuit to account for eddy currents in round-rotor machine
no q2 winding in the model of a salient-pole machine
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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Modelling the synchronous machine with moving circuits

Basic stator equations

va (t) = −Ra ia (t) −
vb (t) = −Ra ib (t) −
vc (t) = −Ra ic (t) −
In matrix form: vT = −RT iT − ψT with RT = diag(Ra Ra Ra )
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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Modelling the synchronous machine with moving circuits

Basic rotor equations

vf (t) = Rf if (t) +
0 = Rd1 id1 (t) +
0 = Rq1 iq1 (t) +
0 = Rq2 iq2 (t) +
In matrix form: vr = Rr ir + ψr with Rr = diag(Rf Rd1 Rq1 Rq2 )


Assumption: non saturated material

LTT (θ) LTr (θ) iT

ψr LTTr (θ) Lrr ir
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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Park transformation and equations

Park transformation and equations

Park transformation

Three-phase stator (a, b, c) variables transformed into Park (d, q, o) variables:

vP = P vT
ψP = P ψT
iP = P iT

r  cos θ cos(θ − 2π cos(θ + 2π

2 3 ) 3 )
where P = sin θ sin(θ − 2π
3 )

sin(θ + 3 ) 
3 √1 √1 √1
2 2 2

vP =
vd vq vo
ψP = ψd ψq ψo
iP =
id iq io

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Park transformation and equations


The d and q variables relate to fictitious windings:

attached to the rotor, i.e. rotating with the latter
d in the direct axis, q in the quadrature axis
producing a magnetic field proportional to the one produced by the stator
windings a, b, c.

The o fictitious winding:

is magnetically not coupled with the d and q windings
plays a role in unbalanced operating conditions only

In steady-state balanced operating conditions:

currents id and iq are constant
current io is zero.

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Park transformation and equations

Park equations of the synchronous machine

vP = −RT iP − θ̇PψP − ψP
 
0 1 0
with: P =  −1 0 0 
0 0 0

Decomposing: vd = −Ra id − θ̇ψq −
vq = −Ra iq + θ̇ψd −
vo = −Ra io −

θ̇ψ : speed voltages (or emf) dψ/dt : transformer voltages (or emf)

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Park transformation and equations

Park inductance matrix

ψr LrP Lrr ir

 
Ldd Ldf Ldd1

 Lqq Lqq1 Lqq2 
   Loo 
LPP LPr  
 Ldf
= Lff Lfd1 
LrP Lrr  Ldd1

 Lfd1 Ld1d1 

 Lqq1 Lq1q1 Lq1q2 
Lqq2 Lq1q2 Lq2q2

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Park transformation and equations

Equations decomposed into d and q axes (o winding left aside)

        
vd Ra id θ̇ψq ψd
 −vf  = −    if  −  0 − d
Rf  ψf 
0 Rd1 id1 0 ψd1
        
vq Ra iq θ̇ψd ψq
 0  = − Rq1   iq1  +  0  − d  ψq1 
0 Rq2 iq2 0 ψq2

    
ψd Ldd Ldf Ldd1 id
 ψf  =  Ldf Lff Lfd1   if 
ψ d1 Ldd1 Lfd1 Ld1d1 id1
    
ψq Lqq Lqq1 Lqq2 iq
 ψq1  =  Lqq1 Lq1q1 Lq1q2   iq1 
ψq2 Lqq2 Lq1q2 Lq2q2 iq2

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine The machine in steady-state operation

The machine in steady-state operation

Three-phase balanced currents in stator windings :

√ √ 2π √ 2π
ia = 2I cos(ωN t+ψ) ib = 2I cos(ωN t+ψ− ) ic = 2I cos(ωN t+ψ+ )
3 3
three-phase balanced voltages at the stator terminals :
√ √ 2π √ 2π
va = 2V cos(ωN t+φ) vb = 2V cos(ωN t+φ− ) vc = 2V cos(ωN t+φ+ )
3 3
constant (DC) voltage Vf applied to field winding
current in field winding : if =
rotor rotates at the angular speed ωN of the stator voltages and currents :

θ = θo + ωN t

no current in other windings : id1 = iq1 = iq2 = 0

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine The machine in steady-state operation

Currents and voltages in d and q windings :

