Tensiometro Digital Yuwell YE 660D
Tensiometro Digital Yuwell YE 660D
Tensiometro Digital Yuwell YE 660D
Operation guide Operation guide
02 03
Operation guide Product structure
2. Cuff
3. Accessories
04 05
Parts Parts
1. Main part
Battery cover
2. Cuff
Memory Start/Pulse The suitable upper-arm circumference of the
button button
cuff is 22cm~45cm
Plug port
Rubber air
Power adapter
Air plug
06 07
Parts Cautions
Symbol Description
Safety and environmental protection
Records use periodFor 10 years
number Pulse rate
Inflation Type BF application part
Cuff Wrapping
Detection Deflation
Class II device
Heartbeat,IHB Prompt
Heartbeat IHB Prompt
Movement Error Consult the manual
Keep Upright
Keep Dry
08 09
Application scope and attention items Application scope and attention items
1. Range of application
Do not take the measurement in a moving
The monitor is used for measuring blood vehicle.
pressure of human body (adult older than 12, Do not measure continuously. (2~3 minutes
not suitable for new born baby)! or more should be spared between two
2. Attention items measurements).
Do not measure within 1 hour after meal.
Caution: Pay attention to the following
Do not use mobile phone near the monitor.
points when measuring or it may cause the
Please reinstall the batteries and start again
incorrect results.
if cannot measure.
Sit still for 5 minutes before measuring to
For patient of arrhythmia, measuring results
ensure quiet and stable mode.
may not be accurate.
Do not take the measurement while
Do not keep the cuff in the aerated state for
standing, walking or having body pressed.
a long time.
Do not take the measurement after smoking,
Note: Do not diagnose with the
drinking wine or coffee (black tea).
measurement, Please follow doctor's
Do not take the measurement after sport or
Do not speak or move while measuring. Statement: If the monitor has not been
Do not move, shake arm or bend fingers stored in the required temperature and
while measuring. humidity range, it may not conformance to
Do not take the measurement at extreme specification.
temperature condition or the varied severely
10 11
Battery installation Voice volume and unit setting
Open the battery cover and install four AA Voice volume setting
batteries properly. Then close the cover with a
click sound. Voice volume setting: Press the" " button
and the" "button at the same time for
more than 3 seconds till the number starts
flashing. The size of the sound ranges from 01
to 04 and OFF. Press the " "to choose
sound which you need.
Open the Install the batteries Close the
battery cover properly battery cover
12 13
Voice volume and unit setting Using method of cuff
After voice volume setting, pressing the " " Either of arms can be measured.
button to enter the unit unit. Press the " "
button to choose unit between mmHg and kPa. Cuff connecting
Press " " to finish setting. Connect the air connector of the cuff to the
socket which on the left side of the monitor.
In the condition of kPa unit, measurement
without voice prompt.
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Using method of cuff Measuring posture
Sit straight
wearing thin clothes
In the picture) Keep
the lower edge of the Keep the center
cuff at the position of cuff and heart
at the same level
above 2-3cm to the
elbow joint and keep
the air inlet which
insert to the cuff at
the inner side of arm.
The ideally height
Stick the cuff tightly. difference between
table and chair is
Note: The cuff
should be wearing
comfortably, avoiding
Wrong measurement postures
too tight or loose.
Do not bend down or body
Sit straight and flat bend forward.
the arm on table with Do not sit with legs crossed.
Do not sit on a sofa.(Belly
palm up, also keep
pressure may increase the
the center of cuff
blood pressure)
and heart at the
Do not put the arm on the
same level. Also
low table.(May increase the
please ensure the air
blood pressure)
tube not twisted.
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Start measuring Start measuring
18 19
Start measuring Start measuring
Please maintain the position during the 3. Take off the cuff
measurement and don't speak or move body 4. Shut down
or hand.
Press the" "button to shut down. Also it
will power off automatically in 3 minutes
without any operation.
20 21
Blood pressure range indicator Memory function
22 23
Memory function Memory function
1. Press the " "button for the records. C. Read the recorded data by pressing the
A. Press the" "button to show the average " "button as the sequence: "1", "2"
value of the latest 3 times measurement. ......"90"(max). Then return to the 1st.
B. Repress the" "button to display the 1st Holding the " " button to search the data
group of memory, the serial number is displayed quickly.
as "1" to "90". "1" is the latest group and the D. Press the " " button to shut off the
"90" is the earliest one. monitor.
