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The document discusses concepts related to Oracle Fusion such as accounting, procurement, payables, receivables etc.

The main components discussed are Oracle applications, middleware, database, identity management, security consoles, business process management etc.

Key processes mentioned include payables to cash, distributed order orchestration, PPM/HCM workflows etc.

Common Configuraion Definition

Manage geography
Accounting Calender
Chart of account
Value set
COA structure
Balancing Segment
Segment label
Chart of account Instance
Value to Value Set
Records transactional balances by using a chart of accounts with a consistent calendar and curren
Primary Ledger Is
Is closely associated
an optional ledger with the
linked tosubledger
a primary transactions and
ledger for the provides
purpose context and
of tracking accounting
alternative for the
Seconday Ledger Can differ from its primary ledger by using a different accounting method, chart of accounts, acco
Legal Entity Is an Authorised party which has legal rights to own property,trade,repay debt and pay taxes(rights
Business Unit Business unit is the unit of an enterprise which can perform one or many business functions. A busin

AP Configuration
Procurement Agent
Reference Data set
Payment term
Document Sequencing Sequencing the invoices. For Few countries like Italy,france etc the document sequencing is require
Invoice option
Payment option
Distribution Set
Supplier Numbering
Payment document
Payment profile Option
Whithholding Tax Withholding tax for particular supplier to send the tax to tax authority
Bills Payable Payable on maturity
Payalone using 1 document to pay for 1 invoice
Foreign currency creating invoice other than local currency
Interest invoice If the invoice is not paid within the said perid, the interest will be charged by supplier as per term/co
Recurring invoice
Supplier Mering Moving all the data of 1 supplier to another supplier
Cross currency Invoicing in 1 currency and payment in other
Update Matured Bills PayaThe Update Matured Bills Payables Status Report provides information about the Update Matured B
Facilities Shift A shift is A shift is a period of time, typically expressed in hours, that is used to build workday patt
Facilities Workday PatternA workday Workday
p patterns are used to build schedules
Facilities Schedule A schedule is defined by a start date, an end date, and a sequence of workday patterns to be follow
Item Master (Item organization)
Inventory Organization

TAB (Transaction Accounting builder)

stent calendar and currency, and accounting rules implemented in an accounting method..
xt and
ng accounting
alternative for them.
d, chart of accounts, accounting calendar, currency, or processing options.
debt and pay taxes(rights and responsibilities given by legislation).
usiness functions. A business unit can process transactions on behalf of many legal entities

ent sequencing is required for the tax purpose

by supplier as per term/contract with supplier

out the Update Matured Bills Payable process, which updates the status of matured bills payables from issued to negotiable.
ed to build workday patterns

day patterns to be followed between those dates

d to negotiable.
FSP Functional setup manFor
SAAS Software as cannot install third party applications
PAAS Platform as third party
Can install Only application
applications willthe
with be Fusion
managed by customer i.e they can do changes
IAAS Only application
will be managed by customer i.e they can do changes

Oracle fusion architecture

Oracle application- GL,AP,AR,Fixed asset,tax,expense,CM,FA,PO,OM…etc
Oracle Middleware-IDM/OIM,APM,
Data base - Oracle DB,ESS DB

IDM Identity m Create user,Assign roles to user,create custom roles

OIM Oracle
ide consoles from
R13user,Assign roles to user,create custom roles
APM Authirizat Still R11.D Maintain role templates,custom roles
BPM Business process ma Create Approval policy,setup approval rules
UCM Universal content m Data import/data export
SOA Service oriented arc sUsed to intigrate third party application with Oracle fusion

Oracle fusion Enterprise structure

Enterprise Set defaultCannnot create new and only 1 enterpise for 1 instance
Divisions Optional
Primary legder
legal entity
Business unit
Inventory organization

FSM(Functional setup manager) - Application implementation consultant

Enable offerings and options
Cretae Implementation project
Select Offerings and options (with features)
System creates task lists (list of setups)
Assign offerings/options/tasks to team members
Update status of tasks
track setup of tasks
Configuration package(move setups to another instance)
Setup -reports
Rapid implementation (RI) - Speadsheet
Offerings: Options Features
Financials GL
HRMS Financials AR

LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol


RBAC Role Based Access Control

Role Types Job Role Abstract RoDuty Role Data Role
mer i.e they can do changes

ith Oracle fusion

TATA Enterprise - Default
TCS India
Division TCS USA

Configure Packages
Reports: Setup

Implementation User

Create implementation user using security console

Assign roles to implementation user:
Application implementation consultant Functional setup manager
IT security manager Security console: user, roles assignment, custom roles
Employee Requests/job
Line manager
HCM Applic Admin - View All

Security console->create user->assign roles to user

"Application implementation consultant, IT
manager,Employee,line manager, HCM appl view
ignment, custom roles

Setup and maintenance

Change configuration for selection and setup to modification and change
Implementation->create -> Update everything->next>select Financials and the provisions-> Done

Go to FSM
Manage Package configuration task
Job Map Purpose Comments

How to take backup of the configuration

FSM Setup and maintenance
Manage Package configuration task task->Manage Package configuration task
Configure Job
Implementation user creation security console
Implementation project creation


Manage geographies
Create accounting calender
Create/Enable Currencies
Run Create Currency Dimension members Run Create Currency

Create chart of accounts

Create value sets
Create chart of accounts structure Accounting flexfield->
Create segments Accounting flexfield->
Assign segment labels to segment Accounting flexfield->
Create chart of accounts structure and instance Accounting flexfield->m
Deploy Accounting flexfield Accounting flexfield->D
Create segment values
Assign value attributes to segment values

Create Primary ledger

Specify ledger options
Create legal address Manage legal address
Create legal entity Manage legal entity
Assign legal entity to primary ledger Assign legal entity
Assign balancing segment values(BSV) to legal entity Assign balancing segmen
Complete primary ledger definition Review and submit accounting con

Assign GL role to User security console

Optional Create data access set Manage data access se
To check Provide data access to User Manage data access for
everything is
working fine till LDAP Run User and Role sync
date Open GL Periods
Set Profile options Manage administrator p
Create Journal and Post

Create location for Business Unit Manage Location

Create Business Unit Manage Business Unit
Assign Business Unit Business unit business function Manage Business Unit Business Fun

To Create Employee User

Create legislative data Group(LDG) Manage Legislative data group
Map LDG to LE Manage Legal Entity HCM informati
Create employee Manage Users
Assign roles to Employee User Security console
Provide data access for User Manage data access for user
Run LDAP Run User and Role syncronization o
AP Configuration Assign roles to Employee User (procurement agent) Manage procurement

Common SetCreate reference data set (RDS) Manage Reference data set
Create Payment terms & Assign Payment terms to refereManage Payment terms
Edit Assign Reference data set to Business Set Manage Business Unit set assignme
Configure Common Options for Payables and ProcuremeManage Common Option
Business Un
Setup Invoice options Manage Invoice Option
Business Un
Setup Payment options Manage Payment Options
Business Un
Create Distribution Sets Manage Distribution se
Suppier MaAssign Supplier Role to User Security Console
Specify Supplier Numbering Specify Supplier Numb
Create Supplier,Address, site, site assignment
Create Supplier tasks->Create Supplier
Create Bank,Create Bank Branch,Bank Account, documents
Create Bank
Create Bank Branch
Create Bank Account
Create documents

Create Payment process Profile Manage Payment proces

Accounts PAssign AP Role to User
Data access for User
Open AP Period Task->Payable Periods

Administrator profile values Manage Administrator profile valu

Using Payables/Transaction Processing

1.    Standard Invoice Creation Task->Create Invoice
2.    PO Based Invoice Creation
ADFDI(Appl3.    Invoice Creation via Spreadsheet Task->Create Invoice i
4.    Debit Memo Invoice Creation
5.    Credit Memo Invoice Creation
6.    Payment Creation Process Task->Create Payment
7.    Creating Payment Process Request (PPR)
8.    Prepayment Invoice Process
Configurat Select prepayment in Invoice option Manage Invoice Option

9.    Withholding Tax Setups & Process

Create suppCreate Withhold tax authority as supplier tasks->Create Supplier
Configurat Create Payables Calender Manage Payables Cale
Configurat Setup Withholding Tax options Manage Whithholding and reportin
Configurat Setup Withholding tax code Manage tax code
Configurat Setup Withholding Tax Classification/Group Manage Withholding tax Classificati
Assign the Assign Withholding tax classification/group to standard stasks->Manage supplie
10.    Bills Payables Configuration & Process
Configurat Setup Payment Method Manage Payment method
Configurat Provide Bills Payable Account in the Common option fo Manage Common Option

11.    Pay Alone Configuration & Process tasks->Manage supplier

Enable Pay Alone for Supplier

12.    Foreign Currency Invoice & Payment Configuration & Process

Configurat Configure Common option for payables and procuremenManage Common Options for Paya
Configurat Setup Daily rates Manage Daily rates
Configurat Enable Multicurrency in the Bank Account Manage Bank Account

13.    Supplier Merge Process

Merge Suppliers Supplier Merge

14.    Interest Invoice Configuration & Process

Configurat Enable Create Interest Invoice in Invoice Option Manage Invoice Option
Enable Create Interest Invoice in Supplier Site Manage Suppliers
Configurat Setup Interest Rate Manage Interest Rate

15.    Recurring Invoice Configuration & Process

Configurat Create Payables Calender
Create recuCreate Recurring invoices from Speadsheet Task->Create Invoice

16.    Third Party Payments Configuration & Process

Configurat Configure Invoice & Payment option Manage Invoice Optio
Create New Supplier
Create 3rd Party replationship with 2 suppliers

17.    Cross Currency Payments Configuration & Process

Configurat Setup Daily Rate Manage Daily rates
Configurat Enable Multicurrency in the Bank Account Manage Bank Account
Configurat Configure the specify ledger option Specify ledger options

18.    Invoice Approval Configuration & Testing

Configurat Go to BPM page Manage Task configurat
Go to Financial AP approval FINAPAPPROVAL
Create Rule

Configurat 19.    Security Profile Configuration & Testing

Create Security Profile Manage Organization Security Profi
Assign security profile to Role Assign Security Profile
Assign role to user
Provide Data access for User
20.    Create Hold & Release Reason
Configurat Manage Invoice Holds and Releases Manage Invoice Holds and Release

21.    Supplier Refund Process

Create Prepayment invoice Task->Create Invoice
Process payment for prepayment invoice
create standard invoice
Apply prepayment for standard invoice
Create a dummy invoice
Apply the remaining prepayment amount in the dummy invoice
Create credit memo
Make payment for credit memo

22.    Create Aging Periods & Testing

Configurat Create Aging Periods Manage Aging Period
Aging report Payable invoice Aging

Configurat 23.    Custom Roles Security Console

Create Custom Duty Role
Data securiCreate Custom Job Role
Create new User
Assign Custom job role to user
Provide Data acess for user

Configurat 24.    File Based Data Import (FBDI) Process - Suppliers Conversion Process
Download Template from Oracle OER
Prepare template data
Convert data templates to CSV format
Upload the CSV file into UCM(universal content Manage File Import and Export
Mova data from UCM to Interface Table Load Interface File for
Import data into base tables Import Suppliers

Configurat 25.    File Based Data Import (FBDI) Process - Open Invoices Conversion Process
Download Template from Oracle OER
Prepare template data
Convert data templates to CSV format
Upload the CSV file into UCM(universal content Manage File Import and Export
Mova data from UCM to Interface Table Load Interface File for Import -> Im
Import data into base tables Import Payables Invoices

26.    Creating Accounting Entries & Transferring to GL Scheduled process

Run Create Accounting Create Accounting
27.    Payables Period Close Process Steps as per PDF
28.    Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation
Configurat Set Value Attribute to AP Control Account Common option for Payables and P
Run Payables to Ledger Reconciliation process prepare Payables to Ge
Payables to Ledger Reconciliation report Task->Payables to Ledger Reconcili

29.    Creating BI Reports

30.    Creating OTBI Reports Reports and Analytics

31. Payment Format

Configurat create payment file format template xmlpserver
Configurat Create Payment format using the new payment format fiManage Format
This is used to update in Bank Account(payment documen
Manage Bank Account/Manage Pa

32. Invoice Imaging solutions

Go to Imaging solution page imaging
In the top lSelect Payable invoice/Expense invoice
Search using PO or random search
To Import invoice run Import invoices task/job Import Invoices

P2P Setup
Create Inventory Location Manage Location
Assign Business Unit Business Function for procurement Manage Business unit Business Fun

Define Facilities for Procurement

Shift detai Facilities Shifts Manage Facility Shift
Facilities Workday Pattern Manage Facilities Workday Pattern
Facilities Schedule Manage Facilities schedule

Create Item Master Organization Manage Item Organization

Create Actual Inventory Organization Manage Inventory Organization
Configure Procurement Business Function Configure Procurement business Fu
Configure Requisitioning Business Function Configure Procurement business Fu
Manage Common Options for Payables and ProcurementManage Common Options for Paya
Receiving Parameters Manage Receiving Parameters
Procurement Agent Manage Procurement Agent
Manage Transaction Account Definition (Accrual Account,Charge Account,Destination Cha
Manage Account Rules Manage Account Rules
Transaction Account Definition Manage Transaction Account Defin
Manage Subledger Accounting options Manage Subledger Accounting Opti
Optional. Create Approval Group BPM
Manage Purchasing document Approval-Rule Manage Purchasing document App
Assign role to user
Provide data access for User
Create Subinventory
Create Item class
Create Item
Create Requisition Approval

Create Purchase order Create Order

Fusion Tax
Create Tax Regime Manage Tax Regime
Create Tax Manage Taxes
Create Tax jurisdictiomn Manage Taxes
Create Tax Status Manage Taxes
Create Tax Rates Manage Taxes
Create Configuration Owner Tax option Manage Configuration Owner Tax o

