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Coinmetrics: Release 0.2.4

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Release 0.2.4

Robert Rice

Nov 14, 2019


1 Installation 3
1.1 Install with pip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Manual Install . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 API Reference 5
2.1 Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Pro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.4 Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3 Usage 15
3.1 Fetching Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2 Transforming Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4 Thanks 17

Python Module Index 19

Index 21

coinmetrics, Release 0.2.4

Note: This module only impliments the Community API (i.e. anything without an API key).

This API for Python 3 provides a convenient interface for developers wanting to use Coin Metrics data.
• The code supporting this can be on Github.
• Batteries (i.e. Python API Reference and Usage examples) are included.
• Setup instructions are provided on the Installation page.

coinmetrics, Release 0.2.4




1.1 Install with pip

pip install coinmetrics

1.2 Manual Install

git clone https://github.com/h4110w33n/coinmetrics

cd coinmetrics
python setup.py install

Now that you have everything installed, you can refer to the Usage page for some code snippets.

coinmetrics, Release 0.2.4

4 Chapter 1. Installation



The Coin Metrics API provides discovery mechanisms, network, exchange, and asset data via a direct JSON REST
API. This module acts as a client interface.
The Base and Community APIs are available to all users without an API key. The Pro API does require an API key
that is only obtainable though CM Network Data Pro.

Note: The following arguments can consist of a single element or a comma delimited list within a string. A Python
list is not valid at this time.
• Asset: btc or btc,ltc,eth
• Metric: PriceUSD or NVTAdj,NVTAdj90,PriceUSD
• Exchange: coinbase or bitfinex,coinbase,kraken
• Market: bitfinex-btc-usd-spot or bitfinex-btc-usd-spot, bitfinex-eth-usd-spot,

2.1 Base

This is the core definition for all v2+ Coinmetrics APIs, both Community and Pro. This object includes the primary
query device, all *_checker functions and the necessary discovery methods to enable the them.

2.1.1 Primary Methods

class coinmetrics.base.Base(api_key=”)
Coin Metrics API Base Object
Initialize API to use the Base API endpoints by default. An optional api_key can be supplied.
Parameters api_key (str, optional) – API key to be used for the Pro API.
_api_query(endpoint, options=None)
Execute the raw API query and return the raw JSON output.
• endpoint (string) – URL Path the query will be sent to. This includes any URL
based parameters.

coinmetrics, Release 0.2.4

• options (dict, optional) – Query parameters, including asset(s), metric(s), ex-

changes(s), and time range.
Returns Raw JSON response as dict.
Return type dict
Fetch list of available assets.
Returns List of supported assets.
Return type list
Helper function to determine if the requested asset(s) is(are) valid.
Parameters asset (str) – Unique ID corresponding to the asset’s ticker.
Raises InvalidAssetError
Fetch list of available metrics.
Returns List of supported metrics.
Return type list
Helper function to determine if the requested metric(s) is(are) valid.
Parameters metrics (str) – Unique ID corresponding to metric.
Raises InvalidMetricError
Fetch list of available exchanges.
Returns List of supported exchanges.
Return type list
Helper function to determine if the requested exchange(s) is(are) valid.
Parameters exchanges (str) – Unique ID corresponding to the exchange.
Raises InvalidExchangeError
Fetch list of available markets.
Returns List of supported markets.
Return type list
Helper function to determine if the requested market(s) is(are) valid.
Parameters market (str) – Unique ID corresponding to the market.
Raises InvalidMarketError
timestamp_checker(begin_timestamp, end_timestamp)
Helper function to determine if the provided timerange is valid.

6 Chapter 2. API Reference

coinmetrics, Release 0.2.4

• begin_timestamp (str or datetime) – Start of time inverval.