√ √
id = 3I cos(θo − ψ) iq = 3I sin(θo − ψ) io = 0
√ √
vd = 3V cos(θo − φ) vq = 3V sin(θo − φ) vo = 0

Magnetic fluxes in d and q windings :

ψd = Ldd id + Ldf if ψq = Lqq iq

The Park equations become :

vd = −Ra id − ωN Lqq iq = −Ra id − Xq iq

vq = −Ra iq + ωN Ldd id + ωN Ldf if = −Ra iq + Xd id + 3Eq

Xd : direct-axis synchronous reactance

Xq : quadrature-axis synchronous reactance
ωN Ldf if
Eq = √ = emf proportional to field current = open-circuit voltage.

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine The machine in steady-state operation

Phasor equation and diagram

Ēq = V̄a + Ra I¯a + jXd I¯d + jXq I¯q

Particular case : round-rotor machine Xd = Xq = X

Ēq = V̄a + Ra I¯a + jX (I¯d + I¯q )

= V̄a + Ra I¯a + jX I¯a

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine The machine in steady-state operation

Complex, active and reactive powers

S = 3V̄a I¯a? = (vd − j vq )(id + j iq )

and hence:
P = vd id + vq iq Q = vd iq − vq id

Neglecting Ra and expressing P and Q as a function of V , Eq and the internal

angle ϕ:

Eq V 3V 2 1 1 Eq V sin2 ϕ cos2 ϕ
P=3 sin ϕ+ ( − ) sin 2ϕ Q=3 cos ϕ−3V 2 ( + )
Xd 2 Xq Xd Xd Xq Xd

In the case of a round-rotor machine:

Eq V Eq V V2
P=3 sin ϕ Q=3 cos ϕ − 3

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Time constants and characteristic inductances

Time constants and characteristic inductances


define accurately a number of time constants and inductances characterizing

the machine electromagnetic transients
the latter appeared in the expression of the short-circuit current of the
synchronous machine : see course ELEC0029
use these expressions to derive from measurements the inductances and
resistances of the Park model


As we focus on electromagnetic transients, the rotor speed θ̇ is assumed constant,

since it varies much more slowly.

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Time constants and characteristic inductances

Laplace transform of Park equations

    
Vd (s) + θ̇ψq (s) Ra + sLdd sLdf sLdd1 Id (s)
 −Vf (s)  = − sLdf Rf + sLff sLfd1   If (s) 
0 sLdd1 sLfd1 Rd1 + sLd1 d1 Id1 (s)
| {z }
Rd + sLd

id (0)
+Ld  if (0) 
id1 (0)
    
Vq (s) − θ̇ψd (s) Ra + sLqq sLqq1 sLqq2 Iq (s)
 0  = −  sLqq1 Rq1 + sLq1 q1 sLq1 q2   Iq1 (s) 
0 sLqq2 sLq1 q2 Rq2 + sLq2 q2 Iq2 (s)
| {z }
Rq + sLq
 
iq (0)
+Lq  iq1 (0) 
iq2 (0)

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Time constants and characteristic inductances

Time constants and inductances

Eliminating If , Id1 , Iq1 and Iq2 yields:

Vd (s) + θ̇ψq (s) = −Zd (s)Id (s) + sG (s)Vf (s)

Vq (s) − θ̇ψd (s) = −Zq (s)Iq (s)

where :
  Rf + sLff sLfd1 sLdf
Zd (s) = Ra + sLdd − sLdf sLdd1
sLfd1 Rd1 + sLd1 d1 sLdd1
= Ra + s`d (s) `d (s) : d-axis operational inductance

  Rq1 + sLq1 q1 sLq1 q2 sLqq1
Zq (s) = Ra + sLqq − sLqq1 sLqq2
sLq1 q2 Rq2 + sLq2 q2 sLqq2
= Ra + s`q (s) `q (s) : q-axis operational inductance

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Time constants and characteristic inductances

Considering the nature of RL circuits, `d (s) and `q (s) can be factorized into:
0 00
(1 + sTd )(1 + sTd ) 00 00 0 0
`d (s) = Ldd 0 00 with 0 < Td < Td0 < Td < Td0
(1 + sTd0 )(1 + sTd0 )
0 00
(1 + sTq )(1 + sTq ) 00 00 0 0
`q (s) = Lqq 0 00 with 0 < Tq < Tq0 < Tq < Tq0
(1 + sTq0 )(1 + sTq0 )