24 25
Auxiliary measuring function Static mode
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Static mode
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3. Why measure Blood Pressure at home? Note: There is no definition about hypopiesia,
Blood pressure measured at a clinic or doctor's and generally SYS (systolic pressure) less than
office may cause apprehension and can 90mmHg or DIA (diastolic pressure) less than
produce an elevated reading, 25~30 mmHg 60mmHg is called hypotension.
higher than that measured at home. Home 5. Blood pressure variations?
measurement reduces the effects of outside An individual's blood pressure varies greatly on
influences on blood pressure readings, a daily and seasonal basis. It may vary by 30 to
supplements the doctor's readings and 50 mmHg due to various conditions during the
provides a more accurate, complete blood day. In hypertensive individuals variations are
pressure history. even more pronounced. Normally, the blood
4. WHO Blood Pressure Classification? pressure rises while at work or play and falls to
Standards to assess high blood pressure, its lowest levels during sleep. So do not be
without regard to age, have been established overly concerned by the results of one
by the world Health Organization (WHO), as measurement.
shown below: Take measurements at the same time every
kPa/mmHg kPa/mmHg day using the procedure described in this
12.0~18.5kPa 8.0~11.9kPa
90~139mmHg 60~89mmHg manual to get to know your normal blood
18.7~21.2kPa 12.0~13.2kPa pressure. Regular readings give a more
140~159mmHf 90~99mmHg
comprehensive blood pressure history. Be sure
160~179mmHg 100~109mmHg to note date and time when recording your
≥24.0kPa ≥14.7kPa blood pressure. Consult doctor to interpret the
≥180mmHg ≥110mmHg
blood pressure data.
30 31
6. When is the best time to measure blood Common fault Solutions
Before taking medicine. Multiple occurrences of Check if the cuff winded too tight
measuring failure, or or too loose. Take off your clothes
Please keep a stable body state and mind if rolled too tight
measured value is low
every time measuring. We suggest taking (or high)
Please ensure a quiet, relaxed body
measurements at a same time every day. state. Deep breathing to relax
yourself before measurement
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The table below shows the possible fault Please observe the following items to protect
displaying icon, possible reason, and solutions. the device and ensure the accuracy of
Fault cause Solution Please store the monitor and accessories
properly after use.
Unable to measure Fasten cuff correctly
pressure before measurement Do not place the monitor and accessories in
Check if there is air
high temperature, moisture, dust, or exposure
Err5 Pressurizing error
leakage from the cuff to sunshine.
Pressurizing error The cuff contains an airbag inside, please
Keep arm and body still
Err6 caused by arm or care in applications, do not fold, pull or twist
and measure again
body motion
Cuff is too lose or
fall off
Fasten cuff tightly Do not disassemble or repair the device
without authorization.
Pressure exceeds the
Err8 maximum value Measure again please Do not replace the parts without
(300mmHg) authorization.
Showing low Please clean the monitor with soft dry cloth.
voltage icon Battery is low Replace new batteries
" "
If it's necessary, please use wiped soft cloth
with water or neutral detergent before
Showing the
Battery is running out Replace new batteries cleaning by soft dry cloth.
" "icon
Using absorbent cotton to wipe gently with
Warning: If the situations cannot be solved rubbing alcohol, disinfection of the machine
or unexpected problem happens, please when it necessary. Do not use detergent to
consult the local distributor.
Do not let water seep into the device.
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1. Features
backlight LCD display
Cuff Wrapping Detection
IHB( Irregular heartbeat) indicator
Misoperation detection
90 groups of memory
Average value display of three times
2. Technical parameters
Displaying: LCD digital display
Measuring method: oscillation mensuration
Measuring range: 0~300mmHg (0.0-40.0kPa)
Pulse rate: 40~200 times/min
Pressure: within ±3mmHg(±0.4kPa)
Pulse rate: within 5% of reading value
Working system: continuous operation
Electric classification: Class II, type BF
application part
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Pressure sensor: Semiconductor pressure There is the potentia risk of radio frequency
sensor interference between the device and other
Pressurization: Automatic pressurize devices. If there is, please find out the
Depressurization: Automatic air releasing problems and take the following measures:
Power supply: 4 AA batteries or 6V/600mA DC (1) Turn off the device, and turn on again,
power (2) Change the direction of the device,
Maximum battery life: 300 times (3)Keep the product away from the
Suitable upper-arm circumference: 22-45cm interferential devices.
Service life: 5 years or 50 thousand times
Dimension: 130x96x75(mm)
Weight: 260g(Without batteries)
Operation and storage conditions:
Working temperature: +5 ~+40
Relative humidity: 15%~80%
Working atmosphere pressure: 80kPa~105kPa
Transport and storage temperature:
-20 ~ +55
Transport and storage relative
humidity:15%~80%, no condensation
Transportation and storage atmosphere
pressure: 80kPa ~ 105kPa
Operation environment:
Avoid electromagnetic interference, violent
shock and noise environment.
Radio frequency interference
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