Trane Mie
Trane Mie
Trane Mie
The Trane reputation for quality and Designing the Details Filters
reliability in air conditioning continues Careful attention was given to designing The TWE050A, 075A, 100A and 100B air
with the Odyssey™ family of light the details — from control wiring to the handlers are supplied with 1" (25.4 mm)
commercial split systems. Trane paid access panels. Odyssey units feature throwaway filters as standard.The filter
attention to your needs to make sure you time-saving colored and numbered racks were designed to easily convert for
get a system that will meet your job wiring and removable panels which installation of 2" (50.8 mm) filters. The
requirements every time...and at a allow complete access to all major TWE155B and 200B air handlers have 2"
competitive price. components and controls. All outdoor (50.8 mm) filters as standard.
CoupleTrane’s reputation for quality and units feature external high and low
reliability in split system air conditioners pressure switches for easy diagnosing UL Listed and ARI Certified
with efficiency, flexibility and installation and servicing of the unit. Service valves
ease...and you have systems that will with gauge ports are provided on all Trane meets or exceeds all nationally
give you “SimplyThe Best Value.’’ units. recognized agency safety and design
standards. Each condensing unit is UL
designed, approved and labeled in
Manufacturing Control Standardized Cabinets accordance to UL Standards: UL 1995 for
Trane’s exclusive control over the design In addition, all cabinets have been central cooling air conditioners,
and manufacturing of all major standardized. When you are servicing an refrigeration and air conditioning
components is unique in the industry. outdoor unit or an air handler, all condensing and compressor units. Each
This approach assures us total control components are in the same location air handler is designed, approved and
over both the quality and reliability of from unit to unit. labeled in accordance to UL 465 and UL
these components. And allows us to 1995 standard for heat pumps. Each unit
custom match components to deliver the is certified in accordance with ARI
best in split system performance. Standard 210/240 or 340/360.
Introduction 2
Features and Benefits 4
Application Considerations 6
Selection Procedure 7
Model Number Description 8
General Data 9
Performance Data 12
Cool and Heat Performance 12
Fan Performance 24
Electric Power 31
Connection and Wiring 33
Dimension and Weights 39
Mechanical Specifications 52
Features and
Condensing Units Options Trane split systems have been specified Air Handlers Offer More
in thousands of applications and you’ll Flexibility
TheTWA075A and 100A single
find Odyssey will win you even more
compressor models feature single jobs with its small manageable cabinet.
refrigeration circuitry, lowering job Flexibility is a key to meeting changing
This light, compact design will save time market requirements. Odyssey split
installation costs by requiring only one
and money for rigging and installation. sytems offer not only heat pumps but
set of refrigerant lines.These units are And the compactness will permitTrane’s
ideal for the low cost, new construction also convertible air handlers.The air
unit to replace almost any unit — handlers can be installed either vertically
jobs as well as renovation and
effortlessly. in a mechanical room or horizontally
replacement buildings.
Low Ambient Cooling Operation above a ceiling. And it doesn’t require
In addition, Odyssey includesTWA155B any removal of panels to make either
and 200B dual compressor units to give Each heat pump unit can operate to 50°F airflow application work.These air
true stand-by protection; if one (10°C) as standard in the cooling mode. handlers have a double sloped
compressor fails, the second will An accessory Head Pressure Control condensate drain pan that allows for
automatically start-up. Also, the first gives you the capability to operate to 0°F either airflow configuration. And the
compressor can be serviced without (-18°C). All heat pumps offer these drain pan can easily be removed for
shutting down the unit since the accessories: cleaning. All the air handlers feature
refrigerant circuits are independent. • Head Pressure Control factory installed belt drive and ball
• Coil Guard Kits bearing evaporator fans with adjustable
Dual compressors are not just for • Isolators both Rubber-in-Shear and sheaves for maximum airflow
protection, they also save energy costs. SpringType performance. In fact, the standard motor
Most buildings are designed for the peak • Anti-Short-Cycle Kit on theTWA100A air handler will deliver
load requirements yet the building • Time Delay Relay 3325 cfm (5649 m3/hr) at 1.4" (349 Pa)
usually operates at less than peak load. ESP. Plus oversized motors are available
During light load conditions, only one for higher static applications.
compressor functions to maintain the
space comfort thus reducing the need
for energy.
Features and
T W A 0 7 5 A D 0 0 D A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
T W E 0 5 0 A D 0 0 C A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Data (Heat Pumps)
Data (Heat Pumps)
10 SSP-PRC002-EN
Data (Air Handlers)
Table PD-1 — Gross Cooling Capacities (MBh) TWA075A Heat Pump with TWE075A Air Handler (I-P)
Ambient Temperature (°F)
85 95 105 115
Dry Entering Wet Bulb (°F)
Bulb 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
CFM (°F) Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens.
2250 75 78.1 61.6 86.4 51.4 95.4 35.1 75.4 60.3 83.4 50.1 91.9 33.9 72.3 58.8 79.9 48.7 88.0 32.5 68.7 57.0 75.9 47.1 83.7 31.0
80 78.4 71.9 86.6 59.4 95.4 46.0 75.9 70.6 83.6 58.1 92.0 44.7 72.8 69.1 80.1 56.6 88.1 43.2 69.4 67.4 76.0 54.8 83.7 41.6
85 80.2 80.2 86.7 69.6 95.5 56.5 78.0 78.0 83.7 68.2 92.1 55.2 75.4 75.4 80.2 66.7 88.2 53.8 72.3 72.3 76.3 64.9 83.9 52.2
90 84.3 84.3 87.1 79.9 95.6 67.0 82.0 82.0 84.2 78.6 92.2 65.7 79.3 79.3 80.9 77.0 88.3 64.1 76.1 76.1 77.1 75.4 84.0 62.4
2500 75 79.6 64.6 88.1 50.6 96.9 35.8 76.9 63.2 84.9 49.3 93.4 34.6 73.6 61.6 81.3 47.8 89.3 33.2 69.9 59.8 77.2 46.1 84.8 31.6
80 80.2 75.9 88.2 62.1 97.0 47.5 77.6 74.5 85.1 60.8 93.4 46.2 74.5 73.0 81.4 59.1 89.4 44.7 70.7 70.6 77.3 57.3 85.0 43.1
85 82.9 82.9 88.3 73.2 97.1 59.0 80.6 80.6 85.2 71.8 93.6 57.7 77.8 77.8 81.6 70.2 89.6 56.3 74.6 74.6 77.6 68.5 85.2 54.7
90 87.2 87.2 89.0 84.5 97.1 70.3 84.7 84.7 86.1 83.2 93.7 68.9 81.8 81.8 82.6 81.7 89.7 67.4 78.6 78.6 78.6 78.6 85.3 65.7
2750 75 81.0 67.3 89.4 52.3 98.2 36.5 78.1 65.9 86.1 51.0 94.6 35.1 74.8 64.3 82.4 49.5 90.4 33.7 71.0 62.5 78.2 47.8 85.8 32.0
80 81.8 79.7 89.4 64.6 98.3 48.9 79.1 78.3 86.2 63.2 94.7 47.6 75.7 75.7 82.5 61.6 90.5 46.2 72.5 72.5 78.3 59.8 86.0 44.6
85 85.3 85.3 89.7 76.6 98.4 61.4 82.8 82.8 86.5 75.3 94.8 60.1 79.9 79.9 82.9 73.7 90.7 58.6 76.6 76.6 78.8 71.9 86.2 57.0
90 89.7 89.7 90.8 89.1 98.5 73.5 87.1 87.1 87.8 87.7 94.9 72.1 84.1 84.1 84.2 84.2 90.9 70.6 80.6 80.6 80.7 80.7 86.4 68.9
3000 75 82.1 70.0 90.5 54.0 99.3 36.9 79.2 68.6 87.2 52.6 95.6 35.6 75.8 67.0 83.3 51.1 91.3 34.1 71.9 65.1 79.1 49.4 86.6 32.5
80 82.8 82.8 90.6 67.0 99.4 50.3 80.4 80.4 87.3 65.6 95.7 49.0 77.5 77.5 83.5 64.0 91.5 47.5 74.1 74.1 79.2 62.2 86.9 45.9
85 87.4 87.4 90.9 80.0 99.5 63.7 84.8 84.8 87.7 78.6 95.9 62.4 81.7 81.7 84.0 77.0 91.6 60.7 78.3 78.3 79.9 75.2 87.0 59.0
90 91.9 91.9 92.0 92.0 99.7 76.6 89.2 89.2 89.3 89.3 96.0 75.2 86.0 86.0 86.1 86.1 91.8 73.6 82.5 82.5 82.6 82.6 87.3 71.9
Note: All temperatures are in degrees Fahrenheit. Airflow is in cfm.