Manage Geography - check Tax validation is enabled Manage Geography

Location-P Run"Validate Geographies Addresses" Validate Geographies
Create Location Manage Location
Assign the Location to Supplier site assignment Supplier Site Assignment
Enable Tax for Simulator Manage Taxes
Tax Simulator Manage Tax Sumulator
Enable tax for transaction Manage Taxes

AR Configuration

Receivables System options Configuration Manage Receivables System option

Define Transaction type Manage Transaction Type
Define Transaction source Manage Transaction Source
Define AutoAccounting Rules Manage AutoAccounting Rules
MAP Purpose Comments
Security console Implementation user creation
FSM Implementation project creation

Load geographies
Manage location
Search directly from FSM/ Taxation purpose, AddreEnable all for your country
Define Common Applications
Search directly from FSM/ Configuration
To Create
for Financials->Define
accounting calender
Enterprise Structures for Financials->Define Financuial r
Define Common Applications Configuration To Create
for Financials->Define
currency ByEnterprise
default every
enabled Financuial r
Schedule process This is used to add the new currency in the dimension cub

Search directly from FSM/

Search Common Applications
directly from FSM/ Configuration Create
for Financials->Define
Enterprise Structures for Financials->Define
chart of acc
Search Common Applications
directly from FSM/ Configuration Actsfor
a template Company,Department(costcenter),natural
Enterprise Structures for Financials->Define
chart of acc
Define Common
Search Applications
directly from FSM/ Configuration for Financials->Define Company,Department(costcenter),natural
Enterprise Structures for Financials->Define
chart of acc
Define Common Applications
Search directly from FSM/ Configuration for Financials->Define
Enterprise Structures for Financials->Define
chart of acc
Search Common Applications
directly from FSM/ Configuration NeedfortoFinancials->Define
use for primary ledger
Enterprise Structures for Financials->Define chart of acc
Search Common Applications
directly from FSM/ Configuration for Financials->Define Enterprise Structures for Financials->Define chart of acc
Search Common Applications
directly from FSM/ Configuration for Financials->Define Enterprise Structures for Financials->Define chart of acc
Define Common Applications Configuration for Financials->Define Enterprise Structures for Financials->Define chart of acc
Search directly from FSM/
Define Common Applications Configuration
for Financials->Define
primary ledger ledgers-> Define accouting configurations
Define Common Applications Configuration for Financials->Define ledgers-> Define accouting configurations
Define Common Applications Configuration
Create legal address
Define Common Applications Configuration for Financials->Define legal entities for Financial
Define Common Applications Configuration for Financials->Define ledgers-> Define accouting configurations
Define Common Applications Configuration for Financials->Define ledgers-> Define accouting configurations
d submit accounting configuration

Define Common Applications Configuration for Financials->Define Users for Financials

Define Common Applications Configuration for Financials->Define Users for Financials
Define Common Applications Configuration for Financials->Define syncronization for user and roles
General Accounting -> Period close
Define Common Applications Configuration for Financials->Define Users for Financials
General Accounting -> Journals->Create Journal

usiness Unit Business Function

gislative data group Country specific payroll(To MAP Payroll with LE)
gal Entity HCM information MAP Payroll with LE Manage element(element criteria) if there is any issue

ta access for user

nd Role syncronization or Retrieve latest LDAP changes/retrieve LDAP
Define common options for payables an To create supplier Only select function

eference data set

yment terms
usiness Unit set assignment To update payment term for particular BU
Define invoicing and payments configurations->Define payables->Define Common Opt
Define general payables options
yment Options
Define invoicing and payments configuraDistribution set automatically creates account
To have access to relevent task
Define Invoicing and payment configuratthe next supplier we are going to create will
Business Relationship:Prospective-Cannot be used for PO/
Navigator->Procurement tab->Suppliers Spend Authorized(able to create Invoice/PO)

Define Disbursement


dministrator profile values To make default data in the fields




Define general payables options Updating Show available prepayments during invoice entry under payment

Navigator->Procurement tab->Suppliers
Define invoicing and payments configur Special Calender
hithholding and reporting options

ithholding tax Classifications

Navigator->Procurement tab->Suppliers
yment method
Define invoicing and payments configurations->Define payables->Define Common Options for Payables and Procurement

nage supplier 1 cheque can only be used for 1 invoice

ommon Options for Payables and Procurement

nk Account

Navigator->Procurement tab->Suppliers

voice Option
Navigator->Procurement tab->Suppliers

Special Calender

Define general payables options

nk Account
""Entered Currency Balancing Account" in this task needs to be updated and shou

Notification->More details->Administration->Task configuration

1 is 1 (to provide default for all)

ganization Security Profile

voice Holds and Releases


Scheduled Process

7.Import Supplier Products and Services Categories

Used for data import fro8.Import Supplier Attachments

Navigator->File Import and Export

Scheduled Process
Scheduled Process

ion Process Used for data import from other applications/large data

Navigator->File Import and Export

ace File for Import -> Import Payables Invoices
ables Invoices

Scheduled Process
1. Copy Liability Account from the common option for Pay
ption for Payables and Procurement/Chart of accounts value set 2. Open Chart of account value set - natural Account: Set F
Scheduled Process
bles to Ledger Reconciliation report the balance should match

Disbursement payment file format

nk Account/Manage Payment process profile

4. Supplier/client sends scanned images to the email ID an

5. Go to invoice and run import invoices to import all the s

Navigator->Payables->Invoices->task>Import invoices

usiness unit Business Functions To enable to do the procurement related setup's and to perform business function

Workday calender in EBS

cilities Workday Pattern

cilities schedule Used while Creating Inventory Organization

em Organization
ventory Organization
Procurement business Function
Procurement business Function
ommon Options for Payables and Procurement
eceiving Parameters
ocurement Agent
Account,Destination Charge,Destination Varience, varience)
Define Transaction Accounting for proc To provide Account rule and account combinations for the transaction account de
ansaction Account Definition
bledger Accounting Options To select Transaction Accounting definition

urchasing document Approval

Navigation->Purchasing->Task->create Order

onfiguration Owner Tax option

Schedule Process

te Assignment

x Sumulator

eceivables System options

ansaction Type
ansaction Source
utoAccounting Rules
rency in the dimension cube

er),natural account,intercompany
er),natural account,intercompany
er),natural account,intercompany
er),natural account,intercompany

ncials->Define chart of accounts->Manage chart of accounts structur

ncials->Define chart of accounts->Manage chart of accounts value sets values
ncials->Define chart of accounts->Manage chart of accounts value sets values



ria) if there is any issue

ADFDI(Application Developm


Create supplier as Tax Autho

Assign the new withholding t


ntry under payment

ayables and Procurement

ds to be updated and should run create accounting again

Services Categories
he common option for Payables and Procurement
set - natural Account: Set Financial category as Accounts Payable for the Liability Account

d images to the email ID and the system processes and creates Image invoice file
invoices to import all the scanned images to the AP

o perform business function

the transaction account definition

Using Modules

unts->Manage chart of accounts structur

unts->Manage chart of accounts value sets values
unts->Manage chart of accounts value sets values
Using Payables/Transaction Processing
1.    Standard Invoice Creation
2.    PO Based Invoice Creation
3.    Invoice Creation via Spreadsheet
4.    Debit Memo Invoice Creation
5.    Credit Memo Invoice Creation
6.    Payment Creation Process
7.    Creating Payment Process Request (PPR)
8.    Prepayment Invoice Process
Select prepayment in Invoice option

9.    Withholding Tax Setups & Process

Create Withhold tax authority as supplier
Create Payables Calender
Setup Withholding Tax options
Setup Withholding tax code
Setup Withholding Tax Classification/Group
Assign Withholding tax classification/group to standard supplier supplier

10.    Bills Payables Configuration & Process

Setup Payment Method
Provide Bills Payable Account in the Common option for Payables and Procurement

11.    Pay Alone Configuration & Process

12.    Foreign Currency Invoice & Payment Configuration & Process
13.    Supplier Merge Process
14.    Interest Invoice Configuration & Process
15.    Recurring Invoice Configuration & Process
16.    Third Party Payments Configuration & Process
17.    Cross Currency Payments Configuration & Process
run create accounting again
bles and Procurement
nancial category as Accounts Payable for the Liability Account

the system processes and creates Image invoice file

anned images to the AP
Job MAP Purpose Comments
Task->Create Invoice Payables->Invoices

Task->Create Invoice in Payables->Invoices

Task->Create Payment Payables->Payments

Manage Invoice Options Define general payablesUpdating Show available prepayments during invoice entry under payme

tasks->Create Supplier Navigator->Procurement tab->Suppliers

Manage Payables Calend Define invoicing and payments configurations->Define payables->Define Common Options for Pa
Manage Whithholding and reporting options
Manage Withholding tax code
Manage Withholding tax Classifications
tasks->Manage supplier Navigator->Procurement tab->Suppliers

Manage Payment method

Manage Common OptionsDefine invoicing and payments configurations->Define payables->Define Common Options for Pa
ring invoice entry under payment

Define Common Options for Payables and Procurement

Define Common Options for Payables and Procurement

Configuations Map Comments

Legal Entities
legal reporting structures Enable all
business units By default

COA struct
Implementing Enterprise Structures: Procedure
Manage geographies. #Perform th Primary ba
Create chart of accounts, ledger, legal Perform the is a copy f
Upload the chart of accounts. Perform the
Upload the ledger, legal entities, and bPerform the
Create cross-validation rules. Perform the

Implementing Cash Management: Proc chart of ac

Create banks, branches, and accounts Pi erform the Segments wh
Upload banks, branches, and accountsPerform th Legal Addre
Enable Payr

As per Vid OPTIONAL If there is

Implementing Tax: Procedure You can also use the individual Tax Regimes andChief Finan Subscriptions spreadsh
Tax Regime
Manage tax regimes. For SaaS (Oracle Cloud) implementations, run the Optional
Import Tax Configuration Content
To check
Run jurisdiction and rates upload prog You can also use the individual Taxes spreadsheet to create taxes for a tax regime or
everything is
Manage taxes. working
You can also use the individual Tax fine Rate Accounts, Tax Recovery Rates, an
Rates, Tax
till date
Manage tax rates and tax recovery rateYou can also use the individual Tax Rules spreadsheet to create tax rules details.
Manage tax rules. Use the Tax Implementation Workbook to upload To your
Set defa
organization-specific tax regi
Manage tax registrations.
Manage tax exemptions. Perform the
Manage simulator transactions. Perform the Location s
Default se


Configuations Job Map

Enterprise Load geographies

Manage geographies Manage geographies Manage location
Search directly from FSM/
Create accounting calender Manage accounting calender Define Common Applications
Search directly from FSM/ Configuration fo
Create/Enable Currencies Manage currencies Define Common Applications Configuration fo
Run Create Currency Dimension members Run Create Currency Dimens Schedule process

Create chart of accounts Search directly from FSM/

Create value sets Manage chart of accounts valDefine
Search Common Applications
directly from FSM/ Configuration fo
Create chart of accounts structure Accounting flexfield->manageDefine
Search directly from FSM/ Configuration fo
Common Applications
Create segments Accounting flexfield->manageDefine
Search Common Applications
directly from FSM/ Configuration fo
Assign segment labels to segment Accounting flexfield->manageDefine
Search Common Applications
directly from FSM/ Configuration fo
Create chart of accounts structure and instanc Accounting flexfield->manageSearch
Define Common Applications
directly from FSM/ Configuration fo
Deploy Accounting flexfield Accounting flexfield->Deploy fDefine
Search directly from FSM/ Configuration fo
Common Applications
Create segment values Manage chart of accounts valu Define
Search Common Applications
directly from FSM/ Configuration fo
Assign value attributes to segment values Manage chart of accounts valu Define Common Applications Configuration fo
Define Date Hierarchy
Search directly from FSM/
Create Primary ledger Manage primary ledger Define Common Applications Configuration fo
Specify ledger options Specify ledger options Define Common Applications Configuration fo
Create legal address Manage legal address Define Common Applications
Create legal entity Manage legal entity Define Common Applications
Assign legal entity to primary ledger Assign legal entity Define Common Applications Configuration fo
Assign balancing segment values(BSV) to legal Assign balancing segment value
Define Common Applications Configuration fo
Complete primary ledger definition Review and submit accounting configuration

Assign GL role to User security console

Create data access set Manage data access set Define Common Applications Configuration fo
Provide data access to User Manage data access for user Define Common Applications Configuration fo
LDAP Run User and Role syncronizatDefine Common Applications Configuration fo
Open GL Periods General Accounting -> Period close
Set Profile options Manage administrator profileDefine Common Applications Configuration fo
Create Journal and Post General Accounting -> Journals->Create Journa

Create location for Business Unit Manage Location Define Common Applications Configuration fo
Create Business Unit Manage Business Unit
Assign Business Unit Business unit business fu Manage Business Unit Business Function
Define Service provider Relationship Manage Service provider Relationship

To Create Employee User

Create legislative data Group(LDG) Manage Legislative data group
Map LDG to LE Manage Legal Entity HCM information
Create employee Manage Users/New person
Assign roles to Employee User Security console
Provide data access for User Manage data access for user
Run LDAP Run User and Role syncronization or Retrieve latest LDAP changes/retrieve L
Manage Enterprise HCM information
Purpose Comments