Limit values:

lim `d (s) = Ldd d-axis synchronous inductance

0 00
00 Td Td
lim `d (s) = Ld = Ldd 0 00 d-axis subtransient inductance
s→∞ Td0 Td0
lim `q (s) = Lqq q-axis synchronous inductance
0 00
00 Tq Tq
lim `q (s) = Lq = Lqq 0 00 q-axis subtransient inductance
s→∞ Tq0 Tq0

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Time constants and characteristic inductances

Direct derivation of Ld :

elimin. of f and d1
Rd + sLd −→ Ra + s`d (s)

s→∞ ↓ ↓ s→∞
sLd −→ sLd
elimin. of f and d1

00   Lff Lfd1 Ldf
Ld = Ldd − Ldf Ldd1
Lfd1 Ld1 d1 Ldd1
L2df Ld1 d1 + Lff L2dd1 − 2Ldf Lfd1 Ldd1
= Ldd −
Lff Ld1 d1 − L2fd1

and similarly for the q axis.

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Time constants and characteristic inductances

Transient inductances

If damper winding effects are neglected, the operational inductances simplify into :
0 0
1 + sTd 1 + sTq
`d (s) = Ldd 0 `q (s) = Lqq 0
1 + sTd0 1 + sTq0

and the limit values become :

0 Td
lim `d (s) = Ld = Ldd 0 d-axis transient inductance
s→∞ Td0
0 Tq
lim `q (s) = Lq = Lqq 0 q-axis transient inductance
s→∞ Tq0

Using the same derivation as for Ld , one easily gets:

0 L2df 0 L2qq1
Ld = Ldd − Lq = Lqq −
Lff Lq1 q1

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Time constants and characteristic inductances

Typical values

machine with machine with

round rotor salient poles round rotor salient poles
(pu) (pu) (s) (s)
Ld 1.5-2.5 0.9-1.5 Td0 8.0-12.0 3.0-8.0
Lq 1.5-2.5 0.5-1.1 Td 0.95-1.30 1.0-2.5
0 00
Ld 0.2-0.4 0.3-0.5 Td0 0.025-0.065 0.025-0.065
0 00
Lq 0.2-0.4 Td 0.02-0.05 0.02-0.05
00 0
Ld 0.15-0.30 0.25-0.35 Tq0 2.0
00 0
Lq 0.15-0.30 0.25-0.35 Tq 0.8
Tq0 0.20-0.50 0.04-0.15
Tq 0.02-0.05 0.02-0.05
Tα 0.02-0.60 0.02-0.20
inductances in per unit on the machine nominal voltage and apparent power

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Time constants and characteristic inductances

in the direct axis: pronounced “time decoupling”:
0 00 0 00
Td0  Td0 Td  Td

00 00
subtransient time constants Td and Td0 : short, originate from damper winding
0 0
transient time constants Td and Td0 : long, originate from field winding
in the quadrature axis: less pronounced time decoupling
because the windings are of quite different nature !
0 0
salient-pole machines: single winding in q axis ⇒ the parameters Lq , Tq and
Tq0 do not exist.

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Rotor motion

Rotor motion
θm angular position of rotor, i.e. angle between one axis attached to the rotor
and one attached to the stator. Linked to “electrical” angle θ through:

θ = p θm p number of pairs of poles

ωm mechanical angular speed: ωm = θm
ω electrical angular speed: ω= θ = pωm

Basic equation of rotating masses (friction torque neglected):

I ωm = Tm − Te

I moment of inertia of all rotating masses

Tm mechanical torque provided by prime mover (turbine, diesel motor, etc.)
Te electromagnetic torque developed by synchronous machine
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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Rotor motion

Motion equation expressed in terms of ω:

I d
ω = Tm − Te
p dt
Dividing by the base torque TB = SB /ωmB :
I ωmB d
ω = Tmpu − Tepu
pSB dt
Defining the speed in per unit:
ω 1 d
ωpu = = θ
ωN ωN dt
the motion eq. becomes:
I ωmB d
ωpu = Tmpu − Tepu
SB dt
Defining the inertia constant:
I ω2
H = 2 mB
the motion eq. becomes:
2H ωpu = Tmpu − Tepu
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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Rotor motion