Table PD-1— Gross Cooling Capacities (kW) TWA075A Heat Pump with TWE075A Air Handler (SI)
AmbientTemperature (°C)
29.4 35.0 40.6 46.1
Dry Entering Wet Bulb (°C)
Bulb 16.1 19.4 22.8 16.1 19.4 22.8 16.1 19.4 22.8 16.1 19.4 22.8
m /h (°C) Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens.
3823 24 22.9 18.0 25.3 15.0 27.9 10.3 22.1 17.7 24.4 14.7 26.9 9.9 21.2 17.2 23.4 14.3 25.8 9.5 20.1 16.7 22.2 13.8 24.5 9.1
27 23.0 21.1 25.4 17.4 27.9 13.5 22.2 20.7 24.5 17.0 26.9 13.1 21.3 20.2 23.4 16.6 25.8 12.7 20.3 19.7 22.3 16.0 24.5 12.2
29 23.5 23.5 25.4 20.4 28.0 16.5 22.8 22.8 24.5 20.0 27.0 16.2 22.1 22.1 23.5 19.5 25.8 15.7 21.2 21.2 22.3 19.0 24.6 15.3
32 24.7 24.7 25.5 23.4 28.0 19.6 24.0 24.0 24.7 23.0 27.0 19.3 23.2 23.2 23.7 22.6 25.9 18.8 22.3 22.3 22.6 22.1 24.6 18.3
4248 24 23.3 18.9 25.8 14.8 28.4 10.5 22.5 18.5 24.9 14.4 27.3 10.1 21.6 18.0 23.8 14.0 26.2 9.7 20.5 17.5 22.6 13.5 24.8 9.2
27 23.5 22.2 25.8 18.2 28.4 13.9 22.7 21.8 24.9 17.8 27.4 13.5 21.8 21.4 23.8 17.3 26.2 13.1 20.7 20.7 22.6 16.8 24.9 12.6
29 24.3 24.3 25.9 21.4 28.4 17.3 23.6 23.6 25.0 21.0 27.4 16.9 22.8 22.8 23.9 20.6 26.2 16.5 21.8 21.8 22.7 20.0 24.9 16.0
32 25.5 25.5 26.1 24.8 28.4 20.6 24.8 24.8 25.2 24.4 27.4 20.2 24.0 24.0 24.2 23.9 26.3 19.7 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 25.0 19.2
4672 24 23.7 19.7 26.2 15.3 28.8 10.7 22.9 19.3 25.2 14.9 27.7 10.3 21.9 18.8 24.1 14.5 26.5 9.9 20.8 18.3 22.9 14.0 25.1 9.4
27 24.0 23.3 26.2 18.9 28.8 14.3 23.2 22.9 25.3 18.5 27.7 13.9 22.2 22.2 24.2 18.0 26.5 13.5 21.2 21.2 22.9 17.5 25.2 13.0
29 25.0 25.0 26.3 22.4 28.8 18.0 24.3 24.3 25.3 22.0 27.8 17.6 23.4 23.4 24.3 21.6 26.6 17.2 22.4 22.4 23.1 21.1 25.2 16.7
32 26.3 26.3 26.6 26.1 28.8 21.5 25.5 25.5 25.7 25.7 27.8 21.1 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 26.6 20.7 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 25.3 20.2
5097 24 24.0 20.5 26.5 15.8 29.1 10.8 23.2 20.1 25.5 15.4 28.0 10.4 22.2 19.6 24.4 15.0 26.7 10.0 21.1 19.1 23.1 14.5 25.4 9.5
27 24.3 24.3 26.5 19.6 29.1 14.7 23.5 23.5 25.6 19.2 28.0 14.4 22.7 22.7 24.5 18.7 26.8 13.9 21.7 21.7 23.2 18.2 25.4 13.4
29 25.6 25.6 26.6 23.4 29.1 18.7 24.8 24.8 25.7 23.0 28.1 18.3 23.9 23.9 24.6 22.5 26.8 17.8 22.9 22.9 23.4 22.0 25.5 17.3
32 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 29.2 22.4 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 28.1 22.0 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 26.9 21.6 24.2 24.2 24.2 24.2 25.6 21.1
Note: All temperatures are in degrees Celsius. Airflow is in liters per second.
12 SSP-PRC002-EN
Data (System)
Table PD-2 — Gross Cooling Capacities (MBh) TWA100A Heat Pump with TWE100A Air Handler (I-P)
AmbientTemperature (°F)
85 95 105 115
Dry Entering Wet Bulb (°F)
Bulb 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
CFM (°F) Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens.
3000 75 103.1 81.2 113.7 68.1 125.2 46.1 99.3 79.2 109.5 66.4 120.5 44.4 95.2 77.2 105.1 64.6 115.7 42.7 91.0 75.1 100.5 62.7 110.6 41.0
80 103.4 94.5 113.9 77.5 125.1 59.9 99.7 92.6 109.7 75.6 120.5 58.2 95.8 90.6 105.3 73.7 115.7 56.3 91.7 88.5 100.7 71.8 110.6 54.4
85 105.4 105.4 113.9 90.8 125.2 73.3 102.2 102.2 109.7 88.8 120.6 71.5 98.9 98.9 105.4 86.8 115.8 69.7 95.3 95.3 100.8 84.8 110.8 67.8
90 110.6 110.6 114.3 103.9 125.3 86.6 107.3 107.3 110.2 102.0 120.7 84.8 103.8 103.8 106.0 100.1 115.9 83.0 100.2 100.2 101.6 98.1 110.9 81.1
3325 75 105.0 84.7 115.8 66.1 127.2 46.9 101.1 82.8 111.4 64.3 122.4 45.3 96.9 80.7 106.9 62.4 117.4 43.5 92.5 78.5 102.2 60.4 112.2 41.6
80 105.6 99.3 115.9 80.8 127.1 61.8 101.8 97.4 111.6 78.9 122.4 60.0 97.8 95.3 107.0 77.0 117.4 58.1 93.7 93.3 102.3 75.1 112.2 56.2
85 108.7 108.7 115.9 95.1 127.2 76.3 105.4 105.4 111.6 93.2 122.5 74.5 101.9 101.9 107.1 91.1 117.5 72.6 98.2 98.2 102.5 89.1 112.4 70.7
90 114.1 114.1 116.6 109.5 127.3 90.7 110.6 110.6 112.5 107.6 122.6 88.9 107.0 107.0 108.2 105.6 117.7 87.1 103.2 103.2 103.8 103.7 112.4 84.9
3650 75 106.6 88.1 117.4 68.2 128.8 47.8 102.6 86.1 113.0 66.3 123.9 46.0 98.3 84.0 108.3 64.4 118.8 44.1 93.9 81.9 103.5 62.4 113.4 42.2
80 107.6 103.9 117.6 84.0 128.8 63.5 103.7 102.0 113.1 82.1 123.9 61.7 99.1 99.1 108.5 80.2 118.8 59.8 95.4 95.4 103.6 77.9 113.5 57.9
85 111.6 111.6 117.6 99.3 128.9 79.1 108.1 108.1 113.2 97.3 124.1 77.3 104.5 104.5 108.7 95.3 119.0 75.5 100.6 100.6 104.0 93.2 113.7 73.5
90 117.1 117.1 118.7 114.9 129.0 94.7 113.5 113.5 114.5 113.0 124.2 92.9 109.8 109.8 109.7 109.7 119.0 90.7 105.8 105.8 105.7 105.7 113.8 88.6
3975 75 108.1 91.4 118.9 70.1 130.2 48.3 103.9 89.3 114.3 68.3 125.2 46.5 99.6 87.2 109.6 66.3 120.0 44.7 95.1 85.1 104.6 64.3 114.5 42.8
80 109.4 108.4 119.0 87.0 130.3 65.2 105.0 105.0 114.4 84.9 125.3 63.3 101.3 101.3 109.7 82.9 120.1 61.5 97.5 97.5 104.7 80.8 114.7 59.5
85 114.2 114.2 119.1 103.3 130.4 81.9 110.6 110.6 114.7 101.3 125.4 80.1 106.8 106.8 110.1 99.3 120.2 78.2 102.8 102.8 105.3 97.2 114.8 76.2
90 119.9 119.9 120.7 120.2 130.4 98.3 116.2 116.2 116.1 116.1 125.4 96.3 112.2 112.2 112.2 112.2 120.3 94.3 108.1 108.1 108.1 108.1 114.9 92.3
Note: All temperatures are in degrees Fahrenheit. Airflow is in cfm.