Taxation purpose, Address defin Enable all for your country

To Create accounting calender
To Create currency By default every currency is enabled
This is used to add the new currency in the dimension cube

from FSM/ Assets,Liability,Owners Equity,Net Income

n Applications Configuration for Financials->Define
Enterprise Structures for Financials->Define
chart of accounts->Manage chart of ac
from FSM/ Acts as a template Company,Department(costcenter),natural account,subaccount,product
FSM/ Configuration for Financials->Define
Enterprise Structures for Financials->Define
chart of accounts->Manage chart of ac
n Applications Configuration for Financials->Define
Enterprise Structures for Financials->Define
chart of accounts->Manage chart of ac
from FSM/ Need to use for primary ledger
FSM/ Configuration for Financials->Define Enterprise Structures for Financials->Define chart of accounts->Manage chart of ac
FSM/ Configuration for Financials->Define Enterprise Structures for Financials->Define chart of accounts->Manage chart of ac
n Applications Configuration for Financials->Define Enterprise Structures for Financials->Define chart of accounts->Manage chart of ac

Create primary ledger

n Applications Configuration for Financials->Define ledgers-> Define accouting configurations
Create legal address
Create legal entity
n Applications Configuration for Financials->Define ledgers-> Define accouting configurations
n Applications Configuration for Financials->Define ledgers-> Define accouting configurations

n Applications Configuration for Financials->Define Users for Financials

n Applications Configuration for Financials->Define Users for Financials
n Applications Configuration for Financials->Define syncronization for user and roles
nting -> Period close
n Applications Configuration for Financials->Define Users for Financials
nting -> Journals->Create Journal

n Applications Configuration for Financials->Define Enterprise Structures for Financials

Which Function the BU will perform

Can be used for Procurement,Payment as wells as for collections (i.e service provided by 1

Country specific payroll(To MAP Payroll with LE)

MAP Payroll with LE Manage element(element criteria) if there is any issue

e latest LDAP changes/retrieve LDAP

for the enterprise definition
unts->Manage chart of accounts structur
unts->Manage chart of accounts value sets values
unts->Manage chart of accounts value sets values

s (i.e service provided by 1 BU to another BU)

Configuations AP Roles
Accounts Payable Manager
Create implementation user Accounts Payable Specialist
Create implementation project with financials provision Accounts Payable Supervisor

Configure Enterprise Structures, Gener As per video
Practice 5-1: Reviewing Shared Components
Practice 5-2: Using the Rapid Implementation Spreadsheet
Practice 5-3: Uploading the Chart of Accounts File
Practice 5-4: Deploying the Accounting Flexfield Demonstration
Practice 5-5: Inputting Account Combinations
Practice 5-6: Uploading the Financials Common Entities File
Practice 5-7: Completing the Ledger Configurations
Practice 5-8: Viewing Your Legal Entity

Practice 6-1: Viewing Your Business Unit

Practice 6-2: Viewing the Assigned Business Unit Functions
Practice 6-3: Creating a Reference Data Set
Practice 6-3: Creating a Reference Data Set
Practice 6-4: Managing Your Business Unit Set Assignment
Practice 6-5: Managing Data Access for Your User

Configuring Payables and Payments

Practice 7-1: Defining Your User as a Procurement Agent
To check
Practice 7-2: Creating a Payment Term everythin
Practice 7-3: Managing Common Options for Payables and Procurement g is
Practice 7-4: Managing Invoice Options working
fine till
Practice 7-5: Managing Payment Options date
Practice 7-6: Managing Distribution Sets
Practice 12-1: Creating Banks, Branches, and Accounts
Practice 12-2: Creating a Payment Document for a Bank Account
Practice 12-3: Creating a Disbursement Payment File Format
Practice 12-4: Creating the Transmission Configuration
Practice 12-5: Creating a Payment System
Practice 12-6: Creating a Payment Method
Practice 12-7: Creating a Payment Process Profile
Practice 12-8: Submitting a Payment Process Request

Configuring Tax and Subledger Accounting for Payables

Practice 8-1: Viewing a Calculated Tax on a Payables Transaction Demonstration
Practice 8-2: Creating a US Sales Tax Using the Tax Configuration Workbook
Practice 8-3: Creating a VAT Tax Using the Tax Configuration Workbook (Optional)
Practice 8-4: Using the Tax Simulator to Test a Payables Transaction
Practice 8-5: Enabling Your Tax for Transactions
Practice 11-1: Creating Three Account Rules
Practice 11-2: Creating a Description Rule
Practice 11-3: Creating Two Journal Line Rules
Practice 11-4: Creating a Journal Entry Rule Set
Practice 11-5: Duplicating and Modifying an Accounting Method
Practice 11-6: Submitting Create Accounting in Draft and Viewing the Subledger Journal in Payables
Practice 11-7: Submitting Create Accounting in Final/Post

Processing Payables Invoices Overview

Practice 9-1: Creating a Supplier
Practice 10-1: Opening General Ledger and Payables Periods
Practice 10-2: Creating a Manual Invoice
Practice 10-3: Creating an Invoice in a Spreadsheet

Configuring Cash Management for Payables

Practice 13-1: Managing Bank Statement Transaction Codes
Practice 13-2: Managing Bank Statement Transaction Creation Rules
Practice 13-3: Managing Bank Statement Reconciliation Tolerance
Practice 13-4: Managing Bank Statement Reconciliation Matching Rules
Practice 13-5: Managing Bank Statement Reconciliation Rule Sets
Practice 13-6: Assigning a Rule Set to a Bank Account
Practice 13-7: Performing a Bank Statement Reconciliation with Auto reconciliation

Reporting for Payables, Payments, and Subledger Accounting

Introducing Payables
Practice 3-1: Viewing a Business Unit Business Function Demonstration
Practice 3-2: Opening General Ledger and Payables Periods Demonstration

Processing Payables Invoices and Payments

Practice 4-1: Defining Your User as a Procurement Agent
Practice 4-2: Managing Data Access for Your User
Practice 4-3: Creating a Supplier

Practice 5-1: Managing Distribution Sets

Practice 5-2: Creating Manual Invoices
Practice 5-3: Creating an Invoice in a Spreadsheet
Practice 5-4: Creating Recurring Invoices in a Spreadsheet
Practice 5-5: Creating an Invoice Matched to a Purchase Order
Practice 5-6: Creating a Credit Memo
Practice 6-1: Creating Banks, Branches, and Bank Accounts
Practice 6-2: Setting Up Supplier Bank Accounts
Practice 6-3: Processing a Single Payment from the Manage Invoices Page
Practice 6-4: Creating a Single Payment from the Create Payment Page
Practice 6-5: Defining a Payment Process Request Template
Practice 6-6: Submitting a Payment Process Request
Practice 6-7: Creating and Applying a Prepayment

Performing Payables Period Close and Reporting

Practice 7-1: Submitting Create Accounting in Final/Post Demonstration
Practice 7-2: Running a Payables Invoice Register Report
Practice 7-3: Closing a Payables Period Demonstration
Practice 7-4: Submitting the Prepare Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation
Practice 7-5: Running the Payables to Ledger Reconciliation Report

Configuring Withholding Tax

Practice A-1: Creating a Withholding Tax Calendar
Practice A-2: Creating a Withholding Tax Code and Tax Classification Code
Practice A-3: Attaching a Withholding Tax Classification Code to Your Supplier
Practice A-4: Creating a Withholding Tax Invoice


Configuations Job

Create employee Manage User/new Person

Business Unit specific Assign roles to Employee User (procurement ag Manage procurement agent

Common Set and Enterprise Create

se reference data set (RDS) Manage Reference data set
Create Payment terms & Assign Payment terms M t anage Payment terms
Edit Assign Reference data set to Business Set(PaymManage Business Unit set assignment
Configure Common Options for Payables and P Manage Common Options for Pa
Enable Sequencing for the respective countries Specify Ledger option
Optional Specify the document sequence name and dataManage Document sequencing / Manage Paya
Business Unit specific Setup Invoice options Manage Invoice Options
Setup Payment options Manage Payment Options
Business Unit specific Create Distribution Sets Manage Distribution sets
Suppier Manager, Buyer Assign Supplier Role to User Security Console
Specify Supplier Numbering Specify Supplier Numbering
Create Supplier,Address, site, site assignment
Create Supplier tasks->Create Supplier
Create Bank,Create Bank Branch,Bank Account, documents
Create Bank Manage Bank
Create Bank Branch Create Branch from Manage Ba
Create Bank Account Manage Bank Account
Create documents Manage Bank Account

Create Payment process Profile Manage Payment process Profile

Accounts Payable Manager,Ac

Assign AP Role to User
Data access for User
Open AP Period Task->Payable Periods->Manage

Administrator profile value Manage Administrator profile value

Using Payables/Transaction Processing
1.    Standard Invoice Creation Task->Create Invoice
2.    PO Based Invoice Creation
ADFDI(Application Developm3.    Invoice Creation via Spreadsheet Task->Create Invoice in Spreads
4.    Debit Memo Invoice Creation
5.    Credit Memo Invoice Creation
6.    Payment Creation Process Task->Create Payment
7.    Creating Payment Process Request (PPR)

8.    Prepayment Invoice Process

Configuration Select prepayment in Invoice option Manage Invoice Options

9.    Withholding Tax Setups & Process

Create supplier as Tax AuthoCreate Withhold tax authority as supplier tasks->Create Supplier
Configuration Create Payables Calender Manage Payables Calender
Configuration Setup Withholding Tax options Manage Withholding and reporting options
Configuration Setup Withholding tax code Manage tax code
Configuration Setup Withholding Tax Classification/Group Manage Withholding tax Classifications
Assign the new withholding ta
Assign Withholding tax classification/group to s tasks->Manage supplier

10.    Bills Payables Configuration & Process

Configuration Setup Payment Method Manage Payment method
Configuration Provide Bills Payable Account in the Common oManage Common Options for Pa

11.    Pay Alone Configuration & Process tasks->Manage supplier

Enable Pay Alone for Supplier

12.    Foreign Currency Invoice & Payment Configuration & Process

Configuration Configure Common option for payables and pr Manage Common Options for Payables and Pr
Configuration Setup Daily rates Manage Daily rates
Configuration Enable Multicurrency in the Bank Account Manage Bank Account

13.    Supplier Merge Process

Merge Suppliers Supplier Merge

14.    Interest Invoice Configuration & Process

Configuration Enable Create Interest Invoice in Invoice Optio Manage Invoice Option
Enable Create Interest Invoice in Supplier Site Manage Suppliers
Configuration Setup Interest Rate Manage Interest Rate

15.    Recurring Invoice Configuration & Process

Configuration Create Payables Calender

Create recurring invoices Create Recurring invoices from Speadsheet Task->Create Invoice

16.    Third Party Payments Configuration & Process

Configuration Configure Invoice & Payment option Manage Invoice Options & Mana

Create New Supplier

Create 3rd Party replationship with 2 suppliers Manage suppier->site->invoicing

17.    Cross Currency Payments Configuration & Process

Configuration Setup Daily Rate Manage Daily rates

Configuration Enable Multicurrency in the Bank Account Manage Bank Account

Configuration Configure the specify ledger option Specify ledger options

18.    Invoice Approval Configuration & Testing

Configuration Go to BPM page Manage Task configuration for Fi
Go to Financial AP approval FINAPAPPROVAL
Create Rule
Configuration 19.    Security Profile Configuration & Testing
Create Security Profile Manage Organization Security Profile
Assign security profile to Role Assign Security Profile
Assign role to user
Provide Data access for User

20.    Create Hold & Release Reason

Configuration Manage Invoice Holds and Releases Manage Invoice Holds and Releases

21.    Supplier Refund Process

Create Prepayment invoice Task->Create Invoice
Process payment for prepayment invoice
create standard invoice
Apply prepayment for standard invoice
Create a dummy invoice
Apply the remaining prepayment amount in the dummy invoice
Create credit memo

Make payment for credit memo

22.    Create Aging Periods & Testing

Configuration Create Aging Periods Manage Aging Period
Aging report Payable invoice Aging report

Configuration 23.    Custom Roles Security Console

Create Custom Duty Role
Data security Profile-Data setCreate Custom Job Role
Create new User
Assign Custom job role to user
Provide Data acess for user

Configuration 24.    File Based Data Import (FBDI) Process - Suppliers Conversion Process
Download Template from Oracle OER
Prepare template data
Convert data templates to CSV format
Upload the CSV file into UCM(universal conten File Import and Export
Mova data from UCM to Interface Table Load Interface File for Import ->
Import data into base tables Import Suppliers

Configuration 25.    File Based Data Import (FBDI) Process - Open Invoices Conversion Process
Download Template from Oracle OER
Prepare template data
Convert data templates to CSV format
Upload the CSV file into UCM(universal conten File Import and Export
Mova data from UCM to Interface Table Load Interface File for Import -> Import Payab
Import data into base tables Import Payables Invoices

26.    Creating Accounting Entries & TransferringScheduled

to GL process
Run Create Accounting Create Accounting

27.    Payables Period Close Process Steps as per PDF

28.    Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation

Configuration Set Value Attribute to AP Control Account Common option for Payables and Procuremen
Run Payables to Ledger Reconciliation process prepare Payables to General Led
Payables to Ledger Reconciliation report Task->Payables to Ledger Reconciliation repor

29.    Creating BI Reports

30.    Creating OTBI Reports Reports and Analytics

31. Payment Format

Configuration create payment file format template xmlpserver
Configuration Create Payment format using the new payment Manage
f Format
This is used to update in Bank Account(paymentManage Bank Account/Manage Payment proc

32. Invoice Imaging solutions

Go to Imaging solution page imaging
In the top left side Select Payable invoice/Expense invoice
Search using PO or random search
To Import invoice run Import invoices task/job Import Invoices

Electronic Payments
1. Setup Disbursement File Format
Configuration create payment file format template xmlpserver
Configuration Create Payment format using the new payment Manage
f Format