Inertia constant H

called specific energy

ratio kinetic energy of rotating masses at nominal speed
apparent nominal power of machine
has dimension of a time
with values in rather narrow interval, whatever the machine power.

thermal plant hydro plant
p=1 : 2 − 4s 1.5 − 3 s
p=2 : 3 − 7s

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Rotor motion

Relationship between H and launching time tl

tl : time to reach the nominal angular speed ωmB when applying to the rotor,
initially at rest, the nominal mechanical torque:
PN SB cos φN
TN = =
ωmB ωmB
PN : turbine nominal power (in MW) cos φN : nominal power factor

Nominal mechanical torque in per unit: TNpu =
= cos φN
cos φN cos φN
Uniformly accelerated motion: ωmpu = ωmpu (0) + t= t
2H 2H
At t = tl , ωmpu = 1 ⇒ tl =
cos φN

Remark. Some define tl with reference to TB , not TN . In this case, tl = 2H.

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Rotor motion

Compensated motion equation

In some simplified models, the damper windings are neglected.

To compensate for the neglected damping torque, a correction term can be added:
2H ωpu + D(ωpu − ωsys ) = Tmpu − Tepu D≥0
where ωsys is the system angular frequency (which will be defined in “Power
system dynamic modelling under the phasor approximation”).

Expression of electromagnetic torque

Te = p(ψd iq − ψq id )
Using the base defined in the slide # 28 :
Te ωmB ωB
Tepu = = p(ψd iq − ψq id ) = √ √ (ψd iq − ψq id )
ψd i ψ i
= √ √ q − √ q √ d = ψdpu iqpu − ψqpu idpu
3VB 3IB 3V B 3IB
ωB ωB

In per unit, the factor p disappears.

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Per unit system for the synchronous machine model

Per unit system for the synchronous machine model

Recall on per unit systems

Consider two magnetically coupled coils with:

ψ1 = L11 i1 + L12 i2 ψ2 = L21 i1 + L22 i2

For simplicity, we take the same time base in both circuits: t1B = t2B

ψ1 L11 i1 L12 i2 L12 I2B

In per unit: ψ1pu = = + = L11pu i1pu + i2pu
ψ1B L1B I1B L1B I1B L1B I1B
ψ2 L21 I1B
ψ2pu = = i1pu + L22pu i2pu
ψ2B L2B I2B
In Henry, one has L12 = L21 . We request to have the same in per unit:
L12pu = L21pu ⇔ = ⇔ S1B t1B = S2B t2B ⇔ S1B = S2B

A per unit system with t1B = t2B and S1B = S2B is called reciprocal
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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Per unit system for the synchronous machine model

in the single phase in each in each rotor

circuit equivalent to of the d, q winding,
stator windings windings for instance f

1 1
time tB = =
ωN 2πfN

power SB = nominal apparent 3-phase

voltage VB : nominal (rms) 3VB VfB : to be chosen

current IB = 3IB
3VB2 3VB2 2
impedance ZB =

flux VB tB 3VB tB VfB tB

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Per unit system for the synchronous machine model

The equal-mutual-flux-linkage per unit system

For two magnetically coupled coils, it is shown that (see theory of transformer):

L11 − L`1 =
n1 n2
L12 =
L22 − L`2 =

L11 self-inductance of coil 1

L22 self-inductance of coil 1
L`1 leakage inductance of coil 1
L`2 leakage inductance of coil 2
n1 number of turns of coil 1
n2 number of turns of coil 2
R reluctance of the magnetic circuit followed by the magnetic field lines which
cross both windings; the field is created by i1 and i2 .
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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Per unit system for the synchronous machine model

Assume we choose V1B and V2B such that:

V1B n1
V2B n2
In order to have the same base power in both circuits:
I1B n2
V1B I1B = V2B I2B ⇒ =
I2B n1
We have:
n12 n 2 n2 n1 n2
(L11 − L`1 )I1B = I1B = 1 I2B = I2B = L12 I2B (1)
R R n1 R
The flux created by I2B in coil 1 is equal to the flux created by I1B in the part of
coil 1 crossed by the magnetic field lines common to both coils.