• end_timestamp (str or datetime) – End of time inverval.
Raises InvalidTimeRangeError

2.1.2 Alias Methods

A group of alternative methods that function identically to the references functions above. This is to support any
legacy API method names.
class coinmetrics.base.Base(api_key=”)
Coin Metrics API Base Object
An alias for get_assets()
An alias for get_assets()
An alias for get_metrics()
An alias for get_metrics()
An alias for get_exchanges()
An alias for get_exchanges()
An alias for get_markets()
An alias for get_markets()

2.2 Community

The Community class is an extension of the the Base class and in inherits all of the Base class’ functionality.

2.2.1 Primary Methods

class coinmetrics.community.Community(api_key=”)
Coin Metrics API Community Object
Initialize the Community API exactly the same way as the same way as coinmetrics.base.Base.
__init__(). An optional api_key can be supplied.
Parameters api_key (str, optional) – API key to be used for the Pro API.
Fetch asset(s) information. Including exchanges the asset is in, friendly name, markets, metrics, and most
recent and oldest data timestamps. No specified asset will return all available asset info.
Parameters assets (str, optional) – Unique ID corresponding to the asset’s ticker.

2.2. Community 7
coinmetrics, Release 0.2.4

Returns Asset information.

Return type list of dict
Fetch exchange(s) information. Including assets, quotes, markets, and most recent and oldest data times-
tamps for each. No specified exchange will return all available exchange info.
Parameters exchanges (str, optional) – Unique ID corresponding to the exchange.
Returns Exchange information.
Return type list of dict
Fetch metric(s) information. Including friendly name, dscription, category.
Parameters metrics (str, optional) – Unique ID corresponding to the metrics.
Returns Metric information.
Return type list of dict
Fetch market(s) information. Includes assets, quotes, and most recent and oldest data timestamps for each.
Parameters markets (str, optional) – Unique ID corresponding to the market.
Returns Market information.
Return type list of dict
get_asset_metric_data(asset, metrics, start, end, time_agg=’day’)
Fetch metric(s) data given a specified asset, and timeframe. See: Data Dictionary.
• asset (str) – Unique ID corresponding to the asset’s ticker.
• metrics (str) – Unique ID corresponding to the metrics.
• begin_timestamp (str or datetime) – Start of time inverval.
• end_timestamp (str or datetime) – End of time inverval.
• time_agg (str) – Interval the time is descritized into: day, hour.
Returns Coin Metrics API data object. See the API reference for details
Return type dict

2.2.2 Conveniance Methods

The methods are designed to provide a simple way to get a single metric, and essentially extend the coinmetrics.
community.Community.get_asset_metric_data() method.
class coinmetrics.community.Community(api_key=”)
Coin Metrics API Community Object
An alias for get_asset_metrics() (backwards compatibility)
get_asset_data_for_time_range(asset, metrics, start, end, time_agg=’day’)
An alias for get_asset_metric_data() (backwards compatibility)

8 Chapter 2. API Reference

coinmetrics, Release 0.2.4

get_active_addresses(assets, start, end)

The sum count of unique addresses that were active in the network (either as a recipient or originator of
a ledger change) that day. All parties in a ledger change action (recipients and originators) are counted.
Individual addresses are not double-counted if previously active. See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_block_count(assets, start, end)
The sum count of unique addresses that were active in the network (either as a recipient or originator of
a ledger change) that day. All parties in a ledger change action (recipients and originators) are counted.
Individual addresses are not double-counted if previously active. See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_mean_block_size(assets, start, end)
The mean size (in bytes) of all blocks created that day. See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_mvrv_cur(assets, start, end)
The ratio of the sum USD value of the current supply to the sum “realized” USD value of the current
supply. See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_real_cap(assets, start, end)
The sum USD value based on the USD closing price on the day that a native unit last moved (i.e., last
transacted) for all native units. See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_diff_mean(assets, start, end)
The mean difficulty of finding a hash that meets the protocol designated requirement (i.e., the difficulty
of finding a new block) that day. The requirement is unique to each applicable cryptocurrency protocol.
Difficulty is adjusted periodically by the protocol as a function of how much hashing power is being
deployed by miners. See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_fee_mean(assets, start, end)
The USD value of the mean fee per transaction that day. See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_median_fee(assets, start, end)
The USD value of the median fee per transaction that day. See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_fee_total(assets, start, end)
The sum USD value of all fees paid to miners that day. Fees do not include new issuance. See: Data
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_units_issued(assets, start, end)
The sum of new native units issued that day. Only those native units that are issued by a protocol-mandated
continuous emission schedule are included. See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_units_issued_ann_pct(assets, start, end)
The percentage of new native units (continuous) issued on that day, extrapolated to one year (i.e., multiplied