Configuration 2. Define Transmission Configuration Manage Transmission Configuration

Configuration 3. Define Payment System Manage Payment System

Configuration 4. Define Payment process profile for electroni Manage Payment process profile
Map Purpose Comments

Define common options foTo create supplier site Only select function which is required for the procurement

Assign the predefined role to implementation user and pro

it set assignment To update payment term for particular BU

Define invoicing and payments configurations->Define payables->Define Common Options for Payables and Procurement
the invoice wll have sequence numbers
equencing / Manage Payables DocumTo populate sequence category
Define general payables options

Define invoicing and paymDistribution set automatically creates accounting distribution for the invoices that are not match
To have access to relevent task
the next supplier we are going to create will have the specified Supplier Number
Business Relationship:Prospective-Cannot be used for PO/i
Navigator->Procurement tab->Suppliers Spend Authorized(able to create Invoice/PO)

Setup bank,Branches, and Accounts

Setup bank,Branches, and Accounts
Setup bank,Branches, and Accounts
Setup bank,Branches, and Accounts

Define Disbursement


or profile value To make default data in the fields




Define general payables oUpdating Show available prepayments during invoice entry under payment
Navigator->Procurement tab->Suppliers
Define invoicing and pay Special Calender
g and reporting options

g tax Classifications
Navigator->Procurement tab->Suppliers

Define invoicing and payments configurations->Define payabl Run "Update Matured Bills Payable Status" on Maturity

1 cheque can only be used for 1 invoice

ptions for Payables and Procurement

Navigator->Procurement tab->Suppliers

Navigator->Procurement tab->Suppliers

Special Calender

Define general payables options


""Entered Currency Balancing Account" in this task needs to be updated and should run create a

Notification->More details->Administration->Task configuration

1 is 1 (to provide default for all)

n Security Profile

ds and Releases


Scheduled Process

Basic Informations->Function Security Policies->Data Secur

7.Import Supplier Products and Services Categories

Used for data import from other appli8.Import Supplier Attachments

Navigator->File Import and Export

Scheduled Process
Scheduled Process

Used for data import from other applications/large data

Navigator->File Import and Export
or Import -> Import Payables Invoices

Scheduled Process

1. Copy Liability Account from the

common option for Payables and
2. Open Chart of account value set -
natural Account: Set Financial category as
Accounts Payable for the Liability
Payables and Procurement/Chart of accounts value set Account
Scheduled Process
dger Reconciliation report the balance should match

Disbursement payment file format

nt/Manage Payment process profile

4. Supplier/client sends scanned images to the email ID an

5. Go to invoice and run import invoices to import all the s

Navigator->Payables->Invoices->task>Import invoices

n Configuration
ocess profile
equired for the procurement agent

mplementation user and provide data access to BU and reference data set

Payables and Procurement

invoices that are not matched in the PO.(Spreadsheet entry of invoices)

lier Number
tive-Cannot be used for PO/invoice creation process(can be used for negociation/bidding/Sourcing Module)
te Invoice/PO)
able Status" on Maturity

Create Payables Calender

9.    Withholding Tax Setups & Process
15.    Recurring Invoice Configuration & Process
Payment terms

ated and should run create accounting again

ecurity Policies->Data Securty Policies->Role Hierarchy->Segrigate duty roles->User-> Summarize and impact report

d Services Categories
ed images to the email ID and the system processes and creates Image invoice file
t invoices to import all the scanned images to the AP
P2P (Procure to Pay Cycle) Roles
Procurement Manager
Inventory and Purchasing Configuration Procurement Preparer
Advanced Procurement Request
1.    Create Inventory Location Done Buyer
2.    Assign Business Unit Business Function for Procurement Done
3.    Create Facility Shifts Done Inventory Manager
4.    Create Facility Workday Pattern Done Warehouse Manager
5.    Create Facility Schedules Done Warehouse Operator
6.    Create Item Master Organization Done
7.    Create Actual Inventory Organization Done
8.    Create Subinventory
9.    Configure Procurement Business Function Done
10.    Configure Requisitioning Business Function Done
11.    Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement Done
12.    Setup Receiving Parameters Done
13.    Create Procurement Agent Done
14.    Create Account Rule for Accrual Account Done
15.    Create Account Rule for Charge Account Done
16.    Create Account Rule for Variance Account Done
17.    Create Account Rule for Destination Charge Done
18.    Create Account Rule for Destination Variance Done
19.    Setup Transaction Account Definition Done
20.    Configure Subledger Accounting Options Done
21.    Setup Approvals for Requisition 
22.    Setup Approvals for Purchase Orders Done
23.    Assign PO Roles to User Done
24.    Provide Data Access for User Done
25.    Run LDAP Job Done
26.    Create Item Class
27.    Assign Inventory Roles to User
28.    Provide Data Access for User
29.    Run LDAP Job
30.    Create Items
31.    Assign Item to Inventory Organization
32.    Create Supplier & Site

Transaction Process (P2P)

1.    Create Requisition, Approve

2.    AutoCreate Purchase Order, Approve
3.    Create Receipt
4.    Perform Delivery
5.    Check OnHand Qty
6.    Create Invoice in AP by matching
7.    Process Payment
Configuations Job Map Purpose
ent Manager Oracle Purchasing Configuration
ent Preparer
Procurement RequestCreate Inventory Location Manage Location
Assign Business Unit Business Func Manage Business unit Business Functions To enable to do the procurement

Define Facilities for Procurement

Shift detai Facilities Shifts Manage Facility Shift
se Operator Facilities Workday Pattern Manage Facilities Workday Pattern
Facilities Schedule Manage Facilities schedule Used while Creating Inventory Or

Create Item Master Organization Manage Item Organization

Create Actual Inventory OrganizatioManage Inventory Organization
Configure Procurement Business FuConfigure Procurement business Function
Configure Requisitioning Business F Configure Procurement business Function
Manage Common Options for PayabManage Common Options for Payables and Procurement
Receiving Parameters Manage Receiving Parameters
Procurement Agent Manage Procurement Agent
Manage Transaction Account Definition (Accrual Account,Charge Account,Destination Charge,Destination Var
Manage Account Rules Manage Account Rules Define Tra To provide Account rule and acco
Transaction Account Definition Manage Transaction Account Definition
Manage Subledger Accounting opti Manage Subledger Accounting Options To select Transaction Accounting
Optional. Create Approval Group BPM
Manage Purchasing document Appro Manage Purchasing document Approval
ProcuremenAssign role to user
ProcuremenProvide data access for User
Create Subinventory Manage Subinventories and locators
Create Item class Manage Item Classes
Inventory Assign role to user
Provide data access for User
Create Item Product information ManagemenProduct Management->Product information
Create Requisition Approval Manage Requisition Approvals


Create Purchase order Create Order Navigation->Purchasing->Task->create Orde


To enable to do the procurement related setup's and to perform business function

Workday calender in EBS

Used while Creating Inventory Organization

nd Procurement

estination Charge,Destination Varience, varience)

To provide Account rule and account combinations for the transaction account definition

To select Transaction Accounting definition

Management->Product information Management->Create Item

n->Purchasing->Task->create Order
Configuations Roles
Accounts Receivable Manager
Create implementation user Accounts Receivable Specialist
Create implementation project with financials provision Billing Manager
Billing Specialist
Revenue Manager
Enterprise Structure and Ledgers Overview Revenue Analyst
Reviewing shared components
Rapid implementation/manual
Uploading chart of accounts file
Deploying the accounting flexfield
Uploading the financials common entities file
Completing ledger configuration
Viewing legal entity
Viewing BU
Viewing the assigned business unit functions
creating reference data set
Managing BU set assignment
Managinng data access for user

Configuring Oracle Fusion Receivables

Reviewing receivables system options Done
Reviewing Autoaccounting rules Done
Reviewing Remit-to address Done
Reviewing Receivables activities Done
Reviewing Statement cycle Done
Define Transaction type Done
Define transaction source Done
Creating bank,branches and bank accounts Done
Creating a reciept class and receipt method Done
creating receipt source Done

Configuring Oracle Fusion Tax

creating US sales tax using tax configuration workbook
creating a VAT tax using tax configuration workbook
Using tax simulator to test recievables transaction
enable tax for calculation

Creating three accounting rules
Creating description rule
Creating two journal line rule
Creating journal entry rule set
Duplicating and modifying accounting method
Processing Receivables Transactions and Receipts Overview
Defining customer profile class Done
creating customer Done

Entering Transactions and Payments Overview

Opening GL and AR period Done
creating manual invoice Done
creating receipt Done
submitting create accounting in draft
submitting create accounting in Final/Post

Configuring Oracle Fusion Cash Management

Managing bank statement transaction code
Managing bank statement transaction creation rules
Managing bank statement reconciliaton matching rule
Managing bank statement reconciliaton tolarence rule
Managing bank statement reconciliaton rule set
Assigning a rule set to bank account
performing bank statement reconciliation with Autoreconciliation

Configuring Oracle Fusion Advanced Collections

Getting started with advanced collections
setting preferences and correspondence
Creating ageing method
creating a collector Done
Reviewing Dunning template
Creating strategy task
Creating strategy


Introducing Receivables
Practice 3-1: Viewing a Business Unit Business Function
Practice 3-2: Opening General Ledger and Receivables Periods Demonstration

Processing Receivables Transactions and Receipts

Practice 4-1: Defining a Customer Profile Class. Done
Practice 4-2: Creating a Customer Done
Practice 4-3: Merging Duplicate Customers Demonstration
Practice 5-1: Creating a Manual Invoice Done
Practice 5-2: Creating a Balance Forward Billing Cycle and Paym Done
Practice 5-3: Creating a Balance Forward Bill Done
Practice 5-4: Creating a Recurring Bill Plan
Practice 5-5: Creating a Credit Memo Done
Practice 6-1: Creating Banks, Branches, and Bank Accounts Done
Practice 6-2: Creating a Receipt Class and Receipt Method Done
Practice 6-3: Creating a Receipt Done
Practice 6-4: Creating a Manual Refund
Practice 7-1: Creating an Invoice Using an Invoicing Rule

Performing Receivables Period Close and Reporting

Practice 8-1: Submitting Create Accounting in Final/Post Demonstration
Practice 8-2: Running the Applied Receipts Register Report
Practice 8-3: Setting a Receivables Period to Close Pending Demonstration
Practice 8-4: Submitting the Prepare Receivables to General Ledger Reconciliation
Practice 8-5: Running the Receivables to Ledger Reconciliation Report
Configuations Job
Receivable Manager
Receivable Specialist Receivables System options Configuration Manage Receivables System options
Define Transaction type Manage Transaction Type
Define Transaction source Manage Transaction Source
Define AutoAccounting Rules Manage AutoAccounting Rules

Define Receivables Payment Terms Manage Receivables Payment Terms

Define Statement Cycles Manage Statement Cycles
Define Collectors Manage Collectors
Define Customer Profile Classes Manage Customer Profile Classes
Account address set-EntCreate Customer Create Customer
Create Customer Site/Address Create Customer
To header and site levelAssign Customer profile class Manage Customer
Define Reference data set for Customer Site Manage Reference data set
Assign Reference data set to Business Unit(CusManage Business Unit Set assignments
Create Remit-to-AddressDefine Remit-to-Address Manage Remit-to-Addresses
Define Standard Memo Lines Manage Standard Memo Lines
Define Receivables
Earned and unearned discount Activities
for receipt method required. Manage Receivables Activities
Create Remittance BankDefine
a receipt class and receipt method Manage Receipt classes and method
Define receipt sources Manage Receipt sources
Accounts Receivables Ma Assign AR roles to User Security Console

Provide data access for user Data access for Users

Open AR period

Using Receivables/Transaction Processing

1.    Invoice Transaction Creation Create Transaction

2.    Credit Memo Transaction Creation
Manual Credit Memo Transaction Creation Create Transaction / Apply
Automatic Credit Memo Transaction Creation Credit Transaction

3.    Debit Memo Transaction Creation

4.    Transaction with Memo Lines

5.    Chargeback Setups & Transaction Creation
Configuration Receivables Activities for chargeback Manage Receivables Activities / Creat

6.    Standard Receipt Creation Create Receipt

7. On Account receipt Create Receipt->Action->Create onacco
7.    Misc. Receipt Setups & Process
Configuration Receivables Activities for Miscelleneous receiptManage Receivables Activities

8.    Receipt/Batch Creation in Spreadsheet & Process

Task-> Create receipts from
9.    Standard Receipt Reversal
10.    Debit Memo Receipt Reversal
11.    Reciprocal Customers Configuration & Process
Configuration Enable Reciprocal Customers at Receivables sy Manage Receivables System options

Assign Reference Data Set to BU (Customer AccManage Business Unit Set Assignments
Create Reciprocal relationship Manage Customer->Relationship

12.    Cross Currency Receipts Configuration & Process

Configuration Enable Multi-currency Account at Bank AccounManage Bank Account
Define Daily Rates Manage Daily rates

13.    Receipt Write-Off Configuration & Process

Configuration Set Receipt Write-Off limit at Receivables syst Manage Receivables System options
Define Write-off Limit for User Manage Approval Limits
Create Receivables Activity for Receipt write-ofManage Receivables Activities / Create R

14.    Customer Refund Configuration & Process

Configuration Set Minimum refund amount at Receivables syManage Receivables System options
Set Approval limit for user Manage Approval Limits
Create Receivables Activity for Refund Manage Receivables Activities / Create R

15.    Aging Methods/Buckets & Testing

Configuration Define Aging Method Manage Aging Methods
Run Aging report Collections Aging 4 Buckets

16.    Revenue Reorganization Configuration & Process

Configuration Setup AutoAccounting Rule Manage AutoAccounting Rules
Create Revenue Schedules(Accounting Rules) Manage Revenue Scheduling Rules