Similarly in coil 2:
n22 n 2 n1 n1 n2
(L22 − L`2 )I2B = I2B = 2 I1B = I1B = L12 I1B (2)
R R n2 R

This per unit system is said to yield equal mutual flux linkages (EMFL)
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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Per unit system for the synchronous machine model

Alternative definition of base currents

From respectively (1) and (2) :

I1B L12 I1B L22 − L`2
= =
I2B L11 − L`1 I2B L12

A property of this pu system

L12 I2B (L11 − L`1 )

L12pu = = = L11pu − L`1pu
L21 I1B (L22 − L`2 )
L21pu = = = L22pu − L`2pu

In this pu system, self-inductance = mutual inductance + leakage reactance.

Does not hold true for inductances in Henry !

The inductance matrix of the two coils takes on the form:

L11 L12 L`1 + M M
L= =
L12 L22 M L`2 + M
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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Per unit system for the synchronous machine model

Application to synchronous machine

we have to choose a base voltage (or current) in each rotor winding.

Let’s first consider the field winding f (1 ≡ f , 2 ≡ d)
we would like to use the EMFL per unit system
we do not know the “number of turns” of the equivalent circuits f , d, etc.
instead, we can use one of the alternative definitions of base currents:
I L − L` √ Ldd − L`
√fB = dd ⇒ IfB = 3IB
3IB Ldf Ldf

Ldd , L` can be measured

Ldf can be obtained by measuring the no-load voltage Eq produced by a
known field current if :

ωN Ldf 3Eq
Eq = √ if ⇒ Ldf = (3)
3 ω N if

the base voltage is obtained from VfB =
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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Per unit system for the synchronous machine model

What about the other rotor windings ?

one cannot access the d1 , q1 and q2 windings to measure Ldd1 , Lqq1 et Lqq2
using formulae similar to (3)
one may assume there exist base currents Id1 B , Iq1 B et Iq2 B leading to the
EMFL per unit system, but their values are not known
hence, we cannot compute voltages in Volt or currents in Ampere in those
windings (only in pu)
not a big issue in so far as we do not have to connect anything to those
windings (unlike the excitation system to the field winding). . .

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Dynamic equivalent circuits of the synchronous machine

Dynamic equivalent circuits of the synchronous machine

In the EMFL per unit system, the Park inductance matrices take on the simplified
form:  
L` + Md Md Md
Ld =  Md L`f + Md Md 
Md Md L`d1 + Md
 
L` + Mq Mq Mq
Lq =  Mq L`q1 + Mq Mq 
Mq Mq L`q2 + Mq

For symmetry reasons, same leakage inductance L` in d and q windings

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Dynamic equivalent circuits of the synchronous machine

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Exercises


Exercise No. 1

A machine has the following characteristics:

nominal frequency: 50 Hz
nominal apparent power: 1330 MVA
stator nominal voltage: 24 kV
Xd = 0.9 Ω (value of per phase equivalent)
X` = 0.1083 Ω (value of per phase equivalent)
field current giving the nominal stator voltage at no-load: 2954 A

choose the base power, voltage and current in the stator windings
choose the base power, voltage and current in the field winding, using the
EMFL per unit system
compute Xd , X` and Ldf in per unit.

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Exercises

Exercise No. 2

A 1330 MVA, 50 Hz machine has the following characteristics (values in pu on the

machine base):

X` = 0.20 pu Ra = 0.004 pu
Xd = 2.10 pu Xq = 2.10 pu
Xd0 = 0.30 pu Xq0 = 0.73 pu
00 00
Xd = 0.25 pu Xq = 0.256 pu
00 00
Tdo = 0.03 s Tqo = 0.20 s
0 0
Tdo = 9.10 s Tqo = 2.30 s

Determine the inductances and resistances of the Park model, using the EMFL per
00 00
unit system. Check your answers by computing Xd and Xq from the Park
inductance matrices.

time constants must be converted in per unit !
identify first the parameters of the equivalent circuits.
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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Modelling of material saturation

Modelling of material saturation

Saturation of magnetic material modifies:

the machine inductances
the initial operating point (in particular the rotor position)
the field current required to obtain a given stator voltage.

parameters with the upperscript refer to unsaturated values
parameters without this upperscript refer to saturated values.