Table PD-2 — Gross Cooling Capacities (kW) TWA100A Heat Pump with TWE100A Air Handler (SI)
Ambient Temperature (°C)
29.4 35.0 40.6 46.1
Dry Entering Wet Bulb (°C)
Bulb 16.1 19.4 22.8 16.1 19.4 22.8 16.1 19.4 22.8 16.1 19.4 22.8
m /h (°C) Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens.
5097 24 30.2 23.8 33.3 19.9 36.6 13.5 29.1 23.2 32.1 19.4 35.3 13.0 27.9 22.6 30.8 18.9 33.9 12.5 26.6 22.0 29.4 18.4 32.4 12.0
27 30.3 27.7 33.3 22.7 36.6 17.5 29.2 27.1 32.1 22.1 35.3 17.0 28.0 26.5 30.8 21.6 33.9 16.5 26.9 25.9 29.5 21.0 32.4 15.9
29 30.9 30.9 33.3 26.6 36.7 21.5 29.9 29.9 32.1 26.0 35.3 20.9 28.9 28.9 30.8 25.4 33.9 20.4 27.9 27.9 29.5 24.8 32.4 19.8
32 32.4 32.4 33.5 30.4 36.7 25.4 31.4 31.4 32.3 29.9 35.3 24.8 30.4 30.4 31.0 29.3 33.9 24.3 29.3 29.3 29.8 28.7 32.5 23.7
5649 24 30.7 24.8 33.9 19.4 37.2 13.7 29.6 24.2 32.6 18.8 35.8 13.3 28.4 23.6 31.3 18.3 34.4 12.8 27.1 23.0 29.9 17.7 32.8 12.2
27 30.9 29.1 33.9 23.7 37.2 18.1 29.8 28.5 32.7 23.1 35.8 17.6 28.6 27.9 31.3 22.6 34.4 17.0 27.4 27.3 30.0 22.0 32.9 16.5
29 31.8 31.8 33.9 27.8 37.3 22.3 30.9 30.9 32.7 27.3 35.9 21.8 29.8 29.8 31.4 26.7 34.4 21.3 28.7 28.7 30.0 26.1 32.9 20.7
32 33.4 33.4 34.1 32.1 37.3 26.6 32.4 32.4 32.9 31.5 35.9 26.0 31.3 31.3 31.7 30.9 34.4 25.5 30.2 30.2 30.4 30.3 32.9 24.8
6201 24 31.2 25.8 34.4 20.0 37.7 14.0 30.0 25.2 33.1 19.4 36.3 13.5 28.8 24.6 31.7 18.9 34.8 12.9 27.5 24.0 30.3 18.3 33.2 12.4
27 31.5 30.4 34.4 24.6 37.7 18.6 30.4 29.9 33.1 24.0 36.3 18.1 29.0 29.0 31.8 23.5 34.8 17.5 27.9 27.9 30.3 22.8 33.2 17.0
29 32.7 32.7 34.4 29.1 37.8 23.2 31.7 31.7 33.2 28.5 36.3 22.6 30.6 30.6 31.8 27.9 34.8 22.1 29.5 29.5 30.4 27.3 33.3 21.5
32 34.3 34.3 34.8 33.7 37.8 27.7 33.2 33.2 33.5 33.1 36.4 27.2 32.1 32.1 32.1 32.1 34.8 26.5 31.0 31.0 31.0 31.0 33.3 25.9
6754 24 31.6 26.7 34.8 20.5 38.1 14.2 30.4 26.2 33.5 20.0 36.7 13.6 29.2 25.5 32.1 19.4 35.1 13.1 27.8 24.9 30.6 18.8 33.5 12.5
27 32.0 31.7 34.8 25.5 38.1 19.1 30.8 30.8 33.5 24.9 36.7 18.5 29.7 29.7 32.1 24.3 35.2 18.0 28.5 28.5 30.7 23.7 33.6 17.4
29 33.4 33.4 34.9 30.2 38.2 24.0 32.4 32.4 33.6 29.7 36.7 23.4 31.3 31.3 32.2 29.1 35.2 22.9 30.1 30.1 30.8 28.5 33.6 22.3
32 35.1 35.1 35.3 35.2 38.2 28.8 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 36.7 28.2 32.9 32.9 32.8 32.8 35.2 27.6 31.7 31.7 31.6 31.6 33.6 27.0
Note: All temperatures are in degrees Celsius. Airflow is in liters per second.
SSP-PRC002-EN 13
Data (System)
Table PD-3 — Gross Cooling Capacities (MBh) TWA155B Heat Pump with TWE155B Air Handler (I-P)
AmbientTemperature (°F)
85 95 105 115
Dry Entering Wet Bulb (°F)
Bulb 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
CFM (°F) Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens.
4500 75 153.9 122.2 170.3 101.7 187.8 69.2 148.7 119.6 164.4 99.3 181.0 66.9 142.5 116.5 157.4 96.5 173.3 64.2 135.4 113.0 149.5 93.3 164.6 61.2
80 154.6 142.7 170.6 117.7 187.8 90.9 149.6 140.2 164.7 115.2 181.1 88.4 143.6 137.2 157.6 111.9 173.4 85.5 136.8 133.8 149.8 108.5 164.9 82.4
85 158.5 158.5 170.8 138.0 188.1 112.0 154.2 154.2 165.0 135.4 181.4 109.5 149.0 149.0 158.1 132.3 173.8 106.7 143.0 143.0 150.3 128.9 165.3 103.5
90 166.7 166.7 171.7 158.7 188.2 132.8 162.1 162.1 166.0 156.1 181.6 130.1 156.7 156.7 159.3 153.1 174.0 127.1 150.5 150.5 152.0 149.8 165.5 123.8
5000 75 157.0 128.0 173.4 100.2 190.8 70.5 151.6 125.3 167.3 97.7 183.8 68.1 145.1 122.2 160.0 94.7 175.8 65.4 137.8 118.6 152.0 91.4 166.9 62.2
80 158.1 150.6 173.5 122.9 190.9 94.0 152.9 148.0 167.4 120.2 184.0 91.4 146.8 145.0 160.3 117.1 176.1 88.5 139.6 139.6 152.3 113.6 167.3 85.4
85 163.9 163.9 174.0 145.2 191.2 117.0 159.3 159.3 167.9 142.5 184.3 114.5 153.7 153.7 160.8 139.4 176.5 111.6 147.4 147.4 152.9 135.9 167.7 108.5
90 172.3 172.3 175.4 168.0 191.4 139.5 167.5 167.5 169.6 165.3 184.5 136.8 161.7 161.7 162.9 162.3 176.7 133.7 155.2 155.2 155.4 155.4 168.0 130.4
5500 75 159.6 133.5 176.0 103.6 193.4 71.9 154.0 130.8 169.6 101.0 186.1 69.3 147.3 127.6 162.2 98.0 177.9 66.3 139.8 124.0 153.9 94.7 168.8 63.2
80 161.2 158.2 176.2 128.0 193.5 96.9 156.0 155.6 169.9 125.2 186.4 94.3 149.6 149.6 162.5 122.0 178.3 91.4 143.2 143.2 154.3 118.5 169.3 88.2
85 168.5 168.5 176.7 152.1 193.8 121.9 163.6 163.6 170.5 149.4 186.8 119.3 157.8 157.8 163.2 146.2 178.4 116.0 151.2 151.2 155.2 142.8 169.6 112.6
90 177.2 177.2 178.8 177.0 194.1 145.9 172.1 172.1 172.3 172.3 187.0 143.2 166.1 166.1 166.2 166.2 179.0 140.1 159.3 159.3 159.5 159.5 170.1 136.7
6000 75 161.7 138.8 178.2 106.8 195.5 72.8 156.0 136.0 171.6 104.2 188.1 70.2 149.3 132.8 164.1 101.2 179.7 67.2 141.7 129.2 155.6 97.9 170.4 64.0
80 163.6 163.6 178.4 132.8 195.7 99.7 158.8 158.8 172.0 130.0 188.4 97.1 152.9 152.9 164.4 126.8 180.1 94.2 146.3 146.3 156.1 123.2 171.0 91.0
85 172.6 172.6 179.1 158.8 196.0 126.5 167.5 167.5 172.7 156.1 188.6 123.4 161.4 161.4 165.4 152.9 180.4 120.3 154.6 154.6 157.3 149.4 171.4 116.9
90 181.5 181.5 181.7 181.7 196.3 152.1 176.2 176.2 176.4 176.4 189.1 149.3 169.9 169.9 170.1 170.1 180.9 146.2 162.9 162.9 163.1 163.1 171.9 142.8
Note: All temperatures are in degrees Fahrenheit. Airflow is in cfm.