Run Recognize Revenue Process Run "Recognize Revenue"

17.    Create Automatic Receipts

Configuration Create Automatic Receipt Classes & Method Manage Receipt classes and method
Assign Receipt class and method to customer and create customer bank account
Create Automatic Receipt Source Manage Receipt sources
Add BU to Internal Payee List Manage Internal Payee List

18.    Balance Forward Billing Configuration & Process

Configuration Create Balance Forward Billing Cycle Manage Balance Forward Billing Cycle

Create Balance Forward Billing Payment term/AManage Receivables Payment terms

Create Balance Forward Billing Customer ProfileManage Customer Profile Classes

Run the Balance Forward Billing process after tCreate Balance Forward Bill

19.    Reviewing Customer Account Details

Submitting Customer Account details Process Receivables Transa
Refreshing Customer Account details Refresh Receivables Transa

20.    File Based Data Import (FBDI) Process - Customers Conversion Process
21.    File Based Data Import (FBDI) Process - AutoInvoice Conversion Process
Configuration Complete Receivables Activity Manage Receivables Activity
Transaction source-Imported Manage Transaction Source
Define Receivables Descriptive Flexfield Manage Receivables Descriptive Flexfi

22.    Create Accounting Entries & Transfer to GL 

Create Accounting
23.    Receivables Period Close Process
24.    Receivables to General Ledger Reconciliation
Assign Financial category for AR Chart of accounts value set value
Run Receivables to Ledger Reconciliation proceprepare Receivables to Gene

Receivables to Ledger Reconciliation report Task->Receivables to Ledger Reconcilia

25. Bills Receivables

Configuration Enable Bills Receivables in the Receivables sys Manage Receivables system options
Enter Bills Receivables Account in the ReceivablManage Receivables Activities
Define Bills Receivables in AutoAccounting rule
Define Receipt Class and method for Bills ReceiManage Receipt Classes and Method
Assign Customer Drawee in Customer Site
Create Customer Bank Account
Optional Create Debit Authorization
Define Receipt Class and method for Bills Receivables Remittance

Configuration Manage LockBox Manage LockBox
Configuration Define Receipt class and Method Manage Receipt class and Method
Configuration Define Remittance Bank Account Manage Bank Account
Configuration Define Receipt Source Manage Receipt Source
Configuration Define LockBox Transmission Format Manage LockBox Transmission Format
Assign Lockbox Transmission format in Process receipt through Lockbox:import program
Map Purpose Comments

ables System options

ction Source
counting Rules

ables Payment Terms

Statement for customers

mer Profile Classes

nce data set

ss Unit Set assignments
rd Memo Lines Is used when the item is not from Inventory
ables Activities
t classes and method
Used in Batch receipting process

Billing->Create Transaction

Billing->Create Transaction / Receivables->Accounts Receivables

Billing->Credit Transaction

ables Activities / Creat When the cutomer pays partial amount and asks to move the due date for the remaining amount

Receivables->Accounts Receivables
>Action->Create onaccoLike Prepayment

ables Activities

Receivables->Accounts Receivables
Like Third Party payment
ables System options

ss Unit Set Assignments


ables System options

ables Activities / Create Receipt->Action-> Create Write-off

ables System options

ables Activities / Create Receipt->Action-> Create Refund

Schedulled Process

To Distribute revenue across periods

counting Rules
ue Scheduling Rules

Schedulled processes

t classes and method

mer bank account

Consolidated Billing
e Forward Billing Cycle

ables Payment terms

mer Profile Classes

Schedulled Processes

Schedulled Processes
Schedulled Processes

rsion Process
ersion Process
ables Activity
ction Source
ables Descriptive Flexfi Line Transactions->RA_INTERFACE_LINES

Schedulled Processes

ts value set value Open Chart of account value set - natural Account: Set Financial category as Accounts Payable for the
Scheduled Process

es to Ledger Reconciliathe balance should match

ables system options

ables Activities

t Classes and Method

t class and Method

x Transmission Format
Lockbox:import program
Accounts Payable for the Liability Account

Configuring Oracle Fusion Advanced Collections

Getting started with advanced collections
setting preferences and correspondence
Creating ageing method
creating a collector
Reviewing Dunning template
Creating strategy task
Creating strategy
Configuations Job Map Purpose

Setting Preferences and Correspondence Manage Collections PreferenceGlobal Preference(What n

Define Aging Method Manage Aging Method
Define Collector Manage Collectors
Define Dunning Letter Manage Dunning Configurations
Define Strategy tasks Manage Strategy Task
Define Strategy Manage Collections Strategies

Global Preference(What needs to see in collections work area), Preference set() , Correspondence

Aged & Staged

O2C (Order to Cash Cycle) Order manager
Pricing Manager
Order Management Configuration Pricing Analyst Manage Receivables System Options
Pricing Administrator
1.    Setup Order Management Parameters Manage Order Management Parameters
2.    Create Release Sequence Rules Manage Release Sequence Rules
3.    Create Pick Slip Grouping Rules Manage Pick Slip Grouping Rules
4.    Define Ship Confirm Rules Manage Ship Confirm Rules
5.    Create Picking Rules Manage Picking Rules
6.    Set Picking Rule Assignments Manage Picking Rule Assignments
7.    Create Pick Wave Release Rules Manage Pick Wave Release Rules
8.    Create Staging Sub Inventory Manage Subinventory and Locator
9.    Configure Shipping Parameters Manage Shipping Parameters
10.    Create Collector
11.    Create Payment Terms
12.    Create Statement Cycles
13.    Create Customer Profile Class
14.    Create Reference Data Set for Customer Site
15.    Assign Reference Data Set to BU
16.    Create Customer & Addresses (Site)
17.    Setup Customer Account Description
18.    Assign OM Roles to User
19.    Assign Pricing Roles to User
20.    Provide Data Access for User
21.    Run LDAP Job
22.    Create Price List Manage Price List
23.    Create Pricing Segment (Standard Lookups) Manage Standard Lookups
24.    Create Pricing Strategy for Price List Manage Price Strategy
25.    Create Customer Pricing Profile
26.    Create Pricing Segments
27.    Define Pricing Strategy Assignment
28.    Create Carriers (Shipping Methods)
29.    Create Transaction Types
Planning Source System
Run Collect Planning Data

31.    Create Sourcing Rules

32.    Setup Sourcing Assignment Set
33.    Set Default Profile Option for Set Manage Administrator Profile values
34.    Create ATP Rules Manage ATP Rules
35.    Refresh data in OM
36.    Complete AR Configuration
37.    AutoAccounting - All Type of Accounts
38.    Open AR Periods
Transaction Process (O2C)

1.    Create Sales Order

2.    Validate Sales Order
3.    Book Sales Order (Submit)
4.    Pick Release
5.    Confirm Pick Release
6.    Confirm Shipping (Ship Confirmation)
7.    System Interfaces SO Information to AutoInvoice Interface
8.    Import Sales Order Information into AR as AutoInvoice
9.    Create Receipt, Apply on Transaction
Job Map Purpose Comments

Assign the inventory Organization

Item Validation Organization: Values

Pricing Administration

Pricing Administration
Pricing Administration
Pricing Administration
Pricing Administration

Supply Chain Planning

Supply Chain Planning

Supply Chain Planning

Supply Chain Planning
Supply Chain Planning
Cash Manager
Configuring Cash Management for Payables
Practice 13-1: Managing Bank Statement Transaction Codes
Practice 13-2: Managing Bank Statement Transaction Creation Rules
Practice 13-3: Managing Bank Statement Reconciliation Tolerance
Practice 13-4: Managing Bank Statement Reconciliation Matching Rules
Practice 13-5: Managing Bank Statement Reconciliation Rule Sets
Practice 13-6: Assigning a Rule Set to a Bank Account
Practice 13-7: Performing a Bank Statement Reconciliation with Auto reconciliation


Configuring Oracle Fusion Cash Management

Managing bank statement transaction code
Managing bank statement transaction creation rules
Managing bank statement reconciliaton matching rule Configuration
Managing bank statement reconciliaton tolarence rule
Managing bank statement reconciliaton rule set
Assigning a rule set to bank account
performing bank statement reconciliation with Autoreconciliation
Processing Electronic Bank Statement
Reporting the Bank Account balances
Record first Presentment items like Bank charges,fees to the GL
Reconcile the bank statement to payments paid and received
Define Parse Rule sets to transform data during import process

Supports Following protocols:

BAI02 Bank Administration Institute
Swift MT 940 Society for wordwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
EDIFACT FINSTA Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, commerce, Transportation and Financial Statem
ISO20022 International Standard Organization
Import non-standard bank statement formats via spearsheet

Cash to General ledger Reconciliation Report
Bank Statement report
Cash in Transit report
Bank statement analysis report
Configuations Job Map Purpose

Managing bank statement transaction code Manage bank statemen

To create Bank transaction code to create Bank sta


Create Bank Statement - Manual

Automatic Reconciliation
Define Bank Reconciliation Matching Rule Manage Bank Reconciliation Matching Rule
Define Bank Reconciliation Rule Set Manage Bank Reconciliation Rule Set
Assign the Rule Set to the Bank Account

External Cash transaction - Manual

External Cash transaction - Automatic
Define Bank Transaction creation matching rule Manage Bank Transaction creation matching rule
Define Bank Transaction Mapping type Manage Bank Transaction Mapping type
Assign to the Bank Account

Key Setups for Bank Statement Processing

Cash Transaction Type Mapping for Payables, Receivables and Payroll

Transaction code
Code Map Groups ode lookups
Bank Statement Formats
Parse Rule Sets
Transaction Creation Rules

Bank Statement Reconciliation Setups

Tolerance Rule
Bank Statement Reconcilation Matching Rule
Bank statement Reconcilation Rule Set

ation and Financial Statement of Account

Additional Setups
Manage Payment Method
Configure Payment Method Defaulting rule for Cash Transaction

k transaction code to create Bank statement

matching rule

Mapping Cash
Transaction Types to:
Payables Payment
Receivables Receipt
Payroll Payment types

Used in:
Parsing Rule Sets
Bank Statement
Transaction Creation
Bank Statements
Balance-Opening and
closing book balances
Transaction-used on
bank statement lines
Configuations Roles
Asset Accountant

Configuring Assets
Practice 5-1: Reviewing Assets Key Flexfields Demonstration
Practice 5-2: Creating a New Category and a New Location
Practice 5-3: Defining Values for Asset Clearing and CIP Clearing Accounts
Practice 5-4: Reviewing Asset System Control Options Demonstration
Practice 5-5: Managing Fiscal Years
Practice 5-6: Managing Asset Calendars
Practice 5-7: Managing Prorate Conventions
Practice 5-8: Managing Fixed Assets Lookups
Practice 6-2: Managing Asset Categories

Managing the Asset Lifecycle

Practice 7-1: Adding an Asset Directly into your Asset Book Optional
Practice 7-3: Processing Payables Invoice Lines for Mass Asset Additions
Practice 7-4: Merging Invoice Lines for Mass Additions
Practice 7-5: Splitting Invoice Lines for Mass Additions
Practice 7-6: Adding Invoice Lines to an Existing Asset
Practice 7-7: Adding a CIP Asset as a Shell and Adding Cost to a CIP Asset Asset Accountan
Practice 7-8: Capitalizing a CIP Asset
Practice 8-1: Performing a Category Change on an Asset
Practice 8-2: Adjusting Asset Units
Practice 8-3: Adjusting Asset Cost
Practice 8-4: Transferring an Asset
Practice 8bPhysical Inventory
Practice 9-Depreciating Assets
Retiring Assets
Practice 12-1: Creating a Tax Book Create Invoice an
Practice 12-2: Managing Asset Categories for Your Tax Book Create Invoice an
Practice 12-4: Performing the Initial Mass Copy Create Invoice an

Accounting and Reporting on Assets
Practice 11-1: Submitting the Create Accounting Process
Practice 11-2: Performing Online Inquiry Configuration
Practice 11-3: Submitting the Asset Additions Report


Asset Bookwise
Configuations Job Map Purpose Comments

Oracle Fusion Fixed Asset Setup

Create Value Sets for category KFF Manage Fixed Assets Flexfield value Sets Same as Chart of Accounts Va
Create Value Sets for Locations KFF Manage Fixed Assets Flexfield value Sets Same as Chart of Accounts Va
Create Value Sets for Asset Key KFF Manage Fixed Assets Flexfield value Sets Same as Chart of Accounts Va
Create Category KFF Structure Manage Fixed Assets Key Flexfields Category Flexfield
Create Location KFF Structure Manage Fixed Assets Key Flexfields Location Flexfield
Create Asset Key KFF Structure Manage Fixed Assets Key Flexfields Asset Key
Create Category KFF Structure Instance Manage Fixed Assets Key Flexfields
Create Location KFF Structure Instance Manage Fixed Assets Key Flexfields
Create Asset Key KFF Structure Instance Manage Fixed Assets Key Flexfields
Create Segment Values for the 3 KFF Manage Fixed Assets Flexfield value Sets
Create System Controls Manage System Control This is a one time activities in
Create Fiscal Year Calender Manage Fiscal Years
Create Asset Calender/Depreciation Cale Manage Asset Calender Same data as accounting calen

Define Prorate Convension Manage Prorate Convension

Define Prorate Calender Manage Asset Calender
Create Asset Book / Corporate book Manage Asset Books
Create Tax book Manage Tax book
Create Asset Category Manage Asset Category