2.2. Community 9
coinmetrics, Release 0.2.4

by 365), and divided by the current supply on that day. Also referred to as the annual inflation rate. See:
Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_units_issued_usd(assets, start, end)
The sum USD value of all new native units issued that day. See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_nvt_adj(assets, start, end)
The ratio of the network value (or market capitalization, current supply) divided by the adjusted transfer
value. Also referred to as NVT. See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_nvt_adj_90(assets, start, end)
The ratio of the network value (or market capitalization, current supply) to the 90-day moving average of
the adjusted transfer value. Also referred to as NVT. See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_price_btc(assets, start, end)
The fixed closing price of the asset as of 00:00 UTC the following day (i.e., midnight UTC of the current
day) denominated in USD. This price is generated by Coin Metrics’ fixing/reference rate service. See:
Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_price_usd(assets, start, end)
The fixed closing price of the asset as of 00:00 UTC the following day (i.e., midnight UTC of the current
day) denominated in BTC. See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_cur_sply(assets, start, end)
The sum of all native units ever created and visible on the ledger (i.e., issued) as of that day. For account-
based protocols, only accounts with positive balances are counted. See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_tx_count(assets, start, end)
The sum count of transactions that day. Transactions represent a bundle of intended actions to alter the
ledger initiated by a user (human or machine). See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_txtfr_count(assets, start, end)
The sum count of transfers that day. Transfers represent movements of native units from one ledger entity
to another distinct ledger entity. See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_txtfr_val_adj(assets, start, end)
The sum of native units transferred that day removing noise and certain artifacts. See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_txtfr_val_adj_usd(assets, start, end)
The USD value of the sum of native units transferred that day removing noise and certain artifacts. See:
Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.

10 Chapter 2. API Reference

coinmetrics, Release 0.2.4

get_txtfr_val_mean(assets, start, end)

The mean count of native units transferred per transaction (i.e., the mean “size” of a transaction) that day.
See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_txtfr_val_mean_usd(assets, start, end)
The sum USD value of native units transferred divided by the count of transfers (i.e., the mean “size” in
USD of a transfer) that day. See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_txtfr_val_med(assets, start, end)
The median count of native units transferred per transfer (i.e., the median “size” of a transfer) that day.
See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_txtfr_val_med_usd(assets, start, end)
The median USD value transferred per transfer (i.e., the median “size” in USD of a transfer) that day. See:
Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_txtfr_val(assets, start, end)
The sum of native units transferred (i.e., the aggregate “size” of all transfers) that day. See: Data Dictio-
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_txtfr_val_usd(assets, start, end)
The sum USD value of all native units transferred (i.e., the aggregate size in USD of all transfers) that day.
See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_vty_ret_180d(assets, start, end)
The 180D volatility, measured as the deviation of log returns See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_vty_ret_30d(assets, start, end)
The 30D volatility, measured as the deviation of log returns See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.
get_vty_ret_60d(assets, start, end)
The 60D volatility, measured as the deviation of log returns. See: Data Dictionary.
Parameters See see get_asset_metric_data() for parameter and return details.

Note: The conveniance methods are not explicitly included in the coverage testing at this time.

2.2.3 Alias Methods

There are a very large number of aliases for the Conveniance Methods above, that can be found in the code under each
method definition. Below is an example of the aliases for get_active_addresses().