Table PD-3 — Gross Cooling Capacities (kW) TWA155B Heat Pump with TWE155B Air Handler (SI)
AmbientTemperature (°C)
29.4 35.0 40.6 46.1
Dry Entering Wet Bulb (°C)
Bulb 16.1 19.4 22.8 16.1 19.4 22.8 16.1 19.4 22.8 16.1 19.4 22.8
m /h (°C) Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens.
7646 24 45.1 35.8 49.9 29.8 55.0 20.3 43.5 35.0 48.1 29.1 53.0 19.6 41.7 34.1 46.1 28.2 50.7 18.8 39.6 33.1 43.8 27.3 48.2 17.9
27 45.3 41.8 50.0 34.5 55.0 26.6 43.8 41.0 48.2 33.7 53.0 25.9 42.0 40.2 46.1 32.8 50.8 25.0 40.1 39.2 43.9 31.8 48.3 24.1
29 46.4 46.4 50.0 40.4 55.1 32.8 45.1 45.1 48.3 39.6 53.1 32.1 43.6 43.6 46.3 38.7 50.9 31.2 41.9 41.9 44.0 37.7 48.4 30.3
32 48.8 48.8 50.3 46.5 55.1 38.9 47.5 47.5 48.6 45.7 53.2 38.1 45.9 45.9 46.7 44.8 50.9 37.2 44.1 44.1 44.5 43.9 48.5 36.3
8495 24 46.0 37.5 50.8 29.3 55.9 20.7 44.4 36.7 49.0 28.6 53.8 19.9 42.5 35.8 46.9 27.7 51.5 19.1 40.3 34.7 44.5 26.8 48.9 18.2
27 46.3 44.1 50.8 36.0 55.9 27.5 44.8 43.3 49.0 35.2 53.9 26.8 43.0 42.4 46.9 34.3 51.6 25.9 40.9 40.9 44.6 33.3 49.0 25.0
29 48.0 48.0 50.9 42.5 56.0 34.3 46.6 46.6 49.2 41.7 54.0 33.5 45.0 45.0 47.1 40.8 51.7 32.7 43.2 43.2 44.8 39.8 49.1 31.8
32 50.5 50.5 51.3 49.2 56.0 40.8 49.0 49.0 49.6 48.4 54.0 40.0 47.4 47.4 47.7 47.5 51.7 39.2 45.4 45.4 45.5 45.5 49.2 38.2
9345 24 46.7 39.1 51.5 30.3 56.6 21.0 45.1 38.3 49.7 29.6 54.5 20.3 43.1 37.4 47.5 28.7 52.1 19.4 40.9 36.3 45.1 27.7 49.4 18.5
27 47.2 46.3 51.6 37.5 56.7 28.4 45.7 45.6 49.7 36.7 54.6 27.6 43.8 43.8 47.6 35.7 52.2 26.8 41.9 41.9 45.2 34.7 49.6 25.8
29 49.3 49.3 51.7 44.5 56.8 35.7 47.9 47.9 49.9 43.7 54.7 34.9 46.2 46.2 47.8 42.8 52.2 34.0 44.3 44.3 45.4 41.8 49.7 33.0
32 51.9 51.9 52.3 51.8 56.8 42.7 50.4 50.4 50.4 50.4 54.8 41.9 48.6 48.6 48.7 48.7 52.4 41.0 46.6 46.6 46.7 46.7 49.8 40.0
10194 24 47.4 40.6 52.2 31.3 57.2 21.3 45.7 39.8 50.3 30.5 55.1 20.5 43.7 38.9 48.0 29.6 52.6 19.7 41.5 37.8 45.6 28.7 49.9 18.8
27 47.9 47.9 52.2 38.9 57.3 29.2 46.5 46.5 50.4 38.1 55.2 28.4 44.8 44.8 48.2 37.1 52.7 27.6 42.8 42.8 45.7 36.1 50.1 26.6
29 50.5 50.5 52.4 46.5 57.4 37.0 49.0 49.0 50.6 45.7 55.2 36.1 47.3 47.3 48.4 44.8 52.8 35.2 45.3 45.3 46.0 43.7 50.2 34.2
32 53.2 53.2 53.2 53.2 57.5 44.5 51.6 51.6 51.6 51.6 55.4 43.7 49.8 49.8 49.8 49.8 53.0 42.8 47.7 47.7 47.8 47.8 50.3 41.8
Note: All temperatures are in degrees Celsius. Airflow is in liters per second.
14 SSP-PRC002-EN
Data (System)
Table PD-4 — Gross Cooling Capacities (MBh) TWA200B Heat Pump with TWE200B Air Handler (I-P)
AmbientTemperature (°F)
85 95 105 115
Dry Entering Wet Bulb (°F)
Bulb 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
CFM (°F) Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens.
6000 75 203.1 161.9 223.6 134.6 245.6 90.5 195.3 158.0 215.0 131.1 236.2 87.2 187.1 153.8 206.1 127.5 226.3 83.8 178.5 149.6 196.9 123.8 216.2 80.4
80 204.0 189.2 223.9 154.6 245.5 118.7 196.4 185.3 215.4 150.9 236.2 115.1 188.5 181.3 206.5 147.1 226.5 111.5 180.4 177.1 197.1 142.8 216.4 107.8
85 209.2 209.2 224.1 181.3 245.8 146.0 202.6 202.6 215.6 177.5 236.5 142.5 195.6 195.6 206.8 173.4 226.8 138.8 188.4 188.4 197.6 169.3 216.8 135.1
90 219.3 219.3 225.1 208.3 246.0 173.3 212.6 212.6 216.9 204.5 236.8 169.7 205.4 205.4 208.4 200.6 226.9 165.4 198.1 198.1 199.8 196.6 217.0 161.4
6675 75 206.9 169.4 227.5 131.5 249.5 92.2 198.8 165.3 218.7 127.8 239.7 88.9 190.3 161.2 209.5 124.0 229.7 85.4 181.6 156.9 200.0 120.1 219.2 81.6
80 208.4 199.4 227.8 161.7 249.5 122.5 200.6 195.4 218.8 157.5 239.8 119.0 192.7 191.4 209.7 153.5 229.8 115.3 184.1 184.1 200.3 149.3 219.5 111.5
85 215.7 215.7 228.0 190.5 249.7 152.4 208.8 208.8 219.3 186.6 240.1 148.8 201.6 201.6 210.3 182.5 230.2 145.1 194.0 194.0 201.0 178.4 219.9 141.3
90 226.3 226.3 229.8 220.2 249.8 181.5 219.2 219.2 221.5 216.4 240.3 177.7 211.7 211.7 213.0 212.4 230.4 173.8 204.0 204.0 203.9 203.9 220.1 169.7
7350 75 210.0 176.5 230.7 135.8 252.6 93.8 201.8 172.4 221.7 132.1 242.7 90.2 193.1 168.2 212.3 128.3 232.3 86.5 184.3 163.9 202.6 124.4 221.6 82.8
80 212.3 209.2 230.9 167.8 252.7 126.2 203.5 203.5 221.9 163.9 242.8 122.6 196.3 196.3 212.6 159.8 232.6 118.9 188.6 188.6 202.9 155.6 222.0 115.1
85 221.4 221.4 231.4 199.3 253.0 158.4 214.2 214.2 222.6 195.4 243.2 154.8 206.7 206.7 213.4 191.3 233.0 151.1 198.9 198.9 204.0 187.2 222.4 147.3
90 232.3 232.3 234.1 231.7 253.1 189.6 225.0 225.0 224.8 224.8 243.4 185.8 217.2 217.2 217.1 217.1 233.2 181.8 209.2 209.2 209.1 209.1 222.7 177.7
8025 75 212.7 183.3 233.5 140.0 255.3 95.0 204.4 179.2 224.2 136.2 245.1 91.4 195.6 175.0 214.6 132.4 234.6 87.7 186.7 170.6 204.8 128.4 223.7 83.9
80 215.3 215.3 233.7 174.0 255.5 129.7 208.1 208.1 224.5 170.0 245.4 126.1 200.5 200.5 215.0 165.9 234.9 122.4 192.7 192.7 205.2 161.7 224.1 118.6
85 226.5 226.5 234.4 207.9 255.8 164.2 219.0 219.0 225.5 203.9 245.7 160.6 211.3 211.3 216.2 199.8 235.1 156.3 203.2 203.2 206.6 195.7 224.4 152.2
90 237.7 237.7 237.6 237.6 256.0 197.4 230.1 230.1 230.0 230.0 246.0 193.5 222.1 222.1 222.0 222.0 235.6 189.5 213.7 213.7 213.6 213.6 224.9 185.4
Note: All temperatures are in degrees Fahrenheit. Airflow is in cfm.