Assign FA Role Security Role

Provide data access for user Manage Data access for users

Using Fixed Asset Processing

1.    Manual Additions Add Assets Navigator->Fixed Assets-> Assets

2.    Asset Creation using Spreadsheet/ADFdi
Add Assets in Spreadsheet / PNavigator->Fixed AsseAdfdi required
3.    Mass Additions Create Mass Addition Navigator-> AP -> Inv Create in Payables and post in
4.    Merge Asset Lines Create Mass Addition / MergeNavigator-> AP -> Inv Create in Payables and post in
5.    Split Asset Lines Create Mass Addition / Spilt i Navigator-> AP -> Inv Create in Payables and post in
6.    CIP Asset & CIP Capitalization
Provide CIP Accounts in Asset Category Manage Asset Category / AddNavigator->Fixed
A Assets-> Assets

7.    Reclassification
Crreate another asset category Manage Asset Category
Adjust Asset Adjust Asset Navigator->Fixed Assets-> Assets

8.    Run Depreciation (Draft/Final)

How to Calculate Depreciation Calculate Depreciation / Manage All Books
Journal Entry Reserve Ledger Schedulled Process

9.    Mass Copy

Create Tax Book Manage Tax book
Assign Category to tax book Manage Asset Category
Assign tax Book to user Data Access for Users
Copy All the assets into the Tax books Manage All books Navigator->For Specific period
Copy All the assets into the Tax books Perform Initial Mass Copy SchedulledFor all Period

10.    What-if Analysis Perform Whatif Analysis Navigator->To check the depreciation details
11.    Rollback Depreciation Navigator->Do Anychang
Only in Depreciation in Draft M
12.    Asset Retirement Retire Assets Navigator->Fixed Assets-> Assets
13.    Asset Reinstatements Reinstate Assets Navigator->Fixed Assets-> Assets
14.    File Based Data Import (FBDI) Process - Assets Fixed Asset mass Additions, Fi
15.    Create Accounting Entries & TransferCreate
to GL Accounting Navigator->Fixed Assets-> Assets
16.    Assets Period Close Process

Same as Chart of Accounts Value Sets

Same as Chart of Accounts Value Sets
Same as Chart of Accounts Value Sets
Category Flexfield
Location Flexfield

This is a one time activities in an instance

Same data as accounting calender

sets-> Assets
Adfdi required
Create in Payables and post in FA
Create in Payables and post in FA
Create in Payables and post in FA

sets-> Assets

sets-> Assets
the depreciation details
Only in Depreciation in Draft Mode
sets-> Assets
sets-> Assets
Fixed Asset mass Additions, Fixed Asset mass Adjustment, Fixed Asset mass Retirement, Fixed Asset mass Transfers
sets-> Assets

Create implementation user

Create implementation project with financials provision

Create user(employee)

Enterprice structure
Reviewing shared components
Rapid implementation/manual process
Uploading chart of accounts file
Verifying deployment was successful
Uploading ledger,ledger entity and BU file
Reviewing an existing legal jurisdiction
Reviewing legal address for legal entity and reporting unit
Creating legal authority
searching legal entity
viewing legal reporting unit

Configuring General Ledger Components

Searching value sets
searching chart of accounts structure and instance
Deploying chart of accounts
creating accountshorthand alias
entering values
searching and completing your accounts hierarchy
publishing accounts hierarchy
creating accounts combination
define cross validation rules
verying calender
Creating currencies
creating conversion rate type
entering daily rates
entering currency conversion journal
creating journal approval rules
creating suspense account
creating statistical unit of measure
creating special journal source
creating accounting sequence
creating processing schedule

Configuring Ledgers and Intercompany

searching ledger
verifying ledger options
verifying legal entities and balance segments assignment
defining reporing currency
completing ledger configuration
creating ledger set
Reviewing data access set security
Creating data access set security
Setting new rule demonstration
Viewing intrcompany balance rules and secondary and clearing company balance options
creating intercompany batch
submitting and reviewing reconciliation report

Configuring Period Close Components

Opeing first accounitng period
creating revaluation

Configuring Financial Reporting

Viewing accounts analysis report from the financial reporting center
creating a report:defining a grid
creating a report:Adding formula to total expense
creating a report:defining a rolling 12-period column
creating a report:defining the grid and user point of view dimensions
creating a report:setting properties
creating a report:adding a logo and title
reviewing a report
setting up the general accounting expense infolet for all users
viewing an account group from the financial reporting center

Introducing Budgets and Consolidations

creating chart of accounts mapping
submitting the transfer ledger balance process
uploading budget using spreadsheet
creating smart view as hoc analysis

Configuring the Key General Ledger Components
Practice 4-1: Reviewing Shared Components
Practice 4-2: Searching for a Legal Entity
Practice 4-3: Entering Values
Practice 4-4: Defining Cross-Validation Rules
Practice 4-5: Creating an Account Combination
Practice 4-6: Creating an Account Shorthand Alias
Practice 5-1: Creating a Calendar
Practice 5-2: Creating a Primary Ledger
Practice 5-3: Specifying Ledger Options
Practice 5-4: Defining Reporting Currencies
Practice 5-5: Completing the Ledger Configuration
Practice 5-6: Creating a Ledger Set
Practice 5-7: Reviewing Data Access Set Security
Practice 5-8: Opening the First Accounting Period
Practice 11-1: Creating a Suspense Account
Practice 11-2 Creating a Statistical Unit of Measure
Practice 11-3: Creating a Processing Schedule

Performing GL Period Close and Reporting

Practice 9-1 Creating and Generating an Allocation Rule
Practice 9-2 Defining and Running a Revaluation
Practice 9-3 Creating a Translation
Practice 10-1 Using the New Financial Reporting Center
Practice 10-2 Creating a Report: Defining a Grid
Practice 10-3 Creating a Report: Adding a Formula for Total Expenses
Practice 10-4 Creating a Report: Defining a Rolling 12-Period Column
Practice 10-5 Creating a Report: Defining the Grid and User Point of View Dimensions
Practice 10-6 Creating a Report: Setting Properties
Practice 10-7 Creating a Report: Adding a Logo and Title
Practice 10-8 Reviewing a Report
Practice 10-9 Setting Up the General Accounting Expense Infolet Demonstration
Practice 10-10 Viewing an Account Group From the Financial Reporting Center Demonstration
Practice 12-1 Creating a Chart of Accounts Mapping
Practice 12-2 Submitting the Transfer Ledger Balances Process

Managing Journal Entries, Budgeting, and Account Inquiries

Practice 6-1 Creating a Journal Source and Category
Practice 6-2 Entering and Posting a Manual Journal
Practice 6-3 Reverse a Journal Manually
Practice 6-4 Entering and Posting a Journal in a Spreadsheet
Practice 6-5 Using the Account Monitor
Practice 6-6 Using the Account Inspector
Practice 7-1 Creating a Currency
Practice 7-2 Creating Conversion Rate Types
Practice 7-3 Entering Daily Rates
Practice 7-4 Entering and Reviewing a Foreign Currency Journal
Practice 8-1 Creating Intercompany Transactions with Invoice Generation
Practice 8-2 Running the Reconciliation Report
Practice 8-3 Creating Intercompany Transactions Using a Spreadsheet
Practice 13-1 Uploading a Budget Using a Spreadsheet
Practice 13-2 Creating a Smart View Ad Hoc Analysis
Primary Ledger
GL Roles Configuations
Chief Financial officer
General Accountant
General Accounting Enable Sequencing for the respective countri
Financial Analyst Sequence aTo create sequencing for GL and Reporting
Optional To check whether changes are reflecting for

Define Cross Validation Rules & Deploy Flexfi

Security Rules
As per Vid OPTIONAL Define Shorthand Alias
As per Vid OPTIONAL Define Account combination

Using Fixed Asset Processing

1. Understanding Role Based Dashboards

2.    Create Journals & Post
3.    Journal Approval Configuration & Testing
Configurat Create Approval Group
Create Approval Rule
Enable Journal Approvals at Ledger
Enable Journal Approvals at Sources

4.    Create Journals in ADFdi

5.    Loading Journals from FBDI Templates
6.    Foreign Currency Journals Setups & Process
7.    Reverse Journals Setups & Process
Configurat 8.    Data Access Set Setups & Process
Optional Configurat 9.    Security Rules Setups & Process
Optional Configurat 10.    Cross-Validation Rules Setups & Process
Configurat 11.    Create Ledger Set Setups & Process
12.    Create Reporting Ledger/Reporting Currency Setups & Process
Configurat Creating Reporting Ledger Currency

Open Periods in Reporting Ledger

Set Daily Rates
13.    Create Secondary Ledger Setups & Process
Configurat Create COA for Secondary Ledger
Create Secondary Ledger
Specify Ledger Options
Map Primary and Secondary COA
Create Mapping between Primary and second
Open Secondary Ledger Period

14.    Auto Posting Setups & Process

Configurat Define Autopost Criteria

15.    Auto Reversal Setups & Process

Configurat Define Journal Reversal Criteria
Enable Journal reversal for Ledger

16.    Revaluation Setups & Process

Configurat Define Daily Rate

17.    Translation Setups & Process

Configurat Define Rates for Period-End,Period Average,H
Set Default Rate Type for Ledger, Provide C
Add Translation Currency to Ledger
Run Translation

18.    Consolidation Setups & Process

Configurat Create Consolidation Ledger
Specify Ledger Options
Map Subsidiary and Consolidation COA's
Transfer Balances from Subsidiary and Conso

19.    Generating Reports from Financial Reporting Studio (FRS)

20.    Generating Reports from Smart View

21.    Account Inspector 

23.    Account Monitor
24.    GL Period Close Process
25. Budget
Configurat Create Accounting calender for Budget
Define Budgetary Controls
Create Budget
Roles to User
Data Access for User
Disable Manage reporting currencies
Manage Daily rates

26. Journal Source & Category

Optional Configurat Create Journal Source
Create Journal Category

27. Create Suspense Accounts

Configurat Create Suspense Accounts

28. Creating a Statistical Unit of Measure

Configurat Creating a Statistical Unit of Measure

29. Creating a Processing Schedule

Configurat Creating a Processing Schedule
Run General Ledger Account Detail Report

Account Monitor

Account Inspector

1. Setting Up a New Rule
Configurat Setup Balancing Rule

Configurat 2. Review Secondary and Clearing Company b

Configurat Define Allocation Rule

Intercompany Transaction setups

Define Intercompany System Options

Define Intercompany transaction type
Define Intercompany Period Status
Define Intercompany Organization
Define Invoicing Options
Define Transaction Account Rule
Define Intercompany Balancing Rules
Main Record Keeping ledger
Used to translate ledger currency to another currency. Difference is posted to Cumulative adjustment account
Job Map Purpose

Specify Ledger option

Manage accounting and reporting sequences
Daily Journals Report/Journal LedScheduled Process

Manage Cross-Validation Rules / Chart of accounts S Cross-validation (also known as cross-segment validation) controls th

Manage Chart of Account Value Sets balance segment securi

Manage Shorthand Alias
Manage Account Combination

on & Testing

Specify Ledger Options

Manage Journal Sources

Create Journals in Spreadsheet

tups & Process

Manage Data Access Set To give Read Only/Read and Write access
Manage Chart of Account Value Sets balance segment securi
Manage Cross-Validation Rules / Chart of accounts S Cross-validation (also known as cross-segment validation) controls th
Manage Ledger Set To create 1 ledger set for multiple ledgers(Same COA,Accounting cale
eporting Currency Setups & Process
Manage Reporting Currencies

Manage Daily rates

etups & Process
Manage Chart of account structure
Manage Secondary Ledger
Specify Ledger Options
Manage Chart of Accounts Mapping
Complete Primary to Secondary Ledger Mapping

Manage Autopost Criteria Set

Manage Journal Reversal Criteria Set

Specify Ledger Options

Manage Daily Rates

Manage Currency Rate Types Define Rates for Period

Specify Ledger Options
Manage Reporting Currencies

Manage Primary Ledger

Specify Ledger Options
Manage Chart of Accounts mapping
Transfer Ledger Balances Schedulled Processes

nancial Reporting Studio (FRS)

Manage Accounting Calender Calender for Budget on

Manage Budgetary Control
Manage Control Budgets

Manage reporting currencies For journal

Manage Daily rates For journal

Manage Journal Source

Manage Journal Category

Manage Suspense Accounts

Manage Statistical Unit of Measure

Manage Processing Schedule

General Ledger Account Detail ReSchedulled Processes

General Accouting Dashboard

Period close-> Inquire and analyse balances

Manage Intercompany balancing Rules

Manage Secondary and Clearing Company balancing Options

Calculation Manager
tive adjustment account

Journal Entry Type: Subledger, Sequencing Event: Period Close

ation (also known as cross-segment validation) controls the combinations of values you can create when you enter values for key flexfi

Create Security Rules.Assign the Security Rule to Roles.Deploy Accounting Flecfield.Create User and assign the roles to use

Journals Import
Daily Rate is Mandatory to update

d Only/Read and Write access

Create Security Rules.Assign the Security Rule to Roles.Deploy Accounting Flecfield.Create User and assign the roles to use
ation (also known as cross-segment validation) controls the combinations of values you can create when you enter values for key flexfi
ledger set for multiple ledgers(Same COA,Accounting calender)

Currency conversion level-journal

Create Rate types, and daily rates and Historical Rate

Currency conversion level-balance

Consolidation requirement:


Budget Analyst , Budget Manager

Calculation Manager is a tool used for allocation expenses and revenue depending on our need
nter values for key flexfields. A cross-validation rule defines whether a value of a particular segment can be combined with specific val

d assign the roles to user & provide data access

d assign the roles to user & provide data access

nter values for key flexfields. A cross-validation rule defines whether a value of a particular segment can be combined with specific val
combined with specific values of other segments.

combined with specific values of other segments.

