English First Language by / Ward Thabet: Reading Exam
English First Language by / Ward Thabet: Reading Exam
English First Language by / Ward Thabet: Reading Exam
The Sinking of the Titanic, 1912
On April 10, 1912, the Titanic, largest ship afloat, left Southampton, England on
her maiden voyage to New York City. The White Star Line had spared no
expense in assuring her luxury. A legend even before she sailed, her
She was touted as the safest ship ever built, so safe that she carried only 20
lifeboats – enough to provide accommodation for only half her 2,200 passengers
and crew. This discrepancy rested on the belief that since the ship’s
construction made her “unsinkable”, her lifeboats were necessary only to rescue
Four days into her journey, at 11:40P.M. on the night of April 14, she struck an
iceberg. Her fireman compared the sound of the impact to “tearing of calico,
nothing more.” However, the collision was fatal and the icy water soon poured
It became obvious that many would not find safety in a lifeboat. Each passenger
was issued a life jacket but life expectancy would be short when exposed to
water four degrees below freezing. As the forward portion of the ship sank
deeper, passengers scrambled to the stern. John Thayer witnessed the sinking
from a lifeboat. “We could see groups of almost fifteen hundred people still
masses, pairs or singly, as the great after part of the ship, two hundred and fifty
feet of it, rose into the sky, till it reached a sixty-five or seventy degree
angle.” The great ship slowly slid beneath the water two hours and forty minutes
after collision.
The next morning, the liner Carpathia rescued 705 survivors. One thousand five
hundred and twenty-two passengers and crew were lost. Subsequent inquiries
1- From the second paragraph, give two reasons why the Titanic only carried
20 lifeboats.
(2 marks)
2-In paragraph one, the writer contrasts the wealthy passengers with the poor
ones. Pick out two phrases from this paragraph which show this contrast.
(2 marks)
3. In paragraph three we are told that when the ship struck the iceberg, the fireman on board
compared the sound to “the tearing of calico”. Explain what this phrase implies about how serious
the collision sounded to the fireman.
(2 marks)
4. In paragraph four, an eyewitness in a lifeboat uses a simile to describe the people left on board
as the ship sinks.
(1 mark)
(1 mark)
6-Metion three of its feature ?
(1 mark)
B-Why the author used the words “additionally “ in the second paragraph?
(1 mark)
7-The author used the figure language in the passage ? What is the kind of it and write it ?
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… (1 mark)
B-Why the author used the words “however“ in the third paragraph?
(1 mark)
(2 marks )
(1 mark )
Find out
(4 marks )
Reading Comprehension 2
In this extract from Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens, Nicholas has come
to teach at Dotheboys Hall. Here the headmaster, Mr Squeers, shows him the
schoolroom and the pupils for the first time.
By degrees, the place resolved itself into a bare and dirty room with a couple
of windows whereof a tenth part might be of glass, the remainder being stopped
up with old copy-books and paper. There were a couple of long old rickety
desks, cut and notched and inked and damaged, in every possible way; two or
three rooms, a detached desk for squeers and another for his assistant. The
ceiling was supported like that of a barn, by cross beams and rafters, and the
walls were so stained and discoloured, that it was impossible to tell whether they
had ever been touched with paint or whitewash.
But the pupils – the young nobleman! The last faint traces of hope, the
remotest glimmering of any good to be derived in this den, faded from the mind
of Nicholas as he looked in dismay around! Pale and haggard faces, lank and
bony figures, children with the countenances of old men, deformities with irons
upon their limbs, boys of stunted growth, and others whose long meager legs
would hardly bear their stooping bodies, all crowded on the view together; there
were the bleared eye, the hare lip, the crooked foot, and every other ugliness or
distortion that told of un-natural aversion conceived by parents for their offspring,
or of young lives which, from the earliest dawn of infancy, had been one horrible
endurance of cruelty and neglect. There were little faces which should have
been handsome, darkened with scowl of sullen suffering; there was childhood
with the light of its eye quenched, its beauty gone and its helplessness alone
1. What impression do you get of the schoolroom from the first paragraph?
(2 marks )
2. Write down two phrases from the second paragraph which tell us clearly that
the boys have been badly treated.
(2 marks)
3. How does the writer give us a strong sense of how dreadful this school is? You
………………………………………………………………………………………………………( 1 mark)
B- Find two passive sentences in the text ?
………………………………………………………………………………………………………( 1 mark)
5-What is the technique of writing does the author use ?
(2 marks )
6-The author uses adjectival phrases in the text . Which paragraph and write
it down ?
………………………………………………………………………………………………………….( 1 mark )
B-Do you think why the author used dash in the second paragraph?
………………………………………………………………………………………………………….( 1 mark )
C-Why do you think the author use semicolon in the second paragraph ?
………………………………………………………………………………………………………….( 1 mark )
………………………………………………………………………………………………………….( 1 mark )
………………………………………………………………………………………………………….( 1 mark )
A-Find synonym of word “eye quenched “ due to its meaning in the passage?
………………………………………………………………………………………………………….( 1 mark )
B- Find synonym of word “stooping body “ due to its meaning in the passage?
………………………………………………………………………………………………………….( 1 mark )
Best wishes ,
Ward Thabet
Grammar section
scream .
14-Look!The horse ( run ) ……………….quickly .
the room.
18-While the boys ( play ) ………………..football during the break ,one of them
Finish off the sentences by adding more detail to these subordinate clauses .
7-He was an angry ox .
4-She’s got ( little ) ……………………. money than you, but she doesn’t care .
12-His financial position is even ……………………. ( bad ) than it was last year.
15-She is much ( happy ) ……………………. With him than she was with her first
husband .
18-The new classroom is a little ( big ) ……………………. than the old one .
19-The outlook is very much ( hopeful ) ……………………. than it was some years
ago .
2. I can take my bike to the park. My dad has fixed it. (because)
3. We are having pasta. We are also having curry for dinner. (not only/but
5. I will always support my local team. They always lose! (even if)
8. My mum takes me to the match every week. She doesn’t like football (even
2. You must not drop litter in the street in Singapore or you'll get a fine.
4. They have already mended the TV set. You can collect it.
3. A number of trees were blown down by the strong winds.
4. If they ……………….. our product when we asked them, they would get a
discount now. (support)
Best wishes
Ward Thabet