Table PD-4 — Gross Cooling Capacities (kW) TWA200B Heat Pump with TWE200B Air Handler (SI)
AmbientTemperature (°C)
29.4 35.0 40.6 46.1
Dry Entering Wet Bulb (°C)
Bulb 16.1 19.4 22.8 16.1 19.4 22.8 16.1 19.4 22.8 16.1 19.4 22.8
m /h (°C) Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens. Total Sens.
10194 24 59.5 47.4 65.5 39.4 71.9 26.5 57.2 46.3 63.0 38.4 69.2 25.5 54.8 45.0 60.3 37.3 66.3 24.5 52.3 43.8 57.6 36.2 63.3 23.5
27 59.7 55.4 65.6 45.3 71.9 34.7 57.5 54.3 63.1 44.2 69.2 33.7 55.2 53.1 60.5 43.1 66.3 32.6 52.8 51.9 57.7 41.8 63.4 31.6
29 61.2 61.2 65.6 53.1 72.0 42.8 59.3 59.3 63.1 52.0 69.2 41.7 57.3 57.3 60.5 50.8 66.4 40.6 55.2 55.2 57.9 49.6 63.5 39.5
32 64.2 64.2 65.9 61.0 72.0 50.7 62.2 62.2 63.5 59.9 69.3 49.7 60.2 60.2 61.0 58.7 66.4 48.4 58.0 58.0 58.5 57.6 63.5 47.3
11341 24 60.6 49.6 66.6 38.5 73.0 27.0 58.2 48.4 64.0 37.4 70.2 26.0 55.7 47.2 61.3 36.3 67.2 25.0 53.2 45.9 58.6 35.2 64.2 23.9
27 61.0 58.4 66.7 47.3 73.0 35.9 58.7 57.2 64.1 46.1 70.2 34.8 56.4 56.0 61.4 44.9 67.3 33.8 53.9 53.9 58.6 43.7 64.3 32.7
29 63.2 63.2 66.8 55.8 73.1 44.6 61.1 61.1 64.2 54.6 70.3 43.6 59.0 59.0 61.6 53.4 67.4 42.5 56.8 56.8 58.9 52.2 64.4 41.4
32 66.2 66.2 67.3 64.5 73.1 53.1 64.2 64.2 64.8 63.4 70.4 52.0 62.0 62.0 62.4 62.2 67.5 50.9 59.7 59.7 59.7 59.7 64.5 49.7
12488 24 61.5 51.7 67.6 39.8 74.0 27.5 59.1 50.5 64.9 38.7 71.1 26.4 56.5 49.2 62.2 37.6 68.0 25.3 54.0 48.0 59.3 36.4 64.9 24.2
27 62.2 61.2 67.6 49.1 74.0 36.9 59.6 59.6 65.0 48.0 71.1 35.9 57.5 57.5 62.2 46.8 68.1 34.8 55.2 55.2 59.4 45.6 65.0 33.7
29 64.8 64.8 67.8 58.4 74.1 46.4 62.7 62.7 65.2 57.2 71.2 45.3 60.5 60.5 62.5 56.0 68.2 44.2 58.2 58.2 59.7 54.8 65.1 43.1
32 68.0 68.0 68.5 67.8 74.1 55.5 65.9 65.9 65.8 65.8 71.3 54.4 63.6 63.6 63.6 63.6 68.3 53.2 61.3 61.3 61.2 61.2 65.2 52.0
13634 24 62.3 53.7 68.4 41.0 74.8 27.8 59.8 52.5 65.7 39.9 71.8 26.8 57.3 51.2 62.8 38.8 68.7 25.7 54.7 50.0 60.0 37.6 65.5 24.6
27 63.0 63.0 68.4 51.0 74.8 38.0 60.9 60.9 65.7 49.8 71.8 36.9 58.7 58.7 63.0 48.6 68.8 35.8 56.4 56.4 60.1 47.3 65.6 34.7
29 66.3 66.3 68.6 60.9 74.9 48.1 64.1 64.1 66.0 59.7 72.0 47.0 61.9 61.9 63.3 58.5 68.8 45.8 59.5 59.5 60.5 57.3 65.7 44.6
32 69.6 69.6 69.6 69.6 74.9 57.8 67.4 67.4 67.3 67.3 72.0 56.7 65.0 65.0 65.0 65.0 69.0 55.5 62.6 62.6 62.6 62.6 65.9 54.3
Note: All temperatures are in degrees Celsius. Airflow is in liters per second.
SSP-PRC002-EN 15
Data (TWA075A)
Table PD-5 — Gross Cooling Performance (MBh) TWA075A Heat Pump Only (I-P)
ODTemp Suction ReferenceTemperature °F
°F 30 35 40 45 50 55
Head press PSIG 166 171 177 183 189 196
65 Cap. Btuh/1000 72.2 79.8 87.7 95.9 104.3 112.8
OD Unit KW 4.91 5.01 5.13 5.25 5.39 5.52
Head press PSIG 192 198 204 210 217 223
75 Cap. Btuh/1000 70.3 77.5 85.0 92.7 100.5 108.5
OD Unit KW 5.42 5.54 5.66 5.80 5.94 6.08
Head press PSIG 220 227 233 240 247 254
85 Cap. Btuh/1000 67.5 74.4 81.5 88.8 96.2 103.7
OD Unit KW 6.01 6.15 6.28 6.42 6.57 6.72
Head press PSIG 251 258 265 272 279 286
95 Cap. Btuh/1000 64.1 70.7 77.4 84.2 91.2 98.3
OD Unit KW 6.71 6.84 6.98 7.12 7.27 7.42
Head press PSIG 284 291 298 306 313 321
105 Cap. Btuh/1000 60.2 66.3 72.6 79.1 85.7 92.5
OD Unit KW 7.48 7.61 7.75 7.89 8.04 8.19
Head press PSIG 320 327 334 342 350 358
115 Cap. Btuh/1000 55.9 61.6 67.5 73.5 79.8 86.2
OD Unit KW 8.32 8.45 8.59 8.72 8.87 9.02
Table PD-5 — Gross Cooling Performance (kW) TWA075A Heat Pump Only (SI)
ODTemp Suction ReferenceTemperature °C
°C -1.1 1.7 4.4 7.2 10 12.8
Head pressure (kPA) 1142 1180 1220 1262 1305 1350
18.3 Capacity (kW) 21.2 23.4 25.7 28.1 30.5 33.0
OD Unit Power (kW) 4.91 5.01 5.13 5.25 5.39 5.52
Head pressure (kPA) 1324 1364 1406 1449 1494 1541
23.9 Capacity (kW) 20.6 22.7 24.9 27.1 29.4 31.8
OD Unit Power (kW) 5.42 5.54 5.66 5.80 5.94 6.08
Head pressure (kPA) 1519 1563 1607 1653 1701 1749
29.4 Capacity (kW) 19.8 21.8 23.9 26.0 28.2 30.4
OD Unit Power (kW) 6.01 6.15 6.28 6.42 6.57 6.72
Head pressure (kPA) 1733 1778 1825 1873 1922 1973
35.0 Capacity (kW) 18.8 20.7 22.7 24.7 26.7 28.8
OD Unit Power (kW) 6.71 6.84 6.98 7.12 7.27 7.42
Head pressure (kPA) 1961 2009 2057 2107 2159 2212
40.6 Capacity (kW) 17.6 19.4 21.3 23.2 25.1 27.1
OD Unit Power (kW) 7.48 7.61 7.75 7.89 8.04 8.19
Head pressure (kPA) 2206 2255 2305 2357 2411 2467
46.1 Capacity (kW) 16.4 18.0 19.8 21.5 23.4 25.2
OD Unit Power (kW) 8.32 8.45 8.59 8.72 8.87 9.02
16 SSP-PRC002-EN
Data (TWA100A)
Table PD-6— Gross Cooling Performance (MBh) TWA100A Heat Pump Only (I-P)
ODTemp Suction ReferenceTemperature °F
°F 30 35 40 45 50 55
Head press PSIG 164 169 174 179 185 191
65 Cap. Btuh/1000 99.4 109.5 120.0 130.9 142.2 153.9
OD Unit KW 6.39 6.53 6.67 6.83 6.99 7.16
Head press PSIG 188 193 199 204 210 216
75 Cap. Btuh/1000 95.1 104.5 114.4 124.8 135.5 146.6
OD Unit KW 7.06 7.21 7.36 7.52 7.69 7.88
Head press PSIG 215 220 226 232 238 245
85 Cap. Btuh/1000 90.3 99.2 108.6 118.5 128.7 139.3
OD Unit KW 7.85 8.01 8.18 8.35 8.54 8.74
Head press PSIG 245 250 256 263 269 276
95 Cap. Btuh/1000 85.2 93.7 102.7 112.1 121.8 131.8
OD Unit KW 8.79 8.95 9.13 9.32 9.51 9.71
Head press PSIG 277 283 289 296 302 309
105 Cap. Btuh/1000 79.8 88.0 96.6 105.5 114.7 124.2
OD Unit KW 9.84 10.03 10.22 10.41 10.61 10.81
Head press PSIG 312 318 325 331 338 346
115 Cap. Btuh/1000 74.2 82.1 90.3 98.8 107.6 116.4