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Modelling of material saturation

Open-circuit magnetic characteristic

Machine operating at no load, rotating at nominal angular speed ωN .

Terminal voltage Eq measured for various values of the field current if .

OA O 0 A0
saturation factor : k = = 0 <1

a standard model : k = m, n > 0
1 + m(Eq )n

characteristic in d axis (field due to if only)

ωN Ldf if ωN Ldf IfB ωN Ldf √ Ldd − L`

In per unit: Eqpu = √ = √ ifpu = √ 3IB ifpu
3 VB 3 VB 3 VB Ldf
= (Ldd − L` )ifpu = Mdpu ifpu
Dropping the pu notation and introducing k:
Eq = Md if = k Mdu if 39 / 50
Dynamics of the synchronous machine Modelling of material saturation

Leakage and air gap flux

The flux linkage in the d winding is decomposed into:

ψd = L` id + ψad

L` id : leakage flux, not subject to saturation (path mainly in the air)

ψad : direct-axis component of the air gap flux, subject to saturation.

Expression of ψad :
ψad = ψd − L` id = Md (id + if + id1 )

Expression of ψaq :
ψaq = ψq − L` iq = Mq (iq + iq1 + iq2 )

Considering that the d and q axes are orthogonal, the air gap flux is given by:
ψag = ψad 2 + ψ2 (4)

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Modelling of material saturation

Saturation characteristic in loaded conditions

Saturation is different in the d and q axes, especially for a salient pole

machine (air gap larger in q axis !). Hence, different saturation factors (say,
kd and kq ) should be considered
in practice, however, it is quite common to have only the direct-axis
saturation characteristic
in this case, the characteristic is used along any axis (not just d) as follows

in no-load conditions, we have

ψad = Md if and ψaq = 0 ⇒ ψag = Md if

Mdu Mdu 1
Md = kMdu = = =
1 + m(Eq )n 1 + m(Md if )n 1 + m(ψag )n
it is assumed that this relation still holds true with the combined air gap flux
ψag given by (4).

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Modelling of material saturation

Complete model (in per unit)

ψd = L` id + ψad ψq = L` iq + ψaq
ψf = L`f if + ψad ψq1 = L`q1 iq1 + ψaq
ψd1 = L`d1 id1 + ψad ψq2 = L`q2 iq2 + ψaq
ψad = Md (id + if + id1 ) ψaq = Mq (iq + iq1 + iq2 )
Mu Mqu
Md = q d n Mq = q n
1+m 2 + ψ2
ψad 2 + ψ2
aq 1+m ψad aq

dψd dψq
vd = −Ra id − ωψq − vq = −Ra iq + ωψd −
dt dt
d d
ψf = vf − Rf if ψq1 = −Rq1 iq1
dt dt
d d
ψd1 = −Rd1 id1 ψq2 = −Rq2 iq2
dt dt
d 1 d
2H ω = Tm − (ψd iq − ψq id ) θ = ω
dt ωN dt
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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Model simplifications

Model simplifications

Constant rotor speed approximation θ̇ ' ωN (ω = 1 pu)

Examples showing that θ̇ does not depart much from the nominal value ωN :
1 oscillation of θ with a magnitude of 90o and period of 1 second superposed
to the uniform motion at synchronous speed:
θ = θo + 2πfN t + sin 2πt ⇒ θ̇ = 100π + π 2 cos 2πt ' 314 + 10 cos 2πt
at its maximum, it deviates from nominal by 10/314 = 3 % only.
2 in a large interconnected system, after primary frequency control, frequency
settles at f 6= fN . |f − fN | = 0.1 Hz is already a large deviation. In this case,
machine speeds deviate from nominal by 0.1/50 = 0.2 % only.
3 a small isolated system may experience larger frequency deviations. But even
for |f − fN | = 1 Hz, the machine speeds deviate from nominal by 1/50 = 2 %
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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Model simplifications

The phasor (or quasi-sinusoidal) approximation

Underlies a large class of power system dynamic simulators

considered in detail in the following lectures
for the synchronous machine, it consists of neglecting the “transformer
dψd dψd
voltages” and in the stator Park equations
dt dt
this leads to neglecting some fast varying components of the network
response, and allows the voltage and currents to be treated as a sinusoidal
with time-varying amplitudes and phase angles (hence the name)
at the same time, three-phase balance is also assumed.