2.2. Community 11
coinmetrics, Release 0.2.4

# Method definition:
def get_active_addresses(self, assets, start, end):
return self.get_asset_metric_data(assets, "AdrActCnt", start, end)

# Alias definition:
active_addresses, activeaddresses, AdrActCnt = [get_active_addresses] * 3

The complete list of available aliases can be found using the following lines of code.

# Import the library

import coinmetrics

# Write out the complete method/atribute listing for the library


2.3 Pro

Note: The Pro class of APIs are planned but not currently available through this API library. For information
regarding the development of the ProAPIs, please see the related GitHub Issue.

2.4 Utilities

Coin Metrics API Conversion Utilities

The functions below are not internally used by the coinmetrics library. They are transformations to allow data
that was fetched to be more easily processed by another process.
Usage Examples: Usage
Convert an object output from coinmetrics.community.Community.
get_asset_metric_data() to a Pandas object for further processing.
Parameters object (dict) – Raw data object to convert to Pandas datagram.
Returns Pandas dataframe form of original object.
Return type pandas dataframe
Convert an object output from coinmetrics.community.Community.
get_asset_metric_data() to a standard list of dictionaries for further processing.
Parameters object (dict) – Raw data object to convert to list of dict.
Returns A normalized list of dictionaries
Return type list
coinmetrics.utils.csv(data, path)
Convert an object output from coinmetrics.community.Community.
get_asset_metric_data() to a standard list of dictionaries for further processing.

12 Chapter 2. API Reference

coinmetrics, Release 0.2.4

• object (dict) – Raw data object to convert to Pandas datagram.

• path (str, optional) – Location to save the CSV file to.

2.4. Utilities 13
coinmetrics, Release 0.2.4

14 Chapter 2. API Reference




3.1 Fetching Data

# API Setup #################################################################

# Import the API

import coinmetrics

# Initialize a reference object, in this case `cm` for the Community API
cm = coinmetrics.Community()

# Usage Examples ############################################################

# List the assets Coin Metrics has data for.

supported_assets = cm.get_supported_assets()
print("supported assets:\n", supported_assets)

# List all available metrics for BTC.

asset = "btc"
available_data_types = cm.get_available_data_types_for_asset(asset)
print("available data types:\n", available_data_types)

# Fetch the `PriceUSD` and `ROI30d` data for BTC from 2019-01-01 to 2019-01-08.
asset = "btc"
metric = "PriceUSD,ROI30d"
begin_timestamp = "2019-01-01" # The `datetime` type is also accepted
end_timestamp = "2019-01-08" # The `datetime` type is also accepted
asset_data = cm.get_asset_data_for_time_range(asset, metric, begin_timestamp, end_

print("data given timerange:\n", asset_data)

3.2 Transforming Data

# Convert the data object we recieved to a Pandas DataFrame for further processing.
# We are reusing the `asset_data` from the previous step.
pandas_data_frame = coinmetrics.cm_to_pandas(asset_data)
print("pandas data frame:\n", pandas_data_frame)

# Save the Pandas DataFrame OR raw Coimetrics object into a CSV.

# We are resuing the `pandas_data_frame` from the previous step, but the `asset_data`
# from the step before that is also a valid input.
(continues on next page)

coinmetrics, Release 0.2.4

(continued from previous page)

path_or_filename = "output.csv"
coinmetrics.csv(pandas_data_frame, path_or_filename)
print("CSV written:", path_or_filename)

From here, the sky is the limit. Apply your logic and profit.