OD Unit KW 11.02 11.22 11.42 11.63 11.83 12.02
Table PD-6 — Gross Cooling Performance (kW) TWA100A Heat Pump Only (SI)
ODTemp Suction ReferenceTemperature °C
°C -1.1 1.7 4.4 7.2 10 12.8
Head pressure (kPA) 1129 1163 1199 1237 1276 1316
18.3 Capacity (kW) 29.1 32.1 35.1 38.3 41.6 45.1
OD Unit Power (kW) 6.39 6.53 6.67 6.83 6.99 7.16
Head pressure (kPA) 1299 1334 1370 1409 1449 1491
23.9 Capacity (kW) 27.8 30.6 33.5 36.5 39.7 42.9
OD Unit Power (kW) 7.06 7.21 7.36 7.52 7.69 7.88
Head pressure (kPA) 1483 1520 1559 1600 1643 1688
29.4 Capacity (kW) 26.4 29.1 31.8 34.7 37.7 40.8
OD Unit Power (kW) 7.85 8.01 8.18 8.35 8.54 8.74
Head pressure (kPA) 1688 1726 1767 1810 1855 1901
35.0 Capacity (kW) 25.0 27.4 30.1 32.8 35.7 38.6
OD Unit Power (kW) 8.79 8.95 9.13 9.32 9.51 9.71
Head pressure (kPA) 1910 1950 1993 2038 2085 2133
40.6 Capacity (kW) 23.4 25.8 28.3 30.9 33.6 36.4
OD Unit Power (kW) 9.84 10.03 10.22 10.41 10.61 10.81
Head pressure (kPA) 2149 2192 2238 2285 2333 2382
46.1 Capacity (kW) 21.7 24.0 26.4 28.9 31.5 34.1
OD Unit Power (kW) 11.02 11.22 11.42 11.63 11.83 12.02
SSP-PRC002-EN 17
Data (TWA155B)
Table PD-7 — Gross Cooling Performance (MBh) TWA155B Heat Pump Only (I-P)
ODTemp Suction ReferenceTemperature °F
°F 30 35 40 45 50 55
Head press PSIG 165 170 176 182 188 194
65 Cap. Btuh/1000 142.4 157.4 173.0 189.2 205.9 222.8
OD Unit KW 9.59 9.80 10.02 10.26 10.52 10.78
Head press PSIG 191 197 203 209 215 222
75 Cap. Btuh/1000 138.7 153.0 167.9 183.1 198.7 214.6
OD Unit KW 10.58 10.82 11.06 11.32 11.59 11.87
Head press PSIG 219 225 232 238 245 252
85 Cap. Btuh/1000 133.3 147.0 161.1 175.6 190.3 205.3
OD Unit KW 11.75 12.01 12.27 12.54 12.82 13.11
Head press PSIG 250 257 263 270 277 285
95 Cap. Btuh/1000 126.8 139.8 153.1 166.7 180.6 194.9
OD Unit KW 13.10 13.36 13.63 13.91 14.20 14.49
Head press PSIG 283 290 297 304 312 319
105 Cap. Btuh/1000 119.1 131.3 143.9 156.7 169.9 183.4
OD Unit KW 14.61 14.87 15.14 15.41 15.70 16.00
Head press PSIG 319 326 333 340 348 356
115 Cap. Btuh/1000 110.6 122.0 133.7 145.9 158.4 171.2
OD Unit KW 16.26 16.51 16.77 17.04 17.32 17.62
Table PD-7 — Gross Cooling Performance (kW) TWA155B Heat Pump Only (SI)
ODTemp Suction ReferenceTemperature °C
°C -1.1 1.7 4.4 7.2 10.0 12.8
Head pressure (kPA) 1136 1173 1213 1254 1297 1341
18.3 Capacity (kW) 41.7 46.1 50.7 55.4 60.3 65.2
OD Unit Power (kW) 9.59 9.80 10.02 10.26 10.52 10.78
Head pressure (kPA) 1317 1356 1398 1441 1485 1531
23.9 Capacity (kW) 40.6 44.8 49.1 53.6 58.2 62.8
OD Unit Power (kW) 10.58 10.82 11.06 11.32 11.59 11.87
Head pressure (kPA) 1512 1555 1599 1644 1691 1739
29.4 Capacity (kW) 39.0 43.0 47.2 51.4 55.7 60.1
OD Unit Power (kW) 11.75 12.01 12.27 12.54 12.82 13.11
Head pressure (kPA) 1725 1770 1816 1863 1912 1963
35.0 Capacity (kW) 37.1 40.9 44.8 48.8 52.9 57.1
OD Unit Power (kW) 13.10 13.36 13.63 13.91 14.20 14.49
Head pressure (kPA) 1953 2000 2048 2097 2149 2201
40.6 Capacity (kW) 34.9 38.5 42.1 45.9 49.8 53.7
OD Unit Power (kW) 14.61 14.87 15.14 15.41 15.70 16.00
Head pressure (kPA) 2197 2246 2295 2347 2400 2456
46.1 Capacity (kW) 32.4 35.7 39.2 42.7 46.4 50.1
OD Unit Power (kW) 16.26 16.51 16.77 17.04 17.32 17.62
18 SSP-PRC002-EN
Data (TWA200B)
Table PD-8 — Gross Cooling Performance (MBh) TWA200B Heat Pump Only (I-P)
ODTemp Suction ReferenceTemperature °F
°F 30 35 40 45 50 55
Head press PSIG 173 179 185 191 198 205
65 Cap. Btuh/1000 196.4 215.5 235.3 255.8 276.9 298.5
OD Unit KW 12.94 13.25 13.58 13.93 14.30 14.69
Head press PSIG 198 204 211 217 224 232
75 Cap. Btuh/1000 187.3 205.2 223.9 243.3 263.4 284.0
OD Unit KW 14.32 14.65 15.00 15.38 15.79 16.22
Head press PSIG 226 233 240 247 254 262
85 Cap. Btuh/1000 177.5 194.5 212.3 230.8 249.9 269.5
OD Unit KW 15.95 16.32 16.71 17.12 17.56 18.01
Head press PSIG 257 264 271 278 286 294
95 Cap. Btuh/1000 167.2 183.4 200.3 218.0 236.1 254.8
OD Unit KW 17.84 18.24 18.66 19.10 19.56 20.02
Head press PSIG 290 298 305 313 321 330
105 Cap. Btuh/1000 156.3 171.9 188.1 205.0 222.3 239.9
OD Unit KW 19.96 20.40 20.86 21.33 21.80 22.27
Head press PSIG 326 334 342 350 359 368
115 Cap. Btuh/1000 145.0 160.1 175.7 191.8 208.2 224.8
OD Unit KW 22.32 22.80 23.30 23.79 24.27 24.73
Table PD-8 — Gross Cooling Performance (kW) TWA200B Heat Pump Only (SI)
ODTemp Suction ReferenceTemperature °C
°C -1.1 1.7 4.4 7.2 10.0 12.8
Head pressure (kPA) 1193 1232 1274 1318 1363 1411
18.3 Capacity (kW) 57.5 63.1 68.9 74.9 81.1 87.4
OD Unit Power (kW) 12.94 13.25 13.58 13.93 14.30 14.69
Head pressure (kPA) 1368 1409 1453 1499 1547 1599
23.9 Capacity (kW) 54.8 60.1 65.5 71.2 77.1 83.2
OD Unit Power (kW) 14.32 14.65 15.00 15.38 15.79 16.22
Head pressure (kPA) 1561 1605 1652 1701 1752 1805
29.4 Capacity (kW) 52.0 56.9 62.2 67.6 73.2 78.9
OD Unit Power (kW) 15.95 16.32 16.71 17.12 17.56 18.01
Head pressure (kPA) 1773 1819 1869 1920 1974 2030
35.0 Capacity (kW) 48.9 53.7 58.7 63.8 69.1 74.6
OD Unit Power (kW) 17.84 18.24 18.66 19.10 19.56 20.02
Head pressure (kPA) 2001 2051 2104 2159 2215 2273
40.6 Capacity (kW) 45.8 50.3 55.1 60.0 65.1 70.2
OD Unit Power (kW) 19.96 20.40 20.86 21.33 21.80 22.27
Head pressure (kPA) 2248 2302 2358 2416 2475 2536
46.1 Capacity (kW) 42.5 46.9 51.5 56.2 61.0 65.8
OD Unit Power (kW) 22.32 22.80 23.30 23.79 24.27 24.73
SSP-PRC002-EN 19
Data (System)
20 SSP-PRC002-EN
Data (System)
SSP-PRC002-EN 21