Configuations Job Map Purpose Comments
Defining Grid
Adding formula
Defining rolling period
Defining grid and user point of view
Setting properties
Adding logo and title
Configuations Roles

Configuring and Using Expenses

Practice 4-1: Reviewing Expenses System Options
Practice 4-2: Creating an Expense Report Template
Practice 4-3: Reviewing Approval Rules (Demonstration)
Practice 4-4: Setting Warning and Error Limits on a Conversion Rate (Demonstration)
Practice 4-5: Viewing a Conversion Rate Policy Warning and Error
Practice 5-1: Touring the Simplified Work Area
Practice 5-2: Creating an Expense Report
Practice 5-3: Marking an Expense Item as a Recurring Expense
Practice 5-4: Adding a New Primary Bank Account
Practice 5-5: Adding a Delegate to the Delegate and Permissions Page
Practice 6-1: Setting Up a Car Rental Expense Policy Optional
Practice 6-2: Setting Up an Accommodations Expense Policy
Practice 6-3: Setting Up a Meals Expense Policy
Practice 6-4: Setting Up a Miscellaneous Expense Policy
Practice 6-5: Setting Up an Airfare Expense Policy Optional
Practice 6-6 Setting Up a Mileage Expense Policy
Practice 7-1: Creating a Corporate Card Program
Practice 7-2: Setting Up a Corporate Card Usage Policy Warning (Demonstration)
Practice 8-1: Creating Receipt and Notification Rules
Practice 9-1: Creating an Audit List Rule Optional
Practice 9-2: Adding an Employee Expense Report to the Audit List
Practice 9-3: Selecting Audit Selection Rules (Demonstration)
Practice 10-1: Configuring Cash Advances (Demonstration) Optional
Practice 10-2 Requesting a Cash Advance

Processing Expense Reimbursements Optional

Practice 12-1: Creating and Submitting an Expense Report (Demonstration)

Using Travel Integration and Mobile Devices Optional

Practice 14-1:Setting Up Travel Integration (Demonstration)
Practice 14-2: Creating and Importing a Trip Itinerary

Managing Expense Reporting
Practice 16-1: Creating Ad Hoc Reports for Expenses
Configuations Job Map Purpose Comments

Configurat Configure Expense System Option Manage Expenses System Option

Configurat Create Expense Report Template Manage Expenses Report Template
Create New User

Create Manager User

Assign Employee-Manager relationship
Provide Default Expense Account Manage User
Configurat Create Approval Rules BPW
Provide Roles to User
Provide Data access for User

Additional Configuations
0. Expense Policy
Configurat Define Expense Policy Manage Policies by Expense Category
Assign the Expense Policy to expense Template Manage Expense report template

01. Auditing Expense

Configurat Define Expense Audit List Rule Manage Expense Audit List Rules
Adding Employee Expense Report to Audit List Manage Aud
Expense->Auditing->Tasks>manage Audit list Membe
Define Expense report Audit Selection Rule Manage Expense report Audit Selection Rule

Configurat 1. Setting Warning and Error Limits on a ConverManage Conversion raTo give TolThis is a one time activities in an

2. Cash Advances
Configurat Define Cash Advances policies Manage Cash Advances policies
Define Cash Advances Approval Rules Manage Expense ApprCash Advance Approval

3. Define Receipt and Notification Rules

Configurat Define Receipt and Notification Rules Manage Expense Report Receipt and Notification Rules
Assign the Receipt rule to expense report temp Manage Export report template

4. Define Corporate card(Credit card)

Configurat Define Corporate card Mapping Rules Manage Corporate card ExpenseSource Lookup type: MIS Indust
Define Corporate card program Manage Corporate Card Programs
Assign the Mapping rules to corporate card pr Manage Corporate Card Programs

5. Setting up Corporate Card Usage Policy Warning

Configurat Define Corporate Card Usage Policy Manage Corporate Card Usage Policy

6. Settingup Travel Integration

Configurat Enable travel Integration Manage Expnese SystEnable Travel
Define Travel Integration Manage Travel Partner Integration
Run Import Travel Itineraries Import Travel Itineraries
Enable Itinerary Validation Rules Manage Travel Policy Lookup Type

User End

Employee# create expense report & submit for Expense Navigator->Expense

Manager# approve the expense report
Run "Process expense reimbursement"
Find payment request invoice in PA

Configurat Configure Credit Card

Configure corporate card Issuers Manage Corporate card issuers

Tasks>manage Audit list Membership

election Rule

This is a one time activities in an instance

ance Approval

t and Notification Rules

Source Lookup type: MIS Industry Codes

Configuring Tax and Subledger Accounting for Payables
Practice 8-1: Viewing a Calculated Tax on a Payables Transaction Demonstration
Practice 8-2: Creating a US Sales Tax Using the Tax Configuration Workbook
Practice 8-3: Creating a VAT Tax Using the Tax Configuration Workbook (Optional)
Practice 8-4: Using the Tax Simulator to Test a Payables Transaction
Practice 8-5: Enabling Your Tax for Transactions

Configuring Oracle Fusion Tax

creating US sales tax using tax configuration workbook Location-P
creating a VAT tax using tax configuration workbook
Using tax simulator to test recievables transaction
enable tax for calculation

Determining Factor


Configuations Job Map Purpose Comments

Create Tax Regime Manage Tax Regime

Create Tax Manage Taxes

Create Tax jurisdictiomn Manage Taxes
Create Tax Status Manage Taxes
Create Tax Rates Manage Taxes
Create Configuration Owner Tax optManage Configuration Owner Tax option

Manage Geography - check Tax validManage Geography

Create Location Manage Location

Assign the Location to Supplier site Supplier Site Assignment

Run"Validate Geographies AddresseValidate Geographies Addresses Schedule Process
Enable Tax for Simulator Manage Taxes
Tax Simulator Manage Tax Sumulator
Enable tax for transaction Manage Taxes



Tax Configurations - Foundation

Create Tax Regime Manage Tax Regime

Create Tax Manage Taxes
Manage Party tax Profile Manage Party tax Profile
Create Tax jurisdiction Manage Tax jurisdiction
Create Tax Status Manage Tax Status
Create Tax Rates Manage Tax Rates
Manage Configurations owners Tax Manage Configurations owners Tax options
Tax Recovery rate Manage Tax Recovery rate
Tax Rules Manage Tax Rules
Manage Tax Reporting Manage Tax Reporting
Run Tax Simulation Run Tax Simulation
Rapid Implementation

Manage Tax Regime

Manage Taxes
Manage Tax Rates
Manage Tax Recovery rates
Tax Configuration Workbook Manage Tax Thresholds

Manage Tax Rules

Manage Tax Excemptions
Manage Party Classification
Manage Tax Reporting Codes
Manage Tax Payer Identifier
Manage Product Fiscal
Manage Payables Tax Determinant
Manage Tax Regime Subscriptions
Tax Implementation Workbook Manage Tax Registrations
Configuati Job Map Purpose Comments

7.Import Supplier Products a

Optional Configurat 24.    File Based Data Import (FBDI)
for da8.Import
- Suppliers
Download Template from Oracle OER
Prepare template data
Convert data templates to CSV format
Upload theFile ImportNavigator->File Import and Export
Mova dataLoad InterfScheduled Process
Import dataImport SupScheduled Process

Optional Configurat 25.    File Based Data Import (FBDI)

for daOepn
- Openinvoice
Invoices Conversion P
Download Template from Oracle OER
Prepare template data
Convert data templates to CSV format
Upload theFile ImportNavigator->File Import and Export
Mova dataLoad Interface File for Import -> Import Payables Invoices
Import dataImport Payables Invoices

20.    File Based Data Import (FBDI) Process Customer

- Customers Conversion Proc

21.    File Based Data Import (FBDI) Process Autoinvoice

- AutoInvoice Conversion Pro
Configurat Complete RManage Receivables Activity
Transactio Manage Transaction Source
Define ReceManage Receivables Descriptive Flexfield

14.    File Based Data Import (FBDI) Process Fixed

- Assets
Asset mass Additions, F

5.    Loading Journals from FBDI Templates Journal Import


7.Import Supplier Products and Services Categories

8.Import Supplier Attachments

ort and Export

Oepn invoice

ort and Export

> Import Payables Invoices


Fixed Asset mass Additions, Fixed Asset mass Adjustment, Fixed Asset mass Retirement, Fixed Asset mass Transfers

Journal Import
Practice 11-1: Creating Three Account Rules Optional
Practice 11-2: Creating a Description Rule
Practice 11-3: Creating Two Journal Line Rules Optional
Practice 11-4: Creating a Journal Entry Rule Set Optional
Practice 11-5: Duplicating and Modifying an Accounting Method Optional
Practice 11-6: Submitting Create Accounting in Draft and Viewing the Subledger Journal in Payabl
Practice 11-7: Submitting Create Accounting in Final/Post

Creating three accounting rules
Creating description rule
Creating two journal line rule
Creating journal entry rule set
Duplicating and modifying accounting method
Configuations Job Map Purpose Comments
Custom formula Manage Custom Formula
Multiperiod Accounting
Mapping Sets
Account Rules
Description Rule
Supporting references
Journal Line Rules
Journal Entry Rule Set
Subledger Accounting Method

MultiPeriod Accouting
Define custom Formula
Assign the Custom Formula to Accounting Event Class and Accouting Attribute
Define Multiperiod Class
Define Journal line rules
Assign the Custom Formule and Multiperiod CLass to journal line rule
Assign the Journal line rules to journal line rule set
Assign the rule set to accounting method

Support.oracle.com 1387777.1 1458904

Enterprise Structure and Financial Reporting Structure

Common Applications Configurations

Legal Structure
Financial Reporting Structure
Organizational structure
Reference Data Set

Enterprise Structure
Manage Geography
Manage Legal Entity
Manage Business Unit

Financial Reporting Structure

Manage Accounting Calender
Manage Currency
Manage Chart of accounts COA,Cross Validation rule,Security Rule
Accounting Method
Manage Primary Ledger
Specify Ledger Options

Accounts Payables

Manage Procurement Agent
Reference Data Set
Manage Payment Terms
Manage Common options for Payables and Procurement
Manage invoice Options
Manage Payment Options

Define Automated Invoice Processing Configurations
Manage Payables Calender
Manage tax Reporting and Withholding tax options
Manage Payables lookups
Manage Payables Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Payables Profile Options
Manage Payables Document Sequences
Manage Distribution Sets
Manage Invoice Tolerances
Manage Invoice Hold and Releases
Manage Aging Periods

Manage Payables Withholding Tax

Manage Interest rates
Manage Bank Charges


Define Bank Account

Define Payment System Connectivity

Define Disbursement

Define Payment Approval

Imaging Integration
Signup for Automated invoice processing Service
Raise SR for email for test and production instrance
Setup Scanners to produce TIFF images

Fusion Tax

Tax Configurations - Foundation

Create Tax Regime

Create Tax
Manage Party tax Profile Optional
Create Tax jurisdiction
Create Tax Status
Create Tax Rates
Manage Configurations owners Tax options Optional
Tax Recovery rate Optional
Tax Rules Optional
Manage Tax Reporting Optional
Run Tax Simulation

Rapid Implementation

Tax Configuration Workbook

Tax Implementation Workbook

SubLedger Accounting

Custom formula Optional
Multiperiod Accounting Optional
Mapping Sets Optional
Account Rules
Conditions Optional
Description Rule Optional
Supporting references Optional
Journal Line Rules
Journal Entry Rule Set
Subledger Accounting Method

MultiPeriod Accouting
Define custom Formula
Assign the Custom Formula to Accounting Event Class and Accouting Attribute
Define Multiperiod Class
Define Journal line rules
Assign the Custom Formule and Multiperiod CLass to journal line rule
Assign the Journal line rules to journal line rule set
Assign the rule set to accounting method

Advanced Feature of Subledger Accounting

Subledger Accounting profile Options
Accrual Reversals

Cash Management


Automatic Reconciliation:
Bank,Bank Branch,bank Account
Transaction code
Parse Rule Sets
Bank Statement Transaction Creation Rules
Cash transaction Type Mapping
Bank Statement Reconciliation Tolerence Rules
Bank Statement Reconciliation Matching Rules
Bank Statement Matching Rule Sets
Define Subledger Accounting Rules

Key Setups for Bank Statement Processing

Cash Transaction Type Mapping for Payables, Receivables and Payroll

Transaction code
Code Map Groups ode lookups
Bank Statement Formats
Parse Rule Sets
Transaction Creation Rules

Bank Statement Reconciliation Setups

Tolerance Rule
Bank Statement Reconcilation Matching Rule
Bank statement Reconcilation Rule Set

Additional Setups
Manage Payment Method
Configure Payment Method Defaulting rule for Cash Transaction


Rapid Implementation
Manage Expense System Options
Manage Expense Report Template
Manage Expense Approval Rules
Manage Conversion Rates and Policies
Initiate HCM Speadsheet Load
Load Data batch

Modify Expense Account Segment Search: EXM_ALLOW_FULL_ACCT_OVERRIDE

Controlling Automatic population of Expense Fields Search: EXM_D Date,CurreWhen the profile is set t
Disable Expense Account Segment Search: EXM_DISABLE_Company_Segment

Manage Conversion Rate and Policies To define conversion rates and warning and error f
Manage policies by Expense Category

Configure Credit Card

Configure corporate card Issuers This field is to setup corporate card company
Create Transfer Parameter Dialog Box Setup download connection data known as downlo
Configure corporate card Program and mapping rule
Disabling the Merchant Name Update on the Corporate card transactioCreate Profile option code value "EXM_DISABLE_CC
Specify Corporate card Usage Policy

Setting Receipt and notification Policies

Setting Receipt and notification Rules
Assign reciept and notification policies to expense report template