16 Chapter 3. Usage



A huge thanks to Coin Metrics (coinmetrics.io) for providing a community edition of the API and providing the world
with a bit more trustworthy data in an age of misinformation.
The official API reference that this project is based on can be found on Coin Metrics’ API Reference

coinmetrics, Release 0.2.4

18 Chapter 4. Thanks

coinmetrics.utils, 12

coinmetrics, Release 0.2.4

20 Python Module Index


Symbols get_cur_sply() (coin-

__init__() (coinmetrics.base.Base method), 5 metrics.community.Community method),
__init__() (coinmetrics.community.Community 10
method), 7 get_diff_mean() (coin-
_api_query() (coinmetrics.base.Base method), 5 metrics.community.Community method),
A get_exchange_info() (coin-
asset_checker() (coinmetrics.base.Base method), 6 metrics.community.Community method),
assets() (coinmetrics.base.Base method), 7 8
get_exchanges() (coinmetrics.base.Base method), 6
B get_fee_mean() (coin-
metrics.community.Community method),
Base (class in coinmetrics.base), 5, 7
C get_fee_total() (coin-
metrics.community.Community method),
cm_to_pandas() (in module coinmetrics.utils), 12
coinmetrics.utils (module), 12
get_market_info() (coin-
Community (class in coinmetrics.community), 7, 8
metrics.community.Community method),
csv() (in module coinmetrics.utils), 12
E get_markets() (coinmetrics.base.Base method), 6
get_mean_block_size() (coin-
exchange() (coinmetrics.base.Base method), 7 metrics.community.Community method),
exchange_checker() (coinmetrics.base.Base 9
method), 6 get_median_fee() (coin-
metrics.community.Community method),
G 9
get_active_addresses() (coin- get_metric_info() (coin-
metrics.community.Community method), metrics.community.Community method),
8 8
get_asset_data_for_time_range() (coin- get_metrics() (coinmetrics.base.Base method), 6
metrics.community.Community method), 8 get_mvrv_cur() (coin-
get_asset_info() (coin- metrics.community.Community method),
metrics.community.Community method), 9
7 get_nvt_adj() (coinmetrics.community.Community
get_asset_metric_data() (coin- method), 10
metrics.community.Community method), get_nvt_adj_90() (coin-
8 metrics.community.Community method),
get_assets() (coinmetrics.base.Base method), 6 10
get_available_data_types_for_asset() get_price_btc() (coin-
(coinmetrics.community.Community method), 8 metrics.community.Community method),
get_block_count() (coin- 10
metrics.community.Community method), get_price_usd() (coin-

coinmetrics, Release 0.2.4

metrics.community.Community method), 11
10 getexchanges() (coinmetrics.base.Base method), 7
get_real_cap() (coin- getmarkets() (coinmetrics.base.Base method), 7
metrics.community.Community method), getmetrics() (coinmetrics.base.Base method), 7
get_supported_assets() (coinmetrics.base.Base M
method), 7 market_checker() (coinmetrics.base.Base method),
get_tx_count() (coin- 6
metrics.community.Community method), markets() (coinmetrics.base.Base method), 7
10 metric_checker() (coinmetrics.base.Base method),
get_txtfr_count() (coin- 6
metrics.community.Community method), metrics() (coinmetrics.base.Base method), 7
get_txtfr_val() (coin- N
metrics.community.Community method), normalize() (in module coinmetrics.utils), 12
get_txtfr_val_adj() (coin- T
metrics.community.Community method),
timestamp_checker() (coinmetrics.base.Base
method), 6
get_txtfr_val_adj_usd() (coin-
metrics.community.Community method),
get_txtfr_val_mean() (coin-
metrics.community.Community method),
get_txtfr_val_mean_usd() (coin-
metrics.community.Community method),
get_txtfr_val_med() (coin-
metrics.community.Community method),
get_txtfr_val_med_usd() (coin-
metrics.community.Community method),
get_txtfr_val_usd() (coin-
metrics.community.Community method),
get_units_issued() (coin-
metrics.community.Community method),
get_units_issued_ann_pct() (coin-
metrics.community.Community method),
get_units_issued_usd() (coin-
metrics.community.Community method),
get_vty_ret_180d() (coin-
metrics.community.Community method),
get_vty_ret_30d() (coin-
metrics.community.Community method),
get_vty_ret_60d() (coin-
metrics.community.Community method),

22 Index

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