Thus, the stator Park equations become (in per unit, with ω = 1):
vd = −Ra id − ψq
vq = −Ra iq + ψd
and ψd and ψq are now algebraic, instead of differential, variables.

Hence, they may undergo a discontinuity after of a network disturbance.

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine Exercise No. 3

Exercise No. 3
Show that the model of slide No. 42, under the phasor approximation of slide
No. 44, can be written in the form:
x = f(x, y, u)
0 = g(x, y, u)

with the vector of differential states:

x = [ψf ψd1 ψq1 ψq2 θ ω]T ,

the vector of algebraic states:

y = [id iq ψad ψaq ]T ,

and the vector of “inputs”:

u = [vd vq vf Tm ]T

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine The “classical” model of the synchronous machine

The “classical” model of the synchronous machine

Very simplified model used :
in some analytical developments
in qualitative reasoning dealing with transient (angle) stability
for fast assessment of transient (angle) stability.

“Classical” refers to a model used when there was little computational power.

Approximation # 0. We consider the phasor approximation.

Approximation # 1. The damper windings d1 et q2 are ignored.

The damping of rotor oscillations is going to be underestimated.

Approximation # 2. The stator resistance Ra is neglected.

This is very acceptable.

The stator Park equations become :

vd = −ψq = −Lqq iq − Lqq1 iq1
vq = ψd = Ldd id + Ldf if
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Dynamics of the synchronous machine The “classical” model of the synchronous machine

Expressing if (resp. iq1 ) as function of ψf and id (resp. ψq1 and iq ) :

ψf − Ldf id
ψf = Lff if + Ldf id ⇒ if =
ψq1 − Lqq1 iq
ψq1 = Lq1q1 iq1 + Lqq1 iq1 ⇒ iq1 =
and introducing into the stator Park equations :
L2qq1 Lqq1
vd = − (Lqq − ) iq − ψq1 = −Xq0 iq + ed0 (5)
Lq1q1 Lq1q1
| {z } | {z }
L0q ed0

L2 Ldf
vq = (Ldd − df ) id + ψf = Xd0 id + eq0 (6)
Lff Lff
| {z } | {z }
L0d eq0

ed0 and eq0 :

are called the e.m.f. behind transient reactances
are proportional to magnetic fluxes; hence, they cannot vary much after a
disturbance, unlike the rotor currents if and iq1 .
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Dynamics of the synchronous machine The “classical” model of the synchronous machine

Approximation # 3. The e.m.f. ed0 and eq0 are assumed constant.

This is valid over no more than - say - one second after a disturbance;
over this interval, a single rotor oscillation can take place; hence, damping
cannot show its effect (i.e. Approximation # 1 is not a concern).

Equations (5, 6) are similar to the Park equations in steady state, except for the
presence of an e.m.f. in the d axis, and the replacement of the synchronous by the
transient reactances.

Approximation # 4. The transient reactance is the same in both axes : Xd0 = Xq0 .
Questionable, but experiences shows that Xq0 has less impact . . .

If Xd0 = Xq0 , Eqs. (5, 6) can be combined in a single phasor equation, with the
corresponding equivalent circuit:

V̄ + jXd0 I¯ = Ē 0 = E 0 ∠δ

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Dynamics of the synchronous machine The “classical” model of the synchronous machine

Rotor motion. This is the only dynamics left !

ed0 and eq0 are constant. Hence, Ē 0 is fixed with respect to d and q axes,
and δ differs from θ by a constant.
1 d 1 d
Therefore, θ=ω can be rewritten as : δ=ω
ωN dt ωN dt

The rotor motion equation:

2H ω = Tm − Te
is transformed to involve powers instead of torques. Multiplying by ω:
2H ω ω = ωTm − ωTe

ωTm = mechanical power Pm of the turbine

ωTe = pr →s = pT (t) + pJs + ' P (active power produced)
since we assume three-phase balanced AC operation, and Ra is neglected
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Dynamics of the synchronous machine The “classical” model of the synchronous machine

Approximation # 5. We assume ω ' 1 and replace 2Hω by 2H

very acceptable, already justified.

Thus we have:
2H ω = Pm − P

where P can be derived from the equivalent circuit:

E 0V
P= sin(δ − φ)

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