Data (System)
22 SSP-PRC002-EN
Data (System)
SSP-PRC002-EN 23
Data (Air Handler)
24 SSP-PRC002-EN
Data (Air Handler)
26 SSP-PRC002-EN
Data (Air Handler)
SSP-PRC002-EN 27
Data (Air Handler)
28 SSP-PRC002-EN
Table PD-23— Discharge Plenum And Grille Assembly Throw Distance — Air Handler — ft (m)
Unit Louver Angle Deflection Position
Model No. CFM m3/h Straight 20 40 55
1400 2378 38 (11.6) 24 (7.3) 22 (6.7) 18 (5.5)
1600 2718 42 (12.8) 31 (9.4) 26 (7.9) 20 (6.1)
TWE050 1800 3058 46 (14.0) 37 (11.3) 29 (8.8) 22 (6.7)
2000 3398 48 (14.6) 43 (13.1) 33 (10.1) 24 (7.3)
2200 3737 51 (15.5) 50 (15.2) 36 (11.0) 25 (7.6)
2100 3568 49 (14.9) 38 (11.6) 31 (9.4) 27 (8.2)
2400 4077 52 (15.9) 43 (13.1) 35 (10.7) 29 (8.8)
2700 4587 55 (16.8) 48 (14.6) 38 (11.6) 31 (9.4)
TWE075 3000 5097 58 (17.7) 53 (16.2) 42 (12.8) 32 (9.8)
3200 5436 56 (17.1) 46 (14.0) 38 (11.6) 30 (9.1)
3600 6116 62 (18.9) 51 (15.5) 42 (12.8) 33 (10.1)
4000 6795 66 (20.1) 57 (17.4) 47 (14.3) 35 (10.7)
4400 7475 71 (21.6) 62 (18.9) 52 (15.9) 38 (11.6)
TWE100 4800 8154 76 (23.2) 67 (20.4) 56 (17.1) 42 (12.8)
4300 7305 42 (12.8) 32 (9.8) 29 (8.8) 21 (6.4)
4900 8324 47 (14.3) 38 (11.6) 32 (9.8) 25 (7.6)
5400 9174 52 (15.9) 44 (13.4) 37 (11.3) 29 (8.8)
TWE155 5600 9514 50 (15.2) 40 (12.2) 33 (10.1) 27 (8.2)
6000 10193 57 (17.4) 49 (14.9) 41 (12.5) 32 (9.8)
6400 10873 56 (17.1) 46 (14.0) 38 (11.6) 30 (9.1)
7200 12232 62 (18.9) 51 (15.5) 42 (12.8) 33 (10.1)
TWE200 8000 13591 66 (20.1) 57 (17.4) 47 (14.3) 35 (10.7)
Throw distance values are based on a terminal velocity of 75 FPM (0.38 m/s).
Throw distance values at other terminal velocities may be established by multiplying throw distances in table above by throw
Terminal Velocity Throw Factor
50 fpm (.25 m/s) x 1.50
100 fpm (.51 m/s) x .75
150 fpm (.76 m/s) x .50
Table PD-24— Static Pressure Drop Through Accessories (Inches Of Water Column)1 — Air Handler
Discharge Electric Heaters (kW)
Unit Return Grille Plenum and Grille2 5-10 15-20 25-30 35-50
Model No. CFM m3/h In. wc1 Pascal In. wc1 Pascal In. wc (Pascal)
1400 2380 .09 (22.4) .16 (39.8) .06 (15.0) .06 (15.0) .12 (29.9) —
TWE050A 1600 2718 .12 (29.9) .21 (52.3) 08 (19.9) .08 (19.9) .14 (34.9) —
2000 3398 .18 (44.8) .33 (82.2) .13 (32.4) .13 (32.4) .19 (47.3) —
2100 3568 .05 (12.5) .19 (47.3) .02 (5.0) .03 (7.5) .05 (12.5) .08 (19.9)
TWE075A 2400 4079 .08 (19.9) .27 (67.2) .03 (7.5) .06 (15.0) .08 (19.9) .12 (29.9)
3000 5098 .13 (32.4) .40 (99.6) .06 (15.0) .12 (29.9) .17 (42.4) .23 (57.3)
TWE100A 2800 4756 .04 (10.0) .34 (84.7) .03 (7.5) .04 (10.0) .14 (34.9) .20 (49.8)
TWE100B 3200 5436 .07 (17.4) .43 (107.1) .06 (15.0) .13 (32.4) .19 (47.3) .26 (64.8)
4300 7304 .07 (17.4) .18 (44.8) .02 (5.0) .02 (5.0) .04 (10.0) .05 (12.5)
TWE155B 4800 8154 .09 (22.4) .23 (57.3) .03 (7.5) .03 (7.5) .06 (15.0) .08 (19.9)
6000 10195 .15 (37.4) .34 (84.7) .06 (15.0) .06 (15.0) .12 (29.9) .17 (42.4)
5600 9515 .07 (17.4) .32 (79.7) .04 (10.0) .04 (10.0) .10 (25.0) .15 (37.4)
TWE200B 6400 10872 .11 (27.4) .43 (107.1) .06 (15.0) .06 (15.0) .13 (32.4) .19 (47.3)
8000 13594 .17 (42.3) .66 (164.3) .10 (25.0) .10 (25.0) .20 (49.8) .30 (74.7)
1. Return air filter ESP included in Fan PerformanceTable data.
2. At louver opening angle of 42°F (5.5°C). For ESP at other angle openings, see accessory Installer’s Guide.
SSP-PRC002-EN 29
( ) ( RatedVoltage
Voltage )
2 2
Capacity = Voltage x Rated Capacity and kW = x Rated kW.
Rated Voltage
30 SSP-PRC002-EN
SSP-PRC002-EN 31
Table ED-5— Unit Wiring With Electric Heat (Single Point Connection) — Air Handlers
Heater Heater To Use Control Minimum Maximum
Model No. kW Rating1 with Unit Stages Circuit Ampacity 2 Fuse Breaker Size 2
BAYHTRL405A 3.47 1 9 15
BAYHTRL410A 6.92 TWE050AD 1 17 20
BAYHTRL415A 10.39 1 24 25
BAYHTRL425A 17.31 2 39 40
BAYHTRL405A 3.47 1 11 15
BAYHTRL410A 6.92 1 18 20
BAYHTRL415A 10.39 TWE075AD 1 26 30
BAYHTRL425A 17.31 2 41 45
BAYHTRL435A 24.22 2 56 60
BAYHTRL405A 3.47 1 12 15
BAYHTRL410A 6.92 1 19 25
BAYHTRL415A 10.39 TWE100AD, TWE100BD 1 27 30
BAYHTRL425A 20.78 2 42 45
BAYHTRL435A 24.22 2 57 60
BAYHTRM410A 6.94 1 21 30
BAYHTRM420A 13.83 TWE155BD 1 36 40
BAYHTRM430A 20.78 2 51 60
BAYHTRM450A 34.62 2 81 90
BAYHTRM410A 6.94 1 25 40
BAYHTRM420A 13.83 TWE200BD 1 40 50
BAYHTRM430A 20.78 2 55 60
BAYHTRM450A 34.62 2 85 90
1. kW ratings are at 400v for 3 phase, 400v air handlers
( ) ( )
2 2
For other than rated voltage, ampacity = Voltage Voltage
x Rated Capacity and kW = Rated kW.
Rated Voltage Rated Voltage
2. Any power supply and circuits must be wired and protected in accordance with local codes.
3. Field wire must be rated at least 75°C.
4. Field wire must be rated at least 90°C.
32 SSP-PRC002-EN
SSP-PRC002-EN 33
Wiring (Heat Pump)
34 SSP-PRC002-EN
Wiring (Heat Pump)
SSP-PRC002-EN 35
Wiring (Heat Pump)
36 SSP-PRC002-EN
Wiring (Heat Pump)
SSP-PRC002-EN 37
Wiring (Air Handler)
Air Handler
Typical unit wiring diagram. For specific
wiring, see individual Service Facts.
38 SSP-PRC002-EN
Data (Heat Pump)
Note 1
INCHES (1828 MM)
SSP-PRC002-EN 39
Data (Heat Pump)
Note 1
INCHES (1828 MM)
40 SSP-PRC002-EN
Data (Heat Pump)
Note 1
INCHES (1828 MM)
SSP-PRC002-EN 41
Data (Heat Pump)
Note 1
INCHES (1828 MM)
42 SSP-PRC002-EN
Data (Air Handler)
1. Length, Width, and Height Dimensions do not include 1/2”
(12.7mm) access panel depth.