Auditing Expenses
Manage Expense Report Audit Selection Rule
Manage Expense Report Audit List Rules
Manage Expense Reports Audit Rules by Expense Templates and types
Adding Employee Expense Report to Audit List Manage Audit list Membership
Manage Expense System options

Cash Advances
Manage Cash Advance Policies
Define Cash Advances Approval Rules FinExmWorkflowCashAdvanceApprooval

Processing Expense Reimbursements and Capturing Tax

Process Expense Reimbursement Expense Auditor runs Process Expense Reimbursem

Tax Classification Code

Manage Third Party tax Profile

Assign Tax classification Code to Expense

Show/Hide Tax Classification code

Integrating Travel


Rapid Implementation
Receivables System Options
AutoAccounting Rules
Receivables Activities
Statement Cycles Weekly,Monthly Quarterly Statement

Define Approval Limits

Document types Adjustments, Credit memo Refund, Write-off

Recievables Document sequencing
Foreign currency conversions
Users for Credit memo workflow
value Sets Used for Reconciliation

Customer Billing
Autoinvoicing Process
Receivables Descriptive Flexfield RA_Interface_Lines
Autoinvoice grouping Rules Optional
Autoinvoice Line ordering Rule Optional
Autoinvoice Clearing Account Optional

Define Payment Terms

Manage Transaction Type
Manage Transaction Source

Define Standard Memo Lines Chargeback,Freight,Line,Charges,Debi Memo Rever

Balance forward Billing

Balance forward Billing Cycle
Balance forward Billing Payment Term
Customer Profile Class

Recurring invoice Setup

Receivables system options
Recurring bill plan

Customer Payments
Remittance Bank Bank,Bank Branch,Bank Account
Receipt Classes and Method
Receipt Source
AutoCash Rule
Application Rule
AutoMatch Rule

Revenue for Receivables

Setups for Revenue Recognition AutoAccounting, Salesperson System Options, Reve
Revenue Scheduling Rule
Define Revenue Policies
Define Revenue Contingencies Used to defer Revenue

Customer Setup
Manage Receivables Customer Profile Classes
Credit Management

Bill Management
Enable Bill Management Search for ARB_FEATURES and add "BILL_MANAGE
Assign BU to Job Role
Manage Bill Management Registration
Manage Bill Management System Options Customer Accounts payables Specialist

Advanced Collections
Manage Collections Preference
Manage Aging Method
Manage Collector
Configure Dunning Letter Dunning Address, Dunning Notice,Dunning Templa
Manage Strategy Task Manage Collections Scoring and Manage Collection
Manage Collections Strategies Dunning or Strategy

Manage Collections Lookups
Manage Collections Note Types and Mapping
Manage Collections Note Descriptive Flexfield

General Ledger

Chart Of Account
Cross-Validation rules
Security Rules Optional
Shorthand alias
Account Combinations

Primary Ledger
Specify Ledger Options
Assign Legal entity
Assign Balancing segment value to legal entities
Assign Balancing segment value to primary ledger used for all non-legal entities transactions such as l
Balancing segment value assignment report Used to check all BSV's assigned to legal entities an
Enable Journal Approval
Specify Journal Source(Enable approval)
Create approval rules

General Ledger Options
Manage Suspense Accounts
Manage Statistical Unit of measure
Manage Journal Source and Category
Manage Document and Journal sequencing
Manage Autopost Criteria Sets
Manage Autoreverse Criteria Sets Enable in Journal Source
Manage General Ledger Profile Options
Manage Processing Schedule

Manage Reporting Currency Conversion Level -Balance,Journal,Subledger

Secondary Ledger Conversion Level -Balance,Journal,Subledger,Adjus

Need to Assign Balancing segment to Legal entity

Enable Intercompany in Ledger options

1. Setting Up a New Rule
Setup Balancing Rule

2. Review Secondary and Clearing Company balancing Options

Define Allocation Rule

Intercompany Transaction setups

Define Intercompany System Options Enterprise level
Define Intercompany transaction type
Define Intercompany Period Status

Define Intercompany Organization

Define Invoicing Options

Define Transaction Account Rule
Define Intercompany Balancing Rules

Define rate types
Specify Rate type and CTA in ledger option
Manage Reporting ledger Corporate currency
Daily rate
Run translation

Period Close
Open and close period life cycle Never Opened,Future Enterable,Open Period,Close

Consolidation Balance Transfer Consolidation

Consolidation Method Oracle HyperionFinancial Management Fusion Editi
Consolidation Ledger
Specify Ledger option
Run Transfer Balance
Run Consolidation


Financial Reporting
Financial Reporting Center Financial Reports are Balace Sheet, Income Statem
Financial Reporting studio Components Header,Text Box,Grid,Chart,Image, Footer,Row,Col

Smart View Adhoc Analysis, Financial Reports using query desig

Oracle Transactional BI Reports

Oracle BI Publisher Reports

Fixed Assets
Assets Key Flexfield
eporting Structure

Legal Address, Legal Jurisdiction, Legal Authority

Security Rule

General information, Accounting Calender, Accounting Method, Period Close, Journal Processing

Legal entity information

Pay group(defined in Manage payables lookup), Duplicate invoice check(Defined in Lookup code

used for Payment terms, Automatic Withholding Tax, Key indicator reporting and recurring invoices

Lookup are used as list of values in applications (3 configuration level- User, Extensible,System)
Descriptive Flexfield are optional but provide implementor the ability to capture data that woul
Define Payables tax and
withholding task lists
Includes setups for US
1099 income tax
reporting and
withholding tax Manage Tax Region(Method-Same as federal,compare individually,compare sum). Manage Repo

1. Disbursement Payment
file format
2. Transmission
on Protocol,transmission
Manage Payment
Method(optional as the Manage Format
payments has many Manage Transmission Configuration
3. Payment Systems
predefined Payment Manage Payment System
Manage Payment
method defaulting Rules
PARTY LEGAL ENTITY)) Manage Payment Method(optional)
Manage Payment Codes Manage Payment method defaulting
Manage Payment Process Rules
Profile Manage Payment Codes
Manage Disbursement Manage Payment Process Profile
System Options Manage Disbursement System Options

Manage Distribution System Options

Define Approvals in BPW
Ledger and accounts
master Geographies

Options: Common Configurat

Manage Tax Regime
Manage Taxes
Manage Party tax Profile
Manage Tax jurisdiction
Manage Tax Status
Manage Tax Rates
Manage Configurations owners Tax options
Manage Tax Recovery rate
Manage Tax Rules
Manage Tax Reporting
Run Tax Simulation

Manage Tax Regime

Manage Taxes
Manage Tax Rates
Manage Tax Recovery rates
Manage Tax Thresholds

Manage Tax Rules

Manage Tax Exemptions
Manage Party Classification
Manage Tax Reporting Codes
Manage Tax Payer Identifier
Manage Product Fiscal Classifications
Manage Payables Tax Determinant
Manage Tax Regime Subscriptions
Manage Tax Registrations

Manage Legal Entity Tax Profile

Manage Legal Reporting Unit Tax Profile
Manage Party Tax Profile


Manage Custom Formula

Mapping Cash Management
Transaction Types to:
Payables Payment Methods
Receivables Receipt Method
Payroll Payment types

Used in:
Parsing Rule Sets
Bank Statement Transaction Creation
Bank Statements
Balance-Opening and closing book
Transaction-used on bank statement

L_ACCT_OVERRIDE Manage Administrative profile values

When the profile is set to N then th Manage Administrative profile values
mpany_Segment Manage Administrative profile values

s and warning and error for conversionManage Conversion Rate and Policies
Manage policies by Expense Category

rate card company Manage Corporate card issuers

on data known as download profile that
Manage corporate card Program->Create Transfer Parameter Tab
Manage corporate card Program
value "EXM_DISABLE_CC_MERCHA Manage Administrative profile values
Manage Corporate card Usage Policies
Manage Expense reports Receipt and notification rules
Manage Expense reports Templates

Manage Expense Report Audit Selection Rule

Manage Expense Report Audit List Rules
Manage Expense Reports Audit Rules by Expense Templates and types
Expense->Auditing->Tasks>manage Audit list Membership
Manage Expense System options

Manage Cash Advance Policies

anceApprooval BPW

cess Expense Reimbursement and cashSchedulled processes

1. Using Manage Tax fields

2. Update in/ while creating Expense

1. Using Manage Tax fields

2. Update in/ while creating Expense

Manage Receivables System Options

Manage AutoAccounting Rules
Manage Receivables Activities
Manage Remit-to-Address
y Statement Manage Statement Cycles

o Refund, Write-off
Manage Recievables Document sequencing
Specify Ledger Options

Manage Payment Terms

Manage Transaction Type
Manage Transaction Source

harges,Debi Memo Reversal,Tax Manage Standard Memo Lines

son System Options, Revenue Adjustment Reason Lookup Type

Manage Revenue Scheduling Rule
Navigator->Revenue->Manage Revenue Policies
Navigator->Revenue->Manage Revenue Contingencies
S and add "BILL_MANAGEMENT" Manage Standard Lookups
Manage Data access for User
Manage Bill Management Registration
les Specialist Manage Bill Management System Options

g Notice,Dunning Template,Dunning CoManage Dunning Configuration

ng and Manage Collections Scoring data point is required


ties transactions such as lawer fee etc

signed to legal entities and ledger Scedulled processes
Specify Ledger Options
Manage Journal Source

,Journal,Subledger,Adjustment only

Specify Ledger Options

Manage Intercompany balancing Rules

Manage Secondary and Clearing Company balancing Options

Calculation Manager

Manage Intercompany Customer and

supplier Assignment
Manage Intercompany Receivables
erable,Open Period,Close Period(Soft Close),Permanently Closed Period

Management Fusion Edition
Manage Primary Ledger

ce Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement
rt,Image, Footer,Row,Column,Page,Cell

Reports using query designer Excel Based


Asset Category, Asset Location. Asset Key

Close, Journal Processing, Sequencing

(Defined in Lookup code: Duplicate_invoice_check)

ser, Extensible,System)
capture data that wouldn’t be captured by the application. Descriptive flexfield provide optional expansion in as user interface for add
pare sum). Manage Reporting Entites, Manage tax Code, Manage Withholding Tax classification, Manage Withholding tax Certificate (M
in as user interface for additional information
thholding tax Certificate (Manage Withholding tax code,Using Rate type)
Accounts Payables
All the above entries are for P2P Cycle

If we do not match with PO

Standard Invoice
Charge Account / Item Expense A/C Dr
Liability Account Cr

Accrual Account
Payables account

If we match with PO
While deleivering items to Sub Inventory
Material A/c Dr
Receiving INV A/c Cr

While create receiving items/At the time of receipt

Receiving Inventory account A/C DR
Ap Accrual A/C Cr

While create invoice in AP

ap accrual A/C Dr
Accounts Paybles OR liability A/c Cr

While making Payment

Liability A/c Dr
Cash clearing A/c Cr

While reconciling payments

Cash clearing A/c
Bank/Cash A/c Cr

Accounts Receivables
Standard Invoice
Accounts Receivables Dr
Revenue Account Cr
Accounts Payables

Payment Reconciliation
Liability Account Dr Cash Clearing Account Dr
Cash clearing account Cr Bank/Cash Account Cr

Accounts Receivables
Remittance Reconciliation
Remittance Account Dr Cash Account Dr
Accounts Receivables Account Cr Remittance Account Cr
Understanding of Web-services for integration
Hands-on experience in Fusion integration technologies like SOA & ICS
Hands-on experience in Fusion Reporting technologies like BI Publisher, OTBI & FRS
Oracle Fusion Financials interface experience
Complete understanding of data extraction from Cloud ERP instance
Import data/ mass update of data/ data migration activities
Data migration using FBDI and HCM Data Loader (HDL)
Financial Reporting tools
FRS (Financial Reporting Services)
Smart view reporting
Awareness of one of the following processes would be a plus:
P2P Business Flow
DOO(Distributed Order Orchestration) Business Flow
PPM/HCM Business Flows
Awareness of Fusion SOA would be a plu

Experience with J2EE, ADF (Faces), ADF BC, ADF Tasks Flows / Portlets,
Web Services

3.Strong experience with Oracle Application Development Framework ADF and

Fusion Middleware

4.Strong experience in developing web services: REST, SOAP, WSDL

5.Should have a good knowledge of cloud configuration and setup, Application

Composer and Page Composer.

6.Should be familiar with frequently used Integration Patterns in Cloud.

7.Should have expertise in one of the following areas :

oCustomization using PaaS (JCS, DBCS, ICS),
oBuilding integrations and web service security.
oData conversions using FBDI Templates

8.Should have thorough experience in developing BIP Reports, creating ESS


Key Accountabilities:
1. Taking functional specifications from users
2. Support and trouble shooting of the existing Developed applications (Forms, Reports and Interfaces)
3. Database structure design for tables, views, sequences, synonyms, triggers etc.
4. Development of forms and reports
5. Integration with legacy systems and customizations
6. Training users
7. Implementation of the components/application
8. Technical documentations
9. Ensure high customer satisfaction
10. Ensure assignments are completed within deadline
11. Ensure all the work is fully documented
Qualifications, Experience and Skills required:
12. Expertise in Apex is a must.
13. Expert in oracle forms, oracle reports, webEDI, PLSQL, Workflow, OAF,
14. Good knowledge on the Oracle Apps Standard, table structure, architecture and data bases
15. Atleast 3 full implementation experience
16. Expertise in creating interfaces, custom tables and data loading
17. Expert in using tools like Toad, SQL, SQL Plus
18. Capable of integrating Third Party Tools with Oracle databases
19. Good Analytical, Technical, Time Management and Communication Skills
20. Knowledge of office tools and documents tools




Accounts Payables




Fixed Assets


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