2. Removable drain pan and attached drain connection may be
installed on either end of unit in either the vertical or horizontal
configuration. Plastic drain pan access plate on the end of unit
opposite drain connection must be removed to slide drain pan out
for cleaning. Access plate must be reinstalled after sliding drain
pan back into unit.
3. If periodic drain pan cleaning is required, allow room for partial
removal of pan on drain connection end of unit.
SSP-PRC002-EN 43
Data (Air Handler)
1. Length, Width, and Height Dimensions do not include 1/2”
(12.7mm) access panel depth.
2. Removable drain pan and attached drain connection may be
installed on either end of unit in either the vertical or horizontal
configuration. Plastic drain pan access plate on the end of unit
opposite drain connection must be removed to slide drain pan out
for cleaning. Access plate must be reinstalled after sliding drain
pan back into unit.
3. If periodic drain pan cleaning is required, allow room for partial
removal of pan on drain connection end of unit.
44 SSP-PRC002-EN
Data (Air Handler)
1. Length, Width, and Height Dimensions do not include 1/2”
(12.7mm) access panel depth.
2. Removable drain pan and attached drain connection may be
installed on either end of unit in either the vertical or horizontal
configuration. Plastic drain pan access plate on the end of unit
opposite drain connection must be removed to slide drain pan out
for cleaning. Access plate must be reinstalled after sliding drain
pan back into unit.
3. If periodic drain pan cleaning is required, allow room for partial
removal of pan on drain connection end of unit.
SSP-PRC002-EN 45
Data (Air Handler)
1. Length, Width, and Height Dimensions do not include 1/2”
(12.7mm) access panel depth.
2. Removable drain pan and attached drain connection may be
installed on either end of unit in either the vertical or horizontal
configuration. Plastic drain pan access plate on the end of unit
opposite drain connection must be removed to slide drain pan out
for cleaning. Access plate must be reinstalled after sliding drain
pan back into unit.
3. If periodic drain pan cleaning is required, allow room for partial
removal of pan on drain connection end of unit.
46 SSP-PRC002-EN
(Air Handlers)
SSP-PRC002-EN 47
Data (Air Handler)
1. Length, Width, and Height Dimensions do not include 1/2”
(12.7mm) access panel depth.
2. Removable drain pan and attached drain connection may be
installed on either end of unit in either the vertical or horizontal
configuration. Plastic drain pan access plate on the end of unit
opposite drain connection must be removed to slide drain pan out
for cleaning. Access plate must be reinstalled after sliding drain
pan back into unit.
3. If periodic drain pan cleaning is required, allow room for partial
removal of pan on drain connection end of unit.
48 SSP-PRC002-EN
Data (Air Handlers)
1. Length, Width, and Height Dimensions do not include 1/2”
(12.7mm) access panel depth.
2. Removable drain pan and attached drain connection may be
installed on either end of unit in either the vertical or horizontal
configuration. Plastic drain pan access plate on the end of unit
opposite drain connection must be removed to slide drain pan out
for cleaning. Access plate must be reinstalled after sliding drain
pan back into unit.
3. If periodic drain pan cleaning is required, allow room for partial
removal of pan on drain connection end of unit.
SSP-PRC002-EN 49
Data (Air Handlers)
50 SSP-PRC002-EN
Data (Accessories)
Figure DD-13— Electric Heater for TWE050, 075, 100 Air Handlers
Figure DD-14 — Electric Heater for TWE155 and 200 Air Handlers
SSP-PRC002-EN 51
Condenser Coil Guard — Metal grille shall be factory pressure and leak tested three phase. Each 400 volt heater shall
with PVC coating shall be provided to at 375 psig (2586 kPa). Coil is arranged have automatic line break high limit
alleviate coil damage. for draw-through airflow and shall controls.
Black Epoxy Coated Condenser Coil — provide a double sloped condensate Discharge Plenums and Grilles —
This factory installed option is designed drain pan constructed of PVC plastic.The Accessory discharge plenums shall be
to provide corrosion protection of air drain pan shall be removable for available for vertical, free discharge
cooled condenser coils for seacoast cleaning.The condensate drain pan can applications. Plenums shall be
application. The black epoxy coil be installed in any of four positions constructed of heavy-gauge, zinc coated,
protection is a factory applied thermoset allowing for vertical or horizontal galvanized steel finished with baked
vinyl coating, bonded to normal application and providing external enamel to match the air handler unit.
aluminum fin stock. The uniform connections on either side of the unit. Grilles shall be satin finished aluminum
thickness of the bonded vinyl layer Evaporator Fan and have four-way adjustable louvers.
exhibits excellent corrosion protection in Double inlet, double width, forward Return Air Grilles — Accessory return air
salt spray tests performed in accordance curved, centrifugal-type fan(s) with grille shall be provided for vertical front,
with ASTM B177. adjustable belt drive shall be standard. free return applications. Grilles shall be
Thermal overload protection shall be installed in place of the front lower side
Air Handlers standard on motor. Fan and motor
bearings shall be permanently
panel. Grille shall be satin finished
General aluminum with non-adjustable louvers.
lubricated. Oversized motors shall be
Air handler units shall be completely available as an option for high static Mounting Subbase —The accessory
factory assembled including coil, application. All indoor fan motors meet shall be available for vertical floor mount
condensate drain pan, fan motor(s), the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 1992 configurations. Subbase shall be
filters, and controls in an insulated (EPACT). constructed of heavy gauge, zinc coated,
casing that can be applied in either galvanized steel with baked enamel
vertical or horizontal configuration. Unit Controls finish to match air handler unit. Subbase
shall be rated and tested in accordance Magnetic evaporator fan contactor, low is required in the vertical air flow
with ARI standard 340/360. Unit shall be voltage terminal strip, check valve(s), and application for condensate drain
UL listed and labeled in accordance with single point power entry shall be trapping and when isolators are
UL 1995 for indoor blower coil units. included. All necessary controls shall be required.
factory-installed and wired. Evaporator
Casing defrost control shall be included to Vibration Isolators —This accessory
Unit casing shall be constructed of zinc prevent compressor slugging by shall reduce transmission of noise and
coated, heavy gauge, galvanized steel. temporarily interrupting compressor vibration to building structures,
Exterior surfaces shall be cleaned, operation when low evaporator coil equipment, and adjacent spaces.
phosphatized, and finished with a temperatures are encountered. Packages shall be available in either
weather-resistant baked enamel finish. neoprene-in shear or spring-flex types in
Casing shall be completely insulated Filters floor or suspended mountings.
with cleanable, foil faced, fire-retardant, One inch, throw-away filters shall be
standard onTWE050A,TWE075A, Oversized Motors — Field installed
permanent, odorless, glass fiber oversized motors shall be available for
material. All insulation edges shall be TWE100A and TWE120B model air
handlers. Filters shall be accessible from high static pressure applications.
either captured or sealed. Knockouts
shall be provided for unit electrical the side coil access panel. Filter rack can CONTROL OPTIONS
power and refrigerant piping be field converted to two inch capability.
Two inch, throw-away filters shall be Standard Indoor Thermostats —Two
connections. Captive screws shall be stage heating and cooling operation or
standard on all access panels. standard onTWE155B andTWE200B
models. one stage heating and cooling
Refrigeration System thermostats shall be available in either
TheTWE050A,TWE075A,TWE100A units ACCESSORIES manual or automatic changeover.
shall have a single refrigeration circuit Electric Heaters — UL and CSA Programmable Electronic Night Setback
and theTWE100B,TWE155B,TWE200B approved electric heat modules shall be Thermostat —The option shall provide
units shall have dual refrigeration available for installation directly on fan heating setback and cooling setup with 7-
circuits. Each refrigeration circuit is discharge. Electric heaters shall be day programming capability.
controlled by a factory installed thermal available in a wide range of capacities
expansion valve. Outdoor Thermostat —This option
with one or two stage control, single-
point electric power connection, and shall provide staging control of
Evaporator Coil electric heaters based on a set
Configured aluminum fin surface shall terminal strip connections. Electric
outdoor temperature.
be mechanically bonded to 3/8" (10 mm) heater elements shall be constructed of
internally enhanced copper tubing and heavy-duty nickel chromium elements
internally wye connected on 400 volt,
SSP-PRC002-EN 53
Literature Order Number SSP-PRC002-EN
File Number PL-UN-SSP-PRC002-EN-1103
An American Standard Company Supersedes SS-PRC002-EN 1003 Stocking Location November Publication Electronic Only
For more information contact your Since Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement, it reserves the right to
local office or e-mail us at change design and specifications without notice.